Chigwell Life Magazine February 2013

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EM FEB_© Fish Media 11/02/2013 10:38 Page 1


258 Lakeside Centre, West Thurrock Way, Grays, Essex, RM20 2ZH - Tel: 01 708 890 730


Ed letter JAN__ 11/02/2013 13:45 Page 1

Editor’s lEttEr


0844 800 8439

Editor Faye Manning Editor’s Assistant Katie Miller Sub Editor

One of the prettiest areas in this magazine’s remit is eydon Bois. Such an exquisite village, quaint in its old-fashioned tranquil ambiance with comfortable traditional pubs and village green for younger children to enjoy a run and other exercise. Or to exercise the dog! A large residential village and civil parish in the Epping Forest district: a short drive from Epping (1.4 miles) and Loughton (less than 1 mile) access is a short journey that gives enough distance from home but without being too far to merit much thought. e journey is very pretty in the summer and has a distinct feeling of ‘getting away from it all’ despite its close proximity to nearby towns – we take a closer look at the wonderful village of eydon Bois.

Alexandra Lux Fashion Editor Hazel Englander Design & Production Claire Stone Art Editor

Dream Makeover Essex winners have begun their life changing journey which gave four people a chance to win a unique life changing opportunity of a fabulous top-to-toe Dream Makeover worth up to £25,000 for each winner. Over 2000 email enquiries were received and the short listed 32 finalists were interviewed by cosmetic dentist Ash Parmar, skin specialist Frances Furlong and laser eye expert Mr Pillai – we bring you the four winners in a Dream Makeover Essex special.

Kathleen Barbour Account/Admin Kathy Manning Ken Fleet Business Development Manager Jo Adams Tel: 07904 251 973 Sales Patrick Smith James Marshall Directors

Two of the best known estate agencies in the area will now be working together to offer their clients, an even better level of service and access to strategic expertise and knowledge. Phillip Leigh’s estate agency has been established since 1966 and like the World Cup – an absolute winner. By acknowledged reputation, Phillip Leigh’s specialty is mid/top range homes which are of excellent quality in style, size and presentation. Phillip Leigh’s agency is also the only agent who has been totally active in acquiring land, and selling new homes in the area and has acted for many developers in Chigwell, Buckhurst Hill, Loughton and Woodford Green. Churchill has been established since 1973 and has the number one reputation for selling affordable homes in East London and Essex – Michelle Harris caught up with Phillip Leigh and Larry Hunt to discuss their exciting new business venture…

Patrick Smith Rory Smith

Enjoy your issue and we look forward to seeing you again in March.

Faye Manning, Editor.

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0844 800 8439 FEBRUARY2013


Content JAN__ 11/02/2013 16:03 Page 1

c o n t e n t s @GPconferences

Wedding receptions, parties, training, conferences, corporate activity days












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HB FEB_Š Fish Media 11/02/2013 10:47 Page 1

New range of stylish kitchens at your local Homebase

Selected stores

To book your free design and planning appointment visit your nearest store or go online to Colchester Stanway Tollgate West, Stanway, Colchester CO3 8RH

Harlow Edinburgh Way, Harlow CM20 2TN

Open Mon-Sat 8am-8pm, Sun 10am-4pm* * Please note that these opening times are updated regularly but may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Homebase 02

0410-Homebase Kitchens Mag Essex life group 210x297mm.indd 1

06/01/2013 18:57

Whats on FEB__ 11/02/2013 14:42 Page 1

WHAT’S ON FAMILY ASTRO-NIGHT Join us for illustrated presentations on the subject of the Moon (covering topics such as phases, surface features and photography) and Jupiter and its four large 'Galilean' moons. ere will be audience participation with practical demonstrations and time for questions afterwards. Given clear skies, there will be the chance for everyone to observe both the Moon and Jupiter (with a 15cm Newtonian reflecting telescope). Booking required. Suitable for children aged 5 and over, but they must be accompanied by an adult. 6:30 until 9:00 pm, Price £6, 0208 502 8500. Booking required. Epping Forest Field Centre, Pauls Nursery Road, High Beach, Loughton Essex IG10 4AF Monday 18 Feb 2013 pingforest FOREST FAMILIES NAVIGATION Are you a Forest Family? Whether you know the Forest inside out or have never visited before, you’re sure to learn something new on our family days. Join us for this activity and find out how to find your way in the Forest using a map, compass or journey stick! Booking required. 2:00 until 4:00 pm. Children Aged 5-11 - £6. Children under 5 - £2. Adults and children over 11 - £2 Booking required. Ring 0208 502 8500 to reserve a place. Epping Forest Field Centre, Pauls Nursery Road, High Beach, Loughton Essex IG10 4AF Tuesday 19 Feb 2013 HOLIDAY CLUB FOR DISABLED YOUNG CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Disabled young people want somewhere to go to make new friends and have fun. So Papworth Trust runs youth clubs and holiday clubs for teenagers to get together and enjoy games, arts and crafts, karaoke, music and other activities. Come along and



meet us this February half term and find out more about what we do. Loughton 10am-3pm 18 21 22 Feb 13 £5. Loughton Centre for Young People (next to Murray Hall), 106 Borders Lane Essex IG10 3SB Monday 18 Feb 2013 LOUISE JORDAN: LIVE ALBUM TOUR Louise Jordan’s songs ask questions. ey are bold in their honesty and striking in their intensity. ey are haunting in their simplicity and yet they traverse a broad emotional arc. Louise plays songs from her critically acclaimed second album ‘Florilegium’ as well as brand new material, accompanying herself on guitar and piano. ‘A masterclass in songwriting’ R2 Magazine ‘Absolutely, totally and completely brilliant’ Mike Harding, BBC Entry £4 Further information /to book: 0776 2146623 Loughton Folk Club, 8 Station Road, Loughton Essex IG10 4NX ursday 28 Feb 2013 THE WOMEN OF ROMFORD MARKET e Women of Romford Market: Illustrated talk by Norma Jennings. 7.30pm. Free to members. Visitors £1.50. Disabled access. Free car parking opposite. Chadwell Heath railway station is a short walk away and buses 62, 86, 173, 362 and 368 stop nearby. Telephone 020 8590 4659 for further details. Wangey Chapel, Wangey Road, Chadwell Heath, Romford, Essex, RM. London Wednesday 20 Feb 2013 THE FLOYD EFFECT @ HARLOW PLAYHOUSE THEATRE: DARK SIDE & BEYOND e Floyd Effect play their 'Dark Side & Beyond' set, material from Dark Side Of e Moon, Wish You Were Here, Animals and e Wall through to e Division Bell. Supported by a

dramatic light show that incorporates the iconic circular screen, two sets of projectors, smoke and lasers. 7:30pm Tickets: £14.50 - £16 £17.50 01279 431945 Playhouse eatre, Playhouse Square, Harlow Essex CM20 1LS Saturday 2 Mar 2013 FAIRLOP WATERS WALK Steady pace, some gentle slopes and uneven terrain. Organised weekly walks as part of the Healthy Lifestyles Programme. Organised by the Redbridge Sport & Health team. All welcome 11am (Between 1-2 Hours) Free. No booking required, just turn up and enjoy the company! Enquiries: 020 8708 0954 Fairlop Waters, Main Entrance of Pavilion, Forest Road, Barkingside Essex IG6 3HN ursday 21 Feb 2013 CLAYHALL PARK WALK Easy, flat walk at gentle pace on hard surfaces. Organised weekly walks as part of the Healthy Lifestyles Programme. Organised by the Redbridge Sport & Health team. All welcome. 11am (Approx 1 hour). Free. No booking required, just turn up and enjoy the company! Enquiries: 020 8708 0954 Clayhall Park entrance, Longwood Gardens, Clayhall Essex Monday 18 Feb 2013, Mon 25 Mar WALK: POLLARDING WHY DO WE DO IT? Have you ever wondered why our trees are the shape they are? Meet us for a short stroll to learn about pollards, followed by a warming soup and chat back at e View. Cost £4 per person (includes refreshments). Booking required. 10.30am–12.30pm T 020 7332 1911 City of London Corporation event e View, Rangers Rd, Chingford London E4 7QH Wednesday 27 Feb 2013 orest City of London LYNDAN ANTIQUES FAIR

Now entering its second year and becoming established as a friendly worthwhile fair to visit. A monthly gathering of up to 40 stalls selling a broad range of Antiques, Vintage items, Collectables and Curio’s. A mixture of regular traders, like Graham with a vast stock of Vintage Perfumes and collectable bottles and other items. Kim specialising in Vintage and Costume Jewellery, and Steve with a large collection of Glass and China collectables, to mention a few. Plus new traders each month adding variety, also Cash for Gold Service and Refreshments available. So if you are an avid collector or just looking for that something a little different or special or just fancy a no obligation browse, pop along, all welcome. Good Transport links via Bus and Rail, full disabled access and facilities. TRADE ENTRY 08.00 PUBLIC ENTRY10.00 CLOSES 16.00 ENTRY COST £1.50 INCLUDES A FREE TEA/COFFEE TRADE NOTICE TABLES COST £30.00 6FT X 2FT6 £45.00 X 2 EARLY BOOKING RECOMENDED LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE CALL DAN 07949 127542 BUSES STOPPING OUTSIDE EVENT 97,179,212,313,379,397,444,505 ST TERESA’S HALL STATION ROAD (next to Co Op) CHINGFORD E4 7BJ London E4 7BJ. Saturday 23 Feb 2013 FLAMINGO FAIRS MOTHER’S DAY FAIR You'll love the range of goods for sale, from pretty to precious. Vintage-style or shabby chic from mainly artists and craft makers including craft supplies, art and craft materials, books, vintage goods, buttons, knitting supplies, skincare, toys and jewellery. Something for everyone. Refreshments Available. 11am - 4pm. Admission FREE. Churchill Room, Wanstead Library, corner of Spratt Hall Road & Woodbine Place, Wanstead London E11 2RQ Saturday 9 Mar 2013 WANSTEAD PARK WALK Slightly longer including inclines and variable conditions. Organised weekly walks as part of

Whats on FEB__ 11/02/2013 14:42 Page 2

the Healthy Lifestyles Programme. Organised by the Redbridge Sport & Health team. All welcome. 11am (Allow 2 Hours). Free. No booking required, just turn up and enjoy the company! Enquiries: 020 8708 0954 Wanstead Park, Warren Road, Wanstead London E11 2LU ursday 28 Feb 2013 ONE TOUCH OF VENUS Modern art collector Whitelaw Savory unearths a long-lost statue of Venus of Anatolia and is thrilled to display her in his New York museum. But when a naïve young barber named Rodney unwittingly brings the statue to life, Venus fixes her affections on him and pursues him all over New York. Rodney’s shrewish fiancée doesn’t like this one bit, and Savory will do anything including framing Rodney for murder to recover his beloved statue. Rodney keeps trying to set things right, and poor Venus can’t understand why he doesn’t respond to her seductions. After a series of comic setups and mix ups involving a couple of thugs, a nagging mother, a wisecracking secretary, some ancient Anatolians and a good dose of Olympian magic, earthly order is restored and new love found. Tuesday - Saturday 7.30pm, Sunday 3.30pm. Tickets £15 or £12.50 concessions. 0843 289 2144 Ye Olde Rose andCrown eatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street London E17 4SA. Sun 17 Feb, Tue 19 Feb to Sat 23 Feb REDBRIDGE BRASS OPERA AND FILM WITH CHERYL ENEVER (SOPRANO) AND JONATHAN KITCHEN (CELLO) Redbridge Brass presents a concert of opera and film music featuring the superb voice of lyric soprano Cheryl Enever who recently recorded with the band on BBC Radio2, and the beautiful cello of Jonathan Kitchen. Both regularly perform in top orchestras and opera companies in the UK Together with London's finest brass band this concert will be delight for opera and brass lovers and is presented in the fine acoustic of

St Gabriels. A great programme of arias, classical favourites plus a variety of film music is on offer, with music by Verdi, Puccini, Humperdinck, Williams, Barry, and Morricone. 7.30 pm start. Tickets: £10 (children under 12 FREE) £8 Concessions Tickets are also available on the door or reserved in advance by calling 07882 647241 St Gabriels, Aldersbrook Road, Wanstead Essex E12 5HH Saturday 23 Feb 2013 GILWELL PARK WEDDING SHOW Bury Road, Chingford, E4 7QW Sunday 10th February - 11am – 3.30pm. FREE Entry & Goodie Bag for all Brides. Come along and visit our great venue and be inspired …Bridal wear, Cakes, Flowers, Beauty, and much, much more............ T – 0208 498 5300 E – W – Facebook – Twitter - @GPconferences Pre-register at TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISION OPEN MIC Turn Off Your Television takes place every first and third ursday of the month at e Plough & Harrow on Leytonstone High Road. Featuring music, comedy and variety - performers are invited to sign up on the night from 7.30pm for a 10 minute (3 song) slot or pre-book by emailing Entry is free! When the final act has played the audience are invited to vote for their favourite. e winner receives the highly desirable golden remote control! 7.30 - 11.00. Free Entry. Venue contact: 07790 509075. e Plough and Harrow, 419 High Road Leytonstone London E11 4JU ursday 21 Feb 2013, u 7 Mar, u 21 Mar, u 4 Apr BASILDON & DISTRICT RAMBLING CLUB WALK. DISTANCE 5 MILES. Come and join us for a walk around the Warley area of Essex. is is a circular walk starting and

finishing from the Warley, Hartswood Hospital, Eagle Way, Warley, Brentwood. Please go past the main reception & park at the back. near Warley in Essex. Make yourself known to Lora who will be leading the walk and most importantly DON'T forget to let her know if you found this walk through Non members are always welcome to come along and join us for two or three walks, though you will be expected to join after this. e walk Start Time: 14:00. Do please allow yourself plenty of time to be able to park and put on your boots. Tel: 07855 665519 if further details required. Starting Point: Warley, Hartswood Hospital, Eagle Way, Warley, Brentwood. Please go past the main reception & park at the back near Warley. Grid Reference: TQ589915. Essex CM13 3LE Saturday 23 Feb 2013 basildonanddistrictramblingclub.b STRICTLY AIR AMBULANCE Dance Competition in association with Chelmsford Dance Centre and Western Dance Centre Starring celebrity pro-dancers Darren Bennett and Lilia Kopylova 7.30pm Premium £15 (£13 Concession) Standard £12 (£10 Concession) For tickets please call National Box Office 0871 224 1112 Brentwood Centre Essex CM15 9NN.Friday 8 Mar 2013 PAMPER & SHOPPING EVENING We are holding another popular shopping evening on ursday 7th March 2013 at "e Ivory Rooms" 66 - 68 Laindon Road, Billericay, CM12 9LD. We also are holding a raffle on the evening and all the proceeds from the raffle will be donated to "Macmillan Cancer". is event will start at 6pm to 9pm and is free admission to the public with plenty of parking available. ere will be a number of stalls including: Jewellery, Handbags, Clothes, Scarves, Gifts, Shabby Chic Homeware, Sweets, Cakes, Make up plus a psychic will be available on the evening. Refreshments are available - so

please come along and join in the fun. is event starts at 6pm until 9pm - FREE ADMISSION to the public and plenty of free parking. Any questions please email: e Ivory Rooms" 66 - 68 Laindon Road, Billericay, CM12 9LD Essex CM12 9LD. ursday 7 Mar 2013 ESSEX IVC PUB MEAL Join us at 6:45pm. is is one of our 50+ events every month throughout Essex for individuals and couples who want to socialise and participate in activities with like-minded people and above all enjoy life. We are a non-profit club with a growing membership of over 300, and we welcome applications from professionals, graduates and similar people in the age range 25-50s. Billericay Essex CM12 9BA ursday 28 Feb 2013 BRENTWOOD OVER 30S 40S & 50S PARTY FOR SINGLES AND COUPLES Dance, romance, meet new people, make new friends from 8.30pm till 1.30am at this fab party night for Over 30s, 40s & 50s! VERY Popular Party Nights with top DJ, excellent music and friendly atmosphere. Singles and couples welcome. It's where all the Over 30s, 40s & 50s go! At Ashwells Country Club, Ashwells Road, Bentley, Brentwood CM15 9SE. Ashwells Country Club is set in the gentle quietness of the Essex countryside, yet it's just 2 miles from the M25 at Brentwood. e original farm buildings, lovingly and carefully restored and refurbished, go back several hundred years. Dates for 2013: Friday 22nd February, Friday 29th March, Friday 26th April, Friday 31st May and Friday 21st June. £8 online or on the door. Smart denim ok, collared shirts only. No trainers, T shirts, etc. R 8.30pm until 1.30am. Admission £8 Tel: Freefone 0800 313 4441 Ashwells Country Club, Ashwells Road, Bentley, Brentwood Essex CM15 9SE Friday 22 Feb 2013 n



