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SAR Task Force 8 Trains

From February 27 through March 10, 2023, North Carolina Search and Rescue Task Force 8 conducted a two-week Structural Collapse Technician school (SCT) at the Raleigh Fire Department KeeterTraining Center. They had 30 firefighterstudents from Durham, Raleigh and Wake Forest, along with about 10 instructions perday. Attendees trained on basic collapse scenario skills, such as shoring, breaching and breaking concrete, cutting with various torches and tools, and building construction recognition. Task Force 8 is comprised of members from Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill fire departments, as well as Wake County EMS. They are one of two Type I state-funded SAR teams in North Carolina. There are five Type II SAR teams across the state, as well as multiple Type III and Type IVSwiftwater teams. - Fire News photos by Mike Legeros