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Established in 1929


Health City Sun

The January 7, 2011

Albuquerque’s Legal & Financial Weekly

Vol. 84 No. 20







Finding The Right Financial Strategy For Your Stage Of Life

(NAPS)—Many Americans find that changes in the economy are forcing them to adjust to a “new normal” when it comes to their finances. Part of that adjustment is the need to evaluate the way they approach each stage of their financial lives. Each new phase of life brings new financial responsibilities, needs and goals. You need to know the right moves to make, and when to make them. As a certified financial planner professional and the consumer advocate for the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Board of Standards, I know how important it is to have a plan. The reality is that you are never too young or too old for financial planning. Stages, Strategies and Tips To help people make the right decisions at each stage, the CFP Board released “Lifelong Financial Strategies,” a series of multimedia presentations with financial tips for each stage of your financial life: 1. The Starting Out Years—Ages 18–25 2. The Nesting Years—Ages 25–40 3. The Prime Years—Ages 40–55 4. The Wealth Accumulation Years—Ages 55–65 5. The Reinvention Years— Ages 65 and over Whatever stage you are in, there are financial decisions that you can make to improve your own financial situation. At the same time, the Lifelong Financial Strategies series shows how decisions build upon each other over time: • When you are first starting out on your own, between 18 and 25, your focus is to get out of debt and to stay on the right financial path. • When you are putting down roots, buying a house or starting a family, as people often do between the ages of 25 and 40, you will be making big financial decisions, and you will want to be mindful of the consequences of these decisions down the road. • And just when you reach the prime years, when your income has grown and you have begun to save, between 40 and 55, you may find yourself under new financial pressures and needing professional financial advice more than ever. • Between the ages of 55 and 65, time seems to accelerate,

and your game plan here is to accumulate more wealth so that you can retire with confidence. • In your reinvention years, after 65, you will want to make modifications to your plan as you respond to an ever-changing economic environment. The material is presented online with a video, a lesson in audio podcast format and a tip sheet. Helping the Public CFP Board’s mission is to benefit the public by granting and upholding the CFP certification as the standard of excellence in personal financial planning. As the consumer advocate for CFP Board, my job is to help Americans identify qualified and ethical financial planners to help them take control of their financial lives. Rigorous education, examination and experience standards mean that Certified Financial Planner professionals have demonstrated they are trained and qualified to provide financial planning services. And CFP Board holds CFP professionals to high ethical standards that include the fiduciary standard of care, which means they are required to put the client’s interest first and foremost. More than 62,000 financial planning professionals across the country hold CFP certification. In a world where people are more responsible than ever for their financial lives, it’s important to understand the key things you can do in each phase of life to reach your financial goals and live the life you choose. Financial planning is for everyone. The good news is that you don’t have to go it alone. To view and download the Lifelong Financial Strategies lessons, visit www.CFP. net or call (800) 487-1497 to find a list of Certified Financial Planner professionals. Eleanor Blayney, CFP, is consumer advocate for CFP Board.

Vaccinations Give Adults A Shot At Good Health

(NAPS)—Immunization isn’t just for kids. That’s because a person’s need for immunizations does not end when he or she reaches adulthood. Adult vaccinations are just as important for disease prevention but are commonly neglected. Vaccinations can work in two ways for adults: to boost the im­ mune response to a vaccination received in childhood—for example, a tetanus booster—or to protect an adult from a particular illness, such as the vaccination for pneumonia. “Vaccinations are critically important for adults, especially in helping to prevent diseases that can be severe in older patients, such as pneumococcal pneumonia, and influenza,” said Gary W. Procop, M.D., FCAP, board-certified pathologist from the Cleveland Clinic. A pathologist is a physician who examines cells, bodily fluids, and tissues to diagnose disease. Vaccinations and Good Health Adult vaccination needs are determined by age and underlying conditions. Patients with certain chronic illnesses may require adult vaccinations earlier than patients without such conditions. Maintaining an up-to-date status is vital for optimal adult health. The College of American Pathologists recommends patients discuss their vaccination status with their primary care physician. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) reviews the recommended Adult Immunization Schedule each year to ensure that it reflects the current recommendations for the licensed vaccines and when healthy adults should receive them. Vaccinations for tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis, human papillomavirus (HPV), measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), varicella, influenza and pneumococcal disease are all covered by that review, as are those for hepatitis A and B, meningococcal disease and herpes zoster vaccines. The committee recommends that all patients over the age of 50 should receive an influenza vaccination each year, and all patients older than 65 years old should receive the pneumococcal vaccine to prevent pneumonia. The varicella vaccine has been recommended for all adults without a history of exposure (i.e., chicken pox), and the herpes zoster vaccine has been recommended for patients older than 60 years. Pregnancy and immunocompromising conditions, including organ or bone marrow/stem cell transplantation and hereditary or acquired immunodeficiency conditions, are conditions that could increase a person’s risk to receiving certain vaccinations. Additional and regularly updated information concerning vaccinations can be found at www. cdc.gov, or visit the College of American Pathologists at www.cap. org.

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January 07, 2010

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The Health City Sun (USPS 238-620) is published weekly by HCSN, LLC, d/b/a Health City Sun, 925 Luna Circle NW, Suite 1, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Copyright © 2010. Reproduction of any kind without the permission of the publisher is prohibited. Annual subscription is $24. Periodicals postage paid at Albuquerque, NM 87101-9651. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Health City Sun, 925 Luna Circle NW, Suite 1, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Five Reasons To Re-Key Your Locks (NAPS)—After hearing the results of recent research, you may wonder if your Internet connection is up to speed. New research from the Communications Workers of America (CWA) indicates that nearly half (49 percent) of U.S. residents’ Internet connection speeds fall below the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) minimum broadband speed standard. Currently, only 1 percent of U.S. Internet connections meet the FCC’s broadband speed goal for the year 2015. “Speed matters on the Internet, enabling innovations in telemedicine, education, economic development, energy conservation and job creation,” said Julius Genachowski, chairman of the FCC. Many Internet connections are not fast enough to support emerging online services that save money and improve lives, such as home health monitoring or distance learning, which enables a student to participate in a class discussion via a video hookup. Without broadband Internet access, people cannot participate in important activities. Most job applications today are submitted online. People apply for and get public services via the Web. Kids need the Internet to do school assignments. Teachers communicate with parents through digital

technologies. The FCC has released a National Broadband Plan to address the challenges of highspeed Internet access. The plan lays a framework for all Americans to have access to affordable, high-speed Internet, but it has been stalled in part by debate on net neutrality. One solution recommended in the National Broadband Plan—which CWA agrees with—is to update the Universal Service Fund (USF) to include broadband Internet access support. Currently, the USF program only supports telephone service to rural areas and low-income families. “CWA applauds the FCC for its commitment to improving access to high-speed Internet and recent decision to protect an open Internet,” said Larry Cohen, president, Communications Workers of America. “Improving broadband deployment, connection speeds, and adoption will help facilitate job and business growth across the nation.” To find out if your Internet connection is up to speed, you can take the Speed Matters test created by CWA. To report the real-time connection speed, the test sends an HTTP request to the nearest server and measures the time it takes to receive a response. Participation is voluntary. To learn more and to t­ake the speed test, go to ­www.SpeedMatters.org.

January 07, 2010

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Balloon Museum Launches “Curator’s Coffee” Informal “Coffee Talks” and Expert-Led Tours

ALBUQUERQUE, NM—The Balloon Museum features a number of special exhibitions each year, and visitors can learn much by viewing these fascinating displays. But, wouldn’t it be even more interesting to hear the stories behind the exhibitions from the person who created them? As part of a series of new programs celebrating the Museum’s 5-year anniversary, themed “Five Years & Rising,” beginning Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 9:30 am the Museum launches the new “Curator’s Coffee & Gallery Tours.” The program will provide an opportunity to learn from the Curator of Collections, Marilee Schmit Nason. An informal “coffee talk” will be followed by an indepth tour of displays that will leave visitors with a new understanding of what goes into presenting these very special exhibitions. The Museum’s newest exhibition, “Cluster Balloons: From Lawn Chairs to Cosmic Rays,” will be the focus of this initial coffee and tour on January 22. Participants will learn about both the whimsical and serious ways clusters of balloons are used for adventure and scientific learning. On Saturday, March 26 the focus will be on “Children of War, Voices for Peace,” an exhibition that features a little-known footnote in the history of World War II. Japanese schoolchildren were recruited to help create “Fugos”—giant balloons

that were armed with bombs and launched across the Pacific. The only enemy-caused deaths on the North American continent in World War II occurred from the detonation of one of these bombs. The exhibition features the story of one Japanese schoolgirl who later learned that her contribution to her country’s safety was an instrument of death, and of her subsequent efforts to promote peace. “Sky Sailing!” will be the featured exhibition on Thursday, May 5, as the group views the giant paraglider, and hang glider, and sailplane suspended from the gallery ceiling. The group will also learn more about the many ways both people and animals travel on the wind. On Saturday, June 11, the series continues with a tour of the exhibition “Art of the Airship.” This gallery tour will focus on these giants of the air, how these behemoths are constructed, the enormous hangers in which they are housed, and a historic and fascinating view of the “Golden Age” of the aerial luxury liners. Curator’s Coffees are included with paid admission, and all ages are welcome. The Coffees will be an added membership benefit to Balloon Museum Foundation members whose admission will be complimentary. To become a Balloon Museum Foundation member, fill out the on-line

form at wwwlballoonmuseum.com or call 505880-0500. The Balloon Museum is located at 9201 Balloon Museum Drive NE just south of Balloon Fiesta Park (North of Alameda) and is open Tuesday through Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm year-round (closed Mondays and City Holidays that fall on Mondays). Admission is $4.00 for adults ($3.00 for NM residents), $2.00 for seniors 65+, $1.00 for children ages 4-12, and children 3 and under FREE. Admission is free each Sunday from 9 am – 1 pm, and all day on the first Friday of every month. Balloon Museum Foundation members, ICOM, AAM, and NMAM members are FREE. For more information, call 505-7686020, visit www.cabq.gov/balloon, or call 311.

