FineHomes Saskatoon Fall 2012

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610 Cynthia Street • 306.665.6640 Stores Hours: M-F 8:30am - 5:30pm • Sat - 9am-5pm Saskatoon & Region Home Builders Association, Inc.





My newness to this city has only brought the dazzling aspects of it to light.

Having moved here from rural Ontario, I find the architecture and development in the City of Saskatoon very exciting.

Staff Writers

I have enjoyed travelling around the city to areas new and old to gather ideas for my own home and to see how others live. The constant head-turning I do on my trips confirms to me that there are many beautiful houses to admire in Saskatoon. In this issue, you are sure to agree with what I mean, as we examine unique homes, as in our tour of Carrie Catherine’s The Hayloft, as well as monuments to the future, as in our cover story, Maison Fine Homes. The owners of this boutique business take us on a tour of their breathtaking home that is sure to leave you inspired. Also, check out the how-to article on how you can turn those dust-gatherers in to pieces of art when expert woodworker and antique store owner, Charlie Calarco shows us how we can refinish our wood furniture the right way. Those long, cold Saskatoon winter months are going to be creeping in on us soon and I’m sure they’ll find most of us curled up indoors with good friends in front of a fire, sharing a glass of vino from our collection. Why not build your very own wine cellar in your home? See our piece on how to do just that. Even more, inside these pages you will get to meet some of the other talented home builders in our fair city, as well as the people and businesses who help keep our homes looking beautiful. There are so many wonderful people in Saskatoon to turn to when working on any type of home project that there is no need why every single Saskatonian can’t have a little house pride. Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.

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Associate Editor Roxanne Weech

Ashleigh Mattern Nykea Behiel Shawna Common

Graphic Design and Layout Amber Moon

Cover Photography Lisa Landrie

Photography Brittany Bellamy David Recordon Heather Frtiz Jon Perret Lisa Landrie Stephanie Zhang Tristan Becker

Contributing Writers Aviva Zack Charlie Calarco Gail Jansen-Kesslar Karin Schweir

Ken Beattie Shell Busey Meredith Heron Jennifer Agus

Advertising Consultants Cathie Watson Crystal Reich Jason Booker Chris Larsen Marie Strumecki Debbie Paul

Creative Director Maryann Yeomans

Publisher Wayne Unruh 541.3365 3440 Balsam Grove Regina, Sk. S4V 2S4 Fine Homes Saskatoon is published four times a year by Fine Home Saskatoon, Ltd. We reserve the right to edit any materials chosen for publication including photographs. We reserve the right to reject or accept any article, photograph, image or advertisement. All contents of Fine Homes Saskatoon, Ltd. publications are copyrighted 2012 with all rights reserved, except for original articles submitted to Fine Homes Saskatoon, where copyright resides with the author. No other part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of Fine Homes Saskatoon Ltd. or its writers. The name Fine Homes Saskatoon, its logo and material cannot be reproduced without the written consent of the publishers. The views and opinions expressed in the expert advice columns herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Fine HomesSaskatoon Ltd. or the companies it represents. The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.






75 Feature Stories 28 Cover Story - Maison Fine Homes 46 Science to Science Fiction 54 Having Your Own Wine Cellar 60 5 Tips for Decorating Kids’ Rooms 75 Ken Beattie 84 Refinishing Wood Furniture






By Meredith heron

82 84 40 Departments 10 New Homes and Properties 40 Inner Beauty/Interior Design 72 Outdoor Living


hatRenovations sets a designer 82 Improvements and 88

apart from others with good taste or a great Food and Entertainment eye? Details. Knowing when to add or leave alone is an art form unto itself. Often though, there is a practicality that lies within.

Featured Contributors FeaturedContributors

Lisa Landrie FeaturedContributors Ashleigh Ashleigh Lisa Landrie Mattern Mattern Ashleigh Ashleigh Mattern is a freelance writer and editor, born, raised and in Ashleigh Mattern is aliving freelance Mattern Saskatoon. A recent graduate writer and editor, born,of the raised

Lisa Landrie’s distinct creative style

Lisa beganLandrie well over a decade ago. Her Lisa Landrie’s distinct creative style began

artistic journey began in the era of

well over a decadedistinct ago. Hercreative artistic journey Lisa Landrie’s style film and Hasselblads. Her countless began in the eraover of film and Hasselblads. began well a decade ago. Her University of Saskatchewan, spent hours hours spentspent in inthe dark room and living in Saskatoon.she A recent Her countless dark artistic journey began inthe the era of Ashleigh Mattern is the a freelance four years working for student developedher hereyeeye for detail and an room forHer detail and an graduate of the University of filmdeveloped and Hasselblads. countless writer and the editor, newspaper Sheaf,born, first asraised instinct for capturing the Lisa perfect instinct for capturing the perfect shot. Saskatchewan, she spent four hours spent in the dark room artsliving editor,inthen as copy editor, and and Saskatoon. A recent shot. Lisa enhances black and white enhances black and white photography years working for Last the year, student developed her eye for detail and an finally as editor-in-chief. graduate of the University ofher photography and colour imagery that and colour imagery that results in vivid newspaper the Sheaf, first instinctof real for capturing the perfect experience as a representative on theas Saskatchewan, she spent four portraits laughter, and love. She life, results inlife, vivid portraits of real arts editor, thenPress as copy editor, Canadian University of shot. Lisa enhances and white continues to evolve anblack artist, years working for the board student laughter, andaslove. She merging continues to evolve as an artist, merging directors gave her a new appreciation for non-profit governance. photography and colour imagery that and finally editor-in-chief. of her artofwith newspaper theasSheaf, first as Last year, her experience as athe best thequalities best qualities hercutting art with cutting edge digital technology. She currently sits on two non-profit boards. Having worked as a results intechnology. vivid portraits of real life, edge digital Her work is described as thoughtful, representative on the Canadian University Press board of arts editor,writer thenforasthecopy editor,years, she has written for many Her work is described as thoughtful, modern, modern, uncomplicated, freelance past three uncomplicated, laughter, andhumorous, love. She insightful, continuesand to artistically evolve as well-designed. an artist, merging directors gave her a new appreciation for non-profit governance. humorous, insightful, and artistically well-designed. Her talent local publications. She also enjoys creative writing and continues and finally as editor-in-chief. Last year, her experience as a choosing greatest design thetalent bestfor qualities ofthe herright art light withcaptures cutting natures edge digital technology. currently sitsthat on two boards. Having worked as aHer for choosing the right light captures natures greatest design tool to She pursue a career field non-profit despiteUniversity many warnings notboard to. representative on inthe Canadian Press of tool in achieving depthasand sincerity. This brings out a natural is drama, described thoughtful, modern, uncomplicated, freelance writer for the past three years, she has written for many Her inwork achieving drama, depth and sincerity. This brings out a natural directors gave her a new appreciation for non-profit governance. and unscripted beauty in her photographs. humorous, insightful, and artistically well-designed. Her talent


local publications. She also enjoys creative writing and continues and unscripted beauty in her photographs. She currently sits on two non-profit boards. Having worked as a for the right light captures natures greatest design tool to pursue a career in that field despite many warnings not to.306.717.0399 freelance writer for the past three years, she has written for many in achieving drama, depth and sincerity. This brings out a natural local publications. She also enjoys creative writing and continues andLisa unscripted beauty in her photographs. Landrie’s distinct creative style to pursue a career in that field despite many warnings not to. began well over a decade ago. Her Nationally published, artistic journey began in the era of Ashleigh Mattern is a freelance based photographer, Heather Fritz, film and Hasselblads. Her countless writer and editor, born, raised loves the community of Saskatoon. hours spent in the dark room Nationally published, Saskatoonand living in Saskatoon. A recent “Everyone shows up for a good cause Born and raised in Humboldt, Nykea Nationally published, Saskatoon based developed her eye for detail and an based photographer, Heather Fritz, graduate of the University of in this Heather city. People reallythe do work has ventured all over the world. The photographer, Fritz, loves instinct for capturing the perfect loves the community of Saskatoon. Saskatchewan, she spent four hard of toSaskatoon. do good. “Everyone It’s this feeling of Karin Melberg Schwier is a prairie girl has lived in Regina, Calgary, community shot. Lisa enhances black and white “Everyone shows up for a good cause years working student community that reassures me that Toronto, Bangkok, andfor nowthe has settled shows up for a good cause in thisdo city. Saskatoon writer, author and photography and colour imagery in this city. People really work that newspaper the Sheaf, first as have work chosen the right village down in Saskatoon. Anmost activist, teacher, Peoplewe really to do good. It’s in illustrator whose noted works results in vividhard portraits of real hard to dodo good. It’s this feeling of life, Karin Melberg Schwier is editor, a which to raise ourthat kids”. Heather arts editor, then as copy and book seller,people Nykea has always had this feeling of community reassures are about with disabilities. community that reassures me that laughter, and love. She continues Saskatoon writer, author from and beenchosen shooting professionally a love for writing. graduated thathas we have the right village to evolve as an artist, merging She has written several books and and finally asShe editor-in-chief. Last year, her experience as a mewe have chosen the right village in cutting edge digital technology. the best qualities of her art with illustrator whose most noted works Journalism School and has found a real in which to raise our kids”. has across Canada andHeather beyond for the many articles for representative onhome the renovation Canadian University Press board of which towork raise ourdescribed kids”.across Heather Her is as thoughtful, uncomplicated, are about with disabilities. home with people us. been shooting professionally past eight years. She grew up in Alberta modern, and has lived in the Yukon and lifestyle magazines, and is gaveseveral her a new appreciation for non-profit governance. Canada hashumorous, been shooting professionally insightful, artistically well-designed. Her talent and beyond for the pastand eight Shedirectors has written books and Territory, British Columbia and Ontario. While she travels frequently currently completing her eighth Shearticles currently on renovation two non-profit boards. Having worked as a years. across Canada and beyond for the for choosing the right light captures natures designintool She grewwork, up in Alberta and hasproud lived in the Yukon greatest Territory, many forsits home for her she is always and excited to be involved the book, writer Flourish: People with for the past past eight years. She grew up in Alberta and has lived the Yukon Columbia anddrama, Ontario. While she travels frequently forinher work, inexcellent achieving depth and sincerity. This brings out aHeather’s natural andfreelance lifestyle magazines, and is three years, she has written for many British people and businesses that make up Saskatoon. Disabilities Live Life with (Copestone, 2012).sheTerritory, is and always proud Columbia and excitedand toher be involved in theshe excellent British Ontario. While travelspeople frequently local publications. enjoys Passion creative writing and continues photographs. currently completingShe heralso eighth fineunscripted art work isbeauty seen iningalleries across Western Canada and has and businesses that make up Saskatoon. Heather’s fine art work is in the for her work, she is always proud and excited to be involved to pursue a career in that field despite many warnings not to. book, Flourish: People with been permanently installed in the new maternity Lounge at The seen in galleries across Western Canada and hasup been permanently excellent people and businesses that make Saskatoon. Heather’s Disabilities Live Life with Passion (Copestone, 2012). Royal Hospital Saskatoon. installed in work theUniversity new Loungeinat The Royal University Hospital fine art is maternity seen in galleries across Western Canada and has in Saskatoon. been permanently installed in the new maternity Lounge at The Nationally published, SaskatoonRoyal University Hospital in Saskatoon. based photographer, Heather Fritz, loves the community of Saskatoon. Candace is a vibrant visual Kerry Lubchenko has a few guitars “Everyone shows up for a good cause designer with a specialty for he loves to play and a piano he in this city. her People really do work interpreting clients’ expression can’t play a thing on. An aspiring Stephanie Zhang is a a fashion and commercial Candace is vibrant Kerry Lubchenko has Schwier a few guitars hard do good. It’sthe thisvisual feeling of whiletowhose showcasing emotion, Karin is a painterMelberg and chef, Kerry’s artistic photographer most compelling designer with a specialty for that heKarin loves to play and a piano he community that reassures me Melberg Schwier is a Saskatoon or event. Herherpassion Saskatoon and qualityplace is her ability to colour images for talents tookwriter, him intoauthor the electronic interpreting her clients’ expression writer, author and illustrator whose can’t play a thing on. Annoted aspiring we have chosen theas right village photography began a child within illustrator with strong elements of romanticism, fantasy and printwhose worldmost where heworks spent while showcasing thekids”. emotion, most noted about artistic people painter and works chef, are Kerry’s which to raise our Heather a single stunning photograph. and uniqueness. She believes it is the stories are about people with disabilities. many years She marketing media in placetheorsubjects event.shooting Her passion for with disabilities. has talents tookwritten him into the written electronic been professionally behindhas make her art work. When shethat was given the She has several books andan Saskatoon. He many left a articles career with several books and photography began as abeyond childwill with andmany printarticles world for where he spent across Canada and forarts the Express your ideas to her and she double opportunity to study visual home renovation agricultural newspaper to pursue for home renovation and lifestyle ainspiration single stunning photograph. many years marketing media in the and creativity! past eight years. She grew up in Alberta and has lived in the Yukon at the University of Saskatchewan and lifestyle magazines, andher is portrait and profile photography magazines, and has When she British wasColumbia given and theOntario. While she travels frequently Saskatoon. He left a completed careerher witheighth an Territory, she jumped at the chance, and currently completing because prefers thewith smell of eighth book, he Flourish: People opportunity to study visual agricultural newspaperPeople to pursue for herafter work, she is lifestyle always arts proud and excited to be involved the soon began and wedding photography. Withinher book, with Disabilities Live Life withfumes. PassionCall perfumeFlourish: to printing him Armand or Kerry (he answersat the University of and Saskatchewan portrait and profile photography excellent people businesses that make up Saskatoon. Heather’s and entrepreneurial skills, Candace has seen her company (Copestone, Disabilities Life call with Passion (Copestone, to either)2012). —Live but don’t him to photograph your big life2012). events:she talent jumped at the chance, and across Western Canada and has because he prefers the smell of fine artfrom work seen in galleries aissingle vision. Candace’s work has taken her to he says he’s already been at too many weddings, anniversaries andsoongrow after began lifestyle and wedding photography. With her been installed in the new maternity at The perfume to printing fumes. Call him Armand or Kerry (he answers manypermanently faraway places, creating images for herselfLounge and others, grads in his band days. When a friend suggested he expand his focustalent and entrepreneurial skills, Candace has seen her company to either) — but don’t call him to photograph your big life events: Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon. she has made it her life’s goal to be as creative as possible apart from personalized portraits, diving into commercial freelancegrow from a single vision. Candace’s work has taken her to he says he’s already been at too many weddings, anniversaries and toward everything she endeavours to do. work was a natural step. Visit him at www.armandkerry.commany faraway places, creating images for herself and others, grads in his band days. When a friend suggested he expand his focus she has made it her life’s goal to be as creative as possible apart from personalized portraits, diving into commercial freelance

Ashleigh Mattern

Nykea Behiel Karin Melberg

Lisa Landrie Heather Fritz

HeatherFritz Fritz Heather

Schwier Karin Melberg Schwier

Heather Fritz

Candace Epp

Kerry Lubchenko Karin Melberg Karin Melberg Kerry Lubchenko Schwier Schwier

Stephanie Zhang Candace Epp

Kerry Lubchenko

Candace Epp

The haylofT: An Artistic Showpiece – Home of Carrie Catherine and Curtis P. Olson By Maryann yeoMans PHOtOS DaviD recorDon


et me tell you the real reason I host house concerts. Why, in fact, I BUILT a house specifically to host a great show. Years ago, the best music rooms in Saskatoon were falling away to DJ nights and cover bands, and our friends and amazing musicians stopped touring through Saskatoon on their way across Canada. So I wanted a place where my friends could play, and where I could listen.” Carrie Catherine. Four years ago, singer/songwriter, Carrie Catherine and her partner Curtis P. Olson were looking for a space that they could live and work in. They bought a rundown building that was once a Safeway store in the 1930’s and then turned into a convenience store. The couple also purchased the vacant lot beside the store which had been used for parking.

