Fire News Long Island, July 2023

Page 59

July 2023 Volume L, No. 11 Street Renamings For EMTGiovanniello ex-Capt. James Landrigan See Stories on Pages 31 and 44 See story on page 6. - Fire News photo by Joseph C. Sperber PRSRTSTANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID HICKSVILLE NY PERMITNO. 298
Page 2, Fire News, July 2023

In this issue...

Hicksville House Fire

Hicksville and mutual aid companies snuff a fire on the second floor of a split level.

See story on page 12

Memorial Day Mulch Fire

Large piles of mulch ignited at the rear of Pallets-R-Us in Bellport.

See story on page 19

Valley Stream Office Fire

Several firefighters are injured at a North Valley Stream office fire.

See story on page 26

Roosevelt 100th Anniversary Engine 3 of the Roosevelt Fire Department celebrated its 100th anniversary.

See story on page 42

Oceanside Honors

Robert Moyer

Oceanside honors

Robert G. Moyer, Sr., for his 75 years of service.

See story on page 70


Pt. Lookout-Lido’s Lester Kappel and Bellport’s Doug Harrow

See stories on pages 77 & 78

AService for Long Island Firefighters and EMS Heroes

Founded 1973

146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY11713

FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher

TIM EDWARDS, Chief Operating Officer


GARYP. JOYCE, Managing Editor

MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales

LYNN SEDLER, Art Director

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CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Vinnie Ammirati, Dennis Berger, Chris Brenner, Jeff Bressler, Kirk Candan, Amanda Coffey, Ed Coppa, Bill D'Alessandro, Jim Dunn, Larry Fox, Lee Genser, Bryan Gosik,Brian Grogan, Steve Grogan,Mike Guar ino, Stephanie Handshaw, Jack Healy, Michael Heller, Robert Holley, Cody Hoyle, Kevin Imm, John Ippolito, Tom Lambui, Richard Lewin, Bryan Lopez, Harry Loud, Kurt Ludwig, Brad M aier, John Mancino, Paul Mazza, Lou Minutoli, Ron Monteleone, Michael Murphy, Charles A. Murphy, Mike Oppedisano, John Neely, Robert O'Rourk, Kevin Parkan, Tom Pesce, Kevin Peterson, Jackson Pokress, Jerry Presta, Myles Quinn, Dave Rubin, Jim Rugen, AJ Ryan, Drew Silverman, Steve Silverman, Joe Sperber, Richard Stark, JoAnn Stephani, Brian Thomas, Ed Tuffy, Joe Vir gilio, Steve Walsh, Dennis Whittam, Cameron Wilken

COLUMNISTS: Jeff Bailes, Paul Hashagen, Bruce Johnson, John Salka, Billy Goldfeder, Danny Peluso, Bradley Pinksy, Tom Rinelli

COPYRIGHT2023, THE FIRE NEWS INC., LONG ISLAND, NEWYORK. ALLRIGHTS RESERVED For advertising rates and information, call (631) 776-0500 Press 3

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Thirteen Editions, Sixteen States Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington DC, West Virginia, and Wildwood, NJ

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with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY11713.

50 Years of Excellence

As you know, Fire News is in its 50th yearof publication. If you have any stories, photos and good memories from the past, please send them to

PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Special Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 68
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page
Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 74 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 76-77
Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, Fire News, July 2023, Page 3

From the Editor’s Desk

When Does Training End?

I recently overheard a conversation between two firefighters who were talking about all of the experience they had in their department. I looked up and asked, “how many years have you been in the department?” I actually chuckled when I was told by one of the members that he had six years of experience in the fire service. I am willing to bet that as you read my last sentence, you too have a smile on your face. Truthfully, being a first responder is a job that requires constant training and practice from your first day on the job until your last.

Years of service does not necessarily qualify you to say that you are an experienced responder. This time of the year, I get nervous because we are entering brush fire season. Let’s face it, many firefighters have very little experience fighting brush fires. I am sure if you have been in the fire service for a few years, you have encountered a brush fire that might appear large to you upon arrival, but in reality it was a small fire that was quickly knocked down by two or three members who were lucky enough to be part of the crew on the brush truck. The fire that I worry about is the wind-driven brush fire that manages to take advantage of the strong winds of spring and runs through an area like a freight

train. The next time you sit in your ready room, share stories of brush fires of the past that have challenged your department.

Training never ends. All responders need to know every aspect of their job. Are you able to perform your job when the conditions get rough? Ask yourself if you are truly physically fit to perform under challenging conditions. Kudos to those members that go to the gym regularly to maintain their fitness and cardio performance.

Are you a student of your craft? Do you read articles that talk about recent fires or new products? When was the last time you came down to the firehouse and took a short rope and performed some of the basic knots with which you’re supposed to be proficient? Do you know how to use that knot to quickly hoist a line or a tool to a roof? If you think you can, challenge yourself and do it! Talking about forcing a door is not the same as doing it. Don’t wait for the yearly drill on a specific tool. You must remain proficient in the techniques and operations that you use every day.

Regardless of your years of experience, your current rank or your rank from the past, lead by example. Remain dedicated to your job. Study, practice, try new things, and ask

questions! Astory of the past that is shared with one another means nothing if it does not end with a lesson being shared and learned by others.

When the alarm sounds, respond to the call with enthusiasm. If you miss the truck, stay at the firehouse until the truck returns. Offer to fill bottles, wash tools, and hear the story about the call.

When does training end? I say never!



The Suffolk County Volunteer Firefighter’s Association Annual Dinner and Firefighter of the Year presentation will be held on Saturday, October 21, 2023, at the Coram Fire Department, 303 Middle Country Road in Coram. The event begins at 1800 with appetizers, (beer, wine, and soda included) followed by the installation of officers, dinner, and the Suffolk County Firefighter of the Year presentations for 2023. The cost is $65 per person.

Tickets are limited, so please order your tickets as soon as possible. Please visit our website at, for the dinner application and journal advertisement application. For f urther information, email the


The 25th Annual Copiague Chiefs Golf Tournament will be held on July 31, 2023, at the Bethpage Red course. Breakfast is at 0600, registration at 0700 and shotgun start at 0730. Dinner will be at the Copiague Fire Department Headquarters. Cost per golfer is $185. Sponsorship opportunities are available. For information call Chief Broyles at 631-445-9346.


