FHGraham | Thesis | MArch Architecture, University of Greenwich | Part II

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“Time moves in one direction, memory another.”01


Memory is a non-physical phenomenon of remembering past events. Memory can be personal or extend further through collective memory, where an event is remembered by many. These memories, can exist within physical fabric, embedded in material serving as a clue to the past, or providing evidence of a time once before. Research into memory raises the key questions: ‘why do we forget’ and ‘what do we choose to remember’. These questions require scientific exploration through psychology, but also through theory and philosophy to analyse the value of the subject matter at hand. There is a value in what we choose to preserve, and ethics in what we choose to forget. Within architecture, buildings hide clues of a bygone time with demarcations and scars of use. These linger as a “ghostly trace of human presence”02 which depict a narrative and atmosphere. However, if the structure is removed, so is the ‘ghost’. These fragments of time are embedded in our physical realm, waiting for their story to be told. A story of loss. A memory that does not want to be forgotten.
































35 37 59

109 57 97



87 63



45 79


73 39



33 71 51


43 105

89 113

41 117
























































79 1902







87 93











































51 97





















































77 1961







87 51











































105 39




Memory can be defined as “Something remembered from the past.”03. Memories exist in our minds predominantly, and this is the key way in which we picture their existence. These memories eventually fade or are passed on to others as a memory of the past.These stories extend through time through the theory of collective memory. Collective memory is “The memory of a group of people, passed from one generation to the next.”04. This can be extended into the belief and break-down of the way in which memories exist. To do this, we can consider memories to be reminders of physical existence in fabric, to survive in living memory as those who have witnessed the buildings’ presence, and so the image lives on in the mind of others. Lastly cultural memory, where memories survive through the portrayal of their story in museums, novels, imagery, and so forth. From this, it can be found that memory is embedded in the material.


Figure 01: Own Photography, David Adjaye, Making Memories Exhibition,, The Design Museum


Currently, research is being undertaken into the state, function, and future of the human brain and its mental cognition. Afflictions such as dementia and other deteriorations of memory are ever increasing in today’s society and are predicted to rise further. Due to this phenomenon: ‘why do we forget’ is ever more pressing. In architecture, this question is also being asked, however through different means. For example, as David Adjaye’s Making Memories exhibition at The Design Museum explores: “The form that monuments take and the way that they are used is constantly changing. Monuments are a record of who we are in the world and what we have done. They are deeply ingrained in our psyche as a way of memorialising our triumphs and failures. Through this exhibition … a new architectural narrative for the monument where architecture and form are used as storytelling devices.”05 Within this exhibition Adjaye, questions our relationship with memorials and monuments in today’s society. Adjaye claims “The monument is no longer a representation, it is an experience of time and place that is available to everyone” 06. From this we can look back to how we treat monumentalising buildings, and look at what we choose to remember? What is lost in reaction to this? The exhibition “Making Memory, while not a retrospective, draws out a “thread” running through Adjaye’s work and spins it into a narrative arc” 07. This thread shows Adjaye’s development and the buildings’ stories and relationships with one another through his design development. In reaction to this exhibition, the question of making memories, and how we do so should be looked at in an opposing manner. In order to include buildings which have not been given this protection and monumental-isation and have lost something in their day-to-day life or in more extreme cases in their entirety. However, the narrative should be kept as a tool for explanation, similarly to Adjaye’s Making Memory.


Figure 02: Crystal Palace


The concept of memory is also analysed through Douglas Murphy’s The Architecture of Failure. Murphy introduces the term “’spectrality’ to describe the inconsistent presence of objects and their mediated being.” 08 In discussion, over Derrida’s work, he argues: “…that the marks we make are inextricably bound up with a logic of ghosts, that representation is in itself haunted, as in the ghostly trace of human presence, but also that our own haunted finitude is made clear in the making of the mark.” 09 From this, it can be said that within our architectural achievements a lingering sense of presence can be found, a presence of the past. This may be previous events that have occurred within the building which make up its history and story, leaving a narrative waiting to be analysed and depicted. Furthermore, Murphy states “we only experience the building in its mediated form; it is preserved at a distance, as fragments” 10. Can it be said that this experience is fragments of memory, fragments of form as we begin to lose or forget these architectural entities? These fragments exist within archival documentation, through drawings and photography, where an image plays as a reminder for what once was but may one day be no more. This fragmented existence, occurs in three key ways in our society; Physical, Living, and Cultural. Physical memories exist in reality and are tangible forms which remind us of our past, and our achievements (or sometimes mistakes). While living memories exist in our mind and the minds of others. They are often twisted and manipulated in the mind of the beholder of their version of what occurred, or how the memory was passed on. Through collective memory, living memory becomes a larger narrative. Cultural memories can be treated like artefacts, evidence of a time once before. Overall, cultural memory can be passed on for centuries. However, this depends on what we regard as an important reflection and memory of a given age through examples and artefacts. For example, Crystal Palace was heavily documented and plays a significant role in architectural history.Within the The Architecture of Failure, Murphy defines the building as “preserved but at a distance, as fragments” 11 as the building lives on through an archive of information but no longer exists in its physical form. Through these methods of remembrance, memories linger in our existence and day-to-day lives.They will be used to demarcate the levels of loss in which the buildings have experienced, and where their memory still remains.











This however, does leave the question of why do we forget? And what is the way in which we forget? This question has been researched by psychologist, Elizabeth Loftus, who has researched “cognitive psychology, human memory, psychology and law”12. Loftus breaks her research down into four categories13: Retrieval Failure Interference Recollection Failure to Store Motivational Forgetting However, this classification does not include the failing mind, which to answer the question must be included to gather a full spectrum of simple forgetting to a weakening memory formation, so in addition to the list above: Deterioration of Memory Form Can this functional loss of memory within these criteria be applied to analyse the loss of architecture? Additionally, looking at the ruination of elements that made a building what it was once? To analyse this set of criteria, a series of buildings have been selected to visualise this sense of loss, and the buildings are given an opportunity for their story to be released so a sense of them and what has happened to them is documented. This is done through a set of collected data outlining the key features of an architectural project, and their status of loss. Additionally, to look at these buildings in more detail, they will be anthropomorphised into beings. The building’s story is brought to life through an interview with the afflicted building. While, for those unable to speak for themselves due to a life-cut short an obituary is used to represent their narrative. Through doing this an outline of their lives is represented, as well as their feelings towards events that have afflicted them, both positive and negative. This investigation looks at our, and a building’s “emotional connections with place or physical environment”14 through the study of topophilia. This study is situated in the urban setting of London, rich in architectural history, where numerous buildings are constructed and lost throughout time.


Figure 03: From left to right 1. Crystal Palace, Hyde Park 5. Balfron Tower 9. Holland House 13. Lots Rd Power Station 17. Sampson House 21. Welbeck Street Car Park 25. Egyptian Hall 29. Crystal Palace, Sydenham 33. The Stump


2. Kentish Town South Station 6. Brixton Recreation Centre 10. Crossness Pumping Station 14. London Chancery Building 18. Holloway Prison 22. Tyburn 26. 39 Hilldrop Crescent 30. Red Sands Fort 34. Grenfell Tower

3. TV-AM Television Studios 7. Space House 11. Horse Hospital 15. Pembroke House 19. Sainsbury’s, 55 Bugsby Way 23. Bethlem Moorfields 27. 10 Rillington Place 31. Euston Arch 35. Robin Hood Gardens

4. Admiralty Citadel 8. Bethlem Hospital, Southwark 12. Casson Pavilion, London Zoo 16. Necropolis Railway 20. Macadam Building 24. Newgate Prison 28. BBC Television Centre 32. Holloway Prison Gateway

In discussions of loss, there must be discussions of preservation. What memories and buildings do we choose to keep, and which would we rather forget? Rem Koolhaas discusses this dilemma in Preservation Is Overtaking Us, where he discusses the ghost of memory living on for selected buildings. Within this, Mark Wigley claims: “Preservation is always suspended between life and death-calling on us to get smarter, faster, deeper, longer, sharper, and I would say more tender.” 15 From this it can be interpreted as “the idea that preservation itself is a forward-thinking celebration of life, that it is a way of looking at something that seems to be fading or gone and incubating new life within it”16.Through preservation, life is extended, however at what cost for the building? Further to this, often only celebrates buildings are marked for preservation and restoration, so what of the non-celebrated? The architectural underdog? Koolhaas argues that “everything we inhabit is potentially susceptible to preservation”17. However, who should get to decide? Who gets to name and shame buildings of being good enough or memorable enough or not? This question raises, issues of preservation and the emphasis of what qualifies as having value. A value of memory. Avishai Margalit discusses this issue in The Ethics of Memory: “An ethics of memory is as much an ethics of forgetting as it is an ethics of memory. The crucial question, are there things we ought to remember? has its parallels, Are there things we ought to forget?”18 Margalit, goes on to describe the notion of collective memory as “collective memory has agents and agencies entrusted with preserving and diffusing it”19. The agent in this case is the ‘moral witness’20, where “a moral witness may well give voice to an ethical community that is endangered by evil force”21. From this, is the ‘moral witness’ responsible in the decision of what we forget? Margalit states that the “conveying the sensibility of events from the past that should be landmarks in our collective moral consciousness calls for a special agent of collective memory”22. Through collective memory, is there collective motivational forgetting? What do we choose to forget, and through forgetting ultimately avoiding the inevitable consequences? It is well known that we learn from our mistakes, but if we forget will these events be reiterated, and at what cost. The value of memory is unquestionable, however what of the value of the forgotten or the to be forgotten? This question reverts back to the ethics and morality of memory and what we do with our memories to depict and predict the future.




In ‘memory retrieval’, failure is “one of the most common causes of forgetting”23. A memory on recall may evade the human mind, despite being aware they do hold that information, however at that moment it is not accessible. This moment of forgetting can be applied to buildings, which have lost a sense of something that originally made them what they once were, but their overall core remains. This can include but is not limited to: original features being hidden or disguised, a change in setting or being generally overlooked and ignored in society.


Figure 04: Crystal Palace, Hyde Park Map



Crystal Palace


Old Football Pitches, Hyde Park Latitude: 51.502842 Longitude: -0.16868824




Sir Joseph Paxton26






Glass & Iron28


Main Hall: 69,812 sq.m Total: approx.. 92,000 sq.m29


The Great Exhibition30


14,000 exhibitors31 & more than 6 million visitors32


Cork Exhibition (1852), Dublin (1853) & Sydenham Hill (Relocation site)33


Disassembled & moved to Sydenham


Old Football Pitches, Hyde Park34




Physical Cultural Living Significant architectural history & investigated in The Architecture of Failure36




Figure 05: Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, The Great Exhibition, 1851

Why thank you, yes, I was referred to as a “masterpiece of architectural design”37 and a “masterful solution”38 as I was “the first…to truly make genuine use of the mass-production technologies newly available at the time”39. I really was quite the “spectacle”23. Due to my wonder, my birth was “described as the moment in which modern (or even postmodern) capitalist culture was born”40. … This life-changing experience lasted for 6 months 41, but then The Great Exhibition came to an end, and I “was quickly and cleanly removed”42 from my birthplace. I guess this is also credit to my marvellous design, but it was an upsetting experience for me. My dismemberment confirmed that “we only experience the building in its mediated form; it is preserved at a distance, as fragments”43. So I suppose that is all I am now, a fragment in the vast Hyde Park. … The move to Sydenham left me lost and confused, I no longer felt whole, like I had lost an element of myself, which I suppose in fact I had. I had lost a sense of place, as I was moved out into the suburbs. The removal of my prime position knocked my confidence and dampened my marvellous nature.


Figure 06: Kentish Town South Station Map



Kentish Town South Station


141-145 Kentish Town Rd, NW1 8PB Latitude: 51.544954 Longitude: -0.14177444




Leslie Green46




Arts & Crafts


Glazed, oxblood-red terracotta tiles48






5 occupants


Lots Road Power Station49


Lost name & purpose: most of the building is abandoned


Retail facilities





Physical Own Photography



Figure 07: Kentish Town South Station

That’s right, I was originally called Castle Road but it was quickly changed to South Kentish Town Station. Although not many people know as my true title was hidden behind horrible paint51. … It was only 17 years, yes, 17 short years! It went by like a flash, and its all because of Lots Road Power Station. Maybe if he hadn’t called to strike that summer of 192452. I would still be helping everyone on their way through the city. It happened just after the morning rush, the power went down, and it all went still. All the other stations reopened, except for me, and well Mornington Crescent. But Mornington did eventually reopen, and boy does she moan about the loneliness during that time. It’s so insensitive I tell you! She was left alone for a month! Try 95 years of it! … 53 Yes, 95 years of the grime building-up , 95 years of different occupations. None of them the job I wanted or was made for! In the 30s I was a tobacconist and now a ‘Cash Converters’54. The changing of store to store is tireless and what becomes of my name? I am no longer the grand station but referred to as whatever shop is the flavour of the month. Its distasteful and cruel to my legacy.


Figure 08: TV-AM Television Studios Map



TV-AM Television Studios


17-29 Hawley Crescent, Camden Town, NW1 8TT Latitude: 51.541337205165 Longitude: -0.14366571162700155




Terry Farrell57






Brick, saw-toothed parapet, glass-fibre eggcups60


Studio A: 278 sq. m61 Studio B: 74 sq.m62 Total: approx. 4,500 sq.m


Television studios, technical facilities, offices and conference rooms63


195 occupants




Renovated & Changed features


MTV Studios




Physical Living Significant example of Postmodern architecture65


Own Photography



Figure 09: TV-AM Television Studios

My main issue I suppose is why am I struggling with who I am, when I am supposedly a “high points of Postmodernism”66? My £100 a piece eggcups67 were utilised as a symbol of this success. They also play homage to the traditions of my city68 and represent my original programme, pardon the pun. … Right, so TV-AM left me in 199269 and MTV took over. This should have been exciting, but I made TVAM into what they were! They started weak and unpopular, and I made them into a roaring success, but yet they left, and so I can’t help but feel a little upset. MTV’s renovations were extreme, and there were lots of objections to keep me safe. Alas, the only opinion that mattered, to me atleast, refused to support me. Farrell believed I had already changed far from whom he had made me into, to support any form of preservation or protection70. … Of course I was outraged! How could he turn his back on me like that? Yes I had changed a little over time but who doesn’t? And maybe if he had stepped in, maybe if he said something I could have been restored to my former glory.


Figure 10: Admiralty Citadel Map



Admiralty Citadel


Horse Guards Parade Latitude: 51.506004














Ministry of Defense: Admiralty Communications Centre74




Whitehall MoD Building


Hidden Features


Further hiding of features through ivy or possible restoration


1955 (Arguments to hide the building further)


Physical Living Cultural: important defence mechanism in WW275


Own Photography


Longitude: -0.12973771


Figure 11: Admiralty Citadel

Yes, I was very honoured that Churchill spoke of me, although I’m not sure he meant it kindly. I was called a “vast monstrosity”76. I may be a little heavy, but that is my job, my purpose, my duty! … Now I can’t say too much, as I need to remain relatively unknown, and unreadable, as I have an important duty to protect all of those around me. I am happy to speak to you about my outward appearance though, as that is where I feel I have lost the most. Well the losses I can speak of freely at least, as we can say no more of the “‘below’ bunker”77 as my colleague would say. … I wouldn’t say that, I would more describe the shield of creepers and ivy is to hide my weight and try to soften my appearance. I guess create a form of camouflage. But I don’t think it makes me more beautiful, as I disagree with the belief that I am “hideous and an offence”78. I also disagree with further hiding of my strong form and functionality, especially during times of peace.


Figure 12: Balfron Tower Map



Balfron Tower


Poplar, E14 0QR Latitude: 51.5135789278915


Tower Hamlets80


Ernő Goldfinger81






Concrete Slab & Block


23,340 sq.m


Residential - Council Estate


136 flats, 10 maisonettes- 146 flats total83 6 homes per storey, 27 storeys high


Trellick Tower84


Lost Social Housing, despite ‘50% Balfron Tower’ Campaign85


Private Sale Development


2015 - Final decant of occupants86


Physical Cultural Living Cultural Memory in Concretetopia87 & indirectly through Ballard’s High Rise88




Longitude: -0.00888677401705579

Figure 13: Balfron Tower

Yes, I did have visions of fame, but Trellick, my younger sister, stole most of my limelight. Before she was born, I received all of Goldfinger’s attention, particularly in 1968 when he moved in. They threw lavish parties and celebrated the joy of living with my supposed ‘brutality’89. … I don’t know if I want to talk about JG Ballard, he scrutinised me in High Rise90. Yes, it wasn’t directly about me and not by name, but it couldn’t be more obvious.The architect ‘Royal’ lived luxuriously just like my architect father, till the demise of social hierarchy91. … I was in need of a face-lift and a bit of care, yes, so Studio Egret West, stepped in to care for my physical state. I thought this was great, but I didn’t know at what cost, sadly I do now. I couldn’t imagine they, I mean Londonnewcastle, would do this to me.They took away my social housing92! I only house those with money now. They took away all of those in need, the ones who really appreciated my support and didn’t just see me as some trendy, Instagram poser! Sorry, I just still can’t believe it! There were campaigns to stop it, but they fell on deaf ears and I was left with those who only marvel at my legacy.


Figure 14: Brixton Recreation Centre Map



Brixton Recreation Centre


27 Brixton Station Rd, Brixton, SW9 8QQ Latitude: 51.463276 Longitude: -0.11148793




George Finch95






Monolithic Brick & Concrete97


13,825 sq.m98




315 occupants


The Greenwich Centre - linked recreation centres


Lost Features & Truncated Walk Ways


Grade II Listed99 (Features still hidden & Lost Walkways)


2015100 (Latest Refurbishment)


Physical Cultural Living Cultural & historical representation in Lambeth Architecture 1965-99




Figure 15: Brixton Recreation Centre

I had a painful start in life you could say. It took me 12 years101 to go from a mere conceptual infant to full maturity. There was crisis after crisis. I ended up costing them a lot more than they expected (12 times to be exact102). … Yes, I was a socialist building103 through and through. But, eurgh, the politics of it all from the “Loony Left”104 to the “Red”105 in the 80s, it was awful. My developmental coaches left me and gave me to GLC in 1984106, it really was a hard time. I was still unfinished and immature and needed the support. But things did turn around in the following year. … Well yes, except for that I suppose. In 2016, Lambeth Council spoke out about murdering me107! For houses of all things, more homes, and no one for them to play, relax, and blow off steam with. Luckily, I was rescued, but much of me was changed and altered. There was no thought about how I would feel. My brick floors covered with vinyl, brick walls plastered over, concrete soffits hidden, and my walkways truncated108. The “streets in the sky”109 dreams had come to an end. I lost my brutal beauty.


Figure 16: Space House Map



Space House


Civil Aviation Authority, 1 Kemble St, WC2B 4AN Latitude: 51.514637 Longitude: -0.119759110




George Marsh of Richard Seifert & Partners112






In-situ concrete structure & Precast grid outer-shell114


2,1292 sq. m115 50m diameter per floor plate116




1,520 occupants


Centre Point (Grade II), Natwest Tower, Drapers Gardens (Demolished)117


Overlooked due to more famous & recently renovated Centre Point


Plot sold in 2018: Future unknown118





Physical Own Photography



Figure 17: Space House

Well, yes, I guess some people have said I am “iconic”120, but I don’t get the glory or attention like my younger sister Centre Point121. Do you know how much they spent on her? A whopping £350 million122 They wanted to “turn Centre Point into a destination Londoners can be proud of”123, what about me? Why can’t London be proud of me? … Well I guess, I feel overlooked, and underappreciated. I guess you could say we are cut from the same cloth, and we both came into the world heavily criticised. We were forced to remain empty for years due to tax laws at the time124 that made it more viable to sit quietly than springing to life. Although this did change, when the government moved in with us, and I became part of the CAA125. … Did you know I was meant to be taller than I am, twice as high126 in fact but the council stepped in and rejected what might I could have had. Maybe then I would have been more notorious.




The theory of ‘interference memory’ can be split between proactive, and retroactive memory. Retroactive memory formation is when “new information interferes with your ability to remember previously learned information”127. Within interference, an alliance with a building’s lost association can be found, where the purpose for which it was originally designed is no longer in use or implemented. Through this, a building may struggle to house its new programme, and a confusion between new and old elements may begin to occur.


Figure 18: Bethlem Royal Hospital, Southwark Map



Bethlem Royal Hospital: Administration Block


Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Rd, SE1 6HZ Latitude: 51.496689 Longitude: -0.110581128




James Lewis130






Brick & Stucco Cornicing132


4,900 sq.m Remaining Block


Hospital: Mental Health


108 cells133 (122 patients moved across from Moorfields134)


7,060 sq.m Inc. Previous Wings

Related to previous Bethlem Hospital Sites, inc. Moorfields Lost association: Only one building remains, and now houses a museum Imperial War Museum 1930135 DATE OF LOSS POSITION IN MEMORY

Physical Cultural Living Part physical memory intact & Iconic feature in cultural memory as IWM


Own Photography


Figure 19: Bethlem Royal Hospital, Southwark

I opened my arms in 1815 to the ‘mentally insane’. I felt I could give them better support and create a more home-like institute, which my patients were accustomed to136. My older, more ‘hostile’ sisters couldn’t provide this, you see. It was all meant to be great, but in 1930 they left me to fend for myself, as they decided to move on to a newer, shinier future in Beckenham of all places137. … Yes, those years alone were scary, but in 1936 the Imperial War Museum swooped in to rescue me, the damsel in distress, or at least that’s what I thought. They removed my extending wings, and just left my central block and to add further insult to injury, my copula was removed and replaced with this elongated copper dome138. … I know, but it’s worse than you think. This take-over led to name-calling and resurrected my horrible nickname, ‘Bedlam’139, due to my families’ horrific past of cruelty, and the bedlam of war. It’s not fair as I was kinder, and gentler140, yet I’m stuck with the name! I am now a reminder of a different past, one which should be respected and remembered, but what about my past?


Figure 20: Holland House Map



Holland House


Holland Walk Kensington, W8 7QU Latitude: 51.502665 Longitude: -0.202362141


Kensington & Chelsea142


Sir Walter Cope143






Brick & Stone


1,585 sq.m remaining






Campden House146


Only in partial form due to WW2 bomb damage147


Previously a youth hostel148 & estate is used for open air opera149




Physical Living East wing & arcade restored150


Opera Holland Park



Figure 21: Holland House

I was born in 1604151 to Sir Walter Cope152, and became part of his dream home! He called me Cope Castle and we lived here together for many happy years, until his sad passing. His daughter then extended her care for me, but renamed me Holland House, for her husband the Earl of Holland153. … I was a fabulous “meeting place for artists, writers and politicians”154, and did you know I “became the social centre of the Whig party in the 19th century”155? I was quite the centre of attention at that time. Yet, things took a turn for the worse during World War Two as I was severely damaged by “incendiary bombs in 1940”156 and I was left to disrepair. … In 1952, the London City Council157 took an interest in me and came to my rescue.The gardens which my family and I had tended to with such care were opened to the public as a park158. It was nice to be back in the public eye! Although, what they did to me next was despicable, I went from one of “the great houses of Kensington”159 to a youth hostel with brightly covered walls and cheap ‘tat’. Luckily, that didn’t last, and now I look over an open-air opera . Far more glamorous160.


Figure 22: Crossness Pumping Station Map



Crossness Pumping Station


The Old Works, Bazalgette Way, Abbey Wood, SE2 9AQ Latitude: 51.5060841982308 Longitude: 0.13349035887277161




Charles Henry Driver163






Brick & Colourful Interior


2,235 sq.m


Sewage Pumping Station165




London Thames Water & Sewage Works


Decommissioned as Redundant166






Physical Historical Infrastructure






Figure 23: Crossness Pumping Station

Well yes, that seems like a good place to start in the summer of 1858 there “was a nose-wrinkling combination of unusually warm weather and a heavily polluted Thames. The smell of London got so bad”169, many have told me how unbearable it was before my arrival. … I was conceived in 1865170 in attempt to tackle this issue, and oh it was a foul one!“The plan was to carry sewage as far away from the centre as possible”171 where I would then “pushed it seawards”172. A very important role I might add, and so it is no surprise that those who created me took great pleasure and “pride in…the detail given to”173 me. I was a marvellous beauty within these “normanesque walls”174 . … In 1953, I was sadly made “redundant due to the new treatment works”175 and was left to fend for myself. Until the 1980s, where I was brought back into attention, as “Thames Water were looking to demolish”176 me. Luckily, I was protected and restored, which brings me to where I am today. No longer serving any real purpose, other than to be marvelled at as an educational outing and am sure forgotten on the car journey home. I suppose pretty pointless, other than as a historical artefact.


Figure 24: Horse Hospital Map



Horse Hospital


Colonnade, Bloomsbury, WC1N 1JD Latitude: 51.5230310510462 Longitude: -0.124041672594687177




James Burton179








565 sq.ms


Veterinary Hospital


6 horses




Lost purpose






Physical Living Physical memory intact, Cultural venue


Own Photography



Figure 25: Horse Hospital

Have you ever heard the sound of horse’s hooves softly clattering along the cobbles? It is a very relaxing sound, or at least for me it is anyway. Although I guess I should say it was. That time meant everything to me, looking after and caring for these magical creatures. Luckily, I had a long run at it too. … Yes, I did everything I could to create the best setting for these labourous beauties. Back then they had a hard time, whipped up and down London’s cobbled highways, lugging the wealthy to the drunks to their destinations, with little rest and sometimes limited care. That is why I was happy to provide a home away from home and a place of hospitality and hospitality for the injured and in need. … Most of my designs and accommodations still remain. All that has changed is my role in the city. I am now “providing space for underground and avantgarde media”182 and have been doing so for 26 years. They have been kind to me, but I do miss my old job. I miss the sound of clattering hooves in the distance, and silent huffs and snorts as they day goes by. Its much more soothing sound than taxi horns and whirring traffic.


Figure 26: Casson Pavillion, London Zoo Map



Casson Pavilion


Regent’s Park, NW1 4RY Latitude: 51.5357183951369




Sir Hugh Casson & Neville Conder185




New Brutalism187


Concrete: Rough Cast188 & Copper Roof189


907 sq.m


Zoo: Elephant Housing


3 elephants190


London & Whipsnade Zoo


Lost purpose


Houses smaller animals; camels, pigs & tapirs191




Physical Cultural Landmark




Longitude: -0.155732422996374183



Figure 27: Casson Pavillion, London Zoo

Oh, that was a glorious day! I couldn’t believe it, that I would win the “1965 RIBA award for the Best Building in London”193. I was “described as ‘zoomorphic New Brutalism, marvellously expressive of its inhabitants’”194.This was my dream, I wished to give “the impression from above of elephants gathering around a water-hole”195 and through receiving the award it became evident that I had achieved that. … Those elephants were my everything! I would have done anything for them, but sadly after 35 years196 we had to say our goodbyes. I was apparently no longer suitable or humane, news which I found devastating as I had tried to do everything right for them. … I suppose, this drop-in status to being perfect to not suitable came as a bit of a shock and it took me awhile to come to terms with it. However, the same thing happened to the Lubetkin Penguin Pool197. Both of us works of ingenuity to failures. It all comes down to advancements in animal welfare research198, and I do want the best for them I really do. Although, I must say meeting my new ‘pets’ is a little confusing to say the least.


Figure 28: Lots Road Power Station Map



Lots Road Power Station


Lots Rd, Chelsea, SW10 0SF Latitude: 51.477828 Longitude: -0.181371199


Kensington & Chelsea200 , & Hammersmith & Fulham201


Charles Yerkes’ Metropolitan District Electric Traction Company202








15,000 sq.m footprint


Power Station




Battersea Power Station & Greenwich Power Station205


Interiors stripped for redevelopment


Mixed-use development: 260 units206




Physical Cultural Living Lost 2 chimneys & significant role in powering the underground208




Figure 29: Lots Road Power Station

Ofcourse, please feel free. Ill start my story from the beginning for you. I was born in 1904, and I was the “largest power station ever built”209. Quite the achievement, don’t you think? I was also the “longest-running…in the world”210 too, credit to my power wouldn’t you say? … I controlled the Underground211 for years and yes, I made a couple mistakes, but it was for the greater good. I have apologised for the closure of Kentish Town South Station in 1924212, but he didn’t want to listen, maybe with time he will forgive me. … Now, I am at a little at a loss, a little confused of my job. I was powerful and industrious, but now I have been hollowed out to a cavernous shell, knocked down to my mere external beauty. I am to become soft and homely, to 260 families213, would you believe! At least I will try my best to be.


Figure 30: London Chancery Building Map



London Chancery Building


24-31 Grosvenor Square, Mayfair, W1A 1AE Latitude: 51.510889 Longitude: -0.153017214




Eero Saarinen216






Pre-cast Concrete, Portland Stone, Gold-anodised Aluminium219


20,903 sq.m220


Civic: USA Embassy221




USA Embassy, Nine Elms (new location)223


Awaiting Redevelopment224


137 room hotel225




Physical Living Cultural significance of US & UK relations


Own Photography



Figure 31: London Chancery Building

Have you heard that the setting of my previous employment is “‘yugely symbolic’ as some might say. It turns out that the old developer adage ‘location, location, location’ is even more important when it comes to building diplomatic ties and trying to impress foreign governments”226? I must say I do agree, and my home in Grosvenor Square227 was quite that. I extended across the entire park width, a domineering presence of power. I was the “finest…in London”228 according to the US President. … Despite my magnificence, they decided to move-on from me and leave me for that “bunker in the ‘burbs”229. He’s nothing, I suppose he will become infamous but only because of my history and everything I worked for in ensuring our might and power. I’m sure I sound arrogant, but it is the truth. … I am currently waiting for my next step in life. I am told I am to become a luxurious hotel230, however the extent of my alterations are still being discussed. I did hear the others, discussing that a large portion of me is being ripped out and then reinstated. I really don’t think that is necessary do you? Sorry it is a confusing time, and I must save face in times of hardship.




‘Failure to store’ memory in scientific research, has often been linked to when short-term memory is not committed into long-term memory. This is when certain information is not considered to be required for longterm future use, therefore the brain dismisses and disregards the memory. In relation to architecture, this can be applied to the belief that certain buildings are seemingly obsolete. Through this a building is demolished or ignored as it is no longer seen as viable. Then is often replaced by something new before its true-life span is manifested. In regard to the term ‘failure to store’, this means the building was not permitted to remain and is disregarded to make room for what one believes to be a more beneficial memory for the future. However, once removed and on recall, one can find that the disregarded memory, may in fact have been needed or important.


Figure 32: Pembroke House Map



Pembroke House


Horse Guards Avenue, SW1A 2HB Latitude: 51.5056440036197 Longitude: -0.125447537437514231




Henry Herbert, 10th Earl of Pembroke232






Stone & Brick234






3 family members235


Previous iterations of Pembroke House236


Demolished, but elements retained237


Ministry of Defence Building238




Physical Cultural Living 4 rooms retained & displayed in the MoD Building240


Illustrated London News


Figure 33: Pembroke House

Indeed, I am not the first Pembroke House, that poor fellow had so many iterations of himself. I am Pembroke House II241, built by the 10th Earl of Pembroke, Henry Herbert242. I was criticised due to my scale and cost of form243. Herbert and I paid no attention to this scrutiny and rather marvelled at my glory. … I concur, it didn’t last forever. See, in 1938 they decided to replace me with the monstrous Ministry of Defence building244. He’s absolutely huge, however that is not my complaint. Well perhaps it is, but only as he stole my home. … I am not completely lost though, just simply under valued in my position. Parts of me reside in the courtyards of Ministry of Defence245 as a reminder of the past (and in my opinion of what he stole from us). I did have to wait 13 years before meeting my final resting place. In 1951, I was carefully restored246 and returned close to home, where I sit as a symbol of my past magnificence.


Figure 34: Necropolis Railway Map



Necropolis Railway


121 Westminster Bridge Rd, Lambeth, SE1 7HR Latitude: 51.4989884088322 Longitude: -0.113041970515533247




London Necropolis Railway249






Brick & Stone




Railway (for the dead & mourning252)


circa. 2,000 bodies a year253


Original Necropolis Railway Station: 1854254


Only part remaining due to Blitz bombing


Serving as office space & closed to the public




Physical Living Fragment of physical memory retained


Own Photography



Figure 35: Necropolis Railway

My story has been of a melancholy nature. However, I took pride in my job, and wished to give the bereaved a sense of support and the deceased a final journey. I was born in 1902 and took over from my sister as she was pushed out of the way due to the ever-expanding Waterloo Station256. I sat slightly further down the arches, a more ominous location, you might say. … I provided a required service at one time. Mind, this didn’t last for long, as “in 1909, the motor hearse was introduced”257 and my necessity dwindled, which resulted in running a reduced service. I closed for business in 1941. After “one of the worst nights of the Blitz”258. It was the most terrifying night, the sound of the bombs ripping through the air and the alarmed sirens screaming through the city. I lost a lot that night. Only a small part of me remained relatively intact, and the rest blasted to pieces259. Upon inspection, they decided it was far simpler to “close down the line”260 than attempt to rescue my remains. Now, my last fragment of self works in an office, a slightly more mundane commitment, but not overly offensive. While more disgracefully, I was forced to change my name to Westminster Bridge House261 hiding my story from passers-by.