They had a dream of making a space in which to grow their family, nurture the growing artistic community in Saskatoon, and have a look and feel unique to Saskatchewan. After a year in development, the Hayloft was born. Designed and custom built by Curtis, it dually functions as the couple’s home and as a venue for house concerts of music, poetry, storytelling and more. When you enter the home, you can feel there is a difference in the air, apart from the amazing rustic surroundings, the exposed fir ceiling, and the rays of light pouring in from the windows. The house is more of an art show than a typical family living space. The furniture is the same: couches, coffee tables, a gleaming kitchen, artwork on the walls done by local artists, comfortable chairs—all the conveniences of home life are apparent

here. It’s the way they are displayed in the open space that lets you know that you have arrived to somewhere very special. For one, greeting you on entering is a grain elevator on the right, homage to the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool. This is used as Curtis’s office. Curtis is a lead developer and collaborator of The Shift Home in the heart of Saskatoon’s Riverside, which is a green and affordable home and is the first home in Saskatchewan to go after LEED platinum rating. He is also engineering the Two Twenty project, a collaborative workspace that is revitalizing the community and allows for small businesses to share costs. The Hayloft was built entirely by Curtis with help from both Carrie and Curtis’ father. On the left is a Barn, which was once an office for Carrie and now serves as a

Carrie Catherine and son, Eliot

Curtis Olson, his wife Carrie Catherine and their son Eliot

playroom for their young son Eliot. The barn was built from salvaged material collected from three barns in Saskatoon. There is a stage coming out of the front of the barn and this where the real magic happens. A variety of artists have performed on this stage since the home was built four years ago. Concerts featuring musicians, readings and poetry have entertained an audience on a regular basis. The barn dually serves as an entrance to the stage, and can house artist’s equipment and props before a performance. All the furniture in their home is built on wheels so it’s easy to move things aside and create audience space for concerts. The shining floors in the home are finished concrete, and are as beautiful as they are durable; the couple brings in theatre seats while playing host to many people during performances and get togethers. Materials were chosen for tenacity as well as beauty and furniture was designed for mobility to help enhance the rustic feel of their living space as well as smartly designed for convenience. Even the fireplace, a work of art in itself, was built using concrete and wood and provides warmth both in appearance and function. At the heart of this very eclectic home is the open kitchen. Raised up off the floor

you need to step up to reach the gleaming island made from a sold piece of Bubinga, an African Hardwood that Curtis came across at a building supply centre, when they were looking for ideas for an island. The entire kitchen area is flooded with light from the skylight in the ceiling above. The kitchen floor is glazed plywood. Because of all the house concerts and parties that the couple hosts, they wanted something that would stand up to having plenty of guests, even in the kitchen. The kitchen is surrounded in back by two replicated metal grain bins. In the basement there is room for overnight guests such as musicians who come to perform at their house concerts, or friends who are on tour. It also acts as a green room for artists. There are two bedrooms and two bathrooms with sliding barn doors. Their son’s room consists of a raised platform with a bed and dresser for sleeping and underneath, it is a spacious playroom any child would love to have. The master bedroom is also on a raised platform. Carrie explains that they felt with the high ceilings, they could gain space by raising areas, and it makes for a much more unique and roomy feel. Off the bedroom is

a his and hers master bath. When their son Eliot was born, Carrie decided to build a separate studio for herself and a workshop for Curtis, needing some sound isolation from her infant son. The lot next to their home was recently finished with a rental house in front where Carrie’s parents live, with a courtyard in back. In the very back, accessible through a path from the Hayloft, the couple has created a two story space housing a workshop for Curtis in the main area and a music studio for Carrie on the second level. Carrie’s studio is a creative space where she finds inspiration to craft her music in a warm inviting atmosphere. The wall displays the same heart symbol that is tattooed on Carries arm. To her, it is a reminder to always follow her heart. The Hayloft as a home is eclectic, yet warm and inviting, and definitely encompasses the feel of Saskatchewan. “Living here in this space helps make everyday a good day,” says Carrie. FHS The Hayloft 401 27th Street W Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Space, privacy, beauty:

Build your luxury home in a natural prairie Setting By Ashleigh MAttern


ative prairie is hard to find in Saskatchewan. Most people don’t imagine rolling hills, ponds, tall grasses, and trees when they think of the area around Saskatoon, but these beautiful features are all part of a grasslands ecosystem. Applewood Estates recognized the importance of protecting and preserving the beauty of the natural prairie when they bought their property east of Saskatoon. The property is part of a unique 12 kilometre corridor of trees, hills, and valleys. Each of their 1.37 to 6.02 acre lots are topographically unique and stunningly beautiful. The homes at Applewood Estates will offer a daily escape like no other properties in




Saskatoon: Imagine arriving at your luxury estate after a long day of work, surrounded by the pristine beauty of the prairies. As the sun sets over the hills, waterfowl splash in a natural pond, and the wind whispers through the full-grown trees. This native prairie setting is nearly impossible for buyers to find near Saskatoon. “Farmland conversion to acreages is popular around Saskatoon, because anything that can be farmed has been farmed,” said developer Sharif Mekawi. “Applewood Estates has too many trees and hills so it’s not easily farmable, which make it a very special piece of land.” To minimize the impact of the development,

they spent three years carefully planning the estates to work with the hills, natural trees, and bushes in the area. “The whole design is based around preservation and good building spots,” said Mekawi. Applewood Estates includes an internal nature trail through municipal reserves within the property, and they even stipulate that a minimum of 40 per cent of your property remain untouched. This stipulation doesn’t just benefit the natural ecosystem in the area, it’s also a benefit for people who want the freedom of a large property without the maintenance. The natural prairie in your back yard looks gorgeous, and it takes care of itself.


• Shopping & Dining • Sports & Recreation • Entertainment • To Downtown


• 1.5 - 6.0 Acres • Walking Trails • Sensitive to the Environment


• Natural Gas • SaskWater • Planned and Engineered by AECOM

“What’s special about the property, ultimately, is that you don’t feel like you’re in Saskatoon, but you’re really only a couple of miles away,” said Mekawi. Applewood Estates is located four minutes east of Saskatoon on highway 394, otherwise known as Patience Lake Road. In just a few minutes, you can drive from Applewood Estates to the Lakewood Suburban Centre, which includes grocery shopping, a drug store, mediclinic, restaurants, and more. The estates have all the basic services you’d receive in the city, with the added benefit that the water corporation will be owned by the residents so they can set their own prices. Mekawi plans on building and living in Applewood Estates himself. “I don’t want a really big yard,” said Mekawi. “But I want to build a beautiful home that doesn’t fit in the city. And I want to surround my home with this kind of beauty. I can’t wait to spend time on my patio, gazebo, and hot tub, and simply enjoy nature.” Applewood Estates is the perfect place to build that dream home: large enough for any design, surrounded by picturesque natural prairie, and only a short drive to everything you need in the city.Lots are selling fast on this slice of prairie paradise. FHS

Municipal Reserve

Municipal Reserve

Applewood Estates 306-373.8726


Municipal Reserve SASKATOON, THREE MILES on Patience Lake Road (#394)





Available for immediate occupancy


$299, 900$449, 900 NET GST INCL.


1000-1300 Sq ft Super sized balconies - room to breathe 9Ft. Ceilings, Granite counters throughout Dual in-floor radiant/forced air heat, central air Modern architecturally designed floor plans Acrylic stucco and stone exterior

• 6 New appliances, Upgraded flooring/lighting • Carwash bay, Fitness room, Amenities room • Great location near walking paths, parks, retail, and restaurants • Professionally decorated by Fresco Interiors



W W W. AQ U AT E R R A S T Y L E . C O M

(L - R) Nathan, Perry, Mike and Mark


Building ElEgant HomEs witH B EfficiEncy: cortrax HomEs By Roxanne Weech Photos Stephanie Zhang

rothers in Grime Restoration Inc.— the trusted local experts--do it all, from flood and fire restoration to pristine cleaning of carpet and upholstery. Owners Mark Pfeifer and Mike Scarfe, and their crew, help clients understand how to fix the root of their cleaning and restoration problems instead of providing a quick-fix! They are also trained by the IICRC to do job right the 1st time.

That customer service and satisfaction has proven indispensible. In fact, most of Brothers in Grime’s clients come from referrals from other satisfied customers. For example, “a big part of our business is carpet cleaning,” says co-owner Mark Pfeifer. “Over the years, it’s those customers that then know who to call when they have a flood.” Clients know that these are the guys to rely on. Brothers in Grime think that’s the way it should be. Mark himself tells clients

that as homeowners “people should be asking the tradespeople coming into their homes what their credentials are. “ This way there is less chances of any By Bronwyn Stoddard problems after the fact.

“Trust is a huge factor,” Mark continues, “people trust us to come to their home or office and do the job properly.” And people choose Brothers in Grime because they are backed by IICRC and they are Masters of countless certifications related to their field--from master fire and smoke restoration to master textile cleaners. “A lot of people have “big” problems to clean up and they don’t know who to call. You can go directly to their new website at If you want something done right, these are the professionals to do it. Servicing Saskatoon and areas. FHS

“We are very grateful for your support and want to reassure you that your contribution is making a difference for today and tomorrow.” Wanda Blake, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency “A month has passed by and we are still marveling at the fine and timely service you and your company provided in restoring our household back to normal after our sewer backup. Your promptness in responding and the manner in which each of your workers carried out the various tasks all made a potentially nasty experience into something tolerable and as pleasant as possible.” Derrick and Donna Sweet

Brothers in Grime Cleaning and Restoration Inc. 105-2834 Millar Ave, Saskatoon, SK Mark 306.229.3639 Mike 306.220.7812

Augusta plan in allow eight natural plan allow natu iency: years, no home has light to flood family living spaces. living spaces. more than six months to complete. ilt houses in three months, and I’ve Stone, Cortrax H uses in six months, of all sizes and A spacious five-bedroom bungalow is a bi-level wit From breaking ground to with abeing walkout basement, Mission Hill is the perfect plan for families who like it to entertain. sided fireplace o hand over keys to the owners, that gives the pl er taken me more than six months h a home.” A spacious with a walkout d in that number are several the perfect he has built for his own use.Corey While completion plan of a pr says. “We’ve been working together to a year, but Cortra for a while now, and we’ve built a really for efficiency: in eig good relationship together.” entertain. FHS mits that moving as frequently as taken more than six “I’ve built houses in take care of the countless details is less than ideal; for him, Toassociated the joy built houses in six m with building and finishing a Corey Gerans values. From break added as they become available. Wherever home, Corey connects his customers with Cortax Homes: ing outweighs any inconvenience. ready to hand over possible, Corey includes photographs of suppliers he knows and trusts. They share Owner of taken me has never finished examples alongside the plans Cortrax Homes’ values of transparency to finish a home.” allow visitors to visualize the physical and integrity, meaning that customers gtoreality for himself allows him an Building ElEgant HomEs Cortrax Hom of the plans more accurately. know the real costs of materials and can Customers can browse photo galleries Included in that design and furnish the homes they want unity to try new concepts and witH EffiCiEnCy and compare the details of new and houses he has built without fear of overcharging. It is a system popular plans including “Stone”, a bi-level admits that mo that benefits all parties, as evidenced by ations that he can for to work with Corey hehe does walkout; the two-storey “Augusta”; and then refine is less than suppliers’ enthusiasm the “California Flats” bungalow. of building outweig on more homes every year. Building for hims omeowners. opportunity to try Customers who want to modify existing Another benefit homeowners reap from BY Bronwyn Stoddard PHOTOS LISa LandrIE


fter years in a family business where he gained a thorough understanding of the steps of the building process, Corey Geransky, plans or owner draft of their dream from scratch Cortrax Homes, started his have that option. which Cortrax own business, he has Homes operated cooperates regularly with Krista Martens successfully for eight years.

says. His philosophy is to provide his While other builders are sometimes customers with homes they can enjoy hesitant to take on the challenges living in over the long term. It is one of associated with building on acreages, the ways his customers benefit from Corey has the vision and the expertise that these relationships ready access to the combinations directly with owner of necessary to make projects go smoothly. is dealing Cortrax Homes. Building a solid foundation and a sound other homeowners. information. While other builders may home requires an understanding of the take a week to quote prices, Corey can As a builder, Geransky is hands-on and landscape and the environment. involved with his projects. His is my p “Building usually offer accurate highly supplier quotes website is updated on a weekly basis “For me, it’s about doing a house right. simply, “and that se within a matter of hours. “When those with photographs of the projects, and I put houses in spots where I know the as anything questions come in, I get in touch with new plans are added as they become else doe homeowners will never have problems suppliers immediately. Their questions available. Customers can browse photo with water coming in. If there’s grading and compare the details of newplan descr work to be done, I make sure Revised are then a priority,” he saysgalleries with conviction. and popular plans including “Stone”, a they know that before we start,” Corey

gof Beyond is Measure myDesign passion,” Corey says to customize plans on request. Corey has cultivated relationshipsthat with professionals every apart as much “and sets inme part of the industry in order to provide customers with everything they need hing else does.” to create the home they want. First and “There’s no reason to make people wait.” Corey’s focus—and his passion—is building. Cortrax Homes’ finished products stand elegantly in Warman, Martensville, and Saskatoon and on several acreages in the surrounding area.

foremost among those professionals are the members of WMW Homes: 14 FineHomes Kris Miazaga, Blaine Wotherspoon and SASKATOON

The building time frames are equally impressive. Many builders in the

Photo by Ar

Flats bungalow is home featuring 1 staircase, and a rem floor plan on the m

ural light to flood family bi-level walkout; “Mission Hill”, a spacious 5 bedroom home with a perfect walkout basement; the two-storey “Augusta”; and the “California Flats” bungalow. Cortrax Homes cooperates regularly with Krista Martens of Beyond Measure Design to customize plans on request. Corey has cultivated relationships with professionals in every part of the industry in order to provide customers with everything they need to create the home they desire. First and foremost among those professionals are the members of WMW Homes: Kris Miazaga, Blaine Wotherspoon and Morgan Wotherspoon. “We’re a team,” Corey says. “We’ve been working together for a while now, and we’ve built a really good relationship together.”

Homes’ most popular plan, th a covered deck, a twoand a stone feature wall lan its name.

To take care of the countless details associated with building and finishing a home, Corey connects his customers with suppliers he knows and trusts. They share Cortrax Homes’ values of transparency and integrity, meaning that customers know the real costs of materials and can design and furnish the homes they want without fear of overcharging. It is a system that benefits all parties, as evidenced by suppliers’ enthusiasm to work with Corey on more homes every year.

five-bedroom bungalow basement, Mission Hill is n who like to space on The large windows and open rojectfor in eightfamilies months Many builders in the Saskatoon area currently estimate the completion of a project in eight months to a year, but Cortrax Homes has a record for efficiency: in eight years, no home has taken more than six months to complete. “I’ve built houses in three months, and I’ve built houses in six months, of all sizes and values. From breaking ground to being ready to hand over keys to the owners, it has never taken me more than six months to finish a home.”

the upper floor of the two-storey Augusta ax Homes has a record “Building my passion,” Coreyallow says simply, “andlight that sets apartfamily plan natural to me flood ght years, no homeis has as much as anything else does.” FHS living spaces. x months to complete. three months, and I’ve Stone, Cortrax Homes’ most popular plan, months, of all sizes and is a bi-level with a covered deck, a twoking ground to being sided fireplace and a stone feature wall keys to the owners, it that gives the plan its name. e more than six months



number are several for his own use. While oving as frequently as n ideal; for him, the joy ghs any inconvenience. self allows him an y new concepts and he can then refine for .