Fire News is compiling a list of department Public Information Officers. If your department has a PIO, please send Fire News the PIO’s name, department, and contact information. E-mail us at Thank you for your help.

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Commack 2-CarMVA

The Suffolk Police, Commack Fire Department and Commack Ambulance responded to a two-vehicle MVAwith an overturn in front of the Smithtown Library Commack branch on Indianhead Road in Commack on May 27, 2023, at 1625. The vehicles collided at the entrance to the library. It appeared a minivan was making a left turn and was broadsided by an SUV. The two female drivers were treated by Commack Ambulance personnel and transported to Southside Hospital.

- Fire News photos by Joseph C. Sperber

Cover Story Page 6, Fire News, July 2023

Hempstead Shed Fire

The Hempstead Fire Department extinguished a small shed fire on Fiske Place on May 29, 2023. The blaze extended to a neighboring structure, but the fire was quickly knocked down.

- Fire News photos by and Fire News, July 2023, Page 7

Nesconset Blaze Extends

Holbrook House Fire Snuffed

On June 3, 2023, at approximately 0121, the Nesconset Fire Department was activated fora structure fire on Browns Road in Nesconset. Arriving units updated the address to Forest Avenue. The residential structure was fully involved with exposures on every side and propane tanks along with multiple sheds were also involved. Propane tanks did explode as the departments were operating. Multiple handlines went into operation as well as deck guns. The fire was knocked down in about 2-1/2 hours. The property was unmanaged formultiple years leading to the overgrown brush causing exposure problems. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation by the Suffolk County Police Arson Squad and Fire Marshal’s.

On June 2, 2023, at approximately 2209, the Holbrook Fire Department was activated fora structure fire on WindsorCourt in Holbrook. Arriving units were met with heavy flames pushing through the roof. The fire was knocked down in about an hour. Multiple surrounding departments were called in formutual aid.

- Fire News photo by Chase Millwater

ClutterConditions in Bethpage Blaze

- Fire News photo by Chase Millwater

N. Lindenhurst Garage Fire Held

The North Lindenhurst Fire Department and the Lindenhurst Fire Department were alerted fora garage fire in the vicinity of 47th Street and Catskill Avenue about 1325 on May 25, 2023. North Amityville Third Assistant Chief Benloss notified Babylon Central Fire Alarm of a heavy smoke condition in the area. Lindenhurst

First and Third Assistant Chiefs Santos and Brink arrived to an involved detached garage. Engine 1-11-1 stretched one line to the garage. Ladder1-11-4 set up in front of the house and began opening up the garage and affected area to check forextension, which was negative. The fire was knocked down and brought undercontrol in about 20 minutes. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza

Standby units from Hicksville, South Farmingdale, DeerPark and Greenlawn were covering forthe Bethpage Fire Department and were alerted, along with one engine from Levittown, fora house fire on North Windhorst Avenue about 2010 on June 3, 2023. As crews tried to enterthe house they encountered a severe hoarding condition throughout the 1-1/2 story home. South Farmingdale Chief of Department Mackie took command. Crews had to navigate through, overand around several feet of clutterboth inside and outside the home. Farmingdale Chief of Department Tortoso arrived and took overcommand of the scene with Chief Mackie switching to operations. Farmingdale Ladder926 was requested foran additional ladderbut, due to conditions in the home and difficulty reaching the fire, mutual aid reached a third-alarm equivalent. Crews were rotated in and out as members worked to clearrooms and get to the seat of the fire. Units worked forhours and did extensive overhaul checking for extension. One resident was transported to a local hospital. Mutual aid to the scene was provided by the Farmingdale, Plainview, North Massapequa, Massapequa, Syosset, Wantagh, Jericho, Westbury, South Farmingdale and Hicksville. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza

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Gazebo Fire Extends in Bethpage

The Bethpage Fire Department responded fora house fire in the vicinity of Stewart Avenue and MotorLane about 1640 on May 30, 2023. Chief Fitzwilliam arrived to a gazebo fire in the rear yard that extended to the single-story home. Upon furtherinvestigation, numerous propane cylinders were found to be on fire, prompting a request forthe Nassau Fire Marshal HazMat Division and Hicksville Fire Department HazMat Team. The fire extended throughout the home. The fire was brought undercontrol in about an hour. Mutual aid came from Farmingdale, South Farmingdale, Wantagh, North Massapequa, Hicksville, Plainview and Westbury. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation.

West Babylon CarFire

The West Babylon Fire Department was alerted fora vehicle fire on the eastbound Southern State Parkway nearExit 36-Straight Path about 1925 on May 28, 2023. Chief of Department Vergano, and Assistant Chiefs Kamalic, Allen and Manzi responded along with Engine 1-9-6 and Fire Police 1-9-5. Units arrived to find a car involved on the side of the road. The crew from 1-9-6 put one line into operation and had the fire extinguished in about 10 minutes. The driverwas not injured.

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- Fire News photo by Paul Mazza - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza

Watermill Structure Fire

On May 28, 2023, at 1453, the Southampton Fire Department was dispatched to a structure fire on Farmstead Lane in Watermill. The Southampton chief requested mutual aid from Sag Harbor, Bridgehampton, Hampton Bays, East Hampton, North Sea and East Quogue. Crews were on scene foroverthree hours. No one was home at the time of the fire and one firefighterwas taken to Southampton Hospital forheat exhaustion. Southampton VolunteerAmbulance along with Southampton Village Volunteer Ambulance were also on scene. Suffolk County WaterAuthority was requested to boost waterpressure in the area. Southampton Town Fire Marshal’s Office was investigating the fire’s cause.

- Fire News story by Chris Brenner, PIO, SFD; photo courtesy Southampton FD

PD K9 Utilized at Lindenhurst CarFire

The Lindenhurst Fire Department was alerted fora vehicle fire a t South 4th Street and Second Avenue about 2345 on April 12, 2023 Chief of Department Collins was the first to arrive and found an involved pickup on the street. Second and Third Assistant Chiefs Cutolo and Brink arrived immediately thereafter. The crew from 1-6-6 put one line into operation to extinguish the fire in about 10 minutes. The driverof the truck was reportedly involved in a hitand-run accident and lost the left front wheel at that scene then drove to where the truck caught fire. The driverhad fled but then surrendered and was taken into custody as a Police K-9 unit was searching the area.