Figure 36: Sampson House Map



Sampson House


Sampson House, 64 Hopton St, SE1 9JH Latitude: 51.507712 Longitude: -0.102367262




Fitzroy Robinson264






Exposed Concrete266


50,000m sq.m


Commercial - Office Building


circa.3,320 occupants


Ludgate House & 50 Queen Anne’s Gate267


Currently undergoing demolition268


New development: 6 new buildings269




Physical Living Diminishing physical memory


Own Photography



Figure 37: Sampson House

I never thought that, a 40-year-old271, solid build like-me would be in this situation. Slowly deteriorating, and missing parts of myself. I was meant to survive for at least 125 years272. However, I am being abandoned a step by step, and dismantled273, slowly clearing my heavy mass into concrete dust. Do you know how painful that is? Diminishing in size bit by bit, every day that little smaller, that little less bold. … They did it to Ludgate you know274? Poor Ludgate, nothing remains of him now. What did he ever do to deserve that? What did I do? We were both clear, strong structures, easily adaptable! I have been a feature on the Thames since I was born. An alert for all the commuters arriving into Blackfriars Stations in the morning, and waving goodbye to them at night. They will miss me I am sure. … There were objections, but sadly ignored. The C20 Society275 did try, they argued I am an asset, and how well designed my figure is to hide my bulk276, but no luck! I just don’t understand why they couldn’t have refurbished me the way they did to my sister, Queen Anne’s Gate277. Sadly, I guess it’s just not meant to be but I will tell you now. They will regret it! I bet you … or at least they should!


Figure 38: Holloway Prison Map



Holloway Prison


Parkhurst Rd, N7 0NU Latitude: 51.555835 Longitude: -0.121736278










Concrete & Brick






Prison capacity: 532 women281


Holloway Prison Gateway




Demolition & Redevelopment into more than 1000 homes282




Physical Living Housed notorious murderers & criminals284





Figure 39: Holloway Prison

That’s right, I replaced the old Holloway Castle285, as I am more modern and secure you see. I held more popular beliefs at the time, Castle was out of date and dirty. I set out my intentions to be better, by “removing the imposing structure” of Castle286, and replace it with a “move away from the Victorian justice system”287. I wanted to be more inviting and hospitable “to encourage pro social behaviour”288. … Yes, I was definitely an improvement to my precursor. Did you know I “became the largest female prison in Western Europe”289. What a title, don’t you think? I thought I would be safe forever! … Sadly, that wasn’t the case. George Osborne290 broke the news to me, it almost sounded like he was chuffed to bits about it. It was cruel really, there was no thought about breaking this sad news to me gently. Apparently, my home is more viable for houses. But isn’t everything in London now? Its all about houses and money, and no thought to how I feel or what I could do to improve. Just knock me down and replace me with something, you will do the exact same thing to in another 50 years, if even that. I wasn’t given that chance, I am only 34, you know? A disgrace.


Figure 40: Sainsbury’s 55 Bugsby Way Map





55 Bugsby’s Way, Greenwich, SE10 0QJ Latitude: 51.490233150828 Longitude: 0.01275499365774291




Chetwood Associates293






Oak cladding, Glazing, & Grass Embankments296


7853 sq.m


Commercial: Supermarket297


17 workers






IKEA Store298




Physical Lost physical memory


Richard Glover




Figure 41: Sainsbury’s 55 Bugsby Way Map

Sainsbury’s came into this world as a “unique eco-millennium store”300. Her dreams were to “maximise energy efficiency, minimise environmental impact and make shopping more pleasant for customers”301, and this she achieved. She “scored the highest ever official environmental rating … with a perfect 31 out of 31 points, and was the first store to be awarded an “excellent” BREEAM rating”302. A badge she wore with pride. In 2016 Sainsbury’s was wiped from her stage at the young age of 17. She hadn’t yet reached full maturity and was far from her life expectancy limit. When the news was delivered to her, she was distraught, as IKEA303 had requested for her removal and to replace her with a typical, large industrial shed. Everything she had fought against and excelled at pushing forward. Removed to return to the basics. On her final day, she was inconsolable as her warm embrace closed for the last time.


Figure 42: Macadam Building Map



Macadam Building


Surrey Street, WC2R 2NS Latitude: 51.5111283427974




Troup, Steele & Scott & E.D. Jefferiss Mathews306






Concrete309 & Brick Podium


6,425 sq. m


Academic: Student’s Union310


428 occupants


Strand Campus, Kings College London


Awaiting development


Development interest: hotel, housing, culture311


2018: Student’s Union moved to Bush Building312


Physical Cultural Living Physical memory still intact & in Living memory of all student attendees


Own Photography


Longitude: -0.115278550850354304

Figure 43: Macadam Building

I guess you could say my future is unknown, well I suppose everyone’s is really, but I really don’t know what will become of me at this moment in time. Two years ago, King’s College London discussed selling me313 but I am still waiting to be told their decision. … Yes, living in the unknown really is unpleasant. All I do know is that I am no longer part of the student’s union of the university. They decided to pal up with Bush House314 last year and leave me in the lurch. I guess I do know why, Bush is beautiful, and I am apparently the “shit building next to Somerset House”315. Isn’t it subjective though? I am sure I have beautifully brutal qualities. What do you think? … I better let you go and get back to waiting for what is next for me. Oh, the suspense, I bet it will be awful or worse death. That’s what’s happening to my fellow brutal colleagues, so young to meet such tragedy.


Figure 44: Welbeck Street Car Park Map



Welbeck Street Car Park


74-77 Welbeck St, W1U 2AD Latitude: 51.517258 Longitude: -0.149208316




Michael Blambied & Partners318






Pre-cast Concrete


11,840 sq.m


Commercial - Car Park


360 parking spaces320 circa. 540 occupants, 20 on ground floor commercial space




To be demolished


Shiva Hotels designed by Eric Parry Architects321




Physical Living Immediate loss of physical memory


Own Photography



Figure 45: Welbeck Street Car Park

Thank you for asking, I was born in 1971 to the Debenhams Store, Michael Blambied & Partners cared for me in my early stages. Sadly, I have met my fate at such an early point in my life, and haven been given my death-day323, despite the campaign “Diamonds are Forever”324. I don’t know of any of my close relations at this time, to let them know, so if you could kindly please pass on my tragic news. … It’s interesting that you ask that, I was once a bold feature, peaking through to the popular Oxford Street325, however as time went on less people noticed me and I began to feel underappreciated. Now, my barrier will come down for the last time, no more bumps in the car park, and the honks of an annoyed driver have all fallen silent. As I wait for my day to come. I guess all that will be left of my imposing build is dust, little fragments of me, unnoticeable, imperceivable, and irrelevant to whomever will be taking my place, where I will linger as a silent ghost for the rest of time. … I hope I will be missed, and I thank those brutalist enthusiasts, those who tried to save me, and protect me from this bitter end. So I bid you adieu.




Motivational forgetting occurs when there is a memory, that the beholder does not want to remember; consciously or unconsciously. This can happen through “two basic forms of motivated forgetting are suppression, which is a conscious form of forgetting, and repression, an unconscious form of forgetting.”326. In this case, repressed memory can be seen as memories we wish to hide out of sight and is done in an unintentional manner, whilst suppression is far more intentional. Within architecture, these memories can be due to events that we feel guilty about as a society, or their occurrence has left a ghostly atmosphere which we no longer wish to inhabit; therefore, the building is altered or demolished to remove this narrative.This concept is investigated in Radio 4’s Guilty Architecture, where Jonathan Glancey “asks for how long a building carries the charge of an evil past.”327 and “is there such a thing as guilty architecture?”328. Glancey discusses this idea with David Chipperfield regarding the Haus der Kunst, which he claims“…has sat as an uncomfortable physical reminder of the Nazi regime and, as a piece of architecture, it was seen quite rightly as part of its sinister cultural propaganda”329. Chipperfield claims that “Buildings are not guilty, but the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, had a certain intention. People who saw the building, should have the inspiration to feel themselves as belonging to a special people, to a special race. This building impressed through its sheer size ... it had a certain purpose” 330. Through this we can find that although the building may not be guilty, the purpose for which it was designed was. In a later conversation between Glancey and Norman Foster, he reveals his belief of “Are we in the business of cosmetically plastering over the past? Or would it make the building richer to confront these realities?”331 From this belief, we can find that there is truth in the danger of wiping away the past, therefore it should be engaged with and learnt from.


Figure 46: Tyburn Gallows Map



Tyburn Gallows


Connaught Square, W2 2HL Latitude: 51.513308 Longitude: -0.160368332










Timber beams335


6m high336


Execution Location


24 people337


Newgate Prison


Gallows moved to Newgate Prison338


A plaque on the floor demarcating the location339




Physical Living Plaque to remind us of the location’s history341





Figure 47: Tyburn Gallows

Tyburn Gallows settled in the West-end in 1571342, and “reached approximately six metres”343 high. His triangular form344 allowed him to excel at his sole purpose in life. Tyburn knew of no other way of life other than as an executioner, and ensured he excelled at his role. He took great pride that each of his three arms could “accommodate eight people at once, so that twenty-four could swing together in one go.”345 Tyburn stepped into his role on the “twelve hanging days…each year”346 for 188 years. This was depicted in John Taylors poem: “But if a man note Tyburn, ‘will appear, That that’s a tree that bears twelve times a year.”347 To Tyburn’s displeasure, the executions were moved to Newgate Prison348, resulting in his disarmament. All that remains of his memory is a plaque on the floor by Marble Arch as a cautionary tale of horror.


Figure 48: Bethlem Hospital, Moorfields Map



Bethlem Hospital, Moorfields


Finsbury Circus, EC2M 7DT Latitude: 51.517619 Longitude: -0.086581349


City of London350


Robert Hooke351




English Baroque353


Brick & Stone


165m long354


Hospital: Mental Health


59 patients355


Related to previous Bethlem Hospital Sites, inc. Southwark




Finsbury Circus




Physical Cultural Living ‘Palace of London’357 & One of the oldest mental health institutions358


Robert Hooke (engraving)


7200 sq.m

Figure 49: Bethlem Hospital, Moorfields

The second eldest sister in the Bethlem family, Moorfields was nicknamed the “Palace for Lunatics”359, and her beauty “was compared to none other than the Palace of Versailles”360. Moorfields, the vainest of all the sisters, often bragged as it was said she “was for many years the only building which looked like a Palace in London.”361 This beauty did come at a cost, as her beauty was too heavy for her structure, and cracks began to form362. Leaving Moorfields to feel guilty over her lack of strength and internal ugliness. The institute she had created was meant to care and cure, however it was a despicable environment. Both in the physical filth, and in the actions she allowed to take-place. One of the most “notorious aspect…was its availability to the public as wealthy patrons would often pay a shilling to gawp at the unfortunately souls locked in the asylum”363. Due to this zoo-like activity, Moorfield was removed from her role as she was no longer providing adequate care. Her younger sister, Southwark, stepped in and replaced the old-horror memories of the family name ‘Bedlam’.


Figure 50: Newgate Prison Map



Newgate Prison


The Old Bailey, EC4M 7EH Latitude: 51.515746 Longitude: -0.101815364


City of London365


George Dance the Younger366






Granite369 & Masonry370






50 prisoners371


Previous iterations of Newgate Prison & Tyburn




Central Criminal Court372




Physical London’s largest prison


Newgate Gaol




Figure 51: Newgate Prison

Newgate prison was born in 1782 to George Dance the Younger374, and became the “most notorious prison in London”375. He settled in a new gate “on the old Roman wall (hence the name “Newgate”)”376. Newgate had a difficult life and was “renowned for its appalling conditions”377. Many claimed that his home was “so dirty and squalid that the floors crunched as you walked due to all of the lice and bedbugs”378. During Newgate’s growth, the “public gallows moved from Tyburn”379 and employed Newgate for “public executions”380. Newgate was displeased with this new role and frowned upon the crowd that gathered as witnesses of this supposed entertainment381. In 1868382, Newgate was allowed to step down from his role as executioner and return his focus to his inmates. However, this did not improve the conditions in which Newgate kept his home, and thus led to his demise. He was seen as squalor, and an out of date reminder of the unkempt past. Leading to Newgate’s ultimate execution.


Figure 54: Egyptian Hall Map



Egyptian Hall


170 Piccadilly, St. James’s, W1J 9EJ Latitude: 51.508090 Longitude: -0.139501383




Peter Fredrick Robinson385




Egyptian Revival387










Egyptian House, Cornwall (imitation)388




Replaced with Georgian offices389




Physical Living Relatively little historical documentation





Figure 55: Egyptian Hall

Egyptian Hall was born in 1812 to Peter Fredrick Robinson391 in Piccadilly. In the “eighteenth century Piccadilly was a place for all sorts of curiosities to be displayed”392. Egyptian Hall found she was no exception to this rule, she helped “Bullock…sell his collection of real and spurious objects”393. This period of her life was wonderful and bizarre. However, her future became far darker. She was introduced to Sarah Baartman, when Baartman was put on display in one of Egyptian’s rooms394. It is said that “You have to remember that, at the time, it was highly fashionable and desirable for women to have large bottoms, so lots of people envied what she had naturally, without having to accentuate her figure”395. Baartman “wore skin-tight, flesh-coloured clothing”396 and “Wealthy customers could pay for private demonstrations… with their guests allowed to touch her.”397 Egyptian Hall disagreed with this display of Baartman as if she was an object / museum piece but was unable to speak out in retaliation. For this, she felt guilty and agonised over the event for the rest of her life.


Figure 58: 39 Hilldrop Crescent Map



39 Hilldrop Crescent


Hilldrop Crescent, Islington, , N7 0JL Latitude: 51.550630 Longitude: -0.129468398












235 sq.m




2 occupants


Hilldrop Crescent Buildings


Demolished due to bomb damage402 & replaced with 1970s development403






Physical Cultural Living Removal of physical memory; survives in notorious story




Figure 59: 39 Hilldrop Crescent

Born in 1870s405, 39 Hilldrop Crescent settled mid-centre of the arc in which her family called home. Hilldrop set-up home in the typical manner of a London home at the time, if a little tatty. However, what happened in Hilldrop’s 40’s was far from typical. In “1905, the Crippen’s moved”406 in with Hilldrop. Upon their coupling, Hilldrop witnessed unfathomable tension between the couple, but she never would have thought Dr.Crippen capable of his next actions. In 1910, many thought Mrs.Crippen had disappeared. Hilldrop silently protested, knowing her true location. Dr. Crippen left shortly after, to escape the questioning of his wife’s whereabouts. Hilldrop now all alone, allowed investigators to search for evidence, leading them down to the cellar407, where “beneath the flagstones there was…the mutilated remains of the unfortunate victim”408 . Alas, Hilldrop was able to breathe a sigh of relief as Mrs.Crippen had been found. Dr.Crippen was found and sentenced for his crimes.While Hilldrop was left to deteriorate, leaving no trace or reminder of her troublesome past.


Figure 60: 10 Rillington Place Map



10 Rillington Place


10 Bartle Rd, W11 1RF Latitude: 51.515922 Longitude: -0.213835409


Kensington & Chelsea410








Brick & Timber Floorboards


84 sq.m


Residential - Terraced House


2 - 5 occupants, John & Ethel Christie with 3 living in the flat above The mother and child were murdered by Christie who lived below412


Notting Hill ‘Slums’ & BBC Drama filmed in the streets of Glasgow413


Demolished & a ‘memorial’ garden sits above414


Renamed Ruston Close in 1954415 but then named for re-development




Physical Cultural Living In cultural memory, as lives on in BBC drama, & Richard Fleischer film


Getty Images


Figure 61: 10 Rillington Place

Life started out small but happy for 10 Rillington Place, despite often falling into disrepair numerous times in her life, and often called a ‘rat-infested slum’417. However, she found satisfaction in the small things in life. Housing many happy couples418. This could be said to be true for the duration of her 109-year-old life. The most infamous couple were the Christie’s419. Through this partnership, she was forced to witness the unthinkable over ten years, till John Christie’s arrest in 1953420. During this horrific period, 8 known-murders took place in this ‘family’ home. Rillington was unable to speak out despite trying to reveal clues of six bodies, hidden all around her, including her upstairs neighbours421. After this ordeal, Christie was punished, and to hide Rillington’s past, her name was changed to Ruston422. Despite these efforts, she met her fate to make-way for a new development, with hopefully a brighter future. Rillington’s memory lives on in all those who loved her.


Figure 62: BBC Television Centre Map



BBC Television Centre: Jimmy Saville’s Dressing Room


6 Wood Ln, White City, W12 7FW Latitude: 51.5099 Longitude: -0.2269423


Hammersmith & Fulham424


Graham Dawbarn425






Brick & Concrete


155,148 sq.m427


Television Studio428




White City BBCs Offices




432 units429




Physical Living Previously, the largest TV centre in Europe431





Figure 63: BBC Television Centre

My life began in 1960, and I was proud to be “the largest such facility in Europe”432 at the time. I was exceptionally functional433 and provided the perfect setting for the BBC to create masterpieces. … The BBC was seen as staple, well-to do, moral back bone to this country. However, in recent years, more and more news has been released of the horrors that occurred under my supervision. I won’t say any more than the disgrace of Jimmy Saville and the events that occurred in his dressing room434. I guess it just goes to show you can’t trust anyone anymore. … I am not saying that is why I was abandoned435, I am just saying I am happy for those memories to be wiped. I hope my future as homes is happier for my new family and that I can provide a more familyfriendly environment. The way the BBC should have been and should have enforced.




The deterioration of memory describes the condition where the brain’s cognition begins to slow-down and the lack of new brain cells causes memories to slip away. This can be due to aging, stress or illness. The most common form of memory loss in this way is Alzheimer’s disease, which can be described as “a physical condition caused by changes in the structure of the brain, due to a build-up of ‘plaques’ and ‘tangles’, and this can result in a shortage of important chemicals that help with the transmission of messages”436.To apply this loss of memory to architecture, the physical loss can be applied to look at the deterioration of physical memory, and loss of fabric within these increasingly absent architectures.


Figure 64: Crystal Palace, Sydenham Map



Crystal Palace


Crystal Palace Park, Sydenham, SE9 1UE Latitude: 51.502842 Longitude: -0.168688437




Sir Joseph Paxton439






Glass & Iron441


Main Hall: 69,812 sq.m Total: approx.. 92,000 sq.m442




Approx. 2 million visitors per year444


Hyde Park: Original site


Destroyed by fire in 1936445


Crystal Palace, Park for leisure


1936 to fire446 & final demolition in 1941


Physical Cultural Living Significant architectural history & investigated in The Architecture of Failure447




Figure 65: Crystal Palace, Sydenham

To start, I would just like to clarify that I am different to my former self, Hyde Park Palace448. I was shorter and slimmer449, but I made up for this in height, three times in fact of my original self. … Well, it has been said that my “fragmentary displays of historical form mimicked in their arrangement the incompleteness of memory”450, so yes, there were clues of my previous form. Hints of a “melancholy space of contradictory meaning, simultaneously remembering and forgetting”451 what I was and am. My previous self-symbolised “temporariness”452, while I was to be everlasting, or so I thought. … My decline began far before the disaster, you see, “by the 1870s visitor numbers had drastically reduced”453. There were of course pleas to rescue me, and by 1911 the government454 did indeed do so due to my prowess, and cultural significance.This, however, could not stop my fate, as in 1936 I set alight and my former glory was brought down. All that survived was shattered glass and a collapsed form. Now, only “little ruins” 455 remain of me, crumbled walls and pathways to reach my lost form.


Figure 66: Red Sands Fort Map



Red Sands Fort


Thames Estuary Latitude: 51.480034




Guy Maunsell457




Army Fort


Concrete & Steel


237.62 sq.m per pod459 1663.34 sq.m total fort area


Military - protect from air raids during World War 2 II460


up to 265 men461 during military action


Thames Estuary Sea Forts: Nore & Shivering Sands462


Decommissioned & Abandoned in 1956463






Physical Cultural Living Crumbling physical memory. Under-represented in Cultural Memory


Project Red Sand


Longitude: 1.005123456

Figure 67: Red Sands Fort

That’s correct, we were conceived during World War II464. We claimed recognition as strong and staple elements of the military community. But, despite this, we were decommissioned and left to fair on our own by the Ministry of Defence in 1956465. … I agree, when the pirate radio station466 came to join us it was like a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. We were brought back to life with music bouncing between us like a drum. Life really couldn’t have seemed to be better! But, yes, that was shortly lived. The UK radio broadcasting laws changed467, and our musical partners left for good. We fell silent for the last time. … I hope not, but I suppose it probably is our fate. I guess we will end up like our relatives, the ‘Nore Fort family’468. It really was terrible what happened to those protective soldiers! They were just left to crumble in to the sea and left to degrade into the sand and rest on the beach for the rest of time. We are just hoping funds can be raised469 to rescue us from this lonely demise, and hopefully we can play homage to our past as a reminder of our saviour history.


Figure 68: Euston Arch Map



Euston Arch


Euston, NW1 2DU Latitude: 51.5286641230862




Philip Hardwick472




Victorian in Neo-Classical Style474


Yorkshire Stone475


20 m high arch476






Original & New Euston




Euston Station: 1962477




Physical Living Cultural memory: campaign to reinstate




Longitude: -0.133296470515993470


Figure 69: Euston Arch

My story begins in 1838479, where I was the original entrance to Euston station. I was the pride of the place! I stood as a domineering structure to an industrial wonder. … Yes, my downfall really was a disgrace! In 1961480, I was crushed for the redevelopment of Euston481. On the day, one of the porters, in clear ear shot, stated that I “might have looked alright in Queen Victoria’s day with green fields and all around it, but if you ask me it’s an eyesore now”482. Yes, I may have needed a good clean, but who didn’t in London? The worst part is what they did to me after, I was crushed and crumbled, splitting my body into small chunks. If you don’t think was bad enough, I was then “used to fill in a hole in the bed of the River Lea”483. Now, I wouldn’t say that is fitting final resting place for a monument, would you? … Luckily, yes, during the development of the Olympic Park, parts of me were salvaged and “dredged up”484 and displayed telling my cautionary tale .


Figure 70: Holloway Prison Gateway Map



Holloway Prison: Castle Gateway


Parkhurst Rd, N7 0NU Latitude: 51.555835 Longitude: -0.121736485




J B Bunning487






Stone: Archway & Turrets490






436 cells491


Newgate Prison492 & Holloway Prison redevelopment




Redeveloped for a more modern facility493


1971494 Physical






Figure 71: Holloway Prison Gateway

Holloway Prison, more fondly remembered as Holloway Castle495, extended her protective embrace in 1852 to the inmates of London. The gatehouse was proudly adorned with turrets496. Life changed for Holloway in 1902 due to the closure of Newgate Prison497. She had originally accepted both male and female prisoners, but after this event, her preferences changed to female only498. Due Newgate’s closure, Holloway was forced to become an executioner when the state decided it was required. In 1955, Holloway became “the site of the last female execution”499. Holloway breathed a sigh of relief to no longer have to commit such sin. In 1971500, Holloway Castle and Gatehouse met their fate, as opinions and standards changed.Victorian prisons were frowned upon due to “developments in psychology within the 1960s”501. Holloway was no longer seen as psychological supportive, and so she was wiped from this earth. Her replacement entailed a substantial wall that wrapped around the inmates in a wobbly line. Holloway would be disappointed in this fall from glory, and to be replaced by something, in her supposed opinion, distasteful.


Figure 72: The Stump Map



The Stump


22 Bishopsgate, EC2N 4AJ Latitude: 51.5150329753021


City of London503


PLP Architecture504


N/A: Construction started 2008






9 storeys-high506






22 Bishopgate / The Pinnacle




22 Bishopgate skyscraper508


2010509 Physical




Longitude: -0.082660031325694502



Figure 73: The Stump

Did you know I was going to be quite a wonder? I was going to “utterly dwarf all that has gone before”510 in the Square Mile. However, maybe I got too cocky? Too ambitious perhaps? … Anyways, in 2010511 after the dooming financial crash, my “construction came to an abrupt halt…when funding dried up”512. There I was, a mere “nine-storey shell”513, no longer with the aspirations of being the tallest building around. It was embarrassing really. … Yes, thanks for mentioning that, to add salt to the wound I was “dubbed the Stump”514. Quite the downfall isn’t it? From the grandeur of the Pinnacle to plain old Stump. I guess with a name like that it comes to no surprise that I was demolished and not seen as fit for the new plans of grandeur, replacing my previous dreams of what 22 Bishopsgate could be.


Figure 74: Grenfell Tower Map



Grenfell Tower


Grenfell Road, W11 1TQ Latitude: 51.5140239729107


Kensington & Chelsea516


Nigel Whitbread517






In-situ concrete core & outer skin cladding519


21,600 sq.m




127 flats520




Fire destruction521






Physical Cultural Living Deteriorating physical memory, significant cultural value




Longitude: -0.215900566429218515

Figure 75: Grenfell Tower

I know you have probably heard an awful lot about me but let me set the story straight and tell you my side. I was a home to many from my opening weekend in 1972523. The joy of that time was wonderful. We never would have guessed what would happen 45 years later. … Correct, in 2016524 I couldn’t have been happier to receive a bit of a face-lift and touch up. I wanted to look good for my new large extended family. It all seemed to be going quite well, until a year later I went up in flames. The flames engulfed my body in a rapid “25 minutes”525, as my new ware acted as ‘fuel to the flames’. Much of my family was trapped, and 72 members of my family died526. On that day, a part of me died with them, the trauma I afflicted upon them I will never be able to get over. … I hope that with my horrific story, architectural standards and regulations will be updated so this never happens again. And I suppose the next question is what is next for me? Do I stay as a memorial to all those I lost? Or am I wiped from this earth to help those get over the event? I leave that question to my family, as it is quite rightfully their decision527, as I would do anything for them.


Figure 76: Robin Hood Gardens Map



Robin Hood Gardens


129 Robin Hood Gardens, Woolmore St, E14 0HG Latitude: 51.5093871641095 Longitude: -0.007758137096151528


Tower Hamlets529


Alison and Peter Smithson530






Concrete Slab532


10,520 sq.m




214 flats533






1575 new flats534




Physical Living Lost physical memory, Cultural Significance


Sandra Lousada



Figure 77: Robin Hood Gardens

That’s right, I live at the V&A Museum now, well what is left of me that is. A small “three-storey section”536 to represent what I once was. It’s something, I guess! … Yes, lets go back to the beginning, I was born in 1972 and was a spectacular feat. I “was the Smithson’s first opportunity to put…the streets in the sky”537 to the test. This led to the claims that I had a certain “unmistakeable bravura”538. I really was quite magnificent, or at least that’s what I was led to believe. However, I couldn’t “alleviate the social problems and poverty that plagued the area”539, and so I fell into disrepair540. I guess that’s the cause of my demise? That no one truly cared for me, other than what I symbolised. … I found that confusing also, how could my symbolic and important history not save me? My brutality was “not only a style but also a philosophy”541. Apparently, it still wasn’t enough, despite numerous campaigns. Sadly, they were obviously ignored, so here I am 214ths542 of my previous self to represent the qualities that were worth preserving in a museum but not worth remaining insitu.




The application of memory as a non-physical phenomenon to the physical fabric of a building in order to answer the question ‘why do we forget’. A question, that requires a study into psychology on a scientific basis. The themes: ‘Retrieval Failure’, ‘Interference Recollection’, ‘Failure to Store’, ‘Motivational Forgetting’ and ‘Deterioration of Memory Form’ were explored. The chapters illustrate the demise of forgetting, from ‘simply forgetting’ to a more extreme ‘deterioration of memory’. These definitions of forgetting, explored through a selection of buildings to speculate on redundancies within architecture. Through the investigation of the ruination and what a building once was and the memories it held. The relationship between memory and architecture is crucial. This is discussed by Douglas Murphy in The Architecture of Failure, where the “… relationship of the architecture discussed to its mediation; architecture’s complex conceptual ties to memory will be seen to be problematic when conditions of ephemerality are involved”543. In this case Murphy is referencing Crystal Palace, Hyde Park. To expand on this Murphy claims “we only experience the building in its mediated form; it is preserved at a distance, as fragments” 544. It is these fragments which survive longer than the life-span of a building, through archives of drawings and photography. These images act as memories from the past, capturing a moment in time. However, that is all they achieve, as they do not display the architecture in its entirety. Therefore, in many cases much of the building itself is lost and only a small fragment of the building’s story remains to be forgotten at a later date.


Figure 78: Preservation Is Overtaking Us: “Barcode� preservation scheme for Beijing where different preservation scenarios can be implemented in horizontal bands.


The discovery into why and how we forget architectural forms, through the research of memory within selected case studies, results in a progression of deterioration of architectural elements. Through this progression of forgotten architectural elements to complete removal of physical memory, there is no correlation between building location and date of construction to the date of loss. This means that a building is not merely being demolished as its life-span has reached an end but that the physical implications of site are not the cause for loss nor is age. Moreover, it is the afflictions we impose upon them, such as changing or disguising features, loss of applicable programme, loss of viability, guilt or lack of motivation to secure a deteriorating structure. Within these architectural redundancies, the can be seen in the life of a building, and how we perceive them. The failures of architecture and preservation can be found within Rem Koolhaas’ Preservation Is Overtaking Us. Rem Koolhaas states “We are living in an incredibly exciting and slightly absurd moment, namely that preservation is overtaking us”545. He describes an increase in the number of buildings we earmark for preservation. Koolhaas extends this argument to say, “everything we inhabit is potentially susceptible to preservation.”546 This questions the value of what we choose to preserve and forget. To tackle this, Koolhaas suggest “Maybe we can be the first to actually experience the moment that preservation is no longer a retroactive activity but becomes a prospective activity”547. Through this speculation, Koolhaas reflects on the ““Barcode” preservation scheme for Beijing where differerent preservation scenarios can be implemented in horizontal bands.” 548 where the city becomes: “a kind of barcode and declare that the bands in the barcode could either be preserved forever or systematically scraped. In such a case, you would have the certainty that you preserved everything in a very democratic, dispassionate way—highways, Chinese monuments, bad things, good things, ugly things, mediocre things—and therefore really maintained an authentic condition.”549 The shift towards democracy and fairness within this solution is commendable, however in reality would this solution be effective, or would we become attached to certain architectures and fight for their preservation as we do now? This results in the buildings we choose as culturally significant being retained, while the uncelebrated buildings are wiped from sight. However, these ‘underdogs’ often have value and stand as a testament to their time, even if unfashionable or aesthetically displeasing.


Figure 79:


Own Photography: Sampson House Currently Under Demolitions

The discussion of what we choose to remember or to lose requires an investigation into the ethics of memory.There is a morality to the decisions we make as a society as a collective. Collective memory suggests that as a group we choose what memories we want to pass on and inform the future. Margalit states in The Ethics of Memory, “collective memory is an obscure notion in the sense that there are no clear cases to which this notion applies and no clear cases to which it does not apply”550.Through this broad collective, these memories are passed on through stories, history, and in physical fabric as artefacts and relics. The narrative we choose to pass on to future generations is to ensure we learn from our mistakes. However, there are also memories we choose to forget and no longer want to play witness to. This is discussed in Radio 4’s Guilty Architecture, where Jonathan Glancey asks “is there such a thing as guilty architecture?”551. From this, we can ascertain from David Chipperfield’s opinion that “Buildings are not guilty, but the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, had a certain intention”552. The intention to show the architecture should make us feel leads to the question how do we disguise and hide this history from ourselves. Should we open them to the public so we can learn from our mistakes? Is there is guilt in acknowledging our history, which could prevent the past repeating itself. Therefore, there is a requirement of ethics and morality to what we choose to forget, as we have a duty to inform the future. Through the application of these ethics and theories of loss the selected buildings can be analysed. On the whole, time does not impact why buildings are forgotten. Sampson House “was designed to last 125 years”553, however is currently under demolition after only 40 years.The reasons we forget buildings come down to the previously stated chapter themes. At the ‘simple forgetting’ beginning of the scale, the reasons are due to hidden features, and loss of original design intent. Nor, does location as London is ever-changing, redevelopment make a difference in this case. This is extended through a loss of programme or purpose, which then leads to a loss of viability located in the centre of the scales. While motivational forgetting, is due to memories we no longer wish to view in their physical fabric due to the guilt they afflict upon us. At the end of the scale sits the ‘deterioration of memory form’, where we have let buildings crumble through lack of care or have demolished them into absent architectures.