A spacious five-bedroom bungalow with a walkout basement, Mission Hill is the perfect plan for families who like to entertain. FHS Corey Geransky Owner of Cortrax Homes

Corey Geransky, Owner of Cortrax Homes

passion,” Corey says Photo by Armand Kerry Photography ets me apart as much rmand Kerry Photography Cortrax Homes Ltd. es.” 306.220.2912 The California

riptions: a beautiful acreage 10’ ceilings, a spiral markable open concept main floor and in the

(L - r) Kris Miazga 221.7080, Blaine Wotherspoon 221.9612 and Morgan Wotherspoon 381.7178 of Realty Executives









Why having a Real Estate Agent you Trust will save you Time & Money Saskatoon Saskatoon is is booming! booming! We We are are seeing seeing an an increase increase in in real real estate estate transactions transactions and and many many people people have have questions questions about about the the process. process. Kerri Kerri is is aa licensed licensed Real Real Estate Estate agent agent and and REALTOR® REALTOR® who who is is here here to to answer answer some some of of the the most most common common ones. ones. II have have no no problem problem showing showing my my house house myself, myself, why why would would II pay pay an an agent agent to to sell sell my my property? property? A A Realtor Realtor is is aa professional professional 3rd 3rd party party acting acting on on your your behalf. behalf. We We have have access access to to the the MLS MLS system system and and will will have have over over 500 500 agents agents in in Saskatoon Saskatoon working working to to sell sell your your home, home, and and can can show show itit at at any any time. time. We We pre-screen pre-screen buyers buyers to to make make sure sure they they are are qualified qualified and and financially financially prepared prepared to to buy buy the the home. home. We We are are trained trained to to handle handle objections objections and and negotiations. negotiations. Often, Often, owners owners see see their their home home in in aa perfect perfect light light while while aa buyer buyer may may see see things things that that are are undesirable undesirable to to them. them. Buyers Buyers do do not not want want

to to hurt hurt aa homeowner’s homeowner’s feelings feelings and and so so you you will will often often have have no no idea idea that that they they have have un-revealed un-revealed objections. objections. Working Working with with aa Realtor, Realtor, aa buyer buyer is is more more likely likely to to voice voice their their concerns concerns giving giving the the agent agent aa chance chance to to handle handle the the objection. objection. Also, Also, buyers buyers looking looking at at aa private private sale sale will will see see the the commission commission savings savings going going in in to to their their pocket, pocket, not not yours, yours, so so you you will will usually usually get get aa lower lower offer. offer. Selling Selling your your home home is is aa major major financial financial and and legal legal transaction transaction and and itit should should be be treated treated professionally. professionally. II want want to to sell sell my my home home and and II have have had had 33 different different agents agents give give me me 33 different different prices, prices, why why is is that? that? Home Home pricing pricing has has aa few few subjective subjective variables variables involved. involved. It’s It’s not not all all about about location location and and size! size! Ask Ask how how they they came came up up with with the the price price and and what what they they are are going going to to do do to to sell sell your your home. home. Again, Again, you you need need to to work work with with an an agent agent that that you you trust. trust. FHS FHS

Why having a Real Estate Agent You Trust Will Save You Time & Money

To see yourhave question featured un-revealed objections. Working with a Realtor, a buyer is more likely to next month, contact me! voice their concerns giving the agent a

Saskatoon is booming! We are seeing an increase in real estate transactions and many people have questions about the process. Kerri is a licensed Real Estate agent and REALTOR® who is here to answer some of the most common ones.

I have no problem showing my house myself, why would I pay an agent to sell my property?

Kerri Tucker Real Real Estate Estate Agent Agent Kerri Tucker Century Century 21 21 FUSION FUSION

Real Estate Agent 703 703 Circle Circle Drive Drive East East Century 21 FUSION P: 306.653.8222 P: 306.653.8222 703 Circle Drive East F: 306.242.5503 F: 306.242.5503 C: 306.222.0542 306.222.0542 C: C: 306.222.0542

A Realtor is a professional 3rd party acting on your behalf. We have access to the MLS system and will have over 500 agents in Saskatoon working to sell your home, and can show it at any time. We pre-screen buyers to make sure they are qualified and financially prepared to buy the home. We are trained to handle objections and negotiations. Often, owners see their home in a perfect light while a buyer may see things that are undesirable to them. Buyers do not want to hurt a homeowner’s feelings and so

you will often have no idea that they

chance to handle the objection. Also, buyers looking at a private sale will see the commission savings going in to their pocket, not yours, so you may receive a lower offer. Selling your home is a major financial and legal transaction and it should be treated professionally. I want to sell my home and I have had 3 different agents give me 3 different prices, why is that? Home pricing has a few subjective variables involved. It’s not all about location and size! Ask how they came up with the price and what they are going to do to sell your home. Again, you need to work with an agent that you trust. FHS

To see your question featured next month, contact me!


SUNTERRA RIDGE By AvivA ZAck Photos StephAnie ZhAng


estled on the western banks of Blackstrap Lake in the Resort Village of Shields, only a stones throw from Saskatoon, lies the start of a beautiful new community. Sunterra Ridge is being developed by the Thiessen family, who has enjoyed the area for four generations. With Saskatoon’s rapid growth, they felt the time was right for what was becoming an all-season bedroom community. With Shields a mere 25 minute drive from Saskatoon, homeowners in Sunterra Ridge can work in town and go home to the natural beauty and serenity of lakeside living all year round. The appeal of a permanent lake home for both families and retirees is huge. “There is always something going on in this vibrant community,” says Doreen Thiessen, the second generation of her family to fall in love with the area.

fishermen, while more casual fishermen can frequently be seen dotted around the lake on their boats or fishing off the docks. Even the pelicans enjoy fishing at Blackstrap. On the shore, mountain bikers take to the many paths in the area. For more adventurous bikers there are downhill paths at Mount Blackstrap to tackle.

“There is always something going on in this vibrant community” It is common to see people of all ages on the lake boating, canoeing, kite boarding or wake boarding. The Blackstrap Sailing Club is located on the east side of the lake and teaches both recreational and competitive sailing. It also hosts many regattas. Fishing derbies provide a challenge for the avid

In the winter residents, are often seen cross-country skiing or skating on an impromptu rink on the lake. Ice fishing for northern pike, perch, walleye and whitefish is very popular come winter as well. At the end of the season, there is a big celebration by the ice fisherman right on the lake.

Sunterra Ridge’s beautiful year-round lakeside community offers many conveniences of living in the city including: • High pressure water from the City of Saskatoon • Residential sewage system • Separate irrigation system • Loraas Disposal roadside garbage pick-up • Star Phoenix delivery available • High speed internet access • Architectural controls • Larger than typical residential lots • Fine dining at the Hole in the Wall Restaurant

Sunterra Ridge has many lots bordering the 9-hole golf course beneath its ridge. The beautiful grass green course is well maintained and popular amongst the locals and surrounding communities. Don’t expect to see golf carts only on the course. There is a resort feel to Shields, and carts are permitted on the streets, so there are frequently golf cart traffic jams. “People like to stop and visit since everyone knows one another, so there are often clusters of golf carts on the road as people keep stopping to talk,” laughs Bonnie Thiessen, another member of the Thiessen family business. This strong sense of community is a big part of what makes the area so special. There are monthly potlucks at the community centre, organized activities and celebrations year round. The new public beach is sure to become a gathering point. Last year, a new $50,000 playground with walking paths was built entirely by community volunteers for all residents to enjoy.

The ambiance of this bedroom community is drawing homebuyers to Sunterra Ridge. “There are not many places where you can work in the city until 5pm and be home and on the lake by 5:45pm,” says Bonnie. “This is country living at its finest, without the maintenance of an acreage.”

“There are not many places where you can work in the city until 5pm and be home and on the lake by 5:45pm” Residents at Sunterra Ridge will truly appreciate all the amenities the area offers. Unlike other rural areas, homes built in Sunterra Ridge will enjoy access to high-pressure city water with no expensive holding tanks and pressure systems and a residential sewage system with no need for septic tanks or pumps. There are also seasonal




25 minutes to Sunterra Ridge Saskatoon




Lake Blackstrap

irrigation systems as well as all utilities, including water, electrical, gas and phone lines are supplied to each lot. Dock spaces are available through the village. In phase one of Sunterra Ridge, 17 lots allow for walkout basements and 19 of the lots back green space. An attractive ornamental fence will back the homes that line the golf course. There will also be custom street signs in the area to give the neighbourhood a cohesive feel. To ensure homeowners’ investments are well protected, architectural controls are in place.

Shields has also taken careful measures to preserve its charm. For example, in order to maintain the lake ambiance of the area, there are no streetlights. This also prevents light pollution and ensures residents will be able to enjoy stargazing on every clear night. The commute from city life to a more relaxed lifestyle at Sunterra Ridge is made simple with a well-maintained

divided highway. Being seven and a half kilometers from the highway ensures traffic noise will not affect the serenity of the area. Off the main highway nearby is the town of Dundurn. There is a school

bus that provides service to Dundurn Elementary School, which offers an excellent early years education and is well known for its exceptional reading program. School bus service is also conveniently available to Hanley Composite School for high school.

Only 25 lots are available in phase one and construction is already underway. Preferred builders at Sunterra Ridge include Wheatland Homes and Redstone Developments, or you can build yourself.

‌ 19 lots back green space, 17 lots are walkouts ‌ The Thiessens are so excited about the growth of this vibrant community, plans are underway after decades enjoying cabin life on Blackstrap Lake, for them to become permanent residents there as well. Year-round lakeside living with all of the conveniences of city life is a lifestyle that, until recently, many only dreamed about. With all that Sunterra Ridge has to offer, those dreams can now become a reality. FHS

To inquire further about Sunterra Ridge: Call Doreen at 306.280.2563

L-R Bonnie, Sookie (dog), Mila, Dean, Doreen & Garry.




Mobile mortgage specialist:

A greAt stArting point for new hoMebuyers By Ashleigh MAttern Photos BrittAny BellAMy


tarting the process of buying a home for the first time can be intimidating. You need to understand terms and ideas you may have never encountered before: amortization, closing costs, interest rates, insurance, and the list goes




on. Meeting with a mobile mortgage specialist is an excellent starting point, but when will you find the time?

need, whether that be on evenings or weekends at home, at a Conexus branch, or at the coffee shop around the corner.

Enter Heidi Kinar, Conexus Credit Union’s mobile mortgage specialist. Heidi comes to you with all the information you

“It’s difficult for customers that are couples to find a time during business hours to get away from work and have that appointment together,” said Kinar.

“And people want to have that appointment at the same time; they want to do this together.” Her services are especially welcome for homebuyers who are new to the process, because she can take the time to slow down and explain everything. “If it’s a first time homebuyer, for example, I know that they may want me to take the time to give more detailed descriptions of their options. They may also want an explanation as to why I’m asking certain questions and why this information is important.” There’s no preparation required for an appointment; Heidi will walk you through all the necessary steps. At a typical first meeting, Heidi comes to your home to discuss the process and build a net worth statement based on your personal and employment information; as well as your debts and investments. With this information, she can provide a specific pre-approval amount, and your search for a home will be more targeted and efficient. “The pre-approval process helps you identify what your budget is going to be,” said Kinar. “It’s a good opportunity to discuss your goals and needs.” The pre-approval process is free of charge and there are no obligations. You can get pre-approved very quickly -- often within a day or two. Of course, this pre-approval is conditional, but it gives you an idea of what’s affordable for you. The Conexus website and mobile application are also bursting with tons of information and handy tools like mortgage calculators. If you have any questions after your meeting with Heidi, you can ask away at any of the 47 Conexus locations in Saskatchewan. Personal, customized service is the key to both Heidi’s work as a mobile mortgage specialist, and to Conexus Credit Union as a whole. Conexus has strong corporate values, including honesty, trust, respect, and professionalism. Community involvement is also a huge part of the Conexus corporate culture. Last year, Conexus employees volunteered over 33,000 hours, which works out to nearly a week of volunteer time per employee. In the end, both Conexus and Heidi Kinar focus on delivering service that is shaped with the people in mind. “The most important part of any service is asking the right questions,” said Kinar. “Being able to identify each individual’s goals and knowing a person’s desires and needs is the key to success.” FHS Conexus Credit Union Heidi Kinar 306.491.9466




Legacy Homes: THougHTfuL, InnovaTIve, and LuxurIous By Nykea Marie Behiel PHOTOS heaTher FriTz


rant Robertson and Bob Brown had been working for a major building developer in Saskatchewan for 20 years when they decided to use their knowledge and expertise to start their own company. “We formed Legacy Homes with the intention of building high quality homes,” says Grant. Twenty years later, he and Bob have built Legacy Homes into a trusted company, building unique homes of top quality. Their reputation as an innovative homebuilder with skilled trades people is the foundation of their success.

trades and suppliers, and we have developed a team that sees home building and the production of a quality product as something important to them,” effuses Grant. Backed by his many years in the industry, he has had the opportunity to employ the most skilled trades people. “Our goal has always been to find people who share our philosophy. Our customers allow us to remain in business and for that they should be treated with the same care and respect we would expect. I believe we deliver on our beliefs and I am extremely proud of the people and organizations we work with.”

“Throughout the years we’ve had the opportunity to work with a lot of sub

Two of Grant’s sons, Ford and Clark, comprise part of the team. Ford, as




the controller, does the accounting and manages the financial operations while Clark handles after sales service, show home coordination, and much of the customer liaison. Grant enjoys working with his sons. “It’s great; not very many fathers get that opportunity.” It excites him that both his sons enjoy the business and are always anxious to learn about the industry. Jake Friesen, another member of the team, is involved in site supervision and service repairs, and is dedicated to providing the best customer service. “Jake has been an excellent addition to our staff. He is a fellow who puts everything into the job,” says Grant, obviously proud of his team.




Known for their innovative designs and unique accents, Legacy has left a trail of satisfied clients. A home they recently finished in the Willows is indicative of their abilities and creative visionary skills. “This is a truly top notch product that the home owners are very proud of,” says Grant. The breath-taking home opens into a living room with high ceilings and big windows, showcasing the lush golf course and pristine water the house backs onto. This light infused space is a contemporary oasis. Squares of different sizes extend from the twenty-foot high ceilings to add texture to the room. Some are filled with wallpaper that looks like granite, displaying Legacy’s attention to detail. Through the many layers and angles of the room, soft lighting reveals unique details. Dark floors and backsplashes are contrasted with white cabinetry, and the fridge is hidden behind dark cupboards. The outdoor patio and the walkout basement have a wonderful view of the golf course and plenty of room for guests. Specialty lighting and surround sound add another dimension to the well-appointed master bedroom with his and hers walk-in closets. Only to be outdone by the ensuite bathroom. No concern for space here. A glass enclosed double steam shower, oversized soaker tub, tile warming and built in towel warmer. All coupled with a huge double vanity with individual lighting and granite countertops. The basement is modern and exquisite. A winding staircase opens onto leather floors and an open concept living room. A wide fireplace surrounded by stone is the centerpiece of the room, drawing the eye to its focal point. A bar is nestled in near the staircase, equipped with beautiful granite countertops. Behind the bar is a glassed in wine room containing counter space for glasses and a decanter. This is a highlight of the luxurious home, and a show of its unique beauty. Legacy brings to life the dreams of their customers. This and every other detail come together in a high variety of new design. Built with innovative concepts by Atmosphere Design and delivered by Legacy, this home is both thoughtful and beautiful. “People come with a concept, and then in consultation we develop drawings that work,” says Grant. Legacy also offers alternatives you might not have considered when imagining your dream house. Having worked on many magnificent homes, the builders at Legacy can offer designs and a process second to none. “The ability to communicate throughout the process is what makes this process successful.” Their attention to detail and excellent customer service assures your home will be built to the most stringent standards while reflecting your personality and lifestyle.

“I am so happy with what we have created. We’re not even done yet, but seeing it all come to realization has been an amazing experience. The Fleming house is my labour of love. My family will move into a home that I helped design and build for them based on their needs and desires. I could not be happier. So, the morale of this story is that what you do at Legacy Homes is more than just build bricks and mortar. You build memories, and transform ideas into reality. I know I have been a fussy pot sometimes but it has been because this project is very important to me, and it really is more than just “a house”. It is about me trying to create something for the people I love.”

