Yummy Mummy Magazine October/November 2016

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Yummy Mummy @mummymagazine

magazine yummymummymagazine.co.uk

october/november issue 12

the icandy michair mini harrods halloween at fortnum & mason


Hamley’s ultimate kids parties happy 90th birthday winnie the pooh

The luxury parenting publication for discerning mothers living in London

Welcome to Yummy Mummy Club, Issue 12 The prestigious and hugely glamorous Italian brand that is Gucci is without a doubt one of the world’s most iconic fashion houses; known for their luxurious and timeless products worldwide and a famous following from movie stars to royalty. The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, London is honouring new mothers with an exclusive package to kick-start their post-baby fitness programme. Celebrity personal trainer, Ruben Tabares, shares his secret training regime in Mum’s the Word, a fitness package that will help tone any body in just 4-6 weeks. Winnie-the-Pooh is the world’s most famous bear, and has been beloved by children around the world for 90 years - with October 2016 marking 90 years since his first publication and arrival in the Hundred Acre Wood. The iCandy MiChair is a highchair inspired by designer furniture and grows with the child. The iCandy MiChair transforms into a nursery or rocking chair once its life as a high chair has ended, the highchair is also suitable from birth when used with the iCandy Pod. The Fertility Show, the UK’s largest and most established fertility event, enters its eighth year - helping those looking to start a family, by providing expert advice about the fertility journey and exploring treatment options such as IVF, egg donation and surrogacy.

Alex Lux Editor

PUBLISHED BY THE FISH MEDIA GROUP LTD The Ridings, Woodfield Lane, Essendon, Herts, AL9 6JJ.

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www.thelifemagazines.com Editor Alex Lux •••••


Editor Assistant Katie Miller

senior business account Manager Vanessa Lane



Design/ Production Emma Andrews

account managers Nicola Drew Lisa Westerman ••••• Directors Rory Smith Patrick Smith


Enter the era of Ooba

– The new boutique travel system from Cosatto An absolute dream to push, the Ooba is perfect for out-and-about with its new multi-terrain wheels that are perfect for any surface, as well as the added ventilation within the seat hood and zip access on the rain cover


osatto have manufactured the new and improved ‘Ooba’, the all-you-need travel system that brings high-end couture to the world of babies. A more advanced model, the new Ooba has some subtle yet paramount changes in order to ensure the upmost ease during use, with some of the improvements having been voted for by Cosatto fans using #builtbyyou. Changes include a more structured change bag with a removable strap, a pocket within the storage


basket, easy-to-use colour coded function buttons, a swivel lock actioned via the foot for better access, and of course extra Cosatto colour on each design. An absolute dream to push, the Ooba is perfect for out-and-about with its new multi-terrain wheels that are perfect for any surface, as well as the added ventilation within the seat hood and zip access on the rain cover. The three-mode design also means that the user can adjust the Ooba to forward-facing, rearwardfacing and up-to-table handle flip; as well as usage as a pram, pushchair, infant carrier and from-birth carrycot. Cosatto’s Associate Product Development Director Steve Howarth said “We are constantly aiming to improve and enhance our products. We have listened to our customer’s comments and made various improvements to keep our product at the top of its game.” “We have introduced puncture proof multi terrain tyres, increased ventilation for those hot days and more storage to complement our already large basket.” Alongside the Ooba, a Hold 0+ infant carrier can be purchased and is compatible with thoroughly modern ‘ISOFIX’ in-car technology. Easy release buttons and hold handles remove the necessity to wake a sleeping child, adding comfort and ease to both baby and parent. Ooba’s infant carrier fits smoothly onto the Ooba chassis with an easy-release button or into the Hold infant carrier base making it ideal for travel. It’s lie-flat carry cot is suitable from birth

and comes complete with reversible Cosy Toes as well as a co-ordinating changing bag with changing mat and messy bag, sun visor and patterned rain cover. Providing sheer quality every time, the new Ooba comes in both Foxtale and Proper Poppy pattern – two favourites at Cosatto HQ! www.cosatto.com

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CONTENTS The Fertility Show at Olympia


Does my bump look big in this?


Keeping fit during pregnancy


Antenatal classes


No pain, no gain?


