Financial Investigator 05-2020

Page 80


Risks are not off the table at European insurers BY JORGE GROEN

COVID-19 has been a serious stress test for financial markets, but also for insurers’ balance sheets and capital ratios. The risks are not yet off the table, warns Alexander Duckwitz, Insurance Advisory EMEA and ‘risklab’ at Allianz Global Investors. The year 2019 turned out better than

decline in value in the first quarter of

of pension fund and insurer

expected for insurers’ investment

2020. This also ended the positive

supervisors, EIOPA, has also taken

portfolios. Although interest rates fell,

value development that had started in

measures to mitigate the effects of

other segments of financial markets

late 2018.

the crisis. For example, the timetable for the revision of Solvency II 2020

did well. But in March 2020, with the Covid-19 crisis, a perfect storm

‘Due to the flattening of the yield

has been rescheduled, probably

occurred for insurers’ investments.

curve, the value of future obligations

aiming for the end of this year. IFRS17

Between late 2018 and the first

increased by 15% to 20% on average

has been postponed, too.’

quarter of 2020, Allianz Global

compared to late 2018 – especially in

Investors considered the model

life insurers’ investment portfolios,’

Amidst a falling interest rate late last

portfolios of non-life and life insurers,

says Alexander Duckwitz, who is

year and the strong volatility in March

which largely consist of sovereign

responsible for Insurance Advisory

due to the coronavirus outbreak,

debt and credits. Due to the strong

EMEA and ‘risklab’, the department for

Allianz Global Investors’ optimized

volatility in financial markets in

ALM studies and portfolio studies at

portfolios for non-life and life insurers

March, they showed a significant

Allianz Global Investors.

maintained a much steadier pace than


Photo: Archive Allianz Global Investors

the market. Sound risk management According to Solvency II rules, a lot of

and dynamic real-time matching of

capital should be held for life

obligations weakened extreme market

insurances with long-term


guarantees. Combined with the sharp downturn in financial markets, this

Risks are not off the table

has significantly impacted Own Fund

For insurers, the landscape looks

levels. Duckwitz expects that life

substantially different than late last

insurers with a significant duration

year due to Covid-19. Budget deficits

gap between assets and liabilities will

and central bank balance sheets will

be hit hardest.

rise, which means that limiting the interest rate risk seems to be the

Absorbing short-term market stress Duckwitz points to the robustness of the Solvency II rules, which have led many European insurers to be rather resilient. ‘A positive side effect of Solvency II was that short-term market stress could be absorbed, enabling insurers to keep focusing on the long term. The framework prevented them from having to reduce risks all at once and make unwise decisions at a fairly inconvenient time. ALEXANDER DUCKWITZ



NUMMER 5 / 2020

The European umbrella organization

A positive side effect of Solvency II was that short-term market stress could be absorbed, enabling insurers to keep focusing on the long term.

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Articles inside

On the move kort

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Infrastructuur in opkomende markten – waarde en impact ontsluieren, Interview

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On the move special: Meju Velji

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Slimme spreiding bij high yield nu belangrijker

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Risks are not off the table at European insurers

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Andy Langenkamp: Shithole country Amerika?

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Pim Rank: Overdracht van bankvorderingen: de Hoge Raad faciliteert en reguleert

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CFA Society VBA Netherlands: De standaard

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Han Dieperink: De toekomst van verzekeren

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Verzekeraars en vermogensbeheerders worden steeds innigere partners, Interview

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Bitcoin in de institutionele beleggings

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Illiquiditeitspremie vastgoedleningen nu aantrekkelijker dan ooit, Interview met Marlon

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Positioning for the turning of the credit-cycle

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Verslag Seminar Coronacrisis, Supertrends en Disruptieve Innovaties in Vermogensbeheer

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Obligatie-ETF’s in een turbulent jaar

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ESG-beleggen blijft doorgroeien, Tafelgesprek

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Thijs Jochems: Enkele economische vraagstukken voor de politiek en institutionele beleggers

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Discussieverslag Fiduciair Management: Hoe kan het rendement van de portefeuille worden verbeterd?

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Discussieverslag Fiduciair Management: Hoe beoordeel je als bestuur de prestaties van de fiduciair manager?

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Verslag Paneldiscussie Fiduciair Management over de ontwikkelingen in de fiduciaire markt

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Current risk profiles don’t capture the effect of Covid-19 on investor risk appetite, Emily Allen

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IVBN: Woningcorporaties: te grote opgaven, te weinig middelen

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Risicomanagement 3.0, Interview met Loranne

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Ronde Tafel Duurzaam Beleggen in Vastgoed

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Houtbouw: een duurzame oplossing voor een

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Pensioenakkoord stelt hogere eisen aan fiduciaire verantwoordelijkheid van pensioenfondsen, KPMG

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Patents as an innovative source of alpha

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Regeringen moeten meer ambitie tonen

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Toegroeien naar het nieuwe stelsel, Interview

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Grote stappen voor impactbeleggen in vastgoed

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