白 冰 儿童文学作家、中 国作家协会会员、儿童文 学委员会委员,曾任作家 出版社副社长,现为接力 出版社总编辑、编审。著 有“小老鼠稀里哗啦”系 列、《狐狸鸟》、作品集 《绿太阳和红月亮》、童 话集《吃黑夜的大象》、 儿童诗集《飞翔的童心》 等。作品曾获中国出版政 府奖、全国优秀儿童文学 作品奖、冰心儿童文学新 作奖、陈伯吹儿童文学奖 等多个奖项。其童诗《假 如》等被选入人民教育出 版社的小学语文教材。
李 蓉 儿童绘本作家,其 代表作有“快乐小猪波波 飞”系列、《魔法师》 《莫可可玩转地球》等。 其中,“快乐小猪波波 飞”系列版权已输出到法 国、韩国等国家。
Hang the Sun Written by Bing Bai Illustrated by Rong Li
The animal friends are playing high kick in a soccer ball game. Who can kick the highest?
Elephant was the strongest. “Boom!” He kicked the ball up into the sky. “Boom!” Fox kicked this high.
“Boom!” Bunny kicked this high.
“Boom!” Hedgehog kicked this high.
The ball flew through the air. “Boom!”-- the sun was knocked to the ground.
The sky turned to a scary darkness. Bunny squeaked as she was so frightened.
Elephant put his head down and had nothing to say.
The jungle became so cold that the grass frosted and dew froze everywhere. It had never been this cold before. All the friends started to shiver. Bunny was upset. “It is your fault!” he complained to Elephant. “Give us back the sun!”
Bunny found a flashlight for Swan to hang up in the sky. It didn’t help either. It was still too cold and dark on the ground.
Fox said, “It’s okay. Let’s find another sun and hang it in the sky instead.” First, Hedgehog brought a big, round mirror and gave it to Swan to place where the sun should be. It didn’t help. It was still too cold and dark.
Fox then brought his lantern for Swan to hang up in the sky. It shed a few beams, but the ground stayed cold and dark. What could they do now?
Elephant finally started to talk. “Where did the sun drop? Let’s go and find it!”
All the friends started walking. They walked through a tall forest. They walked through a frozen lake. They walked through a dark valley. But where was the sun?
Suddenly Hedgehog reported she felt some heat under his feet. Through cracks on the ground she could hear someone snoring below and even see light from down there. “Check it out! What is it?” “It‘s the sun! Hurray” shouted Bunny . “Sun! Sun!” called Fox. “Come out! How come you’re hiding here?”
The sun squeezed himself out of the cracking earth that soon became hotter and brighter. The sun rubbed his eyes and then answered, “Quiet! A soccer ball knocked me down to the ground. I was mad and I’m still dizzy! I need sleep!”
Elephant said, “You can’t do that. You’d better get back to the sky. The ground’s cold and dark when you’re not there. ” The sun said, “Every day I light up the sky. It‘s a lot of work. And it’s not easy! And you didn’t ask me to play with you. You even hit me with a soccer ball!”
Elephant apologized, “Sorry it was me. I really am. We won’t play high kick anymore. We won’t kick the ball into the sky anymore. We will play shoot!” Fox said to the sun, “You can still play with us after you go back to the sky!” Eyes twinkling, the sun smiled, “You want to play with me? That sounds good! The baby clouds and I will be your cheerleaders!”
The sun returned to the sky. The earth turned back to be bright and warm.
The Friends restarted their ball game. The sun brought a lot of baby clouds. They whistled and shouted, “Good kick! Friends, give it a good kick!� Nobody had ever seen such a soccer game, with cheering in the sky and playing on the ground.