Established in 1929
Health City Sun
Published by Defined Publishing, Inc.
New Mexico’s Legal & Financial Weekly
Sept 23, 2011
Vol. 1.82 No. 39
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Albuquerque Convention Center Facelift Announced Improvements to make Albuquerque more competitive in attracting conventions, offering more options for local residents
lbuquerque, NM - As part of Mayor Richard J. Berry overall plan to reinvest in the future of our city, in September he announced a way to give the Albuquerque Convention Center a facelift in order to attract more convention and tourism to Albuquerque. The plan is the first phase of a larger $55 million plan and includes dramatic changes to the front face of the building as well as modern upgrades to the building built in 1972. Funding for the upgrades became available through a series of strategic financing moves which lowered interest rates on existing bond debts. During the Aug. 15 City Council meeting, Councilors unanimously approved the moves paving the way for the City to begin the process of getting the work started. More Competitive These changes will help make Albuquerque more competitive in attracting conventions to our city and will allow more options for local residents. “We want the Albuquerque Convention Center to be a major
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driving force in New Mexico’s overall tourism picture,” Mayor Berry said. “Albuquerque’s impact on tourism within the region will be strengthened with these improvements.” New Exterior; Improvements to Interior The proposed improvements to the Albuquerque Convention Center include new exterior facades, new kitchen equipment, carpet replacement, paint, and new lighting and furniture. The total cost of the first phase of improvements is approximately $20 million. ABQ the Plan is a long term strategic plan to invest in Albuquerque’s future. Other current ABQ the Plan initiatives currently include improvements to the I-25 and Paseo del Norte Interchange, a multi-sports complex, bus-rapid-transit lanes on Central Ave., river enhancements, and improvements and connectivity to the city’s bike trail system among others.
wRITING A SOLID RESUME Dollars & Sense by David Uffington
f you’ve revamped your resume for job hunting, chances are you’ve tinkered with it so much that you can no longer see it clearly. Here are some thoughts and ideas to consider before you send it out. In many cases, you’ll have only about eight seconds to grab someone’s attention. There are two formats to consider in writing a resume: chronological versus functional. In one, you describe your past jobs starting with the most recent and then work backward. In the other, you organize your skills. Which one you use is up to you and can depend on the type of position you’re seeking.
In some cases a combination will work best. Depending on the jobs you’re applying for, you might need multiple resumes. In some, you might want to leave off that you have a Ph.D. and speak multiple languages. In others those qualifications could be important. Many resume services advise starting with a statement of your objective: What kind of job are you looking for? If there are certain keywords for your industry, use those. It might be a machine that scans your resume. If you’re just beginning to do your resume and you’re at a loss about where to start, look at
samples online. Even if you’re able to hire someone to do the work, having an idea in advance about the finished product might well reduce your cost of having the resume prepared. If you’ve been out of work and don’t know how to account for that period of time, don’t fudge the truth. Ideally you’ll have some volunteer experiences to list. If you’re currently working and feel that your job is secure, great! But take the time to write down the things you’ve accomplished in your current job, as well as the ones you’ve had before. If the worst should happen and you’re handed a pink
slip, having that information already written down will be a big help when you’ll likely be worrying about multiple issues. For in-depth information on writing your resume, go to www. Also see www. Above all, edit, check and reread, even if a professional does the work for you. Don’t let a resume go out with a single misspelled word or wrong date. David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Write to him in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.
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Page 2
Albuquerque lands International Cake Convention
lbuquerque, NM (September 2011) – The International Cake Exploration Societé (ICES) has awarded Albuquerque its 2014 Annual Convention & Show and the 2013 MidYear Meeting. This organization, which is comprised of cake decorators and sugar artists will bring approximately 1,700 attendees to Albuquerque July 27 – August 4, 2014 to meet downtown at the Albuquerque Convention Center. The two meetings are expected to generate 2,320 room nights and $1.04 million in direct spending for the city. The bid process and presentation throughout 2011 was the Albuquerque Convention and Visitors Bureau’s (ACVB) second bid attempt at this convention. Don Griego, CMP, ACVB Senior National Sales Manager, refined his approach this year because he felt the meeting was such an excellent fit for our city. Albuquerque was one of 12 destinations in consideration for 2014. The item that really “put the icing on the cake” was a creative video presentation by the Albuquerque team. Mayor Berry opened the video inviting the group to meet in our city. A team of hospitality representatives from the ACVB, Albuquerque Convention Center, Hyatt Regency Albuquerque and the Doubletree by Hilton in Downtown Albuquerque, participated in the fun, creative
video related to the “Cake Hospital.” The ICES organization is comprised of 4,000+ sugar artists, cake decorators and related vendors from around the world. Each year, the ICES Annual Convention incorporates a number of cake decorating and sugar art competitions. During the convention, a “Cake Hospital” is available to members to make last-minute repairs to their masterpieces before judging. The ACVB team played up the cake hospital theme and delivered a fun video message describing how our local team can be an extension of the ICES planning team while the meeting takes place in Albuquerque. View the bid video here: watch?v=RtbAdBtdzIc “We are very excited to land the ICES 2014 Annual Convention. Albuquerque is such a creative destination and we know that these innovative cake artists will really enjoy their time in our city,” said Dale Lockett, President/ CEO of the Albuquerque Convention and Visitors Bureau. “Booking this meeting is the result of excellent teamwork among our inhouse team, our hospitality industry and Mayor Berry.”
Established in 1929
Health City Sun
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Health City Sun PO Box 1517 Albuquerque, NM 87103
Established in 1929
Health City Sun
New Mexico’s Legal & Financial Weekly Publisher Heath Holmes Distribution Manager & Advertising Heath Holmes Notice Rates 60¢ / line for first week 46¢ / line for additional weeks for all private companies
Contributing Writers Scott Chazdon Scott Whiting Melinda Potcher Laura Mathis Darren L. Johnson
Annual Subscription is $12 Editorial, Legal, & Advertising (505) 242-3010 FAX (505) 842-5464 Email The Health City Sun (USPS 238-620) is published weekly by Defined Publishing, Inc., d/b/a Health City Sun, 925 Luna Circle NW Suite 1, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Copyright © 2011. Reproduction of any kind without the permission of the publisher is prohibited. Annual sunscription is $12. Periodicals postage paid at Albuquerque, NM 87101-9651. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Health City Sun, 925 Luna Circle NW Suite 1, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Health City Sun
Sept 23, 2011
THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF TAOS EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT No.D-820-CV-2011-00192 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. DEDRIC MCGHEE, an unmarried man; AMBER LAHTI; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in Taos County, New Mexico, commonly known as 14 Adelmo Medina Drive, Ranchos De Taos, NM 87557, and more particularly described as follows: A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND NEAR RANCHOS DE TAOS, TAOS COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, WITHIN THE GIJOSA GRANT, AND LOCATED WITHIN PROJECTED SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 12 EAST, NMPM, DESCRIBED AS THE SE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF LOT 4, BLOCK 8 OF A PRIVATE SURVEY FOR THE RANCHOS ORCHARD AND LAND COMPANY; AND SHOWN AS PART OF TRACT 17, MAP 46, SURVEY 2 OF THE TAOS COUNTY REASSESSMENT SURVEY OF 1941, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT STATE ENGINEER OFFICE TRIANGULATION STATION “CADILLAC”, A BRASS CAP WAS FOUND; THENCE S 57° 15’ W, 3,284.0 FEET TO A 1/2” REBAR, THENCE S 89° 40’ W, 110.00 FEET TO A 1/2” REBAR, BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THE NE CORNER, THENCE S 0° 01’ 58” E, 333.44 FEET TO A 1/2” REBAR, THE SE CORNER, THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF A COUNTY ROAD S 89° 43’ W, 109.88 FEET TO A 1/2” REBAR, THENCE LEAVING SAID ROAD N 0° 00’ 56” W, 333.34 FEET TO A 1/2” REBAR, BEING THE NW CORNER, THENCE N 89° 40’ E, 109.95 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The sale is to begin at 1:45 p.m. on September 26, 2011, on the front steps of the Eighth Judicial District Courthouse, City of Taos, County of Taos, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Nationstar Mortgage LLC was awarded a Judgment on August 2, 2011, in the principal sum of
$167,596.25, plus outstanding interest on the balance through July 8, 2011, in the amount of $9,184.91, plus late charges of $2,190.46, plus escrow advance in the amount of $1,034.28, plus corporate advances in the amount of $289.60, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $1,100.00 and costs through in the sum of $267.00, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 7.125% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Nationstar Mortgage LLC and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Faisal Sukhyani, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. September 2, 9, 16, 23, 2011
THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-202-CV-2009-08572 AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC, Plaintiff, PAUL L. CORTES, a single man; BANK OF AMERICA; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, commonly known as 1933
Lena Drive SW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105, and more particularly described as follows: Lot numbered Eleven (11) of Bonaguidi Acres, as the same is shown and designated on the plat thereof, filed in the office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, on June 12, 1947, in Map Book C, page 43. The sale is to begin at 9:30 a.m. on October 18, 2011, on the front steps of the Second Judicial District Courthouse, City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Aurora Loan Services LLC. Aurora Loan Services LLC was awarded a Judgment on June 20, 2011, in the principal sum of $126,737.28, plus outstanding interest on the balance through April 15, 2011, in the amount of $20,358.54, plus late charges/ other fees of $273.00, plus recoverable/escrow advance/ suspense balance in the amount of $5,514.60, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $1,650.00 and costs through April 15, 2011 in the sum of $457.51, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 9.375% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Aurora Loan Services LLC and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Scott Harenberg, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. September 9, 16, 23, 30, 2011
Page 3
NOTICES THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF SANTA FE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-101-CV-201003951 AURORA LOAN SERVICES, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. DIRK GRAY, a married man as his sole and separate property; LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL BANK; ELDORADO COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, LLC; LAND OF ENCHANTMENT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION; TORREON LLC; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in SANTA FE County, New Mexico, commonly known as 3 Gaviota Road, Santa Fe, NM 87508, and more particularly described as follows: ALL OF LOT 7 IN BLOCK 49, ELDORADO AT SANTA FE, UNIT 1, FILED FOR RECORD JUNE 29, 1977 AS DOCUMENT NO. 404,716, APPEARING IN PLAT BOOK 5 AT PAGE 6, RECORDS OF SANTA FE COUNTY, NEW MEXICO. The sale is to begin at 11:45 a.m. on October 17, 2011, on the front steps of the First Judicial District Courthouse, City of Santa Fe, County of Santa Fe, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Aurora Loan Services, LLC. Aurora Loan Services, LLC was awarded a Judgment on August 25, 2011, in the principal sum of $262,800.00, plus outstanding interest on the balance through August 31, 2011, in the amount of $48,379.50, plus late charges of $213.54, plus recoverable balance in the amount of $5,611.75, plus escrow advance in the amount of $8,492.96, plus other fees in the amount $9.00, less suspense balance in the amount of $239.51, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $2,525.00 and costs through August 31, 2011 in the sum of $851.60, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 6.50% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Aurora Loan Services, LLC and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the
property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Scott Harenberg, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 2011.
THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-202-CV-2010-10386 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. CHRISTINE M. VALDEZ, an unmarried woman; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, commonly known as 10801 Rio Puerco Trail SW, Albuquerque, NM 87121, and more particularly described as follows: Lot numbered Five Hundred Fifteen (515) in Block numbered Twenty-Four (24) of Unit Three-B, ATRISCO VILLAGE, Hoffman City Subdivision, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, as the same is shown and designated on the plat of said subdivision filed in the office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, on August 5, 1960. The sale is to begin at 9:30 a.m. on October 18, 2011, on the front steps of the Second Judicial District Courthouse, City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Nationstar Mortgage LLC was awarded a Judgment on August 24, 2011, in the principal sum of
$107,302.60, plus outstanding interest on the balance through July 13, 2011, in the amount of $7,571.03, plus late charges of $656.26, plus escrow advance in the amount of $2,761.92, plus corporate advances $1,187.05, plus NSF check fees in the amount of $25.00, plus other fees in amount of $19.00, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $1,100.00 and costs through July 13, 2011 in the sum of $198.00, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 5.50% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Nationstar Mortgage LLC and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Scott Harenberg, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 2011
IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEW MEXICO NO. CIV 11-89 JB/WPL UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff, vs. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, OR LEGATEES OF GEORGE H. BRUINGTON, JR. DECEASED; OCCUPANTS, WHOSE TRUE NAMES ARE UNKNOWN, IF ANY, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of a Judgment, Decree of Foreclosure and Order of Sale issued by the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico on July 15, 2011, in the above-
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LEGAL GMAC MORTGAGE, LLC; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in BERNALILLO County, New Mexico, commonly known as 6 Pearl Gust Ct, Edgewood, NM 87015, and more particularly described as follows: PARCEL “3-E” OF LANDS OF THE ESTATE OF PEARL GUEST, SITUATED IN THE SE ¼ OF SECTION 13, T10N, R6E, N.M.P.M., BERNALILLO COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, AS THE SAME IS SHOWN AND DESIGNATED ON THE PLAT OF SAID SUBDIVISION FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY, CLERK OF BERNALILLO COUNTY, NEW MEXICO ON JUNE 10, 1987 IN PLAT BOOK C33, FOLIO 174. The sale is to begin at 9:30 a.m. on October 18, 2011, on the front steps of the Second Judicial District Courthouse, City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Nationstar Mortgage LLC was awarded a Judgment on August 19, 2011, in the principal sum of $235,372.66, plus outstanding interest on the balance through July 27, 2011, in the amount of $20,574.97, plus late charges of $1,143.52, plus escrow advance in the amount of $3,856.35, plus corporate advances in the sum of $818.59, plus fees billed in the amount of $9.00, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $1,100.00 and costs through July 27, 2011 in the sum of $479.50, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 5.875% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Nationstar Mortgage LLC and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal No. D-0202-CV-2010-14191 property, affixture of any mobile NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE or manufactured home to the LLC, land, deactivation of title to a Plaintiff, mobile or manufactured home on vs. the property, if any, environmental ANDREW PACHECO contamination on the property, III, an unmarried man; if any, and zoning violations COUNTRYWIDE BANK, FSB; entitled action, wherein the plaintiff obtained a judgment decree of foreclosure against defendants, The Unknown Heirs, Devisees, or Legatees of George H. Bruington, Jr., Deceased; and Occupants, Whose True Names are Unknown, if any, in the amount of $154,086.92, together with interest thereon, as set forth in said judgment, I am commanded to sell all that certain lot, piece and parcel of land situate in the County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, hereinafter described. The subject matter of the above action is a suit brought by the plaintiff upon a note and mortgage executed and delivered by Defendant Bruington to the Home Mortgage Corporation and subsequently assigned to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, an agency of the United States, and for foreclosure of the mortgage given to secure said note. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, October 11, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. on that day, on the front steps of the United States District Court at 333 Lomas Boulevard, NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico, I will, in obedience to said Order of Sale and Decree of Foreclosure, sell the following-described real property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy plaintiff’s judgment: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All of Lot numbered seven (7) and the North Ten (10) feet of Lot numbered Eight (8) in Block numbered six (6) of the Replat of ELDER HOMESTEAD ADDITION to the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico, as the same are shown and designated on the Map of said Addition, filed in the office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, January 21st, 1927. More commonly known as: 820 Georgia Street, SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108. Together with the hereditaments and appurtenances belonging to said real estate in any way pertaining to said premises, to satisfy the plaintiff’s judgment in the total amount of $154,086.92 as of the date of the sale, together with interest accruing thereon and all costs of said sale. Said sale shall be to the highest and best bidder, payment must be in cash, in lawful money of the United States; provided, however, that the plaintiff shall be entitled to bid all or any part of its judgment. DATED this 25th day of August, 2011. /s/________________ Conrad E. Candelaria United States Marshal for the District of New Mexico HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 2011
concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Scott Harenberg, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 2011
THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF SOCORRO SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-725-CV-2011-00071 WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, Plaintiff, vs. CHRISTOPHER PADILLA, a single individual; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in Socorro County, New Mexico, commonly known as 1491 State Road 1, New Mexico 87832, and more particularly described as follows: PARCEL B OF THE LAND DIVISION OF EUFRACIO AND GLORIA PADILLA, BEING IN LOT 11, SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 1 EAST, N.M.P.M,. LYING IN M.R.G.C.D. MAP 179, SITUATED SOUTH OF THE SETTLEMENT OF SAN ANTONIO SOCORRO COUNTY, STATE OF NEW MEXICO, AS SHOWN ON THE SURVEY FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF SOCORRO COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, IN BOOK AA PAGE 1989, ON JUNE 20, 2001. The sale is to begin at 9:15 a.m. on October 14, 2011, on the front steps of the Seventh Judicial District Courthouse, City of Socorro, County of Socorro, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Wells Fargo Bank, NA. Wells Fargo Bank, NA was awarded a Judgment on September 2, 2011, in the principal sum of $51,273.61, plus outstanding interest on the balance through July 7, 2011, in the amount of $3,109.82, plus late charges of $169.33, plus escrow advance in the amount of $1,033.65, plus corporate advance in the amount of $100.00, plus other fees in the amount of $20.00, plus attorneys
Sept 23, 2011
NOTICES fees in the sum of $900.00 and costs through July 7, 2011 in the sum of $602.75, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 6.50% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Wells Fargo Bank, NA and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Faisal Sukhyani, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 2011
THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF SAN JUAN ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-1116-CV-2010-01872 WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, Plaintiff, vs. JASON D. HARVEY and ALESHA R. HARVEY, husband and wife; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in San Juan County, New Mexico, commonly known as 701 Mesa Vista Drive, Farmington, NM 87401, and more particularly described as follows: LOT 1-10, OF THE MESA VISTA SUBDIVISION NO. 1, IN THE CITY OF FARMINGTON, SAN JUAN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF SAID SUBDIVISION, FILED FOR RECORD NOVEMBER 8, 2005.
Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in Luna County, New Mexico, commonly known as 1808 Iron Street S, Deming, NM 88030, and more particularly described as follows: ALL OF LOTS NUMBERED FIVE (5) AND SIX (6) IN BLOCK LETTERED “HD” OF THE HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION TO DEMING, LUNA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF FILED FOR RECORD JULY 31, 1915 IN PLAT CABINET 8, SLIDE 105106 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK OF LUNA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO. The sale is to begin at 1:45 p.m. on October 14, 2011, on the front steps of the Sixth Judicial District Courthouse, City of Deming, County of Luna, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage was awarded a Judgment on September 1, 2011, in the principal sum of $63,698.79, plus outstanding interest on the balance through July 13, 2011, in the amount of $2,729.31, plus late charges of $45.97, plus escrow advance in the amount of $869.60, plus corporate advance in the amount of $20.00, plus other fees in the amount of $35.00, less suspense balance in $312.64, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $900.00 and costs through July 13, 2011 in the sum of $411.75, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 6.125% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile COUNTY OF LUNA or manufactured home to the SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT land, deactivation of title to a No. D-619-CV-2011-00201 mobile or manufactured home on WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., the property, if any, environmental Plaintiff, contamination on the property, vs. if any, and zoning violations LARRY MCBRIDE, a married concerning the property, if any. person as his sole and NOTICE IS FURTHER separate property; ABC The sale is to begin at 1:45 p.m. on October 19, 2011, on the front steps of the Eleventh Judicial District Courthouse, City of Aztec, County of San Juan, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Wells Fargo Bank, NA. Wells Fargo Bank, NA was awarded a Judgment on September 2, 2011, in the principal sum of $186,607.20, plus outstanding interest on the balance through August 4, 2011, in the amount of $10,112.52, plus late charges of $382.13, plus escrow advance in the amount of $1,943.39, plus corporate advance in the amount of $40.00, plus other fees in the amount of $30.00, less suspense balance in the amount of $1,009.82, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $900.00 and costs through August 4, 2011 in the sum of $543.68, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 5.375% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Wells Fargo Bank, NA and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Faisal Sukhyani, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 2011
Health City Sun
Sept 23, 2011
LEGAL GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Faisal Sukhyani, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 2011
THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF LEA FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-506-CV-2011-00392 US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR STRUCTURED ASSET SECURITIES CORPORATION TRUST 2006WF3, Plaintiff, vs. JEFFREY W. WRIGHT and DONNA L. WRIGHT, husband and wife; NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION & REVENUE; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in 1811 County, New Mexico, commonly known as , and more particularly described as follows: TRACT BEING PART OF LOTS TWELVE (12) AND THIRTEEN (13), BLOCK FIVE (5), YUCCA ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LOVINGTON, LEA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT TWELVE (12); THENCE N89°48’E, 114.6 FEET; THENCE ON ARC OF A CURVE 15.42 FEET WITH CHORD BEING S14°06.5’E, 15.41 FEET S44°57’W, 12.02 FEET; THENCE ON ARC OF CURVE 59.43 FEET WITH CHORD BEING S10°56’W, 55.94 FEET; THENCE S40°24’W, 152.8 FEET; THENCE N0°06’W, 193.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.. The sale is to begin at 3:30 p.m. on October, 27 201 on the front steps of the Fifth Judicial District Courthouse, City of Lovington, County of Lea, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage was awarded a Judgment on August 9, 2011 in the principal sum of $174,422.51, plus outstanding
interest on the balance through July 26, 2011, in the amount of $12,054.24, plus late charges of $717.47, plus escrow balance in the amount of $3,383.24, minus corporate advance in the sum of $334.20, plus other fees in the sum of $30.00, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $900.00, and costs through July 26, 2011 in the sum of $712.13, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 6.00% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Faisal Sukhyani 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 2011
THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF LUNA SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-619-CV-2011-00066 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, Plaintiff, vs. GEORGE WISE; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE ON FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the “Property”) situated in LUNA County, New Mexico, commonly known as 412 S. Copper St., Deming, NM 88030, and more
particularly described as follows: THE SOUTH 4 FEET OF LOT 6, A 1 OF LOTS 7, 8, AND 9, BLOCK 29 DEMING TOWNSITE, IN THE CITY OF DEMING, LUNA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, AS THE SAME IS SHOWN AND DESIGNATED ON PLAT SLIDE NO. 5, THEREOF FILED FOR RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF SAID COUNTY ON SEPTEMBER 14, 1889, PLAT RECORDS, LUNA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO. The sale is to begin at 4:30 p.m. on October 28, 2011, on the front steps of the Sixth Judicial District Courthouse, City of Deming, County of Luna, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Nationstar Mortgage LLC. Nationstar Mortgage LLC was awarded a Judgment on June 30, 2011, in the principal sum of $61,706.86, plus outstanding interest on the balance through July 13, 2011, in the amount of $1,068.97, plus late charges of $106.38, plus escrow advance in the amount of $652.56, plus corporate advances in the amount of $237.85, plus fees billed in the amount of $9.00, plus attorneys fees in the sum of $1,100.00 and costs through July 13, 2011 in the sum of $297.00, with interest on the Judgment including late charges, property preservation fees, escrow advances, attorney’s fees and costs of this suit at the rate of 2.00% per annum from date of the entry of the Judgment until paid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reservations, easements, all recorded and unrecorded liens not foreclosed herein, and all recorded and unrecorded special assessments and taxes that may be due. Nationstar Mortgage LLC and its attorneys disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property subject to, the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN ATTORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Faisal Sukhyani, Special Master 925 Luna Circle, Suite 2 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 980-9866 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 2011
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THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-0202-CV-2011-00493 AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC, Plaintiff, vs. MITCHELL MATSUNO, a single man; FIRST MAGNUS FINANCIAL CORPORATION; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION Plaintiff, AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC, pursuant to Rule 1-004 J New Mexico Rules of Civil Procedures-District Courts, publishes the following as its Notice of Pendency of Action. 1. Plaintiff has filed a Judicial Foreclosure Complaint against the above named Defendant. 2. Plaintiff is seeking service of Mitchell Matsuno of the Complaint in No. CV 2011-00493. 3. The name, address, and telephone number of Plaintiff’s attorney is Matthew Silverman, 8502 E. Via de Ventura, Suite 200, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258, (480) 302-4100. 4. If a Response is not filed by Mitchell Matsuno a default may be entered against the Defendant. 5. The real property which is the subject matter of this action is legally described as follows: LOT NUMBERED TWELVE-P1 (12-P1) IN BLOCK NUMBERED TWO (2) OF CRYSTAL RIDGE SUBDIVISION UNIT 2, TO THE CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, AS THE SAME IS SHOWN AND DESIGNATED ON THE PLAT OF SAID ADDITION, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF BERNALILLO COUNTY, NEW MEXICO ON JUNE 1, 1998 IN VOLUME 98C, FOLIO 154. The real property is also described as 4435 Loren Avenue NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114. HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, 2011
J New Mexico Rules of Civil Procedures-District Courts, publishes the following as its Notice of Pendency of Action. 1. Plaintiff has filed a Judicial Foreclosure Complaint against the above named Defendant. 2. Plaintiff is seeking service of Elizabeth Rohne of the Complaint in No. CV2011-01530. 3. The name, address, and telephone number of Plaintiff’s attorney is Matthew Silverman, 8502 E. Via de Ventura, Suite 200, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258, (480) 302-4100. 4. If a Response is not filed by Elizabeth Rohne a default may be entered against the Defendant. 5. The real property which is the subject matter of this action is legally described as follows: LOT NUMBERED ONE (1) IN BLOCK THREE (3) OF DESERT TERRACE SUBDIVISION UNIT NO.5, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, AS THE SAME IS SHOWN AND DESIGNATED ON THE PLAT OF SAID SUBDIVISION FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF BERNALILLO COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, ON SEPTEMBER 25, 1969. The real property is also described as 6001 McLeod Road NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109. HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, 2011
THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-0202-CV-2010-13764 WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, Plaintiff, vs. LAZARO ARREDONDO and GISELA MARTINEZ, husband and wife; THE CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE; GREATER ALBUQUERQUE HOUSING PARTNERSHIP; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION Plaintiff, WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, pursuant to Rule 1-004 J New Mexico Rules of Civil Procedures-District Courts, publishes the following as its Notice of Pendency of Action. 1. Plaintiff has filed a Judicial Foreclosure Complaint against the above named Defendants. 2. Plaintiff is seeking service of Gisela Martinez of the Complaint in No. D-0202-CV-2010-13764. 3. The name, address and telephone number of Plaintiff’s attorney is Matthew Silverman, 8502 E. Via de Ventura, Suite 200, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258, (480) 302-4100. 4. If a Response is not filed by Gisela Martinez a default may be entered against the Defendant. 5. The real property which is the subject matter of this action is legally described as follows: LOT NUMBERED TWELVE-A (12 -A) IN BLOCK NUMBERED FOUR (4) OF THE PLAT OF EMIL MANN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE.