- Fire News photo by Paul Mazza Fire News, July 2023, Page 11

Hicksville House Fire

On the night of June 2, 2023, the Hicksville Fire Department, along with mutual aid companies, operated at the scene of a fire on Hunters Lane off Laura Drive. Firefighters put at least two handlines into operation fora fire on the second floorand in the attic of a twostory, split level private dwelling. All occupants made it safely out of the residence and the cause of the fire was under investigation. Hicksville Chief of Department Moskos had command.

- Fire News photos by K2M, Paul Mazza, and Charles Couteri, HFD

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Waste Service Blaze

On June 12, 2023, the Hauppauge Fire Department responded to a commercial fire at Long Island Waste Services. Mutual aid came from Smithtown, East

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Brentwood and Islip, among others. Central Islip Hauppauge VAC, Commack VAC, Islip Exchange Ambulance and Sayville Community Ambulance, provided medical standby. - Fire News photos by James Garside

1 Dead at Garden City Park Blaze

In the early morning hours of May 23, 2023, the Garden City Park Fire Department, along with mutual aid companies, operated on a working fire on Lafayette Street off Herricks Road. Firefighters put at least two handlines and the masterstream of Mineola Ladder168 into operation forheavy fire throughout a two-story, split-level private dwelling. Firefighters’efforts were hampered by downed powerlines, heavy fire load, and at least one inoperable fire hydrant. Seven occupants were able to evacuate the home and were hospitalized; however, one occupant was unable to make it out of the home. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation. - Fire News photos by and Paul Mazza Fire News, July 2023, Page 15

Mineola Fire Extends

The Mineola Fire Department responded to the report of an exteriorfire which extended to a private dwelling on Old Country Road on June 9, 2023.

- Fire News photos by and

Driveway Boat Fire

On May 31, 2023, the Mastic Beach Fire Department responded to a boat firein the driveway of a residence on Wavecrest Drive nearWoodcut Drive.

- Fire News photo by

Elmont Basement Fire

On June 10, 2023, at approximately 2230, the Elmont Fire Department was dispatched to a report of a house fire on Parkway Drive. Units arrived to heavy smoke from the house. Crews worked quickly to locate the fire which was found in the basement of the single-story house. Two lines were stretched and placed into operation to extinguish the main body of fire with the assistance of crews from Floral Park, South Floral Park, Franklin Square, and Valley Stream. All operations were underthe direction of Chief of Department Segovia. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation.

- Fire News photo by

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3 Injured at Middle Island Fire

Huntington Manor Garage Fire Extends

On May 23, 2023, just after1700, the Middle Island Fire Department was activated fora structure fire on Westfield Drive. The First-due chief reactivated it as a working fire, bringing multiple mutual aid. The first-due engine made an aggressive attack, preventing any furtherdamage. Three people were transported to local hospitals with unknown injuries. The Brookhaven Town Fire Marshal’s Office was investigating.

- Fire News photo by Wayne Preston, Jr.

On the night of May 26, 2023, the Huntington ManorFire Department, along with mutual aid companies, operated on the scene of a working fire on Larkin Street off Darby Drive. Firefighters put at least three handlines into operation forfire in an attached garage with extension into a two-story private dwelling. The home was vacant at the time of the fire and appeared to be undergoing renovations. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation and the scene was placed undercontrol within an hour. All fire department units were underthe command of Huntington ManorChief of Department James Glidden.

- Fire News photo by

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Memorial Day Mulch Fire

Large piles of mulch ignited on the afternoon of May 29, 2023, at the rearof Pallets-R-Us, on East Woodside Avenue in Bellport. The Brookhaven Fire Department and SCPD responded. The mulch fire extended to a few trailers and office trailers stored on the property. Anumberof surrounding fire departments responded to assist. Payloaders and backhoes were put into operation to help firefighters in the extinguishment

- Fire News photos by Fire News, July 2023, Page 19

Heavy Damage at Valley Stream House Fire

Van Fire in Bellport

On May 29, 2023, at 1822, the Bellport Fire Department responded to a vehicle fire in the South Country Library parking lot. Avan had caught fire with two propane tanks and multiple plastic bags of belongings inside. The fire was extinguished and two occupants were transported to Long Island Community Hospital. Thanks to South Country Ambulance and SCPD fortheirassistance on scene.

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AValley Stream home was heavily damaged by fire late on the afternoon of June 12, 2023. First calls came in just before 1730 for smoke and flames coming from a two-story home on Lyncrest Street near Horton Avenue. Valley Stream firefighters along with several surrounding fire companies were able to bring the blaze undercontrol within 30 minutes. - Fire News photos by - Fire News photos by John Mehrkens Belport FD Fire News, July 2023, Page 21

Lightning Strikes House in Bay Shore

Quick Stop in Glen Cove

On June 14, 2023, while working anotheralarm in the area of Lakeview Avenue and Union Boulevard, Bay Shore Fire Department members noticed an odorof burning in the area and, upon investigation, found a house on Lakeview Ave had been struck by lightning and was on fire. John Ippolito, Jr. (3-1-31), had the call reactivated fora working fire with 3-1-30, Roy Ekelund, laterassuming command. Units from the previous alarm were redirected to the structure fire. Mutual aid came from the West Islip, Islip, and East Islip to cover. Bay Shore Brightwaters Rescue Ambulance was also on scene.

- Fire News photo by Rich Stark FC-49

On June 6, 2023, just after1730, the Glen Cove Fire Department was dispatched fora house fire on Robinson Avenue. All fourGlen Cove chiefs arrived to smoke showing from the house with a fire in the basement. Engine 529 stretched a line to quickly knock down the main body of fire. All operations were underthe direction of Chief of Department Retoske.

- Fire News photo by

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On May 17, 2023, a fire broke out to the rearof East End Collision on the cornerof Old Montauk Highway and Seatuck Avenue in Eastport. Two cars and a boat were destroyed in the blaze. Firefighters had to use foam during part of the extinguishment process as gasoline was leaking from one of the cars. Also there was a large natural gas cylinderthat was being impinged upon by the fire. Firefighters were able to save two cats who were on the boat. The Eastport Fire Department and SCPD 7th Precinct responded. Numerous surrounding departments responded on mutual aid. The fire marshal’s office was investigating.

