Simon stroo portfoliodd2

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Portfolio Design Development 2

Simon Stroo

MA PT Landscape Architecture Year 4/Level 7

Unit 14131004_Design Development 2

The Mobile Nursery: vegetation philosophy

Design DesignDevelopment Development2 2

Objective – To expand the potential of the introduced Ammophila arenaria

Elytrigia juncea

Carex arenaria

Leymus arenarius

Spartina anglica

Suaeda maritima

Salicornia europaea

Juncus maritimus

Ulex europaeus

Hippophae rhamnoïdes

Planted above high tide mark

Rhyzomatous growth

Creeping, rhyzomatous growth

Rhyzomatous growth

Early coloniser intertidal mudflat

Early coloniser intertidal mudflat

Rhyzomatous growth

Bushy, evergreen shrub

Hardy, salt tolerant shrub

High sand binding capacity

High sand binding capacity

High sand binding capacity

Withstands salt spray and sporadic inundation

Mud binder

Salt water tolerant

Salt water tolerant


Pruning every 2 years

Invasive species

Initiates embryo dunes

Rapid coloniser on embryo dunes

Succulent, easy grower

Tolerant of salt spray

Fast growing

Pruning every year

Attracts wildlife

Usage for berries

Fibrous and matting roots Withstands repeated sand burial Withstands strong winds

Withstands occasional inundation

High sand binding capacity

Withstands strong winds

Withstands strong winds

Withstands strong winds

Salt water tolerant Stabilisation intertidal mudflats

Attracts wildlife

system along the coastline by maximising its performance in time as a ‘mobile nursery’. The processes of erosion and accretion of sediments are used to develop a dynamic and interactive planting vision which responds to the changes created by these

Eroding dune-face

Vegetation species

Dune pione er vegetation

Dune slack - mudflat pioneer vegetation

Area with existing vegetation

processes. Execution – Hippophae rhamnoides

Ulex europaeus

Festuca rubra grass mix

Juncus maritimus

Salicornia europaea

Suaeda maritima

Spartina anglica

Carex arenaria

Elymus farctus

Elytrigia juncea

Ammophila arenaria

Use the ‘mobile nursery’ to grow ample plant provenance on site to be transplanted along the coastline when the right conditions appear. As yet, it is impossible to determine

25 metres

the locations of these transplanting phases. It is important to acknowledge the fluid and dynamic condition of the nursery zone in the planting design and the choice of vegetation species. Therefore, only

160 metres

Planting conditions

vigorous pioneer species will be planted

Wind-facing slope

Lee-ward/sheltered slope

Dune slack, tidal creek and mudflats

Areas of existing vegetation

Strong erosion of material by wind/water

Accretion of material due to reduced wind speeds

Daily water level variation due to tides

Low diversity of existing vegetation structures

Very dry growing conditions

Shallow incline

Salt water inundation / salt spray (variable moisture content)

Large parts will become sheltered by dune system

Exposure to strong winds and possibly sand spray

Frequent burial of plants because of accumulating sediments

Shallow areas of standing water

Nutrients and humus in the soil

Unstable topography with steep inclines

Very dry growing conditions

Possible mud flat or salt marsh formation at low tide

Opportunities to grow shrubs and small trees

Vegetation growth might quickly stabilise a zone causing accelerated erosion adjacent to these zones

Good growing conditions for pioneer vegetation

Dynamic environment in which sudden events might have a large impact

Pockets of sheltered micro climates Highly subject to changing conditions due to erosion and/or accretion of materials

in the nursery zone. These pioneer species are perfectly adapted to the harsh living conditions and would naturally also be found in such an environment.

The Mobile Nursery: vegetation approach

of the different planting conditionsin the mobile nursery. There are three main planting zones: a sand-dune zone, a mudflat zone and a zone with existing vegetation

Pioneer dune-shaping species Ammophila arenaria

Zone 1: 22 000m² => 2.2ha x 0.7 = 1.575ha Zone 2: 7 500m² => 0.75ha x 0.7 = 0.525ha

Leymus arenarius

(mix of different grasses). Each zone has

its specific conditions and is planted with

Carex arenaria

pioneer species which are know to establish easily in such environment. All species are allocated to a specific

allow enough open space in each planting

planted and 30% is left bare. Especially pioneer dune species, such as marram grass, need to be buried in the first years to grow into a vigorous plant. To be able to construct the vegetation