MV__ 10/02/2013 17:33 Page 1

local life




alentine’s Day is supposedly the most romantic day of the year. Some men (and increasingly women) choose to propose all this day of love. So for those who don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day (every day of the year) for most women, the highlight of some romanticism and effort is kept for this day alone. It’s easy to find gifts; shops abound with ideas. Plus you can’t help tripping over the flowers in Tesco, Waitrose, M & S etc. so there really is no excuse to be empty handed. With eager anticipation, most women fantasize about splendid surprises: the smaller the box – the better the gift. Ear-rings, pendant … engagement ring! Fragrant, beautiful roses are always acceptable and for those on a budget, even a single red rose is just about enough… And most women will forgive their boyfriends or husbands a haphazard attempt at gift-wrap, or not quite the right gift – IF an effort has been made with a kind and romantic gesture. Something is better than nothing. And as most men struggle with romance: most loving women are forgiving. Men’s requirements? Oh so much simpler, in fact most men will be happy with just a card. Token pair of socks, underwear, after-shave, Xbox game… Alternatively a home-cooked, romantic meal. So what do the influences of Venus and Mars have in common on Valentine’s Day? Well actually, this day is for men to show their girlsfriends/wives how they really feel. Some men genuinely enjoy making their loved one happy, tears of joy, screams of delight, a hug of gratitude, an all embracing kiss, maybe even more… Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend - Jewellery Women love jewellery. If you listen out, there have probably been some hints floating around since early January. Clues include: ‘My watch is a bit old-fashioned…. my favourite ear-rings have snapped … I’d love a ring to go with my new bag…” Listen carefully; they’re out there, waiting to be picked up… If you’re limited with time and want to be able to comfortably 8


glance through a big selection, go online to Emson Haig. Although conveniently based in Loughton and Lakeside near Brentwood, it might be easier to just carefully go through the collection and arrange a delivery rather than go to the shop. Which brings me to a romantic meal… So dependent upon where you live: e Bluebell Restaurant, Chigwell. Offering a fabulous Valentine’s Menu Loch Fyne, Loughton Mary Green Manor Hotel - Brentwood Beauty Treatments Women love to be pampered and indulged. Looking beautiful is a preferred pastime! Preferably, full body treatments, facials or nail treatments. Perfume, Roses and Chocolates. Check out your local high street for perfume. e preferred scent is strategically placed on the dressing-table. e perfume bottle is exposed – and if empty – that’s the hint… Florists – Check out your local high street and make sure the flowers are fresh, vibrant and alive. Dead or dying flowers are worse than no flowers at all. ere are so many wonderful florists in our areas. A Surprise… For most women, the ultimate gift would be a trip to Paris, New York, Dubai or even Venice… However nobody knows your loved one, as much as you do “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

NJ FEB_© Fish Media 11/02/2013 10:51 Page 1



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Epping__ 10/02/2013 17:39 Page 1

local life



ne of the prettiest areas in this magazine’s remit is eydon Bois. Such an exquisite village, quaint in its old-fashioned tranquil ambiance with comfortable traditional pubs and village green for younger children to enjoy a run and other exercise. Or to exercise the dog! A large residential village and civil parish in the Epping Forest district: a short drive from Epping (1.4 miles) and Loughton (less than 1 mile) access is a short journey that gives enough distance from home but without being too far to merit much thought. e journey is very pretty in the summer and has a distinct feeling of ‘getting away from it all’ despite its close proximity to nearby towns. For those who like to lunch or tea, would absolutely recommend Belgique. Very French/Belgian and with a terrific selection of different gateaux and breads, to tempt those seeking culinary respite after a short journey or long walk. eydon Bois is a particularly attractive destination for relaxing in the outdoors or as an extension to a walk down Epping’s High Street. Offering a full array of practical shops such as Tesco, a bank and the post office; nearby restaurants offer elegant cuisine and a local, pretty florist always gives a village, that an enhanced feeling of distinctive English charm. If per chance, there is an event at Copped Hall, a trip to eydon before an evening’s entertainment (in the summer) would be a wonderful day out and one which I certainly, will be preparing for in the not too distant future. Copped Hall is certainly the jewel of the Essex countryside. e ambiance, scenery, atmosphere and overwhelming sense of place, leaves you almost breathless with excitement for all the romantic possibilities. Standing in the gardens, looking at the rolling countryside also distracts my imagination to reminisce those wonderful views across the Moors. e remote possibility of a Bronte or Austen hero appearing out of the fog and riding on a fabulous white stallion up from the M25! And there the fantasy stops. It is a rather sad fact that both Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen were spinsters despite their writing and descriptions of literature’s greatest heroes. But back to reality, fantasies certainly outweigh the possibilities and more realistically, if it’s going to be foggy or cold, or an evening threatening rain, it’s probably more practical to bring a brolly, warm thick soaks and a coat! e next monthly event at Copped Hall is on 17th February 2013 and includes a tour around the rambling mansion and beautiful gardens. However as we go more into the summer, there are exciting daytime and evening events. For instance, Twelfth Night on 23rd June with the Greek eatre Players looks particularly interesting.

For monthly tours: Gates open at 10 a.m. and the tour starts at 10.15 a.m. Refreshments and shop, including produce from the walled garden. Contact: 01992 571 657 / Entry: £7 (Free to friends and children under 14). For further details, please see the Copped Hall website n 10


FISH FEB_© Fish Media 11/02/2013 14:27 Page 1

Our winter sale is now on with up to 50% off Fishpools has grown over the last 114 years and today we are the largest quality furniture store in the south east. Our 60,000 square feet showrooms feature over 200 room sets from classic to contemporary, minimal to vintage and rustic to romantic all designed to help you make your home unique. There are over 200 sofa collections, 150 dining ranges, 100's of beds, 75 bedroom ranges, and a large carpets & rugs department. Choose from a wide range of linens, soft furnishings, pictures and mirrors plus cookware and gifts from our Home Accessories department.

If it’s big name brands you’re after, we stock Stressless, Ercol, Natuzzi, G Plan, Duresta, Collins & Hayes, Nolte, Vi Spring, Tempur and many more. As a family-run retailer our commitment to great service begins as soon as you enter the store to be greeted by our well trained, knowledgeable people, who will assist you on all aspects of your purchase until it is safely delivered to your home. So pop in, we have ample customer parking, an in-store coffee shop and we look forward to making your acquaintance.

Our scrumptious Status bedroom collection Just one of over 75 bedroom styles in our range Visit our website to see all our ranges

High Street Waltham Cross . 01992 63 64 65 .

Emson Haig__ 10/02/2013 17:44 Page 1

local life




he Squad UK member in Jewellery is Ben Pritchard, 18, from Loughton, who is working as a apprentice for Harvey Sillis at Emson Haig in Lakeside Shopping Centre. After completing work experience at Emson Haig at the age of 15, Ben gained an insight into the jewellery industry and found his passion. Emson Haig happily supported Ben by offering him an apprenticeship with well-established Jeweller and Diamond Mounter Harvey Sillis in the lakeside based workshop. Squad UK competitors



were selected from among the UK’s most talented apprentices, employees and learners after competing in tough three- day selection event from the 18th to the 20th of September 2012. ey will now spend the next year preparing to take on the very best from across the world, undergoing a specialist training programme supported by a dedicated training manager for each skill. WorldSkills is the biggest international skills competition in the world, which is held every two years in one of its 61 member countries/regions. Members of the Squad UK will compete for a coveted place in Team UK at another selection event which will be held in

March 2013. Individuals selected will then carry on training with Team UK before heading to WorldSkills Leipzig, which takes place from 2nd to the 7th of July 2013. Ben Pritchard said:” It’s a huge honour to have been selected as a member of Squad UK. I hope this opportunity will allow me to showcase how Apprenticeships and skills can lead to successful employment and career opportunities “ Jaine Bolton, Director at the National Apprenticeship Service and UK official Delegate to WorldSkills International said: “I offer my support and congratulations to every young person that has earned a place in Squad UK. By

competing in international competitions, the UK is able to showcase the high levels of performance that can be achieved by individuals. is provides the inspiration for young people and adults to be ambitious in their pursuit of skills to their highest level.” David Shone the managing director of Emson Haig says: “I am extremely proud of Ben and Harvey’s work. Being able to send someone to represent not only Emson Haig but the whole of the UK is a huge honour for them both and myself.”

CP NOV_Š Fish Media 01/11/2012 19:48 Page 1


Whatever your dream scheme for the perfect garden building, the experienced designers at Crown Pavilions can put it all together to create the ultimate outdoor room.

Bring your ideas to life at or call 01491 612820

OAK TREE SCHOOL FEB__ 10/02/2013 17:45 Page 1

local EDUcaT I o N




s March heralds the advent of Spring, the Oak-Tree Schools are pleased to open their doors to many prospective pupils and their parents looking to join in 2013 and beyond. e ‘School in Action’ Open Mornings allows parents a look behind the scenes on a normal school day. At Normanhurst you may find Chemistry experiments in full flow or hear the angelic chorus of the practising choir. At Coopersale Hall, visiting parents are likely to be welcomed in French by the children and their enthusiastic French teacher, Monsieur Goodman. And at Oaklands, pupils might be returning from a forest walk, a swimming lesson, or preparing their next piece of creative writing. e Oak-Tree Group of Schools is a respected group of local private independent schools that collectively educates some 750 children from 2 ½ to 16 in the Epping Forest area. Normanhurst School in North Chingford, can report that interest in 11+ entrance exams for entry into the Seniors is higher than ever. With over 50 hopeful candidates recently competing for places, an extra examination date has been arranged on Wednesday 13 March for those who would like the opportunity to join this prestigious North Chingford School. Headmistress Claire Osborn remarked, “I see excellent progress from our children at all stages, in a wide range of academic and extra-curricular achievements. Our GCSE results speak for themselves; the small class sizes and specialist subject teachers enable our pupils to achieve their potential, impressing 6th form colleges and schools locally. ey move on from us as confident,



well-mannered young people who enjoy learning and contribute positively to community life.” At Epping’s Coopersale Hall School, the newly enlarged Kindergarten has seen a boom in applications in recent years due to the purpose-built facilities and specialist teaching. Kaye Lovejoy, Headmistress, commented “We are seeing more and more interest from families coming from the wider local areas such as Chigwell, Loughton and eydon Bois. We’re very fortunate to have been the first choice independent prep school for families in Epping for many years now as our reputation for academic excellence and the enormous range of before and after school clubs and activities is well known around the area.” Meanwhile, local families have been choosing Oaklands in Loughton for over 75 years, and the School continues to go from strength to strength. e summer’s newly-built facilities are now fully-operational and the waiting lists continue to grow. Headmistress Cheryl Macnair comments, “Our parents appreciate the way we know each pupil well. is close contact between parents, teachers and children isn’t a recent initiative – we’ve always had an open door policy so that parents can discuss any aspect of their children’s education with us at any time. is is something that larger schools simply cannot replicate”. More details about all March Open Mornings and entrance procedures are available from the Oak-Tree Group’s website: n

OAK TREE SCHOOL FEB_© Fish Media 11/02/2013 09:48 Page 1

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DREAM FEB__ 10/02/2013 18:06 Page 1

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ream Makeover Essex winners have begun their life changing journey which gave four people a chance to win a unique life changing opportunity of a fabulous top-to-toe Dream Makeover worth up to £25,000 for each winner. Over 2000 email enquiries were received and the short listed 32 finalists were interviewed by cosmetic dentist Ash Parmar, skin specialist Frances Furlong and laser eye expert Mr Pillai. OUR WINNERS CAROLINE Caroline McKenna, aged 44, hails from Ireland’s County Neath and has lived in the Isle of Dogs for 20 years with husband Martin. Caroline is a stay at home Mum but admits to spending perhaps too much time at home and not thinking about herself. Being a DME winner has put a stop to that. Now there is a buzz around the household and procedures to have done and treatments to enjoy. Although not suitable for laser treatment, Mr Pillai at AVC will insert miniature tailor made lenses into her eyes, known as Implantable Contact Lens. is is permanent and inserted behind the human eye so is invisible. is is a unique treatment which is done by very few centres in the UK. So Caroline will be able to read for herself the price tags while out shopping and recipes on the backs of packets. Caroline gave her smile just 3 out of 10 as she is unhappy with the shape of her teeth. At Smile Design by Ash she will receive a Mini Makeover to include cosmetic contouring, teeth whitening and her old amalgam fillings changed to composites. KEITH It was a toss up who was more excited when news came through that Loughton Dad Keith Welch was a DME winner. Daughter Emily, aged 15, who entered him for the competition, or her Dad who was convinced he wouldn’t win - things like that never happen to him! Keith, aged 54, claims he is not a shy man or unconfident but it’s been a challenging few years with death in the family, divorce,



moving and being made redundant as a building site manager. He says “I think Emily felt a bit sorry for me.” Emily’s comments about her Dad were compelling and together with the views of the judges, propelled him to the final four. Keith had laser treatment on his eyes and is delighted not only with his new look, minus glasses, but also his eyesight. “When reading became difficult I got myself a pair of those cheap glasses thinking they would be OK, but working on a building site they just made life more difficult. I had never been to an optician let alone thought about corrective eye surgery. It turns out I am long sighted in both eyes but, after laser treatment I am amazed how clear my vision is and I have achieved almost 100% in both eyes. It’s like magic and now I can even see myself in the mirror!” Keith’s dental health was another issue with major problems to overcome. One tooth had fallen out and others threatened with problems, and although he has stopped smoking, the effects are lasting. Several sessions with the hygienist, teeth whitening, and cosmetic contouring from Smile Design by Ash will fix the problems. Skin enhancement procedures from Frances Furlong at Perfect Skin are working wonders on his wrinkles and lines and already he is feeling more confident about himself. TRACEY When Tracey Buck, Deputy Out Patients Manager at Harlow’s Princes Alexandra Hospital, heard from a nursing colleague about the free competition she didn’t really think it was for her. But after being badgered by her friends and colleagues at the hospital she decided she had nothing to lose. Tracey, aged 47, lives in Harlow. “When they told me I was short listed I was delighted but when I heard I was a winner I screamed and cried down the phone. To say I am thrilled is an understatement.” “I’m still in shock. You can’t dream this can you? Not in a million years. I’ve never had something for myself before and I still have to pinch myself to know it’s real! All my colleagues at the hospital are thrilled – they fell of their chairs when they heard and now they can’t wait to see the new me.”