- Fire News photos by

Eastport Vehicle Fires

Page 24, Fire News, July 2023

Valley Stream Office Building Fire

The Elmont Fire Department along with mutual aid companies battled a two-alarm fire in a North Valley Stream office building on June 5, 2023. The first calls came in around 1900 fora fire on Linden Boulevard. Several firefighters suffered minorinjuries.

- Fire News photos by and

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Centereach Vehicle Fire

On June 13, 2023, the Centereach Fire Department was dispatched to Somerset Street fora vehicle fire threatening a house. Upon arrival, a working structure fire was transmitted, and mutual aid

from multiple departments were sent in. Fire News, July 2023, Page 27
- Fire News photo by Jeremy Walters


Swimmer Reported Missing Off Smith Point

The Mastic Beach Fire Department was activated forreports of a missing swimmerin the waters of the Atlantic Ocean off of the Fire Island National Seashore, just west of Smith Point Beach on June 6, 2023. Suffolk Park Rangers, SCPD 7th Precinct, SCPD Aviation, SCPD Marine Bureau, Mastic Fire Departmen, Mastic Beach Ambulance and otherfire departments responded. The swimmerwas not located and SCPD detectives are investigating.

- Fire News photos by

Fatality at Nesconset Head-on

The Nesconset Fire Department was dispatched for an MVArequiring heavy rescue on Middle Country Road and ArthurDrive on June 8, 2023. Upon arrival, 4-4-30 requested two ambulances and Rescue 9 forthe two-vehicle head-on. The vehicle doorwas shortly opened and one victim was extracted in traumatic arrest and transported to Stony Brook University Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The driverof the othervehicle was transported with serious injuries.

- Fire News photos by Evan Rolla

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On June 13, 2023, at 1528, Setauket Fire Department responded to the intersection of Nicolls Road and Route 347 fora reported MVAinvolving an overturned ambulance. Units from Setauket, Stony Brook, and Stony Brook University made it on scene in minutes. Multiple patients were transported, some with serious injuries.

Ambulance Overturn in Setauket

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- Fire News photos by Jeremy Walters

Street Renamed forEMTGiovanniello

On May 28, 2023, The City of Glen Cove held a street renaming ceremony in honorof EMTSusan Giovanniello who passed away in the line of duty on April 3. Members of Glen Cove EMS, Glen Cove Fire Department along with family and friends of EMTGiovanniello gathered fora few brief words before the street sign renaming Karen Road in herhonorwas unveiled by herparents, who were also presented a replica street sign afterthe unveiling.

- Fire News photos by Fire News, July 2023, Page 31

Interagency WaterRescue Drill

On May 7, 2023, a waterrescue drill was held in “The Narrows,” a section of Moriches Bay just east of the William Floyd Bridge. Astaging area was set up at the Smith Point Marina in Shirley. Numerous agencies were involved in the drill such as the SCPD Aviation and Marine Bureau, the USCG, Brookhaven FD, Mastic Beach FD, Mastic FD CenterMoriches Fire Department, East Moriches Fire Department, Eastport Fire Department and Shirley Ambulance, to name a few. Acommand post was set up on the fishing pierat Smith Point County Park where operations were directed via inter-agency personnel. “Victims” were placed in the waterand retrieved by such means as dropping a rescue swimmerfrom a SCPD helicopter, using PWCs, fire boats, and Zodiac-type watercraft.

- Fire News photos by

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MultiVehicle MVA in North Bellmore

On the morning of May 25, 2023, the North Bellmore Department operated on the scene of an MVAinvolving several passengervehicles, a small school bus with no children onboard, and an overturned tractortrailer. The accident was located on Newbridge Road at Jerusalem Avenue and resulted in seven people being transported to area hospitals with one person refusing medical attention on scene. Nassau County Police ESU put extricated the driverof one vehicle who was trapped. The Bellmore, Wantagh, and East Meadow fire departments were among those requested forambulances. The accident, which did not result in any serious injuries orfatalities, was being investigated.

- Fire News photos by, Paul Mazza and

(Continued on page 35)

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Multi-Vehicle MVA...Continued Fire News, July 2023, Page 35

MC, CarMVA in Ridge

Just after1600 on May 19, 2023, a motorcyclist was injured in a collision with a vehicle at the intersection of Middle Country Road (Route 25) and Half Moon Pond Road in Ridge. The Ridge Fire Department and Suffolk Police responded. Route 25 was closed in both directions.

- Fire News photo by

Mastic Rollover


The Mastic Fire Department responded to an overturned carat the intersection of northbound William Floyd Parkway and McGraw Street on June 5, 2023, just after 1500.

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Brookhaven Fire District Officers’ 60th Installation

On Sunday, April 30, 2023, the Brookhaven Town Fire District Officers’Association held their 60th annual Installation Brunch at Sunset Harbor in Patchogue.

The following officers were installed:President: Scott Thebold; 1st Vice-President: Brian Brooks; 2nd Vice President: James Rant; Sergeantat-Arms: Matt Wallace; Secretary/Treasurer: Eugene Petricevich.

Awards were presented to following individuals for their outstanding support of the association: Outgoing President Dave Sponton; the Charlie Freeman Award to Edwin S. Brooks; and the Appreciation Award to Tom McGregor, Commissioner of the Selden Fire District - Fire News photos by Tim Edwards

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Safety OfficerAssn. Sponsorof the Year

One of ourthree sponsors who was chosen as “Sponsorof the Year 2022” is Home Depot managerChris Raimondi. Thanks to Chris and oursponsors, we are able to provide free instruction to firefighters and EMS personnel on ways of improving safety at Incident Scenes, traveling to and from scenes and safety in theirstations. Due to these programs ournumbers have been improving with less LODDs and serious injuries to ourfirst responders. If you want to be a part of this endeavor, please contact us at 631-495-1313. If you are a first responderand want a free Incident Safety Officeror Health and Safety Officerclass, contact us. Pictured are Chris Raimondi ManagerHome Depot, Jeff Bailes President, Ken Rubinetti Vice President and Bob Davidson Chief Financial Officer of Fire-EMS Safety Officers Association of New York State, Inc.

