Fine Lifestyles Parkland Manitoba V2 I3 2015

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FineLifestyles VOLUME 2 ISSUE 3 2015




Eileen and Ken Frazer have been creating beautiful family por traits from their Frazer Photographic Art has been creating beautiful family portraits from their Wasagaming Wasagaming studio for more than ten years. Whether you are a small family or studio for more than ten years. Whether you are a small family or are planning a family reunion are planning a family reunion or anniversar y celebration, Frazer’s can deliver. It or anniversary celebration, Frazer’s can deliver. It is possible to view your images the morning is possible to view your images the morning after your photography session in after your photography session in their unique theatre. Frazer Photographic Art also has a wide their unique theatre. The Frazer’s also have a wide variety of iconic views of the variety of iconic views of the Clear Lake area printed on archival canvas and gallery wrapped Clear Lake area printed on archival canvas and galler y wrapped in the in the Scrace’s Mercantile building. Drop by and see what’s new and feel free to visit the studio Scrace’s Mercantile building. Drop by and see what is new and feel free to visit also. Make this summer the one to update your family portrait! als Make this summer the one to update your family por trait! the studio also.

130 Wasagaming Drive 130 Wasagaming Drive Wasagaming, MB Wasagaming,MB 204.848.4015 204-848-4015 1608Lorne Lorne Ave. 1608 Ave. Brandon, MB Brandon, MB 204.727.8884 204-727-8884

Fabulous Face Painting

IN THE SWAN RIVER VALLEY COMMUNITY For two years, Dana Paull of Unicorn Factory Face Painting has been turning heads with the vibrant art she creates on faces of all ages. Each one unique and magnificent, she brings joy to the lovely canvases that grace her talented hands. She has provided her services at events such as the High School Rodeo, Relay for Life, The Northwest Round Up and Exhibition, and a wealth of childrens’ birthday parties. “Dana’s talent of transforming childrens’ faces brought another level of excitement to our Spooktober-Fest event,” says Bev Pollen of Swan Valley Communities That Care’s (SVCTC) The paints are of a professional grade and are all FDA approved. They are easy to wash off with simply soap and water, but are long lasting enough to ensure a whole day of painted fun. Connect with Dana and Unicorn Factory Face Painting on Facebook or give her a call at 204.734.8456.

first word With Fine Lifestyles editor SARAH VERMETTE


am filled with gratitude for the comfort and beauty of our summer months. Not having to brace myself against the cold, summer is a season when my whole body relaxes into the ease and joy of being and I find it exciting to hit the road and explore. If getting away is also on your agenda, consider Clear Lake. This area is full to the brim with activities, the beauty of nature and businesses ready to serve you. Get a glimpse of what awaits you there in our Clear Lake feature.

FineLifestyles PARKLAND MANITOBA Volume 2, Issue 3 2015 Editor Sarah Vermette Art Direction Lisa Redden Design Candace Haiko, Ghislaine Moffitt, DeAnne Bell, Shanna Joudrey Staff Writers Courtney Tait, Henny Buffinga, Melanie Furlong, Rebecca Henderson, Tobie Hainstock, Tonya Lambert, Tori Stafford, Trina Annand

In this issue of Fine Lifestyles Parkland Manitoba, we’re pleased to present several of the area’s home based businesses — discover a myriad of services just a phone call away. Most of us are no stranger to procrastination — learn how brain health plays a role and what you can do to avoid it.

Cover Photography Frazer Photographic Art

Enjoy and see you next issue.

Contributing Writers Brook Thalgott, Darlyn Hunt, Kim Mannix Vermette


Photography Frazer Photographic Art, Julie Shiner, Pederson Photographic, Sterling Photos - Russell, ThenSingsMySoul Photography

Sales Manager/Associate Publisher Susan Gellert | 306.641.5616 Subscriptions


Susan Gellert, Sales Manager 306.641.5616



Parkland Manitoba

Lori Bogoslowski 204.648.4119


Fine Lifestyles Parkland Manitoba is published six times a year by Fine Lifestyles Ltd. All contents of Fine Lifestyles publications are copyrighted 2015 with all rights reserved, except for original articles submitted to Fine Lifestyles, where copyright resides with the author. No other part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of Fine Lifestyles. The views and opinions expressed in the expert advice columns herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Fine Lifestyles or the companies it represents. Although we endeavour to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation. Canada Post Publication Agreement #41818060 Return undeliverables to: 3440 Balsam Grove; Regina, Saskatchewan; S4V 1H1


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FEATURES Brain Health and Procrastination ........ 6 Home Based Businesses........................ 13 Clear Lake Feature ..................................24


Parkland Manitoba




Jumping the



Human beings were designed to function in a world where impulsiveness works. Hunters and gatherers needed to get the most calories in the least time, so acting on impulse served its purpose well. Impulsiveness became part of our genetic makeup and passed down through generations.


oday we want immediate satisfaction, and it just so happens that’s easier to get when indulging vices instead of virtues. We are also prone to distraction, and today’s world has more distractions than ever. The combination of impulse and distraction makes it easy to procrastinate. The leading causes of procrastination are pessimism, negative view of the task or goal, lack of energy and impulsiveness. Following are ways to stop procrastinating to get what you want out of life.



To conquer pessimism, start small by setting an achievable goal. Then build on that success by setting increasingly challenging targets. Each achievement develops confidence and the desire to strive for more. It helps to seek out stories and images that inspire you. Imagine yourself succeeding and growing.