American Teens Are Asking For A Challenge (NAPS)—A recent survey of teenagers in the U.S. uncovered surprising insights about math and science education in America. What The Study Found For one thing, the survey, commissioned by Intel Corporation, found the vast majority of American teens feel confident in their own math and science abilities. But they also generally agree there’s a math and science crisis in K–12 education in the United States. This suggests they may not feel personally responsible for the problem of falling math and science scores in the U.S. Instead, teens primarily attribute their lack of confidence in the United States’ math and scienceabilities to a lack of work ethic and discipline on the part of others, not a lack of school funding or resources, which many experts point to as the culprits. Fortunately, the teens do understand that math and science are important to their future success and express an interest in these subjects. Ninety-nine percent believe it’s important to be good at math and science and nearly 60 percent aspire to pursue a math- or sciencerelated career. What You Can Do There are several ways parents can help children learn science and math. Here are just a couple of suggestions:

• Encourage questions. Encourage kids’ natural curiosity about the world. Scientists are professional question askers and relentless in their quest for answers. • Offer a math- and science-friendly home. Science happens everywhere. Gardening, working on the car, construction, cooking and plumbing all use math and science. Encourage kids to practice predicting, measuring, observing and analyzing. What Others Are Doing The aim of the survey was to offer a student perspective on the complex issues facing American education today and to spark a debate about how best to challenge American teens to excel in math and science. As the sponsor of the Intel Science Talent Search and the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, Intel recognizes math and science as critical foundations for innovation. Over the past decade, it has invested more than $1 billion and its employees have donated close to 3 million hours toward improving education. How To Learn More To join a community of people sharing their stories with the hope of becoming a catalyst for action and a voice for change in global education, visit www. inspiredbyeducation.com. To view ongoing updates, join the Face- book group at www.facebook. com/InspiredByEducation or follow Twitter updates at www.twitter.com/intelinspire.

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L e g al STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT NO D-0202-CV-2010-07462 KIRTLAND FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, Plaintiff, v. RANDALL T. APOSTALON, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, IF ANY, OF RANDALL T. APOSTALON, CAPITAL ONE BANK, MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC., JOHN DOE and JANE DOE, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above entitled Court, having appointed the undersigned as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered the Special Master to sell the below described real property, situated in the County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, more particularly described as: Lot Numbered Eight (8) in Block Numbered One Hundred and Twenty Two (122) of the Plat of Blocks 88B to 129 inclusive, of SNOW HEIGHTS, an Addition to the City of Albuquerque, as the same is shown and designated on the Plat of said Addition, filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, on December 21, 1953. More commonly described as 1800 Carol Street NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112. The sale shall commence at 11:30 a.m. on January 19, 2011, at the front entrance to the Second Judicial District Court House, at 400 Lomas NW, Albuquerque, NM 87103. The property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash. The property will be sold subject to any and all unpaid taxes and to any liens and assessments not otherwise foreclosed upon herein. Interested bidders should undertake to make their own determination as to the status of title. For purposes of this sale, “cash” shall mean (1) cash on hand, (2) other immediately available funds, including, but not limited to, bank cashiers checks, or (3) an irrevocable letter of credit payable at sight issued by a financial institution acceptable to and in a form acceptable to the Special Master in an amount not less than the bid amount, delivered to and approved by the Special Master prior to sale. For purposes of this Sale, the term “immediately available funds” shall refer to those funds that can be delivered to the Special Master within TWENTY-FOUR (24) hours of the acceptance of the bid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the proceeds of sale will be applied as follows: first, to all costs and expenses of sale, including the Special Master’s fee and costs; second, to the judgment awarded to Plaintiff in the amount of $80,258.85, plus interest from September 8, 2010, at the rate of 3.25% per annum; plus attorney fees in the amount of $1,859.00 and costs incurred by Plaintiff in the amount of $443.26, plus interest from December 7, 2010, at the rate of 8.75% per annum; third, in such manner

as the Court may determine by order entered after the sale. NOTICE IS FINALLY GIVEN that Plaintiff may bid and purchase the property at the foreclosure sale and may apply all or a portion of its judgment as cash toward the purchase price. By: KATHLEEN M. BRANDT Special Master 1212 Pennsylvania NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 266-8787 HCS Pub. Dexember 17, 24, 31, 2010, January 7, 2011

THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-202-CV2010-00918 AURORA LOAN SERVICES, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. ANTHONY M. MEDINA, a single man; GMAC MORTGAGE, LLC; ALISO NOB HILL HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, commonly known as 3936 Silver Avenue SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108, and more particularly described as follows: Lot Numbered Ten-A-One (10A-1), Plat of Lots 1-A-1, 10A-1, 11-A-1 & 20-A-1, Silver Street Townhomes Section 23, T.10N, R.3E, N.M.P.M., City of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County New Mexico as the same is shown and designated on the plat thereof, filed in the office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County New Mexico on February 8, 2006 in Plat Book 2006C, folio 46. The sale is to begin at 9:30 a.m. on January 18, 2011, on the front steps of the Second Judicial District Courthouse, City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Aurora Loan Services, LLC. Aurora Loan Services, LLC was awarded a Judgment on May 10, 2010, in the principal sum of $286,244.17, plus outstanding interest on the balance through May 31, 2010, in the amount of $12,382.68, plus late charges of $257.11, plus recoverable/ escrow balance in the amount of $7,774.42, plus other fees of $9.00, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $900.00 and costs through May 31, 2010in the sum of $493.43, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees,


ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, commonly known as 3105 Blake Road SW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105, and more particularly described as follows: A tract of land within Section 2, T.9N., R.2E., New Mexico Principal Meridian, identified as Tract 91-B of Map No. 46 of the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District Maps situated in Bernalillo County, State of New Mexico better described as follows: Commencing at the City of Albuquerque Control Monument “5-N11” monumented with at 3 1/4 inch aluminum cap stamped “Control Point”; Thence N. 56 degrees 58’ 50” W., a distance of 3611.46 feet to the POINT OF B E G I N N I N G ; Thence N. 86 degrees 27’ 14” W., a distance of 99.47 feet; Thence N. 01 degrees 25’ 46” E., a distance of 508.01 feet; Thence S. 86 degrees 27’ 14” E., 99.47 feet; Thence S. 01 degrees 25’ 46” W., a distance of 508.01 feet to the POINT OF B E G I N N I N G . The sale is to begin at 9:30 a.m. on January 18, 2011, on the front steps of the Second Judicial District Courthouse, City of Albuquerque, County of THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, COUNTY OF BERNALILLO at which time I will sell to the SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT highest and best bidder for cash No. D-202-CV200908303 in lawful currency of the United AMTRUST BANK, States of America, the Property Plaintiff, to pay expenses of sale, and to vs. satisfy the Judgment granted JOHN T. SCHREIBER, a single Freedom Mortgage Corporation. man; Freedom Mortgage Corporation NATIONAL CITY BANK; ABC was awarded a Judgment Corporations I-X, on December 9, 2010, in the XYZ Partnerships I-X, John principal sum of $102,888.00, Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, plus outstanding interest on the THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND balance through October 30, DEVISEES OF 2010, in the amount of $5,373.67, ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF plus late charges/other fees and DECEASED, NSF charges of $258.58, plus Defendants. recoverable/escrow advance NOTICE OF SALE ON balance in the amount of FORECLOSURE $4,071.86, plus attorneys fees in PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the sum of $1,350.00 and costs the above-entitled Court, having through October 30, 2010 in the appointed me or my designee as sum of $475.60, with interest Special Master in this matter with on the Judgment including late the power to sell, has ordered charges, property preservation me to sell the real property fees, escrow advances, (the “Property”) situated in attorney’s fees and costs of this Bernalillo County, New Mexico, suit at the rate of 7.00% per commonly known as 3124 Rio THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO annum from date of the entry Plata Drive SW, Albuquerque, COUNTY OF BERNALILLO of the Judgment until paid. NM 87121, and more SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN particularly described as follows: No. D-0202-CV-201008651 that the real property and Lot Numbered Twenty-P1 (20-P1) FREEDOM MORTGAGE improvements concerned with in Block Numbered Three (3) of CORPORATION, herein will be sold subject to the Highlands at Anderson Hills, Plaintiff, any and all patent reservations, Unit 3, as the same is shown and vs. easements, all recorded and designated on the Plat thereof GREGORIO GONZALEZ unrecorded liens not foreclosed filed in the Office of the County and NORMA GONZALEZ, herein, and all recorded and Clerk of Bernalillo County, New husband and wife; NEW unrecorded special assessments Mexico on June 24, 2005 in MEXICO COMMUNITY and taxes that may be due. Map Book 2005C, page 220. DEVELOPMENT LOAN FUND, Freedom Mortgage Corporation The sale is to begin at 9:30 INC. D/B/A THE LOAN FUND; and its attorneys disclaim escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 6.5% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Aurora Loan Services, LLC and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Scott Harenberg, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. December 17, 24, 31, 2010, January 7, 2011

