Fine Sussex v2 2019

Page 8

Understanding a


The View of a Garden through the Eye of a Horticulturist


alking into a new garden brings with it a lot of excitement, but also apprehension and anticipation. As a horticulturist, all your senses are alert and focussed. Entering for the first time, you’re hit by an initial impression, a feeling that maybe you’ve discovered a hidden gem, a new project or a renovation and regeneration exercise. Unearthing its past Many questions run through your mind. What period does the property date

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from? Does the garden give an impression of formality with a great deal of structure, or maybe it incorporates significant soft planting generating a relaxed feel? Are there any focal points, specimen plants, structures that clearly stand out or pathways attracting you through to areas of the garden not immediately obvious? What is the quantity, quality, variety and colour palette of plants currently present? Has it been professionally designed or created ad hoc producing an anarchic collection of borders, built over time?

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