Liberty Hill Digest • June 2022

Page 14


1000 Books Before Kindergarten by Megan Diane Beatty

Friends of the Schrock family reached out to library director Angela Palmer hoping to create a charitable donation to honor and strengthen their friends’ legacy. Angela knew immediately which program to recommend. With more than 100 children already signed up, the Liberty Hill Public Library introduced the newest chapter of the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program. Generous donors helped establish the program in loving memory of Kimberly and Payton Schrock, beloved mother and daughter lost last year in an automobile accident.

SIMPLE BUT PRICELESS The 1000 Books Foundation is a non-profit public charity that provides an innovative and fun approach to establishing early literacy skills nationwide. Parents and caregivers keep track of books they read to their children using log sheets, journals, or smartphone apps. The goal is to help parents and caregivers help children become strong readers, which will empower them to be successful in school and life. The challenge to parents is to read books of any kind—consistently—to newborns, infants, and/or toddlers. The goal is for each child to have listened to 1,000 books before he or she starts kindergarten. The foundation supports these


efforts with information and resources for parents and caregivers, and helps libraries, schools, churches, and other host groups with local challenges. One thousand books may seem like a lot but one book every night will allow children to meet the goal in just under three years. Reading three books a night will complete the challenge in less than one year.

JOIN THE FUN Angela says, “The program is an exciting and free way to start a child on the path to success. Any child younger than 6 may participate and it is never too early to start. Singing songs, saying rhymes, telling stories, and playing are all great ways to build literacy skills.”

Research demonstrates young children who are read to on a regular basis have an advantage when learning to read for themselves. Reading together also builds closeness and early literacy skills— the foundations for school success, which will impact them for their whole lives. Angela encourages anyone interested in the program to call 512778-6400 or visit the library.

She adds that every book counts, even the same one read over and over again, which every parent knows is not an unusual request. Each participating child receives a library log and, for every 100 books read each will receive a special reward from the librarian. Every child who reaches the 1,000 book goal will have his or her name placed on A R E C E N T U N I V E R S I T Y S T U DY F O U N D T H AT the Book Wall of C H I L D R E N W H O S E PA R E N T S , C A R E TA K E R S , O R Fame.


S I B L I N G S R E A D TO T H E M AT L E A S T O N C E A D AY H E A R D N E A R LY 300,000 W O R D S B E F O R E T H E I R F I R S T D AY O F K I N D E R G A R T E N .

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