Baby apps for mums


Bugaboo at Christmas


Mum’s the Word at Mandarin Oriental


Baby to Toddler Show


Gucci Kids


Hello Pumpkin from Harrods


Halloween at Fortnum & Mason


Hamley’s Dream Sleepover


Winnie the Pooh’s 90th anniversary


Elmo’s Christmas Tail


Win a day out to The Legoland® Windsor Resort


Hamley’s toy parade


Taking your children Christmas shopping


Yummy Mummy Christmas gift guide


What Grandparents are made of



Baby, It’s Back!

THE FERTILITY SHOW IS IN LONDON Olympia, 5th - 6th November 2016


he Fertility Show, the UK’s largest and most established fertility event, enters its eighth year - helping those looking to start a family, by providing expert advice about the fertility journey and exploring treatment options such as IVF, egg donation and surrogacy. Each year, The Fertility Show London brings together leading fertility specialists from the UK and internationally, in one place at one time, making it an invaluable educational and informative resource for prospective parents-to-be. It’s easy to see why the show is the biggest and highest attended event for fertility patients in the world, with expert talks over two days from the world’s leading fertility specialists and more than 100 exhibitors including information and advice groups, UK and overseas clinics, fertility assessment and investigations, charities and patient care groups, acupuncture, yoga and massage therapists and diet, nutritional and lifestyle advisors. This year is set to be another success with a host of expert speakers and top names in the field of fertility already signed up including;

The Fertility Show has been created solely for people who need trustworthy information and advice on their fertility journey Adam Balen, Professor of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery at Leeds NHS Centre and Chairman of the British Fertility Society; Create Fertility founder, Professor Geeta Nargund; Mr Sam Abdalla, Director of the Lister Fertility Clinic; journalist and bestselling author of “The Complete Guide to IVF”, Kate Brian; natural health expert Dr Marilyn Glenville; renowned fertility expert Zita West; Susan Seenan, Chief Executive of Fertility Network UK and George Christopoulos, IVF Hammersmith, among a range of others. The Fertility Show has been created solely for people who need trustworthy information and advice on their fertility journey. The event allows attendees to talk one-on-one in confidence with experts, whilst keeping as much anonymity as they feel comfortable with.

Seminars and Q & A’s are set to explore a range of issues and areas in fertility, ranging from: Stress and its impact on fertility: Professor Jacky Boivin, Cardiff Fertility Studies Research Group Improving the odds of IVF working for you – Mr Yacoub Khalaf, Medical Director, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS explains what can influence the outcome of an IVF cycle What men need to know about their fertility - an outline of the problems and how to test, boost and treat fertility: Professor Allan Pacey, University of Sheffield A sensitive discussion on issues for families created with donors (egg, sperm or embryos): Olivia Montuschi, Donor Conception Network How to keep the costs down – an explanation of potential ‘add-ons’ and how best to save money and get the right treatment for you: Dr John Parsons, associated with the Progress Educational Trust

THE DETAILS The Fertility Show is hosted in association with Fertility Network UK, and takes place during National Fertility Awareness Week (31st October-6th November 2016). ••••• Tickets for the two-day event are priced at £12 (£15 on the door) for each day or £20 for a 2-day ticket with seminar tickets £3. For further information and to purchase tickets go to www.fertilityshow.co.uk Follow the Show on Twitter @fertilityshow or on Facebook. 1 0 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6



Look Big In This? ll? a m S o To ria Beckham Victo

? Too dBaisghian Kim Kar

ight? R t s u J Willoughby Holly

Mums-to-be should be aware of the shocking new trend of ‘bumpshaming’… Kim Kardashian’s was “too big”. Victoria Beckham’s was “too small” But Holly Willoughby’s was apparently “just right”


ometimes it feels like everyone has an opinion when it comes to pregnancy bods. But, while it’s one thing to comment on the rich and famous, ‘bump-shaming’ has now become a problem much closer to home. Recent research carried out by parenting site ChannelMum.com found that 60% of mums had been told they were ‘too fat’ and 32% that they were ‘too small’ during their pregnancy. Astonishingly, 53% of these verbal attacks came from complete strangers. The three most common criticisms were “I was much smaller than you’ , ‘Wow, you are huge’

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It is normal to feel scared, vulnerable and even depressed and ‘Are you sure it’s not twins?’ Worryingly, these comments – often not meant maliciously – can have a devastating psychological and physical impact.