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Tracey has not visited an optician in over six years. “I bought cheap glasses from the chemist at first, just for reading, but then I needed them all the time.” Following her visit to Advanced Vision Care in Harley Street, Tracey will no longer need those glasses! Clear Lens Exchange is being carried out using the latest techniques and anaesthetic drops in each eye for her tailor made lens to be inserted to correct her distance and reading prescription. So no more glasses for life! “e thought of never having to wear glasses ever again - well honestly it’s making my head spin.” Tracey’s dental health was another issue with crooked, chipped and broken teeth and major problems to overcome. At Smile Design by Ash, root canal fillings, dental infections and gum disease are all being treated followed by extensive work including new crowns and bridges to replace upper and lower missing teeth. All this will ensure a winning new smile. ELEASHA Eleasha Newberry, aged 25, lives in Chatham, Kent and is one of three sisters. Living with her Mum and Mum’s partner and her younger sister, Eleasha found the competition through a Google search. Her poor smile and dark teeth were the main reasons she Googled and when DME came up she went for it. “I have always been very aware of my dark teeth and tend to hold my hand over my mouth.” “I was stunned when I heard I was a winner. It’s feels like I am in some sort of a dream! When I heard the first thing I did was ring my Mum. I am still emotional and overwhelmed that I was considered good enough material to be a winner.” Eleasha works as a housing support worker and for three years has been helping people with mental health issues to manager their lives as independently as possible. She is based in Gravesend and has great job satisfaction. Her dream now is to take an Open University Degree in English Literature and get her qualification. Eleasha has been wearing glasses and later contact lens since infant school. Her vision was quite bad and without her glasses she couldn’t even see the very top letter on the optician’s chart. Eleasha is short sighted and the preferred procedure by Mr Pillai was wavefront intralase (blade-free) Lasik technique on both eyes. Eleasha is astonished by the improvement in her sight. She now has 20-20 vision and has ditched her glasses forever! e poor smile that got her down and made her depressed is being replaced with subtle cosmetic contouring and a Smile Makeover with porcelain veneers. “My relationships have been challenging but with my new look, I think that will change too. I can’t wait for everything as I know it will change my life.” Skin enhancement procedures from Frances Furlong at Perfect Skin are working on her wrinkles, lines, scar tissue, acne and dry skin. THE REST IS YET TO COME So once the fitness training from Body Perfect kicks in, grooming from beauty salon MODE is complete and hair coiffured by salon Zoology, all the winners really will feel like new people! Fashion and clothes advice comes from style director Aneliese Deane and all photography is by Memorable Portraits. Philips, leaders in the field of oral healthcare, sponsors the competition and has provided each winner with a Sonicare DiamondClean toothbrush, an Airfloss cleaning machine and Zoom tooth whitening treatments as part of their prize.





GALA REVEAL EVENT IS COMING e winners are being filmed during their Dream Makeover Essex journey as their life changing stories unfold. e amazing makeovers will be revealed at a magnificent Gala Event on ursday 21st March at the Marriot Hotel, Waltham Abbey, hosted by TV presenter Jeff Brazier. To view progress of the winners visit ■ FEBRUARY2013 17

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An Exclusive Interview with Phillip Leigh and Larry Hunt WORDS: MICHELLE HARRIS


wo of the best known estate agencies in the area will now be working together to offer their clients, an even better level of service and access to strategic expertise and knowledge. Phillip Leigh’s estate agency has been established since 1966 and like the World Cup – an absolute winner. By acknowledged reputation, Phillip Leigh’s specialty is mid/top range homes which are of excellent quality in style, size and presentation. Phillip Leigh’s agency is also the only agent who has been totally active in acquiring land, and selling new homes in the area and has acted for many developers in Chigwell, Buckhurst Hill, Loughton and Woodford Green. Churchill has been established since 1973 and has the number one reputation for selling affordable homes in East London and Essex. Michelle Harris: Sounds like a winning combination and inspired business development. Whose idea was it to come together to share expertise and services, and for Phillip’s involvement in Churchill’s Exclusive Homes division? Larry Hunt: I must take claim to that one! I have wanted to be associated with Phillip Leigh for years and have been quite relentless in my numerous approaches to him. I’m glad it’s now happening. (He nods to Phillip). Phillip’s reputation doesn’t need elaboration. His expertise is unparalleled which is why I wanted his connection for our exclusive properties. Phillip Leigh: So by us working together, it’s a win-win situation. at’s the understanding, forecast and long-term view which we both share. Larry Hunt: As two of the most established principals in the area, as independent firms, our coming together is a complement of top level, independent expertise. All of our clients will certainly benefit from this enhanced service and access to us personally, our staff and contacts. In total we will have 10 offices and departments and we



look forward to driving some record sales. Michelle Harris: So Phillip, will this hold back your retirement plans? Phillip Leigh: (Laughing) – Retire? (He looks stunned) I will be working harder than ever! Retirement is absolutely out of the question. I cannot imagine a day when I would even contemplate retiring. Larry Hunt: is association is very much based upon Phillip’s expertise and reputation. It wouldn’t work without him on both a personal and professional level. Phillip has a fantastic team. Both his long term partner Henry Felstein and sales manager Westley Crouch are thrilled with the link up and eager to continue each company’s objective in providing a centre of excellence in property advice. Michelle Harris: And the trading name? Larry Hunt: Phillip Leigh at Churchills. It has a nice ring to it – linking our names and respective companies. Phillip Leigh: Yes. We want to show our clients that there really is a great synergy between our businesses and that we’re looking forward positively, to provide the service required to help all clients in these testing times. Michelle Harris: ank you for granting me this interview. On behalf of the Fish Media Group, I would like to wish you and your businesses, ‘Congratulations and Good luck.’ For more information: Phillip Leigh at Churchills 22 Brook Parade, Chigwell, Essex Tel: 020 8501 2424 / n

FISH FEB x 2_© Fish Media 11/02/2013 14:30 Page 1

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AMB__ 10/02/2013 17:57 Page 1

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ednesday, 16th January 2013 - Cars were covered with ice, the weather was freezing, roads were slippery from snow and an awful fog swamped the area. However despite these chilling conditions, Sinclair House (Redbridge JCC - part of Jewish Care) was full of local residents, keen to see and listen to His Excellency Daniel Taub, Ambassador of Israel to the Court of St James's. As principal deputy legal adviser of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Taub served as legal adviser to Israel’s mission at the United Nations and has represented Israel in many fora. As an international lecturer on Middle Eastern issues regarding international law and negotiation theory, he has developed and taught training programmes for Israeli diplomats. Ambassador Taub also holds degrees from Oxford University, UCL and Harvard (Kennedy School of Government). e hall was packed to capacity. Phillip Leigh made a gracious introduction to the evening’s event. Daniel Rosenberg acted as chair and gave a brief outline of Ambassador’s role and career highlights both in Israel and internationally. As Ambassador Taub took centre stage, his presence illuminated the room with an immediate ambience of warmth and friendliness; every visitor felt as if he was talking to them both personally, professionally and directly. Eloquently he spoke without any notes for forty-five minutes about his mission, his purpose as an Ambassador and his move from England to Israel. He explored in depth, the deep desire for Jews to have their own homeland and gave a chilling example of this determination and aspiration by an example of a blue JNF ( Jewish National Fund) blue box, being found within the Warshaw Ghetto. “To live in the dreams of our ancestors.” H. E. Daniel Taub He spoke about Israel, the position in the media and interestingly that despite world problems, there appears to be an obsession within the British press which puts Israel as no. 7 as the most featured country represented. Of Israel’s strong relationship with British Jewry which is steadfast and loyal. Israel’s pride and sense of purpose and mission in helping others such as in Haiti and the assistance offered to the victims of the earthquake in Turkey. “Transparency of dialogue between Israel and the UK.” At the end of the talk, questions were asked: Leon Newmark had a question on Aliyah (when Jews return to Israel) and Jeff Klein asked about the Arab Spring. Whether religious, spiritual or political, the Ambassador was able to answer clearly and intellectually. “Every voice gets reflected.” H. E. Daniel Taub Ambassador Taub also had a chance to speak to members of the MIKE leadership programme (M = Motivation, I = Inspirational, K = Knowledge, E = Education.) e evening concluded with some light refreshments in the community hall, where discussion and debate continued over hot cups of tea and pastries! n




FELLOWS FEB_Š Fish Media 08/02/2013 15:19 Page 1

Pocket Watches & Parts Monday 25th February A base metal keyless wind Hydrographic Service issue Model 22 chronometer signed Hamilton. Estimate ÂŁ800 - ÂŁ1,200

The Suttons & Robertsons Auction Thursday 28th February A selection of items from the upcoming Suttons & Robertsons auction.

Auction of Coins & Medals Monday 18th February at 11am Oliver Cromwell, gold Broad of Twenty-Shillings 1656 by Thomas Simon. Estimate ÂŁ7,000 - ÂŁ9,000

Vintage Jewellery & Accessories Monday 11th March A selection of items from the upcoming Vintage Jewellery & Accessories sale.

Visit for a complimentary catalogue Fellows Auctioneers | 19 Augusta Street | Birmingham B18 6JA | 0121 212 2131 /RQGRQ 2IĂ€FH 9DOXDWLRQV %\ $SSRLQWPHQW 2QO\ _ QG )ORRU _ 4XHHQ 6WUHHW _ /RQGRQ : - 3$ _

Local Life june__ 10/02/2013 18:01 Page 1

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hen you read about the fascinating stories concerning local people, local businesses, good causes and the countryside, towns and villages that you are part of, don't you sometimes think that there are other topics that would look good in print? Our "Life Series" of magazines cover Epping, Loughton, Chigwell, Buckhurst Hill, South Woodford, Wanstead, Brentwood and the beautiful surrounding areas. So, if you are a new business in Epping, a fund-raiser in Loughton, a charity organiser in Wanstead, a life-style coach in South Woodford or a successful community group in Chigwell, we would love to hear from you. Or perhaps you are a keen amateur



photographer producing shots taken in the immediate area that would complement and enhance the articles in the magazine. Now's your chance to see your name, or that of your organisation in print! All you have to do is write an article (something between 1000-1250 words), with photos, and email it to: or call 07932 608 797.

You'll get the idea of the sort of thing we are looking for by browsing through this edition of the magazine. Don't worry too much about perfect grammar or spelling - we will check it before it goes to print! So how about it? Why not get those creative juices going, sit down and start thinking of ways in which you could publicise the part of your Local Life that is most

important to you? If you want to talk about what you have in mind, or would like some advice as to how to get the best from the topic you want aired, then please include a contact number so that we can help you. Remember, "Life Series" set of magazines publishes articles about stories of general local interest, so please don't send us the account of great-aunt Maud's wedding or your precious ospring's coming of age! We would also be delighted to receive photographs relating to the area, illustrating aspects of local life, commerce or nature. Again, please send your ďŹ les to the above e-mail address sorry but we are unable to accept printed media for inclusion in the magazine. In all cases, material should be

original and the work of the author/sender. Fish Media Group reserves the right to edit and/or amend any material and accepts no responsibility for errors or inaccuracies, however caused. Origination and copyright will be acknowledged where appropriate. Usual terms and conditions apply, and are available upon request. WE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU!

MIC AUG_© Fish Media 22/08/2012 16:26 Page 1

Grove FEB_© Fish Media 11/02/2013 16:35 Page 1


Fun for the whole family, a more intimate time together, or

the chance to have both.

3 nights for 2

PL FEB__ 10/02/2013 18:02 Page 1


Phillip Leigh PHILLIP LEIGH 'S LOCAL PROPERTY MARKET WHEN AMERICA SNEEZES, THE UK CATCHES A COLD When we were at the depths of our property recession, I wrote a seething piece which highlighted the fact that it was all due to the actions and attitude of e United States, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. I stressed at the time that in my opinion our property market will not break out of its recession until the U.S climbed out of theirs. Well there are now definite signs that a change is now happening in the States. One of the States that were hardest hit was Florida, with literally thousands of homes plummeting in value, mortgage foreclosures, followed by repossession. It was reported in last weeks F.T. that there are now several major Private Equity Groups and Hedge Funds who are extremely active in acquiring such properties for the purpose of renting while awaiting prices to rise before eventually selling to make a capital gain. e newspaper reports that Blackstone alone has acquired some 25 million dollars worth of homes in the past 12 months, with three out of every ten homes being snapped up by such companies, and that homes available for sale have reduced in numbers by 17% during that period. is represents the lowest number of homes available in the past 5 years. e sudden activity has pushed prices up by around 20% from an average fall of 30/40%. Following the old adage heading this article, I can foresee similar things happening here. Fortunately, our lending institutions are




acting benevolently to mortgagors who are getting into trouble with their repayments, and I do not foresee them coming anywhere near the ruthless attitude common to lenders in the USA. Nevertheless, I can see our institutions ever insatiable

hunger for triple A investment products that can provide income ahead of inflation, along with an aptitude for capital growth, turning to both building or acquiring ready built property in fashionable areas of the UK which have good employment. Should this come about, it will not necessarily increase property values as such which as we all know are well above affordability for the majority. It will however certainly increase activity in the market

which will, as seen in America, help claw back some of the 2008/11‘losses’ in value of high end property. Back at the ranch and the local property market, I can honestly say that there are signs of a warming, which is more than can be said for the weather. We are carrying out an increased number of valuations for sale and rental, and we should see several of these move to the market in the next few weeks. Most owners are heeding our warnings that headline prices for property over a million pounds must not exceed Bank or Building Society valuations by more than 2/3% in order to be creditably received by the market. e main area of activity continues to be in the £300,000 to £500,000 price range for apartments and £400,000 to £700,000 for houses. We are looking forward to what we hope will be greater activity in the market in the forthcoming spring and are extremely excited by our plans to merge our business with Churchill Estates and become one of e Churchill Group as reported elsewhere in this magazine.

Phillip Leigh Phillip Leigh is principal of Phillip Leigh Associates of Chigwell. Tel: 020 8501 2424 For past articles: and click on blogs. Exclusive residential property agent for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club


Michelle Col Feb__ 10/02/2013 18:04 Page 1

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There Are Many Types of Love… But What’s in Essex? WORDS: MICHELLE HARRIS


s this is the month of love – Valentine’s Day being the highlight – I thought it might be interesting to explore many types of love and so have carefully considered where Essex sits on the Love Map for various forms of love. Also, to explore who are the most romantic people in Essex and why? What makes them different and what’s their contribution that facilitates a mention on this very personal list. LOVE SONGS - ROD STEWART Although Rod has featured quite a few times in these magazines, it is with good reason. His contribution to the music world is phenomenal and all of us can sing-a-long to at least, half a dozen songs. So why is he on this list? Probably because as a Love Inspiration – he has certainly ‘loved’ many women and at the age of 68, seemingly still very much in love with his beautiful wife. We all have a different favourite dependent upon when we first heard the song, the lyrics, the melody or how we personally relate to a song or its message.

LOVE OF MONEY Without doubt, Essex is the wealthiest county in England. Why? Because bank notes are printed in Langston Road in Debden. is year they celebrate their 200th anniversary and have been printing all Bank of England bank notes for the last 50 years.

