重庆市生物多样性保护 策略与行动计划
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Chongqing, China
Chongqing Municipal Government
《重庆市生物多样性保护策略与行动计划》 编制委员会 (以姓氏拼音排序)
邓维杰 Evan Bowen-Jones
John Mackinnon 马克平 P. Balakrishna
Spike Millington Willison Martin 执行主编
陈 斌
松 王志坚 薛达元 周启梁
Paul Mathew 邵
中国-欧盟生物多样性保护项目(ECBP) 重庆地方示范项目办 资助单位
中国-欧盟生物多样性保护项目 重庆市环境保护局 野生动植物保护国际(FFI)中国项目
重庆市发展改革委员会 重庆市教育委员会 重庆市科学委员会 重庆市农业委员会 重庆市国土资源与房屋管理局 重庆市规划局 重庆市水利局 重庆市文化广播电视局 重庆市林业局 重庆市旅游局 重庆市园林局 重庆大学 西南大学 重庆师范大学 重庆社会科学院 重庆自然博物馆 重庆市生态学会 重庆市绿色志愿者联合会
Chongqing Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
Compilation Committee Project Directors: Chen Shengliang, Zhang Yingyi Technical Advisors: Deng Weijie, Evan Bowen-Jones, John Mackinnon, Ma Keping, P. Balakrishna, Spike Millington, Willison Martin, Wang Sung, Wang Zhijian, Xue Dayuan, Zhou Qiliang Executive Editors: Chen Shengliang, Tang Kunhui, Zhang Yingyi Editors: Chen Bin, Paul Mathew, ShaoYang, Yuan Chuan, Yuan Xingzhong Project chairs: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Chongqing Field Project of EU-China Biodiversity Programme Sponsors: EU-China Biodiversity Programme (ECBP) Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Fauna and Flora International (FFI) China Programme Participating organisations: Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission Chongqing Municipal Education Committee Chongqing Municipal Science & Technology Committee Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee Chongqing Municipal Land Resources and Housing Management Bureau Chongqing Municipal Planning Bureau Chongqing Municipal Water Resources Bureau Chongqing Municipal Culture and Broadcasting Bureau Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau Chongqing Municipal Tourism Bureau Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau Chongqing University Southwest University Chongqing Normal University Chongqing Academy of Social Sciences Chongqing Natural Museum Chongqing Association of Ecology Chongqing Green Volunteers Union Translated by: Zhang Weiyu English Version Reviewed by: Paul Mathew
金佛山自然保护区 Jinfoshan Nature Reserve
大巴山自然保护区 Dabashan Nature Reserve
阴条岭自然保护区 Yintiaoling Nature Reserve
彭溪河湿地自然保护区 Pengxi River Wetland Nature Reserve
雪宝山自然保护区 Xuebaoshan Nature Reserve
都市区湿地景观 Landscape of Urban Wetland
图片来源:重庆市环境宣教中心 杜伟
图片来源:野生动植物保护国际(FFI) 黎晓亚
三峡生态系统 Three Gorges Ecosystem
草甸生态系统 Meadow Ecosystem
山地生态系统 Mountain Ecosystem
图片来源:FFI 黎晓亚
崖柏 重庆特有种 (Thuja sutchuenensis) Endemic Species of Chongqing
南川木波罗 重庆特有种 (Artocarpus nanchuanensis) Endemic Species of Chongqing
缙云黄芩 重庆特有种 (Scutellaria tsinyunensis) Endemic Species of Chongqing
荷叶铁线蕨 重庆市珍稀濒危植物 (Adiantum reniforme var. sinense) Chongqing Endangered Plant
金佛山兰 重庆市珍稀濒危植物 (Tangtsinia nanchuanica) Chongqing Endangered Plant
阳彩臂金龟 国家二级保护动物 (Cheirotonus jansoni) National Protected Animal Second-class
黑叶猴 国家一级保护动物 (Trachypithecus francoisi) National Protected Animal First-class
林麝 国家一级保护动物 (Moschus berezovskii) National Protected Animal First-class
川金丝猴 国家一级保护动物 (Rhinopithecus roxellanae) National Protected Animal First-class
黑熊 (Selenarctos thibetanus) 国家二级保护动物 National Protected Animal Second-class
巫山北鲵 中国特有种 (Ranodon shihi) Endemic Species of China
白鹇 国家二级保护动物 (Lophura nycthemera) National Protected Animal Second-class
胭脂鱼 国家二级保护动物 (Myxocyprinus asiaticus) National Protected Animal Second-class
达氏鲟 国家一级保护动物 (Acipenser dabryanus) National Protected Animal First-class
圆口铜鱼 中国特有种 (Coreius guichenoti) Endemic species of China
图 1-1 重庆市植被类型图 Figure 1-1 Vegetation types in Chongqing
图 1-2 重庆市水系图 Figure 1-2 River system in Chongqing
图 1-3 重庆市生物多样性关键区 Figure 1-3 Key biodiversity areas in Chongqing
图 2-1 重庆市自然保护区分布图 Figure 2-1 Distribution map of Nature Reserves in Chongqing
图 2-2 重庆市风景名胜区分布图 Figure 2-2 Distribution map of Scenic Parks in Chongqing
图 2-3 重庆市森林公园分布图 Figure 2-3 Distribution map of Forest Parks in Chongqing
摘 要 .............................................................................................................................................. 1 第 1 章 重庆市生物多样性概述................................................................................................... 3 1.1 生态系统多样性.................................................................................................................... 3 1.1.1 森林生态系统................................................................................................................. 3 1.1.2 河流生态系统................................................................................................................. 3 1.1.3 湿地生态系统................................................................................................................. 5 1.1.4 草甸生态系统................................................................................................................. 5 1.1.5 灌丛生态系统................................................................................................................. 6 1.1.6 喀斯特生态系统 ............................................................................................................. 6 1.1.7 农业生态系统................................................................................................................. 6 1.1.8 城镇生态系统................................................................................................................. 7 1.2 物种多样性 ........................................................................................................................... 7 1.2.1 植物 ................................................................................................................................ 7 1.2.2 动物 ................................................................................................................................ 8 1.2.3 微生物............................................................................................................................. 9 1.3 遗传资源多样性.................................................................................................................... 9 1.3.1 农作物种质资源............................................................................................................. 9 1.3.2 畜牧渔遗传资源........................................................................................................... 10 1.3.3 中药遗传资源............................................................................................................... 10 1.3.4 观赏植物资源............................................................................................................... 11 1.4 生物多样性特点、关键区域及变化趋势.......................................................................... 11 1.4.1 重庆生物多样性特点................................................................................................... 11 1.4.2 重庆生物多样性关键区域 ........................................................................................... 12 1.4.3 生物多样性变化趋势................................................................................................... 13 第 2 章 重庆市生物多样性的保护与利用现状 ........................................................................ 16 2.1 就地保护 ............................................................................................................................. 16 2.1.1 自然保护区................................................................................................................... 16 2.1.2 其它保护地................................................................................................................... 16 2.1.3 都市区“四山”保护................................................................................................... 17 1
2.2 异地保护 ............................................................................................................................. 17 2.3 生物多样性保护相关工程.................................................................................................. 18 2.4 生物多样性保护及利用分析.............................................................................................. 18 2.4.1 惠益分析....................................................................................................................... 18 2.4.2 冲突分析....................................................................................................................... 19 2.5 生物多样性相关科研现状.................................................................................................. 20 2.5.1 生物物种资源调查、编目与数据库建设 ................................................................... 20 2.5.2 生物多样性监测和评价 ............................................................................................... 21 2.5.3 其它研究工作............................................................................................................... 21 2.6 保护、利用和管理体系...................................................................................................... 21 2.6.1 行政主管部门............................................................................................................... 21 2.6.2 科研教育体系............................................................................................................... 22 2.6.3 非政府组织................................................................................................................... 22 2.6.4 生物多样性保护决策、协调和补偿机制 ................................................................... 22 2.7 政策和法规体系.................................................................................................................. 23 2.8 宣传教育 ............................................................................................................................. 24 第 3 章 问题分析......................................................................................................................... 26 3.1 问题及其原因...................................................................................................................... 26 3.1.1 物种资源的过度利用................................................................................................... 26 3.1.2 各类建设和开发项目的破坏 ....................................................................................... 27 3.1.3 保护地的管护效果不佳 ............................................................................................... 28 3.1.4 工业和农业污染 ........................................................................................................... 29 3.1.5 外来种入侵................................................................................................................... 30 3.1.6 遗传资源丧失............................................................................................................... 30 3.2 问题的根源 ......................................................................................................................... 33 第 4 章 保护策略 ........................................................................................................................ 34 4.1 指导思想和原则.................................................................................................................. 34 4.1.1 指导思想....................................................................................................................... 34 4.1.2 原则 .............................................................................................................................. 34 4.2 总体目标 ............................................................................................................................. 35 4.3 具体目标和策略.................................................................................................................. 35 4.4
BSAP 实施的保障、监测与评估 .................................................................................... 38
4.4.1 实施保障....................................................................................................................... 38 4.4.2 监督机制....................................................................................................................... 39 4.4.3 监测与评估机制 ........................................................................................................... 40 4.5
BSAP 的修订 .................................................................................................................... 40
第 5 章 行动计划 ........................................................................................................................ 41 5.1 行动一:开展生物多样性调查、评估与监测.................................................................. 41 优先项目 1:全市物种资源详查及编目 .............................................................................. 41 优先项目 2:全市生物多样性综合评估 .............................................................................. 42 优先项目 3:建立全市生物多样性监测、预警体系和信息网络 ...................................... 43 5.2 行动二:加强濒危特有物种及关键生态系统的就地保护和恢复.................................. 44 优先项目 4:濒危特有陆生动植物保护工程 ...................................................................... 44 优先项目 5:长江上游重庆段濒危特有鱼类保护工程 ...................................................... 46 优先项目 6:三峡库区消落带湿地生态系统保护与生态修复 .......................................... 47 优先项目 7:次级河流生态系统修复及生物多样性恢复 .................................................. 48 优先项目 8:土壤污染修复及土壤生物多样性恢复 .......................................................... 50 优先项目 9:都市区“四山”地区生态修复工程示范 .......................................................... 51 优先项目 10:喀斯特石漠化退化生态系统恢复治理示范工程 ........................................ 52 优先项目 11:自然保护区内社区可持续发展示范工程 .................................................... 52 优先项目 12:生物多样性丰富的大巴山区生态移民示范 ................................................ 53 优先项目 13:武陵山区生态脆弱区生计替代示范工程 .................................................... 54 5.3 行动三:建立和完善生物多样性保护和可持续利用的政策法规和机制 ...................... 55 优先项目 14:制定和完善促进生物多样性保护的生态补偿机制 .................................... 55 优先项目 15:重大工程环评中生物多样性评价立法 ........................................................ 56 优先项目 16:建立生物多样性保护及可持续利用的法规体系 ........................................ 57 5.4 行动四:建立生物多样性保护综合管理体系,形成生物多样性保护网络 .................. 59 优先项目 17:区县级生物多样性保护主流化示范 ............................................................ 59 优先项目 18:建立市级生物多样性管理的纵横向协调机制 ............................................ 59 优先项目 19:加强国家级和市级自然保护区的能力建设与可持续管理 ........................ 60 优先项目 20:建立和完善全市自然保护网络体系 ............................................................ 61 5.5 行动五:加强外来种入侵的预警、应急与防治.............................................................. 62 优先项目 21:外来入侵物种监测、预警及控制 ................................................................ 62 5.6 行动六:加强遗传资源及传统知识保护,建立获取与惠益分享制度.......................... 63 优先项目 22:建立和完善遗传资源保存体系,建设全市动植物种质资源细胞库 ........ 63
优先项目 23:建立遗传资源和相关传统知识保护、获取及惠益分享制度 .................... 65 5.7 行动七:促进生物多样性的可持续利用.......................................................................... 66 优先项目 24:重庆市森林工程建设中的生物多样性保护与利用示范 ............................ 66 优先项目 25:非木材林产品开发中的生物多样性可持续利用 ........................................ 67 优先项目 26:传统药用植物的人工驯化和替代品开发 .................................................... 68 5.8 行动八:生物多样性保护的宣传、教育和人才培养...................................................... 69 优先项目 27:加强生物多样性保护的宣传、教育与培训 ................................................ 69 优先项目 28:建立公众及民间团体参与生物多样性保护的机制 .................................... 70 附表 1:重庆市生物多样性保护行动计划优先重点项目.......................................................... 71 附表 2:重庆市各主要生物类群已知物种数目与全国的比较.................................................. 79 附表 3:重庆市现存的国家重点保护植物及其濒危程度.......................................................... 80 附表 4:重庆市现存的国家重点保护动物及其濒危程度.......................................................... 82 附件 5:重庆市近年来在生物多样性研究方面的主要成果...................................................... 85 附件 6:重庆市行政主管部门与生物多样性相关的职能.......................................................... 87 附件 7:重庆市与生物多样性相关的科研和教育机构.............................................................. 89 附件 8:国家与生物多样性相关的政策和法规 ......................................................................... 89 附件 8:国家与生物多样性相关的政策和法规 ......................................................................... 90 附件 9:重庆市与生物多样性相关的政策和法规...................................................................... 91
CONTENTS Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 93 Chapter 1 An Overview of Biodiversity in Chongqing...................................................... 96 1.1 Ecosystem diversity .............................................................................................................. 96 1.1.1 Forest ecosystem ............................................................................................................ 96 1.1.2 River ecosystem ............................................................................................................. 97 1.1.3 Wetland ecosystem ......................................................................................................... 98 1.1.4 Meadow ecosystem ........................................................................................................ 99 1.1.5 Shrub ecosystem ............................................................................................................ 99 1.1.6 Karst ecosystem ............................................................................................................. 99 1.1.7 Agricultural ecosystem ................................................................................................. 100 1.1.8 Urban ecosystem .......................................................................................................... 100 1.2 Species diversity ................................................................................................................. 101 1.2.1 Plant species ................................................................................................................. 101 1.2.2 Animal species ............................................................................................................. 102 1.2.3 Microorganisms............................................................................................................ 102 1.3 Diversity of genetic resources ............................................................................................. 103 1.3.1 The diversity of crop genetic resources........................................................................ 103 1.3.2 Livestock, poultry and fishery genetic resources ......................................................... 103 1.3.3 Genetic resource of traditional Chinese medicines ...................................................... 104 1.3.4 Ornamental plant resources .......................................................................................... 105 1.4 Biodiversity characteristics, key areas and the changing trend ........................................... 105 1.4.1 Characteristics of biodiversity in Chongqing ............................................................... 105 1.4.2 Key zones of biodiversity in Chongqing ...................................................................... 106 1.4.3 Trends of biodiversity .................................................................................................. 108 Chapter 2 Status of Biodiversity Conservation and Utilization in Chongqing ................... 111 2.1 In situ conservation ............................................................................................................. 111 2.1.1 Nature reserves ............................................................................................................. 111 2.1.2 Other protected areas.................................................................................................... 111 2.1.3 Protection of the “Four Mountains� in the metropolitan area of Chongqing ............... 112 2.2 Ex-situ conservation ............................................................................................................ 113 2.3 Biodiversity conservation projects ...................................................................................... 113 2.4 Analysis of biodiversity conservation and utilization ......................................................... 114 2.4.1 Analysis of benefits ...................................................................................................... 114 2.4.2 Analysis of conflicts ..................................................................................................... 114 2.5 Status of biodiversity-related research ................................................................................ 116 2.5.1 Biological species resource surveys, catalogue and database establishment ............... 116 2.5.2 Monitoring and evaluation of biodiversity ................................................................... 116 2.5.3 Other research works.................................................................................................... 117 2.6 Systems of conservation, utilization and management ....................................................... 117 5
2.6.1 Administrative departments ......................................................................................... 117 2.6.2 Institutes for scientific research and education ............................................................ 118 2.6.3 Non-governmental organizations ................................................................................. 118 2.6.4 Decision-making, coordination and compensation mechanisms.................................. 118 2.7 Policies and legal systems ................................................................................................... 120 2.8 Publicity and education ....................................................................................................... 121 Chapter 3 Problem Analysis .................................................................................................... 122 3.1 Issues and the causes ........................................................................................................... 122 3.1.1 Unsustainable use of species resources ........................................................................ 122 3.1.2 Damage caused by construction and development projects ......................................... 123 3.1.3 Poor performance of management and protection in protected areas .......................... 124 3.1.4 Industrial and agricultural pollution ............................................................................. 125 3.1.5 Alien invasive species .................................................................................................. 126 3.1.6 Loss of genetic resources ............................................................................................. 127 3.2 Roots of problems ............................................................................................................... 129 Chapter 4 Conservation Strategy ................................................................................... 130 4.1 Guidance and principles ...................................................................................................... 130 4.1.1 Guidance ...................................................................................................................... 130 4.1.2 Principles...................................................................................................................... 130 4.2 Overall objectives ............................................................................................................... 132 4.3 Specific objectives and strategies........................................................................................ 132 4.4 Guarantees, monitoring and evaluation for BSAP implementation .................................... 135 4.4.1 Implementation guarantees .......................................................................................... 135 4.4.2 Monitoring mechanism ................................................................................................ 137 4.4.3 Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms ...................................................................... 137 4.5 Revision of BSAP ............................................................................................................... 138 Chapter 5 Action Plan ............................................................................................................. 139 5.1 Action 1: Conduct biodiversity surveys, evaluation and monitoring .................................. 139 5.2 Action 2: Strengthening in-situ conservation and restoration of endangered and endemic species and critical ecosystems ................................................................................................. 143 5.3 Action 3: Establish and improve the policies and legal mechanisms for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. ............................................................................................. 156 5.4 Action 4: Establish an integrated management system for biodiversity conservation, and set up a biodiversity conservation network .................................................................................... 160 5.5 Action 5: Enhance early-warning, emergency response, prevention and management of alien invasive species. ........................................................................................................................ 165 5.6 Action 6: Strengthen protection of genetic resources and traditional knowledge, and establish access and benefit-sharing system ............................................................................. 167 6
5.7 Action 7: Promote sustainable use of biodiversity .............................................................. 169 5.8 Action 8: Publicity, education and talents fostering in the fields of biodiversity conservation .................................................................................................................................................. 173 Annex Table 1: Chongqing BSAP Priority Projects ................................................................. 176 Annex table 2: Number of Known Species of Major Bio-taxa in Chongqing Compared with the National Total ........................................................................................................................ 188 Annex table 3: Plants under National Key Protection in Chongqing and Their Endangerment Extent ................................................................................................................. 188 Annex table 4: Animals under National Key Protection in Chongqing and Their Endangerment Extent ................................................................................................................. 191 Annex 5: Major Results of Recent Research on Biodiversity in Chongqing.......................... 194 Annex 6: Chongqing Municipal Administrative Departments and Their Roles and Responsibilities in Relation to Biodiversity .............................................................................. 197 Annex 7: Biodiversity Related Scientific Besearch and Educational Institutions in Chongqing.................................................................................................................................... 199 Annex 8: National Policies and Regulations on Biodiversity .................................................. 201 Annex 9: Policies and Regulations on Biodiversity in Chongqing .......................................... 202
摘 要 生物多样性是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要基础,对人类社会的可持续发展,包括经 济、文化、艺术、休闲娱乐、科学研究等方面都具有极其重要的意义。作为世界上的生物多 样性大国,中国率先签署并批准了《生物多样性公约》,1994 年制定了生物多样性国家战略, 2008 年开始重新修订该战略,并制定相应的行动计划,即《中国生物多样性保护策略与行 动计划》 (简称国家 BSAP) 。 公约以及国家 BSAP 的履行都需要各级地方政府具体落实与实施。因此,在中国-欧盟 生物多样性项目(简称 ECBP)的支持下,2008 年 6 月,ECBP 重庆地方示范项目办公室、 重庆市环境保护局和野生动植物国际(简称 FFI)中国项目共同启动了《重庆市生物多样性 保护策略与行动计划》 (简称重庆 BSAP)编制项目。项目启动后,得到了重庆市各相关部 门、科研院校和非政府组织的积极响应和热情参与。同时,项目还得到了生物多样性公约秘 书处(SCBD) 、联合国开发计划署(UNDP)以及联合国环境规划署(UNEP)的大力支持。 作为中国省级层面为数不多的 BSAP 之一,其制定不仅对重庆市的生物多样性保护与可 持续利用具有重要指导意义,而且对三峡库区的生态安全保障将起到极其重要的作用,必将 对长江上游生物多样性的保护和研究产生积极影响。该行动计划也是实施宜居重庆、森林重 庆战略的具体体现,与重庆市各职能部门的专业规划,如《城乡总体规划》、 《环保规划》 、 《土地利用规划》等密切关联。此外,该行动计划的相关内容也已被纳入国家三峡库区后续 工作规划中。 重庆市位于青藏高原与长江中下游平原的过渡地带,是中国经济发达的东部地区与自然 资源富集的西部地区的结合部。1997 年重庆成为中国西部唯一的直辖市,辖 40 个区县,幅 员面积 8.23 万平方公里。全市地质地貌复杂,山地丘陵众多,环境异质性高;市域内水热 条件充沛,气候垂直差异显著,河流众多,水体环境多样化。优越的地理位置和复杂的自然 条件,以及渝东地区是全球著名的生物避难所等因素,造就了重庆市丰富多样的生态系统和 复杂古老的生物区系,生物物种众多、特有动植物种类丰富。市内已知高等植物占我国高等 植物种类的 21.1%,兽类占我国兽类种类的 18.8%,鸟类占我国鸟类种类的 29.0%。由于地 处四川盆地东部,农耕历史悠久,农业、畜牧、中药、观赏植物等遗传种质资源也极其丰富。 从区域来看,重庆地处长江上游,三峡库区 80%以上在重庆市辖区,因此重庆市自然 环境与生物多样性保存和保护的好坏,对于三峡工程的长期安全运行、长江中下游的防洪与 生态安全具有非常重要的战略意义。重庆是长江上游和三峡库区的重要生态屏障,对整个长 1
江流域的经济发展和生态环境保护起着举足轻重的作用。 自改革开放以来,全市重点实施的天然林保护、退耕还林以及自然保护区建设等工程, 已使局部区域的自然环境得到了一定程度的恢复。但从整体上来看,由于经济高速发展,城 市化和工业化进程加快,全市生物物种和遗传多样性丧失的趋势并未根本扭转,生态系统服 务功能仍在衰退;生境破碎化趋势日益严重,濒危物种数量不断增加;遗传资源丧失形势严 峻。加之三峡库区需开展长期的生物多样性监测和生态安全维护,因此制定本行动计划并将 其纳入市级社会经济发展总体规划已迫在眉睫。 本行动计划是以《生物多样性公约》和国家 BSAP 的精神和原则为指导,结合重庆市的 实际情况,在充分利用已有资料和考虑本市社会经济发展现实、生物多样性保护现状的情况 下制订的。整个行动计划共分 5 章,对全市生物多样性的概况和特点、保护与利用现状、问 题和原因、保护策略和行动计划、计划实施保障机制以及优先行动项目进行了详细论述。 本行动计划包括八大行动:(1) 开展生物多样性调查、评估与监测;(2) 加强濒危特有 物种及关键生态系统的就地保护和恢复;(3) 建立和完善生物多样性保护和可持续利用的政 策法规和机制;(4) 建立生物多样性保护综合管理体系、形成生物多样性保护网络;(5) 加 强外来种入侵的预警、应急与防治;(6) 加强遗传资源及传统知识保护、建立获取与惠益分 享制度;(7) 促进生物多样性的可持续利用;(8) 生物多样性保护的宣传教育和人才培养。 共二十八个优先项目,经费总预算达 6.99 亿元。 这些计划的制定,考虑了具体的目标和执行机制,确定了各相关部门(包括环保、林业、 农业、园林、旅游、科学技术、发展改革、财政、科普宣教等)以及企业等在生物多样性保 护中的作用,以及如何使这些部门的发展规划最有效地与生物多样性保护行动计划相协调; 确定了重要的政策方向,确保生物多样性得到可持续利用,并长久地在当地人民的经济和社 会福利中发挥关键作用;确定了从地方层面结合生物多样性公约的履行所需开展的优先行动 项目。希望本策略和行动计划在具体实施过程中不断得到修订和完善,对重庆市以及三峡库 区生物多样性保护、生态建设和可持续发展提供科学依据和指导。 《重庆市生物多样性保护策略与行动计划》对于重庆市社会经济和生态环境的协调发展 具有重要意义,也是重庆市政府履行联合国《生物多样性公约》国家方案的重要组成部分, 必将对中国和世界生物多样性保护做出重大贡献。我们深知为子孙后代所承担的责任,必须 为该行动计划成功实施做出最大的努力。
第1章 重庆市生物多样性概述 根据《生物多样性公约》的定义,生物多样性是指地球上生物圈中所有活的生物,即动 物、植物、微生物,以及它们所拥有的基因和生存环境。生物多样性包含三个层次:遗传多 样性、物种多样性和生态系统多样性。重庆地域内复杂多变的地形地貌、充沛的水热条件及 众多的河流,孕育了丰富的生物多样性。作为第四纪冰川时期生物的优良避难地,重庆保存 了许多濒危和特有物种,尤其是渝东北和渝东南地区中生物多样性丰富的区域,是中国 17 个具有全球意义的生物多样性保护关键区域以及世界自然基金会(WWF)确定的具有全球 保护意义的 200 多个需优先保护的生态区的重要组成部分。
1.1 生态系统多样性 重庆市的自然生态系统主要有森林生态系统、河流生态系统、湿地生态系统、草甸生态 系统和灌丛生态系统; 人工或半人工生态系统主要有农业生态系统和城镇生态系统(图 1-1) 。 1.1.1 森林生态系统 全市森林主要包括针叶林、阔叶林、竹林三类,主要分布在渝东北大巴山区、渝东南武 陵山区、金佛山区、四面山区以及渝中平行岭谷的山脊,全市森林覆盖率约32%左右。在大 巴山、武陵山、金佛山、四面山等地,森林垂直带谱明显,从山麓地带向上依次分布有常绿 阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、针叶林;由于长年阴湿,落叶阔 叶林不成带状分布;小生境多样复杂。 森林生态系统在重庆具有最为丰富的物种多样性,如森林兽类和鸟类,分别占所有统计 到的重庆兽类与鸟类总数的83.1%(94/113)和75.1%(290/386),且濒危及特有物种众多,
、黑叶猴(Trachypithecus francoisi)、林麝(Moschus 如川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanea) berezovskii)、白冠长尾雉(Phasianus reevesii)、崖柏(Thuja sutchuenensis Franch.)、红豆杉(Taxus 、香果树(Emmenopterys henryi)等。 celebica)、连香树(Cercidiphyllum japonicum) 由于历史上天然林经历过数次乱砍滥伐和毁林开荒,海拔1000 m以下的大部分森林已被 破坏。近年来,由于开矿修路、兴修水利水电等大规模开发活动,又导致了森林进一步被清 除或分割,片段化和岛屿化现象严重,其乔、灌、草、地被层的垂直结构也变得不完整;非 木材林产品的过度采集又使其物种资源大量减少,导致物种濒危程度加剧,濒危物种增多。 1.1.2 河流生态系统 重庆市域内的河流主要由长江和嘉陵江水系构成(图 1-2)。水体环境的多样性孕育了 丰富的水生生物,其中至少有 65 种被国家列为长江上游的珍稀特有物种,如中华鲟 3
