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Graham 3-Alarm Mill Fire

Firefighters from Graham, Burlington and Mebane fire departments completed searches of the entire formerCulp Weaving plant on East ParkerStreet in Graham, where a three-alarm fire broke out, according to a release from the Graham Fire Department’s Chief Tommy Cole, on October12, 2022. “Fire investigators have ruled the fire cause as undetermined,” according to the chief. “An area of fire origin was established, but, unfortunately, due to the building being unsecured forsuch a long period of time leading up to the fire, investigators were unable to determine if potential evidence was linked to the fire event ornot.” Parts of the formerplant were still smoldering the following morning.
- Submitted by Tommy Cole
3-Alarm Fire, Barricaded Subject
On February 25, 2023, Greensboro crews responded to a structure fire on Montrose Drive. Greensboro Police reported a man had set his apartment on fire afterbarricading himself inside. The fire quickly spread to the adjacent apartments and police were able to evacuate the other residents and the barricaded subject without injury. The man was arrested and faced several charges including kidnapping, rape and arson.
- Fire News photos by Kenneth Clouser