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Rappel Training in Alleghany County

Professional Firefighters of Durham Local 668
2nd Annual Golf Tournament
The Professional Firefighters of Durham Local 668 will hold their 2nd Annual Golf Tournament on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at the Hillside Golf Course at 1600 Hillandale Road in Durham.
Registration is from 0700 to 0745 with a Shotgun Start at 0800. To register, visit the website at www.bullcitybravest668.com or contact Randy O’Dell at 919-630-6111 or odellrw14@gmail.com.
The deadline to register is April 13, 2023, and the cost is $100 per person, which includes the tournament, lunch, fun and prizes.
A$250 Hole Sponsorship is available featuring a double-sided yard sign on the hole of your choice. All proceeds go to Professional Firefighters of Durham Charitable fund.
NC State Firefighters
2022 Firefighters of the Year & ValorAward Recipients