NEW MEXICO, AS THE SAME ARE SHOWN AND DESIGNATED ON THE REPLAT OF SAID ADDITION FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF BERNALILLO COUNTY, NEW MEXICO ON JUNE 25, 2001, IN PLAT BOOK 2001C, FOLIO 178. The real property is also described as 444 Mesilla SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108. HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, 2011
THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-202-CV-2011-03400 FANNIE MAE (“FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION”), Plaintiff, vs. RICARDO C. GRANILLO, a single man; COUNTY OF BERNALILLO, ZONING, BUILDING & PLANNING DEPARTMENT; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION Plaintiff, FANNIE MAE (“FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION”), pursuant to Rule 1-004 J New Mexico Rules of Civil Procedures-District Courts, publishes the following as its Notice of Pendency of Action. 1. Plaintiff has filed a Judicial Foreclosure Complaint against the above named Defendant. 2. Plaintiff is seeking service of Ricardo C. Granillo of the Complaint in No. D - 2 0 2 - C V- 2 0 11 - 0 3 4 0 0 . 3. The name address and telephone number of Plaintiff’s attorney is Matthew Silverman, 8502 E. Via de Ventura, Suite 200, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258, (480) 302-4100. 4. If a Response is not filed by Ricardo C. Granillo a default may be entered against the Defendant. 5. The real property which is the subject matter of this action is legally described as follows: LOT NUMBERED ONE (1) IN BLOCK NUMBERED SEVEN (7) OF THE SUBDIVISION PLAT OF BLOCK 7, ROSE ACRES SUBDIVISION, BERNALILLO COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, AS THE SAME IS SHOWN AND DESIGNATED ON SAID SUBDIVISION PLAT THEREOF, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF BERNALILLO COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, ON DECEMBER 8,1983, IN PLAT BOOK C22, PAGE 147. The real property is also described as 4116 Arlo Lane SW, Albuquerque, NM 87121. HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, 2011
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THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-202-CV-2011-05725 AURORA LOAN SERVICES LLC, Plaintiff, vs. AMY N. CHAVEZ, an unmarried woman; HOMETRUST MORTGAGE COMPANY; ABC Corporations I-X, XYZ Partnerships I-X, John Does I-X and Jane Does I-X, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ANY OF THE ABOVE, IF DECEASED, Defendants. NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION Plaintiff, Aurora Loan Services LLC, pursuant to Rule 1-004 J New Mexico Rules of Civil Procedures-District Courts, publishes the following as its Notice of Pendency of Action. 1. Plaintiff has filed a Judicial Foreclosure Complaint against the above named Defendant. 2. Plaintiff is seeking service of Amy N. Chavez of the Complaint in No. D-202-CV-2011-05725. 3. The name, address, and telephone number of Plaintiff’s attorney is Matthew Silverman, 8502 E. Via de Ventura, Suite 200, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258, (480) 302-4100. 4. If a Response is not filed by Amy N. Chavez a default may be entered against the Defendant. 5. The real property which is the subject matter of this action
Albuquerque Police Department to BERNICE YAZZIE GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that the above-named Plaintiff has filed a civil action against you in the above-entitled Court and cause, the general object thereof being to seek forfeiture of the above-described property. That unless you enter your appearance in said cause on or before the date of OCT 31 2011, Judgment by Default will be entered against you; Name and address of Plaintiff’s attorney: JEFFREY B. DRIGGERS, COUNSEL FOR ALBUQUERQUE POLICE DEPARTMENT, P.O. BOX 2248, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87103, (505) 768-4500. WITNESS the HONORABLE BEATRICE BRICKHOUSE, District Judge of the Second Judicial District Court of the State SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT of New Mexico, and the Seal of the District Court of Bernalillo COURT County, this date of SEP 12 2011. COUNTY OF BERNALILLO GREGORY T. IRELAND STATE OF NEW MEXICO CLERK OF THE DISTRICT No. CV-2011-07589 CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, EX COURT BY: CHRISTINA VILLA Rel., Deputy ALBUQUERQUE POLICE HCS Pub. September 16, 23, DEPARTMENT, Plaintiff, 30, 2011 v. ONE (1) 2003 FORD PK VIN# 1FTRW07L63KB19590 NEW MEXICO LICENSE # SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT LCY033 COURT Defendant. COUNTY OF BERNALILLO NOTICE OF SUIT STATEOF NEW MEXICO
Sept 23, 2011
NO. CV-2011-06208 RBS CITIZENS, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. MYRNA METZLER, Defendant. NOTICE OF LEGAL PROCEEDING TO: HEALTH CITY SUN 1. A complaint was filed against you by RBS Citizens, N.A. in this Court on June 21, 2011, regarding a 2004 Dodge Durango, Vin: 1D4HB4BDG4F184328. You may obtain a copy of the compliant from the Second Judicial District Court. 2. You or your attorney are hereby directed to immediately serve a pleading or motion in response to the complaint with the Second Judicial District Court of Bernalillo County, and to send a copy of your response to the Plaintiff’s attorney. 3. If you do not immediately respond to the complaint, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for a default judgment against you entitling it to the relief sought in the complaint. 4. To be published in THE HEALTH CITY SUN on September 16, 23 and 30, 2011. R. Ruben Gallegos THE GALLEGOS LAW OFFICES, P.C. Attorney for Plaintiff 116 14th Street, S.W. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT No. D202-CV-2011-8102 J.D.B. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION OF NEW MEXICO INC. D/B/A CNAC, Plaintiff, v. JESSICA BELIN and MATTHEW BELIN, Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT STATE OF NEW MEXICO to both above-named Defendants: GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that the above-named Plaintiff has filed a civil action against you in the above-entitled Court and cause, the general object thereof being a Complaint on a Contract and for Debt and Money Due. That unless you enter your appearance in said cause on or before thirty (30) days from the last date of publication, judgment by default will be entered against you. Name and address of Plaintiff’s attorney: LAWRENCE P. ZAMZOK, Attorney for Plaintiff 6001 Whiteman Drive NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 (505) 898-6311 WITNESS the Hon. Clay P. Campbell, District Judge of the Second Judicial District Court of the State of New Mexico, and the Seal of the District Court of Bernalillo County,
this 14th day of September. Gregory T. Ireland, Clerk of the District Court, Bernalillo County By: Christina Villa, Deputy HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 30, 2011
SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO No. CV-2011-07753 CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, EX Rel., ALBUQUERQUE POLICE DEPARTMENT, Plaintiff, v. ONE (1) 2007 TOYOTA CAMRY WHITE VIN# 4T1BE46KX7U517749 NEW MEXICO LICENSE # LLM316 Defendant. NOTICE OF SUIT Albuquerque Police Department to DENISE GARCIA GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that the above-named Plaintiff has filed a civil action against you in the above-entitled Court and cause, the general object thereof being to seek forfeiture of the above-described property. That unless you enter your appearance in said cause on or before the date of NOV 07 2011, Judgment by Default will be entered against you;
Health City Sun
Sept 23, 2011
LEGAL v. ONE (1) 1998 DODGE STRATUS 4 DR WHITE VIN# 1B3EJ46X6WN322198 NEW MEXICO LICENSE # KCR496 Defendant. NOTICE OF SUIT Albuquerque Police Department to MIKE KARNA GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that the above-named Plaintiff has filed a civil action against you in the above-entitled Court and cause, the general object thereof being to seek forfeiture of the above-described property. That unless you enter your appearance in said cause on or before the date of NOV 07 2011, Judgment by Default will be entered against you; Name and address of Plaintiff’s attorney: ERIC J. LOCHER, COUNSEL FOR ALBUQUERQUE POLICE P.O. BOX SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT DEPARTMENT, 2248, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW COURT MEXICO 87103, (505) 768-4500. COUNTY OF BERNALILLO WITNESS the HONORABLE STATE OF NEW MEXICO THERESA BACA, District No. CV-2011-08219 CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, EX Judge of the Second Judicial District Court of the State of Rel., New Mexico, and the Seal of ALBUQUERQUE POLICE the District Court of Bernalillo DEPARTMENT, County, this date of SEP 21 2011. Plaintiff, GREGORY T. IRELAND v. CLERK OF THE DISTRICT ONE (1) 1997 DODGE PK COURT VIN# 1FTDX1768VNA50412 BY: KENDRA GOERS NEW MEXICO LICENSE # Deputy JYY850 HCS Pub. September 23, 30, Defendant. October 7, 2011 NOTICE OF SUIT Albuquerque Police Department to MICHAEL GURULE GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that the above-named Plaintiff has filed a civil action against you in the above-entitled Court and cause, the general object thereof being to seek forfeiture of the above-described property. IN THE UNITED STATES That unless you enter your DISTRICT COURT appearance in said cause on FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEW or before the date of NOV 07 MEXICO 2011, Judgment by Default No. CV 2011-606 WPJ/RHS will be entered against you; UNITED STATES OF Name and address AMERICA, of Plaintiff’s attorney: Plaintiff, ERIC J. LOCHER, COUNSEL vs. FOR ALBUQUERQUE POLICE THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEPARTMENT, P.O. BOX DEVISEES, OR LEGATEES 2248, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW OF ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ MEXICO 87103, (505) 768-4500. MORA, DECEASED; WITNESS the HONORABLE and OCCUPANTS, WHOSE SHANNON BACON, District TRUE Judge of the Second Judicial NAMES ARE UNKNOWN, IF District Court of the State of ANY, New Mexico, and the Seal of Defendants. the District Court of Bernalillo ORDER FOR PUBLICATION County, this date of SEP 21 2011. THIS CAUSE coming before GREGORY T. IRELAND the Court upon the Motion of CLERK OF THE DISTRICT the United States of America for COURT an Order requiring Defendant BY: KENDRA GOERS THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, Deputy DEVISEES, OR LEGATEES OF HCS Pub. September 23, 30, ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ MORA, October 7, 2011 DECEASED; and OCCUPANTS, WHOSE TRUE NAMES ARE UNKNOWN, IF ANY, to appear or plead in the above-entitled and numbered cause within fifteen (15) days after publication SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT of this Order in accordance COURT with 28 U.S.C. § 1655; and the COUNTY OF BERNALILLO Court having read the Motion STATE OF NEW MEXICO and being fully advised in No. CV 2011-03720 the premises, it is therefore CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, EX ORDERED that the plaintiff Rel., shall publish this Order not ALBUQUERQUE POLICE less than once a week for six DEPARTMENT, consecutive weeks; and it is Plaintiff, FURTHER ORDERED that
Name and address of Plaintiff’s attorney: JEFFREY B. DRIGGERS, COUNSEL FOR ALBUQUERQUE POLICE DEPARTMENT, P.O. BOX 2248, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87103, (505) 768-4500. WITNESS the HONORABLE ALAN MALOTT, District Judge of the Second Judicial District Court of the State of New Mexico, and the Seal of the District Court of Bernalillo County, this date of SEP 15 2011. GREGORY T. IRELAND CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT BY: SHANNARA GREEN Deputy HCS Pub. September 23, 30, October 7, 2011
