Grace Shedwick DE1136

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“ MASS CUSTOMISATION CAN BE THE FUTURE OF FASHION ” Grace Shedwick. DE1136. Fashion Futures, Customised Print in Menswear.


In an era when brand

loyalty is low and demands are high, it makes sense that

What are brands already doing it ?

customization has taken off. Shoppers can design their own Nike sneakers, Brooks Brothers suits, Burberry trench coats and Longchamp bags. Out of 1,000 shoppers questioned in a 2013 Bain & Company survey, less than 10 percent had customized a product. But 25-30 percent said they’d be up for it. And that’s enough for

many brands that want to believe there’s potential in personalization.

- knyttan / burberry / nike / longchamp / brook brothers / louis vitton

We can make a different item every time without changing the way our clothes are made. We’ve brought the factory, the designer and the customer closer together, removing the barriers to production.This is just the start. As we develop, we want to empower you, our customer, to curate the clothes you wear and we want designers to create the things that only they could dream of. This is a world not limited by choice, but empowered by it. Welcome to the infinite collection defined by you

Knyttan works with a range of different designers to create "style guides" that customers can then customise via the app to make bespoke pieces. UK graphic designer Kate Moross, for example, created a range of geometric patterns for the brand, which customers can manipulate in different ways to create almost limitless variations. "You can move around to your favourite part of the image, you can zoom in to a piece of detail that you really like and you can say, 'I want it in this different colourway,'" Alun-Jones explains in the movie. "This creates a completely different piece almost every single time."

The reason mass customisation hasn't happened before in

knitwear is that the design tools that exist

are very old fashioned, almost like 1980s, 1990s-style CAD, We have developed a new piece of software that enables us to make at one minute a red and blue jumper and the next minute a green and white scarf and it just comes out in a flow of completely different items. It's

turning these mass-production machines

into aunique production method.

inovative technologies

Design and technology are coming together to shape the future

Alun-Jones says that while fashion has traditionally been reluctant to embrace new technology, the success of the shop is forcing the industry to take mass customisation seriously.Now we've made the shop and we've shown how it can work, it's totally changed the conversation,People realise and really understand how this can be the future of fashion.

Tinker Tailor offers two services. One lets a customer create a one-of-a-kind dress, top or skirt, starting with the silhouette there are 10 top options alone -- then moving on to fabric and embellishments. While this made-in-New York option, which typically takes about six weeks to turn around, is compelling, what really sets Tinker Tailor apart is its partnerships with designers. The site has teamed up with more than 80 brands, including Rodarte and Preen, to create customizable options, 3D imagining means that designers don’t have to waste money on a sample if a particular version proves unpopular.

fashion and individual identity Fashion is about individuality; we express ourselves through the clothes we wear, and yet our choices are often made for us.

glasses. colour We use fashion

as a tool, it helps us evolve and shift our physical and emotional identities, and

fuels our human need to mask our true selves allowing us to play “parts” in society. The fashion industry gives us with these tools, providing

us with ways to express our sexuality, femininity, and our day-to-day feelings. Our

fashion identity is formed through social scripts, and fashion is there to aid Fashion is a tool used by the individual to drive the unique

us in our character choice.

identity of every person, the road can be

treacherous, filled with missteps and regret, but the ride can be rewarding if the outcome proves positive and self-fulfilling.

what makes up my fashion identity ?

The phrase, “fashion

choice”, doesn’t simply imply the articles of clothing that we choose to put on, it also

includes the identity we choose to represent for the day; may that identity be a gender identity or a sexual identity is up to the individual.


Make up

Personalised knitted Burberry cape - worn by Palermo

customisation and celebrity

‘Brands hope that customization will create a deeper connection between a shopper and the product she creates. Plus, given that one-of-a-kind products have lower return rates and can fetch higher prices, it seems like a no-brainer.’

Kim Kardashian & Kanye west

Blue Ivy Carter


Kim Kardashian carried a customized Hermes handbag, which was specially painted by North West.

‘The phrase, “fashion choice”, doesn’t simply imply the articles of clothing that we choose to put on, it also includes the identity we choose to represent for the day’

Do you evaluate or form an opinion of other individual’s identities from their fashion

Do you agree with this statement ?


“ The clothes people were represent them as a person, giving them an ‘identity’ through fashion, therefore ‘fashion choice’ isn’t just simply about clothes, but also an identity. ”

Yes. Always.

‘If there was on option to customising your clothing would this influence your purchasing decision? ‘

“Sometimes you may like an item of clothing but prefer it in another colour or in a similar style that may be better with shorter sleeves a longer body. etc.”