The speculation of the buildings’ stories extends this categorisation of loss through anthropomorphism. In doing so the topophilia of each casestudy investigated allows the buildings to be seen as more than inanimate objects. In Democracy of Objects, Levi Bryant describes the term ‘democracy of objects’ as “to think an object for-itself that isn’t an object for the gaze of a subject, representation, or a cultural discourse”554. Therefore: “…there is an equality of objects, a democracy of objects, in the precise sense that all substances are equally substances. This does not entail that substances are equal to one another, that there are no differences among substances, and that there are not substances more or less powerful than other substances, but rather that all substances are equally substances.”555 Tp analyse an object we must look beyond the “relatively fixed circumstances characterizing reflection”556 as “we encounter qualities not in their changes or transitions, but rather as abiding qualities possessed by an object.”557 The application of this theory to buildings entails that there is a depictable hierarchy that must be calculated when analysing a building and if it deserves the applied loss. They should all be examined equally to assess value and if the building should be committed to memory. Therefore, according to the ‘democracy of objects’ there should be a hierarchy of forgetting, which would change the laws of preservation to a more equal discussion. The future of memory can be investigated through the relationships between ‘short-term’ and ‘long-term’ memory and, ‘surface’ and ‘deeplearning’. In this case, ‘short-term’ memory can be applied to ‘surfacelearning’, where those using “a surface approach gave explanations that were reformulations of the questions, a “black box” variety which did not refer to a mechanism, or macroscopic descriptions which referred only to what was visible”558. Through this, the information acquired is not committed to ‘short-term’ memory and therefore becomes unreachable, and obsolete. While ‘deep-learning’ relates to ‘long-term’ memory. ‘Deeplearning’ “is a subset of machine learning where artificial neural networks, algorithms inspired by the human brain, learn from large amounts of data”559.This learning is then stored as data, as long-term memory, to be reflected upon when required. Artificial intelligence and the use of ‘deeplearning’ is the future of memory and preservation of forms in a virtual realm.


Figure 80: Yves Ubelmann, founder and CEO of Iconem

Figure 81: .Eternal 5D Data Storage: Future Starts Here Exhibition,V&A


The archive of memory of the future can be found within the Future Starts Here exhibition at the V&A museum in 2018, where Eternal 5D Data Storage was showcased. Eternal 5D Data Storage560 “No larger than a coin, this deceptively robust nanostructured disc can store around 360 terabytes of data for up to 13.8 billion years”561. The future of memory storage in “the discs remind us of the past’s importance, preserving evidence of our civilisation for future generations. And, just as a diamond is highly organised compressed carbon, the discs compress data into a digital gem – they are the precious stones of the technological age”562. Through these small chips, vast amounts of data can be stored to inform the future of the past and document the potentially lost physical fabric. The recreation of a building’s form in the virtual was undertaken by Yves Ubelmann, who created “Iconem, a…company that creates 3D digital models of historic landmarks threatened by war, conflict, time and nature” 563. Iconem uses “Advanced algorithms and the computing power of Microsoft AI…to quickly stitch thousands of photos into high-resolution 3D models” 564. With this advancement in technology, Ubelmann states “it has become possible to recreate the world” 565 and in doing so preserve the entirety of our past. However, with this comes an issue as only an element of what was is stored. In this case, the reality of the building, its fabric, its atmosphere, its entirety is lost and is stored as code in the virtual. The future of memory is no longer tactile and experiential in reality but hidden behind technology. Things may not be forgotten within technology, but they are not observed and remembered in the human form, as there is no longer a need to commit information to ‘long-term’ learning. In The New Dark Age, James Bridle observes that: “There is also a deeper cognitive pressure at work: the belief in the singular, inviolable answer, produced, with or without human intervention, by the alleged neutrality of the machine. As science becomes increasingly technologised, so does every domain of human thought and action, gradually revealing the extent of our unknowing, even as it reveals new possibilities” 566 From this, the future of memory is not what we know of memory now but a different entity altogether, as memory is no longer human but ‘technologised’. The physical fabric of memory will be forgotten. Through the historic, scientific, theoretical, philosophical and futures of research into memory and its failures, the investigation raises more questions than answers. Primarily, who should assess the value of what we choose to remember as a collective? Additionally, in what form do we wish to preserve our memories and our architecture? These questions relate back to the ‘ethics of memory’ and should be kept in mind when documenting a moment or disposing of architectural entities.



NOTES PREFACE Hicks, Jessie. 2012. "Book Review: William Gibson's 'Distrust That Particular Flavor'". The Verge. https://www.theverge.com/2012/1/25/2729343/book-review-william-gibsons-distrust-that-particular-flavor. 1

1 2

Hicks, Jessie. 2012. "Book Review: William Gibson's 'Distrust That Particular Flavor'". The Verge. Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 20

https://www.theverge.com/2012/1/25/2729343/book-review-william-gibsons-distrust-that-particular-flavor. ABSTRACT

Hicks, Jessie. 2012. "Book Review: In William 'Distrust That Particular Flavor'". The Verge. "Memory | Definition Of Memory EnglishGibson's By Oxford Dictionaries". 2019. Oxford Dictionaries | English. Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 20 https://www.theverge.com/2012/1/25/2729343/book-review-william-gibsons-distrust-that-particular-flavor. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/memory. 1 Hicks, Jessie. 2012. "Book Review: In William Gibson's 'Distrust That Particular Flavor'". The Verge. 3 | Definition OfThe Memory English By Oxford Dictionaries". 2019. Oxford 2 "Memory Murphy, Douglas. 2012. Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 20 Dictionaries | English. INTRODUCTION https://www.theverge.com/2012/1/25/2729343/book-review-william-gibsons-distrust-that-particular-flavor. 4https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/memory. "Collective Memory | Definition Of Collective Memory In English By Oxford Dictionaries". 2019. Oxford Dictionaries | English. 3 "Memory | Definition Of Memory In English By Oxford Dictionaries". 2019. Oxford Dictionaries | English. 2https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/collective_memory. Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 20 https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/memory. 4 "Collective Memory | Definition Of Collective Memory In English By Oxford Dictionaries". 2019. Oxford Dictionaries | English. 3 "Memory | Definition Of Memory In English By Oxford Dictionaries". 2019. Oxford Dictionaries | English. 5https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/collective_memory. "David Adjaye: Making Memory". 2019. Design Museum. https://designmuseum.org/exhibitions/david-adjaye-making-memory. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/memory. 4 "Collective Memory | Definition Of Collective Memory In English By Oxford Dictionaries". 2019. Oxford Dictionaries | English. 6 https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/collective_memory. "David Adjaye: Making Memory". 2019. Design Museum. https://designmuseum.org/exhibitions/david-adjaye-making-memory. 5 "David Adjaye: Making Memory". 2019. Design Museum. https://designmuseum.org/exhibitions/david-adjaye-making-memory. 4 "Collective Memory | Definition Of Collective Memory In English By Oxford Dictionaries". 2019. Oxford Dictionaries | English. 7 Block, India. 2019. "David Adjaye Curates Making Memory Exhibition At The Design Museum". Dezeen. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/collective_memory. 6 "David Adjaye: Adjaye: Making Making Memory". Memory". 2019. 2019. Design Design Museum. Museum. https://designmuseum.org/exhibitions/david-adjaye-making-memory. 5 "David https://designmuseum.org/exhibitions/david-adjaye-making-memory. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/04/david-adjaye-making-memory-exhibition-design-museum/. 1 3 2

Block, India. 2019. "David Adjaye 2019. Curates Making Memory Exhibition At The Design Museum". Dezeen. "David Adjaye: Making Design Museum. https://designmuseum.org/exhibitions/david-adjaye-making-memory. Murphy, Douglas. 2012.Memory". The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 20 "David Adjaye: Making Memory". 2019. Design Museum. https://designmuseum.org/exhibitions/david-adjaye-making-memory. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/04/david-adjaye-making-memory-exhibition-design-museum/. 7 9 Block, India. 2019.2012. "DavidThe Adjaye Curates Memory Exhibition At Thep.Design Murphy, Douglas. Architecture OfMaking Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. 20 Museum". Dezeen. 6 Making 2019. Design Museum. https://designmuseum.org/exhibitions/david-adjaye-making-memory. 8 "David Murphy,Adjaye: Douglas. 2012.Memory". The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 20 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/04/david-adjaye-making-memory-exhibition-design-museum/. 10 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 21 7 Block, India. 2019. "DavidThe Adjaye Curates Making Memory Exhibition Books. At The Design Museum". Dezeen. 9 8 Murphy, Murphy, Douglas. Douglas. 2012. 2012. The Architecture Architecture Of Of Failure. Failure. Winchester: Winchester: Zero Zero Books. p. p. 20 20 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/04/david-adjaye-making-memory-exhibition-design-museum/. 11 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 21 10 Murphy,Douglas. Douglas.2012. 2012.The TheArchitecture ArchitectureOf OfFailure. Failure.Winchester: Winchester:Zero ZeroBooks. Books.p.p.20 21 9 Murphy, 8 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 20 12 "Elizabeth F. Loftus – UCI School Of Social Ecology". 2019. Faculty.Sites.Uci.Edu. 11 10 Murphy, Murphy, Douglas. Douglas. 2012. 2012. The The Architecture Architecture Of Of Failure. Failure. Winchester: Winchester: Zero Zero Books. Books. p. p. 21 21 https://faculty.sites.uci.edu/eloftus/. 9 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 20 12 "ElizabethDouglas. F. Loftus2012. – UCI School Of Social Ecology". 2019. Faculty.Sites.Uci.Edu. 11 The Architecture Of Failure. Zero Books. p. 21 13 Murphy, Reasons We Forget 2019. Verywell Mind.Winchester: https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. 10 "4 Murphy, Douglas. 2012.Things". The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 21 https://faculty.sites.uci.edu/eloftus/. 7 6 8 5

"Elizabeth F.Definition Loftus – UCI School Of|Social Ecology". 2019. Faculty.Sites.Uci.Edu. "Topophilia Collins English Dictionary". 2019. Collinsdictionary.Com. Murphy, Douglas. 2012.And TheMeaning Architecture Of Failure. Zero Books. p. 21 "4 Reasons We Forget Things". 2019. Verywell Mind.Winchester: https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. https://faculty.sites.uci.edu/eloftus/. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/topophilia. 12 F.Definition Loftus – UCI School Of Social Ecology". Dictionary". 2019. Faculty.Sites.Uci.Edu. 14 "Elizabeth And Meaning Collins 2019. Collinsdictionary.Com. 13 15 "Topophilia "4 ReasonsRem, We Forget Things". 2019.| Carver, VerywellEnglish Mind.Koolhaas, https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. Koolhaas, Mark Wigley, Jordan Rem and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.2 https://faculty.sites.uci.edu/eloftus/. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/topophilia. 12 14 11 13

14 "Topophilia Definition And Meaning | Collins English Dictionary". 2019. Collinsdictionary.Com. 13 ReasonsRem, We Forget Things".Jordan 2019.Carver, VerywellRem Mind.Koolhaas, https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. 15 "4 Koolhaas, Mark Wigley, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.2 https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/topophilia. 16 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.2 14 "Topophilia Definition And Meaning | Collins English Dictionary". 2019. Collinsdictionary.Com. 15 17 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Mark Wigley, Wigley, Jordan Jordan Carver, Carver, Rem Rem Koolhaas, Koolhaas, and and Jorge Jorge Otero-Pailos. Otero-Pailos. 2014. Koolhaas, Rem, 2014. Preservation Preservation is is overtaking overtaking us. us. p.2 p.10 https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/topophilia. 16 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.2

Margalit, Avishai. 2004.Wigley, The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.17 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Mark Jordan Carver, Rem Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Koolhaas, Rem, 2014. Preservation Preservation is is overtaking overtaking us. us. p.2 p.10 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Wigley, Jordan Jordan Carver, Carver, Rem Koolhaas, Koolhaas, and and Jorge Otero-Pailos. Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.2 19 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.147 18 2004.Wigley, The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.17 17 Margalit, Koolhaas,Avishai. Rem, Mark Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.10 16 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.2 20 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.147 19 Margalit, Avishai. Avishai. 2004. 2004. The The Ethics Ethics Of Of Memory. Memory. Cambridge: 18 Margalit, Cambridge: Harvard Harvard University University Press. Press. p.147 p.17 17 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.10 21 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.182 20 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.147 19 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.147 18 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.17 22 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.17 21 Margalit, Avishai. Avishai. 2004. 2004. The The Ethics Ethics Of Of Memory. Memory. Cambridge: Cambridge: Harvard Harvard University University Press. Press. p.147 p.182 20 Margalit, 19 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.147 23 "4 Reasons We Forget Things". 2019. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. 22 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.17 21 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.182 20 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.147 24 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 23 "4 Reasons We Forget Verywell Cambridge: Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. 22 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. Things". The Ethics2019. Of Memory. Harvard University Press. p.17 21 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.182 25 "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planning24 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 23 "4 Reasons We Forget Things". 2019. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. applications-decisions-archived-records. 22 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.17 RETRIEVAL FAILURE 25 "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planning24 Coordinates Finder Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 26 "GPS "BBC - London History -| Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. 23 "4 Reasons We -Forget Things". 2019. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. applications-decisions-archived-records. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. 25 "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planning24 Coordinates Finder -| Crystal LatitudePalace: And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 26 "GPS - London - History A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. 27 "BBC applications-decisions-archived-records. "BBC - London - History - Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. 25 "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planning26 "BBC - London - History - Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. applications-decisions-archived-records. 27 "BBC - London - History - Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. 26 "BBC - London - History - Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. 27 "BBC - London - History - Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. 18 15 17 16

27 "BBC - London - History - Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml.


"Topophilia Definition And Meaning | Collins English Dictionary". 2019. Collinsdictionary.Com. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/topophilia. 15

Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.2


Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.2


Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.10


Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.17


Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.147


Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.147


Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.182

22 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.17 RETRIEVAL FAILURE CRYSTAL PALACE, PARK 23 "4 Reasons We ForgetHYDE Things". 2019. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. 24

"GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/.

"Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planningapplications-decisions-archived-records. 25

"BBC - London - History - Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. 26

"BBC - London - History - Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. 27

"Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 28

"Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. “The main body of the building was 1,848 feet (563 metres) long and 408 feet (124 metres) wide; … while its total floor area was about 990,000 square feet (92,000 square metres, or about 23 acres [9 hectares])” 29 "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 30 "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. “The main body of the building was 1,848 feet (563 metres) long and 408 feet (124 metres) wide; … while its total floor area was about https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 990,000 square feet (92,000 square metres, or about 23 acres [9 hectares])” 29 28

31 "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. 30 "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. “Some 14,000 exhibitors participated… More than six million visitors attended the exhibition…” 31 "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. 32 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 16 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. “Some 14,000 exhibitors participated… More than six million visitors attended the exhibition…” 33 "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London 32 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 16

"Football Pitches In Hyde Park". 2019. The Royal Parks. Accessed February 25. https://www.royalparks.org.uk/parks/hyde-park/things-to-see"Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. and-do/sports-and-leisure/football-pitches-in-hyde-park. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London 34 33

35 "BBC - London - History - Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. 34 "Football Pitches In Hyde Park". 2019. The Royal Parks. Accessed February 25. https://www.royalparks.org.uk/parks/hyde-park/things-to-seehttp://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. and-do/sports-and-leisure/football-pitches-in-hyde-park.

Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. "BBC - London - History - Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. 37 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.12 36 35

36 38

Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.13

37 39

Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.12 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.13

38 40

Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.13 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.23

39 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.13 41 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 16 “The Crystal Palace was erected in a matter of four months, stood proudly for six months, during which time over six million people passed 40 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.23 through its doors…” 41 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 16 42 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.21 “The Crystal Palace was erected in a matter of four months, stood proudly for six months, during which time over six million people passed through its doors…” 43 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.21 42 44

Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.21 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/.

43 Murphy, Douglas. KENTISH TOWN SOUTH STATION 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.21 45

"Planning And Building Development - Camden Council". 2019. Camden.Gov.Uk. https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development.

"GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbsites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml. 45 "Planning And Building Development - Camden Council". 2019. Camden.Gov.Uk. https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development. 44 46

47 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sb46 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbsites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml. sites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml.

"Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbTransport Matters. 2019. "Station Architecture". Transport For London. Accessed February 26. https://tfl.gov.uk/corporate/about-tfl/culturesites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml. and-heritage/art-and-design/station-architecture. 47 48

“Glazed, oxblood-red terracotta tiles were a signature feature of the architect Leslie” 48 Transport Matters. 2019. "Station Architecture". Transport For London. Accessed February 26. https://tfl.gov.uk/corporate/about-tfl/cultureand-heritage/art-and-design/station-architecture. 49 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbsites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml. “Glazed, oxblood-red terracotta tiles were a signature feature of the architect Leslie” “The station was temporarily closed following unofficial strike action at the Lots Road power station during the afternoon of 5 June 1924…” 49 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbsites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml. 50 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sb133 sites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml. “The station was temporarily closed following unofficial strike action at the Lots Road power station during the afternoon of 5 June 1924…” 50 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbsites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml.


Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.23

41 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 16 “The Crystal Palace was erected in a matter of four months, stood proudly for six months, during which time over six million people passed through its doors…” 42

Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.21


Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.21


"GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/.


"Planning And Building Development - Camden Council". 2019. Camden.Gov.Uk. https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development.

46 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbsites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml. 47 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbsites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml.


48 Transport Matters. 2019. "Station Architecture". Transport For London. Accessed February 26. https://tfl.gov.uk/corporate/about-tfl/cultureand-heritage/art-and-design/station-architecture.

“Glazed, oxblood-red terracotta tiles were a signature feature of the architect Leslie” 49 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbsites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml.

“The station was temporarily closed following unofficial strike action at the Lots Road power station during the afternoon of 5 June 1924…” 50 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbsites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml.

"Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbsites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml. 51

51 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sb“The original name for the station was Castle Road … Before the station opened the name was changed to South Kentish Town and a recent sites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml. investigation showed that the tiles showing Castle Road and then painted over.

“The original name for the station was Castle Road … Before the station opened the name was changed to South Kentish Town and a recent investigation showed that the tiles showing Castle Road and then painted over. 52 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sb-

sites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml. “The station was temporarily closed following unofficial strike action at the Lots Road power station during the afternoon of 5 June 1924, trains 52 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbhaving called at the station that morning. Once power was restored it was decided not to re-open Mornington Crescent and South Kentish sites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml. Town. Mornington Crescent was eventually reopened on 2nd July but South Kentish Town remained closed due to the very low passenger “The station was temporarily closed following unofficial strike action at the Lots Road power station during the afternoon of 5 June 1924, trains use.” having called at the station that morning. Once power was restored it was decided not to re-open Mornington Crescent and South Kentish Town. Mornington Crescent was eventually reopened on 2nd July but South Kentish Town remained closed due to the very low passenger use.” 53 Kihl, Tom. 2013. "South Kentish Town Underground: NW5's Ghost Tube Station". Kentishtowner. https://www.kentishtowner.co.uk/2013/01/23/wednesday-picture-south-kentish-town-nw5s-ghost-tube-station/.

54 Kihl, Kihl, Tom. Tom. 2013. 2013. "South "South Kentish Kentish Town Town Underground: Underground: NW5's NW5's Ghost Ghost Tube Tube Station". Station". Kentishtowner. Kentishtowner. https://www.kentishtowner.co.uk/2013/01/23/wednesday-picture-south-kentish-town-nw5s-ghost-tube-station/. https://www.kentishtowner.co.uk/2013/01/23/wednesday-picture-south-kentish-town-nw5s-ghost-tube-station/. “Kentishtowners of the 1930s may have preferred its later role as a spot to grab their smokes once it became a tobacconist’s. Or perhaps they 54 Kihl, Tom. 2013. "South Kentish Town Underground: NW5's Ghost Tube Station". Kentishtowner. picked up fuel at the coal merchant’s residing in the other half. And today, people drop by to pawn out-of-favour electricals at Cash Converters, https://www.kentishtowner.co.uk/2013/01/23/wednesday-picture-south-kentish-town-nw5s-ghost-tube-station/. or a spot of yoga upstairs.” “Kentishtowners of the 1930s may have preferred its later role as a spot to grab their smokes once it became a tobacconist’s. Or perhaps they picked up fuel at the coal merchant’s residing in the other half. And today, people drop by to pawn out-of-favour electricals at Cash Converters, or a spotCoordinates of yoga upstairs.” 55 "GPS Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 53


"Planning And Building Development - Camden Council". 2019. Camden.Gov.Uk. https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development. "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/.

57 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. 56 "Planning And Building Development - Camden Council". 2019. Camden.Gov.Uk. https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. 58 Frearson, Frearson, Amy. Amy. 2015. 2015. "Postmodern "Postmodern Architecture: Architecture: TV-Am TV-Am Studios Studios By By Terry Terry Farrell". Farrell". Dezeen. Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. “ In 1982 he followed these up with a television broadcasting centre for a new breakfast channel…” 58 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. 59 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. “ In 1982 he followed these up with a television broadcasting centre for a new breakfast channel…” https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. 57

Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. Architects Journal. Glancey, Jonathan. 2011. "From TheArchitecture: Archives: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell Partnership". https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/from-the-archives-tv-am-studios-by-terry-farrell-partnership/8620813.article. 59 60

2011. "FromAccessed The Archives: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell Partnership". Architects Journal. 61 Glancey, "Studios".Jonathan. 2019. Tv-Am.Org.Uk. February 25. https://www.tv-am.org.uk/tv-am-studios. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/from-the-archives-tv-am-studios-by-terry-farrell-partnership/8620813.article. “Studio A, 3000 square feet” 60

"Studios". 2019. Tv-Am.Org.Uk. Accessed February https://www.tv-am.org.uk/tv-am-studios. "TV-Am Studios". 2019. Architectuul.Com. Accessed25. February 25. http://architectuul.com/architecture/tv-am-studios. “Studio 3000square squarefeet…” feet” “Studio A, B, 800 61 62

"TV-Am Studios". 2019. Architectuul.Com. Accessed February 25. http://architectuul.com/architecture/tv-am-studios. 63 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. “Studio B, 800 square feet…” https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. 62

Frearson, Frearson, Amy. Amy. 2015. 2015. "Postmodern "Postmodern Architecture: Architecture: TV-Am TV-Am Studios Studios By By Terry Terry Farrell". Farrell". Dezeen. Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. “TV-am was in operation until the end of 1992, after which the building was sold to music channel MTV. Two decades on, a renovation was 64 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. proposed that would completely change the building” https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. 65 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. “TV-am was in operation until the end of 1992, after which the building was sold to music channel MTV. Two decades on, a renovation was https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. proposed that would completely change the building” 65 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. 66 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. 63 64

“Shortly after its completion, critic Jonathan Glancey called it "one of the most obviously spectacular architect-designed interiors completed in 66 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. recent years and one of the high points of Postmodernism".” https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. “Shortly afterAmy. its completion, critic Jonathan GlanceyTV-Am called itStudios "one ofBythe mostFarrell". obviously spectacular architect-designed interiors completed in 67 Frearson, 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: Terry Dezeen. recent years and one of the high points of Postmodernism".” https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. 134 “These eggcups – which cost £100 each – were so popular they soon become the brand image for the station, usurping the original logo.” 67 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. “These eggcups – which cost £100 each – were so popular they soon become the brand image for the station, usurping the original logo.”

58 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. “ In 1982 he followed these up with a television broadcasting centre for a new breakfast channel…” 59 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. 60 Glancey, Jonathan. 2011. "From The Archives: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell Partnership". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/from-the-archives-tv-am-studios-by-terry-farrell-partnership/8620813.article. 61 "Studios". 2019. Tv-Am.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. https://www.tv-am.org.uk/tv-am-studios. “Studio A, 3000 square feet”

"TV-Am Studios". 2019. Architectuul.Com. Accessed February 25. http://architectuul.com/architecture/tv-am-studios. “Studio B, 800 square feet…”



Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen.

https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. TV-AM TELEVISION STUDIOS Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. “TV-am was in operation until the end of 1992, after which the building was sold to music channel MTV. Two decades on, a renovation was proposed that would completely change the building” 65 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. 64

Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. “Shortly after its completion, critic Jonathan Glancey called it "one of the most obviously spectacular architect-designed interiors completed in recent years and one of the high points of Postmodernism".” 66

Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. “These eggcups – which cost £100 each – were so popular they soon become the brand image for the station, usurping the original logo.” 67

Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. “Farrell also added2015. a huge eggcup on each peak of the sawtooth – offering a symbol forDezeen. breakfast time while simultaneously referencing 68 Frearson, 68 Frearson, Amy. Amy. 2015. "Postmodern "Postmodern Architecture: Architecture: TV-Am TV-Am Studios Studios By By Terry Terry Farrell". Farrell". Dezeen. London's tradition for using urns, acorns and pineapples…” https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. “Farrell also also added added aa huge huge eggcup eggcup on on each each peak peak of of the the sawtooth sawtooth –– offering offering aa symbol symbol for for breakfast breakfast time time while while simultaneously simultaneously referencing referencing “Farrell 69 Frearson, Amy. 2015.using "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. London's tradition London's tradition for for using urns, urns, acorns acorns and and pineapples…” pineapples…” https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. “TV-am was in operation until the end of 1992, afterTV-Am which the building was sold to music channel MTV.” 69 Frearson, 69 Frearson, Amy. Amy. 2015. 2015. "Postmodern "Postmodern Architecture: Architecture: TV-Am Studios Studios By By Terry Terry Farrell". Farrell". Dezeen. Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. 70 Frearson, Amy. 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Am Studios By Terry Farrell". Dezeen. “TV-am was “TV-am was in in operation operation until until the the end end of of 1992, 1992, after after which which the the building building was was sold sold to to music music channel channel MTV.” MTV.” https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. 68

“70 Two decades on,2015. a renovation was proposed that would change Farrell". the building, prompting an outcry from architects across the Amy. "Postmodern Architecture: TV-Amcompletely Studios By Dezeen. 70 Frearson, Frearson, 2015. "Postmodern Architecture: Studios By Terry Terry country. ButAmy. Farrell refused to back the campaign toTV-Am preserve the design, as heFarrell". felt theDezeen. original interior was already gone.” https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. https://www.dezeen.com/2015/08/26/postmodern-architecture-tv-am-television-studios-camden-london-terry-farrell/. ““ Two decades on, was that completely change building, prompting an outcry architects on, aa renovation renovation was proposed proposed that would would completely change the the| Lat building, outcry from from architects across across the the 71 Two "GPSdecades Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPSdesign, Coordinates Long".prompting 2019. GPSan Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. country. refused country. But But Farrell Farrell refused to to back back the the campaign campaign to to preserve preserve the the design, as as he he felt felt the the original original interior interior was was already already gone.” gone.” ADMIRALTY CITADEL 72 "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planning71 71 "GPS "GPS Coordinates Coordinates Finder Finder || Latitude Latitude And And Longitude Longitude Finder Finder || GPS GPS Coordinates Coordinates || Lat Lat Long". Long". 2019. 2019. GPS GPS Coordinates. Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://gps-coordinates.org/. applications-decisions-archived-records. 72 Applications, Decision Notices And 72 "Planning Decision Notices And Archived Archived Records". Records". 2019. 2019. Westminster Westminster City City Council. Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planninghttps://www.westminster.gov.uk/planning73 "Planning "AdmiraltyApplications, Citadel". 2017. Higgypop. https://www.higgypop.com/urbex/admiralty-citadel/. applications-decisions-archived-records. applications-decisions-archived-records. 74 73 73

"Admiralty Citadel". 2017. Higgypop. https://www.higgypop.com/urbex/admiralty-citadel/. "Admiralty "Admiralty Citadel". Citadel". 2017. 2017. Higgypop. Higgypop. https://www.higgypop.com/urbex/admiralty-citadel/. https://www.higgypop.com/urbex/admiralty-citadel/.

75 "Admiralty Citadel | London, England Attractions". 2019. Lonelyplanet.Com. Accessed February 25. 74 74 "Admiralty "Admiralty Citadel". Citadel". 2017. 2017. Higgypop. Higgypop. https://www.higgypop.com/urbex/admiralty-citadel/. https://www.higgypop.com/urbex/admiralty-citadel/. https://www.lonelyplanet.com/england/london/attractions/admiralty-citadel/a/poi-sig/1511656/358914. 75 Citadel England Attractions". 75 "Admiralty Citadel || London, London, Englandhttps://www.higgypop.com/urbex/admiralty-citadel/. Attractions". 2019. 2019. Lonelyplanet.Com. Lonelyplanet.Com. Accessed Accessed February February 25. 25. 76 "Admiralty "Admiralty Citadel". 2017. Higgypop. https://www.lonelyplanet.com/england/london/attractions/admiralty-citadel/a/poi-sig/1511656/358914. https://www.lonelyplanet.com/england/london/attractions/admiralty-citadel/a/poi-sig/1511656/358914. Quote: "vast monstrosity which weighs upon the Horse Guards Parade" 76 Citadel". 2017. https://www.higgypop.com/urbex/admiralty-citadel/. 76 "Admiralty Citadel". 2017. 2017. Higgypop. Higgypop. https://www.higgypop.com/urbex/admiralty-citadel/. 77 "Admiralty "Admiralty Citadel". Higgypop. https://www.higgypop.com/urbex/admiralty-citadel/. Quote: "vast monstrosity which weighs upon the Horse Parade" Quote: "I "vast which weighs thebunker... Horse Guards Guards Parade" Quote: alsomonstrosity used to work here, in theupon 'below' that's all I'll say." 77 Citadel". 2017. https://www.higgypop.com/urbex/admiralty-citadel/. 77 "Admiralty Citadel". 2017. Higgypop. Higgypop. https://www.higgypop.com/urbex/admiralty-citadel/. 78 "Admiralty Tilney,"I John. 1955. "ADMIRALTY CITADEL (Hansard, 27 October 1955)". Api.Parliament.Uk. https://api.parliament.uk/historicQuote: Quote: "I also also used used to to work work here, here, in in the the 'below' 'below' bunker... bunker... that's that's all all I'll I'll say." say." hansard/commons/1955/oct/27/admiralty-citadel. Quote: The granite of the Citadel is hideous and an offence to the architecture of London. 78 Tilney, John. 1955. "ADMIRALTY CITADEL (Hansard, 27 October 1955)". Api.Parliament.Uk. 78 Tilney, John. 1955. "ADMIRALTY CITADEL (Hansard, 27 October 1955)". Api.Parliament.Uk. https://api.parliament.uk/historichttps://api.parliament.uk/historichansard/commons/1955/oct/27/admiralty-citadel. hansard/commons/1955/oct/27/admiralty-citadel. Quote: The granite of the Citadel is hideous and an offence to the architecture of London. Quote: The granite of the Citadel is hideous and an offence to the architecture of London. 79 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. BALFRON TOWER 80 "Planning Applications". 2019. Towerhamlets.Gov.Uk. 79 79 "GPS "GPS Coordinates Coordinates Finder Finder || Latitude Latitude And And Longitude Longitude Finder Finder || GPS GPS Coordinates Coordinates || Lat Lat Long". Long". 2019. 2019. GPS GPS Coordinates. Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/lgnl/planning_and_building_control/planning_applications/planning_applications.aspx. 80 Applications". 2019. Towerhamlets.Gov.Uk. 80 "Planning Applications". 2019. Towerhamlets.Gov.Uk. 81 "Planning Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.108 https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/lgnl/planning_and_building_control/planning_applications/planning_applications.aspx. https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/lgnl/planning_and_building_control/planning_applications/planning_applications.aspx.

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82 81 81

Frearson, Amy. 2014. "Brutalist Buildings: Balfron Tower, London By Ernö Goldfinger". Dezeen. Frearson, Frearson, Amy. Amy. 2014. 2014. "Brutalist "Brutalist Buildings: Buildings: Balfron Balfron Tower, Tower, London London By By Ernö Ernö Goldfinger". Goldfinger". Dezeen. Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2014/09/24/brutalist-buildings-balfron-tower-london-erno-goldfinger/. https://www.dezeen.com/2014/09/24/brutalist-buildings-balfron-tower-london-erno-goldfinger/. https://www.dezeen.com/2014/09/24/brutalist-buildings-balfron-tower-london-erno-goldfinger/. 82 82 83

83 Amy. "Brutalist Buildings: Balfron Tower, London By 83 Frearson, Amy. 2014. 2014. Buildings: Balfron London By Ernö Ernö Goldfinger". Goldfinger". Dezeen. Dezeen. 84 Frearson, Hopkins, Owen. 2017."Brutalist Lost Futures. London: RoyalTower, Academy of Arts.p.108 https://www.dezeen.com/2014/09/24/brutalist-buildings-balfron-tower-london-erno-goldfinger/. https://www.dezeen.com/2014/09/24/brutalist-buildings-balfron-tower-london-erno-goldfinger/. “the precursor to the larger and more famous Trellick Tower” 84 Owen. 2017. Lost London: Royal Arts.p.108 84 Hopkins, Owen. A 2017. Lost Futures. Futures. Royal Academy Academy of of Arts.p.108 85 Hopkins, "Balfron Tower: Building Archive".London: 2014. Balfrontower.Org. http://www.balfrontower.org/document/95/50-balfron-tower. “the precursor “the precursor to to the the larger larger and and more more famous famous Trellick Trellick Tower” Tower” 86 Jessel, Ella. 2015. "Balfron Residents: 'Privatising The Tower Will Segregate The Community'". Architects Journal. 85 85 "Balfron "Balfron Tower: Tower: A A Building Building Archive". Archive". 2014. 2014. Balfrontower.Org. Balfrontower.Org. http://www.balfrontower.org/document/95/50-balfron-tower. http://www.balfrontower.org/document/95/50-balfron-tower. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/balfron-residents-privatising-the-tower-will-segregate-the-community/8691394.article. 86 Ella. 2015. "Balfron Residents: 'Privatising The Tower Will Segregate 86 Jessel, Ella. John. 2015.2014. "Balfron Residents: 'Privatising TheOld Tower Will Segregate The The Community'". Community'". Architects Architects Journal. Journal. 87 Jessel, Grindrod, Concretopia. 3rd ed. Brecon: Street Publishing. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/balfron-residents-privatising-the-tower-will-segregate-the-community/8691394.article. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/balfron-residents-privatising-the-tower-will-segregate-the-community/8691394.article. 88 87 87

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89 88 88

Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.108 Ballard, Ballard, J.J. G. G. 1975. 1975. High-Rise. High-Rise. 1st 1st ed. ed. London: London: Jonathan Jonathan Cape. Cape.