January 07, 2010

a.m. on January 18, 2011, on the front steps of the Second Judicial District Courthouse, City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted AmTrust Bank. AmTrust Bank was awarded a Judgment on November 8, 2010, in the principal sum of $140,791.00, plus outstanding interest on the balance through October 15, 2010, in the amount of $16,203.51, plus property inspection/photos of $149.80, plus escrow advance in the amount of $5,335.18, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $900.00 and costs/additional litigation costs through October 15, 2010 in the sum of $841.60, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 6.75% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. AmTrust Bank and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Scott Harenberg, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. December 17, 24, 31, 2010, January 7, 2011

all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Scott Harenberg, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. December 17, 24, 31, 2010, January 7, 2011

THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-202-CV-201010796 AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC, Plaintiff, vs. DAVID S. DANEMANN, an unmarried man; FIRST COMMUNITY MORTGAGE, a Division of First State Bank, N.M.; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION Plaintiff, AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC, pursuant to Rule 1-004 J New Mexico Rules of Civil Procedures-District Courts, publishes the following as its Notice of Pendency of Action. 1. Plaintiff has filed a Judicial Foreclosure Complaint against the above named Defendants. 2. Plaintiff is seeking service of David S. Danemann, of the Complaint in No. D-202-CV-201010796. 3. The name address and telephone number of Plaintiff’s attorney is Matthew Silverman, 8502 E. Via de Ventura, Suite 200, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258, (480) 302-4100. 4. If a Response is not filed by David S. Danemann a default may be entered against the Defendant. 5. The real property which is the subject matter of this action is legally described as follows: LOT NUMBERED SIXTEEN (16) IN BLOCK NUMBERED TWENTY-SEVEN (27) OF MESA COURT, BLOCKS 20 TO 32, INCLUSIVE, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, AS THE SAME IS SHOWN AND DESIGNATED ON THE PLAT THEREOF, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF BERNALILLO COUNTY, NEW

Health City Sun

January 07, 2010

L e g al MEXICO, ON MARCH 10, 1949, IN VOLUME D, FOLIO 59. The real property is also described as 3813 Thaxton Ave. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108. HCS Pub. December 24, 31, 2010, January 7, 2011

THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-202-CV-201007269 AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC, Plaintiff, vs. NATHAN YOKOYAMA, an unmarried man; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, commonly known as 5757 Night Whisper Road NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87114, and more particularly described as follows: Lot numbered Sixty-six-P1 (66P1) of the Plat for RIDGEVIEW VILLAGE UNIT 1, being a Replat of Tracts A-1, A-2, B-1 and B-2 of the Correction Plat No. 1, Bulk Land Plat of Lands of Zolin/ Kunath, Tres Esquinas, LLC and Curb Inc., situate within projected Section 2, T11N, R2E, N.M.P.M., Town of Alameda Grant, City of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, as the same is shown and designated on the Plat of said Subdivision, filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, on May 20, 2002, in Plat Book 2002C, Folio 180. The sale is to begin at 9:30 a.m. on January 25, 2011, on the front steps of the Second Judicial District Courthouse, City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Aurora Loan Services LLC. Aurora Loan Services LLC was awarded a Judgment on December 16, 2010, in the principal sum of $149,991.68, plus outstanding interest on the balance through November 15, 2010, in the amount of $9,969.37, plus late charges/ other fees/pro rata MIP/PMI of $351.28, plus recoverable/ escrow balance in the amount of $2,918.67, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $900.00 and costs through November 15, 2010 in the sum of $463.93, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 7.625% per annum from date of the entry


separate property; FIRST COMMUNITY BANK; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, commonly known as 11000 Country Club NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111, and more particularly described as follows: Lot numbered Eighty-five (85) of Country Club Estates at Tanoan, situate within the Elena Gallegos Grant, projected Sections 27 and 28, T11N, R4E, NMPM, City of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, as the same is shown and designated on the Plat thereof, filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico on June 13, 1984, in Plat Book C24, folio 55. The sale is to begin at 9:30 a.m. on January 25, 2011, on the front steps of the Second Judicial District Courthouse, City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Aurora Loan Services LLC. Aurora Loan Services LLC was awarded a Judgment on THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO December 15, 2010, in the COUNTY OF BERNALILLO principal sum of $379,616.68, SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT plus outstanding interest on No. D-202-CV2009-10523 the balance through December AURORA LOAN SERVICES 31, 2010, in the amount of LLC, $92,611.69, plus late charges/ Plaintiff, other fees of $1,223.48, plus vs. recoverable/escrow advance RAY S. SANCHEZ, III, an balance in the amount of unmarried man; PLAZA $26,970.46, plus attorneys fees HOME MORTGAGE, in the sum of $1,350.00 and costs INC.; ANDERSON HILLS through December 31, 2010 in SUBDIVISION HOMEOWNERS the sum of $404.15, with interest ASSOCIATION; ABC on the Judgment including late Corporations I-X, XYZ charges, property preservation Partnerships I-X, John Does fees, escrow advances, I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE attorney’s fees and costs of this UNKNOWN HEIRS AND suit at the rate of 8.875% per DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE annum from date of the entry ABOVE, IF DECEASED, of the Judgment until paid. Defendants. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN NOTICE OF SALE ON that the real property and FORECLOSURE improvements concerned with PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that herein will be sold subject to the above-entitled Court, having any and all patent reservations, appointed me or my designee as easements, all recorded and Special Master in this matter with unrecorded liens not foreclosed the power to sell, has ordered herein, and all recorded and me to sell the real property unrecorded special assessments (the “Property”) situated in and taxes that may be due. Bernalillo County, New Mexico, Aurora Loan Services LLC commonly known as 3209 Rio and its attorneys disclaim Maria Drive SW, Albuquerque, all responsibility for, and the NM 87121, and more purchaser at the sale takes the particularly described as follows: THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO property subject to, the valuation Lot Numbered Fifteen-P1 (15COUNTY OF BERNALILLO of the property by the County P1) in Block Numbered Six (6) of SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Assessor as real or personal the Highlands at Anderson Hills No. D-202-CV-200810510 property, affixture of any mobile Unit 2, as the same is shown and AURORA LOAN SERVICES or manufactured home to the designated on the Plat thereof LLC, land, deactivation of title to a filed in the Office of the County Plaintiff, mobile or manufactured home on Clerk of Bernalillo County, New vs. the property, if any, environmental Mexico on June 24, 2005 in JAMES NELSON, a married contamination on the property, map Book 2005C, page 219. man as his sole and if any, and zoning violations of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Aurora Loan Services LLC and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Scott Harenberg, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. December 24, 31, 2010, January 7, 14, 2011.

The sale is to begin at 9:30 a.m. on January25, 2011, on the front steps of the Second Judicial District Courthouse, City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Aurora Loan Services LLC. Aurora Loan Services LLC was awarded a Judgment on May 20, 2010, in the principal sum of $146,500.00, plus outstanding interest on the balance through May 15, 2010, in the amount of $8,779.52, plus late charges of $419.70, plus recoverable/ escrow balance in the amount of $3,976.57, minus a suspense balance of $635.22, plus other fees of $9.00, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $900.00 and costs through May 15, 2010 in the sum of $553.28, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 6.875% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Aurora Loan Services, LLC and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Scott Harenberg, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. December 24, 31, 2010, January 7, 14, 2011.

Page 5

concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Scott Harenberg, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. December 24, 31, 2010, January 7, 14, 2011.