Negative view of task or goal

A person with low expectations has trouble getting started when he or she is already convinced of failure. Since the mind is a very powerful tool, what you think about is the direction your brain will take.


If you expect life to be easy, the challenges that inevitably come along may appear to be major blocks. When you accept challenges as a natural part of life’s experience, they will become manageable.

Parkland Manitoba

We all have tasks we like and others we loathe. If you like what you are doing it’s not hard to find the energy to get it done. It’s a much bigger job if you have a negative view of the assignment.


If you find a task boring, a chore or an obligation, try looking at it from the perspective of the value created when the task is done well. Connect the task to your goals, principles, commitments and character traits.

Lack of energy Pump up your power by refueling. Remember to eat well, exercise, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water and meditate. These are the essential fuels that keep you going. Be sure you are focused, organized and know your priorities. If you get stuck or need a break, move your attention to something else that is also a priority. Also try connecting unpleasant tasks with pleasant ones, such as exercising with a friend.

DID YOU KNOW: Impulsiveness


95% OF PEOPLE ADMIT to procrastinating


25% ADMIT TO PROCRASTINATION as a defining trait



If you tend to make quick decisions without thinking about the consequences, you are likely acting on impulse. Impulsiveness is acting based on sudden desires, whims or temptations rather than careful thought.


NO. 1 PROCRASTINATION ISSUE for people is getting proper diet and exercise


CANADIANS WATCH an average of 3.3 hours of TV every day


PROCRASTINATION IN THE WORKPLACE costs 2 hours of productivity per day at an annual cost of $1 trillion in the USA

To combat impulsiveness, know what tempts you, then use prevention and preparation to block the temptation until either it passes or you can think about it rationally. Think about the costs, the money wasted, time spent, impact on relationships, or living up to values important to you. Replace temptation with positive focus. Put reminders of your most important goals in front of you. Establish healthy routines, especially in the morning. And be sure to ask friends for support. Use these tips to train your brain to avoid procrastination and live your best life! About Davis-Ward – The experts at Davis-Ward Centre advance people performance to achieve business results. For more information, please call 306.543.7398 or visit

Barry Davis & Wendy Ward

Source: The Procrastination Equation by Piers Steel, Ph.D. FASHION & WELLNESS


Parkland Manitoba


To Inspire and Invoke Change

Where Personal Experience and Professionalism Meet Photos Pederson Photographic


arli Brown Counselling & Consulting is a unique business located in Dauphin, MB. It is clear within minutes of speaking with Marli there is knowledge that goes much deeper than social work professional theory — this is the secret behind the one-of-a-kind business. Marli often gives presentations sharing her experience as a patient within the mental health world. She ties this experience back to the reality of stigma



Parkland Manitoba

and what stops people from accessing support when things start to fall apart. Marli’s personal story is full of all of the details and drama that could easily be seen in a Hollywood movie script. Her powerful message of hope, authenticity and open sharing is moving and rare to be found. She shares her story with a sense of resilience that inspires everyone sitting in the crowd. Marli has been part of critical national campaigns regarding mental health, and was one of five Canadians chosen to


participate in the 2013 Faces of Mental Illness anti-stigma campaign. She is also the recipient of several provincial and national resilience awards. Yet, through all of that, her heart and soul is clearly grounded in the experiences of the everyday. People are immediately comfortable with her warm smile and easy laugh. Her ability to put people at ease is a key trait in her counselling service and as a presenter. Marli speaks of her business model as being based in rural Manitoba, yet accessible across the globe. Technology allows clients to connect with Marli from anywhere — from individuals looking for counselling support, to organizations looking for presentations on employee mental wellness, and invitations to come speak as a keynote with her inspiring message. Along with her professional credibility, Marli has the added benefit of personal experience, which gives her the ability to relate on a deeper and more personal level with her clients. This leaves a client feeling supported, inspired to create change and ready to take the next step. She brings her gifts to a wide variety of clientelle, including individuals, families, organizations, and also professional development conferences. The old adage of “everyone has a story” is honoured in Marli’s business. Her humour and common sense invite easy collaboration. Whether you live next door, two provinces over or across the ocean, Marli Brown Counselling & Consulting has positioned itself to respond. Is Marli Brown Counselling & Consulting a unique business? You better believe it. And it has all stemmed from a very complicated life that created a very wise, warm and authentic personality others can’t help but follow. The Parkland is lucky to have her and thankfully technology and travel allows the rest of us to share her too! Marli Brown Counselling & Consulting 204.638.3730 ext.3 /Marli Brown Counselling & Consulting @1MarliBrown



Parkland Manitoba


Breathing to Manage Anxiety


ervousness and anxiety are the norm in many people’s lives today. Anxiety has a biological response in our bodies, and because of this, one of the most effective ways to calm that nervousness is to use biology. Start to breathe! Not any old breathing, but specific deep style breathing that engages your diaphragm.