90 89 89

Ballard, J. G. 1975. High-Rise.Futures. 1st ed. London:Royal Jonathan Cape. of Arts.p.108 Hopkins, Hopkins, Owen. Owen. 2017. 2017. Lost Lost Futures. London: London: Royal Academy Academy of Arts.p.108

90 90

Ballard, Ballard, J.J. G. G. 1975. 1975. High-Rise. High-Rise. 1st 1st ed. ed. London: London: Jonathan Jonathan Cape. Cape.


Tilney, John. 1955. "ADMIRALTY CITADEL (Hansard, 27 October 1955)". Api.Parliament.Uk. https://api.parliament.uk/historichansard/commons/1955/oct/27/admiralty-citadel. Quote: The granite of the Citadel is hideous and an offence to the architecture of London.



"GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/.

80 "Planning Applications". 2019. Towerhamlets.Gov.Uk. https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/lgnl/planning_and_building_control/planning_applications/planning_applications.aspx. 81

Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.108

Frearson, Amy. 2014. "Brutalist Buildings: Balfron Tower, London By Ernö Goldfinger". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2014/09/24/brutalist-buildings-balfron-tower-london-erno-goldfinger/.



Frearson, Amy. 2014. "Brutalist Buildings: Balfron Tower, London By Ernö Goldfinger". Dezeen.

BALFRON TOWER https://www.dezeen.com/2014/09/24/brutalist-buildings-balfron-tower-london-erno-goldfinger/. Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.108 “the precursor to the larger and more famous Trellick Tower” 84


"Balfron Tower: A Building Archive". 2014. Balfrontower.Org. http://www.balfrontower.org/document/95/50-balfron-tower.

Jessel, Ella. 2015. "Balfron Residents: 'Privatising The Tower Will Segregate The Community'". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/balfron-residents-privatising-the-tower-will-segregate-the-community/8691394.article. 86


Grindrod, John. 2014. Concretopia. 3rd ed. Brecon: Old Street Publishing.


Ballard, J. G. 1975. High-Rise. 1st ed. London: Jonathan Cape.


Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.108


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Jason.2019. 2019."Lambeth "LambethTories ToriesPropose ProposeToToBulldoze BulldozeBrixton BrixtonRec RecAnd AndMove MoveIt ItToToPop PopBrixton BrixtonAsAsPart PartOfOfAlternative AlternativeBudget Budget 106 107 Proposals". Brixton Buzz. http://www.brixtonbuzz.com/2016/02/lambeth-tories-propose-to-bulldoze-brixton-rec-and-move-it-to-pop-brixton-asBird, Edmund, Fiona Price, and John East. 2015. To Lambeth Architecture, 1965-99. London: Lambeth Archives. Cobb, Jason. 2019. "Lambeth Tories Propose Bulldoze Brixton Rec And Move It To Pop Brixton As Part Of Alternative Budget Proposals". Brixton Buzz. http://www.brixtonbuzz.com/2016/02/lambeth-tories-propose-to-bulldoze-brixton-rec-and-move-it-to-pop-brixton-aspart-of-alternative-budget-proposals/. Proposals". Brixton Buzz. http://www.brixtonbuzz.com/2016/02/lambeth-tories-propose-to-bulldoze-brixton-rec-and-move-it-to-pop-brixton-aspart-of-alternative-budget-proposals/. 107part-of-alternative-budget-proposals/. Cobb, Jason. 2019. "Lambeth Tories Propose To Bulldoze Brixton Rec And Move It To Pop Brixton As Part Of Alternative Budget 108 108 "Brixton Recreation Proposals". Brixton Buzz.Centre". http://www.brixtonbuzz.com/2016/02/lambeth-tories-propose-to-bulldoze-brixton-rec-and-move-it-to-pop-brixton-as"Brixton Recreation Centre".2019. 2019.#SOSBRUTALISM. #SOSBRUTALISM.Accessed AccessedFebruary February25.25.http://www.sosbrutalism.org/cms/16818799. http://www.sosbrutalism.org/cms/16818799. 108 "Brixton Recreation Centre". 2019. #SOSBRUTALISM. Accessed February 25. http://www.sosbrutalism.org/cms/16818799. part-of-alternative-budget-proposals/. 109109 "Brixton "BrixtonRecreation RecreationCentre". Centre".2019. 2019.#SOSBRUTALISM. #SOSBRUTALISM.Accessed AccessedFebruary February25.25.http://www.sosbrutalism.org/cms/16818799. http://www.sosbrutalism.org/cms/16818799. 108109 "Brixton "BrixtonRecreation RecreationCentre". 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Camden.Gov.Uk.https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development. https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development. 110111 "GPS Coordinates FinderDevelopment | Latitude And- Camden LongitudeCouncil". Finder | 2019. GPS Coordinates | Lathttps://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development. Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. "Planning And Building Camden.Gov.Uk. 112112 "Space Civil "SpaceHouse House(Now (Now CivilAviation AviationAuthority AuthorityHouse), House),Non NonCivil CivilParish Parish- 1421847 - 1421847| Historic | HistoricEngland". England".2019. 2019.Historicengland.Org.Uk. Historicengland.Org.Uk. 111 112 "Planning And Building Development - Camden House), Council".Non 2019. Camden.Gov.Uk. https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. "Space House (Now Civil Aviation Authority Civil Parish - 1421847 | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. 112 113113 "Space Civil "SpaceHouse House(Now (Now CivilAviation AviationAuthority AuthorityHouse), House),Non NonCivil CivilParish Parish- 1421847 - 1421847| Historic | HistoricEngland". England".2019. 2019.Historicengland.Org.Uk. Historicengland.Org.Uk. 136 113 "Space House (Now Civil Aviation Authority House), Non Civil Parish - 1421847 | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. 114114 113 "Space Civil "SpaceHouse House(Now (Now CivilAviation AviationAuthority AuthorityHouse), House),Non NonCivil CivilParish Parish- 1421847 - 1421847| Historic | HistoricEngland". England".2019. 2019.Historicengland.Org.Uk. Historicengland.Org.Uk. 114 "Space House (Now Civil Aviation Authority House), Non Civil Parish - 1421847 | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. 114 "Space House (Now Civil Aviation Authority House), Non Civil Parish - 1421847 | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847.

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Bird, Edmund, Fiona Price, and John East. 2015. Lambeth Architecture, 1965-99. London: Lambeth Archives.


Bird, Edmund, Fiona Price, and John East. 2015. Lambeth Architecture, 1965-99. London: Lambeth Archives.


Bird, Edmund, Fiona Price, and John East. 2015. Lambeth Architecture, 1965-99. London: Lambeth Archives.

Cobb, Jason. 2019. "Lambeth Tories Propose To Bulldoze Brixton Rec And Move It To Pop Brixton As Part Of Alternative Budget Proposals". Brixton Buzz. http://www.brixtonbuzz.com/2016/02/lambeth-tories-propose-to-bulldoze-brixton-rec-and-move-it-to-pop-brixton-aspart-of-alternative-budget-proposals/.



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"Space House (Now Civil Aviation Authority House), Non Civil Parish - 1421847 | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. 113

"Space House (Now Civil Aviation Authority House), Non Civil Parish - 1421847 | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. 114

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"Space House (Now Civil Aviation Authority House), Non Civil Parish - 1421847 | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk.

https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. 115 Staff, Ipe. 2018. "Seaforth Land Adds £165M London West End

Office Asset To Portfolio". IPE. https://www.ipe.com/news/seaforth-landadds-165m-london-west-end-office-asset-to-portfolio/realassets.ipe.com/news/seaforth-land-adds-165m-london-west-end-office-asset-to117 "Space House (Now Civil Aviation Authority House), Non Civil Parish - 1421847 | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. portfolio/10024491.fullarticle. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. "Space House (Now Civil Aviation Authority House), Non Civil Parish - 1421847 | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. "One Kemble Street – The “CAA Building”". 2018. Ianvisits.Co.Uk. https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/08/23/one-kemble-street-the-caahttps://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. building/. “The tower was (Now sold earlier this year,Authority and slightly ominously, the sale notes that the |CAA’s lease in the slab door expires at the end of 117 "Space House Civil Aviation House), Non Civil Parish - 1421847 Historic England". 2019.next Historicengland.Org.Uk. next year when “the opportunity exists to transform it into a new landmark for Covent Garden.”” https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1421847. 116 118

Osborne, Hilary. 2015. "Work Begins On Luxury Conversion https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/08/23/one-kemble-street-the-caaOf London Landmark Centre Point". The Guardian. "One Kemble Street – The “CAA Building”". 2018.Flat Ianvisits.Co.Uk. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/jan/26/work-begins-luxury-flat-conversion-london-centre-point. – “Work on Centre Point is building/. expected to finish in the summer 2017” “The tower was sold earlier this of year, and slightly ominously, the sale notes that the CAA’s lease in the slab next door expires at the end of 119 118

next year when “the opportunity exists to transform it into a new landmark for Covent Garden.”” Dobbins, Tom. 2018. "London's Landmark Brutalist "Space House" Is Captured In A Different Light In This Photo Essay". Archdaily. https://www.archdaily.com/894315/londons-landmark-brutalist-space-house-is-captured-in-a-different-light-in-this-photo-essay. 119 Osborne, Hilary. 2015. "Work Begins On Luxury Flat Conversion Of London Landmark Centre Point". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/jan/26/work-begins-luxury-flat-conversion-london-centre-point. – “Work on Centre Point is 121 "One Kemble Street – The “CAA Building”". 2018. Ianvisits.Co.Uk. https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/08/23/one-kemble-street-the-caaexpected to finish in the summer of 2017” building/. “they were both by the same architect, Richard Seifert & Partners and forInthe same developer, Hyams.” 120 Dobbins, Tom.designed 2018. "London's Landmark Brutalist "Space House" Is Captured A Different Light InHarry This Photo Essay". Archdaily. 120

https://www.archdaily.com/894315/londons-landmark-brutalist-space-house-is-captured-in-a-different-light-in-this-photo-essay. 122 Withers, Iain. 2014. "Brookfield Multiplex Set For £350M Centre Point Revamp". Building. https://www.building.co.uk/news/brookfieldmultiplex-set-for-350m-centre-point-revamp/5071955.article. 121 "One Kemble Street – The “CAA Building”". 2018. Ianvisits.Co.Uk. https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/08/23/one-kemble-street-the-caabuilding/. Dobbins, Tom.designed 2018. "London's Landmark Brutalist "Space House" Is Captured A Different Light InHarry This Photo Essay". Archdaily. “they were both by the same architect, Richard Seifert & Partners and forInthe same developer, Hyams.” https://www.archdaily.com/894315/londons-landmark-brutalist-space-house-is-captured-in-a-different-light-in-this-photo-essay. 123

Withers, Iain. 2014. "Brookfield Multiplex Set For £350M Centre Point Revamp". Building. https://www.building.co.uk/news/brookfieldOne Kemble Street – The “CAA Building”". 2018. Ianvisits.Co.Uk. https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/08/23/one-kemble-street-the-caamultiplex-set-for-350m-centre-point-revamp/5071955.article. building/. “And both stood several Landmark years as the tax law"Space of the House" time actively encouraged empty buildings. than Essay". changing the law, the 123 Dobbins, Tom.empty 2018. for "London's Brutalist Is Captured In A Different Light In Rather This Photo Archdaily. government tried to buy Centrepoint, and took out a long lease on what was to become known as the CAA Building, for it’s occupant, the Civil https://www.archdaily.com/894315/londons-landmark-brutalist-space-house-is-captured-in-a-different-light-in-this-photo-essay. Aviation Authority.” 124 One Kemble Street – The “CAA Building”". 2018. Ianvisits.Co.Uk. https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/08/23/one-kemble-street-the-caa125 One Kemble Street – The “CAA Building”". 2018. Ianvisits.Co.Uk. https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/08/23/one-kemble-street-the-caabuilding/. building/. “And both stood empty for several years as the tax law of the time actively encouraged empty buildings. Rather than changing the law, the government tried to buy Centrepoint, and took out a long lease on what was to become known as the CAA Building, for it’s occupant, the Civil 126 "Space House - 1 Kemble Street". 2019. Manchesterhistory.Net. Accessed February 25. Aviation Authority.” http://manchesterhistory.net/architecture/1960/spacehouse.html. 122 124

One Kemble Street – The “CAA Building”". 2018. Ianvisits.Co.Uk. https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/08/23/one-kemble-street-the-caa"4 Reasons We Forget Things". 2019. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. building/. 125 127

128 INTERFERENCE Finder |Street". Latitude2019. And Manchesterhistory.Net. Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat25. Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 126 "GPS "SpaceCoordinates House - 1 Kemble Accessed February 129 "Planning Register: Search For, View, And Comment On Planning Applications". 2019. Southwark Council. http://manchesterhistory.net/architecture/1960/spacehouse.html. RECOLLECTION https://www.southwark.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-applications/planning-register-search-for-view-and-comment-on-planning-

applications. 127 "4 Reasons

We Forget Things". 2019. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045.

"Bethlem Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, |StLat George's FieldsGPS (TheCoordinates. Parishes ofhttps://gps-coordinates.org/. St. George the Martyr "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates Long". 2019. (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed On Planning Applications". 2019. Southwark Council. February 24, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80. https://www.southwark.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-applications/planning-register-search-for-view-and-comment-on-planningapplications. 131 "Bethlem Royal Hospital". 2019. Broughttolife.Sciencemuseum.Org.Uk. http://broughttolife.sciencemuseum.org.uk/broughttolife/techniques/bethlemroyalhospital. 130 "Bethlem Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr 130 128

Southwark St. Mary Newington), ed.And Ida Darlington 129 "Planningand Register: Search For, View, Comment

Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed 132 "Bethlem Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr February 24, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80. Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed February 24, Royal 2019, Hospital". http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80. 131 "Bethlem 2019. Broughttolife.Sciencemuseum.Org.Uk.

http://broughttolife.sciencemuseum.org.uk/broughttolife/techniques/bethlemroyalhospital. 133 "Bethlem Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr Southwark St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington London County 1955), Online, the accessed 132 "Bethlemand Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey(London: of London: Volume 25, StCouncil, George's Fields76-80. (The British ParishesHistory of St. George Martyr February 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80. Southwark24,and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed137 February 24, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80.

"Bethlem Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed February 24, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80.


120 Dobbins, Tom. 2018. "London's Landmark Brutalist "Space House" Is Captured In A Different Light In This Photo Essay". Archdaily. https://www.archdaily.com/894315/londons-landmark-brutalist-space-house-is-captured-in-a-different-light-in-this-photo-essay.

"One Kemble Street – The “CAA Building”". 2018. Ianvisits.Co.Uk. https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/08/23/one-kemble-street-the-caabuilding/. “they were both designed by the same architect, Richard Seifert & Partners and for the same developer, Harry Hyams.”


Withers, Iain. 2014. "Brookfield Multiplex Set For £350M Centre Point Revamp". Building. https://www.building.co.uk/news/brookfieldmultiplex-set-for-350m-centre-point-revamp/5071955.article.


Dobbins, Tom. 2018. "London's Landmark Brutalist "Space House" Is Captured In A Different Light In This Photo Essay". Archdaily. https://www.archdaily.com/894315/londons-landmark-brutalist-space-house-is-captured-in-a-different-light-in-this-photo-essay. 123

124 One Kemble Street – The “CAA Building”". 2018. Ianvisits.Co.Uk. https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/08/23/one-kemble-street-the-caabuilding/. “And both stood empty for several years as the tax law of the time actively encouraged empty buildings. Rather than changing the law, the government tried to buy Centrepoint, and took out a long lease on what was to become known as the CAA Building, for it’s occupant, the Civil Aviation Authority.”

INTERFERENCE 125 One Kemble Street – The “CAA Building”". 2018. Ianvisits.Co.Uk. https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/08/23/one-kemble-street-the-caaRECOLLECTION building/. 126 "Space House - 1 Kemble Street". 2019. Manchesterhistory.Net. Accessed February 25. BETHLEM ROYAL http://manchesterhistory.net/architecture/1960/spacehouse.html. HOSPITAL, 127 "4 Reasons We Forget Things". 2019. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. SOUTHWARK

"GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. "Planning Register: Search For, View, And Comment On Planning Applications". 2019. Southwark Council. https://www.southwark.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-applications/planning-register-search-for-view-and-comment-on-planningapplications. 128 129

"Bethlem Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed February 24, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80. 130

"Bethlem Royal Hospital". 2019. Broughttolife.Sciencemuseum.Org.Uk. http://broughttolife.sciencemuseum.org.uk/broughttolife/techniques/bethlemroyalhospital. 131

"Bethlem Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed February 24, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80.


"Bethlem Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed February 24, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80.


"Bethlem Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed 134 "Bethlem February 24, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80. Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed 135 "The Connection Between Bedlam And The Imperial War Museum". 2019. Historyhouse.Co.Uk. February 24, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80. http://www.historyhouse.co.uk/articles/bedlam.html. 135 "The Connection Between Bedlam And The Imperial War Museum". 2019. Historyhouse.Co.Uk. 136 "Bethlem Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr http://www.historyhouse.co.uk/articles/bedlam.html. Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed 136 "Bethlem February 24, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80. Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed 137 Ruggeri,24,Amanda. 2016. "How Bedlam Became ‘A Palace For Lunatics’". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20161213-how-bedlamFebruary 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80. became-a-palace-for-lunatics. 137 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "How Bedlam Became ‘A Palace For Lunatics’". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20161213-how-bedlam138 "Bethlem Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr became-a-palace-for-lunatics. Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed 138 "Bethlem February 24, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80. Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed 139 Hawken, 2017. "Haunting Portraits Show Women At Infamous Bedlam Hospital". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articleFebruary 24,Abe. 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80. 4381710/Haunting-portraits-women-Bedlam-Hospital.html. 139 Hawken, Abe. 2017. "Haunting Portraits Show Women At Infamous Bedlam Hospital". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article140 "Bethlem Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr 4381710/Haunting-portraits-women-Bedlam-Hospital.html. Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed 140 "Bethlem February 24, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80. Hospital (Imperial War Museum)," in Survey of London: Volume 25, St George's Fields (The Parishes of St. George the Martyr Southwark and St. Mary Newington), ed. Ida Darlington (London: London County Council, 1955), 76-80. British History Online, accessed 141 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. February 24, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey-london/vol25/pp76-80. 134


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173 Wignall, Katie. 2016. "Crossness Pumping Station: The Cathedral Of Sewage · Look Up London Tours". Look Up London Tours. 174 Wignall, Katie. 2016. "Crossness Pumping Station: The Cathedral Of Sewage · Look Up London Tours". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/crossness-pumping-station/. https://lookup.london/crossness-pumping-station/.

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HORSE HOSPITAL 176 Hodges, Simon. 2019. Crossness Pumping Station History. Ebook. London: Crossness Engines. Accessed February 27. http://files8.webydo.com/93/9341529/UploadedFiles/F6CC6699-98B3-0B48-6EFB-7E17981B6CA8.pdf. 177 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPSp.1 Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 178 177

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Block, "Blow Berthold Lubetkin’S Penguin Says Dezeen. “The pool,India. created Lubetkin and the Tecton Group in Pool 1934,"To hasSmithereens" been empty for 15Daughter". years, because penguins contracted bumblefoot infection from walking on2019. thebyconcrete.” “The pool, created Lubetkin and theAnd Tecton Group Finder in 1934, has been empty for 15Long". years, 2019. because contracted bumblefoot infection 199 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/01/08/penguin-pool-london-zoo-berthold-lubetkin-debate-uk-architecture-news/. from walking on thebyconcrete.” "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude Longitude | GPS Coordinates | Lat GPSpenguins Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. LOTS ROAD from walking on thebyconcrete.” “The pool, created Lubetkin and theAnd Tecton Group Finder in 1934, has been empty for 15Long". years, 2019. because contracted bumblefoot infection 199 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude Longitude | GPS Coordinates | Lat GPSpenguins Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 199 200 POWER STATION from walking on the concrete.” "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude AndBorough Longitude | GPSAnd Coordinates Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. "Planning And Building Control | Royal Of Finder Kensington Chelsea".|2019. Rbkc.Gov.Uk. https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/planning-and199 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. building-control/planning-and-building-control. 200 "Planning And Building Control | Royal Borough Of Kensington And Chelsea". 2019. 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Station" "Hard Hat A Historic2019. PowerRevolvy.Com. Station With Lots ToFebruary Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hard203 Station. Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 203 Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hard204 hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. Blanchard, Tamsin. 2001. "Interiors: Victorian Power Stations". The Guardian. 203 hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. Knowsley, 2018.2001. "Hard"Interiors: Hat Area:Victorian A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhttps://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2001/jun/17/features.magazine57. 204 Blanchard, Jo. Tamsin. Power Stations". 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Accessed February 27. https://www.revolvy.com/page/Lots-Road-Powerhttps://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2001/jun/17/features.magazine57. Station. 205 ""Lots Road Power Station" On Revolvy.Com". 2019. Revolvy.Com. Accessed February 27. https://www.revolvy.com/page/Lots-Road-Power206 Station. Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hard205 Station. ""Lots RoadJo.Power OnArea: Revolvy.Com". Accessed 27. https://www.revolvy.com/page/Lots-Road-Powerhat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 206 Knowsley, 2018. Station" "Hard Hat A Historic2019. PowerRevolvy.Com. Station With Lots ToFebruary Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hard206 Station. Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 140 206 Knowsley, Jo. Jo. 2018. 2018. "Hard "Hard Hat Hat Area: Area: A A Historic Historic Power Power Station Station With With Lots Lots To To Offer". Offer". Metro Metro Newspaper Newspaper UK. UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhttps://www.metro.news/hard207 hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. Knowsley, 206 hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. Knowsley, Jo. 2018. 2018. "Hard "Hard Hat Hat Area: Area: A A Historic Historic Power Power Station Station With With Lots Lots To To Offer". Offer". Metro Metro Newspaper Newspaper UK. UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhttps://www.metro.news/hardhat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 207 Knowsley, Jo. 207 hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 207 Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hard208 hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. Blanchard, Tamsin. 2001. "Interiors: Victorian Power Stations". The Guardian. 207 hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. Knowsley, 2018.2001. "Hard"Interiors: Hat Area:Victorian A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhttps://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2001/jun/17/features.magazine57. 208 Blanchard, Jo. Tamsin. Power Stations". The Guardian. 208 hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. Blanchard, Tamsin. 2001. "Interiors: Victorian Power Stations". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2001/jun/17/features.magazine57. 208 Blanchard, Jo. Tamsin. Power Stations". The Guardian. 209 Knowsley, https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2001/jun/17/features.magazine57. 2018.2001. "Hard"Interiors: Hat Area:Victorian A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hard208 https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2001/jun/17/features.magazine57. Blanchard, Tamsin. Power Stations". The Guardian. hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 209 Knowsley, Jo. 2018.2001. "Hard"Interiors: Hat Area:Victorian A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hard209 Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhttps://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2001/jun/17/features.magazine57. hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 209 Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hard210 hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hard209 hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. Knowsley, hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 210 Knowsley, Jo. Jo. 2018. 2018. "Hard "Hard Hat Hat Area: Area: A A Historic Historic Power Power Station Station With With Lots Lots To To Offer". Offer". Metro Metro Newspaper Newspaper UK. UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhttps://www.metro.news/hard210 hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hard186 187


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Block, India. 2019. "Blow Berthold Lubetkin’S Penguin Pool "To Smithereens" Says Daughter". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/01/08/penguin-pool-london-zoo-berthold-lubetkin-debate-uk-architecture-news/. “The pool, created by Lubetkin and the Tecton Group in 1934, has been empty for 15 years, because penguins contracted bumblefoot infection from walking on the concrete.”



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LOTS ROAD 202 ""Lots Road Power Station" On Revolvy.Com". 2019. Revolvy.Com. Accessed February 27. https://www.revolvy.com/page/Lots-Road-PowerStation. POWER STATION Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 203

Blanchard, Tamsin. 2001. "Interiors: Victorian Power Stations". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2001/jun/17/features.magazine57. 204

""Lots Road Power Station" On Revolvy.Com". 2019. Revolvy.Com. Accessed February 27. https://www.revolvy.com/page/Lots-Road-PowerStation. 205

Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 206

Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 207

Blanchard, Tamsin. 2001. "Interiors: Victorian Power Stations". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2001/jun/17/features.magazine57. 208

Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 209

Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 210

Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. 211

"Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbsites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml. “The station was temporarily following unofficial strike action at the during the afternoon of 5 June 1924, trains 211 Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard closed Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With LotsLots To Road Offer".power Metrostation Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhaving called at the station that morning. Once power was restored it was decided not to re-open Mornington Crescent and South Kentish hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. Town. Mornington Crescent was eventually reopened on 2nd July but South Kentish Town remained closed due to the very low passenger use.” 212 "Subterranea Britannica: Sites:South Kentish Town Station". 2019. Subbrit.Org.Uk. Accessed February 25. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sbsites/sites/s/south_kentish_town_station/index.shtml. “The station was temporarily closed following unofficial strike action at the Lots Road power station during the afternoon of 5 June 1924, trains 213 Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardhaving called at the station that morning. Once power was restored it was decided not to re-open Mornington Crescent and South Kentish hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/. Town. Mornington Crescent was eventually reopened on 2nd July but South Kentish Town remained closed due to the very low passenger 214 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. use.” 212

215 "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planningLONDON CHANCERY applications-decisions-archived-records. 213 Knowsley, Jo. 2018. "Hard Hat Area: A Historic Power Station With Lots To Offer". Metro Newspaper UK. https://www.metro.news/hardBUILDING hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/.

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216 214

"Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planning"The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & applications-decisions-archived-records. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 215 217

"The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Booth, William. 2017. "New US Embassy In London: Thameside Glass Cube Replaces 1950S Concrete Complex In Mayfair Square". The Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/design/new-us-embassy-london-photos-pictures-nine-elms-thames-river-glass-modernistgrovesnor-square-a8124261.html. 217 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 219 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 218 Booth, William. 2017. "New US Embassy In London: Thameside Glass Cube Replaces 1950S Concrete Complex In Mayfair Square". The Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/design/new-us-embassy-london-photos-pictures-nine-elms-thames-river-glass-modernist220 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & grovesnor-square-a8124261.html. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 216 218

"The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & "The Old American Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Embassy Kingdom.London https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 219 221

"The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 220 222

"The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & "The Old American Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Embassy Kingdom.London https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 221 223

"The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Frearson, Amy. 2016. "David Chipperfield Plans To Convert US Embassy Into Hotel". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2016/04/07/davidConsulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. chipperfield-convert-eero-saarinen-us-embassy-mayfair-hotel-london/. 222 224

"The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & "The Old American Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Embassy Kingdom.London https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/.

223 225

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224 226

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225 227


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"US Embassy In London: A Bunker In The 'Burbs - Icon Magazine". 2018. Iconeye.Com. Frearson, Amy. 2016. "David Chipperfield Plans To Convert US Embassy Into Hotel". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2016/04/07/davidhttps://www.iconeye.com/architecture/features/item/12906-us-embassy-in-london-a-bunker-in-the-burbs. chipperfield-convert-eero-saarinen-us-embassy-mayfair-hotel-london/. 229 "US Embassy In London: A Bunker In The 'Burbs - Icon Magazine". 2018. Iconeye.Com. https://www.iconeye.com/architecture/features/item/12906-us-embassy-in-london-a-bunker-in-the-burbs. 228 230


"The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & hat-area-a-historic-power-station-with-lots-to-offer/1211707/.

216 Consulates In The United Embassy Kingdom.London https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. "The Old American Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 214 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/.

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217 217 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 215 "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planning217 Consulates In The United Embassy Kingdom.London https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. "The Old American Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy &

Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. applications-decisions-archived-records. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 218 218 Booth, William. 2017. "New US Embassy In London: Thameside Glass Cube Replaces 1950S Concrete Complex In Mayfair Square". The 216 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 218 Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/design/new-us-embassy-london-photos-pictures-nine-elms-thames-river-glass-modernistBooth, William. 2017. "New US Embassy In London: Thameside Glass Cube Replaces 1950S Concrete Complex In Mayfair Square". The Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. grovesnor-square-a8124261.html. Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/design/new-us-embassy-london-photos-pictures-nine-elms-thames-river-glass-modernistgrovesnor-square-a8124261.html. 217 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 219 219 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 219 Consulates In The United Embassy Kingdom.London https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. "The Old American Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 218 Booth, William. 2017. "New US Embassy In London: Thameside Glass Cube Replaces 1950S Concrete Complex In Mayfair Square". The 220 220 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/design/new-us-embassy-london-photos-pictures-nine-elms-thames-river-glass-modernist220 Consulates In The United Embassy Kingdom.London https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. "The Old American Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & grovesnor-square-a8124261.html. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 221 221 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 219 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 221 Consulates In The United Embassy Kingdom.London https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. "The Old American Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. LONDON CHANCERY 222 222 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 220 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 222 Consulates In The United Embassy Kingdom.London https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. "The Old American Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & BUILDING Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 223 223 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 221 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 223 Consulates In The United Embassy Kingdom.London https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. "The Old American Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 224 224 Frearson, Amy. 2016. "David Chipperfield Plans To Convert US Embassy Into Hotel". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2016/04/07/david222 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 224 Frearson, Amy. 2016. "David Chipperfield Plans To Convert US Embassy Into Hotel". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2016/04/07/davidchipperfield-convert-eero-saarinen-us-embassy-mayfair-hotel-london/. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. chipperfield-convert-eero-saarinen-us-embassy-mayfair-hotel-london/. 225 225 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 223 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 225 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Consulates Consulates In In The The United United Kingdom. Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 226 226 "US Embassy In London: A Bunker In The 'Burbs - Icon Magazine". 2018. Iconeye.Com. 224 Frearson, Amy. 2016. "David Chipperfield Plans To Convert US Embassy Into Hotel". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2016/04/07/david226 "US Embassy In London: A Bunker In The 'Burbs - Icon Magazine". 2018. Iconeye.Com. https://www.iconeye.com/architecture/features/item/12906-us-embassy-in-london-a-bunker-in-the-burbs. chipperfield-convert-eero-saarinen-us-embassy-mayfair-hotel-london/. https://www.iconeye.com/architecture/features/item/12906-us-embassy-in-london-a-bunker-in-the-burbs. 227 227 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 225 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & 227 "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & Consulates Consulates In In The The United United Kingdom. Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. 228 228 "US Embassy In London: A Bunker In The 'Burbs - Icon Magazine". 2018. Iconeye.Com. 226 "US Embassy In London: A Bunker In The 'Burbs - Icon Magazine". 2018. Iconeye.Com. 228 https://www.iconeye.com/architecture/features/item/12906-us-embassy-in-london-a-bunker-in-the-burbs. "US Embassy In London: A Bunker In The 'Burbs - Icon Magazine". 2018. Iconeye.Com. https://www.iconeye.com/architecture/features/item/12906-us-embassy-in-london-a-bunker-in-the-burbs. 229 229 "US Embassy In London: A Bunker In The 'Burbs - Icon Magazine". 2018. Iconeye.Com. https://www.iconeye.com/architecture/features/item/12906-us-embassy-in-london-a-bunker-in-the-burbs. 229 https://www.iconeye.com/architecture/features/item/12906-us-embassy-in-london-a-bunker-in-the-burbs. Embassy In London: A Bunker In The 'Burbs - Icon Magazine". 2018. Iconeye.Com. 227 "US "The Old American Embassy London Chancery Building | U.S. Embassy & Consulates In The United Kingdom". 2019. U.S. Embassy & https://www.iconeye.com/architecture/features/item/12906-us-embassy-in-london-a-bunker-in-the-burbs. Consulates In The United Kingdom. https://uk.usembassy.gov/the-american-embassy-london-chancery-building/. Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2016/04/07/davidDezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2016/04/07/davidchipperfield-convert-eero-saarinen-us-embassy-mayfair-hotel-london/. https://www.iconeye.com/architecture/features/item/12906-us-embassy-in-london-a-bunker-in-the-burbs. chipperfield-convert-eero-saarinen-us-embassy-mayfair-hotel-london/. 229 "US Embassy In London: A Bunker In The 'Burbs - Icon Magazine". 2018. Iconeye.Com. https://www.iconeye.com/architecture/features/item/12906-us-embassy-in-london-a-bunker-in-the-burbs. 231 231 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 231 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. FAILURE TO STORE 230 230 Frearson, Amy. 2016. "David Chipperfield Plans To Convert US Embassy Into Hotel". 228 "US Embassy In London: A Bunker In The 'Burbs - Icon Magazine". 2018. Iconeye.Com. 230 Frearson, Amy. 2016. "David Chipperfield Plans To Convert US Embassy Into Hotel". chipperfield-convert-eero-saarinen-us-embassy-mayfair-hotel-london/.

