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ISSUE No. 05 J ANUARY 2012


THE SOL eMAGAZINE The SOL eMAGAZINE is produced by the SOL consortium. All articles are written by the SOL partners. The responsibility for all contents and statements made lies with the authors. The eMagazine does not represent the opinion of the European Communities. The project „SOL – Save our Lives“ in the Central Europe Program is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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Picture: GRSP Hungary



Road crash injury affects people around the

menting initiatives to prevent road crashes

Welcome to the fifth issue of the SOL project

world. In communities, large and small, from

and their consequences. These initiatives

emagazine. Finally the situational assessment

Europe to Africa to Asia and the Americas,

are often low-cost and fueled by the dedica-

of our regions is ready. Each of our partner

individuals and professionals are imple-

tion of the individuals.

presented with a great success of public these

To strengthen the ability of the citizens and pro-

Kong, GRSP representatives from Cambodia

fessionals in the SOL communities to implement

and Vietnam also participated in the course to

Here you can read about the final results in Czech

effective road safety interventions, SOL has

assess whether the SOL training programme

Republic and a synthesis about the way how SOL

developed an extensive training programme co-

might be adapted to the South East Asia Region.

brings stakeholder together in these workshops: a

vering issues ranging from road safety manage-

Oahn, who formerly worked at Vietnam Ministry

key objective of these is to build consensus among

ment to child injury prevention. All courses fol-

of Transport, noted that the training is very be-

the stakeholders about high priority road safety is-

low the same methodology. They are designed

neficial for the content: “This workshop helped

sues. These issues will be at the center of the com-

for 2 days of training and include a mixture of

me learn how to run the different types of work-

munity strategies developed in the next phase of

lecture, interactive workshops, quizzes and on-

shops efficiently and attractively for the target

SOL. In this current issue, you can also learn more

road exercises. To support the SOL partners in

audience.” Sovann who works with national

about the Pilot Areas of Presov, in the Eastern part

the delivery of the workshops, a train-the-trainer

and local stakeholders added: “One of our key

of the Country, the third city in the Slovak republic

workshop was held in Budapest in January 2012

strategies is to build institutional and personal

for population.

to introduce the future trainers to the methodo-

capacity on road safety. Therefore this training

Enjoy reading

logy and components of the courses. Two trai-

was beneficial to me, especially the comprehen-

Alberto Milotti Project Manager SOL

ners participated from of the 7 SOL implemen-

sive training and reference materials that are

ting countries. Ms. Oanh Trinhto and Mr. Sovann


information to their stakeholders’ groups.

J a n a u r y 2 0 1 2 ISSUE No. 05

Picture: Deák-Kapusi


The “Situational


workshop” is a significant mile‑ stone for each local community participating in the SOL project. At the workshops, findings from the comprehensive assessment are presented including local data about road crashes and casualties, institutional capacity,


The “Situational assessment workshop” is

casualties, institutional capacity, public

a significant milestone for each local com-

opinion and activities of road safety stake-

munity participating in the SOL project.

holders in the community. For many of the

At the workshops, findings from the com-

communities participating in SOL, this is the

prehensive assessment are presented in-

first time such a scoping assessment has

cluding local data about road crashes and

taken place.

At the workshop, diverse community stake-

September 2011. The workshop took place in

holders come together often for the first time

parallel to Mobility Week in Győr. The work-

to discuss the data collected and the trag-

shop consisted of a mixture of professional

edies that lie beneath the data.

and technical discussions and general out-

A key objective of the situational assessment

door event for school children. The press

public opinion and activities of

workshop is to build consensus among the

conference in the morning – organized by the

road safety stakeholders in the

stakeholders about high priority road safety

local government initiated the mobility week


issues. These high priority issues will be at

and gave a possibility to present SOL.

the center of the community strategies that

Participants included the local government,

will be developed in the next phase of SOL.

the police, the local accident prevention com-

One of the first situational assessment work-

mittee, the local public transport company, the

shops was organized in Győr, Hungary in mid

university and several civil organizations. The

outcome and result of the situational assess-

university on safety situation in public trans-

ment was presented including the assessment

port. Alberto Milotti from ALOT says: “When

of the safety belt and child restraints wearing

working in synergy with a wide variety of

rate, the assessment of the road safety situ-

stakeholders (police, associations, trainers,

ation around schools in Győr, etc. besides the

etc.) we can set local targets for the coming

general road safety data. The event provided

years, the actions to be put in place, the roles

great possibility for different stakeholders to

and resources, in order to contribute to broad-

get involved in a discussion with each other

er international goals set for the reduction of

around the topic. The documented data was

a number of road crash victims. Within these

compared with the opinion of the local par-

activities we will also try to improve the data

ties. While the participants agreed that the

collection system for more effective monitor-

they would like to focus on the road safety of

ing of results achieved, strengthening the ex-

children, it revealed that within this area there

isting structures at the provincial level.”

