The Warren Fire Department was dispatched to the 2100 block of North Park Avenue for a structure fire.
See story on page 8
Firefighters from the National Trail Fire Department were dispatched to a structure fire in Licking County.
See story on page 10
Laurelville VFD and Hocking County EMS were dispatched to rescue a hunter who was trapped on a sandbar in Salt Creek.
See story on page 17
Arecent Newark single-car rollover on State Route 16 required extrication.
See story on page 18
The session was very well attended by local Stark County agencies.
See story on page 20
Cleveland’s Firefighter Johnny Tetrick
See story on page 26
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Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY11713.
Ever since I was a kid, batteries were problematic. Years ago, we used lead acid batteries. The batteries were used to operate all our toys. One problem was that they leaked. I soon learned that to save my toys, I had to carefully wash and dry the battery terminals with baking soda, dried the unit and carefully abraded the terminals to expose the tin metal contacts. Once again, we were good to go!
Nickel Metal Hydride and Pro High Capacity NiMh batteries are common to photographers. They work well and offer little problems. I used rechargeable batteries with little problems, only finding I had to keep track of when the batteries were last charged.
As our electronics became more sophisticated, so did the need for more power. Lithium-ion batteries took over the playing field. I first heard of the problems with these batteries when they were used in laptop computers. Defective batteries could overheat, catch fire, and even explode. This posed a danger when the user charged batteries on beds and under pillows.
So, what is the problem? As technology grew, so did the problems. We soon learned that it was difficult to extinguish fire from Lithium-Ion batteries. It was so difficult that firefighters had to become creative when extinguishing this type of product.
When you read Fire News, look at the increasing number of Lithium-Ion battery fires. In this month’s NYS Fire News there are several major fires that cause significant damage throughout NYS. Thanks to our photographers who point out fires in which E-scooters were removed from the occupancy.
Firefighters are using copious amounts of water to knock down the flames. They are also are using large non-conductive plastic buckets to submerge the E-Bike into, to aid in extinguishment of the fire. Firefighters are making the effort to remove the E-Bikes into the street where they can be fully extinguished. I am also observing that HazMat units are responding to these calls on a regular basis.
I am happy to see firefighters question the violent blue-green arc that is seen more frequently in car fires. As the magnesium yoke around the steering column begins to burn, crews quickly learn that the magnesium yoke can explode. Crews are becoming aware of the importance of switching to a foam operation. If the high temperature of the burning yoke is not extinguished, you risk the high heat condition taking over the car and causing the fuel tank to rupture. It is no fun to watch fuel flow down the street toward a parked car.
Be prepared for the unexpected, we will look
at battery incidents thought the year. Let’s hope that a safer battery is available in the future.
As more and more training classes are provided, look to attend seminars at your local fire academy or trade show, on the Dangers of Lithium-Ion Batteries.
Stay safe and continue to wear your SelfContained Breathing Apparatus!
- DennisThe Lima Fire Department responded to a fire located on North Main Street recently. The fire was reportedly started by a faul ty heating unit according to Captain Lee Short. Firefighters were on the scene until 2335.
“The fire went through the ductwork of the heating system and traveled throughout the building,” said Short. “That is why the crew was there so long. They were chasing/cutting through the roof to get to the fire.” No injuries were reported in the fire.
- Fire News photos by Richard Parrish
Delaware County EMS responded fora house fire recently. Luckily no one was injured but a couple cats were removed from the home. Crews utilized special pet oxygen masks (donated back in 2020) and some blankets to give the cats some TLC aftera rough evening. Ourthoughts are with the residents afterthis event but we are happy we were able to help theirfour-legged friends.
- Photo courtesy of Delaware County EMS
The Warren Fire Department was dispatched to the 2100 block of North Park Avenue fora structure fire. Downtown units arrived and reported a working fire with fire through the roof in the rearof the building. Crews were met with several frozen hydrants in the area and had to stretch a large amount of hose to find a working hydrant. Asecond alarm was requested by command bringing in additional Warren firefighters. Ladder1 and Ladder6 were both utilized for theirelevated waterways to help extinguish the fire. Fourhandlines were used by crews as well. Warren crews operated on scene forfourhours.