Frearson, Amy. 2016. "David Chipperfield Plans To Convert US Embassy Into Hotel". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2016/04/07/davidchipperfield-convert-eero-saarinen-us-embassy-mayfair-hotel-london/.



"GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/.

"Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 232

"Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 233

"Pembroke House," in Survey of London: Volume 13, St Margaret, Westminster, Part II: Whitehall I, ed. Montagu H Cox and Philip Norman (London: London County Council, 1930), 167-179. British History Online, accessed February 27, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/surveylondon/vol13/pt2/pp167-179. 234

"Henry Herbert, 10Th Earl Of Pembroke". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/10th.earl.html. 235

"Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 236

"Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 237

"Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 238

"Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 239

"Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. “They are "within the courtyard spaces on the third and fourth floors" and were "reassembled from parts stored in 1936". These rooms are called: Room 27 - The former gallery. Room 25. Room 24 - A former bedroom, from the N wing of Pembroke House. Room 13 - A former bedroom, from the N wing of Pembroke House.” 240

"Pembroke House," in Survey of London: Volume 13, St Margaret, Westminster, Part II: Whitehall I, ed. Montagu H Cox and Philip Norman (London: London County Council, 1930), 167-179. British History Online, accessed February 27, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/surveylondon/vol13/pt2/pp167-179. 241

"Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 242

"Pembroke House," in Survey of London: Volume 13, St Margaret, Westminster, Part II: Whitehall I, ed. Montagu H Cox and Philip Norman (London: London County Council, 1930), 167-179. British History Online, accessed February 27, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/surveylondon/vol13/pt2/pp167-179. “With regard to this figure the surveyor-general in 1802 expressed the opinion that the money had been "injudiciously expended," and pointed to the great disadvantage to the Crown "of having the property revert at the end of the lease, covered with a mass of building so very disproportionate in value, both to the sum it has cost and to the extent and situation of the ground it occupies." “ 142 243

"Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 244

"Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 245

"Ministry Of Defence Main Building MOD - Horse Guards Avenue SW1A 2HB | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-sw1/horse-guards-avenue/ministry-of-defence-main-building-mod/id/8462. 246

http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/10th.earl.html. 237 http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. "Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. 237 http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. "Pembroke Accessed February February 27. 236 "Pembroke House, House, London". London". 2019. 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed 27. 238 "Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 238 http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. "Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. 238 http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. "Pembroke House, London". 2019. 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed Accessed February February 27. 27. 237 "Pembroke House, London". 239 "Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 239 http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. "Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. 239 http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. "Pembroke House, London". 238 "Pembroke House, London". 2019. 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed Accessed February February 27. 27. 240 "Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 240 http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. "Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. 240 “They are "within the courtyard spacesHumphrysfamilytree.Com. on the third and fourth Accessed floors" andFebruary were "reassembled from parts stored in 1936". These rooms are http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. "Pembroke House, London". 2019. 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. 239 "Pembroke House, London". 27. “They are "within spacesRoom on the and24fourth floors"bedroom, and were from "reassembled from storedHouse. in 1936". These are called: Room 27 - the Thecourtyard former gallery. 25.third Room - A former the N wing of parts Pembroke Room 13 -rooms A former http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. “They are "within spacesRoom onHouse.” the and24fourth floors"bedroom, and were from "reassembled from storedHouse. in 1936". These are called: Room 27the - the The former gallery. 25.third Room - A former the N wing of parts Pembroke Room 13 -rooms A former bedroom, from N courtyard wing of Pembroke 240 called: Room 27House, - The former gallery. 25. Room 24 - A former bedroom, from bedroom, from the N wing of Pembroke House.” "Pembroke London". 2019. Room Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. the N wing of Pembroke House. Room 13 - A former 241 "Pembroke in Survey of London:House.” Volume 13, St Margaret, Westminster, Part II: Whitehall I, ed. Montagu H Cox and Philip Norman bedroom, fromHouse," the N wing of Pembroke http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 241 "Pembroke (London: County Council, British Historyfloors" Online, accessed February 27, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/surveyHouse," in Survey of 1930), London: Volume 13, St fourth Margaret, Westminster, II: Whitehall I, ed.parts Montagu H Cox and Philip “They areLondon "within the courtyard spaces on167-179. the third and and werePart "reassembled from stored in 1936". TheseNorman rooms are 241 "Pembroke london/vol13/pt2/pp167-179. (London: London Council, 167-179. British History Online, accessed February 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/surveyin Survey of 1930), London: Volume 13, St24Margaret, Westminster, Part II: the Whitehall I, ed. Montagu HHouse. Cox and Philip called: Room 27House," - County The former gallery. Room 25. Room - A former bedroom, from N27, wing of Pembroke Room 13Norman - A former london/vol13/pt2/pp167-179. (London: County 1930), House.” 167-179. British History Online, accessed February 27, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/surveybedroom,London from HOUSE the N wingCouncil, of Pembroke PEMBROKE 242 "Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. london/vol13/pt2/pp167-179. 242 http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. House, London". Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 241 "Pembroke "Pembroke House," in Survey 2019. of London: Volume 13, St Margaret, Westminster, Part27. II: Whitehall I, ed. Montagu H Cox and Philip Norman 242 http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. "Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. FebruaryFebruary 27. (London: London County Council, 1930), 167-179. British HistoryAccessed Online, accessed 27, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/survey243 "Pembroke House," in Survey of London: Volume 13, St Margaret, Westminster, Part II: Whitehall I, ed. Montagu H Cox and Philip Norman http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. london/vol13/pt2/pp167-179. 243 (London: London Countyin Council, British History Online, accessedPart February 27, 2019, "Pembroke House," Survey of1930), London:167-179. Volume 13, St Margaret, Westminster, II: Whitehall I, ed.http://www.british-history.ac.uk/surveyMontagu H Cox and Philip Norman 243 london/vol13/pt2/pp167-179. (London: London County 167-179. British HistoryAccessed Online, accessed February 27, 2019, "Pembroke House," in Council, Survey2019. of1930), London: Volume 13, St Margaret, Westminster, Part I, ed.http://www.british-history.ac.uk/surveyMontagu H Cox and Philip Norman 242 "Pembroke House, London". Humphrysfamilytree.Com. February 27.II: Whitehall “With regard to this figureCouncil, the surveyor-general in 1802 the opinion the money had been "injudiciously expended," and pointed london/vol13/pt2/pp167-179. (London: London County 1930), 167-179. Britishexpressed History Online, accessedthat February 27, 2019, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/surveyhttp://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. “With regarddisadvantage to this figuretothe 1802 expressed theat opinion that had been "injudiciously expended," and pointed to the great thesurveyor-general Crown "of havingin the property revert the end of the money lease, covered with a mass of building so very london/vol13/pt2/pp167-179. “With regarddisadvantage toHouse," this figure the 1802 theat opinion that money had been "injudiciously expended," and pointed to the great thesurveyor-general Crown "of itVolume having the property thesituation end of the lease, covered with a mass of building so Norman very 243 disproportionate in value, both to sum has in cost to therevert extent and the ground it occupies." "Pembroke into Survey ofthe London: 13,and Stexpressed Margaret, Westminster, Part II:ofWhitehall I, ed. Montagu H“ Cox and Philip to the great disadvantage theto Crown "of167-179. the property thesituation end February of the lease, covered with a mass disproportionate in value, to both the sum ithaving has cost and to therevert extent of the ground occupies." “ of building so very (London: London County Council, 1930), British History Online,atand accessed 27, 2019,ithttp://www.british-history.ac.uk/surveydisproportionate in value, both to the sum it has cost and to the extent and situation of the ground it occupies." “ london/vol13/pt2/pp167-179. 244 "Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. “With regard to this figure the surveyor-general in 1802 expressed the opinion that the money had been "injudiciously expended," and pointed 244 http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. "Pembroke House, London". to the great disadvantage to the 2019. CrownHumphrysfamilytree.Com. "of having the propertyAccessed revert at February the end of27. the lease, covered with a mass of building so very 244 http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. "Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. February 27.of the ground it occupies." “ disproportionate in value, both to the sum it has cost and to theAccessed extent and situation 245 "Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 245 http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. "Pembroke House, London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 27. 245 http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. House, London". 244 "Pembroke "Pembroke House, London". 2019. 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed Accessed February February 27. 27. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. 246 "Ministry Of Defence Main Building MOD - Horse Guards Avenue SW1A 2HB | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. 246 "Ministry OfHouse, Defence Main Building MOD - Horse Guards Avenue SW1A 2HB |27. Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-sw1/horse-guards-avenue/ministry-of-defence-main-building-mod/id/8462. 245 "Pembroke London". 2019. Humphrysfamilytree.Com. Accessed February 246 "Ministry Of Defence Main Building MOD - Horse Guards Avenue SW1A 2HB | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-sw1/horse-guards-avenue/ministry-of-defence-main-building-mod/id/8462. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-sw1/horse-guards-avenue/ministry-of-defence-main-building-mod/id/8462. 247 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 247 "GPS Coordinates Finder And Longitude Finder |Avenue GPS Coordinates Long". 2019. GPS Buildington.Co.Uk. Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 246 "Ministry Of Defence Main| Latitude Building MOD - Horse Guards SW1A 2HB| Lat | Buildington". 2019. Accessed February 27. NECROPOLIS 248 247 "Planning Register: Finder Search |For, View,And AndLongitude CommentFinder On Planning Applications". 2019. Southwark Council. "GPS Coordinates Latitude | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-sw1/horse-guards-avenue/ministry-of-defence-main-building-mod/id/8462. 248 https://www.southwark.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-applications/planning-register-search-for-view-and-comment-on-planning"Planning Register: Search For, View, And Comment On Planning Applications". 2019. Southwark Council. RAILWAY 248 applications. https://www.southwark.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-applications/planning-register-search-for-view-and-comment-on-planning"Planning Register: Search For, View, And Comment On Planning Applications". 2019. Southwark Council. applications. https://www.southwark.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-applications/planning-register-search-for-view-and-comment-on-planning247 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 249 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-theapplications. 249 passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. Ruggeri, Amanda. "The Train Created Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-the248 "Planning Register:2016. Search For,Passenger View, And Comment OnToPlanning Applications". 2019. Southwark Council. 249 passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thehttps://www.southwark.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-applications/planning-register-search-for-view-and-comment-on-planning250 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. applications. 250 passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-the250 passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. Ruggeri, Amanda. Amanda. 2016. 2016. "The "The Passenger Passenger Train Train Created Created To To Carry Carry The The Dead". Dead". Bbc.Com. Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thehttp://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-the249 Ruggeri, passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 250

Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-theRuggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 252 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-the252 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 253 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-the253 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 254 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-the254 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 255 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-the255 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 256 Wignall, Katie. 2017. "London Necropolis Railway: The Train For The Dead". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/london256 Wignall, Katie. 2017. "London Necropolis Railway: The Train For The Dead". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/londonnecropolis-railway/. necropolis-railway/. 257 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-the257 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 258 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-the258 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 259 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-the259 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 260 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-the260 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 261 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-the261 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 262 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 262 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 263 "Planning Register: Search For, View, And Comment On Planning Applications". 2019. Southwark Council. 263 "Planning Register: Search For, View, And Comment On Planning Applications". 2019. Southwark Council. https://www.southwark.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-applications/planning-register-search-for-view-and-comment-on-planninghttps://www.southwark.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-applications/planning-register-search-for-view-and-comment-on-planningapplications. applications. 264 Fulcher, Melin. 2013. "C20 Society Speaks Out Over Sampson House Demolition". Architects Journal. 264 Fulcher, Melin. 2013. "C20 Society Speaks Out Over Sampson House Demolition". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. 143 265 Fulcher, Melin. 2013. "C20 Society Speaks Out Over Sampson House Demolition". Architects Journal. 265 Fulcher, Melin. 2013. "C20 Society Speaks Out Over Sampson House Demolition". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. 266 Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalist266 Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalistbuildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. buildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. 267 Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalist267 Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalistbuildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. buildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. “It was built in 1976-9 as a processing centre for Lloyds Bank and was designed by Fitzroy Robinson & Partners (now Aukett Fitzroy Robinson) “It waswas builtalso in 1976-9 as for a processing centre for Bank and in was designed by Queen Fitzroy Anne's Robinson & Partners (now Aukett Fitzroy Robinson) which architect the construction (andLloyds refurbishment 2004-6) of 50 Gate in Westminster.” which was also architect for the construction (and refurbishment in 2004-6) of 50 Queen Anne's Gate in Westminster.” 268 Champ, Hamish. 2019. "Mcgee Starts Work To Dismantle Brutalist Sampson House". Building. https://www.building.co.uk/news/mcgee-starts251 251

Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead.


Wignall, Katie. 2017. "London Necropolis Railway: The Train For The Dead". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/londonnecropolis-railway/.


Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 257

Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 258

Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 259

Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-thepassenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 261 Ruggeri, Amanda. 2016. "The Passenger Train Created To Carry The Dead". Bbc.Com. http://www.bbc.com/autos/story/20161018-theSAMPSON HOUSE passenger-train-that-carried-the-dead. 260


"GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/.

"Planning Register: Search For, View, And Comment On Planning Applications". 2019. Southwark Council. https://www.southwark.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-applications/planning-register-search-for-view-and-comment-on-planningapplications. 263

Fulcher, Melin. 2013. "C20 Society Speaks Out Over Sampson House Demolition". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. 264

Fulcher, Melin. 2013. "C20 Society Speaks Out Over Sampson House Demolition". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. 265

Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalistbuildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. 266

Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalistbuildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. “It was built in 1976-9 as a processing centre for Lloyds Bank and was designed by Fitzroy Robinson & Partners (now Aukett Fitzroy Robinson) which was also architect for the construction (and refurbishment in 2004-6) of 50 Queen Anne's Gate in Westminster.” 267

Champ, Hamish. 2019. "Mcgee Starts Work To Dismantle Brutalist Sampson House". Building. https://www.building.co.uk/news/mcgee-startswork-to-dismantle-brutalist-sampson-house/5097417.article. 268

Fulcher, Melin. 2013. "C20 Society Speaks Out Over Sampson House Demolition". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. “PLP submitted 130,000m² plans to replace the 1979 Lloyds Bank processing house with six new buildings “ 269

Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalistbuildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. “Tragically, despite objections, in October 2013 Southwark London Borough Council approved plans to build an apartment building complex on the Sampson House site.” 270

Fulcher, Melin. 2013. "C20 Society Speaks Out Over Sampson House Demolition". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. 271

Fulcher, Melin. 2013. "C20 Society Speaks Out Over Sampson House Demolition". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. 272

Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalistFulcher, Melin. 2013. "C20 Society Speaks Out Over Sampson House Demolition". Architects Journal. buildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. 273 272

“The project will2019. be delivered in phases as existing occupants' leases expire, meaning could last from 2015 until early 2023.” 273 Daley, Roco. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, construction England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalistbuildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. 274 Welch, Adrian. 2017. "Ludgate House & Sampson House - Southwark - E-Architect". E-Architect. https://www.earchitect.co.uk/london/ludgate-sampson-houses. “The project will be delivered in phases as existing occupants' leases expire, meaning construction could last from 2015 until early 2023.” “The project will be delivered in multiple phases following the lease expiries of the current tenants at Ludgate House in Q1 2015, and Sampson House in Q2 2018, and it is anticipated that works will be completed between mid-2020 and early 2023.” 274 Welch, Adrian. 2017. "Ludgate House & Sampson House - Southwark - E-Architect". E-Architect. https://www.earchitect.co.uk/london/ludgate-sampson-houses. 275 "Twentieth Century Society Objects To Sampson House Demolition". 2013. London SE1. https://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/view/6637. “The project will be delivered in multiple phases following the lease expiries of the current tenants at Ludgate House in Q1 2015, and Sampson “The Twentieth Century Society, which campaigns to safeguard the heritage of architecture and design since 1914, has lodged a formal House in Q2 2018, and it is anticipated that works will be completed between mid-2020 and early 2023.” objection to the demolition of Sampson House on Bankside.” "Twentieth Century Society Objects To Sampson House Demolition". 2013. London SE1. https://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/view/6637. "Twentieth Objects Sampson Demolition". 2013. London SE1. and https://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/view/6637. “The TwentiethCentury CenturySociety Society, which To campaigns toHouse safeguard the heritage of architecture design since 1914, has lodged a formal objection to the demolition of Sampson House on Bankside.” 277 Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalistbuildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. 276 "Twentieth Century Society Objects To Sampson House Demolition". 2013. London SE1. https://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/view/6637. “Fitzroy Robinson & Partners … also architect for the construction (and refurbishment in 2004-6) of 50 Queen Anne's Gate in Westminster.” 275 276

277 Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalist278 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. buildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. HOLLOWAY “Fitzroy RobinsonPRISON & Partners … also architect for the construction (and refurbishment in 2004-6) of 50 Queen Anne's Gate in Westminster.” 279 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20278 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf.

Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. "1852 – Holloway Prison, London". 2019. Archiseek - Irish Architecture. http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. 281 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its280 "1852 – Holloway Prison, London". 2019. Archiseek - Irish Architecture. http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. notorious-inmates.html. 279 280

281 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold 282 "London Square Unlocks £500M Holloway Prison". 2018. Egi. https://www.egi.co.uk/news/london-square-unlocks-500m-holloway-prison/. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its“The 10-acre site, on Parkhurst Road, could provide more than 1,000 new homes…” notorious-inmates.html.

Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington "London Square Unlocks £500M Holloway Prison". 2018. Egi. https://www.egi.co.uk/news/london-square-unlocks-500m-holloway-prison/. Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20“The 10-acre site, on Parkhurst Road, could provide more than 1,000 new homes…” %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.3 283 282


Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington

144 Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20284

Dransfield, Louise. 2016. "Holloway Prison Sale Moves A Step Closer". Building. https://www.building.co.uk/news/holloway-prison-sale-moves%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.3 a-step-closer/5083342.article.

“Holloway…has been 2016. home "Holloway to notorious killers including 284 Dransfield, Louise. Prison Sale Moves

Moors Myra Hindley.” A Step murderer Closer". Building. https://www.building.co.uk/news/holloway-prison-sale-moves-

a-step-closer/5083342.article. 285 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold “Holloway…has been home to notorious killers including Moors murderer Myra Hindley.” Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsnotorious-inmates.html.

Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its285 286

“The project beand delivered inObjects multiple phases following the lease expiries of mid-2020 the current at Ludgate House in Q1 2015, and Sampson 275 "Twentieth House in Q2 will 2018, it is anticipated that works will be completed between andtenants early 2023.” Century Society To Sampson House Demolition". 2013. London SE1. https://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/view/6637. House in Q2 2018, and Society it Society, is anticipated works will be completed between andand early 2023.” 275 “The Twentieth Century whichthat campaigns toHouse safeguard the heritage of mid-2020 architecture design since 1914, has lodged a formal "Twentieth Century Objects To Sampson Demolition". 2013. London SE1. https://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/view/6637. 275 "Twentieth Century Society Objects To Sampson House Demolition". 2013. London SE1. https://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/view/6637. “The Twentieth Society, which House campaigns to safeguard the heritage of architecture and design since 1914, has lodged a formal objection to the Century demolition of Sampson on Bankside.” 275 "Twentieth Century Society Objects To Sampson House Demolition". 2013. London SE1. https://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/view/6637. “The Twentieth Society, which House campaigns to safeguard the heritage of architecture and design since 1914, has lodged a formal objection to the Century demolition of Sampson on Bankside.” “The Twentieth Century Society, which To campaigns toHouse safeguard the heritage of architecture design since 1914, has lodged a formal 276 objection to theCentury demolition of Sampson House on Bankside.” "Twentieth Society Objects Sampson Demolition". 2013. London SE1. and https://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/view/6637. objection to theCentury demolition of Sampson House on Bankside.” 276 "Twentieth Society Objects To Sampson House Demolition". 2013. London SE1. https://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/view/6637. 276 "Twentieth Century Society Objects To Sampson House Demolition". 2013. London SE1. https://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/view/6637. 277 Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalist276 "Twentieth Century Society Objects To Sampson House Demolition". 2013. London SE1. https://www.london-se1.co.uk/news/view/6637. 277 Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalistbuildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. 277 Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalist“Fitzroy Robinson & Partners … also architect for the construction (and refurbishment in 2004-6) of 50 Queen Anne's Gate in Westminster.” buildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. 277 Daley, Roco. 2019. "BRUTALISM:ONLINE - Sampson House, Southwark, London, England". Brutalism.Online. http://brutalism.online/brutalistbuildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. “Fitzroy Robinson & Partners … also architect for the construction (and refurbishment in 2004-6) of 50 Queen Anne's Gate in Westminster.” buildings/13-uk/334-sampson-house-southwark-london-england. 278 "GPS Robinson “Fitzroy & Partners also architect for the Finder construction (and refurbishment in 2004-6) 50Coordinates. Queen Anne's Gate in Westminster.” Coordinates Finder | … Latitude And Longitude | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. of GPS https://gps-coordinates.org/. “Fitzroy & Partners also architect for the Finder construction (and refurbishment in 2004-6) 50Coordinates. Queen Anne's Gate in Westminster.” 278 "GPS Robinson Coordinates Finder | … Latitude And Longitude | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. of GPS https://gps-coordinates.org/. 278 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 279 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. 278 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 279 https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. 279 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20279 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20280 %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. "1852 – Holloway Prison, London". 2019. Archiseek - Irish Architecture. http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. 280 "1852 – Holloway Prison, London". 2019. Archiseek - Irish Architecture. http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. 280 "1852 – Holloway HOLLOWAY 281 Prison, Archiseek - Irish http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. Clarke-Billings,PRISON Lucy. 2015.London". "Historic2019. Holloway Prison To Architecture. Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold 280 "1852 – Holloway Prison, London". 2019. Archiseek - Irish Architecture. http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. 281 Clarke-Billings, Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsLucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold 281 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold notorious-inmates.html. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its281 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsnotorious-inmates.html. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its282 notorious-inmates.html. "London Square Unlocks £500M Holloway Prison". 2018. Egi. https://www.egi.co.uk/news/london-square-unlocks-500m-holloway-prison/. notorious-inmates.html. 282 “The 10-acreSquare site, on Parkhurst Road, could provide new homes…” "London Unlocks £500M Holloway Prison".more 2018.than Egi.1,000 https://www.egi.co.uk/news/london-square-unlocks-500m-holloway-prison/. 282 "London Square Unlocks £500M Holloway Prison". 2018. Egi. https://www.egi.co.uk/news/london-square-unlocks-500m-holloway-prison/. “The 10-acre site, on Parkhurst Road, could provide more than 1,000 new homes…” 282 "London Square Unlocks £500M Holloway Prison". 2018. Egi. https://www.egi.co.uk/news/london-square-unlocks-500m-holloway-prison/. 283 “The 10-acrePrison site, Site on Parkhurst Road,Planning could provide more than 1,000 Holloway Supplementary Document (SPD) A Plan Fornew Thehomes…” Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington “The 10-acre site, Site on Parkhurst Road,Planning could provide more than 1,000 283 Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20Holloway Prison Supplementary Document (SPD) A Plan Fornew Thehomes…” Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington 283 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.3 Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20283 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.3 Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.3 %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.3 284 Dransfield, Louise. 2016. "Holloway Prison Sale Moves A Step Closer". Building. https://www.building.co.uk/news/holloway-prison-sale-moves284 Dransfield, Louise. 2016. "Holloway Prison Sale Moves A Step Closer". Building. https://www.building.co.uk/news/holloway-prison-sale-movesa-step-closer/5083342.article. 284 Dransfield, Louise. 2016. "Holloway Prison Sale Moves A Step Closer". Building. https://www.building.co.uk/news/holloway-prison-sale-movesa-step-closer/5083342.article. 284 Dransfield, Louise. 2016. "Holloway Prison Sale Moves A Step Closer". Building. https://www.building.co.uk/news/holloway-prison-sale-movesa-step-closer/5083342.article. “Holloway…has been home to notorious killers including Moors murderer Myra Hindley.” a-step-closer/5083342.article. “Holloway…has been home to notorious killers including Moors murderer Myra Hindley.” “Holloway…has been home to notorious killers including Moors murderer Myra Hindley.” “Holloway…has home notorious killers including Moors murderer Hindley.” 285 Clarke-Billings,been Lucy. 2015.to"Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Myra Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold 285 Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsClarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold 285 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold notorious-inmates.html. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its285 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsnotorious-inmates.html. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its286 notorious-inmates.html. Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold notorious-inmates.html. 286 Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsClarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold 286 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold notorious-inmates.html. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its286 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsnotorious-inmates.html. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its287 notorious-inmates.html. Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold notorious-inmates.html. 287 Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsClarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold 287 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold notorious-inmates.html. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its287 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsnotorious-inmates.html. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its288 notorious-inmates.html. Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold notorious-inmates.html. 288 Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsClarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold 288 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold notorious-inmates.html. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its288 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsnotorious-inmates.html. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its289 Clarke-Billings, notorious-inmates.html. Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold notorious-inmates.html. 289 Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsClarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold 289 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold notorious-inmates.html. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its289 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsnotorious-inmates.html. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its290 Clarke-Billings, notorious-inmates.html. Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold notorious-inmates.html. Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsnotorious-inmates.html. “But now the prison will be closed and sold off for housing, George Osborne has announced.” 290 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-its291 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. notorious-inmates.html. SAINSBURY’S “But now the prison will be closed and sold off for housing, George Osborne has announced.” 55292BUGSBY Greenwich, WAY Royal. 2019. "Where To View Planning Documents | View Planning Applications, Decisions And Appeals | Royal Borough Of Greenwich". Royalgreenwich.Gov.Uk. 291 https://www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/info/200193/planning_applications_and_permissions/21/view_planning_applications_decisions_and_appeals. "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. "Sainsbury’s,Royal. Greenwich, London — Century Society". C20society.Org.Uk. AccessedAnd February 26.| Royal Borough Of Greenwich, 2019. "Where ToThe ViewTwentieth Planning Documents | View2019. Planning Applications, Decisions Appeals https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. Greenwich". Royalgreenwich.Gov.Uk. https://www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/info/200193/planning_applications_and_permissions/21/view_planning_applications_decisions_and_appeals. 294 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 293 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 295 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 294 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 296 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 295 https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 297 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 296 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 298 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 297 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 299 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 298 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 300 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 299 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 301 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 300 https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 302 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 301 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 303 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 145 302 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 304 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 303 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 305 "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planninghttps://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. applications-decisions-archived-records. 304 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 306 Court Blog". Park Grand Paddington Court Blog. 305 https://www.parkgrandpaddingtoncourt.co.uk/blog/explore-best-brutalist-landmarks-london/. "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planningapplications-decisions-archived-records. 307 "Macadam Building - Surrey Street WC2R 2NS | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 26. 293 292

Greenwich, Royal. 2019. "Where To View Planning Documents | View Planning Applications, Decisions And Appeals | Royal Borough Of Greenwich". Royalgreenwich.Gov.Uk. 291 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/info/200193/planning_applications_and_permissions/21/view_planning_applications_decisions_and_appeals. 292

Greenwich, Royal. 2019. "Where To View Planning Documents | View Planning Applications, Decisions And Appeals | Royal Borough Of "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. Greenwich". Royalgreenwich.Gov.Uk. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/info/200193/planning_applications_and_permissions/21/view_planning_applications_decisions_and_appeals. 292 293

294 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 293 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 295 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 294 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/.

"Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 296 295

297 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 296 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/.

SAINSBURY’S 298 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 297 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 55https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. BUGSBY WAY https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 299 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 298 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/.

"Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 300 299

301 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 300 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/.

"Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 302 301

303 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 302 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/.

"GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 303 "Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London — The Twentieth Century Society". 2019. C20society.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. MACADAM https://c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/. 305 "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planningBUILDING 304

applications-decisions-archived-records. 304 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. Court Blog". Park Grand Paddington Court Blog. "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planninghttps://www.parkgrandpaddingtoncourt.co.uk/blog/explore-best-brutalist-landmarks-london/. applications-decisions-archived-records. 306 305

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311 Curry, Rhiannon. 2016. "King's College London To Sell Strand Building". The Telegraph. 310 "Macadam Building - Surrey Street WC2R 2NS | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/03/03/kings-college-london-to-sell-strand-building/. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-wc2/surrey-street/macadam-building/id/2245. “The building has already garnered interest from developers wanting to turn it into a hotel, flats, offices or a cultural centre, selling agents Savills said” 311 Curry, Rhiannon. 2016. "King's College London To Sell Strand Building". The Telegraph. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/03/03/kings-college-london-to-sell-strand-building/. “The building has already garnered interest from developers wanting to turn it into a hotel, flats, offices or a cultural centre, selling agents Savills 312 "Bush House Fully Opens". 2018. 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Kclsu.Org. https://www.kclsu.org/news/article/6015/Bush-House-fully-opens/. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/03/03/kings-college-london-to-sell-strand-building/. 313 Curry, Rhiannon. 2016. "King's College London To Sell Strand Building". The Telegraph. 314 "Bush House Fully Opens". 2018. Kclsu.Org. https://www.kclsu.org/news/article/6015/Bush-House-fully-opens/. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/03/03/kings-college-london-to-sell-strand-building/. “After finally saying goodbye the Macadam last week we have completed our move into our new Bush House Space. Our new home 314 "Bush House Fully Opens".to2018. Kclsu.Org.building https://www.kclsu.org/news/article/6015/Bush-House-fully-opens/. “After finally saying goodbye to the Building Macadamwill building lastusweek havebetter completed our move into our new Bush House Space. Our new home across the road from the Macadam provide with we bigger, and better-equipped spaces.” 314 "Bush House Fully Opens". 2018. Kclsu.Org. https://www.kclsu.org/news/article/6015/Bush-House-fully-opens/. across the road from the Macadam provide with we bigger, and better-equipped spaces.” “After finally saying goodbye to the Building Macadamwill building lastusweek havebetter completed our move into our new Bush House Space. Our new home across the road from the Macadam Building will provide us with bigger, better and better-equipped spaces.” “After finally saying2018. goodbye to the lastOf week weCollege have completed move into King's our new BushLondon. House Space. Our new home 315 Tolley, Henry. "An Ode ToMacadam The Mostbuilding Beautiful King's Buildings:our Bush House". College across the Henry. road from the"An Macadam willBeautiful provide us bigger, better and better-equipped spaces.” 315 https://thetab.com/uk/kings/2017/10/31/an-ode-to-the-most-beautiful-of-kings-college-buildings-bush-house-17249. Tolley, 2018. Ode ToBuilding The Most Ofwith King's College Buildings: Bush House". King's College London. 315 https://thetab.com/uk/kings/2017/10/31/an-ode-to-the-most-beautiful-of-kings-college-buildings-bush-house-17249. Tolley, Henry. 2018. "An Ode To The Most Beautiful Of King's College Buildings: Bush House". King's College London. 316 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://thetab.com/uk/kings/2017/10/31/an-ode-to-the-most-beautiful-of-kings-college-buildings-bush-house-17249. WELBECK STREET 315 Henry. 2018. "An Ode To The Most Beautiful Of King's Buildings: House". College London. 316 Tolley, "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPSCollege Coordinates | LatBush Long". 2019. King's GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://thetab.com/uk/kings/2017/10/31/an-ode-to-the-most-beautiful-of-kings-college-buildings-bush-house-17249. 317 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will |Definitely Be Demolished To Make Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 316 CAR PARK "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019.Way GPS For Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 317 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 316 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 317 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 318 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 317 Block, India. 2019. 2019. "Brutalist "Brutalist Welbeck Welbeck Street Street Carpark Carpark Will Will Definitely Definitely Be Be Demolished Demolished To To Make Make Way Way For For Luxury Luxury Hotel". Hotel". Dezeen. 318 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 318 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 319 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 318 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 319 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 319 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 320 "Welbeck Street Car Park - Parking In London | Parkme". 2019. Parkme.Com. https://www.parkme.com/en-gb/lot/102331/welbeck-street-carhttps://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 319 Block, India. 2019.Car "Brutalist Welbeck Carpark Will2019. Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 320 park-london-uk. "Welbeck Street Park - Parking In Street London | Parkme". Parkme.Com. https://www.parkme.com/en-gb/lot/102331/welbeck-street-carhttps://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 320 "Welbeck Street Car Park - Parking In London | Parkme". 2019. Parkme.Com. https://www.parkme.com/en-gb/lot/102331/welbeck-street-carpark-london-uk. 321 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. park-london-uk. 320 "Welbeck Street Car Park - Parking In London | Parkme". 2019. Parkme.Com. https://www.parkme.com/en-gb/lot/102331/welbeck-street-car321 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. park-london-uk. 321 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 322 Wignall, Katie. 2018. "Farwell Welbeck Street Car Park | Should It Be Demolished?". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeckhttps://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 321 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Will Definitely Demolished To Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 322 street-car-park/. Wignall, Katie. 2018. "FarwellWelbeck WelbeckStreet StreetCarpark Car Park | Should It BeBe Demolished?". LookMake Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeckhttps://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 322 street-car-park/. Wignall, Katie. 2018. "Farwell Welbeck Street Car Park | Should It Be Demolished?". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeck323 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. street-car-park/. 322 Wignall, Katie. 2018. "FarwellWelbeck WelbeckStreet StreetCarpark Car Park | Should It BeBe Demolished?". LookMake Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeck323 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Will Definitely Demolished To Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. street-car-park/. 323 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 146 324 "Diamonds Are Forever, Say Brutalist Car Park Campaigners". 2017. Twentieth Century Society. https://c20society.org.uk/news/diamonds-arehttps://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 323 India.Are 2019. "Brutalist Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished Make https://c20society.org.uk/news/diamonds-areWay For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 324 Block, forever-say-brutalist-car-park-campaigners/. "Diamonds Forever, Say Welbeck Brutalist Car Park Campaigners". 2017. Twentieth CenturyTo Society. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 324 forever-say-brutalist-car-park-campaigners/. "Diamonds Are Forever, Say Brutalist Car Park Campaigners". 2017. Twentieth Century Society. https://c20society.org.uk/news/diamonds-are-

forever-say-brutalist-car-park-campaigners/. 324 "Diamonds Are2018. Forever, Say Brutalist ParkCar Campaigners". 2017. CenturyLook Society. https://c20society.org.uk/news/diamonds-are325 Wignall, Katie. "Farwell WelbeckCar Street Park | Should It BeTwentieth Demolished?". Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeckforever-say-brutalist-car-park-campaigners/. 325 Wignall, Katie. 2018. "Farwell Welbeck Street Car Park | Should It Be Demolished?". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeckstreet-car-park/. 325 street-car-park/. Wignall, Katie. 2018. "Farwell Welbeck Street Car Park | Should It Be Demolished?". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeckstreet-car-park/. 325 Wignall, Katie. 2018. "Farwell Welbeck Street Car Park | Should It Be Demolished?". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeck326 "4 Reasons We Forget Things". 2019. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. street-car-park/. 326 "4 Reasons We Forget Things". 2019. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. 327 2018 "Guilty Architecture - BBCVerywell Sounds". 2019. BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b0b01rvh. 326 BBC. "4 Reasons We Forget Things". 2019. Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. 327 BBC. 2018 "Guilty Architecture - BBC Sounds". 2019. BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b0b01rvh.