ANY and ALL bids. We have the right to reserve minimum bid. UNIT # EE05 Name: Michele Armijo Address: 8901 Jefferson NE Unit 14 City: Albuquerque State: NM Zip: 87113 Description: Boxes & Misc Household Items UNIT # N11 Name: Debbie Abeyta Address: 158 El Pueblo Rd. NW City: Albuquerque State: N.M. Zip: 87114 Description: Office equipment UNIT # KW04 Name: Mark E. Turpen Address: 10200 2nd St. NW #22 City: Albuquerque State: N.M. Zip: 87114 Description: Desks and Chairs UNIT # O90 Name: Mark E. Turpen Address: 10200 2nd St. NW #22 City: Albuquerque State: N.M. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Zip: 87114 COURT Description: Desks and Chairs COUNTY OF BERNALILLO UNIT # O97 STATE OF NEW MEXICO Name: Rusty L. Morgan NO. CV-2010-03601 Address: 7008 Eagle Mesa CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, EX City: Albuquerque State: N.M. Rel., Zip: 87113 ALBUQUERQUE POLICE Description: 2001 Ford Winstar DEPARTMENT, UNIT # RD09 Plaintiff, Name: Craig Bryant v. Address: P.O. Box 405 ONE (1) 1997 BUICK LCF 4-DR City: Cayucos WHITE State: CA Zip: 93430 VIN # 1G4HP52K5VH486299 Description: GMC Quad Cab 1 NEW MEXICO LICENSE # ton Dually TO00000 HCS Pub. December 31, 2010, Defendant. January 7, 2011 NOTICE OF SUIT Albuquerque Police Department to JUAN VASQUEZ and SUZY CHAVEZ GREETINGS: STATE OF NEW MEXICO You are hereby notified that COUNTY OF BERNALILLO the above-named Plaintiff has IN THE DISTRICT COURT filed a civil action against you NO. PB 2010-000667 in the above-entitled Court IN THE MATTER OF THE and cause, the general object ESTATE OF thereof being to seek forfeiture LUCILE E. DUNLAP of the above-described property. DECEASED. That unless you enter your NOTICE TO CREDITORS appearance in said cause on THE UNDERSIGNED is or before the date of FEB 07 Personal Representative of this 2011, Judgment by Default Estate, and all persons having will be entered against you; claims against the Estate of Name and address the Decedent are required to of Plaintiff’s attorney: present them to the undersigned ERIC J. LOCHER, COUNSEL within two (2) months after the FOR ALBUQUERQUE POLICE date of the first publication of DEPARTMENT, P.O. BOX this Notice or the claims will be 2248, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW forever barred. Claims must be MEXICO 87103, (505) 768-4500. presented to the undersigned WITNESS the HONORABLE Personal Representative, care THERESA BACA, District of DUBOIS, COOKSEY & Judge of the Second Judicial BISCHOFF, P.A. (George A. District Court of the State of Dubois), 2040 Fourth St., NW, New Mexico, and the Seal of Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102. the District Court of Bernalillo /s/ Gary M. Dunlap County, this date of DEC 21 2010. GARY M. DUNLAP JUANITA M. DURAN c/o George A. Dubois CLERK OF THE DISTRICT 2040 Fourth St., NW COURT Albuquerque, NM 87102 BY: CHRISTINA VILLA (505) 243-6721 Deputy HCS Pub. December 31, 2010, HCS Pub. December 24, 31, January 7, 2011 2010, January 7, 2011

The Following units will be sold at public auction at Alameda Mini & RV Storage at 10130 2nd St. NW Alb. N.M. 87114 on January 18, 2011 at 10:00 am. In accordance with N.M. Lien Law 48-11-7. Terms of the sale are CASH ONLY. We have the right to refuse


Health City Sun

Page 6

L e g al Deceased. STEVEN W. HEIN and BRENDA N. MARTINEZ, Plaintiffs And CounterDefendants vs. WILLIAM MURRAY, Defendant and CounterClaimant NOTICE OF HEARING BY PUBLICATION To the following named heirs of Annabelle Rucker, if living, and, if deceased, to their unknown descendants: Those heirs include known siblings Grace Rucker, Flara Rucker, Flossie Rucker, Hellen Rucker, Carl B. Rucker and niece France Ward. To the following possible devisees: France Ward, Animal Humane Association of New Mexico Inc., Mary Niccoli and Virginia Roop: To all unknown or unidentified heirs of Annabelle Murray, deceased, and all unknown persons who have or claim any interest in the estate of Annabelle Murray, deceased, or in the estate being administered: You are given a notice of hearing before the Court on a Motion to Approve Mediated Settlement in the estate of Annabelle Murray on the 13th day of January, 2011 at 3:15 p.m. before the Honorable Beatrice J. Brickhouse at the Bernalillo County Courthouse at 400 Lomas NW, County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico. You may petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including without limitation, distribution of assets and the expenses of administration. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Papers relating to this estate COURT are on file with the Bernalillo COUNTY OF ALBUQUERQUE County District Court and are STATE OF NEW MEXICO available for your inspection. NO. CV 2010-14715 /s/ Richard M. Reidy IN THE MATTER OF THE Richard M. Reidy PETITION OF Court appointed Personal ARMANDO COTA SILVA Representative FOR CHANGE OF NAME 4010 Carlisle Blvd. NE Suite D NOTICE OF PETITION TO Albuquerque, NM 87107 CHANGE NAME (505) 884-2556 (ADULT) HCS Pub. December 31, 2010 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN January 7, 2011 that ARMANDO COTA SILVA, a resident of the City of 10-11-1994, County of ALBUQUERQUE, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has 2ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT filed a Petition to Change Name COURT in the Bernalillo District Court, COUNTY OF BERNALILLO Bernalillo County, New Mexico, STATE OF NEW MEXICO wherein he seeks to change his/ NO. CV 2010-14796 her name from ARMANDO COTA IN THE MATTER OF THE SILVA to ARMANDO COTA, and PETITION OF that this Petition will be heard Debra Gail Rhymer before the Honorable Judge C. FOR CHANGE OF NAME Shannon Bacon, District Judge, NOTICE OF PETITION TO on the 9th day of Feb. 2011, at CHANGE NAME the hour of 10:30 a.m., at the (ADULT) Bernalillo County Courthouse, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Albuquerque, New Mexico. Debra Gail Rhymer, a resident of Respectfully submitted, the City of Albuquerque, County /s/ Armando Cota of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, Armando Cota Silva and over the age of fourteen Petitioner, pro se years, has filed a Petition to HCS Pub. December 31, 2010, Change Name in the 2nd Judicial January 7, 2011 District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein she seeks to change her name from Debra Gail Rhymer to Debra Gail Love, and that this Petition will be heard SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT before the Honorable CLAY COURT CAMPBELL, District Judge, COUNTY OF BERNALILLO on the day of JAN 24 2011, STATE OF NEW MEXICO at the hour of 9:45 a.m., at the NO. PB 2008-000701 Bernalillo County Courthouse, IN THE MATTER OF THE 400 Lomas NW Courtroom ESTATE OF #616, Albuquerque, New Mexico. ANNABELLE MURRAY, Respectfully submitted, that the undersigned have been appointed co-personal representatives of this estate. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice, or within two months after the mailing or other delivery of this Notice, whichever is later, or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the undersigned co-personal representatives, c/o Lawrence W. Kay, P.A., 1825 San Mateo NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 or filed with the Bernalillo County Probate Court, One Civic Plaza NW 6th Floor, Albuquerque, NM 87102. DATED: 12 16, 2010 /s/ Raymond Edward Robertson Raymond Edward Robertson, Co-Personal Representative of The Estate of Dorotha Dee Robertson, Deceased /s/ Diana Dee Robertson Pandolfo Diana Dee Robertson Pandolfo, Co-Personal Representative of The Estate of Dorotha Dee Robertson, Deceased Submitted by, /s/ Lawrence W. Kay Lawrence W. Kay, Attorney for the Co-Personal Representatives 1825 San Mateo NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 254-0600 HCS Pub. December 31, 2010, January 7, 2011

/s/ Debra Rhymer Debra Rhymer Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. December 31, 2010, January 7, 2011

Public Sale at ROUTE 66 SELF STORAGE, 9500 Central Ave. SW, 01-17-11 at 10:00am. Property contained in the following units will be sold to the highest bidder to satisfy the owner’s lien for rent under N.M.S.A Sec. 48-11-7 et. seq. Sale is With Reserve. ROUTE 66 SELF STORAGE reserves the right to set minimum bids and to refuse bids. CASH ONLY. Unit # 1481 Otoniel AragonOchoa 757 98th SW Trailer #116 Albuquerque NM 87121. CONTENTS CONSISTOF: Couch Unit # 223 Florenda Mahooty 6600 Bluewater RD NW Apt B119 Albuquerque NM 87121. CONTENTS CONSIST OF: BBQ grill, couch, full size headboard and frame, bookshelf, boxes, misc. items. Unit 416 Anthony Sena 1108 Yerba SW Albuquerque NM 87121. CONTENTS CONSIST OF: Couches, 8ft trees, freezer, queen size bedroom set, china cabinet, rugs, boxes, misc. items. Unit # 521 Lucinda Yazzie Exit 131 5M N of I40 Canoncito NM 87026. CONTENTS CONSIST OF: Full size mattress and box spring, boxes, misc. items. Buyer will have 24 hours to either remove all items or rent the unit until all items can be removed from the site. Please contact ROUTE 66 SELF STORAGE at (505) 242-6440 for further information. HCS Pub. December 31, 2010, January 7, 2011

SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. PB 2010-000530 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHANEL BROOMFIELD, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS MICHAEL BROOMFIELD and TIFFANY RICE has been appointed Co-Personal Representatives of the Estate of CHANEL BROOMFIELD, deceased. All persons having claims against this Estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the CoPersonal Representatives, c/o James T. Roach, Attorney at Law, 300 Central SW, Suite 1500-West, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102, or filed with the District Court of Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Dated: 12/28/10 /s/ Michael Broomfield MICHAEL BROOMFIELD Co-Personal Representative of the Estate of CHANEL BROOMFIELD, Deceased 1736 Valerosa Way Oxnard, California 93030 /s/ Tiffany Rice TIFFANY RICE

January 07, 2010

Notices Co-Personal Representative of the Estate of CHANEL BROOMFIELD, Deceased 1313 Wheeler SE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 /s/ James T. Roach JAMES T. ROACH Attorney for Applicants 300 Central SW, Suite 1500West Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 (505) 243-4419 HCS Pub. December 31, 2010, January 7, 2011

THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-202-CV-201005839 AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC, Plaintiff, vs. GINA BLANTON, a married woman as her sole and separate property; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, commonly known as 10306 Karen Avenue NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87111, and more particularly described as follows: Lot numbered Thirty-four (34) of TOLTEC SUBDIVISION, Albuquerque, New Mexico, as the same is shown and designated on the Plat of said Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico on June 28, 1972 in Plat Book D5, folio 31. The sale is to begin at 9:30 a.m. on February 1, 2011, on the front steps of the Second Judicial District Courthouse, City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Aurora Loan Services LLC. Aurora Loan Services LLC was awarded a Judgment on December 20, 2010, in the principal sum of $203,548.21, plus outstanding interest on the balance through December 31, 2010, in the amount of $7,392.28, plus late charges/other fees of $154.80, plus recoverable/ escrow advance balance in the amount of $6,344.09, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $1,350.00 and costs through December 31, 2010 in the sum of $443.93, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 3.25% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Aurora Loan Services LLC and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Scott Harenberg, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub, December 31, 2010, January 7, 14, 21, 2011

THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-202-CV2010-06967 WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, Plaintiff, vs. DONNA RAE CARMAN, an unmarried woman; VILLA ENCANTADA HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, commonly known as 90 Calle San Blas NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109, and more particularly described as follows: Lot numbered Ninety (90) of the Amended Plat of Villa Encantada, an Addition to the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico as the same is shown and designated on the Plat of said Addition, filed in the office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, on May 11, 1977, in Plat Book D7, Folio 172. The sale is to begin at 9:30 a.m. on February 1, 2011, on the front steps of the Second

Judicial District Courthouse, City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Wells Fargo Bank, NA. Wells Fargo Bank, NA was awarded a Judgment on December 22, 2010, in the principal sum of $125,563.50, plus outstanding interest on the balance through December 22, 2010, in the amount of $16,615.68, plus late charges/other fees of $347.10, plus corporate advance/escrow advance balance in the amount of $3,459.43, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $1,100.00 and costs through December 22, 2010 in the sum of $473.93, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 7.0% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Wells Fargo Bank, NA and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Scott Harenberg, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. December 31, 2010, January 7, 14, 21, 2011


Health City Sun

January 07, 2010

L e g al WHO HAVE OR CLAIM ANY INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF NICHOLAS A. CORDASCO, DECEASED, OR IN THE MATTER BEING LITIGATED IN THE HEREINAFTER MENTIONED HEARING. A hearing on a Petition filed by the Petitioner which Petitioner provides for the issuance Of an Order of Complete Settlement of Estate by Personal Representative will be held at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, 400 Lomas NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103, before the Honorable Beatrice J. Brickhouse on the 15th day of February, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. Pursuant to Section 45-1-401 NMSA 1978, notice of the time and place of hearing on said Petition is hereby given you by publication, once each week, for two consecutive weeks. DATE: 12/29/2010 /s/ Ira M. Karmiol IRA M. KARMIOL Attorney for Personal Representative, 3791 Southern Blvd. SE, Suite 240 Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87124 (505) 892-9292 HCS Pub. December 31, 2010, January 7, 2011

SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2010-14848 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Steven Alexander Guss FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Steven Alexander Guss, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the Second Judicial District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein he seeks to change his/her name from Steven Alexander Guss to Steven Alexander Ortega, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable CLAY CAMPBELL, District Judge, on the day of JAN 24 2011, at the hour of 9:45 a.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, 400 Lomas Blvd., NW Courtroom #616, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Steven Alexander Guss Steven Alexander Guss Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. December 31, 2010, January 7, 2011

YEARS OF AGE) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Kimberly D. Ortega, has filed a Petition to Change the Name of his child, from Austin James Guss to Austin James Ortega. This petition will be heard before the Honorable CLAY CAMPBELL, District Judge, on the day of JAN 24 2011, at the hour of 9:45 a.m. at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, 400 Lomas Blvd. NW, Courtroom #616, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Kimberly D. Ortega Kimberly D. Ortega Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. December 31, 2010, January 7, 2011

SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2010-14852 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Savannah Quackenbush FOR CHANGE OF NAME OF Mia / Ava Westmoreland NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (OF PERSON UNDER 14 YEARS OF AGE) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Savannah Quackenbush, has filed a Petition to Change the Name of her child, from Mia / Ava Westmoreland to Mia / Ava Quackenbush. This petition will be heard before the Honorable NAN G. NASH, District Judge, on the 27 day of JAN, 2011, at the hour of 1:15 p.m. at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Savannah Quackenbush Savannah Quackenbush Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. December 31, 2010, January 7, 2011


DESCRIPTION: Fire Alarm System Design Improvement Project - City/County Building DUE BY DATE AND TIME: 02/10/2011 4:00 PM BID FORMS AND INFORMATION CAN BE ACCESSED AT http://www.cabq.gov/ vendor/solicitations.html FOR ADDITIONAL I N F O R M A T I O N OR QUESTIONS, CONTACT THE CITY PURCHASING OFFICE AT (505) 768-3320 FOR TTY CALL (505) 768-2983. HCS Pub. January 7, 2011

STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. CV-2010-06048 RCS-NM HOLDINGS I, LLC, Plaintiff, v. TAOS AT THE TRAILS, INC., JOHN K. MURTAGH and SUSAN E. MURTAGH, Trustees of the MURTAGH FAMILY LIVING TRUST u/a/d December 4, 1990, JOHN K. MURTAGH, SUSAN E. MURTAGH, LONGFORD HOMES HOLDINGS, LLC and CHAVA TRUCKING COMPANY, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, commonly known as Lots Numbered One-P1 (1-P1) through Ninety-Eight-P1 (98P1) and One Hundred Six-P1 (106-P1) through One Hundred Fourteen-P1 (114-P1), and Tract B, of the Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails, Unit 2 (being a replat of Tract 5 and 7, The Trails, Unit 2) within the Town of Alameda Grant in Projected Section 16, Township 11 North, Range 2 East, N.M.P.M., City of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, as the same is shown and designated on the plat thereof, filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico on October 26, 2007, in Plat Book 2007C, page 314. The aforesaid lots have been assigned the following street addresses by the City of Albuquerque: Lot No. Street Address Legal Description 1-P1 6840 Treeline Avenue NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 1-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1334 acre 2-P1 6836 Treeline Avenue NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 2-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 3-P1 6832 Treeline Avenue NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 3-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 4-P1 6828 Treeline Avenue NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 4-P1, Subdivision Plat of

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Notices Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 5-P1 6824 Treeline Avenue NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 5-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 6-P1 6820 Treeline Avenue NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 6-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1170 acre 7-P1 6819 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 7-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0927 acre 8-P1 6823 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 8-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 9-P1 6827 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 9-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0989 acre 10-P1 6831 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 10-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1122 acre 11-P1 6835 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 11-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1129 acre 12-P1 6839 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 12-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1124 acre 13-P1 6843 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 13-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1229 acre 14-P1 8935 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 14-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1130 acre 15-P1 8931 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 15-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1093 acre 16-P1 8927 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 16-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1134 acre 17-P1 8923 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 17-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1147 acre 18-P1 8919 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 18-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1132 acre 19-P1 8915 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 19-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1090 acre 20-P1 8911 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114

Lot 20-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1148 acre 21-P1 8909 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 21-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1107 acre 22-P1 8905 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 22-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0946 acre 23-P1 8901 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 23-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1013 acre 24-P1 6832 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 24-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1193 acre 25-P1 6828 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 25-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0968 acre 26-P1 6824 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 26-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0968 acre 27-P1 6820 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 27-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0968 acre 28-P1 6816 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 28-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0968 acre 29-P1 6812 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 29-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0968 acre 30-P1 6808 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 30-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0968 acre 31-P1 6804 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 31-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0968 acre 32-P1 6800 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 32-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0942 acre 33-P1 6736 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 33-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0940 acre 34-P1 6732 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 34-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0940 acre 35-P1 6728 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 35-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0940 acre 36-P1 6724 Oasis Canyon Road

NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 36-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0940 acre 37-P1 6720 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 37-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0958 acre 38-P1 6716 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 38-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0959 acre 39-P1 6712 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 39-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0959 acre 40-P1 6708 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 40-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1117 acre 41-P1 8900 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 41-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1064 acre 42-P1 8904 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 42-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 43-P1 8908 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 43-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 44-P1 8912 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 44-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 45-P1 8916 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 45-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1374 acre 46-P1 8920 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 46-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 47-P1 8924 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 47-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 48-P1 8928 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 48-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0978 acre 49-P1 8932 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 49-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0998 acre 50-P1 8936 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 50-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0998 acre 51-P1 8940 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 51-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1079 acre

Health City Sun

January 07, 2010

L e g al 52-P1 8939 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 52-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0992 acre 53-P1 8935 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 53-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 54-P1 8931 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 54-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 55-P1 8927 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 55-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 56-P1 8923 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 56-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 57-P1 8919 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 57-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 58-P1 8915 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 58-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 59-P1 8911 Mission Ridge Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 59-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1063 acre 60-P1 8912 Snow Creek Court NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 60-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1373 acre 61-P1 8916 Snow Creek Court NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 61-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 62-P1 8920 Snow Creek Court NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 62-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 63-P1 8924 Snow Creek Court NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 63-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 64-P1 8928 Snow Creek Court NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 64-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1379 acre 65-P1 8927 Snow Creek Court NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 65-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1523 acre 66-P1 8923 Snow Creek Court NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 66-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1613 acre 67-P1 6731 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 67-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails

Unit 2) containing .1123 acre 68-P1 6735 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 68-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1036 acre 69-P1 6801 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 69-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1051 acre 70-P1 6805 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 70-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1049 acre 71-P1 6809 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 71-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1001 acre 72-P1 6811 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 72-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0965 acre 73-P1 6815 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 73-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0944 acre 74-P1 6819 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 74-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0939 acre 75-P1 6823 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 75-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0949 acre 76-P1 6827 Oasis Canyon Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 76-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0974 acre 77-P1 8916 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 77-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1126 acre 78-P1 8920 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 78-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 79-P1 8924 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 79-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 80-P1 8928 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 80-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 81-P1 8932 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 81-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 82-P1 8936 Eagle Hills Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 82-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1350 acre 83-P1 6824 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 83-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a

replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 84-P1 6820 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 84-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1123 acre 85-P1 8927 Adobe Rose Place NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 85-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1103 acre 86-P1 8923 Adobe Rose Place NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 86-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1268 acre 87-P1 8924 Adobe Rose Place NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 87-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1362 acre 88-P1 8928 Adobe Rose Place NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 88-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1300 acre 89-P1 6816 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 89-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1022 acre 90-P1 6812 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 90-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 91-P1 6808 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 91-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 92-P1 6804 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 92-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 93-P1 6800 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 93-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 94-P1 6736 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 94-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 95-P1 6732 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 95-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 96-P1 6728 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 96-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 97-P1 6724 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 97-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 98-P1 6720 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 98-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 106-P1 6727 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 106-P1, Subdivision Plat of

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Notices Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 107-P1 6731 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 107-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 108-P1 6735 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 108-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 109-P1 6801 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 109-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 110-P1 6805 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 110-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 111-P1 6809 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 111-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 112-P1 6811 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 112-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .0938 acre 113-P1 6815 Kayser Mill Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 113-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1068 acre 114-P1 6816 Treeline Avenue NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 Lot 114-P1, Subdivision Plat of Taos at the Trails Unit 2 (being a replat of Tracts 5 and 7 The Trails Unit 2) containing .1068 acre (the “Property”). Said sale is subject to easements, covenants and restrictions of public record, and unpaid property taxes. The sale is to begin at 10:00 a.m. on February 11, 2011 outside the front entrance of the Bernalillo County District Courthouse, 400 Lomas NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America the Property to pay any expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Plaintiff on December 15, 2010 in the principal sum of $2,415,411.18, plus outstanding interest in the amount of $404,328.86 as of December 7, 2010, plus default interest rate adjustment of $288,806.34, and accruing thereafter at the rate of 12% per annum, plus late charges of $122,968.23, plus processing fees of $100.00, plus incoming wire fee of $10.00, plus title report fee of $500.00, plus other necessary costs of foreclosure, plus attorney’s fees and costs incurred in connection with this foreclosure action in the amount of $5,314.17, $192.99 of which are court costs, plus interest on the entire judgment at the rate of 12% per annum until paid. The sale is not subject to a right of redemption. WAYNE G. CHEW, Special Master P. O. Box X Albuquerque, NM 87103-1536 (505) 842-6363 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 21, 28, 2011.

THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-202- CV2010-05460 AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC, Plaintiff, vs. SCOTT M. LANE, a married man as his sole and separate property; 601 PALOMAS TRUST; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, commonly known as 601 Palomas Drive NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108, and more particularly described as follows: Lots numbered Twenty-One (21), Twenty-Two (22), Twenty-Three (23) and Twenty-Four (24) in Block numbered Four (4) of TIJERAS PLACE ADDITION, an Addition to the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico, as the same are shown and designated on the Amended Plat of said Addition, filed in the office of the Probate Clerk Plat of said Addition, filed in the office of the Probate Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, on August 24, 1923, in Plat Book C, Folio 21. The sale is to begin at 9:30 a.m. on February 8, 2011, on the front steps of the Second Judicial District Courthouse, City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Aurora Loan Services LLC. Aurora Loan Services LLC was awarded a Judgment on November 23, 2010, in the principal sum of $217,732.54, plus outstanding interest on the balance through December 1, 2010, in the amount of $11,045.38, plus late charges/ other fees of $251.70, plus escrow/recoverable balance in the amount of $1,560.69, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $900.00 and costs through December 1, 2010 in the sum of $763.93, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 7.625% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Aurora Loan Services LLC and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the

purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Scott Harenberg, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 21, 28, 2011


SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV-2010-13081 CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, EX Rel., ALBUQUERQUE POLICE DEPARTMENT, Plaintiff, v. ONE (1) 1998 FORD P/U RED VIN # 1FTZF1729WKB74780 NEW MEXICO LICENSE # 2389RS Defendant. NOTICE OF SUIT Albuquerque Police Department to MIGUEL ORTEGA GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that the above-named Plaintiff has filed a civil action against you in the above-entitled Court and cause, the general object thereof being to seek forfeiture of the above-described property. That unless you enter your

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January 07, 2010

L e g al DEPARTMENT, Plaintiff, v. ONE (1) 1998 FORD EPT UT VIN # 1FMRU17L4WLB84587 NEW MEXICO LICENSE # JYB027 Defendant. NOTICE OF SUIT Albuquerque Police Department to DANIEL MONTOYA GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that the above-named Plaintiff has filed a civil action against you in the above-entitled Court and cause, the general object thereof being to seek forfeiture of the above-described property. That unless you enter your appearance in said cause on or before the date of FEB 14 2011, Judgment by Default will be entered against you; Name and address of Plaintiff’s attorney: ERIC J. LOCHER, COUNSEL FOR ALBUQUERQUE POLICE DEPARTMENT, P.O. BOX SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT 2248, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW COURT MEXICO 87103, (505) 768-4500. COUNTY OF BERNALILLO WITNESS the HONORABLE STATE OF NEW MEXICO CLAY CAMPBELL, District NO. CV-2010-11333 Judge of the Second Judicial CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, EX District Court of the State of Rel., New Mexico, and the Seal of ALBUQUERQUE POLICE the District Court of Bernalillo DEPARTMENT, County, this date of DEC 28 2010. Plaintiff, JUANITA M. DURAN v. CLERK OF THE DISTRICT ONE (1) 2006 TOYOTA SCION COURT SILVER BY: KENDRA GOERS VIN # JTLKT3244464038838 Deputy ARIZONA LICENSE # HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 21, AHW5778 2011 Defendant. NOTICE OF SUIT Albuquerque Police Department to THELMA LAJEUNESSE GREETINGS: SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT You are hereby notified that COURT the above-named Plaintiff has COUNTY OF BERNALILLO filed a civil action against you STATE OF NEW MEXICO in the above-entitled Court NO. CV 2010-12994 and cause, the general object CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, EX thereof being to seek forfeiture Rel., of the above-described property. ALBUQUERQUE POLICE That unless you enter your DEPARTMENT, appearance in said cause on Plaintiff, or before the date of FEB 14 v. 2011, Judgment by Default ONE (1) 2001 PONTIAC 4-DR will be entered against you; SILVER Name and address VIN # 1G2WK52J51F198827 of Plaintiff’s attorney: NEW MEXICO LICENSE # ERIC J. LOCHER, COUNSEL 789PWL FOR ALBUQUERQUE POLICE Defendant. DEPARTMENT, P.O. BOX NOTICE OF SUIT 2248, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW Albuquerque Police Department MEXICO 87103, (505) 768-4500. to RONALD BEGAY and ANN WITNESS the HONORABLE BEGAY CARL BUTKUS, District Judge of GREETINGS: the Second Judicial District Court You are hereby notified that of the State of New Mexico, the above-named Plaintiff has and the Seal of the District filed a civil action against you Court of Bernalillo County, in the above-entitled Court this date of DEC 28 2010. and cause, the general object JUANITA M. DURAN thereof being to seek forfeiture CLERK OF THE DISTRICT of the above-described property. COURT That unless you enter your BY: KENDRA GOERS appearance in said cause on Deputy or before the date of FEB 14 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 21, 2011, Judgment by Default 2011 will be entered against you; Name and address of Plaintiff’s attorney: ERIC J. LOCHER, COUNSEL FOR ALBUQUERQUE POLICE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT DEPARTMENT, P.O. BOX COURT 2248, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW COUNTY OF BERNALILLO MEXICO 87103, (505) 768-4500. STATE OF NEW MEXICO WITNESS the HONORABLE NO. CV 2010-13038 ALAN MALOTT, District Judge of CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, EX the Second Judicial District Court Rel., of the State of New Mexico, ALBUQUERQUE POLICE and the Seal of the District appearance in said cause on or before the date of FEB 14 2011, Judgment by Default will be entered against you; Name and address of Plaintiff’s attorney: ERIC J. LOCHER, COUNSEL FOR ALBUQUERQUE POLICE DEPARTMENT, P.O. BOX 2248, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87103, (505) 768-4500. WITNESS the HONORABLE CARL BUTKUS, District Judge of the Second Judicial District Court of the State of New Mexico, and the Seal of the District Court of Bernalillo County, this date of DEC 28 2010. JUANITA M. DURAN CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT BY: KENDRA GOERS Deputy HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 21, 2011

Court of Bernalillo County, this date of DEC 28 2010. JUANITA M. DURAN CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT BY: KENDRA GOERS Deputy HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 21, 2011