- Fire News photo courtesy Jeff Bailes

Councilwoman Bonnerand Councilman Loguercio Attend Coram Installation Dinner

On May 20, 2023, Councilwoman Jane Bonnerand Councilman Michael Loguercio attended the Coram Fire Department's annual installation dinnerat East Wind Long Island in Wading River. During the event, they honored members of the department, including the incoming and outgoing officers. Each was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation. Pictured left to right are Jim Brown; Tim Heidrich; Van Johnson; Councilwoman Jane Bonner; Van Johnson, Jr.; Councilman Michael Loguercio; and Butch DelliBovi.

- Fire News photo provided Fire News, July 2023, Page 39

On the Recruitment Trail

South Farmingdale’s recruitment team was recently out at the Farmingdale High School Carshow, where they found some perspective members. Some were a little too young, but the interest was there!

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- Fire News photos by Jeff Tasch; Hendrickson FR Equip. Fire News, July 2023, Page 41

Roosevelt 100th Anniversary

On June 10, 2023, Engine 3 of the Roosevelt Fire Department opened the doors of theirBabylon Turnpike firehouse to members of the Roosevelt Fire Department, neighboring fire departments, family and friends to join in a celebration commemorating the Company’s 100th anniversary. Roosevelt Engine 3 — currently made up of Engine 733 and Quint 734 —has spent the past century on Babylon Turnpike with the firehouse taking different forms overthe years, even surviving a fire in the late 1980s. Roosevelt Engine 3 is the home of Roosevelt Chief of Department HectorTyler, Jr., and Second Assistant Chief AbnerVasquez and the company is currently led by Captain Melsar Hernandez. Congratulations to the company on achieving this milestone. Stay safe and may you have many more years.

- Fire News photos by and

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Street Renamed forEast Meadows James Landrigan

On the morning of June 3, 2023, a street dedication ceremony was held on Park Avenue at East Meadow Avenue in East Meadow opposite East Meadow Fire Department Station 2 forex-Captain James Landrigan who passed away suddenly in the line of duty on September29, 1977, aftersuffering a heart attack during company training. Although Landrigan had only 16 years in the company when he passed away at the young age of 49, he was elected Captain twice, achieved a dozen merit pins, and was looked upon so highly that following his passing his badge numberwas retired. At the Saturday morning ceremony several members of the department lined the street outside of the firehouse that Landrigan spent many hours in and around. Also present were James’family members who had the opportunity to unveil the new street sign and receive a copy of theirown.

- Fire News photos by

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Councilwoman BonnerInstalls New Officers of Rocky Point

On May 20, 2023, Councilwoman Jane Bonnerwas joined by NYS Assemblywoman Jodi Giglio at the Rocky Point Fire Department’s annual installation dinnerheld at Majestic Gardens in Rocky Point. During the ceremony, Councilwoman Bonnercongratulated the newly installed officers while thanking outgoing officers and all members fortheirdedicated commitment and selfless service to the community. Pictured left to right are: NYS Assemblywoman Jodi Giglio; EMTof the Year, Ken Degolyer; Chief Sean McCarrick (15 years of service) and William Lathman (40 years of service). The Rocky Point Fire Department covers Rocky Point, Shoreham and the Incorporated Village of Shoreham, as well as 6800 acres of New York State Forest Preserve. - Fire News photo provided

Councilwoman BonnerHonors Mount Sinai FD at Annual Installation Dinner

On May 20, 2023, Councilwoman Jane Bonnerattended the Mount Sinai Fire Department’s annual installation dinnerat East Wind Long Island in Wading River. Pictured left to right are Chief J. Brooks Roberts (3rd Assistant Chief); Chief John Purcell (1st Assistant Chief); Chief Randy Nelson (Chief of the Department); FirefighterHenry Koernschild (60 years of service); Councilwoman Jane Bonner; and Chief Andrew Seymour(2nd Assistant Chief). Councilwoman Bonnersaid, “It’s an honorto thank the members of the Mount Sinai Fire Department fortheirservice to the community. Because of theircourage and dedication, countless lives are saved every year. We owe them a large debt of gratitude forthe sacrifices they make to keep us safe.” - Fire News photo provided Fire News, July 2023, Page 45

CI Breaks Ground on New Station

Former CommissionerChristopher Murphy, 3rd Assistant Chief Kevin McAteer, Chief of Department Michael Zaleski, Commissioners Richard Johnson, Jr., Robert Sutton, Board Chairman Charles Doyle, Robert A. Miller, Joseph Correira, District ManagerEdward Freudenberg, FormerCommissionerJames Sodergren, 1st Assistant Chief Vincent Plotino and 2nd Assistant Chief Joseph Vereline.

Page 46, Fire News, July 2023
Agroundbreaking ceremony was held on May 12, 2023, commemorating the start of construction on Central Islip Fire District’s Station 4 located at East View Drive and Lowell Avenue. Pictured left to right: FormerCommissionerChristopherMurphy, Commissioners Richard Johnson, Jr., Robert Sutton, Board Chairman Charles Doyle, Robert A. Miller, Joseph Correira, District ManagerEdward Freudenberg and FormerCommissioner James Sodergren. - Fire News photo by Robert Alvarado Left to right: - Fire News photo by Robert Alvarado

Suffolk FRES Annual Deputy Fire CoordinatorTraining Recap

FRES Commissioner Patrick Beckley welcomed all of the Fire Coordinators in attendance and thanked them for their dedication and service to the program.

Chief Deputy Fire Coordinator Rudy Sunderman and Assistant Chief Deputy Coordinator Jack Blaum discussed operational

policies, radio procedures and recent incidents.

Chief Fire Marshal Donald Lynch discussed County Fire Marshal notification procedures for injured members of service and burn victims being transported to the Stony Brook Hospital Burn Center.

Steve Januszkiewicz of Suffolk FRES

Office of Emergency Management discussed operational procedures when responding to a mass casualty incident such as a school bus accident.

Scott Proser also of Suffolk FRES Office of Emergency Management discussed resources available to the coordinators during an emergency or pre-planned event.

FRES Communications Supervisor Adam Kaelin went over radio communications and the operational guide for the newly issued state-of-the-art digital portable radios.

Larry Feld of PSEG-Long Island discussed electrical incidents and hazards that the fire coordinators may have to deal with when responding to electrical emergencies.

This year’s Deputy Fire Coordinator training meetings were dedicated in memory of Deputy Fire Coordinator and veteran Fire News photographer Steve Silverman FC-30.

