Fire,Serving Rescue & EMS Fire, Rescue & EMS Heroes Heroes Since 1973 Since 1973
See story on page 23. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
Happy New Year from the Staff at Fire News
Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 3
In this issue... 5 Displaced by Springfield Fire Springfield (MA) Fire and Emergency Services was dispatched to the city’s South End for a structure fire. See story on page 6
FF Burned, Civilian Injured, 1 Fatality in Manchester 3-Alarm On November 6, 2021, Manchester (NH) Fire responded to a building fire on Dutton Street. See story on page 8
Quick Stop in New Haven New Haven (CT) firefighters arrived to heavy fire showing from two windows on the top floor of a private dwelling. See story on page 10
Providence 2-Alarmer Providence (RI) Engine 14 arrived to find heavy smoke and fire from a 2-1/2 story apartment house on Bowdoin Street. See story on page 15
Extrication at Merrimack MVA Merrimack (NH) Fire Rescue and Police responded for a two-vehicle MVA with possible entrapment. See story on page 21
A Service for Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island Firefighters and EMS Providers Founded 1973
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Nine Editions Serving Long Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wildwood, NJ Proud Member Of:
32nd Annual Firefighter of the Year Awards Governor Charlie Baker, honored firefighters from 14 Massachusetts fire departments at the 32nd annual Firefighter of the Year Awards. See story on pages 30-31
PLUS: Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 25 Up Close & Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26
Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY 11713.
Page 4, Fire News, January/February 2022
From the Editor’s Desk Dennis Whittam, Editor
As We Enter 2022 … As Fire News welcomes everyone to 2022, I would be remiss if I didn’t pause to look back to December 2021 and offer condolences to the Malveaux family and to the Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY). Recently, FDNY Firefighter Vincent Malveaux was in training and began to feel ill and lost consciousness during his daily training at the FDNY Fire Academy on Randall’s Island. ‘Pablo,’ as Malveaux was affectionately known to his classmates, was taken to Harlem Hospital, where he died. As a firefighter, I know the sadness of losing a brother or sister firefighter. Fire News will bring you coverage of the Line of Duty funeral to honor Firefighter Vincent Malveaux in a future edition of our paper. As we enter 2022, I would like to congratulate all firefighters and officers as you take on your new positions of being a firefighter and a new officer. To all firefighters, especially those firefighters who have some time under their belts, take the time to share your knowledge with your newer members and take the time to offer learning experiences that will
help your company officers lead you through the year. New officers should confer with past officers so you don’t repeat the same mistakes that they may have made. As a new leader, never embarrass a member who may seem weak in certain skills. You will soon learn that as a new officer, you now take on the role of being a teacher. Firefighters must practice what they have learned to become proficient in the skills that save lives, including your own. Officers need to make sure every member knows how to use the tools of your trade - firefighting! Anyone with experience will tell you that going on calls is the easy part of our job. Making sure you and your colleagues know what they are doing is the hard part. Hopefully everyone realizes the importance of drills, training, and truck maintenance. Yes, I said truck maintenance! Saws must start; air packs must work as expected and simple things like making sure the fuel tanks are full is important. When you leave the firehouse after a call, stop, and look around and give thought to anything that requires attention. If you see something is wrong, don’t wait until the next day to make changes. As an officer, you must set the example and keep the bar raised high, so that your troops are ready for action.
