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SAR Along the Blue Ridge Parkway
At approximately 1500 on February 25, 2023, the Transylvania County Rescue Squad was requested to assist Transylvania County Sheriff’s Office and the Blue Ridge Parkway NPS with a search for a missing person on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Despite high winds, Connestee Fire-Rescue pilots attempted to fly their drone and utilize its high-powered infrared cameras to detect heat signatures within the search area. As day turned to night additional mountain rescue resources were called from the Henderson County Rescue Squad and the Transylvania County ERTwas activated. The ERTis a specially trained inter-departmental team of wilderness rescuers pulled from all county first response agencies. Transylvania County Emergency Services was requested to provide mapping and logistical support and were able to set up a mobile command post to support communications, operations and planning. Haywood Rescue responded to provide medical standby and logistical support. Transylvania and Henderson teams performed saturation searches in high probability areas and wide-area searches down topographic features as the moon rose. Teams encountered treacherous steep off-trail terrain and had to navigate dense briar patches as dew began to freeze. At 2300 the decision was made to suspend operation until the following morning due to safety concerns.

Rising early, team members mustered on the parkway and were deployed alongside resources from across Transylvania County, Henderson County Rescue Squad, Haywood County Search and Rescue, Haywood County Emergency Services and a North Carolina State Highway Patrol helicopter. The TCRS search team was tasked with searching a wide swath of the steep mountain face above the parkway itself. Several hours into the effort while working near a ridge a clue was discovered by a rookie squad member which was potentially linked to the missing subject. Squad members organized a grid search of the area and revealed additional potential clues. After confirmation that the clues were linked to the missing subject, command surged resources to saturate the area. Ashort time later the missing subject was located alive and unharmed despite spending two nights alone and unsheltered near 5,000 feet. The subject was assisted to a waiting ambulance and transported for evaluation. Well over 125 people worked together for over 24 hours to achieve this positive outcome.
- Photos courtesy of Transylvania County Rescue Squad