- Fire News photos by Drew Silverman FC-20

Page 48, Fire News, July 2023

Seaford Installation and Awards Dinner

On April 22, 2023, the Seaford Fire Department held theirannual installation dinnerat the Milleridge Inn in Jericho. CommissionerMangiolino, the evening’s Masterof Ceremonies began the evening with the salute to the flag led by Sergeant-at-Arms Winterand the Star Spangled Bannersung by FirefighterLuciano. Following the Invocation by MonsignorCamp, the company officers were sworn in by CommissionerPoidesta followed by CommissionerM. Bellissimo swearing in Lieutenants Bongiovi, Ancona and Gerhard, and CommissionerS. Bellissimo swearing in Captains Lochner, Diehl and Juliano. Second Assistant Chief Beehlerand 1st Assistant Chief Cottone were sworn into theirpositions by CommissionervonGlahn before Chief of Department Kern was sworn into by CommissionerMangiolino. In addition to the installation of officers, outgoing Chief of Department deHaan was honored forhis years in the Chiefs Office. Numerous members were honored for theiryears of service to the department including, exChief Fred Roth with 75 years of service and ex-Assistant Chief James Curry with 50 years of service. Both men were presented with numerous citations and awards from the department and local elected officials honoring theircombined 125 years of service. Congratulations to all installed officers and individuals honored fortheir service.

- Fire News photos by

(Continued on page 50) Fire News, July 2023, Page 49
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Seaford Installation and Awards
from page49 Fire News, July 2023, Page 51

Westhampton Beach Awards Dinner

On June 2, 2023, the Westhampton Beach Fire Department held its annual dinnerat the Westhampton Country Club. Ex-Chief Steve Frano was honored forhis 50 years of service to the department. Hermon ‘Bo’ Bishop, Tom Covino, Paul Hoyle, John Neely and Chris Winters received awards as top responders for2022. Francisco Morales-Poncio was named Probationary Firefighterof the Year, and Paul Hoyle received the Chief Stephen Smith Award. Lieutenant Vance Schindlerreceived the Officerof the YearAward and Fire Police memberJohn Neely was honored as the Firefighterof the Year.

Page 52, Fire News, July 2023
- Fire News photos by John Neely

Up Close & Personal


Probationary Firefighters Layton and

Page 54, Fire News, July 2023
Garden City Chief of Department Pearn at a recent fire in Garden City. - Fire News photo by Glick. - Fire News photo by Evan Rolla Chief of Department F. Vasquez at a recent house fire in East Brentwood. - Fire News photo by Evan Rolla

Up Close & Personal Fire News, July 2023, Page 55
Valley Stream Second Assistant Chief Mike Colucci (right) and his fatherFirefighter Jeff Colucci on the scene of a house fire on June 12, 2023. - Fire News photo by Westbury FirefighterNixon taking a breatherat a recent working fire in Hicksville. - Fire News photo by Nassau Firecom SupervisorCapoziello at a recent second alarm fire in Elmont. - Fire News photo by -

Meadowmere 77th Installation

The Meadowmere Park Fire Department held its 77th annual installation on the night of June 3, 2023. Meadowmere Park Fire CommissionerKevin Bennett, Sr., was the Masterof Ceremonies forthe program which began with the installation of the Ladies Auxiliary followed by the installation of the Department’s line officers and chief officers. Meadowmere Park ex-Chiefs Stephen MacFadden and Andrew Schmitt, Jr., were each awarded for40

years of service and current Fire CommissionerKevin Bennett, Sr., was awarded for20 years of service. Leading the Meadowmere Park Fire Department in 2023 will be Chief of Department Lumott Coleman, First Assistant Chief John Gogel, and Second Assistant Chief Kevin Carrero. Congratulations to those awarded and good luck to those installed into office!

- Fire News photos by

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Harry Loud Presentation at Nassau Firefighters Museum

On the night of May 31, 2023, the Association of Nassau County Fire Historians hosted a photo presentation at the Nassau County Firefighters Museum by long-time and legendary fire ground photographerHarry Loud. Harry, currently 83-years old, has been photographing fire scenes since the mid-1970s and at the Wednesday night presentation showed some of his most memorable photographs and shared the stories that went with them. Aside from being a well-known photographerforthe Wantagh Fire Department and surrounding fire departments Harry was a New York City Firefighterwith stints in Engine 5, Engine 14 and Engine 308. - Fire News photos by

Page 58, Fire News, July 2023

Remembering the Fallen in Bethpage

On the morning of May 28, 2023, the Bethpage Fire Department held a memorial service to mark the 45th anniversary of Brothers 3 Pool store fire which took place on May 25, 1978. The fire was started by a formeremployee and claimed the lives of Bethpage Captain Joseph Dunn and Bethpage FirefighterRobert Hassett who were ages 28 and

21 respectively. The Sunday morning memorial service began with a short mass at Bethpage Fire Department Station 4 and was followed by visitations to each fallen member’s grave and the pool store where wreaths were laid, and prayers said. May they continue to rest in peace and neverbe forgotten.

- Fire News photo by Fire News, July 2023, Page 59

Suffolk County Firefighters Memorial Service

The Suffolk County Volunteer Firefighters Association and Ladies Auxiliary 85th Annual Reverend John P. Halpin Memorial Service was hosted by the Greenlawn Fire Department on May 7, 2023.

Those remembered came from the following fire departments. Amityville, East Farmingdale, East Islip, Babylon, Bayport, Bel lport, Bohemia, Brookhaven, Centereach, Central Islip, Copiague, Coram , Cutchogue, Deer Park, East Brentwood, East Moriches, East Northport, Farmingville, Fire Island Pines, Flanders, Gordon Heights, Greenlawn, Greenport Hauppauge, Holbrook, Islip, Islip Terrace, Jamesport, Lindenhurst, Mastic Beach, Medford, Nesconset, Nissequogue, North Amityville, North Babylon, Ocean Bay Park, Ocean Beach, Patchogue, Riverhead, Selden, Smithtown, Stony Brook, Wading River, West Babylon, West Islip, West Sayville and Wyandanch.

Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary members who were remembered came from the following. Bohemia, East Moriches, Hagerman, Setauket, Holbrook and the Suffolk County Ladies Auxiliary.