Zone 1 - 2 500m² => 0.25ha x 0.7 = 0.175ha Zone 2 - 2 500m² => 0.25ha x 0.7 = 0.175ha

Suaeda maritima

Zone 1 - 5 200m² => 0.52ha x 0.7 = 0.364ha

Juncus maritima

Zone 2 - 12 000m² => 1.2ha x 0.7 = 0.84ha

Spartina anglica

Zone 3 - 8 500m² => 0.85 x 0.7 = 0.595ha

Salicornia europaea

Zone 4 - 4 500m² => 0.45 x 0.7 = 0.315ha

Shrub species

used. Equilateral hexagons with sides

Hippophae rhamnoides

Consequently, an estimated amount of planted hexagons is calculated in each zone.

0.175ha / 0.0032ha = 55 hexagons 0.175ha / 0.0032ha = 55 hexagons

Pioneer mudflat species

zones, a hexagonal planting pattern is of 3.5 metres, create 32m² surface cells.

0.14ha / 0.0032ha = 44 hexagons 0.105ha / 0.0032ha = 33 hexagons 0.105ha / 0.0032ha = 33 hexagons

e zon

1 ne zo


Zone 1 - 3 150m² => 0.315ha x 0.7 = 0.22ha

Ulex europaeus

Zone 1 - 3 450m² => 0.345ha x 0.7 = 0.24ha

0.84ha / 0.0032ha = 263 hexagons 0.595ha / 0.0032ha = 266 hexagons 0.315ha / 0.0032ha = 98 hexagons

0.22ha / 0.0032ha = 69 hexagons 0.24ha / 0.0032ha = 75 hexagons

Grass mix: Festuca rubra (60%), Poa pratensis (30%), Trifolium repens (5%), Lotus corniculatus (5%) Zone 1 - 62 750m² => 6.275ha x 0.6 = 3.8ha

n zo

0.364ha / 0.0032ha = 114 hexagons

Patch with existing vegetation




ne zo

ne zo


2 e zon



Therefore, 70% of each planting area is

0.385ha / 0.0032ha = 120 hexagons 0.245ha / 0.0032ha = 75 hexagons


area so the vegetation has space to establish.

Elytrigia juncea

1.575ha / 0.0032ha = 492 hexagons 0.525ha / 0.0032ha = 164 hexagons


of the planted species. It is important to

Zone 1 - 2 000m² => 0.2ha x 0.7 = 0.14ha Zone 2 - 1 500m² => 0.15ha x 0.7 = 0.105ha Zone 3 - 1 500m² => 0.15ha x 0.7 = 0.105ha

800 metres

ne zo

planting zones depending on the properties

Zone 1 - 5 500m² => 0.55ha x 0.7 = 0.385ha Zone 2 - 3 500m² => 0.35ha x 0.7 = 0.245ha

Hexagon - 32m² => 0.0032ha

400 metres

A zoning plan shows the general outline

Design Design Development Development 2 2

The Mobile Nursery: vegetation application

Design Development 2

To construct the nursery layout, a hexagonal planting pattern is developed. The hexagon structure serves foremost an organising function to create ‘nursery cells’. The cells ensure a that the nursery can be easily constructed/planted in a controlled way. Each cell is planted with a subsection of the nursery plants. Depending on the location on the dune, different plant species will be planted in the cells. A combination of plant species in one cell is possible to blend two zones pass in each other. On some edges of the hexagons, flanking bare cells, brushwood fences are constructured (black lines on diagram). These fences will trap sand, eroding out of the bare cells and ensure burial of the pioneer species. There are two “planting processes” introduced in the dynamic nursery. 1.

Dune pioneer species are planted 70 centimetres apart which makes 91 plants per hexagon. 70 centimetres provides enough free space to let the sediments erode and slowly bury the plants, ensuring a vigorous growth of the plants.

The first process is the controlled growing of vegetation in the nursery cells.

The plants grown in the nursery will be transplanted along the coastline when the right conditions appear over time. This process needs management interventions to ensure its functioning over time. Also, this is a temporary process which lasts as long as the nursery function is necessary. The hexagon cell structure will be visible in the nursery through different interventions which will have an important value in providing access, ensuring vigorous growth of the plants, preventing rapid erosion, … 2.