On New Year’s Eve, hug your loved ones, say a prayer for world peace and dust off your training manuals so that you can be the best at what you love to do. Also, remember Firefighter Vincent Malveaux and offer prayers of comfort to his family. In my family, we have a tradition; at the stroke of midnight, we hug one another and start the new year with three foods: herring, lentil soup and rye bread. Yes, I know, to some this sounds horrible. But the symbolism is meaningful. I wish everyone good luck, good health, and prosperity in 2022. Happy New Year and good luck to all as you enter 2022! - Dennis
Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 5
Page 6, Fire News, January/February 2022
Smithfield Kitchen Fire Extends
Smithfield (RI) firefighters responded to Oakdale Street on the afternoon of October 23, 2021. Engine 2 arrived to heavy smoke showing from a raised ranch occupied home. An attack line was stretched in through the A-side door to find the seat of the fire. The crew found heavy fire on the B/C corner from a fire that originated on the rear deck. The fire extended into the kitchen area and slightly into the attic space. A second alarm was requested to the scene for RIT and manpower. The fire was brought under control in about an hour. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle
East Hartford 3-Alarm On November 15, 2021, East Hartford (CT) firefighters, fought a three-alarm blaze on Woodlawn Circle just after midnight. Car 3 (shift commander) struck a second alarm on arrival for a four-family building with fire in the end unit with extension to the attic. Companies kept the fire damage to two of the units. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley
5 Displaced by Springfield Fire On November 20, 2021, just before 1800, Springfield (MA) Fire and Emergency Services was dispatched to Loring Street in the city’s South End for a structure fire. Engine and Truck 1 arrived to heavy fire and smoke on the C side of a large two-story wood framed home. Crews made an aggressive attack on the stubborn fire. It took crews almost an hour to bring the fire under control. The fire displaced five occupants and the cause was unattended cooking. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 7
Page 8, Fire News, January/February 2022
FF Burned, Civilian Injured, 1 Fatality in Manchester 3-Alarm
Just after dinner time on November 6, 2021, Manchester (NH) Fire responded to a building fire on Dutton Street. Upon arrival, there were water problems and heavy fire throughout all three floors of a large wood frame apartment building. Crews was able to rescue six people from the building, most of the rescues being completed over
ground ladders from the third floor. One of the six rescues was medevac’d to Boston. One person was reported to have died in the fire. In the rescue efforts one member of MFD was severely burned and also flown to Boston. - Fire News photos by Dylan Conway, Jeffrey Hastings and Patrick Kerrigan
Fireplace Fire Causes…Well, A Fire
Around 1130 on November 7, 2021, the Hanover (MA) Fire Department responded to a reported building fire on Cedar Street. Engine 7, Engine 3, Engine 1, Tower 1 and Ambulance 1 responded to the scene and found smoke showing from an occupied raised ranch. Crews found a fire in the walls near the fireplace on the first floor. Rockland and a Hanson responded to the scene or to cover. Firefighters utilized thermal imaging cameras to locate the fire. The fire was determined to be caused by the fire in the fireplace which extended to combustible building materials behind the chimney mantle. - Fire News photos by Pat Travers and John Sjostedt
Nashua (NH) firefighters responded to a garage and house fire recently. Crews cut holes in the roof to ventilate the fire from the attic, and windows were removed throughout the house to eject smoke. When firefighters arrived the roof of the garage was already gone, and the right side of the garage was leaning and ready to fall.
Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 9
House, Garage, Car Involved on Arrival
Firefighters worked to knock down the heavy fire inside the garage and to extinguish a car that was fully engulfed. The fire was brought under control in about 45 minutes, and firefighters put salvage tarps over the contents of the house. - Fire News photos by Jeffrey Hastings and Patrick Kerrigan
Page 10, Fire News, January/February 2022
Branford Commercial Blaze Firefighters in Branford (CT) responded to an automatic fire alarm at Branford Building Supplies on Main Street and arrived to find a working fire. The blaze, which was reported at 0501 on November 6, 2021, was confined to the interior of the two-story wood frame structure. The office area along with an ACE Hardware concession were heavily damaged. An RIT from Guilford and mutual aid ladders from East Haven and North Branford were required to help contain what would turn out to be a two-alarm fire. - Fire News photo by Doc Johnson
Quick Stop in New Haven On November 12, 2021, New Haven (CT) firefighters arrived at a fire on Ferry Street to heavy fire showing from two windows on the top floor of a private dwelling. Two lines were quickly stretched and operated. Searches proved negative and trucks opened up to check for extension. The fire was knocked down in 20 minutes and was under investigation. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA
Lawrence 2-Alarmer On November 14, 2021, Lawrence (MA) Fire was dispatched to Margin Street at approximately 2130, and arrived to find heavy fire throughout a large two-story building. Companies had most of the heavy fire knocked down in approximately a half an hour. The fire went to two alarms. - Fire News photo by Dylan Conway