is much to improve on the child restraints us-

Another good example is Slovenia where the

age rate and all agreed that the education of

national SOL partner AMZS has established a

children for road safety is very important. In

strong partnership with local stakeholders by

the city of Győr alcohol related road crashes

giving them ownership of the process. In both

seem to be more of an issue than speeding.

locations: Kočevje and Tolmin, workshops

Based on the data it also revealed that elderly

were organized in the towns to ensure local

pedestrians are especially vulnerable. Partici-

ownership of the content and the outcome.

pants gained very comprehensive knowledge

The leader of each workshop was one of the

about the road safety situation of Győr.

local stakeholders so that the discussions

In Brescia and Mantova, Italy, the data from

could be driven by the local community, with

the situational assessment was presented

the SOL partners providing support and tech-

together with information on safety perform-

nical input. Participants included the mayor,

ance indicators from Prof Péter Holló, followed

police, local automobile club, insurance, me-

by a discussion on risk factors. Understanding

dia and other community stakeholders. The

of performance indicators for an analysis of

discussions focused on key road safety risks

a situational assessment of an area was very

in the community. The situational assessment

issues. They feel they share the

important because it can support future activ-

workshop sparked a sense of urgency and

same objectives for the health

ities and enhancement of them, both training

opportunity and generated an understanding

and safety of their community

actions or workshops. In Brescia stakeholders

of the need and benefits of working together,

and are ready to strengthen and

were very interested the outcome of the as-

across disciplines and sectors, to make their

increase the pace of their work

sessments. Stakeholders attending included

communities safer. The participants left the

together. SOL has given them the

the Public Transport Company, Municipality of

workshop feeling empowered and with con-

opportunity to do this.

Brescia and the FAI (Federation of truck driv-

sensus around the main issues. They feel they

ers). In Montova a survey will be distributed

share the same objectives for the health and

to all truck drivers. Students of the University

safety of their community and are ready to

of Brescia were also invited and actively par-

strengthen and increase the pace of their


work together. SOL has given them the oppor-

A survey will be distributed to schools and the

tunity to do this.

Picture: Deák-Kapusi

Picture: Deák-Kapusi

The participants left the work‑ shop feeling empowered and with consensus around the main


J a n a u r y 2 0 1 2 ISSUE No. 05

Picture: HBH Projekt


The results have been published on the sets of regional introduc‑ tion workshops and checked by relevant road operators and the police district. Based on the methodology 19 black spots


Conclusions of the situational assessment in

tion of the 2008 – 2010 black spots took place

the Czech pilot region Liberec have already

in the Liberec region as a supplementary part

influenced decisions undertaken by the re-

of the SOL situational assessment based on

gional Road Directory Department to invest

the agreement between the SOL Partner HBH

into infrastructure improvements. Identifica-

Project and the regional SOLAB group.

The basic data for the identification of black

slight injuries or car damage only. All spots

spots have been Police forms listing all KSI

have been visited and checked by certified

accidents of the last three years (2008–

Road Safety Auditors concerning possible co-

2010), but with all personal data eliminated.

factors due to infrastructure. Possible contra

More than 600 forms came into this process,

measures have been proposed. The results

have been identified: 2 junc‑

which was generally financed from other re-

have been published on the sets of regional

tions and 17 road sections.

sources. It was proposed and agreed that for

introduction workshops and checked by rel-

the purpose of given analysis, we are look-

evant road operators and the police district.

ing for the spot (section of the road, junction)

Based on the methodology, 19 black spots

where 2 or more completely independent KSI

have been identified: 2 junctions and 17 road

accidents occurred within 3 years. The se-

sections. Some relevant improvements (safety

lected spots have been crosschecked with the

barriers, better signing of curves) have been

public police accident portal to inves-

implemented immediately after the presenta-

tigate, if there were any other accidents with

tion of the results.