The second process is the natural succession of plants that will inevitably take

place in and outside the planting cells. This will, over time, allow a seedbank to build Scale 1:1000 @ A1

Indicative planting plan for a typical 'mobile nursery' condition

Pioneer mudflat species

Shrub species

Marram grass - Ammophila arenaria

Sea rush - Juncus maritimus

Sea buckthorn - Hippophae rhamnoïdes

Zone 1 + 2 = 492 + 164 = 656 hex x 91 pl/hex = Zone 1 + 2 = 120 +75 = 195 hex x 91 pl/hex =

Mudflat pioneer species are planted 50 centimetres

Sand sedge - Carex arenaria

apart, which makes 127 plants per hexagon. A closer

Zone 1 + 2 +3 = 44 + 33 + 33 = 110 hex x 91 pl/hex =

vegetation cover is needed to lower the impact of the water washing in at the tides on the establishing vegetation.

Sand couch grass - Elytrigia juncea Detailed planting plan: transition dune to mudflat

is controlled when the nursery is in use. As more vegetation is transplated out of the

Pioneer dune species

Lyme grass - Leymus arenarius

59 696 plants 17 745 plants 10 010 plants

Zone 1 + 2 = 55 + 55 = 110 hexagons x 91 plants/hex = 10 010 plants

Zone 1 = 263 hex x 127pl/hex =

Common seablite - Suaeda maritima Zone 1 = 114 hex x 127 pl/hex =

Cordgrass - Spartina anglica

Zone 1 = 266 hex x 127 pl/hex =

Common glasswort - Salicornia europaea Zone 1 = 98 hexagons x 127 plants/hex =

59 040 plants 14 478 plants 33 782 plants 12 446 plants

Zone 1 = 69 hex x 19pl/hex =

Gorse - Ulex europaeus

Zone 1 = 75 hex x 19 pl/hex =

nursery, natural succession will be allowed to take over. 1 311 plants 1 425 plants

Grass mix Red fescue - Festuca rubra Zone 1 = 1190 hex

up in the sediments.This process appears once the nursery vegetation is in place but

Over time, the rigid hexagonal planting pattern will change to a natural looking landscape build by processes of natural succession and shifting sediments. Not all the plants are transplanted. About 25% of the vegetation is left in the cells to ensure natural

Sown as seed mix

succession once the nursery has lost its function.

The Mobile Nursery: implementation

Design Development 2

The Solway Firth

Cumbrian coastline

Dreged sand and other construction waste are placed directly in the shape of

Oilseed rape straw is disk-harrowed to temporary stabilise the sand and prevent

The sediments used originate partially from the sea or canal floor.

Just before the planting starts, the sediments are disk-harrowed one a last time

the dune. As there is no sufficient place for a sand depot, this is the most cost-

erosion by wind between March and September. An estimated 5 000kg/ha of

Consequently, these sediments have a very high salt content, generally around

to loosen the soil. This will help the vegetation to establish a root system more

effective approach. This is done at the end of the winter (February - March)

straw is used. There is no risk of invasive weed species because the salt content

2000 mg Cl/kg. All sediments must therefore be exposed to natural rainfall for

easily. The nursery is now ready to be planted. (six months later).

when the strong winter storms have passed to prevent rapid erosion in the first

of the sediments is too high for plants to invade.

a period of 6 months (March to September) to reduce the salt content.


Rapeseed straw as dune stabilisation In West-Cumbria, rapeseed is grown as a rotational crop on agriculture fields. It is also used by the University of Cumbria to make biofuel Diesel, indicating the pioneer role that Cumbria

Morecambe Bay and Sandscale Haws

could have in research for new usage for rapeseed yields. Therefore, 4500 kg rapeseed straw 8000 kg root system

I propose a cooperation programme with the University of Cumbria which could monitor the sites and control the efficiency of the rapeseed straw as sand stabilisation. Rapeseed has a Winter and Summer yield, which means it is readily available throughout

4500 kg rapeseed crop

the year. The seeds are used to produce oil and/or biofuel, the rest of the harvest can be used as rapeseed straw. Next to its stabilising function, rapeseed straw will add a first level of nutrients to the bare sand which will help the young vegetation establish in the

Morecambe bay and the Solway Firth are near the site and could provide the nurseries with a vegetation

stock in their establishment phase. Great care must be taken when vegetation is dug up in these vulnerable coastal systems. Also in the patches of vegetation along the Cumbrian coastline, plenty of transplants can be taken, especially Ammophila arenaria, Elymus farctus, Ulex europaeus and Hippophae rhamno誰des.

nursery. 17 000kg organic dry matter yield per hectare

The Mobile Nursery: implementation

Design Development 2

How can a contractor construct the nursery plan? A system of aluminium piles which pinslide in each other provides a quick method to construct a nursery cell. A rope with markings every 50 or 70 centimetres is attached to small rings which are bolted to the aluminium piles. This light-weight

The ‘Dutch’ fencing technique is applied to construct the brushwood fences.