Ashby Rooming House Fire Snuffed Ashby (MA) firefighters responded to West Road for a building fire in the early morning hours of November 4, 2021. Companies arrived to find heavy smoke showing from a rooming house. A working fire call brought multiple mutual aid tankers and engines to the scene. A draft site down the road had to be set up for water supply and Fitchburg Tower Ladder 2 cut multiple holes in the roof. Companies had the fire knocked down in a short amount of time. - Fire News photo by Patrick Kerrigan
Page 12, Fire News, January/February 2022
Auto Shop Fire in Wilton
Wilton (NH) firefighters responded to Tremont Street for a building Lyndeborough, Brookline, Greenville, Amherst assisted at the fire. Upon arrival, fire was showing from a single-story auto repair scene. Companies had the fire knocked down in a short amount of shop and a second alarm was struck. A car fire inside the garage time. appeared to have extended into the attic. Mutual aid from Milford, - Fire News photos by Patrick Kerrigan and Dylan Conway
Southington 2-Alarmer
Fatality at Derby House Fire
Southington (CT) crews responded to a fire alarm at 2314 on November 8, 2021 on Knotter Drive. Car 3 (shift commander) arrived to heavy smoke showing from a strip of stores. A second alarm brought in mutual aid from surrounding departments. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley
At 0022 on November 10, 2021, the Derby Fire Department was dispatched to Pleasant View Road for a house fire. As members entered, they located a victim who did not survive the fire. - Fire News photo by
Working Fire in Hartford
Rockland Laundromat Fire
Hartford (CT) firefighters responded to a fire on Linnmore Street in the city’s South End on November 30, 2021. - Fire News photo by Jim Peruta
Just before 1500 on October 22, 2021, the Rockland (MA) Fire Department responded to a dryer fire at the South Shore Laundry laundromat on Market Street. Rockland Engine-1 responded. - Fire News photo Pat Travers
Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 13
Looking Back Somerville - 1991
On May 20, 1991 Somerville (MA) firefighters fought a seven-alarm fire at the Hans Kissle Company. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade
Lancaster - 2003 On November 29, 2003, Lancaster Rescue 1, Clinton Engine 6, Lancaster Engine 4, Ladder 1. R1 and Clinton E6 responded to Mill Street in Lancaster (MA) for a basement fire. At 0414 a MayDay was sounded for firefighters trapped in the basement. Lancaster Firefighter Martin ‘Marty Mac’ McNamara V died that night. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade
Leominster - 1989
Fitchburg - 1989
On August 2, 1989, Leominster firefighters fought a blaze on Walker Street. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade
On June 2, 1989, a microburst storm moved into the Fitchburg (MA) in the middle of the afternoon with yellow skies and winds moving between 120 and 150 mph. A nurse was stopped at the traffic light when the church’s steeple came crashing down on top her car. She did not survive. - Fire News photo by Scott LaPrade
Page 14, Fire News, January/February 2022
Déjà vu All Over Again Hudson (NH) firefighters responded to Boyd Road for reported house fire in the early morning hours of October 17, 2021. Engine 1 arrived and reported a fully involved house and the captain of the shift struck the working fire ands then a second alarm, bringing in multiple mutual aid engines and tankers to the scene. This was the scene of a previous fire the day before. Crews stretched multiple handlines and had the main body of the fire knocked down in approximately 30 minutes. - Fire News photo by Patrick Kerrigan
2+ Alarms in Boxborough Boxborough (MA) Fire and mutual aid partners responded to Liberty Square Road on October 20, 2021, for a fire. The fire went to two alarms with special calls for tankers above the second. Mutual aid worked at the scene and covered. The fire was knocked down quickly and companies remained on scene for overhaul. - Fire News photo by Dylan Conway
Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 15
Quick Knock Down of Hanson Fire At 2054 on October 28, 2021, the Hanson (MA) Fire Department responded for a building fire at Main Street (Route 27). A Hanson police officer, along with an East Bridgewater police officer arrived first and reported an active building fire. They were able to confirm all occupants were out. First arriving crews used a fire extinguisher to knock down the initial fire on the exterior of the building. A handline was stretched to the B side of the building to knock down hot spots on the exterior. Crews made entry to the building and performed primary and secondary searches of the two-story, occupied, wood framed dwelling. No extension was found to the interior. Whitman responded to the scene and Pembroke covered Hanson. - Fire News photo by Pat Travers
Providence 2-Alarmer Providence (RI) Engine 14 arrived to find heavy smoke and fire from the Alpha side of a 2-1/2 story wood framed occupied apartment house on Bowdoin Street on October 24, 2021. Command requested a second alarm as crews began getting water on the fire. Several lines were stretched and operated to the upper floors of this balloonframed building. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle
Propane Smell Proves Right At 1630 on November 18, 2021, Haddam (CT) Volunteer Fire Company was dispatched to a residence on Embassy Drive in Higganum for a leaking propane tank. The homeowners noticed the smell of propane in the air shortly after the fuel was delivered. After determining there was indeed a leak at the bottom of the tank, Guilford Fire Department’s HazMat Team was called, which came equipped with a flare stack and other equipment. Flaring the entire tank took about an hour, according to Fire Chief Sam Baber. - Fire News photo by Olivia Drake
Page 18, Fire News, January/February 2022
