Fine Sussex v2 2019

Page 20

A Fine approach

to healthy eating…

The real secret to the perfect and long-lasting diet!


o here we are, bluebells filling the woods and longer, warmer days finally with us. For many, the start of the year may have brought ambitious resolutions to make drastic and challenging changes in the interest of eliciting change to health and fitness, to ‘spring into spring’ and ‘wow the world’ with a summer bikini body. Restrictive or specialised ‘diets’ will probably have featured highly in the list of activities and for many, by now these are merely a distant memory. Call me defeatist, but I think that can only be a good thing! I hold a vain hope that the message about planned and balanced eating will at some point take hold and the ‘drink a shake to be size 8’ mantras will really be so last year.

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Unfortunately, many still struggle with the concept of simple balanced eating. But – why? What is a good diet? I guess the problem is that for a good diet, healthy and balanced eating requires the one thing that we’re all chronically short of. And that my friends is the gift of time. Surely the issue is money I hear you roar in the background, isn’t quality food expensive? Well, yes, it is but it doesn’t HAVE to be with a bit of thought and research. It is really dangerous to think about food intake in purely calorific terms. Food is fuel, yes – but we really are what we eat. Our bodies are continually renewed, bones grow, muscles repair themselves and

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