Aside from making the inside of your home beautiful and livable, Grant and his team put a lot of work into the exterior of your home. “We work to make every exterior appealing and each one is different.” While making your plans, Grant can help explain to you what works well and what doesn’t through his understanding of flow, necessary room sizes, and traffic patterns. “When you have so many years in, you know what works, what doesn’t work, who’s the best person to do certain jobs, and how we can best meet the needs of the customer as well as the neighbourhood.” Legacy works to appease every aspect of the home building process, as each one is essential. The customer, the design, and the neighbourhood need to compliment each other while maintaining originality. Legacy is emphatic about their service and communication. “We don’t submit for any awards except one,” says Grant. These dedicated builders only tender for the Home Builders’ outstanding service award, which they have won multiple times. “That’s the one that matters the most to me,” says Grant genuinely. Grant and his team put their customers ahead of all else. “It gives you a real sense of satisfaction to put forward something that people are that excited about and happy to receive,” says Grant. Built on more than 20 years of trusted customer service and quality building, Legacy has become Saskatoon’s most noteworthy builder. FHS Legacy Homes (306)-955-5000 3502 Taylor Street East, Saskatoon




Boutique A Builder

ndrew Wagner and Jilaire Soucy Wagner, owners of Maison Fine Homes and Interior Design, believe homes should be liveable, sustainable, and beautiful.

brings design driven homes to saskatoon market By ashleigh mattern Photos By lisa landrie




Their passion for home building started when they moved to Red Deer shortly after they were married. Unable to find anything on the market they liked, they built their own home, and discovered a new obsession. “We developed a passion for creating great spaces,” said Jilaire. “We loved the challenge of executing the project and we loved the creativity of putting together a design.”

They ended up building several homes in Red Deer, all while working in full time careers. Andrew is a professional engineer and certified project manager, and Jilaire has 15 years of experience in corporate communications and strategic planning, and is a self-taught designer. Running their own home building business in Red Deer was a learning process. Andrew developed his trades skills, often doing the hardwood, tile, basement development, and painting on his own. His experience in trade work, and as a general contractor and home owner gave him a unique perspective. “It helped us understand the process,” he said. “You really develop this full life cycle idea of what a house is. You start to think about all the decisions that you make during design and how those decisions impact the house for the rest of its existence. That’s where the innovation comes in, because you start to think, how could we be doing this differently?” In the 12 years since they built their first house, they’ve learned more than they




could have imagined about the industry and the art of home building. Not only have they learned firsthand from building homes, Andrew has since run commercial and institutional construction projects costing upwards of $43 million. This experience in the corporate world allows him to bring what he learned working with international companies and large institutions to his own business. When they moved back to Saskatoon a few years ago, they planned to build their dream house and dust their hands of the home building scene. But that itch to design and build homes just came back again, and they started Maison Fine Homes and Interior Design in 2010.

The art of home building Since they began building in 2000, they’ve lived in five of the houses they’ve built, giving them the chance to fully experience their end product. Jilaire describes their current home as “a living example” of Maison Fine Homes and Interior Design. Their home is designed to perfectly reflect their own habits and preferences. The open kitchen area works equally well as a place to do homework, have a party, watch TV, or sit down to a family dinner. It’s a unique living concept, and in 2010, Jilaire’s kitchen was a finalist in House and Home Magazine’s interior design contest. They have all the bells and whistles of a high-end home: Redl cabinets, hardwood floors, a gorgeous spa shower. But those details don’t matter unless the layout and design of the home is done in a thoughtful manner. “We’re really considerate about matching the clients needs long-term and creating a home that is sustainable and beautiful, and that they’re going to love,” said Andrew. “I think that’s what we really build for,” added Jilaire. “We really believe that you should feel happy to be in your house. You should feel at peace when you walk around.” Maison Fine Homes and Interior Design uses a front-end design process, selecting everything before the basement is even started, right down to furniture placement. “That deep design process allows us to execute the project faster because




all of the material is preselected, so the customer isn’t having to make choices last minute,” explained Jilaire. “We can expedite the construction because we have all the inputs we need. It minimizes change orders, and it makes it clear for everyone what we’re doing from the start. And in terms of costing, in terms of surprises, it gives people a very detailed budget.” The design process is collaborative, nonlinear, and creative. When they look at a set of plans, they see it with two filters: Jilaire sees three-dimensional rooms, in full colour, right down to the material that’s in them. Andrew sees the heating system, the window system, the exterior insulation, how services will be brought in, and what kind of green technologies they’ll use. The art of Maison Fine Homes and Interior Design happens when they weave their viewpoints together, creating interior spaces that are both functional and elegant. They partner with experts in specific fields whenever they need to, bringing in interior designers, landscape designers, and architects. “We think it’s really critical in the planning phase of the project to bring in as much expertise as the project needs to really make it special,” said Jilaire. “Every home feels unique. We hand select the different materials and really put something together that feels fresh each time.” This philosophy clearly applies to custom homes, but they also apply it to their signature plans, so that no matter what, their clients will have a home they can call their own.

Attention to detail Maison Fine Homes and Interior Design creates a style of home that is fresh yet classic, with a focus on clean colour palettes and long-wearing materials. In their homes, you’ll find architectural details like wainscoting or panel moulding, designer lighting and plumbing fixtures, and an investment in high-end materials like stone counter tops. These design choices not only look great, they serve a specific purpose: to create an enduring style. “Homes are a huge investment for people so we want to put something together that is very individual but feels as fresh today as

it does five years from now,” said Jilaire.

house opposite the path to the back yard.

They also take into account the operations and maintenance costs that the homeowner will incur over the life of the house, incorporating green technologies and construction techniques. They follow Energy Star specifications for the entire house (not just the appliances), and Andrew has experience in LEED, BuiltGreen, and Green Globes.

The Wagners are particular about everything, right down to the lots they have available. They currently have seven lots in The Meadows, and they’re building three to five houses there this year.

Every aspect of a home is taken into account. The sight lines in the home are like little vignettes; the house feels pretty from wherever you’re looking. Window placement throughout the home links the indoors and outdoors, creating light flow and connection.

The Meadows developers, Arbutus Park, envision a neighbourhood with custom, craftsman-inspired family homes, and a community where everything you need is in walking distance and there are lots of green spaces to enjoy.

They plan for all the clutter in life, building storage that is handy but discreet. Basements are seamlessly integrated: they’re finished to the same level as the main floor, and they aren’t cut off from the rest of the house by a door. Utilities are located out of the way on the side of the

Maison Fine Homes and Interior Design offers a special product to the Saskatoon housing market: houses that are designed and built with a passion for sustainable, beautiful, liveable homes. To find out more about Maison and the Wagners, visit FHS

“I believe it’s going to be Saskatoon’s best new neighbourhood, and the most sought-after,” said Jilaire.

Maison Fine Homes and Interior Design P: 306.242.3653 F: 306.955.3603

The Real Estate Brand

Built BY Putting

PeoPle First By Jason Booker PHOTOS stephanie Zhang


hink of the truly great experiences you may have had as a consumer. Perhaps its the local retail shop where the staff knows you by name, or the restaurant you go to where the owner personally comes to your table after your meal and buys you a drink to thank you for coming in. Sadly, those consumer experiences that are the ones we are most likely to refer our friends and family to, seem to be ever less frequent. In the active Saskatoon Real Estate market, there are more than 600 licensed agents, each with unique corporate affiliations, and individual selling propositions. Phrases like “top producers” seem to be worn by many. As consumers, it’s difficult to imagine how we choose the right agent for our needs. Overall, the industry itself seems designed to build on the strength of the brand of the company they represent, rather than promote itself on the unique personality and strength of its representatives. It may be because of that industry philosophy that it’s increasingly difficult for us to have a remarkable experience as a consumer. Allow us to introduce you to Mike Gustus, and the Gustus Group. The value statement is quite simple, “Put our client needs first.” Coming into the industry in 1991 from a sales and business background, Mike Gustus began his career in Saskatoon’s Real Estate Market. Over his first 6 years, Mike spent time learning the industry-travelling throughout North America to industry conferences, learning from his peers, and most




importantly, listening to what his clients said had the most value to them. By 1997, Mike had become the top Remax agent world-wide. More importantly, he had the tools he needed to develop the platform for Mike Gustus Realty Inc. Fast forward to today, and with approximately 4,000 transactions under his belt, you have one of the most progressive and proactive professional real estate organizations in the world. The Gustus Group is not simply a great team who are able to work together, but they are a group that responds to an ever-changing marketplace. And their corporate mantra is always, People First. “I started my career in real estate many years ago in a system that was internally competitive. Even though we belonged to the same company, I found myself competing for the same business as my colleagues,” comments Gustus. “Although the company claimed it was a team environment, it seemed to lack what a team would need most. Looking back, I remember how it was more important to align with the company philosophy rather than utilize the individual strengths of its people to meet the needs of the client. I said, even then, “Someday, I am going to change the industry. I am going to create an organization which uses those very strengths to benefit our clients, and our company brand is going to be built by setting the benchmark in client satisfaction, rather than just meeting industry standards.”

Photo: imagery Photography




It is because of that recruitment philosophy that today, the Gustus Group is one of the fastest growing real estate teams in Saskatoon. “We are looking for the very best agents and people to join our team. We have an extensive interview process, and not everyone is accepted. We are looking for like-minded people who are willing to work together--truly work together--in an unselfish environment, with a client-first attitude. We have some remarkable staff on board now, each with many unique skills. One of my most satisfying and rewarding achievements is when I am able to add a new name to our team roster so that we may better help our clients.” A member of the behind-the-scenes team, Marika Gustus, Mike’s wife and business partner, has been an integral part of the development, implementation, and growth of Mike’s business concept. “Bold and forward thinking programs in an industry that has been conditioned to have a business-as-usual attitude needs to be implemented sensibly if they are to be effective,” says Marika. It is due in part, to her understanding and expertise that the overall internal structure and level of co-operation in the Gustus Group continues to be strong. Mike believes that it is with this strong foundation that he and his team are best prepared to serve the Real Estate client better than anyone else in the industry. “I often take the time to ask our clients, what do you value most from our service, and what do you expect from us? Their answers are always consistent. If you are listing a home with us, then you are looking to get the most money the market will allow, in the shortest period of time. If you are buying a home, you expect us to find you something that best fits your family’s lifestyle, in the budget you have determined. And if you are unsure, you want to have access to timely, accurate, and useful information that will help you make an informed decision. This is what our service offers.” For buyers and sellers alike, having access to MLS is a fantastic resource. “It’s a remarkable system, and one I wholeheartedly believe in. For today’s real estate client, I believe the overall value it alone provides, pays for itself exponentially based on the investment,” comments Gustus. “What we have to offer our clients goes far beyond the MLS information. Our ‘smart seller VIP experience’ is unique to Saskatoon real estate scene.” For potential buyers with the Gustus Group, you can expect all the things you would hope

your real estate agent provides: sensible advice, access to mortgage calculators, ways to save money as a buyer, and advice on buying a new home versus re-sale. You also get access to the Gustus Groups’ extensive listings plus builders homes that are not listed and private sales. The Gustus’ Group actually has someone inhouse who’s sole role is to ensure that clients optimize their innovative technologies. “It has become typical of our industry to invest more energy in acquiring listings, and less time in servicing potential buyers. This is because listings are believed to be the most potential for revenue. Our team at Gustus Group believes buyers and sellers deserve an equal amount of our resources.” Marion, the head of the creative department at the Gustus Group, says she finds that Mike is constantly looking for innovative ways to stand out when marketing our client’s properties. A good example of this is the online videos that we create for www.EverydayOpenHouseSaskatoon. com. Mike saw what the industry was doing and said, “we need to do better.” So we began creating our own audio video tours. The big difference that sets us apart is that I create a voice over audio describing the home and its features to go with the pictures. We feel this is much more powerful in showing a potential buyer our client’s property than just a video tour with music, or in some cases no sound at all. Mike is always asking, “What do you need to do this better?” I do the research and find the tools we need and he purchases them for the company. Then I use this latest technology to create the most advanced methods we can to serve our clients, whether they are buyers or sellers. Mike also realized recently that some of the technology the industry is using is not compatible with the mobile iPhone and iPad

top: Marion, head of the creative department MiDDLe: Marika has worked hard over the years to create our highly efficient administrative department, implementing systems and skilled staff like Anita and ruel in place to ensure that every detail is looked after for the buyers and sellers to ensure a smooth trouble free transaction. BottoM: Clayton has the important task of ensuring that the new buyers are set up in the “home search” system using the latest technology to be sure they are being sent the properties that suit their special needs and wants.




“When we first saw the house, we absolutely loved it. Unfortunately, our existing house hadn’t sold yet, but because of Mike’s “Buy Your Home” program, we were able to get the house we loved and didn’t have worry about selling our old house. It worked wonderfully with the mortgage company, who accepted his promise as legally binding. Even though our house didn’t sell as quickly as we had hoped, we had no stress in the process – we knew Mike was going to take care of us the whole way. In addition, to get our house ready for sale, we took advantage of the handyman and decorator services and it was really wonderful to be able to work with Mike and his team.” - Michelle & Blaine

Far LeFt: ruel Alarcon BaCk roW: James Zimmer, Monir osman, Clayton Mcnally, Kevin summach, James Matsalla Front roW: terri sandin, sinda shaw, Anita lemke, lucy Muszkie, Marion Wiebe, Marika gustus and Mike gustus

products, and we know that a major part of the public uses Apple products. Even though we offer more than our competitors, we are now in the process of creating our own tour site to be sure that 100% of the public can view the highest quality audio/videos that the newest technology can create. Our goal is to always be on the leading edge.” As a seller with the Gustus Group you have access to many programs, like the guaranteed sale program, to ensure your home sells in 90 days or less, for an amount agreed upon and decided upfront or Mike will buy it (some conditions apply). In addition, agents at the Gustus Group offer all their clients free home staging, and a free handyman service designed to make sure your house shows at its best. This will ensure your home attracts the best offer the market will allow. They even have their “No Hassle Listing” program, where if at any time, if you are not satisfied with the level of service, you may cancel your agreement. Then Mike expanded this 100% satisfaction Guarantee to include purchasers. “If the buyer is not happy with their home purchase in the first 24 months he will buy it back.” Some conditions do apply, but this takes the fear out of being pressured by a sales person into buying a particular home then being unsatisfied with your purchase. This changes the home buying experience. We want the people who

make the choice to hire us (whether they are selling a home or buying a home) to know that we guarantee 100% satisfaction. “Saskatoon’s Real Estate Marketplace is constantly evolving. We have a group of hard working people, with the skills necessary to adapt to it,” says Mike. “Our team believes that great service should be expected and is prepared to deliver this to our clients. Most importantly, when our clients ask us for something that will make their experience with our company even better, we are listening.” To experience the Gustus Group unique approach, check out all the free information available at www. with absolutely no obligation. Just another feature exclusive to the Gustus Group. FHS

THE GUSTUS GROUP Remax Mike Gustus 3-123 Pinehouse Drive Phone 668-1800

Suburban Home or Infill Development of your home. These requirements can sometimes put limitations on a project and pose a challenge for the home designer trying to meet your needs while keeping within these requirements.

Krista Martens Architectural Technologist A. Sc. T. LEED Green Associate Beyond Measure Design Inc. 306.974.3955

The desire to make a home a representation of your individual lifestyle is a concept that has started to take hold. Homes are slowly becoming more about the quality of design than just about the size or style. This is due in part to the realization that new neighborhoods aren’t the only option when it comes to building a home. This brings your options down to two choices when considering a new build: suburban or infill development.

Option #1 - Suburban Currently there are a number of neighborhoods under developed in the City of Saskatoon. You have Rosewood in the South East, Evergreen in the North East, Stonebridge in the South and Hampton Village in the North West.

Considerations 1. Building Caveats All of the new developed areas of Saskatoon have caveats or building restrictions, items that can affect the overall design

2. Landscaping One item I don’t think is given enough consideration is landscaping or in new subdivision, the lack of landscaping. In the excitement of building a new home, owners tend to forget that you are in an area where there is development happening around you. It can be a very dusty, muddy and noisy at times. 3. Schools Proximity to a school site or future school site should also be considered. Most subdivisions have schools as part of their overall community plan but it could be a number of years before they are built. Take some time to assess what the situation is in the subdivision that appeals to you & where the closest school would be. 4. Transportation Our culture is typically car orientated. We live in a city that is continuing to grow at a rapid pace, and as it does other forms of transportation will become more prevalent. Rapid transit, bus & bicycle, are forms that will continue to grow. Take some time to consider the services that are provided in the subdivision you are attracted to.