Dunstable Building Fire Dunstable (MA) firefighters received a call for a building fire in the early morning of November 9, 2021. While en route, C8 transmitted the working fire, bringing in mutual aid. Engine 1 arrived and reported heavy fire showing from an attached garage and stretched a 1-3/4 inch handline. They then entered the residence to cut off the fire extending into the house. Mutual aid arrived on scene and assisted with water supply, ventilation and overhaul. Mutual aid came from Nashua (NH), Tyngsborough, Westford, Hollis, Pepperell and Groton (all MA). - Fire News photo by Patrick Kerrigan
Structure Fire in Hill On November 22, 2021, Hill (NH) along with mutual automatic aid partners, responded to Commerce Street and found heavy fire conditions in the rear of a structure. The initial Hill company took a line to the rear while Bristol companies were able to make the interior of the building. Companies were able to knock down the heavy fire in a short time and worked to overhaul for an extended time. - Fire News photo by Dylan Conway
Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 19
Derry Car into Shop MVA Derry Fire and Police were dispatched to a vehicle that had driven into a building on Manchester Road. While en route they were advised the person in the vehicle was injured and possibly needed extrication. Derry Fire arrived to find a mid-size SUV inside a dry cleaning business in a shopping plaza. The driver of the vehicle was still in the vehicle and was removed by firefighters and transported by Derry Ambulance to Parkland Medical Hospital with what appeared to be non-life-threatening injuries. The building was examined for structural integrity before the vehicle was removed. Workers from the dry cleaning business who were in the shop at the time were uninjured. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings
Shelton Responds to MVA
Shortly after 2100 on October 28, 2021, the Shelton Fire Department was dispatched to the entrance ramp to Route 8 southbound near Exit 12. First companies on scene found a car well off the edge of the ramp and down and embankment. Members used ropes to access and extricate the driver. - Fire News photo by
Auburn House Fire Auburn (MA) firefighters responded to reports of a basement fire on Leicester Street on November 4, 2021. Companies arrived to find a working fire, which was quickly knocked down. There were no injuries, but the house suffered significant damage. - Fire News photo by Paul Shea
Page 20, Fire News, January/February 2022
Arlington MVA
Arlington (MA) firefighters operated at an MVA at Mystic Valley Parkway and River Street on November 16, 2021. The operator was
extricated by firefighters and transported to a hospital. - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan
LONG ISLAND METRO FIRE/EMS EXPO COMING TO LONG ISLAND IN FEBRUARY The Islip Town Fire & EMS Museum & Education Center and the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs (NYSAFC) have joined together to deliver a new emergency services exposition and educational event on Long Island. The Long Island Metro Fire/EMS Expo will be held from February 11-13, 2022, at the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, N.Y. The comprehensive event will feature exhibits of new apparatus, tools, equipment, products, technologies, and services, as well as 15 one-hour educational seminars for emergency services personnel. Lecturers will include Chief Thomas Richardson, Deputy Assistant Chief John Norman, Battalion Chief John Salka, Captain Michael Dugan, and Captain Mark Gregory of the FDNY, Saratoga County EMS Coordinator Mike McEvoy, and many more! EMS CEU seminars will also be available for certified EMS providers. Expo hours will be Friday, February 11 from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m., Saturday, February 12 from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., and Sunday, February 13 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Seminars for first responders of all ranks will also be held Friday through Sunday.
Attendee registration is $20 per person, per day and includes entry to both the expo and seminars. Tickets are available online through Ticketmaster or can be purchased at the door. Parking is free! This event will benefit the museum and the association, supporting their shared mission to serve the fire and emergency medical services personnel of Long Island and New York state. “The State Chiefs leadership is looking forward to bringing this new educational opportunity to Long Island, and we’re thrilled to be working with the volunteers at the Islip Town Fire & EMS Museum on this event that will benefit all of New York’s fire and EMS responders,” said NYSAFC President Robert Kloepfer, Jr. To learn more and register, visit the NYSAFC website at Questions can be emailed to
Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 21
Extrication at Merrimack MVA
Merrimack (NH) Fire Rescue and Police responded to Back River Road for a two-vehicle MVA with possible entrapment. Police and firefighters found one vehicle with heavy damage, and a male trapped. The second vehicle had minor damage and everyone was out. Firefighters began working on extricating the person using a variety of tools. A Merrimack Paramedic administered treatment to the person while he was still trapped, and firefighters continued to
work on cutting the roof off the vehicle. Merrimack firefighters requested a trauma alert for a male with serious lower extremity injuries. After about 40 minutes the victim was removed from the car and transported to the hospital. A second person was also transported from the scene with what appeared to be minor injuries. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings
Page 22, Fire News, January/February 2022
Man Pinned by Car in Bedford
