by Ann Marie L. Kennon • Photos provided by Shell Meakins
“Extreme” Fundraising
Gerald Anderson, Betty “the General” Schleder, Rick Hall, Josh Schroeder, Andy Webb, Ann Marie Kennon, Wayne Cavalier
O N AU G U S T 2 , S E V E N W I L L I A M S O N CO U N T Y L E A D E R S L E F T T H E I R CO M F O R T ZO N E S TO H E L P C H I L D R E N W H O D O N ’ T H AV E O N E . “ W I N G S F O R A D V O C A C Y ” WA S A N I N AU G U R A L S K Y D I V I N G F U N D R A I S E R TO B E N E F I T T H E W I L L I A M S O N CO U N T Y C H I L D R E N ’ S A D V O C A C Y C E N T E R .
On July 2, Georgetown resident Al Blaschke achieved a four-year goal, and personal dream, to skydive with his grandsons to celebrate their college graduation. Everyone landed safely and congratulated Al, who frequently tells inquisitive reporters, “I will not jump to jump; I want to jump to celebrate something!” Incidentally, at 103 years, 174 days, he also officially broke the record as the world’s oldest tandem skydiver. Guinness receives about 1,000 applications every week and it takes time to certify witness accounts and details for each new attempt, but with Williamson County Sheriff Robert Chody as an official witness, and 85 guests with cameras, Al’s entry is a sure thing. One of the guests at the historic jump was Susan Snelson, an 85-year-old Sun City resident who decided she was ready to check skydiving off her bucket list. Like Al, Susan wanted her jump to have a purpose for others as well, so she decided to make her event a fundraiser for COVID support. She asked her friend Betty, 76, who jumped with Al, to jump with her, and also for ideas about organizations in need due to pandemic losses. After talking to some
friends, Betty suggested donating the proceeds to the Williamson County Children’s Advocacy Center (WCCAC). The planes at Skydive Spaceland can accommodate seven tandem pairs, and photographers, so Betty and her team recruited community leaders, from Liberty Hill to Taylor, to raise funds and awareness for this great need. Ms. Snelson postponed her jump due to COVID concerns, but the fundraiser moved onward with Mayor Rick Hall, Georgetown ISD Trustee Andy Webb, Taylor City Councilman Gerald Anderson, former Jarrell Mayor Wayne Cavalier, Esq., and Georgetown attorney Josh Schroeder. The seventh jumper was not able to make it but this magazine writer is also on the WCCAC Board and they talked me into taking her place before I could talk myself out of it. (Anything for the kids!) Skydive Spaceland provided a food truck for guests and donated a free tandem jump, which Betty auctioned off for additional funds raised.
Jumpers may choose to have their skydive on digital film and video. Photographers jump simultaneously and bite down on a shutter release cable to take pictures, so they can use their arms to maintain stability in flight. 10