Michelle Harris

LOVE OF SHAKESPEARE William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream was supposedly written as entertainment for a Tudor wedding. Interestingly, this play’s first performance was in the Long Gallery at Copped Hall … in our very own Essex, backyard! As mentioned in another feature in this magazine, even to this day, Shakespeare’s plays are still being performed at Copped Hall. LOVE AND LUST Probably the best and most famous examples of Love and Lust, are the antics of TOWIE’s characters and the storylines… LOVING AND LOSING Despite it being a celebrity marriage with all the promise of glamour and style, probably one of the saddest relationships was between Chantelle Houghton and Alex Reid… (and Roxanne). At least Chantelle has a gorgeous little girl as a wonderful blessing from the relationship and what better form of love, than maternal love. LOVING ESSEX Essex has become exceedingly popular. e whole country seems fascinated by what Essex girls wear, their fashion sense and style. As a Hatton Garden jeweller once commented to me, ‘If they wear it in Essex, the rest of the country will follow.’ So whether fake tans, extensions and whitened teeth, Essex is currently leading the way and the ‘flashy white grins’ follow... If you have any other variations on the above themes, it would be good to read your views, so please contact me via email: / Please note that unfortunately it is not possible to reply in person, to all emails received. ank you ■



Fish Media Rec_Š Fish Media 08/04/2011 14:48 Page 1

PHOTO__ 10/02/2013 18:10 Page 1

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PHOTOGRAPHER STEPHEN POVER CAPTURED GREAT PICTURES OF ROCK LEGEND ROD STEWART AT THE STAR’S BOOK SIGNING IN EPPING. LET’S FIND OUT MORE ABOUT OUR CELEBRITY SNAPPER STEPHEN, YOU HAVE BEEN A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS. WHAT AREAS OF PHOTOGRAPHY HAVE YOU WORKED IN? I always wanted to work in photography and once I got started as an assistant photographer I soon found myself working with Asprey, the legendary jeweler and luxury goods house. I photographed bespoke jewellery, silver, furniture, glass, china and antiques. en I worked in a studio in London’s West End where my clients were top London stores such as Garrard, Tiffany’s, Graff Diamonds and eo Fennell. I got to handle and photograph objects that are modern masterpieces, made by the world’s best craftsmen. 28


BUT YOU DIDN’T JUST PHOTOGRAPH DIAMONDS AND RUBIES? I have worked in many different areas of photography including some quite spectacular events with high profile celebrities, and Royalty. One party that stands out was the launch of Asprey’s sponsorship of e Ferrari Formula One team. Michael Schumacher and Eddie Ervine attended with a Ferrari F1 car, a couple of road cars and the great and good of the London Party scene. e crowd and the chaos resulted in the closure of Bond Street for hours. e press scrum was crazy; all battling to get pictures, but being 6’6” (1.98m) I have a natural advantage over most other photographers.

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YOU LEFT THE WELL-HEALED CLIENTS OF BOND STREET AND WENT TO WORK FOR A LEADING UK CHILDREN’S CHARITY. After working freelance for seven years which had included some charity events, my time in Bond Street was coming to a natural end and I was seeking new challenges. Barnardo’s and the voluntary sector certainly offered that! e two worlds often mingle and I found myself photographing many of the same celebs and Royals at fund raising events. BUT THAT WASN’T THE REAL CHALLENGE WAS IT? No, part of my role was to visit services and photograph children and their families at Barnardo’s projects. To be honest I was ill prepared emotionally for what I was to experience. You can read harrowing news articles but when a person is in front of you talking about their life or their children’s lives, it is quite different. I met children and young people caught up in domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse; effected by extreme bullying; caring for parents with disabilities and helping to raise their siblings; some had been sexually exploited. However, almost every person I met had hope that their life would improve with the support they were now getting from the charity. It was a truly humbling experience. ey trusted that I would portray them with dignity and hope. DO YOU WORK ONLY FOR CHARITIES? Far from it! I cover all kinds of photography from press, corporate events, wedding, Bar Mitzvah, first Holy Communion, sports and studio work. I work with international corporations and the person in the street. I guess you would call that a wide spectrum.

WHICH CELEBRITIES DID YOU ENJOY PHOTOGRAPHING THE MOST? To be honest it’s the ones you get to talk to. I liked Daniel Graig he was very cool, Kevin Pietersen, Jermain Defoe and Daley ompson who has a great sense of humor. Melinda Messenger, Nicola Roberts (Girls aloud), Stacey Solomon and Zöe Salmon, to name but a few of the girls, were all great to work with. e person who stands out is Cherie Blair, renowned for bad press and disliked by many. I saw her work hard to ensure that those who didn’t have a voice got heard, speaking intelligently, passionately and with vigor for others. I have photographed her at public events and private parties and she doesn’t fail to impress. WHO WAS THE MOST DIFFICULT CLIENT? As a rule I don’t have difficult clients, just difficult circumstances to work in. Every job has its challenges and photography is no different. I enjoy my work and I am passionate about photography. It’s both satisfying and fulfilling. I am now also working in video which I have been developing with my business partner. is work is growing and brings different and new challenges. I am really excited about projects lined up for 2013. Please visit my website – I am proud of my work and would love to share it with you. Stephen Pover Tel 07973 383985 Email Website ■


BOCK FEB_© Fish Media 11/02/2013 12:00 Page 1

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The View from The Shard OP E NS ON 1 ST FEBRUARY 2 01 3 The View from The Shard, the new premium visitor attraction at the top of The Shard - London’s newest landmark and Western Europe’s tallest building opens to the public on 1st February 2013.



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The View from The Shard, at the pinnacle of The Shard, developed by Sellar Property in association with LBQ Ltd and designed by Renzo Piano, provides the most spectacular 64km (40 mile), 360-degree views of the capital from 244m (800ft) above the city. Almost twice as high as any other viewing point in London, The View from The Shard is the only place you can see all of London, all at once, making it the perfect first stop for visitors. The name ‘Shard’ comes from its sculpted design, which consists of glass facets that incline inwards but do not meet at the top, but instead open to the sky to allow the building to breathe naturally. London church spires and masts of ships which once anchored on the River Thames inspired the elegant building. When fully completed, The Shard will be a vertical city with high-quality offices, international restaurants, the 5-star Shangri-La hotel, exclusive residences and visitor attraction The View from The Shard, which will provide visitors with a multi-sensory experience and exhilarating 360° views for 40 miles across London. Attraction opening times enable sunrise, sunset and night views over London. Ticket numbers are carefully managed, providing guests with a queue and crowd free experience with no time limit in the attraction. The View from The Shard is much more than a remarkable view - it provides a unique encounter with The Shard and the entire city of London. We can reveal previously unseen features of the attraction, including: State of the art interactives: see the history of London mapped out before you as famous characters, buildings and communities are brought to life. Understand the growth of London and the connection between The Shard and the city. Ground floor galleries: From the entrance at Joiner Street, guests enter the ground floor galleries to begin their exploration of the UK’s capital. Over 140 famous Londoners in playful juxtapositions greet visitors through a series of colourful tongue-in-cheek illustrations that cross space and time. Meet the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as Pearly King and Queen; see Boris Johnson shine Ken Livingstone’s shoes; witness Kate Moss marrying Henry VIII; catch a glimpse of Prince Charles judging architecture and watch a Womble cleaning the city streets. Around the gallery, animated maps and video screens illustrate the growth of London and reveal the context of the historic London Bridge location – the oldest crossing point over the Thames - around which the city has expanded. Through a series of short films, guests are given glimpses of London’s diverse communities and famous streets


and places across the capital – all of which they will be able to see from the viewing galleries over 200m above them. Interactive displays also bring The Shard to life, demonstrating how this unique building is connected to the city. Immerse yourself: become part of the experience as you join the London landscape of famous faces and world leaders. Test your knowledge of the city through history –where is the ancient road to Dover? Which heath saw a political dispute settled with pistol shots? In which area is the original Olympic Velodrome located? Immerse yourself and discover the city like never before. Soaring skywards: In total, guests travel in four separate lifts up and down to the viewing galleries. The lifts travel at six metres per second, making the total lift journey time from Level 00 to level 68 around 60 seconds. Guests depart the ground floor in ‘kaleidoscopic’ lifts using video screens and mirrors to create the effect of soaring through iconic ceilings and roofs of London. As they ascend towards the pinnacle of The Shard so they pass through the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral, the Rubens ceiling at the Banqueting House in Whitehall, the spiral staircase at Monument, and the British Museum’s Great Court glass roof. The descent lifts feature different visual effects. Transfer zone (Level 33) Visitors will transfer lifts at Level 33 through an all-enveloping graffiti word map of London. Guests follow an image of the River Thames curving along the floor and see the capital mapped geographically around them in 200 sentences scrawled on the walls and floor, each describing a different part of the city. Guests can test their knowledge of London as they walk through, for example: Where is the ancient road to Dover? Which heath is famous for pistol duels? Where was the original Olympic Velodrome located? The View is revealed (Level 69) Guests arrive at the ‘cloudscape’ on level 68 and immediately head upwards to the triple-height, light-filled, main viewing gallery at Level 69 where breathtaking, 360 degree views for up to 40 miles (64km) over the capital are revealed. The city of London is brought to life on 12, free to use, ‘Tell:scopes’ – ultra hightech digital telescopes that are being used in Europe for the first time. The Tell:scopes enable guests to explore the city around them in real time, as well as offering alternative (pre-recorded) day and night-time views. Fully interactive, they are able to identify over 200 famous landmarks and places of significant interest and offer information about them in 10 languages.



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Experience Level 72 For the most profound experience, guests can go higher to the viewing gallery at Level 72 (800ft/244m). Here, at the very highest public level of the building, partially open-air and exposed to the elements, guests are surrounded by the giant shards of glass that form the top of The Shard and can fully experience the sounds and atmosphere of the city below. The entire attraction offers free Wi-Fi. Guests can immediately share pictures, thoughts and views as they stand over the city with friends all over the world. Experiences can also be shared on The View from the Shard’s Facebook page and on Twitter using the hashtag #shardview Examples of landmarks visible from the viewing galleries at Levels 69 and 72: North: Wembley Stadium and Alexandra Palace. East: The Olympic Stadium, the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Canary Wharf and the Thames Barrier South: Battersea Power Station and The Oval cricket ground West: St Paul’s, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace. The Sky Boutique – the highest shop in London Level 68 features an exclusive boutique that enables guests to take home mementoes of their visit to The View from The Shard with bespoke designs and limited edition souvenirs. Descent and exit Guests descend in multimedia-enhanced lifts that reflect the trip back down to earth. The sky recedes, the seasons change, and the hustle and bustle of the streets of London comes into focus. Visitors arrive back in the ground floor gallery and a more extensive gift shop. The attraction is much more than an astonishing view. It provides a unique encounter with The Shard and offers an unparalleled experience of one of the greatest cities on earth. Andy Nyberg, The View from The Shard, CEO, said: “The View from The Shard is the only place you can see the whole of London all at once, and as such, is a natural starting point for exploring the UK’s capital. Here visitors can find the entire city laid out before them, to be explored, admired and inspired by. We’ve designed an immersive visitor experience enhanced by state of the art technology to draw people deeper into the story of London, its people and history. I hope that our guests - Londoners and tourists alike will enjoy a truly unique encounter with the city and The Shard.”

Irvine Sellar, Chairman of Sellar Property and partner of LBQ Limited, said: “The Shard was designed to be a building for everyone and the opening of The View from The Shard is a fundamental part of this. There is no doubt that it will be one of the leading attractions in London, complemented by the new restaurants, bars and Shangri-La Hotel opening in The Shard 2013. It is an integral part of our vision that London Bridge Quarter will form a unique and inclusive area at the heart of a community that has a long history and huge potential for growth.” Renzo Piano, the Architect who created The Shard, has been personally involved in developing the content of the experience, working in collaboration with the attraction designers Event Communications. Renzo Piano, Architect, The Shard: “London is a city of inspiration and imagination. When we designed The Shard, a viewing gallery was part of our thinking right from the start. We wanted to create a public space where people could visit the building to experience London in a different way and also feel that they have discovered the spirit of the building. Level 72 is a wonderful example of this: in the open air on the highest habitable floor, you are surrounded by the shards of glass as well as the sights, sounds, elements and atmosphere of the city below. On top of the city, but also within it.” The View from The Shard will be open from 9am – 10pm daily (except 25th December). The entrance will be located on Joiner Street, London, SE1. The nearest tube/rail station is London Bridge. Public information email: Follow the The View from The Shard with updates, pictures and the chance to win tickets on Twitter @shardview, (hashtag #shardview). The View from The Shard is also on Facebook at theviewfromtheshard and Pinterest at London Bridge Quarter The Shard is the iconic new building at the heart of the London Bridge Quarter. The £2bn regeneration project is being developed by Sellar Property in association with LBQ Ltd. London Bridge Quarter will see The Shard and its sister development The Place connect with London Bridge Station through a new central plaza, public realm, new station concourse and bus station as well as retail units.



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David Beckham TRAVELS WITH reitling has chosen David Beckham as the face of its Transocean Chronograph Unitime worldtimer watch. The new campaign establishes a long-term partnership between the innovative and historic Swiss brand and one of the world’s most celebrated icons.


One of the world’s most successful sportsmen and style icons, Beckham stars in the Breitling advert featuring a highly evocative visual shot by renowned American photographer Anthony Mandler. On the runway of the

Mojave Air & Space Port in California, the striking image shows Beckham standing in front of a private jet wearing his Transocean Chronograph Unitime. Through its long-established ties with aviation, the sky has always been the limit for Breitling – as the brand has proved throughout its history by creating a number of travel watches including the famous Unitime in the 1950s and 60s.



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IIn n the spr spring ing of 2012, it took things to the next level level b by y pr presenting esenting the Transocean T ransocean Chr Chronograph onograph Unitime. Unitime. Equipped Unitime Equipped with the new M Manufacture anufacture Breitling B reitling C Calibre alibre B05 featur featuring ing a patented mechanism, this world-timer chronograph chr onograph has asser asserted ted itself as the ultimate tr travel av avel el watch thanks to its double disc enabling per permanent manent rreadings eadings of the time in all 24 time timezones, zones, and its ultr ultra-user-friendly a-user-friendly cr crown-operated own-operated corr correction ection system.

BRINGING THE W WORLD ORLD T TO O THE WRIS WRIST T B Breitling reitling rreasserted easserted its hor horological ological master masteryy b byy launching a “world “world time time”” chr chronograph onograph equipped with a new calibr calibree entir entirely ely dev developed eloped and pr produced oduced in-house in-house.. Thanks to its double disc, the Transocean Transocean Chr Chronograph onograph U Unitime nitime simultaneously and constantly indicates the time in all 24 time timezones. zones. An inno innovative vative system based on a patented mechanism enables the user user,, when changing timezone, timezone, to adjust all the indications in one smooth and easy mo move ve b byy simply tur turning ning the cr crown. own. An ex exceptional ceptional new instr instrument ument has made its gr grand and entr entryy into the world of ex exclusive clusive fine mechanisms mechanisms..



TIME F FOR OR TR TRAVEL AVEL While the chr chronograph onograph and instr instruments uments for pr professionals ofessionals hav have e established themselv themselves es since 1884 as B Breitling’s reitling’s domain of ex excellence, cellence, travel tr avel watches hav have e also play played ed an impor important tant rrole ole in the histor history y of the br brand and with the winged B B.. IIn n shar sharing ing the finest hours in the conquest of the skies skies,, B Breitling reitling accompanied the boom in air transport tr ansport and long-distance tr travel. avel. av el. D During uring the 1950s and 60s 60s,, the brand br and distinguished itself b by y intr introducing oducing a sophisticated model named U Unitime, nitime, a selfwinding ““world world time time”” watch that has since become a much sought-after collector collector’s ’s item. T Today, oday,, B oday Breitling reitling is further fur ther extending its invitation to enjo enjoy y tr travel avel av el and per performances formances b by y combining univ universal ersal time and the chronograph chronograph function within a new model in the T Transocean ransocean rrange ange – a collection rreflecting eflecting all the rrefinement efinement and pr prestige estige of luxur luxury y long-distance jour journeys. neys. Associating innovative inno vative technology with stylish aesthetics, aesthetics, the T Transocean ransocean Chronograph Chr onograph U Unitime nitime is distinguished b by y its moder modern, n, pur pure e lines and the infinite car care e lavished on the smallest details – such as its dial

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bearing bear ing a globe pattern. pattern. It It comes in steel or red red gold versions versions with the city be bezel zel av available ailable in several several languages. languages. That unmistakable first-class feeling on the wrist. wrist.