Bedford (NH) Fire and New Hampshire State Police responded to a single-vehicle rollover MVA at the Exit 13 southbound off-ramp of the Everett Turnpike. When firefighters arrived they found a vehicle on its roof, and a person trapped under the vehicle. The head of the man was visible but his body was trapped under the vehicle. Bedford Fire requested additional resources from Manchester Fire who sent Rescue 1 with additional equipment. Air bagsassisted in lifting the car along with cribbing and blocking materials. Manchester was cancelled and Bedford firefighters worked to treat the adult male. He was transported to the Elliot Hospital with unknown injuries. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings
Fatalities in I-84 MVA
Crews responded to a serious accident on I-84 west, in East Hartford (CT), recently. Fatal injuries were reported in this crash. - Fire News photo by Michael Brinius
NH State Trooper Killed
Motorcycle Van MVA in Whitman Around 1350 on November 11, 2021, the Whitman (MA) Fire Department responded to a motorcycle accident at the intersection of Plymouth Street (Route 58) and South Avenue. Ambulance 248, Engine 43 and Car 3 responded. Companies arrived to find a motorcycle had collided with an Amazon delivery van. The motorcycle rider was found down in the roadway. Firefighters had to tend to the critical trauma patient, and also active gasoline spill from the motorcycle, which was pouring downhilltowards the motorcyclist. As firefighters tended to the patient in the roadway, it was determined that Boston MedFlight would be required. The medevac landed at the LZ within 15-minutes of the request, and its crew assumed patient care and departed for Boston Medical Center. -Fire News photo by Pat Travers
The aftermath of a fatal accident on October 28, 2021, in which New Hampshire State Trooper Staff Sergeant Jesse Sherrill was struck by tractor trailer on Route 95 in Portsmouth. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings
Manchester Restaurant Not a Drive-Thru
2-Truck Rollover in Berlin
Berlin (CT) Company 2 and Company 4 responded to a two-truck rollover at the intersection of High Road and Lincoln Street. One person was transported. - Fire News photo by Robert Brown
Manchester (NH) Fire Department and AMR Ambulance were dispatched to a report of a vehicle into a building on South Main Street. On arrival at Blake’s Restaurant they found a small car inside the front lobby of the business, which was open and had customers in it. Manchester Fire immediately requested that the building collapse unit be sent to the scene. Firefighters worked to add wood supports to the walls so the vehicle could be removed without additional collapse. The driver of the car and customers in the restaurant were medically evaluated by firefighters and AMR Medics, and all refused transport. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings
Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 23
Cover Story
Massive 4-Alarmer in Longmeadow
At approximately 0615 on November 23, 2021, the Longmeadow (MA) Fire Department (Longmeadow Firefighters Local 1903) was dispatched to Shaker Road for a structure fire. First arriving crews found heavy fire and smoke in the large, single-story strip mall. Second and third alarms were struck bringing East Longmeadow, North Thompsonville, Shaker Pines, Agawam and Springfield Fire and Emergency Services (Firefighters Local 648). Four ladder
pipes, multiple 2-1/2 inch lines and deck guns were used to battle this massive fire. It took firefighters over two hours to bring the heaviest of the fire under control. A fourth alarm was struck for manpower and the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services ISU and Rehab trucks were requested. Six businesses were destroyed. - Fire News photos by John DeForest and Patrick Dooley
Page 24, Fire News, January/February 2022
2 Workers Electrocuted in Derry Derry (NH) Fire, Police and EMS responded to a report of a person who was electrocuted and unresponsive on Mount Pleasant Street on November 1, 2021. Responders found two men who appeared to have been electrocuted on the ground in front of a residence. CPR was in progress when firefighters and paramedics arrived, who immediately began providing medical treatment. Boston MedFlight was requested to Parkland Medical Center to meet the ambulance. One man was immediately transported to Parkland by ambulance and the second man a short time later, both in critical condition. The men had been performing roofing work to the house according to a neighbor. Two ladders were on the ground where the unresponsive men were located, and several power lines were located above the ladders. Derry Fire Department requested the New Hampshire Fire Marshal’s Office to respond to assist with the investigation. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings
Missing Merrimack Boy A wooded area off Camp Sargent Road and Naticook Lake (NH) were the location of a significant amount of law enforcement agencies searching for clues in the disappearance of five-year-old Elijah ‘Eli’ Lewis. It had been one week since DCYF (Department of Children, Youth and Families) notified (on October 14, 2021) Merrimack Police about the young boy who was missing from, and removed a two-year-old from, a Sunset Drive house. Since the investigation began Merrimack Police, New Hampshire State Police Major Crime, and the NH Attorney General have worked together on the investigation. Authorities said that the missing boy had not been seen bfor six months. Law enforcement agencies from across New England including teams from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Connecticut used the shoreline of the YWCA as the command post. New Hampshire Marine Patrol boats were launched from Veterans Park and transported several divers around the lake. Multiple New Hampshire State Police K9s along with K9s from other states worked to search wooded areas, shorelines, and the water.