(Acipenser sinensis) 、长江 鲟 (Acipenser dabryanus) 、胭 脂 鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus) 、中 国大鲵(Andrias davidianus)等。除境内的长江上游珍稀特有鱼类自然保护区外,令人关注 的还有地处高海拔区域的冷水性河溪,其冷水生物丰富而独特,代表性的物种有巫山北鲵 (Ranodon shihi)等。 然而,水利水电工程、工业和农村面源污染以及鱼类资源的过度捕捞已严重威胁到了全 市河流生态系统的安全。其中,三峡工程的建设使淹没区域内的原有河流生态系统发生了巨 大变化,其影响主要表现在:(1) 由于库区水环境由典型的河流水体转变为缓流的湖泊水体, 水体自净能力下降,纳污能力降低,水环境污染问题非常突出; (2)由于水库广阔的周边均 为起伏绵延的山地,水土流失现象严重; (3)水文条件变化,改变了鱼类的栖息环境,使鱼 类组成发生明显变化,适应激流生活的鱼类种群数量下降。 (4)三峡水库成库后局部地区气 候和环境变化,可能对库区生物多样性产生深远影响。 近年来,在经济利益的驱动下,重庆与其他西部省市一样加大了流域水电梯级开发,但 目前流域水电梯级开发多是无序和掠夺式的。以大宁河为例,共规划电站 28 座,其中干流 9 座、支流 19 座。不充分考虑河流生态特点的掠夺式水电资源开发在创造巨大的经济和社 会效益的同时,对流域生态环境和水生生态系统造成了十分不利的影响,使得水生生物的生 存空间被挤占,栖息地破碎,鱼类洄游通道被切断,生存条件恶化,珍稀水生野生动植物濒 危程度加剧。 此外,水环境污染也严重影响了水生生态环境。2007 年重庆市废水排放总量 13.42 亿吨, 废水中 COD 10.52 万吨。全市 58 条次级河流、120 个监测断面中,水质Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类、 Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类的断面分别占 10.8%、20.8%、37.5%、17.5%和 10.8%。与 2006 年相比,满足水 域功能需求的断面比例下降了 1.3 个百分点。33 条一级支流回水区上游水体呈富营养化的断 面占 14.2%,回水区中段呈富营养化的断面占 25.0%。大宁河、抱龙河、大溪河、草堂河、 梅溪河、朱溪河、澎溪河等 8 条河流的回水区部分河段发生“水华”现象。而在重庆主城周 边,梁滩河、清水溪等次级河流的污染问题依然难以解决,次级河流污染整治进展缓慢。水 质恶化导致浮游生物多样性降低,群落结构单一,抵御外界干扰的能力弱。水生生物赖以生 存的生态环境受到重金属、有机酚等有害物质的严重污染,鱼类产卵场和索饵育肥场功能明 显退化,水生生物的亲体繁殖力和幼体存活力降低,水域生产力下降。 在长江、嘉陵江、乌江等河流(尤其是其上游各级支流)中,长期粗放型、掠夺式的捕 捞加剧了传统优质渔业品种资源的衰退,渔获物低龄化、小型化、低值化现象严重,加之水 体污染,已造成渔业资源的严重衰竭。过去重要的经济渔业资源的生物量急剧下降,一些种 4
类已绝迹。目前长江成鱼捕捞量已由上世纪 50 年代的 40 多万吨下降为目前的 10 万吨左右。 非法捕捞方式主要包括电捕鱼、毒鱼、罾网、大钩等,特别是电捕鱼和毒鱼。重庆市各级政 府虽明令禁止电鱼、毒鱼,积极采取各项措施打击非法捕鱼,但是由于非法捕鱼具有偶发性、 隐蔽性,往往当执法人员赶到现场时,不法分子已逃之夭夭。因此,主管部门对电鱼、毒鱼 者的打击收效甚微,电鱼、毒鱼事件时有发生。电鱼和毒鱼不论大小通通捕捞,是造成鱼类 资源下降很重要的因素。特别是在一些偏远贫困山区,由于监管困难,不法之徒在巨大经济 利益的诱惑下,长期采取粗放型、掠夺式的捕捞方式,加剧了传统优质渔业品种资源的衰退。 1.1.3 湿地生态系统 重庆湿地面积约2405平方公里,占全市国土面积的2.92%。全市湿地可分为自然湿地和 人工湿地两大类型,共十一个亚型。最具特色和魅力的湿地有三峡库区消落带湿地、喀斯特 沼泽湿地和山地溪源湿地等。 其中,三峡库区消落带湿地面积达348.93平方公里,涉及巫山、巫溪、奉节、云阳、开 县、万州等22个区县。喀斯特沼泽湿地总面积达200多平方公里,主要分布于渝东北城口县 九重山、巫溪县红池坝、巫山县五里坡、开县雪宝山和渝东南武隆县仙女山、南川区金佛山 的亚高山区域,具有极大的科研价值。重庆的许多河流、溪流发源于周边山地,从而在河溪 源头区域,形成了独具特色的溪源湿地。 据初步统计,重庆湿地中有高等维管植物84科236属377种,野生动物70科215属404种。 濒危的湿地植物有水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)、野菱(Trapa incisa)、浮叶慈姑 (Sagittaria natans)等,重要的湿地动物有胭脂鱼、中国大鲵、巫山北鲵等。 重庆湿地类型多、物种丰富,具有很高的科学意义和保护价值。湿地生态系统的稳定不 仅关系到湿地动植物的生存,而且对维护三峡库区的生态安全也具有极其重要的作用。 1.1.4 草甸生态系统 重庆市的草甸生态系统共9类,其中最重要的大巴山、阴条岭、五里坡、雪宝山、金佛 山等海拔2000米以上的亚高山草甸,是我国中低纬度区域面积最大、保存最原始的亚高山草 甸,生物多样性丰富,具有重要的科研价值,还起着涵养水源的作用。 市域内的草甸生态系统是同纬度地区野生兰科植物分布最为集中的地区之一,是我国重 要的兰科植物种质资源基地。草甸生态系统进一步丰富了重庆市域内的环境异质性,并大大 增加了亚高山动植物区系的成份,如藏鼠兔(Ochotona thibetana)、小云雀 (Alauda gulgula Franklin)、高山杜鹃花(Rhododendron spp.) 、石斛(Dendrobium spp.) 、贝母(Fritillaria spp.) 等;这些草甸生态系统目前尚未受到人类活动的过度干扰,但近年来旅游资源开发已对该类 5
型的生态系统产生了一些不利影响。 1.1.5 灌丛生态系统 全市灌丛类型众多,按植被类型划分,共有常绿针叶灌丛、常绿革叶灌丛、落叶阔叶灌 丛、常绿阔叶灌丛、灌草丛5大类。既有适应低温、大风的亚高山原生灌丛,适应河流边岸 生境的河岸灌丛,也有森林破坏后形成的次生灌丛。在三峡库区和渝东南喀斯特区域,有些 灌丛生长在森林难以发育的地方,还有不少成为相对稳定的次生植被,这些原生和次生的灌 丛植物类型已成为这些区域较为常见的现存植被类型。 各类型灌丛是极为重要的、仅次于森林的动物栖息地,在自然环境保护工作中,灌丛在 生物多样性保护中的重要性往往被人们忽略。实际上,重庆市57.5%的兽类物种和62.7%的 鸟类物种栖息在灌丛环境。由于长期以来人为活动强度较大,现存的灌丛多分布在低海拔处, 环境条件差异较大,人口密集,数十年来强烈的人为干扰活动,对灌丛生物多样性产生了强 烈的影响。 1.1.6 喀斯特生态系统 全市喀斯特地貌分布广泛,主要分布在渝东南的武隆县、彭水县、黔江区、酉阳县、秀 山县,以及渝东北的城口县、开县、巫溪县、巫山县、奉节县等地。虽然重庆的喀斯特生态 系统与上述五种生态系统都有重叠,但由于重庆的喀斯特地貌类型多样,其动植物种类也极 为丰富,濒危特有物种多,生境异常脆弱,一旦石漠化就很难恢复,因此仍然值得特别关注。 在所有这些喀斯特地区中,尤以作为世界自然遗产地的武隆县最引人瞩目,其喀斯特生 态系统类型独特,物种丰富。调查表明,该区域内有维管束植物558种,其中蕨类植物56种, 裸子植物12种,被子植物490种;有动物237种,其中兽类47种,鸟类108种,两栖爬行类19 种,鱼61种。其特有的天坑洞穴生态系统,由于人类难以到达、研究极少,许多动植物尚不 为人知。此外,在南川区金佛山山王坪等地,分布有典型的喀斯特半湿润常绿阔叶林。近 年来旅游开发已对这些喀斯特生态系统产生了一定的影响。 1.1.7 农业生态系统 重庆市农业生态系统面积约 3.5 万平方公里,占幅员面积的 36%以上,可分为三大区域, 即渝西方山丘陵农业生态系统、三峡库区山地农业生态系统、渝东南喀斯特山地农业生态系 统。农业区域人口稠密,年播种面积 3.14 万平方公里,复种指数 2.22。全市农业栽培植物 和家养动物遗传多样性丰富,多种传统的养殖模式颇具特色,如稻—麦、水稻—油菜、玉米 —红薯—小麦、果—蔬间作等和多年来推行的鸭—鱼混养、蚕—鱼—桑、稻—鱼—林—鸟等。 近年来,农村面源污染、农作物品种单一化的现象已使农业生态系统的稳定性和抗逆性 6
持续下降。由于农家肥使用减少,化肥施用量逐年上升,农业增产严重依赖化肥,畜禽养殖 对人工饲料的依赖也逐步增强。以农药、化肥、农用薄膜、畜禽粪便为代表的面源污染已使 农业生态系统遭受破坏,并导致土壤退化,生物链受到严重影响,农田有益或经济动物减少, 如以前在农田中常见的秧鸡,近年来已难觅踪迹;优良的传统农作物与畜禽品种消失,农业 生态系统中的野生鸟类、鱼类和昆虫等物种及种群数量减少。 1.1.8 城镇生态系统 直辖后的重庆辖19区21县,其中都市区(主城九区)是典型的山水城市,其生物多样性 较为丰富。在都市区5473平方公里的范围内,四条山脊纵贯城区,长江和嘉陵江在此交汇。 都市区有长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区和缙云山常绿阔叶林国家级自然保护区, 以及圣灯山、华蓥山等市级自然保护区,还有若干国家森林公园、湿地公园、风景名胜区。 此外,都市区的核心—渝中半岛还拥有独特的岩壁生态系统。 近年来,国家园林城市建设和森林重庆建设使得全市城市绿地面积进一步扩大,栽培观 赏植物种类(品种)大幅增加,不仅丰富了城市景观多样性,也为增加城市物种多样性提供 了良好的生境条件。但快速城市化也对生物多样性造成了极大的胁迫,生境破碎化的趋势没 有得到有效的遏制,都市区“四山”受到的人为干扰严重,城市快速扩张、旅游开发、铁路 和公路隧道建设等都对其造成了不利影响, “四山”中的中梁山等局部区域植被衰退、生境 破碎化已较为明显,目前残存的常绿阔叶林片段是“四山”植被恢复演替的重要种源地,但 其保护仍面临着严峻的威胁。
1.2 物种多样性 物种多样性包括植物、动物和微生物多样性三大类。目前所掌握的物种情况是 2006 年 至今重庆市环境保护局主持的重庆市物种资源调查以及 2009 年进行的重庆市生物多样性调 查与评价研究的结果,综合了野外调查、标本查看、文献查阅的数据和信息,从结果来看重 庆市的物种丰富(附表 2) 。由于有些标本和文献的年代已久,所确定的物种是否现今真实 存在不能完全肯定。总体来说,重庆市的陆生维管植物和脊椎动物物种状况已比较清楚,但 无脊椎动物、微生物和低等植物物种的家底仍严重不清,其中的一些类群可以说是完全未知。 1.2.1 植物 物种数量:全市有野生维管束植物(包括外来入侵种和逸生种)5890 种,隶属于 227 科、1302 属。其中蕨类植物共 631 种,隶属于 47 科、123 属;裸子植物共 42 种,隶属于 7 科、25 属;被子植物共 5217 种,隶属于 173 科、1154 属。在所有这些种类中,有 665 种植 物的模式标本是在重庆市域内采集的。 7
特有植物:重庆范围内中国特有植物共 498 种,占重庆维管束植物总数的 8.5%,隶属 于 90 科 253 属。其中,蕨类植物 44 种;裸子植物 27 种;被子植物 427 种。各区县中属南 川分布的特有植物种类最多,共 305 种,其次是开县、城口、巫溪、巫山、武隆、奉节、江 津、石柱、彭水等县。重庆特有种则有南川木菠萝(Artocarpus nanchuanensis)、崖柏、缙云 黄芩(Scutellaria tsinyunensis)等几十种。 濒危植物:结合《中国植物红皮书》 (傅立国,1991)和《国家重点保护野生植物名录 (第一批) 》统计出重庆范围内稀有濒危及国家重点保护野生植物共 85 种,分属于 47 科、 69 属,其中被子植物 57 种,裸子植物 18 种,蕨类植物 10 种。 其中属于《中国植物红皮书》的稀有濒危植物有 59 种,分属于 35 科 53 属。濒危植物 有 11 种,分属于 9 科 11 属;稀有植物有 19 种,分属于 16 科 19 属;渐危植物有 29 种,分 属于 22 科 25 属。 属《国家重点保护野生植物名录(第一批)》的保护植物共 55 种(参见附表 3),分属 于 33 科 46 属,其中Ⅰ级保护植物 9 种,Ⅱ级保护有 46 种。此外,南川木菠萝和崖柏虽然 没被列入保护植物名录,但已被《中国物种红色名录》列为中国的极危种,其中南川木菠萝 仅散布在重庆南川区非常狭窄的区域内,据最新的调查发现现存野生结果母株已不足 60 株, 虽然还未列入 IUCN 全球濒危物种红色名录,但已是一个全球极度濒危的物种。 1.2.2 动物 脊椎动物:迄今为止,全市已知脊椎动物约 865 种,其中鱼类 172 种,占 19.88 %;两 栖类 54 种,占 6.24 %;爬行类 61 种,占 7.05%;鸟类 432 种,占 49.94 %;兽类 146 种, 占 16.88 %。 重庆有国家 I 级保护动物 13 种,国家 II 级保护动物 74 种(参见附表 4);市级重点保 护陆生脊椎动物 52 种(其中,哺乳动物 11 种,鸟类 33 种,爬行类 4 种,两栖类 4 种)。重 庆市共有中国特有动物 206 种,其中鱼类 104 种,两栖类 27 种,爬行 类 29 种,鸟类 15 种, 哺乳类 31 种。 无脊椎动物:根据 2006 年开始的重庆市物种资源调查结果,重庆市已知无脊椎动物有 4368 种,隶属于 16 纲 55 目 338 科 2303 属。其中,昆虫纲 3751 种,占已知无脊椎动物种 数的 85.9%,其它无脊椎动物 617 种(其中节肢动物门蛛形纲 189 种,浮游动物 333 种,软 体动物 82 种) 。 在已知无脊椎动物中,对昆虫研究得较多,其中 有 6 个中国特有属,112 个中国特有种。 有国家 II 级保护动物 2 种:阳彩臂金龟(Cheirotonus jansoni)和中华虎凤蝶(Luchdorfia 8
chinensis) 。 按照整个自然界无脊椎动物物种数量在生物种类中的比例,重庆估计至少应有无脊椎动 物 27000 多种,昆虫 19000 多种,而已知种类仅占估计种类的 16%和 19%。明显地,重庆 市无脊椎动物物种多样性的家底严重不清。 1.2.3 微生物 全市大型真菌已知有 100 多种,其它微生物已知有 183 种(其中原核微生物 42 种,真 核微生物 141 种) 。 目前重庆已知的微生物主要包括土壤微生物、淡水微生物、病原微生物、仓贮微生物、 污染环境微生物、水处理微生物,以及极端环境微生物等。未知的微生物种类还很多,估计 自然界 95%以上的微生物还未被认识,尤其是不可培养微生物还未被很好认识,目前已知 的微生物物种只是实际存在的“九牛一毛” 。
1.3 遗传资源多样性 1.3.1 农作物种质资源 重庆有 1000 多个农作物品种,以水稻、玉米、小麦、油菜、薯类、棉花、大豆、烟草、 蚕桑等为主,还有油桐、乌柏、生漆、芝麻、柑橘、柚、桃、李、梨、苹果等。在全市农作 物品种中,有中国特有水稻品种 195 个、玉米品种 59 个、小麦品种 18 个、油菜品种 29 个、 甘薯品种 12 个、大豆品种 8 个、高梁品种 6 个、马铃薯品种 15 个、花生品种 5 个、麻类品 种 5 个、烤烟品种 7 个。 重庆是我国落叶果树与常绿果树的混交地带,适宜多种果树栽培,果树种类和品种繁多, 种质资源极其丰富。现有栽培果树种类及品种 638 个,分属于 13 科、24 属。江津是著名的 “柑橘之乡” ,奉节脐橙扬名海内外。彭水被誉为“油桐之乡” ,酉阳被称为“乌柏之乡” , 黔江的优质烤烟亦很具特色。 由于栖息地被破坏,许多农作物和栽培植物的野生近缘种资源丧失严重。传统农业耕作 制度虽与自然环境较为协调,资源的利用较可持续,但由于其产出低而逐渐被产出更高的耕 作方式所替代。由于新品种引入、推广以及品种单一化,传统的遗传资源多样性正在发生深 刻的变化,许多地方的古老、土著品种由于严酷的竞争和排挤,数量急剧减少,有的濒临灭 绝,主要农作物水稻、小麦、玉米、油菜、红苕、洋芋等历史上产量低的老品种基本上已被 淘汰。例如,20 世纪 30 年代种植的水稻地方品种三九九、八楼丝瓜、极具开发价值的紫色 爆裂玉米、糯玉米和白色苏麻、 “二黄早”玉米、油菜、 “精精花”红苕、白苕和本地洋芋等 现已难觅踪迹。 9
1.3.2 畜牧渔遗传资源 全市畜禽等家养动物共有 10 余个种类,共约 200 个品种。经畜禽遗传资源调查及原重 庆市畜禽品种审定委员会审核,重庆市畜禽遗传资源保护地方品种 25 个、培育品种 5 个。 其中,荣昌猪是我国唯一的白色猪种,毛色特征为世界上独一无二,肉脂兼用,肉嫩味美, 分布于渝西地区,是渝西地区生猪生产的当家品种;湖川山地猪分布于我市东部,母猪数量 约 0.3 万头;涪陵水牛,具有乳肉兼用、抗逆性强等特性;南川土鸡适应我市高温高湿气候, 主要分布于南川区。 重庆鱼类及水产品丰富。2008 年,全市水产品总产量达 22.2 万吨,同比增长 20%,其 中名优水产品产量 7.45 万吨,占总量的 1/3;渔业总产值 40.53 亿元。重庆市可开发利用的 经济鱼类及水生动物不少于 30 种。到目前为止,重庆市已培育成功的养殖种类有胭脂鱼、 南方大口鲶(俗名鲶鱼) 、长吻鮠(俗名江团)、鳜鱼、中华倒刺鲃(俗名青波) 、黄颡鱼(俗 名黄腊丁) 、甲鱼(俗名团鱼)等,并获得较好的经济效益。合川的南方大口鲶、中华倒刺 鲃养殖规模和产量居全市之首,并已逐步形成江河名优鱼类养殖产业;潼南的鳜鱼养殖独具 特色,其苗种远销西南各省区;涪陵的长吻鮠养殖已具相当规模;万州的胭脂鱼养殖特别是 苗种生产享誉全国并远销海外。正在培育开发的种类还有岩原鲤、裂腹鱼、长薄鳅、大鲵(俗 名娃娃鱼)等。此外,还有相当多有待开发的经济鱼种,如铜鱼、白甲、华鲮、乌鳢(俗名 乌鱼)等。 随着产业结构的调整,外来良种的引进和人们对高生产率的普遍追求,许多人对地方家 养动物产生了误解,认为地方家养动物生长速度慢,生产效益低,且保护地方家养动物要投 入一定财力、物力、人力,不如外来品种效益高,从而忽视了对地方畜禽品种的保护与利用。 随着经济杂交种的推广与应用,杂交猪、杂交鸡、杂交羊的生产模式在全市已基本普及,但 真正地从事地方家养动物纯繁、选育的单位和个人极少。据初步统计,全市有 40%以上的 畜禽遗传资源群体数量有不同程度的下降,许多优良的地方畜禽名优品种濒临灭绝,如罗盘 山猪、酉州乌羊、涪陵水牛以及已有 1600 多年历史的合川黑猪等。 1.3.3 中药遗传资源 重庆现有药用植物 282 科 1325 属 5275 种。其中,药用被子植物 4426 种,裸子植物 56 种,蕨类植物 546 种,苔藓植物 230 种。重庆药用植物的种植品种达 150 余种,总蕴藏量约 15 万吨;其中常年收购的植物药材品种约 350 种,占全国中药材品种的 1/2 以上;在全国统 一普查的 363 种重点品种中,重庆市有 306 种,占 84.32%。在品种数量和资源蕴藏量上仅 次于四川(6000 余种)、广西(5800 余种)、云南(6500 余种)和贵州(5290 种)。 10
重庆有 20 余种品质优良的本地药材,如江津市的枳实、枳壳,合川市的使君子、补骨 脂,巫溪县的款冬花、肉独活,巫山县的庙党、独活、淫羊藿,酉阳县的青蒿等。石柱县黄 连产量占全国的 45%左右,素有“黄连之乡”的美誉。 目前,药用植物资源供需极不平衡,需求大于产出。统计数据显示,目前中医处方和中 成药制剂的主体,年需求量超过70万吨,其中出口30万吨左右。由于世界上一些著名的国际 制药公司加强了对中药等天然药物的研究开发,需求相应增加,这导致出口的中药材种类和 数量大幅上升。而药用植物提取物的大量出口,对野生药用生物资源造成了巨大压力。过度 采挖使得药用植物野生资源遭受严重破坏。 1.3.4 观赏植物资源 重庆市野生观赏植物有 159 科 378 属 1128 种(含亚种、变种、变型),其中被子植物 1005 种,裸子植物 33 种,蕨类植物 90 种。按类型划分,乔木 431 种、灌木 183 种、藤本 95 种、 草本 419 种。重庆拥有一些特色花卉资源,包括腊梅品种 21 个,垫江牡丹品种多个,还有 待开发的各类兰花、菊花等珍贵野生花卉。特有观赏植物包括南川木菠萝 、北碚榕(Ficus beipeiensis)、缙云四照花(Dendrobenthamia ferruginea var. jinyunensis)、金佛山兰(Tangtsinia nanchuanica)、荷叶铁线蕨、崖柏等,为观赏植物的引种栽培和繁育奠定了良好基础。然而, 许多本地观赏植物的野生种群数量下降,栖息地破坏严重,亟需保护。
1.4 生物多样性特点、关键区域及变化趋势 1.4.1 重庆生物多样性特点 特点1:区系成分复杂,起源古老,物种丰富 重庆地处东西南北交汇地带,陡峻的山地和复杂多变的自然环境,使这里成为第四纪冰 川期时生物的优良避难地。也使 得重庆的动植物区系成分复杂、物种丰富、起源古老,特有 性强。 从植物区系来看,重庆处于中国—日本森林植物亚区与中国—喜玛拉雅森林植物亚区的 交接带,具有中国全部15个种子植物地理成分。从动物区系来看,处于古北界动物区系向东 洋界动物区系的过渡带范围内,并为高原脊椎动物向平原脊椎动物的过渡区,具有上述各动 物区系的组成成分。 重庆有第三纪和第三纪以前出现的蕨类植物石松,裸子植物云杉、油杉、冷杉、铁杉, 被子植物水青树科、伯乐树科等。被子植物中有形态原始的古老代表类型如木兰科、连香树 科、领春木科、毛茛科等。连香树与领春木是无花被的类型,具有很原始的无导管的木材结 构;胡桃、桑、木兰、樟等形态上原始的类型丰富,这些都是重庆区系起源古老的重要特征。 11
另外,在重庆地区所形成的特有科、属表现了植物的孑遗状态,也表明了重庆市维管植物区 系性质的古老性和残遗性。 特点2:生态系统类型繁多,结构复杂 重庆北有大巴山,东有巫山,东南有武陵山,南有大娄山,地形大势由南北向长江河谷 倾斜,起伏较大。地貌以丘陵、山地为主,还分布着典型的石林、峰林、峰丛、溶洞、峡谷 等典型的喀斯特地貌景观。 同时,重庆境内江河纵横,长江干流自西向东横贯全境,嘉陵江自西北而来,三折入长 江。长江干流重庆段,汇集了嘉陵江、渠江、涪江、乌江、龙河、澎溪河、大宁河等主要次 级河流及众多的支流河溪,加上长寿湖、大洪湖、小南海、龙水湖等湖泊,形成复杂的水系 网络。 此外,重庆属亚热带季风性湿润气候,夏热冬暖,湿润多阴,气温高,雨季长,霜雪少, 阴天多,湿度大。 复杂的地形地貌、纵横交织的水网、湿润的气候和良好的水热条件,使重庆的生态系统 类型繁多、结构复杂、生境类型多样,孕育了丰富的生物多样性。 特点3:遗传资源极为丰富 重庆地处四川盆地,农耕文明历史悠久,加之野生动植物资源丰富,因此农作物品种、 栽培果树种及品种、猪、鸡、鸭、鹅、黄牛、水牛、山羊、兔、蜂等畜禽家养动物种类极为 丰富。此外,药用植物和野生观赏植物的资源也非常丰富。 1.4.2 重庆生物多样性关键区域 根据自然环境状况、生物多样性的特点、保护与利用的方向等,初步把全市划分为 5 个生物多样性保护的优先关键区域(图 1-3) : ◆ 关键区域 1:大巴山常绿阔叶落叶林生物多样性关键区域 该区域地处大巴山断褶带、川东褶皱带,地貌以山地为主,生物多样性丰富,生态系 统类型多样,亚高山草甸及其所独有的生物多样性是该区域的优势,拥有川金丝猴、林麝、 崖柏、秦岭冷杉等珍稀濒危动植物,以及红三叶等野生种质资源。目前在这一区域内已经建 成大巴山国家级自然保护区、雪宝山国家级自然保护区、阴条岭市级自然保护区、五里坡市 级自然保护区等自然保护区域。该区域是中国生物多样性的关键区域之一,也是重庆市不可 多得的亚高山草甸的集中分布区,濒危保护野生动植物非常丰富、特有种众多,本区域是重 庆市生物多样性保护的重点。 ◆ 关键区域 2:金佛山常绿阔叶林生物多样性关键区域 12
该区域地处云贵高原向四川盆地的过渡地带,为典型的喀斯特地区,拥有地带性常绿 阔叶林等自然植被和黑叶猴、豹、云豹、金佛山兰、银杉、红豆杉、珙桐等濒危保护动植物。 目前在这一区域已经建成金佛山国家级自然保护区、黑山自然保护区,其中金佛山国家级自 然保护区被誉为中国南方基因库。 ◆ 关键区域 3:四面山常绿阔叶林生物多样性关键区域 该区域地处云贵高原向四川盆地过渡的地带,生物多样性极其丰富,拥有地带性常绿 阔叶林等自然植被和白鹇、阳彩臂金龟、中华虎凤蝶、红豆杉、珙桐、福建柏等濒危动植物。 目前在这一区域已经建成四面山市级自然保护区(市级)、万隆自然保护区(县级)、老瀛山自 然保护区(县级)、长田自然保护区(县级)、滚子坪自然保护区(县级)等自然保护区。四面山市 级自然保护区与四川省合江县、贵州省习水县的原生常绿阔叶林连成大片,受人为干扰较小 的连续自然生境面积大,蕴含着极其多样的动植物物种资源。 ◆ 关键区域 4:方斗山—七曜山常绿阔叶林、亚高山草甸生物多样性关键区域 该区域地处渝、鄂、湘等省市结合部,生态环境过渡带特征明显,地貌以山地为主, 岩溶地貌特点明显,生物多样性丰富,生态系统类型多样,有亚热带常绿阔叶林、亚高山草 甸等自然植被类型,拥有豹、云豹、黑叶猴、猕猴、水杉、珙桐、银杉、南方红豆杉等珍稀 濒危动植物,目前在这一区域已经建成武隆白马山市级自然保护区、大风堡市级自然保护区、 七曜山自然保护区(县级)。本区域生物多样性保护对重庆市生物多样性非常重要。 ◆ 关键区域 5:长江干支流湿地与河流生物多样性区域 该区域以长江干流和主要支流为纽带,除了沿长江干流和主要支流河口分布的消落区为 中心的湿地外,还包括长寿湖、大洪湖等湖泊生态系统,以及大宁河、乌江等河流生态系统, 区域内湿地与河流生物多样性丰富,以西南山地冷水急流型水生生物最为典型。目前已建立 的水生生物类自然保护区和湿地自然保护区有长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区、大 口鲶鱼自然保护区(合川区境内)、澎溪河湿地市级自然保护区等。随着三峡水库形成以及不 同大小等级河流上水电工程的建设,这一区域的生物多样性正处在一个快速演变的过程中。 1.4.3 生物多样性变化趋势 虽然重庆的生物多样性丰富独特,对于重庆、全国乃至全世界都具有重要意义,然而, 在 1997 年直辖前,由于资源的过度利用等原因,生物多样性已呈现出衰退趋势。直辖后, 生物多样性更遭受来自经济快速发展、城镇化、大型水利工程、三峡库区淹没及移民迁建、 高强度农业生产以及自然保护和管理不善等各方面的挑战及影响。最近几年,生物多样性呈 现出以下几种变化趋势: 13
趋势 1:生态系统继续退化,但速度有所下降,局部地区生物多样性有所恢复 由于历史原因,全市森林覆盖率最低时曾降到了 23%,林种单一,树种单一,生态系 统退化、服务功能衰退。近年来政府加大力度,实施了天然林保护、退耕还林、水土保持等 生态工程,已使全市森林、草地等自然生态系统得到了很大程度的自然恢复,最近几年无论 是森林覆盖率还是生境质量等都有所恢复。由于加强执法,老百姓破坏野生生物资源的行为 也大大减少。受酸雨影响的针叶林生态系统,近几年由于酸雨频率的降低,其影响有所减弱。 5-10 年前,确实由于人类干扰和破坏较大,生态系统退化和服务功能衰退较为严重;但最 近几年退化的速度开始下降,生物多样性在局部地区有所恢复,但离有效维护三峡库区生态 安全、支撑重庆市可持续发展的要求还有较大的差距。 趋势 2:濒危物种数量有所增加 由于重庆本身的环境异质性较高,许多物种的分布范围小、种群分散、数量较少,在人 类活动的干扰下,许多物种易趋于濒危,一些特有物种的野外生存状况不容乐观。例如,崖 柏在全球仅分布在城口县大巴山和开县雪宝山的狭窄区域内,野生种群非常少;而全球仅在 重庆有分布的南川木菠萝,其野生数量仅有数十株;疏花水柏枝分布于我国三峡从宜昌至重 庆段长江干流的消落带,分布区域十分狭小,三峡工程兴建后,该种因失去绝大部分的生境 而成为濒危物种。另外,银杏、野茶树等 51 种木本植物因近年来栖息地急剧减少、繁殖能 力较差,被《中国植物红皮书》列为中国濒危物种,其中 95%以上的个体分布在金佛山等 自然保护区的核心区。 重庆市的野生脊椎动物无论是分布区域还是种群数量,均急剧缩减。从 2006 年起实施 的重庆市生物物种资源调查发现,虎、狼这两种兽类在重庆已处于灭绝状态;豹、云豹已十 多年没有发现其生存的直接证据;林麝数量在前些年急剧减少,但近几年有所恢复。2009 年初重庆市渔政处发布,长江主要经济鱼类资源补充量急剧下降,许多以前常见的捕捞鱼类, 如长吻鮠、岩原鲤等已极为少见。许多重要鱼类濒危程度提高,如胭脂鱼已经从重要经济鱼 类成为了濒危物种。 目前,由于重庆市生物物种资源调查尚处于初级阶段,很多物种的生存状态尚不明了, 考虑到重庆市生物多样性遭受破坏的历史和现状,估计不少物种已处于或趋于濒危,还未受 到任何保护。 趋势 3:遗传资源丧失的趋势依旧但已有所缓解 重庆市的遗传资源尽管非常丰富,但农作物、畜牧和中药遗传资源及其野生近缘种的丧 失较为严重。许多地方的古老、土著品种由于严酷的竞争和排挤,数量急剧减少,或者濒临 14
灭绝,主要农作物水稻、小麦、玉米、油菜、红苕、洋芋等历史上产量低的老品种基本上已 被淘汰。全市有 40%以上的畜禽遗传资源群体数量有不同程度的下降,许多优良的地方畜 禽名优品种濒临灭绝,如罗盘山猪、酉州乌羊、涪陵水牛以及已有 1600 多年历史的合川黑 猪等。由于过度利用、过度采挖导致天麻、石斛等中药材品种已成为濒危物种,面临灭绝; 重庆历史上一些名贵中药品种如野山参、笕桥地黄、茅苍术、多伦赤芍、木通等也已经消失; 川贝母(Fritillaria cirrhosa) 、川 黄 连(Coptis chinensis)、凹叶厚朴(Magnolia officinalis)、杜仲 (Eucommia ulmoides)、甘草 (Glycyrrhiza uralensis)、八角莲(Dysosma versipellis)等多种药用植 物野生资源破坏严重。近年来,由于农业委员会等部门加强了地方遗传资源的保护工作,全 市遗传资源丧失的趋势已有所缓解。 趋势 4:三峡水库由河流生态系统向水库生态系统演变,生物多样性正在发生变化 三峡水库从建设到蓄水,库区生物多样性经受了“自然-人工”二元干扰,局部区域生 物多样性发生了明显变化。三峡水库建成蓄水后,水域面积明显增加,库区生态水文条件发 生改变,原来适应急流生活的水生生物种类有所减少;适应静水生活的种类,其种群数量明 显增多;由于库汊、库湾增多,水生植物丰富,因此库区水鸟种类及种群数量明显增多。三 峡水库建成蓄水后,按照“蓄清排浊”的运行方式,在库岸 145-175 米高程形成了水位涨落 带(消落带) ,由于水位的季节性变动,使得原来该区域适应陆生生活的大多数动植物种类 消失或种群数量减少,而消落带新生湿地的形成则使湿地植物、水生植物、湿地鸟类种类及 种群数量明显增加,该区域正在经历着从原有的陆地生态系统向季节性水位变动的湿地生态 系统演替的过程。由于三峡工程建设,三峡库区生态保护与建设力度加强,天然林保护、退 耕还林、水土保持、生态屏障建设得到推进,因此库周山地生态系统生境质量有所改善。由 于三峡水库由典型的河流生态系统向水库生态系统变化,未来若干年内生物多样性将处于一 个不稳定的变化状态,因此,需要对三峡水库生物多样性加强监测。
2.1 就地保护 在生物多样性保护中,栖息地的保护极其重要。近些年来,重庆市政府加快推进了自然 保护区、风景名胜区、自然遗产地、森林公园、地质公园和湿地公园的建设。重庆市的各类 保护地,虽然在地域上多有重叠且分属不同的部门管理,但已基本涵盖了市域内生物多样性 保护价值较高的地区,在生物多样性保护中发挥了积极作用。 2.1.1 自然保护区 截至 2009 年底,我市已有自然保护区 49 个,面积达 8385.9 平方公里,约占全市幅员 面积的 10.18%。其中国家级 4 个,市级 22 个,区县级 23 个(图 2-1)。全市自然保护区包括 森林生态系统类型、野生动物类型、地质遗迹类型和内陆湿地类型 4 种。 近年来,全市重点加强了湿地动植物资源的调查和保护力度。2007 年 8 月市林业局成 立了专门的湿地保护管理机构─重庆市湿地保护管理中心,2008 年批准成立了四个湿地类 型的自然保护区。 虽然自然保护区的数量增长较快,但现有自然保护区的数量、面积和管理现状仍不能满 足重庆市生物多样性保护的需求, “重数量轻质量、重建立轻管护” 、 “批而不建,建而不管, 管而不力”的问题较为突出。全市的绝大多数县级自然保护区没有建立专门的管理机构,也 没有配备专门的管理人员,难以正式开展日常保护管理工作。国家级自然保护区虽然建立了 管理机构,但管理能力较弱,在人力资源、管护设施和经费等方面与管理工作的要求还有较 大差距。国家级自然保护区每年还可以得到国家财政拨款,而对一些市级、县级自然保护区 来说,很难争取到资金,无法有效开展保护区建设和管理工作。 2.1.2 其它保护地 全市除自然保护区外,农业野生植物原生境保护区、自然遗产地、森林公园、湿地公园、 地质公园、风景名胜区等保护地在生物多样性保护中也发挥了不可忽视的作用。 全市现有国家级风景名胜区 6 个,市级风景名胜区 30 个,总面积 4948.98 平方公里, 占市域面积的 6.01%(图 2-2) 。现有森林公园 62 个,其中国家级 21 个,市级 36 个,总面 积 1670 平方公里,约占全市总面积的 2%(图 2-3)。现有国家地质公园 3 个。全市已建立 6 个农业野生植物原生境保护区。2007 年重庆武隆县以芙蓉洞洞穴系统、天生三桥和后坪冲 蚀型天坑喀斯特系统等为代表的喀斯特区域,作为“中国南方喀斯特”的一部分,被正式批 准为世界自然遗产地。2009 年重庆成功申报了 7 个国家湿地公园,被正式批准为国家湿地 16
公园建设试点。 部分风景名胜区、森林和地质公园等保护地的过度开发已导致其保护功能的丧失。重庆 有不少生物多样性丰富的森林公园、风景名胜区等,建设的基本出发点是以旅游开发为目的 的。以休闲和生态旅游为目标的这类保护地,缺乏对于生物多样性保护至关重要的生境的优 先保护,对生物多样性管理不力,旅游接待服务设施和道路体系等基础设施的建设很少考虑 对生物多样性的影响及保护措施,旅游活动对野生动植物的干扰日趋加重。 2.1.3 都市区“四山”保护 重庆主城区内特有的山地、河流及湿地,孕育了丰富而独特的都市区生物多样性。其中, 缙云山、中梁山、铜锣山、明月山是重庆市主城区的四大“肺叶” ,也是重要的生态屏障。 保护和恢复好“四山”区域,对主城区生物多样性的保护和宜居城市的建设具有重大意义。 2007 年市政府制订发布了《重庆市“四山”地区开发建设管制规定》 ,强化都市圈内的 1580 平方公里的生态保护,通过“暂停、清理、处置、立法”四大步骤,建立长效监管机 制,坚决遏制“四山”区域内的开发建设活动对生物多样性的影响。根据该规定, “四山” 区域的规划和建设项目全部暂停审批和建设,把具有城市“绿色肺叶”功能的各级自然保护 区、风景名胜区、森林公园以及城市总体规划确定的生态绿地和城市绿地划定为建设管制区, 明确要对管制区内的开发建设活动实行特别管制。 根据重庆大学所做的《四山管制规定》实施生态效果初步评价的结果来看,该规定实施 两年来,除中梁山的植被覆盖率有所下降外,其余区域均有所好转,生态效果明显。中梁山 生态退化的主要原因是城市核心区跨越中梁山往西,增加了跨越山体的人流、车流、物流, 公路、铁路、桥梁、隧道的建设新增了对山体植被的侵占和移除。在中梁山东西两侧山麓, 西永组团和沙坪坝原有城市的扩展建设,在逐步蚕食沿山山体的植被。
2.2 异地保护 重庆市已建成了一批植物园、动物园,在增强人们保护野生动植物及其栖息地的观念和 意识方面,其宣传和教育的功能尚有待加强,在野生动植物的回归野放方面尚未开展相关工 作。目前,重庆市生物多样性的异地保护工作主要开展了遗传资源的保护,建立了一批种质 资源基地,如水稻、玉米、油菜、甘薯等主要农作物的国家级农作物原种分场,荣昌猪、四 川白鹅、重庆黑山羊等家养动物原种场、扩繁场,国家级水产种质资源保护区,国家重点林 木良种基地,国家种质资源重庆柑橘圃等。这些基地对野生动植物开展了保护、繁育、研究 和开发,在动植物资源的异地保护中发挥了积极作用。 然而,重庆市农作物种质资源收集保存量尚不足 10 万份,还有相当多的种质资源没有 17
完成收集,特别是作物野生近缘植物资源的收集工作还不足。由于资源量大,尤其是畜禽及 鱼类等动物种质资源保存要求更好的设施条件,因此,异地保护设施仍严重不足,无法满足 需求,特别是缺乏现代化的种质资源保存设施体系。
2.3 生物多样性保护相关工程 近几年,重庆市政府提出了可持续发展战略,将保护生物多样性作为一项重大任务来抓, 并在天然林保护、退耕还林、自然保护区建设和管理等方面采取了一系列措施,开展了“长 防林工程” 、 “天然林保护工程” 、 “退耕还林工程”以及“森林工程”等一系列生态工程,使 得全市森林覆盖率从 27%增加到 33%,部分地区的生物多样性现状有所改善,一些物种的 野生种群及其栖息地有所恢复。 然而,这些工程虽然使全市森林覆盖率上升,但现有森林大部分仍是人工林,如大面积 的马尾松林、杉木林、柳杉林等,这些人工林树种单一,抗病虫害能力弱,很少混交或组成 完整的森林复层结构,其灌木与草本层基本不发育,地表土壤侵蚀严重,生物多样性低,无 法与天然林地相比拟。
2.4 生物多样性保护及利用分析 2.4.1 惠益分析 重庆市的生物多样性为本市及周边和下游地区带来了巨大的社会、经济、生态效益及文 化价值。虽然这些效益的经济价值尚无统一的计算标准,但很显然,重庆的生物多样性不仅 是过去重庆市快速发展的基石,也是未来可持续发展的保障,而且对于维护整个三峡库区和 长江上游生态屏障都具有非常重要的意义。 表2-1简要列出了重庆市生物多样性所提供的各类生态服务功能,以及可能受益的群体 及产业。 表 2-1 重庆市生物多样性提供的各种生态服务功能及其受益群体和产业 价值
材料)、基因资源和物种资源(作为谷物和家畜品种、药品 和其它产品的关键来源)等 调节气候、净化空气
限降低 间接价值
2.4.2 冲突分析 重庆市人口多,耕地少,底子薄,人均自然资源量相对不足。随着人口激增、生活和消 费水平逐年提高,人们对自然资源的需求量也越来越大,资源保护和需求之间的矛盾非常尖 锐。尤其在渝东北大巴山山区、渝东南武陵山山区和渝南金佛山地区。这些地区交通不便、 土地贫瘠、社会经济发展相对落后,国家级贫困县和市级贫困县多集中在此,而这些地方也 恰好是重庆市生物多样性最丰富最需要保护的区域。这些区域的居民一直过着“靠山吃山, 靠水吃水”的传统生活,日常的生产和生活本身对自然资源的依赖程度就较大,加上有些自 然资源的市场价值非常高,如一些用途广泛的中药材,于是在高额利润的刺激下,过度采挖 (盗猎)现象依然存在。这些行为严重破坏再生资源,致使一些物种出现衰退甚至濒临灭绝。 例如,防己科的千斤藤属多种植物(药材名“山乌龟”)、葫芦科的雪胆(中药名“金盆”)、 野生天麻等,由于当地农民掠夺式的采挖块根,近年来已很难再觅踪迹。 与此同时,随着保护区的建立以及天然林保护等政策和工程的实施,这些区域内的村民 在自然资源的开发和利用上受到了很大的限制,牺牲了很多现实的经济利益和发展机会。保 护力度的增强以及大批青壮劳动力外出打工,虽然使得偷猎、滥砍、滥挖等现象有所减少, 但也由于尚未建立生态补偿机制或机制不健全,在经济利益的诱惑下,这些现象还是屡禁不 止。许多非木材林产品资源都急剧减少甚至枯竭。在实际操作中各种原因所导致的不公平, 以及参与管理的程度不足,也增加了部分弱势群体的不满情绪,使生物多样性保护措施难以 达到预期的效果。 由于重庆市生物多样性关键区域对于重庆市、三峡库区以及长江中下游地区的生态安全 和社会发展影响重大,尤其是直接关乎下游工农业和人民生活用水的数量与质量,所以政府 严格限制相关区县在重污染、高效益工业方面的发展,使区县政府在工业发展项目的选择上 难度加大,失去了许多有利于提高本地区经济总体实力的发展机会,使本区与下游的许多受 益县、市在社会经济发展上的距离越来越大。与此同时,上级政府对下级政府的考察始终把 经济发展指标的考核放在首位,并且权重偏大,使区县干部处于两难的局面——既要保护生 物多样性,又要加快地方经济发展。在受益区对本区没有任何补偿及考核指标忽视生物多样 性保护的情况下,为了尽量维系微薄的财政收入,区县政府也只好做出一些不得已的选择。
因此,不仅需要建立合理的生态补偿机制,而且要同时确立生态环境质量监控与定期发布(年 度报告)机制,并将其与当地政府的考核以及生态补偿费的发放与利用联系起来。 在重庆市的其他地区,近十年来,随着经济的快速发展、城镇化和工业化建设,各类工 程建设项目对土地的需求越来越多。生物多样性保护和利用的冲突集中体现在土地利用方式 上。修路、开矿、建厂、旅游设施建设、房地产开发、区域开发等往往直接侵占栖息地,对 生物多样性造成较大的破坏。这与土地利用规划不全面,没有充分考虑生物多样性的保护以 及规划实施不到位是直接相关的。另外,规划环评的工作尚未全面开展,在建设项目的环境 影响评价中,忽视对生物多样性影响的评价,环评中缺乏生物多样性评价的完整指标体系等, 也是影响生物多样性保护成效的重要因素。
2.5 生物多样性相关科研现状 2.5.1 生物物种资源调查、编目与数据库建设 我国动植物物种资源的大规模普查主要集中在上世纪五、六十年代。重庆市在 1997 年 直辖前隶属四川省,直辖前四川省历次生物资源调查基本覆盖了重庆市所有区域,对植被分 布、动植物资源状况进行了基本的调查和记载,其成果反映在《四川动物志》 、《四川植被》 等文献中。尽管相关部门和科研院校在直辖前后从不同角度开展了一些调查工作,但所获本 底信息仍很不足,缺乏时效性、系统性和完整性。 1998 年~2000 年,重庆市林业局组织了全市范围的陆生野生动物资源调查,对全市野 生脊椎动物有了一定的了解。从 2006 年开始,重庆市环境保护局组织全市有关高校、研究 所,持续开展了市域范围内生物物种资源的调查与编目。该项目通过对资料的收集和整理, 对各类群(高等维管植物、果树及花卉资源、陆生脊椎动物、陆生无脊椎动物、水生生物、 药用生物、家养动物、微生物)进行了逐步深入的实地调查,建立了“重庆市生物物种资源 数据库”,编制了《重庆市生物物种资源保护与利用规划》 ;完成了《重庆市生物多样性评价》 报告、 《重庆市生物多样性评价数据集》;完成了生物多样性丰富的金佛山山王坪、四面山大 窝铺的《生物多样性快速评估报告》 ;完成了市域范围内十二种濒危特有动植物保护现状的 专题研究报告。 从总体上看,在生物多样性本底调查方面,对绝大多数野生动植物的具体数量、分布、 受威胁状况和保护现状尚缺乏深入的了解,甚至一些类群(如无脊椎动物、微生物)的物种信 息目前还非常贫乏。农作物种质资源特别是野生近缘植物资源的普查缺乏系统性,涉及的种 类少、范围小,野生近缘种的种类和种群数量尚不清楚。从地域上看,除了部分自然保护区
(如金佛山自然保护区、缙云山自然保护区)外,全市大部分地区物种资源本底的详细信息并 不清楚。 2.5.2 生物多样性监测和评价 三峡工程动工建设后,中国科学院植物研究所、中国科学院水生生物研究所、中国林业 科学研究院等单位对三峡库区的陆生植物、陆生脊椎动物、鱼类等进行了长期监测,积累 了 大量数据。西南大学生命科学院对嘉陵江鱼类进行了长期监测。全市建成野生动物疫源疫病 监测站点 15 个,其中国家级监测站点 3 个,市级监测站点 13 个。 2009 年,环保部将重庆市列入第二批试点的生物多样性评价省市,重庆市环境保护局 组织西南大学、重庆大学等单位以区县为单位,收集物种丰富度、生态系统类型多样性、植 被垂直层谱的完整性、物种特有性、外来物种入侵度、物种受威胁程度等指标的数据,完成 了基于区县级行政单元的生物多样性评价指标数据集,对全市生物多样性现状作出了综合评 估。虽然此项工作对于重庆市生物多样性评价来说是一个开创性的工作,但是,尚需开展系 统和长期的监测,才能进一步了解生物多样性变化的总体趋势,并在此基础之上提出更为有 效的保护措施。 依托中国-欧盟重庆生物多样性项目,2009 年重庆市环境保护局开始尝试建立重庆市生 物多样性监测框架体系,进行了相关人员培训,开展了蜻蜓的初步监测,对生态监测的常态 化进行了初步探索。 2.5.3 其它研究工作 自直辖以来,中国科学院、重庆大学、西南大学、重庆师范大学、重庆自然博物馆、重 庆市园林绿化科学研究所、重庆市森林病虫防治检疫站等科研机构和大专院校对全市生物多 样性开展了一系列研究,涉及的内容除生物多样性的基础调查、监测和评价外,主要研究工 作集中在三峡库区生物多样性保护、恢复及其可持续利用方面。 近十年来,重庆市在生物多样性研究方面已经取得了长足进展(主要成果见附 5),然而 , 在基础研究方面尚存在许多空白,许多领域的研究才刚刚开始。在野生动植物保护及可持续 利用、物种濒危机制、生物遗传资源及传统知识、外来入侵种预警、以及全球气候变化对生 物多样性的影响等方面尚需加强研究。
2.6 保护、利用和管理体系 2.6.1 行政主管部门 在重庆市,许多部门都或多或少地与生物多样性保护和可持续利用相关,并承担着一定 的生物多样性保护职能(具体见附件 6) 。基于对生物多样性保护是一项庞大复杂的系统工 21
程的认识,重庆市政府在最新一轮的机构改革中,本着“大部局制”的原则,对生物多样性 保护的职能进行了调整,强化了环境保护局在生物多样性保护方面的职责,赋予其统一管理 的职能。 2.6.2 科研教育体系 重庆市从事生物多样性相关科研和教育的机构主要有十家(见附件 7),已形成初步的 科研和教育体系。然而,从总体上看,在生物多样性保护方面的科研投入依然严重不足 ,人 才结构不合理,基础设施建设薄弱,许多信息分散在各个机构,尚需加强信息沟通和协调, 整合现有科研资源,发挥各自技术优势,避免重复和资源浪费,促进科学研究成果的交流和 社会共享,在生物多样性保护的核心和关键技术上进行多学科联合攻关。 2.6.3 非政府组织 近些年来,非政府组织在重庆有了一定的发展,在生物多样性保护领域发挥了不可替代 的作用,尤其是在公众教育、培训、咨询和交流方面。代表性组织有重庆市绿色志愿者联合 会、重庆市生态学会等。其主要工作是开展生物多样性公众教育,普及生物多样性知识;建 立生物多样性公众参与体系,促进公众参与;监督保护区生物多样性保护工作;组织志愿者, 开展生物多样性相关的宣传、保护、监督工作;开展保护区社区共管项目和生态农业发展项 目;开展农业技术培训和劳力输出技术培训。不过,重庆市现有的非政府组织尚处于发展的 初期,多数为学术团体。非政府组织本身在制度建设、机构管理、资金筹措、人员培养、参 与生物多样性决策和管理等诸多方面尚存在许多限制和不足,而且重庆市尚缺乏鼓励非政府 组织参与生物多样性保护、管理和可持续利用的相关政策和体系。 2.6.4 生物多样性保护决策、协调和补偿机制 决策机制:和大多数省市一样,重庆市的生物多样性保护决策主要由政府主导,科研 教育系统、非政府组织和公众可以表达生物多样性保护的愿望,但在生物多样性决策中处于 次要地位。重庆市目前尚未建立起“大部局制”的协调机制,有限的管理资源尚未有效的整 合起来。 协调机制:尽管重庆市的“大部局制”改革在一定程度上解决了生物多样性保护缺乏综 合牵头者的问题,但是生物多样性保护的具体职责和任务仍分别由环保、林业、园林、农业、 水利、规划、国土资源等多个不同的部门和区县政府承担。这些部门和区县政府在保护和管 理中的出发点和侧重点各不相同,建立有效的纵横向协调机制对生物多样性保护具有决定性 的意义。但是,至今为止,这种协调机制正处于建立过程中,各部门间及上下政府间还存在 着协调、合作与监督上的缺陷和断档,在一定程度上,职能重叠,各自为阵、沟通不畅、相 22
互竞争、相互推诿的现象时有发生,结果降低了职能部门的管理效率,造成管理上的盲区和 漏洞,也就难以有效地保证生物多样性保护的顺利进行。因此,建立 部门间和上下政府间的 纵横协调机制,有效整合管理资源,已成为生物多样性保护的当务之急。 补偿机制:一个有效的补偿机制应该包括三个方面的内容,一是涉及生态服务功能的供 需双方互利互惠;二是资金来源,三是资金使用方向及效果。按照上述定义衡量,在中国现 实条件制约下,重庆尚未建立起规范全面的生态补偿机制。现阶段的补偿手段仅仅局限于上 级财政的转移支付,虽然广义地讲,转移支付包括了生态及生物多样性补偿的内容。但是, 补偿中究竟有多大比例用于生物多样性保护,难以说清楚。 环保部将生态补偿划分为四个方面:第一是矿山开发的生态补偿;第二是流域生态补偿; 第三是自然保护区的生态补偿;第四是生态功能区域生态补偿。重庆目前已建立起了矿山开 发生态保证金制度,并利用保证金开展了矿山生态恢复工作;通过转移支付和项目补助,对 某些流域实施了一定程度的生态补偿;就保护区而言,重庆国家级和市级保护区的主要经费 来源有:保护区建立初期国家的一次性基础建设投入、国家和市政府每年的能力建设拨款、 当地政府划拨的人员工资及办公经费、主管部门划拨的项目经费(例如退耕还林) 、生态旅 游经营性收入。而对区县级保护区而言,基本上没有财政性投入,难以开展有效的保护区建 设和管理;目前,尚未开展生态功能保护区的生态补偿。 总体上看,目前重庆市的生态补偿机制存在四个方面的问题:一是生态补偿方式单一, 有效性较差;二是数额不足以补偿当地居民由于保护生物多样性而丧失的经济发展和生活水 平改善的机遇;三是覆盖面太窄,致使许多地方难以得到此类补偿,并以此来持续提高其生 物多样性管理能力;四是生态补偿资金的运作机制简单,没有与对政府的生态保护职能考评 直接挂钩,没有直接与原住民的利益挂钩,未能充分发挥生态补偿促进保护区内经济民生可 持续发展的功能。因此在现阶段仍无法满足生物多样性保护的需求。
2.7 政策和法规体系 国家和重庆市已初步建立了有关生物多样性保护的政策和法规体系(附件 8),生物多样 性保护越来越受到重视。现有的政策和法规体系规定了需重点保护的野生动物和植物,以及 各区的管理措施,但还存在自身及执行上的一些不足。 我国的两部最重要的生物多样性保护法规《中华人民共和国自然保护区管理条例》和《中 华人民共和国野生动物保护法》颁布时间久远,难以解决目前面临的生物多样性保护难题。 重庆市的政策和法规体系还远没有全面地涵盖整个重庆市生物多样性保护的所有方面。例 如,现行的环境影响评价法规中,缺乏开展生物多样性影响评价的规定,使得在环境影响评 23
价中缺少对生物多样性的关注,致使一些项目建设对生物多样性产生较大负面影响。同时, 这些政策和规划还停留在保护体系内部,完全没有和经济发展开发部门的政策和规划结合在 一起,因此保护还只是保护部门的工作,经济开发部门远没有被发动起来,没有将生物多样 性保护的需要纳入其部门的管理和发展规划之中,这是导致许多保护工作成效低的原因。 国家虽已发布了一系列有关农作物种质资源的法律法规,但由于宣传不广泛、守法意识 差、执法不力等原因,种质资源流失现象严重,急需加强对种质资源引入引出的管理。目前 农作物种质资源保护工作主要侧重于非原生境保存,原生境保护工作滞后,使许多重要的作 物野生近缘植物原生境遭到严重破坏,原生境保护点的建设速度远远落后于破坏速度。 重庆市的地方配套性政策法规还不健全,尚未建立可持续发展的政策体系,现行的法规 和政策大都是针对自然环境中的某一特定要素制定的,没有考虑到自然环境的有机整体性和 各自然要素的相互依存关系,因而出现了开发一种资源却影响和破坏了其他相关资源,造成 生态环境整体恶化的现象。现行的生态保护政策不能满足实际管理的需要,缺乏鼓励对保护 生态环境进行长期投资的金融政策;没有建立起生态补偿政策体系,更没有形成有效的监督 机制;缺乏有利于生态保护的科技投入政策机制。 政策与法规的执行力度不够,部门、地区之间的统一协调有待加强。一些地方乱捕滥猎、 倒卖走私野生动物及其制品的违法犯罪活动时有发生,发案率上升的势头没有得到有效遏 制,特别是相关管理部门利用职权之便,偷猎有蹄类动物、鸡形目鸟类和蛙类现象时有发生; 侵占、破坏野生动物栖息地和自然保护区的现象突出。由于管理机制、组织机构、人员素质、 补偿机制欠缺、管理经费等方面的问题限制了对有关法律、法规的贯彻和实施。有法不依(经 营野味等),执法不严(盗伐林木等),以罚代法(针对乱挖、乱采野生资源等),重收费、轻管 理等现象并不少见。而且,还缺乏公众参与执法监督机制。
2.8 宣传教育 除职能部门外,目前重庆市的许多机构都在开展生物多样性保护方面的宣传和教育,如 重庆市环境保护宣传和教育中心、重庆自然博物馆、重庆市生态学会、重庆市绿色志愿者联 合会、重庆大学、西南大学、重庆师范大学、四川外语学院、缙云山国家级自然保护区等。 不过,全市广大公众在生物多样性保护方面的整体意识仍然不高。 目前各级行政官员们还没有充分认识到生物多样性保护的价值和意义,政府工作报告和 其他各类工作报告中很难找到“生物多样性”这个词。在可量化的产值、利税指标之中,没 有生物多样性的成本构成,甚至很多人完全不知道这一概念。行政官员们更重视的是经济效
益、快速发展等马上可以看见的效益,而忽视了破坏生物多样性对未来经济发展的潜在危害。 在这种意识的主导下,要真正做到从上到下都重视生物多样性保护,其难度可想而知。 另外,社会各界对社区民众在生物多样性保护中可能发挥的作用还没有充分的认识。生 物多样性保护还停留在政府主导、干预和支撑的层次上,远远没有成为社会各界广泛参与的 公共事业。
自改革开放以来,全市重点实施的天然林保护、退耕还林以及自然保护区建设等工程, 已使局部区域的生物多样性得到一定程度的恢复,但从整体上来看,生物多样性减少的趋势 并未得到遏制和根本扭转。在生态系统层面上,全市生态系统仍在退化,各类生态服务功能 则在持续衰退。在物种层面上,虽然有些物种的数量及栖息地有所恢复,但重庆市大部分野 生动植物的种群数量仍在减少,濒危动植物的数量继续增加、濒危程度总体上还在加剧;物 种的栖息地也在进一步减少、质量进一步下降、破碎化程度加剧。而在遗传基因层面,重庆 市的各类遗传资源虽然丧失的速度有所减缓但减少的趋势依旧。 造成以上这些现象的原因错综复杂,本 BSAP 将从生物多样性保护面临的问题出发,逐 层分析其主要原因,找寻问题背后的根源所在(表 3-1) ,并在此基础之上提出解决这些问 题、遏制生物多样性的减少所应采取的策略及行动。
3.1 问题及其原因 重庆市生物多样性之所以持续减少,主要有以下几方面的原因: 3.1.1 物种资源的过度利用 非法捕鱼、偷猎、盗伐、过度采集、过度捕捞等现象,已使大量具有食用、药用和观赏 价值的野生动植物种群数量逐年减少,一些物种已濒临灭绝,甚至已经消失。例如,药用植 物石斛、野山参、木通等的过度采挖导致这些资源在重庆市已枯竭;在长江、嘉陵江、汉江 等河流(尤其是其上游各级支流)中进行的电捕鱼、毒鱼等非法捕捞已造成渔获物的低龄化、 小型化、低值化现象严重,捕捞生产效率和经济效益明显下降。 随着老百姓生活水平的提高,加之人口以及国际市场的影响,能为人类利用的各种物种 资源的市场需求也在急剧增加。市场需求带来的经济诱惑,已成为物种资源过度利用的外在 驱动因素。 由于重庆市广大的农村地区,尤其是生物多样性丰富的大巴山区和武陵山区,经济发展 水平和受教育程度普遍较低,农民作为物种资源的直接利用者,其自身可持续利用的意识还 很薄弱、能力也不足。加之重庆市在生物多样性可持续利用上(如非木材林产品的开发、中 草药的人工培育和种植)技术力量落后,对农村地区的技术支持不足,使老百姓无法发展有 效的替代生计、尝试人工种养植、提高农林产品的附加值等手段,来改变对自然资源的严重 依赖,改变不合理的利用方式,减缓生计发展与物种资源可持续利用之间的冲突。 此外,由于尚未建立全面有效的生态补偿机制和公众参与机制,老百姓还缺乏经济和制 26
度上的积极性、主动参与到物种资源的可持续管理和保护中。 3.1.2 各类建设和开发项目的破坏 随着重庆工业化和城镇化进程的快速推进,大型公共基础设施如公路、铁路的建设,以 及以水利水电(如三峡工程以及流域水电的梯级开发) 、矿产、旅游基础和服务设施、工农 业开发区、房地产开发为主的资源开发类建设项目,不仅直接占用、淹没、破坏了大量自然 生境,而且其污染、噪声、经营等人为活动还对周边的自然环境产生了很大影响,直接干扰 甚至破坏了野生动植物的栖息环境。尤其是在重庆市生物多样性的关键区域内,以及生境本 身非常脆弱、一旦破坏就很难恢复的地区。如渝东南的喀斯特地区,工程建设很容易导致水 土流失继而引发石漠化。建设工程项目使得栖息地大量丧失、破碎化和退化,生态系统受到 严重破坏,物种减少甚至消失。 各类建设和开发项目之所以层出不穷,直接占用和破坏栖息地,其原因主要在以下几个 方面: 生物多样性保护本身是一个综合性很强的领域,但重庆市还没有制定生物多样性保护方 面的策略和综合行动计划,并以此来指导政府各部门相关专业规划以及各地区发展规划在生 物多样性保护方面发挥积极作用。 在规划的编制上,各类行业发展规划、区域规划如土地利用规划、城镇发展规划中,都 没有充分考虑生物多样性的保护,规划环评也尚未全面展开。 在规划的执行上,建设项目的立项、审批、执行和管理上尚存在以下问题,使得规划编 制中考虑到的一些生态与生物多样性保护措施也没能落实到建设中去,造成规划实施与编制 脱节: 1. 由于城乡差距很大、地区之间的发展不平衡,重庆市许多县依然非常贫困,尤其是 许多生物多样性丰富的县,因此这些地区改善贫困、提高生活水平的发展欲望都很强烈。由 于许多地方决策者对于发展才是硬道理的片面理解,导致在建设中出现了急功近利和追求短 期效益的现象。上级政府对下级政府的考察,以及对党政一把手的绩效考核,没有纳入生物 多样性的指标,而是始终把经济发展指标的考核放在首位,并且权重偏大,这也使得区县干 部处于既要保护生物多样性,又要加快经济发展的两难境地,最后往往以牺牲环境为代价来 换取经济的发展。由于现在尚缺乏合理有效的生态补偿机制,许多落后但生物多样性丰富的 地区为保护做出了许多牺牲,但又没有因此得到相应的补偿,这种现象客观上也促使地方政 府缺乏保护的积极性。 2. 在现有的开发建设项目环评中,由于重庆市生物多样性本底信息不足、监测评价体 27
系尚未建立、环评时间短、资金投入不足等原因,项目对生物多样性影响的评价往往被忽视。 现有的一些评价在方法、指标和程序上不统一,没有相应的评价导则,这使得管理部门难以 进行科学合理的决策和管理。 3. 在项目实施管理中,各部门出于部门利益,以及部门间存在着严重的协调、合作与 监督上的缺陷和断档,因而形成各自为阵,互不沟通,甚至相互扯皮的局面。因此,大大降 低了职能部门的管理水平,造成了管理上的盲区和漏洞。长期以来,纵向和横向的统一、协 调和管理机制的缺乏,以及部门之间的利益纠葛,在开展联动保护工作和行政决策时,各个 部门和各区县之间的沟通和合作不够,环保部门也无法发挥统一监管协调的作用,保护工作 的效率低和质量不高的情况时有出现。此外,许多部门缺少生物多样性管理机构,无法胜任 日益繁重的生物多样性保护工作。 4. 在整个项目立项、批复、建设和后期管理中,都缺乏公众的有效参与和监督,没有 建立公众参与和监督的有效机制。 3.1.3 保护地的管护效果不佳 此外,近年来,虽然重庆市各类保护地,如自然保护区、遗产地、风景名胜区、森林公 园、湿地公园等数量增长较快,但大多在生物多样性保护方面成效不佳,使得即使是在各类 保护地内,野生动植物及其栖息地、生态系统依然遭受破坏,具体表现在以下方面: 首先 ,在规划布局和管理体系方面,虽然重庆市已建立了各类保护地,但相关保护工作 各自为阵,并没有形成有效的自然保护网络管理体系。由于重庆市还没有一个与生物多样性 管理目标相适应的生物多样性综合评估体系,没有依据物种丰富度、生态系统类型多样性、 物种特有性等指标和数据对重庆市生物多样性进行综合评估,加之各类保护地建立的目的、 动机、审批管理机构和体系以及法律保障上都各不相同,所以在保护地的建立上尚缺乏整体 的布局和系统的规划。现有保护地不能有效覆盖重庆市具有代表性的、关键生态系统和濒危 特有动植物。即使是自然保护区的布局上,也可以看到重庆森林类型的自然保护区居多,布 局不完善,而野生动物类型、河流及湿地类型的保护区则明显不足。 其次,重庆有不少生物多样性丰富的自然保护区、森林公园、风景名胜区,建设的基本 出发点是以旅游景点的开发为目的。许多地方政府为了追求经济效益,在保护地内过度开发 旅游,大建旅游、休闲服务设施和基础设施,对生物多样性造成很大的破坏。更为重要的是, 一些生物多样性丰富的区域建成保护区后,由于当地政府对保护区内矿产、水电及旅游资源 的开发需求,对保护区进行规划调整时,将部分生物多样性丰富的功能区调出保护区外,或 者由核心区调整为实验区,由此对生物多样性保护带来不利影响。 28
另外,许多保护地无管理机构,即使有管理机构多数也并不完善,而有些保护地则多头 管理、各部门职能不清,导致这些保护地无法进行有效的管理来满足保护的需求。有一些保 护区在规划和成立之初,分区不尽合理,没有充分考虑当地老百姓的需求,后期管理的模式 单一,也没有让老百姓积极参与保护区的管理。再加上许多保护区缺乏技术人员,管护人员 管理水平低,基础设施不完备,管理资金投入不足,也造成了自然保护区无法发挥生物多样 性保护的职能。 例如,重庆市的绝大多数县级自然保护区没有建立管理机构,也没有配备专门的管理人 员,难以正式开展日常巡护监测等保护管理工作。国家级自然保护区虽然建立了管理机构, 但管理能力较弱,在人力资源、管护设施和经费等方面与管理工作的要求还有较大差距。国 家级的自然保护区每年还可以拿到国家的财政拨款,而对一些市级、县级自然保护区来说保 护区建立初期国家的一次性投资就是其最大的一笔收入。如果以后不能在上级部门争取到资 金投入,保护区就只能维持日常的办公开支,无法有效开展保护区建设和管理。 3.1.4 工业和农业污染 污染导致物种减少、栖息地质量下降甚至丧失、生态系统退化也是不容忽视的,其中 土 壤污染和水生生态系统受到的污染最为突出。土壤污染,尤其是重金属污染,具有隐蔽、滞 后、累积、不可逆转和难于治理的特点,会直接影响作为自然界物质流、能量流重要转换中 心的土壤生态系统的结构和功能,不仅对人类健康造成威胁,而且严重影响到野生动植物及 众多土壤生物栖息地质量。水生生态系统的污染主要是由工业和城镇生活废水以及农村面源 污染所引起的,不少重庆市的次级河流因此丧失了生态功能、水生生物及其栖息地被破坏。 随着重庆市工业化和城镇化的快速发展,大量农村人口向城镇集中,工业企业数量和规 模也急剧增加。城镇空气、噪音、水等污染日益严重。一些企业的废水、废渣、废气未经处 理直接排放,污水灌溉直接污染耕地,排放到江河则污染水体,固体废弃物则堆存占地和毁 坏农田。城市生活垃圾、危险废物无害化处置率较低,并且危险废物处置工艺较简单,二次 污染事故时有发生。部分三峡库区城镇的污水处理厂运行负荷率低,部分已建成污染治理设 施运行困难。 而在农村地区,随着中小企业在乡村的发展,以及大量使用农药、化肥、农膜,开展规 模化和专业化的畜禽养殖,以及在水库进行网箱养鱼,农村环境污染也日益严重。很多农民 只注重作物的高效收益,超高量的施肥和喷洒农药的现象普遍。连续施用化肥导致土壤退化, 长期施用有机磷等有害农药及除草剂也使土壤和水体遭到化学污染,进而导致有益动物,如 鸟类、鱼类等数量的锐减。 29
3.1.5 外来种入侵 根据 2009 年开展的重庆市生物多样性调查和评估的结果,目前已记录到的入侵重庆的 外来物种已达 92 种,占全国外来入侵物种数量近 1/3。其中,已发现入侵植物 78 种,分属 于 26 科、58 属;外来入侵脊椎动物 7 种;外来入侵微生物 6 种。40 个区县分布的入侵植物 种数量均在 30 种以上。含入侵植物种数量较多的地区有北碚、渝北、南岸、巴南等地,而 秀山、城口、渝中含有的数量则相对较少。一些外来入侵植物的大量生长和蔓延已对农作物 物种的生境造成了严重威胁;而在一些自然保护区和风景名胜区(如武隆自然遗产地、缙云 山自然保护区、南山风景名胜区、奉节天坑地缝自然遗产地)内,由于人为活动干扰造成的 生态系统的退化恰好为外来物种的入侵提供了良好的条件,某些外来物种已呈现出明显的入 侵态势。由于重庆与外界的经贸和人员往来日益频繁,所面临的外来生物入侵的形势也非常 严峻,给重庆市的生物多样性保护带来了巨大隐患。在所有外来入侵种中,有一半是作为绿 化、美化以及速生物种而有意引入的,一半则是由人类活动无意引入的。 由于在重庆辖区内,尚未对入侵生物的种类、入侵机理和影响进行过系统调查,所以 还缺乏外来种入侵的详细信息,对其已造成的生态和经济损失以及潜在的威胁也没有现状和 风险评估。这些数据和信息的缺乏,使得公众和政府对重庆市外来入侵种及其危害的认识还 很不足。在绿化和造林中,只关注了观赏效果和生长速度,而往往选择外来物种甚至入侵种。 管理人员也无法对此做出科学决策,以及时进行防范和治理。重庆市现在还没有建立应对外 来物种入侵的监测和预警体系,因此无法对有意引进的外来物种进行风险评估和控制。重庆 市在外来入侵种和生物安全管理方面还缺乏相应的法规和制度。此外,缺乏相应的防治技术, 也限制了对外来入侵种的控制。 3.1.6 遗传资源丧失 重庆市遗传资源的丧失日益严重。这主要表现在栽培植物资源以及乡土畜禽遗传资源的 流失和损失都非常严重,与此同时,这些品种的野生近缘种或野生资源(尤其是中草药)正 在不断地减少甚至灭绝。 由于科学技术的不断发展和进步,栽培植物资源新品种培育和更新速度越来越快。上个 世纪 50-60 年代,培育一个新品种大约需要 20-30 年,而现在培育一个新品种可能只需要 3-5 年;同时,随着国际和区域间交流的不断加强和深化,引进的动植物外来品种也越来越多且 被大面积推广。而与此同时,许多重庆本地的遗传资源却养在深闺人未识,由于已有的遗传 资源收集工作不够,评价工作仅停留在表型性状或产量性状方面,对种质的品质、抗性及其 他特异性评价较少,因而不能满足育种和生产发展的要求。这使得 本地的遗传资源没有被积 30
极的选育,没有被市场化推广,所以其市场竞争力越来越弱,老百姓种植和养殖的品种也越 来越单一,许多优良古老的地方品种资源或重要的遗传特征由于严酷的竞争和排挤,数量急 剧减少或濒临灭绝。 另外,近年来,全市虽然加强了农业遗传资源野生近缘种就地保护体系的建设,对现有 农业遗传资源进行抢救和种质资源保存,并且对畜禽遗传资源也开展了调查、品种审定和保 护。但是,由于资源量巨大,加上对畜禽及鱼类等动物种质资源保存要求更好的设施条件, 所以随着收集工作的不断开展,现有设施已不能满足保护的要求,急需建设和完善现代化的 种质资源保存设施。 由于我市在生物遗传资源方面的研究滞后,对遗传资源和相关传统知识的本底信息和流 失历史都不甚了解,也没有对生物遗传资源及相关传统知识进行完整的调查、整理、编目、 信息和实物共享,因此影响到了相关政策及对策的制定。现在重庆市还没有适合于本地的关 于生物遗传资源及其传统知识获取与惠益分享的法律和法规,如缺乏生物遗传资源及其传统 知识的知识产权保护制度体系。这使得许多遗传资源通过剽窃、走私等流失海外被商业开发 后,当地社区还不知情,无法合理公正的分享到惠益。
表 3-1 问题树 重庆市生物多样性减少的趋势没有得到遏制和根本扭转(问题树)
百 姓 意 识 薄 弱
可 持 续 利 用 能 力 不 足
缺 乏 技 术 支撑
可 续 用 技 薄
持 利 的 术 弱
缺 乏 积 极 性
缺乏 生物 多样 性的 综合 保护 专项 规划
政绩考 核中缺 乏对生 物多样 性保护 绩效的 评价
地方政 府片面 追求经 济发展 忽视生 物多样 性保护
官员缺 乏可持 续发展 和生物 多样性 保护的 意识
缺乏生物多样性 的监测和评价体 系
缺 乏 保 护 的 积 极 性
各类行 业发展 和区域 规划未 充分考 虑生物 多样性 的保护
规划 者的 生物 多样 性保 护意 识不 足
缺 乏 相 应 的 法 规
缺 乏 合理有 效 的生态补偿机 制
EIA 项 目和规 划环评 中缺乏 对生物 多样性 影响的 评价
生 物 多 样 性 管 理 职 能 分 散、重 叠 和 疏漏
行 决 部 之 沟 不
部门 之间 缺乏 有效 的协 调与 合作
政 策 门 间 通 足
缺乏 公众 的有 效参 与和 监督
环保部 门很难 发挥统 一 监 管、协 调的作 用
缺乏纵向和横向的 沟通和协调机制
缺 有 的 然 护 络 理 系
缺乏 整体 布局 和系 统规 划
乏 效 自 保 网 管 体
过 度 开 发 旅 游
缺乏 当地 人的 参与
无管 理机 构、 机构 不完 善或 多头 管理
缺乏鼓励政 策和参与机 制
管 理
大 量 使 用 农 药、 化 肥、 农膜
不 完 善
管 人 缺 技 能 和 备
理 员 乏 术 力 设
管 护 资 金 不 足
缺乏稳定的财政 投入机制
对 于 土 壤 污 染 严 重 性 的 认 识 不足
畜 禽 养 殖
农 村 生 活 污 水 及 废 弃物
防止土 壤污染 的法律 空白, 无土壤 环境标 准体系
土壤污染分布 面积和程度不 清
缺 乏 处 置 设 施
缺乏 对其 种类 的了 解和 影响 的评 估
缺乏 控制 的技 术手 段
缺乏 物种 入侵 的预 警和 监测 体系
缺乏 相应 的研 究
专业技术人员不 足
缺乏 控制 外来 入侵 种的 法规 和制 度
现有 的遗 传资 源保 存设 施不 足
缺乏生 物遗传 资源及 其相关 乡土知 识的编 目和信 息共享
乡 土 遗 传 资 源 收 集 不够
科研技术手段 落后
遗 传 资 源 保 护 不 力
缺 乏 产 品 研 发 和 市 场 化 推广
乡土 遗传 资源 市场 竞争 力不 强
缺 对 土 传 源 选
乏 乡 遗 资 的 育
研究和评价工 作不能满足选 育的要求
3.2 问题的根源 总体看来,上述诸多问题其根源主要在以下几个方面: (1)
重庆市生物多样性(包括外来入侵种、遗传资源等)本底信息不足,对一些濒危 特有动植物的种群、保护现状和濒危机制尚不了解,还未能对生物多样性的现状、 面临的压力以及措施和管理的有效性进行长期全面的监测和综合评估,尚未建立 相应的监测评估体系,无法为管理和决策提供科学的依据;
在自然保护区管理、项目环评生物多样性评价、遗传资源和传统知识的保护、外 来入侵种等方面的法律和法规尚不完善;
缺乏生物多样性保护的综合规划,生物多样性保护的理念也未纳入区域社会经济 发展规划以及各行业的规划中;
在生物多样性管理上,部门之间以及与区县政府之间尚缺乏有效的纵横向沟通与 协调机制;
(10) 遗传资源的保存设施不足、基础研究和评价工作落后; (11) 农村社区可持续利用自然资源的能力不足,可持续利用自然资源的技术薄弱; (12) 缺乏鼓励公众参与生物多样性保护、管理和监督的有效机制,还未摆脱政府单方 面主导、干预和支撑的局面,真正让生物多样性的保护成为一项社会各界广泛参 与的公共事业; (13) 公众和政府官员的生物多样性保护意识薄弱; (14) 科研和保护资金投入不足、保护人力资源不足。
4.1 指导思想和原则 4.1.1 指导思想 以科学发展观为统领,遵循科学规律,尊重自然法则,完善管理体制和机制,合理配置 资源,强化执行能力,有效保护和恢复生物多样性,全面提升生物多样性管理水平;制定有 效政策,促进全社会参与生物多样性保护,正确处理保护和可持续发展的关系,实现从抢救 性保护向持续深化保护的战略转变,使全市生物多样性受威胁的局面得到根本扭转;进一步 发挥生物多样性的生态服务功能,确保三峡库区生态安全,促进人与自然和谐共处,建设生 态文明和环境友好型社会。以整体的、跨行业部门的视野看待生物多样性及其保护,并通过 可持续发展教育,传播生物多样性保护所需要的知识和技能,培养实现生物多样性保护所需 要的态度、行为和生活方式。 4.1.2 原则 (1) 统筹协调原则 坚持统筹协调,处理好生物多样性保护与经济社会发展的关系。科学保护与合理利用相 结合,既服从和服务于经济建设发展大局,又通过经济社会发展不断增强生物多样性保护的 能力。在尽可能减少资源消耗及环境破坏的前提下,提高资源利用效率,实现经济持续、健 康发展,促进社会经济发展和生物多样性保护的协调、统一。 (2) 整体保护原则 处理好全面保护与重点保护的关系,将生物多样性保护工作纳入全市生态保护和建设的 总体部署,对生物多样性进行整体保护。同时,针对生物多样性在不同区域内的重要性,以 物种及其野生生境的保护为重点,创新机制,实行多目标管理。 (3) 共同参与原则 从生物多样性保护的特殊性和公益性出发,充分发挥政府的主导作用和相关民间组织的 协调作用,强化民间组织与政府职能部门间的联系与沟通,提高生物多样性保护的决策能力 和执行水平。同时要加强宣传与教育,提高全民保护意识和行动能力,充分调动各方积极性, 促进“自上而下”与“自下而上”相结合,从而形成全社会广泛动员和积极参与的良好氛围, 通过建立生态补偿机制,在确保实现生物多样性有效保护的前提下,构建多元化投融资体制, 并在这种体制框架下形成政府与社会良性互动的管理机制和模式。 (4) 因地制宜原则 34
