Fashion Futures - DE1136

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effects of

Anabolic steroids in the fitness industry

Exploring the effects anabolic steroids has on the outer and inner body. Developing further on to cell mutation, displayed through print and fabric manipulation.

muscle growth





Profession competition work



better lifestyle


Benefits addicted to the ‘perfect body’



cell mutation


muscle growth

benefits myths dangers





Body builders athletes Take them to improve and move them up a level

Growth hormones often taken together


stronger & more dangerous

effects increase strength

side effects inside

agression depression addiction

Increase muscle mass faster ability

heart attacks lung & kidney failure men & female hormones change high blood pressure

‘Nazi doctors gave steroids to their soldiers in an attempt to Cell mutation make them more aggressive’

weight gain

Injection - more powerful, stays in the body 6-8 months

Powder Pills - stay in the body for 6-8 weeks

are you aware of the health risks that come with the use of steroids? 22%

‘The abuse of insulin and diuretics can be very deadly, especially if the user is unknowledgable of their proper usage.’ (Steroids: Safe Or Savage?, 2003)


Do you think the use of steroids in the fitness industry promotes false body expectations? 6% 22% 72%

would you ever consider taking steroids to achieve a fitness/body goal? 22%



‘Certainly at the pro level, steroids are used, indeed required, to compete on an equal footing with ones peers who are taking similar substances to gain that all-important edge.’ (robson, 2006)

Results from my survey showed although people said they were aware of the health risks which come with taking steroids, they are still likely to take them to achieve the unrealistic ‘perfect body’ which is conveyed through fitness models. This lead me to want narrow down my research and delve further into substance and the effects of which it has on the body, inside and out.




Steroids taken orally usually come on the form of a pill. It takes these water-soluble pills three to four weeks to clear the body.

photogrpahy representing the differant forms of steroids and ways it is taken

Photogrpahy representing muscle mass/growth - an outer effect from anabolic

The oil-based injections take six to eight months to leave the body.

when lifting heavier weights it creates tiny micro-tears in muscle fibers. The body’s natural repair process repairs the tear and then overcompensates by adding bigger cells to build a stronger fiber. Over time, this repeated process of teardown and re-build will result in muscle growth.

illustration inspired by the testosterone cell

testosterone its self isn’t effective when taken orally or injected as it is naturally and radially broken down by the liver. pharmacologists surmount this problem by suspending the cells in oil to help them remain in the body for weeks even months

print development from paint bubbles

when body fat reaches below 9% vascularity will be visible, this isn’t sustainable all year round for the every day person.

Prints include hand rendered fabric samples which were edited and manipulated digitally to create exposed muscle effect.

Print development representing the damage caused to cells from anabolic steroids

If I was to carry on with this research i would continue to experiment with prints, fabric manipulation, photography and illustration to support a trend publication of sports wear inspired by the effects of annabolic steroids.

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