Notice Of Public Sale On March 30, 2010 at 08:30 am, in the county of Bernalillo and specifically at 109 Headingly AVE NW; Albuquerque, NM 87107 the following vehicles will be sold to satisfy debt incurred. 1995 Jeep UT 1j4fj68s2sl518719 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011 STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT NO. CV-2010-13037 RZ PROFESSIONAL ENTERPRISES, LLC A NEW MEXICO CORPORATION AMANTRAN VENTURES, INC., a Nevada Corporation, Plaintiffs, v. (1) REGINA PERRY, ARDANIA H. HUNNICUTT, THE ESTATE OF REGINA PERRY, DECEASED AND THE ESTATE OF ARSANIA H. HUNNICUTT, DECEASED (2) IF DECEASED, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF THE FOLLOWING NAMED DECEASED PERSONS: REGINA PERRY AND ARDANIA H. HUNNICUTT (3) THE CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE (4) ALL UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS OF INTEREST IN THE PREMISES ADVERSE TO PLAINTIFF, Defendants. NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO TO THE AFORESAID DEFENDANT(S) AGAINST WHOM CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE IS HEREBY SOUGHT TO BE OBTAINED: GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that the above-named Plaintiff has filed a civil action against you in the above-entitled Court and cause, the general object of this suit is to quiet the Plaintiffs’ fee simple title in the real estate described in the Complaint begin a tract of land located in Bernalillo County, more particularly described as: Lot numbered Fifteen (15), Block lettered “A”, plat of Blocks F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,O AND P, of Carlos Rey Subdivision, Albuquerque, as the same is shown and designated on the plat of said Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico on January 7, 1955 That unless you enter your appearance in said cause on or before February 15, 2011, judgment by default will be entered against you. Name and address of Plaintiff’s attorney: Stevan J. Schoen, 1 Ridge Court, Placitas, New Mexico 87043, (505)867-7485 WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this day of DEC 28 2010

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SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2010-14784 IN THE MATTER OF A PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME OF Jessica Ann Woods NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 40-8-1 through Sec. 40-8-3 NMSA 1978, the Petitioner Jessica Ann Woods will apply to the Honorable CLAY CAMPBELL, District Judge of the Second Judicial District Court of Bernalillo County at the Bernalillo County Courthouse in Albuquerque, New Mexico at 9:45 AM on the day of JAN 24 2011 for an ORDER FOR CHANGE OF NAME from Jessica Ann Woods to Jessica Ann Weber. 400 Lomas NW Courtroom #616. By: Russell Garcia Deputy Court Clerk Submitted by: /s/ Jessica A. Woods Petitioner, Pro Se HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. CV200900899 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO., Plaintiff, v. JIM DUNDON DBA CASTLE ROCK CUSTOM PAINT & PLASTER, Defendant. NOTICE OF SUIT THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO to the above-named Respondent, GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that the above-named Plaintiff has filed a civil action against you in the above-entitled Court and cause, the general object thereof being for Debt and Money Due. That unless you enter your appearance in said cause within 20 days of the last date of this publication, judgment by default will be entered against you; Name and address of Plaintiff’s attorney(s): KANTER & GRUBESIC, P.A. Dana K. Grubesic John T.L Grubesic Attorneys for Plaintiff P.O. Box 25483 Albuquerque, NM 87125-0483 (505) 247-1541 (505) 242-1696 (fax) WITNESS the Honorable C. Shannon Bacon District Judge of the Second Judicial District Court of the State of New Mexico, and the Seal of the District Court of Bernalillo County, this day of NOV 12 2010. JUANITA M. DURAN CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By CHRISTINA VILLA Deputy HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 21, 28, 2011

2ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-00054 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF BRENDA DECAL SEALS FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BRENDA DECAL SEALS, a resident of the City of ABQ, County of BERNALILLO, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the SECOND District Court, BERNALILLO County, New Mexico, wherein she seeks to change her name from BRENDA DECAL SEALS to BRENDA DECAROL STARR, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable Judge C. Shannon Bacon, District Judge, on the 9 day of Feb 2011, at the hour of 10:30 a.m., at the BERNALILLO County Courthouse, 400 Lomas Blvd NW, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Brenda Decal Seals BRENDA DECAL SEALS Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

2ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2010-14712 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Tara Lynne Dayton-Green FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Tara Lynne DaytonGreen, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the 2nd Judicial District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein she seeks to change her name from Tara Lynne DaytonGreen to Tara Lynne Dayton, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable BEATRICE BRICKHOUSE, District Judge, on the 17th day of Feb 2011, at the hour of 11:00 a.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Tara Lynne Dayton-Green Tara Lynne Dayton-Green Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

of_____________, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the 2nd District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein he/she seeks to change his/her name from Joshua Blue Braden Smith to Joshua Blue Braden Ashley, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable JUDGE BEATRICE BRICKHOUSE, District Judge, on the 21st day of Jan 2011, at the hour of 11:30 a.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Joshua Blue Braden Smith Joshua Blue Braden Smith Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-00100 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Daniel Thomas Hueston FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Daniel Thomas Covert, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the Second Judicial District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein he seeks to change his name from Daniel Thomas Covert to Daniel Thomas Hueston, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable NAN G. NASH, District Judge, on the 27th day of January 2011, at the hour of 1:15 p.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Courtroom 602, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Daniel T Covert Daniel T Covert Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 201100118 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF KRISTIE LAGARDE AKA KRISTIE WORTHINGTON FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Kristie Lagarde AKA Kristie 2ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Worthington, a resident of the COURT City of Albuquerque, County of COUNTY OF BERNALILLO Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, STATE OF NEW MEXICO and over the age of fourteen NO. CV 2010-14705 years, has filed a Petition to IN THE MATTER OF THE Change Name in the Second PETITION OF Judicial District Court, Bernalillo Joshua Blue Braden Smith County, New Mexico, wherein FOR CHANGE OF NAME she seeks to change her name NOTICE OF PETITION TO from Kristie Lagarde AKA Kristie CHANGE NAME Worthington to Kristie MacKenna, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and that this Petition will be that Joshua Blue Braden heard before the Honorable Smith, a resident of the City BEATRICE J. BRICKHOUSE,

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L e g al District Judge, on the 17th day of Feb 2011, at the hour of 11:00 a.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, 400 Lomas Blvd NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Kristie Worthington Petitioner, pro se Kristie Lagarde AKA Kristie Worthington HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-00103 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Jose Juan Antonio Caldwell FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Jose Juan Antonio Caldwell, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the Second District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein he seeks to change his name from Jose Juan Antonio Caldwell to Johnny Anthony Caldwell Jr, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable Judge C. Shannon Bacon, District Judge, on the 10 day of Feb. 2011, at the hour of 3:00 p.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Abq., New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Jose Juan Antonio Caldwell Jose Juan Antonio Caldwell Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO PROBATE NO. PB 2010-0578 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CONCEPCION JARAMILLO, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Isabel Guzman has been appointed personal representative of this estate. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within two (2) months after the date of the first publication of this notice, or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the undersigned attorney for the personal representative at the address listed below, or filed with the District Court of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, located at the following address 400 Lomas NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Respectfully submitted, STANDRIDGE LAW FIRM, P.C. /s/ David A. Standridge, Jr. David A. Standridge, Jr. Attorney for Petitioner 1516 San Pedro Drive, N.E. Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 880-8737 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT NO. PB 2010-000660 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RICHARD KENNETH STROME, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS LAUREL ANNE STROME MOODIE has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Richard Kenneth Strome, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate are required to present their claims within two (2) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice, or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Personal Representative, c/o Michael L. Danoff, Esq., 604 Chama NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87108, or filed with the Second Judicial District Court of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, at P.O. Box 488, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87103. DATED: 12-13-10 /s/ Laurel Anne Strome Moodie Laurel Anne Strome Moodie Personal Representative of the Estate of Richard Kenneth Strome, Deceased 7425 El Morro Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 821-2567 Michael L. Danoff, Esq. MICHAEL DANOFF & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Attorney for Estate of Richard Kenneth Strome, Deceased 604 Chama, NE Albuquerque, NM 87108 Telephone No.: (505) 262-2383 Facsimile No.: (505) 266-4330 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 201100161 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Rosa Hermosillo FOR CHANGE OF NAME OF Leanna Urbina Hermosillo NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (OF PERSON UNDER 14 YEARS OF AGE) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Rosa Hermosillo, has filed a Petition to Change the Name of her child, from Leanna Urbina Hermosillo to Leanna Mercedes Hermosillo. This petition will be heard before the Honorable TED BACA, District Judge, on the 9th day of February, 2011, at the hour of 1:30 p.m. at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, 400 Lomas NW Courtroom #702, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Rosa Hermosillo Rosa Hermosillo Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV-2011-192 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF ALICE MAE WIGGINS FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ALICE MAE WIGGINS, a resident of the City of ALBUQUERQUE, County of BERNALILLO, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the SECOND District Court, BERNALILLO County, New Mexico, wherein he/she seeks to change his/her name from ALICE MAE WIGGINS to ELISHEBA WIGGINS-WESTON, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable ___________, District Judge, on the 9th day of February 2011, at the hour of 1:30 p.m., at the BERNALILLO County Courthouse, ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Alice Mae Wiggins ALICE MAE WIGGINS Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2010-14503 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FARKHONDEH PAYNE, FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Farkhondeh Payne, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the Second Judicial District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein she seeks to change her name from Farkhondeh Payne to Khondeh Mirshek and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable VALERIE A. MACKIE HULING, District Judge on the 2nd day of February, 2011 at the hour of 8:45 a.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, 400 Lomas Blvd. N.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully Submitted, THE STANDRIDGE LAW FIRM /s/ Frank Surls Frank Surls Attorney for Petitioner 1516 San Pedro NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 505-880-8737 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE DATE: February 18, 2011 @ 10:00 a.m. VEHICLE: 04 Range Rover HSE VIN: SALME11454A157669 AMOUNT DUE: $2457.99+ PLACE OF SALE: A&S AUTO CARE, INC. 4900 2nd STREET, NW Albuquerque, NM 87107 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