根据生物多样性的区域分布特征及保护需求,分区确定保护和合理利用的方向与措施, 以就地保护、资源增殖为重点,保护物种多样性和生态系统完整性。 (5) 就地保护为主、异地保护为辅原则 生物多样性的保护应以就地保护为主,保护野生动植物的自然栖息地,通过生物廊道的 保护和恢复,保护自然生态系统和景观;但对于一些野外生境面积日益缩小甚至丧失的濒危 特有物种和重要的野生遗传资源,则需开展抢救性异地保护,并积极开展回归引种,使恢复 的种群能及时回归野外,建立野生种群。 (6) 优先保护和分级保护原则 实行优先保护和分级保护,确保特有、濒危物种和生态系统得到优先保护。在管护措施 上,立足当前,着眼长远,分阶段、有步骤地加以实施。 (7) 科学性和可操作性原则 遵循科学规律,提倡依靠科学进步和科技手段保护和可持续利用生物多样性,保护与利 用措施力求务实、创新和具有可操作性。 (8) 关注文化多样性原则 “我们丰富的多样性是我们群体的优势” 。在生物多样性保护和管理中,文化多样性保 护是生物多样性保护和管理不容忽视的重要方面。文化塑造着环境,不仅决定着个人或集体 对自然资源的利用和管理,而且改变着这个地球的生态系统和生物多样性。在更广阔的文化 多样性的范畴内保护生态多样性是可持续发展的一个主要成分和指标。
4.2 总体目标 从 2010 到 2030 年,通过生物多样性保护管理体制和机制的建立与完善、利益相关方的 联系、沟通和互动、全社会的广泛参与、传统知识的保护以及现代科学技术的应用,保护生 态系统完整性、生物物种及其栖息环境的多样性,使重庆市生物多样性减少、生态系统退化 的趋势得到有效遏制,受威胁物种和生态系统得以恢复;使生物物种及其遗传资源得到可持 续利用、惠益得以共享;使生物多样性的决策和执行能力满足保护需求;实现生物多样性保 护行动的主流化,提升生物多样性保护的能力和效果,真正 将其融入到全市社会经济发展和 政府日常管理中去;使三峡库区的生态安全得到保障;建成人与自然和谐的生态文明社会。
4.3 具体目标和策略 通过对重庆市生物多样性保护所存在的问题分析以及问题的根源,提出以下具体目标和 策略: 具体目标 1:到 2015 年,基本摸清全市生物多样性本底,初步建立监测和评估体系, 35
使监测和评估工作常态化 策略: ♦
本底,系统完成全市生物多样性及相关传统知识清查和编目; ♦
传资源及传统知识名录和数据库,实现生物多样性保护与管理的数据化和信息共享; ♦
性现状及变化趋势,促进生物多样性综合评估的常态化,定期发布全市生物多样性综合评估 报告。 具体目标 2:到 2020 年,实现自然保护区能力建设标准化,提高各类保护地机构和人 员的管护能力,初步形成分散负责、统筹管理的生物多样性保护网络;通过加强就地保护, 使具有代表性的濒危特有动植物以及关键生态系统得到有效保护和恢复;减少重庆三个重 要生态功能区所受的多方面威胁 策略: ♦
施,优化自然保护区体系;结合生态功能区等其他保护地的建设,建立全市的生物多样性保 护网络; ♦
理,使保护区内绝大多数濒危特有物种种群得到恢复和增殖; ♦
统的保护和恢复; ♦
展的能力,减少社区生产生活对生物多样性的负面影响; ♦
负面影响,保护该地区生物多样性; ♦
尽早实施《重庆市重要生态功能区建设规划》 ,逐步恢复和改善生态服务功能。
具体目标 3:到 2015 年,生物多样性保护与可持续利用政策、法规和制度体系得到建 立并开始实施,建立生态补偿机制,并形成在确保生物多样性保护的前提下对有条件进行 产业化与市场开发的生物物种资源进行规范管理的政策法规保障体系 36
策略: ♦
善相关的政策法规保障体系; ♦
持续利用制定具体的鼓励政策,尤其要针对不同生态区域、不同生物资源特点,确立资金来 源充裕、补偿措施得力的完善的生态补偿机制; ♦
付资金与相关生态资源产业化及市场开发相联系的渠道,在确保实现生物多样性有效保护的 前提下,促进相关资源的开发利用以及区域经济的可持续发展; ♦
成为建设项目和区域开发环评中的常规内容。 具体目标 4:到 2020 年,建立生物多样性保护的综合管理体系,生物多样性保护在政 府相关规划和考核指标体系中得到体现,并呈主流化趋势 策略: ♦
中,并采取有效手段监督其实施; ♦
根据监测评估结果开展部门和区县主要党政领导的政绩考核; ♦
政府部门生物多样性保护相关管理机构,建立起生物多样性保护综合管理体系。 具体目标 5:到 2020 年,建立并完善外来入侵物种和生物安全管理法规和制度,建立 外来入侵物种监测预警体系,外来入侵物种得到有效控制 策略: ♦
险评估制度; ♦
力,建立责任追究制度,控制外来入侵物种的危害和扩散; ♦
治。 具体目标 6:到 2015 年,全市遗传资源及相关传统知识得到有效保护和惠益分享 37
策略: ♦
制度,制定以相关区域原住民为主要受益对象的惠益分享措施,确保资源提供地区和相关单 位及社区的利益,体现公平分享遗传资源和传统知识的惠益。 具体目标 7:到 2020 年,生物多样性可持续利用得到保障,相关技术得到应用推广 策略: ♦
用各类物种资源的先进技术,推进物种资源的可持续利用; ♦
利用技术列入本部门科技工作计划,加强组织管理,积极促进技术推广。 具体目标 8:到 2015 年,生物多样性宣传与教育体系全面建立,相关人才培养机制得 到进一步完善,相关教育资源得到进一步丰富;搭建方便公众参与的平台,使公众参与渠 道得以畅通 策略: ♦
源,建立宣传教育网络; ♦
训; ♦
护和管理决策中得到体现; ♦
多样性保护项目的实施; ♦
BSAP 实施的保障、监测与评估
4.4.1 实施保障 (1) 组织保障 一是加强领导。各级政府和部门要将生物多样性保护策略和行动计划的实施作为生态文 明建设的重要组成部分,认真组织实施。建立和完善各级领导干部任期生物多样性保护目标 责任制,并作为领导干部政绩考核的重要内容。市级相关部门要密切合作,齐抓共管,确保 38
BSAP 的顺利实施。在重庆市生物多样性委员会基础上,下设 BSAP 推进工作小组,由市领 导以及市级相关部门主要负责人组成。推进工作组负责 BSAP 修订和实施的协调工作,并根 据市政府批转的 BSAP 实施方案内容,签订责任书,将目标和任务分解落实到市级各有关 部门和各区县(自治县)政府。 二是明确职责。市环境保护局负责牵头协调 BSAP 实施方案的实施,负责下列机构: BSAP 推进工作小组办公室、生物多样性保护与管理办公室、物种资源保护与管理联席会议 制度办公室、自然保护区评审委员会办公室等日常工作。负责牵头分解 BSAP 实施方案年度 目标任务,并报市政府批准实施。负责全市生物多样性保护监督管理,配合市财政局合理安 排 BSAP 实施方案的市级资金。 各区县(自治县)政府负责组织本行政区域 BSAP 实施方案的编制和实施,负责落实相 应补助资金,确保各项年度目标任务按期完成,并实现我市行政区域的生物多样性保护目标。 (2) 制度保障 一是建立工作目标责任制。将 BSAP 各项目标任务分解下达到市政府有关部门及各区县 (自治县)政府,并将任务的完成情况纳入党政一把手环保实绩考核和政府目标考核。 二是建立工作调度会制度。不定期召开工作会议,检查各项目标任务进展情况,及时协 调解决实施过程中的有关问题,研究和部署 BSAP 各项工作。 三是建立科学决策咨询制度。成立重庆市 BSAP 专家咨询委员会,由国家和市有关专家 组成,咨询专家由市政府聘任。 (3) 资金保障 按照“谁破坏谁恢复,谁保护谁受益,筹资主体多元化”原则进行资金筹措。国家投资 部分纳入国家基本建设计划,按项目建设进度分期投入,地方配套资金纳入各级地方财政预 算,分年度投入,有条件的地方积极争取国际资金。国家层面需要开展的调查、监测、科研、 信息、培训以及工程建设等项目以争取国家支持为主,地方层面的工作以地方财政配套和业 主自筹为主。 4.4.2 监督机制 由重庆市人民政府环境保护委员会和重庆市生物多样性保护专家委员会共同实施 BSAP 的监督工作。不断完善以环境保护行政主管部门为主体,各相关部门和单位共同参与 的生物多样性保护管理体系。财政、发展改革、科技等部门要加大支持力度、认真组织落实, 切实加强生物多样性保护的相关工作。加强地方政府和基层机构能力建设,建立多形式、多 层次的监督机制和监督机构。 39
根据 BSAP 目标—行动—优先项目,加强重庆市人民政府环境保护委员会的生物多样性 保护协调职能,负责 BSAP 实施工作的协调和监督。下设生物多样性保护管理办公室,负责 日常工作;建立“重庆市生物多样性保护专家委员会” ,负责为环境保护委员会及所属办公 室的工作提供咨询、指导和监督。 建立督查督办制度。市监察局、市政府督查室和市环境保护局组成联合督查组,定期督 查 BSAP 项目进展情况,对检查中发现的问题进行督办。督促市政府、各区县(自治县)政 府有关部门完成目标任务。 建立完善公众参与和舆论监督制度。BSAP 推进工作小组办公室定期向社会公布 BSAP 项目进展情况,聘请人大代表、政协委员、专家和市民作为 BSAP 特约监督员,参与有关 BSAP 的督促检查工作。市主要新闻媒体要加大 BSAP 宣传报道力度。 4.4.3 监测与评估机制 (1) 建立监测与评估指标体系 评估指标的建立是监督各责任部门完成 BSAP 情况,以及对 BSAP 进行修订的基础。监 测评估指标体系应评估行动所造成的影响而非行动实施的过程,评估指标应选择具有代表 性、在特定时间范围内能够产生足够改变、容易进行度量特别是能够量化、简单且具有可操 作性的指标。 (2) BSAP 评估和监测办法 重庆市人民政府环境保护委员会和重庆市生物多样性保护专家委员会应按照 BSAP 的 各个目标和行动要求,制定 BSAP 的监督、评估和修订计划,对 BSAP 实施情况定期进行评 估,以便在 BSAP 实施过程中监测所有项目的目标完成情况,提出相应的调整建议,责成责 任单位在这些评估意见的基础上调整各自的项目计划和活动。 (3) 制定地方区县 BSAP 并评估执行情况 各地方区县应根据市级生物多样性保护策略与行动计划的战略目标和战略任务,制定并 实施本区县的生物多样性保护策略与行动计划。定期评估地方区县策略与行动计划的实施效 果,作为区县地方政府官员的政绩考核内容。区县生物多样性保护策略与行动计划要纳入区 县政府相关规划,以保证资金投入。
BSAP 的修订 在年度评估的基础上,每五年,重庆市人民政府环境保护委员会和重庆市生物多样性保
护专家委员会需要对 BSAP 进行全面修订,使该计划能够符合重庆市生物多样性保护的形势 变化,更有效地加强保护工作。 40
5.1 行动一:开展生物多样性调查、评估与监测 优先项目 1:全市物种资源详查及编目 项目背景:2004 年国务院办公厅“关于加强生物物种资源保护和管理的通知”要求开 展全国物种资源调查;2007 年《全国生物物种资源保护与利用规划纲要》规定,到 2015 年 基本完成相关领域的物种及遗传资源调查与编目。 重庆市内许多地区的生物多样性(包括物种资源、生态系统、遗传资源)调查不够深入, 部分地区甚至缺乏调查。目前的动植物区系资料主要依据 20 世纪 50-60 年代以前的调查资 料、90 年末的调查和最近三年的物种资源调查,但由于专业人员专业有限、调查时间有限、 经费投入严重不足,对物种资源的了解还很不够,尤其是无脊椎动物、微生物资源的本底很 不清楚。直辖以后,市域内生态环境承受了前所未有的压力,生态环境变化较大,生物多样 性遭受的威胁也是前所未有的,可能有不少物种在我们没有认识其真实面目之前,就由于生 境丧失、污染和环境变化而永远消失,因此,需要及时掌握全市生物物种资源本底的变化。 综上所述,距离全面掌握重庆市生物多样性本底的目标还有相当大的差距。 项目目标:完成全市物种资源详查,完成关键生态区域和特殊生态区域物种资源详查和 编目。 项目内容:制定物种资源持续调查编目的长期计划,制定物种资源定期调查和数据更新 策略,建立和完善全市物种资源定期调查制度和一支稳定的专家队伍,利用 10 年左右的时 间,基本摸清全市物种资源本底。具体任务如下: (1) 使用国际通用的网格法,以 400 平方公里为网格单元,在全市范围内开展物种资源 详查; (2) 开展大巴山、武陵山、金佛山、四面山等生物多样性关键区域的物种资源详查; (3) 开展特殊生态区物种资源调查(包括三峡库区消落带区域、渝东南喀斯特石漠化区 域、喀斯特洞穴区域、市域内海拔 2000 米以上的亚高山区域等); (4) 开展国家重点保护濒危及特有野生动植物专项调查; (5) 开展以流域为单元的江河、湖泊及水库的水生物种资源调查、评估,开展重点流域 水生物种资源详查(包括三峡库区、长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区、嘉陵江流域、 乌江流域、大宁河流域、任河流域、澎溪河流域等,以及长寿湖、大洪湖、小南海、龙水湖 等湖泊水库); 41
(6) 开展全市保藏微生物物种资源调查、特定环境微生物物种资源的调查编目、以及人 和动物重要及新发病原微生物资源的查明与编目; (7) 在全面详查和普查的基础上,开展全市动植物区系编目的全面更新,从而建立并完 善重庆市物种资源数据库; (8) 培训社会性资源调查人员,如专业探险队、环保 NGO 等参与生物多样性调查。 项目指标/产出:查明全市动植物区系,完成各类群的物种资源系统编目,建立并更新 重庆市生物多样性数据库,出版《重庆植物志》 、 《重庆动物志》、 《重庆水生生物志》、 《重庆 植被》等系列专著。 项目经费估算:5000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2020 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市环境保护局。 项目参与单位:重庆市财政局、重庆市林业局、重庆市农业委员会、重庆市园林局、重 庆市科学委员会、重庆市水利局。 优先项目 2:全市生物多样性综合评估 项目背景:生物多样性评估是加强生物多样性保护与管理的基础工作,也是党政一把手 及区县政府环保政绩考核的依据。为实现生物多样性管理目标,必须开展全市生物多样性综 合评估。 项目目标:对全市生物多样性现状、面临的主要威胁及管理效果进行系统评估,在此基 础上确定重要生态功能区、需优先保护的生物多样性重点区域及完善管理的方向,为生物多 样性综合管理提供决策参考。 项目内容:建立与生物多样性管理目标相适应的生物多样性综合评估体系,分阶段逐步 完成生物多样性综合评估任务。具体任务如下: (1)建立与生物多样性管理目标相适应的生物多样性评估指标和综合评估体系; (2)以区、县级行政区域为单元,收集动植物物种丰富度、生态系统类型多样性、植 被垂直层谱完整性、物种特有性、外来物种入侵度、物种受威胁程度等指标数据,提交基于 区、县级行政单元的生物多样性评价指标数据集; (3)基于区、县级行政单元的生物多样性评价指标数据集,整合、集成不同来源、不 同时段包括生态系统、物种、遗传资源、土地利用、经济社会等各方面的数据与信息,对全 市生物多样性现状、演变趋势进行系统评估;
(4)促进生物多样性综合评估的常态化,结合开展生物多样性丰富区域的快速评估, 定期发布全市生物多样性综合评估结果,并就如何有效保护提出系列建议和策略。 项目指标/产出:形成年度生物多样性综合评估报告,定期发布全市生物多样性状况。 项目经费估算:2000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市环境保护局。 项目参与单位:重庆市财政局、重庆市林业局、重庆市农业委员会、重庆市园林局。 优先项目 3:建立全市生物多样性监测、预警体系和信息网络 项目背景:目前,重庆市生物多样性的监测工作还非常薄弱,监测手段和设施落后,调 查和监测缺乏制度化和持续性,在专业队伍、技术能力、基础设施、综合分析能力等方面都 存在较大的不足。 《国办通知》要求建立物种资源监测预警体系,以及时掌握物种资源动态 变化,为生物多样性管理决策提供科学依据。已有的生物多样性信息分散在有关管理部门、 高等院校和科研机构,由于部门交流协调不够,各机构信息管理标准不统一,导致现有资料 的可比性、有效性较差,生物多样性信息资源没有得到充分利用和共享。《全国生物物种资 源保护与利用规划纲要》和《重庆市生物物种资源保护与利用规划》都提出,需协调和建立 生物物种资源数据库和信息系统,构建生物多样性信息共享平台,为生物多样性管理提供决 策依据。 项目目标:通过监测的规范化、部门合作及信息共享,在全市初步建成一个多层次、多 类型的生态监测网络;三峡库区、大巴山区和武陵山区生物多样性关键区域的动态监测得以 建立和加强。 项目内容:建立生物多样性监测指标体系、监测体系,完善基础设施,建立长期定位监 测站和网点,开展生物多样性长期监测。具体任务如下: (1) 确定生物多样性监测技术标准体系,推进生物多样性监测工作的标准化和规范化; (2) 将生物多样性监测与环境监测相结合,以重庆市环境科学研究院生态质量遥感监 测站为核心,各区县的环境科学监测站为依托,以三峡库区、大巴山区和武陵山区为重点, 通过监测设施和设备建设、专业技术人员培养和监测功能的完善,建成多层次、多类型的生 态监测体系,实现对重庆市生物多样性的长期动态监测; (3) 以重庆市环境保护信息中心为依托,建立集物种资源分布展示、生态系统健康状 况监控、信息传输、数据分析、业务管理、资源共享、信息发布等为一体的信息综合应用平 台;实现监测数据和信息的共享和有效利用; 43
(4) 在具有重要生态价值和代表性的典型湿地(三峡库区消落带湿地、亚高山喀斯特湿 地、山地溪源湿地、大型水库湿地)以及目前已经建成的湿地自然保护区和湿地公园,建立 湿地生态系统监测体系,建设地面监测系统、卫星遥感监测系统、湿地生态环境监测分析实 验室,配备监测设施、设备,培养专业技术人员,及时、准确掌握市域内重要湿地的动态变 化,定期提供湿地动态监测数据与监测报告;力争三峡库区消落带湿地和亚高山喀斯特湿地 监测体系进入中国和国际重要湿地监测网络,并在长江湿地网络中发挥重要作用; (5) 充分利用现有的自然保护区,建立物种资源监测网络,特别是对全市濒危物种、 特有物种、重要经济价值物种种群的消长趋势、受胁因素、市场和贸易等进行系统监测;同 时,加强对保护区内生态系统及其功能变化的监测; (6) 建立全市生物多样性预警技术体系和应急响应机制,建设全市生物多样性综合预 警系统,通过预警系统分析未来生物多样性变化规律,提供生物多样性管理决策的科学依据。 项目指标/产出: 《生物多样性监测技术标准》得到制定并实施;建立起生态监测体系(建 立一个中心生态监测站和五个生态监测子站,并正常运转,提供有效的生物多样性监测数 据) 、三峡库区消落带湿地和亚高山喀斯特湿地监测体系(监测站建成并正常运转,提供有 效的湿地生物多样性监测数据) 、重庆市生物多样性信息综合应用平台和预警系统。 项目经费估算:4000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市环境保护局。 项目参与单位:重庆市财政局、国家三峡建设委员会、重庆市移民局、重庆市林业局、 重庆市农业委员会、重庆市园林局、重庆市水利局、重庆市科学委员会。
5.2 行动二:加强濒危特有物种及关键生态系统的就地保护和恢复 优先项目 4:濒危特有陆生动植物保护工程 项目背景:重庆市濒危动植物种类众多,生境的破碎化使种群个体数量少,尤其是在人 类干扰压力日益增加的条件下,许多珍稀物种趋向濒危。近年来,对濒危动植物的保护措施 有所加强,但是大多数措施都单纯针对濒危动植物物种自身,而忽略了濒危动植物所生存的 原生境,原生境保护滞后。 项目目标:濒危陆生野生动植物种群得以恢复,野生生境得到有效保护。 项目内容:针对濒危野生动植物保护需求,开展原生境保护,部分濒危野生动植物采取 就地保护措施,强化生境保护,加强拯救繁育。 具体任务如下: 44
(1) 加强以林麝为主的鹿科动物原生境保护,重点区域包括城口县大巴山、开县雪宝 山、巫溪县阴条岭、巫山县五里坡、石柱县大风堡、丰都县南天湖、武隆县白马山等有林麝 生存的阔叶林、针叶林或针阔混交林;综合开展社区共管、减少人为干扰、栖息地恢复、廊 道建设等措施; (2) 开展以豹、云豹为主的猫科以及各种灵猫科动物的野外调查,重点区域包括城口县 大巴山、开县雪宝山、巫溪县阴条岭、巫山县五里坡、石柱县大风堡、丰都县南天湖等区域。 在城口县大巴山自然保护区和开县雪宝山自然保护区建立云豹等猫科、灵猫科动物定位监测 站。综合开展社区共管、减少人为干扰,实施栖息地恢复、廊道建设等措施; (3) 加强以黑叶猴、川金丝猴为主的灵长类原生境保护;对彭水县和武隆县的芙蓉江峡 谷两岸、南川区灰千河流域天山峡谷、万盛区黑山谷,以及可能有黑叶猴分布的四面山大窝 铺一带,进行黑叶猴资源调查。建立芙蓉江峡谷退化森林生态系统恢复与重建的优化模式及 调控体系,建立政府主导、社区居民参与的芙蓉江峡谷退化森林生态系统恢复与重建的优化 模式及调控体系;实施社区居民能源替代工程项目,加强当地在自然资源管理方面的能力建 设,遏制对森林植被的砍伐;通过社区培训和宣传教育,优化原住民生活模式,建立政府、 水电和旅游企业、民间环保组织和当地村民共管的黑叶猴保护机制。在巫山县五里坡和巫溪 县阴条岭开展川金丝猴的调查,开展原生境的保护; (4) 加强以白冠长尾雉和红腹角雉为主的鸡形目鸟类原生境保护,重点区域包括酉阳、 彭水、武隆、石柱等山地森林和灌丛; (5) 调查大巴山、雪宝山、金佛山等自然保护区范围内的兰科植物资源,对现有的野生 兰科植物及生境,建立保护区、保护小区和保护点,保护石斛、天麻、兜兰、金佛山兰等多 种兰科植物及其生境。通过综合采取就地保护、生境恢复、种质保存、拯救培育等措施,积 极保护和合理开发兰科植物资源。对兰花进行研究性栽培、扩繁,发展健康的兰科植物产业, 加强市场管理,探索管理标识制度,加快经济利用兰科植物资源的人工培育步伐,实现兰科 植物由利用野生资源向主要利用人工培育资源的转变; (6) 进一步对大巴山、雪宝山的崖柏进行详查,进行崖柏生态、生物学特性研究和繁殖 实验研究,积极保护和培育崖柏资源;在城口县大巴山国家级自然保护区和开县雪宝山自然 保护区建立崖柏定位监测站,在城口明通镇和开县大进镇建立崖柏异地保育基地。开展人工 种群回归自然的试点示范试验,取得经验后进行推广; (7) 加强对国家保护昆虫和国家保护的有益、有重要经济、科学研究价值的昆虫原生地 的保护,开展其繁殖生物学和人工繁育、养殖种群回归自然的试点示范试验。 45
项目指标/产出:濒危动植物的种群得到恢复,关键生态系统得到有效保护 项目经费估算:8000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2020 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市环境保护局。 项目参与单位:重庆市财政局、重庆市林业局、重庆市农业委员会、重庆市园林局、重 庆市水利局、重庆市国土资源与房屋管理局、相关区县,与生物多样性相关的各科研院所。 优先项目 5:长江上游重庆段濒危特有鱼类保护工程 项目背景:重庆市长江干支流属长江上游区域,濒危特有鱼类资源丰富,其中从永川区 松溉镇至主城区马桑溪大桥段,是长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区的组成部分,是 众多鱼类洄游通道,是三峡库区和上游鱼类的重要生态通道。受人为活动的影响,长江上游 珍稀特有鱼类目前正在受到巨大的威胁,对长江上游珍稀特有鱼类种群结构及其生态环境带 来不利影响,因此急需开展相关保护工程,恢复珍稀特有鱼类种群数量,使其资源衰退趋势 得以遏制,维护水生生物多样性,保持长江上游河流生态系统的自然属性。 项目目标:通过加强长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区建设,使保护区的管护能 力得到提高,长江上游的濒危特有鱼类及其生境得到有效保护。 项目内容:针对长江上游珍稀特有鱼类保护需求,实施长江、嘉陵江、乌江、三峡水库 濒危特有鱼类保护工程。具体任务如下: (1) 加强对长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区鱼类资源及其生境的调查,加强对 濒危特有鱼类及重要经济鱼类产卵场、索饵场、越冬场、庇护场的调查及划定,为保护区功 能区划的合理调整提供依据; (2) 加强对河流生境破碎化与鱼类洄游、生存关系的研究,加强对水生生物响应机制及 其生态格局变化的研究,加强鱼类产卵场、沿岸带生境的修复及工程示范; (3) 进一步加强对长江上游濒危及特有鱼类的增殖放流,并监测放流效果; (4) 建立长江上游水生态环境综合野外观测实验站,对该区域水生态环境、水生生物资 源进行长期、系统的野外监测、调查和基本数据积累,建立电子在线监控网络、鱼类迁移及 关键水文水质参数在线监控网络; (5) 加强对蓄水成库后三峡水库鱼类资源及其水生生境变化的调查研究,加强现有鱼类 放流措施对三峡水库原有鱼类区系影响趋势的研究,并提出减缓不利影响的措施,科学合理 地增殖放流;根据三峡水库的水生态环境容量及原生鱼类区系,建设三峡生态渔场; (6) 加强公众宣传,增进公众对于长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级保护区的认识,并自觉 46
参与水资源保护。 项目产出:长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区功能区划得到进一步优化,能力建 设得到进一步加强;建立长江上游水生态环境综合野外观测实验台站;长江、嘉陵江、乌江、 三峡水库濒危特有鱼类得到有效保护,种群数量得到增长。 项目经费估算:3000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市农业委员会。 项目参与单位:重庆市发展改革委员会、重庆市财政局、长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级 自然保护区重庆市管理处、重庆市环境保护局、相关区县,与水生生物多样性相关的各科研 院所。 优先项目 6:三峡库区消落带湿地生态系统保护与生态修复 项目背景:三峡水库消落带是指三峡水库正常蓄水位 175m 与防洪限制水位 145m 之间 的区域。三峡水库四期蓄水到 175m 后,水库采取“蓄清排浑” 的运行方式,导致水位涨 落等水文过程变化,从而形成消落带。三峡库区消落带总面积 348.93 km 2,重庆库区消落带 面积 306.28 km 2。水库蓄水及水位反复周期性涨落,消落带陆地环境变为冬水夏陆、干湿交 替的人工湿地。三峡水库消落带形成后,由于库水淹没、水位每年季节性大幅度消涨并与自 然雨旱洪枯季节规律相逆反,水流速度大为减慢,消落带陡坡地段泥沙被反复冲刷基岩裸露、 缓平地段泥沙淤积、浅水漫滩面积增加。消落带出露期气候正值炎热潮湿和大雨暴雨频繁季 节,陆岸库区污染物在消落带阻滞积累转化和再溶入水库,使蓄水前消落带生态环境条件、 生态系统、地理景观及格局发生剧变,将导致一系列生态环境问题产生,包括消落区特有生 物的濒危与消亡,水库水质污染及支流河口区水体富营养化,地质灾害加剧和库岸失稳,库 岸带居民与移民生存环境和景区旅游环境恶化,等等。消落带湿地作为三峡水库的重要组成 部分,对其保护提出了很高的要求,发展和保护矛盾尖锐而突出。因此,加强消落带湿地生 态系统保护与生态修复是三峡水库生态保护与建设急待解决的首要问题,国务院 3 号文也把 消落带湿地生态保护与建设作为重庆市生态保护与建设的重点任务。 项目目标:以保护三峡水库消落带湿地及其生物资源为目标,加强消落带湿地生态系统 保护,实施消落带湿地生态修复工程,保证三峡工程的长久、健康、安全运行,为国内外大 型水库消落带湿地资源保护和生态恢复提供典范。 项目内容:结合重庆三峡库区消落带变化的实际情况,实施消落带湿地生态修复。具体 任务如下: 47
(1) 制定消落带湿地生态系统保护与生态修复规划; (2) 积极开展动态监测和科学研究,完成包括消落带湿地动植物物种调查在内的生物多 样性基础研究,开展消落带湿地生态系统原生演替、湿地生态系统恢复重建和管理研究; (3) 开展消落带湿地生态长期监测;筛选适应于消落带环境的本土植物种类及优良先锋 植被类型;建立三峡库区消落带特有植物保护及繁育基地;开展消落带湿地生态重建模式研 究,在环库土质库岸进行以植被工程为主的生态重建工程; (4) 在保护的前提下,适度开展消落带湿地资源合理利用,如湿地农业、湿地苗木产业、 湿地生态旅游等; (5) 加强三峡水库湿地生境及湿地鸟类资源保护,在有效保护前提下可持续利用水库湿 地鸟类资源。加强对三峡水库蓄水后湿地生境变化趋势的研究,对三峡水库湿地生境进行分 级分类保护,摸清三峡水库湿地鸟类资源的种类、数量、分布及活动规律,在巫山县大昌湖、 开县澎溪河、忠县东溪河等区域进行湿地生境再造,营造有利于湿地鸟类生存的生境;合理 利用越冬季节的水鸟资源,开展观鸟生态旅游。 项目指标/产出:建成 5-6 个消落带湿地自然保护区,建成三峡库区消落带湿地生态系 统保护网络,在开县、忠县、巫山进行消落带湿地生态修复工程的示范,并将成功的经验推 广到全三峡库区。 项目经费估算:5000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市移民局。 项目参与单位:重庆市发展改革委员会、重庆市科学委员会、重庆市环境保护局、重庆 市林业局、重庆市园林局、相关区县,与生物多样性相关的各科研院所。 优先项目 7:次级河流生态系统修复及生物多样性恢复 项目背景:西南地区河流众多,在三峡库区各种生态系统类型中尤其具有典型性和代表 性。在三峡库区,河流不仅是重要的生态系统类型,而且作为库区重要的环境资源之一,与 库区生态、经济的可持续发展密切联系在一起。在过去的半个世纪中,伴随着经济的快速发 展和人口增长,人类对水资源的需求大大增加,给河流生态系统带来沉重的负担。污染物排 放、河岸植被带破坏、外来物种入侵、水土流失及筑坝、分流、裁弯取直、堵塞汊流、水利 工程建设等,造成次级河流水环境恶化和河流生态系统衰退。目前实施的次级河流环境综合 整治模式不足以恢复河流健康生命的生机,过去的工作焦点多集中在流域内城镇生活污水、 工业废水、垃圾的治理,对河流生态修复和生物多样性恢复重视不够。鉴于此,急需开展相 48
关研究和示范。2008 年初,胡锦涛总书记在安徽视察淮河时发表重要讲话,明确提出要让 江河湖泊休养生息、恢复生机,极大地统一了人们的思想认识,使“休养生息”从政策措施 上升到了治理江河湖泊的指导思想。 项目目标:以保护和恢复次级河流生态系统及生物多样性为目标,加强次级河流综合整 治过程中生物多样性的保护,实施次级河流生态修复工程,为三峡库区次级河流生态系统健 康及生物多样性恢复提供典范。 项目内容:结合重庆市内的次级河流综合整治,加强次级河流生态修复,实施综合整治 过程中生物多样性的保护和恢复。具体任务如下: (1) 调查畜禽养殖等人类活动对次级河流生态系统的干扰破坏,调查研究次级河流生态 系统健康衰退对河流生物多样性的影响,定量评价生物多样性衰退的状况; (2) 制定次级河流生态修复规划编制导则,基于对次级河流水环境和水生态健康现状评 价及趋势预测,建立次级河流水环境综合整治规划的指标体系和规划模型,从水污染治理、 内源污染的生态化清淤、河岸生态屏障建设、关键节点的生态修复、环境水源和生态需水的 确定、流域生态环境综合管理等方面,确定规划应遵循的基本技术框架; (3) 解决次级河流水环境综合整治规划中存在的共性关键技术问题,从治本的角度制定 次级河流综合整治规划中有关生态恢复重建的模式和关键技术,尤其是针对环境水源问题、 作为面源污染防治和河流生态修复瓶颈的河岸带、河流关键节点(干支流交汇处、河源地带、 河口、河流城镇段等),从河流生态系统结构设计和功能优化入手,构建河流生态健康修复 的技术模式; (4) 开展基于生物多样性恢复的次级河流生态修复工程,从河岸、水体、底栖系统等方 面实施河流生态修复工程。 项目指标/产出:次级河流生态修复规划编制导则得到制定并实施,河流生态健康修复 技术模式得以建立并完善,结合实施次级河流综合整治规划,完成生态恢复相关工程。以 2-3 条次级河流为例,实施河流生态修复工程,进行河流综合整治中生物多样性恢复的工程 示范,并将成功的经验推广到全三峡库区。 项目经费估算:3000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2020 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市发展改革委员会。 项目参与单位:重庆市环境保护局、重庆市水利局、重庆市规划局、相关区县,与生物 多样性相关的各科研院所。 49
优先项目 8:土壤污染修复及土壤生物多样性恢复 项目背景:土壤生态系统是土壤中生物与非生物环境的相互作用通过能量转换和 物质循环构成的整体。土壤生态系统是陆地生态系统的一个亚系统,其结构组成包括: ①生产者,高等植物根系、藻类和化能营养细菌;②消费者,土壤中的草食动物和肉 食动物;③分解者,细菌、真菌、放线菌和食腐动物等;④参与物质循环的无机物质 和有机物质;⑤土壤内部水、气、固体物质等环境因子。土壤生物群是生态系统中食物 链的重要组成部分,它担负着消费者和分解者的多重角色,在土壤的形成、改良以及在生态 系统的能量转化和物质循环中都起着重要的作用。在生物多样性的保护工作中,一直存在着 重视可见的地表生物多样性保护、轻视不可见的处于黑暗界面的地下生物多样性(如土壤生 物多样性)保护的倾向。反映在实际操作中,对受污染土壤的修复主要停留在土壤结构、使 用性质的恢复,很少考虑土壤作为生物多样性重要载体的功能修复。近年来,由于农药施用、 大气污染随降雨、降尘进入地表,使得全市范围内不同区域的土壤都受到了程度不同的污染; 各类不同矿山的废气矿石堆存占用地表、并污染土壤;在城市区域内,随着城市化建设进程 加快,搬迁企业原址土壤污染问题突显。鉴于此,急需开展污染土壤的修复,并对修复过程 中的生物多样性恢复进行相关研究和示范。 项目目标:以保护和恢复土壤生态系统及生物多样性为目标,加强土壤修复过程中生物 多样性的保护,实施土壤生态修复工程,为西南地区土壤生态系统健康及土壤生物多样性恢 复提供典范。 项目内容:结合重庆市内的土壤污染修复,实施修复过程中土壤生物多样性的保护和恢 复。具体任务如下: (1) 加强土壤污染监测,在监测内容中增加土壤生物多样性监测的内容;调查土壤污染 对土壤生物群的干扰破坏,研究受污染后土壤生态系统健康衰退对土壤生物多样性的影响, 定量评价土壤生物多样性衰退状况; (2) 制定土壤修复规划中生物多样性恢复的指标体系和恢复目标,从土壤生态系统结构 修复、土壤生态系统功能恢复等方面,确定土壤修复中生物多样性恢复应遵循的基本技术框 架; (3) 解决污染土壤修复中存在的共性关键技术问题,从治本的角度制定土壤污染修复中 有关生物多样性的技术标准,从土壤生态系统结构设计和功能优化入手,构建受污染土壤修 复中生物多样性恢复的技术模式; (4) 开展基于生物多样性恢复的土壤修复工程示范。 50
项目指标/产出:基于生物多样性恢复重建的污染土壤生态修复规划编制技术指南得到 制定并实施,土壤污染监测得以建立并完善,结合实施受污染土壤修复,完成基于生物多样 性恢复的土壤修复示范相关工程。以 2-3 处土壤生态修复为例,进行土壤修复中生物多样性 恢复的工程示范,并将成功的经验推广到西南地区。 项目经费估算:5000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2020 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市环境保护局。 项目参与单位:重庆市经济信息委员会、重庆市国土资源和房屋管理局、重庆市农业局、 重庆市林业局、重庆市规划局、相关区县,与生物多样性相关的各科研院所。 优先项目 9:都市区“四山”地区生态修复工程示范 项目背景: “四山”是重庆都市区重要的生态屏障,也是城市生物多样性保护的重要基 地。由于人类生产、生活、基础设施和房地产开发建设等干扰, “四山”地区原有的地带性 常绿阔叶林植被退化、消失,除缙云山自然保护区保留有大片常绿阔叶林外,其它区域仅为 残存片段;现有的次生森林植被也正面临着前所未有的胁迫,急待强有力的保护、监督,并 全面实施生态修复,才能充分发挥“四山”对于重庆都市区的重要生态服务功能。 项目目标:编制并实施都市区“四山”地区生态功能区规划,有效保护重庆都市区“四 山”区域内动植物及其生存栖息环境,实施生态修复工程,为城市生物多样性保护提供经验。 项目内容:开展都市区“四山”生态修复,保护其区域内的生物多样性。具体任务如下: (1) 在对“四山”地区生物多样性本底进行调查的基础上,编制“四山”生物物种名录, 对“四山”地区生态系统保护和资源利用进行综合分析,结合发展规划、生态空间管制、生 物多样性保护需求,对“四山”地区生态功能区进行科学规划; (2) 严格进行都市区“四山”的生态空间管制,并加强监督; (3) 对“四山”地区现有森林植被较好的区域,进行生物多样性的维育,尤其是应重点 保护“四山”地区残存的常绿阔叶林片段; (4) 对“四山”地区现有生态退化区域,结合生物多样性恢复,加快实施生态修复工程。 项目指标/产出:完成重庆都市区“四山”地区生态功能区规划,并颁布实施;在保护 的基础上,结合生物多样性恢复,实施“四山”地区生态修复工程。 项目经费估算:1000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市规划局。 51
项目参与单位:重庆市环境保护局、重庆市园林局、重庆市城乡建设委员会、相关区县, 与生物多样性相关的各科研院所。 优先项目 10:喀斯特石漠化退化生态系统恢复治理示范工程 项目背景:重庆市喀斯特地貌较为发育,喀斯特面积占全市总面积的 40.02%,生态环 境脆弱,人地矛盾尖锐,水土流失、石漠化严重。目前全市土地石漠化总面积(不含潜在石 漠化面积)已有 8193.63km2,占全市土地总面积的 9.94%,其中轻度石漠化 3566.70km2,中 度石漠化 3736.80 km2,强度石漠化 825.97km2 ,极强度石漠化 64.16 km2,分别占全市土地 总面积的 4.33%,4.53%,1.00%,0.08%。从区县分布来看, 酉阳、巫溪、彭水、巫山、 武隆、奉节、万盛等区县石漠化所占的面积比重都在 15%以上。石漠化的产生和发展是自 然因素和人为因素叠加所致,广泛出露的碳酸盐岩和强烈的岩溶化过程为石漠化产生的主要 自然原因,人类对生态的破坏和土地的不合理利用为石漠化过程激发的主要人为因素。防治 石漠化,改善生态环境,不仅是重庆市实现经济社会可持续发展和全面建设小康社会的重要 保障和支持,也是确保长江上游生态基础稳定和长治久安的需要。 项目目标:遏制石漠化区域生态系统退化趋势,通过恢复治理工程,改善其生态环境质 量,增强石漠化区域退化生态系统的恢复与生物多样性保护能力。 项目内容:结合重庆市内石漠化实际情况,开展石漠化区域生态修复及生物多样性恢复。 具体任务如下: (1) 对全市石漠化状况进行本底调查,制定石漠化综合治理规划和实施方案; (2) 在石漠化治理重点区县,如黔江区、秀山县、酉阳县、彭水县、武隆县、巫山县、 巫溪县、奉节县、南川区等,实施喀斯特石漠化退化生态系统恢复治理示范工程,将石漠化 治理与生物多样性恢复重建结合起来; (3) 进行实施后效果的综合评估。 项目指标/产出:用 10 年时间对全市 1.78 万 km2 石漠化土地进行综合治理,使石漠化 生态系统得到恢复,使石漠化区域生物多样性得到恢复和有效保护。 项目经费估算:2000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2020 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市国土资源与房屋管理局。 项目参与单位:重庆市发展改革委员会、重庆市农业委员会、重庆市林业局、相关区县, 与生物多样性相关的各科研院所。 优先项目 11:自然保护区内社区可持续发展示范工程 52
项目背景:在自然保护区内,经济发展与生态保护之间的矛盾突出,落后的生产生活方 式是造成生物多样性被破坏的重要根源;保护区的建立也在一定程度上限制了社区的发展。 只有周边社区的可持续发展,才能促进重要生态功能保护区的有效保护,更好地解决存在的 问题和矛盾。 项目目标:借鉴国内外扶贫开发和生态保护的经验,积极促进全市自然保护区及周边地 区贫困人口的生计改善与生物多样性保护;通过在所选择的自然保护区及周边贫困社区开展 试点示范,探索扶贫开发和生物多样性保护双赢的途径和经验。 项目内容:针对国家重要生态功能区内社区实际需求,开展国家重要生态功能区内社区 可持续发展示范工程。具体任务如下: (1) 选择 2-3 个自然保护区作为示范区,成立保护区与社区共管委员会,制定保护公约, 建立乡、村级联络员制度;发动当地社区、村民与各个利益相关者一起参与设计和实施配套 项目; (2) 结合国内现有的扶贫、新农村建设等发展政策,引进国际上先进的农村发展理念和 模式,探索保护区贫困社区在外部支持下,根据示范区自然、生态、经济、社会等条件,开 展多种经营等有利于可持续发展和生物多样性保护的示范项目; (3) 推广实用技术、提供信息和资金,带动社区经济发展; (4)积极鼓励 NGO 参与社区共管工作。 项目产出:使 2-3 个自然保护区周边社区可持续发展示范项目得以实施,并将成功的经 验在全市所有自然保护区进行推广,减轻对自然保护区资源保护的压力,解决保护区机构与 周边社区的矛盾与冲突。 项目经费估算:1000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市林业局。 项目参与单位:重庆市财政局、重庆市环境保护局、重庆市农业委员会、重庆市园林局、 重庆市水利局、重庆市国土资源与房屋管理局,相关区县。 优先项目 12:生物多样性丰富的大巴山区生态移民示范 项目背景:大巴山是长江干流和主要支流(嘉陵江和汉江)的水源补给地,长江三峡库 区最重要的北部水源地,重庆市北面的重要地理屏障。因此,对大巴山生物多样性的保护具 有重要的战略意义。但是,在大巴山生物多样性丰富的区域,甚至在自然保护区的核心区内, 目前还有不少农户居住生活及生产,贫困山民的生计与发展同生物多样性保护之间的冲突严 53
峻,实施生态移民是最有效、最长远的解决办法。 项目目标:缓解大巴山贫困山区因保护区内及生物多样性丰富的区域内人口集聚和生计 问题而产生的对生物多样性的威胁,合理利用丰富的生态资源,实施生态扶贫,在保护生物 多样性的同时改善贫困山民生活条件。 项目内容:针对生物多样性丰富的大巴山实际情况,开展生态移民示范工程。具体任务 如下: (1) 选择城口县和巫溪县,实施大巴山生物多样性保护与生态移民示范工程; (2) 对生物多样性丰富、生态脆弱的区域实施有组织、有计划、分阶段的生态移民;对 少数居住在生存条件恶劣的高山地区的贫困人口,结合退耕还林还草实行扶贫移民。生态移 民工程包括安置区基本农田改造和农田水利建设、安置区乡村道路建设等农业生产设施建 设,安置区住房及附属设施建设、农村饮水安全工程建设、通电、通讯设施建设、农村能源 建设等生活设施建设,种植业项目、农村养殖业项目等经济发展项目,溪河整治、水源地保 护工程、污水治理和垃圾处置设施等等环境保护和生态建设; (3) 利用丰富的药材等非木材林产品资源以及花卉、水果等资源,培植具有山区特色的 生态产业。 项目产出:使 2-3 个贫困山区生态移民示范工程得以顺利实施,完成发展改革委员会年 度投资生态移民计划,并将成功的经验在全市所有生物多样性丰富的贫困山区推广,通过项 目实施,在帮助山民脱贫致富的同时,使当地生物多样性得到有效保护。 项目经费估算:3000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:前期由重庆市发展改革委员会负责,实施期间由相关区县负责。 项目参与单位:重庆市农业委员会、重庆市林业局、重庆市环境保护局。 优先项目 13:武陵山区生态脆弱区生计替代示范工程 项目背景:武陵山区是中国生物多样性丰富的区域,也是全国的重要生态功能保护区, 但区内碳酸盐岩面积占土地面积较大,境内石灰岩山地土地资源以石山坡地为主,由于地质、 地貌和气候的特点,加之人口增长过快,对土地的不合理利用,导致岩溶山地生态环境脆弱, 既是灾害之源,也是贫因之源。脆弱的岩溶生态环境与“老、少、边、穷”人文环境一起构 成了脆弱的人地系统,如何恢复与重建岩溶生态系统,恢复并培育岩溶地区的生物多样性, 从调整土地利用结构、优化土地利用方式、建立人地协调模式入手,是武陵山区脆弱生态系 统恢复的有效途径。 54
项目目标:缓解武陵山区石漠化生态脆弱地区人为活动对生物多样性的威胁,在保护生 物多样性的同时改善当地人民生活条件。 项目内容:针对生物多样性丰富的武陵山区实际情况,开展生态脆弱区生计替代示范工 程。具体任务如下: (1) 选择黔江区、酉阳县、彭水县,实施武陵山区生态脆弱区生计替代示范工程; (2) 在石漠化土地生态恢复重建过程中推行混农林复合型综合治理模式,包括立体农林 复合型、林果药为主的林业先导型、林牧结合型等模式,让原住民和本土社区参与脆弱岩溶 山地人地协调模式的建立与实施,改善岩溶山区农林业生态环境质量,恢复并培育岩溶山区 的生物多样性; (3) 在渝东南武陵山区的黔江区、彭水县、酉阳县选择 3-4 处生态脆弱区域,通过推广 户用沼气、生态农业、生态旅游、舍饲、圈养等实用技术,改变落后的生产生活方式,提高 生态附加值,改善农民生活。 项目产出: 使 3-4 个生态脆弱区生计替代示范工程得以顺利实施,每个示范区找到 2-3 项 既能切实保护生物多样性又可改善农民生产条件和生活水平的生计替代技术。 项目经费估算:1200 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2020 年。 项目牵头单位:前期由重庆市发展改革委员会负责,实施期间由重庆市农业委员会、重 庆市林业局负责。 项目参与单位:重庆市国土资源与房屋管理局、重庆市农业委员会、重庆市林业局、重 庆市环境保护局、相关区县。
5.3 行动三:建立和完善生物多样性保护和可持续利用的政策法规和机制 优先项目 14:制定和完善促进生物多样性保护的生态补偿机制 项目背景:涉及到生物资源开发和利用的单位及部门至少包括了林业、农业、水利、旅 游等,收费项目包括生物资源利用的资源管理费和补偿费、景区门票和服务业(饭店和宾馆) 的申办费以及废物处理费、排污费、非法利用资源的罚款和环境污染罚款等。但目前,尚未 建立起规范的促进生物多样性保护的补偿机制,涉及生物多样性利用的收费和补偿也不明确 或根本没有补偿。保护生物多样性的绝大多数投入(补偿)来自于国家财政,并且补偿数额 没有经过科学的系统测算,尚不能全面保障生态脆弱区域的生物多样性保护与区域经济可持 续发展。同时,所有的这些收费在使用分配上都没有明确规定须提取一定比例用于生物多样 性保护,也没有为生态补偿机制与相关优势生态资源的产业化市场开发之间建立起有效的资 55
金联系渠道,不足以有效支撑当地生物多样性保护与区域经济的协调可持续发展。 项目目标:建立有效促进生物多样性保护的生态补偿机制及制度,选择具有代表性的地 域和不同生态系统类型,开展可持续的生态补偿政策示范。 项目内容:针对不同生态区域、不同资源特点,确立相应的生态补偿机制,建立生态补 偿的政策和制度框架,解决生态补偿资金的来源、财政转移支付制度和专项基金制度的应用 等。具体任务如下: (1)全面分析市域内生态系统服务功能的类别,确定本市各生物多样性保护区域以及三 峡库区生态区对相邻省市以及长江流域相关地区的惠益区域与惠益主体(包括法人主体), 并按照相关市场价格核定合理的生态补偿的数额,为国家生态税征收提供依据。在此基础上 确定生态补偿资金的合理的分配途径和使用方法。 (说明:①仅仅局限于市内无法真正解决 生态补偿的资金核算问题。②另外,引入市场价格进行核算非常合理,但是生态补偿本身不 能靠市场机制来进行,因为市场机制在这一公益性领域本来就是“失灵”的) ; (2) 研究和建立适应于重庆市各类型生态区域和物种资源的经济激励政策和生态补偿 机制,形成完整的以生物多样性保护为目标的生态补偿体制,针对存在的问题进行修改、补 充和完善,并开展示范; (3) 选择代表性的地域和不同生态系统类型,在 3-4 个区县开展可持续的生态补偿政策 示范,以多路径生态补偿政策示范为主线,以社区扶助、替代产业、生态移民等为行动落实, 通过不同的生态补偿途径,确保重庆具有国家和国际重要意义的生物多样性得到保护,使保 护生物多样性的生态补偿途径成为国家、市级和地方政府决策及行动的常规考虑内容,并在 国家、市级政府的政策及相关基础工作方面体现示范项目推动政府制定和完善生态补偿政策 的意义和作用。 项目指标/产出:建立促进生物多样性保护与持续利用的生态补偿机制,基于重庆 3-4 个区县的案例示范,使生态补偿成为市级和地方政府决策和行动的常规考虑内容,促进形成 并完善市级的生态补偿政策。 项目经费估算:2000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市财政局。 项目参与单位:重庆市发展改革委员会、重庆市环境保护局、重庆市农业委员会、重庆 市林业局、重庆市园林局、相关区县。 优先项目 15:重大工程环评中生物多样性评价立法 56
项目背景:生物多样性退化的重要原因之一就是在环境影响评价中忽略生物多样性,导 致在建设项目实施过程中生物多样性得不到有效保护。 项目目标:开展重庆市重大工程环评中生物多样性影响评价立法,加强对事关国计民生 的重大工程项目对生物多样性影响的评估和监测,使重庆市重大工程环评中的生物多样性影 响评价制度化。 项目内容:开展重庆市重大工程环评中生物多样性影响评价的立法。具体任务如下: (1) 制定并出台重大工程环评中必须执行生物多样性影响评价的法律规定; (2) 关注重大建设工程的生物多样性影响评价,制定能源、交通、水利水电、基础设施、 矿山开采等重大开发项目生物多样性评价的系统准则和评价标准,提出生物多样性的评价内 容和方法,建立建设项目的生物多样性评价指标及评价模型; (3) 在生物多样性丰富的区域及开发活动较强烈的区域,开展重大开发项目生物多样性 评价程序、内容和方法的试点研究和案例示范; (4) 对不同类型的大型项目建立后评估指标体系和指南,选择有代表性的大型项目进行 实际评估试点,并对正在建设的重大工程进行实际评估,通过评估效果的分析和总结,建立 重大项目生物多样性影响后评估制度; (5) 制定重大工程环评中生物多样性影响评价公众参与制度。 项目指标/产出:出台重庆市重大工程环评中必须执行生物多样性影响评价的法律规定, 编制重大项目生物多样性评价指标体系和导则建议,实现重大项目生物多样性影响评价的制 度化。 项目经费估算:500 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市环境保护局。 项目参与单位:重庆市发展改革委员会、重庆市经济信息委员会、重庆市财政局。 优先项目 16:建立生物多样性保护及可持续利用的法规体系 项目背景:尽管国家层面和市级层面初步建立了生物多样性保护和管理的法律法规体 系,但与生物多样性管理的实际需求还相距甚远;现有法律法规都以资源管理和保护为目的, 缺乏生物多样性保护的综合性立法;一些领域存在无法可依、执法不力、缺乏监管机制的现 象。 项目目标:逐步建立较为完善的生物多样性保护和可持续利用的法律法规体系,通过依 法管理、强化执法、加强监管,使全市生物多样性保护与可持续利用走上法制化轨道。 57
项目内容:建立重庆市生物多样性保护及可持续利用的法规体系,具体任务如下: (1) 梳理现有法规中有关生物多样性保护的内容,调整各法规之间的冲突和不一致的内 容,并进一步理顺与完善生态补偿机制领域的相关法规、条例,建立健全生物多样性保护的 地方法规; (2) 在确保当地居民得到合理生态补偿,生态环境与生物多样性得到充分保护的同时, 鼓励当地政府用活生态补偿资金中预留的发展基金,有效组织原住民对当地优质生态资源进 行产业化市场开发利用,促进当地生物多样性保护与区域经济的协调可持续发展,促进当地 原住民的共同富裕; (3) 尽快出台“重庆市生物多样性保护条例” 、 “重庆市湿地保护条例”等生物多样性保 护法规,制定配套实施细则和政策措施,对生物多样性相关管理体制、保护责任、监督评估 机制等做出明确规定,形成较为完善的政策法规保障体系; (4) 在土地利用规划中考虑生物多样性因素,将生物多样性保护的要求落实到土地利用 规划中。通过项目示范,指导各级政府在土地利用规划中纳入生物多样性保护内容,使土地 利用有利于生物多样性保护; (5) 制定颁布“外来入侵物种管理办法”,对外来入侵物种风险评估、预警机制、引入 条件、消除和控制措施、生态恢复、赔偿责任等作出明确规定; (6) 颁布“物种及遗传资源获取与惠益分享办法”; (7) 制定公众参与的生物多样性保护执法监督机制,使公众能够参与相关决策过程,以 有效的方式和途径监督相关法规和制度的实施。 项目指标/产出:出台与主体功能区规划相衔接的生物多样性保护行动计划、 “重庆市生 物多样性保护条例”和“重庆市湿地保护条例”等生物多样性保护法规,环境影响评价和土 地利用规划中的生物多样性评价和保护内容得到贯彻实施;制定并颁布实施“外来入侵物种 管理办法” 、 “物种及遗传资源获取与惠益分享办法” ;建立起完善的生物多样性保护和可 持续利用法规体系。 项目经费估算:800 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2020 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市政府法制办。 项目参与单位:重庆市发展改革委员会、重庆市环境保护局、重庆市规划局、重庆市国 土资源与房屋管理局、重庆市林业局、重庆市农业局、重庆市园林局、相关区县。
5.4 行动四:建立生物多样性保护综合管理体系,形成生物多样性保护网络 优先项目 17:区县级生物多样性保护主流化示范 项目背景:生物多样性保护在各级政府有关规划、决策中长期得不到应有的体现,生物 多样性保护没有进入主流渠道,没有纳入政府考核体系,因而使得生物多样性保护相关的行 动和对策难以有效实施。 项目目标:将生物多样性保护纳入市级和区县地方社会经济发展规划、投资决策和政绩 考核中,实现生物多样性保护的主流化。 项目内容:开展区县级生物多样性保护主流化示范。具体任务如下: (1) 综合分析全市生物多样性保护与社会经济发展形势、政府工作重点等,制定区县的 生物多样性保护行动计划,并将计划的实施纳入党政机关一把手的政绩考核中; (2) 在确保当地居民得到合理生态补偿,生态环境与生物多样性得到充分保护的同时, 鼓励当地政府用活生态补偿资金中预留的发展基金,有效组织原住民对当地优质生态资源进 行产业化市场开发利用,促进当地生物多样性保护与区域经济的协调可持续发展,促进当地 原住民的共同富裕; (3) 选择1-2个部门和1-2区县进行试点示范,在1-2个与生物多样性保护相关的市级部门 以及1-2个生物多样性丰富的区县,将生物多样性保护纳入部门或地方政府制定的社会经济 发展规划如十二五规划之中。 项目指标/产出:生物多样性保护纳入试点部门或试点地方政府制定的发展规划之中, 确保禁建区内没有建设项目;完成森林工程规划的生态恢复和生物多样性恢复项目。 项目经费估算:500 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市政府。 项目参与单位:市级相关部门、相关区县政府。 优先项目 18:建立市级生物多样性管理的纵横向协调机制 项目背景:全市生物多样性管理的职能分散在环保、林业、农业、园林、水利、规划、 建设、医药等多个部门,长期以来,各个部门在行政决策方面沟通不够,环保部门在统一协 调全市生物多样性保护方面能力不足。许多部门缺少生物多样性管理机构,无法胜任日益繁 重的生物多样性保护工作。生物多样性保护的职责分散于许多政府机构,涉及各个级别的行 为者,因此难以形成系统、统一的反应,结果造成合力丧失,职能重叠,相互竞争,效率低 下。 59
项目目标:与生物多样性保护管理有关的市级部门的横向协作得到加强,建立起市、区 (县)层次新型的垂直机构合作机制,建立并完善市级生物多样性管理的纵横向协调机制。 项目内容:建立市级与中央、市级各部门和各方面生物多样性保护的体制和机制,建立 并加强市、区(县)层次新型的垂直机构合作机制和可推广的生物多样性横向管理机制。具体 任务如下: (1) 建立“纵向一体化”协调机制,建立功能跨部门的实体-市级生物多样性管理委员 会,指导所有的垂直的实施任务并监测市级各部门政策和规划的环境影响,对生物多样性预 算行使管理权; (2) 理顺相关生物多样性管理部门的职责,确保不同的政府部门协同工作,即建立“横 向一体化”协调机制; (3) 协调市环境保护局(作为生物多样性保护的综合管理机构)与市林业局、重庆市园林 局、农业委员会、国土资源与房屋管理局、规划局等各部门管理机构,落实相关部门责任, 加强纵向协调机制的底层能力建设。 项目指标/产出:出台相关文件,使得“纵向一体化”和“横向一体化”协调机制得到 真正建立,建立起功能跨部门的市级生物多样性管理委员会,赋予其明确的职责,并发挥作 用。 项目经费估算:500 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市政府。 项目参与单位:重庆市发展改革委员会、重庆市经济信息委员会、重庆市财政局、重庆 市环境保护局、重庆市规划局、重庆市国土资源与房屋管理局、重庆市林业局、重庆市农业 局、重庆市园林局、重庆市水利局、相关区县。 优先项目 19:加强国家级和市级自然保护区的能力建设与可持续管理 项目背景:近年来,全市自然保护区数量增长较快,但自然保护区“批而不建,建而不 管,管而不力”的现象仍较突出。尤其是绝大多数县级自然保护区没有建立管理机构,也没 有配备专门的管理人员。国家级和市级自然保护区虽然建立了管理机构,但管理能力较弱, 在管护设施、科研监测等方面与自然保护区管理工作的要求还有较大差距,突出反映在基础 设施不完备,管理模式单一,虽然根据管理需要开展了相应的科研监测,但由于科研监测设 备欠缺,无法进行长期稳定的科研监测活动。因此,加强自然保护区能力建设刻不容缓。 项目目标:通过国家级和市级自然保护区管理示范,使自然保护区的建设和管理规范化。 60
项目内容:加强自然保护区能力建设,重点推进国家级和市级自然保护区的规范化建设 和管理,重点建设一批具有国际国内先进水平的国家级和市级自然保护区。具体任务如下: (1) 以国家级和市级自然保护区为重点,开展自然保护区标准化建设,配套完善管理设 施,强化各项监管措施,制定保护区可持续有效管理规范,促进保护区规范化、科学化管理; (2) 建立自然保护区长期定位监测点,配套完善科研监测设备,开展关键区域生物多样 性的长期监测; (3) 建立自然保护区定期评估制度,根据保护区标准化建设要求,对国家级和市级自然 保护区保护效果、管理水平和建设质量进行综合评估,根据评估结果,提出改进和优化措施; (4) 选择不同类型国家级和市级自然保护区进行示范,促进保护区规范化、科学化管理, 促进保护区能力建设机制化,重点建设一批具有国际国内先进水平的国家级和市级保护区, 提高管理水平。 项目指标/产出:出台《重庆市自然保护区管理办法》 ;定期发布《重庆市自然保护区管 理综合评估报告》 ;60%的国家级和市级保护区管理水平达到优良标准。 项目经费估算:5000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2020 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市环境保护局。 项目参与单位:重庆市财政局、重庆市林业局、重庆市农业委员会、重庆市园林局、重 庆市水利局、重庆市国土资源与房屋管理局,相关自然保护区管理机构。 优先项目 20:建立和完善全市自然保护网络体系 项目背景:目前,全市自然保护区总面积已达国土面积的 10.26%,加上森林公园、湿 地公园、风景名胜区、世界自然遗产地等体系,总面积约占国土面积的 18%。重庆市人口 众多,人均拥有资源较少,自然保护区面积不可能无限扩大。此外,全市自然保护区发展不 均衡,大部分市级和县级自然保护区没有实施行之有效的保护,保护区建设进展缓慢;森林 类型的自然保护区居多,数量和面积规模都需要适当调整布局,野生动物类型、河流及湿地 类型的保护区需要适当增加,保护区网络体系尚待进一步完善。 项目目标:制定自然保护区建设规划,各类型保护区的管护能力得到提高,初步建立起 全市自然保护网络体系。 项目内容:制定自然保护区建设规划,科学指导全市自然保护区建设,立足于科学高效 的基础,形成布局合理、类型齐全、功能完善、建设规范、管理高效的自然保护区网络体系。 具体任务如下: 61
(1) 开展全市自然保护区区划和规划研究,建立布局合理、类型齐全、面积适宜的自然 保护区网络体系,完善自然保护区类型结构,优化空间布局; (2) 建立以自然保护区为核心,包括森林公园、湿地公园、风景名胜区、世界自然遗产 地、生态功能区在内的自然保护体系; (3) 开展自然保护区基础调查,重点是国家级、市级自然保护区和大巴山、武陵山生物 多样性优先保护区域的自然保护区基础调查; (4) 加强野生动物类型自然保护区建设,规划在南川区灰千河流域和万盛区黑山谷区域 建立黑叶猴自然保护区,将茂云山自然保护区升级为国家级黑叶猴自然保护区; (5) 加强河流及湿地类型自然保护区建设,完善长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护 区管理体系;建立长江三峡湿地自然保护区网络体系; (6) 建设大巴山自然保护区群、武陵山自然保护区群,重点建设这些区域各自然保护区 之间的生态廊道,以确保区域生态系统的完整性,也有利于野生动植物的迁移。 项目指标/产出:完成《全市自然保护区区划和规划研究报告》的编制;建立南川区灰 千河黑叶猴自然保护区和万盛区黑山谷黑叶猴自然保护区;茂云山自然保护区升级为国家级 黑叶猴自然保护区;长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区(重庆段)功能区得到进一步优 化、管理体系进一步完善;建立长江三峡湿地自然保护区网络体系。 项目经费估算:5000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市环境保护局。 项目参与单位:重庆市财政局、重庆市林业局、重庆市农业委员会、重庆市园林局、重 庆市水利局、重庆市国土资源与房屋管理局,与生物多样性相关的各科研院所。
5.5 行动五:加强外来种入侵的预警、应急与防治 优先项目 21:外来入侵物种监测、预警及控制 项目背景:重庆市是长江上游经济中心,人类活动密集,直辖以后由于国家西部大开发、 三峡库区移民建设等,使得该区域内人类活动强度加大,外来生物入侵频率增加,从而威胁 到全市生态安全。但是,我们缺乏有关重庆市外来入侵物种的有效知识与信息,对入侵重庆 的生物种类缺乏全面系统的了解,其危害程度仍然不十分清楚,因而制约了针对外来入侵物 种的有效措施的落实。缺乏外来入侵物种的监测、环境风险评价,盲目引进、淡薄的生态意 识与不顾生态后果的经济利益驱使,使得外来入侵物种及生物安全的形势非常严峻。缺乏完 善的外来物种引种后隔离、检测、监测的专门机构与快速反应机制。对潜在外来有害生物缺 62
乏前瞻性研究,外来入侵物种预防、监测和控制研究较为薄弱,技术能力落后。因此,急需 提高快速反应能力,以应对外来生物入侵。 项目目标:建立外来物种环境风险评估制度,完善监测制度和监测设施;建立外来物种 入侵预警报告体系和控制技术体系,预防外来入侵物种的危害和扩散;建立外来物种生物防 治技术方法及综合治理技术体系,控制外来入侵物种的危害和扩散。 项目内容:开展外来入侵物种监测、预警及控制。具体任务如下: (1) 开展全市外来入侵物种的系统调查,全面查明入侵物种信息,收集有害或潜在有害 的入侵物种的生物学及生态学特征、原产地、入侵分布地、生态、传播途径等相关内容;进 行全市外来入侵物种编目,建立外来生物入侵的数据库和信息系统; (2) 建立外来入侵生物监测中心,完善对现有潜在和危险性入侵物种的监测技术方法, 实施对监测对象的长期监测; (3) 加强市外及国外物种资源引进中的外来有害生物种入侵的防范,建立预警机制和应 急防治系统,根据生物入侵规律,制定控制生物入侵的管理目标,有效防治外来种入侵和危 害; (4) 加强对外来入侵生物的综合防治研究,强化对外来有害物种的生物防治基础、技术 与方法的研究。发展针对特定目标的有效、可接受的控制技术方法及综合治理技术体系,制 定最佳优选方案与组合技术; (5) 依托环境 NGO 建立防治外来入侵物种志愿者网络,组织公众开展清除外来入侵物 种活动。 项目指标/产出:建立外来物种入侵的数据库和信息系统,建成外来入侵物种监测预警 及应急系统;相关部门履行职责;形成外来入侵物种防治技术方法及综合治理技术体系。 项目经费估算:2000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2020 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市环境保护局。 项目参与单位:重庆市林业局、重庆市农业局、重庆市园林局等,与生物多样性相关的 各科研院所。
5.6 行动六:加强遗传资源及传统知识保护,建立获取与惠益分享制度 优先项目 22:建立和完善遗传资源保存体系,建设全市动植物种质资源细胞库 项目背景:自 20 世纪 50 年代起,当时重庆市所属的四川省就已经开展了农作物种质资 源的收集工作;重庆直辖以后,继续开展了相关工作,收集保存了部分农作物种质资源。随 63
着收集工作的不断开展,现有设施已不能满足要求,加上对畜禽及鱼类等动物种质资源保存 要求更好的设施条件,因此,急需建设现代化的种质资源保存设施。 项目目标:巩固和提高农作物种质资源库(圃)建设,加强对林木、花卉、药用生物、以 及畜禽和鱼类等家养动物种质资源的保存,以构建重要、濒危畜禽品种群体细胞库的方式来 保存其基因资源,持续保护特有珍稀的家畜家禽种质资源,全市主要家畜禽种质资源得到细 胞库保存。 项目内容:具体任务如下: (1) 加强植物种质资源库和原种场建设:针对有重要生态、经济、研究等价值的植物种 质资源,特别是经济植物的种质资源,建立种质资源库,对现有种质资源进行抢救,繁育更 新,防止资源材料丢失。开展种质资源研究、创新和利用,有针对性地收集新的种质资源, 丰富我市经济植物的种质资源。建立重要经济植物的原种场、亲本繁殖及原(良)种生产基 地,改善亲本、原种的生产条件,提高原种亲本质量,进行新品种试验示范、性状观察、杂 交亲本(原种)提纯复壮和繁殖,促进重要经济植物种质资源保护; (2) 加强全市现有农作物种质资源及重要农业野生植物资源库(圃)配套设施的建设,建 设和完善畜禽牧草种质资源库(圃)建设,加强超低温及试管苗保存库的建设; (3) 加强重要林木、竹藤类植物、野生花卉和野生药用植物等种质资源库、异地保护设 施和人工繁育基地建设;建立重庆市林木植物种质资源保存库(圃),在不同地区建立 3-5 个 树木园或引种驯化园;建立重庆市野生花卉种质和药用植物种质资源保存库; (4) 从畜禽遗传资源调查、动态信息分析及网络系统建立、活体抢救性保护、遗传多样 性评估和细胞库建立等方面,构建重庆市家畜基因库、家禽基因库,重点加强荣昌猪、合川 黑猪、涪陵水牛、板角山羊、酉州乌羊、南川鸡等重庆市畜禽遗传资源保护地方品种资源离 体保存设施建设,建立细胞库的保存、维护和管理体系; (5) 建设重庆市珍稀特有水生生物繁育工程中心,建设重庆市渔业资源增殖种苗基地及 水产种质资源保存设施,充分利用全市科技力量和发挥现有资源的效益和作用,扩大现有规 模,为实现水生生物资源的可持续利用奠定基础; (6) 加强微生物遗传资源库收集、保护、保藏能力建设,建立重庆市微生物菌种资源保 存库,以及重庆市重要微生物菌种资源保藏共享平台。 项目指标/产出:重点建成重要林木、竹藤类植物、野生花卉和野生药用植物等种质资 源库以及荣昌猪、合川黑猪、涪陵水牛、板角山羊、酉州乌羊、南川鸡等市级畜禽遗传资源 保护地方品种资源离体保存设施,建立细胞库维护和管理体系。 64
项目经费估算:5000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市农业委员会。 项目参与单位:重庆市林业局、重庆市环境保护局、相关区县。 优先项目 23:建立遗传资源和相关传统知识保护、获取及惠益分享制度 项目背景:目前,有关生物遗传资源保护和管理的法律、法规还不健全。按照《全国物 种资源保护与利用规划纲要》和《重庆市物种资源保护与利用规划》 ,要求研究、建立生物 遗传资源获取及惠益分享制度,进一步完善相关法律制度和管理机构。 项目目标:建立生物遗传资源和传统知识获取及惠益分享制度,健全相关法规和管理机 构。 项目内容:具体任务如下: (1) 以重点调查和普查相结合的方式,进行全市生物遗传资源及相关传统知识的调查、 鉴别、整理和编目,开展重点地区(包括渝西方山丘陵农业区、渝中平行岭谷农业区、三峡 库区山地农业区、渝东北大巴山区山地农业区、渝东南喀斯特农业区)农业野生植物与栽培 作物品种资源、畜牧遗传资源调查与编目,建立遗传资源和相关传统知识数据库; (2) 建立完善的生物遗传资源和传统知识保护政策、法规与制度,对生物遗传资源和传 统知识的获取、传播、惠益分享加以规定;建立生物遗传资源获取与惠益分享的管理体制和 管理机构; (3) 研究制定全市重要传统知识保护名录,并制定相应的知识产权保护制度;建立处理 生物遗传资源和相关传统知识的机构和信息交换机制;研究生物遗传资源和传统知识保护数 据库的建设,制定遗传资源及相关传统知识保护名录; (4) 完善进出境遗传资源核查及出境证明体系,建立生物遗传资源出入境管理制度,加 强出入境查验,控制生物遗传资源的流失。 项目指标/产出:出台相关法规制度,有效保护全市生物遗传资源,确保公平公正地分 享因利用生物遗传资源所产生的惠益,形成遗传资源及相关传统知识的知识产权保护体系。 项目经费估算:500 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市人大、重庆市知识产权局。 项目参与单位:重庆市环境保护局、重庆市林业局、重庆市农业局、重庆市园林局等。
5.7 行动七:促进生物多样性的可持续利用 优先项目 24:重庆市森林工程建设中的生物多样性保护与利用示范 项目背景:在我国现有的绿化工程中,多注重绿化工程的景观效果和环境效应,而忽略 生物多样性在绿化工程中所起的重要作用。2008 年重庆市开始实施森林工程,在《重庆市 森林工程建设总体规划》中,强调在森林工程建设中充分利用多样化的动植物资源,促进森 林生态系统的健康。 项目目标:利用重庆市丰富的植物资源,构建多层次混交的森林群落,并使森林工程成 为生物多样性的迁地保护基地。 项目内容:结合城市森林工程、农村森林工程、通道森林工程、水系森林工程和苗圃基 地建设,充分利用丰富的本土动植物资源,建设多样化的健康森林群落。具体任务如下: (1) 将生物多样性保护与城市森林工程建设有机结合。加强城市森林工程中复层混交群 落建设,促进城市生物多样性的扩增; (2) 建设结构和类型多样的农村绿化体系,使之成为乡村生物多样性的重要保护基地, 充分利用丰富的动植物资源,多种经营、复合发展,在市内不同区域形成各具特色的乡村生 物多样性产业; (3) 在重庆长江两岸森林工程建设中,结合库岸生态防护林工程、山脊生态防护林工程, 充分利用长江两岸和三峡库区的本地适生树种,按照培养健康、近自然森林理念,建设自我 恢复、自我调节、稳定性强、生物多样性高的森林群落;以生物多样性为目标,实施涪陵、 丰都、云阳、奉节滨江生态防护林示范带、山腰生态经济兼用林示范带建设; (4) 利用通道森林工程和水系森林工程建设契机,根据不同级别的道路体系、河流体系, 建设有利于野生动植物传播、迁移的生态廊道,形成有机的生态网络体系; (5) 利用大巴山、武陵山、金佛山、四面山、缙云山等山区丰富的生物多样性,促进野 生园艺植物的培育驯化,建设各具特色的森林工程苗圃基地,同时发挥其在生物多样性的迁 地保护中的作用。 项目指标/产出:完成市政府森林工程建设年度计划,使丰富的动植物资源在城市森林 工程、农村森林工程、通道森林工程、水系森林工程和苗圃基地建设得到充分应用,将森林 工程建成生物多样性的重要迁地保护基地。 项目经费估算:2000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2017 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市林业局。 66
