Financial Investigator 04-2020

Page 58


More standardization in corporate disclosures is needed to increase the quality and consistency of ESG data BY JOLANDA DE GROOT

ESG data are at the heart of every ESG investment. Collecting ESG data has become increasingly important over the last decades. What are the challenges? Which improvements can be made? How will the COVID-19 crisis affect the collection of ESG data? Financial Investigator asked Wilco van Heteren, Executive Director in the Research Products team at Sustainalytics, the ESG and Corporate Governance research and ratings firm, of which Morningstar will become the sole owner, as has been announced recently. Sustainalytics started back in 1992. What is the main difference between collecting ESG data back then compared to today?

illustrate how companies manage these issues. What is the

‘The main difference is that the amount of ESG data that is

those sub-industries? Finally, while on paper these policies

produced by corporates and other organizations is significantly

and programmes may look strong, their effectiveness is

larger today than it was almost 30 years ago. Over the years,

challenged through our controversy research. Involvement

we saw investors’ attention, reporting initiatives and

in controversies means that we decrease the scores for the

regulatory requirements increase. And companies themselves

companies’ management of the MEIs.

quality of their management policies and programmes? Do they address the relevant trends that we are seeing in

also started to see the value in collecting and using ESG data for their own benefits. These developments have led to

Since the Risk Rating is a number that expresses the

an exponential growth in the availability of ESG data – in

magnitude of unmanaged ESG risk, all underlying parameters

breadth as well as in depth. Consistency in corporate

and components that constitute this rating need to be

disclosure remains a challenge, though.’

quantifiable. For some of these components we use company specific data that in themselves are already quantified, such

What do your ESG ratings and underlying data measure? How do you aggregate different types of data and what decisions do you take in the process?

as carbon emissions. For other components we translate a

‘While we offer a broader range of ESG research-based


qualitative, yet highly structured assessment into scores in a way that can consistently be applied to all companies in a

products, our ESG Risk Ratings measure the risk, associated

First, we determine which ESG issues may have an impact

Within the financial industry there are critical voices saying that information provided by the various ESG data providers and ESG ratings firms can differ significantly. They say there is too little correlation in the outcomes of those organizations. Is that correct? If so, is that a bad thing?

on the enterprise value of companies. We deem these to be

‘First of all, ideally there should be consistency in what

Material ESG Issues (MEIs). For each sub-industry, a group

corporates disclose. That is not the case at the moment. This

of MEIs is selected based on a value-chain analysis. Then

inconsistency is one challenge that ESG data and research

we determine, in a quantifiable manner, to which extent

providers need to deal with. Better and more standardized

companies in that sub-industry are exposed to risks

corporate disclosure will increase the quality and consistency

associated with these MEIs. We also define indicators that

in data points collected by ESG research firms.

with material ESG issues, that is not managed by companies. This unmanaged ESG risk for a company is the gap between the level of ESG risk exposure and the extent to which the company is managing that risk.



NUMMER 4 / 2020

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Articles inside

On the move kort

pages 90-92

Andy Langenkamp: Startschot voor Koude Oorlog 2.0

page 88

On the move special: Martin Sanders

page 89

Vooruitzichten voor de tweede helft van 2020

pages 76-85

Han Dieperink: Onbedoeld neveneffect ESG-beleggingen

page 75


pages 86-87

The COVID-19 crisis will stimulate the need as well as the demand for impact investing,

pages 70-71

Water: een essentieel element binnen beleggingen, ACTIAM

pages 72-73

Pim Rank: Herstructurering via de WHOA: van minnelijke regeling naar dwangakkoord

page 74

Impactbeleggen met aantrekkelijke yield maar zonder extra risico. Het is mogelijk.,

pages 68-69

ESG investing – breakdown or breakthrough?

pages 66-67

Thijs Jochems: Beleggen was altijd het toepassen van de geschiedenis. En nu?

page 65

Never waste a good crisis: sustainable strategies after COVID-19, FTSE Russell

pages 60-61

More standardization in corporate disclosures is needed to increase the quality and consistency of ESG data, Interview met

pages 58-59

How climate change is changing asset

pages 52-53

Duurzaam beleggen met credits in belangrijke thema’s van de toekomst, Interview met

pages 54-56

CFA Society VBA Netherlands: MiFID II in

page 57

Zet de coronacrisis het ESG-beleid opnieuw in de steigers?, Harry Geels

pages 46-49

ESG Amplified, Goldman Sachs Asset Management

pages 50-51

De coronacrisis heeft nieuwe inzichten voor de LDI-portefeuille opgeleverd, Interview met

pages 38-39

Global Fixed Income: Opportunities Amidst

pages 40-41

Ronde Tafel Factor Investing & Smart Beta in Fixed Income

pages 28-37

Mensen en hun belangen, Interview met

pages 18-20

Nederland moet doorbouwen om woning(bouw)crisis te voorkomen,

pages 22-23

Beleggingskarakteristieken van zorgwoningen

pages 24-25

Tijd voor actief beleid, Mercer

pages 26-27

Jeroen van der Put: Onder druk wordt alles vloeibaar

page 13

IVBN: Minister neemt verstandige maatregelen voor de woningmarkt

page 21

Democratie blijft altijd in ontwikkeling

pages 10-12

VBDO is liaison officer duurzaamheid

pages 14-17
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