Marli Brown Owner Marli Brown Counselling & Consulting 204.638.3730 ext.3 Marli Brown Counselling & Consulting @1MarliBrown

Anxiety is a word that can encompass many things that are not “true” anxiety, in the sense of a clinical diagnosis. There is a subset of population that feels anxiety symptoms due to physical illness of various types. However, since the symptoms are similar to anxiety, many of the techniques effective for anxiety also apply to this group. Increased heart rate, sweating, feeling of doom, nausea, tight muscles, dizziness and shakiness have all been described as symptoms. As specific as these symptoms can be, we can utilize what I like to call “universal techniques” to help prevent and maintain a strong level of coping. Deep breathing during an intense panic attack or deep level stress may not be as effective as you would like. This is why I use the term “universal technique.” Deep breathing is something we should practice everyday as it enhances our oxygen uptake and helps settle our



Parkland Manitoba


nervous system. Learning how to breathe appropriately is important. Here are a few different methods to try. If one doesn’t work, try another! 1. REGULAR: The key is to use your diaphragm appropriately. To achieve this, have your belly moving up and down and not your chest. It may feel like you are stretching a tight muscle at first, because you are! Take a deep breath in slowly through your nose to the count of three, then exhale slowly out of your mouth to the count of three. Try to stretch that muscle a little more each time. Repeat at minimum five times. 2. VARIATION ONE: Breathe in through your nose and visualize you are sucking up air from your feet and into your belly. On the exhale, visualize blowing air out through the top of your head. Next breath, breathe in from the air above your head and into your belly, then out from the belly through the bottom of your feet. 3. VARIATION TWO: Take a deep breath in to the count of four, hold it for four, exhale on the count of four, and hold the exhale on the count of four. Repeat this cycle a minimum of four times. Note: this type of breathing is great for managing pain. Good luck and keep breathing!

Relax & Rejuvenate with



icture this: you lay face up on a yoga mat in a dimly lit room, while your legs rest against the wall. A sandbag is placed gently over your feet to stabilize the pose. You breathe slowly in and slowly out as tension releases throughout your entire body. Growing more relaxed with every breath, you lose track of the minutes passing. Eventually, the sound of your teacher’s voice guides you into the next pose. You aren’t here to power through a vigorous sequence of postures or fine tune your alignment, you’re here to rest and restore. Derived from Iyengar Yoga — a style that uses props to perfect postures — modern Restorative Yoga integrates props to help deepen stretches and make poses more comfortable. Pillows, bolsters, blocks, sandbags and blankets may be used to support you in the postures, eliminating unnecessary strain and thus enabling you to stay in the pose for several minutes. This allows

your muscles to stretch gradually, when they are naturally ready. The result is a deep opening of the body and a calming of the mind. As with other forms of yoga, Restorative offers a myriad of physical and mental benefits. When the body is deeply relaxed, blood pressure is reduced and the central nervous system is at rest. Following a Restorative Yoga class, you will likely feel more focused and attentive. If you have sleep challenges, a this yoga practice will help, as the relaxation you experience makes it easier to transition to sleep, even several hours later. If you’re accustomed to forms of yoga or other exercises that are fast-paced or physically demanding, a Restorative class will likely feel radically different. Ease into each pose with an open mind, and if the pace feels too slow, remind yourself to simply breathe and let go.



Parkland Manitoba




JULY 1 Canada Day Celebration TBD, Inglis

events M A N I TO B A


JULY 8 Reesor’s Glen Lea Ladies Golf Tournament Glen Lea Golf Course, Brandon JULY 10 Westman Dressage to host Lemondae Daze an EC sanctioned bronze dressage show. Keystone Centre, Brandon JULY 11 52ND Annual International Ham Radio Festival International Peace Gardens, Boissevain JULY 18 Country Legends Manitoba Mega 2015 , Dauphin

JULY 24 – 26 Brandon Folk, Music and Art Festival Keystone Centre, Brandon

JULY 30 Street Fair and Dance TBD, Dauphin

JULY 31 – AUGUST 1 Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival Selo Ukraina Festival Site, Dauphin

AUGUST 2 6TH Annual F.A.M.E. Summer Festival (Fun Art Music and Entertainment) International Peace Gardens, Boissevain AUGUST 15 – 16 Quilt Show International Peace Gardens, Boissevain AUGUST 15 – 16 Dubs at the Lake VW Car Show Killarney Fair Grounds, Killarney



Parkland Manitoba



A Party That Pays For Itself The Perks of Direct Selling By Rebecca Schneidereit


heir “merchandise” might include jewellery, kitchen accessories or makeup. Whatever their product, most of us know someone engaged in “direct selling,” the business model practiced by companies who allow interested individuals to become independent “salespeople.” Such salespeople then sell to family, friends and acquaintances, or at social gatherings. Since the mid-20th century, direct selling has become a hit with salespeople and customers alike. You may even have thought about going into business for yourself. If so, what’s holding you back? Does getting paid to host a “girls’ night” seem too good to be true? You probably won’t get rich quick via direct selling, but it can be a solid side gig. What product you sell comes down to personal taste:

direct-selling companies deal in candles, cosmetics, dishware, jewellery, lingerie and more. You’re sure to find something to appeal to your “target market” (who, starting out, will be those closest to you socially). Selling is an art. You can’t just hope customers will come to you; you’ve got to sell proactively. But no one wants to be subjected to “high pressure” sales — not even your nearest and dearest. Successful selling means both hyping your product and knowing when to back off. Many companies provide sales training, and some will even pair you with another salesperson for mentoring. Opportunities exist in numerous companies to earn income in addition to product sales. Many embrace “multi-


level marketing,” a structure which allows salespeople to recruit others to the company. Typically, there’s a bonus for recruitment: for instance, a percentage of your protégé’s sales. Plenty of direct selling businesses provide extra perks for new, or especially successful, salespeople: such “pluses” can range from complementary merchandise to more lavish prizes. If you’re already a host by habit — if you love dressing your best, serving drinks and snacks, and catching up with new and old friends — direct selling and home selling parties offer an opportunity to turn a favourite pastime into a profitable, professional venture. You’re sure to have fun along the way. After all, how often do you get to throw a party that pays for itself?