项目参与单位:重庆市园林局、重庆市农业委员会、重庆市环境保护局、重庆市水利局、 相关区县。 优先项目 25:非木材林产品开发中的生物多样性可持续利用 项目背景:在大巴山区和武陵山区,非木材林产品资源极为丰富,如林下食用菌资源、 林下花卉资源、林下中药材资源等,这些丰富而宝贵的生物资源既是应该重点加以保护的对 象,也是当地谋求可持续发展,山民脱贫致富的重要资源。以非木材林产业开发为龙头,促 进生物多样性的可持续利用,已经摆在了重要的议事日程上。 项目目标:充分利用林下食用菌资源、林下花卉资源、林下中药材资源等非木材林产品 资源,把非木材林产品物种资源的多样性转化为多元化生态产品,从而达到生物多样性保护 和山地原住民经济发展的双重目标。 项目内容:具体任务如下: (1) 开展非木材林产品资源现状调查,制定非木材林产品保护和可持续利用的规划; (2) 构建示范区域非木材林产品最佳营造和优化模式:包括蜜蜂养殖与中草药共生协调 模式,在林下和林间空地培育中草药和野生花卉,发展蜜蜂养殖,既减少了对森林林木资源 的破坏,又有利于中草药和野生花卉的繁育,并促进环境向良好状态发展,进而使其他生物 能获得更好的生存环境和栖息地; (3)挖掘当地原住民利用非木材林产品的传统文化知识的合理成分,筛选生物多样性利 用价值最佳、各种野生动植物得到有效保护繁育的产业发展模式,达到多样化生态产品的可 持续利用,提高大巴山区和武陵山区原住民的生物多样性保护意识,并使山区原住民脱贫致 富; (4) 形成技术培训体系;吸收山区的原住民参与多样化的非木材林产品资源的管理和经 营活动,鼓励成立行业可持续发展协会,为山区原住民提供相关技术、培训和养殖、栽培、 种源和提供市场信息的服务。 项目指标/产出:2-3 个非木材林产品开发和可持续利用的示范工程得以顺利实施,并将 成功的经验在全市所有贫困山区推广,通过项目实施,在帮助山民脱贫致富的同时,使当地 生物多样性得到有效保护。 项目经费估算:1000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2015 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市林业局。 项目参与单位:重庆市发展改革委员会、重庆市农业委员会、相关区县。 67
优先项目 26:传统药用植物的人工驯化和替代品开发 项目背景:重庆市地理位置优越,地形地貌复杂多样,丰富的植被类型和区系成分,使 全市具有中药品种多、储量大的特点。金佛山、缙云山、武陵山区、大巴山区、仙女山、七 曜山、巫山等山区良好的自然生态环境为优质中药材的生成提供了良好的条件,使得全市药 物生物资源丰富。全市现有药用植物 5275 种,隶属 282 科、1325 属。其中药用苔藓植物 44 科、103 属、230 种,药用蕨类植物 47 科、114 属、546 种,药用裸子植物 10 科、30 属、 56 种,药用被子植物 173 科、1068 属、4426 种。全市药用植物种植品种达 150 余种,总蕴 藏量约 15 万吨;其中常年收购的植物药材品种约 350 种,全国中药材品种有 1/2 以上均有 产出;在全国统一普查的 363 种重点品种中,重庆有 306 种,占 84.32%。在品种数量与资 源蕴藏量上仅次于川广云贵。大面积的采伐森林,致使原来森林中的各种药用植物大量被毁, 在全市均比较常见;由于西药价太高,致使很多人采挖中药,而过度采挖是药用植物受到的 主要威胁。例如,防己科的千斤藤属多种植物(药材名“山乌龟”)、葫芦科的雪胆(中药名 “金盆”)、野生天麻等,由于当地农民掠夺式的采挖块根,导致一些种类很难再找到,已 濒临灭绝。药用植物资源紧缺和市场需求量大,导致全市野生药用植物资源急剧衰退。因此, 必须尽快改变这种不利状况,开展传统药用植物的人工驯化和替代品开发,以有效保护野生 药用植物资源。 项目目标:解决药用植物资源紧缺和市场需求量大的矛盾,减少野生药用植物资源的破 坏,缓解环境压力,为农民寻找致富出路。 项目内容:加强传统药用植物的人工驯化和替代品开发,具体任务如下: (1) 在大巴山区和武陵山区建立 1-2 个药用植物种质资源保存库; (2) 对珍稀濒危且市场前景广阔的野生药用植物进行抚育和人工驯化栽培试验; (3)开展珍稀濒危药用植物资源拯救及其替代品研究; (4)建立部分野生药用物种资源的核心种质体系,培育优良药用植物品种,全面提高栽 培药用植物资源质量和产量,降低对野生药用植物资源的依赖。 项目指标/产出:成功开发 10 种左右的野生药用植物物种的替代品,完善栽培技术并进 行技术推广。 项目经费估算:1000 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2020 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市农业委员会。
项目参与单位:重庆市林业局、重庆市食品药品监督管理局、相关区县,与生物多样性 相关的各科研院所。
5.8 行动八:生物多样性保护的宣传、教育和人才培养 优先项目 27:加强生物多样性保护的宣传、教育与培训 项目背景:经常性和普遍性宣传对提高全社会保护生物多样性的意识和增加广大民众对 生物多样性保护行动的参与程度是十分重要的,如果公众认识不到保护生物多样性的意义, 拯救生物多样性的机会就很少。基层是生物多样性保护宣传教育的细胞单元,但是绝大多数 基层缺乏生物多样性保护的宣教人员,宣教能力很弱,在宣教设施等方面很落后,难以承担 生物多样性的宣教职能。因此,急需加强基层生物多样性保护的宣教能力建设。 项目目标:提升全社会特别是生物多样性丰富地区基层群众对生物多样性保护重大意义 的认识和保护意识,增进其相关知识和技能的提高,培养有利于生物多样性保护的相应态度、 行为和生活方式,使广大民众有能力自觉参与到生物多样保护事业中来;加强生物多样性保 护人才培养,通过开展丰富多彩的活动,培养领导能力和创新能力。 项目内容:加强全市生物多样性保护宣传教育与培训。具体任务如下: (1) 利用广播、电视、报纸、网络等主流媒体,进行生物多样性基本知识和保护重要性 的宣传。利用时机性宣传(如“世界环境日”、“世界地球日”、“世界生物多样性日”等) 和特殊地点宣传(如在动物园、植物园、自然博物馆、风景名胜区、世界遗产地等),加强生 物多样性保护的宣传教育; (2) 为生物多样性丰富地区社区居民举办有关生物多样性保护和科普知识的培训班,普 及全民生物多样性保护知识,提高保护意识。 (在中小学自然常识和生物教材中增加关于生 物多样性保护基本知识的内容,利用自然保护区、动物园、植物园和其它有关的现场进行生 物多样性保护的实地教育;在中小学相关课程中(如《科学》和《生物》课程)中增强关于 生物多样性保护基本知识、基本技能的内容,增设文化多样性与生物多样性保护的关系等内 容,利用自然保护区、动物园、植物园和其它有关的现场进行生物多样性保护的实地教育; (3) 人才培养以高校学生和基层社区为载体,围绕其开展不同层面和形式的能力建设与 培训活动,通过室内授课、社会实践、小额保护项目等各种培训活动培养未来在各领域关注 和致力于生物多样性保护的高素质人才; (4) 在全市范围内广泛建立生物多样性保护 NGO,鼓励公众参与,扩大保护网络; (5) 开发生物多样性保护的宣传、教育教学与培训资源,并在高校,特别是高师院校的 教师教育开设文化多样性与生物多样性保护的课程; 69
(6) 在各级党校和干部学校举办关于生物多样性保护的专题讲座,以提高各级干部的保 护意识和理解。 项目指标/产出:各级干部和社会各界认识以及普通民众的生物多样性保护意识显著提 高,在政府平台上参与生物多样性保护的公众五年提高 3 倍。培养一批生物多样性保护的高 素质人才,使重庆的生物多样性保护工作具有可持续性。 项目经费估算:600 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2020 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市文化广播电视局。 项目参与单位:重庆市环境保护局、重庆市教育委员会、重庆市林业局、重庆市农业局、 重庆市园林局等,中小学及有关院校。 优先项目 28:建立公众及民间团体参与生物多样性保护的机制 项目背景:目前,全市缺乏公众及民间团体参与生物多样性保护的平台及机制。因此, 急需尽快建立公众及民间团体参与生物多样性保护的机制。 项目目标:建立公众参与生物多样性保护的机制和社会各方参与的稳定伙伴关系联盟, 公众、非政府组织在保护和持续利用生物多样性方面的参与能力得到提高。 项目内容:加强公众及民间团体参与生物多样性保护的机制建立。具体任务如下: (1) 建立公众和非政府组织参与生物多样性保护的机制,增加公众和非政府组织参与物 种资源保护的广度与深度; (2) 完善公众和非政府组织参与生物多样性保护决策过程的途径和机制; (3) 在企业界、农村基层、学校等建立生物多样性保护团体;组织社会各方形成生物多 样性保护伙伴关系联盟;组织社会各团体开展生物多样性保护的活动; (4) 建立公众监督机制,对政府生物多样性保护政策实施和实施质量进行有效监督。 项目指标/产出:公众和非政府组织参与生物多样性保护的成熟机制得以建立,形成公 众和非政府组织参与生物多样性的伙伴关系联盟并正常运转。 项目经费估算:300 万元。 项目实施期限:2010-2020 年。 项目牵头单位:重庆市环境保护局。 项目参与单位:重庆市文化广播电视局、重庆市教育委员会、重庆市环境保护局、重庆 市林业局、重庆市农业局、重庆市园林局等。
附表 1:重庆市生物多样性保护行动计划优先重点项目 序 号
(万元) 全市物种资
《重庆水生生物志》 、 《重
林业局、农 委、园林 5000.00
局、科委、 水利局
市财政局、 林业局、农
考 市环保局
山喀斯特湿地等重要湿 地建成监测站。建立区县 生物多样性数据库;建立 重庆市生物多样性信息 综合应用平台和预警系 统
利局、科委 4000.00
委、园林 局、水利
小区和保护点;加强以林麝为主的鹿科动物原生境 4
形目鸟类原生境保护 市农委
建成 5-6 个消落带湿地自
三峡工程的长久、健康、 利用水库湿地鸟类资源;在保护的前提下,适度开
将成功的经验推广到全 三峡库区
保护和生态恢复提供典 范
局、相关区 县
施,以 2-3 条次级河流为
区县 3000.00
2-3 处基于生物多样性恢
划,实施生态修复工程, 态空间管制;对“四山”地区现有森林植被较好的
喀斯特石漠 化退化生态 10
用 10 年时间对全市 1.78
使石漠化区域生态系统 退化趋势得到遏制,通
万 km 石漠化土地进行
市环保局、 园林局、建 委、相关区
农委、林业 局、相关区 县
选择 2-3 个自然保护区作为示范区,针对生物多样
使 2-3 个自然保护区周边
管局,相关 区县
使 2-3 个贫困山区生态移
弱的区域实施有组织、有计划、分阶段地生态移民; 施,完成发改委年度投资
使 3-4 个生态脆弱区生计
2-3 项 既 能 切 实 保 护 生
基于 3-4 区县生物多样性
环保局、林 业局、农 2000.00
类型,在 3-4 个区县开展可持续的生态补偿政策示
物多样性影响评价制度 化 建立生物多
例” 、 “重庆市湿地保护条例”等生物多样性保护法
划局、国土 房管局、林 800.00
业局、农业 局、园林 局、相关区 县
的指南;选择 1-2 个部门和 1-2 区县进行试点示范, 划,确保禁建区内没有建
相关部门、 相关区县 政府
市级机关 相关部门、
员会,赋予其明确的职 责,并发挥作用
管理规范》 ;定期发布《重
管局,相关 自然保护 区管理机 构 市环保局
保护区;长江上游珍稀特 有鱼类国家级自然保护 区(重庆段)功能区得到进 一步优化
统知识保护、 制度,健全相关法规和
获取及惠益 分享制度
结合城市森林工程、农村森林工程、通道森林工程、 完成市政府森林工程建
使 2-3 个贫困山区非木林
市发改委、 农委、相关 区县
成功开发 10 种左右的野
保护的公众五年提高 3
食品药品 监督管理 1000.00
局、相关区 县
局、农业 600.00
校 市环保局
等 总计
附表 2:重庆市各主要生物类群已知物种数目与全国的比较 植物类群
> 11180
*数字来源于重庆市环境保护局 2006 年至今组织开展的物种资源调查数据.
附表 3:重庆市现存的国家重点保护植物及其濒危程度 物 种
保护级别 1
中国濒危 等级 2
全球濒危 等级 3
Bretschneidera sinensis
Ginkgo biloba
Cathaya argyrophylla
Glyptostrobus pensilis
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Taxus chinensis
Taxus chinensis var. mairei
Davidia involucrata
Davidia involucrata var.
Pseudolarix amabilis
Abies chensiensis
Pseudotsuga sinensis
Fokienia hodginsii
Magnolia sinensis
Magnolia wilsonii
Glycine soja
Ormosia hosiei
Phellodendron amurense
Toona ciliata
Fagus hayatae
Magnolia wilsonii
Phoebe zhennan
Picea neoveitchii
Euchresta japonica
Alsophila spinulosa
Acer catalpifolium
Neocheiropteris palmatopedata
Picea brachytyla
Pseudotaxus chienii
Cephalotaxus oliveri
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Liriodendron chinense
Magnolia officinalis
Tetracentron sinense
Semiliquidambar cathayensis
Eurycorymbus cavaleriei
Cibotium barometz
Alsophila denticulata
物 种
保护级别 1
中国濒危 等级 2
全球濒危 等级 3
Alsophila metteniana
Alsophila metteniana var. Subglabra
Ceratopteris thalictroides
Cyrtomium hemionitis
Torreya fargesii franch.
Torreya grandis
大叶榉树(榉树) Zelkova schneideriana
Fagopyrum dibotrys
Cinnamomum camphora
Cinnamomum longepaniculatum
Ormosia henryi prain
Machilus pingii
Phellodendron chinense
Camptotheca acuminata
Fraxinus mandshurica
Triaenophora rupestris
Emmenopterys henryi
Sorghum propinquum
Thuja sutchuenensis
Artocarpus nanchuanensis
重庆特有种, 但没有列入 IUCN 红色名录
1.《中国重点保护野生植物名录(第一批)》1999 2: 《中国物种红色名录》2009 年 10 月 10 日下载于网络 http://www.chinabiodiversity.com/redlist/search/redlist.shtm 3. IUCN 红色名录(IUCN2008. 2008 IUCN 濒危物种红色名录 2009 年 2 月 23 日下载于网络 www.iucnredlist.org,受威胁等级 分别为绝灭(EX) 、野外绝灭(EW) 、极危 (CR)、 濒危(EN)、易危、 (VU)、近危(NT)、无危(LC)、数据缺乏(DD) 、 未评估(NE) 。
附表 4:重庆市现存的国家重点保护动物及其濒危程度 中文名
保护 级别 1
中国濒危 等级 2
全球濒危 等级 3
CITES 附录等级
中国 特有种
Acipenser dabryanus
Acipenser sinensis
Psephurus gladius
Ciconia nigra
Mergus squamatus
Haliaeetus leucoryphus
Aquila chrysaetos daphanea
Gypaetus barbatus aureus
Trachypithecus francoisi
附录Ⅰ 附录Ⅰ
附录Ⅱ 附录Ⅱ
Rhinopithecus roxellanae hubeiensis Neofelis nebulosa
Panthera pardus fusca
Moschus berezovskii
Myxocyprinus asiaticus
Andrias davidianus
Tylototriton asperrimus
Hoplobatrachus rugulosus
Mycteria leucocephala
Platalea minor
Plegadis falcinellus
Threskiornis melanocephalus
Aix galericulata
Cygnus cygnus
Accipiter soloensis
Aegypius monachus
Butastur indicus
Buteo hemilasius
Circus melanoleucos
Circus pygargus
Falco amurensis
Chrysolophus amherstiae
Chrysolophus pictus
Syrmaticus reevesii
Tragopan temminckii
Ketupa flavipes
Podiceps auritus
Podiceps grisegena holboellii
Platalea leucorodia leucorodia
是 附录Ⅰ
保护 级别 1
中国濒危 等级 2
全球濒危 等级 3
CITES 附录等级
Cygnus columbianus bewickii
Accipiter gentilis schvedowi
Accipiter nisus melaschistos
Accipiter nisus nisosimilis
Accipiter trivirgatus indicus
Accipiter virgatus affinis
Aviceda leuphotes wolfei
Buteo buteo japonicus
Circus aeruginosus aeruginosus
Circus cyaneus cyaneus
Circus spilonotus spilonotus
Hieraaetus fasciatus
Milvus migrans lineatus
Pernis ptilorhynchus orientalis
Accipiter gularis
Falco cherrug milvipes
Falco columbarius insignis
Falco peregrinus peregrinator
Falco subbuteo streichi
Falco tinnunculus
Lophura nycthemera omeiensis
Tyto capensis chinensis
Asio flammeus flammeus
Asio otus otus
Athene noctua ludlowi
Bubo bubo kiautschensis
Glaucidium brodiei brodiei
Glaucidium cuculoides whitelyi
Ninox scutulata burmanica
雀 鹰 ( melaschistos 亚种) 雀鹰(nisosimilis 亚种)
领角鸮(erythrocampe Otus bakkamoena erythrocampe 亚种) 领角鸮(ussuriensis Otus bakkamoena ussuriensis 亚种) Strix aluco nivicola 灰林鸮 红角鸮
Otus sunia malayanus
Prionodon paricolor
Catopuma temminckii
Naemorhedus caudatus
中国 特有种
保护 级别 1
中国濒危 等级 2
全球濒危 等级 3
CITES 附录等级
中国 特有种
Capricornis milneedwardsii
Macaca mulatta littorbalis
Macaca thibetana
Cuon alpinus lepturus
Ursus thibetanus mupinensis
Lutra lutra chinensis
Martes flavigula
Viverra zibetha ashtoni
Viverricula indica pallida
Rusa unicolor equina
Manis pentadactyla auritus
Luehdorfia chinensis
Cheirotonus jansoni
1.《国家重点保护野生动物名录》,1988 年 12 月 10 日国务院批准,1989 年 1 月 14 日林业部、农业部发布 2.《中国物种红色名录》2009 年 10 月 10 日下载于网络 http://www.chinabiodiversity.com/redlist/search/redlist.shtm 3. IUCN 红色名录(IUCN2008. 2008 IUCN 濒危物种红色名录 2009 年 2 月 23 日下载于网络 www.iucnredlist.org) ;受威胁等级分别为绝灭 (EX)、野外绝灭(EW) 、极危 (CR) 、 濒危(EN) 、易危、 (VU) 、近危(NT) 、无危(LC) 、数据缺乏(DD)、未评估(NE)。
附件 5:重庆市近年来在生物多样性研究方面的主要成果 中国科学院、重庆大学、重庆市自然博物馆、西南大学、重庆市森林病虫防治检疫站、重庆师 范大学等科研机构和大专院校对重庆市生物多样性展开了一系列研究,其中对物种多样性层次的研 究较多,研究区域集中在三峡库区和各自然保护区,在生物多样性的基础研究方面取得了大量成果。 “三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室” 、 “三峡库区生态农业与可持续发展研究室”等机构的成立 及科技部“十五”攻关项目“三峡库区生态环境安全及生态经济系统重建关键技术研究与示范”等 项目的完成,都为重庆市及三峡库区的生物多样性保护奠定了基础。 从 2008 年启动的中国-欧盟重庆生物多样性项目“重庆市生物多样性保护主流化能力建设示范 项目”,整合了重庆市有关管理部门、高校和研究院所与生物多样性有关的研究力量,基于对生物 多样性的调查编目、监测评价等最基础的工作,以渝东北城口县大巴山区、渝东南石柱县武陵山区、 都市区和渝西农业生态区为示范项目基地,从市级层面开展生物多样性保护纵横向协调机制建立的 研究,将于 2010 年底结束的这项国际合作项目将取得生物多样性研究方面的一系列成果,尤其是 在生物多样性保护主流化能力建设研究方面将走在国内前列。 针对三峡库区蓄水后生物多样性的变化,重庆大学与国际湿地保护联盟等国内外研究机构合 作,对三峡库区消落带湿地生态系统及生物多样性进行了深入研究,研究结果以《中国的生态系统 服务正在优化中》为题目的论文发表在国际顶尖杂志《科学》上。近十多年来重庆市生物多样性研 究的主要成果还包括: 缙云山植物志(缙云山自然保护区管委会,2005). 重庆的国家重点保护植物研究(余顺慧,2000). 重庆蝶类区系与地理区划的探讨(李树恒,2002). 重庆国家重点保护野生植物的分布与水热关系的初步研究(韩晨霞,2003). 重庆国家重点保护野生植物区系地理(刘玉成,2000). 重庆蕨类植物名录(何海,2003). 重庆市两栖动物多样性及利用现状(段彪,1999). 重庆三峡库区鸟类生物多样性研究(冉江洪,2001). 重庆市兽类资源及其区系分析(韩宗先,2002). 重庆市珍稀濒危植物的现状与保护对策(马洪菊,2002). 重庆市珍稀兽类的生态地理分布与保护现状(韩宗先,2002). 张耀光,蒋国福。 北碚的两栖动物. 四川动物. 1992,11(4) :9-11. 张耀光, 罗泉笙。川南的野生动物资源及其保护. 四川动物. 1988,7(4) :25-27. 85
张耀光, 张远明。 北碚发现草鴞. 四川动物. 1988,7(3) :35. 王志坚,蒋国福、张运明等。丰都县陆生野生动物资源调查初报。西南师范大学学报(自 然科学版),2002,27(6) :955-960. 蒋国福,王志坚,魏刚等。石柱土家族自治县的鸟类资源。西南农业大学学报(自然科学 版),2006,28(6) :975-980. 青弘,王汨,耿相昌,王志坚。嘉陵江鱼类一新纪录——小眼薄鳅。重庆师范大学学报(自 然科学版),2009,26(4) :25-26,封三. 李健,蒋国福。重庆市綦江地区秋季不同生境鸟类多样性研究。野生动物,2009,30(4): 197-200. 蒋国福,何学福。嘉陵江下游鱼类资源现状调查。淡水渔业,2008,38(2) :3-7. 李健,蒋国福,刘文萍。重庆市綦江地区鸟类资源调查。野生动物,2007,28(6) :15-18. 谢锋,何学福,温涛。重庆地区有尾两栖动物两新记录。四川动物,2004,23(3) :215-216. 赵海鹏,张耀光。西南大学校园鸟类区系与资源初报,2007,西南大学学报,29(4) :131-136. 陈恩渝。重庆四面山的药用脊椎动物资源。四川动物, 1991, 10(3):27-29. 罗键, 高红英, 王宇等。重庆市两栖动物物种多样性研究及保护。四川动物, 2005, 24(3): 378-385. 杨帆。重庆四面山两栖动物物种多样性研究。四川动物, 2009, 28(4):611-613.
附件 6:重庆市行政主管部门与生物多样性相关的职能 重庆市环境保护局:负责生物物种资源保护工作的组织协调和统一监督管理,负责监督检查和 协调指导生物多样性保护、野生动植物保护、湿地保护工作,负责拟定生物多样性保护工作规划并 监督实施。负责全市自然保护区的综合管理,以及全市城乡范围内生态环境保护的统一监督和管理。 就生物多样性而言,重庆市环境保护局从事的有关污染防治、重大工程的环境影响评估和区域性的 生态环境监测都具有建设性的推动生物多样性保护的工作。 重庆市林业局:是全市森林资源(包括陆生野生动植物和湿地)的保护和管理部门。重庆市林 业局在生物多样性保护方面的主要职责是起草陆生野生动植物资源保护与管理的政策、法规;负责 森林和野生动物类型自然保护区的规划和管理;负责濒危物种进出口和国家、市保护的陆生野生动 物、珍稀树种、珍稀野生植物及其产品出口的审核工作;监督、管理、指导各个保护区生物多样性 保护工作;森林病虫害防治管理、预测预报、防治、检疫;监督植树造林、封山育林的检查验收; 负责国家和市有关国土绿化、植树造林、封山育林的政策、法规和规程的宣传贯彻;组织协调、指 导监督森林防火工作,发布森林火灾信息;研究拟定湿地保护的有关技术标准和规范;组织实施建 立湿地保护小区、湿地公园等保护管理工作;开展湿地资源调查、动态监测和统计,以及湿地保护 的对外合作与交流等工作。重庆市林业局下设野生动植物保护处、森林公安局、重庆市湿地保护管 理中心、重庆市林业规划设计院、重庆市森林病虫防治检疫站等单位开展生物多样性保护相关工作。 重庆市水利局:统一管理全市水资源。组织拟定全市和跨区县水中长期供求计划、水量分配方 案并监督实施;组织有关全市国民经济总体规划、城市规划及其它重大建设项目的水资源和防洪的 论证工作;组织实施取水许可制度和水资源费征收制度;发布重庆市水资源公报;主管全市水文工 作。 重庆市园林局:负责全市城市园林绿化和风景名胜区、游艺机游乐园的行政和行业管理,包括 城市园林绿化发展战略研究及决策;城市园林绿化规划管理;城市园林绿化的立法和执法;城市园 林绿化建设和养护管理的检查指导;园林市场的监督管理;游艺、游乐园行业管理等。 重庆市农业委员会:负责全市农业和畜牧业的品种改良和农业种子的管理与植物保护工作,组 织实施禁渔、捕捞许可管理以及水生生物资源增殖放流活动。在农业、畜牧业和渔业生产中的政策 和行为对生物多样性具有十分重要的影响。 重庆市国土资源与房屋管理局:负责制定地方地质遗迹保护和管理的相关法规和规章,审批省 (直辖市)级地质公园,推荐国家级地质遗迹保护项目。 重庆市规划局:重庆市规划局执行国家有关城乡规划、城市勘察和测绘的法律、法规、规章和 方针、政策;起草城乡规划和测绘地方性法规、规章(草案)并组织实施;组织编制、修改、评审、 87
审查、审批、呈报全市城镇体系规划、城市总体规划、分区规划、县以上政府所在地规划,市级以 上风景名胜区、自然保护区、森林公园,历史文化保护区、旅游景区规划,市级以上开发区总体规 划,控制性详细规划、修建性详细规划、城市设计、审批主城、跨区域和重点地区的专业规划等。 重庆市旅游局:主要负责全市旅游大项目策划、旅游经济发展计划、规划和建设协调工作;制 定全市旅游发展中长期规划;负责指导全市旅游策划、规划和开发协调工作;对全市的 A 级旅游景 区进行统一监督、管理。 重庆市发展改革委员会涉及到将生物多样性保护工作纳入国民经济发展计划,重庆市财政局审 批、通过和审核与生物多样性保护相关的财政预算,重庆市教育委员会则主要负责各类学校的生物 多样性研究和教育。
附件 7:重庆市与生物多样性相关的科研和教育机构 重庆自然博物馆:创建于 1930 年,由一批老一辈的生物学家和地学家创立,延续至今,设有生 命科学部(包括动物学及植物学) 、地球科学部(包括古生物学) ,现有动物学、植物学、古生物学 方面的研究人员 30 余人。该馆经过近八十年的学科积累,已成为国内为数不多的综合性自然科学 博物馆,担负着生物标本收藏、展示与科研的职责。 重庆市园林绿化科学研究所:创建于 1980 年,主要从事园林植物保护、植物生理生化、园林 生态、园林土壤质量检测、新优植物引种、驯化、培育及推广示范、园林信息交流等方面的工作。 重庆大学:与生物多样性研究和保护有关的包括重庆大学资源及环境科学学院、生物工程学院、 三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室(和西南大学联合)、西南资源开发及环境灾害控制工程教育 部重点实验室等。 西南大学:与生物多样性研究和保护有关的包括西南大学生命科学学院、资源环境学院、农学 与生物科技学院、动物科技学院、园艺园林学院、鱼类资源与生殖发育教育部重点实验室、重庆高 校三峡库区植物生态与资源重点实验室。 重庆师范大学:与生物多样性研究和保护有关的机构包括重庆师范大学生命科学学院、地理科 学学院、生物标本馆、昆虫与分子生物学研究所、应用微生物研究所、生物医药研究所、重庆高校 动物生物学重点实验室、重庆高校地理信息系统应用研究重点实验室、重庆高校动物科学创新团队、 重庆高校生物活性物质工程研究中心等。 第三军医大学:与生物多样性研究和保护有关的机构包括重庆高校微生物工程重点实验室。 重庆邮电大学:与生物多样性研究和保护有关的机构包括生物信息学院。 重庆工商大学:与生物多样性研究和保护有关的机构包括重庆高校天然药物研究重点实验室。 重庆文理学院:与生物多样性研究和保护有关的机构包括重庆高校园林花卉工程研究中心。 重庆市药物种植研究所:从事中草药野生资源调查及中草药栽培研究。研究领域涉及中药栽培、 中药资源、品种选育、生理生化、土壤肥料、中药化学、植物保护、微生物、生物技术等学科。
附件 8:国家与生物多样性相关的政策和法规
《全国地质遗迹保护规划 (2000—2001)》
《 《国家重点保护野生动物名录》的调整种类公布》
《国家地质公园总体规划工作指南》 。
附件 9:重庆市与生物多样性相关的政策和法规 与生物多样性保护有关的重庆市现有政策、法律和法规主要有:
《重庆市风景园林技术管理操作规程—园林绿化工程施工技术操作规程(试行) 》
《重庆市自然保护区发展规划(1998―2010 年 )》
《重庆市森林和野生动物类型自然保护区建设发展规划(2001—2015 年 )》
《三峡水库重庆库区周边绿化带建设工程管理办法》 91
Executive Summary Biodiversity is essential for the survival and development of human society and is an important component of sustainable development, as well as contributing to culture, art, leisure, entertainment, the economy and science. As one of the largest biodiversity-rich countries in the world, China has taken a lead in ratifying the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). It developed a national strategy for biodiversity conservation in 1994, and launched a revision in 2008 - the current National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP). To be effective, the CBD and NBSAP require implementation by government at all levels. In response, a project to develop the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chongqing Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Planâ&#x20AC;? (Chongqing BSAP) was launched in June 2008 with support from the EU-China Biodiversity Programme (ECBP). Jointly produced by the Chongqing Field Project Office of ECBP, Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau and Fauna & Flora International (FFI), this project received positive responses and enthusiastic participation from all relevant government departments in Chongqing, as well as research institutions and non-governmental organizations. The project also received great support from the Secretariat of the Convention on Biodiversity (SCBD), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). As one of the few BSAPs at the provincial level in China, Chongqing BSAP is not only important for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in Chongqing, but also plays an important role in protecting the ecological security of Three Gorges Reservoir area, which will have a positive influence on biodiversity conservation and research in the upper Yangtze River region. This Action Plan is also part of the implementation of the Inhabitable Chongqing Strategy and the Chongqing Forest Strategies, and is closely connected with special Plans developed by government departments, including the Urban-rural Overall Plan, Environment Protection Plan, Land Use Plan, amongst others. In addition, this BSAP has been incorporated into the National Follow-up Work Plan for the Three Gorges Reservoir. Chongqing is located in the transitional zone from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the middle-lower Yangtze River plain, and at the junction where the economically developed eastern area meets the resource-rich western area. In 1997, Chongqing became the only municipality directly under central government administration in the West of China, covering an area of 82,300 square kilometres and with 40 districts and counties under its jurisdiction. With complex geological features, diverse freshwater habitats and significant mountain ranges, Chongqing enjoys a high environmental heterogeneity. The geological location, complex natural conditions and world-renowned historical refuge of the East Chongqing area together make the region rich in species and ecosystems, with many endemic species of fauna and flora. Currently Chongqing plays host to 21.1% of the total known higher plant species in China, 18.8% of the mammal species, and 29.0% of the bird species. As Chongqing is located to the East of the Sichuan Basin, where farming has a long history, it also has abundant genetic resources in agriculture, animal husbandry, traditional Chinese medicinal (TCM) species and ornamental plants. Geologically, Chongqing is located in the upper Yangtze River region, and includes over 80% of the Three Gorges Reservoir area. The preservation of the natural environment and biodiversity conservation are of 93
strategic importance to the long-term safe operation of the Three Gorges Project, and for flood prevention and ecological security of the middle-lower Yangtze River region. Chongqing is also an important ecological shelter for the upper Yangtze River and Three Gorges Reservoir area, which plays a pivotal role in the economic development and environmental protection of the whole Yangtze River catchment area. Since China adopted the Reform and Opening up policies, a group of key projects, including Natural Forest Protection, Green for Grain and Nature Reserve Establishment have been implemented in Chongqing. These have helped to restore the natural environment to some extent; however there is still an overall loss of biological species and genetic diversity as a result of fast economic growth and accelerated urbanization and industrialization. These result in the degradation of ecosystem functions, fragmentation of habitats, continuous increase in the number of endangered species, and serious loss of genetic resources. In addition, the Three Gorges Reservoir area requires long-term biodiversity monitoring and ecological security maintenance, therefore it is imperative to develop this Action Plan and integrate it into the Overall Plan for Social and Economic Development at the municipal level. This Action Plan is developed under the guidance of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the NBSAP, on the basis of Chongqingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s actual situation, making full use of the existing data, and considering the social and economic reality and biodiversity status. This Action Plan consists of five chapters that discuss the overall status and characteristics of biodiversity in Chongqing, current status of conservation and utilization, issues and causes, conservation strategies and action plans, implementation mechanism for action plans, and priority projects. This Action Plan includes 8 major action items: (1) conduct a biodiversity survey, evaluation and monitoring programme; (2) enhance in-situ conservation and restoration of endangered and endemic species and critical ecosystems; (3) establish and improve the legal mechanism for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use; (4) establish an integrated management system for biodiversity conservation and develop a biodiversity conservation network; (5) enhance early-warning, emergency response and prevention mechanisms for alien invasive species; (6) strengthen protection of genetic resources and traditional knowledge, and establish an access and benefit-sharing system; (7) promote the sustainable use of biodiversity; (8) provide publicity and education on biodiversity conservation, and foster talents in this field. There is a total of 28 priority projects in this Action Plan, with a total estimated budget of RMB 699 million. The development of these priority projects takes into account the specific goals and procedures of relevant government departments (including environmental protection, forestry, agriculture, tourism, science and technology, development and reform, finance, education and publicity) and businesses, and identifies their roles in biodiversity conservation, as well as how their development plans could be most effectively coordinated with this Action Plan. The BSAP has identified important policies with which to integrate to ensure the sustainable use of biodiversity and the long-term benefit to local economic and social development, and has identified priority projects by combining local requirements with the goals of the CBD. It is hoped that this Strategy and Action Plan will be continuously revised and improved throughout its implementation process, in order to provide a scientific basis and guidance to biodiversity conservation, environmental construction and sustainable development in Chongqing and the Three Gorges Reservoir area.
The Chongqing Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan is of vital importance to the coordinated development of both social economy and environment in Chongqing, and will be an important component of the national program to implement the CBD at Chongqing Municipal Government level. This will also be a great contribution to biodiversity conservation in China and the world. We have the responsibility to protect biodiversity for future generations, so we must make every effort to successfully implement this Action Plan.
Chapter 1 An Overview of Biodiversity in Chongqing According to the definition given in CBD, Biodiversity refers to "the variability among living organisms from all sources, including, 'inter alia', terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems, and the ecological complexes of which they are part ". It consists of three levels: genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity. With various terrain, sufficient hydrothermal conditions and abundant river resources, Chongqing contains rich biodiversity. As an excellent biological refugium during the Quaternary glacier period, Chongqing has preserved lots of endangered and endemic species. The northeast area and southeast area of Chongqing in particular, have been identified as important components of both the 17 critical biodiversity areas with global significance and the 200 global ecological regions requiring conservation priority as defined by WWF.
1.1 Ecosystem diversity Natural ecosystems in Chongqing mainly include forest ecosystem, river ecosystem, wetland ecosystem, meadow ecosystem and shrub ecosystem; artificial or semi-artificial ecosystems mainly refer to agricultural ecosystem and urban ecosystem (Figure 1-1).
1.1.1 Forest ecosystem Forests in Chongqing can be classified into three major types: coniferous forest, broad-leaf forest and bamboo forest, mainly distributed in Daba Mountain of north-eastern Chongqing area, Wuling Mountain, Jinfo Mountains and Simian Mountain of south-eastern Chongqing area, and ridges of Pingxingling Valley in mid Chongqing area. The forest coverage is about 32%. Vertical vegetation spectrum is obvious in Daba Mountain, Wuling Mountain, Jinfo Mountain, Simian Mountain and others, upwards from the foot of mountain evergreen broad-leaf forests, evergreen and deciduous broad-leaf mixed forests, deciduous broad-leaf forests, coniferous and broad-leaf mixed forests, and coniferous forests are easily seen in these areas; due to cloudy and humid weather, deciduous broad-leaf forests are scattered instead of being in a continuous zone, resulting in the presence of many niche habitats. Forest ecosystems in Chongqing has the richest species diversity, especially mammals and birds, which account for 83.1% (94/113) and 75.1% (290/386) of the total mammal and bird species respectively in Chongqing. And there are a lot of endangered and endemic species, including Sichuan golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellanea), Françoisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s langur (Trachypithecus francoisi), Chinese forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii), Reeve's Pheasant (Phasianus reevesii), Sichuan Thuja (Thuja sutchuenensis Franch.), Celebes yew (Taxus celebica), Katsura tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum), Chinese Emmenopterys Emmenopterys henryi and others. Due to several times of mass logging and forest clearance in past years, most of the natural forests below 1000m have been destroyed. Recently, large scale of development activities, including mining, road construction, hydropower projects etc., have worsened the situation in the way that forests are further cleared away, fragmented and isolated. The excessive collection and utilization of non-timber products also cause huge loss of species, and increase the number of endangered species 96
1.1.2 River ecosystem River ecosystems in Chongqing are based on the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers (see Figure 1-2). The variety of aquatic environments have nurtured rich aquatic biodiversity, at least 65 species listed nationally as rare or endemic species live in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, including Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis), Yangtze Sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus), Chinese Sucker (Myxocyprinus asiaticus), Chinese Giant Salamander (Andrias davidianus) etc. Besides nature reserves in upper Yangtze River for rare and endemic fish, concerns have been raised for some high- altitude cold water brooks and streams, where rich and unique cold water bio-species inhabit, e.g. the Wushan Salamander (Ranodon shihi). However, the river ecosystem has been seriously threatened due to hydropower projects, industrial pollution, agricultural NPS (None Point Source) pollution, and excessive fishing. Construction of the Three Gorges Project caused great changes to the original river ecosystem, with impacts reflected in the following aspects: (1) since the reservoir water environment has changed from fast-flowing rivers to slow-flowing lakes, the watersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; self-purify ability declined, its pollutant carrying capacity decreased, and water pollution is outstanding; (2) the reservoir is surrounded by continuous mountains, resulting in serious soil erosion; (3) the habitats for fish have changed as the hydrological conditions changed, thus the composition of the fish population changed as well, with the decline of fish species that prefer fast-flowing rivers; (4) far-reach impacts on biodiversity may occur in the reservoir area, due to environmental and climate changes in some areas following the water storage in the Three Gorges Reservoir. Like other provinces and cities in the west of China, Chongqing has increased cascade hydropower development in recent years pursuing economic interests, but mostly in a disordered way. Daning River, for instance, currently has 28 hydropower stations planned, of which 9 will be on the main course and the other 19 will be on its branches. Though huge economic and social benefits have been created, such aggressive development of hydropower projects that do not consider the ecological impact on rivers has caused significant adverse impacts on catchments and aquatic ecosystems, including the reduction and fragmentation of available habitat for aquatic species, the cutting of migration channels and degraded living conditions. In addition, water pollution also has serious impacts on the aquatic environment. In 2007 Chongqing discharged a total of 1.342 billion tonnes of wastewater, with about 105.2 thousand tonnes of COD. According to results from 120 monitoring sections in 58 secondary rivers, the water quality categories I, II, III, IV and V accounted for 10.8%, 20.8%, 37.5%, 17.5% and 10.8% respectively. Comparing with that of 2006, the sections that meet water quality requirements and functional demands decreased by 1.3%. For the 33 tributaries, about 14.2% of the backwater area in upper reaches is eutrophic, while 25% of the backwater area is eutrophic in the middle reaches. Water blooms have already broken out in backwater regions of 8 rivers, including Daning River, Baolong River, Daxi River, Caotang River, Meixi River, Zhuxi River, Pengxi River etc. Pollution issues of Liangxi River, Qingshuixi River and other secondary rivers in the outskirts of Chongqingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s major urban area remain hard to resolve, and there is little progress in resolving secondary river pollution. Deterioration of water quality has let to reduced plankton diversity, mono-structure of population and weakened ability to resist outside interference. The ecosystems on which aquatic creatures are dependent have been seriously contaminated by heavy metals, organic phenols and
other poisonous substance, resulting in the functional decline of fish spawning grounds and bait-feeding grounds, lowered parental fecundity and larval viability, and decreased overall productivity of waters. In the Yangtze, Jialing, Wujiangand other rivers (especially in the upper reaches), fishing caused the decline of traditional high-quality fish resources, and there is a trend of catching fish at a younger age, smaller size and lower value. This, coupled with water pollution, has resulted in the extreme exhaustion of fishery resources. The biomass of important economic fishery resources is decreasing sharply, and some species have even been extinguished. Currently the quantity of fishing catches in upper Yangtze River has decreased to 100,000 tonnes from 400,000 tonnes in 1950s. Illegal fishing methods include electroshock, poisoning, seine nets and hooking, amongst which electroshock and poisoning are typical. Though the government has issued bans on poisoning and electrocuting fish at different levels, and proactively takes measures to crack down illegal fishing, it is still very difficult to catch occasional and concealed illegal fishing. Therefore, poisoning and electrocuting are still widely used by illegal fishers, causing the decline in fish resources. Driven by economic interests, this has been particularly prevalent in some remote mountainous areas, due to the absence of supervision and management.