- Fire New photos by Bryan Lopez

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On May 24, 2023, members of five Long Island fire departments were presented with CPR lifesaving awards from Suffolk County REMSCO. The ceremony was held outdoors at the Deer Park Fire Department training facility where a tota l of eight awards were presented to members of the following agencies: Bay Shore Brightwa ters Rescue Ambulance, Deer Park Fire Department, Dix Hills Fire Department, Huntington Community First Aid Squad, and the West Babylon Fire Department Among those attending the ceremony were EMS Medical Director Dr. Jason Winslow, Suffolk County Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Gregson Piggott, Suffolk County FRES Commissioner Patrick Beckley, Suffolk County Legislator Tom Donnelly, Babylon Councilman Terence McSweeney, and REMSCO Chairman John Manzi.

- Fire News photos by Bryan Lopez

Page 62, Fire News, July 2023

Wantagh Works the AirShow

Memorial Day weekend is always a busy weekend for the members of the Wantagh Fire Department, and 2023 was no different. With some of the best weather for the Memorial Day weekend that’s been seen in several years, the Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach drew 418,000 people on Friday, Saturday and Sunday by both land and water. As Wantagh has since the first air show, the Wantagh Fire Department is charge d with providing Fire, Rescue and EMS services for the event along with the US Coast Guard, NYS Army National Guard/24th Civil Support Team, NYS Office of Fire Prevention and Control, Nassau County Office of Emergency Management, Bellmore FD, North Bellmore FD, East Meadow FD, Levittown FD, Merrick FD, N Merrick FD, Massapequa FD, N Massapequa FD, Seaford FD, Hicksville FD, Floral Park FD, Plainview FD, Oyster Bay FD, S Hempstead FD, Melville FD, WBabylon FD, Glen Cove EMS, WantaghLevittown Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Northwell EMS, and Bellmor e-Merrick Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

On Monday, members of the Wantagh Fire Department gathered at F ire Headquarters for a Memorial Day Ceremony and wreath laying. We honored those from our Nation's Military who have died in service of our Country as well as the members of our Department who have died since last year, before proudly marching down Wantagh Avenue in the annual Memorial Day Parade.

Chief of Department Thomas Bloomfield thanked the members for t heir many hours committed to the Air Show, Ceremony and Parade as well as handling alarms throughout the long weekend in the Wantagh Fire District.

- Fire News photos by Kevin Regan, PIO Fire News, July 2023, Page 63 Fire News, July 2023, Page 65


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Firefighters from the Huntington and Huntington ManorFire Departments. - Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez Firefighters from the Holtsville Fire Department. - Fire News photo by Bryan Lopez Members of the Glen Cove Fire Department at a recent fire in East Norwich. - Fire News photo by Members of Glen Cove Chemical Engine and Hose Company aftera working fire in Glen Cove. - Fire News photo by

MOTLEY CREWS OF THE MONTH Fire News, July 2023, Page 67
On June 7, 2023, the West Hampton Beach Juniors held a celebration forthe 10 seniors graduating this year. Pictured are Marcus LeBrun, Michael Mignon, Tristan Allen, CarterPadavan, Alyvia Kappel, Makayla Messina, Jared Jacino, Jaden Jacino (not pictured: Daniel Gosnell and TylerRodgers). - Submitted by Cody Hoyle Setauket crew at a Centereach fire on June 13, 2023. - Fire News photo by Jeremy Walters Commack Captain C. Palazzolo, Lieutenant D. Jacob, Chief C. Ciaccio, FirefighterC. Charres. - Fire News photo by Evan Rolla Farmingville’s crew at Selden house fire on December31, 2022. - Fire News photo by
Page 68, Fire News, July 2023

Oceanside Honors Robert Moyer for75 Years of Service

On the morning of May 28, 2023, a ceremony was held on the ramp of Oceanside Fire headquarters forRobert G. Moyer, Sr., a memberof SalamanderHook, Ladder, and Bucket Company No. 1, who recently achieved 75 years of service to the Oceanside Fire Department and community. Moyeris believed to be only the second memberof the Oceanside Fire Department to have reached 75 years of service in the department’s 121-yearhistory. Forreaching this milestone, Moyerwas made an Honorary Chief of the Oceanside Fire Department and priorto the ceremony, his uniform was borrowed from him so that his new badges could be added, and the uniform given back to him at the Sunday morning ceremony. Congratulations Chief Robert G. Moyer, Sr.

- Fire News photos by

Page 70, Fire News, July 2023

Bellport FFis ‘NYS Woman of Distinction’

NYS SenatorDean Murray with Martine Satterley at the New York State Women of Distinction Ceremony in Albany. Martine is a 40-year memberof the Bellport VolunteerFire Department. She is a retired New York Telephone Company employee and Bellport Middle School Cafeteria Manager. She represents the best of what New York State seeks to honorin this annual program and is why Martine Satterley is NYS SenatorDean Murray’s 2023 Women of Distinction honoree. In 1982, Ms. Satterley became a memberof the Fire Department - the first female firefighterin Bellport. Currently, she is a 40-yearmember in the Hook and LadderCompany, and has served as Captain, Lieutenant and Secretary. In 2008, Ms. Satterley was elected the first female Fire Commissionerforthe Bellport Fire District, proudly serving for15 years. She has always served hercommunity with passion, determination, and courage. - Fire News photos provided

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Following the recent retirement announcement of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) and First Responder Center for Excellence (FRCE) Executive Director Chief Ron Siarnicki, the NFFF and FRCE Board of Directors began a nationwide search for a replacement. Utilizing the services of Vetted Solutions, a Washington DC-based executive search firm specializing in non-profit work, the Board-established search committee has selected NFFF Managing Director Victor Stagnaro to lead the organization after Chief Siarnicki finishes his term in December of 2023.

Victor Stagnaro joined the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation staff in 2010 and serves as the Managing Director, overseeing NFFF’s Family and Fire Service Programs, Marketing, and Business Management. Prior to that, he served for 25 years with the Prince George’s County Fire/Emergency Medical Services Department and retired as the Deputy Fire Chief of Emergency Operations in early 2010. His involvement with the Foundation dates back to 1998, when he served as the Incident Commander for the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend for several years; he also served as a member of the initial Ne w York Response Team on 9/11 for the Foundation.