Late in the day divers entered the water in front of the YWCA camp and could be seen in shallow water searching the shoreline. It did not appear that anything was found or removed from the water. - Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings (Elijah Lewis’ buried remains were found on October 25, 2021, in Abington, MA, about 20 miles south of Boston. Elijah’s mother and a male friend were arrested in New York, and waived extradition to New Hampshire. - Ed.)
Windsor Locks Remembers Their Fallen On October 17, 2021, members of the Windsor Locks (CT) Fire Department and the Windsor Locks Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary gathered with their families to remember those members who have passed away. A tolling of the bell occurred after each name was read. A family member of those who were newly added to the memorial plaque placed a flower bearing a ribbon with their loved one’s name into the Memorial Wreath after the wreath was placed in front of the Memorial Bell by the chief officers. This year Peter Coffey’s and Joseph Baron’s names were added to the role of honor. - Fire News photo by Coral Ruggiero
Come on Down to Florida in February The Florida Antique Bucket Brigade will be hosting the 2022 SPAAMFAA convention on February, 23-26, 2022, at the Wyndham Hotel in Kissimmee, Florida. We have tours scheduled to visit the Pierce plant, Tampa Fire Department, Cape Canaveral Fire Department Training site, Daytona 500 Experience and Lake Ridge Winery. Seminars during the week, 2-½ days of vendors and the apparatus show on Saturday, February 26, 2022. Visit our website for more info: or contact Bob Romig at 863-427-4717.
Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 25
It’s Fall! Must Be Time For… Every fall every length of hose in the Arlington (MA) Fire Department is tested to determine its suitability to continue in service. - Fire News photo by Owen Carrigan
New England FOOLS Fall Training New England FOOLS Fall Training, sponsored by Topsham (ME) Fire Department had almost 50 firefighters attending. Evolutions consisted of drills in vertical ventilation; TIC-led residential search; forcible entry under fire; vent-enter-search; tactical thermal imaging; can confidence; forcible entry with rotary saws; and bailouts and ladder bails. The event was held on the grounds of the Sagadahoc County Fire Chief’s Association Training Facility. - Fire News photo by John DeForest
Live Fire Training
Brookline (NH) firefighters along with Mason (NH) and Pepperell (MA) firefighters conducted a live fire training along Route 13. Crews practiced water supply, fire behavior, line advancement and many other techniques. - Fire News photo by Patrick Kerrigan
Page 26, Fire News, January/February 2022
Up Close and Personal North Providence (RI) Engine 2’s crew at a recent incident. Lt Henry Cullen, Jr., followed his father’s footsteps into the fire service. His father was appointed to the Boston Fire Department in 1965, starting out on Ladder 30 in Egleston Square, Roxbury. He was promoted to Fire Lieutenant in 1978 and fought fires on Engine 53 in Roslindale for the rest of his 40-year career. - Fire News photo by Ken LaBelle
Merrimack (NH) Fire Rescue and Police responded to Back River Road for a two-vehicle MVA with possible entrapment.
Firefighters from the Hartford (CT) Fire Department after a recent fire. - Fire News photo by Patrick Dooley
New Haven (CT) Firefighter Collin Whalen of Rescue Company 1. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda, CFPA
- Fire News photo by Jeffrey Hastings
Windsor Locks (CT) Fire Department Lieutenant Anthony Ruggiero poses with his two-year-old son, Leo, on the back bumper of Windsor Locks Engine 2. - Fire News photo by Coral Ruggiero Crew of Nashua (NH) Engine Company 4 at a working fire on November 7, 2021. - Fire News photo by Patrick Kerrigan
Derby (CT) Assistant Chief Gloade operating at a recent fatal fire on Pleasant View Road on November 10, 2021. - Fire News photo by On November 18, 2021, Dublin (NH) Fire and automatic aid partners were dispatched to Dooe Road for a fire. - Fire News photo by Dylan Conway
Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 27
A First for Whitman: Mahoney Promoted to Captain For the first time in modern history at the Whitman (MA) Fire Department a captain has been promoted. Jason Mahoney was sworn-in as Captain on October 12, 2021, at a brief ceremony held at the Whitman Town Hall in front of friends, family and co-workers. His twin daughters Ryan and Hailey pinned on his badge as his wife Kristina watched. Whitman Fire Chief Timothy Clancy introduced Mahoney prior to the swearing-in, adding “Jason has always taken advantage of every opportunity to seek education to become a better firefighter and a better leader.” Captain Jason Mahoney was assigned as Shift Commander on Group 2 on October 1. Captain Mahoney came to the Whitman Fire Department in 2008 as a firefighter/paramedic from the Hanson Fire Department where he had been a member since 2002. Mahoney has a Masters Degree in Public Administration, holds several fire-related certifications and is a Registered
Nurse. The position of captain is new to the Whitman Fire Department as the Deputy Fire Chief, who previously was the Shift Commander of Group 2, has gone to an administrative day schedule. Deputy Chief Alfred Cunningham came off of shift duty and began working days on October 1. Deputy Cunningham’s new position will have him working fire prevention Monday to Friday. - Fire News photos by Pat Travers
Two Firefighter Recruit Classes Graduate from Massachusetts Firefighting Academy 35 Recruits Represent 18 Fire Departments
State Fire Marshal Peter J. Ostroskey and Deputy State Fire Marshal Maribel Fournier announced the graduation of 35 firefighters from the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy. Graduates completed the 50-day Career Recruit Firefighting Training Program at two campuses: Class 296 trained in Stow and Class BW14 trained in Bridgewater. “First responders are on the frontlines protecting their communities, and these newest firefighters are needed now more than ever,” said State Fire Marshal Ostroskey. “The rigorous professional training they’ve received provides them with the physical, mental, and technical skills to perform their jobs effectively and safely.”