Parkland Manitoba



Ignite Your Senses Today

This is MY Year Lose 10+ pounds in 21 days! My dream is to foster a community of healing while promoting holistic wellness. Together we will discover nature’s living energy. I am willing to inspire you to learn about the power of health-promoting botanicals. Let’s start to create vibrant health with 100 % pure therapeutic grade Young Living Essential Oils. Embrace this opportunity to treasure in nature’s gifts that Young Living offers.

Shantelle Rank Young Living Independent Distributor Parkland | 204.648.3929

Get REAL with Nerium International: REAL science, REAL results!

Get amazing results with our 21 day program and only work out 30 minutes a day! This program will sculpt and tone your entire body. It also includes low impact modifiers for every move making it suitable for all fitness levels. If you are ready to get fit and make this your year, contact me!

Sunshiney Smiles Fitness

Dauphin | 204.638.1213 | |


Love Avon, Sell Avon.

Nerium’s exclusive, easy-to-use skin care products are formulated to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, discolouration, uneven skin texture, enlarged pores and aging or loose skin. An average of 41% change to the skin in two simple steps: a night and day cream. Exciting benefits of joining this ground level company include free products, weekly commissions, iPad, Lexus car and cash bonuses. Share products, help people feel better and get rewarded.


REAL People, REAL Results. As a member you can shop online, get "members only" prices, get exclusive sneak peaks and receive information and special incentives not available to the general public. AFTER


Kali Ewanyshyn – Independent Brand Partner Nerium International 204.572.7189



Parkland Manitoba

To order or enrol please contact Candice 204.638.8909 • /Candice Campbell Taylor BUSINESS & COMMUNITY

Dianna’s Creations

pre-made and custom order With more than 35 years in leather work, Dianna Airey offers a variety of products including mukluks, slippers, mitts, baby booties, fashion boots, hunting boots, leather and tapestry one-of-a-kind handbags and western apparel, which includes leather vests and motorcycle or rodeo chaps. She also makes custom-made special needs products. Treat yourself to her best-selling Weekender Bag. This versatile bag can hold up to four days of clothing and a pair of shoes, it fits in airplane overhead compartments and can also work as a diaper bag.

Contact Dianna to place your order. | | 204.838.2155

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All Super 8 hotels are independently owned and operated.



Parkland Manitoba


A Profession Laced with Love and Care By Darlyn Hunt Photos ThenSingsMySoul Photography


orn and raised within the lifestyle of a family-run business, owner Dana Paull has been busy for the past 14 years as a licensed funeral director and embalmer at Paull Funeral Home. Handed down through four generations and 117 years, Paull Funeral Home and Crematorium is an important piece of the Swan River Valley’s history. Paull Funeral Home was first established in 1898 by Dana’s great-great grandfather George Paull. From there it was passed

on to his son Edwin Van Paull in the early 1940s. Eldon Paull was next in line to serve the community after Edwin’s death in 1975, and at the time of his passing it was handed down to the fourth and current generation as well as the first woman to lead the business, Dana Lee Paull. Together with her staff members, who consider themselves to be a closely knit family work group, Dana Paull, Eric Neufeld, Darlyn Hunt and Lorena Piwish continue to serve both inside and outside the Swan River Valley Community.

“This is much more than a job for me,” says Dana. “It’s a lifelong commitment, and serving families during a time of intense need is so much a matter of heart and love. I enjoy every aspect of what I do and I feel blessed to have the opportunity to give meaningful end-of-life tributes to my community, my families and my friends.” Eric, considered to be the senior director, has been a licensed director with the funeral home for more than 45 years. His dedication to the Paull Funeral Home family has always been treasured and

L-R: Lorena Piwish, funeral assistant; Dana Paull, owner; Eric Neufeld, senior director; Darlyn Hunt, funeral director, embalmer and funeral celebrant



Parkland Manitoba


TOP L–R George Paull, Edwin Paull, Eldon Paull, Dana Paull BELOW Paull Funeral Home 1959

appreciated. “My work at the funeral home has always meant a great deal to me,” says Eric. “I take a great deal of pride in the relationships I have formed over the years with families I serve, sometimes more than one generation within a family. I plan on continuing to lend a hand when I am needed at the funeral home while I am enjoying my semi-retirement.” Darlyn, with the funeral home for more than seven years, apprenticed to become a licensed funeral director and embalmer through Paull Funeral Home and completed her education in 2011. She is also a certified celebrant giving her opportunities to officiate and lead funeral services for families who are non-secular. She provides services that are focused solely on the life and personal aspects of the deceased. “I never dreamed a profession like this

would suit me. Working here has been so fulfilling and life changing,” says Darlyn. “I am passionate about this profession and serving others. This is my calling.” Lorena, Paull Funeral Home’s highly valued funeral assistant, has worked with the company for about five years. She wears many hats and is an important part of the team, taking on every task with upmost professionalism and dedication. “I know my dad would be so proud to see me working here. I’m honoured to have this wonderful employment opportunity,” says Lorena. Paull Funeral Home and Crematorium 506 Second Street North Swan River 204.734.4556



Parkland Manitoba


Life Begins with Coffee By Brook Thalgott Photos Sterling Photos — Russell and Julie Shiner


ussell’s TinHouse Designs & Coffee Co., owned by Tyler Kilkenny and Todd Sawyer is quickly becoming a town institution and a must-do



