28 SEPT — I OCT 20I9
Consider filming in the Netherlands
Film Commission
Index 2 Foreword 4 Timetable 8 Festival Map 9 Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops 10 NPO-fonds: World Wide Webdrama 11 Masterclass Directing 12 International NCE-masterclass Editing 13 Het Scenario & Het Proces 14 For the Record: Designing Realities 15 Masterclass Music Production 16 Interactive Workshop 17 Masterclass Production Design 18 Live Foley Workshop 19 Interactive Narrative Design Think Thank 20 Be Dramatic! 21 Seminar Animation: the Pipeline of Ainbo & Undone 22 International Masterclass Cinematography 23 Click, Like and Share! 24 The Hmm 25 NFF Conference 2019 27 Morning Programme 29 Afternoon Programme
31 Holland Film Meeting 33 36 45 54
HFM Programme BoostNL Selections HFM Selections Stories & Beyond Selections
55 NFF Talent 57 58 60 61 62
Talent Speeddates Talent Feedback Sessions Script & Score Talent Award Ceremony Talent en Route
67 Networking 71 NFF Extended 84 Meet the team 85 Partners
“All grown-ups were once children…but “Somewhere inside all of us is the power Welkom collega’s, Twee uitspraken van boek- en filmkarakters illustreren samen het thema van het Nederlands Film Festival 2019: ‘De spelende mens’. Tijdens de NFF Conferentie 2018 deed Rumle Hammerich[1] zijn inmiddels gevleugde uitspraak ‘Laat het kleine wiel draaien’. Hij deed een oproep om onszelf en elkaar uit te dagen speels en creatief te zijn – om zo, al experimenterend, een beweging in gang te zetten. Een beweging die hoe klein ook, soms grote verschuivingen tot gevolg kan hebben. Ook historicus Johan Huizenga, beschreef ‘de spelende mens’, als aanjager voor verandering. Door te blijven spelen, experimenteren en de kaders te verzetten, schreef Huizenga in 1938, weten mensen maatschappelijke en culturele veranderingen in gang te zetten. Dit jaar staat dan ook in het teken van het maakproces. Samen met jullie bespreken we tijdens de NFF Professionals-dagen nieuwe werkwijzen, bekijken we prikkelende voorbeelden en zoeken we naar dat wat creativiteit opwekt. In een jaar waarin veel filmmakers hun zorgen hebben uitgesproken over de ruimte die hun creativiteit binnen onze industrie krijgt, nodigen wij u uit om met ons te onderzoeken waar er meer vrijheid te vinden, te nemen of te creëren valt. Ruimte en vrijheid voor creativiteit die maakt dat wij als sector in staat blijven niet alleen prachtige beeldverhalen te vertellen, maar ook de inspirator van veranderingen te zijn in onze samenleving.
Vol trots presenteren wij een inspirerend programma, gevuld met creatieve denkers, voor alle vakdisciplines, van editor Lee Smith (Inception, Dunkirk) , Foley artiesten Caoimhe Doyle en Jean McGrath (The Favourite, Game of Thrones), tot multidisciplinaire kunstenaar, moleculair- en celbioloog Ashley BaccusClark (Hyphen Labs). We programmeren door disciplines heen, denken niet in hokjes en dagen u uit om ook bij een ander vakgebied een kijkje te nemen. Voor het NFF zijn talent- en projectontwikkeling belangrijke speerpunten. Zo zal regisseur Mijke de Jong (God Only Knows, Layla M.) projecten coachen in de regie van non-acteurs; gaan makers van enkele geselecteerde projecten die nog in ontwikkeling zijn, in gesprek met production designer Fiona Crombie (The Favourite); psychiater Damiaan Denys gaat graven in de diepere menselijke lagen van de projecten; en sound designer Jane Tattersall (The Handmaid’s Tale) verkent de auditieve mogelijkheden van de nieuw te scheppen werelden. Wij bedanken alle partners, betrokkenen, collega’s en verhalenvertellers uit de hele sector voor de samenwerking die tot dit programma heeft geleid. We wensen u de komende dagen een speelse, inspirerende ervaring. Laat het kleine wiel draaien!
Silvia van der Heiden Algemeen Directeur NFF Rianne Poodt Hoofd NFF Professionals, Talent & Educatie
[1] Regisseur van o.a. The Bridge en voormalig hoofd Drama DRTV, Denemarken 2
only few of them remember it.” to change the world.” Welcome colleagues, Two statements by literary and film characters that together illustrate the theme of the Netherlands Film Festival 2019: ‘the playing human’. During the NFF Conference 2018, Danish filmmaker and sage Rumle Hammerich[1] made his joyful statement: ‘Let the little wheel spin’. He was calling for creative thinking, for the need to be playful in order to create new impulses, which, however small in nature, can lead to seismic change. This reflects historian Johan Huizenga’s introduction to the concept of ‘the playing human’ or ‘Homo Ludens’ in 1938. Huizenga, our second inspiration, wrote that by continuing to play, to experiment and therefore to move boundaries, people can set in motion profound social and cultural transformation. This year, therefore, our focus is on the creative process. During the NFF Professionals days, we will explore new ways of working, offering numerous stimulating examples, and call loudly for the widest possible application of creative thinking. In a year when many filmmakers have expressed their concerns about the space allocated for creativity within our industry, we invite you to help us explore the concept of artistic freedom - where to find it, when to take it and how to create it. Which means that we as a sector will be able not only to tell beautiful visual stories, but also to be the inspiration for change in our society.
Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Matilda, Roald Dahl
NFF is proud to present a deeply inspiring programme filled with creative thinkers from all disciplines, from editor Lee Smith (Inception, Dunkirk) and Foley artists Caoimhe Doyle and Jean McGrath (The Favourite, Game of Thrones) to molecular and cell biologist and multidisciplinary artist Ashley Baccus-Clark (Hyphen Labs). We program across disciplines and avoid the trap of thinking in boxes, and therefore challenge you to take a new look at your own discipline too. Talent and project development are at the core of the festival’s DNA. The BoostNL selections follow a tailor-made trajectory. This year for example, director Mijke de Jong (God Only Knows, Layla M.) will coach creators in directing non-actors, before they receive the wisdom and guidance of production designer Fiona Crombie (The Favourite). Psychiatrist Damiaan Denys will peel away and expose the deeper human layers of each project and sound designer Jane Tattersall (The Handmaid’s Tale) will explore the auditory possibilities of the new filmscapes under construction. We would like to thank all our partners, stakeholders, colleagues and storytellers, for their collaboration in making this program possible. Let’s all look forward to celebrating the diversity of stories at NFF and to overcoming the creative and business challenges in bringing them to realisation.
Silvia van der Heiden Festival Director NFF Rianne Poodt Head of NFF Professionals, Talent & Education
[1] Director of e.g. The Bridge and former head of Drama at DRTV, Denmark 3
Professionals Programme Saturday 28 September Time
Masterclass Directing: Michael Engler
Stadsschouwburg — DE Zaal
NPO-fonds: World Wide Webdrama
Stadsschouwburg — Blauwe Zaal
HFM Project Preparation Day
Stadsschouwburg — Hekmanfoyer
NFF Interactive Expo
Professionals Lunch
Stadsschouwburg — Zindering
International NCE-masterclass Editing: Lee Smith, ACE
Stadsschouwburg — Blauwe Zaal
Het Scenario & Het Proces
Stadsschouwburg — DE Zaal
Professionals Drinks
Stadsschouwburg — Zindering
Bring your own Beamer
For the Record: Designing Realities
Stadsschouwburg — Hekmanfoyer
NFF Filmfeest
Winkel van Sinkel
Professionals Programme Sunday 29 September Time
HFM Individual Meetings
Villa Orloff
Masterclass Music Production: Andy Hill
Stadsschouwburg — DE Zaal
HFM BoostNL Expert Sessions
Stadsschouwburg — Hekmanfoyer
NFF Interactive Expo
Professionals Lunch
Stadsschouwburg — Zindering
HFM Lunch
Villa Orloff
Interactive Workshop: Miraculous Futures
Winkel van Sinkel — Balzaal
HFM Stories & Beyond
Stadsschouwburg — Zindering
Masterclass Production Design: Fiona Crombie
Stadsschouwburg — Blauwe Zaal
Professionals Drinks
Stadsschouwburg — Zindering
HFM Boat Session #1: Sales & Distribution
Stadsschouwburg — Bootsteiger
HFM Openingsdiner
Stadsschouwburg — Zindering
Live Foley Workshop
Stadsschouwburg — Blauwe Zaal
Interactive Narrative Design Think Tank
Stadsschouwburg — Hekmanfoyer
Late Night Drinks
Villa Orloff
Professionals Programme Monday 30 September Time
HFM Breakfast
Stadsschouwburg — Escher Foyer
HFM Project Presentations
Stadsschouwburg — Blauwe Zaal
Talent Feedback Sessions
Stadsschouwburg — Hekmanfoyer
Be Dramatic!
Stadsschouwburg — DE Zaal
Talent Speeddates
Stadsschouwburg — Zindering
Professionals Lunch
Stadsschouwburg — Zindering
HFM Lunch
Villa Orloff
NFF Interactive Expo
Script & Score
Stadsschouwburg — Private Dining
Speeddates Casting Directors & Actors
Stadsschouwburg — Hekmanfoyer
HFM Individual Meetings
Villa Orloff
Seminar Animation: the Pipeline of Ainbo & Undone
Stadsschouwburg — Blauwe Zaal
Talent Awards Ceremony
Stadsschouwburg — DE Zaal
HFM BoostNL Expert Sessions
Stadsschouwburg — Hekmanfoyer
Professionals Drinks
Stadsschouwburg — Zindering
HFM Boat Session #2: Financing & Co-Production
Stadsschouwburg — Bootsteiger
HFM Over the Hill Dinner
In de Ruimte
International Masterclass Camera: Sophie Maintigneux
Stadsschouwburg — Blauwe Zaal
Click, Like and Share!
Stadsschouwburg — Hekmanfoyer
Late Night Drinks
Villa Orloff
Professionals Programme Tuesday 1 October Time
HFM Individual Meetings
Villa Orloff
NFF Conference 2019
Professionals Lunch
Stadsschouwburg — Dudokfoyer
NFF Interactive Expo
Professionals Drinks
Stadsschouwburg — Zindering
The Hmm
Stadsschouwburg — Hekmanfoyer
Professionals Closing Party
Winkel van Sinkel
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In de ruimte (HFM Over the Hill Dinner) Oudegracht aan de Werf 230 +31 (0)6 250 655 50
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External locations Villa Orloff (HFM meetings) Lucasbolwerk 1 Croeselaan
1. NFF Festival heart:
4. 5.
Winkel van Sinkel Oudegracht 158 Cinema: Louis Hartlooper Complex Tolsteegbrug 1 (15 min) C inema: Kinepolis Jaarbeurs Utrecht Jaarbeursboulevard 300 (17 min via Moreelsebrug ) Cinema: Pathé Rembrandt Oudegracht 73 (4 min) NFF Interactive Expo: IMPAKT Centrum voor Mediacultuur Lange Nieuwstraat 4 (7 min)
6. NFF Interactive Expo: AG, Ruimte voor nieuwe media en kunst Minrebroederstraat 16 (2 min) 7. Professionals Hub: Stadsschouwburg Utrecht Lucasbolwerk 24 (8 min) Adama van Scheltemabaan Installation Rafaël 8. Rozendaal: Windows Centraal Museum Nicolaaskerkhof zijde (14 min) 9. Bring Your Own Beamer: Nicolaïkerk Nicolaaskerkhof 8 (15 min)
International sceenings For a complete overview of the NFF festival programme, including all film, television and interactive productions and the Golden Calf Competition visit filmfestival.nl/en Walking distance is calculated from the NFF Festival heart in the Winkel van Sinkel.
Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops
NPO-fonds: World Wide Webdrama Saturday 28 September 10:00–12:00
Een ochtend volledig in het teken van de wondere wereld van internationaal webdrama. Onder leiding van regisseur Martijn Winkler lichten gastsprekers D.W. Waterson, Giancarlo Sanchez en Jim Deddes hun eigen werk toe en tonen hun favorieten. De Canadese D.W. Waterson was al een bekende DJ toen ze debuteerde als schrijver en regisseur met haar succesvolle webserie That’s My DJ. Ze sleepte daar meteen meerdere nominaties en prijzen mee binnen, waaronder op Raindance en ITVFest. Giancarlo Sanchez en Jim Deddes maakten als regisseur en bedenker/acteur de Nederlandse online serie Joardy Season, onderscheiden met de Zilveren Nipkowschijf 2019. Leer van ervaren makers en laat je inspireren door tal van voorbeelden.
A morning completely dedicated to the wondrous world of international webdrama. Moderated by director Martijn Winkler, speakers D.W. Waterson, Giancarlo Sanchez and Jim Deddes will shine a light on their own work while also exhibiting their personal favourites. D.W. Waterson (Canada) was already a renowned DJ when she debuted as a writer and director with her acclaimed webshow That’s My DJ. With this series she instantly obtained several awards and nominations, including Raindance and ITVFest. Giancarlo Sanchez and Jim Deddes developed the Dutch online show Joardy Season as director and creator/actor, honored with a Zilveren Nipkowschijf 2019. Learn from these experienced creators and get inspired by numerous examples.
Voertaal Engels & Nederlands Language English & Dutch
10 Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops
Masterclass Directing: Michael Engler Saturday 28 September 10:00–12:00
Hoe vertaal je een internationale televisiehit naar het grote scherm? De veelvuldig Emmy-genomineerde Michael Engler regisseerde afleveringen van vele bekende en baanbrekende televisieseries en dit jaar komt er een blockbuster van zijn hand uit. Op 12 september 2019 verschijnt de film Downton Abbey waarin de volledige originele cast van deze bekroonde serie, waaronder Hugh Bonneville, Laura Carmichael Allen Leech, Michelle Dockery en Maggie Smith, zijn opwachting maakt. Eerder regisseerde Engler al meerdere afleveringen van deze serie, maar nu brengt hij dit fenomeen ook naar de bioscopen. Zijn staat van dienst reikt verder van Six Feet Under tot Sex and the City, 30 Rock en Empire. Naast zijn regiewerk is hij tevens actief als producent, onder meer van The Big C met Laura Linney en de jaren 90 tienerserie Party of Five. In deze masterclass geeft Engler antwoord op de vraag hoeveel vrijheid je hebt als regisseur van een programma met een vast format. Hoe vertaal je je eigen visie naar beeld? Aan de hand van enkele voorbeelden neemt hij je mee in het regieproces: waar moet vooral op gelet worden en wat zijn de dreigende gevaren? Deze masterclass wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door Dutch Directors Guild (DDG) en NBCUniversal.
How do you convey an international TV hit to the big screen? The multiple Emmy nominee Michael Engler directed episodes of well known and pioneering TV series and this year his first blockbuster. On 12 September the movie Downton Abbey will be released, featuring the complete original cast of this award-winning series (Hugh Bonneville, Laura Carmichael, Allen Leech, Michelle Dockery and Maggie Smith a.o.). Engler previously directed several episodes of the series, but now he also brings this phenomenon to the cinema. His track record further stretches from episodes of primetime hits like Six Feet Under to Sex and the City, 30 Rock and Empire. Furthermore, he is active as a producer for projects such as The Big C with Laura Linney and the (nostalgia filled, for many) teen series Party of Five. In this masterclass, Engler answers the question how much freedom you have as a director of a TV programme with a fixed format. And he will explain how to convey a popular TV success to the big screen: which dangers are lurking here? This masterclass is organised in partnership with NBCUniversal and Dutch Directors Guild (DDG). Language English
Voertaal Engels
Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops 11
International NCE-masterclass Editing: Lee Smith, ACE Saturday 28 September 13:30–17:00
Tijdens de 9e Internationale NCEmasterclass Montage is Lee Smith, ACE, te gast. Smith is met name bekend als editor van Christopher Nolans films en won een Oscar voor zijn montage van Dunkirk. Begeleid door fragmenten uit zijn beroemdste films vertelt Smith over zijn werk. Gemodereerd door Job ter Burg.
The 9th International NCE-masterclass Editing welcomes Lee Smith, ACE. Smith is particularly known as Christopher Nolan’s regular editor and won an Oscar for his editing of Dunkirk. Incorporating fragments from his most famous projects, Smith talks about his work. Moderated by Dutch editor Job ter Burg.
De in Australië geboren Smith monteerde naast alle films van Nolan sinds Batman Begins (naast Dunkirk en de Batman-trilogie werkten zij tevens samen aan The Prestige, Interstellar en Inception) ook recente blockbusters als de James Bondfilm Spectre. Smith werkt eveneens veel samen met landgenoot Peter Weir, met wie hij films als The Truman Show en Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World maakte. Daarvoor werkte hij als sound designer al veelvuldig samen met bekende regisseurs, waaronder de Nieuw-Zeelandse Jane Campion (The Piano, The Portrait of a Lady, Holy Smoke). Genoeg om te bespreken dus met deze grootheid die momenteel bezig is aan de nieuwe film van Sam Mendes.