PERF PERFORMANCE ORMANCE AND C COMFORT OMFORT IIn n cr creating eating Calibre Calibre 01, the B Breitling reitling engineers devised the world world’s ’s best chr chronograph onograph mo movement. vement. IIn n developing developing the new C Calibre alibre 05, based on the same high-per high-performance formance ar architecture, chitecture, they have have also rreinvented einvented einv ented the world time mechanism b by y equipping it with an adjustment system boasting unpr unprecedented ecedented user fr friendliness. iendliness. The T Transocean ransocean Chr Chronograph onograph Unitime Unitime featur features es two mobile discs: a 24-hour disc and a disc bear bearing ing the names of 24 cities rrepresenting epresenting the world world’s ’s 24 time-z time-zones. ones. The time sho shown wn b by y the central central hands corr corresponds esponds to that of the time-z time-zone one displayed displayed at 12 o’clock. o ’clock. The city disc also bears indications serving serving to take account of “summer” “summer” or daylight saving time (DST (DST). ). When the user changes time timezone, zone, he need only pull out the cr crown own

and turn turn it for forwards wards or backwards backwards in one-hour increments increments in order order to correct correct the hours, hours, the city disc and the 24-hour disc in one smooth move. move. mov M Meanwhile, eanwhile, the calendar is easily adjusted in both directions directions to the date corresponding corresponding to local time. time. During During these manoeuvres, manoeuvres, the minute and seconds hands continue turning turning normally normally without any loss of precision, precision, and without disturbing any chronograph chronograph timing operations operations in progress. progress. “I’ve “I’ve always been a long-time admirer admirer of Breitling”, Breitling”, said David David Beckham. Beckham. “As “As a company they create create not only the highest-performance highest-performance watches but also timeless designs that have have inspired inspired generations. generations. It It was a natural natural choice for me to partner partner with this fantastic brand.” brand.”

THE TRANSOCEAN CHRONOGRAPH UNITIME Steel Steel model on a br bracelet acelet Steel Steel model on a calf lea leather ther sstrap trap Gold model with cr crocodile ocodile lea leather ther sstrap trap

RRP £8,460 RRP £8, £8,060 060 RRP £ £19,940 19,940

For For stockists visit or telephone 020 7637 5167


CHAPLINS JAN_Š Fish Media 07/01/2013 17:11 Page 2

Sophie is in love with Ray and Contemporary Art. Ray is designed by Antonio Citterio.


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lexa Chung's got one, so has singer Lana Del Ray, but it was Grace Kelly who sparked the trend. ey're all famous faces bestowed with the honour of having a bag named after them. Hermes Kelly was renamed when the Princess of Monaco, nee Grace Kelly, was photographed obscuring her baby bump with the bag in 1956 and the brand's iconic Birkin followed in the Eighties, named after singer Jane Birkin. More recently Mulberry has jumped on the star muse style bandwagon, christening bags 'Alexa' and 'Del Ray' after their celebrity ambassadors. If a fashion brand isn't begging you for your surname to brandish on its accessories, there are other ways to bespoke your style. ink embossed lettering, initials or even your name splashed over your soles. A personalised piece is a surefire way to stand out from the fashion pack. But the real bonus? e more individual your accessory, the less likely your sister/friend/daughter will want to borrow it. SATCHEL CHIC Put anonymity in detention with a bag sporting your name or initials. From traditional tan to fluoro pink, the Cambridge Satchel Company's hand-made leather bags can be embossed at £5 per letter (maximum £20) in one of four chosen font colours. Personalised satchels, from £94 01223 833050 /



TRINKET TAG Put awkward meetings where your forename is forgotten in the past. Tatty Devine's name necklaces allow you to customise your own jewellery using a variety of fonts, colours, charms and chains. ere's even the option of 'make it big' for an extra £10 to really stand out. Name necklace, from £27.50 020 7739 9009/ ALPHABET ALIAS Forget playing snap with your identikit iPhone. No matter how obscure your name, Alphabet Bags have every initial covered on their on-trend monochrome case, suitable for iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. Phone case in A-Z, £12 each 01223 269 748/ HEEL HIGH Elevate your style status with a pair of customised heels. Stand back Louboutin designed to your specifications, Upper Street allows you to become the shoe designer. Choose from ballet flats, courts, sandals or platforms and pick the style, straps, colour and even embellishments. Bespoke shoes, from £195, in sizes 33 (UK 1.5) to 43 (UK 10) with choice of four width fittings 0845 680 9365/ TRADEMARK TRICK Matching your lipstick and nails to your

accessories is quite the statement trend so spend a little time on your watch. Customise your own wrist candy with Vibe Watches, where you get creative with the face, case, bezel and strap. Feeling fickle? Choose spares you can swap to suit your outfit or mood. Complete watches, from £30 ID CHARM If Carrie Bradshaw-style name necklaces don't appeal, offer a subtle clue to your name. Create your own narrative with Astley Clarke's initial pendants, available in gold, sterling silver or gold vermeil. Attach to your favourite necklace or bracelet for charming effect. Initial pendant, from £45 020 7706 0060/ SIGNATURE SNEAKER Get some soles with unique soul. Converse Create allows you to personalise your pumps at every stage, from the shape and main colour, through to stitching and laces. For the final touch, brand with your very own personal 'iD' using a maximum of 12 characters. You'll never lose your shoes again (probably). Converse Create, from £54 0800 206 1116/ SNAP STYLE A picture tells a thousand words and your favourite image speaks volumes. Bags of Love transform a photograph into a stylish shopper bag. Partner, pets, children, or just

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your favourite scenic view, carry with you always. Shopper bag, from £55 020 8960 4567/


website, Of those who'd had products delivered to work to avoid arguments, 61% revealed that they tried to keep their purchases secret because they were spending on credit, while 23% said they kept their splurge quiet as they'd previously argued about their spending. Just 16% of men delivered products to work to avoid arguments.

TOP TIP: Be aware that customisation can take longer than your average click-buy-and-deliver product. If you're buying for a present, ensure that you leave enough time. GET THE LOOK Alesha Dixon works a chilled-out ensemble for the Britain's Got Talent auditions in separates. Steal her silver style with Label Lab's leather pencil skirt, £140 at House of Fraser (

Recessionista alert Get a designer wedding dress for the price of an LBD. TK Maxx has unveiled a one-off delivery of bridal gowns with dresses worth £1,395 now from £199.99. Available online at and the following stores nationwide: Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Brent Cross, urrock, Hammersmith, High Street Kensington, Charing Cross - while stocks last ■

BUY IT NOW You can now bag designer stars of the future in your shopping trolley. Graduate Fashion Week gold winner Chloe Jones's collection is launching at George at Asda, featuring statement prints and sports luxe shapes. e designer capsule range is available from January 28, priced £8-30, in stores and online at


FASHION FLASH Secret shoppers Is the delivery guy getting backache from your shopping habits? More than half of women (53%) have shopping secretly delivered to their work address to avoid over-spending rows with their partners, according to a new survey by designer sales



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Ash Parmar Q&A WITH “THE EXTREME MAKEOVER” COSMETIC DENTIST ASH PARMAR What are fissure sealants? Fissure sealants are a great idea to PREVENT decay. A fissure sealant is a plastic coating made from flow able white filling material. It is used to seal the fissures (or small crevices) on the biting surfaces of teeth. It is normally the first permanent molars that benefit from fissure sealants when they erupt in to the mouth at the age of about 6 years. e treatment is easy to do, and requires no drilling or injections. By sealing the fissures prevents bacteria going in to the fissures and thereby preventing decay (plaque bacteria use sugar to make acid which is the cause of decay).

CHILDREN’S DENTISTRY ENSURE YOUR CHILDREN HAVE HEALTHY, STRAIGHT AND DECAY FREE TEETH is month I thought I would give readers advice about dental health for children and how to AVOID problems. I have witnessed many times adult patients who have real phobias and issues going to the dentist as they had a bad experience when they were a child. It is therefore really important that your children have a very positive attitude towards dental care and you select a caring dentist to help if any treatment is actually needed. When do baby teeth come out? It is common for baby teeth to start coming out from the age of six up to the age of about twelve. ere are normally twenty baby teeth present, and it is the front incisor teeth that first fall out. e age when teeth come out can vary from child to child; so don’t be too alarmed if there is either a delay or you notice that the teeth are falling out a bit quicker compared to the other children in the class. What causes dental decay in children’s teeth? e most important cause of decay or cavities in baby and permanent teeth is sugar. It is therefore important to NOT encourage your children to have sweets, chocolates and sweet drinks. Fizzy drinks are especially harmful. Please



restrict these things as an occasional treat only. e types of sweets are also important – chewy and sticky sweets are the worst for teeth! Regarding drinks, encourage water, milk and the occasional squash type of drink only. Dummy sucking and thumb sucking It is easy to “stick a dummy” in a baby or toddler’s mouth. However, this is a recipe for future problems. I have seen many times that the permanent incisor teeth don’t grow down correctly if a child sucks their thumb or fingers. is can lead to poor appearance as well as the inability to incise properly as there is a gap between the front teeth! So better not start the habit in the first place.

When do children need braces? It is really important to take your child once a year to the dentist for a dental examination. As dentists, we look at the health of the teeth, how the gums are being cleaned, as well as the formation and development of the jaws and teeth. If there is a crossbite, then a simple removable brace can be worn to correct this problem earlier on (as early as about 8 or 9 years old). However, most orthodontists normally commence fixed braces to straighten crooked teeth once most, or all of the baby teeth have come out. e modern trend is to do fixed braces WITHOUT taking teeth out if possible. A dentist can refer for fixed braces at the right age e.g. 10 or 11 onwards.

Should my child see a hygienist? Absolutely! A hygienist is fantastic at teaching children the correct way of brushing the teeth and gums, as well as giving preventive advice. A hygienist can use plaque disclosing solution to accurately show a child the harmful plaque deposits on the teeth, which can then be removed by correct brushing. I suggest if you are worried about your child’s cleaning techniques, then you arrange a 30-minute hygienist appointment. If you have any questions about children, then feel free to send me an email at You can arrange a dental appointment at Smile Design By Ash by telephoning 020 85000544. ere is also a lot of useful preventive information on the website ■

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ciatica is pain felt in the buttock, thigh and/or calf as a result of compression or irritation to the sciatic nerve. e pain can vary from an intense irritating ache to crippling lancing or shooting pain that zips down the leg. In addition there may symptoms associated with a trapped nerve such as pins and needles, numbness or weakness (most commonly experienced in the feet). e sciatic nerve can be imagined as an inverted tree, the "nerve roots" emerge from the spinal column in the lower back and join to form the trunk of the sciatic nerve in the buttock. e sciatic nerve then extends down the back of the thigh to behind the knee where it the splits in to two branches, the Tibial nerve and the Peroneal nerve. e sciatic nerve is therefore capable of being "pinched" along any length of it’s pathway from the lower back to the calf to cause sciatic type pain. To make matters even more confusing certain conditions can produce "pseudo- sciatica" i.e. pain that is similar to sciatica but not originating from irritation of the sciatic nerve but from tissues that cause "referred" pain similar to sciatica. ere can therefore be various causes for sciatica each needing a distinct treatment. Different causes can also co-exist at the same time, therefore requiring a combined approach treatment plan. e key to successful treatment starts with accurate diagnosis. SOME OF THE MOST COMMON CAUSES OF SCIATIC TYPE PAIN ARE LISTED BELOW. PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME: Piriformis is the name of a muscle deep in the buttock. In around 20% of people the sciatic nerve runs through the middle of the muscle, therefore tension in this muscle is capable of causing pinching the sciatic nerve. Treatment is aimed at successful release of this excess tension and can involve deep massage and dry needling. GLUTEAL TRIGGER POINTS: Trigger points or knots in the buttock muscles can cause referred "pseudo-sciatic" pain similar to sciatica. We use dry needling (acupuncture needles) and deep massage for such conditions which often proves very effective. FACET JOINT REFERRED PAIN: e facet joints are the knuckle sized joints that occur either side of each segment of the spine. e nerve roots emerge from the spine very close to these facet joints. Swelling or degeneration of the facet joints can cause pinching or chemical irritation to the neighbouring nerve root. We treat these problem with a combination of dry needling, manipulation and corrective exercises. In extreme cases facet joint injections may be required to reduce the nerve irritation in which case we refer to our partner pain doctors in Harley Street.



Chigwell Osteopathy & Physiotherapy Practice part of the Spine Plus Group of Clinics

DISC BULGE: A bulging disc is the most common cause of sciatica, the bulge can press on the neighbouring nerve root that forms part of the sciatic nerve. For severe cases surgery is required to excise the bulge but this often is not necessary and only used when other treatments have failed. For the last two years we have been using a new treatment in our clinics called IDD Spinal Decompression erapy. IDD uses computer controlled pulling forces to distract very specific segments of the spine, where the bugle is, in order to reduced pressure on the disc and encourage healing. Medical trials show the success rate for significantly reducing or eliminating pain with IDD erapy is 70 - 90 %. Since using this ground breaking technology we have been able to help many more patients than was previously possible and prevented several from undergoing surgery. For more information see our new web video on IDD including genuine patient testimonials at Spine Plus currently have six clinics in the London area including Chigwell, Waterloo and Harley Street. ey offer specialist treatment services for Back Pain, Neck Pain (and all other musculoskeletal disorders), including one of the latest therapies to the UK – IDD Computerised Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression erapy. To book an appointment at the Chigwell Clinic call 0208 501 0937 Or for more information visit: ■

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f you're among the 80% of people whose healthy New Year resolution has failed by the end of January, don't despair - National Heart Month is the ideal opportunity to get back on track. Heart disease is the biggest killer in the UK, and accounts for more than 80,000 deaths each year. Yet an estimated 42,000 deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD), which includes heart disease and strokes, could be prevented annually by lifestyle changes which will benefit general health as well as the heart. So if your healthy New Year intentions crumbled in the face of a chocolate bar or a sneaky cigarette, use February's National Heart Month to make at least one small change that could make a big difference. Ellen Mason, a senior cardiac nurse at



the British Heart Foundation (BHF), says: "By now, most New Year resolutions have gone out of the window, so on February 1 just think of doing one thing that could reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your mood - it's not just about your heart, you can look and feel so much better as well. "If you tell people to start going to the gym, completely change their diet, watch their salt etc, it can seem like a mountain to climb and people just give up. "But a small change is achievable, and doing something like going for a lunchtime walk regularly, for example, will make you feel better and improve your heart health." Mason says 80% of heart disease is caused by lifestyle factors, so making small changes really can make a huge difference. e starting point for those small

changes could be the first day of National Heart Month, February 1, when the BHF wants as many people as possible to Rock Up in Red to raise awareness of heart disease, and raise money for the charity. e idea of the initiative, which is supported by Mollie King of the Saturdays, is for people to wear something red for the day, from clothing to nail varnish, and give £2 to the BHF. And while wearing red, they might also introduce a small change to their lifestyle to improve their heart health. THE BHF'S TIPS ARE: GET MOVING! Inactive people are more likely to have a heart attack than active people, and it's never too late to start - being physically active in middle age can increase your life

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HEALTH BEAUTY expectancy by two years, the same benefit as giving up smoking, says the BHF. Staying or getting active helps control weight, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and improves mental health, as well as being beneficial for improving many other health problems. While exercise like playing a sport or swimming is great, regularly doing everyday things like walking, gardening and climbing stairs is also good for your heart health. Moderate intensity aerobic activity helps your heart most - that's repetitive rhythmic exercise which makes you feel warmer, breathe harder and makes your heart beat faster. e aim is to build up to a total of 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity a week - that might be 30 minutes five days a week. Mason points out: "Something as simple as regularly taking a brisk walk, doing some gardening or cycling, for 30 minutes five days a week, can halve your risk of heart disease. "You don't have to pay for gym membership or do a marathon - it's that simple." e BHF suggests setting realistic, specific goals, like walking for 30 minutes every day, and planning a time to do physical activity that fits in with your routine. Look for opportunities to be active during the day, such as using the stairs instead of the lift, or walking to the shops instead of driving. But always stop exercising if you feel any pain or discomfort. EAT FOR YOUR HEART A healthy diet can help reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease and stop weight gain, thus reducing your risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. It can also help lower cholesterol levels. As well as the usual messages of eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, starchy foods, dairy and non-dairy protein and foods that are lower in fat, salt and sugar, the BHF advises that it is much easier to take small dietary steps rather than completely change your diet overnight. Mason suggests: "Initially you might just want to eat leaner cuts of meat and cut out the bacon butties. A small change is better than nothing, and you can gradually introduce more changes." GO SMOKE-FREE Smokers are almost twice as likely to have a heart attack compared with people who've never smoked, and quitting is the single best thing you can do for your heart health. Smoking damages the artery lining, leading to a fatty build-up which narrows the artery. is can cause angina, a heart attack or stroke.