"Bush House Fully Opens". 2018. Kclsu.Org. https://www.kclsu.org/news/article/6015/Bush-House-fully-opens/. Curry,House Rhiannon. 2016. "King's College London To Sell Strand Building". The Telegraph. "Bush "Bush House Fully Fully Opens". Opens". 2018. 2018. Kclsu.Org. Kclsu.Org. https://www.kclsu.org/news/article/6015/Bush-House-fully-opens/. https://www.kclsu.org/news/article/6015/Bush-House-fully-opens/. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/03/03/kings-college-london-to-sell-strand-building/. “After finally saying goodbye to the Macadam building last week we have completed our move into our new Bush House Space. Our new home “After finally saying goodbye to the Building Macadamwill building lastusweek havebetter completed our move into our new Bush House Space. Our new home across the road from the Macadam provide with we bigger, and better-equipped spaces.” 314 "Bush 313 Fully2016. Opens". 2018. Kclsu.Org. https://www.kclsu.org/news/article/6015/Bush-House-fully-opens/. Curry,House Rhiannon. "King's College London To Sell Strand Building". The Telegraph. across the road from the Macadam Building will provide us with bigger, better and better-equipped spaces.” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/03/03/kings-college-london-to-sell-strand-building/. “After finally saying goodbye to the Macadam building last week we have completed our move into our new Bush House Space. Our new home 315 Tolley, Henry. 2018. "An Ode To The Most Beautiful Of King's College Buildings: Bush House". King's College London. 314 across theHouse road from the Macadam willhttps://www.kclsu.org/news/article/6015/Bush-House-fully-opens/. provide us bigger, better and better-equipped spaces.” Fully Opens". 2018. Kclsu.Org. 315 "Bush https://thetab.com/uk/kings/2017/10/31/an-ode-to-the-most-beautiful-of-kings-college-buildings-bush-house-17249. Tolley, Henry. 2018. "An Ode ToBuilding The Most Beautiful Ofwith King's College Buildings: Bush House". King's College London. 314 313 312 314

https://thetab.com/uk/kings/2017/10/31/an-ode-to-the-most-beautiful-of-kings-college-buildings-bush-house-17249. “After finally saying goodbye the Macadam building last week we Coordinates have completed move2019. into GPS our Coordinates. new Bush House Space. Our new home 316 "GPS Coordinates Finder to | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS | Latour Long". https://gps-coordinates.org/. 315 Tolley, Henry. 2018. "An Ode To The Most Beautiful Of King's College Buildings: Bush House". King's College London. across the road from the Macadam Building will provide us with bigger, better and better-equipped spaces.” 316 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://thetab.com/uk/kings/2017/10/31/an-ode-to-the-most-beautiful-of-kings-college-buildings-bush-house-17249. 317 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 317 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 316 Tolley, 315 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPSCollege Coordinates | LatBush Long". 2019. King's GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. Henry. 2018. "An Ode To The Most Beautiful Of King's Buildings: House". College London. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. https://thetab.com/uk/kings/2017/10/31/an-ode-to-the-most-beautiful-of-kings-college-buildings-bush-house-17249. 318 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 317 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 318 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 316 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 319 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 318 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 317 WELBECK 319 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India.STREET 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. CAR PARK 320 "Welbeck Street Car Park - Parking In London | Parkme". 2019. Parkme.Com. https://www.parkme.com/en-gb/lot/102331/welbeck-street-car319 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 318 320 park-london-uk. "Welbeck Street Car Park - Parking In London | Parkme". 2019. Parkme.Com. https://www.parkme.com/en-gb/lot/102331/welbeck-street-carhttps://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. park-london-uk. 321 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 320 Block, 319 "Welbeck Street Car Park - Parking In Street London | Parkme". 2019. Parkme.Com. https://www.parkme.com/en-gb/lot/102331/welbeck-street-car321 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. India. 2019. 2019. "Brutalist "Brutalist Welbeck Welbeck Street Carpark Carpark Will Will Definitely Definitely Be Be Demolished Demolished To To Make Make Way Way For For Luxury Luxury Hotel". Hotel". Dezeen. Dezeen. park-london-uk. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 322 Wignall, Katie. 2018. "Farwell Welbeck Street Car Park | Should It Be Demolished?". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeck321 "Welbeck 320 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Will Definitely Demolished To Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. Street Car Park - Parking In Street London | Parkme". 2019. Parkme.Com. https://www.parkme.com/en-gb/lot/102331/welbeck-street-car322 street-car-park/. Wignall, Katie. 2018. "Farwell Welbeck StreetCarpark Car Park | Should It BeBe Demolished?". LookMake Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeckhttps://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. park-london-uk. street-car-park/. 323 Block, India. 2019. "Brutalist Welbeck Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished To Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 322 Wignall, 321 Katie. 2018. "Farwell WelbeckStreet Street Car Park | Should It BeBe Demolished?". To Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeckBlock, 323 https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. Block, India. India. 2019. 2019. "Brutalist "Brutalist Welbeck Welbeck Street Carpark Carpark Will Will Definitely Definitely Be Demolished Demolished To Make Make Way Way For For Luxury Luxury Hotel". Hotel". Dezeen. Dezeen. street-car-park/. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 324 "Diamonds Are Forever, Say Brutalist Car Park Campaigners". 2017. Twentieth Century Society. https://c20society.org.uk/news/diamonds-are323 Wignall, 322 India. 2019. "Brutalist Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. Katie. 2018. "Farwell WelbeckCar Street Car Park | Should It BeTwentieth Demolished?". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeck324 Block, forever-say-brutalist-car-park-campaigners/. "Diamonds Are Forever, Say Welbeck Brutalist Park Campaigners". 2017. CenturyTo Society. https://c20society.org.uk/news/diamonds-arehttps://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. street-car-park/. forever-say-brutalist-car-park-campaigners/. 324 Block, 323 "Diamonds Are Forever, Say Welbeck Brutalist Park Campaigners". 2017. CenturyTo Society. https://c20society.org.uk/news/diamonds-areIndia. 2019. "Brutalist Street Carpark Will Definitely Be Demolished Make Way For Luxury Hotel". Dezeen. 325 Wignall, Katie. 2018. "Farwell WelbeckCar Street Car Park | Should It BeTwentieth Demolished?". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeckforever-say-brutalist-car-park-campaigners/. https://www.dezeen.com/2019/02/11/welbeck-street-car-park-demolish-shiva-hotel/. 325 Wignall, Katie. 2018. "Farwell Welbeck Street Car Park | Should It Be Demolished?". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeckstreet-car-park/. street-car-park/. 324 "Diamonds Are Forever, Say Brutalist Car Park Campaigners". 2017. Twentieth Century Society. https://c20society.org.uk/news/diamonds-are325 Wignall, Katie. 2018. "Farwell Welbeck Street Car Park | Should It Be Demolished?". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeckforever-say-brutalist-car-park-campaigners/. 326 "4 Reasons We Forget Things". 2019. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. MOTIVATIONAL street-car-park/. 326 "4 Reasons We Forget Things". 2019. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045.

FORGETTING 327 BBC. 2018 "Guilty Architecture - BBC Sounds". 2019. BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b0b01rvh.

325 Wignall, Katie. 2018. "Farwell Welbeck Street Car Park | Should It Be Demolished?". Look Up London Tours. https://lookup.london/welbeck327 BBC. 2018 "Guilty Architecture - BBC Sounds". 2019. BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b0b01rvh. 326 "4 Reasons We Forget Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. street-car-park/. 328 Glancey, Jonathan. 2018.Things". "Guilty2019. Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 328 Glancey, Jonathan. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 327 BBC. 2018 "Guilty Architecture - BBC Sounds". 2019. BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b0b01rvh. 329 Chipperfield, David. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 326 "4 Reasons We Forget Things". 2019. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/explanations-for-forgetting-2795045. 329 Chipperfield, David. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 328 Glancey, Jonathan. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 330 Chipperfield, David. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 327 BBC. 2018 "Guilty Architecture - BBC Sounds". 2019. BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b0b01rvh. 330 Chipperfield, David. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 329 Chipperfield, David. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 331 Foster, Norman. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 328 Glancey, Jonathan. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 331 Foster, Norman. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 330 Chipperfield, David. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 332 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 329 Chipperfield, David. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 332 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 331 Foster, Norman. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 333 "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planning330 Chipperfield, David. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 333 applications-decisions-archived-records. "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planning332 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/.

applications-decisions-archived-records. 331 Foster, Norman. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. TYBURN 334 "Tyburn Tree And Speakers Corner, London". 2019. Historic UK. https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMagazine/DestinationsUK/Tyburn-

333 "Planning Applications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planning334 "Tyburn Tree And Speakers Corner, London". 2019. Historic UK. https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMagazine/DestinationsUK/TyburnTree-Speakers-Corner/. 332 applications-decisions-archived-records. "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. Tree-Speakers-Corner/. 334 "Planning 333 "Tyburn Tree And Speakers Corner, London". 2019. Historic UK. https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMagazine/DestinationsUK/TyburnApplications, Decision Notices And Archived Records". 2019. Westminster City Council. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/planningTree-Speakers-Corner/. applications-decisions-archived-records.

"Tyburn Tree And Speakers Corner, London". 2019. Historic UK. https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMagazine/DestinationsUK/TyburnTree-Speakers-Corner/. 334

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Smith, Where Is 10 Place Rillington Place And Who There Now?". Express.Co.Uk. 417RILLINGTON 10415 Baillie, Reiss. Katie. 2016. 2016. "Rillington "What ThePlace: Real 10 Rillington In London Looks LikeLives Today | Metro News". Metro. https://www.express.co.uk/showbiz/tv-radio/741348/rillington-place-bbc-2016-where-is-10-rillington-place-who-lives-there-now. https://metro.co.uk/2016/11/30/chilling-pictures-of-the-real-10-rillington-place-before-it-was-demolished-to-erase-its-gruesome-past-6292178/. PLACE 416 416 Baillie, Katie. 2016. "What The Real 10 Rillington Place In London Looks Like Today | Metro News". Metro. https://metro.co.uk/2016/11/30/chilling-pictures-of-the-real-10-rillington-place-before-it-was-demolished-to-erase-its-gruesome-past-6292178/. 418 "Rillington Place – The Underground Map". 2015. Theundergroundmap.Com. http://www.theundergroundmap.com/wp/rillington-place/.

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"Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. 151 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. “The main body of the building was 1,848 feet (563 metres) long and 408 feet (124 metres) wide; … while its total floor area was about 990,000 square feet (92,000 square metres, or about 23 acres [9 hectares])”


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“For a number of years the Crystal Palace was the site of shows, exhibitions, concerts, football (soccer) matches, and other entertainments. “

435 435

Robson, Steve. 2013. "End Of An Era: Sad Pictures Of Inside Of What's Left Of BBC TV Centre As Doors Close For The Last Time And

Steve. "End Of An Sad 435 Robson, Robson, Steve. 2013. 2013. "End Of Online. An Era: Era:https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2295735/End-era-Inside-whats-left-BBC-Television-CentreSad Pictures Pictures Of Of Inside Inside Of Of What's What's Left Left Of Of BBC BBC TV TV Centre Centre As As Doors Doors Close Close For For The The Last Last Time Time And And DETERIORATION OFMail Staff Move Across London". 435 Staff Move Across London". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2295735/End-era-Inside-whats-left-BBC-Television-CentreRobson, Steve. 2013. "End Of An Era: Sad Pictures Of Inside Of What's Left Of BBC TV Centre As Doors Close For The Last Time And 435 Staff Move Across London". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2295735/End-era-Inside-whats-left-BBC-Television-CentreRobson, Steve. 2013. "End Of An Era: Sad Pictures Of Inside Of What's Left Of BBC TV Centre As Doors Close For The Last Time And 435 Robson, Steve. 2013. "End Of An Era: Sad Pictures Of Inside Of What's Left Of BBC TV Centre As Doors Close For The Last Time And doors-close-time-staff-London.html. doors-close-time-staff-London.html. Staff Move Across London". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2295735/End-era-Inside-whats-left-BBC-Television-Centre435 MEMORY FORM 435 doors-close-time-staff-London.html. Robson, Steve. 2013. "End Of An Era: Sad Pictures Of Inside Of What's Left Of BBC TV Centre As Doors Close For The Last Time And Staff Move Across London". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2295735/End-era-Inside-whats-left-BBC-Television-CentreStaff Move Across London". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2295735/End-era-Inside-whats-left-BBC-Television-Centre-

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Dementia UK. 436 Staff"What MoveIs London". https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2295735/End-era-Inside-whats-left-BBC-Television-Centredementia/advice-and-information/dementia-first-steps/what-is-dementia/. "What IsAcross Dementia? WhatMail AreOnline. The Symptoms? Symptoms? - Dementia Dementia UK". UK". 2019. 2019. Dementia Dementia UK. UK. https://www.dementiauk.org/understandinghttps://www.dementiauk.org/understanding436 Dementia? What Are The https://www.dementiauk.org/understandingdementia/advice-and-information/dementia-first-steps/what-is-dementia/. 436 436 doors-close-time-staff-London.html. "What Is Dementia?Finder What| Are The And Symptoms? - Dementia UK".Coordinates 2019. Dementia https://www.dementiauk.org/understandingdementia/advice-and-information/dementia-first-steps/what-is-dementia/. 437 dementia/advice-and-information/dementia-first-steps/what-is-dementia/. "GPS Coordinates Coordinates Latitude Longitude Finder || GPS GPS | LatUK. Long". 2019. 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Bbc.Co.Uk. 439 440 "BBC London History Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. 440 "BBC London History Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. “August 1852 saw the rebuilding work begin and in June 1854 Crystal Palace was re-opened in its new location by Queen Victoria.” “August saw rebuilding work begin in Palace http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. 440 440 "BBC 1852 - London - History - Crystal A History". 2014.Crystal Bbc.Co.Uk. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. “August 1852 saw the the rebuilding workPalace: begin and and in June June 1854 1854 Crystal Palace was was re-opened re-opened in in its its new new location location by by Queen Queen Victoria.” Victoria.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. “August 1852 saw the rebuilding work begin and in June 1854 Crystal Palace was re-opened in its new location by Queen Victoria.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. “August 1852 saw rebuilding work begin in 1854 Palace was in new by 441 “August 1852 saw ||the the rebuilding workUnited begin and and in June June 2019. 1854 Crystal Crystal PalaceBritannica. was re-opened re-opened in its its new location location by Queen Queen Victoria.” Victoria.” "Crystal Palace Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. 441 "Crystal Palace Building, London, Kingdom". Encyclopedia Accessed February 25. 440 441 "BBC London History Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. “August 1852 saw the rebuilding work begin and in June 1854 Crystal Palace was re-opened in its new location by Queen Victoria.” https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 441 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. "Crystal Palace Palace || Building, Building, London, London, United United Kingdom". Kingdom". 2019. 2019. Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Britannica. Britannica. Accessed Accessed February February 25. 25. 441 http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. "Crystal 441 "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 441 441 “August 1852 saw ||the rebuilding workUnited begin and in June 2019. 1854 Crystal PalaceBritannica. was re-opened in its new location "Crystal Palace Building, London, Kingdom". Encyclopedia Accessed February 25. by Queen Victoria.” https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 442 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. "Crystal Palace Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. 442 "Crystal 442 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. "Crystal Palace Palace || Building, Building, London, London, United United Kingdom". Kingdom". 2019. 2019. Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Britannica. Britannica. Accessed Accessed February February 25. 25. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 442 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. "Crystal Palace || Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. 441 442 February https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. "Crystal Palace Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed 25.its total floor area was about 442 "Crystal Palace |the Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. “The main body of building was 1,848 feet (563 metres) long and 408 feet (124 metres) wide; … while “The main of building was feet (563 long and (124 wide; … its total floor area was about https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 442 442 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. “The main body body of |the the building was 1,848 1,848 feetKingdom". (563 metres) metres) long and 408 408 feet feet (124 metres) metres) wide; … while while "Crystal Palace Building, London, United 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25.its total floor area was about https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 990,000 square feet (92,000 square metres, or about 23 acres [9 hectares])” “The main body of the building was 1,848 feet (563 metres) long and 408 feet (124 metres) wide; … while its total floor area was about 990,000 square feet (92,000 square metres, or about 23 acres [9 hectares])” https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. “The main body of the building was 1,848 feet (563 metres) long and 408 feet (124 metres) wide; … while 990,000 square feet (92,000 square metres, or about 23 acres [9 hectares])” “The main body of the building was 1,848 feet (563 metres) long and 408 feet (124 metres) wide; … while its its total total floor floor area area was was about about 442 990,000 square feet (92,000 square metres, or about 23 acres [9 hectares])” "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. “The main body of the building was 1,848 feet (563 metres) long and 408 feet (124 metres) wide; … while its total floor area was about 990,000 square square feet feet (92,000 (92,000 square square metres, metres, or or about about 23 23 acres acres [9 [9 hectares])” hectares])” 990,000 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 990,000 square feet (92,000 square metres, or about 23 acres [9 hectares])” “The main body of the building was 1,848 feet (563 metres) long and 408 feet (124 metres) wide; … while its total floor area was about 443 Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. 443 "Crystal "Crystal Palace London, United Britannica. 443 990,000 square feet|| Building, (92,000 square metres, about 23 2019. acres Encyclopedia [9 hectares])” "Crystal Palace Building, London, UnitedorKingdom". Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed Accessed February February 25. 25. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London 443 "Crystal Palace || Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London 443 "Crystal Palace Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London 443 "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. 443 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London 443 "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London “For a number of years the Crystal Palace was the site of shows, exhibitions, concerts, football (soccer) matches, and other entertainments. ““ “For a number of years the Crystal Palace was the site of shows, exhibitions, concerts, football (soccer) matches, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London “For a number of years the Crystal Palace was the site of shows, exhibitions, concerts, football (soccer) matches, and and other other entertainments. entertainments. “ 443 "Crystal “For a number of years the Crystal Palace was the site of shows, exhibitions, concerts, football (soccer) matches, and other entertainments. ““ Palaceyears | Building,Crystal London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. “For “For aa number number of of years the the Crystal Palace Palace was was the the site site of of shows, shows, exhibitions, exhibitions, concerts, concerts, football football (soccer) (soccer) matches, matches, and and other other entertainments. entertainments. “ https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London “For a number of years the Crystal Palace was the site of shows, exhibitions, concerts, football (soccer) matches, and other entertainments. “ 444 -- London -- History -- Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. 444 "BBC London History Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. 444 "BBC "BBC London History Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. 444 http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. "BBC -- London -- History -- Crystal Palace: A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. 444 “For asite number of years the Crystal Palace was site ofhome shows, exhibitions, concerts, football matches, and other entertainments. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. "BBC London Crystal A History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. 444 "BBC London -2History History Crystal Palace: Athe History". 2014. Bbc.Co.Uk. “The attracted million visitors a Palace: year and was also to displays, festivals, music shows(soccer) and over one hundred thousand soldiers “ “The site --attracted attracted million --visitors visitors year also displays, http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. 444 444 "BBC London -22History Crystalaa Palace: A was History". 2014. to Bbc.Co.Uk. “The site million year and and was also home home to displays, festivals, festivals, music music shows shows and and over over one one hundred hundred thousand thousand soldiers soldiers http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. during the First World War.” during the First World War.” “The site 2 million a year was home to music shows and one http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. during theattracted First World War.”visitors “The site attracted 2Building, million visitors year and and was also also 2019. home Encyclopedia to displays, displays, festivals, festivals, music showsFebruary and over over25. one hundred hundred thousand thousand soldiers soldiers 445 “The site attracted million visitors year and was also home to displays, festivals, music shows and over one hundred thousand soldiers "Crystal Palace |2 London,aa United United Kingdom". Britannica. Accessed 445 "Crystal Palace | Building, London, Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. during the First World War.” 444 445 "BBC London History Crystala United Palace: A was History". 2014.Encyclopedia Bbc.Co.Uk. "Crystal Palace |-2Building, London, Kingdom". Britannica. Accessed “The site million year and also 2019. home to displays, festivals, music showsFebruary and over25. one hundred thousand soldiers during the First World War.” during the-attracted First World War.”-visitors https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 445 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. 445 http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/content/articles/2004/07/27/history_feature.shtml. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. during the First World War.”London, "Crystal Palace | Building, United Kingdom". 2019. Accessed February 445 446 Palace London, "Crystal Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Britannica. Britannica. Accessed February 25. 25. 446 "Crystal Palace || Building, Building, London, United United Kingdom". Britannica. Accessed https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 445 446 445 “The site attracted million visitors year and was also 2019. home Encyclopedia to displays, festivals, music showsFebruary and over25. one hundred thousand soldiers "Crystal Palace | 2Building, London,a United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 446 "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 446 during the First World War.” https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. "Crystal Palace Palace || Building, Building, London, London, United United Kingdom". Kingdom". 2019. 2019. Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Britannica. Britannica. Accessed Accessed February February 25. 25. 446 "Crystal 25. 446 445 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. 446 "Crystal Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019. Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. “On the night of Nov. 30–Dec. 1, 1936, it was virtually destroyed by fire; the towers that survived were finally demolished in 1941 because they “On the https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. “On the night night of of Nov. Nov. 30–Dec. 30–Dec. 1, 1, 1936, 1936, it it was was virtually virtually destroyed destroyed by by fire; fire; the the towers towers that that survived survived were were finally finally demolished demolished in in 1941 1941 because because they they https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. were deemed aaofconspicuous landmark for incoming German “On the night Nov. 30–Dec. 1, 1936, it was virtually destroyed by fire; the towers that survived were finally in 1941 because they 446 "Crystal were deemed conspicuous landmark for incoming German bombers.” Palace | Building, London, United Kingdom". 2019.bombers.” Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed February 25. demolished “On the night of Nov. 30–Dec. 1, 1936, it was virtually destroyed by fire; the towers that survived were finally demolished in 1941 because were deemed a conspicuous landmark for incoming German bombers.” “On the night of Nov. 30–Dec. 1, 1936, it was virtually destroyed by fire; the towers that survived were finally demolished in 1941 because they they were deemed a conspicuous landmark for incoming German bombers.” “On the night of Nov. 30–Dec. 1, 1936, it was virtually https://www.britannica.com/topic/Crystal-Palace-building-London. destroyed by fire; the towers that survived were finally demolished in 1941 because they were were deemed deemed aa conspicuous conspicuous landmark landmark for for incoming incoming German German bombers.” bombers.” were deemed a conspicuous landmark for incoming German bombers.” 447 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. 447 Murphy, Douglas. Douglas. The Of Zero 447 Murphy, “On the night of Nov.2012. 30–Dec. 1, 1936, it was virtuallyWinchester: destroyed by fire;Books. the towers that survived were finally demolished in 1941 because they Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Architecture Of Failure. Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. 447 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. 447 Murphy, were deemed a conspicuous landmark for incoming German bombers.” 447 Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. 448 Douglas. Zero Books. p.24 448 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. 2012. The The Architecture Architecture Of Of Failure. Failure. Winchester: Winchester: Zero p.24 447 448 Murphy, 447 Winchester: ZeroisBooks. Books. p.24 were two different incarnations of the building, and that the Murphy, Douglas. 2012. Themisunderstood Architecture Of Failure. “One of the things most often about the Crystal Palace that there 448 “One of the things most often misunderstood about the Crystal Palace is that there were Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.24 448 “One of the things most often misunderstood about the Crystal Palace is that there were two two different different incarnations incarnations of of the the building, building, and and that that the the Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.24 448 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.24 two building were very different in terms of form, setting, purpose, reception and achievement.” twoMurphy, building were very very different in terms terms of ofOfform, form, setting, purpose, reception and achievement.” “One of the things most often misunderstood about the Crystal Palace is that there were two different incarnations of the building, and 448 447 448 Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.24 two building were different in setting, purpose, reception and achievement.” “One of of the the things things most most often often misunderstood misunderstood about about the the Crystal Crystal Palace Palace is is that that there there were were two two different different incarnations incarnations of of the the building, building, and and that that the the “One that the two building were in setting, purpose, reception achievement.” “One of the things mostdifferent often misunderstood about the Crystal Palace is that and there were two different incarnations of the building, and that the two building were very very different in terms terms of ofOfform, form, setting, purpose, reception and achievement.” 449 two building were very different in terms of form, setting, purpose, reception and achievement.” Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.26 449 Murphy, Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.26 448 449 p.24 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Failure. Winchester: Zero Books.and p.26 two building were very different in terms ofOfform, setting, purpose, reception achievement.” “The new building contrary to popular misconception, both shorter (1848/1608ft.) and slimmer (408/312ft) that the Great Exhibition building, 449 “The new building to popular misconception, both shorter (1848/1608ft.) and slimmer (408/312ft) that building, Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero p.26 449 “One of the things contrary most often about the Crystal Palace isBooks. that there were two different incarnations of the Exhibition building, and that the “The new building contrary to misunderstood popular misconception, both shorter (1848/1608ft.) and slimmer (408/312ft) that the the Great Great Exhibition building, Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.26 449 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.26 but it was substantially loftier (up to six storeys compared to two for the Hyde Park Palace)” “The new building contrary to popular misconception, both shorter (1848/1608ft.) and slimmer (408/312ft) that the Great Exhibition building, but it was substantially loftier (up to six storeys compared to two for the Hyde Park Palace)” 449 449 two building were very different in terms of form, setting, purpose, reception and achievement.” Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.26 “The new building contrary to popular misconception, both shorter (1848/1608ft.) and slimmer (408/312ft) that the Great Exhibition but it was substantially loftier (up to six storeys compared to two for the Hyde Park Palace)” “The new building contrary to popular misconception, both shorter (1848/1608ft.) and slimmer (408/312ft) that the Great Exhibition building, building, but was substantially loftier to storeys two the Palace)” “The contrary popular bothto slimmer (408/312ft) that the Great Exhibition building, but it it new was building substantially loftierto(up (up to six sixmisconception, storeys compared compared toshorter two for for(1848/1608ft.) the Hyde Hyde Park Parkand Palace)” but it was substantially loftier (up to six storeys compared to two for the Hyde Park Palace)” 449 Douglas. 2012. The(up Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero p.26 Palace)” butMurphy, it was substantially loftier to six storeys compared to two for theBooks. Hyde Park 450 Murphy, Douglas. Douglas. 2012. 2012. The The Architecture Architecture Of Of Failure. Failure. Winchester: Zero Zero Books. Books. p.31 p.31 450 Murphy, 450 “The new building contrary to popular misconception, both shorterZero (1848/1608ft.) Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Winchester: Books. p.31and slimmer (408/312ft) that the Great Exhibition building, 450 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.31 450 butMurphy, it was substantially loftier (up to six storeys compared to two for the Hyde Park 450 Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. 451 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.31 p.35 Palace)” 451 450 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.35 451 450 p.35 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.31 451 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.35 451 Murphy, Douglas. Douglas. 2012. 2012. The The Architecture Architecture Of Of Failure. Failure. Winchester: Winchester: Zero Zero Books. Books. p.39 p.35 451 Murphy, 452 p.35 452 Murphy, Douglas. Douglas. 2012. 2012. The The Architecture Architecture Of Of Failure. Failure. Winchester: Winchester: Zero Zero Books. Books. p.31 p.39 451 450 Murphy, 452 451 p.35 p.39 452 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.39 452 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.39 452 Murphy, 453 Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.40 453 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.39 452 451 453 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.40 452 p.35 p.40 p.39 453 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.40 453 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.40 453 454 p.40 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.41 454 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. 453 452 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.41 454 453 p.39 p.41 p.40 454 “Eventually, by 1911 … the The palace and the grounds were put up forZero auction. Although it was seen as being a ‘white elephant’, its symbolic value Murphy, Douglas. 2012. Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Books. 454 Murphy, Douglas. Douglas. 2012. 2012. The The Architecture Architecture Of Of Failure. Failure. Winchester: Winchester: Zero Zero Books. Books. p.41 p.41 454 Murphy, p.41 to the nationDouglas. meant that theThe government the purchase, and so theBooks. palace lurched on throughout the next few decades as a public 454 453 454 Murphy, 2012. Architecturemade Of Failure. Winchester: Zero p.41 p.40 institution.” 454 455

Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.41 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.43


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“…36’ x 36’ steel house of two floors…” 460 "Discovering Britain - Redsands Sea Fort". 2019. Discovering Britain. Accessed February 24. https://www.discoveringbritain.org/activities/eastof-england/aerial-2/britain-from-the-air-redsands-sea-fort.html.

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"Maunsell Sea Forts – The Thames Estuary Army Forts". 2019. Maunsell Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/.

