SOL eMagazine No.6

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ISSUE No. 06 MARCH 2012


THE SOL eMAGAZINE The SOL eMAGAZINE is produced by the SOL consortium. All articles are written by the SOL partners. The responsibility for all contents and statements made lies with the authors. The eMagazine does not represent the opinion of the European Communities. The project „SOL – Save our Lives“ in the Central Europe Program is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Find more about SOL on:

Picture: FGM-AMOR



Lombardy Region has established the Re-

2011 with an event held at Palazzo Lombar-

Welcome to the sixth issue of the SOL project

gional Road Safety Day by Regional Law

dia in Milan. It was an opportunity to take

emagazine. In this issue we would like to put

(Law 7/2010) to commemorate the memory

stock of the initiatives and successes in

our attention on some important events on

of road victims and raise awareness on road

terms of reduced road accidents and how

Road Safety that occurred in the last months.

safety in the territory. The First Edition of

much remains to be implemented in the re-

this Day was scheduled on November 14th,


The Lombardy Region Road Safety Day is presented, where SOL has been awarded among the

Many regional agencies, schools, police, training

Lombardy. The data shows a reduction of road

most effective regional initiatives on Road Safety.

centres, associations and other stakeholders

death in 2001-2010 of 47,3% (565 vs 1074),

Then you can find out more about the initiative Road

were involved together with institutional net-

with 57 deaths on 100.000 inhabitants in 2010.

Safety in 10 Countries RS-10 and the Bloomberg

works and media in order to raise awareness in

In this period Lodi and Brescia were the best

Global Road Safety Program.

all the region and all categories can put in the

with a reduction respectively of 68% and 55%.

In this current issue, you can also learn more about

entire region adequate attention to an issue that

Finally, during the event some of the most ef-

one of our Slovenian partner, AMZS (Avto-moto zve-

has a strong social impact.

fective initiatives implemented in Lombardy on

za Slovenije), the Automobil Club of Slovenia, and

At this meeting among other things the Director

Road Safety has been awarded. Among these

the last SOL workshop in Slovenia, Brdo pri Kranju.

of the Directorate showed the results obtained

project SOL have been awarded. All the awarded

in the region compared to the EU target of re-

activities will be reported to the Ministry of Inf-

ducing road deaths by 50% by 2010 using the

rastructure and Transport, to facilitate their de-

most recent data available on road accidents in

velopment within the National Road Safety Plan.

Enjoy reading

Alberto Milotti Project Manager SOL

M a rch 2 0 1 2 ISSUE No. 06

Picture: istock

R OA D SAFETY IN 10 COUNTRIES RS-10: LAYING T H E F OUNDATION FOR SUCCESS In the words of French writer, Antoine de

Partnership team supporting the project,

Saint-Exupery, “a goal without a plan is just

Road Safety in 10 Countries (RS-10), funded

From Brazil to Viet Nam, over

a wish.” But this is not a phrase that needs

with support from Bloomberg Philanthrop-

the next ten months the Partner-

to be explained to the Global Road Safety


stakeholders, particularly traf-

This initiative is in the following 10 countries:

work as well as well as shape advocacy efforts

fic police, in order to implement

Brazil, Cambodia, China, Egypt, India, Kenya,

with selected Red Cross Red Crescent National

evidence-based road safety in-

Mexico, Russian Federation, Turkey and Viet-


terventions around risk factors

nam. For the Partnership, setting achievable

Under these three programme areas (capac-

such as helmet wearing, speed-

goals for 2012 has been a main focus this past

ity building, small-grants programme for NGOs,

ing, seat belt wearing and drink

month. From Brazil to Viet Nam, over the next

supporting National Societies) the Partnership


ten months the Partnership will build the capac-

will carry out a number of specific tasks in 2012

ity of stakeholders, particularly traffic police, in

for RS-10. Specific highlights will include rapid

order to implement evidence-based road safety

training needs-assessments, expansion of the

interventions around risk factors such as helmet

already-existing library of risk-factor resources,

wearing, speeding, seat belt wearing and drink

and building the capacity of traffic police with

driving. The team will also manage a small-

more than 80 risk-factor workshops and men-

grants programme to support NGOs in advocacy

toring activities globally. The first “train-the-

ship will build the capacity of


trainer” workshop was held in Geneva from the

“We are very excited about partnering with sev-

21 – 23 March with senior traffic police trainers

eral National Societies for our road safety advo-

from around the world attending.