Class 296 (Stow): 22 Graduates from 12 Fire Departments The 22 firefighters of Class 296 represent the fire departments of Billerica, Blackstone, Devens, Everett, Foxborough, Lincoln, Lowell, Natick, Plainville, Upton, Winthrop and Woburn. Class BW14 (Bridgewater): 13 Graduates from 6 Fire Departments The 13 firefighters of Class BW14 represent the fire departments of Abington, Cohasset, Hull, Hyannis, Norwood and Westport. - Submitted by Jake Wark
Page 28, Fire News, January/February 2022
Firefighters Memorial in Tiverton (RI)
Burlington (CT) Engine 3
- Fire News photo by Ken Lager - Fire News photo by Michael R. Brinius
Retired Truck on Parade
This retired 1973 Maxim 75-foot ladder truck out of Greenwich This year it participated in the Medway (MA) Holiday Parade. The (NY) is now privately owned by Scott and Maria Brown, members of truck was decorated with over 4,000 pink and red lights, and 200 clear the Hopkins Hill Fire Department, in Coventry (RI). LED lights, powered by two generators. This year’s theme was cancer Though no longer in service, the rig has been kept busy with commu- awareness. nity events such as birthday parades, Covid drive-bys, 9/11 memorials, - Photos courtesy of Scott and Maria Brown and holiday displays.
Msgr. Robert O’Grady Retires
Warehouse Point Gets New Apparatus
On September 26, 2021, Mary Gate of Heaven Parish in Windsor Locks (CT) held a retirement reception for Monsignor Robert O’Grady. Monsignor O’Grady has served as the Chaplain for both the Windsor Locks Police Department and the Windsor Locks Fire Department for many years. Fire Chief Gary Ruggiero told stories of the Monsignor’s time as Chaplain and presented him with a plaque. - Fire News photo by Coral Ruggiero
The Warehouse Point Fire Department in East Windsor (CT) recently took delivery of a 2021 Pierce 107-foot Ascendant Aerial Ladder/pumper. This truck serves as a welcome addition to the department’s fleet and will be put into service as Truck 238. - Fire News photo by Coral Ruggiero and Michael Brinius
Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 29
Remembering the Worcester 6
December 3, 2021, at 1800, the City Of Worcester and the Worcester Fire Department took part in remembering the Worcester 6 who were killed 22 years ago battling the cold storage warehouse fire in Franklin Street. Family, friends, former and current members of the WFD, and other fire departments attended. The night started with the Worcester Bag Pipes and Drums marching into Franklin Street. Engine 6 Ladder 1 and Rescue 1 were on the apron of the station. As always, this was a very informal event but very emotional. - Fire News photos by John DeForest and Paul Shea
Whitman’s Newest FFs Sworn In
On the evening of November 23, 2021, two of Whitman’s (MA) newest firefighters were sworn-in. Firefighter/Paramedic Brian Feeney, and Firefighter/Paramedic Joshua Gray were sworn-in simultaneously at the beginning of the Selectmen’s Meeting by Town Clerk Dawn Varley in front of friends, family and co-workers. Firefighter/Paramedic Brian Feeney was a 2014 graduate of Whitman-Hanson Regional High School, and went on to get a Bachelor’s Degree from Bridgewater State University. From there, Feeney completed EMT and Paramedic programs and topped the Civil
Service list for the Town of Whitman. He was hired in April 2020, with his swearing-in being delayed due to Covid restrictions. Feeney lives in Whitman with his fiancé Jill and two sons, Lincoln and Scottie. Feeney’s Uncle Joe was the long-time Deputy Fire Chief of the Town of Whitman, and retired in 2019. Firefighter/Paramedic Joshua Gray began his firefighting career as the Chaplain for Whitman Fire while he was the minister of the First Congregational Church of Whitman, and then became a member of the call department. After falling in love with the job, he completed
