Page 118, Fire News, July 2021
Leg. Richberg Recognizes North Lindenhurst Firefighters for Their Service Suffolk County Legislator Jason Richberg joined the North Lindenhurst Fire Department for its 64th annual Installation Dinner and Awards Ceremony on May 22, 2021. The event celebrated outgoing leadership finishing their tenures and welcomed new leadership. Legislator Richberg presented proclamations to Firefighter John Maes for 45 years of service, and to former Chief Brian Gassen for 25 years of service. (From left): Legislator Jason Richberg, Legislator Kevin McCaffrey, Town of Babylon Councilman DuWayne Gregory, John Maes, his wife, Town of Babylon Councilman Terrence McSweeney and Town of Babylon Supervisor Rich Schaffer. - Fire News photo provided
Suffolk County Chiefs and Fire Coordinator Meetings Resume After more than 15 months of being impacted by the Covid19 pandemic, operations at the Suffolk County Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services are beginning to transition back to a pre-pandemic routine in accordance to New York State health and safety protocols. Operations include in-person Active Chief Meetings and Deputy Fire Coordinator Meetings. FRES Commissioner John Jordan and Deputy Commissioner Pat Beckley recently resumed and attended more than 10 of these in-person meetings ranging from the West End to the East End. - Fire News story and photo courtesy Peter Guaraldi, SC FRES