Different planting rhythms are possible. Rows can be left unplanted or two

All vegetation is planted in culms (traditional planting method). This planting

Once the hexagon is laid out, a rope is span between the aluminium piles which

To create the hexagonal pattern of the planting cells, the aluminium piles are

A trench of 0.6m is dug in the sand. The brushwood stems are inserted so that

species can be planted in one cells. Empty cells are necessary for the stands to

method is more expensive compared to seeding, but it creates the most

has a marking every 50 or 70 centimetres, depending on the species planted.

connected to each other. The best planting period is between September and

their bushy parts emerge at ground level. The stems are inserted and the trench

develop into tussocks of vigorous vegetation which can be transplanted with

homogeneous ground cover which is desirable because as many plants as

One person can easily use these marking to dig small planting holes and insert

April with March being the most fabourable planting month, as there are less

refilled. This cheap systems uses no extra material and fully deteriorates over

higher levels of success.

possible need to establish. The aluminium hexagon outline can be easily moved

the culms.

environmental impacts to contend with such as storms, frost and sea swells, and

and allows a quick and secure outline and

competition of invading weeds is at its minimum.

planting of a nursery cell.


to create a new nursery cell.

Brushwood fences

Ulex europaeus

Corner detail rope connection

Hippophae rhamnoïdes

Axonometric view

Plan view hexagon structure Cuttings of the planted Ulex europaeus and Hippophae rhamnoïdes, grown in the nursery, are used to make the fences. The plants are cut in Autumn as part of their maintenance regime and the cuttings are left to die over the winter so they can not ‘resprout’ when buried in the sand in early Spring.

Detail rope connection on hook

Detail corner connection aluminium poles

element is easily laid out by one person

The Mobile Nursery: management nursery cells

Design Development 2

HIGH Hand weeding

Fence repairing

Transplanting of pioneer species

Diverse and self-maintaining structure

Management Decrease when structure becomes more established

Structure diversity and density Increases when more space becomes available after transplanting

Structure stability and resilience Increases when vegetation establishes on shifting dunes and prevents further erosion

LOW 5 years


Initial planting condition

Establishment phase

Initial planting condition -

Monitoring -

Hand weeding -

Propagation -

Phases of transplantation -

Natural succession -

Careful management and monitoring of the transplants is required. Not all the transplants are successful, leaving gaps in the planting pattern.

Removal of invasive species to allow full establishment of nursery species. Although labour intensive, this will increase the amount of established nursery plants as competition for water and nutrients is lowered.

All the plants in the nursery are encouraged to propagate and spread in the empty nursery cells. This allows the nursery stock to respond to changes in the nursery condition appearing over time.

Nursery stock is transplanted to sites along the coastline. This is a repetitive process which requires a high level of monitoring of changing conditions along the coastline. Empty spaces in the cells fill by natural succession.

When the nursery has lost its function, about 25% of the plants are still present. New plants are allowed to invade. A robust and resilient vegetation structure will develop over time.

The nursery is fully planted following to the hexagonal pattern. Different management interventions are necessary over time to ensure its success.

Phases of transplanting

20 years

Natural succession

Construction design: philosophy

Design Development 2

800 metres

Vision - To construct places which utilise

1200 metres

the processes of erosion and accretion along the coastline and interact with them on different (time-)scales. Approach - The formation of dunes and the harsh coastal climate force these constructions to be competitive with their surroundings. Each structure is designed with a certain location in mind and has one main function: seating, viewpoint, activity



platform, information panel and shelter. 4.