Option # 2 - Infill Property These have slowly become a popular option for those who are looking to live in an established neighborhood with existing infrastructure. Typically this type of development works well for those who work in the core or downtown areas of the city. The City of Saskatoon has a program to provide incentive into these types of developments called Vacant Lot adaptive reuse (VLAR). This document lists a number of sites available for infill development in the core of the city: neighborhoods found within the

limits of circle drive. This can be a real alternative for those who desire living in an established neighborhood.

Considerations 1. Building Caveats Currently there are no building caveats to speak of in terms of style but there are some in terms of height & site coverage. These are in relation to the city bylaws rather than a set of predetermined architectural controls. I would suggest that you are respectful of the neighborhood and take some time to consider what home would fit with the remainder of the neighborhood. 2. Landscaping Given that this type of development is happening within an area where you have existing yards landscaped and, most times, large growth trees, you will have much less dust and debris than the subdivision. There are other challenges though, keeping site disturbance to a minimum, respecting neighbors yards and fences, and keeping any city owned trees as part of your property. 3. Schools Most of the schools within existing neighborhoods are more like a small town school, there are a set number of residences in the area and that tends to keep the number of children in the school to a definite number. The challenge can lie in the proximity to the school, as there is typically only one elementary or high school in any given neighborhood. 4. Transportation This is one of the large draws for infill development. If you work in the core of the city, you are typically more pedestrian conscious. Therefore, you are more willing to walk or bike to work rather than drive and are not as dependent on a car. Either option can offer you the perfect combination of what you want in a home. It really comes down to making a decision that is right for your lifestyle and family. FHS







Give your home, and your renovation Give your home,new and your budget a whole look. renovation budget a whole new look.

Give your home, and your renovation budget a whole new look.

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“Fifty years,” I hackneyed, “is a long time.” “Not when you’re looking back at them,” she said. “You wonder how they vanished so quickly.” Isaac Asimov, I, Robot




hrough recollection or the insightful gaze of our televisions, we know that the world of 50 years ago showcases technology that has long since been outdated. The popular television series Mad Men, set in the 1960’s, shows us the bourgeois home of Don Draper, full of oranges and walnut textured wood, with the electronic finishes suited for an executive in the advertising company like a television and record player. Since then, some changes in home technology systems have been subtle while others have been explosive. When people visit my parents’ new house, my father is quick to show them the sound system that pumps out clear




sound throughout the house, and can be controlled from any room. This means every Roughrider game can be heard from the master bedroom through to the downstairs bathroom, for better or for worse. For someone who still uses two fingers on the keyboard, I am always impressed at what technological jumps he is ready to make. He’s also always fidgeting with the timer on the coffee maker and adjusting times for his automated sprinkler. Useful vacuums hide in every corner and a small screen in the kitchen notifies them of the outdoor weather and chance of precipitation. Still, I think my father is most impressed that there is not one, but two garburators in their kitchen.




The domestic robot, Roomba

Bliss The company iRobot, named after Isaac Asimov’s book, I, Robot, has found a way to address both public and private consumers. One of the most commonly used ground robots in recent wars is the PackBot, created by iRobot. iRobot does not concentrate solely on robots for government and military. One of their best-selling items is a domestic robot— the automatic vacuum, the Roomba. The company went public, entering the stock market with some of the most prestigious investors possible, and when the markets closed, a PackBot became the first robot to ever ring the bell at the New York Stock Exchange. However insignificant this action, it symbolizes a shift in our society toward autonomous robots and intuitive machines. Just as many people made the transition to a smart phone, the same is true for smart homes. In fact, combining the two with apps that control various aspects of your house is growing in popularity. The ability to shut your stove off while you’re on your way to work can set you at ease with the simple touch of a button on your cell phone. Some companies, including Control4, have developed software that lets all




Climate-controlling device, Nest

the systems in your house communicate with one another. If something seems inconsistent or out of the norm, it will trigger an alert to your phone or email, keeping you constantly in the loop. With an automated home system, you can preset designations that work together, rather than fidgeting with several controls. You can program your house to wake up with you, and even coordinate this with a seasonal approach. Certain presets can bring the lights up from dim to bright while your coffee is brewing on the main floor, and your television comes on for your morning show while the temperature climbs to a comfortable waking temperature. At the other end of the day, you can program all the lights in your house to go off with the touch of a single button, rather than running all through the house to find every switch. Your security system can be programmed to lock your doors each night and notify you if anything is awry. This harmonization can simplify your life while taking care of details oft forgotten by mere humans. Nest, a climate-controlling device developed by a company of the same name, is a small circular thermostat. You

use it as you would a normal thermostat, but it saves your data every time you adjust it. Nest learns your patterns and lifestyle to keep you comfortable and save you money. It can also be controlled via your smart phone, and has a leaf icon to teach you energy efficient settings. Considering how much money we spend a month on energy, a product like Nest can save you money and reduce your impact on the environment. Although just a thermostat, products like Nest are changing the ways we build our homes and live our lives. You can decide what aspects of your house you want control over. Control your home stereo with automatic presets—movie, music, quiet—all set to your liking, through to streaming coverage of your house through internet security cameras. With predictions of translucent screens, cordless desktop computers, and robots that do chores we despise, a move to the future is inviting. However fictional it may seem, the integration of technology into our homes in the last several decades has been rapid and subtle, turning science fiction into science. FHS

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Quality floor coverings at unbeatable prices BY Shawna Common PHOTOS TRISTan


arpet Superstore takes the stress out of your floor covering purchases with friendly, knowledgeable staff and a vast range of floor coverings in store. Whether you’re a home owner, small business owner, contractor or home builder, there are always answers about pricing, quality and proper product placement. The Carpet Superstore service team is here to alleviate the pressures in




the decision making process. The store also provides professional installation with minimal wait times as there are so many products in stock. Ryan Ketchum and his wife Stephanie wanted to bring a fresh approach to floor coverings in Saskatoon, so, in June of 2012, they opened Carpet Superstore. “It was a pretty easy decision to open a location

in Saskatoon after working 13 years at the family operated Carpet Superstore in Edmonton,” explains Ryan. “Stephanie, our two children and I were excited to nestle into this vibrant and growing city. Saskatoon has a strong sense of family values, so it was an exciting opportunity to both start a business and settle our young family in this beautiful city.”

“We have had some opportunities to explore the city and what it has to offer, and we have really enjoyed our first summer in Saskatoon,” raves Stephanie. “Saskatoon is a great place for us to raise our family.” Carpet Superstores is a buying group of 13 stores across western Canada. The stores are set up on a warehouse style platform that boasts huge inventories and endless selection. This allows Carpet Superstores to pass the savings on to their customers. With an 8,000 square foot showroom and warehouse, they are able to supply their customers with a variety of flooring solutions for quick pick up of speedy installation. “We are passionate about customer service,” explains Ryan, “and to us part of providing excellent customer

service includes having products that are available right away. This allows our customers to take the product with them rather than waiting weeks for their order.” In addition to their large inventory, the store carries a wide range of special order products. This list includes, carpet, hardwood, tiles, vinyl, laminate, luxury vinyl, cork and area rugs. If Carpet Superstores doesn’t have it in stock, they will order it in for their customers. With so many choices available to consumers today, the level of dedication to a customer has never been higher. The sales staff at Carpet Superstores is committed to total customer satisfaction. “We provide everyone that walks through our door the same level

of service whether they’re looking to cover a small bathroom floor, or an entire house. Every customer is important to us, and we want our customers to be completely satisfied with every aspect of their shopping experience,” says Ryan. Ryan is confident they will have what you are looking for with new products arriving each day, and hundreds of thousands of square feet of flooring in stock at the store. Don’t like the area rugs you see in the store, but love a certain style and colour? The store can order what you want in your specific size, and cut and bind your carpet to ensure you will have a truly unique area rug for you to enjoy. Contractors and home renovators appreciate the large selections in stock.




They can send their clients in to choose products, and can pick up the order and have it installed to meet time sensitive deadlines. All customers can take comfort in knowing the staff at Carpet Superstores is as interested in the customers’ projects as they would be in their own. The staff understands the stress of renovations and assures all potential customers that they are there to help customers make confident and smart choices that they’ll be happy with for years to come. Providing exceptional customer service also extends to the installation of customers purchases. The installers at Carpet Superstore provide free estimates for installation, so customers know all associated costs prior to the start of the installation. The team at the store takes pride in creating a positive experience from the time the customer enters the store, until the time the job is complete. The first step in choosing your floor is to visit Carpet Superstore and select floor coverings that best suit you and your lifestyle. The friendly and knowledgeable staff will then provide you with an in store estimate so you are able to determine your budget. A member of the installation team will then measure your space to ensure an accurate final cost. The final step in your flooring experience is when the professional installer




installs your new floors with precision and in a timely manner. All installations are backed by a one year guarantee by Carpet Superstore. The store is in a new complex on Millar Avenue that is fresh and bright with soaring ceilings to enhance your shopping experience. You’re sure to see the true colours of the flooring selections because the store features large windows and lots of natural light. The store has a welcoming atmosphere, and is easily accessible from anywhere in the city or surrounding areas. With so many options in today’s flooring industry, Carpet Superstores carries everything for the most budget conscious consumer to the highest level of quality. If you find a floor covering you love at another retailer be sure to contact Carpet Superstore, because chances are they have the same or similar product at a lower price. Visit Carpet Superstore today at 3530 Millar Avenue (north of 60th Street), or call (306) 653-3899 if you have any questions. The staff at the store is excited to help you with your next flooring purchase. FHS

Carpet Superstore 1300-3530 Millar Ave, Saskatoon 306.653.3899






Of Loving Fine Wine



hose with a great affection for wine probably have more than one bottle sitting waiting in a rack. They may even have a wine chiller that can house a small collection ready for use at a moment’s notice. But for those true wine aficionados with a substantial collection, only a dedicated wine nook or cellar will do. Not only can it help to preserve your wine, and aid in its aging process, it also provides the perfect backdrop to showcase your collection. Whether it’s a simple repurposing of a small closet, or the construction of a grander affair, what’s most important when building a wine nook or cellar, says Duane Peterson, is to keep the temperature of the cellar at a consistent 56 degrees Fahrenheit and 65 per cent humidity, something that often requires the installation of a specialized chilling unit. “You can keep wine just on racks in a basement,” says Peterson. “But if you want to keep it for a long time, you have to make sure that it maintains that exact temperature and humidity.”

Peterson, who owns his own construction firm, and who has experience both researching and building wine cellars on a grand scale, says that in addition to the installation of a chilling unit, both ceiling and walls must also be properly insulated. “The room itself has to be climate controlled,” says Peterson.“While the chilling unit will keep the room at the right temperature and humidity, ceilings need to have insulation of R50 and walls at R20 to be able to maintain that temperature.” Flooring must also be adequately cared for, adds Peterson, especially in Saskatchewan, where laying down an anti-fracture membrane can ensure that tiled floors don’t crack due to shifting soil. Lighting is another element factoring into temperature control that is often not thought about. To avoid the temperature fluctuations that can occur each time lights are turned either on or off, Peterson favours LED lights which have the added benefit of adding a certain level of ambiance. Other elements that help to showcase a collection include: display cases with

unusual angles and openings made to display specialized wines or oversized bottles, a place to hang glasses used for tasting, a centre island or table where wines can be decanted, and architectural elements that add to the overall appeal. Some of Peterson’s favourites include the curved walls, crown mouldings and countertops that he built out of walnut for the very first wine cellar he created. “It definitely added a level of uniqueness to the room,” says Peterson. “And it allowed your eyes to sort of flow around the room without interruption.” With so many interesting elements available for inclusion, the only thing Peterson says he would hesitate to include in a wine cellar would be a sitting area. “With the chiller unit running, you could probably spend 15 to 20 minutes in there, but any longer than that and it might feel just a little too cool.” Regardless of your budget, there are many ways to take your love of fine wine to the next level – just be sure to remember to keep it cool. FHS




Whether you’re looking for the best way to enjoy that special bottle of cellar wine or a preparing the meal to accompany it, we’ve got the accessory you need The finest glasses for both technical and hedonistic purposes are those made by Riedel. A person interested in wine is led by color, bouquet and flavour. As you put your wine glass to your lips, your taste buds are on the alert. Once your tongue is in contact with the wine three messages are transmitted at the same time: temperature, texture and taste. For the past 50 years, Riedel has viewed the wine glass as an instrument to bring together the personality of wine. Just as grape variety is key in determining the relationship between fruit, acidity, tannin and alcohol, the shape and size of the glassware contribute greatly to the overall wine experience. You owe it to your wine.

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Painstakingly manufactured WÜSTHOF knives are pure fun to work with and will turn the preparation of a dish into a culinary pleasure. Special features of our knives: • Forged from one piece of especially tempered high carbon steel to ensure an outstanding endurance. • Extraordinary sharpness which is easy to maintain. • Special alloyed steel. • Stainless.

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Residential Design Process

your costs to a minimum and lends itself well to a variety of color options.

Kevin Worman Architectural Technologist Senior Design Consultant How do I prepare a budget for a kitchen renovation? Typically, the budget for a kitchen renovation should reflect the value of your home and not exceed more than 15% of that value. On average, expect to put 50% of your budget into the cabinets, 15% into countertops, 20% into appliances and the remainder towards electrical changes, flooring and fixtures.

The ever evolving world of technology has created a variety of gizmo’s and trinkets designed to increase the functionality of a kitchen. Be sure that the accessories you are adding to your kitchen are from your list of “needs”. Your “wants” should be added in afterwards only if there is still room in your budget.

What are some features I can integrate into my entertainment unit during the planning process?

What are the things that most influence price when choosing cabinets for a kitchen? Wood species, finishes and accessories are the factors that influence price the most. When a budget has been established with your designer, they can help guide you into the product set that gives you the look you want for the money you are prepared to invest into the project. How can I achieve my dream kitchen without breaking the bank? While solid wood products are perceived as a higher quality product, consider using painted or stained MDF for your doors. MDF is a very solid material made up of pressed wood fibres. However, if you are partial to wood, Maple materials will keep

may be an option. Corked bottles should be stored on their sides so the corks don’t dry out. Consider keeping them in wine racks such as a lattice, wine bottle rest, or cubbies. The temperature also needs to remain constant. If you are planning on aging your wine, a wine fridge will be your best choice as it should be stored around 12.2 C. And be sure to try to keep the humidity around 70% as this minimizes evaporation and keeps the cork from drying out.

Crystal Weisbrod Senior Design Consultant Superior Cabinets

You should begin by looking at pictures for inspiration. Next, list your electronic components and measure them to ensure proper space is allowed. You may need to store them in an open cabinet or one that has flipper doors for proper ventilation and access during use. If you want your speakers to be a part of the design, the wires should be run prior to drywall. Take note of your TV opening, storage for dvd’s, or locations for decorative pieces. You may want to consider closed storage to keep the space clean or an open concept with shelves or glass doors. The possibilities are endless. FHS

I am thinking about incorporating an area for wine storage in my kitchen or bar. What are some things I should consider? You should store wine away from direct sunlight and fluorescent fixtures. UV rays may give your wine an unpleasant smell so a cabinet with doors or drawers

Superior Cabinets 747 - 46th Street West 306.667.6600




Something for every budget By Shawna Common Photos Stephanie Zhang


.A. Robinson Company Ltd. opened its doors in 1936 as a lighting and electrical company, and has been serving its customers ever since while evolving into an electrical, lighting and plumbing retailer for commercial and individual consumers. The company started as a family business 76 years ago, and is still owned by the Robinson family today. There are now locations in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta




and British Columbia to provide its customers with the latest in plumbing and lighting design. Kelly Foss manages the Saskatoon store, and just opened the new lighting showroom in April of this year. It is a large, very open concept showroom featuring a wide variety of lighting options for every budget. The plumbing showroom has been open for three

years, and is very popular with the same open concept and large selection of products. Customers can comfortably walk through the showrooms without the stress of narrow isles, and the worry of bumping into close quarter displays. Some of the plumbing brands that are always in stock include Kohler, Delta, Blanco and Grohe. B.A. Robinson will work with plumbers and electricians to coordinate pricing for their customers.