‘The phrase, “fashion choice”, doesn’t simply imply the articles of clothing that we choose to put on, it also includes the identity we choose to represent for the day’ Do you agree with this statement ?

“ Yes. Fashion allows people to show of their personality and identity, clothes can be a way for people to express themselves ”

market research Five male & Females answered questions on fashion identity and the possibility of mass customisation becoming the future of fashion. In your opinion what identity does you style either subconsciously or purposefully reflect?

“ I would say the clothes that I wear reflect my style and how I am, as I’m quite a casual, laid-back kind of person in my approach to life. ” Do you find you are able to find fashion choice’s that reflect you as an individual on the high street?

In your opinion what identity does you style either subconsciously or purposefully reflect?

Now i come to to think of it no.

“ That I am quite a modest person, tidy and clean I don't really wear clothes that enhance body parts or show off my figue. ” Do you feel you have an outfit that reflects you as person ?

If there was on option to customising your clothing would this influence your purchasing decision?

Yes and no? If it meant that I could get a cool print that I like on a dress or scarf or something then that would be cool, but no tacky customising.

If yes list and explain what each item says about you, or if you prefer just explain how the outfit reflects you:

I think rather than a whole outfit that reflects me I have individual pieces, such as oversized shirts/tops, jeans, converse, just a chilled out kinda style..

Images of floor tiles in the south of France.

trends and print devlopment

‘I Have This Thing With Floors‘ a colorful gallery of photos taken by contributors worldwide described as that moment ‘when feet meet nice floors.’ From geometric pattern to traditional mosaics; coloured tiles and type slogans, ‘I Have This Thing With Floors’ features a glorious selection of stunning floors and stylish footwear, and has attracted over 288k followers, sparking a trend for the ‘selfeet.’

mens basic blocks customised print devlopment

mens basic blocks and print devlopment







a|c about acustum.. Fashion is about individuality; we express ourselves through the clothes we wear, and yet our choices are often made for us . What if there was a different way that meant designers could offer more to their customers? What if customers could define what is made, letting them make theiwardrobe their own? We started Acustum to remove the layers between designers and customers – and by doing so, give everyone a better choice. .

Acustum is a brand that works with a range of different designers to create a trend guide that customers can then use as inspiration to customise product via the app to make ‘one of a kind’ pieces. Consumers can change the size of the print that graphic designer make, they can upload their own images and truly have free reign on the shirt, jersey and knitwear blocks provided.

inspiration screens Customers can upload their own images to take colour inspiration from and then change your print to your perosnlised colours..

Prints are desinged with customistation in mind mind with no more than 4 colours to a print..

a|c Acustum. Menswear Cutstomised Print & Design.




about acustum..

Fashion is about individuality; we express ourselves through the clothes we wear, and yet our choices are often made for us. What if there was a different way that meant designers could offer more to their customers? What if customers could define what is made, letting them make theiwardrobe their own?





‘one print, one shirt, so many prefrences’





Acustum provide basic mens block in slim and regular, consumer thabn can devlop there own designs playing with scale of print and colour of the garment ’




Acustum. Menswear Cutstomised Print & Design.








products 6cm



about acustum..

Fashion is about individuality; we express ourselves through the clothes we wear, and yet our choices are often made for us. What if there was a different way that meant designers could offer more to their customers?


What if customers could define what is made, letting them make theiwardrobe their own?

6cm 6cm






product ‘one print, one shirt, so many prefrences’


‘create your own collection & become the designer....’

Evaluation. On reflection, working alongside the Design for Industry students was a great insight into a different sector within design. As a team we all contributed a variety of skills, which complemented each other well to start off with. App and website design were new skills that I thoroughly enjoyed learning off the Design for Industry students and something I am looking to develop into forth year. Group work towards the end of the project was more of a challenge, however at the beginning was great to learn and off each other and share and improve our ideas. I would assert more authority within the group if I were to do this brief again as think as a team we lacked leadership and organisation towards the end. My role within the group was to design the layout for both the presentation and the website, time management and organisation were key for this role. It was a challenge at first to set deadlines and ensure everyone knew what was required of them. This brief taught me to see the importance of having strong leadership and a strict timeline so that no one diverts of track and ensure the work is done on time. I have thoroughly enjoyed the individual project it was hard at first to adjust to such a contrasting briefs. I have really worked well having such freedom to explore what could possibly challenge or enhance the fashion industry in the future. This module has been a great opportunity I feel to understand what a concept is and how we will be working going into fourth year. My digital skills have been challenged in both modules and are something I can see i am now starting to produce a higher standered of digitial work than previous years. .

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