Born in Australia, Smith edited all of Nolan’s movies since Batman Begins (besides Dunkirk and the Batman trilogy, The Prestige, Interstellar and Inception), but also recent blockbusters such as the James Bond movie Spectre. Moreover, Smith often cooperates with compatriot Peter Weir, with whom he made box-office hits like The Truman Show and Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World. Remarkably, he switched to editing only later in his career. Before that, he also frequently worked with big names, including New-Zealand-born Jane Campion (The Piano, The Portrait of a Lady, Holy Smoke), but in his capacity as sound designer. So, plenty to talk about with this guest, who is currently working on Sam Mendes latest film.
Deze masterclass wordt georganiseerd door onze partner de Nederlandse Vereniging van CinemaEditors (NCE).
This masterclass is organised by our partner the Netherlands Association of Cinema Editors (NCE).
Voertaal Engels
Language English
12 Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops
Het Scenario & Het Proces
Saturday 28 September 14:00–17:00
Hoe verschilt werken aan een eigen idee van werken in opdracht? Hoe ga je om met kritiek? Hoe is het om onderdeel te zijn van een schrijversteam? In samenwerking met het NFF stelt het Netwerk Scenarioschrijvers een rijk en gevarieerd programma samen.
How does working on your own idea differ from working on an assignment? How do you deal with criticism? And what is it like to be part of a team of writers? In collaboration with NFF the Dutch Screenwriters Guild presents a rich and diverse programme.
Hoe begeleid je een schrijver? Hoe geef je karakter aan je personages? Met bekende scenaristen praten we over ‘het proces’. We staan stil bij gezamenlijke struikelblokken en vanzelfsprekend ook de liefde voor het vak. De schrijvers van SpangaS nemen ons mee in hun proces. Hoe werkt dat, als team aan een serie schrijven? En hoe gaat het herschrijven van elkaars teksten in zo’n gedeeld proces? Dit is de middag om met collega’s en andere vakgenoten te praten over hoe zij het aanpakken.
How do you guide a writer? How do you give depth to your characters? Renowned screenwriters talk about the process. We take a moment to talk about the love for the profession and the stumbling blocks that we have to undertake. The writers of SpangaS guide us through their process. How does the rewriting of each other’s texts work in such a shared process? Take the afternoon to share thoughts with colleagues and other professionals. Language Dutch
Voertaal Nederlands
Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops 13
For the Record: Designing Realities
Saturday 28 September 20:00–22:00
In samenwerking met Het Nieuwe Instituut staat deze avond in het teken van hedendaagse videocultuur als publieke ruimte voor cultureel activisme en emancipatie. Aan de hand van recente video’s van onder andere Janelle Monáe wordt gediscussieerd over de rol van seten modeontwerp bij het vormgeven van wereldbeelden. Voor dit evenement wordt de Hekmanfoyer omgebouwd tot een heuse studio. De avond wordt geregistreerd in de vorm van een muziekvideo, waarin de belangrijkste onderwerpen, video’s en reacties van het publiek aan bod komen. Sprekers — Romke Faber Production designer die zich laat inspireren door het worldbuildingproces. — Dan Hassler-Forest Filmwetenschapper, publicist en onder meer Assistant Professor. of Cultural Theory aan de Universiteit Utrecht — Emma Westenberg Regisseur die onder meer de clip bij Janelle Monáe’s Pynk maakte. Voertaal Engels
14 Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops
In collaboration with For the Record (Het Nieuwe Instituut) we will talk about contemporary video culture as a public platform for cultural activism and empowerment. Illustrated by recent videos of, for example, Janelle Monáe, participants discuss the role of set and fashion design in shaping world views. For this event, the Hekman Foyer will be converted into a studio, and the evening will be registered. Eventually, a music video-like report will be made, illustrating the main topics and reactions from the audience and moderator with the videos discussed. Speakers — Romke Faber Production designer who takes inspiration from the worldbuilding process. — Dan Hassler-Forest Publicist with a background in Film and TV studies and Assistant Professor of Cultural Theory at Utrecht University. — Emma Westenberg Director, one of whose music videos was for Janelle Monáe’s Pynk. Language English
Masterclass Music Production: Andy Hill Sunday 29 September 10:00–12:30
Andy Hill is onder meer voormalig Vice President of Music Production voor The Walt Disney Studios. In deze masterclass toont hij aan de hand van vele bekende voorbeelden wat de rol van muziek in film is.
Andy Hill is former Vice President of Music Production for The Walt Disney Studios. In this masterclass, illustrated by numerous famous examples, he explains the role of music in cinema.
Als Vice-President of Music Production voor The Walt Disney Studios coördineerde Andy Hill onder andere de muziekproductie van films als The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast en Sister Act. In het creëren van vele wereldberoemde scores werkte hij nauw samen met componisten als Hans Zimmer en Alan Menken, won hij voor zijn werk als producer een Grammy Award en runde hij vele onderwijstrajecten over film en compositie. Zowel in de Verenigde Staten als in Europa, van een dependance van Berklee College of Music tot een filmmuziekopleiding aan het prestigieuze Pulse college. Op het moment is hij consulent programmaontwikkeling bij de Film Scoring Academy of Europe in Sofia, waar jaarlijks de grootste namen uit de industrie gastlessen zullen verzorgen.
As Vice President of Music Production for The Walt Disney Studios, Andy Hill coordinated the music production of movies such as The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast and Sister Act. In conceiving many world-renowned scores, he teamed up with composers such as Hans Zimmer and Alan Menken. His production work won him a Grammy Award and he ran many educational projects about cinema and composition, both in the United States and Europe, from an annex of the Berklee College of Music to a film music training at the prestigious Pulse College. He is currently a consultant on the programme design for the Film Scoring Academy of Europe in Sofia, Bulgaria, where big industry names will give guest lectures from September 2019.
Zijn boek Scoring the Screen: The Secret Language of Film Music wordt wereldwijd gebruikt en bejubeld. Bekende componisten Conrad Pope, Alexandre Desplat en Howard Shore raden het van harte aan: ‘if you have any interest in what music means in film, you must read this book’. Deze masterclass wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met de Dutch Film Composers (DFC/ BCMM) en Buma Music in Motion.
His book Scoring the Screen: The Secret Language of Film Music is used and applauded worldwide. Famous composers such as Conrad Pope, Alexandre Desplat and Howard Shore warmly recommend it: ‘If you have any interest in what music means in film, you must read this book’. This masterclass is organised in partnership with the Dutch Film Composers (DFC/BCMM) and Buma Music in Motion. Language English
Voertaal Engels Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops 15
Interactive Workshop: Miraculous Futures Day 1: Saturday 28 September Day 2: Sunday 29 September
In een tweedaagse ‘speculative storytelling’workshop richten multidisciplinair kunstenaars Ashley Baccus-Clark en Klasien van de Zandschulp zich op worldbuilding.
In a two-day speculative storytelling workshop, multidisciplinary artists Ashley Baccus-Clark and Klasien van de Zandschulp focus on Worldbuilding.
‘Speculative storytelling’ is een manier om anders naar het heden en toekomst te kijken en biedt handvaten voor originele oplossingen en radicale nieuwe ideeën. Hoe bouw je een speculatief verhaal, en hoe maak je dit verhaal ervaarbaar? Hoe kunnen we worldbuilding en toekomstdenken toepassen in ons werk als verhalenvertellers?
Speculative storytelling is a way of looking differently at the present and future and provides tools for original solutions and radical new ideas. The first day of this workshop takes place at MU Artspace (Eindhoven) and will be made up of one big inspirational brainstorm, where ideas are exchanged, conversations carry on and people jointly consider the future of interactive art. On day two, the artists and audience will roll up their sleeves at NFF. Here, you will learn to work with the concept of worldbuilding. Watch how the ideas from the first day take shape and work as a team on a ‘Miraculous Future’.
In deze workshop ontwikkel je een speculatief verhaal aan de hand van een speciaal ontworpen kaartspel. De eerste dag vindt plaats in MU Artspace (Eindhoven) en staat in het teken van het brainstormen over speculative futures. De eerste ideeën zullen gedeeld worden en een verhalende vorm krijgen. Op dag twee steken de kunstenaars samen met de deelnemers de handen uit de mouwen tijdens het NFF. Je leert werken met het concept worldbuilding en je geeft vorm aan een speculatief verhaal. De resulterende verhalen worden gepubliceerd in het online archief, het Future thinking archive for Miraculous Futures. De workshop-dagen kunnen afzonderlijk worden bijgewoond.
The results of this two-day workshop will consist of several stories, published in an online archive, the ‘future thinking archive for Miraculous Futures’. The workshops can be attended seperately. This workshop is developed by Ashley Baccus-Clark (Hyphen Labs) and Klasien van de Zandschulp in collaboration with MU Artspace and NFF. Language English
Deze workshop is ontwikkeld en wordt begeleid door Ashley Baccus-Clark (Hyphen Labs) en Klasien van de Zandschulp, in nauwe samenwerking met MU Artspace en het NFF. Voertaal Engels 16 Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops
Masterclass Production Design: Fiona Crombie Sunday 29 September 14:30–17:00
Fiona Crombie heeft dit jaar een Oscarnominatie voor Best Production Design op haar naam gezet met haar werk voor The Favourite, Yorgos Lanthimos’ veelgeprezen film. De Australische Production Designer staat door dit 18de-eeuws kostuumdrama nu definitief op de radar in de filmwereld.
This year, she clinched an Oscar nomination for Best Production Design with her work for Yorgos Lanthimos’ much-praised movie The Favourite. This 18th-century period black comedy definitively put Australian production designer Fiona Crombie on the radar in the world of cinema.
In deze masterclass neemt ze ons mee in haar creatieve proces en vertelt ze over textielkeuze, sfeer en het vertalen van een visueel concept naar set design. Crombie studeerde Production Design aan het NIDA in Sydney en werkte vervolgens mee aan diverse theater-, film- en televisieproducties. Voor haar werk voor series en films als Jane Campion’s Emmy-winnende Top of the Lake en Justin Kurzel’s Snowtown en het voor een Gouden Palm genomineerde Macbeth won ze verschillende prijzen. Zo zette ze de toon voor een internationale carrière.
In this masterclass, she demonstrates her creative process and talks about selecting fabrics, cinematic ambiance and translating a visual concept into a set design. Crombie studied Production Design at the NIDA in Sydney and proceeded to work on various stage, movie and TV productions. For her work for series and films such as Jane Campion’s Emmy-winning Top of the Lake and Justin Kurzel's Snowtown and Golden Palm nominee Macbeth, she won several awards, setting the tone for an international career.
Met deze vakinhoudelijke Masterclass Production Design geeft het NFF de Nederlandse filmmaker een verdieping in de wereld van production design.
With this Production Design Masterclass, NFF offers Dutch filmmakers an in-depth glance at the world of production design. Language English
Voertaal Engels
Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops 17
Live Foley Workshop
Sunday 29 September 20:00–22:00
Met een kapot gesmeten watermeloen het geluid van een moord nabootsen. Tijdens deze Live Foley Workshop zie (en hoor) je welke geluiden in een film echt zijn en welke nagemaakt. De prijswinnende foley artists Caoimhe Doyle en Jean McGrath (The Favourite, Game of Thrones) nemen het publiek mee op een interactieve en auditieve reis door bekende film- en televisiefragmenten.
Mimic the sound of a murder with a smashed watermelon. During this Live Foley Workshop you see (and hear) which sounds in a movie are real and which are fake. The prizewinning foley artists Caoimhe Doyle and Jean McGrath (The Favourite, Game of Thrones) take the audience on an interactive and auditory journey through well-known film and television excerpts.
Caoimhe Doyle en Jean McGrath zijn respectievelijk werkzaam als foley artist en als foley mixer en recordist. Al achttien jaar werken ze veelvuldig samen om geloofwaardige geluiden te creëren voor film, televisie en video games. Ze specialiseren zich vooral in wat ze zelf noemen ‘de menselijke kant’: geluiden die uiteenlopen van zoenen, rennen tot het bewegen van kleding. Samen werkten ze onder meer voor Yorgos Lanthimos (The Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Favourite), Lenny Abrahamson (Room) en tv-hit Game of Thrones. Laatstgenoemde leverde Doyle een Emmy nominatie op. McGrath werkte mee aan Sacha Polaks eerste Engelstalige film Dirty God.
Caoimhe Doyle and Jean McGrath are active as foley artists, foley mixers and recordists. They have been working together frequently for eighteen years to create different sounds for film, television and video games. They mainly specialize in what they call ‘the human side of sounds’ that range from kissing, running to the rustle of clothes. Together they worked with Yorgos Lanthimos (The Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Favourite), Lenny Abrahamson (Room) and TV hit Game of Thrones. The latter earned Doyle an Emmy nomination. McGrath contributed to Sacha Polak’s first English-language film Dirty God.
Deze workshop wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door Vereniging Constructief Audio (VCA) en de HKU.
This workshop is made possible by Vereniging Constructief Audio (VCA) and the HKU. Language English
Voertaal Engels
18 Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops
Interactive Narrative Design Think Tank Sunday 29 September 20:00–22:00
Digitale verteltechnieken bieden makers ongekende kansen om hun publiek te betrekken bij hun producties. In deze sessie delen meerdere professionals hun visie op de mogelijkheden van makers om het creatieve en economische potentieel van interactieve verhaallijnen ten volle te benutten.
Digital storytelling techniques offer makers new opportunities to reach their audience with their productions. In this session several professionals share their vision of the possibilities for creators to get creative and reach the economic potential of interactive narratives.
Aan de hand van voorbeelden als de game Heavy Rain, de prijswinnende interactieve documentaire The Industry (VPRO/ Submarine) en Netflix’s interactieve aflevering van de populaire serie Black Mirror: Bandersnatch onderzoeken we welke groeipijnen deze spannende nieuwe vertelkunst moet overwinnen om op het volgende niveau te komen. Experts uit diverse velden (game design, AI, educatie, digitale media en televisie) delen hun standpunten en ervaring. Moderator van dit programma is Hartmut Koenitz, lector Interactive Narrative Design aan de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht.
On the basis of examples from the game Heavy Rain and the prize-winning interactive documentary The Industry (VPRO/Submarine) to Netflix’ interactive episode of the popular series Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, this Interactive Narrative Design Think Tank brings together professionals, teachers and researchers. Topics discussed include ways to further develop the growing field of narrative designers and the different ways designers can join forces. The event is moderated by Hartmut Koenitz, Professor Interactive Narrative Design at HKU.
Sprekers — Michel Bas Medeoprichter &Ranj, studio voor serious games en game thinking, pionier interactieve ervaringen voor grote, commerciële klanten. — Geert-Jan Strengholt Hoofd VPRO Medialab, experimenteert met interactieve vormen van niet-fictieve verhaalvormen. — Roy van der Schilden Game designer, medeoprichter gamestudio Wispfire. — Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari HEVGA, Södertörn University, Sweden. Game designer, informaticus, ontwikkelaar van kunstmatige intelligentie. Voertaal Engels
Speakers — Michel Bas Co-founder &Ranj, studio for serious games and game thinking, pioneer interactive experiences for corporates. — Geert-Jan Strengholt VPRO Medialab, experiments with interactive forms of nonfictional narratives. —R oy van der Schilden Game designer, cofounder Wispfire game studio. — Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari HEVGA, Södertörn University, Sweden. Game designer, computer scientist, developer of artificial intelligence. Language English Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops 19
Be Dramatic!
Monday 30 September 10:00–12:30
Be Dramatic! draait om drama: de huidige stand van zaken op het gebied van Europese series.
Be Dramatic! revolves around drama: the current state of affairs in the field of European series.
In Be Dramatic! bespreken we twee casestudies van nog niet vertoonde series, vertegenwoordigd door hun creatieve teams uit Nederland. Zo worden de eerste fragmenten getoond van Heirs of the Night van Diederik van Rooijen (Lemming Film - Fleur Winters) voor hun première tijdens MIPCOM en presenteren we twee, nog nooit eerder vertoonde complete afleveringen van de animatieserie Undone (Submarine - Bruno Felix, Tornante Company, Minnow Mountain en Amazon). Met makers en belangrijke spelers kijken we samen naar de toekomst van Europese series.
In Be Dramatic! we take a close look at two case studies from promising new international series featuring a Dutch team. During Be Dramatic! you will get to see first clips of Heirs of the Night by Diederik van Rooijen (Lemming Film) before its premiere during MIPCOM and two full episodes of the animation series Undone (Submarine, Tornante Company, Minnow Mountain and Amazon). Together with industry professionals and important players, we zoom in on the world and future of European drama.
Meer over Undone te weten komen? Bezoek dan ook het middagprogramma van onze partner Animatieproducenten Nederland, waar tijdens het Seminar Animatie uitgebreid in zal gegaan worden op de productielijn van deze serie. Voertaal Engels
20 Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops
Get to know more about Undone and visit the Animation Seminar in the afternoon, where we will take a closer look at the whole production line of this series. Language English
Seminar Animation: the Pipeline of Ainbo & Undone Monday 30 September 14:00–17:00
Coproductie is al jarenlang een bekende manier van werken voor producenten en makers. In de animatiesector komen internationale kennisuitwisseling en samenwerkingen steeds vaker voor.