They display the latest in bath, kitchen and lighting products. From tubs and faucets to floor lamps and chandeliers, their store offers a complete selection of products for your home. They will also assist with insurance claims by consulting with their customers, and providing them with quotes customers can submit to their insurance providers. One of the unique services offered by B.A. Robinson is free design consultation for new home builders and those renovating their homes. Bring in your blueprints or design plans, and the friendly and knowledgeable staff at B.A. Robinson will help you choose a package of lighting and plumbing hardware to set off every room! The staff at the store care about their customers and provide consultation and expert assistance so their customers can enjoy their purchases for years to come. From roughed in to the finished product, the store has everything you and your contractor needs to complete your desired look. Suppliers are always inventing new trends, and reimagining existing looks and function for their products, and the staff at the store keep up with all the latest ideas and innovations. Rooms can be changed from cold and lifeless to warm and inviting living spaces by changing or adding light fixtures or lamps, and updating tired faucets and hardware. Make your home a showcase of your unique style and taste by including the lighting and plumbing finishing touches available at B.A. Robinson. Visit their website at to see their selection of brand names and products available, or visit their welcoming showrooms at 829 46th Street East in Saskatoon. You may also call (306) 664-2389, or visit their contractor website at www.barobinson. com. The staff at B.A. Robinson are looking forward to seeing you in their new showroom to help you beautify your home. FHS

B.A. Robinson 829 46th Street East, Saskatoon 306.664.2389

nUme toilet - a luxury toilet with control pad, built in stereo, heated seat, spray + dryer.








ecorating for and with children can be lots of fun—and it can also be a bit challenging. Throughout my time as mom and interior designer, I have developed these Top 5 Tips for Decorating Children’s Rooms that apply across-the-board to parents attempting this feat, from Broadway, NY to Broadway, Saskatoon.




4 5

Find a starting point and an inspiration! Most people think of this as only a magazine clipping of a room you like, but it can be as basic as your child’s favorite color, an outfit your child loves to wear, or a room from a TV show (i.e. iCarly). Choose an inspirational subject and follow it. Without a clear path to follow, you may find yourself filling the room with clashing colors and designs, ending up with a disastrous motley room. Stay away from themes. Do it with accents. If your kid adores Hello Kitty or is a Spiderman fan, get the character pillow, a frame, poster, or bedding. Parents know better than anyone that kids grow up incredibly fast, and their taste changes almost as frequently as their height. Use accents that can easily be eliminated or replaced, this prevents having to redecorate every year once his taste changes from cartoons to cars, or she goes from animation to animal prints. Make it easy by shopping online. Major retailers like Pottery Barn Kids and PBTeen Jonathan Adler, and Restoration Hardware’s Mother and Child have great websites at fair prices. Rare and funky items can be found on websites such as Online shopping is not only convenient, but also economically beneficial. Comparing prices is quick and easy online. Google Shopping find exactly what you want and organizes the results from lowest to highest prices and vise versa. Allow the child to have a voice. Keep the child involved throughout the process by asking if they like a particular setup and involve them in the shopping. This will allow them to take pride in their room and want to keep it nice. It’s a win for both parent and child. If your kid’s opinion is annexed out, you run the risk of creating an atmosphere they don’t like. Lastly, allow for storage, storage and more storage! Parents are generally so consumed by the aesthetic that they don’t take into consideration how much storage space children need, especially as they get older and their clothes get bigger. Purchase items that can grow with them such as a bench at the foot of the bed. Also, build lots of cubbies in the closet. Instead of a media unit, consider a dresser with many drawers that can double as a TV stand .

Remember, it’s supposed to be fun and whimsical! It may not be the design vision you had for the room, but it is, ultimately, your child’s space. Why not have it be one that they love? FHS Jennifer Agus is the principal and creative energy behind Agus Interiors, a design firm that beautifies up-scale residences and vacation homes in New York City, Long Island, The Hamptons, Connecticut, and New Jersey. She lives on the Upper East Side of Manhattan with her husband and four-year-old son, Harrison.

Showroom over 36,000 sq ft • Largest in-store gallery of La-z-boy • Leather and Bedding Galleries Locally owned and operated since 1990 • Non-commissioned staff, experienced, loyal employees Custom order designs, colours, size, fabric, etc to perfectly fit your custom built home 9:30-6PM MON-SAT, 9:30-9PM THURS

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EXPERTAdvice Your Wise ChoiCe for rV and Cabin Mattresses A Good Night’s Sleep Summer means it’s time to get the cabin ready for weekend retreats and to clean out the RV for those much loved road and camping trips.

Owner, Mark Stevens Photo By Black Bench Productions

6 – 405 Circle Drive East 306.652.1212 “Like” us on Facebook today!

“It’s all about comfort, comfort, comfort, f youdurability,” are in the market a new mattress and saysforMark Stevens, in Saskatoon, there Mattresses. really is no better owner of Wiseguys With place to shop Wiseguys his many yearsthan in the industry,Mattresses he is well onequipped Circle to Drive. Mark shareOwner/operator his expertise. Stevens along with his employees have made it their mission to educate the public the importance of a are comfortable Nameon brands and price not an mattress. to break the bank – indicationNoof need quality. It’s essential that Wiseguys can isaccommodate you find aMattresses mattress that comfortable everyone thea good budget conscious for you tofrom assure night’s sleep. student to thenames luxury loving professional. Gimmicky like chiro or pedic


Choosing a Mattress

have no specific meaning, and don’t necessarily provide a comfortable sleep for someone with back problems. This means you must find the mattress that’s right for you, regardless of what your friends have found works for them.

Size When deciding what size of bed you want, there are various concerns you must bear in mind. Although you might want a king or queen sized mattress, there are many variables you must consider. Many basement suites don’t have an entrance wide enough to accommodate mattresses or box springs Summer means timemight to getbethetrue cabin this large. The it’s same for ready for weekend retreatsor and to clean old Victorian style houses, even newly out the RV for those much loved roada constructed buildings. Before buying and process bed, camping you musttrips. makePart sureofit this is feasible to may be replacing your oldsolution RV or cabin fit it into your home. One to the mattresses. It’sis to important note, a queen problem buy a splittobox spring, mattress shouldeasier be replaced every 10 making it much to get into and out years to ensure comfort and of smaller areas.optimum Although a slightly proper back asupport greater cost, split boxwhile springsleeping. provides Purchasing a mattress is an investment in you with access to more spaces more your sleep. easily, while providing the same support as a one-piece box spring. This is an Owner/operator Mark Stevens has a especially appealing option to students recommendation for tocabin and others who tend moveowners, often. “If customers know they need to replace their cabinvariable mattress,to and they have a Another consider when mattress home that could be replaced perusing at your options for a size upgrade in a few years that mattress is to ensure the– prolonging size of the mattress does by transferring it to the andis not overtake the room. If thecabin bed size purchasing a brand newcompliment mattress for overwhelming, it will not the space. This can be overpowering and make for a negative bedroom experience.

Foam In the past few years, foam has become generally overused. Built into

a mattress, it can help with pressure point pain and transfer issues, but is not the only solution. As a basic rule, it isn’t recommended for people with a traditional “bad back” where the spine is not aligned properly. A concept many people are familiar with is that firm beds are good for people with bad backs, while softer beds are home could be a better option instead of not. Mark assures us that this is a myth. purchasing two brand new mattresses.” “It’s the coiling system underneath For RV owners who have a difficult that’sfinding important,” he says.that fits their time a mattress cozy space, Mark ensures Wiseguys Although Mark a fewofgeneral Mattresses carriesmentions a wide variety sizes rules, he says that, most importantly, that are guaranteed to work perfectly for you RV. need to find a mattress that is your comfortable for you. Test a mattress sleeping youRVmost Ifinyouthe have questionsposition about your or often use, and don’t worry about rules, cabin mattress longevity, or inquiries expectations, about what areor thebrands. best options for your sleep needs, call or stop in at Wiseguys Most importantly, trusted Mattresses on Circle buy Drive.from Theya carry a dealer whoofwill be there for you wide variety mattresses in store - as if something does go wrong,and or you realize well as pillows, comforters, sheets to dress up your new purchase. The sleep you have purchased the wrong mattress. experts at Wiseguys Mattresses will beby A 60-day sleep guarantee, as offered happy to helpisyou. FHSway to find out if a Wiseguys, a good mattress works for you. “Usually after a month people know if the mattress is not for them,” says Mark. FineHomes 53 SASKATOON

A mattress is your most important piece of furniture—you need to make sure you get it right. FHS

where form and function collide...

SHIFT bookshelf shown in premium ‘rift-cut’ natural walnut.

Breathe new life into your book collection with our latest original design, the SHIFT bookshelf. Starting at $5K, this soon-to-be modern icon is available in ANY size and species, and features a playful array of angled shelves combined with concealed storage. SHIFT incorporates a sleek handle-less door design with premium ‘soft-close’ hinges for a look and feel that is truly modern. Modern Element is a Saskatoon-based design and build firm committed to making exceptional modern interiors, from fine furniture and feature walls to high-end kitchen and bath cabinetry. Modern Element centers itself on a passion for creativity, an obsession to detail, and a love of perfection.


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im Lang, owner of Budget Blinds in Saskatoon, is always concerned with finding blinds that suit your home and lifestyle. Vertical, horizontal, wood, faux wood shades—the amiable staff at Budget Blinds loves to help you find window treatments that reflect your personality and unique style. Having been a part of this business for many years, Kim has a vast well of knowledge regarding window treatments that she loves to share with her customers.


Aside from style and colours, Budget Blinds is most concerned about child safety and potential hazards. Kim and her team take a proactive approach to child safety, always doing their part to inform and educate consumers. This approach is essential, and is one of the reasons Budget Blinds has its trusted reputation. “Many new parents don’t include window treatments and window areas during the baby proofing process,” says Kim. “Window treatments that are perfectly safe for an adult may pose a tempting hazard to infants and toddlers who view dangling cords as playthings and may become entangled in them.” Kim and her compassionate team understand your worries, and recommend cordless window treatments if you have children in your home. Aside from choosing window treatments that can help prevent accidents, parents and guardians should be mindful of where they place furniture. If cribs or couches are too near windows, children may be tempted to play with the window treatments. “While nothing can replace the careful, watchful eye of a loving parent or guardian, there are things you can do to minimize hazards and enhance safety in your home,” Kim finishes genuinely. FHS




Budget Blinds 102-2834 Millar Avenue, Saskatoon phone (306) 242-5706 fax (306) 242-5707

a style for every point of view



anning Luo Luo knows knows stone. stone. anning His company, RockSmith His company, RockSmith Countertops has has the the goal goal Countertops of delivering delivering the the best best quality quality stone stone of materials and and the the best best customer customer service service materials in the the business. business. To To make make his his goals goals even even in harder to to reach, reach, Luo Luo also also wanted wanted to to be be harder fast. fast.

Photo Photo by Michelle Berg Photoby byMichelle MichelleBerg Berg

“Some companies take 6 or 8 weeks to deliver a stone countertop,” says Luo. “That’s too long for new construction, and definitely definitely far far too too long long for for aa and renovation project. Our people do our renovation project. Our people do our best to complete everything in 1 to best to complete everything in 1 to 22 weeks from from start start to to finish. finish. We We can can do do weeks this because we stock our own materials this because we stock our own materials

and have have built built solid solid relationships relationships with with and suppliers. Our team works hard, and suppliers. Our team works hard, and they get get things things done done right right the the first first time.” time.” they Despite aa shop shop full full of of automated automated Despite equipment, many many of of the the craftsmen craftsmen at at equipment, RockSmith still still prefer prefer to to do do things things by by RockSmith hand. “Machines “Machines have have aa place place in in the the hand. industry, but nothing beats a skilled hand when it comes to fitting stone,” explains Luo. RockSmith Countertops Countertops stock stock aa variety variety RockSmith of colours, and staff is ready to assist of colours, and staff is ready to assist with finding exactly what a customer with finding exactly what a customer is looking looking for. for. A A new new addition addition to to their their is lineup is 3/4” granite. This thinner lineup is 3/4” granite. This thinner

granite is is less less expensive expensive than than traditional traditional granite 1-1/4” thick granite, and easier to to 1-1/4” thick granite, and easier handle in in large large sections. sections. It It is is aa popular popular handle choice in in commercial commercial installations installations and and choice in bathrooms bathrooms for for vanity vanity tops, tops, showers, showers, in backsplashes, and and tub tub surrounds. surrounds. backsplashes, RockSmith Countertops Countertops is is open open on on RockSmith Monday to to Friday Friday from from 9am 9am to to 5:30pm 5:30pm Monday and on weekends by appointment. Their sales team is very knowledgeable about all types of materials including granite, quartz, and and more. more. They They also also carry carry aa large large quartz, selection of prefab granite vanity tops. selection of prefab granite vanity tops.

Stop in to see them today!

Manning Luo Luo Manning 620 Weldon Weldon Avenue Avenue 620 306.244.3813 306.244.3813




Hot Plants by Janet Wanner

Janet Wanner Gentle Earth Design Studios 2314 Cairns Avenue, Saskatoon 306-343-8594

Tropical plants are hot! They have become the latest design feature in any space, whether it is in your home or at the office. From large glossy leaves to the vibrant colours and patterns redolent of a garden in Bali, the lush and beautiful varieties have an appeal to everyone. The tropical plant has a way of bringing nature to your environment, a way of cleaning the air that surrounds us, especially in our winter confines. Tropical plants are dynamic; they can even exist and grow in some of the most difficult situations. They offer a myriad of shapes textures and colours to suit any room or design. Most thrive in sunny locations and will not tolerate freezing or wide temperature variations. Some of the newest and easiest-care plants on the market range from the ‘Limelight’ dracaena, to the beautifully




marked ‘African Face Mask’. The succulents and long lasting bromeliads add a whole new dimension to any design. The newest Aglonema are now bred with reds and pinks in the leaves under names like ‘Jazzy Gems’ and ’Siam.’ The latest trend for planters and pots comes from Germany: the Lechuza line of self-watering planters. These stylish pots and planters take the natural beauty of tropical plants and combine them with Lechuzas modern organic shapes to create outstanding design from every angle. Whether it’s the irresistibly elegant Cubico or the slender columns of the Rondo or Delta planters, any room, whether it’s an office or a living room, has a work of art. These “plants with presence” can sit at eye level or be combined to create a beautiful vignette of complimentary colours and shapes. The self-watering Lechuza planters provide better growth with a balanced supply of water and fertilizer to the roots of the plant. They are a boon to the individual who wants plants, but either cannot remember to water or who likes to travel.

With Lechuza, professional plantscaping includes tables in restaurants, and the tops of office filing cabinets. There is a size and system to suit every situation in 8 different finishes. Even a small exquisite orchid can be placed in the middle of each table or think of three small planters in a row on counter top; each self watered. The Carraro, on the other hand, is a rectangular planter that can be used as a room divider or classic planter in front of a window. Its large volume can hold large plants for dense and tall plantings. It can be easily moved over any surface with its hidden foot rollers. Most of the Lechuza planters have removable liners for easy changes. The plant and liner can be moved to your shower for a quick rinse to remove dust! And an indicator on one side of the pot shows water levels and can tell you when to add more. Gentle Earth Design Studios is proud to become the dealer for this innovative product. Phone us today for any questions about this new planter system. FHS

EXTEND YOUR GARDEN ENJOYMENT Strategies For Growing Edibles Later Into The Season BY MELINDA MYERS

homemade cloche on sunny days. Or purchase reusable cloches with built in ventilation. Originally made of glass many of the newer cloches

allows air, light and water through so there is no need to uncover the plants during the day or for watering.

are plastic, making them more affordable, easy to stack and portable.

Increase the ease of season-extending fabrics with low and tall frost popup covers and plant protection frost covers from Gardener’s Supply. The frames are fitted with all-purpose garden fabric to create protective tents. You can protect new plantings and extend your harvest by protecting plants down to 24 degrees Fahrenheit.

