Fielding Graduate University | Impact Report 2020

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HELP SUSTAIN FIELDING WITH A PLANNED GIFT A planned gift is a charitable donation arranged during a donor’s lifetime, to be made available to Fielding at a later date. These vitally important contributions to the Founders Circle help sustain Fielding into the future. Founders Circle gifts are most often bequests made in a will or trust. Some planned gifts, such as a charitable remainder trust, allow donors to receive current tax benefits and an income for life.

Planned gifts are flexible:

• Alter your plans at any time • Structure your gift in various ways: specific amount, piece of property, or percentage of your estate • Retain control over assets you may need

Consult with your estate advisor about what is most beneficial for you and your portfolio of assets. Often, a planned gift to Fielding greatly reduce the tax implications of passing assets on to your heirs.

Founders Circle Benefits

• Free annual publication such as Fielding University Press monographs. • Personal meetings with updates from members of the University Leadership Team • Invitations to Fielding special events • Recognition in university publications such as the Fielding Impact Report and FOCUS Magazine, among others

Fielding Graduate University


“Fielding’s emphasis on social and ecological justice inspired

me to give regularly and to set

up a planned gift. Fielding seeks to bring the world’s societies

into better, more sustainable

alignment with themselves and with the natural world – I wish to be a part of that.”

— Nicola Smith, JD, MBA

doctoral faculty Educational Leadership for Change

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