January 07, 2010


IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. 2010-525 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EVA R. SILVA, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of this estate. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the undersigned personal representative, c/o Mary Ann Green, Attorney at Law, at 1825 San Mateo NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, or filed with the Probate Court. DATED: _____________, 2010. /s/ Virginia S. Silva VIRGINIA S. SILVA, Personal Representative of the Estate of Eva R. Silva 7508 Trail Ridge Rd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 /s/ Mary Ann Green MARY ANN GREEN, Attorney for Personal Representative of the Estate of Eva R. Silva 1825 San Mateo NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110 (505) 254-0600 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. PB 2011-000006 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HOWARD D. JONES, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of this Estate. All persons having claims against this Estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims may be presented either to the undersigned Personal Representative, c/o Hurley, Toevs, Styles, Hamblin & Panter, P.A. (Randolph L. Hamblin), 4155 Montgomery Blvd., NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87109, or filed with the District Court of Bernalillo County, PO Box 488, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87103. DATED: January 5, 2011 /s/ Deborah J. Jones DEBORAH J. JONES Personal Representative HURLEY, TOEVS, STYLES, HAMBLIN & PANTER, P.A. BY: /s/ Randolph L. Hamblin Randolph L. Hamblin 4155 Montgomery Blvd., NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 505-888-1188; Fax 505-888-9215 Attorneys for Deborah J. Jones HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT NO. PB 2011-000005 In the Matter of the Estate of LYLE W. KRUSE, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of this estate. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to David A. Finlayson, attorney for the estate of Lyle W. Kruse, at SWAIM & FINLAYSON, P.C., 4830 Juan Tabo, N.E., Suit F, Albuquerque, NM 87111, or filed with the Second Judicial District Court, Bernalillo County Courthouse, Post Office Box 488, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103. Dated: December 15, 2010. /s/ Denise Giansante DENISE GIANSANTE of MEMBERS Trust Company, Personal Representative SWAIM & FINLAYSON, P.C. By /s/ David A. Finlayson David A. Finlayson Attorney for the Personal Representative of the Estate of LYLE W. KRUSE, Deceased 4830 Juan Tabo, N.E., Suite F Albuquerque, NM 87111 (505) 237-0064 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT NO. PB 2010-000684 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE LEE BAILEY, DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of this Estate. All persons having claims against this Estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the undersigned Personal Representative at 1041 Pinon Loop, Los Alamos, NM 87544 or filed with the District Court, Post Office Box 488, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87103. DATED: 12/30/10 /s/ Barry H. Bailey BARRY H. BAILEY Personal Representative 1041 Pinon Loop, Los Alamos, NM 87544 By: /s/ Judith D. Schrandt Judith D. Schrandt Attorneys for Personal Representative 4263 Montgomery NE, Suite 210 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87111 (505) 842-5363 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

Health City Sun

January 07, 2010

L e g al SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. PB 2010-000683 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RUTH J. PROCTOR, Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING BY PUBLICATION TO: TO ANY UNKNOWN HEIRS OF RUTH J. PROCTOR, DECEASED, AND ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS WHO HAVE OR CLAIM ANY INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF RUTH J. PROCTOR, DECEASED, OR IN THE MATTER BEING LITIGATED IN THE HEREINAFTER MENTIONED HEARING. Ahearing will be held on the petition filed by the undersigned Adolfo E. Maes, which petition provides: The death and domicile of the deceased; the intestacy of the deceased because she left no will; and the nomination of Adolfo E. Maes, as personal representative, without bond, in an unsupervised administration. Said hearing will be held at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, 400 Lomas, NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico on February 21, 2011, 10:30 a.m. before the Hon. Alan Malott, with fifteen (15)

RICHARD CHAFFEE, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of this estate. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the undersigned personal representative at Robert Thompson, attorney for Personal Representative, PO Box 91435 Albuquerque, NM 87199-1435 or filed with the BERNALILLO COUNTY SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, STATE OF NEW MEXICO, 400 Lomas NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103, phone (505) 841-7451. Dated: Jan 03 2011 /s/ Virginia Chaffee Virginia Chaffee Personal Representative 1839 Arenal Road, SW SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Albuquerque, NM 87105 COURT (505) 877-2447 COUNTY OF BERNALILLO /s/ Robert Thompson STATE OF NEW MEXICO Robert Thompson NO. PB 2011-000003 Attorney for the Personal IN THE MATTER OF THE Representative ESTATE OF PO Box 91435 Albuquerque, NM 87199-1435 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011 minutes allocated for the hearing. Pursuant to 45-1-401 NMSA 1978, notice of the time and place of the hearing on said petition is hereby given you by publication, once each week, for two consecutive weeks. Witness our hands and the seal of this court. Date: JAN 04 2011 JUANITA M. DURAN Clerk of the District Court By: GERI SOLANO Deputy /s/ Adolfo E. Maes Adolfo E. Maes 10424 San Jacinto, NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 Ph: (505) 249-1091 Attorney Identification: /s/ Susan K. Tomita Susan K. Tomita Attorney for Petitioner 4263 Montgomery Blvd., NE, Suite 210 Albuquerque, N.M. 87109 Ph: (505) 883-4993 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

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Notices 2n JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2010-14470 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Joe Lee Bailey FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Joe Lee Bailey, a resident of the City of Albuq, NM, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the New Mexico District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein he seeks to change his name from Joe Lee Bailey to Joe Lee Butler, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable CARL J. BUTKUS, District Judge, on the 27 day of January 2011, at the hour of 1:50 p.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Joe Bailey Joe Lee Bailey Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

2nd JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-00219 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Olga Valery FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Olga Valery, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the 2nd District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein she seeks to change her name from Olga Valery to Olga Valery Guymon, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable ALAN M. MALOTT, District Judge, on the day of FEB 23 2011, at the hour of 11:30 a.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, 400 Lomas NW, Room 710 Alb, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Olga Valery Olga Valery Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 2011

“SA-2010-139. This legal notice of an adoption and termination of parental rights proceeding for the Children’s Court in the 2nd judicial district court, Bernalillo, New Mexico, case SA-2010-139 before Judge M. Monica Zamora. Megan Lucero has petitioned said court for a termination of Tiffany Lucero’s parental rights and to adopt Lillian Lucero. Any person with information regarding the whereabouts of Tiffany Lucero should immediately contact, or have Tiffany Lucero contact, Attorney Scott Aaron, PO Box 7536 Albuquerque, NM 87194 505-796-6918. Tiffany Lucero has until thirty days after the first day of publication of this notice to file a response to the Verified Petition for Adoption and Termination of Parental Rights. A default judgment will be issued if a response is not filed.” Scott Aaron Aaron & Aaron PC Attorneys at Law PO Box 7536 Albuq., NM 87194 Phone 505-796-6918 Fax 505-435-9020 HCS Pub. January 7, 14, 21, 2011


Stationary Generators Offer Added Security (NAPS)—Increasingly, homeowners are seeking alternative sources of energy that can meet their needs in an emergency. When a home loses power, off goes the heat, out go the lights, the food in the refrigerator spoils and the garage doors can become disabled. Losing power for days, weeks or even longer can be costly, inconvenient and dangerous. While many homeowners have tried to address their need for electricity in an emergency with a portable generator, portability may not be the key. Experts such as the American Red Cross ­suggest that during power outages, permanently installed stationary generators are better suited for providing backup power to the home than portable generators. An automatic standby generator can sense an outage and respond immediately. There are no extension cords to plug in, gas tanks to fill or switches to flip. Plus, portable generators— if misused—can cause hazards such as carbon monoxide poisoning from toxic engine ex­ haust, electric shock or fire. However, in the past, some have found the cost of automatic stationary generator systems to be prohibitive. The good news, according to Jake Thomas of ­Generac Power Systems,

is that all that is changing. There are now automatic standby systems available at nearly the same price as a portable generator. Said Thomas, “Our new 7-kilowatt [kW] CorePower System consists of a generator and transfer switch conveniently packaged together at a price point significantly less than any other automatic standby generator and switch combination on the market—for as little as $1,799. Its compact design is engineered for easy maintenance and serviceability and is ideal when space is at a premium.” Automatic standby generators operate on natural gas or liquid propane vapor, eliminating the fuel storage, spillage, spoilage or odor concerns that are common with gasoline or diesel models. Because of their favorable emissions profile, gaseous-fueled generators, such as the new Generac CorePower System, are becoming increasingly popular as an environmentally conscious solution for backup power needs. For those who want to go even greener, Generac’s new EcoGen generator is the first automatic standby generator designed and warranted for off-grid use when used in an alternative energy system. Whether one is living off grid by choice or as a requirement, EcoGen

is considered an affordable, reliable, propanefueled alternative to traditional standby and portable generators. Generac introduced the first gaseous-fueled automatic home standby system in 1989 and has been the leader in standby power ever since with its popular Guardian Series line. For more information, visit www.Generac.com or call (888) GENERAC.

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Health City Sun


January 07, 2010

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