- Photo courtesy of Warren Professional Firefighters Local 204
East Holmes had 19 personnel that responded to provide mutual aid to Holmes Fire District 1 while they had multiple emergency calls occurring simultaneously. East Holmes also sent three trucks and 15 personnel when dispatched formutual aid to Holmes Fire District 1 a few hours lateron a chimney fire.
- Photo courtesy of East Holmes Fire & EMS
Wintersville Fire Rescue responded to a reported structure fire on Springdale Avenue. Aquick response from the on-duty crew kept the fire contained to the electrical service panel. Thanks to Richmond Fire forthe mutual aid response.
- Photos courtesy of Wintersville FR
Firefighters from the National Trail Fire Department were dispatched to a structure fire in Licking County. Rescue 831 cleared from I-70 and responded along with Squad 831 and Tanker831. On arrival all occupants and pets were out of the home and flames were visible through the roof. The intense weatherthe area had been experiencing forseveral days brought many challenges forcrews on scene. Equipment from pumps, hoses, nozzles and much more were freezing forall departments involved. Road conditions made it difficult to establish a properwatersupply. Tankers were getting stuck
while turning around to go refill and some were frozen shut making refilling impossible. Mutual aid came from Hopewell Township Fi re Department, Licking Township EMS and Fire Department, Licking Township Fire Company, Thorn Township Fire and EMS, Frazeysburg Fire-Rescue, HanoverVolunteerFire Department, Madison Township Fire Department Station-100 and Mary Ann Township Fire Department.
- Photo courtesy of National Trail FD
Recently, Cincinnati firefighters responded to the scene of a semi on fire on the westbound portion of Fort Washington Way. No injuries were reported.
Recently, the Coshocton Fire Department was called to the 500 block of North 15th Street fora grass fire. The fire was on a hillside and involved some trees as well. Walking up and down the hillside was a little tricky especially afterthe ground got wet. Fighters were on scene forabout 45 minutes.
At approximately 0930 on November8, 2022, the Walhonding Valley Fire Department was dispatched to a house fire on the 28000 block of Township Road 26. First units on scene found the home burning and the surrounding woods on fire. Mutual aid came from Three Rivers, Jackson Township and Killbuck. They aided with the woods fire and removed the house’s tin roof to get to the fire underneath. Also on scene was the Coshocton County Sheriff’s Office, Coshocton County EMS, and Tom Dile from the Salvation Army Disaster Services.
- Fire News photos by Jim McKeever
On November29, 2022, the Laurelville VolunteerFire Department (LVFD) and Hocking County EMS (HEMS) were dispatched to the area of Narrows Road and State Route 56 at 2104 to rescue a deer hunterthat found himself trapped on a sandbarin Salt Creek. Afterthe stranded hunterwas located by LVFD firefighters, HEMS’s waterrescue equipment was requested. Working undera unified command with Laurelville, HEMS deployed one of their rescue boats staffed by two HEMS employees with a land support of HEMS and LVFD personnel and successfully rescued the stranded hunter. The hunterwas uninjured and only complained of being very cold. “It was a great team effort,” said HEMS Chief Scott Brooker. “We are extremely fortunate in Hocking County to have such a great working relationship with all the county public safety agencies.”
- Submitted by Assistant Chief Daniel Reichelderfer
In March 2022, the Cincinnati Fire Department Heavy Rescue 9 and 14 helped extricate a patient who had broken his leg in a fall.
- Submitted by Mike Wells
Crews responded aftera fleeing stolen vehicle from the City of Cincinnati crashed on Harrison Avenue nearGood Samaritan Drive. As a result of various debris and wires in the roadway, that section of road was closed.
- Photo courtesy of Green Township Fire & EMS Newark
Recently, the Conesville Fire Department was toned out fora home structure fire with a grass and woods fire. The grass fire had spread quickly to several otherstructures on the property. Upon arrival, the house had pretty much collapsed into the foundation. Multiple fire departments had been called to help with the spreading grass fires. Mutual aid was provided by Coshocton, Three Rivers, West Lafayette, Walhonding Valley, Jackson Township, Dresden, Newcomerstown, Frazeysburg, Adamsville, Delaware Valley and Arrowhead.
- Fire News photo by Jim McKeever
Newark crews operated at an MVArecently. Extrication was required from a single-carrolloveron State Route 16 eastbound. B1, R1, E5, M2, M3 and M5 responded.
