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Start Up– p. 188  What does it mean to make a good first impression? Why is it important?

Today’s Objec7ves  How should we present ourselves

when meeting with experts on our PAR subjects?  What are some interviewing techniques and strategies to use?  What does any of this have to do with our class?

Reac%on –

Don’t copy, just answer!!!

(BRIEF answers below Start UP on 188)

 What does it mean to be a professional?  How does a professional behave and

dress?  Can you think of a time when you were disappointed by someone who was supposed to be a professional? Why did you feel that way?

Conduc7ng a Professional Interview

Notes p. 189

  Ask one question at a time and make eye contact   Try to remain as neutral as possible   Don’t show strong emotional reactions to your

subjects responses   Encourage responses with the occasional nod of the head or “uh huh”   Be careful when taking notes   Don’t let your note taking slow down the interview   Maintain control of the interview   Try not to let your subject ramble on about unimportant topics

Model Interview  Score this interview using the rubric  Be honest

Interview Ac7vity  Find a partner to work with for this activity  One person will conduct the interview  This person will take down notes from

the interview  The other person will be interviewed  This person will also grade the interviewer

Interview Ques7ons   What is your name and where are you from?   How do you get to school in the morning?   How often do you take the T?   What is the best part about taking the T?   What is the biggest problem with taking the T?   Who do you think is responsible for that

problem?   If you could fix one problem with the T, what would it be and why?   How do you think the T could be improved?

Reflec7on – p. 188

Copy and Answer

 What is one thing you think went

really well while you and your partner conducted your interview?  What was the biggest problem while conducting the interview and how do you think this problem could be fixed?  What’s at least TWO questions you could potentially ask an expert that pertains to YOUR topic?

Prac7ce note taking on scrap paper   Imagine you are interviewing the president about the

Trayvon Martin case. You ask your question and now you must take clear notes without…(?) Side-­‐note…what’s nice about the way President Obama speaks? Will all people you interview speak like him?

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