Parkland Manitoba

when visiting the Asessippi Parkland. The café and gallery is proud to serve Russell locals and visitors wonderful lunches, dinners and drinks while surrounded by


beautifully crafted Canadian-made artwork. “We’ve been in Russell for two years now and we’re developing quite the following,” says Kilkenny. “We’ve worked hard to create

a warm and welcoming environment with an urban vibe. We want people to come in and after one visit want to make it a destination stop!” Designed with a city feel in mind, TinHouse Designs & Coffee Co. is home to a gallery showcasing Canadian art and gifts, including stained glass and tin art. “The stained glass pieces are made without lead,” says Tyler. “The tin art is carefully crafted from vintage tin ceiling tiles and each piece features the history of the tin on the back.” There are also pieces from Canadian artists from across the country, and you’re always able to learn more about the artists and their work. “Our gallery is a little piece of the city brought to the beautiful Russell area,” says Kilkenny. Once you’re done appreciating all the artwork, the café is the place to sit down and enjoy a wonderful lunch, dinner or just a drink and dessert. The drink menu is extensive with specialty coffees, a variety of teas and Italian sodas. Whether it is lunch or dinner, everything is made in-house by

the TinHouse staff. The menu features a selection of delectable wraps, subs, soups, salads and now pizzas. “We’ve got eight delicious in-house made pizzas, each prepared to order,” says Kilkenny. “Made on flatbread, these are not your typical heavy, greasy chain-style pizzas. Our artisanal pizzas are light, fresh and covered with fine-quality toppings.” The pizzas are baked fresh every lunch hour and sold by the slice. Between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m., you can order ahead and pick up a whole pizza for dine in or take-out. If you’re in the mood for something sweet, TinHouse Designs & Coffee Co. has that too. There’s a fantastic variety of homemade desserts — the carrot cake and matrimonial squares have many devoted fans — and ice cream, too. And, the summer patio is the perfect place to enjoy your beverage, meal or afterdinner treat. Come and enjoy the art and the food at TinHouse Designs & Coffee Co. Open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the café and gallery is worth a visit.


TinHouse Designs & Coffee Co. 161 Main Street Russell 204.773.2291 /tinhousedesigns&coffeeco.


Parkland Manitoba


A Trusted Local Hot Spot Goes Mobile


f you are on the road this summer, make Tiff’s Restaurant and Lounge in Angusville one of your destinations. Owner Taralee Chuchmuch prides herself on the menu chock-full of homemade food. Since its opening in 2012, Tiff’s Restaurant and Lounge has garnered a huge following from locals and visitors alike because of the great atmosphere, home cooked food and unique recipes along with their surprise such a great establishment is nestled in a town of 115 people. “I’ve created most of the recipes with my own tongue, so to speak,” Chuchmuch says. “You’re not going to find my food anywhere else. We use ‘real stuff’ in all of our recipes and you can definitely taste the difference.” A cozy fireplace, large comfy chairs and banquet seating welcome families and groups of any size. The lounge-like atmosphere makes Tiff’s a great stop for a refreshing summer beverage or a trail stop when you’re out for a winter snowmobile ride. With so much good food and success in Angusville, the next logical step for Tiff’s was to take their “show” on the road. The purchase of a fully equipped trailer that can handle anything from full menu catering to auctions and community events means the service and quality you expect from Tiff’s can now be found in a community near you. Homemade L-R Taralee Chuchmuch, owner and Sydney Pickup



Parkland Manitoba


burgers, fries, onion rings, sandwiches, pies and desserts, along with the very sought after “lazy perogy” bowl are all available through Tiff’s mobile food service. The sharp looking black and purple trailer is on the road this summer at Rockin the Fields in Minnedosa on the August long weekend and at Dukefest in Rossburn August 14 and 15. If you follow the auction circuit you will also find Tiff’s trailer serving lunch at many auctions throughout the area.

Taralee has generously chosen to give back to the community by donating five per cent of proceeds from the auction lunch sales to a charity of the farmer’s choice. Knowing some of your money is going to a local cause should make it easier to order the extra fries.

In Angusville or on the road, Tiff’s offers high quality food and service that exceed expectations. Follow Tiff’s Facebook updates to find them this summer. It might be close enough to try some homemade goodness served up with a smile.

If you have a family reunion, wedding or work event you need catered, call Tiff’s. They ensure you and your guests can relax and enjoy a great meal knowing all the details are taken care of.

Tiff’s Restaurant and Lounge 76 Main Street Angusville 204.773.3344



Parkland Manitoba


More than a Store A meeting place for us all to share stories, news and laughter!


ver get wistful for days gone by, when every town had a gathering place where locals could meet, tell stories and catch up — a place where strangers became friends? Do you love when history is preserved and carried on from generation to generation? Get back to the roots of rural Manitoba and the roots of community spirit with a trip to Angusville General Store. Opened in December 2014 by Bryan and Becky Flundra, the store is built around history



Parkland Manitoba

and times past. Situated in the old Municipal building in Angusville, the fixtures and counters come from an old general store in Vista, which opened in 1907. The store is filled with antiques and treasures that give it an old time feel. The atmosphere of old is brought into the present with a specialty coffee bar, soft ice cream stop and room for neighbours and visitors to reminisce and catch up. Angusville General Store is built on history and old-fashioned values of taking time to learn what people need and


making it available locally. The store has everything from fuses and groceries to fresh flowers and diesel fuel conditioner. “We thought the store would evolve and grow, but it has literally just exploded into having everything under the sun,” says Becky. Local crafters and farmers have their products displayed and for sale and you can find anything from Manitoba grown honey and camelina oil to beer bread and wing mix or hand knit items. “The coffee we serve here is roasted in Winkler, MB