1.1.3 Wetland ecosystem Wetlands in Chongqing cover an area of 2405 square kilometres, accounting for 2.92% of Chongqing’s total area. Chongqing’s wetlands can be classified into two major types, i.e. natural wetlands and artificial wetlands, with 11 sub-types. The most notable of these wetlands are the fluctuating wetlands around Three Gorges Reservoir, karst swamp wetlands and mountainous river source wetlands. Among these wetlands, the fluctuating wetland around the Three Gorges Reservoir covers 306.28 square kilometres, involving 22 districts and counties including Wushan, Wuxi, Fengjie, Yunyang, Kaixian and Wanzhou. Karst wetlands, with a total area of over 200 square kilometres, are mainly distributed in the north-eastern area including Jiuchong Mountain in Chengkou County, Hongchiba in Wuxi County, Wulipo in Wushan County, Xuebao Mountain in Kai County, and in the south-eastern area including Xiannv Mountain in Wulong County and the sub-alpine area of Jinfo Mountain in Nanchuan District, all of which have scientific significance. A lot of rivers and brooks in Chongqing are originated from the surrounding mountains, where unique wetlands have formed. According to preliminary survey, Chongqing’s wetlands contain rich biodiversity, including 84 families, 236 genera, 377 species of higher vascular plants; 70 families, 215 genera, and 404 species of wild animals. Endangered wetland plants include Metasequoia (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), Wild Trapa (Trapa incisa), Floating-leaved Arrowhead (Sagittaria natans) etc. Important wetland animals include the Chinese Sucker (Myxocyprinus asiaticus), Chinese Giant Salamander (Andrias davidianus), Wushan Salamander (Ranodon shihi) etc. Chongqing has various types of wetlands inhabited by abundant species, which are of great scientific significance and conservation value. The stability of wetland ecosystems is not only important for the survival of wetland plants and animals, but also for the ecological security of the Three Gorges Reservoir area.
1.1.4 Meadow ecosystem There are 9 types of meadow ecosystem in Chongqing. The most important ones are sub-alpine meadows above 2000m in Daba Mountain, Yintiaoling, Wulipo, Xuebao Mountain and Jinfo Mountain, because they are the largest, best-preserved sub-alpine meadow existing in middle-lower latitude belt in China, which are rich in biodiversity, have significant scientific value, and play an important role in water conservation. Meadow ecosystems have further enriched the environmental heterogeneity in Chongqing, and include species such as the Moupin Pika (Ochotona thibetana), Small Skylark (Alauda gulgula Franklin), Alpine Azalea (Rhododendron spp.), Dendrobium (Dendrobium spp.), Fritillaria (Fritillaria spp.) and others. They are the regions with the highest concentration of wild orchids and are an important orchid germplasm resource base. The meadow eco-system is not currently subject to direct human activities, but in recent years, tourism development produced some adverse impacts on the ecosystem.
1.1.5 Shrub ecosystem Chongqing has various types of shrubs. On the basis of vegetation types, shrubs in Chongqing may be classified into 5 major types, i.e. evergreen coniferous shrubs, evergreen coriaceous-leaf shrubs, deciduous broad-leaf shrubs, evergreen broad-leaf shrubs and shrub grassland. There are sub-alpine primitive shrubs that are adapted to low temperature and strong wind, riverside shrubs that are suitable for river bank habitats and secondary shrubs that grow out following deforestation. In Three Gorges Reservoir area and karst areas in Southeast Chongqing, some shrubs grow well in places where forest can hardly grow, and some shrubs have become relatively stable vegetations. These primitive and secondary shrubs constitute common vegetation communities in these areas. In addition to forests, shrubs are extremely important habitats for animals. However, the importance of shrubs in biodiversity conservation is often neglected. Actually, 57.5% of mammal species and 62.7% of bird species known in Chongqing live in shrub habitats. Due to the impacts of human activity for a long time, existing shrubs are distributed at lower altitudes, where environmental conditions are varied and human influence is marked, resulting in serious impacts on shrub biodiversity.
1.1.6 Karst ecosystem Karst landscape is widely distributed in Chongqing, mainly in south-eastern Chongqingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wulong county, Pengshui county, Qianjing county, and Youyang county, and in north-eastern Chongqingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chengkou county, Kai county, Wuxi county, Wushan county and Fengjie county. Although karst ecosystems may overlap with the above described five ecosystem types, they are very rich in fauna and flora species, especially some endangered and endemic species due to the variety of karst landscapes. Therefore karst ecosystem deserves special care, because its vulnerable habitats are irreversible once suffered from desertification. Amongst all karst areas in Chongqing, the most highlighted one is in Wulong County which has been designated a natural World Heritage site, with unique ecosystem types and rich biodiversity. According to surveys in this area, there are 558 vascular plant species, including 56 species of ferns, 12 species of gymnosperms, over 490 species of flowering plants; and there are 237 animal species, including 47 99
mammal species, 108 bird species, 19 species of amphibians and reptiles, and 61 fish species. Unique cave ecosystems are a feature of karst landscapes, though these are much less well researched due to their inaccessibility. Furthermore, there are typical karst semi-humid evergreen broad-leaf forests in Shanwangping and other places on Jinfo Mountain in Nanchuan district. However, tourism development in recent years caused certain impacts on these karst ecosystems.
1.1.7 Agricultural ecosystem Agricultural ecosystems cover about 35,000 square kilometres in Chongqing, over 36% of Chongqing’s total area. Agricultural ecosystems in Chongqing are mainly found in Fangshan hilly area in western Chongqing, the mountainous area around the Three Gorges Reservoir and the karst area in south-eastern Chongqing. Agricultural areas have high human population density, with an annual cultivation area of 31,400 square kilometres and a multiple-cropping index of 2.22. Chongqing has rich genetic diversity of agricultural crops and domestic animals, as well as traditional agriculture and farming models, such as rice - wheat, rice – rape seed, corn - sweet potato - wheat, fruit - vegetable intercropping, and the mixed raising of duck – fish, silkworm – fish – mulberry, rice - fish - forest – birds and others. Recently, due to rural NPS pollution and mono-cropping, the stability and stress resistance of agricultural ecosystems has been continuously declining. With increasing use of chemical fertilizers instead of farmyard manure, the increase of agricultural yield is more and more dependent on chemical fertilizers, and livestock are increasingly dependent on artificial feed as well. NPS pollution, represented by pesticides, fertilizers, plastic ground covers, as well as livestock and poultry manures, has caused damages to agricultural ecosystem, degradation of soil, impacts on food chain and a decrease in beneficial and economically important farmland biodiversity. Crakes for instance, once frequently seen, have not been observed recently. Traditional quality crop and livestock species are also disappearing, along with wild bird species, fish and insects.
1.1.8 Urban ecosystem After being approved as a municipality directly under the management of central government, Chongqing currently has 19 districts and 21 counties under its jurisdiction, amongst which the major urban area (the 9 districts) has typical mountain and river landscape and rich biodiversity. Within the 5,473-square kilometre major urban area, there are four mountain ridges, as well as the intersection of the Jialing and Yangtze Rivers. There are national nature reserves for rare and endemic fish in upper Yangtze River, Jinyun Mountain National Nature Reserve for evergreen broad-leaf forest, Shengdeng Mountain Municipal Nature Reserve, Huaying Mountain Municipal Nature Reserve, and many national forest parks, wetland parks and scenic parks in the major urban area. Furthermore, the centre of the major urban area – the central Chongqing Peninsula still has a unique crag ecosystem. In recent years, in order to build Chongqing as a national garden city and a forest city, the greenbelt has been further enlarged, and ornamental plants have been increased, not only enriching the urban scenery, but also providing good habitat conditions for increasing urban biodiversity. However, rapid urbanization brings huge threats to biodiversity when habitat fragmentation has not been effectively controlled and the four mountains crossing through the city have been seriously impacted by human activities. The fast urbanization, growth of tourism and construction of railways, roads and tunnels have impacted urban 100
biodiversity. Amongst the four mountains, obvious vegetation deterioration and habitat fragmentation appear on part of Liang Mountain. Currently, the evergreen broad-leaf forest section is the important source for vegetation recovery for the four mountains, but the conservation is facing severe challenges.
1.2 Species diversity Species diversity is classified in three categories: plants, animals and microorganism. The current status of species in Chongqing is based on species resource surveys conducted by Chongqing Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) since 2006, and the results of 2009 Chongqing Biodiversity Survey and Evaluation Research that combined data from field surveys, specimen examination and documentation records, which show that Chongqing has rich resources of species (see annex 2). Since some specimens and documentation are outdated, it is not certain whether those species identified can still be found in the region. Generally, the status of land vascular plants and vertebrate animals in Chongqing is clear, but the baseline information of invertebrate animals, microorganisms, and lower plants is unclear, with some populations totally unknown.
1.2.1 Plant species Plant species: There are 5890 species of wild vascular plants (including alien invasive species and escaped species) in Chongqing, with 227 families and 1302 genera, amongst which there are 631 species of ferns, with 47 families and 123 genera; 42 species of gymnosperm, subordinating to 7 families and 25 genera; and 5217 species of angiosperm, subordinating to 173 families and 1154 genera. Of all these species, 665 speciesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; proto-type specimens were collected within Chongqing. Endemic plant species: There are 498 plant species endemic to China in Chongqing, taking up 8.5% of Chongqingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s total vascular plant species, and subordinating to 90 families and 253 genera, amongst which, there are 44 species of ferns, 27 species of gymnosperm, and 427 species of angiosperm. Of all the districts and counties in Chongqing, Nanchuan District has the most endemic species, amounting to 305, followed by Kai County, Chengkou County, Wuxi County, Wulong County, Fengjie County, Jiangjin County, Shizhu County, and Pengshui County. Among Chongqingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s endemic species, there are some particularly notable ones such as Artocarpus nanchuanensis, Thuja, Scutellaria tsinyunensis, Adiantum reniforme var. sinense and others. Endangered plant species: According to China Species Red List (Fu Liguo, 1991) and the National List of Key Protected Wild Plant Species (first group), Chongqing has 85 rare and endangered plant species under national key protection, subordinating to 47 families and 69 genera with 57 angiosperm, 18 gymnosperm and 10 fern. Of the above 85 species, 59 are listed in China Species Red List, subordinating to 35 families and 53 genera. There are 11 species of endangered plants, belonging to 9 families and 11 genera; 19 species of rare plants, belonging to 16 families and 19 genera; 29 species of vulnerable plants, belonging to 22 families and 25 genera.
55 species are listed in National List of Key Protected Wild Plant Species (first group) (see annex 3), subordinating to 33 families and 46 genera of which 9 species are under Protection Class I, and 46 species are under Protection Class II. In addition, although Artocarpus nanchuanensis and Thuja are not included in the list of protected plant species, they have been documented by China Species Red List as CR species. Artocarpus nanchuanensis, in particular, grows only in a very narrow area in Nanchuan District of Chongqing, and according to the latest survey, the stock plants of Artocarpus nanchuanensis are less than 60, therefore Artocarpus nanchuanensis is already regarded as a globally CR species though has not yet been incorporated into the IUCN Red List.
1.2.2 Animal species Vertebrates: So far, 865 species of vertebrate are known in Chongqing, of which there are 172 species of fish (19.88%), 54 species of amphibian (6.24%), 61 species of reptile (7.05%), 432 species of bird ( 49.94%), and 146 species of mammals (16.88%). In Chongqing, there are 13 species under Class I of National Protection, and 74 species under Class II of National Protection (see attached table 4). In addition, Chongqing has 52 land vertebrate species under municipal key protection, of which 11 are mammal species, 33 bird species, 4 reptile species and 4 amphibian species. Chongqing has 206 species endemic to China, of which there are 104 fish species, 27 amphibian species, 29 reptile species, 15 bird species and 31 mammal species. Invertebrates: According to the result of the Chongqing Species Resource Survey started in 2006, there are 4368 species of invertebrates known in Chongqing, subordinating to 16 classes, 55 orders, 338 families and 2303 genera. Among the 4368 species, there are 3751 species of insect, accounting for 85.0% of the total invertebrates, and of the other 617 invertebrates species, 189 are Arachnids, 333 are zooplankton and 82 are mollusc species. Of the known invertebrates, insects are the most studied. In Chongqing, there are 6 endemic genera, 112 endemic species of insects, and 2 are under Class II of National Protection, including Cheirotonus jansoni, and Luchdorfia chinensis. According to the proportion taken by invertebrates in nature, it is estimated that Chongqing has 27,000 invertebrate species and 19,000 insect species. However, only 16% and 19% of these are known respectively. Obviously, the baseline invertebrate species information in Chongqing is seriously unclear.
1.2.3 Microorganisms So far, there are over 100 species of large eumycete known in Chongqing, and 183 species of other micro-organism (including 42 species of prokaryotic micro-organism and 141 species of eukaryotic micro-organism). Currently the known microorganisms in Chongqing mainly include soil, freshwater, pathogenic and storeroom microorganisms, as well as those in polluted environments, those used for water treatment, and those present in extreme environments. It is estimated that 95% of micro-organisms in nature are unknown to science, so the ones we know all tend to have an noticeably positive or negative effect on humans. 102
1.3 Diversity of genetic resources 1.3.1 The diversity of crop genetic resources There are more than 1,000 varieties of agricultural crops in Chongqing, represented by rice, corn, wheat, rapeseed, potatoes, cotton, soybeans, tobacco, mulberry, as well as tung-oil tree, Chinese tallow tree, raw lacquer tree, sesame, citrus, grapefruit, peach, plum, pear, apple and so on. Of the total agricultural crops in Chongqing, many species are endemic to China, including 195 rice species, 59 maize species, 18 wheat species, 29 rapeseed varieties, 12 varieties of sweet potatoes, 8 soybean varieties, 6 sorghum varieties, 15 potato varieties, 5 peanut varieties, 5 fibrous plant varieties, and 7 tobacco varieties. . Chongqing is in the mixed zone of both deciduous fruit trees and evergreen fruit trees, which is suitable for cultivation of various fruit trees, thus Chongqing has kinds of fruit trees with rich genetic resources. There are currently 638 cultivated species and varieties of fruit trees, divided into 13 families and 24 genera. Jiangjin is known as the â&#x20AC;&#x153;town of orangesâ&#x20AC;?, Fengjie is renowned for its navel orange, Pengshui is famous for its tung oil, Youyang is known as the "home of the Chinese tallow tree", and Qianjiang is regarded for its high-quality tobacco. Due to habitat deterioration, many wild varieties of cultivated crops and plants are being rapidly lost. Though the traditional farming system was harmonious with the natural environment and sustainable in terms of resources utilization, it is gradually being replaced by modern farming methods with higher yields. With the introduction and popularization of new species, and the cultivation of species as a monoculture, the traditional genetic resource diversity is undergoing dramatic changes in that many local, traditional and indigenous species are rapidly declining and even at the edge of extinction, and many low-yield old types of rice, wheat, maize, rapeseed, sweet potato and potato have been replaced.
1.3.2 Livestock, poultry and fishery genetic resources In Chongqing, there are over 10 genera (about 200 varieties) of livestock, poultry and other domesticated animals. According to the genetic resource survey on livestock and poultry, and approved by Livestock and Poultry Variety Verification Committee of Chongqing, there are 25 varieties of livestock and poultry genetic resource under local protection, and 5 varieties for cultivation and development. Among those varieties, Rongchang swine is unique for being the only white-haired pig. Rongchang swine is mainly bred in the western Chongqing area, with tender and tasty meat; Rongchang swine is the most representative local swine variety in the western Chongqing area; distributed in the east of Chongqing, Huchuan mountainous swine is another representative kind with about 3000 sows; Fuling buffalo is utilizable for both meat and milk, and has good attribute of stress resistance; Nanchuan local chicken, adapted to the climate with high temperature and high humidity in Chongqing, are mainly distributed in Nanchuan District. Chongqing is rich in fish resources and aquatic products. In 2008, the city's total output of aquatic products reached 222,000 tonnes, up 20% over the same period of the year before, of which famous aquatic products accounted for 74,500 tonnes, about 1/3 of the total output; the total output value of fishery has amounted RMB 4.053 billion. There are more than 30 economic fish and other aquatic animals that could 103
be further developed and utilized in Chongqing. So far, aquatic and fish species that have been successfully bred and cultivated include Chinese Sucker, Catfish (Silurus), longirostris (Long-beaked Butterflyfish), Mandarin Fish, Spinibarbus sinensis (local called ‘blue wave’), Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (yellow catfish), soft-shelled turtle and others, and all these have received good economic returns. The breeding of Silurus and Spinibarbus sinensis in Hechuan county ranks the first in Chongqing in terms of both scale and output, and is gradually developing an economically important fish breeding industry; mandarin fish cultivation in Tongnan county is well known, and the fish fry are sold to all provinces and regions in the southwest of China; the breeding of Long-beaked Butterflyfish in Fuling county is now large scale; and the breeding of Chinese sucker is successful in Wanzhou county as well, with its fish fry production known across the country and sold abroad. Species still being developed are rock carp, Schizothorax, Long thin loach, giant salamander (Andrias davidianus), and others. In addition, there are quite a number of economic species yet to be developed, such as Bronze Gudgeon, Onychostoma sima, Sinilabeo rendahli, northern snakehead (local name black fish) and others. Since the industrialization of agriculture, introduction of alien species and people’s pursuit of high productivity, misunderstandings have arisen about local domesticated animals, for example that local domesticated animals grow slower and have a lower productivity. A large investment of money, material and manpower is now required to protect local domesticated varieties. Along with the popularization of economic varieties, the production of hybrid swine, hybrid chicken and hybrid goat have been popular in Chongqing. However, there are few individuals or companies engaged in pure breeding and selection of local domesticated animals. It is estimated that over 40% of livestock and poultry genetic resources show decrease to different extent, and many good local livestock and poultry species are now endangered, such as Luopan mountainous swine, Youzhou black goat, Fuling buffalo and Hechuan black swine that has a history going back 1,600 years.
1.3.3 Genetic resource of traditional Chinese medicines There are 5275 species of medicinal plants in Chongqing, subordinating to 1325 genera and 282 families. Among these plants, 4426 species are angiosperm, 56 species are gymnosperm, 546 species of fern and 230 species of bryophyte. There are over 150 cultivated medicinal plant species in Chongqing, with a total potential output of 150,000 tonnes. Of these medicinal plants, about 350 species are frequently collected all the year around, accounting for ½ of the total collected medicinal species in China; of the 363 key species universally surveyed in China, Chongqing owns 306 species, accounting for 84.32% of the total. Ranking by the number of medicinal plant species and their potential volumes, Chongqing is fifth following Sichuan Province (over 6000 species), Guangxi Autonomous Region (over 5800 species), Yunnan Province (over 6500 species) and Guizhou Province (about 5290 species). Chongqing has more than 20 medicinal plant species produced locally with high quality, such as immature bitter orange and bitter orange (Citrus aurantium var. daidai L.) in Jiangjing District, Quisqualis fruit (Quisqualis indica L.) and Psoraleae fruit (Psoralea corylifolia L.) in Hechuan City, Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara L.) and Angelica root (Angelica sinensis ((Oliv.) Diels) in Wuxi County, Szechwan Asiabell Root (Codonopsis tangshen Oliv.) in Wushan County, Angelica grosserrata, Epimedium grandiflorum, Artemisia apiacea in Youyang County. The output of Coptidis rhizomes (Coptis
chinensis) in Shizhu County accounts for 45% of the total in China, making it locally famous for the product. A sharp imbalance has emerged between the supply and demand of medicinal herbs. According to statistics, the demand for prescription and pharmacy use is over 700,000 tonnes per year, of which 300,000 tonnes are exported. Since some international pharmaceutical companies have increased their R&D on traditional Chinese medicine, the export of medicinal herbs has increased by large margin in terms of both species and quantity. However, the mass export of medicinal herb extracts brings about great pressure on wild medicinal herbs, and over collection of medicinal herbs has resulted in serious damages to wild medicinal herb resources.
1.3.4 Ornamental plant resources Chongqing has 1128 species (including sub-species, mutated species and variants) of ornamental plants, divided into 378 genera and 159 families, of which there are 1005 angiosperm species, gymnosperm species and 90 species of fern. Classified by types, there are 431 tree species, 183 shrub species, 95 rattan species and 419 herbal species. Chongqing also has many special ornamental flowers, including 21 types of Chimonanthus, various Dianjiang peonies, different orchid flowers that have yet to be developed, chrysanthemum, and many other precious wild flowers. In addition, there are many endemic ornamental plants, such as Artocarpus nanchuanensis , Ficus beipeiensis , Dendrobenthamia ferruginea var. jinyunensis,Tangtsinia nanchuanica,Adiantum reniforme var. sinense and Thuja. These resources have laid good foundation for cultivation and breeding of ornamental plants. However, many wild populations of local ornamental plants have been decreasing, with seriously damaged habitats being the cause. This calls for urgent protection.
1.4 Biodiversity characteristics, key areas and the changing trend 1.4.1 Characteristics of biodiversity in Chongqing Characteristic 1: Complex components of fauna and flora, historic origins and species richness
Located at the junction of different climatic regions and with steep mountains and a wide variety of natural conditions, Chongqing was a biodiversity shelter during the Quaternary glaciations; as a result, Chongqing has a complex fauna and flora, rich species, many ancient species and a strong degree of endemism. From the perspective of flora, Chongqing is at the transition zone between the Sino-Japanese forest sub-flora region and Sino-Himalayan forest sub-flora region, which contain all the 15 geo-components for angiosperms in China. In the case of fauna, Chongqing is in the transitional area between Palearctic fauna region and oriental fauna region, and the transitional area between plateau vertebrates region and plain vertebrates region, so Chongqing encompasses components of all the mentioned fauna regions. Chongqing has the Cembra Fir, a kind of pteridophyte, inherited from the Tertiary period and earlier, and there are many gymnosperms, such as spruce, Keteleeria, fir and hemlock, as well as many angiosperm species of Magnoliaceae family and Bretschneideraceae families. Among the angiosperm plants, there are 105
many representative ancient species belonging to the Magnoliaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Eupteleaceae and Ranunculaceae families. Cercidiphyllaceae and Eupteleaceae plants (without a perianth) have a primitive wood structure without any vascular system; walnut, mulberry, magnolia and camphor trees have a great many ancient varieties. These are important features that show the long history of flora in Chongqing. Moreover, the endemic plant families and genera indicate the relic status of plants, as well as the old and relic characteristics of Chongqingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vascular flora. Characteristic 2: Various eco-systems with complex structures
Chongqing has Daba Mountain in the north, Wushan Mountain in the east, Wuling Mountain in the southeast, and Dalou Mountain in the south. Its terrain declines from south and north towards the Yangtze River valley, with great fluctuations. The land is mainly hilly and mountainous, and there are also stone forest, peaks, caves, canyons and other typical karst landforms. There are also many rivers running through Chongqing. The Yangtze River runs from west to east through the whole area of Chongqing, and the Jialing River coming from northwest joins Yangtze River after three sharp turns. The Chongqing section of Yangtze River main course gathers the Jialing River, Qujiang River, Fujiang River, Wujiang River, Longhe River, Pengxihe River, Daninghe River and other major secondary tributaries and small branch rivers and brooks, plus many lakes such as Changshou Lake, Dahong Lake, Xiaonanhai Lake, Longhu Lake and others, thus a complex water network has been formed. Chongqing has a sub-tropical monsoon humid climate, with hot summer and warm winter. Weather in Chongqing is often cloudy and humid, with high temperature, a long rainy season, and little frost. The complex geology and water network, as well as the humid weather and good hydrothermal conditions, together create rich biodiversity in Chongqing, with various ecosystems, complex structures and different types of habitats. Characteristic 3: Extremely rich genetic resources
Located in Sichuan Basin, where farming has a long history and wildlife resource is rich, Chongqing therefore has abundant agricultural crops, cultivated fruit trees and livestock and poultry species, such as swine, chicken, duck, goose, cattle, buffalo, goat, rabbit, bee and others. Besides, there are also luxuriant resources of medicinal plants and ornamental plants.
1.4.2 Key zones of biodiversity in Chongqing Based on natural environment conditions, characteristics of biodiversity and the orientation of conservation and utilization, Chongqing has been preliminarily divided into 5 key areas where priority is given to biodiversity conservation (figure 1-3):
â&#x2014;&#x2020; Key area 1: Daba Mountain biodiversity key area for evergreen broad-leaf and deciduous forest This area is along the fault-folding belt of Daba Mountain and the East Sichuan fold belt, with mountains as the major landscape. This area has rich biodiversity and a variety of ecosystems, especially sub-alpine
meadow. Golden monkey, forest musk deer, thuja, Qingling fir (Abies chensiensis Van) and other rare and endangered species live in this area; there is also a germplasm resource of red clover (Trifolium pratense). So far, within this area, there are Daba Mountain National Nature Reserve, Xuebao Mountain National Nature Reserve, Yintiaoling Municipal Nature Reserve, Wulipo Municipal Nature Reserve and other protected areas. This area is not only a key area for biodiversity in China, but also a rare place in Chongqing where sub-alpine meadows are concentrated, with many endangered wildlife species and endemic species, so this area is a key point for biodiversity conservation in Chongqing.
◆ Key area 2: Jinfo Mountain biodiversity key area for evergreen broad-leaf forest This area is in the transitional zone between Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and Sichuan Basin, with typical karst landscape, having zoned evergreen broad-leaf forests and other natural vegetations inhabited by Francois’s langur, leopard, cloud leopard, Tangtsinia orchids, Silver Fir (Cathaya argyrophylla), Chinese Yew (Taxus chinensis) and the Dove tree (Davidia involucrata), as well as many other endangered and protected species. Presently, there are the Jinfo Mountain National Nature Reserve and Heishan Mountain Nature Reserve in this area; the Jinfo Mountain National Nature Reserve in particular is known as gene house in the south of China.
◆ Key area 3: Simian Mountain biodiversity key area for evergreen broad-leaf forest This area is located in the transitional zone between Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and Sichuan Basin, with extremely rich biodiversity, zoned evergreen broad-leaf forests and other natural vegetations inhabited by silver pheasant (Lophura nycthemera), Cheirotonus jansoni, Luchdorfina huashancnsis, Taxus Chinensis, Dove tree (Davidia involucrata), Fokienia hodginsii and other endangered species. Currently, many nature reserves have been established in this area, including Simian Mountain Nature Reserve (municipal level), Wanlong Nature Reserve (county level), Laoyingshan Mountain Nature Reserve (county level), Changtian Nature Reserve (county level), Gunziping Nature Reserve (county level) and others. Simian Mountain Nature Reserve is connected with the natural evergreen broad-leaf forests in Hejiang County of Sichuan Province and Xishui County of Guizhou Province, forming a continuous natural habitat with less interference by human activities, where extremely rich wildlife resources are contained.
◆ Key area 4: Fangdou Mountain – Qiyao Mountain biodiversity key area for evergreen broad-leaf forests and sub-alpine meadow
This area is located at the intersection of Chongqing, Hubei Province and Hunan Province, with typical features of a transitional area: rich biodiversity and varied ecosystems. Landscape of this area features mountains and karst; the vegetation is mainly sub-tropical evergreen broad-leaf forests, sub-alpine meadow and other natural habitats where leopard, cloud leopard, Francois’s Langur (Presbytis francoisi), rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), dove tree (Davidia involucrata), silver fir (Cathaya argyrophylla), Taxus chinensis and other rare and endangered species can be found. So far, established nature reserves in this area include Wulong Baima Mountain Nature Reserve (municipal level), Dafengbao Nature Reserve (municipal level) and Qiyao Mountain Nature Reserve (county level). Biodiversity conservation in this area is critically important to biodiversity in Chongqing.
â&#x2014;&#x2020; Key area 5: Biodiversity key area of Yangtze River main course, tributaries and wetland, and other rivers
This area is a complex ecosystem, with the Yangtze River and its major tributaries as the linking factor, the fluctuating wetlands along the Yangtze River and around estuaries as the core, and the ecosystems of Changshou Lake, Dahong Lake, Daning River and Wujiang River as the supplementary part. Within this area, there is rich wetland and river biodiversity, and aquatic species typical of the southwest mountainous cold water torrent. Established nature reserves in this area include the Upper Yangtze River National Nature Reserve for rare and endemic fish, nature reserve for catfish (in Hechuan District), Pengxi River Wetland Nature River (municipal level) and others. Biodiversity in this area is changing rapidly following the establishment of Three Gorges Reservoir and other hydropower projects.
1.4.3 Trends of biodiversity Biodiversity is rich and unique in Chongqing, and has significant meaning to Chongqing, China as a whole and even throughout the world. However, before Chongqing became a municipality under central governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s direct management in 1997, a trend of biodiversity loss had been observed as a result of the overexploitation of resources. Since 1997, biodiversity has encountered greater challenges and impacts due to fast economic growth, urbanization, establishment of large water conservancy projects, establishment of the Three Gorges Reservoir, resettlement of affected people, intensified agricultural production and inadequate nature conservation and management. In recent years, the following trends have been observed: Trend 1 Ecosystem is continuously deteriorating, but the speed has slowed and biodiversity recovery is witnessed in some areas.
Historically, forest coverage in Chongqing once dropped to the lowest low point of 23%, with monotypic forests, deteriorated ecosystem and poor ecosystem functions. In recent years, the government has implemented some rehabilitation projects, including Natural Forest Protection, Returning Farmland to Forest, Soil-Water Conservation and others. Since then, forests, meadows and other ecosystems have been largely restored in a natural way, and forest coverage and habitat quality have started to improve. As law enforcement has been strengthened, damage to natural resources by the public has been reduced. Thanks to the decline of acid rain, the impacts on coniferous forests have been reduced as well. During the past 5-10 years, the natural environment has been badly impacted by human activity, and the ecosystem functions seriously degraded. Though the speed of deterioration has been slowed and biodiversity has recovered in some areas, the status of ecosystems and natural environment is still far below adequate to maintain the environmental stability in the Three Gorges Reservoir area and support the sustainable development of Chongqing. Trend 2 Increase of endangered species
Due to the high environmental heterogeneity in Chongqing, many species are only found in narrow area, with scattered and small populations. If disturbed by human activity, these species could be easily endangered, so the status of some endemic species in the wild is far from optimistic. For example, Thuja is only found in narrow areas on Xuebao Mountain in Kai County and Daba Mountain in Chengkou County, with very few wild populations; Artocarpus nanchuanensis is only found in Chongqing with only a couple 108
of dozen in the wild; and Myricaria laxifflora only grows in a narrow area along the Yangtze River in the fluctuating wetlands from Yichang City to Chongqing, and since the establishment of the Three Gorges Reservoir Projects, this species became endangered due to the loss of original habitat. In addition, 51 species of ligneous plants including Ginkgo biloba and Camellia sinensis var. have dramatically lost their habitat in recent years, resulting in reduced reproductive ability, and subsequent listing as endangered in the China Plants Red Data Book; about 95% of the individuals of these species currently grow in the core zone of Jinfo Mountain Nature Reserve and others. Wild vertebrate animals in Chongqing are losing in both population numbers and distribution areas. According to the Chongqing biodiversity survey started in 2006, two kinds of mammals, namely tiger and wolf, have been extinct in Chongqing; no direct signs of leopard and cloud leopard have been witnessed for over 10 years; the number of forest musk deer has declined sharply in the past few years, but recovery has been witnessed recently. In the beginning of 2009, Chongqing Fishery Administration identified that economic fish species in the Yangtze River have been seriously reduced, and many fishery species that were once common, such as Leiocassis longirostris and rock carp (Procypris rabaudi), are rarely seen nowadays. For example, the Chinese Sucker was once an important economic species, but is now endangered. As the Chongqing biodiversity survey is still in the early stages, the status of many species is still unknown. Considering the damage suffered by biodiversity in Chongqing historically and at present, it is estimated that many species are under threat, but are not yet under any form of protection. Trend 3 Genetic resources are still declining, but are being gradually remedied.
Chongqing is very rich in genetic resources, but the loss of genetic resources in crops, livestock and medicinal species and their wild species is serious. Traditional and indigenous species in many places have been reduced and endangered due to competition and replacement. Many major crops in the past, such as rice, wheat, maize, rapeseed, sweet potato and potato, have been outdated due to their low yields. Over 40% of the genetic resource populations of livestock and poultry have been reduced to some extent, and some livestock and poultry species are disappearing, such as the Luopan Mountainous Swine, Youzhou Black Goat, Fuling Buffalo and Hechuan Black Swine (which could be traced back to 1600 years ago). Due to excessive utilization and overexploitation of medicinal plants, Gastrodia elata Blume and Dendrobium spp. have been exploited to the edge of extinction; some precious medicinal plant species including Panax ginseng, Rehmannia glutinosa, Rhizoma Areactylodis Lanceae, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, and Clematidis Armandii have disappeared from Chongqing; Fritillaria cirrhosa, Coptis chinensis, Magnolia officinalis, Eucommia ulmoides, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Dysosma versipellis and many other medicinal plant species have been seriously damaged. However, since the Agricultural Committee enhanced conservation of local genetic resources, the trend of losing genetic resources in Chongqing has been mitigated. Trend 4 River ecosystem is transforming into reservoir ecosystem following the establishment of the Three Gorges reservoir, and biodiversity is changing.
Biodiversity in the Three Gorges Reservoir area has obviously been impacted by both natural and human activities. Water storage in the reservoir has increased water coverage and changed hydrological conditions, 109
so that aquatic species used to flowing rivers have reduced, while those used to static water environments have increased; aquatic plants have increased because of more reservoir branches and bends, as a result there is an obvious increase in waterfowl in the reservoir area. The Three Gorges Reservoir is operated in the philosophy of “save clear water, discharge sediments”, thus a flux and reflux belt has been formed at the height between 145 – 175 meters around the reservoir bank. Because of water level’s seasonal change, many terrestrial species have disappeared or declined, while an obvious increase of wetland plants, aquatic plants and waterfowls has been seen in this new fluctuating wetland. So this area is undergoing a transition from land ecosystem to fluctuating wetland ecosystem. The capacity for conservation has been enhanced during the process of the Three Gorges Project construction, such that many ecological protection projects have been greatly progressed, including Natural Forest Protection, Returning Farmland to Forest, Water-Soil Conservation and Eco-shelter Construction, as a result the habitat condition in ecosystems around the reservoir has been improved. However, in the upcoming years, biodiversity in this area will be unstable due to the transition from river ecosystem to reservoir ecosystem, therefore monitoring on biodiversity in this area should be enhanced.
Chapter 2 Status of Biodiversity Conservation and Utilization in Chongqing 2.1 In situ conservation Habitat protection is of vital importance for biodiversity conservation. In recent years, Chongqing Government has expedited the establishment of nature reserves, scenery parks, natural heritage sites, forest parks, geological parks and wetland parks. Though different types of protected areas have overlapped more or less geologically and administered by different departments, these protected areas basically cover all the places with important biodiversity conservation values, and have been playing an important role in biodiversity conservation.
2.1.1 Nature reserves By the end of 2009, there were 49 nature reserves in Chongqing, with an area of 8,385.9 square kilometres, taking up 10.18% of Chongqing’s total area. Amongst these nature reserves, there are 4 national nature reserves, 22 municipal nature reserves and 23 nature reserves at a district level (Figure 2-1), including 4 types for conservation of forest ecosystem, wild animals, geological heritage sites, and inland wetland. In recent years, Chongqing has enhanced its survey and conservation of wetland fauna and flora. In August 2007, a specialized wetland conservation and management unit – Chongqing Wetland Protection and Management Centre was established under Chongqing Forestry Bureau, and four different types of wetland nature reserves were then approved in 2008. Though there is a fast growth in the number of nature reserves, the current number, area and management cannot meet the requirements of biodiversity conservation in Chongqing, and the issues of “importance on quantity and construction, and neglect of quality and maintenance” and “approval without follow-up construction, poor management after establishment, and lack of strength in management” are problems facing the current nature reserves. Most of nature reserves at a county level have no independent management bodies and management staff, making it hard to carry out routine management work. In national nature reserves though, management bodies have been established, but the management capacity, staffing, facilities and financial resources are still inadequate to meet working requirements. National nature reserves can receive financial allocation annually from the central government; however, for nature reserves at municipal and county level, it is hard to get financial support in order to efficiently conduct infrastructure construction and management work within the nature reserves.
2.1.2 Other protected areas Except for nature reserves, contributions of protected original habitat for agricultural wild plants, World Natural Heritage Site, forest parks, wetland parks, geological parks and scenery parks are also important components in biodiversity conservation.
Presently, there are 6 national scenery parks and 30 municipal scenery parks in Chongqing, covering an area of 4948.98 square kilometres and accounting for 6.01% of Chongqing’s total area (Figure 2-2). There are a total of 62 forest parks in Chongqing, of which 21 are at a national level and 36 are at a municipal level, with a total area of 1670 square kilometres covering about 2% of Chongqing’s total area (Figure 2-3). In addition, there are 3 national geological parks and 6 protected original habitats for agricultural wild plants. In 2007, the karst area in Wulong County, represented by Furong Caves, three natural karst bridges and Houping eroded pit, was added to the World Heritage List as part of “China South Karst” World Natural Heritage site. In 2009 Chongqing successfully got the approval for 7 national wetland parks, thus was designated by the central government as a pilot place for national wetland park construction. However, over development in some protected areas like scenery parks, forest parks and geological parks has resulted in the deterioration of the ecosystem services. In Chongqing, some forest parks and scenery parks with rich biodiversity were established basically for the purpose of developing tourism. Such protected areas with the aim of developing leisure and eco-tourism usually lack conservation priority for original habitats which are of vital importance for biodiversity conservation. Due to a lack of biodiversity conservation experience and the absence of protective measures against impacts on biodiversity while constructing tourist reception facilities and roads, the impact on biodiversity is continuously increasing.
2.1.3 Protection of the “Four Mountains” in the metropolitan area of Chongqing The unique landform of mountains, rivers and wetlands in the metropolitan area of Chongqing has nurtured rich and unique metropolitan biodiversity. Of these landscapes, Jinyun Mountain, Zhongliang Mountain, Tongluo Mountain and Mingyue Mountain are the four major “lungs” of the metropolitan area of Chongqing, and they are also important ecological shelters. Therefore, the protection and restoration of the “Four Mountain” area has significant meaning to biodiversity conservation and the green city construction in the metropolitan area of Chongqing. In 2007, Chongqing government formulated and issued Regulations on Management and Control of Development in “Four Mountain” Area of Chongqing, in order to enhance protection of the environment within the 1580 square kilometre metropolitan area. Through steps of “stop, clearance, disposal and legislation”, Chongqing is determined to establish a long-term and effective management and monitoring mechanism in order to resolutely control the impacts of development activities on biodiversity in the “Four Mountain” area. According to the Regulation, approval and construction work for all the planned construction projects in “Four Mountain” area will be stopped, and nature reserves of different levels, scenery parks, forest parks and ecological green land and urban public green land identified in the city’s overall plan will all be classified as construction controlled areas where special management and control over development and construction activities are clearly stated. Based on the results of preliminary evaluation on the follow-up ecological effects of implementing the Regulation, over the 2-year implementation of the Regulation, the overall situation is improving, except for a slight decline of forest coverage in Zhongliang Mountain. The major reason for Zhongliang Mountain’s ecological deterioration is that the mountain runs across the downtown area of city, where the flow of people and vehicles, and the construction of roads, railways, bridges and tunnels have claimed the majority of the mountain and removed vegetations. On the east and west sides of Zhongliang Mountain, the
expansion of Shapingba District and Xiyong Compact is gradually encroaching, further reducing vegetation cover.
2.2 Ex-situ conservation Though Chongqing has established a number of botanical gardens and zoos, the functions of public education and awareness building on conservation of wildlife and their habitats still need to be enhanced, and no work has been conducted yet regarding the return of wild animals back to the nature. Currently, the ex-situ conservation work conducted in Chongqing is mainly the protection of genetic resources, with a group of germplasm resource bases established, including germplasm stores for rice, maize, rapeseed, sweet potato and others; a germplasm breeding and reproduction site for Rongchang Swine, Sichuan White Goose, Chongqing Black Goat; a national germplasm protected area for aquatic species, a national cultivation base for key forest species, and Chongqing citrus germplasm nursery. Works including protection, breeding, research and development have been conducted in all these bases and sites, which have played proactive role in the ex-situ conservation of fauna and flora resources. However, less than 100,000 crop germplasm samples have been collected, so many more still remain to be collected, particularly crop wild relatives. Due to the large volume of resources and preservation conditions required by the germplasm resources of livestock, poultry and fish, these ex-situ conservation facilities are far from adequate to meet the needs, especially with respect to a the lack of modern preservation facilities for germplasm resources.
2.3 Biodiversity conservation projects In recent years, Chongqing government has proposed a sustainable development strategy, taking biodiversity conservation as a major task in the strategy. A series of measures have been adopted in implementing Natural Forest Protection, Returning Farmland to Forest and in construction and management of nature reserves, and a group of additional ecological protection projects have been conducted as well, including “Yangtze River Shelter Forest Project”, “Natural Forest Protection Project”, “Returning Farmland to Forest Project” and “Forest Project”. As a result, forest coverage of Chongqing increased to 33% from 27%, the biodiversity situation in some areas has been improved and wild populations and habitats of some species have recovered to some extent. However, despite the increase of forest coverage, a large part of the forests are artificial forests with monotonic species such as Pinus massoniana Lamb, Cunninghamia Lanceolata and Cryptomeria fortunei. Such artificial forests are weak in resisting disease and pest hazards. With less mixed or complete multiple structure of forest, there is little development of shrub and grass vegetation in such artificial forests, so soil is seriously eroded, and biodiversity is far less than that in natural forest.
2.4 Analysis of biodiversity conservation and utilization 2.4.1 Analysis of benefits Biodiversity in Chongqing brings great social, economic, ecological and cultural effects and value to the city itself, its surrounding areas and its downstream areas. Though there is no unified measurement standards on the economic value of these benefits, it is evident biodiversity has not only laid the foundation for Chongqing’s development in the past, but also is the guarantee for Chongqing’s sustainable development in the future, and has significant meaning to the maintenance of ecological barrier around the Three Gorges Reservoir and along upper reach of Yangtze River. Table 2-1 briefly outlines eco-services provided by biodiversity in Chongqing, and potential groups and industries that may be benefited from. Table 2-1 the eco-services provided by biodiversity in Chongqing and beneficiary groups and industries Value Ecological services Direct Food production, raw materials (fuel, fibre products, protection, value and construction materials), genetic resources and species resources (as the key source of grains, livestock breeds, medicines and other products,), etc. Indirect Climate adjusting and air cleaning Value Protection of water resources, resistance of drought and flood, mitigation of floods and droughts, reducing temperature and wind force Waste treatment (water purification, waste detoxification and degradation, etc.) pollination for plants, especially various crops Prevention and control of pest and disease, especially biological control Nutrient cycling (production and restoration of soil fertility, etc.) Soil formation Erosion control and sediment retention Scientific research and education Culture and tourism Aesthetic value
Beneficiaries Industry, commerce and general public
The globe, all human beings especially the general public General public, middle-lower reach of Yangtze River General public General public General public General public General public General public General public, research institutes and all human beings on the earth General public General public
2.4.2 Analysis of conflicts Large population, small arable land area and little foundation of economic development result in a relatively poor per capita possession of natural resources. With the fast growth of population and rise in standard of living and consumption level, people’s demand for natural resources is getting greater and greater which has led to conflict between resource protection and demand for resources. This is particularly true in the Daba mountain area in eastern Chongqing, south-western Chongqing’s Wuling mountainous area, and southern Chongqing’s Jinfo mountainous area. As a result of difficult road conditions, barren land and underdeveloped social and economic conditions, a lot of poverty stricken 114
counties at both national level and municipal level are concentrated there, but these areas also have the richest biodiversity in Chongqing, which need the highest protection. However, residents of these areas live a life heavily dependent on natural environment, and both their daily production activities and living are largely reliant on natural resources. Some natural resources have high market value, some widely used traditional medicinal materials for instance, and so, over exploitation and illegal hunting still exist in these areas, driven by high profit; as a result serious damage has been caused to these renewable resources, even causing some species to reach the edge of extinction. For instance, many species of Stephania genus under Menispermaceae family (medicinal name in Chinese "ShanWugui"), plants of Hemsleya (Cucurbitaceae, Chinese medicinal name "Jinpen"), and wild Gastrodia can hardly be found now and are at the edge of local extinction due to excessive exploitation by farmers. For example, unsustainable harvesting of Stephania, Hemsleya and Wild Gastrodia, has made them hard to find in the wild. Meanwhile, with the establishment of nature reserves and implementation of ecological protection projects such as Natural Forest Protection in these areas, the development and utilization of natural resources are strictly limited and controlled, sacrificing many economic benefits and development opportunities. It seems that the enhancement of protection in these areas and increase in young labourers seeking work in urban areas has reduced illegal hunting, logging and overexploitation, but these phenomena have not been effectively controlled because of economic temptation and absence or insufficiency of compensation mechanisms. The resource of many non-timber forest products is declining dramatically, even to exhaustion. Inequality caused by inadequate engagement has increased the dissatisfaction of some vulnerable groups, making it hard for biodiversity conservation measures to reach expectations. Biodiversity in key areas of Chongqing is of significant importance to the ecological security and social development of Chongqing city, the Three Gorges Reservoir area and middle-lower reach of Yangtze River, especially in direct relation to the quantity and quality of water supply to industry, agriculture and people living downstream, so Chongqing government strictly controls the development of heavy-pollutant industries in relevant districts and counties. As result, difficulties have increased when choosing industrial development projects and some districts and counties have lost some opportunities to develop their economies, thus the gap between these areas and the benefited areas downstream is continuously increasing. But at the same time, economic indicators are always given top priority and weighting when upper level government is assessing the work of lower level government, so government officials in these areas are really in a dilemma â&#x20AC;&#x201C; importance should be attached to both biodiversity conservation and economic development. Therefore, when a benefited area has no compensation provided, and measurement indicators neglect the conservation of biodiversity, governments of these districts and counties have to make some reluctant choices in order to maintain their revenue. So, not only should a justified compensation mechanism be established, but also a mechanism for regular monitoring and control of ecological environment quality and regular issuance (annual reporting) should be settled and linked with assessment on government and the allocation and utilization of compensation fees. In other areas of Chongqing, during the past decade, along with the fast economic growth, urbanization, industrialization and projects construction, the demand for land keeps increasing, so the conflicts between biodiversity conservation and utilization are related to land use. Natural habitats are often directly used by road construction, mining, factory construction, tourist facilities, real estate development, and regional development - directly related to having an incomplete land use plan, ignorance of biodiversity conservation and ineffective implementation of these plans. Furthermore, planning and environmental 115
impact assessments (EIA) have not been fully rolled out; the evaluation of biodiversity impacts in the EIA of construction projects are often ignored, and the indicator system for biodiversity evaluation in EIA is incomplete.
2.5 Status of biodiversity-related research 2.5.1 Biological species resource surveys, catalogue and database establishment In China, large-scale surveys on fauna and flora species were concentrated in the 1950s and 1960s. Before 1997, Chongqing was subject to the jurisdiction of Sichuan Province, and was covered by every survey on biological resources carried by Sichuan Province. Results of those surveys including vegetation distribution and status of fauna and flora resources were documented mainly in Sichuan Fauna Sinica, Sichuan Vegetation and other major documentations. Though relevant departments and scientific research institutes have conducted surveys from different perspective before and after 1997, the baseline information is still inadequate, lacking updates, a systematic approach and integrity. From 1998 to 2000, Chongqing Forestry Bureau organized a survey on terrestrial wild animal resources, and more details were thus learned about wild vertebrate animals in Chongqing. Since 2006 Chongqing Environmental Protection Bureau has organized universities and research institutes to conduct continuous survey and catalogue work on biological species resources in Chongqing. Through data collection and consolidation, further field surveys were conducted towards different groups and populations (higher vascular plants, fruit trees and flower resources, terrestrial vertebrates, terrestrial invertebrates, aquatic species, medicinal biodiversity, domesticated animals, and microorganisms), â&#x20AC;&#x153;Database of Chongqing Bio-species Resourcesâ&#x20AC;? were established, and the Plan on Conservation and Utilization of Bio-species Resources in Chongqing was compiled. Based on the surveys, Evaluation Report on Biodiversity in Chongqing and Data Book of Biodiversity Evaluation in Chongqing were completed; Rapid Evaluation Report on Biodiversity for Shanwangping on Jinfo Mountain and Dawopu on Simian Mountain was completed; and a thematic research report on current conservation status of 12 endemic species in Chongqing was also completed. Generally, from the perspective of baseline survey on biodiversity, the specific quantity, distribution, threat status and conservation status of most animals and plants is still unclear; there is only a very little information about some populations (e.g. invertebrates and micro-organisms). Surveys on germplasm resources of crops and especially wild crop relative have not been systematically conducted; only a few species and small areas were involved, so species and populations of wild crop relatives are not clear either. From a geological perspective, except for a few nature reserves (e.g. Jinfo Mountain Nature Reserve and Jinyun Mountain Nature Reserve), baseline information of species resources in most of areas in Chongqing is not clear.
2.5.2 Monitoring and evaluation of biodiversity Following the start of the Three Gorges Project, the Institutes of Botany and Hydrobiology under Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Forestry organized long-term monitoring on terrestrial plants, terrestrial vertebrates and fish in and around the Three Gorges Reservoir area, and collected a large 116
quantity of data. The Life Science Department of Southwest University has also been conducting long-term monitoring on fish in Jialing River. So far, 15 stations have been established in Chongqing for monitoring of epidemic diseases of wild animals, of which 3 stations are at national level, and 13 stations are at municipal level. In 2009, the Ministry of Environmental Protection listed Chongqing in the second group of pilot provinces and cities for biodiversity evaluation. The Chongqing Environmental Protection Bureau organized Southwest University, Chongqing University and other institutes to collect data about indicators of richness of species, variety of ecosystems, integrity of vertical vegetation, endemism of species, invasiveness of alien species, and the degree of threats encountered by species. The data collected is on the basis of each district or county, thus a data book of biodiversity indicators for counties and districts was completed, as well as a comprehensive evaluation on biodiversity status of Chongqing. This is only a preliminary work for biodiversity evaluation in Chongqing, and long-term and systematic monitoring is demanded to better understand the overall trend of biodiversity changes, so as to propose more effective protective measures. Supported by EU-China Biodiversity Programme, Chongqing Environmental Protection Bureau attempted to establish a framework system for biodiversity monitoring in Chongqing, consequently, relevant personnel training and preliminary monitoring on dragonfly were conducted as an initial pilot of ecological monitoring.
2.5.3 Other research works Since 1997, a series of biodiversity research projects have been conducted by The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing University, Southwest University, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing Natural History Museum, Chongqing Institute of Gardening and Forestation, Chongqing Forest Pest Quarantine Station and other colleges and institutes. In addition to baseline survey, monitoring and evaluation on biodiversity, these researches mainly focused on biodiversity conservation, restoration and sustainable use in and around the Three Gorges Reservoir area. Over the past decade, Chongqing has made great progress in biodiversity research (see annex 5 for major accomplishments), however, there are still some gaps in basic researches, and other fields are still just at the beginning stages. Researches should be further enhanced in the fields of wildlife protection and sustainable use, threats to species, biological genetic resources and traditional knowledge, alien invasive species warning indicators, and impacts of global climate change on biodiversity.
2.6 Systems of conservation, utilization and management 2.6.1 Administrative departments In Chongqing, many departments are more or less involved in conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and share some responsibilities of biodiversity conservation (see annex 6 for more details). Based on the recognition that biodiversity conservation is complex and systematic, Chongqing government readjusted the roles and responsibilities of biodiversity conservation in the new round of organizational 117
reform, and in line with the principle of “comprehensive ministries and bureaus”, Chongqing Environmental Protection Bureau has been entitled with the overall administrative authority of biodiversity conservation, which has enhanced Chongqing EPB’s responsibilities on biodiversity conservation.
2.6.2 Institutes for scientific research and education There are 10 major institutes (see annex 7) for biodiversity related scientific research and education in Chongqing, shaping an elementary system of scientific research and education. However, investment on scientific research regarding biodiversity conservation is insufficient, with irrational staffing organization, incapable infrastructure facilities and dispersed information in each institute. Therefore, more communication and coordination is needed to integrate existing scientific research resources and benefit from each institute’s technological advantages, in order to avoid duplication and waste of resources, promote communication and public sharing of scientific research, and unite different disciplines to make a breakthrough in the key technologies of biodiversity conservation.
2.6.3 Non-governmental organizations In recent years, non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) have increased their role in Chongqing, playing an irreplaceable part in Chongqing’s biodiversity conservation, particularly in the fields of public education, training, consultation and communication. Representative NGO’s include Chongqing Green Volunteers Union, Chongqing Ecological Society, and others. Their major tasks are to conduct public education on biodiversity, standardize biodiversity knowledge, establish a system of public engagement for biodiversity conservation, provide outside supervision for biodiversity conservation work in protected areas, organize volunteers to conduct biodiversity related publicity, protection and monitoring activities, conducting community co-management projects in protected areas, conduct ecological agricultural development projects, and organize agricultural skill trainings and trainings on labour outsourcing skills. But existing NGO’s in Chongqing are in their infancy stage, and most of them are academic organizations. For NGO’s, there are still many restrictions and an insufficient framework in which they can work; their organizational management is poor, they have difficulties in raising financial resources, a lack of trained personnel, and are not involved in decision making. Chongqing still lacks the relevant policies and systems to encourage the involvement of NGOs in biodiversity conservation, management and sustainable use.