the above-named defendant enter an appearance or otherwise plead within fifteen (15) days after publication of this Order in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1655; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that if the above-named defendant fails to appear or plead within the time allowed, the Court shall proceed as if the absent defendant had been served with process within the State of New Mexico, but affecting only the property which is the subject of this action. /s/ The Honorable William P. Johnson UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE HCS Pub. September 9, 16, 23, 30, October 7, 14, 2011
STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF SANDOVAL THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT Probate No. D1329 PB 2011000062 IN THE MATTER OF THE Estate of GRACE A. RIENKS, Deceased NOTICE OF HEARING BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS OF GRACE A. RIENKS, DECEASED, AND ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS WHO HAVE OR CLAIM ANY INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF GRACE A. RIENKS, DECEASED, OR IN THE MATTER BEING LITIGATED IN THE HEREINAFTER MENTIONED HEARING. Notice of Hearing is hereby given by the undersigned Attorney, DAVID A. FINLAYSON, for the Estate of GRACE A. RIENKS, on the Petition for Order of Complete Settlement of Estate by Personal Representative, filed by the Personal Representatives of the Estate of GRACE A. RIENKS. Said petition approves the final accounting, formally probates the will, determines the heirs and devisees, approves distribution of the Estate, declares the Estate fully settled and discharges the Personal Representatives from further claims or demands of any interested person. The Hearing will be held at the Thirteenth Judicial District Court, Sandoval County Courthouse, 1500 Idalia Rd. Bldg. A, Bernalillo, New Mexico, on the 19th day of October, 2011, at 1:30 p..m., before the Honorable John F. Davis. Pursuant to N.M.S.A. 1978, §451 401 (1975), notice of the time and place of hearing on said petition is hereby given you by publication, once each week, for two consecutive weeks. Witness our hands and the seal of this Court. Dated: September 8, 2011 THERESA VALENCIA Clerk of the District Court By /s/ David A. Finlayson DAVID A. FINLAYSON SWAIM & FINLAYSON, P.C. Attorneys for the Personal Representatives 4830 Juan Tabo, N.E., Suite F Albuquerque, NM 87111 (505) 237-0064 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
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NOTICES SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. D-202-PB-2011-000497 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN D. TYE, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Judith A. Tye has been appointed as Personal Representative of this Estate. Any person having a claim against this estate is required to present his/her claim within two (2) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claim will be forever barred. Claims must be either (a) presented by mail or in person to the Personal Representative at the offices of the attorneys for the estate (Keleher & McLeod, P.O. Box AA, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103, Attn: Chad F. Worthen, Esq.), or (b) filed with the Second Judicial District Court, Bernalillo County, P.O. Box 488, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103 (400 Lomas N.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102). DATED: September 14, 2011 /s/ Judith A. Tye Judith A. Tye KELEHER & McLEOD, P.A. By /s/ Chad F. Worthen Chad F. Worthen P.O. Box AA Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103 (505) 346-1313 Attorneys for the Estate HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
IN THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO No. PB 2011 000473 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELIAS A. SHAKRA, DECEASED NOTICE OF HEARING BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: TO: Unknown Heirs of Elias A. Shakra, Deceased, and All Unknown Persons Who Have or Claim Any Interest in the Estate of Elias A. Shakra, Deceased Marie Therese Shakra has filed a petition for the formal probate of a will and the appointment of a personal representative. The hearing on this petition will be held before the Honorable Beatrice J. Brickhouse at the Bernalillo County Courthouse in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at 3:00 p.m. on October 12, 2011. Pursuant to § 45-1-401 NMSA 1978, notice of the time and place of the hearing on this petition is hereby given you by publication, once each week, for two consecutive weeks. Dated: September 12, 2011. Marie Therese Shakra, Petitioner Submitted By: R. Tracy Sprouls RODEY, DICKASON, SLOAN, AKIN & ROBB, P.A. P.O. Box 1888 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103-1888 ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT BERNALILLO COUNTY STATE OF NEW MEXICO Case No. PB-2010-000479 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY T. ESPOSITO, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Janine A. Oschner has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Mary T. Esposito, deceased, pursuant to the Last Will and Testament and First Codicil thereto. All persons having claims against this Estate are required to present their claims within two (2) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the undersigned Personal Representative, Janine A. Oschner c/o Shay E. Meagle, Law Office of Shay E. Meagle, LLC, 1903 Wyoming Blvd NE, Ste. B, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112, and/or filed with the Bernalillo County District Court, Second Judicial District Court, 400 Lomas NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102, with a copy going to counsel for the Estate, Shay E. Meagle, Law Office of Shay E. Meagle, LLC., 1903 Wyoming Blvd NE, Ste. B, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112. DATED: 14th day of September, 2011. LAW OFFICE OF SHAY E. MEAGLE, LLC By: /s/ Shay E. Meagle Shay E. Meagle Attorney for Janine A. Oschner, Personal Representative of the Estate of Mary T. Esposito, Deceased 1903 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Ste. B Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112 Telephone: (505) 503-7651 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. PB 2011-000482 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELVIN BESS, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of this estate. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the undersigned personal representative, c/o Mary Ann Green, Attorney at Law, at 1825 San Mateo NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, or filed with the Second Judicial District Court. DATED: SEP 12, 2011 /s/ Prudence Beckh PRUDENCE BECKH, Personal Representative of the Estate of Elvin Bess 305 Placitas Rd NW Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107
/s/ Mary Ann Green MARY ANN GREEN, Attorney for Personal Representative of the Estate of Elvin Bess 1825 San Mateo NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110 (505) 254-0600 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
STATE OF NEW MEXICO IN THE PROBATE COURT BERNALILLO COUNTY No. 2011-418 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF John Marvin Wesley Wright, DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of this estate. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within two (2) months after the date of the first publication of this notice, or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the undersigned personal representative at the address listed below, or filed with the Probate Court of Bernalillo, County, New Mexico, located at the following address:__, _____. Dated: Sept 9, 2011. /s/ Peggy Walker Peggy Walker 4410 Clear St SW Albuq, NM 87121 Mailing PO Box 4164 Albuq. NM 87196 (505) 877-4746 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT NO. PB 2011-000504 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HILDA EMMA MONSKA, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of this Estate. All persons having claims against this Estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims may be presented either to the undersigned Personal Representative, c/o Hurley, Toevs, Styles, Hamblin & Panter, P.A. ( Randolph L. Hamblin), 4155 Montgomery Blvd., NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87109, or filed with the District Court of Bernalillo County, PO Box 488, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87103. DATED: September 7, 2011 /s/ Carl D. Monska CARL D. MONSKA Personal Representative HURLEY, TOEVS, STYLES, HAMBLIN & PANTER, P.A. BY: /s/ Randolph L. Hamblin Randolph L. Hamblin 4155 Montgomery Blvd., NE
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LEGAL Albuquerque, NM 87109 505-888-1188; Fax 505-8889215 Attorneys for Carl D. Monska HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
13110 Solario Lane Bakersfield, CA 93306 Respectfully submitted by: James F. Beckley, P. A. Attorneys at Law By /s/ Guy W. Tann Guy W. Tann, Esq. 8500 Menaul, NE Suite A-400 Albuquerque, NM 87112 (505) 275-1222 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT 2011 COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. PB 2011-00480 STATE OF NEW MEXICO IN THE MATTER OF THE COUNTY OF BERNALILLO ESTATE OF IN THE SECOND JUDICIAL IRENE O. LAGRANGE, DISTRICT COURT Deceased. NO. PB 2011-000503 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE DEBBY B. JARAMILLO, ESTATE OF Applicant, has been appointed James E. Browning, Personal Representative of the Deceased. Estate of IRENE O. LA GRANGE NOTICE TO KNOWN deceased. All persons having CREDITORS claims against this estate are NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN required to present their claims that the undersigned has within two months after the been appointed Personal date of the first publication Representative of this estate. All of this Notice or the claims persons having claims against will be forever barred. Claims this estate are required to must be presented either to present their claims within two the Personal Representative, (2) months after the date of the c/o Leonard G. Espinosa, first publication of any published ESPINOSA & ASSOCIATES, notice to creditors or the date P.C., 7770 Jefferson NE Suite of mailing or the delivery of this 100, Albuquerque, New Mexico notice, whichever is later, or the 87109, or filed with the Second claims will be forever barred. Judicial District Court of Claims must be presented either Bernalillo County, New Mexico. to the undersigned Personal /s/ Debby B. Jaramillo Representative at the address DEBBY B. JARAMILLO listed below, or filed with the 4104 Barbara Vista SW Second Judicial District Court, Albuquerque NM 87121 Bernalillo County Courthouse, ESPINOSA & ASSOCIATES, Albuquerque, New Mexico. P.C. Dated: September ___, 2011. By /s/ Leonard G. Espinosa /s/ Debbie N. Browning Leonard G. Espinosa Debbie N. Browning 7770 Jefferson NE Suite 100 Personal Representative Albuquerque NM 87109 c/o William J. Lock, Esq. (505) 242-5656 5732 Osuna Road NE HCS Pub. September 16, 23, Albuquerque, NM 87109 2011 (505) 880-1200 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT No. PB-2011-385 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CARL E. HAYWARD, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY PUBLICATION Michael D. Hayward has been appointed as the Personal Representative of the Estate of Carl E. Hayward, deceased. All persons having claims against this Estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Personal Representative c/o James F. Beckley, P.A., Attorneys at Law, P.O. Box 30868, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87190-0868, or filed with the Second Judicial District Court of Bernalillo County, 400 Lomas NW (87102), P.O. Box 488, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103. /s/ Michael D. Hayward MICHAEL D. HAYWARD, Personal Representative of the Estate of Carl E. Hayward, Deceased.
SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. PB 2011-000457 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELAINE MARIE GREEN, Deceased. ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO VACATE HEARING AND RESCEDULING HEARING THIS MATTER having come before the Court upon the Motion to Vacate filed by Petitioner, RORY GENE WHITE and the Court having been fully advised in the premises FINDS that said Motion is well taken and should be granted. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the hearing on Petitioner’s Petition for Formal Probate of Will and Appointment of Personal Representative for the Estate of ELAINE MARIE GREEN currently scheduled for September 14, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. is hereby vacated and the Court hereby reschedules the hearing on OCT 11 2011 @ 2:00 PM. JUDGE C. SHANNON BACON DISTRICT COURT JUDGE APPROVED:
/s/ S. Scott Davis S. SCOTT DAVIS, Attorney for Petitioner HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. 2011-000293 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GILBERT JOSE TRUJILLO, Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING A hearing in this case is set before the Honorable THERESA BACA as follows: Date of hearing: SEP 27 2011 Time of hearing: 10:00 Length of hearing: 15 Min. Place of hearing: Bernalillo County Courthouse 400 Lomas NW Matter(s) to be heard: Petition for Formal Probate of Will and Appointment of Personal Representative THE HONORABLE THERESA BACA by LORENZO TORRES HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
NOTICES been appointed Personal Representative of this Estate. All persons having claims against this Estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims may be presented either to the undersigned Personal Representative, c/o Hurley, Toevs, Styles, Hamblin & Panter, P.A. (Randolph L. Hamblin), 4155 Montgomery Blvd., NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87109, or filed with the District Court of Bernalillo County, PO Box 488, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87103. DATED: September , 2011 /s/ Allen Dean ALLEN DEAN Personal Representative HURLEY, TOEVS, STYLES, HAMBLIN & PANTER, P.A. BY: /s/ Randolph L. Hamblin Randolph L. Hamblin 4155 Montgomery Blvd., NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 505-888-1188; Fax 505-8889215 Attorneys for Allen Dean HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
STATE OF NEW MEXICO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO COURT SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO COURT STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. PB 2011-00516 NO. PB 2011-000491 IN THE MATTER OF THE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ESTATE OF RICHARD G. BECKER, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Nadia S. Becker has been appointed Personal Representative of the estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned attorney for the Personal Representative at 6747 Academy Road, NE, Suite D, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109 and filed with the Bernalillo County District Court, 400 Lomas, Blvd., NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102. DATED this 14th day of September, 2012. STEPHEN P. CURTIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, P.C. By: /s/ Stephen P. Curtis Stephen P. Curtis, Esq. 6747 Academy Road NE,Suite D Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109 (505) 884-9999 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
Sept 23, 2011
JOANNA D. CONTRERAS, DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of this Estate. All persons having claims against this Estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the undersigned Personal Representative c/o LORI L. MILLET, 4300 Carlisle Blvd. NE, Suite 5, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107 or filed with the District Court, Post Office Box 488, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87103. DATED: SEP 13, 2011 /s/ Francisca Sanchez FRANCISCA SANCHEZ Personal Representative ABQ ELDER LAW, P.C. BY: /s/ Lori L. Millet LORI L. MILLET Attorney for Personal Representative 4300 Carlisle Blvd. NE, Suite 5 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107 (505) 830-0202 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
STATE OF NEW MEXICO No. PB 2011-000462 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DORIS H. KEY, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS DIANA STEWART has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of DORIS H. KEY, deceased. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Personal Representative, c/o James T. Roach, Attorney at Law, 300 Central SW, Suite 1500-West, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102, or filed with the District Court of Bernalillo County, New Mexico. Dated: Sept. 9, 2011 /s/ Diana Stewart DIANA STEWART Personal Representative HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
Health City Sun
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LEGAL that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of this estate. All having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this notice or their claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the undersigned personal representative c/o Ron Bell Injury Lawyers., 610 Seventh Street, N.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 or filed with the Probate Court, One Civic Plz, 6th fl. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102. DATED: 7-12-11. /s/ Susan Renova Susan Renova Personal Representative of the Estate of Anselmo A. Renova, deceased c/o Ron Bell Injury Lawyers 610 Seventh Street, N.W. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 (505) 242-7979 HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF VALENCIA IN THE PROBATE COURT File # 2999 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALEX JOSE ORTEGA, DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of this estate. All having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this notice or their claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the undersigned personal representative c/o Ron Bell Injury Lawyers., 610 Seventh Street, N.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 or filed with the Probate Court, P.O. Box 939, Los Lunas, New Mexico 87031. DATED: 5/31/11. /s/ Janelle Terrazas Janelle Terrazas Personal Representative of the estate of, Alex Jose Ortega, deceased c/o Ron Bell Injury Lawyers 610 Seventh Street, N.W. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 (505) 242-7979 HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT NO. PB 2011-000123 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GAIL F. EARNEST, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Marcia Griffith has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Gail F. Earnest, deceased. All persons having claims against this estate are required to
present their claims within two (2) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Personal Representative=s attorney, Richard J. Grodner, 2015 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Suite C, Albuquerque, NM 87112, or filed with the Bernalillo County, Second Judicial District Court, Probate Division, P.O. Box 488, Albuquerque, NM 87103. /s/ Marcia Griffith Marcia Griffith Personal Representative of the Estate of Gail F. Earnest, Deceased 50 Magnolia Dr. Ventura, CA 93001 /s/ Richard J. Grodner Richard J. Grodner Attorney for Personal Representative 2015 Wyoming Blvd. NE Suite C Albuquerque, NM 87112 505.266.2566 HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT NO. PB 2011-000524 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDNA F. DUNAGAN, DECEASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS Joe H. Dunagan has been appointed Executor of the Estate of Edna F. Dunagan, deceased. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Executor, c/o Richmond L. Neely, Esq., P.O. Box 1787, Albuquerque, NM 87103, or filed with the Second Judicial District Court, Bernalillo County Courthouse, P.O. Box 488, Albuquerque, NM 87103. /s/ Joe H. Dunagan Joe H. Dunagan Executor c/o Richmond L. Neely, Esq. P.O. Box 1787 Albuquerque, NM 87103 (505) 243-3727 HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT NO. PB 2011-000523 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JEAN MARTIN, DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sam E. Martin and Betty J. Tantimonaco have been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Jean Martin, deceased. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Personal Representatives
at 2505 Bosque Entrada Tr. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120 or filed with the District Court of Bernalillo County, 400 Lomas Blvd. N.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102. Dated: SEP 16 2011 /s/ Sam E. Martin Sam E. Martin 2505 Bosque Entrada Tr. NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 505-898-2505 /s/ Betty J. Tantimonaco Betty J. Tantimonaco 7452 Mission Viejo Dr. El Paso, TX 79912 915-585-2513 Attorney Identification: Frank M. Dougherty P.C. /s/Frank M. Dougherty Frank M. Dougherty Attorney at Law 2632 Mesilla St. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110-3687 Phone: 505\880-8699 HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. 2011-445 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PATRICK A. PORTILLO, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of this estate. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the undersigned in care of Crowley & Gribble, P.C., at 4811 Hardware Drive NE, Building D, Suite 5, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109, or filed with the Bernalillo County Probate Court, One Civic Plaza, 6th Floor, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102. DATED: September 9, 2011. /s/ Elisa B. Portillo ELISA B. PORTILLO Personal Representative of the Estate of PATRICK A. PORTILLO, Deceased 620 3rd Street SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 243-5278 CROWLEY & GRIBBLE, P.C. BERNARD P. METZGAR Attorneys for Applicant 4811 Hardware Drive NE Building D, Suite 5 Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 314-1450 (505) 314-1452 - facsimile HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT No. D-202-PB-2011-000496 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RICHARD M. COLE, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Erin E. Roth has been appointed Special Administrator of this Estate. All persons having claims against this Estate are required to present their claims within two months after the date of the first
