Jahresbericht 2020/21 - FH Campus Wien

Page 59

ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21 > Setting milestones


Res.Q Bots: Wenn Roboter zu Helden werden Res.Q Bots: When robots become heroes

Roboter, die in Katastrophenszenarien zu Rettern in der Not werden? Damit beschäftigt sich seit Herbst 2020 das Res.Q Bots Team der FH Campus Wien.

Robots that become rescuers in disaster scenarios? The Res.Q Bots team at FH Campus Wien has been working on this project since autumn 2020.

Die Studierenden aus den Studiengängen High Tech Manufacturing, Clinical Engineering, Computer Science and Digital Communications und Electronic Systems Engineering haben ein Ziel: gemeinsam an der RoboCup Rescue Robot League 2022 teilzunehmen. Bei diesem jährlich stattfindenden Wettbewerb treten internationale Teams mit selbst gebauten Robotern in simulierten Katastrophenszenarien gegeneinander an.

The students from the degree programs High Tech Manufacturing, Clinical Engineering, Computer Science and Digital Communications and Electronic Systems Engineering have one goal: to take part in the RoboCup Rescue Robot League 2022 together. In this annual competition, international teams with self-built robots compete against each other in simulated disaster scenarios.

Den Weg freimachen

Clearing the way

In den verschiedenen Parcours, die es beim RoboCup zu be­ wältigen gibt, kommt es unter anderem darauf an, Hindernisse zu umfahren, Gegenstände aus dem Weg zu räumen oder Türen zu öffnen. Außerdem muss der Roboter eine zwei- oder drei­ dimensionale Karte seiner Umgebung erstellen können. Steuerbar ist der Roboter, der in der teilautonomen Klasse des Wettbewerbs antritt, mithilfe eines Laptops.

In the various obstacle courses that have to be mastered at the RoboCup, it is important, among other things, to avoid obstacles, move objects out of the way and open doors. In addition, the robot must be able to create a two- or three-dimensional map of its surroundings. The robot will be competing in the semi-­ autonomous class of the competition and can be controlled using a laptop.

Interdisziplinärer Held

Interdisciplinary hero

Vom Team wurde bereits viel Arbeit und interdisziplinäres Know-how in die Konstruktion des Res.Q Bots gesteckt. Dennoch werden immer neue Mitglieder gesucht – auch interessierte Studierende aus nichttechnischen Studienrichtungen sind eingeladen, im Res.Q Bots Team mitzumachen. Aktuelle Informationen gibt es auf www.campus-robo.at.

The team has already put a lot of work and interdisciplinary know-how into the construction of the Res.Q Bot. Nevertheless, new members are always being sought. Interested students from non-technical fields of study are also invited to join the Res.Q Bots team. For more information, visit www.campus-robo.at.

V. l. n. r.: Sabine Adelpoller, Marvin Corea, Paul Kupka, Franziska Dietrich, Zoe Ruf, Victor Klamert

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Articles inside

Public Management “remixed”

pages 88-89

Excellent social work

pages 86-87

When garbage becomes shoes

pages 84-85

Have you identified all your security vulnerabilities?

pages 82-83

We are expanding the campus our students are expanding their know-how

pages 78-81

Mobile despite the pandemic

pages 74-77

Inter-university learning

pages 72-73

The microbiome in art

pages 68-69

Excellent university

pages 66-67

Sustainability in the social economy

pages 62-65

Res.Q Bots: When robots become heroes

page 59

Comprehensive ethics

pages 60-61

Perfectly isolated in a 3D model

page 58

Health in the spotlight

pages 56-57

Packaging the vaccine

pages 54-55

All for one - optimal health care

pages 45-46

A call with implications for health care and nursing

pages 50-53

A resounding “yes” to marriage and research

pages 47-49

Globally networked control of resource consumption

pages 40-42

“Europe has some catching up to do in battery cell production!”

pages 43-44

Can you see me?

page 39

From isolated solutions to the perfect information network

pages 36-38

Same time – new place

pages 30-31

No everyday job

page 32

It’s in their blood

pages 28-29

Shaping growth together

pages 4-5

Business and the City Administration of Vienna agree

pages 23-25

Our pride and joy: wood

pages 26-27

All round a clear recommendation

pages 33-35

The courage to innovate

pages 6-7
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