Co-production. It has been a well known practice for producers and filmmakers for years. In the field of Animation the sharing of international knowledge and collaboration is more and more frequent.
Tijdens het Seminar Animatie 2019 neemt Animatie producenten Nederland (ApN) twee case studies van internationale coproducties uitvoerig onder de loep: speelfilm Ainbo en serie Undone. Zo wordt met de creatieve teams achter deze projecten de volledige productielijn besproken, van verhaalontwikkeling tot realisering, van distributie tot promotie.
During the 2019 Animation Seminar we take a close look at two case studies of international coproduction: the feature Ainbo and the series Undone. Along with the creative teams behind these projects, the complete production line is discussed; from story development tot realisation, from distribution to promotion.
Ainbo: Spirit of the Amazone De 3D-speelfilm Ainbo kwam tot stand tussen Tunche Film (Peru) en Katuni (Nederland). Naast het tonen van exclusieve eerste beelden (release: 2020), bespreken zij het creatieve en productieproces van A tot Z en de uitdagingen en voordelen die zij tegenkwamen in de realisering van de film zowel in Nederland als Peru.
Ainbo: Spirit of the Amazon The 3D feature production Ainbo was created by Tunche Film (Peru) and Katuni (the Netherlands). In addition to showing an exclusive preview, we will discuss the creative and production process from start to end and will talk about the benefits and challenges they encountered during the realization of the film in both the Netherlands and Peru.
Undone Hoe verloopt een coproductie met een gigant als Amazon Studios? We bespreken het aan de hand van de serie Undone: een samenwerking tussen Submarine (Nederland), Minnow Mountain Studio (VS), Michael Eisners Tornante Productions (VS) en Amazon Studios (VS).
Undone What is it like to share a co-production with a massive company like Amazon Studios? We are discussing it with the creators of the Undone series: a collaboration between Submarine (the Netherlands), Minnow Mountain Studio (USA), Michael Eisner’s Tornante Company (USA) and Amazon Studios (USA).
Dit seminar wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met Animatie producenten Nederland (ApN).
This seminar is organised in partnership with Animation producers Netherlands (ApN).
Voertaal Nederlands & Engels
Language Dutch & English Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops 21
International Masterclass Cinematography: Sophie Maintigneux Monday 30 September 19:30–22:00
Masterclass met de gerenommeerde Franse/ Duitse cinematograaf Sophie Maintigneux, in samenwerking met Netherlands Society of Cinematographers.
A masterclass with renowned French/ German cinematographer Sophie Maintigneux, in collaboration with the Netherlands Society of Cinematographers.
Haar eerste film Le rayon vert (1986) maakte ze samen met Franse filmgrootheid Eric Rohmer en was meteen een schot in de roos. Hierna ging het snel. Cinematograaf Sophie Maintigneux heeft ondertussen meer dan 70 speelfilms en documentaires op haar naam staan. Met daarin samenwerkingen met regisseurs als Jean-Luc Godard, Michael Klier, Jan Schütte, Rudolph Thome, Philipp Gröning, Marcel Gisler, Doris Metz, Judith Kennel, Lilo Mangelsdorff, Mirjam Kubescha, Erica von Moeller, Maria Teresa Camoglio, Michael Radford en Mareike Wegener. Naast diverse prijzen sleepte ze een functie aan de German Film and Television Academy in Berlijn in de wacht. Een positie die ze in 2011 verruilde om les te geven aan de Academy of Media Arts in Keulen.
Maintigneux made her first film Le rayon vert (1986) together with French film celebrity Eric Rohmer and it became an immediate hit. After this, everything went in a rush. At this point, Sophie has more than 70 feature films and documentaries to her name. Including collaborations with directors such as Jean-Luc Godard, Michael Klier, Jan Schütte, Rudolph Thome, Philipp Gröning, Marcel Gisler, Doris Metz, Judith Kennel, Lilo Mangelsdorff, Mirjam Kubescha, Erica von Moeller, Maria Teresa Camoglio, Michael Radford and Mareike Wegener. She won various prizes for her work and landed a position at the German Film and Television Academy in Berlin. A position she exchanged in 2011 to teach at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne.
In deze masterclass zal Sophie aan de hand van fragmenten uitweiden over haar werk als DoP.
Language English
Voertaal Engels
22 Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops
Click, Like and Share! — Film marketing in a modern age Monday 30 September 20:00–22:00
Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je nieuwe film alle aandacht krijgt in de distributie-fase? Op welke manieren kun je je materiaal monteren zodat het direct alle aandacht opeist? Hoe maak je het beste gebruik van social media platforms?
How do you make sure your new film grabs all the attention in your distribution phase? How can you edit a clip in such a way that it immediately ensures audience-engagement? How do you use online social media platforms to your best advantage?
Op welke manieren kunnen jonge filmmakers, of professionals met een klein marketingbudget, gegarandeerd een succesvol aantal views (en likes) krijgen, zonder hun bankrekening te plunderen?
And in what ways can young filmmakers or professionals with low marketing budgets make sure their project gets the most views (and likes) as possible without breaking the bank?
Tijdens Click, Like and Share! nemen Intermission Film en VERS je op een online reis langs de geheimen van marketing en distributie in de digitale eeuw.
In this session, Intermission Film and VERS take you on an online journey through the secrets of marketing and distribution in the digital age. Language Dutch & English
Voertaal Nederlands & Engels
Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops  23
The Hmm
Tuesday 1 October 19:00–22:00
Het internet is een veeleisende plek. Neem een pauze en laat je meevoeren door The Hmm, een real life Tumblr die het scrollen van je overneemt. Speciaal voor en in samenwerking met het NFF is er dit jaar een filmversie van The Hmm te beleven.
The internet is a demanding place. Take a break and get swept away by The Hmm, a real life Tumblr that takes over your scrolling. Especially for — and in association with — the NFF, you can experience a film version of The Hmm.
The Hmm: 10 presentaties van 10 sprekers die ieder binnen 5 minuten hun verrassende invalshoek op het internet met ons delen. Wat doet YouTube’s algoritme met ons mediaecosysteem? Hoe voer je actie via TikTok? En welke elementen mogen in een ASMR video niet ontbreken? In dit prikkelende format komen deze inzichten in razend tempo voorbij en de klok is genadeloos. Elke spreker neemt 20 slides mee en elke slide wordt slechts 15 seconden getoond.
The Hmm: 10 presentations by 10 speakers, each sharing their surprising angle on the internet in 5 minutes. What does YouTube’s algorithm do to our media-ecosystem? How do you campaign via TikTok? And which elements are compulsory in an ASMR video? In this tantalising format, these insights are addressed at lightning speed and the clock is merciless. Each speaker brings 20 slides and each slide is shown for only 15 seconds.
Het voorprogramma van The Hmm is The Social Sorting Experiment van The Smartphone Orchestra, een van de tien kanshebbers op het Gouden Kalf voor Beste Interactive.
The ‘supporting act’ for The Hmm is the The Social Sorting Experiment by The Smartphone Orchestra, one of the ten competitors for the Golden Calf for Best Interactive. Language English
Voertaal Engels
24 Masterclasses, Seminars & Workshops
NFF Conferentie 2019 Re:define
Op dinsdag 1 oktober sluit het Professionals Programma af met de jaarlijkse NFF Conferentie voor de hele Nederlandse AVindustrie. Het thema van 2019, ‘Re:define’, speelt in op hoe wij als sector onze manier van denken en samenwerkingen kunnen herdefiniëren en vormgeven. Makers uit alle vakdisciplines worden uitgenodigd elkaar te inspireren, hun visies te delen en aan te scherpen.
On Tuesday 1 October, the NFF Professionals programme culminates in the 2019 NFF Conference — Re:define. This will be an inspiring day full of (inter)national speakers, stirring programme items and topical discussions. Following from ‘Homo Ludens’, Re:define responds to the way we as a sector can redefine and shape our working processes, ways of thinking and collaborations.
Voor de laatste informatie over de NFF Conferentie, ga naar filmfestival.nl/ nff-conferentie
26 NFF Conference 2019
NFF Conferentie Ochtend Programma
NFF Conference Morning Programme
Plenair programma / opening (09:30–10:30) Wat speelt er in film, televisie en interactive land sinds de vorige NFF Conferentie? Aan de hand van het thema Re:define openen we gezamenlijk de NFF Conferentie 2019. Met Silvia van der Heiden (Algemeen Directeur NFF), Damiaan Denys (filosoof en psychiater) en Micha Wertheim (cabaretier en radiomaker)
Kick Off (09:30–10:30) What has happened in the landscape of film, television and interactive since the last NFF Conference? With the theme Re:define we investigate how to redefine ourselves as makers/professionals, and our working methods, in times of experiment and renewal. With Silvia van der Heiden (Festival Director NFF), Damiaan Denys (philosopher and psychiatrist) and Micha Wertheim (comedian and radio producer)
The Cinema Experience (10:45–11:45) Hoe beleven we, anno 2019, een film? Puur door te kijken, of kunnen we het ervaren van een film versterken door het gebruik van nieuwe technieken, live muziek of visuele stimulans? In The Cinema Experience nemen we de concepten ‘beleven en ervaren’ onder de loep door middel van enkele prikkelende internationale voorbeelden en trends uit het buitenland. We kijken naar de behoefte van de bezoeker en van onszelf, voorbij het witte doek. Met Polly Betton (Edible Cinema), Lisa Brook (Live Cinema) en Dominic Davies (Backyard Cinema) Moderator Monique van Dusseldorp Shifting Borders: Brexit (10:45–11:45) Hoe verlopen de Brexit gesprekken aan de overkant van het kanaal? Samen met enkele professionals hebben we het over de gevolgen van Brexit voor de Europese AV-industrie. Zullen coproducties en financieringen blijven bestaan of verkassen de Britse instanties naar het vasteland? Welk effect brengt Brexit op het gebied van productionele zaken als invoerrechten en crew, maar ook distributiezaken als licentiedeals? Met Mike Eliott & Marleen Slot (producenten Dirty God), Neil Watson (Strategy Advisor, British Film Institute) Moderator Michael Gubbins
The Cinema Experience (10:45–11:45) How do we experience a film in 2019? Purely by watching, or can we intensify the experience of a film by using new techniques, live music or visual stimulation? In The Cinema Experience, we focus on the concepts ‘immerse and experience’, incorporating some enticing international examples and trends from abroad. We address the needs of the visitor and ourselves, beyond the silver screen. Guests Polly Betton (Edible Cinema), Lisa Brook (Live Cinema) and Dominic Davies (Backyard Cinema) Moderator Monique van Dusseldorp Shifting Borders: Brexit (10:45–11:45) How do the Brexit discussions proceed across the Channel? Joined by several professionals, we discuss the consequences of Brexit for the European AV industry. Will co-productions and financing schemes continue or will British agencies move to the continent? What will be the effects of Brexit on production matters such as import duties and crews, but also distribution matters like license deals? Guests Mike Eliott, Marleen Slot (producers Dirty God) and Neil Watson (Strategy Advisor, British Film Institute) Moderator Michael Gubbins
NFF Conference 2019 27
Lab Life: In Search of the Miraculous (10:45–13:30) De snelle ontwikkeling van complexe technieken als kunstmatige intelligentie, online platforms en meervoudige realities waaronder VR en AR, verandert de maatschappij en zorgt voor nieuwe vormen van interdisciplinaire samenwerking. Met een scala aan (inter)nationale, interdisciplinaire en baanbrekende initiatieven laten we zien hoe de creatieve industrie hier vorm aan geeft. Met Kat Cizek, Ashley Baccus-Clark, Sarah Ellis, Mark Atkin, Ali Eslami en Klasien van de Zandschulp Moderator Dan Hassler-Forest Ethics vs. Critics (12:00–13:00) In tijden van activisme, ‘identity politics’ en het wijzende vingertje, stellen we onszelf de vraag wat de positie van een filmmaker of criticus is in de huidige maatschappelijke kritiek cultuur. Hebben we als filmmakers de verantwoordelijkheid om een afspiegeling van de realiteit in ons werk te verwerken? Moeten we luisteren naar alle verschillende geluiden vanuit de samenleving? Een gesprek over film(kritiek), eigen interpretatie en de druk van de huidige maatschappij. Met Joy Gorman Wettels (producent bij Anonymous Content, o.a. Thirteen Reasons Why), Sunny Bergman (filmmaker en activist) en Anna Bogutskaya (curator BFI) Moderator Tara Judah Copyright Revisited (12:00–13:30) Naar aanleiding van de NFF Extended bijeenkomst afgelopen 9 juli, pakken we het gesprek over auteursrechten verder op en nemen we een kijkje in de keuken bij Denemarken. Hoe wordt daar het auteursrechten-gesprek gevoerd? Wat zijn de spelregels en waar ligt de ambitie voor ontwikkeling? En wat kan het Nederlandse AVlandschap daarvan leren? Met Lone Amtrup (autersrecht-expert en onderhandelaar) e.a. Moderator Monica Bremer
28 NFF Conference 2019
Lab Life: In Search of the Miraculous (10:45–13:30) The rapid development of new and complex techniques like AI, apps, online platforms and multiple realities like MR, VR and XR is changing society and broadening possibilities for filmmakers, storytellers and artists. In response to this we increasingly see all sorts of inspiring forms of interdisciplinary cooperation arising within the creative industry. This programme focusses on pioneering labs and initiatives from home and abroad in which filmmakers, creative technologists and storytellers join hands. With Kat Cizek, Ashley Baccus-Clark, Sarah Ellis, Mark Atkin, Ali Eslami and Klasien van de Zandschulp Moderator Dan Hassler-Forest Ethics vs. Critics (12:00–13:00) In times of activism and identity politic, we ask ourselves the question what the position is of a filmmaker or critic in the current culture of social criticism. Do we as filmmakers have the responsibility to incorporate a reflection of reality in our work? Should we listen to all the different voices in society? A discussion on film (criticism), individual interpretation and the pressure of contemporary society. With Joy Gorman Wettels (producer Anonymous Content, e.g. Thirteen Reasons Why), Sunny Bergman (filmmaker and activist) and Anna Bogutskaya (BFI curator) Moderator Tara Judah Copyright Revisited (12:00–13:30) On the occasion of the NFF Extended meeting on July 9 2019, we resume the discussion on copyrights and take a glimpse behind the scenes of Denmark. How do they discuss copyright issues? What are the game rules and what are their ambitions for development? And what can the Dutch AV sector learn from it? With Lone Amtrup (copyright expert and negotiator) among others Moderator Monica Bremer
NFF Conferentie Middag Programma
NFF Conference Afternoon Programme
Collective Ambition (14:00–17:30) Het multimediale project If You are Not There, Where Are You? beslaat o.a. de documentaire Ik ben er even niet, de methode en expositie Mapping the Experience, tien co-creaties, de VR-installatie In My Absence, een website met 360° films, een boek en een onderzoeksfilm. Tijdens dit programma zoomen we in op de unieke samenwerkingen tussen kunstenaars, wetenschappers, ervaringsdeskundigen en film- en interactive professionals binnen dit veelomvattende project. Pauze 15:30–16:00
Collective Ambition (14:00–17:30) The multimedia project If You Are Not There, Where Are You? entails the documentary Are You There?, the method and exhibition Mapping the Experience, ten co-creations, the VR installation In My Absence, a website with 360° films, a book and a research film. This session zooms in on the unique collaborations the project comprised between artists and scientists, experts and film and interactive professionals. Break 15:30–16:00
Truth in times of Fakeness (14:30–15:30) In tijden van fake news, levensechte VFX en opkomende deepfake algoritmes waarmee je mensen in een video dingen kunt laten zeggen die ze nooit hebben gezegd, gaan we in gesprek over het grijze gebied tussen ‘echt’ en ‘fake’. Wat zijn de gevaren van deze nieuwe technologieën, maar ook: wat bieden deze ontwikkelingen voor creatieve mogelijkheden? Met Severin Sauliere (producent, o.a. Dalí Lives), Sezer Karaoglu (3Duniversum, UvA), Derpfakes (Deepfaker/YouTuber) Moderator Monique van Dusseldorp Het Omroep Debat (14:30–15:30) Wat brengt de toekomst voor het Nederlandse omroepenbestel? Tijdens dit uur bespreken we o.a. het advies van de Raad voor Cultuur en het Tweede Kamerdebat van 11 september jl. Met o.a. Marijke van Hees (Voorzitter Raad voor Cultuur) Moderator Joost de Vries The VOD Goldrush (15:45–16:45) Steeds meer online diensten strijden om onze aandacht en ons geld. Maar heeft de consument wel behoefte aan vijf verschillende VOD-abonnementen? Met Europese experts bespreken we de stand van zaken in Europa. Daarin staan we stil bij de Digital Single
Truth in times of Fakeness (14:30–15:30) In times of fake news, true-to-life VFX and emerging deep-fake algorithms that allow you to make people say things in videos they never said, we host a discussion about the grey zone between ‘real’ and ‘fake’. What are the dangers of these new technologies, but also: which creative opportunities do these developments offer? With Severin Sauliere (producer, e.g. Dalí Lives), Sezer Karaoglu (3DUniversum, UvA), Derpfakes (Deepfaker/YouTuber) Moderator Monique van Dusseldorp The Broadcasting Debate An update on current matters revolving the Dutch broadcasters and political debates around this topic. With Marijke van Hees (Chairman Council for Culture) among others Moderator Joost de Vries The VOD Gold Rush (15:45–16:45) More and more online services are vying for our attention and our money. But does the consumer really need five different VOD subscriptions? With European experts, we discuss the state of affairs in Europe. Topics addressed include the Digital Single Market, the possible discontinuation of online territories, but also new forms of providing content and financial models. With Silvia Cibien (Eurovod), Jean-Baptiste NFF Conference 2019 29
Market, het wellicht opheffen van online territoria, maar ook nieuwe vormen van aanbieden en financiële modellen. Met Silvia Cibien (Eurovod), Jean-Baptiste Viaud (LaCinetek), Janneke Slöetjes (Director Public Policy Europe Netflix) Moderator Michael Gubbins Van Idee tot Inzicht (15:45–16:45) ‘De kwaliteit van de Nederlandse film moet omhoog’ wordt er geroepen, ‘onze verhalen diverser en unieker’ en ‘de aanpak moet anders, meer tijd voor een goede ontwikkeling’. Wat heeft onze sector nodig om een gezonde, creatieve en vernieuwende werkomgeving vol unieke ideeën te worden? Met Jacqueline Blom (actrice), Dennis Alink (regisseur) en Thomas van de Gronde (cinematograaf) Moderator Aldith Hunkar Jumping the box (17:00–18:00) Wat kunnen we leren van professionals die naast hun werk in de AV-sector ook nog actief zijn op andere vlakken? Een bijeenkomst voor en door interdisciplinaire professionals die net even anders te werk gaan. Met Michael Middelkoop (regisseur/ kinderboekenschrijver), Miguel López Beraza (documentaire regisseur/scriptconsultant/ disaster relief architect) en Ashley BaccusClark (multidisciplinair kunstenaar/bioloog) Moderator Aldith Hunkar NFF Expertmeetings (14:30–17:30) In de vorm van rondetafelgesprekken worden actuele onderwerpen in de audiovisuele industrie besproken met diverse makers, fondsen en beleidsmakers. Naderhand wordt het verslag gepubliceerd op de NFF Professionals-website en overhandigd aan het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap (OCW). Op uitnodiging. Film in de Klas (17:00–18:30) Update over de bereikte doelen en toekomstige projecten van het Netwerk Filmeducatie, inclusief lancering van NFF’s nieuwe online filmeducatiekanaal i.s.m. NPO Start, Schooltv en Eye Filmmuseum. We sluiten af met de bekendmaking van de Filmleraar van het jaar 2019. 30 NFF Conference 2019
Viaud (LaCinetek), Janneke Slöetjes (Director Public Policy Europe Netflix) Moderator Michael Gubbins From Idea to Insight (15:45–16:45) Some people claim: ‘The quality of Dutch cinema should improve’, ‘Our stories should become more diverse and unique’ and ‘The approach should change and allow more time for a proper development’. What does our sector need to become a healthy, creative and innovative work environment full of unique ideas? With Jacqueline Blom (actress), Dennis Alink (director) and Thomas van de Gronde (cinematographer) Moderator Aldith Hunkar Jumping the box (17:00–18:00) What can we learn from professionals who, apart from their work in the AV industry, are active in other areas as well? A meeting for and by interdisciplinary professionals who go about things slightly differently. With Michael Middelkoop (director/ children’s book writer), Miguel López Beraza (documentary director/script consultant/ disaster relief architect), Ashley Baccus-Clark (multidisciplinary artist/cellular biologist) Moderator Aldith Hunkar NFF Expert Meetings (14:30–17:30) Various creators, funds and policy makers participate in the NFF Expert Meetings. In round-table sessions, topical themes and situations in the audiovisual industry are discussed on the basis of propositions. Afterwards, the report will be published on the NFF Professionals website and presented to the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and relevant policy makers. By invitation. Film in the Classroom (17:00–18:30) Update on the achieved goals and future projects of the Netherlands’ Film Education Network, including the launch of NFF’s new online film education channel in collaboration with NPO Start, Schooltv and Eye Filmmuseum. We conclude with the election of the Film Teacher of the year 2019.