Of the women surveyed, 17% said they would consider losing weight because of hurtful remarks made by others. But dieting while pregnant can be dangerous. Any restrictions you put on yourself are also placed on your unborn baby. Women who don’t gain an adequate amount of weight during pregnancy are more likely to have an underweight baby. And limiting your food intake could starve your foetus of vital vitamins and minerals – such as iron (which supports healthy growth) and folic acid (which helps prevent brain, spine and skull deformities) Weight gain means your pregnancy is progressing healthily.

Added anxiety

People assume that all mums-to-be are in a state of permanent excitement. But it is normal to feel scared, vulnerable and even depressed. When you are struggling the last thing you want to hear is: ‘You’ve ballooned!’ Added stress during pregnancy can have a harmful effect on the baby’s brain and development – and in the long-term , impact on the child’s behaviour and IQ.

Ignore the bullies!

As long as you are happy and healthy, that’s all that matters. Big, small, fat or thin, as long as mum and baby are happy and well, then it’s no one else’s business. So stuff the negative comments, and don’t worry mums-to-be, your bump is beautiful and so are you.


Keeping fit

during pregnancy

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Top training tips for keeping fit during pregnancy:


tudies have shown that women who keep fit during pregnancy often enjoy easier, shorter and less complicated labours and also, a faster return to fitness once their baby is born. Here are a few tips to keep you in tip top condition during pregnancy: Health and fitness benefits include: • Better circulation • Less unnecessary weight gain • Reduced swelling • Less abdominal discomfort Before you begin, there are some sensible precautions to consider.

Pregnancy symptoms

As your pregnancy progresses, your body undergoes many changes, not just visual ones… These include: • Weight gain • Changing blood pressure • Changing resting heart rate • Increased flexibility as the hormone relaxin is released • Variable levels of fatigue You may also experience some or all of the following conditions: • Morning sickness (often disappearing after 12 weeks) • Increased sweating • Dizziness • Nausea • Hormonal mood changes Frequently, by the end of the fourth month most or

all of the above symptoms subside and renewed energy levels and vitality are felt. If you have found it difficult to maintain your fitness because of the changes that your body is undergoing, by 16 weeks you often feel raring to go. Providing that you have no medical reasons why you shouldn’t exercise during pregnancy, you can follow a sensible training routine for as long as you wish.

Getting started in pregnancy exercise

The key point to remember when exercising through your pregnancy is to keep all your training at a comfortable level. Particularly if you have been a regular exerciser before becoming pregnant, avoid pushing too hard. The focus should be on general fitness maintenance and well-being, rather than competition and exercising to exhaustion.

• Always keep well hydrated • You may find that you sweat more so drinking more water is important. • Choose comfortable, loose-fitting clothing • Loose clothing will help keep you cool, particularly as your shape changes. • Allow longer recoveries - your levels of fatigue will alter through your pregnancy so take extra rest when you feel you need to. • Always complete a thorough warm up and cool down in your session Pregnancy affects your circulatory system so extend both your warm up and cool down to 15 minutes so that your body gradually adapts. • Protect your back at all times - The back increasingly comes under load as your baby grows, so always consider your body position, particularly if carrying out resistance training. • Avoid exercising on your back after 20 weeks - After 20 weeks, the weight of the womb can cause compression of the inferior vena cava, which in turn can cause dizziness, numbness at the extremities and a lack of oxygen to the foetus. • Avoid over-stretching - Joints gradually become looser as your pregnancy develops, so avoid excessive flexibility exercises that could over-stretch muscles and tendons. • Consider your energy requirements - Combining exercise with pregnancy increases your calorie requirements so pay particular attention to your pre and post exercise nutrition needs. • Choose low impact rather than high impact aerobic activities - To avoid excessive pounding and also damage to slacker joints, try activities such as swimming and only jog if you jogged prior to pregnancy. • Ensure your footwear is supportive and has suitable cushioning - Good ankle and foot support is important, particularly in later pregnancy as joints become more lax. • Focus on correct posture and technique at all times - It is important to put extra focus into your movements and posture because as your shape changes, your body is loaded in different ways. Good technique is vital to ensure a safe exercise session.