In addition, blood is more likely to clot, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke. However, the risk to your heart decreases significantly soon after you stop. Many smokers will have tried to quit as their New Year's resolution, and many may already have failed. But they should try again - and start small, says Mason. "Try using nicotine replacement products like e-cigarettes to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke, until you're really prepared to give up completely," she suggests. "You've probably got a better chance with nicotine replacement than you have going cold turkey." She also advises seeking help from NHS Stop Smoking services. SENSIBLE DRINKING Drinking more than the recommended alcohol limits can have a harmful effect on the heart, causing abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, damage to the heart muscle and other diseases such as stroke. To keep your whole body including your heart healthy, stick to drinking guidelines, advises the BHF. Men shouldn't regularly drink more than three to four units of alcohol a day, and women shouldn't regularly drink more than two to three units a day. A unit is a small glass of wine, or half a pint of beer. And if you drink too much, try reducing slowly to make keeping within the guidelines more achievable eventually, says Mason. DON'T KEEP IT IN THE FAMILY A family history of cardiovascular disease means you have an increased risk of developing the condition. As well as genes, the BHF points out that lifestyle habits, such as smoking or poor diet passed down the generations, can also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. While there's nothing you can do about

your family history, you can make sure your lifestyle doesn't further increase your heart disease risk, and tell your doctor you have family history of cardiovascular disease, as he/she may check your blood pressure and cholesterol. If you're over the age of 40, you can also ask your doctor for a heart health check to find out your risk of getting cardiovascular disease. "It's the connection between the environment and genes that seems to cause disease a lot of the time," explains Mason. "at's why it's so important if you have a family history of heart disease to reduce the lifestyle risk factors." GET ADVICE As part of National Heart Month, Lloydspharmacy is starting a heart health assessment service offering a free consultation with a heart health specialist who will give advice about small lifestyle changes that could help keep your heart healthy. Alison Freemantle, heart health expert at Lloydspharmacy, says: "Many people will have started the New Year with good intentions to eat more healthily and improve their fitness, but unfortunately motivation tends to dwindle by the end of January. "National Heart Month is a great opportunity to reignite those resolutions and adopt at least one small change to help improve and maintain your heart health, and you could kick-start your new healthier lifestyle by using our heart health assessment service." For more information about heart health or to order a Rock Up in Red fundraising pack, visit, or call 0300 330 0645 for the pack The Lloydspharmacy heart health assessment service will be available in all branches of Lloydspharmacy from February n


ASH CASE STUDY FEB__ 11/02/2013 11:24 Page 1






s a Facial Aesthetics Nurse Consultant Frances Furlong knows what looks good. Her perfectly trained eye can spot the finest flaw. So when it came to having dental care only the best would do. As a professional colleague Frances started working with our Team eighteen months ago providing facial aesthetic and dermatology treatments. Perfect Skin, run by Frances operates eight clinics across London and Essex. After seeing Ash’s cosmetic dental work, Frances wanted to correct her overcrowded smile. At the age of 13 Frances had braces fitted. After wearing them for 6 years (including her first year at university!) Frances had the smile she had dreamed of and her confidence soared. However after only one year, Frances’ teeth returned to their crooked state due to her not wearing her retainers.

Frances discussed her problems with Ash and he suggested the Six Month Smiles option. A fixed brace that takes between four and nine months to straighten teeth. “To be honest the thought of wearing braces for another six months was awful, and I told Ash, no way, veneers or nothing!” After her full assessment at the practice, Frances had a change of heart when Ash explained how healthy and strong her teeth were. “e great thing about Ash and the Team is that the health of your teeth is important and you are thoroughly checked before cosmetic work is provided. What’s the point in having a set of fantastic veneers with unhealthy teeth, gum disease or the need for fillings? ey won’t last”. Frances opted for the Six Month Smiles fixed braces option on her upper and lower teeth. “ey didn’t affect my speech which was crucial for my job, and to be honest if I could take the braces out I probably wouldn’t have worn them as much as needed.” Frances’ top teeth were straight in only two and a half months! Her bottom teeth took longer - seven months. e discreet option of Six Month Smiles meant that Frances could continue her everyday life as normal. After her braces treatment Frances had fixed retainers so that her teeth would not return to their original state once again. Ash then recommended ZOOM! Home whitening and the results were amazing! “I recently got married and I felt so confident with my smile, as you can see there is a huge difference. I would recommend anyone to go for it!”



Do you have a crooked smile like Frances? Call now for a complimentary consultation on 020 85000544. Also visit our informative website at n

OXFAM JAN_© Fish Media 09/01/2012 17:59 Page 1

EB__ 11/02/2013 11:28 Page 1





anuary begins with such good intentions. But even if your detox plans went downhill after week one, glossy hair, glowing skin and healthy nails are all still within your reach - at any time of year. As the old adage goes, true beauty comes from within - and a good place to start is with the contents of your fridge. Glossy hair, glowing skin and healthy



nails are all things you can glean from cuisine. Humble watercress recently rivalled expensive potions when, after just four weeks of adding a bag a day to their diet, 10 out of 11 females experienced visible improvements to their skin, according to a Watercress Alliance study. It's not rocket science. Pack your diet with vitamin and mineral-rich goodness

and you'll reap the beauty benefits. Over one third (70%) of Brits opt for a natural approach to their daily beauty routine, a survey commissioned by Tropicana revealed. "ere's a growing body of evidence that shows the look and feel of our skin may be influenced by what we eat," says Amanda Ursell, Tropicana nutritionist. "Specific nutrients found in your diet

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HEALTH BEAUTY have a major part to play in ensuring clear skin, bright eyes and glossy hair." Sadly, there's no quick-fix approach. One sup of a super-green smoothie won't immediately transform you into a supermodel - it can take at least three weeks of steady healthy eating before you notice any subtle improvements in the mirror. So stock up on these beautifying delicacies for gorge-eous results. BREAKFAST Kick start your day with a cup of green tea to rev up your metabolism and get your skin glowing. "Drinking green tea has many beauty benefits," says Simple nutritionist, Fiona Hunter. "A natural antioxidant, green tea comes from the same plant as other teas but it is not fermented, so retains more nutrients and has been shown to have twice as much antioxidant power as vitamin E. "Green tea can help when it comes to skincare, protecting it from external environmental influences and therefore helping fight signs of premature ageing." Eggs are the breakfast food to indulge in for gorgeous, glossy locks. ey work wonders for hair inside and out; rich in biotin, which is essential for cell growth, and vitamin B-12 for strengthening locks and maintaining a healthy scalp. Finish with a glass of fresh orange juice. It's packed with vitamin C which is crucial for producing collagen - the protein that helps keep skin looking fresh and youthful. LUNCH Whip up a skin-friendly super-salad for your afternoon meal. Ingredients rich in lutein can work especially well if you're a sun-seeker. Ursell explains: "Lutein belongs to the carotenoid family of antioxidants and has been linked to reducing sun-induced skin damage and improving the elasticity of the skin."

Spinach (12mg in 100g) and red peppers (7mg in 100g) are both good sources. Add some hearty chunks of sweet potato for an extra fix of Vitamin E. Forget ice cream and try a small scoop of coconut oil for afters. Jennifer Aniston was spotted toting the ingredient in her shopping basket. e plant oil promotes supple, deeply hydrated skin and it's versatile too... "We get a lot of enquiries about whether our Virgin Organic Coconut Oil is for eating or for beauty - and the answer is both," says Dr Organic spokesperson Michael Lightowlers.

SNACKS Nibbling on nuts will help conquer hunger pangs between meals - and top-up your beauty regime too. Almonds are rich in Vitamin E and chewing a few a day can help improve skin texture and lessen after-meal surges in blood sugar levels. Hazelnuts are another good source. Fruit also makes great beautifying snacks. Tangerines are a good source of lutein, while blueberries, strawberries and kiwis are packed with vitamin C to aid collagen production and keep capillaries healthy. And munching a few dried apricots, high in iron, will help improve skin tone.

DINNER You can't beat oily fish for enviable skin and hair. e fatty acids found in salmon, mackerel and sardines can help give you a post-facial-like glow, keeping your skin plump and moisturised. If Christmas leftovers and curries haven't put you off, turkey is also a healthy dinner alternative. Hunter says: "A 100g serving contains nearly 75% of an adult's Recommend Daily Allowance (RDA) of protein. It's also low in fat and rich in zinc and selenium - an antioxidant that benefits the skin and immune system." For sides, try carrots: "Rich in alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, which convert to vitamin A, this is essential for the manufacture of new skin cells," Hunter advises. Chocoholics don't have to deny themselves completely for dessert. Just stick to the dark stuff, rather than white or milk choc. Good quality dark chocolate, with high cocoa contents, contains a group of phytochemicals called flavonols that can help protect the skin against free radical damage, known to cause wrinkles and anti-ageing.

BEAUTY SHOPPING LIST Give the fruit and veg stalls a run for their money with your bathroom shelves. Stock up on these food-inspired beauties: e Body Shop's Vitamin C range improves skin tone and promotes a radiant glow, from £9-15 Dr Organic's Manuka Honey Face Mask offers a host of skin restoring and repairing properties, £7.19 (Holland & Barrett). Korres's Watercress Ultra Nourishing and Moisturising Cream restores the balance of lipids and oils keeping skin super-hydrated, £19 MyChelle's Incredible Pumpkin Peel rejuvenates and supports cellular renewal for fresher skin, £24.50 Lush's H'suan Wen Hua is a treatment for tresses that features fresh free range eggs and soya lecithin for a super protein boost, £8.95 n


JB JAN__ 11/02/2013 11:30 Page 1



t seems as soon as Christmas is over we start to browse through holiday brochures and dream of summer. But before that we have the most magical of British seasons; springtime. Writing this I realise that the word itself is onomatopoeia. It’s so full of bounce and youthfulness. I’m not sure I’m quite ready for it yet but for gardeners and farmers, cricketers and all of summer’s sports people this is the time of hopes and anticipation of great harvests, livestock births, runs and catches of every sort. And of course a sight of the legendary Spring or March Hare. To me, however, the word brings to mind a different sort of irrepressible energy; the coiled metal spring which, once invented, enabled the production of portable timepieces and chronometers giving invaluable advancement to navigation, and in the early 19th century, the most luxurious seating that had ever been experienced. By 1833 large quantities of coiled springs were being produced in Birmingham for upholsterers to use in the construction of chairs, sofas, settees and bedding. To put the importance of this development into context we have to remember that in the preceding quarter of a century the population in England had almost doubled to around eighteen million. So in one generation twice as many people needed housing and those houses had to be furnished. The industrial revolution affected the production of household furniture as much as any other aspect of Victorian life, and by the middle of the century there were over fifty thousand men, women and children involved in the furniture industry. The change in the appearance and comfort of seat furniture was breathtaking. Whereas 18th century upholsterers complemented the lines of a chair with minimum horse hair filling placed onto 52


interlaced webbing fixed over the top of the seat frame, sacrificing comfort (but not necessarily healthy posture) in the cause of elegance, the coiled springs were attached to webbing fixed under the seat frame and topped with a filling of anything to hand. Dog and other animal hair, straw and even the residue of materials swept up from the workshop floor were all fair game for the stuffing according to the price level of the finished article. The result was a seat resembling a sort of marsh mallow on legs. This was further complicated within a few years by the practice of deep-buttoning, which created a dimpled marsh mallow effect, attractive but a nightmare to keep cleaan. The now universally popular Chesterfield type settee is a good example. On an academic note therefore a quick glance will enable the viewer to recognise that any such upholstery will be after the turn of the 18th to 19th centuries and not before. Unfortunately in the early years of this revolution, not everyone could afford even the cheapest versions of the newly fashionable furniture, so thousands of 18th century and earlier chairs, which now we would prize most highly, were stripped and adapted to take the latest sprung seats. Sacrilege we cry, but of course in the Victorian period there was little veneration of old furniture, which accounts for the large number of Georgian chests of drawers ruined by handles being replaced simply to make them look fashionable. But that’s another story. So too is the aforementioned development of timekeeping due to the spring. The manufacture of fine steel springs small enough to be encased in portable timepieces occurred during the late 16th century and within one hundred years had become sufficiently viable to enable the wealthy classes to own such a power symbol as a pocket watch.

A spring balance mechanism introduced during the last forty years of the 1600’s gave greater accuracy and together with further sophistications to the mechanism, prompted the government in 1713 to offer a prize of an astounding £20,000. to anyone who could produce a chronometer. This instrument could well be described as the perfect watch, for it had to keep accurate time at sea and at any point on the globe. The forty-year lifelong struggle of clockmaker John Harrison is well chronicled. Suffice to say despite the most outrageous and underhand attempts by his competitors to sabotage his every effort Harrison was eventually

awarded the full amount in 1773 following a personal intervention by George III. Harrison’s masterpiece can be truly appreciated in the light of the next fifteen years, within which time his model was refined to a degree that enabled the general production of marine chronometers that remained unsurpassed until the development of radar. So springtime can bring to mind a wide variety of thoughts…from hairsprings to March Hares to hair mattresses and Victorian sprung beds. I wonder if there is any connection with the 19th century fashion for calling children ‘offspring’.