cacy project,” explained Ryan Duly, the Partner-

The small-grants programme will support a

ship’s road safety advocacy coordinator. “It is a

small number of NGOs in the RS10 countries

great opportunity for us, as well as the National

to advocate for policy changes, and close gaps

Societies, and we will work together to leverage

in legislative framework that puts road users at

their auxiliary status and advocate for stronger

risk of death and serious injury. Momentum with

road safety legislation and policies in their re-

the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement will also

spective countries.”

continue from 2011, as the partnership will help

For more information about the RS10 project

shape advocacy efforts with selected Red Cross

please contact:

and Red Crescent National Societies, by using

Gayle DiPietro at

Picture: istock

their status as auxiliaries to public authorities in the humanitarian field and humanitarian diplomacy skills. Picture: istock

THE B L O O M B E R G G L O B A L R OA D S A FETY PROGRAM Each year, 1.3 million people die from road

million effort to reverse global deaths and

traffic crashes. An additional 20-50 million

injuries from road traffic crashes, is focus-

people suffer severe, often permanently

ing on ten low- and middle-income coun-

debilitating injuries. The Bloomberg Glo-

tries that account for about half of all road

bal Road Safety Program, a five-year, $125

deaths globally.

Program partners are supporting countries to

progress. Data collection for the 2012 report is

strengthen and implement proven solutions


The Bloomberg Global Road Sa-

through key legislation on motorcycle helmets,

Bloomberg Philanthropies’ global road safety

fety Program, a five-year, $125

seat-belts, drinking and driving, and speed; im-

program is focused in Brazil, Cambodia, China,

million effort to reverse global

proving sustainable urban transport; incorporat-

Egypt, India, Kenya, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, and

deaths and injuries from road

ing safety in road infrastructure projects; and,

Vietnam. Six partner organizations implement

traffic crashes, is focusing on

monitoring and evaluating traffic-related deaths,

and coordinate activities with in-country gov-

ten low- and middle-income

injuries and policy effectiveness.

ernmental and non-governmental organizations.

countries that account for about

Bloomberg Philanthropies also invests in world-

The partners are the World Health Organization,

half of all road deaths.

class monitoring and evaluation of traffic related

EMBARQ (World Resources Institute), Johns

deaths, injuries, and policy effectiveness. The

Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the

first-ever World Health Organization Global Sta-

World Bank Global Road Safety Facility, Global

tus Report on Road Safety, funded by Bloomb-

Road Safety Partnership, and the Association for

erg Philanthropies, was released in 2009 and

Safe International Road Travel.

included data from 178 countries representing

For more information, please visit

98% of the world’s population. The status re- or follow on

port serves as an important baseline for global



M a rch 2 0 1 2 ISSUE No. 06

Picture: AMZS


AMZS would like to harmonize the relations and improve cooperation between important local and national stakeholders. And secondly, they would like to keep the roads safe for children.


The AMZS is both young and experienced. It

a special year for AMZS and they have been

is young with respect to the ambitions, goals

in existence now for 103 years. These have

and courage, but suitably experienced for its

all been special because everything AMZS

age, so that it is able to recognize new chal-

does has been tied to a living and constantly

lenges and to respond to them. Every year is

changing entity – people’s mobility.

Together with their sister organizations AMZS

part of the activities of AMZS. In Slovenia they

seeks to find solutions to the problems related

are missing a management for road safety and

to mobility, traffic, safety and ecology. Here

in the project SOL they see the opportunity to

they reach beyond the borders of Slovenia and

improve road safety management on the local

are involved in related European and world or-

and the national level. They would like to har-

ganizations. The AMZS Prevention goes back

monize the relations and improve cooperation

to the very beginning of the activities, and is a

between important local and national stake-

considerable part of our activities. The first pre-

holders. And secondly, they would like to keep

ventive work involved monitoring the quality of

the roads safe for children. In the project AMZS

the road infrastructure and road signaling, but

is working with the youngest and their caregiv-

later, when the number of vehicles had grown,

ers. They have chosen those three communi-

they started taking an active part in the edu-

ties due to the strong political commitment and

cation of drivers. Project SOL is an important

willingness to improve road safety.