2.6.4 Decision-making, coordination and compensation mechanisms Decision-making mechanism: Like many other cities and provinces, government is the lead decision-making body for biodiversity conservation, while research and educational institutions, NGOs and the public can express their opinions, but only in a secondary role. The coordination mechanism of “comprehensive ministries and bureaus” has not yet been established in Chongqing, and therefore restricted management resources have not been integrated either. Coordination mechanism: though governmental reform has partially settled the issue of designating a coordination lead in biodiversity conservation, the specific roles and responsibilities are still located in different departments including environmental protection bureau, forestry bureau, gardening bureau, agricultural committee, water conservancy department, planning department, land resource administrative department, and split between each district and county. Since all these departments, districts and counties 118
have different start points and focuses when conducting conservation and management, the establishment of an effective horizontal and vertical coordination mechanism will be of decisive significance to biodiversity conservation. However, this coordination mechanism is in the process of maturing; gaps still exist in the coordination, cooperation and supervision between departments and governments at different levels. Overlapping functions, disconnected management, poor communication, unnecessary competition and shifting of responsibility occur frequently, resulting in inefficiency, gaps and deficiencies in management, as well as difficulties in progressing smooth and effective biodiversity conservation. Establishment of a horizontal-vertical coordination mechanism between departments and governments at different levels is urgently needed, in order to effectively integrate management resources. Compensation mechanism: an effective compensation mechanism should include three aspects: firstly, mutual benefits for both supplier and consumer involved in a certain ecological service; secondly, financial resources; thirdly, a mechanism for monitoring the effects of financial input. Measured by these three definition points, Chongqing has not established a standard and complete compensation mechanism under current conditions in China. Compensation methods at present are only transfer payments from upper governmental revenue. In a broad sense, transfer payments include all contents involved in compensation, but it is hard to tell to what proportion is used in biodiversity conservation. The Ministry of Environmental Protection defines four types of compensation mechanism: compensation for mine development; compensation for river basins, compensation for nature reserves, and compensation for ecological service areas. So far, Chongqing has established eco-deposit system for mine development, and deposit funds have been used in ecological restoration for mines. Through transfer payments and supplementary funds from projects, compensation has been implemented to some extent in river basins. In the case of nature reserves, financial resources for those at national and municipal levels include the one-time initial investment on infrastructure construction allocated by central government at the establishment of nature reserves, an annual cost allocation on capacity building from central and municipal governments, staffing and administrative costs allocated by local governments, project funds provided by upper administrative departments (e.g. Natural Forest Protection Project), and business income from eco-tourism, but for nature reserves at county and district level, there is little input from governmental revenue, therefore it is hard for effective management to be conducted. Currently there has been no implementation of a compensation project for ecological services. Generally, there are four major issues in current compensation mechanism of Chongqing: firstly, that they are simple with poor efficiency; secondly, they are of insufficient size to compensate local residents for sacrificing economic development and improvement in living conditions; thirdly, that there is narrow coverage of compensation schemes, making it hard for some places to get compensation, let alone to sustain and improve their capability in biodiversity management; fourthly, that the operational mechanism for managing compensation funds is very simple, without direct links to assessment on governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s roles and responsibilities in ecological protection and to the benefits of local residents. It fails to appreciate the role of compensation as a means of promoting sustainable development of the economy and local livelihoods within protected areas. Therefore, compensation in this stage can hardly meet the needs of biodiversity conservation.
2.7 Policies and legal systems Policies and legal system concerning biodiversity conservation have been established at both national level and Chongqing municipal level (see annex 8), and biodiversity conservation is being given more and more importance. The existing policies and legal system has identified wild animals and plants that should be under key protection, and has stipulated management measures for each area, but there are deficiencies in execution and in the system itself. The most important two laws on biodiversity conservation in China are the Nature Reserve Management Regulation of PRC and the Wildlife Protection Law of PRC. Being formulated a long time ago, these two laws canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t thoroughly settle the problems encountered by biodiversity conservation at present. Meanwhile, the policies and legal system in Chongqing are far from covering all the aspects involved in biodiversity conservation in Chongqing. For instance, in the existing laws and regulations of EIA, no stipulations on biodiversity impacts evaluation are provided, thus reducing the focus on biodiversity when conducting an EIA, and causing negative impacts on biodiversity by construction projects. These policies and plans are still restricted within the conservation field, without much connection to the policies and plans of economic development departments, in this sense conservation work is solely shouldered by conservation departments, without incorporating biodiversity conservation into management and development plans of economic development departments, which is deemed as a reason for the low efficiency of conservation work. Though a series of laws and regulations on agricultural germplasm have been issued in China, the loss of germplasm resource is still severe, because of inadequate publicity, poor awareness on law compliance and weak execution of laws and regulations, thus management on import and export of germplasm resources should be urgently enhanced. Currently, germplasm resource protection for agricultural crops is focused on ex-situ protection, and the protection of original native habitats has lagged behind, thus many important habitats for wild crop relatives have been seriously damaged, and the rate at which protected sites for original habitats are being established is much slower than the rate at which they are being destroyed. The system of local supporting policies and regulations is incomplete without a sustainable policy system. Most of the current laws, regulations and policies are targeted at certain elements in nature, with little consideration given to the organic integrity of natural environment and interdependency of natural elements, consequently, the development of one resource impacts other resources, leading to the overall deterioration of habitats. The existing conservation policies cannot meet the requirements of practical management, as they lack financial policies that encourage long-term investment; neither compensation policies, nor an effective supervisory mechanism has been established, and there is no policy mechanism in favour of scientific and technological input to ecological protection. The enforcement of policies, laws and regulations is weak, and coordination between departments and regions needs to be further enhanced. Illegal hunting and trade of wild animals and wild animal products still occur and are on the increase, not yet having been effectively controlled; some administrative authorities even make use of their power to gain unlawful advantages, so illegal hunting of ungulates, birds and frogs occurs frequently, along with damage and encroachment on wild habitats and nature reserves. Because of deficiencies in management mechanism, organizational structure, personnel qualifications, 120
compensation mechanism and management costs, the enforcement and implementation of laws and regulations are severely restricted. Adverse phenomena are often seen, such as non-compliance with existing laws (e.g. restaurants serving wild animals), loose enforcement of laws (illegal logging, etc.), light fines (especially for mass exploitation of wild resources), few charges being brought and poor management. No mechanism for public involvement in the supervision of these laws has yet been set up.
2.8 Publicity and education In addition to government departments, many institutions and organizations are currently engaged in publicity and education of biodiversity conservation, such as Chongqing Publicity and Education Centre of Environmental Protection, Chongqing Natural History Museum, Chongqing Ecological Society, Chongqing Green Volunteers Union, Chongqing University, Southwest University, Chongqing Normal University, Sichuan International Studies University, Jinyun Mountain National Nature Reserve and others. However, public awareness on biodiversity is poor. Administrative officials at different ranks have no sufficient understanding of the meaning and value of biodiversity conservation, and it is even rare for the term â&#x20AC;&#x153;biodiversityâ&#x20AC;? to appear in government reports. No biodiversity cost is measured with quantifiable indicators of output values, profits and revenues, and many people have no idea about this concept. More importance has been attached to economic benefits and other short-term development effects, while the potential harm to future economic development due to biodiversity damage is ignored. Under such circumstances, it is easy to anticipate the difficulties faced in making all levels of government understand the importance of biodiversity conservation. In addition to the above, the potentially important roles that could be played by local communities have not been given full recognition by different social sectors. The government still leads on biodiversity conservation and is far from becoming a widely held public concern.
Chapter 3 Problem Analysis Since 1978, with the implementation of ecological protection projects, such as Natural Forest Protection, Returning Farmland to Forest, and the establishment of nature reserves, biodiversity in some parts of Chongqing has started to recover. However, the overall trend of declining biodiversity has not been controlled. Ecosystems in Chongqing are still deteriorating, as well as ecological services. Though some species have seen recovery in terms of quantity and habitat, most wild animals and plants in Chongqing are decreasing in number; the number of endangered species is increasing and the threats are generally getting worse with the loss and fragmentation of habitats, and degradation of habitat quality. The rate of loss of genetic resources has slowed, but there is still a negative trend. The causes of this are complicated. Starting with the problems faced by biodiversity conservation, this BSAP aims to analyze the major causes deep to the roots (see table 3-1), in order to propose strategies and actions that should be adopted to settle these issues and control the loss of biodiversity.
3.1 Issues and the causes Major causes for the continuous decrease of biodiversity in Chongqing include the following:
3.1.1 Unsustainable use of species resources Illegal fishing, hunting, logging and exploitation have all reduced the quantity of wildlife with edible, medicinal and ornamental values year by year, bringing species to the edge of extinction, and even resulting in the loss of some species. For instance, medicinal plants such as Dendrobium, Panax ginseng, and Clematidis armandii have been exhausted in Chongqing due to over exploitation. Fishing by electric shock, poisoning and other illegal means in the Yangtze, Jialing, Hanjiang and other rivers (the upper reaches in particular) have resulted in fishery catches getting younger and smaller with lower productivity, with the decrease in productivity and economic effects as a result. With an increase in peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s standard of living, as well as impacts brought by population growth and international market expansion, market demand for species resources is increasing sharply. Economic temptation from market demand has become the external driving force for the unsustainable use of species resources. Most of the rural areas with rich biodiversity in Chongqing, especially the Daba Mountain and Wuling Mountain areas are poor in economic development and education. Farmers are the direct consumer of species resources, but they have a poor awareness of sustainable development practices and little incentive. Chongqingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s technological capacity on sustainable use of biodiversity is underdeveloped, with inadequate support for rural areas, so people cannot easily adopt alternative livelihoods, develop artificial cultivation projects, or add value to their agricultural and forestry products, so as to change their dependency on natural resources, modify use patterns, or mitigate conflicts between livelihood development and sustainable use of species resources.
Due to the absence of a complete and effective compensation mechanism and public engagement mechanism, people have no economic or social incentives to participate in protection and sustainable management of species resources.
3.1.2 Damage caused by construction and development projects As industrialization and urbanization proceed rapidly in Chongqing, the construction and development of large infrastructure projects, such as road and railway construction, hydropower facilities (the Three Gorges Project and cascade hydropower stations along rivers), mine construction, tourist facilities, agricultural and industrial development zones, real estate projects and so on, have not only encroached, submerged and damaged lots of natural habitat, but also had huge impacts on the natural environment with pollution, noise and other human activities, directly interfering with wildlife habitats, especially in key biodiversity areas, vulnerable natural environments and areas that find it hard to recover once damaged. Take the karst area in south-eastern Chongqing for example: construction projects can easily cause soil erosion and lead to desertification in this area, construction projects can also result in the loss, fragmentation and deterioration of wild habitat, destroying ecosystems and reducing species numbers to the edge of extinction. The major reasons for these construction and development projects encroaching and destroying wild habitat are discussed below: Biodiversity conservation is comprehensive and integral, but Chongqing has so far yet to develop a biodiversity conservation strategy and action plan that can be used as guidance for governmental departments to play a proactive part in biodiversity conservation when developing relevant special plans and regional development plans. Current development plans, including various regional industrial development plans, for instance land use plan and urban development plan, biodiversity conservation has not been given enough consideration, and EIAs have not been fully integrated. Gaps still exist between the compilation and implementation of such plans, since some ecological and biodiversity protective measures, though written into such plans, have not been practically implemented in the construction process due to the following issues in the proposing, approving, implementation and management of construction projects: 1. Due to wide gaps between urban and rural areas, and regional development imbalance, many counties in Chongqing are very poor, especially those counties with rich biodiversity, thus people in these counties have strong desire to alleviate poverty and improve living conditions. Plus the fact that many local decision makers have only partial understanding on the concept of development, so the pursuit of instant success and short-term profit emerges in the process of development. Meanwhile, biodiversity indicators have not been incorporated in the performance assessment from upper level government to lower level government and evaluations on government leadersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; performance, only economic indicators are given top priority and heavy weight, therefore, governmental officials in these areas are often in a dilemma where importance have to be attached to both biodiversity conservation and economic development, and often 123
economic growth is gained at the cost of environment. In addition to this, rational and effective compensation mechanism has not been established, thus many sacrifices made by these poverty stricken areas for biodiversity conservation have not been compensated, discouraging the activeness of local governments in biodiversity conservation. 2. Due to lack of baseline information about biodiversity in Chongqing, absence of a monitoring and evaluation system, short cycle of EIA and shortage of financial input, biodiversity impact evaluations are often ignored in the EIA of existing construction and development projects. Currently there are no evaluation instructions or guidance to unify biodiversity evaluation methods, indicators and process, which as a result raise difficulties for administrative authorities to conduct scientific management and decision-making. 3. In the process of project implementation and management different departments often strive for their own benefits, leading to gaps in coordination, cooperation and supervision between departments, and even arguments within them. For this reason, the management capabilities of these functionary departments have been largely restricted, causing blanks and deficiencies in management. The lack of a unified and coordinated management mechanism, and arguments over benefits between departments have, for a long time, resulted in insufficient communication and cooperation between departments and between districts and counties when conducting aligned protection work and making administrative decisions, meanwhile it is difficult for the environmental protection department to execute the function of unified monitoring and coordination, thus protection work with low efficiency and quality sometimes occurs. In addition, many departments have not set up a specific body for biodiversity management, and are incapable to handle the increasingly heavy work of biodiversity conservation. 4. It lacks effective public engagement and supervision through the whole process of project proposing, approving, executing and follow-up management. No such mechanism for effective public engagement and supervision has been established yet.
3.1.3 Poor performance of management and protection in protected areas Although there has been fast growth in numbers of various protected areas in Chongqing in recent years, such as nature reserves, World Heritage Sites, scenery parks, forest parks, wetland parks and so on, the performance in biodiversity conservation is still poor; consequently, habitats of wildlife and ecosystems in protected areas are still suffering damage, specifically in the following aspects: Firstly, in respect of layout planning and management systems; though Chongqing has established various types of protected areas, no effective management network for nature protection has been formed yet, and relevant protection work is rather disconnected. As Chongqing doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have any comprehensive evaluation system for biodiversity in line with the management objectives of biodiversity; no comprehensive evaluation on biodiversity has been done on the basis of species quantity, endemicity and diversity of ecosystems. Chongqing does not yet have an integrated layout and systematic plan for establishing protected areas, so there are differences in purposes, motives, administrative authorities and legal securities of establishing protected areas. Existing protected areas can not cover all the representative and critical ecosystems and endangered and endemic species. It is also obvious that most of the nature reserves in Chongqing are for forest protection, while those for wild animals, rivers and wetlands have received less attention.
Secondly, a lot of nature reserves, forest parks and scenery parks in Chongqing were established in pursuit of tourism development, thus many local governments allow mass tourism development within protected areas, especially the construction of tourist and resort facilities as well as infrastructure facilities, causing heavy damage to biodiversity. More importantly, after being identified as protected areas, some biodiversity-rich areas will then be zoned out of protected area or transformed from core protected area to experimental area at local governmentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; will, in order to develop mineral, hydropower and tourist resources, obviously having an adverse impact on biodiversity conservation. Additionally, many protected areas do not have any management organizations, or the management organizations are not complete; other protected areas are managed by multi-authorities without clear definition of management functions, therefore there is no effective management that meets the conservation needs. When protected areas were established, zoning area was not reasonable, and demands of local residents were not given sufficient consideration; with a top-down mode of management mode, local residents have been unable to participate in the management of protected areas. Additionally, many protected areas lack specialized personnel, many management staffs have little training or capability, infrastructure facilities are incomplete, and financial input is inadequate, so all these result in inefficient biodiversity conservation in nature reserves. For example, most nature reserves at county level in Chongqing have not established any management organizations and are not equipped with specialized management staffs, which make it hard to conduct routine protection and management work such as monitoring and patrolling. Though national nature reserves have set up management organizations, large gaps still exist to meet the requirements of effective management due to poor management capability, insufficient human and financial resources and incomplete management and conservation facilities. National nature reserves receive an annual cost allocation from central government, while for many nature reserves at municipal and county levels, the one-time investment given by the country at their inception is the largest amount of financial input they receive. If they are not successful in finding financial investment from upper level departments, the revenue of these nature reserves can only support routine office administrative work, which makes it hard to conduct effective protection and management.
3.1.4 Industrial and agricultural pollution The decline of species, degradation and disappearance of habitat and deterioration of ecosystems caused by pollution, soil pollution and pollution to aquatic ecosystem in particular, should not be neglected. Soil pollution, especially that caused by heavy metals, which is concealed, delayed, accumulated, irreversible and hard to manage, will bring direct impacts on the structure and functions of the soil ecosystem considered as essential to material flow and energy flow in nature â&#x20AC;&#x201C; impacting not only the health of humans, but also the quality of habitats where many wild animals and plants live. Meanwhile, the pollution to aquatic ecosystem is caused mainly by wastewater from industries and urban residential quarters, as well as the NPS pollutions from rural areas. The result of this is that many secondary rivers in Chongqing have lost ecosystem functions, and habitats for aquatic species have been damaged. As industrialization and urbanization expands quickly in Chongqing, a lot of rural residents have moved to urban areas, and the number and scale of industrial businesses has increased dramatically. Air pollution, noise pollution and aquatic pollution have seriously increased in urban areas. Some factories discharge 125
wastewater, solid waste and waste gas without any control, which directly pollutes farmland and water. Since the decontamination disposal rate of domestic garbage and hazardous wastes is low, and the disposal process of hazardous waste is too simple, secondary pollution also occurs. Moreover, some waste water treatment facilities in urban areas around the Three Gorges Reservoir have low operational capacity, and parts of established waste treatment facilities are hard to operate. In rural areas, along with the development of small businesses, there is large-scale use of pesticide, chemical fertilizers and plastic. Farming and captive fish breeding are also increasing and seriously adding to environmental pollution. Many farmers focus only on high crop yields, so mass use of fertilizers and pesticides are common. Continuous use of fertilizers causes soil to degrade, and the long-term use of organic phosphorous and hazardous pesticides increases chemical pollution to soil and water, as a result, reducing the number of beneficial organisms such as birds and fish.
3.1.5 Alien invasive species According to the results of a biodiversity survey and evaluation conducted in 2009, there are currently 92 recorded alien invasive species in Chongqing, taking 1/3 of the total alien invasive species in China. Among the 92 alien species, 78 are plant species, subordinating to 26 families and 58 genera; 7 are vertebrate species and 6 are micro-organisms. Over 30 alien plant species are distributed in each of the 40 districts and counties in Chongqing. Beibei District, Yubei District, Nanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;an District and Banan area in particular contain most of the alien plant species, while Xiushan County, Chengkou County and Yuzhong District have relatively less. The growth and expansion of some alien plant species have seriously threatened the habitat of agricultural crops. In some nature reserves and scenery parks (such as Wulong World Heritage Site, Jinyun Mountain Nature Reserve, Nanshan Mountain Scenery Park, Fengjie Natural Pit and Canyon World Heritage Site), the deterioration of ecosystem caused by human activities provide favourable conditions for some alien invasive species, where their expansion is obvious. Due to continuously increasing business exchange and personal communication with outside environment, Chongqing is currently facing serious invasion by alien species, laying huge potential threats to biodiversity conservation in Chongqing. About half of the alien invasive species in Chongqing were imported purposely for forestation and ornament, and the other half were introduced accidentally by human activities. Within the area of Chongqing, no systematic survey has been done on types of alien invasive species or the mechanism of invasion, so there is no detail information about invasion of alien species, and current status and risk assessments on ecological and economic loss and potential threats caused by alien invasive species are not available. The lack of data and information means the public and government have little awareness on alien invasive species and the consequent hazards in Chongqing. In the process of greening and forestation, focus is only given to ornamental and economic interests, thus alien species (even invasive species) are often selected. Management staffs are not able to make scientific decisions on timely prevention and management of alien species. So far, Chongqing has not established a monitoring and early-warning system for invasive of alien species, making it impossible to conduct a risk assessment and control purposefully imported alien species. Chongqing lacks laws and regulations in this field, and insufficient prevention and management technologies also limit Chongqingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s capability to control alien invasive species.
3.1.6 Loss of genetic resources The loss of genetic resources in Chongqing is getting more and more serious. This is mainly represented by the loss of genetic resources of cultivated plants and local livestock and poultry genes, at the same time, the wild crop relatives or wild resources (traditional medicinal herbs in particular) of these species are being lost rapidly, to the extent that some are now extinct. As science and technology advance rapidly, the breeding and update of cultivated plant resources is accelerating as well. During 1950s to 1960s, it took about 20-30 years to breed a new type, while it needs only 3-5 years to breed a new one now. The continuously deepening and strengthening of international and regional communications has also increased the number of introduced alien fauna and flora, as well as expanded their distribution. But at the same time, many local genetic resources in Chongqing are not known. As a result of inadequate collection of data on existing resources, evaluation work only touches surface features and quantity indicators, without evaluations on quality, resistance and other specificities, which cannot meet the requirements of breeding and production markets. Therefore, many local genetic resources are not selected for breeding, and not marketed, resulting in weaker market competitiveness of these genetic resources, and species cultivated by local people are becoming more and more monotypic; many good traditional local genetic resources and important genetic features are declining rapidly or facing extinction due to fierce competition. In recent years, Chongqing has enhanced the establishment of in-situ conservation system for wild crop relatives of agricultural genetic resources, rescuing existing agricultural genetic resources and preserving germplasm resources, and has conducted survey, variety certification and protection on genetic resources of livestock and poultry species. However, due to huge amount of resources and the need of better facilities for preserving germplasm resources of livestock, poultry and fish species, the construction and improvement of modern germplasm preserving facilities are required urgently to meet the needs of collection and protection work. Because research on genetic resources lags behind, there is not much understanding or baseline information on the history of loss of genetic resources and relevant traditional knowledge, nor there is any complete survey, collation of information, cataloguing, or physical sharing of information on genetic resources and relevant traditional knowledge; this therefore makes the development of policies and solutions difficult. Currently, there are no laws and regulations on access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources and relevant traditional knowledge, for instance the absence of intellectual property protection system in this field. So many genetic resources have been plagiarized and smuggled overseas for commercial use without acknowledgement of local communities, let alone reasonable and fair benefit sharing.
Table 3-1 Problem Tree
The trend of biodiversity decline has not been restrained and turned round in Chongqing (Problem Tree)
poor market competiveness of indigenous genetic resources. poor protection of resources lack of info on genetic resources and local knowledge lack of laws and regulations controlling alien species lack of control tech. of understanding of alien species and lack of impact assessment sewage and waste in rural areas plastic films Pesticides & Fertilisers
lack of selection and breeding lack of product dvmt and marketing insufficient collection of genetic resources inadequate preservation facilities lack of research
no early-warning lack of disposal facilities absence of laws preventing soil pollution inadequate recognition of soil pollution insufficient funding
not enough capability and equipment absence of management authorities lack of local engagement lack of integrated and systematic plan EPB not unified for biodiversity insufficient comms between departments dispersed and overlapped roles and responsibilities lack of regulations plannersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; awareness about biod. cons. is inadequate lack of enthusiasm awareness of biod. cons. and sust.dev poor lack of evaluation on biod. cons. performance in go lack of technological support
incentive &
Incomplete management over development of tourism lack of effective mgmt system ineffective engagement of public inefficient coord.& co-op. between depts lack of biod. impacts in EIA inadequate consid. of biod. in dev. plans
ignorance of biod. while pursuing economic dvmt lack comprehensive protection of biod. lack of enthusiasm capability of sustainable use Poor public awareness
weak support for sustainable use
R&D cannot meet the requirements backward scientific and technological facilities lack of specialized technicians unclear about soil pollution distribution and coverage lack of financial investment mechanism lack of
lack of coordination lack of compensation lack of biodiversity monitoring
NPS pollution
Loss of genetic Invasion of alien Industrial and agricultural Protected areas not Damage by development Excessive use of species
3.2 Roots of problems Generally, the roots of many above mentioned problems are based in the following areas: (1) Baseline information on biodiversity in Chongqing (including alien invasive species, genetic resources and so on) is insufficient, there is not much available information about the populations, conservation status and threat mechanism of endangered and endemic fauna and flora species, nor there is any system for comprehensive monitoring and evaluation on the current status, challenges, measures and management efficiency of biodiversity, so it is hard to provide scientific grounds for management and decision making; (2) The layout and plan of protected areas such as nature reserves are not reasonable, and biodiversity management network has not been established. (3) Management organizations of protected areas are incomplete, lacking personnel and equipment, and management and protection efforts are poor. (4) There is a lack of legal and regulatory systems for nature reserve management, biodiversity evaluation in EIA of projects, protection of genetic resources and traditional knowledge, and management of alien invasive species. (5) There is no integrated plan for biodiversity conservation, and the concept of biodiversity conservation has not been incorporated in regional social-economic development plan and various industrial plans. (6) In biodiversity management, there is no effective vertical-horizontal communication and coordination mechanism between departments and between local governments in counties and districts. (7) Indicators of biodiversity conservation have not been included in performance appraisals of governmental departments and officials. (8) There is no reasonable, effective and all-round ecological compensation mechanism. (9) Research on alien invasive species is weak, without control mechanisms or a monitoring and early-warning system. (10) There are insufficient facilities for preserving genetic resources, and work on basic research and evaluation is lacking. (11) Rural areas have inadequate understanding and technology for the sustainable use of natural resources. (12) There is no effective mechanism to encourage public engagement in biodiversity conservation. Biodiversity conservation is still under the control of government, and has not yet become a public concern or area for the wider participation of all social sectors. (13) Public and government officials do not have much awareness on biodiversity conservation. (14) Financial and human resources on scientific research and conservation are inadequate.
Chapter 4 Conservation Strategy 4.1 Guidance and principles 4.1.1 Guidance Take the scientific outlook on development as the lead guiding concept, abide by scientific rules, respect natural laws, improve management system and mechanism, allocate resources reasonably, enhance executive capability, effectively conserve and recover biodiversity, and raise biodiversity management level in all areas; formulate effective policies to promote the general public participation in biodiversity conservation, correctly balance the relationship between conservation and sustainable development, strategic transform current emergency conservation work into sustainable long-term conservation, and essentially turn around the current threats to biodiversity in Chongqing; give further play to the eco-service functions of biodiversity, ensure ecological security around the Three Gorges Reservoir area, promote harmonious co-existence between man and nature, and build up an ecologically civilized and environmentally friendly society. Look at biodiversity conservation from an integrated and cross-sector perspective, transmit knowledge and skills required by biodiversity conservation through education on sustainable development, and encourage behaviours, and lifestyles that meet the needs of biodiversity conservation.
4.1.2 Principles (1) The principle of overall coordination Stick to the principle of overall coordination, and balance the relationship between biodiversity conservation and social-economic development. Combine the methods of scientific conservation and reasonable use together, abide by and serve the overall trend of economic development, and continuously enhance the capacity of biodiversity conservation by taking advantage of social-economic development. With the precondition of minimizing resource consumption and environmental contamination, raise the efficiency of resource utilization, realize sustainable and healthy development of the economy, and thus promote the coordinated and united relationship between biodiversity conservation and social-economic development.
(2) The principle of integrated protection Properly handle the relation of overall protection with the protection of key areas, incorporate biodiversity conservation into the overall deployment of ecological protection and construction in Chongqing, and conduct integrated biodiversity conservation. Meanwhile, create new mechanisms and set up multi-objective management, addressing various biodiversity targets in different areas and focusing on the protection of species and their original wild habitat.
(3) The principle of public engagement
The government should have a roll in the orientation of the public into their conservation interests; the coordination function of relevant NGO’s should be enhanced, in order to raise capacity of decision making and execution in biodiversity conservation. At the same time, publicity and education should be promoted in order to enhance conservation awareness and action capacity of the general public; this should be done in two ways: “top down” and “bottom up”, so as to create the best atmosphere for wide-ranging work and proactive participation. Through the establishment of a compensation mechanism, a multi-sourced financing system should be created under the precondition of effective biodiversity conservation, and an interactive management mechanism should be developed.
(4) The principle of adapting to local conditions On the basis of distribution and conservation requirements of biodiversity, identify the direction and measures for reasonable utilization and conservation of biodiversity regionally, focusing on in situ conservation and reproduction of resources, and protect the diversity of species and integrity of ecosystems.
(5) The principle of in situ conservation supplemented by ex-situ conservation Biodiversity conservation should be based on in situ conservation to protect the natural habitat of wild animals and plants, by preserving and restoring natural corridors, and to protect natural ecosystems and sceneries; but due to the continuous reduction of wild habitats, many endangered and endemic species and important wild genetic resources have to be rescued by means of ex-situ conservation; reintroduction of species should be conducted proactively in order to return restored populations back to the wild in a timely manner for the recovery of wild populations.
(6) The principle of prioritized conservation and ranked conservation Implement prioritized conservation and ranked conservation to ensure endemic species, endangered species and ecosystems are given conservation priorities. Management and protection measures should be implemented in a long term, phased, and sequential manner.
(7) Scientific and practicable principles Use measures that are practical, innovative and operable by following scientific principles and relying on scientific and technological means to promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
(8) The principle of concern for cultural diversity “Rich diversity is the advantage of us human beings”. In the conservation and management of biodiversity, cultural diversity is an important aspect that should not be ignored. Culture creates atmosphere, which not only determines the way individuals and groups utilize and manage natural resources, but also changes ecosystems and biodiversity on this planet. Biodiversity conservation within a wider scope of cultural diversity is a major component and indicator of sustainable development.
4.2 Overall objectives From 2010 to 2030, effectively control the trend of declining biodiversity and ecosystems in Chongqing, and restore threatened species and ecosystems, by protecting the integrity of ecosystems and diversity of species and habitats, relying on establishment and improvement of: biodiversity conservation management systems and mechanisms, communication and interaction between relevant stakeholders, wide public engagement, protection of traditional knowledge, and use of modern and scientific technologies; realize sustainable use and benefit-sharing of species and their genetic resources; ensure the capabilities of decision-making and execution can meet the requirements of conservation; make biodiversity conservation actions mainstream in society, raise the capacity and effect of biodiversity conservation, and incorporate biodiversity in Chongqing’s socio-economic development and routine governmental management; assure the ecological security around the Three Gorges Reservoir area; and build an ecologically civilized society where man and nature get along harmoniously.
4.3 Specific objectives and strategies Through the problem analysis, the following specific objectives and strategies have been identified: Objective 1: By 2015, clarify baseline biodiversity information in Chongqing, establish a preliminary monitoring and evaluation system to regularize monitoring and evaluation work. Strategy: •
• •
Combine specific surveys and general surveys together to further investigate baseline biodiversity information in critical and weak areas, and systematically sort and catalogue biodiversity information and relevant traditional knowledge in Chongqing. Establish a standardized database of biodiversity, and develop other directories and databases for ecosystems, species, genetic resources and traditional knowledge that are given conservation priority, in order to digitalize biodiversity conservation and management and facilitate information sharing. Establish a biodiversity monitoring and early-warning system, and conduct regular monitoring on biodiversity. Establish a comprehensive evaluation system for biodiversity based around management objectives; evaluate current status and changing trends for biodiversity in Chongqing, and regularly publish comprehensive evaluation reports, thereby establishing regular comprehensive biodiversity evaluations.
Objective 2: By 2020, complete the standardization of capacity-building for nature reserves, to improve the capacity of management organizations in all kinds of protected areas, and preliminarily establish a biodiversity conservation network that is managed with integrated coordination roles and clearly divided responsibilities; effectively protect and recover representative endangered and endemic species and critical ecosystems by enhancing in-situ conservation; and reduce threats to the three important eco-functional areas in Chongqing. 132
• •
In the process of implementing the Major Functional Areas Plan, strengthen the formulation and implementation of a Development Plan of Nature Reserve Systems, and optimize the system of nature reserves; establish a unified biodiversity conservation network in Chongqing with the development of areas for ecosystem functions and other protected areas. Focus on the capacity building of nature reserves at a national and municipal level; progress standardized development and management in nature reserves, in order to assist the recovery and reproduction of the most endangered and endemic species within protected areas. Enhance in-situ conservation of endangered and endemic wildlife and their habitats, and carry out protection and restoration for several types of critical and vulnerable ecosystems. Raise conservation awareness and capacity for sustainable development in communities around the Daba and Wuling mountainous areas where rich biodiversity exists, and mitigate adverse impacts on biodiversity caused by local communities. Implement the Biodiversity Conservation Plan for the Three Gorges Reservoir Area as early as possible, in order to reduce adverse impacts on regional biodiversity caused by the construction of Three Gorges Reservoir, and protect biodiversity in the area. Implement Development Plan of Major Ecological-functional Areas in Chongqing as early as possible, in order to gradually recover and improve eco-service functions.
Objective 3: By 2015, establish and implement policies, laws and regulations, and institutional systems for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; establish a compensation mechanism, and form a policies and legal guarantee system for the regulated management of species resources that are able to be marketed and commercialized while maintaining conservation benefits. Strategies: •
Publish a series of laws and regulations related to biodiversity conservation, and formulate supporting operational instructions, policies and measures to improve relevant policies and legal guarantee systems. Enhance study on policies concerning biodiversity, and develop specific encouragement policies regarding conservation and sustainable use of some important ecosystems, species and genetic resources in Chongqing, and establish a complete compensation mechanism with adequate financing and effective compensation measures, targeting at different ecological areas and biological resources. On the basis of ensuring benefits of local residents and respecting the independent decision-making rights of local residents, establish channels to connect part of conservation transfer payments with commercialization and marketing of biological resources; promote development and utilization of relevant resources as well as sustainable development of the regional economy, under the precondition of effective biodiversity conservation. Develop and implement Guidance on Biodiversity Impact Evaluation for construction projects and regional development projects, making sure that biodiversity evaluation becomes a regular component of EIAs for construction and regional development projects.
Objective 4: By 2020, establish an integrated management system for biodiversity conservation, and ensure that biodiversity conservation is reflected in government-related planning and performance appraisal indicators. 133
Strategies: 1. Incorporate biodiversity in the national economic and social development plan of Chongqing municipal government, as well as relevant plans by different departments, and adopt effective measures with which to monitor the implementation. 2. Formulate and complete the appraisal indicators system for ecology and biodiversity, establish monitoring and evaluation system for ecology and biodiversity, and conduct performance appraisal on leaders and officials in local governments and departments on the basis of monitoring and evaluation results. 3. Optimize roles and responsibilities within government departments for biodiversity conservation, establish effective vertical-horizontal coordination mechanism, and further improve biodiversity related management organizations in government departments, in order to establish a comprehensive management system for biodiversity conservation. Objective 5: By 2020, establish and complete laws and regulations for the management of alien invasive species and ecological security, and establish a monitoring and early-warning system in order to effectively control alien invasive species. Strategies: • •
Carry out monitoring and evaluation on alien invasive species, and establish an information resource and environmental risk evaluation system for alien species. Carry out research on early-warning and monitoring systems for alien invasive species; enhance the capacity of emergency response and handling organizations, establish responsibility tracking system, and control the impacts and spread of these species. Conduct research on technology and methods for the biological prevention and control of hazardous species, and strengthen integrated prevention and control over alien invasive species.
Objective 6: By 2015, effectively protect and fairly share genetic resources and relevant traditional knowledge. Strategies: • •
Strengthen the collection, protection, preservation and utilization of genetic resources, and standardize their management. Enhance the protection of genetic resources and intellectual property rights of traditional communities; establish an access and benefit-sharing mechanism for genetic resources, develop benefit-sharing measures targeting at local residents as the major beneficiary, ensure the benefits reach resource supplying areas, relevant organizations and communities, and finally ensure that the benefits from genetic resources and traditional knowledge are fairly shared.
Objective 7: By 2020, sustainable use of biodiversity is ensured, and relevant technologies are widely applied. Strategies: 134
Under the precondition of effective conservation, conduct standardized management of biological resources development, develop a series of advanced technologies for sustainable use of biological resources, and promote the sustainable use of species resources. Enhance the promotion of technologies for the sustainable use of biodiversity, and ensure that the relevant departments incorporate the promotion of such technologies into their scientific and technological work plans. Strengthen organizational management to proactively promote such technologies.
Objective 8: By 2015, biodiversity publicity and education system is fully established, training for promising projects and individuals is improved, educational resources are further enriched, and a public engagement platform is in place. Strategies: •
• •
Enhance publicity and education on biodiversity conservation and utilization, integrate all available resources for biodiversity conservation publicity and education in Chongqing, and therefore establish a publicity and education network. Foster talent in the field of biodiversity conservation, and enhance capacity building and training for biodiversity management staff. Establish a long-term mechanism for public engagement in biodiversity conservation, and reflect views from stakeholders and general public in the decision-making of biodiversity management and conservation. Establish biodiversity partnerships involving participation of all stakeholders, and guide stakeholders both at home and abroad to engage in the implementation of biodiversity conservation projects. Proactively conduct international cooperation, taking cooperation mechanisms as the link and cooperation projects as the platform.
4.4 Guarantees, monitoring and evaluation for BSAP implementation 4.4.1 Implementation guarantees (1) Organizational guarantee Firstly, strengthen leadership. Governments and departments at different levels should consider the implementation of BSAP as an important component of building an ecologically civilized society, and take the implementation seriously. A system should be established and completed to ensure the achievement of biodiversity conservation objectives, and make it an important content of performance appraisal for leaders and officials. Different departments should cooperate closely to ensure the smooth implementation of the BSAP. A Work Team to progress the BSAP should be established under the Chongqing Biodiversity Committee, made up of municipal government leaders and major personnel responsible for relevant departments. The work team should be in charge of coordination for the revision and implementation of BSAP, and sign responsibility agreements in line with the BSAP implementation plan endorsed and transferred by municipal government, then assign specific objectives and tasks to relevant departments and governments at county and district levels. 135
Secondly, roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined. Chongqing Municipal EPB is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the BSAP, and is in charge of the following organizationsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; daily work: BSAP Progressing Work Team, Biodiversity Conservation and Management Office, Office for Joint Meeting on Species Resources Protection and Management, and Office of Nature Reserve Evaluation & Review Committee. Besides, Chongqing Municipal EPB is in charge of assigning annual BSAP implementation tasks and objectives to relevant departments, and submitting the assignment plan to municipal government for endorsement; responsible for monitoring management of biodiversity conservation in Chongqing, and assisting the municipal financial department to arrange matched funding for the implementation of the BSAP. Governments of districts and counties are responsible for the preparation and implementation of the BSAP within the jurisdiction area of each, arranging corresponding supplementary funds and ensuring timely accomplishment of annual tasks and objectives, in order to realize the overall objectives of biodiversity conservation in Chongqing.
(2) Institutional Guarantee Firstly, establish a responsibility system based on working objectives. Assign the divided tasks and objectives of the BSAP to relevant departments of municipal government and to governments of all districts and counties (including autonomous prefectures), and incorporate the implementing results of such tasks and objectives into the environmental protection accomplished performance appraisal by heads of governments, and into the objective appraisal for governments. Secondly, establish a mechanism for scheduling work meetings. Hold irregular work meetings to check the implementation progress of each task and objectives; coordinate timely resolution of issues in the process of implementation, and research and deploy tasks of the BSAP implementation. Thirdly, establish a consultation system to make decisions scientifically. Establish Chongqing BSAP Expert Advisory Committee, made up of national and municipal experts, and invite advisory experts appointed by the municipal government.
(3) Financing guarantee Funds shall be raised based on the principle of â&#x20AC;&#x153;the one who damages it should restore it; the one who protects it should benefit, and diversify the funding sources.â&#x20AC;? The fund invested by central government shall be listed in the National Plan of Basic Development, and put into project in a phased manner based on construction progress; meanwhile, local matched funds shall be included in the budget of governments at different levels, annually investing in BSAP implementation work, and if conditions permit, international assistance can be obtained. Projects, such as survey, monitoring, scientific research, information, training and engineering that are initiated at national level should be largely supported by a national fund, while work carried out at local level should be largely supported by funds from local government allocation and raised by project owners themselves.
4.4.2 Monitoring mechanism The monitoring mechanism includes the following components: supervision of BSAP implementation shared by Environmental Protection Committee of Chongqing Municipal Government and the Chongqing Municipal Committee of Experts on Biodiversity Conservation; biodiversity conservation and management system lead by environmental protection administrative authority and participated by relevant departments. Financial department, development and reform commission, and the scientific department should increase their support given to BSAP implementation, organize implementation work, and actually enhance work related to biodiversity conservation. There should be capacity building of local governments and grass-root organizations, and establishment of a monitoring mechanism and monitoring organizations of different types and at different levels. In line with objectives â&#x20AC;&#x201C; actions â&#x20AC;&#x201C; priority projects in the BSAP, enhance the coordination function for biodiversity conservation executed by Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Committee, to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the BSAP. Set up a Biodiversity Conservation and Management Office under Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Committee, to cover daily office work; establish Chongqing Municipal Committee of Experts on Biodiversity Conservation, providing consultancy, direction and monitoring for Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Committee and its Biodiversity Conservation and Management Office. Establish an inspection and supervision system. Set up of joint supervision team made up of Municipal Supervision Bureau, Municipal Supervision Office and Municipal EPB, that conducts a regular review of the implementation of the BSAP, and supervises the settlement of any issues discovered. Supervise and urge the municipal government, governments of all districts and counties, and relevant departments to ensure the completion of assigned tasks and objectives. Establish and improve the system for public engagement and monitoring by public opinions. The office of BSAP Progress Work Team should publish the implementation status of the BSAP externally, and invite NPC deputy, CPPCC member, experts and local residents to be supervisors of the BSAP, participating in the inspection and supervision work. The major news media in Chongqing should be used to enhance publicity surrounding the BSAP.
4.4.3 Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms (1) Establishment of an indicator system for monitoring and evaluation An indicator system is the basis for monitoring the BSAP implementation status and revising it as necessary. Monitoring and evaluation systems are used to assess the effects of implementation actions, but not the process of implementation, therefore the indicators selected should be representative, adaptable, measurable (quantifiable in particular) and easy to operate.
(2) Methods of BSAP monitoring and evaluation In line with the requirements of objectives and actions stipulated in BSAP, the Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Committee and the Chongqing Municipal Committee of Experts on Biodiversity 137
Conservation should develop a plan to monitor, evaluate and revise the BSAP, and conduct a regular evaluation of the implementation of the BSAP, in order to monitor the progress of all projects and make recommendations based on what they find.
(3) Develop BSAPs at district and county level, and evaluate their implementation Local districts and counties should develop their own BSAPs, based on the strategic objectives and tasks stipulated in the Chongqing Municipal BSAP. The implementation effects of such BSAPs should be regularly evaluated and the results be taken as a component of performance appraisal for local government officials. BSAPs at district and county levels should be incorporated in relevant governmental plans in order to guarantee financial input.
4.5 Revision of BSAP On the basis of annual evaluation, This BSAP shall be revised thoroughly every 5 years by Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Committee and the Committee of Experts on Biodiversity Conservation, to ensure this BSAP is updated as biodiversity conservation situation changes, and to more effectively enhance the conservation work.
Chapter 5 Action Plan 5.1 Action 1: Conduct biodiversity surveys, evaluation and monitoring Priority Project 1: Detailed survey and catalogue of species resources in Chongqing Project Background: In 2004, the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Notification on Enhancing Protection and Management of Bio-species Resourcesâ&#x20AC;? issued by general office of the State Council required a national survey on species resources be conducted; in 2007, the National Planning Outline for Protecting and Utilizing Bio-species Resources stipulates, complete survey and catalogue work on species and genetic resources of relevant fields by the end of 2015. Surveys on biodiversity (including species resources, ecosystems, genetic resources) in many areas of Chongqing are not adequate, and some areas do not have any surveys. The current fauna and flora data is based on results of surveys conducted before 1950s and 1960s, in the end of 1990s and during the recent three years. However, due to limited resources of professional staff, duration of survey and financial input, the understanding about species resources, invertebrates and micro-organism in particular, is insufficient. After Chongqing became a municipality directly under central government, the ecological environment has endured unprecedented pressure due to fast economic development, ecological environment has undergone dramatic changes, and biodiversity has suffered unprecedented threats as well. It is possible that some species may disappear because of environmental pollution and habitat loss before being recorded; therefore it is imperative that a baseline is established. As stated, there is still a large gap before the goal of obtaining full baseline information about biodiversity in Chongqing can be reached. Project Objectives: Complete detailed survey on species resources in Chongqing, and complete detailed survey and catalogue of species resources in critical ecological-areas and special ecological-areas. Project Content: Establish a long-term survey and catalogue strategy, establish strategy for regular surveys and data updates, establish regular survey mechanisms for species resources and a stable expert group, with the aim of taking around 10 years to make a clear baseline of information about species resources in Chongqing. Tasks are specifically listed as below: (1) Applying the grid method practiced internationally, conduct detailed survey on species resources in the whole area of Chongqing, taking each 400-square kilometre area as a unit scope for survey; (2) Carry out detailed survey on species resources in biodiversity key areas, including the Daba Mountain, Wuling Mountain, Jinfo Mountain, Simian Mountain and others; (3) Conduct surveys on species resources in special eco-areas (including seasonal belt around Three Gorges Reservoir area, desertified karst area in south-eastern Chongqing, karst cave areas, sub-alpine areas above 2000m, and others; (4) Conduct special surveys on endangered and endemic species under national key protection.
(5) Conduct surveys and evaluations on aquatic species resources in rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and conduct detailed survey on aquatic species resources in some critical river catchments (including Three Gorges Reservoir, National Nature Reserve for Rare and Endemic Fish in Upstream Yangtze River, Jialing River, Wujiang River, Daning River, Renhe River, Pengxi River, as well as Changshou Lake, Dahong Lake, Xiaonanhai Lake, Longshui Lake, and others); (6) Conduct survey and catalogue of culture collection resources of micro-organisms and environmental micro-organisms, as well as important and new pathogenic micro-organisms on both humans and animals. (7) On the basis of detailed and general surveys, carry out an overall update to the fauna and flora catalogue of Chongqing, and therefore establish and improve the database of species resources of Chongqing. (8) Train personnel from other related social groups for such surveys, e.g. specialized exploration team and environmental protection NGOs, to participate in surveys on biodiversity. Project Indicators/Outputs: Identify fauna and flora status in Chongqing, complete systematic catalogue for species of different populations, establish and update biodiversity database of Chongqing, and publish Flora of Chongqing, Fauna of Chongqing, Aquatic Organisms of Chongqing, Vegetation of Chongqing and other monographs. Project Cost Estimation: 50 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2020. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Science and Technology Committee, and Chongqing Municipal Water Resources Bureau. Priority Project 2: Integrated assessment on biodiversity in Chongqing Project Background: Biodiversity assessment can provide the basis for enhancing biodiversity conservation and management, as well as for the appraisal of performance of local governments and leaders regarding environmental protection. In order to accomplish objectives of biodiversity management, an integrated assessment on biodiversity of the whole city is essential. Project Objectives: Conduct systematic assessments on the status, major threats and management effects of biodiversity in Chongqing, on the basis of which, identify important eco-areas, biodiversity key areas requiring conservation priority, and improve management capacity, in order to provide supporting references for the decision-making in biodiversity management;
Project Content: Establish an integrated assessment system on biodiversity, which is in line with biodiversity management objectives, and complete assessment tasks by phase. Specific tasks are listed below: 1. Establish a biodiversity assessment indicators system and integrated assessment system in line with the biodiversity management objectives; 2. Taking county-level administrative divisions as target units, collect indicator data of abundance level of animal and plant species, diversity of ecosystems, completeness of vertical vegetation, species endemism, invasiveness of introduced species and threatening extent of species, and submit indicator data collections of biodiversity assessments in counties and districts. 3. Based on above mentioned indicator data, integrate and consolidate statistics and information of all aspects and collected from different sources and different periods, including information about ecosystems, species, genetic resources, land utilization, economic and social factors, in order to conduct systematic assessments of the current status and trends of biodiversity; 4. Normalize integrated assessments on biodiversity, supported by rapid assessments on rich biodiversity areas, in order to publish such assessments results regularly, and propose suggestions and strategies for effective conservation. Project Indicators/Outputs: annual report of integrated biodiversity assessment, and regular update of biodiversity status in Chongqing Project Cost Estimation: 20 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2015. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee and Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau. Priority Project 3: Establish biodiversity monitoring and early-warning system and information network for the whole city Project Background: So far, biodiversity monitoring work in Chongqing is weak, with poor tools and facilities, and surveys and monitoring works are carried without systematic mechanisms and consistency, with obvious deficiencies existing in staffing groups, technological capacity, infrastructure facilities and analytical capabilities. Meanwhile the Notification from General Office of State Council requires the establishment of monitoring and early-warning systems for species resources, so as to understand the dynamic status of species resources, and provide a scientific basis for decision-making in biodiversity management process. Current biodiversity information is dispersed in different departments, colleges and research institutions, but due to inadequate communication and different management standards, existing biodiversity information resources are not efficiently used or shared. Therefore, it is stipulated in both documents of National Planning Outline for the Protection and Use of Bio-species Resources and the Plan for Protection and Use of Bio-species Resources of Chongqing Municipality, that a database and 141
information system for species resources should be established and coordinated, so as to build up a platform for the sharing of information, and to provide a basis for decision-making. Project Objectives: Preliminarily establish an ecological monitoring network by standardized monitoring, departmental cooperation and information sharing. Establish and enhance dynamic monitoring in the key biodiversity areas of Daba Mountain and Wuling Mountain. Project Content: Establish an indicator and monitoring system for biodiversity, improve infrastructure facilities, establish long-term monitoring stations and sites to form a network, and conduct long-term biodiversity monitoring. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Define standard system of biodiversity monitoring technologies, and promote standardized biodiversity monitoring work; (2) Combine biodiversity monitoring and the environmental monitoring. taking the remote sensing monitoring station of Chongqing Academy of Environment Science as the core, and relying on monitoring stations in various districts and counties, to establish an ecological monitoring system by improving facilities and equipment, completing monitoring functions and training of specialized personnel, in order to attain long-term dynamic monitoring on biodiversity in Chongqing, especially in key areas of Three Gorges Reservoir, Daba Mountain and Wuling Mountain; (3) With support from Chongqing Environmental Protection Information Centre, establish a platform for comprehensive utilization of information, encompassing display of species resources distribution, monitoring on the health status of ecosystems, information transmission, data analysis, business management, resource sharing and information sharing functions; achieve effective utilization and sharing of monitoring data and information; (4) Establish monitoring systems for wetland ecosystems, ground monitoring system, satellite remote monitoring system, lab for monitoring and analysis of wetland environment in representative and typical wetlands of significant eco-values (seasonal wetland around Three Gorges Reservoir, sub-alpine Karst wetlands, mountainous river source wetlands and major reservoir wetlands) and establish wetland nature reserves. Equip monitoring facilities and train specialists so that timely and accurate records can be made of the dynamic changes to important wetlands within Chongqing, and provide dynamic monitoring statistics and monitoring reports for those wetlands. Try to incorporate the monitoring system for seasonal wetland around Three Gorges Reservoir and sub-alpine karst wetland into important wetland monitoring networks nationally and internationally, and acknowledge its significant role in the Yangtze River wetland network; (5) Make full use of existing nature reserves to establish the species resource monitoring network, especially for the systematic monitoring on endangered species, endemic species, developing trends, threatening factors, market status and trade of species populations with important economic value; at the same time, enhance monitoring on ecosystems within nature reserves and the change of their functions; (6) Establish a biodiversity early-warning system and emergency response mechanism of the whole city, and set up an integrated early-warning system for biodiversity of the city; analyze the developing trend of 142
biodiversity by using this early-warning system, in order to provide scientific basis for biodiversity management; Project Indicators/Outputs: Develop and implement Technological Code for Biodiversity Monitoring; establish ecological monitoring system (set up 1 central monitoring station and 5 sub-stations, ensure their normal running, and provide effective monitoring data), establish the monitoring system for seasonal wetland around Three Gorges Reservoir and sub-alpine karst wetland (construct monitoring station, ensure the regular running and provide effective monitoring data), and set up a platform for comprehensive utilization of biodiversity information and a biodiversity early-warning system. Project Cost Estimation: 40 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2015. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Three Gorges Project Construction Committee, Chongqing Municipal Migration Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Water Resources Bureau, and Chongqing Municipal Science and Technology Committee.