Therefore, there is no spatial hierarchy


between the five structures but each of Scale 1:3500

them responds to the particular condition in which they are constructed. These places provide visitors a point of reference in this continuously changing environment. The processes influencing these conditions over time and the flexibility of the structures will enhance the design intentions and spatial layout and provide a staging of opportunities and possibilities over different time-scales. As the constructions are temporary, they will disappear and dissolve

1. The seating elements are the most flexible of

2. The shelter is located in areas with existing

3. Information panels are set up at interesting places

4. The lookout structure is located where sand

5. The activity platform is situated on the edge

the structures. They can be located anywhere along

vegetation. The level of accretion is expected to be

along the coastline. They are located in areas which

accumulation is expected to be maximal. Because of

between beach and railway, where existing vegetation

the coastline. Therefore they ask for a simple yet

lower which is necessary as the shelter has an open

are expected to be more or less stable and mostly in

its central location, near the mobile nursery, it offers

has disappeared. It offers protection at first and will

sturdy design capable to be constructed in different

structure which would otherwise fill with sand. This

proximity to or incorporated in the bigger structures.

interesting perspectives on the changes in the shifting

perform as an access platform to the beach/dunes when


location is closer to pathways allowing people to easily


the process of accretion is completed in the future.

access the shelter.

to become a natural part of the landscape. Note: the location of the structures on the plan is indicative. There is only one main structure (viewpoint, platform or shelter) close to 1 dune. Information panels and seating elements are more randomly dispersed and may appear more frequent.

Construction design: materiality and sustainability audit Vision - Materiality connects the structures

Design Development 2


CONCRETE/STONE Prefabricated timber beams with high load bearing capacity, strenght and less thermal movement. Needs water resistant coating

Strong, durable solid wood sections sawn to the right dimensions

Wood of relatively low quality can be used.

FSC labelled

is based on their performance in the

Sustainable material choice as it can be made of wood with relatively low quality

Easy on-site mounting of different elements

Treated in presurrised cabin under high temperature to make it more durable

construction, durability and longevity in

FSC labelled wood

as a series and creates a degree of uniformity. Therefore, it forms an important part of the design. The selection of materials

the intended environment. The integration of the structure in its context and the change this context undergoes over time has also informed the choice of materials.

Construction timber (Glulam)

materials when these age generates a sturdy and authentic look over time. Decay and deterioration of materials due to water is incorporated in the design.

Ages with surroundings

Gives a solid and sturdy look to structure

Gives a light look to the structures

Ages with surroundings

Ages with surroundings

Solid Douglas fir wood section

Thermowood cladding

Standard mild steel construction elements

Smooth finish for walls and sitting surfaces with adequate strenght properties Smooth surface makes it easier to connect metal frames for wood cladding

Exposed aggregates elevate durability of concrete and give surface more traction when wet

No need for chemical treatment

Sand blasted C35/45 marine concrete


Especially the interaction between different

environmental influences as wind, salt and

Gives a light look to the construction

Marine concrete to meet requirements of coastal environment, cycles of high rainfall and drought, salt spray and occasional freezing

Local aggregates can be used to blend foundation structures with surrounding shingles beaches

Waste material may be used as aggregates as these are not visible Smooth concrete C30 mix

OTHER Justification of selection

Lower hardness makes it easier to weld steel

Develops a protective rust layer against further corrosion

Will rust just as the mild steel and create a uniform aging of the structure

Lightweight, strong and corrosion resistant

Easily mouldable to meet design requirements

Highly visible for a distance due to rust colour

Will loose some of its durability due to harsh coastal climate

Heavy winds will sand-blast surface tearing off its protecting layer over time and rust will develop

The rusted look lets it age with surroundings

They will not fail in the temporary lifespan of the proposed structures and can be used without danger of failing of the structures

Ages with surroundings

Cor-ten steel

Untreated steel bolts and connectors

Black colour does not reflect sunlight and makes the structure less visible in landscape Black galvanised zinc covering

I have chosen a select list of everyday materials that have proven to behave adequately in a coastal environement. Other aspects such as sustainable production, longevity, durability and locality have also informed the choice of materials. Assemblage of the materials is simple and functional. Management and repair of the proposed materials is unnecessary as the constructions are designed as temporary structures and are intended to dissappear over time.

Change over time of materials The process of ageing and changing of materials is crucial in the design of the structures. A walk along the unmanaged beaches near Askam-in-Furness, UK, showed me how my choice of materials could, and probably will, behave over time in a coastal environment. Wood slowly deteriorates, the tides and sea water smoothen the surface of concrete and stone materials, salt water corodes steel that slowly dissolves when the rust chips break off, steel bolts leave rust traces on wood, ... This series of images shows how I see my constructions become part of this very dynamic landscape over time. The decaying materials and the movement of sediments around the structures will make my structures dissappear or change their function over time.