Holland Film Meeting
Van 28 september t/m 1 oktober verzamelt NFF Professionals de internationale filmindustrie in Utrecht om ze voor te stellen aan Nederlandse professionals en hun projecten (van fictie tot documentaire tot interactive). Makers krijgen de kans om hun projecten in ontwikkeling of work-inprogress te presenteren aan gerenommeerde internationale professionals uit de industrie. Bijvoorbeeld tijdens Stories & Beyond en BoostNL, het ontwikkelingstraject van IFFR en NFF waarbij projecten advies en feedback krijgen van toonaangevende internationale professionals. Van scriptlezingen met acteurs tot researchgesprekken met een psychiater of advies van een sales agent.
The Holland Film Meeting is a four-day international exchange whirlwind between Saturday 28 September and Tuesday 1 October. Through project pitches and worksin-progress presentations, one-on-one meetings, expert discussions, masterclasses and innovative events, you will be given front-row access to the best and latest in Dutch film/TV fiction, interactive media and documentary. The Holland Film Meeting also offers tailor-made (international) project development programmes, like Stories & Beyond and BoostNL, in cooperation with IFFR.
Access with HFM badge only. See the timetable (page 4) for times and locations.
32 Holland Film Meeting
HFM Programma
HFM Programme
HFM Project Preparation Day Voorafgaand aan de project-presentaties op maandagochtend, is er een pitchtraining voor de teams achter de geselecteerde Nederlandse en internationale HFM en BoostNL-projecten van 2019. Deze training wordt gegeven door Ido Abram (adjunct-directeur, Eye Filmmuseum).
HFM Project Preparation Day Prior to their presentation of projects on Monday morning, participating filmmakers and producers in the HFM and BoostNL schemes will attend a preparation programme consisting of a Pitching Coaching session by Ido Abram (Deputy Director, Eye Filmmuseum).
HFM Project Presentations Nederlandse producenten, regisseurs en scenaristen presenteren hun projecten in ontwikkeling en in edit-fase aan de aanwezige internationale professionals om nieuwe samenwerkingen te smeden.
HFM Project Presentations Dutch producers, directors and screenwriters will present their projects-in-development and works-in-progress to invited international film professionals to forge new financial and creative collaborations.
HFM Individual Meetings Gedurende de HFM Individual Meetings krijgen de geselecteerde deelnemers de kans om in korte sessies van 25 minuten advies en feedback te ontvangen van gerenommeerde professionals uit de industrie.
HFM Individual Meetings During the HFM Individual Meetings representatives of the selected projects will benefit from conversations of 25-minute duration with an assortment of film professionals to discuss the shape and trajectory of potential collaborations.
BoostNL Expert sessions Een op maat gemaakt programma met individuele gesprekken tussen de teams achter de BoostNL projecten en vooraanstaande filmprofessionals als scriptconsultants, marketing en strategie-experts en productie- en financieringsconsultants. BoostNL is een samenwerking tussen IFFR / CineMart en het NFF / Holland Film Meeting. Stories & Beyond Een selecte groep scenaristen uit Nederland, België en het Verenigd Koninkrijk ontvangt feedback van experts uit de AV-sector. In één-op-één gesprekken ontmoeten de schrijvers vooraanstaande vakgenoten uit de filmindustrie. HFM Openingsdiner Diner met de aanwezige internationale en nationale professionals, inclusief de officiële introductie van de vier Talents En Route 2019 (de selectie van het NFF van vier ‘s lands veelbelovende filmtalenten, zie pagina 62).
BoostNL Expert sessions Tailor-made programme with individual talks between the BoostNL projects and prominent film professionals, including script consultants, marketing & strategy experts and production & financing consultants. BoostNL is a joint project of IFFR / CineMart and NFF / Holland Film Meeting. Stories & Beyond A selected group of screenwriters from the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK will, together with renowned international experts, seek ways to radically boost the international impact of their screenplays. HFM Opening dinner Dinner with the attending international and national film professionals, as well as official introduction to the four selected Talents En Route 2019 (the festival’s curation of four promising film talents from the Netherlands, see page 62).
Holland Film Meeting 33
HFM Breakfast Op maandag staat er een licht ontbijtbuffet klaar voor alle HFM-gasten. Ideaal voor wie diepgaande gesprekken en mogelijke nieuwe samenwerkingen al rond het ochtendgloren wil beginnen. HFM Over the Hill Dinner Nederlandse producenten zullen een uitgebreid, Nederlands-Indonesisch feestmaal bereiden. Zo maken ze niet alleen met hun filmtalenten indruk op hun internationale collega’s, maar ook met hun kook-skills. Liefde gaat uiteindelijk door de maag! Vergezeld van drankjes en muziek. HFM Boat Session #1: Sales & Distribution Op een rondvarende boot worden in deze sessie de meest urgente uitdagingen en beloftevolle ontwikkelingen verkend rondom Sales en Distributie, samen met de verzamelde internationale experts (o.a. XYZ Films, Heretic Outreach, EastWest Distribution en Trustnordisk) en Nederlandse filmproducenten. HFM Boat Session #2: Financing & Co-Production Tijdens dit evenement geven we binnen een uur tijd mogelijke antwoorden op urgente en relevante vragen omtrent financiering en coproductie. Internationale experts van Universal, BFI en Slated zullen tijdens de sessie aanwezig zijn. Speeddates Casting Directors & Acteurs Vijf gerenommeerde Nederlandse casting directors gaan in gesprek met acteurs die hun carrière naar een volgend plan willen tillen. Georganiseerd door Dutch Casting Directors Guild (DCDG) i.s.m. ACT Acteursbelangen. HFM Digital Film Library De HFM Digital Film Library biedt internationale HFM-gasten de mogelijkheid om Nederlandse film- en televisieproducties te kijken die geselecteerd zijn voor NFF 2019. Het viewingplatform is online van 20 september t/m 15 oktober.
34 Holland Film Meeting
HFM Breakfast On Monday during HFM a light breakfast buffet will be available for guests who like to start their in-depth deliberations good and early. HFM Over the Hill Dinner Dutch producers, actors and other national film professionals will be preparing a lavish, Dutch-Indonesian meal — to show off to their international colleagues not just their filmmaking skills, but their cooking chops as well! Accompanied by drinks as well as tunes provided by a DJ. HFM Boat Session #1: Sales & Distribution This time the one-hour floating forum will address and explore the most pressing challenges and exciting developments within Sales & Distribution together with gathered international experts. Amongst others XYZ Films, Heretic Outreach, EastWest Distribution and TrustNordisk will offer advice and insight. HFM Boat Session #2: Financing & Co-Production This one-hour event will seek answers to urgent and relevant questions on financing and co-production. In attendance will be international experts from the likes of Universal, BFI and Slated and leading Dutch film producers. Speeddates Casting Directors & Acteurs Five renowned Dutch Casting Directors will connect with a diverse group of actors who are eager to lift their careers to a higher level. Organized by the newly-founded Dutch Casting Directors Guild (DCDG), in collaboration with ACT Acteursbelangen. HFM Digital Film Library The HFM Digital Film Library offers HFM badge holders access to a wide selection of Dutch film and TV productions with English subtitles. The viewing platform will be available online from 20 September to 15 October.
Project Selections 36 BoostNL 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
The Dumped Figures in the Urban Landscape From Guiné The Great Orator Groundswell The Idyll & Other Exotics Rapture The Station The Unknown Filmmaker Who Wants To Go To Space
45 HFM 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
100Up El Azul Bajo Sus Pies The Fallen Astronaut Forever Yours I Don’t Wanna Dance Berlin Blues Jildau Oil In Search of Paradise
54 Stories & Beyond
Holland Film Meeting 35
The Dumped (De Afvalligen) The Daughter Malu Janssen & IJswater Films (The Netherlands)
A coming-of-age drama and underground road movie in a waste container, in which young Mia fights for a better future for her and her unborn child. Synopsis Mia was born in the dark of an underground waste container. While living her days sorting out waste, she has always been dreaming of a better live above ground. Her pregnancy suddenly makes this dream a necessity. Together with Boris, who recently ‘fell’ in the container, she starts traveling the underground dump, searching for a way up. During their journey, they find themselves being opposed in every possible way by the world they are trapped in. As it’s getting more and more clear to her that the upperworld is not waiting for her at all, Mia starts questioning the strength of her own willpower to get to the light. Director’s profile Malu Janssen (1989) is a director and screenwriter living in Amsterdam. She studied theater and film studies at Utrecht University before entering the Netherlands Film Academy where she graduated in 2016. Her graduation film Our Own is a short film about identical twin sisters trying to find an identity of their own during a spiritual retreat and premiered at Winterthur. She just finished her new short Stuff, about a woman’s love for her design objects, which will premiere at this edition of the Netherlands Film Festival.
36 Holland Film Meeting
Producer’s profile Dutch production company IJswater Films, founded by producer Marc Bary almost 25 years ago, is producing high quality features, shorts, documentaries and TV/online drama by emerging or established (inter)national talent. IJswater titles a.o. The Polish bride (Cannes Critics Choice, Golden Globe Nominee), Contact (Berlinale Golden Bear Best Short) Director Malu Janssen Screenwriters Malu Janssen & Joeri Kloppert Producer IJswater Films Contact steven@ijswater.nl
Malu Janssen
Joeri Kloppert
Marc Bary
Steven Rubinstein Malamud
Figures in the Urban Landscape
Katerina Selenkina & Vladimir Nadein (Russia)
While Denis hides small packages with drugs in the outskirts of a city in Russia, takes pictures of these spots and sends out this information to customers, intimate moments of day-to-day life unfold. Synopsis Denis, a 20-year old man, is part of an anonymous online network in Russia: he hides small packages with drugs in the outskirts of the city, takes pictures of these spots and sends out this information to customers. Besides following Denis, the film presents a meditative observation of the choreography of bodies in an urban landscape: of everyday routines of ordinary people living in Moscow. It explores the anonymity of the city. People inhabit it, they pass by, but we never know where they come from or where they are going. Director’s profile Ekaterina Selenkina was born in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1992. In 2017 she graduated from Moscow School of New Cinema, where she studied film directing in the laboratory of Dmitriy Mamuliya and Fred Kelemen. In 2020 she will finish the MFA program in film and video at California Institute of the Arts. Her short film Storge was shown at Camerimage (Poland), Pacific Meridian (Russia), Shnit (Switzerland), Sose (Armenia), La Cabina (Spain), Zubroffka (Poland).
Producer’s profile Vladimir Nadein was born in 1993 in Moscow. Director of Moscow International Experimental Film Festival (MIEFF), which he co-founded in 2016. In 2013, he graduated from the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School. In 2015–2016 he studied at the Higher Courses of Directors and Scriptwriters. He curated special film programs for Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Lumiere Brothers Gallery and Photography Center, UCLA University of California, Hamburg International Short Film Festival and Moscow Jewish Film Festival. Actor in Russian and foreign films. In 2019 Vladimir produced Arrival, a short film that premiered in the competition program at 65th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen. Director & Screenwriter Ekaterina Selenkina Producer Vladimir Nadein Contact Information available via the HFM team
Ekaterina Selenkina
Vladimir Nadein
Holland Film Meeting 37
From Guiné (De Guiné)
Caroline Leone & Vulcana Cinema (Brazil)
From Guiné tells Lidiana’s journey to finding herself in an absolute foreign setting, reinventing her relationship with others, with the world and with herself. Synopsis Lidiana, a psychoanalyst from São Paulo, moves to Guiné, a village in the countryside of Bahia, to live with her boyfriend João, a crossing guide in the area. However, the relationship with the village locals is distant and lonely, which makes her question the lifestyle change. That is, until a local calls upon her to help his brother, desperate with his mother’s death. Director’s profile Caroline Leone is a filmmaker based in São Paulo, Brazil. She began her career as a film editor, editing more than 10 feature films, among fictions and documentaries, as well as many shorts, commercials and music videos. Her first feature film as a director and writer, the critically acclaimed A Window to Rosalia (2018), was selected to over 20 festivals around the globe, and won important awards such as the FIPRESCI award at Rotterdam IFFR 2017, Best Artistic Contribution at the Havana Film Festival 2017, Jury Award at the Washington DC Film Festival among many others.