You can make your own coldframes. Many gardeners convert discarded windows, a bit of lumber and nails into a homemade shelter for their plants. The window size usually determines the size of your coldframe. Just make sure you can reach all the plants inside. For best results your frame should be higher in the back then the front so water and melting snow can drain off. And if possible, facing south for better warming. The internet and garden books are filled with plans.


on’t let fall or potentially frosty temperatures stop you from enjoying garden-fresh produce. Extend the nutritional value and homegrown flavor into your fall and early winter meals with the help of short season crops and season extending strategies. Lettuce, spinach, radishes, turnips, and beets are quick to mature from seed to harvest. Plus, the cooler temperatures enhance their flavor. Simply count the number of frost-free days left in your growing season and compare it with the number of days from planting to harvest listed on the seed packet. Protect these late plantings and other vegetables from chilly fall temperatures with cloches, coldframes, and floating row covers. Many of these devices have long been used by gardeners to jump start the season in spring and extend it much later into fall. These devices trap heat around the plants, protecting them from frosty temperatures. Convert gallon milk jugs into garden cloches for individual plants. Remove the bottom of the jug and slide it over the plant. Use the cap to capture heat or remove to ventilate your




I prefer the construction-free, allpurpose garden fabrics. Simply drape these floating row covers (season-extending fabrics) over your crops. Anchor the edges with rocks, boards, or wire wickets. The fabric traps heat around your plants, but

So with a little preparation you can keep enjoying fresh-fromthe-garden flavor long past the traditional end to your harvest season. Nationally known gardening expert, TV/ radio host, author & columnist Melinda Myers has more than 30 years of horticulture experience and has written over 20 gardening books. Melinda has a master’s degree in horticulture, is a certified arborist and was a horticulture instructor with tenure. Her web site is FHS

Almost time By Ken Beattie


here is typically something satisfying about the garden just before its bedtime, yet something a little sad also. This labour of love (or not so for some) I suppose could really be considered a great deal of work if you actually recorded the hours spent maintaining your plot. On that same note, if we calculated the actual costs for those scrumptious tomatoes, we would doubtless be shocked. Add it up just for fun! Transplants about three dollars for six, the container anywhere from a buck at a dollar- like store, to just about any amount at a “schwanky” garden centre. Lest we forget the fertilizer all season long weighing in at about $10, and perhaps a soilless potting mix for about half that. Hmmm… seems to me that we are in the $20 range, minimum. How many tomatoes can you buy for that much? A considerable number, nevertheless it was so worth it, wasn’t it? It actually makes me think what would happen if a taste test was to occur at a local school or community centre between store bought, greenhouse raised tomatoes and your home grown ones. It just goes to support the notion that you shouldn’t put a price on a labour of love.




In heavier soils, mulch the newly planted specimens with lots of leaves or whatever is handy. This protective layer will help keep your new plants from heaving out of the clay soils as frost enters and escapes in the spring.

Back to the work schedule. This is the time of the season that all those errors in judgement, jardinesque faux pas and silly after thoughts can be made right or remedied. Perennials that outperformed what the label suggested or for that matter, didn’t do a darn thing, can be repositioned or turfed completely. Cooler temperatures and usually some moisture usher the closing of the gardening season - this is your cue to dig, divide and decide. Naturally there




are exceptions and the most prevalent is Hosta; leaving them until the very early spring is best. Day lilies, Delphiniums, Monkshood, Brunnera, Pulmonaria and even Heuchera are fair game.

thinking. Of course, this is a great rule for purchasing all those fall specials at the garden centre also. Planting in the fall in a prairie soil does require a bit of finesse, and a couple of rules should be followed.

One rule of thumb that I have followed for years is that of odd numbers. When dividing plants or repositioning, I like to organize the plantings in three’s, five’s and so on. There is something appealing about the overall look to my way of

First of all, remember what season follows autumn; roots that have been cramped in a pot at a garden centre for a couple or three months, or newly divided gems will not have time to settle into new soil before frost. Realizing this,

you are a wise gardener to overly cultivate the soil before you plant and add a bit more compost than you would normally. This little trick will encourage easier rooting for the plant, and as well take in more moisture. The second reliable technique in heavier soils is to mulch the newly planted specimens with lots of leaves or whatever is handy. I prefer to wait until frost is apparent, but before the hard onset of winter. This protective layer will help keep your new plants from heaving out of the clay soils as frost enters and escapes in the spring. Additionally, mulch provides a cozy home for over-wintering ladybugs, and that is a good thing. Heuchera should have a little extra attention paid to them in the fall. My plants seem always to end up above the soil level in spring, exposing them to the drying winds, and of course, frost. An extra bit of mulch certainly helps them pull through, and often their leaves are still colored in the spring. A good thing to keep in mind is that mulch does not have to be worked into the soil each year, a common fallacy for many; compost on the other hand can be worked into a clay soil as often as you want. Perhaps information that is written about mulches being worked into the soil comes from further south than the Prairies, where indeed it actually does break down into a usable organic matter. Keep this in mind for your next purchase and don’t overdo it thinking that it will disappear in one season. Usually all that will be required is a top up after a good scratching next spring. Of course, not to forget the tulips and oodles of other spring blooming bulbs that are to be planted from as soon as they appear in the stores until the ground is frozen. Most bulbs appreciate a little extra bone meal to encourage rapid and strong rooting. Dog owners take note, bone meal is made of bones; you can figure the rest out yourself, best to leave pooch indoors while you plant. There is a myriad of colours, cultivars and varieties, all which are reliable in heavier soils if you provide excellent drainage. There are lots of ways to improve drainage in a heavy clay soil, the best of which is kitty litter, (yes, that’s right), not previously enjoyed of course. Mix in the cheapest litter that you can find with your compost and native clay soil - it’s remarkable what this does. I know that you want to know how much to add, and I am not going to tell you! The best advice is to just be reasonable; if you overdo it, you will spend the rest of your gardening life watering. So as not too scare you away with an entire litany of gardening chores, I will simply leave it there, and encourage you to try at least a couple of new tulips, purchase a bag of kitty litter, and take a few photos of your accomplishments before frost. FHS




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Erickson Design:

InnovatIvE, LIvEabLE, bEautIfuL outDoor SpacES By Nykea Marie Behiel Photos StephaNie ZhaNg







riginally from Saskatchewan, Neil Erickson moved to Alberta to pursue an education in both landscape design and ornamental horticulture. Mary Campbell received a diploma in production horticulture and met Neil at school. Neil’s innovation and architecture, combined with Mary’s intuitive knowledge of all things plant-related, have come together to create the perfect team. The couple moved back to Saskatchewan after recognizing a gap in the landscaping market, and they predicted the record growth we have seen in the industry in recent years. Many yards in Saskatchewan lacked creativity and liveability, and people desperately wanted to extend their outdoor season. “We have a short season, and people want to get everything they can out of their property,” says Neil. Saskatchewan’s hot summer weather and gorgeous fall backdrop provide plenty of reasons to be outside whenever possible. In 2007, the two began Erickson Design to offer unique solutions to these problems.





After meeting with the homeowner to see what kind of space is best suited for their lifestyle, Neil puts together 3D renderings. These renderings make envisioning your yard much easier than hand drawings or aerial blueprints, and they pave the way for a more accurate realization of your dream landscape. Neil’s plans incorporate the finest details such as custom ironwork, pergolas, arbours, trellises, and hot tub enclosures tailored to suit your home and lifestyle. Aside from designing you the outdoor space you want, Erickson Design has developed a mutually respectful relationship with reputable contractors. Neil and Mary can recommend people you can trust to be around your home and get the job done to your highest expectations. “Erickson Design is the only design company I try to use,” says Larry Baerg of Fast Cat Service Inc. Larry is a contractor who works closely with Mary and Neil. “The details in the drawings are easy to work with,” explains Larry. His loyalty to Erickson Design speaks volumes.

Because their drawings are to scale and the 3D depictions easy to interpret, contractors usually have no problem realizing Neil and Mary’s designs. However, if there is a problem, they will be there to help both you and the contractor. Erickson Design is with you from start to finish, assuring comfort and satisfaction. “Neil is very good at interpreting what clients want,” says Mary. Most people know what they want, just not how to bring it to fruition. “Our clients have great ideas,” says Neil. The two love being able to bring to life the dreams of their clients. Their education and many years of experience, as well as their advanced 3D software, help them realize their clients’ visions. Neil Erickson and Mary Campbell



“You get good results if you hire the right people. I hired the right people,” says a former client, Lorraine Mastromatteo. Erickson Design put together a beautiful plan for both her front and backyard. Her home provides an exquisite backdrop to Erickson Design’s unique landscaping. Rather than having grass and shrubs, Lorraine now has an innovative front yard composed of rocks, durable plants, a flourishing garden, and trees that surround a drive-through driveway. The backyard design includes a patio with a fireplace, a hot tub, sturdy stairs, and contemporary furniture. Lorraine’s yard has been transformed into an enjoyable family space that extends her outdoor season well into the fall and even the winter. “You need to think through all the little things and how you are going to interact with your space,” explains Mary. Her vast knowledge of everything green helps you plan your space in a way that is both functional and beautiful. If you’re away much of the summer, Mary will help you choose plants that bloom in the spring; if you’re away in the spring, she’ll help you find plants that bloom in the summer. Mary understands what plants can grow where, and will put together a maintenance schedule for you—she doesn’t consider her work finished once the plan is in your hands. Her knowledge will put you at ease. You don’t have to be a plant enthusiast to have a beautiful yard. Mary will design a green space suitable for you and your lifestyle rather than making you work around your plants. From the simple process of planning a small deck to a complicated acreage lot, Erickson Design will help you get the outdoor space you’ve always wanted. For the smoothest possible landscaping experience, plan in the fall for projects the following year. FHS

Erickson Design (306) 665-7872




What is a tankless Water heater? By Shell BuSey


am often asked what exactly a tankless water heater is. Why would I get one? What are the benefits? I see a lot of advertising out there promoting tankless water heaters, but not really explaining what they are, how they work, and how they can be a benefit to you. People are confused. I am going to help you understand what a tankless water heater is, and help you determine if it is the right piece of equipment for you. Today’s well informed home owners decide on a tankless water heater for three good reasons. First, they know that tankless water heaters are used throughout the world where energy costs are high. Canada’s energy costs are rising. Secondly, they recognize that a 92 to 97 per cent thermal efficient gas tankless water heater compared to a 50 to 60 per cent standard gas tank type water heater will save money, and help reduce their carbon footprint. Thirdly, the tankless water heater doesn’t store hot water, but produces it on demand. Tankless water heaters are capable of providing an instant, endless supply of hot water. Because




these systems function on an on-demand basis, they do not require a holding tank to store pre-warmed water. No storage or holding reserve means that tankless water heaters have a life span that is twice as long as traditional systems because the risk of rust and corrosion is significantly lowered. They are hung from the wall saving floor space. They can be installed almost anywhere. Most have warranties up to 15 years with all parts being replaceable and 100 per cent recyclable. They do cost more initially, but looking at all the benefits including the re-sale value of your home, they are well worth the expense. Tankless heaters are not new to the market. They have a proven record dating back to 1950 in Canada. They come in many sizes to suit your needs. Experienced contractors can help you select the right unit. A tankless hot water heater will save you money, save space, and you will never run out of hot water again. Best of all your home and family will be environmentally friendly.

Electric tankless hot water heaters Electric units heat the water as it passes over an electrical element. To run an electric tankless water heater, you will need to have it hardwired to your circuit breaker/electrical panel. Although, electric tankless water heaters are less expensive to purchase and operate, they typically have less capacity, which makes them less practical for large families or households that consume large amounts of hot water at one time.

Gas tankless hot water heaters In a gas unit, a gas burner is utilized to heat the water. Gas-powered systems are fueled by propane or natural gas. To operate one of these units, you will need a gas line running through your home to where the water heater will be installed. It can easily provide endless hot water for one major application at a time. This unit is a great replacement for the traditional 40 gallon storage tank water heater. There are also provincial grants available under the Saskatchewan EnerGuide for Houses program for replacing your domestic hot water heater with a qualified instantaneous gas water heater which you may want check into as well. FHS

For more home improvement information, to send Shell an email, or to watch Shell’s AskShell webcast go to


Your Furniture By Charlie CalarCo and ellen Miles PHOTOS Billie lang PhotograPhy




Refinish Furniture Yourself?


hy not? It’s no longer considered chemically unsafe. Lye or other harsh mixtures are things of the past, mainly due to environmental law changes. Many “safe strippers” are now available, some based on organic acids or citrus material and all do a good, if a bit slower, job of removing old finishes. Some harsher chemicals are still approved for domestic use, but the first timer is better to use one of the “safe stripper” products. Having said that, there is no product that is completely safe and all must be treated with respect. The stripped residues, as well as left over stripper material, must also be handled in accordance with local environmental rules and regulations.

A prime rule – nothing goes down the drain. Information on remover or stripper chemicals and their use, lead paint precautions etc., may be found at the Health Canada web site. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) are available where the remover product is purchased.

When and How Should I Remove the Old Finish? Lately, much has been made of the idea that stripping old finishes devalues a piece of antique furniture. That is quite true if you are dealing with an excellent specimen, of museum quality, with an original finish. Most pieces will not be of that ilk and can be considered as candidates for refinishing. If you have any doubt, ask and research. A good antique dealer or the local museum can point you in the right direction. If the finish is cracked or crazed down to the wood, has lost significant portions, is flaking or chipping off, or is totally dull and lifeless, saving it is not a viable option— it should come off. Pieces painted at some point can have the paint removed and the true beauty of the old wood restored. Old paint often contains lead which is a concern, especially if there are children in the area of the work, and precautions must be taken. The first step is to prepare the work area. No matter the remover used, good ventilation is essential, so working out of doors in a shaded area is ideal. Basements and poorly ventilated areas should be avoided. Thick poly drop cloths will protect the area from spills and make later clean up much easier. If you choose to work indoors, a large fan should be used to draw air away from the work area and exhaust it outside. Keep as few chemicals at your work station as possible to lessen the problem if spilled. Good gloves, preferably nitrile coated, will protect your hands. Safety goggles are a wise addition as well. Do not scrape or sand any painted surface— airborne dust containing lead is a problem and you never can be completely sure whether or not the paint is lead based, so treat all paint as a potential concern. Sanding any antique surface is to be avoided if at all possible as this will remove the layer of old wood, which will be impossible to restore. Obvious damage, though, should be addressed and may leave no option but to sand it down.




Always follow the manufacturer’s directions on the product you are using. Daub on a thick layer of remover with a natural bristle brush (some synthetics may dissolve), let it stand, and allow sufficient time for it to work— anywhere from a half hour to overnight. The container directions will tell you how much time to allow. Test from time to time with a steel putty knife and when the old finish is softened down to the wood, use the putty knife to gently remove it. Put the residues in a tin can for proper disposal then spot apply additional remover in stubborn spots. When stripping paint, most removers cause paint to bubble up and thus may require multiple applications to remove all material down to the wood. A wash with appropriate solvent is next, using the chemical specified by the manufacturer of the remover. Some require methyl hydrate, some require mineral spirits and others require water. With water, use a non-metallic abrasive pad and with the others use No. 1 steel wool. Remember to rub only with the grain of the wood, never across it, to avoid scratches which will show badly under your later finishing. Keep some old rags or paper towel handy and wipe up the grunge frequently. A final solvent wash with a piece of towel should remove the last of the residues. Wash

rags etc. can be disposed of along with the old finish residue.

Colouring Up Once the wood is clean, allow to dry for a few hours. If you opt to stain it, remember that you cannot stain something lighter than it is. Various water based stains are available at the paint store and these can be mixed for an even greater variety of colours. Some woods, like pine and fir, may require a pre-conditioner before the colour coat and you should be guided by the manufacturer’s directions. Stain should be wiped on and wiped off. Allowing stain to remain on the surface generally makes more work for you as you try to get clean colours. When you stain, work quickly to minimize lap marks. Stain, especially water stain, should be allowed to dry thoroughly before applying a finish coat, to avoid colour bleeding.