Construction design: activity platform

Design Development 2

Key precedents materiality and design

Activity platform

Plan view Scale 1:50

Section AA’ Scale 1:50

Detail foundation Scale 1:10

Detail stair Scale 1:10

Simon Stroo 14/08/2015

KEY Grit blasted concrete floor finish


Exposed granulates give extra traction to surface

Concrete smooth finish Smooth finish as sitting surface

LVL - Kerto Q used as stair tread Treated with Kerto WeatherGuard coating to prevent moisture absorption

Thermowood vertical cladding

Spotheight Measured above low tide sea level

Specification 1. Reinforced pile foundation to loadbearing ground layer - Marine concrete mix C35/45 2. Enlarged pile head for better bearing capacity in sand - Marine concrete mix C35/45 3. Steel foot bolted to concrete head and reinforcement bars. Steel fin bolted to Glulam beam 4. Weather coated glulam 220 x 140 mm 5. Stainless steel bolts M24


4. 3.




Detail foundation

Plan View



6. Steel plate connected to glulam beam running around whole structure. Used to connect thermowood cladding and kerto Q stair treads. 7. Kerto Q stair treads 34mm thick screwed to steel plate 8. Handrail welded to steel frame. Steel frame is used to connect thermowood cladding to provide extra stability

7. 4. 6.


Section AA’

Change over time

Initial condition

Detail stair

Construction design: shelter

Design Development 2

Key precedents materiality and design

Shelter structure

Plan view Scale 1:50

Detail long section Scale 1:5

Long Section AA’ Scale 1:50

Short section BB’ Scale 1:50

Detail short section Scale 1:5

Simon Stroo 14/08/2015


Plan view shelter 1:50


Grit blasted concrete floor finish Exposed granulates give extra traction to surface

Thermowood cladding as seating finish Soft and smooth sitting surface


Structural concrete mix Marine concrete mix C35/45



Thermowood vertical cladding

Spotheight Measured above low tide sea level


Plan View

Specification Details 1. Stainless steel I-beam bolted to concreted wall as roof support 4. 3.

2. Thermowood indoor and outdoor cladding bolted on metal frame and connected to concrete wall 3. Kerto Q - Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) - strong roof decking to carry possible weight of accumulating sand 4. Black corrugated zinc roofing - hook in each other and screwed in wooden roofing guides

5. 1.

5. Glulam beam 6.3 x 18 to support LVL decking connected to stainless steel I-beam


3. 5.

2. 1.


Section AA’

Section BB’

Change over time

Initial condition

Construction design: seating elements

Design Development 2

Key precedents materiality and design

Short seating element

Plan view Scale 1:20

Front view Scale 1:10

Section AA’ Scale 1:10

Simon Stroo 14/08/2015




2. 1.


Plan View

Section AA’

Specification 1. Reinforced foundation - Marine concrete mix C35/45 2. Steel I-beams 100 x 100 mm to keep wood from touching concrete 3. Douglas fir - full wood sections 500 x 500 mm which serve as seating/standing surface 4. Internal steel thread 16mm - Welded to steel I-beams underneatch; bolted at the top. Keeps the wooden sections in place.

KEY Grit blasted concrete floor finish Exposed granulates give extra traction to surface

Moisture coated Douglas fir - 500 x 500 mm Full section wood - no laminated lumber

Spotheight Measured above low tide sea level

Front view

Change over time

Initial condition

Construction design: information panels

Design Development 2

Key precedents materiality and design

Information panels

Large information panel front view Scale 1:10

Side view Scale 1:10

Plan view Scale 1:5

Waypoint element front view Scale 1:5

Plan view Scale 1:5

Simon Stroo 14/08/2015

Plan View large panel


Specification 1. Structural concrete marine mix C35/45 2. Base of Cor-Ten Steel panel, chemically anchored in concrete base


3. Cor-Ten steel plate, hot rolled, little holes are drilled indicating every 10cm of accumulating sand 4. Cedar wooden panel etched with information, no water coating is applied

Plan view

5. Top and base plate are welded to hot roled plate to give structural support as sand builds up

6. Prefabricated waypoint element: - CNC laser cutted steel plate - text is cut out in metal plate - Metal plate is welded to reinforcement bars and concrete base is poured 3.