38 Holland Film Meeting
Producer’s profile Paola Wink is partner at Vulcana Cinema based in Porto Alegre, Brazil. She produced features such as Castanha and Rifle, both premiered at Berlinale Forum. Her current projects include Davi Pretto’s A House in the Country, Caroline Leone’s From Guiné (Hubert Bals Fund Development 2018), Bruno Carboni’s The Accident (Torino Film Lab 2018), Manuel Nieto’s The Employer and The Employee (coproduction Argentina, Brazil, France, Uruguay) She’s a member of EAVE (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs). Director & Screenwriter Caroline Leone Producer Vulcana Cinema Contact paolawt@gmail.com
Caroline Leone
Paola Wink
The Great Orator
Daniel Ernst & Submarine (The Netherlands)
In The Great Orator you will visit a reality that has been consumed absolutely by the unceasing broadcast of The Great Orator. Does The Great Orator even exist, or is she an Artificial Intelligence gone rampant? Synopsis The Great Orator (TGO) is an experience that can be compared to a scene from an animated movie. But instead of watching the movie and following the linear story, you can walk into the world of the film and explore it freely. It is a Story World - an interactive perpetual world where you are free to explore and which is populated by autonomous characters that exist and evolve even if you are not present. Director’s profile Daniel Ernst is an interactive illustrator based in The Netherlands. After working in the game industry for multiple years he decided to put his research on storytelling through illusions and his love for everything 3D into practice and apply it to VR. This amalgamation resulted in an ongoing series of fantastical dioramas for virtual reality called The Shoebox Diorama. The series now consists of ‘Blocked In’, ‘Der Grosse Gottlieb’ and ‘The Marchland’. His dioramas have a simple goal of inspiring a sense of wonder. His work has been showcased around the world as well as nominated for several awards, including the 2016 Vision VR/AR Awards in the category Best Film/Interactive Story. His most recent production, Die Fernweh Oper, is selected for the Golden Calf Competition for Best Interactive.
Producer’s profile Submarine (Amsterdam) develops and produces feature films, documentaries, animation and transmedia. It has established itself as an innovative company, mixing traditional and interactive storytelling with an international focus. Several productions have been rewarded with nominations and awards, including an Emmy Award (Last Hijack, 2014), a Prix Europe Award (Meet the Fokkens, 2012) and an award for Best Documentary Director at Sundance (WINNIE, 2017). Submarine Docs produces award-winning documentaries, working with talented and acclaimed directors who explore the boundaries of the moving image. Submarine Channel is the world’s premiere destination for original transmedia dramas, documentaries and genredefying entertainment. Since 2016, Submarine Film has been expanding Submarine’s film- and drama department. From their own animation studio, Submarine Animation produces various animation projects. All of this and more is distributed through Periscoop Film, which was founded by production companies Submarine and FuWorks. Director & Screenwriter Daniel Ernst Producer Submarine Contact corine@submarine.nl
Daniel Ernst
Corine Meijers
Holland Film Meeting 39
Daniel Bruce & New Amsterdam Film Company (The Netherlands)
No Truth, No Redemption Synopsis Set in a remote, desolate village on the West Coast of South Africa, Groundswell tells the story of an unusual friendship between Johan, a white diamond diver, and Thami, a black gardener. Johan harbours a dark secret — as a policeman in the Apartheid era he killed an innocent black man. To appease his conscience, Johan fervently makes plans that promise Thami a brighter future. Built on hope and a gamble, his plans seem to stand little chance of success until Smit, a rich, retired businessman, arrives in the village. When Johan tries to enlist this new arrival’s participation, his efforts reveal the real nature of his and Thami’s friendship. Director’s profile Amsterdam-born, South Africa-raised Daniel Bruce has been directing films, commercials, and music videos for over a decade now. Daniel’s NTR Kort! Short film Weg was a great success, winning awards on the international film festival circuit and even gaining attention in Hollywood. Daniel’s next drama was the 45-minute film In het Niets (Into Thin Air) which was the first ever film to be centred around the so-called ‘Bijlmerramp’, a notorious airplane crash in Amsterdam. In het Niets, which was nominated for the Gouden Kalf for best lead actor, has been critically acclaimed all around the globe.
40 Holland Film Meeting
Producer’s profile At New Amsterdam, we view ourselves as story builders: passionate thinkers, producers and creators. We love forming partnerships with talented people, creative companies and international peers. Previously, we produced the features Rabat (Nominated at the Netherlands Film Festival for Best Film, Best Screenplay, Best Actor, winning the latter), Wolf (San Sebastian Desigual Youth Award), and The Sky Above Us (IFFR) and the documentaries Anton Corbijn Inside Out (Berlinale), Forget Me Not (Munich DOK.fest) and Strike A Pose (Berlinale, Tribeca, BAFICI and over 50 other festivals worldiwde). Director Daniel Bruce Screenwriter Ian Bruce Producer New Amsterdam Film Company Contact thomas@newams.com
Daniel Bruce
Ian Bruce
Sander Verdonk
Thomas den Drijver
The Idyll & Other Exotics (De Idylle & Andere Exoten) Aaron Rookus & Studio Ruba (The Netherlands)
Six people and one moose search for their destiny whilst trying to survive in the godless 21st century. Synopsis The Idylle and Other Exotics is a tragic comedy about six people, all in different fases of their lives but united in loneliness. While trying to get a grip on the smaller and larger things of daily life, they scream inside, but do not dare to ask for help. And in the rare occasion somebody talks, nobody seems to listen. When a moose drowns in a private swimming pool, the tide seems to be turning. Slowly but irreversibly. Director’s profile Aaron Rookus (1983) graduated in 2008 at the Utrecht school of Arts and studied Film Science at the University of Amsterdam. His graduation film I Wish I Could Share The Happiness Of Being Alone With Someone Else won several awards as well as his short debut Wednesdays which was released in 2012. After several shorts, including the acclaimed ‘A Good Life’ (2015) he directed episodes for tv-series Godforsaken (2017), Icarus (2016) and Zuidas (2018). Aaron currently develops two feature films, one with Studio Ruba (The Idyll and other Exotics) and one with Topkapi Films (Apollo, written by Wander Theunis). Aaron Rookus is a lecturer at the Utrecht University of the Arts.
Producer’s profile Studio Ruba is a new Amsterdam-based boutique production company founded by producers Maarten van der Ven and Layla Meijman. With a select group of filmmakers they want to create cinematic cutting edge stories, being involved from start to finish. Both producers have a hands on mentality and knowledge on both the productional and the creative side, guiding projects with great care. Before founding Ruba in 2019 Layla and Maarten gained years of experience producing (and line producing) award winning feature films, shorts and documentaries such as Take Me Somewhere Nice (Ena Sendijarevic) and most recently Boy Meets Gun (Joost van Hezik). Director & Screenwriter Aaron Rookus Producer Studio Ruba Contact info@studioruba.com
Aaron Rookus
Layla Meijman
Maarten van der Ven
Holland Film Meeting 41
Rapture (Rimdogittanga)
Dominic Sangma & Anna Films (India/China)
Darkness creeping in from every corner, don’t be proud if you still have light in your room! Synopsis In a small remote village in India, two threats appear at the same time. The first one, after the disappearance of a child, comes from the increasingly frequent and violent attacks of organ traffickers, who have roamed the region for some time. The second one is the arrival of apocalyptic darkness for the duration of 80 days, announced by the local Church. Fear seizes all the villagers. Especially Kasan (10), a young boy who observes what happens without always understanding everything and he suffers from a disease that makes him blind at night.
Producer’s profile Xu Jianshang is an upcoming producer who graduated from Beijing Film Academy in Direction department, China. She has just produced her first international feature film titled MA’AMA (India/China). It has won Best Cinematography in Shanghai IFF, New Talents Awards in 2019. At the present moment she is working with the same Indian Director Dominic Sangma with his second film Rapture that has been selected in La Fabrique Cinema, Film Bazaar and won the Hubert Bals Fund in 2019. Director & Screenwriter Dominic Sangma Producer Anna Films Contact jianshangxu@gmail.com
Director’s profile Dominic Sangma is a graduate from Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, India. He worked in National Film and Development Corporation Ltd, for two years before he opened his own Production Company called Anna Films and under this banner, his first film MA’AMA was made. He also teaches Direction and Script Writing at Film and Television Institute, Itanagar, India. He is also the Artistic Director of Kelvin Cinema Festival of Films. He also won HBF for Script Development for Rapture.
42 Holland Film Meeting
Dominic Sangma
Xu Jianshang
The Station
Sara Ishaq & Nadia Eliewat (Yemen)
When the fight for fuel becomes a fight for love. Synopsis At a women-only petrol station in war-torn Yemen, ZAINAB (45) — a staunch militia recruiter and mother of a ‘martyr’ — tries to take over the only fuel tanker in the area to send new recruits to the frontlines before evening curfew. She clashes with her niece LAYAL (25), the station’s owner and a firm opposer to the war. With her eyes fixed on ‘victory’, Zainab overlooks the only thing left in her life that is precious. Director’s profile Sara Ishaq is an Oscar & BAFTA nominated Yemeni-Scottish filmmaker, currently based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She pursued her higher education (MA / MFA) at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, having grown up in Yemen. From 2011 onwards, she filmed several BBC news items and documentaries in Yemen during the countries uprising, co-founded the Yemen-based media collective #SupportYemen and directed her award-winning independent films, Karama Has No Walls (2012) & The Mulberry House (2013). In 2015, she co-launched Comra Doc Camp, the first creative filmmaking training camp in Yemen and in 2017 founded a Yemen-based film foundation and community called Comra Films, dedicated to producing creative films and teaching filmmaking.
Producer’s profile Nadia Eliewat is an award winning Jordanian creative producer and screenwriter. She received an MFA in screenwriting and producing from the Red Sea Institute of Cinematic Arts in Jordan in 2010. Her producing filmography include the Lebanese box office hit MAHBAS (Solitaire) (2016) and the Jordanian feature film When Monaliza Smiled (2012. Nadia managed the Dubai Film Market; the business and trade hub of the Dubai International Film Festival (2017). She holds the academic rank of Associate Professor after teaching Screenwriting and Production at the American University in Dubai from 2010 to 2017. Director Sara Ishaq Screenwriters Sara Ishaq & Nadia Eliewat Producer Nadia Eliewat Contact nadia.eliewat@gmail.com
Sara Ishaq
Nadia Eliewat
Holland Film Meeting 43
The Unknown Filmmaker Who Wants To Go To Space Mauro Colombo & Apertura Films (Panama/Italy)
I want to go into the space to know the place where dead men go after they leave the earth. Synopsis Seeing my father’s corpse surprised me. He was no more than a body without life, he was not my father anymore. In reality, nothingness does not exist, nobody has seen or experienced nothingness, not even science. Everything we see is life. So, to what space had the life that moved this body gone? I do not think you can get to know death in life, but how would my feelings and my perception change if I physically left the earth to enter space? Would I find something similar to a new dimension, perhaps similar to that in which the life that leaves the body is transformed? And here is the impossible dream, an unknown filmmaker who wants to go into space. Director’s profile Mauro Colombo has a masters degree in Modern Literature with focus in Human Geography. His thesis research was about territorial perception of aboriginal people in Australia. He has worked as a film director and Director of Photography in all Latin America and many countries in the world. His interests are focused on social anthropology and the relationship between human being and nature. Mauro is from Italy and currently lives and works in Panama. Some of his movies are: Inland, his first feature film (Best Documentary IFF Panama 2019, Best Film Curacao IFF Rotterdam 2019) and El Cruce
44 Holland Film Meeting
Producer’s profile Founded by Abner Benaim in Panama City, 2004, Apertura Films specializes in independent fiction and documentary films. Its most recent productions are Inland and Invasion (which premiered at IDFA 2014, and was Panama’s first submission to the Academy Awards). Our films have been selected at prestigious festivals like SXSW, IDFA, HOTDOCS and won several awards internationally. Apertura’s films have premiered theatrically with box office success in Panama and throughout Latin America, and have won worldwide critical acclaim as well. Director & Screenwriter Mauro Colombo Producer Apertura Films Contact isabellagalvez@gmail.com
Mauro Colombo
Isabella Galvez
HFM Selections 100Up Documentary
Heddy Honigmann & Dutch Mountain Film (The Netherlands)
Synopsis 100UP is a film which investigates the will to live. It portrays a colourful selection of 100+ year people from all over the world. They have lived for over a century and witnessed great historical events, but instead of dwelling on the past, they look ahead. With the clock inevitably ticking, these centenarians cling to life, set new goals with a joie de vivre, refusing to brood or admit the betrayal of their deteriorating bodies. Time is both their enemy and their friend. They have overcome diseases, lost partners and often survived their own children. Nevertheless, these active, curious and creative 100+ year olds are amazingly good at restarting every new day. Director’s profile Heddy Honigmann is considered one of world’s best documentary filmmakers. Her films (short & long fictions, short & long documentaries) have travelled all around the world receiving major awards and important retrospectives in a.o. the Museum of Modern Art in NYC, Toronto, Paris, Berlin, Lisboa, Madrid, and Utrecht. She has also received important awards for her entire body of work, such as the IDFA Living Legend Award (2013), the Hot Docs Outstanding Achievement Award (2007), the San Francisco Film Society’s Golden Gate Persistence of Vision Award (2007), an award for her Contribution to the Art of Documentary Filmmaking at the Thessaloniki Film Festival (2004), and the Jan Cassies Award awarded by
the Dutch National Fund for Cultural Films for Television (2003). Producer’s profile Dutch Mountain Film is looking for constructive engagements in each of her projects. Films that are a reaction to social situations and find an audience in the contemporary and involved target groups. Dutch Mountain Film wants to make films that stand out due to their authenticity and engagement, devoid of cynicism. Films that not only detect issues in modern day society, but also try to find solutions. The creators are crucial in this method, meaning all projects to be director driven. Furthermore Dutch Mountain Film is always looking for stories or characters in films with an LGBT background, because the company wants to go ahead in battle for a better representation of this group in particular.Producer Rogier Kramer is also one of this year’s Talents En Route. Director Heddy Honigmann Producer Dutch Mountain Film Contact rogier@dutchmountainfilm.nl
Heddy Honigmann
Rogier Kramer
Holland Film Meeting 45
El Azul Bajo Sus Pies Fiction
Isabel Muruzábal Lamberti & IJswater Films (The Netherlands)
Synopsis The Spanish gypsy family Gabarre-Mendoza is celebrating the birthday of three year old Davíd, when suddenly their celebration is interrupted by a police inspection. In La Cañada Real, an illegal shanty town just outside Madrid, the official authorities put pressure on the inhabitants to leave their homes, as the land has been sold and new development plans have been approved. While father Davíd Sr (38) at first is in disbelief about the reality of the plans, he soon learns they’re real when their neighbours and best friends, are the first to be evicted. In the meantime, all the children of the family struggle in their own way with their new unstable position in life. When the family receives a letter from the municipality, announcing the date of the demolishment of their house, they have to move and pack up everything they own. Afterwards, when they all eat together in a fast-food restaurant their resilience is tangible, despite their forced separation, they belong together. Director’s profile Isabel Muruzábal Lamberti (1987) was born in Germany, grew up in Spain en later on in the Netherlands. She studied at TISCH School of the Arts in New York and at the Netherlands Film Academy. Here she developed her love for the hybrid cinema of ‘in-betweenness’; the mixture of reality and fiction. Her short films Volando Voy (2015) and Amor (2017) were selected and awarded at many International Film Festivals and acquired by ARTE FRANCE. In 2018 she codirected the Dutch remake of Skam for public broadcaster NTR. Her latest short film Father 46 Holland Film Meeting
will have its world premiere at the Locarno Film Festival, 2019. Currently in post-production is Lamberti’s feature film debut; El Azul Bajo Sus Pies. Producer’s profile Dutch production company IJswater Films, founded by Marc Bary 25 years ago, is producing high quality features, shorts, documentaries and TV/online drama by emerging or established (inter)national talent. Film successes include The Polish Bride (Cannes Critics Choice, Golden Globe Nominee), Contact (Berlinale Golden Bear for Best Short), Win/Win (Prix Genève Europe Script Award), The New World (Emmy Award Best Actress), In Blue (Winner 3 Dutch Academy Awards, Best Feature Austin IFF), L’eté Et Tout Le Reste (Venice & TIFF 2018) and Father (Locarno 2019). In postproduction a.o. Spanish-Dutch feature El Azul Bajo Sus Pies (Torino Film Lab); in development a.o. stop-motion animated feature The Wonderous Journey Of Little Sophie. Director Isabel Muruzábal Lamberti Screenwriters Isabel Muruzábal Lamberti & Lenina Ungari Producer IJswater Films Contact steven@ijswater.nl
Isabel Muruzábal Lamberti
Steven Rubinstein Malamud
The Fallen Astronaut Documentary
Frank Herrebout & Lagestee Film BV (The Netherlands)
Synopsis In 1971 the Belgian artist Paul van Hoeydonck succeeded to send one of his works of art to the moon on an Apollo flight. As a message to the future. Without his knowledge his ‘Space Traveller’ was renamed to ‘Fallen Astronaut’ by NASA and it became part of a memorial commemorating the death of 14 astronauts and cosmonauts. Van Hoeydonck, who thought that his small moon sculpture would make him more famous than Picasso, found himself entangled in one of the most controversial scandals of the Apollo space programme. And his small work of art was passed into oblivion. For the first time after almost fifty years the artist has now consented to participate in a documentary about the fascinating history of one of the most intriguing achievements of the space programme: placing the first and only work of art on the moon. Director’s profile Frank Herrebout graduated at the Amsterdam Film Academy in 1984. He is a screenwriter and director for feature films and documentaries. In his documentaries he seeks to explore the edgy side of art. One of his latest documentary films ‘The Lost Art of Willem de Ridder’ (2016) deals with a collection of ‘illegal artworks’ that disappeared during the renovation of the Stedelijk Museum, in a portrait of the Fluxus movement’s rebellious approach to art.