THE SO L P I L OT A R E A S : T H E C I T Y O F PREŠOV AND THE P R E Š OV S EL F G OV E R N M E N T C OUNTY(PSC) The Slovakian pilot project areas are situated in

Self-government region. The second region -

the eastern part of Slovakia and the region con-

Kosice Self-government region - will comple-

tains 2 sub regions. The project SOL activities

ment the pilot area.

will primarily be concentrated on the Prešov

The City of Prešov has a suitable business loca-

office. Beside the city of Prešov, the cities of

tion through its connection to the roads leading

Sabinov, Vranov nad Topľou, Kežmarok and Hu-

into the east European territories.

menné are also involved in the project. For the

The strategic position in the heart of Central Eu-

City of Prešov, the number of fatal injuries in the

rope also helps it to participate in the quality de-

year 2010 was 53 and 44 in the year 2011. The

velopment of citizen life. Within the radius of 100

Prešov Self-government County (PSC) is boarded

km, it is possible to enter into Poland, Hungary or

by two countries - Poland and Ukraine along with

the Ukraine. Further, goods transported by lorries

3 Slovak Self-government Counties. Along with

can access up to 350 million European citizens

the Kosice Self-government County, the PSC

within the radius of a one-day travel. Prešov has

creates the territory of East Slovakia. There are

91.650 citizens and is the third largest city in

13 districts, 23 cities and 666 villages. The total

the Slovak republic according to population. The

amount of citizens is almost 800.000. The den-

territory counts over 70 km² and the density of

sity of population is 89 citizens per square kilom-

citizens is 1.286/ Kkm².

eter. The PSC is the largest county in the Slovak

State police offices in 7 regions participate in

Republic. The Košick-Self-government County

Road Safety enforcement and each of the 13

will also participate in some of the pilot activities.

Picture: ZAS

Picture: ZAS

cities in the county have their own local police

THE P I L OT A R E A S O F T H E P R O J E C T SOL The project SOL shall help to prevent road


crashes, deaths and injuries in the Central Europe

• Poland: Olsztyn, Barczewo, Nidzica

Space (CEUS). In 12 pilot areas of the 7 countries

• Czech Republic: Region of Liberec

Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slo-

• Slovakia: City of Prešov and Region of Prešov

venia, Italy and Austria targeted strategies will be

‑ Selfgovernment County

developed implementing effective programmes to

• Hungary: City of Gyor

build a transnational road safety network. Find

• Slovenia: Tolmin, Kočevje and Maribor

detailed informations to all pilot areas on the

• Italy: Province of Brescia and Mantua

website of SOL:

• Austria: Province of Styria








The SOL Countries


J a n a u r y 2 0 1 2 ISSUE No. 05

S O L – A C O MPREHENSIVE ROAD SAFETY STRATEGY F O R C E N T R AL EUROPE The main goal of the project is to promote

shift from the private car to public transport.

sustainable mobility and increase awareness

SOL unites some of the most competent RS or-

for safety issues as well as contributing to the

ganisations from CEUS and worldwide, among

achievement of higher quality of living condi-

them the Global Road Safety Patnership (GRPS).


The multi-sector partners from eight countries

The approach of SOL sees Road-Safety within

of CEUS have jointly developed a strategy that

the context of sustainable mobility, i.e. to make

supports the region in catching up with highest

walking and cycling safe and to promote a modal

EU standards in Road Safety.

1 2 P R O J E C T PARTNERS FROM 8 COUNTRIES OF C E N T R A L E UROPE A.L.O.T. Agency of East Lombardy for Transport and Logistics (Italy)

University of Zilina (Slovakia)

Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR (Austria)

Global Road Safety Partnership Hungary (Hungary)

Province of Styria – Traffic Department (Austria)

KTI Institute for Transport Sciences (Hungary)

University of Tuebingen, Institute of Geography (Germany)

Automobile Association of Slovenia (Slovenia)

HBH Projekt spol. s r.o. (Czech Republic)

ZAS – The Association of the Driving Schools in the Slovak Republic (Slovakia)

ITS Motor Transport Institute (Poland)

WORD Olsztyn organization (Poland)

Imprint: Texts: Alberto Milotti, A.L.O.T. (Foreword); Barbara Krol and Kathleen Elsig, GRSP (p.1-3); Jaroslav Herinrich, HBH Projekt (p.4); Volker Hoffmann, FGM-AMOR and Andrej Buday, ZAS (p.5) Design by FGM-AMOR

The project „SOL – Save our Lives“ in the Central Europe Program is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


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