The Finishing Step When finishing an antique, a basic convention is to replace the old finish with an identical one. If that is not possible, replace the finish with one that can be cleanly removed at a later date. Modern

finishing materials are not suitable for antique furniture. Polyurethanes and acrylic finishes are inappropriate as they were not finishes of the period. Most oilbased varnishes have disappeared due to changing environmental rules, seriously reducing available choices. Unless originally used, oil finishes, like linseed oil, should be avoided as they cannot be later cleanly removed. So, what are the choices available? Reasonable choices are: brushing lacquer; paste varnish; shellac; or wax over a shellac base. Paste varnish is a good choice for use at home, being low odor, easily applied with a clean, lint-free rag in very thin coats and yielding a most satisfactory result. Three or four coats are usually required. Lightly wipe with No. 000 steel wool, between dried varnish coats, to remove any dust which may have settled. Be sure to remove all the steel wool residues as well — a vacuum cleaner with a dusting brush will make short work of this task. The varnish finish can be waxed when totally dry (allow two weeks) for a beautiful, mellow, finish which can easily be renewed if you want to shine it up from time to time. The wax polish does not hold dust. A wipe with a soft, dry cloth is all you need to keep your furniture shining. FHS










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Looking for a special summer menu? Here, Gordon Ramsay cooks up an elegant yet simple meal from his new book PHOTOS MyLES NEW







Menu StarterS Stuffed courgette rolls Balsamic beetroot with Roquefort Main courSe Salmon baked with herbs & caramelised lemons Cos, asparagus & red onion salad Dessert Individual summer puddings

Timeplan up to a day ahead Make the summer puddings, leave to chill Make beetroot salad to the middle of step 3 on the day, up to 6 hourS ahead Leave courgette strips to marinate Caramelise the lemons, prep the fish and leave in the fridge Prep asparagus for the salad haLF an hour BeFore SerVinG Finish the starters, put salmon in the oven Toss salad together just before serving

Stuffed courgette rolls Makes 24 rolls EaSy PREP 20 mins plus marinating NO COOK I love the way Italians start a meal with antipasti to tantalise the palate. This is my take on it. 4 small courgettes, ends trimmed 3-4 tbsp olive oil, plus extra to drizzle 3-4 tbsp balsamic vinegar, to drizzle 250g tub ricotta squeeze lemon juice handful fresh basil leaves, chopped 50g pine nuts, toasted (see Know-how, right)

Balsamic beetroot with roquefort Serves 8 EaSy PREP 10 mins plus chilling COOK 5 mins Roquefort, in combination with balsamic vinegar, really brings out the sweetness of the beets. I’ve used ready-cooked beetroot here, but you can cook your own if you like. 600g cooked baby beetroots (not the type in vinegar), peeled and trimmed 3-4 tbsp olive oil 6-7 tbsp balsamic vinegar 150g Roquefort 1-2 tsp sesame seeds, toasted (see Know-how, left)

1 Slice the courgettes lengthways, using a swivel vegetable peeler – you’ll need 24 long strips. Drizzle some of the olive oil and balsamic over two large plates and lay the strips flat, trying not to overlap. Sprinkle with more oil and balsamic, cover and leave to marinate in the fridge for at least 20 mins. Can be prepared up to 6 hrs ahead. 2 Mix the ricotta with lemon juice and seasoning to taste, then mix in the basil and pine nuts. Place 1 tsp of the ricotta mixture onto one end of a courgette strip and roll up. Repeat until you have used up all the filling. Arrange rolls upright on a plate and grind over some black pepper. Drizzle with a little more oil and balsamic vinegar to serve.

1 Halve or quarter the beetroot, depending on the size. Heat the olive oil in a large non-stick pan, add the beetroot and sauté for 2-3 mins, tossing well to coat. 2 Add the balsamic vinegar, season and cook 1-2 mins longer, until reduced right down to a syrupy glaze. 3 Transfer to a serving bowl to cool, then cover and chill. Can be done up to 1 day ahead. Remove from fridge 30 mins before serving, crumble over the Roquefort and sprinkle with the sesame seeds.

PER SERVING 49 kcalories, protein 2g, carbohydrate 1g, fat

PER SERVING 152 kcalories, protein 6g, carbohydrate 9g,

5g, saturated fat 1g, fibre none, sugar 1g, salt 0.03g

fat 11g, saturated fat 5g, fibre 2g, sugar 8g, salt 1.01g

Gordon’S know-how

To cook beetroot from raw, leave in the skins and boil whole until tender. Peel when cooled, but don’t forget to don your rubber gloves first. If you can’t find Roquefort, you could use crumbled Stilton or semi-soft goat’s cheese. Gordon’S know-how

To toast pine nuts, tip into a hot frying pan – no oil needed – for 2-3 mins, shaking the pan often until the kernels are golden all over. Tip onto a plate and leave to cool. Toast the sesame seeds for the beetroot salad this way, too.

Roll up courgette strips with the ricotta mixture




Salmon baked with herbs & caramelised lemons Serves 8 MODERaTELy EaSy PREP 25 mins COOK 35 mins Heart healthy, good source of Omega-3s To me, this is one of the best and easiest ways of cooking salmon, combining Asian and Mediterranean flavours for a refreshingly aromatic centrepiece. I like to use salmon from Loch Duart if I can ( – it’s reared in a sustainable, environmentally conscious way and has a lean, full-flavoured flesh. whole salmon (about 2kg), scaled, gutted and washed 3 small lemons, thickly sliced 100ml olive oil 4-6 fresh bay leaves few sprigs each fresh rosemary, thyme, basil, sage and parsley 2-3 lemongrass stalks, cut into large pieces 1 head garlic, halved horizontally 1 tsp peppercorns, mixed or black 5-6 whole star anise PER SERVING 388 kcalories, protein 32g, carbohydrate 1g, fat 29g, saturated fat 5g, fibre none, sugar 1g, salt 0.56g




1 Trim salmon tail and cut off the fins. Pat dry inside and out with kitchen paper. Score the skin of the fish on both sides with a sharp knife, at 2-3cm intervals. Rub all over with olive oil, salt and pepper. Lay three large pieces of foil over a large baking tray, overlapping the long edges.Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5.

2 Heat a little oil in a non-stick frying pan, then fry lemon slices over a high heat for 2-3 mins until golden. Season; allow to cool slightly. Scatter a handful of herbs and lemongrass over foil, then sit salmon on top. Tuck caramelised lemon, herbs and garlic around and inside fish, splash over a little oil and scatter over salt, peppercorns and star anise.

cos, asparagus & red onion salad Serves 8 MODERaTELy EaSy PREP 15 mins COOK 2 mins Superhealthy, counts as 1 of 5-a-day 300g asparagus spears 1 large or 2 medium Cos lettuce 1 red onion, thinly sliced 3-4 tbsp vinaigrette, preferably homemade (see below) 1 Peel the asparagus bases with a swivel peeler and trim the woody ends. Blanch in boiling salted water for 1 -2 mins until just tender. Drain and refresh under cold running water. 2 Trim the base of the lettuce leaves and arrange on a large shallow bowl or platter. Scatter over the asparagus spears and red onion, season well and drizzle with vinaigrette just before serving. PER SERVING 62 kcalories, protein 2g, carbohydrate 3g, fat 5g, saturated fat 1g, fibre 2g, sugar 3g, salt 0.14g

Gordon’S know-how

3 Fold the foil around the fish to make a shallow tent, scrunching the edges well to seal. Cook in the centre of the oven for 30-35 mins, depending on the thickness of the salmon. Remove from the oven and rest the fish for at least 10 mins, still wrapped in foil. Gordon’S know-how

Baked salmon is at its best when the thickest part of the flesh near the head is still very slightly soft, moist and bright pink. Letting the fish rest while still wrapped in foil helps the flesh firm up for easy carving.

4 Unwrap the fish and gently peel away the skinusing a cutlery knife and discard. Use the handle of a spoon to scrape off any brown flesh on top of the pink flesh, then push the spoon headinto the groove that runs along the length of the fillet, easing the flesh into two long strips. Push the spoon into the flesh where it joins the backbone, lifting it off the bone. Break the fish on the first side into 4 portions and lift onto serving plates. When the top half is served, pull off the backbone and head and serve the rest. Drain the juices into a small jug. Serve with caramelised lemons and a drizzle of the juices.

Here’s my quick way to prepare asparagus. Simply bend each spear and snap where you feel it naturally give, breaking off the woody end.

classic vinaigrette Makes about 250ml Put 100ml extra virgin olive oil, 100ml groundnut oil, 1 scant tsp Dijon mustard, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 2 tbsp white wine vinegar and some sea salt and pepper in a measuring jug and whisk together until emulsified. Pour into a clean bottle, seal and refrigerate. Shake well before using. Will keep covered in the fridge for up to a week.




individual summer puddings Makes 8 MODERaTELy EaSy PREP 20 mins plus cooling COOK 2-3 mins Superhealthy, counts as 1 of 5-a-day, good source of vitamin C This must be the crowning glory of English puddings. Day-old slices of white bread are perfect for soaking up the juices from the berries. If using fresh bread, you may find it easier to firm it up in the fridge before slicing. 1kg mixed berries, such as raspberries, blueberries, redcurrants,blackberries and strawberries, plus a few extra to serve 50g caster sugar 4 tbsp Crème de Cassis (or water) large (approx 800g) loaf white bread, sliced PER SERVING 282 kcalories, protein 9g, carbohydrate 59g, fat 2g, saturated fat none, fibre 4g, sugar 18g, salt 1.17g




Cut out 8 small bread rounds and 8 large ones

Gordon’S know-how

Soft fruit is very delicate. To wash, swish gently in a large bowl of water and drain in a colander. Tip onto a tray lined with double thickness of paper towel; pat dry.

Press the straight slices of bread around the sides

1 Strip berries from their stalks and hull strawberries. Discard any that are squashy or overripe. Toss berries gently in a nonstick saucepan with sugar and Cassis or water. Heat the pan until it starts to sizzle. Cook over a medium heat for 2-3 mins or until the fruits start to bleed and soften. 2 Stir gently, then cool to room temperature. Strain fruit through a plastic sieve into a non-metallic bowl for about 10 mins or until the juices stop dripping. 3 Have 8 cappuccino or tea cups (about 200ml) ready. Using 2 cutters (approx 10cm and 6cm, but check against the tops and bottoms of your cups), cut out 8 bread rounds of each size. Cut the crusts off 8 more slices and slice in half. These strips should be approximately the same depth as the cups. 4 Dip the small rounds of bread into the reserved juices and press into the cups. Dip the straight slices in the juice and press around the sides. Spoon in the fruits, pressing down with the back of a spoon to firm. Dip the last of the bread rounds into the juice; press down on top. Chill overnight. 5 When ready to serve, loosen bread tops with the tip of a table knife. Hold a dessert plate over the pudding, then turn upside down, shaking well. The puddings should slip out easily; if not, loosen the sides gently with the knife. Pour any remaining juice over the tops of puddings. Decorate with the remaining fruit; serve with pouring cream.

Pour any remaining juice over the tops of the puddings

to make a large pudding Use a 1.8 litre capacity or similar sized bowl. Cut 1 small round of bread to fit the base and 1 larger one for the top. Remove crusts from about 6-8 more slices of bread, then cut each slice in half slightly on the diagonal to make two lopsided rectangles. Dip the base piece into the juices and use to line the bottom of the bowl. Dip the remaining slices and slot them against each other, thick and thin ends down alternately, until bowl is lined. Spoon in the fruit, soak the final circle of bread and lay it on top. Cover with cling film, sit a small plate or saucer on top and weigh down with a tin. Chill overnight before turning out.

These recipes have been adapted from Gordon Ramsay’s latest book, Sunday Lunch and Other Recipes from the F Word (Quadrille).




Automotive detailing on the move:

Get A cleAn vehicle without the hAssle By Ashleigh MAttern Photos heAther Fritz

Kristy Kleen is going mobile.


fter four years of working out of a shop on 48th Street, Kristy Lang is taking her automotive detailing business to the streets, bringing her skills and tools right to her customers’ doors. “A lot of people find it more convenient,” said Lang. “They don’t have to worry about how they’re going to get their vehicle to me, how they’re going to get it back.”




Her decision to make Kristy Kleen mobile came from positive feedback from industrial customers who already subscribe to a mobile format. Now she’ll be able to give the same convenient service to all of her customers. Lang will still offer the same services customers know and expect; she only asks that customers provide a water line if you want a bumper to bumper clean. She’ll even take out of town customers, saying she’ll go anywhere in Saskatchewan to clean.

This service-oriented move seems a natural decision for the friendly, easygoing Lang, who started Kristy Kleen when she was only 23. She started out with no money, and a year later upgraded to a bigger facility and hired her own staff. Lang also quickly branched out from just detailing cars and trucks to include RVs, boats, cop cars, buses, and combines, just to name a few. “I take pride in my work. I love seeing a dirty vehicle and seeing what it looks like

when I’m done. I love showing people what I can do.” One of her regular jobs includes detailing cabs for Kramer. Tim Sands is a foreman with Kramer who has seen her work first hand, and he says her friendly attitude in the face of a really dirty cab is something else. “Some of the cabs get really, really bad and those are the ones I like to give her,” said Sands. “She’s a good person to deal with--there’s never a complaint or anything like that.” He says Kristy Kleen’s good work on the dirty cabs also translates to the dusty cabs, adding that no matter the state of the cab, “the polish and finish she does is pretty impressive.” With trade show season coming up this fall, she expects to be preparing some of the industrial machinery on display. Not only will she clean the inside, she’ll polish the outside until it shines. Automotive detailing is her bread and butter, but her passion--and her education--is in special events coordinating, so Lang puts her planning skills to good use by helping groups with car wash fundraisers. Kristy Kleen supplies all the equipment, and the only thing groups need to do is supply the volunteers. “Because my family is getting tired of volunteering!” she joked. In the past few years, Kristy Kleen has helped raise money for cancer, leukemia and lymphoma, and on Aug. 24, her team is doing a fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan. Lang is making the switch to a mobile business starting Sept. 1, just a month before Kristy Kleen’s four-year anniversary. To check out all the services she’ll continue to offer as she makes the switch, visit FHS Kristy Kleen Bay 2 825 48th Street Saskatoon 306.229.2432

(Clockwise from left) Tasha Tanner, Steph Trost, Ashley Lang, Atasha Storey and Kristy Lang





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Choose Your Style And Stick With It

Chantelle Butterfield FunKtional Space Interior Decorating and Design 306.227.3008 FunKtional Space When Decora Homes owners Rhonda and Ricky built their new home in Rosewood, they always had in mind an interior décor that would be sleek, cool and contemporary. Actually, beyond contemporary. Modern is a style that makes the most of your spaces since it’s very clutter-free. Rhonda asked for my help to guide her through the decorating process. With polished finishes, geometric patterns and clean lines without a lot of distractions, rooms seem larger. Some people shy away from it, assuming it will feel cold and aloof, but if it’s done well, it’s really can create a striking yet comfortable environment.

silver are the basics and for Rhonda’s Rosewood home, we went with teal blue as the accent colour. With some styles, I accessorize with fireworks of colour bursts around the room. Not so with modern, which is very subtle. The energy comes from the stainless steel, glass, the hard furnishings. Beyond the accent colour, those hard lines and edges become livable as I ‘colour’ with texture. A sleek white or black leather couch is softened just enough with a couple of fabric throws or a shaggy natural fibre area rug.

I’ve worked with Rhonda before and it’s always fun! As a homebuilder, she’s well versed in design and décor so ‘modern’ was a conscious choice. Modern is characterized by the use of monochromatic colour schemes. I pull from one neutral colour and work with its hues and tones. White, black and

I counsel my clients to make sure they can live with a specific style choice. If you want modern, but have kids, plants and pets and all the accompanying stuff that goes with them, you end up with a mishmash that’s really no style at all. With a clear vision in mind, Rhonda and I achieved a stunning result. FHS




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