“We enjoy the atmosphere and the sense of community we get to experience everyday.” by Other Brother Roasters and the regular brew and all of the specialty espresso beverages have been favourites. They roast fantastic coffee,” says Bryan. With its proximity to many summer vacation destinations, Angusville General Store is the logical stop for bags of ice, bug spray, jiffy pop for around the campfire, and of course, ice cream on the long warm summer evenings. Both Bryan and Becky were born and raised in rural Manitoba and they carry the sense of community and rural spirit with them into the everyday workings

of the store. “We enjoy the atmosphere and the sense of community we get to experience everyday,” says Becky. “It’s also great to be able to provide a large variety of items locally so people don’t have to run out of town if they need an extra something for a recipe or fresh bouquet of flowers. Everyone loves giving and receiving flowers; even if they do not last forever, it still reminds the receiver they are in your thoughts and you care about them.”

into simpler times when the shopkeeper greeted you with a smile and asked about your day, a time when the neighbour had time for a visit over coffee and a stranger in town quickly became a friend just by stopping in. Bryan and Becky have created that old style community gathering place that was the centre of every town and village across the prairies for some many years. This summer take a step into history with a stop at Angusville General Store.

Angusville General Store offers more than groceries, great coffee, soft ice cream and a gift for a friend, it offers a step back

Angusville General Store 307 Main Street Angusville, MB 1.204.773.3243



Parkland Manitoba




A Clear, Shining Jewel IN THE

HEART OF MANITOBA By Kim Mannix Vermette Photos courtesy of Friends of Riding Mountain National Park and Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve

At the heart of Riding Mountain National Park, one of the country’s most diverse and historically rich parks, sits picturesque Clear Lake. This stunning natural wonder is serviced by the town of Wasagaming, where visitors can enjoy great dining, browse unique shops and find a comfortable place to stay while engaging in all of the region’s wonderful leisure activities. 24


Parkland Manitoba



his area really is a jewel of Manitoba,” says George Hartlen, chief administrative officer with Friends of Riding Mountain National Park — a not-forprofit group that works to increase awareness and enjoyment of the natural and cultural heritage of the park. “

A native of Brandon, Hartlen says he grew up visiting the park, and is pleased he now gets to work promoting and protecting a place personally important to him, and ecologically and culturally important to the country. Clear Lake boasts 300,000 visitors every year. Some come to enjoy the resort atmosphere of the lake and Wasagaming, while others come for a true wilderness experience. Hikers and bikers can travel the 400 kilometres of trail that run through 3,000 kilometres of boreal forest, aspen parkland and fescue prairie. The diversity of nature and wildlife one can encounter all in the same park is what helped Clear Lake and region become recognized as one of only 16 UNESCO biosphere reserves in the country.

Valerie Pankratz, executive director of the Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve, says the park and area attracts many visitors from overseas, because of its unique biodiversity and beautiful landscapes. And of course, once they’re in the area, there’s plenty to keep them busy. “I think one of the best things about visiting is not only countless things to do, and so many activities going on within the park, but there’s also so much to do outside of the park in the surrounding communities,” says Pankratz. “Once people come and see what the area has to offer, it reminds them that it’s something worth loving and protecting.” Clear Lake is a short drive from many major cities, including Regina, Yorkton, Brandon and Winnipeg. Accommodations within the park range from four-star hotels to rustic campsites. Leisure opportunities abound for the whole family, including boating, fishing, swimming, horseback riding, tennis, golfing at several scenic courses, minigolf, local museums, theatre or many great dining establishments.


The park is open year round and winter activities like ice fishing and crosscountry skiing are popular, as well as a packed calendar of special events that runs from May through December. “Canada Day is always a big day here with our celebrations and citizenship ceremony,” says Hartlen. “There’s also Clear Lake Celebration Day, Parks Day in July, and Wasagaming Chamber Days in August as well as the Halloween-in-the summer experience — Boo in the Park — that’s always a lot of fun.” There are many summer camps for children of all ages and experience levels, as well parades, festivals and concerts for everyone to enjoy. “If it’s your first time to the park, or your hundredth time back, there’s always something new and fun to discover,” adds Hartlen. For more information on the park and the Friends of Riding Mountain National Park visit or www.


Parkland Manitoba



Life is Better at the Lake By Brook Thalgott Photos Frazer Photographic Art


or 70 years, there’s been a store in the Onanole corridor supplying campers, cottagers and park visitors with everything they need for a fun and relaxing time at Riding Mountain National Park. In 2012, a new chapter began with the store. Barry and Dawna Skrudland purchased the store, christened it Woods General Store, and added their own special and modern touch to the Clear Lake institution.



Parkland Manitoba

“We’re so happy to make our home and living where the bison still roam and wildlife abounds,” says Dawna. “And, we’ve worked hard to make Woods General Store a place for locals and visitors alike to find whatever they need to make their park experience wonderful.” Today, Woods General Store is 5,000 sq. ft. and full of whatever you’ll need for a weekend or a whole summer at the lake.