- Photo courtesy of Newark Ohio Division of Fire
The Pleasant City Valley Township Fire Department recently held a service awards dinner. The department celebrated three current members with 50 years of service and one that has retired with 50 years.
Current Firefighters: Sydney Regan seven years, Eric Wetherell five years, Mallory Regan five years. Back row, Alan Killian two years, Dave Williams 50 years, Mike Stranathan 27 years, Tom Cale 50 years, Dave Dailey 12 years, Homer Gander 50 years and Mike Miser 37 years.
Retired Firefighters: Ron Evancho 32 years, Brian Secrest 35 years, Bill Gress 50 years, Larry Khune 40 years, Hank Scheffer and Jason Gander 15 years.
- Submitted by Michelle Regan, PCVFD
Amulti-jurisdictional live fire training was held on the evenin g of October 27, 2022. The session was held by the Canton Township Fire Department at their training center, and was very well attended by local Stark County agencies. The training provided the platform for newer personnel, along with seasoned personnel, to hone their skills under live fire simulated conditions. The training scenarios provided for arrival, size-up, and command and control, with various agencies having the lead. The mutual aid agencies, as they would during an actual e vent,
arrived and were tasked with water supply, fire suppression, back-up, search and rescue, ventilation, and additional operations that were determined to be priority, based on the scenarios. The following departments and agencies participated: Canton Township, East Sparta, Louisv ille, Jackson, Massillon, Mohawk Valley Fire District, Nimishillen, N orth Canton and Uniontown.
- Submitted by Rick Morabito, OFE, OFC, Assistant Fire Chief, Canton Township FD
The Ohio Department of Commerce Division of State Fire Marshal announced the recipients of the 2023 MARCS (Multi-Agency Radio Communications Systems) grant, which totals $3.5 million awarde d to 325 fire departments in 76 counties throughout Ohio.
“This is a highly-competitive selection process, so our emphasis has been on growing the MARCS program with the goal that one day every department in Ohio is on this communication system,” said State Fire Marshal Kevin S. Reardon. “Having first responders with these state-of-the-art radios improves emergency services for these counties, which increases the level of safety for the communities they protect.”
The MARCS radio system allows first responders to seamlessly communicate, not only with each other, but with other agencies responding to an incident. MARCS radio system technology is advanced and the costs to acquire and operate can be significant. Priority funding goes to departments
applying as part of a regional or county-wide effort, as well as departments that show they are prepared to immediately begin using th e MARCS radios upon receiving the award. The MARCS Grant is available annually to fire departments with service areas of 25,000 people or fewer and up to $50,000 per department is available through this grant. This cycle, the State Fire Marshal received more than $7.7 million in requests for the $3.5 million in total available funding. The complete list of the 325 fire departments in 76 Ohio counties receiving MARCS Grants funding is available on the State Fire Marshal website.
The MARCS system provides statewide, secure, reliable public service wireless communication for first responders. There are currently over 120,000 voice units and over 1,800 mobile data units on the MARCS system with over 2,800 local, state and federal agencies statewide.
- Submitted by Andy Ellinger
The Hinckley Fire Department held its 3rd Annual Santa Parade
- Submitted by Jestin Grossenbaugh
Firefighters from the Groton Township Fire Department did Christmas shopping and wrapping of the presents forlocal kids in need within their service area.
- Submitted by Kerry D. Jett, Fire Chief Groton Township
Thank you to the FirstEnergy Foundation forawarding the Elyria Township Fire Department a grant for$2,500. These funds will be used to purchase new search and rescue training equipment.
- Photo courtesy of Elyria Township FD
Thanks to State Fire Marshal Reardon forthe recent visit at Newark Station 1. We always appreciate the time to discuss all matters fire department!
- Photo courtesy of Newark Ohio Division of Fire
It is with great sadness that the Fire Engineering/FDIC International and Clarion Events family announces the unexpecte d passing of Chief (ret.) Bobby Halton, Editor-in-Chief of Fire Engineering and Educational Director for FDIC. Chief Halton passed away at his home in Oklahoma on December 19, 2022. Halton served as our editor for the past 18 years. Halton led the editorial team and helped build the FDIC into the largest fire service educational conference in the world.