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NOTICES publication of this notice, or their claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the undersigned Special Administrator at her attorney’s address as listed below or filed with the Second Judicial District Court, Bernalillo County, at the following address: 400 Lomas Blvd. NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 with a copy provided to the undersigned attorney. DATED: 9/21, 2011 Respectfully submitted, HURLEY TOEVS STYLES HAMBLIN & PANTER PA By /s/ Gregory W. MacKenzie Gregory W. MacKenzie, Esq. Attorneys for Erin E. Roth, Special Administrator of the Estate of Richard M. Cole, deceased 4155 Montgomery Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 505-888-1188 HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-09203 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF MARILYN DEANNA DUKEMINIER RAINS FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Marilyn Deanna Dukeminier Rains, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the Second District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein she seeks to change her name from Marilyn Deanna Dukeminier Rains to Deanna Dukeminier Rains and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable NAN G. ADOPTIONS NASH, District Judge, on the 5th day of October, 2011, at the hour of 1:20 p.m. at the Bernalillo County Courthouse,400 Lomas STATE OF NEW MEXICO Boulevard NW; Albuquerque, COUNTY OF BERNALILLO New Mexico. Courtroom 602. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Respectfully submitted, COURT /s/ Deanna Rains CHILDREN’S DIVISION Petitioner, pro se No. SA-2010-118 Deanna Rains IN THE MATTER OF THE HCS Pub. September 16, 23, ADOPTION PETITION 2011 OF ANTONIO HERRERA NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ADOPTION PROCEEDING TO: David Daniel Lopez, or any unknown biological father of Theresa Marie Lopez, DOB: 1/30/04. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT A Petition for Adoption has been COURT filed in the above captioned COUNTY OF BERNALILLO and numbered cause. The STATE OF NEW MEXICO adoptee was born to Nanette NO. CV 2011-09098 M. Herrera a.k.a Nanette M. IN THE MATTER OF THE Chavez on January 30, 2004, PETITION OF in Bernalillo County, New Spencer Cody Stotts Mexico. You are further notified FOR CHANGE OF NAME that unless you file a written NOTICE OF PETITION TO response to the Petition within CHANGE NAME twenty (20) days at the Second (ADULT) Judicial District Court, Post NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Office Box 488, Albuquerque, Spencer Cody Stotts, a resident New Mexico 87103 (physical of the City of Albuquerque, address 5100 2nd Street NW County of Bernalillo, State of Albuquerque, NM 87107), your New Mexico, and over the age of consent to the adoption will not fourteen years, has filed a Petition be required and Petitioner will to Change Name in the Second request judgment be entered Judicial District Court, Bernalillo against you terminating your County, New Mexico, wherein he parental rights by default. seeks to change his name from JUANITA DURAN Spencer Cody Stotts to Spencer District Court Clerk Cody Stotts Rhodes, and that By: _______ this Petition will be heard before Deputy the Honorable NAN G. NASH, Submitted by: District Judge, on the 5th day ATENCIO LAW OFFICE, P.C. of October 2011, at the hour of /s/Harold O. Atencio 1:20 p.m. at the Bernalillo County Harold O. Atencio Courthouse, Albuquerque, Attorney for Petitioner New Mexico. Courtroom 602. 3809 Atrisco Dr. NW Suite B Respectfully submitted, Albuquerque, NM 87120 /s/ Spencer Cody Stotts (505) 839-9111 Spencer Cody Stotts HCS Pub. September 16, 23, Petitioner, pro se 30, October 7, 2011 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-09100 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Emily Renee Dietrich-Millstein FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Emily Renee DietrichMillstein, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the Second Judicial District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein she seeks to change her name from Emily Renee DietrichMillstein to Emily Renee Rhodes, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable CARL J. BUTKUS, District Judge, on the 6th day of October 2011, at the hour of 1:55 p.m. at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Emily Renee DietrichMillstein Emily Renee Dietrich-Millstein Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
2nd JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-09102 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Siobhan K. Degnan FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Siobhan Kathleen Degnan, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the Second District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein she seeks to change her name from Siobhan Kathleen Degnan to Siobhan Kathleen Yilmaz, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable BEATRICE BRICKHOUSE., District Judge, on the 14th day of October 2011, at the hour of 11:00 a.m. at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, 401 Lomas Blvd NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Siobhan Degnan Siobhan Degnan Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
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LEGAL FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Dolores Colson-White, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the Second Judicial District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein she seeks to change her name from Dolores ColsonWhite to Dolores Victoria Serna, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable Judge C. Shannon Bacon, District Judge, on the 6 day of OCT, 2011, at the hour of 3:30 p.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Bernalillo, New Mexico. Respectfully Submitted, Melendres, Melendres & Harrigan P.C. /s/ Antonia Roybal-Mack By: Antonia Roybal-Mack Paul Melendres 1017 5th Street NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 243-8310 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
2nd JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-09252 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Randi Nicole Beck FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Randi Nicole Beck, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the 2nd District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein she seeks to change her name from Randi Nicole Beck to Randi Beck Ocena, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable CLAY CAMPBELL, District Judge, on the 12 day of Oct. 2011, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Randi N. Beck Randi N. Beck Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-09341 IN THE MATTER OF PETITION OF DANIEL ACOSTA FOR A CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Daniel Acosta, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen, has filed a Petition to Change name in the Second District Court, Bernalillo County,
New Mexico, wherein he seeks to change his name from Daniel Acosta to Joel Daniel Acosta, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable NAN G. NASH, District Judge, on the 12 day of October 2011, at the hour of 1:20 p.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, 400 Lomas, N.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico. Courtroom 602 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Daniel Acosta Petitioner, pro se Daniel Acosta HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-09342 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Emili Chernov FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Emili Chernov, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the Second District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein she seeks to change her name from Emili Chernov to Emili Levina, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable BEATRICE BRICKHOUSE, District Judge, on the 14th day of October 2011, at the hour of 11:00 a.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Emili Chernov Chernov Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-09343 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Paramjit Singh FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Paramjit Singh, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the Second District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein he seeks to change his name from Paramjit Singh to Paramjeet Singh Kloty, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable VALERIE A. MACKIE HULING, District Judge, on the 12th day of October 2011, at the hour of 8:45 a.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Paramjit Singh Paramjit Singh Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
2nd JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-09367 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Daniel Paul Christopher FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Daniel Paul Christopher, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the 2nd Judicial District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein he seeks to change his name from Daniel Paul Christopher to Daniel Paul Friedrich Wilhelm Hanover, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable Judge C. Shannon Bacon, District Judge, on the 12 day of Oct. 2011, at the hour of 1:30 p.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Daniel P. Christopher Daniel P. Christopher Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-09369 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Michele Darcy King FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Michele Darcy King, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the Second District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein she seeks to change her name from Michele Darcy King to Michel King Schreiner, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable BEATRICE BRICKHOUSE, District Judge, on the 14th day of October 2011, at the hour of 11:00 a.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Michele Darcy King Michele Darcy King Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
Sept 23, 2011
NOTICES CHANGE NAME (OF PERSON UNDER 14 YEARS OF AGE) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Anita Large, has filed a Petition to Change the Name of her child, from Andres Isaiah Large and Emiliano Isaac Large to Andres Casey Gallegos Emiliano Isaac Gallegos. This Petition will be heard before the Honorable BEATRICE J. BRICKHOUSE, District Judge, on the 27th day of October, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 a.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, ABQ, New Mexico. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Anita Large Anita Large Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
2nd JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-09526 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Forrest Ho’omaluhia Wilson FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Forrest Ho’omaluhia Wilson, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the 2nd District Court, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, wherein he/she seeks to change his name from Forrest Ho’omaluhia Wilson to Ethan Brad Ashton Wilson, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable NAN G. NASH, District Judge, on the 17 day of October 2011, at the hour of 1:25 p.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Courtroom 602 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Forrest Ho’omaluhia Wilson Forrest Ho’omaluhia Wilson Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BERNALILLO STATE OF NEW MEXICO NO. CV 2011-09527 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF POLLI ANNE GOENCARLBERG FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Polli Anne Goen-Carlberg, SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT a resident of the City of COURT Albuquerque, County of COUNTY OF BERNALILLO Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, STATE OF NEW MEXICO and over the age of fourteen NO. CV 2011-09510 years, has filed a Petition to IN THE MATTER OF THE Change Name in the Second PETITION OF Judicial District Court, Bernalillo Anita Large County, New Mexico, wherein FOR CHANGE OF NAME OF she seeks to change her name Emiliano Isaac Large and from Polli Anne Goen-Carlberg Andres Isaiah Large to Polli Anne Goen, and that NOTICE OF PETITION TO this Petition will be heard before