Located on Hwy 10 in Onanole near the south entrance to Riding Mountain National Park and the townsite of Wasagaming, Woods General Store is a full-service grocery store and home to a delightful in-store bakery, fresh meat department and large deli. “We’ve got a large selection of freshly baked breads, muffins and pies. Our breads — cheese, fergasa and veggie — have developed a loyal following,” says Dawna. “And our

white, whole-wheat and French breads are baked daily and are reasonably priced at a $1.95 a loaf.” Woods General Store also offers restaurant-quality steaks, double smoked farmer sausage and bacon wrapped cheeseburgers for your barbecue, rotisserie chickens and salads in the deli, and pizzas made in-store. The pizzas are especially popular, always available hot out of the oven at noon or prepared for you to take and bake at home. There are also plenty of locally sourced foods, including sprouts and asparagus. If you’re hosting a party or special event, Woods General Store can provide fresh buns, party trays and steaks cut to order. Dawna and Barry have also made sure to stock foods for special diets. If you’re eating organic, vegetarian, GMO-free, dairy-free, sugar-free or gluten-free, the store has a selection of items just for you. Dawna and Barry also want to make their customers’ lives easier. “We offer online shopping now. Just pick out what you want online, and we’ll have it packed

and ready for you to pick up when you arrive.” Woods General Store is more than just groceries. Not only can you pick up firewood for a night of making s’mores, you can also grab live bait and tackle. “We’re now carrying lead-free tackle,” says Barry. “Park regulations require leadfree, and we’re the place to get it.”

TOP LEFT FRONT ROW L - R: Liam, Barry, Dawna, Juliann, Charles BACK ROW L - R: Alyx, Samantha, Douglas TOP RIGHT

Barry and Dawna Skrudland, owners

The store also carries gifts and décor items such as Hamman Towels (in every colour to match your bathing suit), vintage style blankets and camp games. And, if you’re looking for something and can’t find it, Woods General Store is happy to help you get it. “We’re always adding new things to the store to meet our customers’ needs,” says Dawna. Make Woods General Store a stop on your way to Clear Lake this summer. Open from May 1 through Thanksgiving, Woods General Store is open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day during the summer. Woods General Store Onanole 204.848.2099



Parkland Manitoba



Explore an Eclectic Country Store at

Gone Scrappin’ In Bloom By Brook Thalgott


iscover a Parkland jewel in an eclectic 1939 heritage general store. Gone Scrappin’ In Bloom (GSIB) is a delightful excursion for any visitor to Riding Mountain National Park. The business began by providing scrapbookers with the supplies they needed to make beautiful memory books, and has since evolved into a charming locale complete with a café, plenty of wonderful home décor items, gifts and flowers. “We’ve been here now for seven years,” says owner Kelly Hunter. In 2010, Kelly received an award as a finalist for Manitoba’s Woman Entrepreneur of the Year and the store was recently listed as one of the top 20 places to eat in Manitoba. GSIB is a fabulous place for lunch, a quick coffee or a sweet treat. The menu changes



Parkland Manitoba

daily and features delicious homemade soups, salads, flatbread pizzas and paninis, plus a variety of in-house made brownies, cheesecakes, cookies and mammoth cinnamon buns. And, you can grab a drink to stay or go. The café can prepare espresso, cappuccino and lattes all made with locally roasted premium beans. There’s a fine selection of specialty teas too, and even granitas, Italian sodas, milkshakes and ice creams. Snag one of their vintage stools at the café counter to enjoy your treat. Many of the store’s lovely home décor items and gifts are locally and Manitoba made, you’ll find everything from pottery, purses, jewelry, gourmet items, bath products and more. GSIB also carries fresh flowers, and has an in-shop florist. “We have flowers for all occasions, weddings


OPPOSITE BOTTOM Kelly Hunter, owner

and for ‘just because,’” says Kelly. “You can book a free consultation with us to plan your wedding floral arrangements.” There are also plenty of events in-store. GSIB features six Home Routes Concerts annually, art and scrapbooking retreats, and a multitude of family events such as a Teddy Bear Picnic, Old Fashion Tea Party and more,” says Kelly. The building can also be privately booked for birthday parties, meetings or even a wedding. GSIB hasn’t forgotten its roots. It’s still very much a scrapbooker’s paradise with the latest and greatest supplies. The stock is always changing and there are plenty of mixed media art supplies too. Twice a year GSIB hosts a scrapbooking weekend. “We host a small close knit group of scrapbookers on our weekends,” says Kelly. “We keep everyone well fed, coffeed up, chat and scrapbook into the wee hours of the morning. Registration forms are available on our website to book a spot for our Aug. 7 to 9 weekend!” The nostalgic atmosphere of the building is worth the experience for the entire family. Come find the pickle barrel stains on the old hardwood floors, reminisce among the classic coolers and cabinetry, and enjoy seeing the original general store scale and safe, still on display in their home. Other antiques and repurposed items are available for sale. GSIB is located in Rossburn, just 20 minutes from Russell or 40 minutes from Clear Lake. It’s worth a stop when visiting Riding Mountain National Park. You can pop in at 20 Victoria Avenue East — just look for the old brick building. Hours are Monday and Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Gone Scrappin’ In Bloom 20 Victoria Avenue East Rossburn 204.859.3334



Parkland Manitoba



A New Door Opens Photos Tracy Mohr Photography


t’s never too late to follow your dreams. Unfortunately, many of us do not learn these life lessons until something tragic happens. This is something Donna Besselt, owner of the Moon Lake Trading Company, knows all too well. After experiencing a serious car accident almost three years ago, Besselt suffered several broken bones and many surgeries. After more than two years of recovery it became evident to her she would suffer with chronic pain no matter what. “Regardless of the pain, I returned to work. I wanted to go back so I could try to get a ‘normal’ routine back into my life,” says Besselt. The back-