“We are devastated by the news of Bobby’s sudden passing. Bobby was a larger-than-life personality who dedicated his life to God, family, and the fire service. Bobby spent his life in service of others and his impact serving as VPof Education and Training for Clarion Fire & Rescue, was a source of great pride and personal responsibility. This is a major loss for the Clarion family and the fire service. In this difficult time, we offer our deepest condolences to Marcia, Dean, Ryan, Evan, and the entire Halton family,” said E ric Schlett, Executive Vice President, Clarion Events - Fire & Resc ue.
Chief Bobby Halton was a native New Yorker. He began his career in structural firefighting with the Albuquerque (NM) Fire Department and rose through the ranks to include Chief of Training. Halton was Chief of Operations until his retirement from Albuquerque in 2004. He then became Chief of the Coppell (TX) Fire Department. Halton left Coppell to assume the duties as Ed itorin-Chief of Fire Engineering.
Chief Halton was a graduate of the University of New Mexico, left a member in good standing with the International Associati on of Fire Fighters, was a member of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, and has served on several of the National Fire Protection Association technical committees. He was active with the Nation al Fallen Firefighters Life Safety Initiatives as well as the Fire fighter Cancer Support Network. He was a passionate fire service advocate, speaker, author, and friend to so many.
Chief (ret.) David Rhodes, Atlanta Fire Rescue Department, Content Strategist Clarion Events
“There will never be another Bobby Halton. He defied the odds with cancer and lived his life to the fullest. His passion for history, his love for America, and his understanding of the fire service made him an incredible voice for our profession. He was a trusted friend and mentor who has been a major part of my life for the past 20 years. Working directly with him full-time for the past five months has been a blessing that I will treasure forever. His life was service. I will miss you my friend.”
Captain (ret.) Michael Dugan, FDNY
“Bobby was an iconic individual who left the fire service bette r than he found it. He believed in family, trust and loyalty and there were not many like him.”
Chief (ret.) Rick Lasky, Lewisville Fire Department, TX
“The fire service just lost an incredible fire service mentor a nd leader. I just lost my big brother. He was an incredible man, father and husband. He was one of my best friends and I am so blessed that I just got to spend the weekend with him in Hawaii where my son also spent time with him. Very few people will ever have the im pact on people lives and the fire service as Bobby did. He changed the fire service. His passion and love for the fire service was second t o none. I will miss my big brother so much.”
Glenn Corbett, Technical Editor, Fire Engineering
“Bobby Halton represented the core essence of the fire service. Working with him for years on Fire Engineering magazine, FDIC, and other projects, I witnessed his unwavering devotion and love for firefighters. He always kept firefighters as his focus and mission, making sure that they received the best training possible. He w ove his editorials into philosophical motivators for many readers, encouraging them to think and act. Bobby was a unique firefighter who touched many lives His presence will be sorely missed at Fire Engineering, FDIC, and in the fire service itself.”
Captain (ret.) Mike Gagliano, Seattle Fire Department
“Bobby will never be gone for those who love our calling. His legacy is woven within the fabric of firefighters across the world who pursue our craft with passion and gratitude. No one has impacted how I think about the fireground and firefighting more than my mentor, brother and friend. He believed in you and me in a way that was contagious and inspirational, and I believe still does today. Thinking of him catching up with Bruno and Brennan, swapping stories and laughs makes me happy. This world, and my own personal walk in it, now has a hole that I can’t quite believe and it is terribly sa d. Such is the impact of a true leader, legend and authentic man of faith. Salute my friend. I look forward to the day when our Lord looks at you and says, ‘Well done thou good and faithful servant.’Well done indeed.”
Captain Bill Gustin, Miami Dade Fire Department, Technical Editor, Fire Engineering
“Bobby was such a big part of our lives. He was so talented and passionate. Everyone touched by him is not only a better fire officer but a better person. He has been such a big part of my life. I know he would want us to carry on and keep working hard every day to make each other better.”
Through the generous support of the Cincinnati Fire Foundation, ourCincinnati community, and CFD members, we delivered winterapparel to John P. ParkerElementary. Thank you to the students that helped us unload the delivery and the members of Engine 31 and the Community Risk Reduction Division fortalking about fire safety with the students!
- Photos courtesy of Cincinnati FD