“We are delighted to have Victor take the reins of our organization as he has demonstrated excellent leadership skills and commitment to the mission of both the NFFF and FRCE since joining our team. It was an exhaustive process, and he clearly exhibited the capabilities to take over this leadership role. We look forward to what he will do to move both organizations forward,” said Troy Markel, Chairman of the NFFF Board of Directors.

“I have known Victor back to the days when he served with the Prince George’s County Fire and EMS Department and his level of professionalism and commitment to excellence has been his mainstay in all that he has been involved with. I know he will take the FRCE to new levels as it continues to service our Public Safety Partners,” said Chief Ernie Mitchell, Chairman of the FRCE Board of Directors.


Staying ahead in the fire and emergency service industry requires continuous learning and networking. That’s why attending the International Association of Fire Chiefs’(IAFC) Fire-Rescue International (FRI) conference is an invaluable opportunity. This year, we’re heading to Kansas City, Missouri at the Kansas City Convention Center, August 16 - 18, 2023, to learn, network and collaborate.

• Professional Development and Education: At FRI, participants have access to a diverse range of educational sessions, workshops and presentations led by industry experts. FRI offers valuable insights on the latest firefighting techniques, leadership strategies and technological advancements. From hands-on training to interactive discussions, the conference equips attendees with practical knowledge to enhance their professional skills and contribute to their organizations’success.

• Networking and Collaboration: FRI brings together fire service professionals from around the world, creating a dynamic environment for networking and collaboration The conference provides opportunities to connect with industry peers, leaders and vendors. Attendees can exchange ideas, share best practices and build meaningful relationships. These connections can lead to collaborations on projects, mentorship opportunities, and

even potential career advancements. FRI’s social events and networking lounges further facilitate relationship-building.

Innovative Solutions: One of the highlights of FRI is the expansive exhibit hall, showcasing the latest products, services, an d technologies in the fire and emergency service sector. Attendees ca n explore a wide array of cutting-edge equipment, apparatus, software, and firefighting tools. This exposure to innovative solutions enables fire service professionals to stay updated with industry trends and identify advancements that can improve their department’s efficiency and effectiveness. Moreover, exhibitors often offer demonstrations and hands-on experiences, allowing attendees to test and evaluate products firsthand.

Plus, this year we will be celebrating IAFC’s 150th Anniversary at FRI!

Attending FRI is an investment in your professional growth and the advancement of the fire and emergency service industry. By participating in this memorable even t, you position yourself at the forefront of industry knowledge and foster connections that can have a lasting impact on your career. Lear n more and register today.

Page 74, Fire News, July 2023

Bellport FD Memorial Day Service and Parade

On May 29, 2023, aftermarching in the Brookhaven Fire Departments parade, the Bellport Fire Department had its annual Memorial Day Service, led by Chaplin Frank Trotta, at the firehouse. The Bellport Village Memorial Day Parade and Service at Woodland Cemetery followed. Bellport Fire Department Captain Jeremy Butler, USNR handled flag detail.

- Fire News photos by John Mehrkens

Page 76, Fire News, July 2023

Obituary Point Lookout-Lido’s Lester Kappel

On the morning of May 21, 2023, a funeral service was held at Gutterman’s Funeral Home in Rockville Centre for Point LookoutLido Fire Department Honorary Chief Lester Kappel, a 65-year me mber of the department who was months away from his 100th birthday.

During his time with the Point Lookout-Lido Fire Department Lester served as a Captain of Lido Company and as a fire commis sioner for over five decades. He achieved life membership, had a most alarms answered award named after him, and was essential in hel ping keep the department’s antique up and running alongside Point Lookout-Lido mechanic Vinnie Cittadino.

Upon leaving the funeral home a graveside service was held at the family plot at Mount Lebanon Cemetery in Islien, New Jersey.

- Fire News photos by Fire News, July 2023, Page 77
Page 78, Fire News, July 2023 Fire News, July 2023, Page 79 NewtoTHEM BEFORE AFTER Sponsored by Command Apparatus Sold by Command Apparatus Sold by Command Apparatus Sold by Command Apparatus 2001 EMERGENCY ONE Former West Niles Fire Company purchased by Damascus Arkansas 2001 Emergency One 1250 gpm with 1000 gallon tank. 2000 KME 95' AERIAL TOWER 2000 KME 95' aerial tower from East Norwich NY sold to Waterbury VT. To have your department’s apparatus featured here please call Barbara Connolly 631-776-1853 We are looking forward to our new monthly feature “It’s New to THEM” We are looking forward to our new monthly feature “It’s New to THEM” MALVERNE 1998 Spartan/Aerialscope rebuilt and sold to East Quogue BEFORE AFTER

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Articles inside

Obituary Point Lookout-Lido’s Lester Kappel

pages 77-79


pages 74-75


page 74

Bellport FFis ‘NYS Woman of Distinction’

pages 72-73

Oceanside Honors Robert Moyer for75 Years of Service

pages 70-71

Wantagh Works the AirShow

pages 63-65


page 62

Suffolk County Firefighters Memorial Service

pages 60-61

Remembering the Fallen in Bethpage

page 59

Harry Loud Presentation at Nassau Firefighters Museum

page 58

Meadowmere 77th Installation

pages 56-57

Seaford Installation and Awards Dinner

pages 49-51

Suffolk FRES Annual Deputy Fire CoordinatorTraining Recap

page 48

Councilwoman BonnerInstalls New Officers of Rocky Point

page 45

Street Renamed forEast Meadows James Landrigan

page 44

Roosevelt 100th Anniversary

pages 42-43

Safety OfficerAssn. Sponsorof the Year

page 39

MultiVehicle MVA in North Bellmore

page 34

Interagency WaterRescue Drill

pages 32-33

Fatality at Nesconset Head-on

pages 28-30

Quick Stop in Glen Cove

pages 22-24

3 Injured at Middle Island Fire Huntington Manor Garage Fire Extends

pages 18-19

1 Dead at Garden City Park Blaze

pages 15-17

Watermill Structure Fire

page 11

Gazebo Fire Extends in Bethpage

page 10

N. Lindenhurst Garage Fire Held

pages 8-9

Nesconset Blaze Extends

page 8

Commack 2-CarMVA

pages 6-7

When Does Training End?

pages 4-5

In this issue...

page 3
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