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Origin leisure

the original al door indoor outdoor ny pool company


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t seemed only natural that Jean Boggio and Tassinari & Chatel should come together to infuse creative passion into a collection of exquisite fabrics. The designer has put his extraordinary talent together with the unique ‘savoir faire’ of this iconic company based at the heart of the silk industry in Lyon for over 300 years.

fables on china, furniture, lighting and objets d’art. This dreamlike universe still captivates fans of the decorative arts today. The designs showcase favourite themes: dreams, reveries, artists of the Russian ballet, musicians and the flora of the jungle. The traditions of the silk trade of Lyon are glorified and these fabrics transport us to an imaginary universe

Born in North Africa in 1963, Jean Boggio has lived in France since the age of two and opened his first jewellery/ silversmiths atelier in Lyon in 1984. He has worked with diverse precious materials including platinum, silver, bronze, crystal, china and glass collaborating with the prestigious brands of Daum, Baccarat and Saint Louis

This exclusive collection for Tassinari & Chatel on damask, lampas and brocatelle silk recounts history of the Silk Routes. Known for exquisite silk damasks, brocades and figured velvets created using the latest technology and traditional hand weaving, this 300 year old Lyonnaise company has a history of asking famous designers and artists from each era to explore their creativity with silk. Names from the past who have added designs include Suzanne Lalique and Raoul Dufy while order books record illustrious clients including Casanova, Voltaire, Marie Antoinette, Catherine the Great and Napoleon.


For several years he has been inspired by the exotic Compagnie des Indes, the French East India Company, portraying oriental 54


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The Jardin D’Eden damask leads us on a journey into an extraordinary garden of mandragore plants, tuberoses, palm trees and ferns highlighted with silver and gold acacias. A canopy of gold and silver threads is woven on a palette of warm toned colours Forbidden fruit, musk roses and pomegranates all contribute to a visual exploration of Persian tales and 1001 nights in Ispahan. Luxurious harmonies for this silk in subtle tones with gold and silver. The Ispahan border is woven in the same colours as the fabric showing an elegant tangle of vines and flowing pomegranates, a fruit with a long and rich textile history. The Soliman border in a brocatelle weave is influenced by imaginary flowers from the banks of the Bosphorus. This is a more formal design and continues the vegetal theme of the collection

Petrouchka has a characteristic touch of fantasy evoking the sets and costumes of Erte and Leon Baskt for the Russian Ballet on this brocatelle with jugglers dancing and playing with the stars, moon and sun. Clever placing of the motif allows this design to be used both vertically and horizontally. A luxurious palette of golds and silvers with animated figures in opalescence. Fabrics from ÂŁ218.00 per metre with cushions and bedspreads available to order

For stockists of the Jean Boggio for Tassinari & Chatel collection contact Lelievre on 0207 352 4798



AS__ 11/02/2013 12:56 Page 1



THE RENAISSANCE OF WOOD BURNING Wood is back as a sustainable, carbon-neutral source of heat that can have a positive impact on the environment rom their showroom in the delightful village of Stanstead Abbotts on the Hertfordshire, Essex boarders, Abbott Stoves and Cookers offers a full supply and installation service of woodburning and multifuel, stoves and cookers. Opened over 15 years ago the company operates within a 50 mile radius in Hertfordshire, Essex, Cambridgeshire and north and east London.


As a family based business, Abbott Stoves and Cookers have built up a reputation based on offering a professional and efficient service and aim to give a service that is second to none. Specialising in high efficiency, clean burning stoves that are beautifully designed and easy to use, Abbott Stoves and Cookers, believe stoves will be an asset to every home, whether it is a modern house or apartment, rural cottage and Victorian home. Burning wood is a sustainable, carbon-neutral source of heat that can have a positive impact on the environment. It can also be a low cost alternative or supplement, to the main source of fuels and if used effectively and efficiently there can be a saving on your fuel bills as prices continue to rise. Many stoves are approved for burning in 56

smoke controlled areas so everyone can benefit from carbon neutral heating and a beautiful warm log fire at the heart of the home, wherever you live. Abbott Stoves and Cookers will advise on all aspects of the installation and carry out any fireplace alterations, supply and install the stove of your choice and line your chimney, all to the required current Building Regulations. Kiln dried logs can be supplied and a wide range of accessories and gift ware are always on display in the showroom. Come and visit Abbott Stoves and Cookers’ showrooms and discuss your heating requirements with their highly experienced sales team, who will then arrange to visit your home to ensure you get the right stove for your needs. For more information about Abbott Stoves and Cookers, visit the showroom at 24 High Street, Stanstead Abbotts, Hertfordshire SG12 8AE or call 01920 872322 or email



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THE HERTS SHUTTER COMPANY TEL:- 01992 464375/07960 297666

Wayne__ 11/02/2013 12:48 Page 1


ASTON MARTIN TIMELINE 1913 On 15th January 1913 Robert Bamford and Lionel Martin form Bamford and Martin Ltd, based in Henniker Mews, off Fulham Road in London 1915 The first Aston Martin is registered on 16 March. It is christened ‘Coal Scuttle’ and powered by a 1389cc Coventry Climax engine 1920 The second prototype Aston Martin is developed at new premises at Abingdon Road, Kensington. It’s fitted with a 1487cc engine and front wheel brakes. It is the true forerunner to the first production cars. Count Louis Zborowski begins to invest in the company and Robert Bamford steps away 1922 An Aston Martin prototype nicknamed ‘Bunny’ breaks ten world records in 16 1/2 hours at Brooklands. It averages 76mph. Aston Martin fields two cars at the French Grand Prix on 16th July 1925 The company goes into receivership but is rescued by Lord Charnwood, John Benson, Augustus Cesare Bertelli and William Renwick. It is renamed Aston Martin Motors and relocates to Feltham, Middlesex 1932 Bertelli proves the speed and endurance of Aston Martin’s new range by winning the Biennial Cup at the Le Mans 24 hour race with Pat Driscol. Sir Arthur Sutherland becomes the new owner of Aston Martin and focuses his efforts on a new road car range 1935 The Aston Martin Owners’ Club is founded at The Grafton Hotel on Tottenham Court Road, London 1939 The highly advanced Atom prototype takes shape. It has an early type of spaceframe chassis, independent front suspension, an aerodynamic shape and a four-speed Cotal electric gearbox 1947 Engineering magnate David Brown answers an ad in The Times seeking an owner for a ‘high class motor business’ and buys Aston Martin for £20,000. Following the purchase of Lagonda he forms Aston Martin Lagonda 1948 A 2-litre Sports wins the SpaFrancorchamps 24-hour race 1949 Three DB2s tackle the Le Mans 24 hours, including one with a new 2.6-litre in-line sixcylinder engine designed by Willie Watson 1955 David Brown buys Tickford Motor Bodies in Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire. Production of Aston Martins begins to migrate to the new facility 1958 The DB4 is launched, powered by a new 3.7-litre in-line six cylinder engine designed

by Tadek Marek. It produces 240bhp and propels the DB4 to 140mph. The four-seater body is designed by Carrozzeria Touring of Milan, using their ‘Superleggera’ construction method in which handmade aluminium panels are fixed to a tubular frame built onto a substantial platform chassis 1959 The DBR1 wins the World Sports Car Championship with victories in the Nürburgring 1000km and at Goodwood along the way. The crowning glory is outright victory at the Le Mans 24 hour with Carroll Shelby and Roy Salvadori at the wheel 1960 Aston Martin begins its long association with Milan-based coachbuilder Zagato. The DB4 GT Zagato features a 314bhp engine, acrylic windows and a super lightweight body. Only 19 are produced between 1960-1963 1964 Sean Connery as James Bond drives the new DB5 in Goldfinger and an iconic on-screen relationship is born 1972 David Brown sells Aston Martin and Company Developments take control. In a period of uncertainty Aston Martin changes hands again 1975 Canadian George Minden and American businessman Peter Sprague rescue the company from administration 1976 The controversial William Towns’-designed Lagonda is launched. It attracts a huge amount of publicity and sales are strong 1981 The company changes hands again, this time bought by Tim Hearley’s CH Industrial and Victor Gauntlett’s Pace Petroleum. Gauntlett becomes chairman and quickly begins to turn Aston Martin around 1984 Automotive Industrial becomes sole owners of Aston Martin but Gauntlett stays on in his role. He’s soon a shareholder again when shipping magnate Peter Livanos takes a 75% share and Gauntlett the remaining 25% 1986 The Vantage Zagato is launched and becomes one of the fastest supercars in the world with a top speed of 186mph. Just 52 Coupés and 37 Volantes are produced. 1987 Ford Motor Company takes a 75% share of Aston Martin and later becomes sole owner. A period of rapid investment begins 1993 The Ian Callum-designed DB7 is unveiled at the Geneva Auto Salon. It goes on sale the following year and is produced at a new factory in Bloxham,

1993 1999




2003 2004 2005

Oxfordshire. The DB7 goes on to become the most significant Aston Martin to date and represents a turning point for the company The 550bhp Vantage is launched to great acclaim DB7 Vantage Coupe and Volante versions are produced using the first V12 production engine for Aston Martin A new era begins under Dr Ulrich Bez, who becomes Chairman and CEO. His vision of a modern Aston Martin will mark the beginning of the most successful period in Aston Martin’s history A new supercar utilising a bonded aluminium chassis and body with carbon fibre composites is launched. The V12 Vanquish sets a new blueprint for Aston Martin Aston Martin’s new global headquarters is opened in Gaydon, Warwickshire. It’s the first purpose-built facility in the company’s history DB9 production gets underway at Gaydon – the first car to use VH architecture Aston Martin’s engine plant in Cologne, Germany commences production of all V12 and V8 engines The DBR9 marks a return to the racetrack. It will go on to secure class victories at Le Mans in 2007 and 2008 A new chapter in the company’s history is written as Aston Martin returns to independence. The Ford Motor Company sells Aston Martin to a consortium of two international investment houses, Investment Dar and Adeem Investment, led by Chairman David Richards The rapid development of the brand continues. The four-door Rapide is unveiled at the Frankfurt Motorshow and the V12 Vantage and DBS Volante are launched. Aston Martin also unveils the ultimate expression of the marque, the One-77. On its debut the One-77 wins the Design Award in the Concepts and Prototypes Class at the Concorse d’Eleganza, Ville d’Este, Italy An historic partnership is rekindled with the launch of the V12 Zagato at the Concorso d’Eleganza, Ville d’Este, Italy. It also went on to win the Design Award in the Concepts and Prototypes Class at the Concorse d’Eleganza The iconic Vanquish name returns for a new flagship. This ultimate grand tourer combines world-leading design, industry-leading technology and advanced engineering to create a car that is the best Aston Martin in history.

Wayne Rooney’s diamond-encrusted motorcycle up for sale 2007





2012 Wayne Rooney may be best known for shining on the football field, but the Premier League star could be set for a glittering display of a different kind at Bonhams next month. Apart from his awesome skills on the field he also has to his credit, the design of a unique motorcycle.




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t would appear that the Manchester United man has been busy away from the football field of late, after unveiling a special motorcycle he designed himself. The 2012 Lauge Jensen cruiser-inspired bike boasts a variety of unique modifications including an autographed ‘No 10’ football shirt which has been mounted and lacquer-sealed onto the petrol tank of the vehicle.


season. The goal has been described by others as being of the highest quality and technical excellence, powerful and beautiful. I hope you will agree that the bike is all of this and more. The fact that the funds raised will go to kids in Denmark is a great way for me, on behalf of all the players at Manchester United, to say ‘thank you’ for the support we receive from the Danish people.”

Allied to this are the specially-illustrated rear mudguards that boast artwork of Rooney celebrating his famous overhead kick goal against rivals Manchester City in 2011.

The bike is expected to fetch somewhere between £40,000 and £60,000 when it rolls onto the auction block at a special sale of sports memorabilia held by Bonhams in Chester on Wednesday 20TH February.

However, the most striking of the new additions is the special shift rod that incorporates some 21 black AA diamonds and a white TW/VS diamond. Rooney said: “I was really excited to have the opportunity to be involved in the design of a unique ‘Wayne Rooney’ Lauge Jensen custom bike. The bike we have designed takes its inspiration from the celebration of my overhead kick against Manchester City last

All the proceeds from the sale will be going to KidsAid, a Danish charitable foundation that helps young people affected by illness.

For more information Visit the Bonhams website at



AUDI FEB__ 11/02/2013 09:28 Page 1




he Essex Audi order book is now open for one of the most accomplished and yet eminently practical modern supercars – e Audi RS 6 Avant. Combining even quicker sub-four second 0-62mph acceleration and a top speed of 189 mph, this blisteringly fast new Audi can hold its own in the company of many models in the traditional “supercar” category. Yet this latest executive class RS Avant can carry an astonishing 1,680 litres-worth of luggage with the rear seat folded down or five adult occupants and their luggage in total comfort. e new model is powered by a V8 bi-turbo petrol engine replacement to its predecessor’s V10, featuring twin-scroll turbochargers and cylinder-on-demand technology. is means that despite its carrying capacity and performance capability, the RS 6 Avant can deliver an almost unbelievable 28.8 mpg – nothing less than a 40% improvement on the less powerful model it replaces! e new RS 6 Avant is also the first Audi RS model to feature adaptive air suspension. e specially tuned set-up lowers the body by 20 millimetres, and incorporates controlled damping, which continuously takes into account road conditions. When applied alongside quattro four wheel drive, sport differential and Audi’s drive select adaptive dynamics



system, this makes for a car that can be immensely satisfying to drive at very high speed, yet will deliver poise and comfort in more normal commuting conditions. As befits the ultimate incarnation of the A6, the RS 6 Avant will feature a generous list of standard equipment, including xenon plus headlights, LED rear lights, tyre-pressure monitoring, illuminated entry sills and the RS-specific driver’s information system. Externally, numerous RS-specific design details are topped off by eye-catching high-gloss, 20-inch, forged wheels in a seven twin-spoke design, ensuring that no one will be in doubt of the new model’s race-bred pedigree… e new Audi RS 6 Avant is now open to order in very limited numbers for deliveries starting in late spring, and more information is available from your nearest Essex Audi Centre, details of which can be found at ■

AUDI FEB_© Fish Media 11/02/2013 09:52 Page 1

GT AUGUST_Š Fish Media 06/09/2012 10:25 Page 1



Whether it’s your home projects, your new car or your old golf clubs, GarageTek will give you back your garage for the more important things in life. Do what thousands of homeowners have done, call GarageTek today and take back your garage. t 4UPSBHF 4PMVUJPOT t &BTZ UP $MFBO &BTZ UP 3FBSSBOHF t $VTUPN 5JMF 0S 3FTJO 'MPPSJOH t :FBS 8BSSBOUZ t 1SPGFTTJPOBMMZ *OTUBMMFE JO EBZT

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AM__ 11/02/2013 09:34 Page 1



Aston Martin launches global celebrations marking a century of success

THE LUXURY BRAND IS MARKING THE OFFICIAL ANNIVERSARY THIS YEAR OF ITS FOUNDING 100 YEARS AGO. ondon marked the start of a year-long celebration of all things Aston Martin, with a ceremony in Chelsea’s Henniker Mews – the original home of the company that went on to become Aston Martin, founded on 15th January 1913. Joining with the Aston Martin Heritage Trust to unveil a commemorative plaque, the sports car maker is lining up a special centenary edition of its new ultimate GT – the Vanquish – alongside the oldest Aston Martin in existence, A3.