5.2 Action 2: Strengthening in-situ conservation and restoration of endangered and endemic species and critical ecosystems Priority Project 4: Conservation projects for endangered and endemic terrestrial animals and plants Project Background: Chongqing is rich in endangered plant and animal species. Habitat fragmentation has led to a decline in populations. With increasing human disturbance, many rare and precious species are becoming threatened and endangered. In recent years, conservation measures have been strengthened. However, most measures are targeted at specific endangered species while little attention was paid to habitat conservation, and in-situ conservation has fallen behind. Project Objectives: Endangered terrestrial species are restored. Natural habitats for the species are effectively protected. Project Content: Protect natural habitats for endangered terrestrial animals and plants to meet conservation requirements, and adopt in-situ conservation for some endangered animal and plant species, enhancing habitat protection and species saving and breeding. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Strengthen conservation of original habitat for Cervidae animals represented by forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii). Key areas are broad-leaf forests, coniferous forests or mixed coniferous and broad-leaf forests in Daba Mountain of Chengkou County, Xuebao Mountain of Kai County, Yintiaoling Mountain in Wuxi County, Wulipo Mountain in Wushan County, Dafengbao Mountain in Shizhu County, Nantian Lake in Fengdu County, and Baima Mountain in Wulong County etc. Adopt various measures to
conduct community co-management, reduce human disturbance, restore habitat, and construct natural corridors so on. (2) Conduct field survey for Felines represented by leopard and clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa). Key areas include Daba Mountain of Chengkou County, Xuebao Mountain of Kai County, Yintiaoling Mountain in Wuxi County, Wulipo Mountain in Wushan County, Dafengbao Mountain in Shizhu County, Nantian Lake in Fengdu County. Set up directional monitoring stations in Daba Mountain Nature Reserve and Xuebao Mountain Nature Reserve. Adopt various measures to conduct community co-management, reduce human disturbance, restore habitat, and construct natural corridors etc. (3) Strengthen the conservation of original habitat for Primates represented by François’s langur (Presbytis francoisi) and Sichuan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellanae). Conduct surveys on François’s langur resources in Furong River valley in Pengshui County and Wulong County, Tianshan valley along Huiqian River in Nanchuan District, Heishan valley in Wansheng District and Dawopu area where François’s langurs are likely to inhabit. Set up an optimized mode and adjust and control system for the restoration of deteriorated forests along Furong River valley, which is led by government and participated by community residents. Implement alternative energy programmes in communities, as to enhance local management capacity from natural resources and reduce deforestation from logging. Optimize local residents’ standard of living, by community training, publicity and education, and establish a co-management mechanism for the protection of François’s langurs engaged by all stakeholders including local governments, hydropower developers, tourism operators, grass-root NGO’s and local villagers. Conduct surveys on Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys in the Wulipo area of Wushan County and Yintiaoling area of Wuxi County, to protect the original habitat. (4) Strengthen the conservation of original habitat for Galliformes Aves represented by Reeves’s pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) and Red-Bellied Tragopan (Tragopan temminckii), focusing on mountainous forests and shrubs in Youyang County, Pengshui County, Wulong County and Shizhu County; (5) Conduct survey on Orchidaceae plants resources in nature reserves of Daba Mountains, Xuebao Mountains and Jinfo Mountains, and establish protection areas, sub-areas and spots to protect wild Orchidaceae plants and their habitats, especially for Dendrobium, Gastrodia, Paphiopedilum and Tangtsinia. Protect and develop Orchidaceae plants by in-situ conservation, habitat restoration, germplasm gene preservation and salvation breeding. Carry out planting and breeding for research purposes to develop a healthy Orchidaceae industry. Enhance the market management, and explore management marking system to speed up artificial breeding for economic utilization of Orchidaceae resources, and change the use of wild Orchidaceae resources to that of artificial breeding resources. (6) Conduct further survey on Thuja in Daba Mountain and Xuebao Mountain, and conduct ecological, biological research and breeding experiments on Thuja to protect and develop Thuja resources. Establish positioned monitoring stations for Thuja in Daba Mountain Nature Reserve in Chengkou County and Xuebao Mountain Nature Reserve in Kai County, and establish ex-situ conservation stations for Thuja in Mingtong Town of Chengkou County and Dajin Town of Kai County. Conduct pilot experiments to return artificially bred populations back to nature, and spread the methods when success is achieved;
(7) Strengthen the conservation of insects under National Protection Class, and the original habitat protection those insects that are of great benefits and significant economic and scientific value. Conduct pilot experiments on reproduction biology, artificial breeding, cultivation and return of insects to the wild. Project Indicators/Outputs: Endangered animal and plant populations restored; critical eco-systems are effectively protected Project Cost Estimation: 80 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2020. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Water Resources Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Land Resources and Housing Management Bureau, relevant districts and counties, and research institutions in relation to biodiversity. Priority Project 5: Endangered Endemic Fish Conservation Project in the Chongqing Section of Upstream Yangtze River Project Background: The main course and tributaries of Yangtze River in Chongqing section belong to the upstream of Yangtze River, where endangered and endemic fish are abundant. The section from Songgai Town of Yongchuan District to Masangxi Bridge in the major urban area in particular, is a component part of the national nature reserve for rare and endemic fish in upstream Yangtze River, which is not only an important migratory channel for fish, but also an important ecological channel for fish in the Three Gorges Reservoir and in upper Yangtze River. However, human activities are now threatening the rare and endemic fish, affecting their population structure and ecological environment. Therefore, conservation projects are required urgently to restrain the decline of fish resources, recover rare and endemic fish populations, maintain aquatic biodiversity, and keep the natural attributes of upstream Yangtze River ecosystem. Project Objectives: To improve management & protection capacity and protect fish as well as their natural habitats through the enhancement of national nature reserve for rare and endemic fish in the upstream of Yangtze River. Project Content: Implement protection projects for rare and endemic fish species in the Yangtze River, Jialing River, Wujiang River and the Three Gorges Reservoir, to meet conservation requirements for rare and endemic fish in upstream Yangtze River. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Strengthen surveys on fish resources and their habitats in national nature reserves for rare and endemic fish in upper Yangtze River, with stress on the investigation and zoning of spawning ground, bait area, wintering area and shelters for rare and endemic fish and important economic fish, to provide basis for reasonable adjustment of functional zones in nature reserves;
(2) Attach importance on the relationship between river habitat fragmentation and fish migration & survival, enhance research on the response mechanism and ecological dynamics of aquatic life, enhance restoration of spawning sites and littoral habitats of fish, and promote demonstration projects; (3) Further enhance reproduction and release of endangered endemic fish species in the upstream Yangtze River, and monitor the effects of release; (4) Setup field observation and monitoring stations for the aquatic environment of the upstream Yangtze River, to conduct long-term systematic field monitoring and survey work on the aquatic environment and aquatic resources in this area, and collect baseline information. Create an on-line monitoring network covering fish migration, critical hydrology data and water quality data; (5) Stress surveys and researches on fish resources and changes of aquatic habitat in the Three Gorges Reservoir after water reservation, enhance studies on impacts of fish releasing to the original fish fauna in the Three Gorges Reservoir, propose mitigation measures, release and propagate fish scientifically and reasonably, and establish ecological fishing waters. (6) Enhance publicity, to raise public recognition on national nature reserves for rare and endemic fish in upper Yangtze River, and raise their enthusiasm to participate in aquatic resources conservation. Project Indicators/Outputs: optimized functional zoning in the national nature reserve for rare and endemic fish in the upstream of Yangtze River; enhanced conservation capacity; establishment of field observation and monitoring stations for aquatic environment of upstream Yangtze River; effective conservation of endangered endemic fish in Yangtze River, Jialing River, Wujiang River and the Three Gorges Reservoir; and increased fish populations. Project Cost Estimation: 30 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2015. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, the Management Office of the National Nature Reserve for Rare and Endemic Fish in Ipstream Yangtze River, Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, relevant districts and counties, and research institutions in relation to aquatic biodiversity. Priority Project 6: Protection and Restoration of the hydro-fluctuation belt wetland ecosystems in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Project Background: The hydro-fluctuation belt of the Three Gorges Reservoir refers to the area between 175m (the normal water level of the Three Gorges reservoir) and 145m (the water level of the flood control restrictions). When water level reaches 175m, the reservoir will discharge the muddy water and keep only the clean water, so the water level fluctuates and forms the hydro-fluctuation belt. The hydro-fluctuation belt in the Three Gorges Reservoir covers 348.93 km2, of which 306.28 km2 is located in Chongqing. Due
to the periodic rise and fall of water level, this area has become an artificial wetland, dry and terrestrial in summer, wet and aquatic in winter. Since the forming of hydro-fluctuation belt, water level changes by large margin contrary to the natural dry and wet seasons, flowing speed of water reduces, soils on steep slope are flushed away leaving only bare rocks, and silt accumulated in flat slope increasing the area of shallow water shoal. Hydro-fluctuation belt usually emerges in summer with high temperature and frequent rainfall. Waste produced around the reservoir then accumulates, transforms and dissolves in the reservoir, and as a result, the ecology, ecosystem, geography, landscape and layout have changed significantly, causing a series of environmental problems, including threats to and extinction of endemic species, water quality degradation, eutrophication of waters at estuary region, higher frequency of geological disasters, unstable reservoir banks, and degradation of residentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; living environment and tourist environment etc. As an important part of the Three Gorges Reservoir, the hydro-fluctuation belt needs to be protected, but this is difficult due to the conflict between development and the environment. Therefore, hydro-fluctuation belt wetland protection and restoration is essential to the Three Gorges Reservoir area, and should be given top priority. The State Council No.3 document also stipulates protection and restoration of hydro-fluctuation belt as an important task for ecological protection and construction in Chongqing. Project Objectives: Set the protection of bio-resources in hydro-fluctuation belt wetland as the objective, enhancing the protection of the ecosystem in hydro-fluctuation belt wetland, and implementing restoration project for wetland in the hydro-fluctuation belt, so as to ensure the long-term, healthy, and safe operation of Three Gorges Project and set up a model for conservation and restoration of foreshore wetland resources nationally and internationally. Project Content: Implement ecological restoration at wetland in hydro-fluctuation belt in line with the actual situation of Three Gorges reservoir in Chongqing part. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Develop protection and restoration plan for the wetland ecosystems in hydro-fluctuation belt; (2) Proactively conduct dynamic monitoring and scientific research, complete basic research including surveys on fauna and flora species in hydro-fluctuation belt wetlands, and conduct research on primary succession of wetland ecosystem and restoration of wetland ecosystem in the hydro-fluctuation belt; (3) Carry out long-term ecological monitoring on the hydro-fluctuation belt wetland; select native plant species and pioneer vegetation types that can adapt to hydro-fluctuation belt environments; conduct research on wetland restoration mode, and implement ecological restoration projects, especially vegetation projects, around the reservoir bank; (4) Make reasonable use of wetland resources in the hydro-fluctuation belt with the premise of conservation, such as wetland agricultural resources, seedling nursery and wetland tourism. (5) Enhance conservation of wetland birds and habitats in Three Gorges Reservoir area, and make sustainable use of wetland bird resources with the premise of effective protection. Strengthen research on the changing trend of wetland habitat since water has been reserved in the Three Gorges Reservoir, protect wetland habitats in the Three Gorges Reservoir area by different types at different levels, figure out the species, populations, distribution and movement of birds living in wetland of the Three Gorges Reservoir 147
area, and conduct wetland habitat restoration in Dachang Lake of Wushan County, Pengxi River of Kai County, Dongxi River of Zhong County and other areas, creating favourable wetland habitat for birds; reasonably use migrated waterfowl resources in winter to develop eco-tourism of bird-watching. Project Indicators/Outputs: Establish 5-6 wetland nature reserves in the hydro-fluctuation belt; form wetland ecosystem protection network in the hydro-fluctuation belt of the Three Gorges Reservoir area; carry out demonstration restoration projects in Kai County, Zhongxian County and Wushan County, and extend successful experience to the whole Three Gorges Reservoir area. Project Cost Estimation: 50 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2015. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Migration Bureau Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Chongqing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, relevant districts and counties, and research institutions in relation to biodiversity. Priority Project 7: Restoration of secondary river ecosystems and biodiversity Project Background: There are many rivers in the southwest â&#x20AC;&#x201C; they are particularly representative habitats in this region. In the case of the Three Gorges Reservoir, the river is not only an important ecosystem type, but also an important environmental resource which is closely connected with the ecology and sustainable development of the area. In the past half-century, with rapid economic development and population growth, human demands for water resources have increased significantly which has placed a lot of pressure on river ecosystems. The release of pollutants, the destruction of riverine littoral vegetation, invasion of alien species, soil erosion, dam building, diversion, straightening, the construction of hydropower station and other human influences have all resulted in the deterioration of the secondary river water environment and the decline of river ecosystems. The implementation of the current control model has been insufficient to maintain the vitality and health of the rivers. The past work was mainly focused on waste water from downtown area, industrial sewage, and waste treatment. But not enough attention has been paid to restoration of the river ecosystems and biodiversity. In view of this, we need to carry out relevant research and demonstration projects. In early 2008, President Hu Jintao visited the Yellow River in Anhui Province and delivered an important speech which clearly asked for rivers and lakes to be rehabilitated and restored. This speech greatly unified people's thoughts and understandings so that the rehabilitation was elevated to the guiding theory of the management of rivers and lakes from the policies and measures. Project Objectives: Setting restoration of secondary river ecosystems and biodiversity as the target, strengthen biodiversity conservation in the process of comprehensive treatment for secondary rivers, implement restoration projects in secondary rivers, and become the exemplary model of secondary river ecosystem health and biodiversity restoration in the Three Gorges Reservoir area.
Project Content: During the process of secondary river comprehensive treatment in Chongqing, strengthen restoration of secondary river ecosystems, and implement biodiversity conservation and restoration. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Investigate secondary river ecosystem impacts and damages caused by human activities such as raising livestock and poultry, conduct researches on the deterioration of secondary river ecosystem health and the impacts on river biodiversity, and make a quantified assessment of the status of biodiversity deterioration; (2) Prepare guidelines for the development of Secondary River Restoration Plan. Establish an indicator system and planning model for the comprehensive treatment of secondary river environments; define the basic technical framework for the development of Restoration Plans, covering aspects of water pollution treatment, dredging of internal pollution, establishment of riverside ecological barriers, restoration of critical spots, identification of natural water sources and demands, as well as management of ecological environment along river catchments; (3) Solve common critical technical issues existing in the planning of secondary river environment treatment. In order to address the root causes, set up a model of critical technologies regarding ecological restoration and reconstruction for secondary river treatment planning, especially regarding environmental water sources, river banks and river junctures (joints of main branch and tributaries, river source areas, river estuaries and urban section of rivers) that are critical for prevention of NPS pollution and ecological restoration. Establish a technological model for the restoration of river ecosystems, through structural design and functional optimization of river ecosystems; (4) Conduct secondary river restoration projects based on biodiversity recovery, and implement river restoration projects covering river banks, water bodies, and benthonic systems. Project Indicators/Outputs: Guideline for formulating restoration plan for secondary rivers developed and implemented; river restoration model established and completed; conduct restoration projects in combination with the implementation of comprehensive treatment of secondary river environments; implement the river restoration (including biodiversity restoration) projects at 2-3 secondary rivers and extend the successful experience to the whole Three Gorges Reservoir area. Project Cost Estimation: 30 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2020. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Water Resource Bureau, Planning Bureau, relevant districts and counties, and research institutions in relation to biodiversity. Priority Project 8: Bio-remediation of polluted soil and restoration of soil biodiversity Project Background: Soil ecosystem is a complex where biological environment and non-biological
environment interact with each other through energy transformation and material circulation. The soil ecosystem is a sub-ecosystem under terrestrial ecosystem, which is made up of: ① producer, the roots of higher plants, algae and chemotrophic bacteria; ② consumer, the herbivorous animals and carnivorous animals living in the soil; ③ decomposers, the bacteria, epiphyte, actinomycetes, saprophytes etc.; ④ inorganic and organic substances involved in material circulation; ⑤ environmental elements such as water, air and solids in the soil. Soil biota is an important component of the food chain in ecosystem, which plays the dual-role of both consumer and decomposer, significant for the formation and modification of soil and in the energy transformation and the circulation of matter in the ecosystem. In biodiversity conservation, importance is attached to the protection of surface biodiversity, while the protection of underground biodiversity (e.g. soil biodiversity) is often ignored. In practice, soil remediation is focused on the restoration of soil structure and use, and little attention has been paid to functional remediation of soil as an important carrier for biodiversity. In recent years, soil within the whole area of Chongqing has been contaminated to various extents, due to increasing use of pesticide, air pollutions being carried into the soil with rainfall and dust and waste mineral rock from mines; within urban areas, soil pollution issues are outstanding in the original sites of some relocated factories. In view of this, remediation of polluted soil is urgently required, researches and demonstrations of biodiversity restoration should be conducted. Project Objectives: enhance biodiversity conservation in the process of soil remediation, with the target of protecting and recovering soil ecosystems and biodiversity, and implement remediation projects that providing models for the restoration of soil ecosystem health and biodiversity in the southwest of China. Project Contents: conduct biodiversity conservation and restoration work on soil remediation in Chongqing. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Enhance monitoring on soil pollution, adding biodiversity monitoring into soil pollution monitoring; investigate impacts on soil biota and damage caused by soil pollution, conduct research on deterioration of soil ecosystem health and the impacts on soil biodiversity, and make quantified assessments on soil biodiversity deterioration; (2) Establish an indicator system and restoration target for soil remediation; define the basic technical framework for biodiversity restoration in the process of soil remediation, covering aspects of soil ecosystem structural restoration, soil ecosystem functional restoration and others; (3) Solve common critical technical issues existing in the process of soil remediation. From the perspective of addressing the root cause, set up models for biodiversity restoration, through structural design and functional optimization of soil ecosystems; (4) Conduct exemplary soil remediation projects based on biodiversity recovery. Project indicators/Outputs: Guideline for formulating soil remediation plan on the basis of biodiversity restoration developed and implemented; soil pollution monitoring system established and completed; conduct soil remediation related projects on the basis of biodiversity restoration in combination with the implementation of remediation for polluted soil. Implement exemplary biodiversity restoration projects at 2-3 sites in the process soil remediation, and extend the successful experience to the whole south-western area. 150
Project Cost Estimation: 50 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2020. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Economic and Information Committee, Chongqing Municipal Land Resource and Housing Management Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agricultural Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Planning Bureau, relevant districts and counties, and research institutions in relation to biodiversity. Priority Project 9: Four-mountain restoration demonstration project in the main urban area Project Background: The “Four Mountains” are the important ecological shelter in the main urban area of Chongqing, as well as the important base for biodiversity conservation. Due to human interference such as infrastructure construction and real estate development, the original zoned evergreen broad-leaf forests is degraded and lost in places. Except for the relatively large evergreen broad-leaf forests in Jinyun Mountain Nature Reserve, only some fragments are left. Secondary forest vegetation is currently encountering unprecedented threats, requiring enhanced protection and monitoring, as well as overall ecological restoration. Only by doing so, the important ecological functions of “Four Mountains” can be brought into play. Project Objectives: develop and implement an Ecological-functional Zoning Plan for the four mountains in the urban area. Effectively protect plants, animals and their habitats within the four mountains, implement ecological restoration projects that act as a model for urban biodiversity conservation. Project Content: conduct restoration projects in the four mountains, and protect biodiversity within the region. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) On the basis of a biodiversity baseline survey in the four mountains area, develop a species list of the four mountains, and comprehensively analyze the ecosystem protection and resources utilization in the four mountains area. Make a scientific plan for ecological-functional zoning of the four mountains area, considering development plan of this region, ecological space management and control, as well as biodiversity conservation requirements; (2) Strictly manage and control ecological space in the four mountains area, and enhance monitoring work; (3) Conduct biodiversity maintenance and preservation in areas with good forest vegetation, and protect particularly those evergreen broad-leaf forests left in the four mountains area; (4) Accelerate the implementation of restoration projects in ecologically deteriorated areas among the four mountains, in combination with biodiversity restoration. Project Indicators/Outputs: Eco-function Zoning Plan of the Four Mountains formulated, issued and implemented; ecological restoration projects implemented in combination with biodiversity restoration.
Project cost Estimation: 10 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2015. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Planning Bureau Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Urban and Rural Construction Committee, relevant districts and counties, and research institutions in relation to biodiversity. Priority Project 10: Demonstration project - treatment and restoration of degraded karst ecosystem affected by rocky desertification Project Background: Karst area accounts for 40.02% of Chongqingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s total coverage, with developed karst landscape and fragile ecosystems threatened by land occupation, soil erosion and rocky desertification. So far, karst rocky desertification (excluding the potential rocky desertification area) has affected 8,193.63km2 of the region, accounting for 9.94% of the total area of Chongqing, of which slight rocky desertification represents 3,566.70 km2, moderate rocky desertification 3,736.80 km2, intensive rocky desertification 825.97 km2 and extreme rocky desertification 64.16 km2, accounting for 4.33%, 4.53%, 1.00% and 0.08% of the total coverage respectively. In view of the location, rocky desertified area accounts over 15% respectively in Youyang County, Wuxi County, Pengshui County, Wushan County, Wulong County, Fengjie County and Wansheng District. Rocky desertification is caused by both natural factors and human activities. Widely exposed carbonate rock and strong effects of karstification are the major natural causes, while human damages to the ecological environment and unreasonable land use are the main artificial causes. To prevent rocky desertification and improve the ecological environment is not only significant for sustainable development Chongqing, but also a guarantee for a stable ecological foundation in the upstream Yangtze River and for the long-term ecological security of this region. Project Objectives: Slow the trend of ecosystem damage in the rocky desertification area, and enhance ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation capacity, by implementing restoration projects and improving the quality of the ecological environment. Project Content: Conduct ecological restoration and biodiversity restoration in rocky desertification area, on the basis rocky desertification situation in Chongqing. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Investigate the status of rocky desertification in Chongqing, and develop a comprehensive treatment and implementation plan; (2) Implement demonstration restoration projects for degraded ecosystem affected by karst desertification, and combine desertification treatment and biodiversity restoration together, in key areas such as Qianjiang District, Xiushan County, Youyang County, Pengshui County, Wulong County, Wushan County, Wuxi County, Fengjie County, Nanchuan District and so on; (3) Conduct comprehensive assessments on the effects follow-up to the implementation of project.
Project Indicators/Outputs: 10-year comprehensive treatment to the total 17800km2 rocky desertified area, rocky desertified ecosystem being restored, and biodiversity in desertification area being restored and effectively protected Project Cost Estimation: 20 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2020. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Land Resources and Housing Management Bureau Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, relevant districts and counties, and research institutions in relation to biodiversity. Priority Project 11: Demonstration projects of community-based sustainable development in nature reserves Project Background: In nature reserves, the conflict between economic development and ecological protection is outstanding. Traditional ways of living can be the root causes of biodiversity damage, but to a certain extent, the development of the community is limited by the establishment of protected areas. Only sustainable development of the surrounding communities can promote the effective protection of important ecological protected areas and better solve existing problems and conflicts of interests. Project Objectives: Improve the livelihoods of local communities around nature reserves, and strengthen biodiversity conservation, by learning from the successful examples of poverty alleviation and ecological protection domestically and internationally. Explore ways in which a win-win of both poverty alleviation and biodiversity conservation can be achieved through the implementation of pilot projects in selected underdeveloped communities around nature reserves. Project Content: Conduct community-based sustainable development projects for demonstration in important national eco-functional areas, according to the practical needs of those communities. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Select 2-3 nature reserves as pilot project sites, establish a co-management committee with deputies from both nature reserve authorities and communities, and develop conservation partnership and liaison systems at township and village levels. Mobilize local communities, villagers and all stakeholders to participate in the design and implementation process of supporting projects. (2) In line with existing domestic poverty alleviation and new countryside development policies, import international ideas on rural development, and explore how communities around nature reserves can promote sustainable development and biodiversity conservation by operating businesses on the basis of realistic natural, ecological, economic and social conditions; (3) Popularize practical techniques, and provide information and financial resources to promote community economic development;
(4) Proactively encourage NGOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to participate in community co-management work. Project Indicators/Outputs: Implement 2-3 community-based sustainable development projects in and around nature reserves for demonstration, and promote them in nature reserves in Chongqing, in order to relieve resource protection burden in nature reserve and solve problems and conflicts between nature reserve management authorities and surrounding communities. Project Cost Estimation: 10 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2015. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Water Resources Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Land Resources and Housing Management Bureau, and relevant districts and counties. Priority Project 12: Demonstration projects for ecological relocation of residents in Daba Mountain with rich biodiversity Project Background: Daba Mountain is the supplementary water source for Yangtze River and its main tributaries (Jialing River and the Han River), the most important water sources in the north of Three Gorges Reservoir area, as well as an important geographical barrier in the north of Chongqing. Therefore biodiversity conservation in Daba Mountain has strategic significance. However, in some biodiversity-rich areas, even the core area of Daba Mountain Nature Reserves, still a number of people are living and farming there. The conflicts between livelihood development of these famers and biodiversity conservation are outstanding, and the long-term and most effective means to solve this problem is relocation. Project Objectives: alleviate threats to biodiversity in nature reserves caused by human inhabitation and livelihood issues. Use ecological resources properly and reasonably, and implement ecological poverty alleviation projects to improve local residents living condition while protecting biodiversity. Project Content: conduct ecological relocation demonstration projects according to the actual situation of Daba Mountain. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Select Chengkou County and Wuxi County as the pilot sites to carry out biodiversity conservation and ecological relocation demonstration projects; (2) Implement organized and planed ecological relocation projects phase by phase in areas with rich biodiversity and fragile ecosystems. In line with Grain for Green/Grass policies, implement poverty alleviation relocation projects for a few farmers living in mountainous areas with poor conditions. Ecological relocation project covers a wide range with all aspects including basic farmland restructuring and farmland irrigation facilities constructions in resettlement sites, rural road construction in resettlement sites, construction of houses and supporting facilities, drinking water facilities, electric and communication
facilities, rural energy facilities, planting and cultivation projects, husbandry projects, river treatment, water source protection, wastewater treatment, garbage disposal facilities and other environmental protection facilities and projects; 3) Incubate ecological industries with mountainous features, making use of abundant resources of medicinal herbs, non-wood products, flowers and fruits. Project Indicators/Outputs: Smoothly implement 2-3 ecological relocation demonstration projects, complete annual investment plan for ecological relocation developed by Chongqing Development and Reform Commission, and popularize successful experience in other biodiversity-rich areas stricken by poverty. By implementing such projects to help mountainous villagers out of poverty, while effectively protect biodiversity. Project Cost Estimation: 30 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2015. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission is responsible for the beginning period, then relevant districts and counties will take over the responsibilities during the implementation period. Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. Priority Project 13: Alternative livelihood demonstration projects in ecologically fragile area of Wuling Mountain Project Background: Wuling Mountain is a biodiversity hot spot in China, and also an important eco-functional area nationally. However, this area is largely covered by carbonate rocks and limestone slopes, plus fast growth of population and unreasonable land use, the ecological environment featured by karst landscape is vulnerable, becoming the source place for disasters and poverty. Not only is the ecological environment fragile there, but also the cultural environment due to poverty, backwardness and remoteness. How to restore karst ecosystem and biodiversity in this area is an outstanding issue. The effective methods to restore fragile ecosystem in Wuling Mountain area is to adjust land use structure, optimize ways of land use, and establish a harmonious mechanism to coordinate human population growth and land use. Project Objectives: mitigate biodiversity threats caused by human activities in desertified fragile ecological area of Wuling Mountain, and improve peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s living conditions while protecting biodiversity. Project Content: Implement alternative livelihood demonstration projects in fragile ecological areas, in line with the real situation of Wuling Mountain. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Select Qianjiang County, Youyang County and Pengshui County as pilot sites for the implementation of alternative livelihood demonstration projects in fragile ecological area of Wuling Mountain
(2) Adopt a comprehensive practice of restoring desertified land by implementing mixed agricultural and forestry plantation, including multi-dimensional agricultural and forestry plantations, the method used by forestry plantation, and the combination of both forestry and husbandry techniques. Establish and implement a human-land coordination mechanism encouraging local residents and communities to participate in restoring fragile karst ecosystems. Improve environmental conditions for agriculture and forestry the karst area, and restore and preserve biodiversity; (3) Select 3-4 fragile ecological areas in Qianjiang County, Pengshui County and Youyang County in Wuling Mountainous area of south-eastern Chongqing, to promote the application of pragmatic technologies such as household bio-gas, ecological agriculture, in-house husbandry and captive breeding amongst others. Develop local communities with sustainable and productive technologies, add perceived value to local ecosystems, and improve living conditions of farmers. Project Indicators/Outputs: smoothly implement 3-4 alternative livelihood demonstration projects in fragile ecological areas, and identify 2-3 alternative livelihoods in each pilot site, which can substantially protect biodiversity and improve living and productive conditions of farmers. Project Cost Estimation: 12 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2020. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission is responsible for the beginning period, then Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee and Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau will take over the responsibilities during the implementation period. Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Land Resources and Housing Management Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, and relevant districts and counties.
5.3 Action 3: Establish and improve the policies and legal mechanisms for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. Priority Project 14: Establish and improve a compensation mechanism to promote biodiversity conservation Project Background: The forestry, agriculture, water resource, and tourism departments are all involved in biological resource use and development. Charges levied on the use of resources include resource management fee, compensation cost, entrance tickets of scenic areas, procedure fees for starting service facilities (restaurants and hotels), waste disposal charges, sewage charges, as well as fines for illegal use of resources and environmental pollution. However, there is no established compensation mechanism for biodiversity conservation. Fees and compensation related to biodiversity use are unclear or non-existent. Most financial investment in biodiversity conservation comes from the central government financial allocation, without scientific or systematic review, thus cannot guarantee biodiversity conservation and sustainable economic development in fragile ecological areas. Meanwhile there is no clear stipulation that a certain part of fees charged shall be used on biodiversity conservation, and no link has been established 156
between compensation mechanisms and market development of biological resources. Therefore, biodiversity conservation and sustainable economic development cannot be effectively sustained. Project Objectives: Establish a compensation mechanism and system that can effectively promote biodiversity conservation, and select representative locations and different ecosystem types for trial and demonstration projects for sustainable compensation policies. Project Contents: According to different areas and different characteristics of resources, establish corresponding compensation mechanisms and a framework of policies and regulations, to settle the issues of financing and application of a financial transfer payment system and special compensation fund. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Comprehensively analyze types of ecosystem services within Chongqing; identify beneficiary areas and beneficiary subjects (including legal representatives) in Chongqing and in neighbouring provinces and cities, and verify the amount of compensation necessary using market pricing mechanisms, and therefore provide a basis for an environmental taxation system. Define reasonable ways of allocating funds using methods of compensation. (Note: â&#x2018; this is only restricted to financial accounting issues that cannot settle compensation. â&#x2018;Ą It is justified to apply market pricing mechanism for compensation calculations. However, the execution of compensation cannot rely on market mechanism, since market mechanism has no function in the field of public benefits.); (2) Research and develop economic incentive policies and compensation mechanism adapted to all types of ecological areas and species resources; form a complete compensation scheme aimed at biodiversity conservation; make modifications and supplementations to resolve existing problems, and conduct demonstration projects; (3) Select representative geographical areas and different ecosystem types, and conduct demonstration projects 3-4 counties and districts. Taking demonstration of compensation policies as the main thread, and community support, alternative livelihoods and ecological relocation as activities to be implemented, ensure biodiversity of national and international importance in Chongqing is effectively protected, through various compensation mechanisms. Make compensation for biodiversity conservation a regular element for consideration when making decisions and taking actions by national, municipal and local governments. Review how demonstration projects help to develop and improve compensation policies related to the work of the national and municipal government. Project Indicators/Outputs: Establish compensation mechanisms to promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable use; on the basis of 3-4 demonstration projects, gradually make compensation a regular consideration element when making decision and taking actions in municipal and local governments, in order to promote the formulation and completion of compensation policies at municipal government level. Project Cost Estimation: 20 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2015. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau 157
Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, and relevant districts and counties. Priority Project 15: Legislation for biodiversity assessment to be incorporated into environmental impact assessment (EIA) of major construction projects. Project Background: Ignorance of biodiversity in EIA is another important reason for biodiversity deterioration, resulting in inefficient biodiversity conservation during the process of project construction. Project Objectives: Start requiring biodiversity assessment as part of the legal requirements of all major construction project EIAs. Enhance assessment and monitoring of biodiversity impacts in the process of project construction, and institutionalize biodiversity impact assessments in EIA of major construction projects. Project Content: Start legislation for biodiversity impact assessments in EIA of major construction projects. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Formulate and issue laws and regulations requiring biodiversity impact assessment as a must in the EIA of all major construction projects; (2) Attach importance to biodiversity impact assessments during the process of major project construction, and establish a systematic code for biodiversity impact assessments in the construction and development of energy, transportation, hydropower, mines and infrastructure projects. Recommend contents and methods for biodiversity impact assessments, and establish assessment indicators and models for biodiversity impact assessments of construction projects; (3) Conduct pilot research on and case demonstrations of procedures, contents and methods of biodiversity impact assessments for major construction projects in biodiversity-rich areas and places where intensive constructions are underway. (4) Establish follow-up assessment indicators and guidelines for different types of major construction projects. Select representative major construction projects to conduct pilot follow-up assessments, and conduct actual assessment on major projects under-construction. By analyzing and summarizing assessment effects, establish a follow-up assessment system for biodiversity impacts of major construction projects; (5) Develop public engagement system for biodiversity impact assessments in EIA of major construction projects. Project indicators/Outputs: formulate and enact laws and regulations requiring biodiversity impact assessments to be included in the EIA of major construction projects; develop an indicator system and guidelines for biodiversity impact assessments of major construction projects; and institutionalize biodiversity impact assessments for major construction projects.
Project Cost Estimation: 5 million RMB Project Duration: 2010-2015 Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Environmental Protection Bureau Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Economic and Information Commission, and Finance Bureau. Priority Project 16: Establish a legal system for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use Project Background: Though legal systems for biodiversity conservation and management have been preliminarily established at national and municipal levels, they are still far from meeting actual requirements of biodiversity management in practice. Existing laws and regulations are aimed at protecting and managing a certain kind of resource, without comprehensive legislation for biodiversity conservation. In some areas or fields, phenomena of “no laws to abide by, poor execution of laws and absence of monitoring mechanism” still exist. Project Objective: Establish a more complete legal system for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. Through legal management, enhanced execution of laws and regulations, and strengthen monitoring, to put biodiversity conservation and sustainable use on a legal footing. Project Contents: Establish the legal system for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in Chongqing. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Collate contents related to biodiversity conservation in existing laws and regulations, make adjustment to conflicts and inconsistent contents between different laws and regulations, further consolidate and complete laws and regulation in the field of compensation, and establish local regulations and rules concerning biodiversity conservation. (2) While ensuring sufficient conservation of biodiversity and ecological environment, and reasonable compensation payments to local residents, encourage local governments to organize residents to market of advantageous ecological resources, using the compensation budget, in order to promote coordinated and sustainable development of both the regional economy and local biodiversity conservation, and promote the better local livelihoods. (3) Quickly enact a set of “Biodiversity Conservation Regulations of Chongqing”, “Wetland Protection Regulations of Chongqing” and similar regulations for biodiversity conservation; formulate supporting implementation instructions and policies, and clearly define biodiversity related management systems, protection responsibilities and monitoring mechanisms, to form a relatively complete policy and legal safeguard system; (4) Take biodiversity factors into consideration in land-use planning, and reflect biodiversity conservation requirements in land-use plans. Through demonstration projects, instruct governments at all levels in how to incorporate biodiversity conservation into land-use plans, ensuring that land use is conducive to
biodiversity conservation; (5) Formulate and enact “Management Measures on Alien Invasive Species”, giving clear stipulations on risk assessments for alien invasive species, early-warning mechanism, importing conditions, elimination and control measures, ecological restoration and compensation responsibilities. (6) Enact “Access and Benefit-sharing Measures for Species and Genetic Resources”; (7) Establish a public engagement mechanism for monitoring execution of biodiversity conservation related laws, make it possible for the public to be involved in decision-making process, and supervise the implementation of relevant laws and regulations by effective means and approaches. Project Indicators/Outputs: Issue “Biodiversity Conservation Regulations of Chongqing”, “Wetland Protection Regulations of Chongqing” and other relevant laws and regulations linked to the BSAP; implement biodiversity impact assessments in EIAs, and biodiversity components to the land-use plan; formulate and issue “Management Measures on Alien Invasive Species” and “Access and Benefit-sharing Measures for Species and Genetic Resources”; and establish a complete legal system for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. Project Cost Estimation: 8 million RMB Project Duration: 2010-2020 Project Leading Organization: Legislative Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Planning Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Land Resources and Housing Management Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agricultural Bureau, Landscaping Bureau, and relevant districts and counties.
5.4 Action 4: Establish an integrated management system for biodiversity conservation, and set up a biodiversity conservation network Priority Project 17: Biodiversity conservation mainstream demonstration at district and county level Project Background: Biodiversity conservation has not for a long time been reflected in relevant plans and decision-making in governments at different levels, therefore biodiversity conservation has not become a mainstream action, and has not been incorporated into government’s performance appraisal system, making it hard to implement biodiversity conservation related actions and measures. Project Objectives: Incorporate biodiversity conservation into social and economic development plans, investment plans and performance appraisals of the municipal government and local governments, and make biodiversity conservation the mainstream.
Project Contents: Conduct a demonstration of the mainstreaming biodiversity conservation. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Comprehensively analyze the current status of biodiversity conservation and socio-economic development in Chongqing, as well as government working focuses, develop BSAP at district and county levels, and incorporate the implementation of BSAPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s into the performance appraisal for top government leaders. (2) While ensuring sufficient conservation of biodiversity and the ecological environment, and reasonable compensation payments to local residents, encourage local government to organize indigenous residents to market advantageous ecological resources, using the compensation budget, in order to promote coordinated and sustainable development of both regional economy and local biodiversity conservation, and promote the prosperity of local communities. (3) Select 1-2 relevant departments and 1-2 counties or districts with rich biodiversity to carry out pilot demonstration projects, in order to incorporate biodiversity conservation into social-economic development plans of those departments or local governments, such as the 12th Five-Year Plan. Project Indicators/Outputs: Incorporate biodiversity conservation into the development plans made by the selected pilot departments or local governments, and ensure no construction projects in construction prohibited areas. Complete ecological restoration and biodiversity restoration items in the Forestation Project Plan. Project Cost Estimation: 5 million RMB Project Duration: 2010-2015 Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Government Project Participating Organizations: relevant municipal government departments, and relevant districts and counties. Priority Project 18: Establish a vertical-horizontal coordination mechanism for biodiversity management at municipal level Project Background: Roles and responsibilities of biodiversity conservation are scattered throughout various departments including environmental protection, forestry, agriculture, landscaping, water resources, planning, construction, and medicine etc. for a long time, there has been no effective communication between departments in administrative decision-makings, and environmental protection department lacks capacity to coordinate biodiversity conservation in the whole region. Many departments do not even have biodiversity management divisions to shoulder increasingly heavy workloads related to biodiversity conservation. For the reasons above, it is hard to form systematic and unified responses in dealing with biodiversity conservation, resulting in loss of efficient cooperation, overlapped functions, unnecessary competition and low efficiency.
Project Objectives: Enhanced horizontal cooperation and coordination between relevant municipal departments; establishment of vertical cooperation mechanism between municipal and district (county) level departments; establishment and completion of vertical-horizontal coordination mechanism for biodiversity management. Project Content: Establish a biodiversity conservation system and mechanism connecting departments at central and municipal level in all relevant fields; establish and enhance vertical cooperation mechanism connecting governments at municipal and district (county) levels, and establish a horizontal mechanism for biodiversity management, which is easy to promote. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Establish a “vertically integrated” coordination mechanism, establish a cross-department management entity – Municipal Biodiversity Management Committee, to instruct all tasks to be vertically implemented and monitoring environmental impacts caused by policies and plans implemented by various municipal departments, and to execute management authority over biodiversity related budgets; (2) Clarify roles and responsibilities of biodiversity related management departments; ensure coordinated work between different departments, i.e. establish a “horizontally integrated” coordination mechanism. (3) Coordinate the relationship between Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (as the integrated biodiversity conservation management department) and Forestry Bureau, Landscaping Bureau, Agriculture Committee, Land Resources and Housing Management Bureau, Planning Bureau, and other management departments, assign responsibilities to relevant departments accordingly, and enhance capacity building at grass-root level of the vertical coordination mechanism. Project Indicators/Outputs: issue relevant documents to verify the establishment of a “vertically integrated” and “horizontally integrated” coordination mechanism, establish the cross-department management entity – Municipal Biodiversity Management Committee, and clarify its roles and responsibilities and give full play to its functions. Project Cost Estimation: 5 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2015. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Government Project participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Chongqing Municipal Economic and Information Commission, Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Planning Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Land Resources and Housing Management Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agricultural Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Water Resources Bureau, and relevant districts and counties Priority Project 19: Strengthen capacity building and sustainable management in national and municipal nature reserves
Project Background: In recent years, the number of nature reserves has grown rapidly, but the policy of “no construction following approval, no management following construction and no strength in management” has not been met. Most of the nature reserves at county level have not set up management organizations, nor are they equipped with specialized management staff. Though management organizations have been set up in national and municipal nature reserves, the management capacity is still weak, and management facilities, scientific research and monitoring are still far from meeting the requirements of nature reserve management work, which is prominently reflected in inadequate facilities and poor management. Though some scientific research and monitoring have been conducted according to management requirements, long-term stable research and monitoring are impossible due to lack of proper facilities. Therefore, it is urgent that the management capacity of nature reserves is raised. Project Objectives: Standardize capacity building and management of nature reserves, through management demonstration in national and municipal nature reserves. Project Content: Enhance capacity building of nature reserves, focus on the standardization of capacity building and management in national and municipal nature reserves, and focus on the establishment of a group of national and municipal nature reserves at the leading edge both nationally and internationally. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Setting national and municipal nature reserves as the key targets, conduct standardized capacity building for nature reserves, improve and complete management facilities, and develop effective regulations for nature reserves’ sustainable development, in order to promote standardized and scientific management in nature reserves. (2) Establish long-term monitoring stations in nature reserves, improve equipment for scientific research and monitoring, and carry out long-term monitoring of biodiversity in key areas. (3) Establish a periodic assessment system for nature reserves. According to construction standards of nature reserves, conduct integrated assessments on conservation effects, management capacity and construction quality of national and municipal nature reserves. Propose measures to improve and optimize, on the basis of these assessment results. (4) Select different types of national and municipal nature reserves to conduct demonstration projects. Promote standardized and scientific management in nature reserves, and establish capacity building mechanisms in nature reserves. Focus on the establishment of a group of national and municipal nature reserves at leading edge both nationally and internationally, thus to raise overall management level. Project Indicators/Outputs: Issuance of Nature Reserve Management Regulations of Chongqing; periodic delivery of Comprehensive Assessment Report of Nature Reserve Management in Chongqing; 60% of national and municipal nature reserves achieving an ‘excellent’ management level Project Cost Estimation: 50 million RMB Project Duration: 2010-2020
Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Water Resources Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Land Resources and Housing Management Bureau, and relevant nature reserve management institutions. Priority Project 20: Establish and improve nature conservation network for the whole city Project Background: Currently, nature reserves in Chongqing take up 10.26% of its total coverage. This figure rises to 18%, when forest parks, wetland parks, scenic parks and world heritage sites are included. Chongqing has a large human population with relatively low average landholding, and nature reserves cannot be expanded indefinitely. Moreover, development of nature reserves is unbalanced: most of municipal and county level nature reserves are not protected effectively, and construction of those nature reserves progress slowly; most nature reserves are of forest type, so the quantity, coverage and types of nature reserves need to be optimized, with proper increase of nature reserves for wild animals, rivers and wetlands. The network system formed by nature reserves shall be further improved. Project Objectives: Develop construction plan of nature reserves, ensure the rise of management and conservation capacity of nature reserves, and preliminarily establish a nature conservation network for the whole city. Project Content: Develop a construction plan for nature reserves to scientifically instruct nature reserve construction in Chongqing. On the basis of efficiency and science, establish the nature reserve network system with reasonable layout, to include all types of ecosystems and their functions, as well as standardize their construction and efficient management. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Conduct zoning and planning research on nature reserves in Chongqing. Establish a network of nature reserves with reasonable distribution, complete types and proper coverage, improve nature reserves’ structure, and optimize their spatial distribution; (2) Establish a nature conservation system with nature reserves at the core, incorporating forest parks, wetland parks, scenic parks and eco-functional areas; (3) Conduct baseline surveys in nature reserves, focusing on national and municipal nature reserves, Daba Mountain and Wuling Mountain with biodiversity conservation priorities; (4) Enhance construction of nature reserves mainly for the conservation of wild animals. Plan to establish nature reserves for François’s langur in Huiqian River valley of Nanchuan District and Heishangu valley of Wansheng District. Upgrade Maoyun Mountain Nature Reserve to a national nature reserve for François’s langur; (5) Enhance the construction of nature reserves for rivers and wetlands, improve the management system of national nature reserves for rare and endemic fish in upper Yangtze River, and establish a network of wetland nature reserves in the Three Gorges area;
(6) Establish a network of nature reserves in Daba Mountain and Wuling Mountain, focusing on the construction of natural ecological corridors connecting these nature reserves, thus to ensure the integrity of ecosystems in this area, that benefit the migration of wild animals and plants; Project Indicators/Outputs: Complete the preparation of "Report of Zoning and Planning Research on Nature Reserves in Chongqing "; establish nature reserves for François’s langur in Huiqian River valley of Nanchuan District and Heishangu valley of Wansheng District; Upgrade Maoyun Mountain Nature Reserve to a national nature reserve for François’s langur; further optimize the functional areas and improve the management system of the national nature reserves for rare and endemic fish in upper Yangtze River (Chongqing section); and establish the network system of wetland nature reserves in the Three Gorges Reservoir area. Project Cost Estimation: 50 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2015. Project Lead Organization: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Water Resources Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Land Resources and Housing Management Bureau, and research institutions in relation to biodiversity.
5.5 Action 5: Enhance early-warning, emergency response, prevention and management of alien invasive species. Priority Project 21: Monitoring, early-warning and control of alien invasive species Project Background: Chongqing is the economic centre in the upper reaches of Yangtze River, with concentrated human activity. Since it became the municipality directly under the jurisdiction of Central Government, the grand west development projects and the massive relocation of local residents for the Three Gorges Reservoir have affected the area, intensifying human activities and increasing the frequency of alien species introductions, thus threatening the ecology of Chongqing. However, due to lack of knowledge and information about alien invasive species in Chongqing, there is no systematic and full understanding about alien invasive species and the damage caused by them, which as a result restricts the implementation of effective control measures. The lack of monitoring and environmental risk assessment of alien invasive species, unmonitored imports, poor ecological awareness and the temptation of economic profits have caused a serious problem with alien invasive species and biological security. Moreover, there are no special institutions or rapid response mechanisms for quarantine, inspection and monitoring of imported alien species, nor is there any insightful research on hazardous alien species. Little research has been done on prevention, monitoring and control of alien invasive species, and technological capability in this field is poor. Therefore, the rapid response capability should be enhanced urgently, in order to deal with alien invasive species.
Project Objectives: Establish a risk assessment system for alien species, and improve monitoring system and facilities. Establish an early-warning reporting system and technological control system to prevent the hazards of alien invasive species from spreading. Establish bio-prevention & control methods and a technological system for comprehensive treatment, to control the hazards and spread of alien invasive species. Project Content: Conduct monitoring, early-warning and control of alien invasive species; Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Conduct systematic surveys on alien invasive species in the whole city area, figure out all information of invasive species, and collect information about taxonomy, originality, invasive distribution, ecology, transmission channels, and other relevant contents of harmful or potentially harmful invasive species; conduct a catalogue of alien invasive species in Chongqing, and establish database and information system to record the invasion of alien species. (2) Establish a monitoring centre for alien invasive species, improve monitoring technology for existing and potentially hazardous invasive species, and conduct long-term monitoring of targets; (3) Strengthen prevention and control over hazardous invasive species imported from outside Chongqing and abroad, and establish an early-warning mechanism and emergency response system; develop management objectives regarding control of invasive species, according to natural rules of biological invasion, and effectively prevent and control invasion and hazards caused by alien species; (4) Enhance research on comprehensive prevention and control of alien invasive species, and strengthen research on methods, technologies and basis for biological prevention and control. Develop effective and applicable system for controlling using technological methods and comprehensive treatment technologies targeting particular objects, and set up the most optimized plan and technological matrix. (5) Rely on environmental protection NGOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to establish a volunteer network helping to prevent and control alien invasive species, and organize the public to initiate campaigns to clear alien invasive species. Project Indicators/Outputs: Establish databases and information systems recording biological invasion, establish early-warning and emergency response systems for alien invasive species; develop a system of technological methods and comprehensive treatment technologies for biological prevention and control of alien invasive species. Project Cost Estimation: 20 million RMB. Period Duration: 2010-2020. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agricultural Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, and research institutions in relation to biodiversity.
5.6 Action 6: Strengthen protection of genetic resources and traditional knowledge, and establish access and benefit-sharing system Priority Project 22: Establish and improve preservation system for genetic resources, and establish a gene bank for preserving animal and plant germplasm in Chongqing Project Background: Since the 1950s, Sichuan Province has collected agricultural crop germplasm. After Chongqing becoming a municipality directly under central government, germplasm collection work has continued. However, existing facilities cannot meet the demanding requirements for preservation, and better facilities are needed for preserving germplasm of livestock, poultry and fish. Therefore, modern facilities are urgently required for the preservation of germplasm. Project Objectives: Consolidate and improve the capacity of the gene bank for crop resources; enhance germplasm preservation for forestry plants, flowers, medicinal species, livestock, poultry and fish, by establishing population cell banks for such species. Continuously protect rare germplasm resources of domestic livestock and poultry, and ensure the germplasm resources of major livestock and poultry in Chongqing are preserved in cell banks. Project Content: Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Enhance the establishment of a gene bank and seed bank for plants: establish germplasm resource banks for plant germplasm resources with important ecological, economic and research values, economic plants in particular; save existing germplasm resources, promote breeding and update, and prevent loss of resources. Conduct research, innovations and use of germplasm resources, and collect new germplasm resources to enrich the economic plant resources in Chongqing. Establish seed fields, parent propagation and original seed production bases for important economic plants, to improve parental and original seed production conditions, and raise the quality of parent plants and seeds. Conduct experiments on new types, observation of characteristics, purification and rejuvenation as well as propagation of parent plants (original seeds). Promote protection of germplasm resources for important economic plants; (2) Enhance the construction of supporting facilities for germplasm resource banks (nursery gardens) for existing agricultural crops and important agricultural wild plants. Establish and improve germplasm resource banks (nursery fields) for cattle, poultry and pasture plants. Enhance construction of preservation facilities for ultra-low temperature and test-tube seedlings. (3) Enhance the construction of germplasm resource banks, ex-situ conservation facilities and artificial breeding bases for important forestry plants, bamboo and rattan plants, wild flowers and wild medicinal herbs. Establish Chongqing germplasm resource banks (nursery) for forestry plants, with 3-5 tree gardens or plants introduction and acclimatization gardens in different areas. Establish Chongqing germplasm preservation banks for wild flowers and medicinal herbs. (4) Establish Chongqing livestock and poultry gene banks, covering all aspects including surveys on genetic resources of livestock and poultry, dynamic information analysis, network system establishment, living organism conservation, assessments on genetic diversity and establishment of cell banks, with focuses on indigenous types of genetic resources such as Rongchang Swine, Hechuan Black Swine, Fuling 167
buffalo, Banjiao goat, Youzhou black sheep, Nanchuan chicken etc. Enhance the construction of in vitro preservation facilities, and establish preservation, maintenance and management system for cell banks; (5) Establish Chongqing breeding centre of rare and endemic aquatic life, and establish Chongqing breeding and seedling base of fishery resources and germplasm preservation facilities for aquatic life. Make full use of technological advances and available resources to expand conservation scale and lay solid foundations for the sustainable use of aquatic resources. (6) Enhance the capacity building for collection, conservation and preservation of microorganisms, and establish Chongqing preservation bank of microbial resources and Chongqing preservation and sharing platform of important microbial resources. Project Indicators/Outputs: Establish germplasm resource banks for important forestry plants, bamboo and rattan plants, wild flowers and wild medicinal herbs. Establish in vitro preservation facilities for indigenous species such as Rongchang Swine, Hechuan Black Swine, Fuling buffalo, Banjiao goat, Youzhou black sheep, Nanchuan chicken etc. Establish maintenance and management system for cell banks. Project Cost Estimation: 50 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2015. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Agricultural Committee. Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, and relevant restricts and counties. Priority Project 23: Establish mechanisms for protection, access and benefit-sharing of traditional knowledge about genetic resources. Project Background: Currently, laws & regulations regarding genetic resource conservation and management are not complete. In accordance with the Outline of National Conservation and Utilization Plan of Species Resources and Chongqing Conservation and Utilization Plan of Species Resources, a genetic resource access and benefit-sharing system is required to be established, and relevant legal systems and regulatory authorities shall be further improved. Project Objectives: Establish the access and benefit-sharing system for genetic resources and relevant traditional knowledge, and improve relevant legal system and regulatory authorities. Project Content: Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Conduct investigation, identification, collation and catalogue work on genetic resources and relevant traditional knowledge in Chongqing, using both methods of key point investigation and general surveys. Conduct survey and catalogue work on variety resources and genetic resources of agricultural wild plants and cultivated plants in key areas (including Fangshan hilly agricultural area in the west of Chongqing, Pingxing valley agricultural area in middle of Chongqing, agricultural area around Three Gorges Reservoir, 168
Daba mountainous agricultural area in the northeast of Chongqing, karst agricultural area in the southeast of Chongqing and others). Establish databases for genetic resources and relevant traditional knowledge; (2) Establish complete policies, laws and systems for the protection of biological genetic resources and traditional knowledge, and develop rules regulating the access, transmission and benefit-sharing of genetic resources and relevant traditional knowledge. Establish the regulatory authorities and systems for access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources; (3) Study and formulate the Protection List of Important Traditional Knowledge, and develop IPRP mechanism for biological resources and relevant traditional knowledge. Set up an organization to handle genetic resources and relevant traditional knowledge, and establish an information exchange mechanism. Carry out studies on the establishment of database for genetic resources and traditional knowledge, and develop protection lists for genetic resources and relevant traditional knowledge; (4) Improve entry-exit inspection and verification systems for genetic resources. Establish a management system for the entry-exit of genetic resources, enhance entry-exit inspections, and control the loss of genetic resources. Project Indicators/Outputs: Issuance of relevant laws and regulations to effectively protect genetic resources in Chongqing. Ensure fair and justified benefit-sharing of genetic resources, and develop IPRP (Intellectual Property Right Protection) system for genetic resources and relevant traditional knowledge. Project Cost Estimation: 5 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2015. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal People's Congress, Chongqing Municipal Intellectual Property Right Bureau Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agricultural Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau and others
5.7 Action 7: Promote sustainable use of biodiversity Priority Project 24: Demonstration of conservation and utilization of biodiversity in the process of Chongqingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Forestation Project Project Background: Focus is often given to landscaping effects and environmental effects in current greening projects, while little attention is paid to the important role played by biodiversity. Chongqing launched the Forestation Project in 2008, and it is stipulated in the Overall Plan of Forestation Project in Chongqing that diversified animal and plant resources should be utilized in forestation project, so as to promote the health of forest ecosystems.
Project Objectives: Using the abundant plant resources in Chongqing to build multi-level mixed forest communities, and make those forests the base for the ex-situ conservation of biodiversity. Project Content: Using urban forestation projects, rural forestation projects, connection forestation projects, waterway forestation projects and nursery bases, make full use of abundant local animal and plant resources to build up diversified and healthy forest communities. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Dynamically integrate biodiversity conservation and forestation projects in urban areas, strengthen the urban afforestation of multi-level mixed communities, and promote the expansion of urban biodiversity; (2) Build a greening system with diversified structures and types in rural areas, and make it a significant base for rural biodiversity conservation. Make full use of abundant animal and plant resources to promote various business and integrated development. Establish diverse rural biodiversity industries in different areas; (3) In the forestation project along Yangtze River (Chongqing section), forests communities with rich biodiversity, high stability, self-adjustment, and self-restoration capabilities shall be cultivated with the guiding concepts of being healthy and natural, making full use of local plant species, and taking into consideration the ecological shelter forestation projects around the reservoir and along mountain ranges. Set biodiversity conservation as the target, and conduct riverside ecological shelter forestation project and mountain waist ecological and economic forestation projects in Fuling County, Fengdu County, Yunyang County and Fengjie County for demonstration; (4) Take advantages of connection forestation projects and waterway forestation projects, and construct natural corridors that are conducive for transmission and migration of wild animals and plants according to different ranks of roads and river systems, thus to form an organic ecological network system; (5) Make use of abundant biodiversity resources in Daba Mountain, Wuling Mountain, Jinfo Mountain, Simian Mountain and Jinyun Mountain to promote breeding and domestication of wild horticultural plants. Establish nursery bases of various features for forestation projects, and give out their functions in ex-situ conservation of biodiversity. Project Indicators/Outputs: Complete the annual plan for forestation projects of the municipal government, and make sure the abundant animal and plant resources will be adequately used in urban forestation project, rural forestation project, connection forestation project, waterway forestation project and nursery bases. Make those afforestation projects important for the ex-situ conservation of biodiversity. Project Cost Estimation: 20 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2017. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau
Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee, Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Water Resources Bureau, and relevant districts and counties. Priority Project 25: Sustainable use of biodiversity in the development of non-timber forest products Project Background: There are rich non-timber product resources in Daba Mountain and Wuling Mountain, such as under-story edible fungus, flower and medicinal herb resources. These precious resources should be given key protection; meanwhile, they can be used as important resources to help local residents develop sustainable development projects. Project Objective: Make full use of under-story edible fungus resources, flower resources, medicinal herbs and other non-timber products, and process these resources into diversified ecological products, in order to achieve dual-objective of both biodiversity conservation and economic development of indigenous communities. Project Content: Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Conduct surveys on the status of non-timber forest resources, and develop plans for the protection and sustainable use of non-timber forest products; (2) Create an incubation environment and optimized models for non-timber forest products in the demonstration area, including bee keeping and medicinal herb cultivation. Plant medicinal herbs and wild flowers under the trees and in forest clearings, and develop bee keeping, which can not only reduce damages to forest woods, but also promote the growth of medicinal herbs and wild flowers, therefore providing better living environment and habitats as well as local incomes; (3) Explore valuable elements from indigenous peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s traditional cultures and knowledge about the use of non-timber forest products. Select models that can both use biodiversity to its best value and most effectively protect wild animals and plants to achieve the sustainable use of ecological products. Raise biodiversity conservation awareness of indigenous residents living in Daba Mountain and Wuling Mountain areas, and help them develop alternative income sources. (4) Establish a training system; encourage indigenous people to engage in economic use of diversified non-timber forest products; encourage the establishment of an industrial association for sustainable development to provide local residents with technology, training, and market information about breeding, planting and seedling sourcing. Project Indicators/Outputs: Implementation of 2-3 non-timber forest product development demonstration projects; popularization of successful experiences in all poverty-stricken mountainous areas; alleviation of poverty, and effective conservation of biodiversity. Project Cost Estimation: 10 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2015.
Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee, and relevant districts and counties. Priority Project 26: Artificial domestication and alternative development of traditional medicinal plants Project Background: The advantageous location, varied terrain, various vegetation types and flora components together make Chongqing rich in traditional medicinal plant types. The environment of Jinfo Mountain, Jinyun Mountain, Wuling Mountain, Dabas Mountain, Xiannv Mountain, Qiyao Mountain and Wushan Mountain provide favorable conditions for the growth of high-quality medicinal plants, and therefore enrich the traditional medicinal resources in Chongqing There are a total of 5275 species of medicinal plants in Chongqing, divided into 282 families and 1325 genera, of which medicinal bryophytes account for 44 families, 103 genera and 230 species; medicinal ferns take up 47 families, 114 genera and 546 species; medicinal gymnosperms 10 families, 30 genera and 56 species, and medicinal angiosperms 173 families, 1068 genera and 4426 species. There are 150 species of cultivated medicinal plants in Chongqing, with a total reserve of about 150,000 tons; in which about 350 types can be collected year-round, more than ½ of all the varieties of medicinal plants in China can be found in Chongqing. There are 363 key species of medicinal plants according to the results of a national survey, of which 306 species can be found in Chongqing, accounting for 84.2% of the total. Types and reserves of medicinal plants in Chongqing are only less than those of Sichuan Province, Guangxi Province, Yunnan Province and Guizhou Province. However, deforestation commonly destroys a lot of medicinal plants in Chongqingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s forests; since western medicines are usually expensive, many people exploit medicinal plants to cater for market demands, which is a major threat to medicinal plant resources. For instance, many species of the genus Stephania (Menispermaceae), medicinal name in Chinese "ShanWugui", plants of genus Hemsleya (Cucurbitaceae), medicinal name "Jinpen"), and wild Gastrodia species can hardly be found nowadays and are at the edge of extinction due to excessive exploitation by local farmers. The contradiction between shortage of medicinal plant resources and huge market demand has resulted in the sharp decline of wild medicinal plant resources. The declining trend must be turned around. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct artificial domestication of traditional medicinal plants and develop alternative products, in order to effectively protect wild medicinal plants. Project Objectives: Solve the contradiction between shortage of medicinal plant resources and huge market demand, reduce damages to wild medicinal plant resources, reduce the environmental burden, and find the way to improve the livelihoods of local farmers. Project Content: Enhance the artificial domestication of traditional medicinal plants and the development of alternative products. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Establish 1-2 storages of medicinal plant germplasm resources in Daba Mountain and Wuling Mountain areas; (2) Conduct nursing and artificial domestication experiments for rare and endangered wild medicinal plants that have great market potential; 172
(3) Conduct rescue projects for rare and endangered wild medicinal plants, and research the development of alternative products; (4) Establish a core germplasm system for part of wild medicinal species resources, cultivate the best varieties of medicinal plants, comprehensively improve the quality and yield of cultivated medicinal plant resources, and thereby reduce dependence on wild resources. Project Indicators/Outputs: Successfully develop around 10 alternatives for wild medicinal plant species, improve cultivation techniques, and popularize the techniques. Project Cost Estimation: 10 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2020. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Food and Drug Surveillance Bureau, relevant districts and counties, and research institutions in relation to biodiversity.
5.8 Action 8: Publicity, education and talents fostering in the fields of biodiversity conservation Priority Project 27: Strengthen publicity, education and training for biodiversity conservation Project Background: Regular and universal publicity are an important means of raising public awareness of biodiversity conservation, and to increase public engagement in biodiversity conservation activities. There will be few chances to save biodiversity, unless the public recognize the significance of biodiversity conservation. Organizations at grass-roots level are the important units for publicity and education of biodiversity conservation. However, there is a lack of personnel and capability in publicity and education of biodiversity at grass-roots level. In addition, publicity and education facilities are of a poor standard, which means they cannot fulfil their roles and responsibility in publicity and education of biodiversity conservation. Therefore, publicity and education capacity for biodiversity conservation at grass-roots level should be enhanced immediately. Project Objectives: Raise public awareness on biodiversity conservation and its meaning, especially in people local to areas with rich biodiversity. Enhance their knowledge and technical capacity, help them to build attitudes, behaviours and lifestyles that are conducive to biodiversity conservation, thus to encourage the public to get engaged in biodiversity conservation activities voluntarily. Strengthen talents in the field of biodiversity conservation, and enhance leadership and innovation capacities by initiating various activities. Project Content: Enhance publicity, education and training of biodiversity conservation in Chongqing. Specific tasks are listed below:
(1) Make use of radio, television, newspapers, internet, and other mainstream media to roll out publicity regarding basic knowledge about biodiversity and the importance of conservation. Enhance publicity and education of biodiversity on occasions such as World Environment Day, Earth Day, World Biodiversity Day and so on, and in special locations (for instance, in zoos, botanic gardens, natural history museums and national parks); (2) Organize training on biodiversity conservation and common scientific knowledge in communities where biodiversity resources are rich, to raise conservation awareness. Add basic knowledge of biodiversity conservation into the text book of Common Knowledge of Nature and the text book of Biology used in primary and middle schools. Make use of places such as nature reserves, zoos, botanical gardens etc. to conduct field education on biodiversity conservation; (3) Take communities and colleges as the bases for fostering new talent, and conduct training activities of different types at different levels. Through classes, social practices, small grant projects as well as other training activities to focus on the fostering of high-quality talents who will drive biodiversity conservation in the future; (4) Widely establish biodiversity conservation NGOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in Chongqing, encourage the public to participate in biodiversity conservation, and expand the conservation network; (5) Develop publicity, education and training resources of biodiversity conservation, and set up courses on biodiversity and cultural diversity in colleges, especially normal universities focusing on training of teachers; (6) Organize special training courses on biodiversity conservation in CPC party school at different levels for officials, in order to raise their awareness and understanding. Project Indicators/Outputs: increased biodiversity conservation awareness of officials at different levels, all social sectors and the general public; three times the number of public engaged in biodiversity conservation on the government platform. Educate a group of high-quality personnel in the field of biodiversity conservation, and thereby make biodiversity conservation sustainable in Chongqing. Project Cost Estimation: 6 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2020. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Culture, Broadcasting and Television Bureau Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Education Committee, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agricultural Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, primary schools, middle schools, and relevant institutions. Priority Project 28: Establish a mechanism for general public and NGOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to participate in biodiversity conservation
Project Background: Currently, there is no mechanism or platform through which the public and NGO’s can participate in biodiversity conservation. Therefore, it is necessary to establish such a mechanism immediately. Project Objectives: Establish a mechanism for public to participate in biodiversity conservation, and build up stable partnership alignment among all social participating sectors. Project Content: Enhance the establishment such a mechanism for NGO’s and public to participate in biodiversity conservation. Specific tasks are listed below: (1) Establish a mechanism for the public and NGO’s to participate in biodiversity conservation; deepen and expand their participation in the conservation of species resources; (2) Improve the approach and mechanism for the public and NGO’s to participate in decision-making process of biodiversity conservation; (3) Establish biodiversity conservation organizations in business circle, at rural grass-root level, and in schools; organize all social sectors to form a stable alignment partnership; organize all kinds of social organizations to conduct biodiversity conservation activities; (4) Establish public supervision mechanism, to effectively monitor the implementation and its effects of government’s biodiversity conservation policies. Project Indicators/Outputs: A mature mechanism for biodiversity conservation involving the participation of public and NGO’s established; establishment of partnership alliance in biodiversity conservation involving the public and NGOs. Project Cost Estimation: 3 million RMB. Project Duration: 2010-2020. Project Leading Organization: Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Project Participating Organizations: Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting and Television,Chongqing Municipal Education Committee, Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Agricultural Bureau, and Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau etc.
Annex Table 1: Chongqing BSAP Priority Projects No.
Project Name Detailed survey and catalogue of species resources in Chongqing
Project Objectives
Project Contents
Complete detailed survey on species resources in Chongqing, and complete detailed survey and catalogue of species resources in critical eco-areas and special eco-areas.
Conduct detailed surveys and catalogue on species resources in key eco-areas and special eco-areas, to figure out baseline information of species resources; conduct special surveys on endangered and endemic species under national key protection; conduct species surveys in Three Gorges Reservoir area in particular.
Project Indicators/Outputs
Identify fauna and flora status in Chongqing, complete systematic catalogue for species of different populations, establish and update biodiversity database of Chongqing, and publish Flora of Chongqing, Fauna of Chongqing, Aquatic Organisms of Chongqing, Vegetation of Chongqing and other monographs. Integrated assessment on Conduct systematic Establish biodiversity assessment Annual report of integrated biodiversity in Chongqing assessments on the status, indicators system and integrated biodiversity assessment, and major threats and assessment system in line with regular update of biodiversity management effects of the biodiversity management status in Chongqing. biodiversity in Chongqing, objectives; taking county-level in order to provide administrative divisions as target supporting references for units, conduct systematic the decision-making in assessment on current status of biodiversity management. biodiversity and its evolution trend. Establishment of Establish an ecological Establish monitoring indicators develop and implement biodiversity monitoring monitoring network, and system and monitoring system for Technological Code for biodiversity, improve and early-warning system establish and enhance Biodiversity Monitoring; infrastructure facilities, establish Establish ecological monitoring and information network dynamic and long-term for the whole city monitoring in biodiversity the long-term monitoring stations system (set up 1 central and sites to form a network, and monitoring station and 5 key areas in Daba conduct long-term biodiversity sub-stations), establish the Mountain and Wuling monitoring; attain long-term Mountain. monitoring system for seasonal dynamic monitoring on wetland around Three Gorges biodiversity in Chongqing, Reservoir and sub-alpine karst especially in key areas of Three wetland; establish biodiversity Gorges Reservoir, Daba databases for counties and Mountain and Wuling Mountain; districts; and set up a platform establish biodiversity databases for comprehensive utilization of for counties and districts; biodiversity information and a 176
Cost Estimate (Million RMB)
Project Duration
Leading Organization Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau
Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 20
Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau
Participating Organizations Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Agriculture Committee, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, Science and Technology Commission, and Water Conservancy Bureau. Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Agriculture Committee and Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau.
Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Three Gorges Project Construction Committee, Migration Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Agriculture Committee, Landscaping Bureau, Water Conservancy Bureau, and Science and Technology Commission.
establish biodiversity biodiversity early-warning early-warning system and system. emergency response mechanism of the whole city, and set up an integrated early-warning system for biodiversity of the city. Conservation projects for Endangered terrestrial Strengthen ex situ conservation Endangered animal and plant endangered and endemic species are restored. and re-introduction of rare and populations restored; critical terrestrial animals and Natural habitats for the endangered, endemic plant eco-systems are effectively plants species are effectively species; conduct survey on protected. protected. Orchidaceae plants resources in nature reserves of Daba Mountains, Xuebao Mountains and Jinfo Mountains, and establish protection areas, sub-areas and spots; strengthen conservation of original habitat for Cervidae animals represented by forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii); conduct field survey for Felien animals represented by leopard and clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa); strengthen the conservation of original habitat for Primates represented by Françoisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s langur (Presbytis francoisi) and Sichuan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellanae); strengthen the conservation of original habitat for Galliformes Aves represented by Reevesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) and Red-Bellied Tragopan (Tragopan temminckii). Endangered Endemic Fish To improve management Implement protection projects for Optimized functional zoning in Conservation Project in & protection capacity and rare and endemic fish species in the national nature reserve for Chongqing Section of protect fish as well as their the Yangtze River, Jialing River, rare and endemic fish in Upstream Yangtze River natural habitats through Wujiang River and the Three upstream Yangtze River; the enhancement of Gorges Reservoir, to meet enhanced conservation capacity; national nature reserve for conservation requirements for establishment of field rare and endemic fish in rare and endemic fish in upstream observation and monitoring
Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau
Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Agriculture Committee, Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau, Water Resource Bureau, Land Resource and Housing Bureau, relevant districts and counties.
Agriculture Committee
Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, the Management Office of national nature reserve for rare and endemic fish in upstream Yangtze River,
the upstream Yangtze River.
Yangtze River; enhance reproduction and release of endangered endemic fish species in upstream Yangtze River; Setup field observation and monitoring stations for aquatic environment in upstream Yangtze River.
stations for aquatic environment of upstream Yangtze River; effective conservation of endangered endemic fish in Yangtze River, Jialing River, Wujiang River and the Three Gorges Reservoir; and increased fish populations. Protection and Restoration Enhance the protection of Develop protection and Establish 5-6 wetland nature of the hydro-fluctuation the ecosystem in restoration plan for the wetland reserves in the hydro-fluctuation belt wetland ecosystems in hydro-fluctuation belt ecosystems in hydro-fluctuation belt; form wetland ecosystem the Three Gorges wetland, and implement belt; carry out long-term protection network in the Reservoir Area restoration project for ecological monitoring on hydro-fluctuation belt of Three wetland in the hydro-fluctuation belt wetland; Gorges Reservoir area; carry out hydro-fluctuation belt, so enhance conservation of wetland demonstration restoration projects in Kai County, as to ensure the long-term, birds and habitats in Three healthy, and safe operation Gorges Reservoir area, and make Zhongxian County and Wushan of Three Gorges Project sustainable use of wetland bird County, and extend successful and set up a model for resources with the premise of experience to the whole Three conservation and effective protection; make Gorges Reservoir area. restoration of foreshore reasonable utilization of wetland wetland resources resources in hydro-fluctuation nationally and belt with the premise of internationally. conservation, such as wetland agricultural resources, seedling nursery and wetland tourism. Restoration of secondary Implement restoration Prepare guidelines for the Guideline for formulating river ecosystems and projects in secondary development of Secondary River restoration plan for secondary biodiversity rivers, and strengthen Restoration Plan, and establish rivers developed and biodiversity conservation the indicators system and implemented; implement the in the process of planning model for river restoration (including biodiversity restoration) projects comprehensive treatment comprehensive treatment of at 2-3 secondary rivers and for secondary rivers. secondary river environment; during the process of secondary extend the successful river comprehensive treatment in experience to the whole Three Chongqing, strengthen restoration Gorges Reservoir area. of secondary river ecosystems; Solve common critical technical issues existing in the planning of secondary river environment treatment, and implement biodiversity conservation and
Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, relevant districts and counties.
Chongqing Chongqing Municipal Municipal Migration Development and Bureau Reform Commission, Science and Technology Commission, Environmental Protection Bureau, Forestry Bureau, 2010-2015 Chongqing Landscaping Bureau, relevant districts and counties.
Chongqing Chongqing Municipal Municipal Environmental Development and Protection Bureau, Reform Commission Water Resource Bureau, and relevant districts and counties 30
restoration; conduct secondary river restoration projects based on biodiversity recovery, and implement river restoration projects covering river banks, water body, and benthic systems etc. Bio-remediation of Implement soil ecological Enhance monitoring on soil Guideline for formulating soil polluted soil and remediation projects, and pollution, adding biodiversity remediation plan on the basis of restoration of soil obtain biodiversity monitoring into the soil pollution biodiversity restoration biodiversity conservation and monitoring; make quantified developed and implemented; restoration in the process assessment on the status of soil soil pollution monitoring system of soil remediation, biodiversity deterioration; solve established and completed; common critical technical issues implement exemplary biodiversity restoration projects existing in the process of soil at 2-3 sites in the process soil remediation, and set up model remediation, and extend the and critical technologies regarding biodiversity restoration, successful experience to the through structural design and whole south-western area. functional optimization of soil ecosystems; define the basic technical framework for biodiversity restoration in the process of soil remediation, covering aspects of soil ecosystem structural restoration, soil ecosystem functional restoration and others; conduct exemplary soil remediation projects based on biodiversity recovery. Four mountains Develop and implement Conduct biodiversity baseline Eco-function Zoning Plan of restoration demonstration Eco-function Zoning Plan survey in four mountains area, Four Mountains formulated, project in the major urban for the four mountains in and make scientific plan for issued and implemented; area the urban area. Effectively eco-functional zoning of four ecological restoration projects protect plants, animals and mountains area; Strictly manage implemented in combination their habitats within four and control ecological space in with biodiversity restoration. mountains, implement four mountains area; conduct ecological restoration biodiversity maintenance and projects, providing preservation in areas with good experience for urban forests vegetation; accelerate the biodiversity conservation. implementation of restoration
Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau
Chongqing Municipal Economic and Information Committee, Land Resource Bureau, Agricultural Bureau, Forestry Bureau, and relevant districts and counties.
Chongqing Environmental Municipal Planning Protection Bureau, Bureau Landscaping Bureau, Construction Committee, and 2010-2015 relevant districts and counties.
Demonstration project treatment and restoration of degraded karst ecosystem affected by rocky desertification
Restrain the degrading trend of ecosystem in rocky desertification area, and restore biodiversity by implementing restoration projects.
Demonstration projects of community-based sustainable development in nature reserves
Demonstration projects for ecological relocation of residents in Daba Mountain with rich biodiversity 12
Improve the livelihoods of poverty stricken people in communities around nature reserves, and strengthen biodiversity conservation, by borrowing successful experience in the fields of poverty alleviation and ecological protection domestically and internationally. Use ecological resources properly and reasonably, and implement ecological poverty alleviation projects to improve local residents living condition while protecting biodiversity.
projects in ecologically deteriorated areas among four mountains, in combination with biodiversity restoration. Investigate the status of rocky desertification in Chongqing, and develop comprehensive treatment plan; implement demonstration restoration projects for degraded ecosystem affected by karst desertification, and combine desertification treatment and biodiversity restoration together; conduct comprehensive assessments on the effects follow-up to project implementation. Select 2-3 nature reserves as pilot project sites, and conduct community-based sustainable development projects for demonstration in important national eco-functional areas, according to the practical needs of those communities.
10-year comprehensive treatment to the total 17800km2 rocky desertification area, with biodiversity being restored.
Chongqing Municipal Land Resource and Housing Bureau
Implement 2-3 community-based sustainable development projects in and around nature reserves for demonstration, and popularize successful experience in all nature reserves in Chongqing.
Select Chengkou County and Smoothly implement 2-3 Wuxi County as the pilot sites to ecological relocation carry out biodiversity demonstration projects, conservation and ecological complete annual investment relocation demonstration plan for ecological relocation projects; Implement organized developed by Chongqing and planed ecological relocation Development and Reform phase by phase in areas with rich Commission, and popularize biodiversity and fragile successful experience in other ecosystems; in line with Grain for biodiversity-rich areas stricken Green/Grass policies, implement by poverty. poverty alleviation relocation
Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Agricultural Committee, Forestry Bureau, and relevant districts and counties.
Chongqing Chongqing Municipal Municipal Forestry Finance Bureau, Bureau Environmental Protection Bureau, Agriculture Committee, 2010-2015 Landscaping Bureau, Water Resources Bureau, Land Resources and Housing Bureau, and relevant districts and counties. Chongqing Chongqing Municipal Municipal Agriculture Development and Committee, Reform Commission Chongqing Municipal is responsible for the Forestry Bureau, beginning period, Environmental 2010-2015 then relevant Protection Bureau districts and counties will take over the responsibilities during the
projects for a few farmers living in mountainous areas with poor conditions. Alternative livelihood Mitigate biodiversity Select Qianjiang County, Smoothly implement 3-4 demonstration project in threats caused by human Youyang County and Pengshui alternative livelihood ecologically fragile area of activities in desertified demonstration projects in fragile County as pilot sites for the Wuling Mountain ecological areas, and identify fragile ecological area of implementation of alternative livelihood demonstration projects 2-3 alternative livelihoods in Wuling Mountain, and each pilot site, which can improve peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s living in fragile ecological area of Wuling Mountain; adopt substantially protect conditions while comprehensive management biodiversity and improve living protecting biodiversity. mode in the process of restoring and productive conditions of 13 desertified land ecosystem by farmers. implementing mixed agricultural and forestry plantation, including multi-dimensioned agricultural and forestry plantation mode, the mode oriented by forestry plantation, and the combination mode of both forestry and husbandry. Establish and improve Establish compensation According to different eco-areas On the basis of 3-4 compensation mechanism mechanism and system and different characteristics of demonstration projects, to promote biodiversity that can effectively resources, establish gradually make compensation a conservation promote biodiversity corresponding compensation regular consideration element conservation. mechanism and framework of when making decision and 14 policies and regulations; select taking actions in municipal and representative geographical areas local governments, in order to and different ecosystem types, promote the formulation and and conduct demonstration of completion of compensation sustainable compensation policies policies. in 3-4 counties and districts. Legislation for Start legislation for Formulate and issue laws and Formulate and enact laws and biodiversity assessment biodiversity assessment in regulations requiring biodiversity regulations requiring incorporated into EIA of major construction impact assessments as a must in biodiversity impact assessments environmental impact projects. Enhance the EIA of major construction as a must in the EIA of major assessment and monitoring projects; establish systematic assessment (EIA) construction projects; develop 15 on biodiversity impacts in code for biodiversity impact indicators system and guidelines the process of project assessments in the construction for biodiversity impact construction, and and development major projects; assessments of major institutionalize conduct case demonstrations of construction projects; and biodiversity impact biodiversity impact assessments institutionalize biodiversity
implementation period
Chongqing Chongqing Municipal Chongqing Land Resource and Municipal Housing Management Development and Bureau, Agriculture Reform Commission Committee, Forestry is responsible for the Bureau, beginning period, Environmental then the Municipal Protection Bureau, Agriculture and relevant districts 2010-2020 Committee and and counties. Forestry Bureau will take over the responsibilities during the implementation period
Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau
Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau 5
Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Environmental Protection Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Agriculture Committee,, Landscaping Bureau, and relevant districts and counties. Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Economic and Trade Commission, and Finance Bureau.
assessments in EIA of major construction projects.
Establish legal system for Establish a more complete biodiversity conservation legal system for and sustainable use biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. Through legal management, enhanced execution of laws and regulations, and strengthened monitoring, 16 to make biodiversity conservation and sustainable use on a legalized track.
Biodiversity conservation Incorporate biodiversity mainstream demonstration conservation into social at district and county level and economic development plans, investment plans and performance appraisals of the municipal government and local governments, 17 and make biodiversity conservation the mainstream.
Establish a vertical-horizontal
Establishment and completion of
in biodiversity-rich areas and impact assessments for major places where intensive construction projects. constructions are underway; establish follow-up assessment system for biodiversity impacts of major construction projects. Develop and implement BSAP in Issuance of biodiversity connection with Major Functional conservation regulations Zoning Plan, according to types connected to major functional and distribution of wildlife; enact zoning plan, and as soon as possible “Biodiversity implementation of biodiversity Conservation Regulations of impact assessments in EIA, and Chongqing”, “Wetland Protection biodiversity contents in land-use Regulations of Chongqing” and plan. similar regulations for biodiversity conservation; formulate supporting implementation instructions and policies, and clearly define biodiversity related management system, protection responsibilities and monitoring mechanism, to form a relatively complete policy and legal safeguarding system. Conduct demonstration of the Incorporate biodiversity mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into the conservation; develop guidance development plans made by the for incorporating biodiversity selected pilot departments or conservation into economic local governments, and ensure development plan at municipal no construction projects in and county level; select 1-2 construction prohibited areas. relevant departments and 1-2 Complete ecological restoration counties or districts with rich and biodiversity restoration biodiversity to carry out pilot items in the Forestation Project demonstration projects, in order Plan. to incorporate biodiversity conservation into social-economic development plans of those departments or local governments. Establish a “vertically integrated” Issue relevant documents to coordination mechanism, verify the establishment of
Legislative Affairs Chongqing Municipal Office of Chongqing Development and Municipal Reform Commission, Government Environmental Protection Bureau, Planning Bureau, Land Resources and Housing Bureau, Forestry Bureau, 2010-2020 Agriculture Bureau, Landscaping Bureau.
Chongqing Municipal Government
Relevant municipal departments, and relevant districts and counties.
Chongqing Municipal
Relevant municipal departments, and
coordination mechanism for biodiversity management at municipal level
Strengthen capacity building and sustainable management in national and municipal nature reserves
Establish and improve nature conservation network system for the whole city 20
vertical-horizontal coordination mechanism for biodiversity management.
establish a cross-department “vertically integrated” and management entity – Municipal “horizontally integrated” Biodiversity Management coordination mechanism, Committee; clarify roles and establish the cross-department responsibilities of biodiversity management entity – Municipal related management departments, Biodiversity Management ensure coordinated co-work Committee, and clarify its roles between different departments, and responsibilities and give full play to its functions. i.e. to establish a “horizontally integrated” coordination mechanism. Standardize capacity Setting national and municipal Issuance of Nature Reserve building and management nature reserves as key targets, Management Regulations of of nature reserves, through conduct standardized capacity Chongqing; periodical delivery management building of nature reserves; of Comprehensive Assessment demonstration in national establish long-term positioned Report of Nature Reserve and municipal nature monitoring station in nature Management in Chongqing; reserves, improve equipments for 60% of national and municipal reserves. scientific research and nature reserves achieving monitoring; establish periodical excellent management level. assessment system for nature reserves; select different types of national and municipal nature reserves to conduct demonstration projects, and focus on the establishment of a group of national and municipal nature reserves at leading edge both nationally and internationally, thus to raise overall management level. Develop construction plan Establish the nature reserve Establish nature reserves for of nature reserves, ensure network system with reasonable François’s langur in Huiqian the rise of management layout, complete types and River valley of Nanchuan District and Heishangu valley of and conservation capacity functions, standardized Wansheng District; Upgrade of nature reserves, and construction, and efficient Maoyun Mountain Nature preliminarily establish the management; improve nature nature conservation reserves’ structure of types, and Reserve to a national nature network for the whole city. optimize the spatial distribution; reserve for François’s langur; further optimize the functional establish a nature conservation system with nature reserves in the areas and improve the core position, incorporating forest management system of the
relevant counties and districts.
Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau
Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Agriculture Committee, Landscaping Bureau, Water Resources Bureau, Land Resources and Housing Bureau, and relevant nature reserve management institutions.
Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau
Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Agriculture Committee, Landscaping Bureau, Water Resource Bureau, Land Resources and Housing Bureau.
parks, wetland parks, scenic parks and eco-functional areas.
Monitoring, early-warning Establish risk assessment and control of alien system for alien species, invasive species and improve monitoring system and facilities; establish early-warning reporting system and technological control 21 system; establish bio-prevention & control methods system and technological system for comprehensive treatment.
Establish and improve Consolidate and improve preservation system for the capacity of germplasm genetic, and establish cells bank for crop resource; bank preserving animal enhance germplasm and plant germplasm in preservation for forestry Chongqing plants, flowers, medicinal bio-species, livestock, poultry and fish, by establishing population cell banks for such 22 species; Continuously protect rare germplasm resources of domestic livestock and poultry.
Establish mechanisms for Establish the access and 23 protection, access and benefit-sharing system for benefit-sharing of genetic resources and
national nature reserve for rare and endemic fish in upper Yangtze River (Chongqing section). Conduct systematic surveys on Establishment of databases and alien invasive species in the information systems recording whole city area; establish a biological invasion, monitoring centre for alien establishment of early-warning invasive species; strengthen and emergency response system prevention and control over against alien invasive species; hazardous invasive species performance of roles and imported from outside Chongqing responsibilities by relevant and abroad, and establish departments; forming the early-warning mechanism and system of technological emergency response system; methods and comprehensive enhance research on treatment technologies for comprehensive prevention and biological prevention and control of alien invasive species. control of alien invasive species. Enhance the establishment of Established germplasm resource germplasm resource bank and banks for important forestry original seed field for plants; plants, bamboo and rattan enhance the construction of plants, wild flowers and wild supporting facilities of medicinal herbs; established in germplasm resource banks vitro preservation facilities for (nursery gardens) for existing indigenous species types; agricultural crops and important established maintenance and agricultural wild plants; enhance management system for cell the construction of germplasm banks. resource banks, ex-situ conservation facilities and artificial breeding bases for important forestry plants, bamboo and rattan plants, wild flowers and wild medicinal herbs; establish Chongqing livestock and poultry gene banks; establish Chongqing breeding centre of rare and endemic aquatic life. Conduct investigation, Issuance of relevant laws and identification, collation and regulations to effectively protect catalogue work on genetic genetic resources in Chongqing.
Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau
Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Agriculture Bureau, Landscaping Bureau.
Chongqing Municipal Agricultural Committee
Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, and relevant restricts and counties.
Chongqing Chongqing Municipal 2010-2015 Municipal People's Environmental Congress, Bureau of Protection Bureau,
traditional knowledge about genetic resources
relevant traditional knowledge, and improve relevant legal system and regulatory authorities.
resources and relevant traditional Ensure fair and justified knowledge in Chongqing; benefit-sharing of genetic establish complete policies, laws resources, and develop IPRP and systems for protection of (Intellectual Property Right biological genetic resources and Protection) system for genetic traditional knowledge, and resources and relevant develop rules regulating the traditional knowledge. access, transmission and benefit-sharing of genetic resources and relevant traditional knowledge; establish the regulatory authorities and systems for access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources; Improve entry-exit inspection and verification systems for genetic resources. Demonstration of Using the abundant plant Taking the occasions of urban Complete the annual plan for conservation and resources in Chongqing to forestation projects, rural forestation projects of the utilization of biodiversity build multi-level mixed forestation projects, connection municipal government, and in the process of forest communities, and forestation projects, waterway make sure the abundant animal Chongqingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Forestation make those forests the forestation projects and nursery and plant resources will be Project bases for ex-situ bases, make full use of abundant adequately used in urban conservation of local animal and plant resources forestation project, rural biodiversity. to build up diversified and forestation project, connection healthy forests communities; in forestation project, waterway the forestation project along forestation project and nursery Yangtze River (Chongqing bases. 24 section), forests communities with rich biodiversity, high stability, self-adjustment and self-restoration capabilities shall be cultivated with the guiding concepts of being healthy and natural, making full use of local plant species, and taking into consideration the ecological shelter forestation projects around the reservoir and along mountain ranges. Sustainable use of Make full use of Conduct surveys on the status of Smooth implementation of 2-3 25 biodiversity in the under-story edible fungus non-timber forest resources, and non-timber forest product
Intellectual Property Forestry Bureau, Right Agriculture Bureau, Landscaping Bureau and others
Chongqing Chongqing Municipal Municipal Forestry Landscaping Bureau, Bureau Agriculture Committee, Environmental Protection Bureau, and relevant districts and counties.
Chongqing Chongqing Municipal Municipal Forestry Development and
development of resources, flower non-timber forest products resources, medicinal herbs and other non-timber products, and process these resources into diversified ecological products, in order to achieve dual-objective of both biodiversity conservation and economic development of indigenous communities.
Artificial domestication and alternatives development of traditional medicinal plants
Solve the contradiction between shortage of medicinal plant resources and huge market demand, reduce damages to wild medicinal plant resources, release environmental burden, and find the way towards better off live for local farmers.
Strengthen publicity, Raise public awareness on education and training of biodiversity conservation; biodiversity conservation encourage the mass public 27 to be engaged in biodiversity conservation activities voluntarily;
develop plans for non-timber development demonstration forest products protection and projects; popularization of sustainable use; create best successful experiences in all incubation environment and most poverty-stricken mountainous optimized mode for non-timber areas. forest products in demonstration area; select development modes that can both use biodiversity to its best value and most effectively protect wild animals and plants, as to achieve sustainable use of ecological products; establish a technological training system; encourage indigenous people to engage in managing and making business of diversified non-timber forest products; Conduct nursing and artificial Successfully develop around 10 domestication experiments for alternatives for wild medicinal rare and endangered wild plant species, improve medicinal plants that have great cultivation techniques, and market potential; conduct saving popularize the techniques. and rescue of rare and endangered wild medicinal plants, and research on the development of alternative products; establish core germplasm system for part of wild medicinal species resources, cultivate fine varieties of medicinal plants, comprehensively improve the quality and yield of cultivated medicinal plant resources, and thereby reduce dependence on wild resources. Make use of radio, television, Raised biodiversity newspapers, internet, and other conservation awareness of all mainstream media to roll out social sectors and the general publicity of basic knowledge public; three times the number about biodiversity and the of public engaged in importance of conservation; biodiversity conservation on the
Reform Commission, Agriculture Committee, relevant districts and counties.
Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee
Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau, Food and Drug Surveillance Bureau, relevant districts and counties.
Chongqing Chongqing Municipal Municipal Bureau of Environmental Culture Protection Bureau, 2010-2020 Broadcasting and Municipal Education Television Committee, Forestry Bureau, Agriculture
Strengthen talents fostering in the field of biodiversity conservation, and enhance leadership and innovation capacities by initiating various activities.
universalize biodiversity government platform; Educate a conservation knowledge and raise group of high-quality personnel conservation awareness; Take in the field of biodiversity communities and colleges as the conservation. bases for talents fostering, and conduct training activities of different types at different levels; through in-door classes, social practices, small grant projects as well as other training activities to focus on the fostering of high-quality talents who will devote to biodiversity conservation in the future. Establish a mechanism for Establish a mechanism for Establish a mechanism for the A mature mechanism for general public and NGO’s public to participate in public and NGO’s to participate biodiversity conservation to participate in biodiversity conservation, in biodiversity conservation; involving the participation of biodiversity conservation and build up stable improve the approach and public and NGO’s established; partnership alignment mechanism for the public and establishment of partnership among all social NGO’s to participate in alliance in biodiversity participating sectors. decision-making process of conservation involving the biodiversity conservation; public and NGOs. 28. establish biodiversity conservation organizations in business circle, at rural grass-root level, and in schools; establish public supervision mechanism, to effectively monitor the implementation and its effects of government’s biodiversity conservation policies. Total
Bureau, Landscaping Bureau, primary schools, middle schools, and relevant institutions.
Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau
Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting and Television, Municipal Education Committee, Environmental Protection Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Agriculture Bureau, and Landscaping Bureau etc.
Annex table 2: Number of Known Species of Major Bio-taxa in Chongqing Compared with the National Total Taxon
China (known species) 25,000
Ratio (%)
Chongqing (known species) 5,217
Other microbes
*Above data come from the biodiversity baseline survey organized by Chongqing Environmental Protection Bureau since 2006
Annex table 3: Plants under National Key Protection in Chongqing and Their Endangerment Extent Protection Level1
Endangerment Nationally2
Endangerment Globally3
Bretschneidera sinensis
Ginkgo biloba
Cathaya argyrophylla
Glyptostrobus pensilis
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Taxus chinensis
Taxus chinensis var. mairei
Davidia involucrata
Davidia involucrate var.
Pseudolarix amabilis
Abies chensiensis
Pseudotsuga sinensis
Fokienia hodginsii
Magnolia sinensis
Magnolia wilsonii
Glycine soja
Ormosia hosiei
Phellodendron amurense
Toona ciliata
Fagus hayatae
Magnolia wilsonii
Phoebe zhennan
Picea neoveitchii
Euchresta japonica
Alsophila spinulosa
Acer catalpifolium
Neocheiropteris palmatopedata
Picea brachytyla
Pseudotaxus chienii
Cephalotaxus oliveri
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Liriodendron chinense
Magnolia officinalis
Tetracentron sinense
Semiliquidambar cathayensis
Latin Name
Latin Name
Protection Level1
Endangerment Nationally2
Endangerment Globally3
Eurycorymbus cavaleriei
Cibotium barometz
Alsophila denticulata
Alsophila metteniana
Alsophila metteniana var. Subglabra
Ceratopteris thalictroides
Cyrtomium hemionitis
Torreya fargesii franch.
Torreya grandis
Zelkova schneideriana
Fagopyrum dibotrys
Cinnamomum camphora
Cinnamomum longepaniculatum
Ormosia henryi prain
Machilus pingii
Phellodendron chinense
Camptotheca acuminata
Fraxinus mandshurica
Triaenophora rupestris
Emmenopterys henryi
Sorghum propinquum
Thuja sutchuenensis
Artocarpus nanchuanensis
Endemic in Chongqing
1. "List key protected wild plants in China (first batch)" 1999 2: "China Species Red List," October 10, 2009 available at http://www.chinabiodiversity.com/redlist/search/redlist.shtm 3. IUCN Red List (IUCN2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of endangered species, February 23, 2009 available at www.iucnredlist.org). Endangerment levels: extinction (EX), extinction in wild (EW), critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN), vulnerably endangered (VU), Near Threatened (NT), least concerned (LC), data deficient (DD), not evaluated (NE)
Annex table 4: Animals under National Key Protection in Chongqing and Their Endangerment Extent Protection Level1
Endangerment Nationlly2
Endangerment Globally3
CITES Appendix Level
Endemic to China
Acipenser dabryanus
Acipenser sinensis
Psephurus gladius
Ciconia nigra
Mergus squamatus
Haliaeetus leucoryphus
Aquila chrysaetos daphanea
Gypaetus barbatus aureus
Trachypithecus francoisi
Rhinopithecus roxellana hubeiensis
Neofelis nebulosa
Panthera pardus fusca
Moschus berezovskii
Myxocyprinus asiaticus
Andrias davidianus
Tylototriton asperrimus
Hoplobatrachus rugulosus
Mycteria leucocephala
Platalea minor
Plegadis falcinellus
Threskiornis melanocephalus
Aix galericulata
Accipiter soloensis
Aegypius monachus
Butastur indicus
Buteo hemilasius
Circus melanoleucos
Circus pygargus
Falco amurensis
Chrysolophus amherstiae
Chrysolophus pictus
Syrmaticus reevesii
Tragopan temminckii
Latin Name
Protection Level1
Endangerment Nationlly2
Endangerment Globally3
CITES Appendix Level
Ketupa flavipes
Podiceps auritus
Podiceps grisegena holboellii
Platalea leucorodia
Cygnus columbianus bewickii
Accipiter gentilis schvedowi
Accipiter nisus melaschistos
Accipiter nisus nisosimilis
Accipiter trivirgatus indicus
Accipiter virgatus affinis
Aviced leuphotes wolfei
Buteo buteo japonicus
Circus aeruginosus
Circus cyaneus
Circus spilonotus
Hieraaetus fasciatus
Milvus migrans lineatus
Pernis ptilorhynchus orientalis
Accipiter gularis
Falco cherrug milvipes
Falco columbarius insignis
Falco peregrinus peregrinator
Falco subbuteo streichi
Falco tinnunculus
Lophura nycthemera omeiensis
Tyto capensis chinensis
Asio flammeus
Asio otus
Athene noctua ludlowi
Bubo bubo kiautschensis
Glaucidium brodiei
Glaucidium cuculoides whitelyi
Ninox scutulata burmanica
Latin Name
Endemic to China
CITES Appendix Level
Protection Level1
Endangerment Nationlly2
Otus bakkamoena erythrocampe
Otus bakkamoena ussuriensis
Strix aluco nivicola
Otus sunia malayanus
Prionodon paricolor
Catopuma temminckii
Naemorhedus caudatus
Capricornis milneedwardsii
Macaca mulatta littorbalis
Macaca thibetana Hubei
Cuon alpinus lepturus
Ursus thibetanus mupinensis
Lutra lutra chinensis
Martes flavigula
Viverra zibetha ashtoni
Viverricula indica pallida
Rusa unicolor equina
Manis pentadactyla auritus
Luehdorfia chinensis
Cheirotonus jansoni
Latin Name
Endangerment Globally3
Endemic to China
1. "List of key protected wild animals in China", December 10, 1988 the State Council approved, January 14, 1989 issued by Ministry of Forestry and Ministry of Agriculture 2: "China Species Red List," October 10, 2009 available at http://www.chinabiodiversity.com/redlist/search/redlist.shtm 3. IUCN Red List (IUCN2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of endangered species, February 23, 2009 available at www.iucnredlist.org). Endangerment levels: extinction (EX), extinction in wild (EW), critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN), vulnerably endangered (VU), Near Threatened (NT), least concerned (LC), data deficient (DD), not evaluated (NE)
Annex 5: Major Results of Recent Research on Biodiversity in Chongqing Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing University, Chongqing Museum of Natural History, Southwest University, Chongqing Forest Pest Control and Quarantine Station, Chongqing Normal University and other colleges and institutes have done a series of researches on biodiversity in Chongqing, especially researches on biodiversity at species level. Such researches mainly focus on the Three Gorges Reservoir area and different nature reserves, with significant achievements in baseline research on biodiversity, including species-level biodiversity research. These are mainly focused on the Three Gorges reservoir area and the nature reserves, but have produced a lot of research results. Establishment of institutions like "Environment Education Laboratory in Three Gorges Reservoir Area", " Research Office on Ecological Agriculture and Sustainable Development Three Gorges Reservoir Area", and the completion of the critical project of “10th Five-Year Plan” - "research on key technologies for ecological environment safety and ecological-economic system reconstruction in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area”, have laid foundations for biodiversity conservation in Chongqing and the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. In 2008, the ECBP Chongqing Project was launched - "Demonstration Project of Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation in Chongqing". Since then the project has coordinated relevant departments, colleges, institutes and other biodiversity research entities to conduct survey, catalogue, monitoring, assessment and other basic research works on biodiversity. Taking Daba Mountain in Chengkou County of east Chongqing, Wuling Mountain in Shizhu County of southeast Chongqing and ecological agricultural areas in the urban area and west Chongqing as pilot sites for demonstration, the Project has been conducting research on the establishment of vertical-horizontal coordination mechanism for biodiversity conservation at municipal level. This internationally cooperated Project will be completed by the end of 2010, with a series of achievements being accomplished in the field of biodiversity research, especially national leading edge being achieved in the area of mainstreaming capacity building for biodiversity conservation. Targeting at biodiversity changes after water being reserved in the Three Gorges Reservoir, Chongqing University has engaged in cooperation with Wetlands International Union and other national or international research institutes, and conducted deep-reach studies on wetland ecosystem and biodiversity in the hydro-fluctuation belt around Three Gorges Reservoir. Results of the study have been published on the world top magazine Science, entitled “Ecosystem Services Is Being Optimized in China”. Major research achievements in Chongqing over the past decade also include those listed below: •
The Flora of Jinyun Mountain (Jinyun Mountain Nature Reserve Management Committee, 2005);
Research on Plants under National Key Protection in Chongqing (YU, Shunhui, 2000);
The Discussion on Butterfly Fauna and Geographical Divisions in Chongqing (LI, Shuheng, 2002);
The Preliminary Study on the Relationship Between the Distribution of Wild Plants under National Key Protection and Hydrothermal Conditions in Chongqing (HAN, Chenxia, 2003);
Geo-distribution of Wild Plants Flora under National Key Protection in Chongqing (LIU, Yucheng, 2000);
List of Fern Plants in Chongqing (HE, Hai, 2003);
Diversity and Utilization Status of Amphibians in Chongqing (DUAN, Biao, 1999);
Studies on Bird Diversity in Three Gorges Reservoir Area (RAN, Jianghong, 2001);
Chongqing Mammals Resources and Its Fauna Analysis (HAN, Zongxian, 2002);
The Status of Rare and Endangered Plants and Protection Measures in Chongqing (MA ,Hongju, 2002);
Distribution and Conservation Status of Rare Mammals in Chongqing (HAN, Zongxian, 2002).
ZHANG, Yaoguang and JIANG, Guofu, “Amphibians in Beibei” in Sichuan Fauna. 1992, 11 (4): p9-11.
ZHANG, Yaoguang and LUO, Quansheng, “Wild Animal Resources and Protection in South of Sichuan” in Sichuan Fauna. 1988, 7 (4): p25-27.
ZHANG, Yaoguang and ZHANG, Yuanming, “Discovery of Cape Barn Owl (Tyto Capensis) in Beibei” in Sichuan Fauna. 1988, 7 (3): p35
WANG, Zhijian; JIANG, Guofu and ZHANG, Yunming etc. “Report of Survey on Terrestial Wild Animal Resources in Fudu County” in Journal of Southwest Normal University (Section of Natural Science). 2002, 27 (6): p955-960
JIANG, Guofu; WANG, Zhijian and WEI, Gang etc. “Bird Resources in Shizhu Autonomous County of Tujia People” in Journal of Southwest Agricultural University (Section of Natural Science). 2006, 28 (6): p975-980
QING, Hong; WANG, Mi; GENG, Xiangchang and WANG, Zhijian etc. “A New Record of Fish in Jialing River - Leptobotia microphthalma” in Journal of Chongqing Normal University (Section of Natural Science). 2006, 26 (4): p25-26.
LI, Jian and JIANG, Guofu, “Study on Bird Diversity Living in Different Habitats During Autumn in Qijiang Area of Chongqing” in Wild Animals. 2009, 30 (4): p197-200.
JIANG, Guofu and HE, Xuefu, “Survey on Current Status of Fish Resources in Lower Reach of Jialing River” in Freshwater Fishery. 2008, 38 (2): p3-7.
LI, Jian; JIANG, Guofu and LIU, Wenping, “Survey on Bird Resources in Qijiang Area” in Wild Animals. 2007, 28 (6): p15-18
XIE, Feng; HE, Xuefu and WEN, Tao, “Two New Records of Tailed Amphibians in Chongqing” in Sichuan Fauna. 2004, 23 (3): p215-216.
ZHAO Haipeng and ZHANG, Yaoguang, “Report on Bird Fauna and Resource in Southwest University” in Journal of Southwest University. 2007, 29 (4): p131-136.
CHEN, Enyu, “Medicinal Vertebrates Resource in Simian Mountain of Chongqing” in Sichuan Fauna. 1991, 10 (3): p27-29.
LUO, Jian; GAO, Hongying and WANG, Yu, “Research and Protection of Amphibian Diversity in Chongqing” in Sichuan Fauna. 2005, 24 (3): p378-385.
YANG, Fan, “Research on Amphibian Diversity in Simian Mountain of Chongqing” in Sichuan Fauna. 2009, 28 (4): p611-613
Annex 6: Chongqing Municipal Administrative Departments and Their Roles and Responsibilities in Relation to Biodiversity Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau: Responsible for organizational coordination and unified surveillance over conservation of bio-species resources; supervision and coordinated guiding for biodiversity conservation, protection of wild animals and plants, and wetland protection works; preparation of biodiversity conservation work plan, and supervision of its implementation. Comprehensive management of nature reserves in Chongqing; unified supervision and management of ecological environmental protection in Chongqing. For biodiversity conservation, works conducted by EPB, such as pollution prevention and control, EIA of major projects, regional environmental monitoring etc., are all of constructive importance to biodiversity conservation. Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau: Responsible for the protection and management of forest resources (including terrestrial wild flora & fauna and wetlands) in Chongqing. As for biodiversity conservation, the major responsibilities of Forestry Bureau include drafting policies and regulations for wildlife resource protection and management; planning and management of nature reserves for forest and wild animal protection; inspecting and verifying the import and export of endangered species, as well as export verification of terrestrial wild animals under national and municipal protection, rare plant seeds, rare wild plants and products; supervising, managing and guiding biodiversity conservation work in nature reserves; management, forecasting, prevention and quarantine of forest pests and diseases; supervision of forestation and enclosed forest fostering; publicity and implementation of national and municipal policies and regulations on greening, forestation and enclosed forest fostering; coordinating, guiding and supervising forest fire prevention work, and publishing forest fire information; developing technical standards specifications for wetland protection by studies and research; organizing and implementing the establishment of wetland areas and wetland parks; conducting wetland resources investigation, dynamic monitoring, statistics collection and international cooperation and exchange activities in this field. Chongqing Municipal Forestry Bureau consists of: Wildlife Conservation Division, Forest Public Security Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Wetland Management Centre, Chongqing Municipal Forestry Planning and Design Institute, Chongqing Forest Pest Quarantine Station, and other units to carry out biodiversity conservation related works. Chongqing Municipal Water Resources Bureau: Responsible for unified management of water resources in Chongqing. Develop mid and long-term plan for water supply and demand in Chongqing including cross-county plans, and develop plans for water allocation and supervise the implementation of such plans; organize review and assessment of water resources and flood control related to the Overall National Economic Plan, Urban Plan and other major construction projects; implement the licensing system for water access and execute the collection system for water resource fees; publish Chongqing water resource bulletin; and manage the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hydrological work.
Chongqing Municipal Landscaping Bureau: Responsible for administration and industrial management of urban greening projects, scenic parks and recreational amusement parks, including researches on and decision-making for the development of urban greening strategies; managing the plan for urban gardening and greening; legislation and law execution in relation to urban gardening and greening; examining and guiding urban greening and maintenance; supervising and managing landscaping market; conducting industrial management over recreational and amusement parks. Chongqing Municipal Agriculture Committee: Responsible for improving agricultural and husbandry varieties, managing agricultural crop seeds, and protecting agricultural plants; organizing and conducting fishery bans, fishery licensing and releasing activities for the propagation of aquatic bio-resources. Policies and activities in agricultural, husbandry and fishery production have important influence on biodiversity. Chongqing Municipal Land Resource and Housing Management Bureau: Responsible for the developing relevant rules and regulations for geological heritage protection and management; approving provincial (municipal) geological parks, and recommending potential national geological heritage sites. Chongqing Municipal Planning Bureau: Responsible for executing national laws, regulations, rules, guidance and policies in relation to urban-rural planning, urban survey and mapping; drafting and implementing of regional regulations and rules for urban-rural planning, surveying and mapping; organizing preparation, modification, review, approval and submitting of urban system plan, urban master plan, zoning plan, government (above county-level) location plan, plans for scenic parks (above municipal level), nature reserves, forest parks, historical & cultural preserving sites and tourist attractions, overall plan of industrial development parks (above municipal level), detail controlling plan, detail constructing plan and urban design; approving specific plans for major urban area, trans-regional and key areas. Chongqing Municipal Tourism Bureau: Responsible for planning of major tourism projects, and coordinating tourist economic development, plan and construction; formulating mid & long-term plan for the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tourism development; guiding the plan, development and coordination of tourist work; conducting unified supervision and management over all tourist attraction sites in Chongqing. Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission: Responsible for the integration of biodiversity conservation into national economic development plans. Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Finance: Responsible for review, approving and verifying of budgets related to biodiversity conservation. Chongqing Municipal Education Committee: Responsible for research and education of biodiversity conservation in all types of schools.
Annex 7: Biodiversity Related Scientific Research and Educational Institutions in Chongqing Chongqing Museum of Natural History: Founded in 1930 by a group of biologists and geologist of an elder generation, with the Department of Life Sciences (including zoology and botany) and the Department of Earth Sciences (including palaeontology). It has sections on zoology, botany and palaeontology with a research staff of 30 people. After nearly eight decades of scientific accumulation, it has become one of the few comprehensive Natural History Museums in China, shouldering responsibilities to collect and exhibit specimen, and carry out scientific researches. Chongqing Institute of Landscaping and Greening Science: Founded in 1980, the institute is mainly engaged in garden plant conservation, plant physiology and biochemistry, landscape ecology, landscaping soil quality testing, new plant introduction, domestication, cultivation, promotion of demonstration gardens, and landscaping information exchange. Chongqing University: Biodiversity conservation related bodies in Chongqing University include: College of Resources and Environmental Science, Biological Engineering College, Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Ecological Environment around Three Gorges Reservoir Area (cooperated with Southwest University), Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Resource Development and Environmental Disaster Control Southwest Region. Southwest University: Biodiversity conservation related bodies in Southwest University include: College of Life Science, College of Resources and Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology Institute, Animal Technology Institute, College of Horticulture and Landscape, Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Resources and Reproductive Development of Fish, and Key Laboratory on Plant Ecology and Resources in Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Chongqing Normal University: Biodiversity conservation related bodies in Chongqing Normal University include: College of Life Sciences, College of Geological Science, Museum of Biological Specimen, Institute of Insects and Molecular Biology, Institute of Applied Microbiology, Institute of Bio-Medical Research, Key Laboratory of Animal Biology, Key Laboratory for Geographical Information System Application and Research, Innovation Team of Zoological Science, Research Centre of Biological-active Substances. The Third Military Medical University: Biodiversity conservation related body in this University is the Key Laboratory of Microbial Engineering. Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications: The Bio-information Institute in this university is related to biodiversity conservation. Chongqing Technology and Business University: The key Laboratory of Natural Medicines in this university is related to biodiversity conservation.
Chongqing College of Arts and Sciences: The Research Centre of Landscaping Flowering Engineering is related to biodiversity conservation. Chongqing Institute of Medicinal Plant Cultivation: This institute is engaged in investigation of wild medicinal plant resources and research of medicinal plants cultivation, including medicinal plant cultivation, medicinal plant resources, selection and breeding of varieties, biochemistry, soil and fertilizer, chemistry on Traditional Chinese Medicine, plant protection, micro-organism and bio-technologies.
Annex 8: National Policies and Regulations on Biodiversity Existing national laws and regulations in relation to biodiversity conservation mainly include: •
" Environmental Protection Law of People's Republic of China "
" Nature Reserves Regulations of People's Republic of China "
"Provisional Regulations on Management of Scenic Parks of People's Republic of China"
"Forest Law of People's Republic of China "
"Fishery Law of People's Republic of China "
"Wild Animal Protection Law of People's Republic of China "
"Wild Plant Protection Regulations of People's Republic of China "
"The People's Republic of China Implementation Regulations on Terrestrial Wild Animal Protection"
"Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine Law of People's Republic of China"
"Forest Fire Prevention Regulations of People's Republic of China"
"National Planning Outline of Biological Species Resources Protection and Utilization"
"National Outline of Ecological and Environmental Protection Program"
"National Ecological Function Zoning Plan"
"National 11th Five-Year Plan for Eco-protection"
"National Geological Heritage Protection Plan (2000-2001)"
"Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species"
"China Biodiversity Conservation Action Plan"
"State Council Notice on the Issuance of Action Outline for Maintenance of Aquatic Bio-resources"
"National Planning Outline of Key Ecological Functional Areas"
"List of Wild Plants under National Key Protection – First Group"
"Adjustments to "List of Wild Animals under National Key Protection "”
"Guidance to Overall Planning of National Geological Parks"
"Notice on Strengthening of Protection and Management of Biological Species Resources"
"Regulations on Geological Heritage Protection and Management "
Annex 9: Policies and Regulations on Biodiversity in Chongqing Existing policies, laws and regulations in relation to biodiversity conservation in Chongqing mainly include: •
"Regulations on Management of Parks in Chongqing"
"Regulations on Management of Scenic Parks in Chongqing"
"Regulations on Landscaping and Greening in Chongqing"
"Management Standards on Parks in Chongqing"
"Review Measures for Plans of Scenic Parks in Chongqing”
"Compensation Provisions for Urban Landscaping and Greening in Chongqing"
"Operational Specifications on Landscaping Technological Management – Landscaping Projects Operational Specifications (Trial)"
"Provisional Measures of Construction Supervision for Landscaping and Greening Projects"
"Measures for Application of Municipal and National Scenic Parks”
"Review Measures for Urban Park Planning”
"Approving Measures for Trimming, Transplanting and Logging in Major Urban Area and Temperary Occupation of Urban Gardens"
"Review Measures for Green Area System Planning in Major Urban Area"
"Management Measures of Fruit Tree Seedlings"
"Regulations on Environmental Protection in Chongqing"
"Notice of Strengthening Biological Species Resources Protection and Management Issued by Chongqing Municipal Government"
"Ecological Function Zoning Plan (revised)"
"Implementation Plan of "Green Land Action""
"Nature Reserve Development Plan (1998-2010)"
"Working System of Evaluation Committee for Forest and Wildlife Nature Reserves"
"Review and Evaluation Measures for Forest, Wildlife and Wetland Nature Reserves"
"Construction and Development Plan for Forest and Wildlife Nature Reserves (2001-2015)"
"Implementation Measures for "Wild Animal Protection Law of People’s Republic of China""
"Regulations on Greening"
"Regulations on Forest Protection and Management"
"Master Plan Forest Projects"
" Management Regulations on Yangtze River Shelterbelt System" 202
" Management Measures for National Key Forests of Public Interests"
"Management Measures for Greening Projects around Three Gorges Reservoir Area in Chongqing"
"Implementation Measures of "Fishery Law of People’s Republic of China"”
"Management Practices for Introduction of Major Crop Species"
”Regulations on Plant Quarantine"
“Implementation Measures for Husbandry Management"
"Comments on Further Enhancing Prevention and Control of Forest Pests by Chongqing Municipal Government"
"Development and Layout Plan of Advantageous Agricultural Products"
"Management Measures of Quarantine and Registration of Agricultural Plants"
"Development and Layout Plan of Featured Agricultural Products "
"Overall Development Plan of National Bio-industry Base in Chongqing "