the Honorable NAN G. NASH, District Judge, on the 17 day of October 2011, at the hour of 1:25 p.m., at the Bernalillo County Courthouse, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Courtroom 602 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Polli Anne Goen-Carlberg Polli Anne Goen-Carlberg Petitioner, pro se HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
Pursuant to the Self Service Storage Lien Act, effective 7/87. ABQ MINI Storage, 4715 McLeod RD Ne, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109, will sell the following unit(s) to satisfy the Landlords Lien. Sale to be held at 9:00 a.m., Oct 4th 2011 for a minimum bid. Cash only. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT UNIT: C*13, Danise Fairbanks, COURT 000 Calle Barrio Nuevo, Apt COUNTY OF BERNALILLO 336b, Bernalillo, NM 87004, STATE OF NEW MEXICO Washer/dryer, sofa, bar-b-que, NO. CV 2011-09549 UNIT: f*6, Cindy Sanchez, Boxes/ IN THE MATTER OF THE contents unknown. Furniture PETITION OF UNIT: d*38-Jimmy Jones, Brent Elkins 1112 San Pedro DR NE, FOR CHANGE OF NAME Apt #179 Albuquerque, Nm NOTICE OF PETITION TO 87110-6724, approximately CHANGE NAME 10 boxes/contents unknown. (ADULT) HCS Pub. September 16, 23, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 2011 Brent Elkins, a resident of the City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, and over the age of fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the Second District Court, Bernalillo County, PUBLIC AUCTION New Mexico, wherein he seeks THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY to change his name from Brent SHALL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC Elkins to Addmar Elkins, and AUCTION OCTOBER 13, that this Petition will be heard 2011 AT 9AM AT GOLDEN before the Honorable CLAY TARGET SELF-STORAGE, CAMPBELL, District Judge, 8601 MONTGOMERY BLVD on the 19 day of OCT 2011, at NE, ALBUQUERQUE, NM the hour of 10:30 a.m., at the 87111, 505-323-8703, IN Bernalillo County Courthouse, SATISFACTION OF LIEN IN 400 Lomas NW Courtroom ACCORDANCE WITH THE NM #616, Albuquerque, New Mexico. SELF-STORAGE ACT 48-11Respectfully submitted, 1 THRU 48-11-9. CASH ONLY /s/ Brent Elkins UNIT J15 Brent Elkins WILLIAM L. KING Petitioner, pro se 11800 MONTGOMERY NE APT HCS Pub. September 23, 30, #2054 2011 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87111 ITEMS: CAMP CHAIR, PLASTIC CRATE, MISC. UNIT: J28 DOUGLAS, R. GODFREY 8339 MILLSTREAM PL NW SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87120 COURT ITEMS: GOLF CLUBS, COUNTY OF BERNALILLO COMPUTER, DRESSER, STATE OF NEW MEXICO HEADBOARD, BOXES, MISC. NO. CV 2011-09557 HCS Pub. September 23, 30, IN THE MATTER OF THE 2011 PETITION OF DANIEL OWEN WINKLESS FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME (ADULT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that DANIEL OWEN WINKLESS, a resident of the Notice of Sale City of Albuquerque, County of Pursuant to the New Mexico Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, Self Storage Act. On October 6, and over the age of fourteen 2011 at 10:00 am, at Juan Tabo years, has filed a Petition to Self Storage located at 1777 Change Name in the Second Juan Tabo NE, Albuquerque, NM Judicial District Court, Bernalillo 87112, we will sell or dispose of County, New Mexico, wherein the contents of the storage units she seeks to change her name rented to the following people: from DANIEL OWEN WINKLESS Rudy Candelaria PO Box 36996, to ANNE WINKLESS WITHROW, Albuq,NM 87176 and that this Petition will be Contents: Personal and heard before the Honorable household items. THERESA BACA, District Judge, Yolanda Castillo on the 31 day of OCT 2011, 11001 Towner NE #B at the hour of 9:00 a.m., at the Albuq, NM. 87112 Bernalillo County Courthouse, Contents: Personal and Albuquerque, New Mexico. household items Respectfully submitted, Amanda Diggs /s/ Daniel Owen Winkless 12808 Constitution NE #3 Daniel Owen Winkless Albuq, NM 87112 Petitioner, pro se Contents: Personal and HCS Pub. September 23, 30, household items
Health City Sun
Sept 23, 2011
LEGAL Mike Dinelli 11104 Woodland NE, Albuq, NM 87112 Contents: Personal and household items Paul Kress 1609 Hiawatha NE, Albuq, NM 87112 Contents: Personal and household items. Sean Manns 8300 Wyoming NE #2822, Albuq, NM 87109 Contents: Personal items. Patrick Peffinger: 2508 Wisconsin NE, Albuq, NM 87110 Contents: Personal and household items. James Bradley/Mike Rajkovic 4605 Bermuda NE, Albuq, NM 87111 Contents: Personal and household items. Steve Salas 10731 Buck Island SW Albuq, NM 87121 Contents: Personal and household items. Kenneth Smith 2747 Hwy 47, Suite A, Las Lunas, NM 87031 Contents: Personal and household items Frank Tellez 10722 Claremont NE, Albuq, NM 87112 Contents: Personal and household items Jessica Torres PO Box 770, Mesilla, NM 88046 Contents: Personal and household items Juan Tabo Self Storage reserves the right to withdraw any of the property from this sale at any time. For more information call: 505296-9568 HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
On November 22, 2011, at 7:00 am, in the county of Bernalillo, the undersigned will offer to sell the following described motor vehicle(s) in order to satisfy charges for towing, storage and/or labor charges incurred against same: 1965 BMW 2000C - VIN: 1000292 $1,881.50 1964 VW Karmann Ghia VIN: 5929049 - $1,473.00 1980 Mercedes 450SL VIN: WDB10704412064713 $1,237.50 Town & Country Towing, LLC 2800 Broadway Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 246-2202 HCS Pub. September 16, 23, 2011
charges for towing, storage and/ or labor charges incurred against same: 1998 Chevrolet GM4 PK VIN 2GCEC19M5W1270721 NM License plate LJF-822. Last know registered owner Guy Whitney of Edgewood, NM. In the amount of $2102.20. Terms: Cash in hand at time of sale. A-Albuquerque Towing 305 Conchas SE Albuquerque, NM 87123 505-292-2880. HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE On November 04, 2011 at 11:20 AM the undersigned will offer to sell the following described motor vehicle in order to satisfy charges for towing, storage and/or labor charges incurred against same: 2006 Mazda RX8 VIN JM1FE173360200915 NM License plate LDD-878. Last known registered owner Aaron M Manchego of Albuquerque, NM. In the amount of $1837.56. Terms: Cash in hand at time of sale. A-Albuquerque Towing 305 Conchas SE Albuquerque, NM 87123 505-292-2880. HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
Public Auction - Boat & Trailer 26’wood sailboat, home built 1979. Boat VIN #NMG7921803EA. Trailer VIN#TO47481. Auction for abandoned vehicle/vessel (no title). Starting bid $1000. Time: 9 am, November 24, 2011. Location: 10590 2nd ST NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE HCS Pub. September 16, 23, On November 04, 2011 at 11:40 2011 AM the undersigned will offer to sell the following described motor vehicle in order to satisfy charges for towing, storage and/ NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE On November 04, 2011 at 11:00 or labor charges incurred against AM the undersigned will offer same: 2006 Hyundai Tiburon to sell the following described CP VIN KMHHM65D86U188897 motor vehicle in order to satisfy NM License plate LTF-601. Last
NOTICES known registered owner, Adan J Farfan of Rio Rancho, NM. In the amount of $1445.40. Terms: Cash in hand at time of sale. This vehicle will have a SALVAGE branded title. A-Albuquerque Towing 305 Conchas SE Albuquerque, NM 87123 505-292-2880. HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
LEGAL ADVERTISING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: PURSUANT TO NM STATUTES, CHAPTER 314, HB 273, (Self Storage Lien Act) that the following vehicle(s) will be sold on Wednesday October 12, 2011 at 8:00 AM to satisfy liens claimed by Albuquerque Self Storage, Inc. (13041 Central NE) together with all costs of sale. V-168 2003 Ford Focus Vin # 1FAFP34P23W343964 Registered owner: Ian & Mead Acklin, 903 W 17th St Sheffield AL 35660. Interested party : Deborah Fullove, 324 Kitty Hawk Rd Apt 114 Alameda CA 94503. $ 726.92 through Sept. 30 2011. U-102 1975 GMC Toronado Motor Home Vin # DMV41311CA Registered owner: Kenneth Lee Armstrong, 6212 Cooperwood Ln Bakersfield CA 93306. Interested party: Jody/Denver Moles, c/o Sabrina Terry 284 Price Mountain Dr Decatur AL 35603. $ 1036.18 through September 30, 2011. Any of the above vehicle(s) may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. H. Martinez, Mgr. HCS Pub. September 23, 30, 2011
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Health City Sun
How To Teach Children Perseverance
hether it’s multiplying fractions, reading, hitting a baseball or completing a pirouette, at some point, children face tasks they find difficult. While it’s common to want to quit when activities become challenging, you can help your child learn to persevere. Here are some tips from Dr. Mary Mokris, education specialist at Kumon Math and Reading Centers, on how to help your child persevere through tough times in and out of the classroom. Lead by Example If you want your child to have a “never-give-up” attitude, it can help if you exhibit this behavior. Whether you try a challenging recipe or attempt a do-it-yourself home improvement project, stay positive when tasks get difficult and see the project through to the end, even if you need to bring in outside help. This shows your child the importance your family places on perseverance. Identify the Cause If your child shows signs of frustration in or out of class, try asking if anything bothers your child. Your son or daughter may not want to talk about it right away, so keep prodding. Give your child some time to open up to you. Then, if your son or daughter still won’t open up,
reach out to important people in your child’s life such as teachers, coaches and friends. Ask if they have seen any changes in your child when certain subjects are taught or when performing particular tasks. Once you know what your child struggles with, you will be better prepared to meet the challenge. Offer a Perseverance Reward Reward systems work, and they can be very effective when you are trying to teach the importance of persevering until the job is done. You can come up with the reward together. It can be as easy as letting your child pick what’s for dinner or selecting his or her favorite movie to watch on family night. Don’t Be Afraid to Get Help If difficulty at school makes your child feel like giving up, consider an after-school enrichment program. For generations, Kumon Math and Reading Centers have helped millions of children strengthen math and reading skills, increase self-confidence and develop study skills that last a lifetime. Teaching perseverance can be a challenge, but when children finally make a breakthrough, they will show increased confidence and feel good about themselves for seeing the job through. For more information, visit or call (877) 586-6673.
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Ciudad del Sol We’ve Added a Spanish Section
Many of our subscribers are bi-lingual. Over the coming weeks we will be adding a spanish legal notice and business section to the paper. Please pass this information along to all your friends. Give us a call if you would like to run an ad or write a spanish language business column. Call Today - 505-242-3010