Producer’s profile Martin Lagestee graduated from the Amsterdam Film Academy in 1977. In 1985 he founded Lagestee Film BV and produced a large number of documentaries, short films, television series and feature films. His documentary film productions include: Spaceship Earth, One Small Step, Views on Vermeer, and Blond, Blue Eyes. Lagestee Film, an independent Amsterdam production company has produced, co-produced and acted as line producer for several feature films and has produced over thirty documentaries. Director Frank Herrebout Producer Lagestee Film BV Contact frank@akfe.nl
Frank Herrebout
Martin Lagestee
Holland Film Meeting 47
Forever Yours Fiction
Mark de Cloe & NL Film (The Netherlands)
Synopsis KIM (25), a Dutch woman, escapes into a fanciful correspondence with the American death-row inmate MATEO (28). He’s responsible for putting Kim’s husband LUC (27) into a coma, a state he has been in for some time now. Kim is looking for revenge but she slowly falls in love with Mateo. He teaches her to let her husband Luc go and turn back to reality to pick up her life. Director’s profile After studying at Rietveld Academy and the Maurits Binger Institute, Mark de Cloe received the Grolsch Filmprijs for Best Talent for his graduation films Lucky Strike and Ralentir. He directed several projects, from short films and series like Boy Meets Girl Stories, Life is Beautiful or Gitanes and Alone (for which he both received the NP Award for Best Short Film), to feature length films like Life in One Day (winner Movie Squad Award at the Netherlands Film Festival), Shocking Blue, and The Strongest Man of Holland (winner of Prix Europe, nominee for an International Emmy Award in 2012 and nominee Generation Kplus at Berlin International Film Festival) or Men in the City I & II (which were both box-office successes in the Netherlands). For his film Rhubarb he received an International Emmy Award in 2016. Mark is currently working on a remake of the awardwinning series This is Us for the Dutch market.
48 Holland Film Meeting
Producer’s profile Since its foundation in 2001, NL Film has built up an impressive oeuvre of short and featurelength films, youth drama and television series. A striking feature of the company’s output is the breadth of target groups it has been able to reach. Its television drama portfolio ranges from (public broadcaster) NPO series Penoza, SpangaS, The Body Collector and Mother, I Want to Join the Cabaret to drama series Black Tulip, Bluff and Aaf for the commercial broadcasters. The company also produces content for YouTube, such as web series Meet the Stockers. Thanks to a diverse range of feature films, including The Resistance Banker, Tonio, Men In the City 1&2, Love over Distance and All You Need Is Love. NL Film is one of the most active, talked-about contemporary Dutch film producers. Director Mark de Cloe Screenwriter Marieke van de Pol Producer NL Film Contact TomSebus@nlfilm.tv
Mark de Cloe
Sabine Brian
I Don’t Wanna Dance Fiction
Flynn von Kleist & The Rogues (The Netherlands)
Synopsis I Don’t Wanna Dance is a coming-of-age story about Joey, a 13 year-old boy who needs to decide whether to pull out of the destructive dance with his mother, or stay with her at the cost of his own happiness. Director’s profile Flynn von Kleist (1987) studied at the National Film School, IADT, Dublin where he graduated in 2009 with his short film Love StorEy. He went on to study fiction direction at the Netherlands Film Academy from 2009–2013. He graduated with the short film Vloeibaar Staal (Days of Steel). Since his graduation he has directed five short films. He is currently editing his first feature film. Flynn also works as an independent commercial director.
Producer’s profile The Rogues, led by Guusje van Deuren, Harmen Kreulen and Rianne Poodt, produces fiction and documentary film, as well as theater/music productions and podcasts. The company name was inspired by the tale of Robin Hood and refers to our mission to work in close collaborations with an ever evolving, inspiring band of free spirits who aim to challenge and touch the world around them. The Rogues produced six shorts, among which Nightshade (Shady El-Hamus), which was the Dutch entry for the Academy Awards and got selected for the Int. Competition at the Clermont-Ferrand. In June 2019 The Rogues’ first feature De Libi (About That Life) by Shady El-Hamus premiered. It went on to screen in over sixty cinema’s throughout the Netherlands, reaching over 50.000 people. De Libi is nominated for the Golden Calf for best screenplay and best supporting actor at NFF 2019. The Rogues’ second feature, I Don’t Wanna Dance by Flynn von Kleist, is currently in postproduction. Director Flynn von Kleist Screenwriter Jeroen Scholten van Aschat Producer The Rogues Contact guusje@therogues.nl
Flynn von Kleist
Guusje van Deursen
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Immer Gerade Aus (Berlin Blues) Fiction
Anna van der Heide, Anne Barnhoorn & Pupkin (The Netherlands)
Synopsis Immer Gerade Aus (Berlin Blues) trails six strangers from all walks of life, who attempt to flee their personal problems, and seek enlightenment from ‘mother Berlin’. All six have individual reasons for fleeing to Berlin, if only for a short while, and the alibi is to learn German. However, their language venture quickly goes beyond exploring verb conjugations and grammatical genders. As all good students of life do, the colorful characters explore the depths of Berlin’s concerts, art clubs, and underground music venues, and even swim in the river Spree; they dance, drink, and cry to the heartbeat of Berlin. Director’s profile Anna van der Heide worked on numerous high-profile films as assistant director before directing her first feature FIDGETY BRAM (2012), which won several national and international prizes, amongst them the Cinekid Award for Best Dutch Film. In 2016 her second feature MR. FROG was released and the series MERRY CHRISTMAS that was written by Anne Barnhoorn. This year Anna’s latest feature DE LIEFHEBBERS will be released and the shooting period of RUDY’S CRAZY CHRISTMAS SHOW that is produced by Pupkin will take place. She is well known for her actor directing and has the special talent of telling quite heavy stories in a light-hearted and imaginative way.
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Producer’s profile Pupkin is an award-winning production company, developing films and television drama. The companies’ track record in Dutch Film and TV extends from producing, (true) crime and news-based stories to series and films for children, youth and family. Over the years Pupkin specialized in producing TV series, children’s drama and (debut) feature films. By focusing clearly on these areas, Pupkin has become one of the leading production companies in the Netherlands. Director Anna van der Heide Screenwriter Anne Barnhoorn Producer Pupkin Contact iris@pupkin.com
Anna van der Heide
Iris Otten
Anne Barnhoorn
Jildau Fiction
Fedde Hoekstra (The Netherlands)
Synopsis Jildau is a neo-noir about an independent female farmer who saves the life of a badly injured deserter. Her three farm hands, with whom she shares the bed on Sundays by rotation, ignite into jealousy when she transforms the young stranger into her chosen one. Passion drives all in the direction of a tragedy. Director’s profile Fedde Hoekstra (Leeuwarden, 1970) has been working in the Dutch film industry for more than 30 years. He started out as an actor in several Dutch and Frisian TV series and films, but gradually got behind the scenes. He has held positions as co-director, first a.d. and location scout. Hoekstra has written and directed 9 short films and worked as a codirector for two TV series and a feature film. A strong influence on his role as a filmmaker is the background that Hoekstra has as a visual artist. He exhibited his work in the Netherlands and abroad. His paintings, drawings and collages are in collections of private individuals and companies. Hoekstra also gave a performance at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and won the 1995 CJP Poetry Prize.
screened all over the world and have won prizes. We strive for sustainability in a social sense, where we create ownership among employees and develop a community around a film. By making smart use of our goodwill and network in the northern region and an attitude where ‘one good turn deserves another’, feddehoekstra. org can successfully join forces together! Our next goal is the realization of the feature film ‘Jildau’. Given the size of this production and our ambition in this regard, we are striving for new cooperation. We are open for business and looking for co-producers and partnerships with relevant organizations in this regard. Director Fedde Hoekstra Screenwriters Marlais Olijrhook & Fedde Hoekstra Producer Fedde Hoekstra Contact info@feddehoekstra.org
Fedde Hoekstra
Producer’s profile ‘Head in the clouds, feet in the clay’, under this motto feddehoekstra.org develops, produces and distributes independent film productions. Fedde Hoekstra is the driving force behind it all, but in the last years we have grown into a strong collective. We realize sharply budgeted films in the north of the Netherlands which are Holland Film Meeting 51
Oil Fiction
Ayse Altinok & Revolver Amsterdam (Turkey/The Netherlands)
Synopsis Kris, an angry suburb kid from Rotterdam with a Turkish mother and Dutch father, is struggling to make sense of his broken family and his misfit group of friends. After a criminal act, Kris’ mother feels her best option is to send him to a small town in Turkey to stay with his grandparents.There Kris meets Bora, a shy young Turkish farmer. Despite their differences, the two boys find acceptance from each other and become friends. Bora also introduces Kris to the tradition of Oil Wrestling — the high discipline and the combination of masculinity and sensuality of the sport is something that Kris hasn’t experienced before. But when Kris discovers that Bora is gay, his discriminative behaviour resurfaces. One night Bora ends up in a wrong place at wrong time, and gets killed. Suddenly Kris is facing the chance to stand up for something he believes is right. Director’s profile Ayse Altinok is a Turkish born film director. After living in the Netherlands for a decade, she is currently based in Los Angeles where she creates film and commercial content. Over the last 15 years of her creative career, Ayse has been recognized internationally including winning a Van Gogh Award, a Gold Clio, an Epica, an Art Director’s Club Award, and an Andy Award. Her work has been featured in a.o. Luerzer’s Archive, Adcritic, Coloribus, Shots Magazine and Lookbooks. Ayse’s first short film, Hortum, was selected by international film festivals such as Melbourne, Raindance, Miami, San Francisco International Festival of Short Films, Rome, and Amsterdam (where she won the Special Jury 52 Holland Film Meeting
Prize for Best Drama). The following year, Ayse’s second film The Particulars won Best Drama at the Oregon Independent Film Festival. Both films were shot by Christopher Blauvelt (Sundance Cinematography Award), who is again attached as the Cinematographer for Oil. Producer’s profile Revolver Amsterdam produces feature films, documentaries and hybrid media projects for an international audience. Our focus is on contemporary films with both upcoming and established directing talent. Our latest productions include Bruce Lee & The Outlaw by Joost Vandebrug (Best World Documentary Award, Busan IFF 2019), I Dream in Another Language by Ernesto Contreras (Audience Award at Sundance 2017 and six Mexican Academy Awards 2018 including Best Picture), the box office hit Love & Friendship by Whit Stillman starring Kate Beckinsale and Chloë Sevigny (Sundance 2016), Bodkin Ras by Kaweh Modiri (SXSW and IFFR 2016), and Don’t Swallow My Heart Alligator Girl by Felipe Bragan’a (Sundance & Berlinale 2017). Director & Screenwriter Ayse Altinok Producer Revolver Amsterdam Contact kirsi@revolver.nl
Ayse Altinok
Kirsi Saivosalmi
Op Zoek Naar Het Paradijs (In Search of Paradise) Documentary
Roy Dames & DocEye (The Netherlands)
Synopsis What happened to peace 75 years after WW2 and the birth of the UN? With this in mind, a peace negotiator, a photographer, 2 Afghanistan veterans travel by motorcycle from Paris to Kurdistan and back via Georgia and Ukraine. They will talk to each other at night about ‘war and peace’, the ‘chance for peace in the future’. And the inhabitants of the traversing countries, often still at war or recent war zones, exchange ideas about ‘the chance of peace’. Director’s profile Ever since 1986, Roy Dames has produced and directed many TV documentaries about social issues from a human interest perspective. He worked and cooperated with almost all Dutch and many foreign broadcasters and producers. He created films and series like Ruud and Ria, Bind Till Death (2000), about the love-hate marriage of former boxing champion Rudie Lubbers and his wife Ria; Bad Guys (2010), a documentary epic filmed over a period of 16 years, about four criminal friends from Amsterdam (named Best TV Documentary in 2011); and Lost Daughters (2016), about the relationship between a mother and her daughter, who is addicted to hard drugs and sexually abused by lover boys. One film has been finished recently: It Is Not What It Seems To Be, a film about a man who claims he has been unjustly imprisoned in a mental asylum for fourteen years. Dames’ new film African Bride will premiere during the 2019 edition of the Netherlands Film Festival.
Producer’s profile Producer/director Joost Verheij studied cultural anthropology at the University of Amsterdam. In 1984, he set up the foundation MM Film Productions, producing and directing several documentaries. A few examples are Lomax the Songhunter by Rogier Kappers (e.g. Golden Calf Best Long Documentary 2005, CINE applied Eagle Award 2006, nomination Emmy Award 2007), The Silence (2005) by Kim Landstra, and In My Father’s House by Fatima Jebli Ouazzani (e.g. Hot Docs Award Best International Documentary 1998, Golden Calf Best Long Documentary 1998). In 1990 he studied under the guidance of Frans Swartjes at the Vrije Academie in The Hague, and in 2000 he completed a one-year post-graduate Company Management Training program for Producers at the Maurits Binger Film Institute in Amsterdam. He was also participant at the Film Business School in Lübeck, Germany (2002) and the Film Marketing workshop of Strategies in Luxembourg (2004). Director Roy Dames Producer DocEye Contact info@doceyefilm.nl
Roy Dames
Joost Verheij
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Stories & Beyond Een selecte groep scenaristen uit Nederland, Duitsland, België en het Verenigd Koninkrijk ontvangt feedback van experts uit de AVsector. In één-op-één gesprekken ontmoeten de schrijvers vooraanstaande vakgenoten uit de filmindustrie.
A selected group of screenwriters from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the UK will, together with renowned international experts, seek ways to radically boost the international impact of their screenplays.
United Kingdom •• Below screenwriter Aaron Gray director Paul Skillen producer Louise Gallagher (Gallagher Films) •• Burma Roots screenwriter Charlotte Scott-Wilson director Charlotte Scott-Wilson producer Hannah Price (Fable Pics) •• Heineken in Africa screenwriter Olivier van Beemen director Charlotte Scott-Wilson producer Mike Chamberlain
attached producer Anette Unger (Leitwolf Filmproduktion GmbH)
Experts ••Katie Ellen (BFI) ••Jasper van Hecke (Universal Pictures) ••Cate Kane (Curzon Artificial Eye) ••Ian Prior (Scala Productions) ••Jake Riley-Hunte (Bankside Films) Belgium •• For the Record screenwriter Andrew van Ostade director Michael van Ostade producer Tomas Leyers (Minds Meet) •• Making Plans for Oscar screenwriter Brian Windelinckx director Brian Windelinckx producer Xavier Rombaut (Polar Bear) Experts ••Charles Bin (BFF Sales) ••Peter Bouckaert (Eyeworks Film & TV) ••Dario Vecchiato (Gapbusters) Germany ••Luzie’s Crazy World (Luzie geht auf Klassenfahrt) screenwriter Anna Lott director none yet 54 Holland Film Meeting
Experts ••Manola Novelli (Pluto Film) ••Ramona Sehr (ARRI Media) ••Maria Tsigka (Fiction Park) The Netherlands •• Blaosmuziek screenwriters Sophie van de Pol, Paul Jan Nelissen director André van Duren producer Felix van Gisbergen •• The Waste Land screenwriter Chris Teerink director Chris Teerink producers Joost Verheij, Frank van Reemst (DocEye) •• Truly Naked screenwriter Muriel d’Ansembourg director Muriel d’Ansembourg producers Isabella Depeweg, Els Vandevorst (Isabella Films) •• The Secret Life of Penny Fletcher screenwriter Martijn de Jong director Diederik Koopal producer Derk-Jan Warrink (Kepler Film) Experts ••Robert Alberdingk Thijm (screenwriter) ••Esther Bannenberg (Toto Cinema) ••Stienette Bosklopper (Circe Films) ••Nelleke Driessen (Nine Film) ••Maarten van der Duin (director/script consultant) ••Renee van der Grinten (Fund for Culture Participation) ••Hein van Joolen (Gusto Ent) ••Sytze van der Laan (Nanook Entertainment) ••Ilse Ronteltap (Netherlands Film Fund)
NFF Talent
NFF Professionals verwelkomt beginnend en gevestigd talent, onder andere tijdens de NFF Talentdag. Op maandag 30 september nemen talenten deel aan programmaonderdelen als de Talent Speeddates, Talent Feedback Sessies en Script & Score. Daarnaast presenteert het NFF het jaarlijkse internationale programma Talent en Route.
NFF Professionals welcomes new and established talent. Talents participate in programmes such as the Talent Speeddates, Talent Feedback Sessions and Script & Score at the NFF Talent Day on Monday 30 September. In addition NFF presents the international trajectory Talent en Route.