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Antenatal Classes


ntenatal classes can help you to prepare for your baby’s birth and learn to look after and feed your baby. They can help you to stay healthy during pregnancy, and give you confidence and information. You can learn about the different arrangements for labour and birth, and the choices available to you. This can help you to make your own birth plan. You may also meet some of the people who will look after you during labour. You’ll be able to discuss your plans and any worries with professionals and with other parents. Classes are also a good way to make friends with other parents who are expecting babies around the same time as you. These friendships often help parents through the first few months with a baby. Classes are usually informal and fun.

Choosing an antenatal class

Think about what you hope to gain from antenatal classes so that you can find the sort of class that suits you best. Places in antenatal classes can get booked up early, so it’s a good idea to start making enquiries early in pregnancy so that you can secure a place in the class that you choose. Speak to your community midwife if you can’t go to classes. The midwife may be able to lend you a DVD about antenatal care, or you may be able to buy one.

What happens in antenatal classes

You might be able to attend introductory classes on baby care early in pregnancy, but most antenatal classes start around 8-10 weeks before your baby is due, when you are around 30-32 weeks pregnant. If you’re expecting twins, start your classes when you’re around 24 weeks pregnant because your 1 6 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6

babies are more likely to be born early. Some units offer antenatal classes for women expecting multiples – ask your midwife about this. Classes are normally held once a week, for around two hours..

The kinds of topics covered by antenatal classes are: • health in pregnancy, including a healthy diet • exercises to keep you fit and active during pregnancy • what happens during labour and birth • coping with labour and information about different types of pain relief

• how to help yourself during labour and birth • relaxation techniques • information about different kinds of birth and interventions • caring for your baby, including feeding • your health after the birth • emotions and feelings during pregnancy, birth and after Some classes cover all these topics. Others focus on certain aspects, such as exercises and relaxation, or caring for your baby. The number of different antenatal classes available varies from place to place.


A Labour Of Love Giving birth may be gruelling and painful, but, believe it or not, many women love it! By Lisa Salmon


acque Gerrard, Royal College of Midwives director for England, doesn’t think it’s surprising that so many women love being in labour. “Women have been preparing themselves both physically and emotionally for nine months, and this is the point in the pregnancy when they’re going to meet their baby,” she says. “So when they go into labour, the excitement starts to build - they know it’s the means to the end of the whole pregnancy. “Some women surprise themselves at how wonderful they are at coping during the birth, and how wonderful their bodies are. For some women it’s not as bad as they expect - why do they keep having more babies if labour is so terrible?”


The excitement around giving birth means 36% of mums plan the type of birth they want in ad, and the study of 2,209 mums found the most desired birth is a hospital

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water birth (34%), followed by normal delivery in TOUGH PUSH hospital (33%), home water birth (15%) and normal The research found mums’ favourite part of giving home birth (12%). birth is just as the baby is being born, preferred by But just 40% of mums actually get the birth they 41% of women, followed by 27% who said the want, with 60% of births not going to plan. Instead, moment they went into labour was the most enjoyable the most common type of birth for the mums part. The least liked time is pushing, with 38% of surveyed was a natural delivery in hospital (32%) mums finding it tough, along with a third (31%) who followed by emergency C-section (17%). And only found the early hours of being in labour hardest. 8% of mums surveyed managed to have a water birth in hospital. SHARING STORIES Gerrard says: “Midwives are getting more and But however tough the birth is, nearly all (94%) more involved with helping women plan modern mums go on to share their birth stories. A births, and helping them understand quarter of mothers post their story on social media, that sometimes things don’t go one in five at a support group and 7% even make a quite to the birth plan, and video or post their experiences on parenting sites. to be prepared for that The most common reason was that they wanted and certainly not to be to ‘be honest’ about birth (61%), with half (48%) disappointed. If women wanting other mums to know giving birth can be plan not to have drugs or positive and a third (33%) wanted to show you can an epidural, for example, get over a tough birth. and then end up having “All women love to share birth stories, and them, it’s absolutely fine midwives love to hear them,” says Gerrard. “If because it’s about having other women are planning a family or a better birth are pregnant, the stories can really experience.” encourage and support them.” Research suggests more than two thirds (67%) of mothers think giving birth is a ‘positive experience’, and a quarter even ‘love’ being in labour.


