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Companies and their characteristics
There are also many things to consider regarding the companies to which you would like to apply. In the questionnaire below, mark how important the respective characteristics are to you (1 = unimportant, 4 = important).
Values 1 2 3 4
Geographical orientation (domestic, international) Focus of the business model (products, services) Stability of the company Organisational structure (flat hierarchy, etc.) Corporate culture and working atmosphere Career development opportunities Location of the company Compatibility of work and family life Job security Remuneration (salary, fringe benefits) Flexible working hours
Furthermore, you should consider to what extent the size of the company plays a role for you. The following questionnaire lists the most important characteristics of SMEs and large companies. Which fits to you better?
Large Companies
Hierarchical, structured, formally defined, many levels
Strong dependence on the principal, flat, rather informal, few levels
Responsibility Divided among several people Divided among a few people
Specialisation Strong specialisation, little scope for development Little specialisation, more personal freedom
Classification Overview of the individual department, your effect on the whole company is not very visible Overview of the whole company, your contribution to success is visible
Decision-making channels Tend to be long and slow Tend to be short and direct