Students and fresh alumni can access all public events of the NFF Professionals Programme at a sharp rate with the NFF Talent Badge
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Talent Speeddates
De Talent Speeddates zijn de kans voor nieuw talent om het netwerk uit te breiden. Tijdens de NFF Talentdag krijgt aanstormend talent de kans om kennis te maken met professionals uit de AV-sector. In diverse korte één-op-één gesprekken spreken de nieuwe makers met producenten en vertegenwoordigers van fondsen en omroepen.
The Talent Speeddates are the perfect opportunity for new talents to expand their network. On the NFF Talent Day, upcoming talents have the chance to get acquainted with professionals from the film and TV sector. In short one-on-one sessions, these new filmmakers can speak with producers and representatives of funds and broadcasters.
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Talent Feedback Sessions Talent Feedback Sessions Voor de Talent Feedback Sessies selecteert het NFF talentvolle scenaristen, regisseurs en (junior) producenten. Met – of eventueel zonder – een filmplan in ontwikkeling krijgen ze feedback van gevestigde filmprofessionals en mede-talenten.
For the Talent Feedback Sessions, the NFF selects gifted screenwriters, directors and (junior) producers. With — or possibly without — a film plan in development, they receive feedback from established film professionals and fellow talents.
Talents & projects
Talents & projects
Anna Berlis In die woorden | Fictie Boerendochter Maxime droomt van een leven buiten de boerderij maar is huiverig aan haar vader te vertellen dat ze niet in zijn voetsporen wil treden. Op de boerderij zijn Maxime en haar vader een team, maar echt praten doen ze niet.
Anna Berlis In die woorden | Fiction Farmer’s daughter Maxime dreams of a life outside her father’s farm but is afraid to tell her father that she will not be following his footsteps. When they work on the farm, Maxime and her father are a solid team, but talking is nothing something they do.
Milo Cremer Eindhoven en Sacha Kijzers De laatste lach | Animatie Zes senioren in een bejaardentehuis besluiten nog een keer volop te genieten en al hun heimelijke dromen en ambities te verwezenlijken. Voor de laatste adem nog één laatste lach. Fey Lehiane Crybaby | Fictie Wanneer de 27-jarige Sigrid door een mysterieuze aandoening steeds vaker in huilen uitbarst, belandt ze op aanraden van haar omgeving in de wondere wereld van de zelfhulp. Ondertussen vraagt ze zich vooral af of ze ook een toekomst heeft mét de tranen. Douwe Nagelmaker en Thomas van Noort Een man van weinig woorden | Fictie Wanneer de 24-jarige cartoonist Willem ontdekt dat hij nog maar 1000 woorden mag gebruiken voordat hij zal sterven, is hij genoodzaakt zijn woorden zo zorgvuldig mogelijk te kiezen. Maar wat zal hij zeggen tegen zijn stervende vader, met wie hij bijna niet praatte?
58 NFF Talent
Milo Cremer Eindhoven en Sacha Kijzers De laatste lach | Animation Six seniors in a retirement home decide to fully enjoy life again and realize all of their secret dreams and ambitions. One last smile before they breathe their last breath. Fey Lehiane Crybaby | Fiction When the 27-year-old Sigrid increasingly bursts into tears due to a mysterious disorder, she takes the advice of her surroundings and ends up in the wonderful world of self-help care. Douwe Nagelmaker en Thomas van Noort Een man van weinig woorden | Fiction When the 24-year-old cartoonist Willem discovers that he can only use 1000 words before he dies, he is forced to choose his words as carefully as possible. But what will he say to his dying father, with whome he hardly ever spoke?
Sam van Zoest Millennials | Fictie In een afgelegen natuurgebied leert een groep excentrieke millennials de overspannen student Jorryt hoe hij moet loslaten. Fleur Sophie de Boer Station | Animatie In deze korte humoristische stop-motion geanimeerde film staat het station centraal als podium voor alledaagse frustraties en falen.
Sam van Zoest Millennials | Fiction In a remote nature reserve, a group of eccentric millennials teached the stressed student Jorryt how to let go. Fleur Sophie de Boer Station | Animation In this humorous stop-motion animated film, the station serves as a central stage for everyday frustrations and failures.
Willem Timmers en Claudio Montesano Casillas Lovebird96 | Fictie De verlegen Malika heeft een visuele beperking en een passie voor Lovebirds. Via een online vogelmarktplaats hoopt zij aansluiting te vinden met andere vogelliefhebbers.
Willem Timmers en Claudio Montesano Casillas Lovebird96 | Fiction The Shy Malika has a visual impairment and a passion for Lovebirds. She hopes to connect with other bird lovers through an online bird-fair
Karsten de Vreugd Thomas | Fictie Als aanbiddingsleider Thomas vragen begint te stellen over zijn huwelijk en Pinkstergeloof ontdekt hij dat de antwoorden niet in de kerk te vinden zijn.
Karsten de Vreugd Thomas | Fiction When worship leader Thomas starts asking questions about his marriage and Pentecostal faith, he discovers that the answers cannot be found in the church.
Deepti Rao Rock ‘n’ Rollator | Documentaire In de aanloop naar hun 70ste verjaardag geven boezemvrienden Candy en Henk een groot feest. In de voorbereiding van het feest overdenken ze hun leven.
Deepti Rao Rock ‘n’ Rollator | Documentary In the run-up to their 70th birthday, best friends Candy and Henk are having a big party. In the preparation of the part, they take the time to reflect on their lives.
••Maurits Spijkerman (NewBe) ••Julia Rombout (July Film) ••Charlotte Spronk (Feather Films) ••Maaike Neve (BIND Film) ••Marielot van der Slikke (OAK Motion Pictures) ••Henriette Drost (JOCO Media) ••Niek Theunissen (Umami Media) ••Daan Velsink (Frame Order) ••Matthijs Bockting (scenarioschijver) ••Thessa Meijer (scenarioschijver en regisseur) ••Marieke Blaauw (Job, Joris & Marieke) ••Ashar Medina (scenarioschijver) ••Lotte Bronshoff (script consultant)
••Paul Bertram (ScriptAcademy) ••Hugo Emmerzael (Filmkrant) ••Samya Hafsaoui (presentator, columnist) ••Dorien van de Pas (Nederlands Filmfonds)
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Script & Score
Het NFF en Buma Music in Motion zetten zich in om verbindingen te leggen tussen filmmakers en de muzieksector.
The Netherlands Film Festival and Buma Music in Motion are committed to making connections between filmmakers and the music sector.
In het besloten programma Script & Score maken componisten en filmmakers kennis met elkaars werk. De componisten creëren muziekdemo’s op basis van de geselecteerde filmprojecten in ontwikkeling. Componisten kunnen zich presenteren en makers zich laten inspireren, en misschien resulteert het in een samenwerking.
In the Script & Score programme, composers and filmmakers get acquainted with each other’s work. Composers write music on the basis of screenplays in development. Composers can present themselves, filmmakers can be inspired, and this may lead to collaborations.
Script & Score is een samenwerking tussen het NFF en Buma Music in Motion.
Script & Score is a collaboration between NFF and Buma Music in Motion.
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Talent Award Ceremony De zinderende afsluiter van de NFF Talentdag: tijdens de Talent Awards Ceremonie staan de makers van morgen in de schijnwerpers. Afstudeerders van verschillende Nederlandse film- en kunstacademies maken kans op de Pathé Tuschinski Award, de Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds Award, de FPN Award, de Filmfonds Wildcards en debutanten op de Filmprijs van de Stad Utrecht. Op het NFF krijgen net afgestudeerde makers van diverse Nederlandse film- en kunstopleidingen een podium. Hun werk wordt getoond aan publiek en toekomstige collega’s en deelname aan de NFF Studenten- of Debuutcompetitie kan een mooie nominatie en een award opleveren. Op deze manier helpt het NFF nieuwe makers bij het zetten van de eerste stappen in de film- en televisiewereld. Films en makers die geselecteerd zijn voor de NFF Studentencompetitie komen in aanmerking voor de Pathé Tuschinski Award, de Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds Award en de FPN Award. Afstudeerfilms maken ook kans op een Filmfonds Wildcard in de categorieën fictie, documentaire en animatie. In de NFF Debuutcompetitie wordt de beste debuutfilm bekroond met de Filmprijs van de Stad Utrecht. De prijzen bestaan uit een geldbedrag ten behoeve van de realisering van een volgend project.
The thrilling ending of the NFF Talent Day: the Talent Award Ceremony spotlights the ‘makers of tomorrow’. Recent graduates from the various Dutch film and art schools compete for the Pathé Tuschinski Award, the Fentener van Vlissingen Fund Award, the FPN Award and the Film Fund Wildcards. Debutants compete for the Film Prize of the City of Utrecht. They graduated shortly before the summer holiday and now are desperate to take the world by storm. The latest crop of graduates from different Dutch film and art academies cannot wait to screen their graduation works at NFF. Not only to the public, but also to their future colleagues. What is more, participation in the competition also entails a potential nomination, and victory could cause even more doors to open. The best and most striking achievements are awarded with several prizes. Films and makers in the Student Competition are eligible for the Pathé Tuschinski Award, the Fentener van Vlissingen Fund Award and the FPN Award. Recent graduates also have the chance to get granted a Film Fund Wildcard in the categories fiction, documentary and animation. In the NFF Debut Competition, the best debut film is awarded the Film Prize of the City of Utrecht. The winners receive a cheque for the realization of their next project.
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Talent en Route Talent en Route steunt getalenteerde regisseurs en junior-producenten in de eerste stappen in hun internationale carrière. Dit jaar worden de veelbelovende regisseurs Stefanie Kolk (Clan, Eyes on the Road) en Sharif Abdel Mawla (7 Marokkanen en Jos, Jetski) en de talentvolle producenten Maaike Neve (BIND Film) en Rogier Kramer (Dutch Mountain Film) gepresenteerd aan een brede selectie internationale professionals die zijn overgevlogen voor het NFF. De geselecteerde makers worden dit jaar begeleid door consultant Hayet Benkara die vergelijkbare rollen vervult op de filmfestivals van onder meer Toronto, Cannes en Berlijn. De talenten ontmoeten experts uit verschillende disciplines en krijgen de mogelijkheid om zowel zichzelf als hun projecten te presenteren en te promoten.
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NFF Professionals proudly presents four young, new Dutch filmtalents in our Talent and Route programme of 2019. This programme supports talented filmmakers and junior producers in the first steps in their international career. This year the promising filmmakers Stefanie Kolk (Clan, Eyes on the Road) and Sharif Abdel Mawla (7 Moroccans and Jos, Jetski) and the talented producers Maaike Neve (BIND Film) and Rogier Kramer (Dutch Mountain Film) are presented to a broad selection of international experts. The selected talents will be accompanied by consultant Hayet Benkara who has years of experience in similar roles at film festivals like Toronto, Cannes and Berlinale. The talents meet experts from different disciplines and are given the opportunity to present and promote both themselves and their projects.
Stefanie Kolk Filmmaker
Stefanie Kolk maakte eerder de films Clan en KORT! — Harbour, die beiden hun wereldpremière beleefden op het filmfestival van Locarno. Ook haar nieuwe korte film Eyes on the Road ging in première in Locarno en dingt daarnaast mee in de Gouden Kalf Competitie van het Nederlands Film Festival 2019. Momenteel werkt Stefanie aan de ontwikkeling van haar eerste speelfilm, die zij deels mocht ontwikkelen tijdens Berlinale Talents 2019.
Films ••2019: Eyes on the Road ••2017: Harbour ••2016: Clan (graduation short)
In 2016 Stefanie Kolk graduated from the Dutch Film Academy with her film Clan, after which she participated in the competition Kort! where she developed Harbour. Both films attracted international attention and had a world premiere at Locarno Film Festival. Her new short film Eyes on the Road also had it’s premiere at Locarno Film Festival 2019 and the film competes in the Golden Calf Competition of the Nederlands Film Festival. Stefanie is currently working on the development of her first feature film, already selected for development during Berlinale Talents 2019.
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Sharif Abdel Mawla Filmmaker
Autodidact filmmaker Sharif Abdel Mawla produceerde en regisseerde de ultrakorte film 7 Marokkanen en Jos. Deze film werd getoond op het Nederlands Film Festival en ook zijn nieuwe korte film Jetski is te zien op het festival 2019. Zijn werk werd gepubliceerd door Hypebeast, Another Man, i-D, Fast Company en It’s Nice That. Hiervoor sleepte hij diverse prijzen in de wacht, zoals een Webby Award en een Cannes Lion.
Films ••2019: Jetski ••2017: 7 Moroccans and Jos
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Autodidact filmmaker Sharif Abdel Mawla produced and directed the ultra-short film 7 Moroccans and Jos, which screened at the Nederlands Film Festival 2018. His new film Jetski is selected for this year’s festival. His work is published by Hypebeast, Another Man, i-D, Fast Company and It’s Nice That. Sharif received multiple awards for his work, including a Webby Award and a Cannes Lion.
Rogier Kramer Producer
Producent Rogier Kramer begon zijn carrière bij Dutch Mountain Film, waar hij sinds 2019 mede-eigenaar van is. Zijn eerste gerealiseerde en volledig zelf geïnitieerde korte film One of the Boys (2018) werd geselecteerd voor Palm Springs International ShortFest, genomineerd voor Beste Film tijdens Cinekid en geselecteerd voor de Gouden Kalf Competitie. In 2018 nam hij deel aan verschillende ontwikkelingsprogramma’s op filmfestivals waaronder Rotterdam Lab tijdens IFFR en het Berlinale Visitors Programme.
Producer Rogier Kramer started his career at Dutch Mountain Film, where he has been a co-owner since 2019. His first realized and fully self-initiated short film One of the Boys (2018) was selected for Palm Springs International ShortFest, nominated for Best Film during Cinekid and short in the Golden Calf competition. In 2018 he participated in various talent programmes at film festivals including IFFR’s Rotterdam Lab and the Berlinale Visitors Programme in 2018.
Films •• 2018: One of the Boys (director Ivo van Aart, script Wander Theunis) •• 2018: Daydreaming (director and screenwriter Yim Brakel) •• 2017: Joke van Leeuwen — a world between two ears (director Heddy Honigmann) •• 2016–2017: Meyer’s Law (director Michiel van Jaarsveld, screenwriter Alma Popeyus and Hein Schutz).
NFF Talent 65
Maaike Neve Producer
Maaike Neve is sinds 2016 werkzaam als junior producent bij BIND Film. In 2018 werd ze geselecteerd voor het Europese LIM | Less is More-traject als script editor trainee. Tijdens haar carrière bij BIND produceerde ze tot nu toe onder andere het Gouden Kalf-winnende Jungle en de veel geprezen speelfilm Mijn bijzonder rare week met Tess.
Films •• 2018: My Extraordinary Summer with Tess (director Steven Wouterlood, novel Anna Woltz, script Laura van Dijk) •• 2018: Nothing to Declare (director Hetty de Kruijf, script Bastiaan Kroeger) •• 2017: Jungle (director Hetty de Kruijf, script Ashar Medina) •• 2017: It’s about time (director Mari Sanders, script Cecilie Levy)
66 NFF Talent
While studying Media & Culture at the University of Amsterdam, Maaike Neve did an internship at BIND Film. After her graduation, Maaike remained involved with BIND Film as Assistant Production Manager in various films and series, after which she became a Junior Producer in 2016. In 2018 Maaike was selected for LIM (Less if More) as a Script Editor Trainee. During her career at BIND she produced Jungle, awarded with the Golden Calf for best actor TV drama in 2017, and the highly acclaimed feature film My Extraordinary Summer with Tess.