The event recalls the day 100 years ago when founders Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford saw their new automotive venture incorporated as ‘Bamford and

Martin Ltd’. Production of the very first Aston Martin car, known as ‘Coal Scuttle’ commenced soon after. The ‘Aston’ element was inspired by Lionel Martin’s passion for hill climb competitions, in particular the Aston Clinton hill climb in Buckinghamshire. Aston Martin CEO, Dr Ulrich Bez said: “I am proud to be celebrating 100 years of heritage and the best of British craftsmanship. “Aston Martin is known around the world for our leading design combined with advanced technology. Ours is the coolest luxury car brand on the planet and I am looking forward to our second century of building the world’s most desirable sports cars.” FEBRUARY2013 63


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ASTON MARTIN TIMELINE 1913 On 15th January 1913 Robert Bamford and Lionel by Tadek Marek. It produces 240bhp and Oxfordshire. The DB7 goes on to become the Martin form Bamford and Martin Ltd, based in propels the DB4 to 140mph. The four-seater most significant Aston Martin to date and Henniker Mews, off Fulham Road in London body is designed by Carrozzeria Touring of represents a turning point for the company 1915 The first Aston Martin is registered on 16 Milan, using their ‘Superleggera’ construction 1993 The 550bhp Vantage is launched to great acclaim March. It is christened ‘Coal Scuttle’ and method in which handmade aluminium 1999 DB7 Vantage Coupe and Volante powered by a 1389cc Coventry Climax engine panels are fixed to a tubular frame built versions are produced using the first V12 1920 The second prototype Aston Martin is developed onto a substantial platform chassis production engine for Aston Martin at new premises at Abingdon Road, Kensington. 1959 The DBR1 wins the World Sports Car 2000 A new era begins under Dr Ulrich Bez, It’s fitted with a 1487cc engine and front wheel Championship with victories in the who becomes Chairman and CEO. His brakes. It is the true forerunner to the first Nürburgring 1000km and at Goodwood vision of a modern Aston Martin will production cars. along the way. The crowning glory is outright mark the beginning of the most successful Count Louis Zborowski begins to invest in the victory at the Le Mans 24 hour with Carroll period in Aston Martin’s history company and Robert Bamford steps away Shelby and Roy Salvadori at the wheel 2001 A new supercar utilising a bonded aluminium 1922 An Aston Martin prototype nicknamed ‘Bunny’ 1960 Aston Martin begins its long association with chassis and body with carbon fibre breaks ten world records in 16 1/2 hours at Milan-based coachbuilder Zagato. The DB4 composites is launched. The V12 Vanquish Brooklands. It averages 76mph. GT Zagato features a 314bhp engine, acrylic sets a new blueprint for Aston Martin eiling, Roger Careyy, Chairman of the Aston Martin Speaking at the unvveiling, Aston Martin fields two cars at the windows and a super lightweight body. Only 2003 Aston newAglobal T en facts fac cts y you ou didn n’t ’t kno ow wMartin’s about stonheadquarters Martin:is Heritage TrustGrand “It’son fitting, I think, that w wee havvee bo both oth the19new west est and between 1960-1963 said: Prix French 16th July are produced opened in Gaydon, Warwickshire. It’s the first oldest Aston M ar tins in existence her e at H enniker M ews , wher e this 1925 The company goes into receivership but is 1964 Sean Connery as James Bond drives the purpose-built facility in the company’s history 1.anTiconic herre hav h e been 10 differ ent versions ersions of the Aston M Mar artin began 100 years yearsJohn ago.Benson, kshops wer remarkable stor This is where the wornew e first and rescued byyLord Charnwood, DB5 w iner Goldfinger 2003rent DB9v production getsiconic underway at Gaydon badge. T he curr rent ent v ersion was intr roduced oduced in 2003 Her itage Trust felt it was impor tant to r ecor d locatedAugustus and theCesare AstonBertelli Martinand William on-screen relationship is born – the first car to use VH architecture Renwick. Aston Martin Motors 1972 David Brown Martin and Company 2004badge Astonhas Martin’s engine in Cologne, Germany crrenamed eating and displaying a plaque commemor ating thesells starAston t the centenar y bIty is 2. The Aston Mar M artin wings its origins nsplant in ancient E Eggypt – relocates to business Feltham, Middlesex Developments take control. Inderiv a period commences production ed frofom the open wings of the scar rab ab beetle b of all V12 and V8 engines .” of suchand an iconic car 1932 Bertelli proves the speed and endurance of Aston uncertainty Aston Martin changes hands again 2005 The DBR9 marks a return to the racetrack. 3. In 100 years Aston M Mar artin has prroduced oduced just over 60,000 sports cars Martin’s new range by winning the Biennial Cup 1975 Canadian George Minden and American It will go on to secure class victories to be back at the Aston M artin Chairman, David Richards said: “It’s great 4. rescue It is accur ccur ately estimated that ree in than of all Aston M Mar artins at the Le Mans 24 hour race with Pat Driscol. businessman Peter Sprague the rately at Le mor Mans 200790% and 2008 place where it all started. The Aston Martin story reaches a significant built arree still in eexistence xistence Sir Arthur Sutherland becomes the new company from administration 2007 A new chapter in the company’s history is written itage and fier cely independent milestone in 2013 with our unique her owner of Aston Martin and focuses his 1976 The controversial William Towns’-designed as Aston Martin returns to independence. 5. Aston M Mar artin has manufactur red ed cars frrom om se s ven locations in the citing chapters yet et to come. “We look for ward to tradition inspir exxciting efforts oning a new road car range y Lagonda is launched. It attracts a huge The Ford Motor Company sells Aston past 100 years with our team, our par tners , our customers and Aston shar ing this milestone 1935 The Aston Martin Owners’ Club is founded at The amount of publicity and sales are strong Martin to a consortium of two international 6. Aagain, ston this M Mar artin’s global HQ at Gayydon, don,houses, the company ’s first asts with ents taking placeLondon worldwide worldwid1981 overThe thecompany next 12 changes hands Martin Grafton enthusiasts evvents Hotel on Tottenham Court Road, investment Investment Darpurposeand Adeem home, celebrrates ates its tenth annivled ersar y in 2013David Richards 1939 The time bought by Tim Hearley’sbuilt CH Industrial Investment, byrChairman months .” highly advanced Atom prototype takes shape. It has an early type of spaceframe chassis, and Victor Gauntlett’s Pace7.Petroleum. 2009 The rapid the brand continues. The Aston M Mar artin Owners Club wasdevelopment founded inof1935 at The Grafton independent suspension, anfestiv aerodynamic chairmanH and quickly The four-door Rapide is unveiled at the Frankfurt In the UK, aw week-long eek-long ee frontAston Martin val p al will take place frGauntlett om 15thbecomes July otel, London a four-speed Cotal electric gearbox to turn Aston Martin around Motorshow and the V12 Vantage and DBS to 21st Jshape ulyy. Dand esigned igned to appeal to owners owners and enthusiasts enthusia ofbegins the brand, the 8. The noowners w sold-out One-77 hyper rcar car Aston M Mar artinMartin ’s mostalso eexxclusiv 1947 Engineering magnate David Brown answers 1984 Automotive Industrial becomes sole Volante areis launched. Aston unveilse, Centenary Week will include ‘open house’ activities at Aston Martin n’s exxclusiv clusivve werrful ron f inand eexpensiv ful xpensive prroduction oduction to date an ad in The Times seeking an owner for a of Aston Martin but Gauntlettpo stays the ultimatemodel expression of the marque, the Gayydon‘high headquar headqu ters, including factor vents ents and drhis iving and a shareholder again when class motor business’ and buysy-based Aston ev He’s soon Oneach its debut the One-77 wins the Design 9. It took k 2,700 man hours toOne-77. prroduce oduce One-77 will culminate in£20,000. a 1,000-guest ‘birthe thday party’ofon Satur urrday 20th July magnate and a Peter Livanos takes a 75% Martin for Following purchase shipping Award in the Concepts and Prototypes Class 10. T he painting pa ainting pr rocess ocess for the curr rent ent t A ston M Mar artinVille rrange ange takes spectacular Centenar y gather ing in C entral London on Sunday 21st July y. Lagonda he forms Aston Martin Lagonda share and Gauntlett the remaining 25% at the Concorse d’Eleganza, d’Este, Italy between 50 and 70 hours per car 1948 A 2-litre Sports wins the Spa1986 The Vantage Zagato is launched and 2011 An historic partnership is rekindled with the Francorchamps 24-hour race becomes one with of the fastest supercars in the launch of the V12 Zagato at the Concorso This highlight of the centenar y celebrations will be held in par tnership 1949 Three DB2s tackle the T Lerust Mans 24 the hours, world withand a topwill speed of Just the Aston Mar tin H eritage and Aston Martin Owners Club M52 artin prototyped’Eleganza, (1921) Ville d’Este, Italy. It also went on A3186mph. – Aston one 2.6-litre six-a multi-million Coupés and 37 VolantesThe are produced. winScuttle the Design in the Concepts and Coal featureincluding 100 of the brwith and’as new most iconicin-line cars in multi-m pound timeline first Aston Martin, named Ctooal wasAward built in 1914. Follo owing Willie Watson 1987 Ford Motor Company takes a 75% share of Class at the Concorse d’Eleganza displayy.cylinder The event eengine willdesigned also seebyone of the largest gather ings of Aston Martins Scuttle and the Great Warr, threePrototypes more prototype cars were built including 1955 David Brown buys Tickford Motor Bodies in Aston Martin and later becomes sole owner. 2012 The iconic Vanquish name returns for a new in the 100-year history of the great British marque. Bunny (no longer in existence) and chassis number A3 which was the third Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire. Production of A period of rapid investment begins flagship. This ultimate grand tourer combines Aston M ar tin ev er built and theworld-leading oldest in existence The car is now ow wned by Aston Martins begins to migrate to the new facility 1993 The Ian Callum-designed DB7 is unveiled at the design,.industry-leading In1958 addition, appear ances at iconic ev ents thr oughout 2013 including the Aston M ar tin H er itage T r ust. The DB4 is launched, powered by a new Geneva Auto Salon. It goes on sale the following technology and advanced engineering to create ours Silvverstone Classic, Nürbur3.7-litre gring 24-H Villa D’Este, Le M ansand 24-H ours at a new factory in Bloxham, in-line six,cylinder engine designed year is produced a car that is the best Aston Martin in history.

and Pebble Beach will ensure that the celebration is truly global. 64

www w.astonmar .aston



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ASTON MARTIN TIMELINE 1913 On 15th January 1913 Robert Bamford and Lionel Martin form Bamford and Martin Ltd, based in Henniker Mews, off Fulham Road in London 1915 The first Aston Martin is registered on 16 March. It is christened ‘Coal Scuttle’ and powered by a 1389cc Coventry Climax engine 1920 The second prototype Aston Martin is developed at new premises at Abingdon Road, Kensington. It’s fitted with a 1487cc engine and front wheel brakes. It is the true forerunner to the first production cars. Count Louis Zborowski begins to invest in the company and Robert Bamford steps away 1922 An Aston Martin prototype nicknamed ‘Bunny’ breaks ten world records in 16 1/2 hours at Brooklands. It averages 76mph. Aston Martin fields two cars at the French Grand Prix on 16th July 1925 The company goes into receivership but is rescued by Lord Charnwood, John Benson, Augustus Cesare Bertelli and William Renwick. It is renamed Aston Martin Motors and relocates to Feltham, Middlesex 1932 Bertelli proves the speed and endurance of Aston Martin’s new range by winning the Biennial Cup at the Le Mans 24 hour race with Pat Driscol. Sir Arthur Sutherland becomes the new owner of Aston Martin and focuses his efforts on a new road car range 1935 The Aston Martin Owners’ Club is founded at The Grafton Hotel on Tottenham Court Road, London 1939 The highly advanced Atom prototype takes shape. It has an early type of spaceframe chassis, independent front suspension, an aerodynamic shape and a four-speed Cotal electric gearbox 1947 Engineering magnate David Brown answers an ad in The Times seeking an owner for a ‘high class motor business’ and buys Aston Martin for £20,000. Following the purchase of Lagonda he forms Aston Martin Lagonda 1948 A 2-litre Sports wins the SpaFrancorchamps 24-hour race 1949 Three DB2s tackle the Le Mans 24 hours, including one with a new 2.6-litre in-line sixcylinder engine designed by Willie Watson 1955 David Brown buys Tickford Motor Bodies in Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire. Production of Aston Martins begins to migrate to the new facility 1958 The DB4 is launched, powered by a new 3.7-litre in-line six cylinder engine designed

by Tadek Marek. It produces 240bhp and propels the DB4 to 140mph. The four-seater body is designed by Carrozzeria Touring of Milan, using their ‘Superleggera’ construction method in which handmade aluminium panels are fixed to a tubular frame built onto a substantial platform chassis 1959 The DBR1 wins the World Sports Car Championship with victories in the Nürburgring 1000km and at Goodwood along the way. The crowning glory is outright victory at the Le Mans 24 hour with Carroll Shelby and Roy Salvadori at the wheel 1960 Aston Martin begins its long association with Milan-based coachbuilder Zagato. The DB4 GT Zagato features a 314bhp engine, acrylic windows and a super lightweight body. Only 19 are produced between 1960-1963 1964 Sean Connery as James Bond drives the new DB5 in Goldfinger and an iconic on-screen relationship is born 1972 David Brown sells Aston Martin and Company Developments take control. In a period of uncertainty Aston Martin changes hands again 1975 Canadian George Minden and American businessman Peter Sprague rescue the company from administration 1976 The controversial William Towns’-designed Lagonda is launched. It attracts a huge amount of publicity and sales are strong 1981 The company changes hands again, this time bought by Tim Hearley’s CH Industrial and Victor Gauntlett’s Pace Petroleum. Gauntlett becomes chairman and quickly begins to turn Aston Martin around 1984 Automotive Industrial becomes sole owners of Aston Martin but Gauntlett stays on in his role. He’s soon a shareholder again when shipping magnate Peter Livanos takes a 75% share and Gauntlett the remaining 25% 1986 The Vantage Zagato is launched and becomes one of the fastest supercars in the world with a top speed of 186mph. Just 52 Coupés and 37 Volantes are produced. 1987 Ford Motor Company takes a 75% share of Aston Martin and later becomes sole owner. A period of rapid investment begins 1993 The Ian Callum-designed DB7 is unveiled at the Geneva Auto Salon. It goes on sale the following year and is produced at a new factory in Bloxham,

1993 1999




2003 2004 2005





Oxfordshire. The DB7 goes on to become the most significant Aston Martin to date and represents a turning point for the company The 550bhp Vantage is launched to great acclaim DB7 Vantage Coupe and Volante versions are produced using the first V12 production engine for Aston Martin A new era begins under Dr Ulrich Bez, who becomes Chairman and CEO. His vision of a modern Aston Martin will mark the beginning of the most successful period in Aston Martin’s history A new supercar utilising a bonded aluminium chassis and body with carbon fibre composites is launched. The V12 Vanquish sets a new blueprint for Aston Martin Aston Martin’s new global headquarters is opened in Gaydon, Warwickshire. It’s the first purpose-built facility in the company’s history DB9 production gets underway at Gaydon – the first car to use VH architecture Aston Martin’s engine plant in Cologne, Germany commences production of all V12 and V8 engines The DBR9 marks a return to the racetrack. It will go on to secure class victories at Le Mans in 2007 and 2008 A new chapter in the company’s history is written as Aston Martin returns to independence. The Ford Motor Company sells Aston Martin to a consortium of two international investment houses, Investment Dar and Adeem Investment, led by Chairman David Richards The rapid development of the brand continues. The four-door Rapide is unveiled at the Frankfurt Motorshow and the V12 Vantage and DBS Volante are launched. Aston Martin also unveils the ultimate expression of the marque, the One-77. On its debut the One-77 wins the Design Award in the Concepts and Prototypes Class at the Concorse d’Eleganza, Ville d’Este, Italy An historic partnership is rekindled with the launch of the V12 Zagato at the Concorso d’Eleganza, Ville d’Este, Italy. It also went on to win the Design Award in the Concepts and Prototypes Class at the Concorse d’Eleganza The iconic Vanquish name returns for a new flagship. This ultimate grand tourer combines world-leading design, industry-leading technology and advanced engineering to create a car that is the best Aston Martin in history.



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