“Eventually, by 1911 … the palace and the grounds were put up for auction. Although it was seen as being a ‘white elephant’, its symbolic value “Eventually, 1911 that … the and themade grounds put up Although wasthroughout seen as being ‘white itsasymbolic to the nationbymeant thepalace government the were purchase, andfor soauction. the palace lurchedit on the anext fewelephant’, decades as public value “Eventually, 1911 that … the and themade grounds put up Although wasthroughout seen as being ‘white itsasymbolic to the nationbymeant thepalace government the were purchase, andfor soauction. the palace lurchedit on the anext fewelephant’, decades as public value institution.” “Eventually, 1911 that … the and themade grounds put up Although wasthroughout seen as being ‘white itsasymbolic to the nationbymeant thepalace government the were purchase, andfor soauction. the palace lurchedit on the anext fewelephant’, decades as public value institution.” to nationDouglas. theThe government the were purchase, andfor so theBooks. palace lurched the anext fewelephant’, decades as public value “Eventually, bymeant 1911 that … the palace and themade grounds put up auction. Although wasthroughout seen as being ‘white itsasymbolic 455 the institution.” Murphy, 2012. Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero p.43 it on institution.” to nationDouglas. theThe government the were purchase, andfor so theBooks. palace lurched the anext fewelephant’, decades as public value 455 the Murphy, 2012. Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero p.43 it on “Eventually, bymeant 1911 that … the palace and themade grounds put up auction. Although wasthroughout seen as being ‘white itsasymbolic 455 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.43 institution.” 456 "GPS Coordinates Finder Latitude And Longitude Finder |and GPSsoCoordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS the Coordinates. to the nation meant that the |government made the purchase, the palace lurched on throughout next fewhttps://gps-coordinates.org/. decades as a public 455 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. Architecture Failure. Winchester: Books. p.43 456 "GPS Coordinates FinderThe | Latitude AndOf Longitude Finder | GPSZero Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. RED SANDS FORT institution.” 455 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.43 456 457 "GPS Coordinates LatitudeEstuary And Longitude Finder2019. | GPSMaunsell Coordinates | LatAccessed Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. "Maunsell Sea FortsFinder – The| Thames Army Forts". Sea Forts. February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. 456 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 457 455 Murphy, "MaunsellDouglas. Sea Forts – The Thames Estuary Army Forts". 2019. Maunsell Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p.43 456 457 Coordinates Finder | Thames Latitude And Longitude Finder2019. |That GPSMaunsell Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 458 "GPS "Maunsell Sea Forts – The Army Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M RescueEstuary Plans For TheForts". Towers Defied Hitler". Telegraph. 457 "Maunsell Sea Forts – The Thames Army 2019. Maunsell Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. 458 456 Payne,Coordinates Stewart. 2005. "£3M RescueEstuary Plans For TheForts". Towers That Defied Hitler". Telegraph. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. "GPS Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 457 458 Payne, "Maunsell Sea Forts – The Army 2019. Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. Stewart. 2005. "£3MThames RescueEstuary Plans For TheForts". Towers ThatMaunsell Defied Hitler". Telegraph. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. 458 Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans For The Towers That Defied Hitler". Telegraph. 459 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. 457 "SEA FORT | Project Redsand Project-Redsand.Com. February 26. http://www.project-redsand.com/sea-fort"Maunsell SeaHISTORY Forts – The Thames EstuaryCIO". Army2019. Forts". 2019. Maunsell SeaAccessed Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. 458 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans CIO". For The Towers That Defied Hitler". Telegraph. 459 "SEA FORT HISTORY | Project Redsand 2019. Project-Redsand.Com. Accessed February 26. http://www.project-redsand.com/sea-forthistory/. 459 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. "SEAx FORT HISTORY | two Project Redsand 2019. Project-Redsand.Com. Accessed February 26. http://www.project-redsand.com/sea-fort458 Payne, history/. “…36’ 36’ steel house floors…” Stewart. 2005. of "£3M Rescue Plans CIO". For The Towers That Defied Hitler". Telegraph. 459 "SEA FORT HISTORY | Project Redsand CIO". 2019. Project-Redsand.Com. Accessed February 26. http://www.project-redsand.com/sea-forthistory/. “…36’ x 36’ steel house of two floors…” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. 459 history/. "SEAx FORT HISTORY Project Redsand CIO". 2019. Project-Redsand.Com. Accessed February 26. http://www.project-redsand.com/sea-fort“…36’ 36’ steel house of| two floors…” “…36’ x 36’ steelBritain house- of two floors…” history/. 460 459 "Discovering Redsands Fort".CIO". 2019.2019. Discovering Britain. Accessed FebruaryFebruary 24. https://www.discoveringbritain.org/activities/east"SEA FORT HISTORY | Project Sea Redsand Project-Redsand.Com. Accessed 26. http://www.project-redsand.com/sea-fort“…36’ x 36’ steelBritain house- of two floors…” 460 "Discovering Redsands Sea Fort". 2019. Discovering Britain. Accessed February 24. https://www.discoveringbritain.org/activities/eastof-england/aerial-2/britain-from-the-air-redsands-sea-fort.html. history/. 460 "Discovering Britain Redsands Sea Fort". 2019. Discovering Britain. Accessed February 24. https://www.discoveringbritain.org/activities/eastof-england/aerial-2/britain-from-the-air-redsands-sea-fort.html. “…36’ x 36’ steel house of two floors…” 460 "Discovering Britain - Redsands Sea Fort". 2019. Discovering Britain. Accessed February 24. https://www.discoveringbritain.org/activities/east461 Hutchinson, John. 2015. "WW2 Forts Offf Coats Of Kent To Be Turned Into A Luxury Resort". Mail Online. of-england/aerial-2/britain-from-the-air-redsands-sea-fort.html. 460 of-england/aerial-2/britain-from-the-air-redsands-sea-fort.html. "Discovering Britain - Redsands Fort". Britain. Accessed https://www.discoveringbritain.org/activities/east461 Hutchinson, John. 2015. "WW2 Sea Forts Offf 2019. CoatsDiscovering Of Kent To Be Turned IntoFebruary A Luxury24. Resort". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3100633/WW2-forts-built-protect-Kent-coast-Nazi-attack-turned-luxury-resort461 Hutchinson, John. 2015. "WW2 Forts Offf Coats Of Kent To Be Turned Into A Luxury Resort". Mail Online. of-england/aerial-2/britain-from-the-air-redsands-sea-fort.html. 460 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3100633/WW2-forts-built-protect-Kent-coast-Nazi-attack-turned-luxury-resortcomplete-executive-apartments-helipad-spa-sea.html. "Discovering Britain - Redsands Sea Fort". 2019. Discovering Britain. Accessed February 24. https://www.discoveringbritain.org/activities/east461 Hutchinson, John. 2015. "WW2 Forts Offf Coats Of Kent To Be Turned Into A Luxury Resort". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3100633/WW2-forts-built-protect-Kent-coast-Nazi-attack-turned-luxury-resortcomplete-executive-apartments-helipad-spa-sea.html. of-england/aerial-2/britain-from-the-air-redsands-sea-fort.html. 461 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3100633/WW2-forts-built-protect-Kent-coast-Nazi-attack-turned-luxury-resortHutchinson, "WW2 Forts Offf Coats Of Kent2019. To Be TurnedSea IntoForts. A Luxury Resort". Mail 24. Online. 462 complete-executive-apartments-helipad-spa-sea.html. "Maunsell SeaJohn. Forts2015. – The Thames Estuary Army Forts". Maunsell Accessed February https://maunsellseaforts.com/. complete-executive-apartments-helipad-spa-sea.html. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3100633/WW2-forts-built-protect-Kent-coast-Nazi-attack-turned-luxury-resort462 461 "Maunsell SeaJohn. Forts2015. – The Thames Estuary Army Forts". Maunsell Accessed February https://maunsellseaforts.com/. Hutchinson, "WW2 Forts Offf Coats Of Kent2019. To Be TurnedSea IntoForts. A Luxury Resort". Mail 24. Online. 462 complete-executive-apartments-helipad-spa-sea.html. 463 Payne, "Maunsell Sea Forts – The Army 2019. Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. Stewart. 2005. "£3MThames RescueEstuary Plans For TheForts". Towers ThatMaunsell Defied Hitler". Telegraph. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3100633/WW2-forts-built-protect-Kent-coast-Nazi-attack-turned-luxury-resort462 "Maunsell Sea Forts – The Thames Estuary Army Forts". 2019. Maunsell Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. 463 Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans For The Towers That Defied Hitler". Telegraph. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. complete-executive-apartments-helipad-spa-sea.html. 462 463 Payne, "Maunsell Sea Forts – The Army 2019. Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. Stewart. 2005. "£3MThames RescueEstuary Plans For TheForts". Towers ThatMaunsell Defied Hitler". Telegraph. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. 463 Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans For The Towers That Defied Hitler". Telegraph. 464 "The Abandoned ‘Alien’ Forts Off Britain’S Coast". 2016. BBC. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160301-red-sands-the-alien-forts-offhttps://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. 462 "Maunsell Sea Forts – The Thames Estuary Army Forts". 2019. Maunsell Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. 463 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans For The Towers Thathttp://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160301-red-sands-the-alien-forts-offDefied Hitler". Telegraph. 464 "The Abandoned ‘Alien’ Forts Off Britain’S Coast". 2016. BBC. britains-coast. 464 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. "The ‘Alien’ Forts Off Britain’S Coast". 2016. from BBC. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160301-red-sands-the-alien-forts-off463 britains-coast. “Built in Abandoned the Thames Estuary toRescue defend the United Kingdom airDefied raids Hitler". during the World War Two” Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M Plans For The Towers That Telegraph. 464 "The Abandoned ‘Alien’ Forts Off Britain’S Coast". 2016. BBC. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160301-red-sands-the-alien-forts-offbritains-coast. “Built in the Thames Estuary to defend the United Kingdom from air raids during the World War Two” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. 464 britains-coast. "The Off Britain’S Coast". 2016. from BBC. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160301-red-sands-the-alien-forts-off“Built in Abandoned the Thames ‘Alien’ EstuaryForts to defend the United Kingdom air raids during the World War Two” “Built in the Thames Estuary toRescue defend Plans the UnitedThe Kingdom from airDefied raids Hitler". during the World War Two” britains-coast. 465 464 Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M Thathttp://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160301-red-sands-the-alien-forts-offTelegraph. "The Abandoned ‘Alien’ Forts Off Britain’SFor Coast".Towers 2016. BBC. “Built in the Thames Estuary toRescue defend Plans the United Kingdom raids Hitler". during the World War Two” 465 Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M For The Towersfrom ThatairDefied Telegraph. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. britains-coast. 465 Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans For The Towers That Defied Hitler". Telegraph. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. “The Ministry of Defence abandoned the forts in 1956” “Built in the Thames Estuary to defend the United Kingdom from air raids during the World War Two” 465 Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans For The Towers That Defied Hitler". Telegraph. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. “The Ministry of Defence abandoned the forts in 1956” 465 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans For The Towers That Defied Hitler". Telegraph. 466 “The Ministry of Britain Defence abandoned forts2019. in 1956” "Discovering - Redsands Seathe Fort". Discovering Britain. Accessed February 24. https://www.discoveringbritain.org/activities/east“The Ministry of Britain Defence abandoned forts2019. in 1956” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. 466 465 "Discovering Seathe Fort". Britain. Accessed February 24. https://www.discoveringbritain.org/activities/eastof-england/aerial-2/britain-from-the-air-redsands-sea-fort.html. Payne, Stewart. 2005.- Redsands "£3M Rescue Plans For TheDiscovering Towers That Defied Hitler". Telegraph. 466 “The Ministry of Britain Defence abandoned forts2019. in 1956” "Discovering Seathe Fort". Discovering Britain. Accessed February 24. https://www.discoveringbritain.org/activities/eastof-england/aerial-2/britain-from-the-air-redsands-sea-fort.html. “In 1964 the pirate radio- Redsands station Invicta occupied Redsands Fort” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. 466 "Discovering Britain - Redsands Sea Fort". 2019. Discovering Britain. Accessed February 24. https://www.discoveringbritain.org/activities/eastof-england/aerial-2/britain-from-the-air-redsands-sea-fort.html. “In 1964 the pirate radio station Invicta Redsands Fort” “The Ministry of Defence abandoned theoccupied forts in 1956” 466 "Discovering Britain - Redsands Sea Fort". 2019. Discovering Britain. Accessed February 24. https://www.discoveringbritain.org/activities/eastof-england/aerial-2/britain-from-the-air-redsands-sea-fort.html. 467 “In "Pirate 1964 the pirate2019. radioProject-Redsand. station Invicta occupied Radio". AccessedRedsands February Fort” 24. http://www.project-redsand.com/pirate-radio/. “In 1964 the pirate radio station Invicta occupied Redsands Fort” of-england/aerial-2/britain-from-the-air-redsands-sea-fort.html. 467 466 "Discovering "Pirate 2019.-Project-Redsand. Accessed 24.Harry http://www.project-redsand.com/pirate-radio/. “Red SandsRadio". Fort Britain became the base for Invicta, owned by Featherbee. He began24. broadcasting in July 1964 under the pseudonym Redsands SeaRadio Fort". 2019.February Discovering Britain. Accessed February https://www.discoveringbritain.org/activities/east467 “In 1964 the pirate radio station Invicta occupied Redsands Fort” "Pirate Radio". 2019. Invicta Project-Redsand. Accessed 24.Harry http://www.project-redsand.com/pirate-radio/. “Red Sands Fort became the base for Radio Invicta,February owned by Featherbee. He began broadcasting in July 1964 under the pseudonym “Tom Pepper”… Radio ceased broadcasting in February the following year.” of-england/aerial-2/britain-from-the-air-redsands-sea-fort.html. 467 "Pirate Radio". 2019. Project-Redsand. Accessed February 24. http://www.project-redsand.com/pirate-radio/. “Red Sands became the base for Radio Invicta, owned by Harry Featherbee. He began broadcasting in July 1964 under the pseudonym “Tom Pepper”… Radio ceased broadcasting in February the following year.” “In 1964 theFort pirate radioInvicta station Invicta occupied Redsands Fort” 467 "Pirate “Red Sands Fort became the base for Radio Invicta,February owned by Featherbee. He began broadcasting in July 1964 under the pseudonym Radio". 2019. Invicta Project-Redsand. Accessed 24.Harry http://www.project-redsand.com/pirate-radio/. “Tom Pepper”… Radio ceased broadcasting in February the following year.” “Red Sands Fort the for Radio Invicta, owned by Harry Featherbee. He Accessed began broadcasting in July 1964 under the pseudonym “Tom Pepper”… Radio ceased broadcasting in February theMaunsell following 468 467 "Pirate "Maunsell Sea became Forts Thebase Thames Estuary Army Forts". 2019. Seayear.” Forts. February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. Radio". 2019.–Invicta Project-Redsand. Accessed February 24. http://www.project-redsand.com/pirate-radio/. “Tom Pepper”… Radio ceased broadcasting theMaunsell following year.” 468 "Maunsell Seaisbecame Forts –Invicta The Thames Estuary Army Forts". 2019. Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. “This army fort the only one thatfornoRadio longer existsin asFebruary it was badly damaged during 50’sbroadcasting and was demolished by 1960.” “Red Sands Fort the base Invicta, owned by Harry Featherbee. Hethe began in July 1964 under the pseudonym 468 "Maunsell Sea Forts – The Thames Estuary Army Forts". 2019. Maunsell Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. “This army fort is Radio the only one ceased that nobroadcasting longer existsinasFebruary it was badly damaged during “Tom Pepper”… Invicta the following year.” the 50’s and was demolished by 1960.” 468 "Maunsell Sea Forts – The Thames Estuary Army Forts". 2019. Maunsell Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. “This army fort is the only one that no longer exists as it was badly damaged during the 50’s and was demolished by 1960.” 468 “This armyStewart. fort the only oneThames that noEstuary longerFor exists asTowers it was badly damaged during the 50’s and was demolished by 1960.” "Maunsell SeaisForts – The Army 2019. Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. 469 Payne, 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans TheForts". ThatMaunsell Defied Hitler". Telegraph. “This armyStewart. fort the only oneThames that noEstuary longerFor exists asTowers it was badly damaged during the 50’s and was demolished by 1960.” 469 468 Payne, 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans TheForts". ThatMaunsell Defied Hitler". Telegraph. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. "Maunsell SeaisForts – The Army 2019. Sea Forts. Accessed February 24. https://maunsellseaforts.com/. 469 Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans For TheasTowers That Defied Hitler". Telegraph. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. “This army fort is the only one that no longer exists it was badly damaged during the 50’s and was demolished by 1960.” 469 Payne, Stewart. 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans For The Towers That Defied Hitler". Telegraph. 470 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 469 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. Payne,Coordinates Stewart. 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans For The Towers Hitler".| Lat Telegraph. 470 "GPS Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder |That GPS Defied Coordinates Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 470 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. 471 "GPS Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder2019. |That GPSCamden.Gov.Uk. Coordinates Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 469 "Planning And Building Development - Camden Council". https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development. Payne,Coordinates Stewart. 2005. "£3M Rescue Plans For The Towers Defied Hitler".| Lat Telegraph. 470 EUSTON ARCH "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder2019. | GPSCamden.Gov.Uk. Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 471 "Planning And Building Development - Camden Council". https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1487577/3m-rescue-plans-for-the-towers-that-defied-Hitler.html. 470 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 471 472 "Planning And2016. Building Development Camden Council". 2019. Station Camden.Gov.Uk. Enoch, Nick. "Euston Arch Set -To Rise Again At Railway After 60 https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development. Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article471 "Planning And Building Development - Camden Council". 2019. Camden.Gov.Uk. https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development. 472 470 Enoch,Coordinates Nick. 2016. Finder "Euston| Latitude Arch SetAnd To Rise Again Finder At Railway After 60 Years". Mail Online. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "GPS Longitude | GPSStation Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPShttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articleCoordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 471 "Planning And Building Development - Camden Council". 2019. Camden.Gov.Uk. https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development. 472 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 472 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article473 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 471 Enoch, Nick. "Euston Arch Set -To Rise Again At Railway After 60 https://www.camden.gov.uk/planning-building-development. Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article"Planning And2016. Building Development Camden Council". 2019. Station Camden.Gov.Uk. 472 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. Nick. 2016. 2016. "Euston "Euston Arch Arch Set Set To To Rise Rise Again Again At At Railway Railway Station Station After After 60 60 Years". Years". Mail Mail Online. Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article473 Enoch, 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 473 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article472 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article473 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article474 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "Euston Arch Begins To Fall - Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 473 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article474 "Euston Arch Begins To Fall - Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 474 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "EustonNick. Arch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, 7 Rise November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 473 Enoch, Set To Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article474 "Euston Arch Begins To Fall - Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 474 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. "Euston Arch Begins To Fall - Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 474 "Euston Arch Begins To Fall - Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961.

Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 475

"Euston Arch Begins To Fall - Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 476

Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html.


478 "Euston Arch Begins To Fall - Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961.

Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 153


480 "Euston Arch Begins To Fall - Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961.

Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html.


482 "Euston Arch Begins To Fall - Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 483

Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-

Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article475 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article475 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 475 Enoch, Nick. Set To7 Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article476 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Arch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 475 "Euston Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set Again Railway Station After 475 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Set To To7 Rise Rise Again At At Railway Station After 60 60 Years". Years". Mail Mail Online. Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article476 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. "EustonNick. Arch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 475 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article476 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "Euston Arch Begins To Fall - Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 475 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article476 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "Euston Arch Begins To Fall - Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 476 "Euston Arch Begins To -- Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 476 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. "EustonNick. Arch2016. Begins"Euston To Fall FallArch Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. Guardian. 477 Enoch, Set To7 Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. EUSTON ARCH 475 Enoch, 476 Set To7 Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article"EustonNick. Arch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 477 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article476 "Euston Arch Begins To Fall - Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 477 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 477 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article478 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "Euston Arch Begins To Fall Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 477 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 476 "Euston Arch Begins To Fall - Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 477 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Set To7 Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 60 Years". Years". Mail Mail Online. Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article478 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. "EustonNick. Arch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 477 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article478 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "Euston Arch Begins To Fall Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 477 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article478 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "EustonNick. Arch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 479 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. Enoch, Set To77 Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article478 "Euston Arch Begins To -- Archive, November 1961". 2017. The 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 478 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. "Euston Arch2016. Begins"Euston To Fall FallArch Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. Guardian. 479 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. Set To7 Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 477 478 Enoch, Nick. Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To To7 Rise Rise Again At At Railway Station After 60 60 Years". Years". Mail Mail Online. Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article"Euston Arch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 479 Enoch, https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. Set Again Railway Station After 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 478 "Euston Arch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, 7 Rise November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 479 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. Enoch, Nick. Set To Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article480 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "Euston Arch Begins To Fall Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 479 Enoch, Nick. Nick. 2016. "Euston "Euston Arch Set Set To Rise Again Again At Railway Railway Station Station After After 60 60 Years". Years". Mail Mail Online. Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 479 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, 480 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. "Euston Arch2016. Begins To FallArch - Archive,To7 Rise November At 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 478 479 "Euston Arch Begins To Fall -- Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To77 Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article480 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "Euston Arch Begins To Fall Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 479 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article480 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "EustonNick. Arch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 481 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. Enoch, Set To77 Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article480 "Euston Arch Begins To -- Archive, November 1961". 2017. The 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 480 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. "Euston Arch2016. Begins"Euston To Fall FallArch Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. Guardian. 481 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. Set To7 Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 479 480 "Euston Enoch, Nick. Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To To7 Rise Rise Again At At Railway Station After 60 60 Years". Years". Mail Mail Online. Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articleArch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 481 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. Enoch, Set Again Railway Station After 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 480 "EustonNick. Arch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, 7 Rise November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 481 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. Enoch, Set To Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article482 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "Euston Arch Begins To Fall Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 481 Enoch, 2016. "Euston Arch Set Again Railway Station After https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 481 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. Nick. Set To To7 Rise Rise Again At At Railway Station After 60 60 Years". Years". Mail Mail Online. Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article482 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. "Euston Arch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 480 481 "Euston Arch Begins To Fall -- Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To77 Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article482 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "Euston Arch Begins To Fall Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 481 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article482 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "EustonNick. Arch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 483 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. Enoch, Set To77 Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article482 "Euston Arch Begins To -- Archive, November 1961". 2017. The 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 482 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. "Euston Arch2016. Begins"Euston To Fall FallArch Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. Guardian. 483 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. Set To7 Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 481 482 "Euston Enoch, Nick. Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To To7 Rise Rise Again At At Railway Station After 60 60 Years". Years". Mail Mail Online. Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articleArch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 483 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. Enoch, Set Again Railway Station After 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 482 "EustonNick. Arch2016. Begins"Euston To FallArch - Archive, 7 Rise November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. 483 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. Enoch, Set To Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article484 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article483 Enoch, https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 483 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. Nick. 2016. 2016. "Euston "Euston Arch Arch Set Set To To Rise Rise Again Again At At Railway Railway Station Station After After 60 60 Years". Years". Mail Mail Online. Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article484 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 482 483 "Euston Arch Begins To Fall Archive, 7 November 1961". 2017. The Guardian. Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. 484 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articlehttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 483 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article484 https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/nov/07/euston-arch-rail-london-demolished-1961. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch,Coordinates Nick. 2016. Finder "Euston| Latitude Arch SetAnd To Rise Again Finder At Railway After 60 Years". Mail Online. 485 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "GPS Longitude | GPSStation Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPShttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articleCoordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 484 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 484 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. Enoch, Nick. 2016. Finder "Euston| Latitude Arch SetAnd To Rise Again Finder At Railway After 60 Years". Mail Online. 485 "GPS Coordinates Longitude | GPSStation Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPShttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articleCoordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 483 484 Enoch, Nick. 2016. "Euston| Latitude Arch Set To Rise Again Finder At Railway 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article485 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 486 "GPS Coordinates And Longitude |AGPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. Prison Site Finder Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) PlanStation For TheAfter Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF.https://gps-coordinates.org/. London: Islington Council. 484 Holloway Enoch,Coordinates Nick. 2016. Finder "Euston| Latitude Arch SetAnd To Rise Again Finder At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article485 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. "GPS Longitude | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS 486 https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20Holloway Prison Site Finder Supplementary Planning DocumentFinder (SPD) |AGPS Plan Coordinates For The Future| Lat Of Holloway PrisonGPS Site.Coordinates. 2018. PDF.https://gps-coordinates.org/. London: Islington Council. 485 "GPS Coordinates | Latitude And Longitude Long". 2019. Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 485 486 "GPS Coordinates | Latitude And Longitude Long". 2019. Holloway PrisonPRISON Site Finder Supplementary Planning DocumentFinder (SPD) |AGPS Plan Coordinates For The Future| Lat Of Holloway PrisonGPS Site.Coordinates. 2018. PDF.https://gps-coordinates.org/. London: Islington Council. %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20HOLLOWAY 484 Enoch, 485 486 Nick. 2016. "Euston Arch Set To Rise Again At Railway Station After 60 Years". Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article"GPS Coordinates | Latitude And Longitude Long". 2019. Holloway Prison Site Finder Supplementary Planning DocumentFinder (SPD) |AGPS Plan Coordinates For The Future| Lat Of Holloway PrisonGPS Site.Coordinates. 2018. PDF.https://gps-coordinates.org/. London: Islington Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. 486 "GPS 485 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 3900478/Euston-Arch-set-rise-nearly-60-years-Government-declares-war-cult-ugliness-modern-public-buildings.html. 486 https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20GATEWAY Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: London: Islington Islington Council. Council. %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20486 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20486 %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. 485 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20487%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. "Holloway Prison, Islington, Greater London | Educational Images | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. 487 "Holloway Prison, Islington, Greater London | Educational Images | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. 486 %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. 487 "Holloway Prison, Islington, Greater London | Educational Images | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://historicengland.org.uk/services-skills/education/educational-images/holloway-prison-islington-3820. 487https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20"Holloway Prison, Islington, Greater London | Educational Images | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://historicengland.org.uk/services-skills/education/educational-images/holloway-prison-islington-3820. 487%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. 487 "Holloway "Holloway Prison, Prison, Islington, Islington, Greater Greater London London || Educational Educational Images Images || Historic Historic England". England". 2019. 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. Historicengland.Org.Uk. Accessed Accessed February February 26. 26. https://historicengland.org.uk/services-skills/education/educational-images/holloway-prison-islington-3820. 487 "Holloway Prison, Islington, Greater London | Educational Images | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://historicengland.org.uk/services-skills/education/educational-images/holloway-prison-islington-3820. 488 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. 487https://historicengland.org.uk/services-skills/education/educational-images/holloway-prison-islington-3820. "Holloway Prison, Islington, Greater London | Educational Images | Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://historicengland.org.uk/services-skills/education/educational-images/holloway-prison-islington-3820. 488 https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. https://historicengland.org.uk/services-skills/education/educational-images/holloway-prison-islington-3820. 488 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf.p.2 https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20487https://historicengland.org.uk/services-skills/education/educational-images/holloway-prison-islington-3820. "Holloway Islington, GreaterPlanning LondonDocument | Educational Historic England". 2019. Historicengland.Org.Uk. 26. 488 Holloway Prison, Prison Site Supplementary (SPD)Images A Plan| For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF.Accessed London: February Islington Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf.p.2 488 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. Islington Council. 488 https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: London: Islington Council. 489 %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf.p.2 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20488 https://historicengland.org.uk/services-skills/education/educational-images/holloway-prison-islington-3820. Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf.p.2 https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20489 Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20Holloway 2018. Ebook. London: Islington 488 %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf.p.2 Holloway Prison Prison Site Site Supplementary Supplementary Planning Planning Document Document (SPD) (SPD) A A Plan Plan For For The The Future Future Of Of Holloway Holloway Prison Prison Site. Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20489 %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf.p.2 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. P.2 Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20489 %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf.p.2 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. P.2 489 Holloway Prison Prison 2018. London: Islington 488 %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf.p.2 Holloway Prison Site Site Supplementary Supplementary Planning Planning Document Document (SPD) (SPD) A A Plan Plan For For The The Future Future Of Of Holloway Holloway Prison Site. Site. 2018. PDF. London: Islington Council. 489 Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. Ebook. London: Islington %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. P.2 Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20489 https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. P.2 Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20490 "A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed February 26. P.2 489 %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf.p.2 Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. 490 "A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed February 26. P.2 http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html. Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. 490 "A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed February 26. P.2 http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html. %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. P.2 489 490 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Accessed A Plan For February The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington "A Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html. “It hadHistory two stories with a central arched gateway and flankingAccessed turrets.” February 26. 490 "A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. 26. Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20490 "A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed February 26. http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html. “It had two stories with a central arched gateway and flanking turrets.” http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html. 490 %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. P.2 Of Holloway Prison". 2019.gateway Mollycutpurse.Com. http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html. “It "A hadHistory two stories with a central arched and flankingAccessed turrets.” February 26. 490 "A Of Holloway Prison". 2019.gateway Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed 26. http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html. “It hadHistory two stories with a central arched and flanking turrets.” February 491 "1852 – Holloway Prison, London". 2019. Archiseek Irish Architecture. http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. “It had stories aa central arched gateway and turrets.” http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html. “It "1852 had two two stories with with central arched gateway and flanking flanking turrets.” http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. 491 – Holloway Prison, London". 2019. Archiseek - Irish Architecture. 490 "A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed February 26. “It "1852 had two stories with a central arched gateway and flanking turrets.” http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. 491 – Holloway Prison, London". 2019. Archiseek - Irish Architecture. “It had two stories with a central arched gateway and flanking turrets.” http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. 491 http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html. "1852 – Holloway Prison, London". Archiseek - Irish|Architecture. 492 - - HMP Holloway Prison – 2019. LondonApril 2017 Other Sites". 2019. 28Dayslater.Co.Uk. Accessed February 26. 491 "Report "1852 – Holloway Prison, London". 2019. Archiseek Irish Architecture. 491 "1852 – Holloway Prison, London". 2019. Archiseek - Irish Architecture. http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. 492 https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/hmp-holloway-prison-london-april-2017.108535/. "Report - - HMP Holloway Prison – London- April 2017 | Other Sites". 2019. 28Dayslater.Co.Uk. Accessed February 26. 491 “It "1852 had two with a central arched gateway andfor flanking turrets.” – Holloway Prison, London". Archiseek - Irish http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. 492 "Report -stories - HMP Holloway Prison – 2019. LondonApril 2017 |Architecture. Other Sites". 2019. Accessedand February “…the closure of Newgate more places female prisoners and so28Dayslater.Co.Uk. Holloway was refurbished became26. a purely female prison https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/hmp-holloway-prison-london-april-2017.108535/. 491 "1852 – Holloway Prison,necessitated London". 2019. Archiseek - Irish Architecture. http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. 492 "Report HMP Holloway Prison – LondonApril 2017 | Other Sites". 2019. Accessedand February https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/hmp-holloway-prison-london-april-2017.108535/. “…the closure of Newgate necessitated more places for female prisoners and so28Dayslater.Co.Uk. Holloway was refurbished became26. a purely female prison from 1903.” 492 "Report Holloway Prison – LondonApril 2017 | Other Sites". 2019. 28Dayslater.Co.Uk. Accessed February 26. 492 "Report -- -- HMP https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/hmp-holloway-prison-london-april-2017.108535/. Holloway Prison – LondonAprilfor 2017 | Other Sites". and 2019. Accessedand February “…the1903.” closureHMP of Newgate necessitated more places female prisoners so28Dayslater.Co.Uk. Holloway was refurbished became26. a purely female prison from https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/hmp-holloway-prison-london-april-2017.108535/. 491 "1852 492 – Holloway Prison,necessitated London". - Irish http://archiseek.com/2012/1852-holloway-prison-london/. "Report - - HMP Holloway Prison – 2019. LondonAprilfor 2017 |Architecture. Other Sites". 2019. Accessedand February “…the closure of Newgate moreArchiseek places female prisoners and so28Dayslater.Co.Uk. Holloway was refurbished became26. a purely female prison https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/hmp-holloway-prison-london-april-2017.108535/. from 1903.” 493 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For Theand Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington prison 492 "Report “…the closure of Newgate necessitated more places for female prisoners so Holloway was refurbished and became HMP Holloway Prison – LondonApril 2017 | Other Sites". 2019. 28Dayslater.Co.Uk. Accessed February 26. https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/hmp-holloway-prison-london-april-2017.108535/. “…the closure of Newgate necessitated more places for female prisoners and so Holloway was refurbished and became aa purely purely female female prison from 1903.” Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/hmp-holloway-prison-london-april-2017.108535/. from 1903.” “…the1903.” closure of Newgate necessitated more places for female prisoners and so Holloway was refurbished and became a purely female prison from %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.2 492 "Report “…the closure of Newgate necessitated more places female prisoners so28Dayslater.Co.Uk. Holloway was refurbished became26. a purely female prison - - HMP Holloway Prison – LondonAprilfor 2017 | Other Sites". and 2019. Accessedand February from 1903.” from 1903.” https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/hmp-holloway-prison-london-april-2017.108535/. 494 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington “…the closure of Newgate necessitated more places for female prisoners and so Holloway was refurbished and became a purely female prison Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20from 1903.” %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.2 475

Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsnotorious-inmates.html. 495

Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. P.2 496

"A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed February 26. http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html.


“It had two stories with a central arched gateway and flanking turrets.” 154 "A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed February 26. http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html.


"A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed February 26. http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html."


Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsnotorious-inmates.html. “The site of the last female execution in 1955 is one of a number of Victorian prisons being sold to make way for nine new facilities to house prisoners in “more humane conditions”, the chancellor said on Wednesday.” 499

493 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.2 493 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington 494 Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.2 Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.2 494 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington 495 Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.2 Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsnotorious-inmates.html. 495 Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold 496 Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. Holloway Prison Site https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsSupplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington notorious-inmates.html. Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. P.2 HOLLOWAY PRISON 496 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of Holloway Prison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington GATEWAY Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20496 %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. "A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed February 26. P.2 http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html. 496 "A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed February 26. “It had two stories with a central arched gateway and flanking turrets.” http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html. 497 "A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed February 26. “It had two stories with a central arched gateway and flanking turrets.” http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html.