KEY Cor-Ten steel plate, hot rolled 2.

Sides are perforated as height indicator of accumulating sediments

Cedar Wooden panel 24mm thick Information is etched on the surface with lasercutter 1.

Structural concrete mix Marine mix C35/45

Front view large panel

Section large panel

Front view waypoint element

Change over time

Initial condition

Construction design: lookout structure

Design Development 2

Key precedents materiality and design

Lookout structure

Plan on 2m heigh through structure Scale 1:20

Top view plan Scale 1:20

Detail wooden cladding Scale 1:5

Simon Stroo A’


Plan view 2m above concrete foundation



KEY Grit blasted concrete floor finish Exposed granulates give extra traction to surface

Thermowood vertical cladding

LVL - Kerto Q used as stair tread Treated with Kerto WeatherGuard coating to prevent moisture absorption

Glulam construction wood Treated with water resistent coating

Spotheight Measured above low tide sea level

Detail wooden cladding

Change over time

Initial condition





Top view plan

Construction design: lookout structure details

Lookout structure

Longitudinal and transversal section Scale 1:20

Design Development 2

Lookout structure

Simon Stroo

Section through stair Scale 1:10

Detail foundation Scale 1: 5

Detail wood cladding Scale 1: 5

Detail tread Scale 1: 2

Simon Stroo KEY

Specification 1. Concrete foundation - Marine concrete mix C35/45

Structural concrete mix

2. Glulam beams - load bearing structure

Marine concrete mix C35/45

3. Steel plate - secondary structure to connect stairs to load bearing structure and connect thermowood cladding

Weather coated Glulam

4. Kerto Q - Strong load bearing stair treads 5. Thermowood vertical cladding 6. Stainless steel hand rail - steel frame welded to steel plate

Thermowood vertical cladding

Stainless steel plate

Kerto Q - Laminated Veneer Lumber


Detail section AA’








1. Reinforced concrete pile foundation to load bearing soil structure

1. Thermowood vertical cladding 68 x 26 mm

2. Reinforced foundation plate. Reinforcement bars welded to reinforment of pile foundation - Marine concrete mix C35/45

2. Stainless steel bolts - internal steel plates connect different glulam beams at corners

3. Steel foot 140 x 270 mmm- two plates welded in cross bearing structure. Bolted to steel threads chemically anchored in concrete plate

3. Weather coated Glulam 140 x 280 mm - saw to right angles with CNC-machine

4. Stainless steel bolts - connect glulam section to internal steel fin. Keep 2 cm spacing between steel and wood underneath to prevent capillary water suction.

4. Steel plate 6 mm - screwed in glulam section. Used to screw thermowood cladding against

6. Kerto Q stair treads 36 mm thick screwed to steel support plate 7.



5. Steel L-support for stair welded on steel plate

5. Weather coated Glulam 140 x 270 mm

7. Vertical steel plate 68 mm wide every 700 mm - creates a steel frame with steel hand rail for extra stability

3. 6. 2.






3. 2.

1. Steel side of stair with steel plates welded to it as support for wooden stair treads.

1. 1.

2. Kerto Q stair treads 36 mm

Detail foundation

Detail wood cladding

Detail treads

Change in time: vegetation and construction

Design Development 2

Management vision along coastline Management operations to maximise structure’s diversity in time and create niche habitats that attract wildlife and provide a degree of stability to the dune structures. Once transplanted, the vegetation will help to trap sediments and build a landscape of shifting dunes. The micro climatic conditions within the dune structure will lead to natural variation once other plant species will invade on the dunes, with different plants becoming dominant in different area of the dune structure. This process should be managed on a niche scale promoting diversity, ensuring the mature dune ecosystem supports a variety of plants and associated wildlife such as the Natterjack toad (Epidalea calamita) and the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis). Management to the structures is not considered necessary as I see these structures as temporary. Some of them will get buried by accreting sediments. Others will allow new uses as their surroundings change in time. All constructions are made Initial condition - No accumulation of sediments has taken place. The structure is

Change after 5 years - Transplanting phase. Sediments accumulate against the

Change after 10 years - Establishment and colonisation phase. Embryo dunes

Change after 20 years - Natural succession. A strong system of shifting dunes has

easily visible from far away and functions as a reference point in the landscape.

telegraph poles erected along the coastline. A landscape of embryo dunes with

grow and shift land-inwards. The porosity of the lookout tower’s structure allows

developed. As this landscape changes, the lookout tower changes as well and is

transplanted pioneer vegetation develops.

sediments to move trough it letting it disappear in the ‘growing’ landscape.

fully embedded in this shifting landscape.

as simple as possible which reduces the need for management as well. Broken elements can be replaced if necessary.