THE SO L P I L OT A R E A S : R OA D S A F E TY MANAGE MENT W O R K S H O P I N S L OV E N I A , B RDO PRI KRANJU In the framework of SOL project in Slovenia,

tion. They have chosen management because


Slovenia will have to deal with the challenge

AMZS decided to focus on two areas: road

of creating a coordinated, stable road safety

safety management and child injury preven-

system at the national and local levels.

AMZS wishes to establish a system whereby

brought participants together in a way that

problems would be revealed, analysed, and

provided them with an opportunity to see

best solutions discovered, so that information

the road safety from different perspectives,

could be presented to the proper authorities.

and fostered understanding and collabora-

The best way to do this is through a synergis-

tion within the group. In the end, the sharing

tic approach where various governmental and

of information and experiences during the

non-governmental stakeholders join forces

workshops led to the shaking of hands and

and constantly upgrade their strategies for

promises to continue to work together in col-

dealing with problems.

laborative way. Robert Staba from AMZS ex-

On the 19-20 March 2012, a Road Safety

plains: “We are all the part of a system and

Management workshop was conducted in

we want to improve the quality of our lives

Slovenia by TMS Consultancy, and Ms. Elsig

and increase the safety of our roads”. Through

from GRSP which showed important work

this type of workshop the SOL demonstrates

practices. Though they had participated in

its understanding of the real issues related to

numerous education sessions, these work-

road safety.

Picture: AMZS

Picture: AMZS

shops introduced an important element. They

THE P I L OT A R E A S O F T H E P R O J E C T SOL The project SOL shall help to prevent road


crashes, deaths and injuries in the Central Europe

• Poland: Olsztyn, Barczewo, Nidzica

Space (CEUS). In 12 pilot areas of the 7 countries

• Czech Republic: Region of Liberec

Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slo-

• Slovakia: City of Prešov and Region of Prešov

venia, Italy and Austria targeted strategies will be

‑ Selfgovernment County

developed implementing effective programmes to

• Hungary: City of Gyor

build a transnational road safety network. Find

• Slovenia: Tolmin, Kočevje and Maribor

detailed informations to all pilot areas on the

• Italy: Province of Brescia and Mantua

website of SOL:

• Austria: Province of Styria








The SOL Countries


M a rch 2 0 1 2 ISSUE No. 06

S O L – A C O MPREHENSIVE ROAD SAFETY STRATEGY F O R C E N T R AL EUROPE The main goal of the project is to promote

shift from the private car to public transport.

sustainable mobility and increase awareness

SOL unites some of the most competent RS or-

for safety issues as well as contributing to the

ganisations from CEUS and worldwide, among

achievement of higher quality of living condi-

them the Global Road Safety Patnership (GRPS).


The multi-sector partners from eight countries

The approach of SOL sees Road-Safety within

of CEUS have jointly developed a strategy that

the context of sustainable mobility, i.e. to make

supports the region in catching up with highest

walking and cycling safe and to promote a modal

EU standards in Road Safety.

1 2 P R O J E C T PARTNERS FROM 8 COUNTRIES OF C E N T R A L E UROPE A.L.O.T. Agency of East Lombardy for Transport and Logistics (Italy)

University of Zilina (Slovakia)

Austrian Mobility Research FGM-AMOR (Austria)

Global Road Safety Partnership Hungary (Hungary)

Province of Styria – Traffic Department (Austria)

KTI Institute for Transport Sciences (Hungary)

University of Tuebingen, Institute of Geography (Germany)

Automobile Association of Slovenia (Slovenia)

HBH Projekt spol. s r.o. (Czech Republic)

ZAS – The Association of the Driving Schools in the Slovak Republic (Slovakia)

ITS Motor Transport Institute (Poland)

WORD Olsztyn organization (Poland)

Imprint: Texts: Alberto Milotti, A.L.O.T. (p. 1 & Foreword); Katherine Roux, GRSP (p. 2-3); Ana Gracan and Robert Staba, AMZS (p.4 & 5); Volker Hoffmann, Design by FGM-AMOR

The project „SOL – Save our Lives“ in the Central Europe Program is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


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