"A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed February 26. http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html. http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html." 497 498

"A History Of Holloway Prison". 2019. Mollycutpurse.Com. Accessed February 26. Announces Famous All-Female Jail Will Be Sold Clarke-Billings, Lucy. 2015. "Historic Holloway Prison To Close: George Osborne http://www.mollycutpurse.com/Mollys_Site_4.8.2012/A_history_of_Holloway_Prison.html." Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsnotorious-inmates.html. 499 Clarke-Billings, 2015. "Historic Prison To Close: All-Female Will Be Soldto house “The site of the lastLucy. female execution in Holloway 1955 is one of a number of George VictorianOsborne prisons Announces being sold toFamous make way for nineJail new facilities Off". Telegraph.Co.Uk. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/12017246/Holloway-Prison-The-famous-all-female-jail-and-itsprisoners in “more humane conditions”, the chancellor said on Wednesday.” notorious-inmates.html. 500 “The site of Prison the last female executionPlanning in 1955Document is one of a(SPD) number of For Victorian prisons Holloway Site Supplementary A Plan The Future Of being sold to make way for nine new facilities to house prisonersPrison in “more conditions”, chancellor said on Wednesday.” Holloway Site. humane 2018. Ebook. London:the Islington Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20%20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.2 500 Holloway Prison Site Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) A Plan For The Future Of 501 Holloway PrisonPrison Site. 2018. Ebook. London: Islington Council. https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/documents/s13902/App%201%20"Holloway | Substantial Development Opportunity | GVA". 2019. Hollowayprison.Com. Accessed February 26. %20Holloway%20Prison%20Site%20SPD%20FINAL%20EXECUTIVE%20VERSION.pdf. p.2 http://www.hollowayprison.com/. 498 499

501 502

"Holloway Prison | Finder Substantial Development Opportunity 2019. Hollowayprison.Com. Accessed February 26. "GPS Coordinates | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GVA". GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/.

http://www.hollowayprison.com/. THE STUMP

"View Or Comment On Planning Applications - City Of London". 2019. Cityoflondon.Gov.Uk. 502 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/services/environment-and-planning/planning/planning-applications/view-planning-applications/Pages/default.aspx.


"View Or Comment Applications - City London". 2019. Tower Cityoflondon.Gov.Uk. Welch, Adrian. 2016.On "22Planning Bishopsgate Skyscraper, TheOfPinnacle London - E-Architect". E-Architect. https://www.ehttps://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/services/environment-and-planning/planning/planning-applications/view-planning-applications/Pages/default.aspx. architect.co.uk/london/the-pinnacle. 503 504

Welch, Adrian. 2016."Reworked "22 Bishopsgate Skyscraper, TheHeights PinnacleFor London Tower - E-Architect". E-Architect. https://www.eKollewe, Julia. 2015. Pinnacle To Set New City Of London". The Guardian. architect.co.uk/london/the-pinnacle. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 504 505

505 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. 506 https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 506 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. 507 https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 507 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. 508 https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 508 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. 509 https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission.

Kollewe, Julia.Oliver. 2015. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New City Of Guardian. Wainwright, "22 Bishopsgate – And The Heights SteroidalFor Towers SetLondon". To Ruin The London's Skyline". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2015/jun/30/22-bishopgate-skyscraper-london-skyline-development. 509 510

Wainwright, Oliver. 2015. "22 Bishopsgate – And The Steroidal Towers Set To Ruin London's Skyline". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2015/jun/30/22-bishopgate-skyscraper-london-skyline-development. 510

Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 511

Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 512

Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 513

Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 514


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"Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. 516

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Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. 519 Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. 518

"Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. 520

"Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. 521

"Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. 522

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511 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. 511 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 511 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 512 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. 511 512 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 511 512 511 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 513 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. 512 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. 513 https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 512 513 512 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 514 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. 513 514 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 513 514 513 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/nov/17/city-of-london-to-get-new-skyscraper-as-the-pinnacle-gets-planning-permission. 515 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 514 Kollewe, Julia. 2015. "Reworked Pinnacle To Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. 515 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 514 515 514 Julia. 2015. "Reworked To|Set New Heights For City Of London". The Guardian. "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder |2019. GPS Coordinates | Lat Accessed Long". 2019. 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GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. 515 515 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Manslaughter Longitude Finder | GPSOver Coordinates | Lat Long". GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. 517 Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Charges Grenfell Tower Fire".2019. Architects Journal. 516 "Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. 517 Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. 516 517 516 "Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed FebruaryJournal. 27. Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. 518 Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects Journal. 517 518 Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. 517 518 517 Braidwood, Journal. 519 https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. Braidwood, Ella. Ella. 2017. 2017. "Police "Police Consider Consider Manslaughter Manslaughter Charges Charges Over Over Grenfell Grenfell Tower Tower Fire". Fire". Architects Architects Journal. 519 https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects Journal. 519 518 Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. 518 518 Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. 520 "Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed FebruaryJournal. 27. 519 520 Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. "Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed FebruaryJournal. 27. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. 519 520 519 Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects "Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed FebruaryJournal. 27. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. 521 https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. "Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. 520 "Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. 521 https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. 520 521 520 "Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. 522 "Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. 521 522 "Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. 521 522 521 "Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. 523 Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects Journal. 522 "Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed February 27. 523 Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects Journal. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. 522 523 522 "Grenfell Tower - Grenfell Road W11 1TQ | Buildington". 2019. Buildington.Co.Uk. Accessed FebruaryJournal. 27. Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. https://www.buildington.co.uk/london-w11/grenfell-road/grenfell-tower/id/4203. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. 523 Braidwood, Ella. 2017. "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects Journal. 524 Booth, Robert. 2018. "Grenfell Tower Inquiry: What We've Learned So Far". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/uk523 523 Braidwood, Ella.2018. 2017."Grenfell "Police Consider Manslaughter Charges Over Grenfell Tower Fire". Architects Journal. 524 https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. Booth, Robert. Tower Inquiry: What We've Learned So Far". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/uknews/2018/dec/13/grenfell-tower-inquiry-what-weve-learned-so-far. 524 Booth, Robert. 2018. "Grenfell Tower Inquiry: What We've Learned So Far". The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/ukhttps://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/police-consider-manslaughter-charges-over-grenfell-tower-fire/10021046.article. news/2018/dec/13/grenfell-tower-inquiry-what-weve-learned-so-far. news/2018/dec/13/grenfell-tower-inquiry-what-weve-learned-so-far. 524 Booth, Robert. 2018. "Grenfell Tower Inquiry: What We've Learned So Far". 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The In Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/uk527 Booth, Block, India. 2018. ""Leave The Tower Neighbourhood To Heal As ItLearned Chooses" Says MP Response To Grenfell Memorial Concept". Dezeen. 526 526 Booth, Robert. 2018. "Grenfell Inquiry: What We've So Far". The In Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/uk527 news/2018/dec/13/grenfell-tower-inquiry-what-weve-learned-so-far. Block, India. 2018. ""Leave The Tower Neighbourhood To Heal As ItLearned Chooses" Says MP Response To Grenfell Memorial Concept". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2018/08/17/grenfell-tower-fire-memorial-proposal-response-mp-emma-dent-coad/. 527 news/2018/dec/13/grenfell-tower-inquiry-what-weve-learned-so-far. Block, India. 2018. ""Leave The Neighbourhood To Heal As It Chooses" Says MP In Response To Grenfell Memorial Concept". 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"GPS Coordinates Finder | The Latitude And Longitude Coordinates | LatInLong". 2019.ToGPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. 529 https://www.dezeen.com/2018/08/17/grenfell-tower-fire-memorial-proposal-response-mp-emma-dent-coad/. "Planning Applications". 2019. Towerhamlets.Gov.Uk. GARDENS https://www.dezeen.com/2018/08/17/grenfell-tower-fire-memorial-proposal-response-mp-emma-dent-coad/. 529 "Planning Applications". 2019. Towerhamlets.Gov.Uk. https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/lgnl/planning_and_building_control/planning_applications/planning_ 529 528 "Planning Applications". 2019. Towerhamlets.Gov.Uk. "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. GPS Coordinates. https://gps-coordinates.org/. https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/lgnl/planning_and_building_control/planning_applications/planning_ applications.aspx. 528 528 "GPS Coordinates Finder | Latitude And Longitude Finder | GPS Coordinates | Lat Long". 2019. 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Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.115


Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.115


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Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 21


Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.11


Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.10


Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.11-12


Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.11

533 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozers533 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozersdemolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 533 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozers533 demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozers534 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozersdemolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 533 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozersdemolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 534 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozersdemolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 533 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozers534 Mairs, Jessica. Jessica. 2017. 2017. "Bulldozers "Bulldozers Move Move In In On On Robin Robin Hood Hood Gardens Gardens Estate". Estate". Dezeen. Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozershttps://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozers534 Mairs, demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 535 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozersdemolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 534 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozersdemolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 535 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozersdemolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 534 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozers535 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozers535 demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozersdemolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 536 "V&A · Robin Hood Gardens". 2019. Victoria And Albert Museum. https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/robin-hood-gardens. demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 535 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozersdemolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 536 "V&A · Robin Hood Gardens". 2019. Victoria And Albert Museum. https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/robin-hood-gardens. demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 535 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozers537 536 Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Academy of Arts.p.115 "V&A ·· Robin Robin Hood Gardens". 2019. VictoriaRoyal And Albert Albert Museum. https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/robin-hood-gardens. 536 "V&A Hood Gardens". 2019. Victoria And Museum. https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/robin-hood-gardens. demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 537 Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.115 536 "V&A · Robin Hood Gardens". 2019. Victoria And Albert Museum. https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/robin-hood-gardens. 538 537 Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.115 537 Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.115 536 Hopkins, ROBIN HOOD "V&A · Robin Hood Gardens". 2019. Victoria And Albert Museum. https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/robin-hood-gardens. 538 Hopkins, Owen. Owen. 2017. 2017. Lost Lost Futures. Futures. London: London: Royal Royal Academy Academy of of Arts.p.115 Arts.p.115 537 Hopkins, 539 538 Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.115 GARDENS 538 Hopkins, Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.115 537 Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.115 539 Hopkins, Owen. Owen. 2017. 2017. Lost Lost Futures. Futures. London: London: Royal Royal Academy Academy of of Arts.p.115 Arts.p.115 538 Hopkins, 540 539 Owen. Royal Academy Academy of of Arts.p.115 Arts.p.115 539 Hopkins, Owen. 2017. 2017. Lost Lost Futures. Futures. London: London: Royal 538 Hopkins, Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of 540 Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy Academy of of Arts.p.115 Arts.p.115 539 Hopkins, Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Arts.p.115 541 540 "V&A · Robin Hood Gardens". 2019. VictoriaRoyal And Albert Museum. https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/robin-hood-gardens. Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost London: Academy of 540 Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.115 Arts.p.115 539 Hopkins, Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Academy of Arts.p.115 541 · Robin Hood Gardens". 2019. VictoriaRoyal And Albert Museum. https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/robin-hood-gardens. 540 "V&A Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.115 542 541 MoveVictoria In On And Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozers"V&A ··Jessica. Robin 2017. Hood "Bulldozers Gardens". 2019. 2019. Victoria And Albert Museum. https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/robin-hood-gardens. 541 Mairs, Robin Hood Gardens". Albert Museum. https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/robin-hood-gardens. 540 "V&A Hopkins, Owen. 2017. Lost Futures. London: Royal Academy of Arts.p.115 542 demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozers541 Mairs, "V&A · Robin Hood Gardens". 2019. Victoria And Albert Museum. https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/robin-hood-gardens. 542 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozers542 demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In On Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozers541 "V&A · Robin Hood Gardens". 2019. Victoria And Albert Museum. https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/robin-hood-gardens. 543 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Zero Books.Dezeen. p. 20 https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozersdemolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 542 demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move InOf OnFailure. RobinWinchester: Hood Gardens Estate". 543 Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 20 demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. 542 Mairs, Jessica. 2017. "Bulldozers Move In OnFailure. Robin Hood Gardens Estate". Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2017/08/25/bulldozers544 543 20 543 Murphy, Murphy, Douglas. Douglas. 2012. 2012. The The Architecture Architecture Of Of Failure. Winchester: Winchester: Zero Zero Books. Books. p. p. 21 20 demolition-robin-hood-gardens-alison-peter-smithson-brutalist-estate/. CONCLUSION 544 Murphy, Douglas. Douglas. 2012. 2012. The The Architecture Architecture Of Of Failure. Failure. Winchester: Winchester: Zero Zero Books. Books. p. p. 20 21 543 Murphy, 545 544 Koolhaas,Douglas. Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Winchester: Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. Murphy, 2012. The Architecture Architecture Of Failure. Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 21 21 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.11 544 Murphy, 2012. The Of Zero Books. p. 543 Murphy, Douglas. Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Zero Books. p. 20 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.11 545 Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Winchester: Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 544 Koolhaas, Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 21 546 545 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.11 p.10 545 Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.11 544 Koolhaas, Murphy, Douglas. 2012. The Architecture Of Failure. Winchester: Zero Books. p. 21 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.10 546 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 545 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.11 547 546 Rem, p.10 546 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Mark Wigley, Wigley, Jordan Jordan Carver, Carver, Rem Rem Koolhaas, Koolhaas, and and Jorge Jorge Otero-Pailos. Otero-Pailos. 2014. 2014. Preservation Preservation is is overtaking overtaking us. us. p.11-12 p.10 545 Koolhaas, Koolhaas, is overtaking us. 547 Koolhaas, Rem, Rem, Mark Mark Wigley, Wigley, Jordan Jordan Carver, Carver, Rem Rem Koolhaas, Koolhaas, and and Jorge Jorge Otero-Pailos. Otero-Pailos. 2014. 2014. Preservation Preservation is is overtaking overtaking us. us. p.11 p.11-12 546 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation p.10 548 547 p.11 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Mark Wigley, Wigley, Jordan Jordan Carver, Carver, Rem Rem Koolhaas, Koolhaas, and and Jorge Jorge Otero-Pailos. Otero-Pailos. 2014. 2014. Preservation Preservation is is overtaking overtaking us. us. p.11-12 p.11-12 547 Koolhaas, 546 Koolhaas, Rem, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.10 548 547 Koolhaas, Koolhaas, Rem, Rem, Mark Mark Wigley, Wigley, Jordan Jordan Carver, Carver, Rem Rem Koolhaas, Koolhaas, and and Jorge Jorge Otero-Pailos. Otero-Pailos. 2014. 2014. Preservation Preservation is is overtaking overtaking us. us. p.11 p.11-12 549 548 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.13 p.11 548 Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.11 547 Koolhaas, Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.11-12 549 548 Koolhaas, Koolhaas, Rem, Rem, Mark Mark Wigley, Wigley, Jordan Jordan Carver, Carver, Rem Rem Koolhaas, Koolhaas, and and Jorge Jorge Otero-Pailos. Otero-Pailos. 2014. 2014. Preservation Preservation is is overtaking overtaking us. us. p.13 p.11 550 549 Margalit, Avishai. 2004.Wigley, The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.16 Koolhaas, Rem, Rem, Mark Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation Preservation is is overtaking overtaking us. us. p.13 p.13 549 Koolhaas, Jordan Carver, Koolhaas, and Otero-Pailos. 2014. 548 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.11 550 Margalit, Avishai. 2004.Wigley, The Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.16 549 Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.13 551 550 Glancey, Avishai. Jonathan.2004. 2018.The "Guilty Podcast. BBC Radio University 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. Margalit, 2004. The EthicsArchitecture". Of Memory. Memory. Cambridge: Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.16 p.16 550 Margalit, Ethics Of Harvard Press. 549 Koolhaas,Avishai. Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.13 551 Jonathan. 2018. "Guilty Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 550 Glancey, Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The EthicsArchitecture". Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. p.16 551 Glancey, Jonathan. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 551 Glancey, Jonathan. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 550 Margalit, Avishai. 2004. The"Guilty Ethics Of Memory. Cambridge: Harvard Press. p.16 552 Chipperfield, David. 2018. Architecture". Podcast.BBC BBCRadio RadioUniversity https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 551 Glancey, Jonathan. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. 4.4.https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 552 Chipperfield, David. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 551 Glancey, Jonathan. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 553 552 Fulcher, Melin.David. 2013.2018. "C20 "Guilty SocietyArchitecture". Speaks Out Over Sampson House4. Architects Journal. Chipperfield, David. 2018. "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio Radio 4.Demolition". https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 552 Chipperfield, Podcast. BBC https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 553 https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. Fulcher, Melin.David. 2013.2018. "C20 "Guilty SocietyArchitecture". Speaks Out Over Sampson House4.Demolition". Architects Journal. 552 Chipperfield, Podcast. BBC Radio https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 553 Fulcher, 553 https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. Fulcher, Melin. Melin. 2013. 2013. "C20 "C20 Society Society Speaks Speaks Out Out Over Over Sampson Sampson House House Demolition". Demolition". Architects Architects Journal. Journal. 552 Chipperfield, 2018.Democracy "Guilty Architecture". Podcast. BBC Radio 4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b01rvh. 554 Bryant, R.David. 2011. Of Objects. Ann Arbor: Open Humanities Press.Architects p.19 https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. 553 https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/c20-society-speaks-out-over-sampson-house-demolition/8643331.article. Fulcher,Levi Melin. 2013. 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IMAGE REFERENCING INTRODUCTION FIGURE 01 Own Photography, David Adjaye, Making Memories Exhibition,, The Design Museum FIGURE 02 Crystal Palace Crystal Palace. 2019. Image. Accessed March 1. https://thecharnelhouse.org/tag/architecture-of-failure/.

FIGURE 03 From left to right 1. Crystal Palace, Hyde Park

The London Great Exhibition’s Crystal Palace. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://www. classicchicagomagazine.com/they-made-no-little-plans/.

5. Balfron Tower

Detail Of Balfron Tower, St Leonard’s Road. 2018. Image. https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5569618.

6. Brixton Recreation Centre

Brixton Rec. 2013. Image. https://www.brixtonblog.com/2013/02/brixton-recreation-centre-architectgeorge-finch-dies/10290/.

9. Holland House

Our History. 2019. Image. Accessed March 4. https://operahollandpark.com/our-history/.

10. Crossness Pumping Station

Crossness Pumping Station. 2019. Image. https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/12/22/crossness-pumpingstation-saved-reopens-in-2019/.

12. Casson Pavilion, London Zoo

Casson Pavilion - Hugh Casson And Neville Conder, 1962-1965. 2019. Image. https://www.timeout.com/london/ art/ten-iconic-london-designs.

13. Lots Rd Power Station

Lots Road Power Station. 2019. Image. https://planningconsult.rbkc.gov.uk/consult.ti/prop.cs.2009/ viewCompoundDoc?docid=2122356&partId=2240116&sessionid=&voteid=.

15. Pembroke House

The Illustrated London News Etching From 1854.Pembroke House,Whitehall Gardens,The Office Of The Minister At War. Crimean War. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://dissolve.com/stock-photo/IllustratedLondon-News-Etching-1854-pembroke-House-rights-managed-image/102-D869-94-241.

18. Holloway Prison

Holloway Prison – Covered Walkway Leading To The Chapel. Note The High-Security Walls. 2019. Image. https:// www.bcd-urbex.com/hm-prison-holloway-london/.

19. Sainsbury’s, 55 Bugsby Way

Chetwood Associates. 2019. Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London. Image. Accessed February 24. https:// c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/.

22. Tyburn

Tyburn Gallows. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://www.flickr.com/photos/ carverjones/4028343641.

23. Bethlem Moorfields

Hooke, Robert. 2019. The Hospital Of Bethlem [Bedlam] At Moorfields, London: Seen From The North,With People Walking In The Foreground. Engraving. Image. Accessed February 24. https://wellcomecollection.org/ works/v5y5j6sf.

24. Newgate Prison

Newgate Gaol, London. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. http://www.noseygenealogist.com/blog/5830/



25. Egyptian Hall

Bullock’s Museum, (Egyptian Hall Or London Museum), Piccadilly. Coloured Aquatint, Attributed To T. H. Shepherd, 1815. Image. Accessed February 24. https://wellcomecollection.org/works/s9apdebs.

26. 39 Hilldrop Crescent

39 Hilldrop Crescent, Islington, North London. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://www.lifedeathprizes. com/real-life-crime/uks-most-notorious-addresses-houses-of-murderers-55413.

27. 10 Rillington Place

PA Photo. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/our-yorkshire/heritage/ video-on-this-day-in-1953-rillington-place-murders-1-8400068.

28. BBC Television Centre

BBC. 2019. Image. https://www.lshmedia.co.uk/beast.

29. Crystal Palace, Sydenham

The Crystal Palace Destruction By Fire. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://redsearch.org/images/p/ the_crystal_palace_destruction_by_fire.

30. Red Sands Fort

Douglas, Chuck. 2014. Red Sands: Maunsell Fort. Image. https://www.flickr.com/photos/ chuckdouglas/14720986516.

31. Euston Arch

Euston Arch. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://www.timeout.com/london/blog/nine-things-youprobably-didnt-know-about-euston-station-051917.

32. Holloway Prison GatewayHMP Holloway Prison. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https:// www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/hmp-holloway-prison-london-april-2017.108535/.

33. The Stump

Arrested Development: London’s Tallest Building-To-Be Slated For Demolition. 2015. Image. https://archinect.com/ news/article/134799180/arrested-development-london-s-tallest-building-to-be-slated-for-demolition.

34. Grenfell Tower

Grenfell Tower. 2019. Image. https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/grenfell-tower.

35. Robin Hood Gardens

Lousada, Sandra. 1972. The Smithson Family Collection. Image. https://municipaldreams.wordpress. com/2014/02/11/robin-hood-gardens-poplar-presence-dignity-and-a-bit-grim/.

Own Photography: 2. Kentish Town South Station 3. TV-AM Television Studios 4. Admiralty Citadel 7. Space House 8. Bethlem Hospital, Southwark 11. Horse Hospital 14. London Chancery Building 16. Necropolis Railway 17. Sampson House 20. Macadam Building 21. Welbeck Street Car Park


RETRIEVAL FAILURE FIGURE 04 Crystal Palace, Hyde Park Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. Visitor Attraction: In The Crystal Palace 1851. 2019. Image. Accessed February 25. https://rbkclocalstudies.wordpress.com/2014/08/28/visitor-attraction-in-the-crystal-palace-1851/.

FIGURE 05 Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, The Great Exhibition, 1851 The London Great Exhibition’s Crystal Palace. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://www. classicchicagomagazine.com/they-made-no-little-plans/.

FIGURE 06 Kentish Town South Station Map

“Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.

FIGURE 07 Kentish Town South Station Own Photography

FIGURE 08 TV-AM Television Studios Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.

FIGURE 09 TV-AM Television Studios Own Photography

FIGURE 10 Admiralty Citadel Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.

FIGURE 11 Admiralty Citadel Own Photography

FIGURE 12 Balfron Tower Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.

FIGURE 13 Balfron Tower Detail Of Balfron Tower, St Leonard’s Road. 2018. Image. https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5569618.

FIGURE 14 Brixton Recreation Centre Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.

FIGURE 15 Brixton Recreation Centre Brixton Rec. 2013. Image. https://www.brixtonblog.com/2013/02/brixton-recreation-centre-architectgeorge-finch-dies/10290/.



Space House Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.


Space House Own Photography


Bethelm Royal Hospital, Southwark Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. Bethleham Royal Hospital. 2019. Image. Accessed February 25. http://learning.museumofthemind.org.uk/ explore-bethlem/MAP.php.


Bethelm Royal Hospital, Southwark Own Photography


Holland House Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.


Holland House Our History. 2019. Image. Accessed March 4. https://operahollandpark.com/our-history/.


Crossness Pumping Station Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.


Crossness Pumping Station Crossness Pumping Station. 2019. Image. https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/12/22/crossness-pumpingstation-saved-reopens-in-2019/.

FIGURE 24 Horse Hospital Map

“Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.

FIGURE 25 Horse Hospital Own Photography


INTERFERENCE RECOLLECTION FIGURE 26 Casson Pavilion Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.

FIGURE 27 Casson Pavilion Casson Pavilion - Hugh Casson And Neville Conder, 1962-1965. 2019. Image. https://www.timeout.com/london/art/ten-iconic-london-designs.

FIGURE 28 Lots Road Power Station Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.

FIGURE 29 Lots Road Power Station Lots Road Power Station. 2019. Image. https://planningconsult.rbkc.gov.uk/consult.ti/prop.cs.2009/ viewCompoundDoc?docid=2122356&partId=2240116&sessionid=&voteid=.

FIGURE 30 London Chancery Building Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.

FIGURE 31 London Chancery Building Own Photography

FAILURE TO STORE FIGURE 32 Pembroke House Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. Pembroke House In 1723-24. 2019. Image. Accessed February 25. http://humphrysfamilytree.com/Herbert/pembroke.house.html.

FIGURE 33 Pembroke House The Illustrated London News Etching From 1854.Pembroke House,Whitehall Gardens,The Office Of The Minister At War. Crimean War. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://dissolve.com/stock-photo/IllustratedLondon-News-Etching-1854-pembroke-House-rights-managed-image/102-D869-94-241.

FIGURE 34 Necropolis Railway Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.

FIGURE 35 Necropolis Railway Own Photography



Sampson House Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.


Sampson House Own Photography


Holloway Prison Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.


Holloway Prison


Sainsbury’s 55 Bugsby Way Map

Holloway Prison – Covered Walkway Leading To The Chapel. Note The High-Security Walls. 2019. Image. https:// www.bcd-urbex.com/hm-prison-holloway-london/.

“Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. 13_3285_O-DRAWING_NO.3016_001_REV_F-230140. 2013. PDF. Bath: Stubbs Rich. https://planning. royalgreenwich.gov.uk/online-applications/files/EFF856015967649685C74519DDA3EDFE/pdf/13_3285_ODRAWING_NO.3016_001_REV_F-230140.pdf. Planning Ref: 13/3285/O


Sainsbury’s 55 Bugsby Way Chetwood Associates. 2019. Sainsbury’s, Greenwich, London. Image. Accessed February 24. https:// c20society.org.uk/lost-modern/sainsburys-greenwich-london/.


Macadam Building Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.


Macadam Building Own Photography


Welbeck Street Car Park Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.


Welbeck Street Car Park Own Photography


MOTIVATIONAL FORGETTING FIGURE 46 Tyburn Gallows Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. Rocque, John. 1746. John Rocque’S Map Of London, Westminster And Southwark (1746). Image. https://leifeshallcross.com/2016/05/01/beilbys-ball/.

FIGURE 47 Tyburn Gallows Tyburn Gallows. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://www.flickr.com/photos/carverjones/4028343641.

FIGURE 48 Bethlem Hospital, Moorfields Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. Horwoods Map Of 1799. 1799. Image. http://studymore.org.uk/mapbed.htm.

FIGURE 49 Bethlem Hospital, Moorfields Hooke, Robert. 2019. The Hospital Of Bethlem [Bedlam] At Moorfields, London: Seen From The North,With People Walking In The Foreground. Engraving. Image. Accessed February 24. https://wellcomecollection.org/works/v5y5j6sf.

FIGURE 50 Newgate Prison Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. Stanford, Edward. 1862. Stanford’s Library Map Of London And Its Suburbs. Image. http://www.ph.ucla.edu/ epi/snow/1859map/newgate_prison_a12.html.

FIGURE 51 Newgate Prison Newgate Gaol, London. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. http://www.noseygenealogist.com/blog/5830/ new-record-release-of-newgate-prison-records-reveal-thieves-and-marie-antoinettes-libeller.

FIGURE 52 Egyptian Hall Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. Egyptian Hall Piccadilly. 1812-1905. Image. http://www.theatrecrafts.com/pages/home/venues/uk-londonegyptian-hall-piccadilly/.

FIGURE 53 Egyptian Hall Bullock’s Museum, (Egyptian Hall Or London Museum), Piccadilly. Coloured Aquatint, Attributed To T. H. Shepherd, 1815. Image. Accessed February 24. https://wellcomecollection.org/works/s9apdebs.

FIGURE 54 39 Hilldrop Crescent Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. Ordnance Survey - 1873, No. 39 Hilldrop Crescent, Holloway.. 1873. Image. https://blog.cassinimaps. co.uk/2012/11/23/map-of-the-week-no-39-hilldrop-crescent-holloway/.

FIGURE 55 39 Hilldrop Crescent 39 Hilldrop Crescent, Islington, North London. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://www.lifedeathprizes. com/real-life-crime/uks-most-notorious-addresses-houses-of-murderers-55413.


MOTIVATIONAL FORGETTING FIGURE 56 10 Rillington Place Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. Rillington Place Is A Small Street With An Infamous History.. 2019. Image. Accessed February 25. https:// www.theundergroundmap.com/article.html?id=33838.

FIGURE 57 10 Rillington Place PA Photo. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/our-yorkshire/heritage/ video-on-this-day-in-1953-rillington-place-murders-1-8400068.

FIGURE 58 BBC Television Centre Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.

FIGURE 59 BBC Television Centre BBC. 2019. Image. https://www.lshmedia.co.uk/beast.

DETERIORATION OF MEMORY FORM FIGURE 60 Crystal Palace, Sydenham Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. Plan Of The Palace In 1864. 1864. Image. http://www.victorianweb.org/history/1851/sacks.html.

FIGURE 61 Crystal Palace, Sydenham The Crystal Palace Destruction By Fire. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://redsearch.org/images/p/the_crystal_palace_destruction_by_fire.

FIGURE 62 Red Sands Fort Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. Fort 6 U6: Red Sands Forts In 1965. 1965. Image. http://www.bobleroi.co.uk/ScrapBook/CityReunion/FortFanatics.html.

FIGURE 63 Red Sands Fort Douglas, Chuck. 2014. Red Sands: Maunsell Fort. Image. https://www.flickr.com/photos/chuckdouglas/14720986516.

FIGURE 64 Euston Arch Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. Euston Station, London (Town Plan 1:1,056). 1837. Image. https://blog.cassinimaps.co.uk/2014/08/29/map-of-the-month-euston-station/.

FIGURE 65 Euston Arch Euston Arch. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://www.timeout.com/london/blog/nine-things-you-probably-didnt-know-about-euston-station-051917.


DETERIORATION OF MEMORY FORM FIGURE 66 Holloway Prison Gateway Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. Old Map Of London In 1888 - Tufnell Park, Holloway. 1888. Image. http://www.oldtowns.co.uk/ London1888-new/sheet-13.htm.

FIGURE 67 Holloway Prison Gateway HMP Holloway Prison. 2019. Image. Accessed February 24. https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/hmpholloway-prison-london-april-2017.108535/.

FIGURE 68 The Stump Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. 16_00849_FULEIA-EXISTING_SITE_PLAN-342335. 2016. Ebook. London: PLP Architecture. http://www.planning2.cityoflondon.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails. do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=OCBLT1FH0OF00. Planning Ref: 16/00849/FULEIA

FIGURE 69 The Stump Arrested Development: London’s Tallest Building-To-Be Slated For Demolition. 2015. Image. https://archinect.com/ news/article/134799180/arrested-development-london-s-tallest-building-to-be-slated-for-demolition.

FIGURE 70 Grenfell Tower Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. “Google Maps”. 2019. Google Maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/.

FIGURE 71 Grenfell Tower Grenfell Tower. 2019. Image. https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/grenfell-tower.

FIGURE 72 Robin Hood Gardens Map “Digimap”. 2019. Digimap.Edina.Ac.Uk. https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/os. AD Classics: Robin Hood Gardens / Alison And Peter Smithson. 1972. Image. https://www.archdaily. com/150629/ad-classics-robin-hood-gardens-alison-and-peter-smithson.

FIGURE 73 Robin Hood Gardens Lousada, Sandra. 1972. The Smithson Family Collection. Image. https://municipaldreams.wordpress. com/2014/02/11/robin-hood-gardens-poplar-presence-dignity-and-a-bit-grim/.



Preservation Is Overtaking Us: “Barcode� preservation scheme for Beijing where different preservation scenarios can be implemented in horizontal bands. Koolhaas, Rem, Mark Wigley, Jordan Carver, Rem Koolhaas, and Jorge Otero-Pailos. 2014. Preservation is overtaking us. p.12


Sampson House: Currently Under Demolition Own Photography

FIGURE 76 Yves Ubelmann, founder and CEO of Iconem Yves Ubelmann, Founder And CEO Of Iconem. 2018. Image. https://news.microsoft.com/transform/ heritage-activists-preserve-global-landmarks-ruined-in-war-threatened-by-time/.


Eternal 5D Data Storage: Future Starts Here Exhibition,V&A Parsons, Elly. 2018. Eternal 5D Data Storage, By University Of Southampton. Image. https://www.wallpaper. com/lifestyle/the-future-starts-here-exhibition-preview-at-the-vanda-museum-london.










































































Thank you to Maurice Tooby, a grandad, an architecture enthusiast, and a deteriorating mind. Thank you for all your help and support. A special thanks to Mike Aling and Mark Garcia in helping this thesis come to life.


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