Parkland Manitoba

to-work transition was not easy for many reasons and Besselt realized what she really longed for was to spend more time with her family. “Eventually I decided to leave my job. I had no idea what I was going to do next, but with my husband supporting my decision, I kept the thought of ‘when one door closes another one opens’ in the back of my mind,” she adds. And, that’s exactly what happened. About three weeks after she left her job, another door opened. “My husband and I had always thought that it would be great if one day we could own a store in Clear Lake, MB,” says Besselt. It was the perfect dream for a family that spends


the majority of the summer camping just outside Clear Lake. While searching the Internet one day, Besselt’s husband discovered a store they really liked in the area had come up for sale and the price was right. Just a week later, the Besselts were the new owners of Moon Lake Trading Company. Moon Lake Trading Company is located in the heart of downtown Wasagaming. The store has something for everyone; home décor, clothing, jewellery, fudge, pottery and even special treats for dogs. The Besselts make an effort to incorporate Manitoba-made products and local

artisans into their inventory. Owning the shop is the perfect fit for Basselt — with the laid back atmosphere and a supportive staff, she has the freedom to manage her pain. “I would have to say the best part of owning a business is that I get to spend more time with my son and husband when they are working,” says Besselt. Since opening their doors on Mother’s Day the family has been very busy with stock arriving on a daily basis. Their goal is making sure customers leave the store with a smile on their face. “I enjoy listening to the stories our customers have,” says Besselt. “Whether they are from across the globe or from Winnipeg, everyone has a story to tell.” RIGHT The Besselt family, L-R: Eric, Brendan and Donna

Moon Lake Trading Post 119 Wasagaming Drive Wasagaming 204.848.8457



Parkland Manitoba



Delicious Food Made & Served with heart

If you’re looking for friendly, personalized service and quality, fresh, authentic and socially responsible products, you need look no further than Upper Cup and Mano’s Pizza at Clear Lake. Both are owned and operated by the Mistal family. A family that works hard together to bring the very best to their customers. Upper Cup proudly serves Reunion Island gourmet coffee, a socially responsible coffee company; 100% green energy, rainforest alliance certified, fair trade and committed to sustainable farming. They also serve Domo stone ground tea that is 100% natural and GMO/gluten Free. In addition to specialty coffees and teas, they serve lattes, mochas, cappuccinos, Italian sodas and flavoured iced teas, as well as some incredible treats like bagels, muffins squares and biscotti, just to name a few!

Mano’s Pizza & Pasta

The family’s commitment to quality, freshness and authenticity, extends to Mano’s Pizza. Their pizzas are handmade fresh on demand everyday, all day. The pizza dough and their sauces are all freshly made in-house. If you’re looking for loaded, authentic pizzeria pizza, Mano’s is the place to go! Named the best pizza in the Parkland by their customers, Mano’s Pizza is simply second to none. The Mistal family loves what they do and it shows. A close knit family that always make their customers feel like they are a part of their family...and the Mistals wouldn’t want it any other way!


Clear lake | 204.848.7444

Professionally Handcrafted and Custom Built At Northern Edge Log and Timber we strive to give our customers top of the line craftsmanship. We are a local company based out of Dauphin, MB and have been serving the prairies for the past 12 years. We specialize in timber frame cabins or additions, log cabins, entranceways, summer kitchens, gazebos and furniture. We also build customized roof systems and timber frame accents to give your home or cabin that bulky, rustic look and cozy, warm feeling. Check us out on Facebook if you are interested in seeing more of our work. For more information or questions feel free to call us at 204.638.9879 or email us at 204.638.9879 |


Enjoy homemade food on the patio or take out Open until last customer Friday night and until 3 a.m. on Saturday Open at 7 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday for coffee and breakfast • Waffles with strawberries and cream (Saturday/Sunday) • Hamburgers, hotdogs, smokies, homestyle fries, mexi fries, poutine, chicken burgers, nachos & cheese, popcorn, perogies, slushies, ice cap, pop, coffee, hard ice cream (many flavours) and smoothies • Enjoy mini golf and so much more! For kids: Jorgia's sand box fun & treasure

Ice Cream Kissed by the Magic of Clear Lake The Boardwalk is an ice cream wonderland and a must-visit while in Riding Mountain National Park. An ice cream parlour for more than 50 years, the Boardwalk offers more than 50 flavours of hard ice cream, yogurt and gelato, in addition to soft serve and all the fixings. Insider tip! If you show up here in a formal wedding dress, they’ll buy your ice cream.

Boardwalk on Clear lake

Caddy ShaCk drivE inn 400 Central road, Onanole | 204.841.4373

138 Wasagaming

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Parkland Manitoba


E COTTAGFOR TREND1S5 20 No matter if you spend your summer at the cottage or in your own back yard, it’s simple and affordable to create your perfect summer retreat. Just add the right furniture and accessories. Karen Vendramin, local artist and owner at Style Mercantile, recommends adding pops of colour with cushion or throws and accessories. Unique pieces like metal stars, clocks, vases canvas art and vintage signs are sure to keep you on trend.

If you’re feeling bold, Vendramin suggests revitalizing furniture with a fresh coat of paint. Her favourite? A product called Plaster Paint that easily transforms lackluster items without the hassle of sanding, stripping or priming. “People can be intimidated by the thought of tackling a project,” she says. “That’s why we started offering workshops to get them started and show how easy it really is to create your own heirlooms.”

119-2nd Ave. NW | Dauphin, MB | |

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