NFF Professionals bevordert het netwerken van Professionals, door middel van openbaar toegankelijke events en besloten ontmoetingen. Van zaterdag 28 september t/m dinsdag 1 oktober is de Stadsschouwburg Utrecht de ontmoetingsplek voor Professionals. Op vrijdag 27 september trapt het NFF feestelijk af met de opening van de NFF Interactive Expo. Professionals Lunch Alle aanwezige nationale en internationale professionals kunnen elkaar in relaxte sfeer ontmoeten tijdens de lunch in Restaurant Zindering in de Stadsschouwburg. Alleen toegankelijk met een lunchvoucher. Dagelijks, zie pagina 1 voor tijden
NFF Professionals promotes the networking of professionals through publicly accessible events and private meetings. From Saturday 28 September to Tuesday 1 October, the Stadsschouwburg Utrecht will be the meeting place for professionals. On Friday 27 September, the NFF Interactive Expo is the start of the festivities of the NFF. Professionals Lunch Throughout the intensive festival days, all professionals will be able to mix and mingle — as well as regain their energy with hearty, homemade food — at Restaurant Zindering in the Stadsschouwburg. Only accessible with a lunch voucher. Daily, see page 1 for the timetable
Professionals Drinks De Professionals Drinks vinden elke dag van het NFF Professionals Programma plaats in Restaurant Zindering, in de Stadsschouwburg. Dagelijks, zie pagina 1 voor tijden
Professionals Drinks Every day of the NFF Professionals Programme all attending professionals are welcome for drinks at Restaurant Zindering in the Stadsschouwburg. Daily, see page 1 for the timetable
Professionals Closing Party Na dagen vol talks, masterclasses, workshops en volop opgedane inspiratie, sluit het NFF Professionals Programma knallend af. Nog een laatste keer proosten en dansen tot in de late uurtjes! Dinsdag 1 oktober 21:00–03:00
Professionals Closing Party After days full of talks, masterclasses, workshops and more acquired inspiration, the NFF Professionals Programme closes with a bang. One last time for us to cheer and dance until the wee hours. Tuesday 1 October 21:00–03:00
68 Networking
(Opening) NFF Interactive Expo De kanshebbers op het Gouden Kalf voor Beste Interactive zijn eenmalig samen te zien, spelen, ervaren en bewonderen in de gratis toegankelijke NFF Interactive Expo: van VR- en AR-films tot installaties en animatiefilms in VR, van sociale mediaprojecten tot interactieve performances. Ook beleeft de VR-installatie en performance Sacred Hill (Ali Eslami, Klasien van de Zandschulp en Mamali Shafahi), gemaakt in opdracht van het Nieuwe Instituut en Nederlands Film Festival, zijn première. De opening vindt plaats op vrijdag 27 september om 16:00 in IMPAKT en 17:00 in AG. Zie de plattegrond op pagina 8 voor de locaties. Zaterdag 28 september 11:00–20:00 Zondag 29 september 11:00–20:00 Maandag 30 september t/m Donderdag 3 oktober 13:00–20:00 Bring your own Beamer Het visuele spektakel Bring Your Own Beamer is een vaste waarde op het NFF en wordt dit jaar wederom georganiseerd door de HKU in de Nicolaïkerk. De lichten gaan uit en de projectoren aan voor de grootste one-nightexhibition van Nederland. Meer dan tachtig kunstenaars en makers beamen met hun eigen apparatuur voor één avond hun werk op muren, plafonds, vloeren, doeken, (glas-in-lood)ramen en op bezoekers, met bijbehorend geluid, interactieve installaties en performances. Het oorspronkelijke idee - dat inmiddels wereldwijd navolging kreeg - komt uit de koker van kunstenaar Rafaël Rozendaal. Zaterdag 28 september 19:30–0:00 NFF Filmfeest Na Bring your own Beamer is er het jaarlijkse feest in het NFF Festivalhart, de Winkel van Sinkel. Zaterdag 28 september 23:00–04:00 Professionals Late Night Drinks In Villa Orloff, tegenover de Stadsschouwburg, kan de avond afgesloten worden. Zondag 29 september 22:00–01:00 (gehost door VCA) Maandag 30 september 22:00–01:00
(Opening) NFF Interactive Expo The candidates for the 2019 Golden Calf for Best Interactive can be seen (and played, experienced and admired) once-only at an exhibition free of charge. Ten interactive media productions have been selected by a professional jury from the rich crop of games, virtual reality films, multimedia and other productions from the past year. The Expo also marks the world premiere of the VR installation and performance Sacred Hill (Ali Eslami, Klasien van de Zandschulp en Mamali Shafahi), commissioned by Het Nieuwe Instituut and Nederlands Film Festival. The opening takes place on Friday 27 September at 16:00 in IMPAKT and 17:00 in AG. See the map on page 8 for the locations. Saturday 28 September 11:00–20:00 Sunday 29 September 11:00–20:00 Monday 30 September to Thursday 3 October 13:00–20:00 Bring your own Beamer The visual spectacle Bring Your Own Beamer is a safe bet at NFF. The event is organised by the HKU in the Nicolaï Church. The lights go out and projectors are switched on for the largest one-night exhibition in the Netherlands. More than eighty artists and filmmakers use their own equipment to beam their works, for one night, on walls, ceilings, floors, canvasses, (stained-glass) windows and visitors, with accompanying sounds, interactive installations and performances. The original idea - copied worldwide by now - was conceived by artist Rafaël Rozendaal. Saturday 28 September 19:30–0:00 NFF Filmfeest After Bring your own Beamer the party continues at the NFF Festival heart, the Winkel van Sinkel. Saturday 28 September 23:00–04:00 Professionals Late Night Drinks Be welcome for a night cap at Villa Orloff, across the Stadsschouwburg. Sunday 29 September 22:00–1:00 (hosted by VCA) Monday 30 September 22:00–01:00 Networking 69
planet x title design feliciteert Halina Reijn, Topkapi Films en Man Up Film met de openingsfilm Instinct
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15/08/2019 13:53
Feeding creativity
After the Festival NFF Extended NFF Extended is het platform voor de Nederlandse filmsector bedoeld om collega’s in de sector te verbinden, informeren en te inspireren. NFF Extended biedt door het hele jaar bijeenkomsten over relevante, actuele en urgente onderwerpen voor de hele sector. Eerdere edities van NFF Extended in 2019 behandelden recoupment en auteursrecht. NFF Extended wordt door het Nederlands Film Festival georganiseerd in het kader van de versterking van de arbeidsmarktpositie van filmprofessionals, in samenwerking met Eye Filmmuseum en in overleg met diverse (branche) organisaties.
NFF Extended is the platform for the Dutch film sector intended to connect, inform and inspire colleagues in the industry. NFF Extended offers various meetups throughout the year covering relevant, current and urgent topics for the entire industry. Previous editions of NFF Extended in 2019 dealt with topics such as recoupment and copyright. NFF Extended is organised by the Nederlands Film Festival in the context of strengthening the market position of film professionals in collaboration with Eye Filmmuseum and in consultation with the various patners of the NFF Professionals Programme.
Laser ULTRA & Dolby Atmos
Uitgebreid filmaanbod
De lekkerste stoelen
Altijd goed bereikbaar
VICE NIGHT Een avond propvol prachtfilms tijdens het Nederlands Film Festival, geselecteerd door VICE Donderdag 3 oktober 19:30 – 21:30 Kinepolis Jaarbeursboulevard 300 Utrecht
FILMTITEL kinepolis.nl
up to 35% cash rebate films and series
375+ productions supported since 2014 The Goldfinch Undone Lyrebird Killing Eve II Dirty God Devil’s Pie - D’Angelo Tokyo Trial The Resistance Banker Photo: Erik Visser
filmfund.nl filmcommission.nl
Next Level Previs Visit your film set in VR. Explore any angle and every option before shooting starts.
Actual footage of ‘Bumperkleef’, a feature by Topkapi Films
deepspaceplatform.nl DeepSpace is an initiative of Planet X Technologies in collaboration with ScreenSpace Lab
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15/08/2019 13:53
ten Haaf
van Ardenne
een brute dramaserie over de ongrijpbare godfather van de nederlandse onderwereld
Stanley h. PremiĂˆre 5 Oktober op het Nff Daarna wekelijks te bekijken op npo 3, Npo start en volledig op npo start plus
CineLink Coproduction Market CineLink Work in Progress CineLink Drama
CineLink Talks
Docu Rough Cut Boutique
True Stories Market Talents Sarajevo Pack&Pitch 覺
#26thSFF www.sff.ba
facebook.com/SFF.Cinelink twitter.com/26thsff youtube.com/sarajevofilmfestival
覺 instagram.com/sarajevofilmfestival 覺
Louis Hartlooper Complex is een bruisend filmtheater in het centrum van Utrecht. Het staat bekend om de eigenzinnige filmprogrammering, de vele evenementen en festivals en de gezellige sfeer. Voor of na de film kan je genieten van een drankje of een van de heerlijke biologische gerechten. Het is ook mogelijk om de filmzalen of borrelruimtes af te huren. Meer informatie en kaartverkoop via www.hartlooper.nl
HET BESTE VAN Beeld en Geluid is organisator van de Dutch Media Week: 4-13 oktober in Hilversum. Kijk voor het mediaprofessionals-programma op dutchmediaweek.nl
WORD NFF VRIEND en steun zo de Nederlandse film als kunstuiting, ambacht, vermaak en spiegel van de samenleving.
Een vereniging van bijna 400 filmmakers werkzaam in alle disciplines (van sound-designer tot acteur, van producent tot scenarioschrijver). De DAFF-leden zetten zich in voor het belang van de Nederlandse film en bepalen, alweer voor het vijfde jaar, mede de nominaties en winnaars van de Gouden Kalveren 2019 in de categorieën speelfilm en lange documentaire. Lid worden? Meld je aan via www.daff.org of stuur een mail naar office@daff.org
Voor deze steun krijg je ook wat terug. Als NFF Vriend profiteer je van vele voordelen, die je kunt vinden op filmfestival.nl/vrienden. Het lidmaatschap kent drie varianten: Kristal, Goud en Platina. Je bent al NFF Vriend vanaf €36 per jaar. Profiteer direct van je Vriendenkorting en bestel je tickets voor €8 via filmfestival.nl/vrienden
Audacity drives to excellence
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07-08-18 13:04
Videoland steunt nieuwe filmmakers met een miljoen euro PITCH NU JOUW IDEE OP VIDEOLAND.NL/ACADEMY
Is tot stand gekomen met steun van het Nederlands Film Festival en Nederlands Filmfonds
Films from The Netherlands
Films from The Netherlands
Films from The Netherlands
Film Producers Netherlands is the association of film producers, our aim is to stimulate and support a dynamic and creative film industry. We represent the majority of Dutch film producers, promoting their common interests and collaborating with (international) parties in the film industry.
Film Producers Netherlands
Film Producers Netherlands | contact Anna Pedroli (Managing Director a.i.), tel +31 6 19 20 04 83, info@filmproducenten.nl, www.filmproducenten.nl Film Producers Netherlands | board members Marleen Slot (Viking Film, Chairman), Maarten Swart (Kaap Holland Film), Digna Sinke (SNG Film), Sander Verdonk (New Amsterdam Film Company), Laurette Schillings (Topkapi Films), Trent (OAK Motion Pictures), Elsemijn Teulings (Lemming Film) Film Producers Netherlands | members An Original Picture Joost de Vries joost@anoriginalpicture.com BALDR Film Frank Hoeve Katja Draaijer info@baldrfilm.nl www.baldrfilm.nl Circe Films Stienette Bosklopper info@circe.nl www.circe.nl Cool Beans Richard Claus rc@coolbeanspix.com De Familie Film & TV Monique Busman Michiel van Erp info@defamilie.net www.defamilie.net De Productie Annemiek van Gorp René Goossens info@deproductie.nl www.deproductie.nl Family Affair Films Floor Onrust Noortje Wilschut Chris Stenger info@familyaffairfilms.nl www.familyaffairfilms.nl FATT Productions Hans de Weers Elwin Looije info@fatt.nl www.fatt.nl Graniet Film Marc van Warmerdam Marten van Warmerdam info@granietfilm.nl www.granietfilm.nl Halal Gijs Kerbosch Christine Anderton gijsk@halal.amsterdam www.halal.amsterdam
FPN_adv_HFM_170x230_2019_v2.indd 1
Hazazah Pictures Maarten Kuit info@hazazahpictures.com www.hazazahpictures.com
Moving Dreams Loes Kamsteeg info@movingdreams.nl www.movingdreams.nl
House of Netherhorror Jan Doense Herman Slagter jan@houseofnetherhorror.nl herman@houseofnetherhorror.nl www.houseofnetherhorror.nl
Mulholland Pictures Ate de Jong dejong@mulhollandpictures.com www.mulhollandpictures.com
IJswater Films Marc Bary Steven Rubinstein Malamud films@ijswater.nl www.ijswater.nl
New Amsterdam Film Company Sander Verdonk Julius Ponten Thomas den Drijver films@newams.com www.newams.com
Johan Nijenhuis & Co Johan Nijenhuis Ingmar Menning info@nijenhuisenco.nl www.nijenhuisenco.nl
Nuts & Bolts Film Company Denis Wigman Marijn Wigman Rosan Boersma marijn@nutsbolts.nl www.nutsbolts.nl
Jos Stelling Films Jos Stelling inge@stellingfilms.nl www.stellingfilms.nl
OAK Motion Pictures Trent contact@oakmotionpictures.com www.oakmotionpictures.com
Kaap Holland Film Maarten Swart info@kaaphollandfilm.nl www.kaaphollandfilm.nl
PVPictures Paul Voorthuysen mail@pvpictures.nl www.pvpictures.nl
Kaliber Film Mete Gümürhan Aydin Dehzad Bas Broertjes info@kaliberfilm.nl www.kaliberfilm.nl
Revolver Amsterdam Raymond van der Kaaij Kirsi Saivosalmi Germen Boelens kirsi@revolver.nl www.revolver.nl
Keplerfilm Koji Nelissen Derk-Jan Warrink hello@keplerfilm.nl www.keplerfilm.com
Rotterdam Films Mildred van Leeuwaarden Dirk Rijneke info@rotterdamfilms.nl www.rotterdamfilms.nl
KeyFilm Hanneke Niens Hans de Wolf info@keyfilm.nl www.keyfilm.nl
Sigma Pictures Matthijs van Heijningen Guurtje Buddenberg info@sigmapictures.com www.sigmapictures.com
Lemming Film Leontine Petit Fleur Winters Erik Glijnis info@lemmingfilm.com www.lemmingfilm.com
Sluizer Films Anne Lordon Anouk Sluizer Filine Ledeboer sluizerfilms@neuf.fr www.georgesluizer.com
SNG Film Digna Sinke Hugo Naber info@sngfilm.nl www.sngfilm.nl The Film Kitchen Jan van der Zanden Ineke Kanters info@thefilmkitchen.nl www.thefilmkitchen.nl The Rogues Rianne Poodt Guusje van Deuren Harmen Kreulen info@therogues.nl www.therogues.nl Topkapi Films Frans van Gestel Arnold Heslenfeld Laurette Schillings Idse Grotenhuis Robert Oey info@topkapifilms.nl www.topkapifilms.nl VENFILM Maarten van der Ven venfilm@gmail.com www.venfilm.nl Viking Film Marleen Slot marleen@vikingfilm.nl www.vikingfilm.nl Volya Films Denis Vaslin Fleur Knopperts info@volyafilms.com www.volyafilms.com Wild at Art Peter Warnier peter@wildatart.nl www.wildatart.nl 24 FPS Features Anton Scholten anton@24fpsfeatures.nl
29-08-19 11:54
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De Digitale Editie is de krant van vandaag met de mogelijkheden van digitaal. Geniet van meer beeld, uitleg en inspiratie. Dankzij haarscherpe foto’s, bijzondere video’s en heldere infographics krijgt nieuws de ruimte die het verdient.
Digitale Editie
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06-08-19 12:25
Bumperkleef — De Belofte van Pisa — Grimm (re-edit) — Koekoek!
amsterdam / antwerpen — planetx.nl
PLX_Adv_NFFProfGids_180823.indd 4
15/08/2019 13:53
Meet the NFF Professionals team Colophon A publication of the Nederlands Film Festival.
Silvia van der Heiden Festival Director Nederlands Film Festival
Petra Remmen Business Director Nederlands Film Festival
Rianne Poodt Head of NFF Professionals, Talent & Education
Coordination Selin Sen, Evelien van der Kooi Texts Alexander Zwart, Nick Cunningham Translation Sjaan de Bruijn
Paulien Dresscher Programmer Interactive
Sterre de Jong Producer NFF Professionals
Jordi Wijnalda Coordinator HFM
Design Dina Milovcic, Tessa Bachrach Kristofic, Franka Tretinjak (NJI3) Photography Wouter le Duc, Ramon Mangold, Desiree Schippers Campaign ILL Communication
Esther Schmidt Coordinator NFF Extended
Gwyneth Sleutel Coordinator Talent
Selin Sen Marketing & Communication NFF Professionals
Photography cover Willemskantine (Czar Amsterdam) Advertising sales AdNovus B.V. Print Veenman+
Amber Smidt Production manager NFF Professionals
Evelien Louwers Assistant Production manager
Juliette Dominicus Assistant NFF Professionals & Talent
Lisanne Heiligers Coordinator Guest Department
Megan Reid Guest Department
Rachel Rinia Guest Department
Printed copies 1500 Contact P.O. Box 1581 3500 BN Utrecht The Netherlands +31(0)30 – 230 3800 E: professionals@ filmfestival.nl W: filmfestival.nl/ professionals
NFF wishes to thank its partners NFF main sponsors
NFF Partners
BeamSystems • Buma Music in Motion • Cam-a-lot • Centraal Museum • Cinando • CommITment • Event Engineers EYE International • FestivalTickets • Film Commission Utrecht • Film Producenten Nederland • Filmtechniek • Fiona Festival • Flex IT • Het Nieuwe Instituut • Homan BV • IMPAKT • Intermission • International Film Festival Rotterdam La Bolleur • Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld & Geluid • Posta • Smits Light & Sound • TSC Crowd Management U-OV • Utrecht City Hotels • Veenman+ • Versteeg Wigman Sprey Advocaten
Subsidies and Funds
CoBO • Elise Mathilde Fonds • Gravin van Bylandt Stichting • Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie • Van Baaren Stichting
Special thanks to all makers, volunteers and friends!