Jahresbericht 2020/21 - FH Campus Wien

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JAHRESBERICHT 2020/21 > Zusammen tun

Same time – new place Same time – new place Internationale Beziehungen aufrechterhalten und ausbauen in Zeiten der Pandemie? Aber sicher! Der Switch vom realen in den virtuellen Raum lässt geo­ grafische Entfernung in Sekundenschnelle überwinden. Globale Netzwerktreffen mit Partnerhochschulen, Virtual Classroom – die Studiengänge der Angewandten Pflegewissenschaft nutzten die Chance für Inter­ nationalisation @ Home. Jedes Jahr lädt das Department Angewandte Pflegewissenschaft Partnerhochschulen bei den International Days zur Weiterentwicklung der gemeinsamen Aktivitäten im EU-Programm Erasmus+ ein. Obwohl das Netzwerktreffen mit Vertreter*innen aus Portugal, Norwegen, Deutschland, Italien, Schweiz, Schottland und der Türkei klarerweise online stattfand, füllte das Programm dennoch drei Tage.

Raus aus der Komfortzone Auch während der Pandemie absolvierten einige Bachelorstudierende der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege Praktika im Ausland – rund ein Zehntel der sonst üblichen Anzahl. Sich persönlich und fachlich in einem anderen Land behaupten und Sprachbarrieren überwinden, bleibt oft eine prägende Erfahrung. Bei den International Days knüpften interessierte Studierende, zumindest virtuell, direkten Kontakt mit Lehrenden der Partnerhochschulen. Die FH Campus Wien gab mit der Präsentation aktueller Forschungsprojekte auch Einblicke in die Arbeit des Kompetenzzentrums für Angewandte Pflegeforschung.

Is it possible to maintain and expand international relations in times of a pandemic? Of course! The switch from real to virtual space allows geographical distance to be overcome in a matter of seconds. With global network meetings with partner universities, virtual classrooms and more, the degree programs in Applied Nursing Science used the opportunity for internationalization@home. Every year, the Department Applied Nursing Science invites partner universities to participate in the International Days to further develop joint activities in the Erasmus+ program. Although the network meeting with representatives from Portugal, Norway, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Scotland and Turkey clearly took place online, the program still filled three days.

Getting out of your comfort zone Even during the pandemic, some bachelor’s students in Health Care and Nursing completed internships abroad, though it was only a tenth of the usual number. Asserting oneself personally and professionally in another country and overcoming language barriers often remains a formative experience. At the International Days, interested students made direct contact, at least virtually, with lecturers from the partner universities. With the presentation of current research projects, FH Campus Wien also gave insights into the work of the Competence Center for Applied Nursing Research.

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Articles inside

Public Management “remixed”

pages 88-89

Excellent social work

pages 86-87

When garbage becomes shoes

pages 84-85

Have you identified all your security vulnerabilities?

pages 82-83

We are expanding the campus our students are expanding their know-how

pages 78-81

Mobile despite the pandemic

pages 74-77

Inter-university learning

pages 72-73

The microbiome in art

pages 68-69

Excellent university

pages 66-67

Sustainability in the social economy

pages 62-65

Res.Q Bots: When robots become heroes

page 59

Comprehensive ethics

pages 60-61

Perfectly isolated in a 3D model

page 58

Health in the spotlight

pages 56-57

Packaging the vaccine

pages 54-55

All for one - optimal health care

pages 45-46

A call with implications for health care and nursing

pages 50-53

A resounding “yes” to marriage and research

pages 47-49

Globally networked control of resource consumption

pages 40-42

“Europe has some catching up to do in battery cell production!”

pages 43-44

Can you see me?

page 39

From isolated solutions to the perfect information network

pages 36-38

Same time – new place

pages 30-31

No everyday job

page 32

It’s in their blood

pages 28-29

Shaping growth together

pages 4-5

Business and the City Administration of Vienna agree

pages 23-25

Our pride and joy: wood

pages 26-27

All round a clear recommendation

pages 33-35

The courage to innovate

pages 6-7
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