EMT and Paramedic courses. Gray was hired as a full-time firefighter for the Town of Halifax, and then the Town of Scituate. After topping the Civil Service list for the Town of Whitman he was hired in April 2021. Gray lives in Whitman with his wife Annie. They have four children Caroline, Jackson, Ryan and their son Ethan, who sadly passed away at a young age. Firefighter/Paramedic Brian Feeney is assigned to Group-4, while Firefighter/ Paramedic Joshua Gray is assigned to Group-2. - Fire News photos by Pat Travers
Windsor Locks Homecoming Windsor Locks (CT) High School held their annual homecoming parade on October 16, 2021. Windsor Locks Fire Department Engine 2 participated in the festivities. - Fire News photo by Coral Ruggiero
Page 30, Fire News, January/February 2022
32nd Annual Firefighter of the Year Awards
Governor Charlie Baker, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, and Public Safety Secretary Terrence M. Reidy today joined State Fire Marshal Peter J. Ostroskey to honor firefighters from 14 Massachusetts fire departments at the 32nd annual Firefighter of the Year Awards ceremony, held at Worcester’s (MA) Mechanics Hall. WCVB’s Doug Meehan emceed the event. Governor Baker, Secretary Reidy, and State Fire Marshal Ostroskey presented six medals of valor, six individual awards for meritorious service, six group awards for meritorious service, one Norman Knight Award for Excellence in Community Service, and one Stephen D. Coan Fire Marshal’s Award. The awards and recipients are as follows: Medals of Valor: • Carver Lieutenant Christopher J. Mahoney • New Bedford Firefighter Paul Medeiros • Saugus Firefighter Greg Cinelli • Somerville Lieutenant Danielle O’Hearn
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Springfield Firefighter George Vasquez Worcester Firefighter Jon Paul Paige
Individual Awards for Meritorious Conduct • Attleboro Firefighter/Paramedic Nicholas W. Sheehan • Brewster Firefighter/Paramedic Gretchen Riley • Harwich Firefighter Josh Ford • Kingston Firefighter Christopher J. Veracka • Lynnfield Firefighter/EMT Nicholas M. Holmes • Sutton Fire Chief Matthew Belsito Group Awards for Meritorious Conduct • Brockton - Lieutenant Benjamin Denny, Lieutenant James W. DuBeau, Jr.; Firefighter Christian Bugbee; Firefighter Paul Jones; Firefighter Corey Lacey; Firefighter Edward J. Lee III; Firefighter Robert Orcutt; and Firefighter Alexander Warren. Continues on next page
Fire News, January/February 2022, Page 31
32nd Annual Firefighter of the Year Award (Continued from previous page)
• Dartmouth Fire District 1 - Captain Ryan Cabral and Lieutenant Ryan P. Snell. • New Bedford - Captain Kurt Houghton, Lieutenant Louis Miranda, Firefighter Eric Britto, Firefighter Andrew R. Coderre, Firefighter Darien Jacintho, Firefighter Kenneth Letourneau, Firefighter Paul Medeiros and Firefighter Manuel Mota, Jr. • Saugus - Captain Chris Vinard, Firefighter Sean Bohannon, and Firefighter Greg Cinelli. • Somerville - Deputy Chief Michael Anzalone, Lieutenant Thomas Bellini, Lieutenant Danielle O’Hearn, Firefighter Christopher Carroll, Firefighter Charles Conway, Firefighter Ryan M. Epps, Firefighter Douglas Henry, Firefighter Alex Massiah, Firefighter John O’Connor, and Firefighter Mark Wall. • Springfield - Firefighter Jonathan Shea and Firefighter George Vasquez.
Norman Knight Award for Excellence in Community Service • New Bedford Firefighter Bryce Fortes. Stephen D. Coan Fire Marshal Award • Department of Fire Services Public Information Officer (Retired) Jennifer Mieth. Since their inception in 1990, the Firefighter of the Year Awards have grown from a simple ceremony to the premier annual event for the Massachusetts fire service, honoring truly remarkable acts of courage, service, and sacrifice by the Commonwealth’s firefighters and recognizing their invaluable contributions to the communities they serve. - Fire News photos by Jake Ward