Soft Technology Theoretical and pragmatic approach

Buckthorn City, West 8

Marco Polo Airport, MADE associates

My planting design centres around the process

My approach has developed through research of projects that developed a similar approach to the

A second project that inspired me is the design for one of the Marco Polo Airport car parks,

of eroding and accumulating sediments and the

use of vegetation. The first project is Buckthorn City, developed by West 8 in 1995 off the coast

drawn by MADE associates, Italy. The project is made by balancing the unavoidable need for

unique vegetative conditions that are created by

of Hook of Holland and Scheveningen, a new coastal town drawn according to the principle of

locating car park spaces (approximately 1200) and the measured removal and preservation of

these processes. In this dynamic environment,

designing along with nature.

existing woodland. The integration of parking into a movable nursery concept is innovative. The

I will develop an interactive planting vision by

“A dune 160 metres wide will be piled up off the coast as a dike, creating a 17-kilometre-long

creating a mobile nursery on this eroding dune.

artificial lake. A narrow lake separates it from the mainland. The wind will blow a mound of

development of the airport area is planned to be carried out in four phases, over a timespan of two decades. This creates opportunities for a process-based design where latent areas of the site operate as tree nurseries and material stockpiles.

My planting design considers pioneer species that

sand 80 metres high piled up in the south into a natural dune landscape with as yet unpredictable

are known to grow well in this highly dynamic

contours. The actual process of colonisation will begin with the seeding of sea buckthorn. The plants

“As new phases are constructed, those areas are deconstructed, material stockpiled and reused, and

environment. Pioneer dune, mudflat and shrub

will spread over the dunes and shape the landscape in unforeseeable ways. People will follow and

plants relocated to be grown in future development sites. Trees will be used as they are needed from

species are planted in the mobile nursery. The

build the new city and its links with the mainland.”

this tree nursery in motion. The project is one of continual re-composition, with soils, surfaces, and

objective of the mobile nursery is to establish a planting stock along the coastline. The plants grown in the nursery will be transplanted along the coastline when the right conditions appear over time. Once transplanted, they will help to trap sediments and build a landscape of shifting dunes that will eventually strengthen the coastline

trees reused and reconfigured over time.”

What I have learned from this precedent is to use vegetation to stabilise shifting sediments into unpredictable patterns which allows multiple opportunities for the future. The buckthorn is used

What I learned from this project is the idea of a landscape in motion. The nursery proposes

to generate a ‘natural looking’ landscape over time that can be colonised by people. A Manhattan-

a landscape literally in motion, as the trees are moved and removed when needed. Plants are

like grid is drawn over areas that will be urbanised and plot by plot the buckthorn is removed and

stocked in latent areas, close to development sites, and as the developments proceed, they can be

replaced by urban development. As a result, an interesting dynamic is developed between the use

easily moved to new locations. This prevents the unnecessary destruction of plants on site and

of vegetation and the different functions it might take up/allow over time.

allows the plants to fully adapt to local microclimate conditions before transplanting.

against future sea level rise and provide a new habitat for many birds, amphibians and small mammals. The nursery is called ‘mobile’ because the vegetation moves together with the shifting of the dune as well as the fact that vegetation in the nursery is transplanted along the coastline. When

Images showing before the site under construction

the dune has eroded after a 20-25 year timespan, the nursery will be gone and all its vegetation will

Plans showing blow-out phases of the 80m high dune

have colonised the coastline. In this way, I hope to establish a robust and resilient vegetation system that adapts to changes in its environment. For information regarding plant species and vegetation growth in coastal conditions I would like to refer to the articles in the technology file.

Image of dune and buckthorn pattern 1 2

Tilman, H., ‘The colonisation of emptiness: Duindoornstad’, Topos, no. 17, 1996, pp. 104-105. Images coutesy of West 8. Available at:

Plan of city

Plan of car park indicating patches of trees 3 4

Image of car park in use.

Thoren, R., Landscapes of change: innovative designs and reinvented sites, Timber press, London, 2014, pp. 22-23. Images courtesy of MADE associates. Available at:

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