on miscarriage

New light is shed By Lisa Salmon


he devastating, often unexplained, loss It also improves care for women who have of a pregnancy through miscarriage experienced miscarriage. If you’re given no reason can leave many women blaming for a miscarriage, then how can you put it right and themselves. Research suggests more than understand why it’s happened in the first place? One three quarters (79%) of women who experience of the first objectives of the new centre is to make miscarriage feel like a failure afterwards, and 70% sure every woman has a reason for her miscarriage.” feel guilt. Some of those feelings may stem from the RULE OF THREES fact it’s often not known what causes one in four Brewin points out that current policy is, women pregnancies to end in miscarriage. Now, in a bid to must experience three miscarriages before being find out more, a major new miscarriage research referred for further medical investigations. Those centre has opened by baby charity, Tommy’s. investigations may never pin down what caused The centre, in collaboration with Imperial the miscarriages - hence the need for further College London, and Warwick and research - or may identify one of the few Birmingham universities, is the UK’s current known causes of miscarriage, only national research centre dedicated including thyroid problems and 60,000 to preventing early miscarriage, and blood clotting disorders. the biggest of its kind in Europe. Professor Phillip Bennett, babies are born Located in the universities that have director of the Institute prematirely each helped create it, and their associated for Reproductive and year in the UK hospitals, the centre brings doctors, Developmental Biology at scientists and patients together to Imperial College London, adds: research early miscarriage and find ways “As a doctor, I wish I could give of preventing it. my patients the answers they’re Tommy’s chief executive Jane Brewin looking for. The thing is, we have the says: “Medical science doesn’t fully expertise, the technology, the drive understand miscarriage. Our centre - we just need the funding. Tommy’s identifies women at risk, focus on those that new centre is the most promising need most help, and ask how medical science chance yet of making breakthroughs in our can improve antenatal care to prevent miscarriages. understanding of early miscarriage.”


Alongside the opening of the new centre, Tommy’s is running its #misCOURAGE campaign, which aims to encourage all those who’ve experienced miscarriage, directly or indirectly, to share their stories. Research for the campaign found two thirds of women who’d miscarried found it hard to talk about, and 85% didn’t think people understood what they’d gone through.

The centre brings doctors, scientists and patients together to research early miscarriage and find ways of preventing it Sadly, 67% of women felt they couldn’t talk to their best friend about their miscarriage, and 35% couldn’t even talk to the father about it.


The #misCOURAGE campaign is encouraging those women to tell their stories, and share them with other women to break the taboo that exists, and make women realise they’re not alone. ••••• For more information about #misCOURAGE visit www.facebook.com/tommys Twitter.com/tommys_baby 2 0 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6


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No Gain?


abour can be painful, so it’s important to learn about all the ways that you can relieve the agony. Write down your wishes in your birth plan, but remember that you should keep an open mind. You may find that you want more pain relief than you’d planned, or your doctor or midwife may suggest more effective pain relief to help the delivery.

Self-help in labour

You will be more relaxed in labour and better placed to cope with the pain if you: • Learn about labour. This can make you feel more in control and less frightened about what’s going to happen. Talk to your midwife or doctor, and go 2 6 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6

to antenatal classes. • Learn how to relax, stay calm and breathe deeply. • Keep moving. Your position can make a difference, so try kneeling, walking around or rocking backwards and forwards. • Bring a partner, friend or relative to support you during labour, if not, your midwife will give you all the support you need. • Have a bath.

to use and they control it themselves. You breathe in the gas and air through a mask or mouthpiece, which you hold yourself. You’ll probably practise using the mask or mouthpiece if you go to an antenatal class. The gas takes about 15-20 seconds to work, so you breathe it in just as a contraction begins. It works best if you take slow, deep breaths. If gas and air doesn’t give you enough pain relief, you can ask for a painkilling injection as well.

This is a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide gas. Gas and air won’t remove all the pain, but it can help to reduce it and make it more bearable. Many women like it because it’s easy

Pethidine injections in labour

Gas and air for labour

Another form of pain relief is the intramuscular injection (into the muscle of your thigh or buttock) of a drug, such as pethidine or, less

commonly, diamorphine. The injection can also help you to relax, which can lessen the pain. It takes about 20 minutes to work after the injection, and the effects last between 2-4 hours.


An epidural is a special type of local anaesthetic. It numbs the nerves that carry the pain impulses from the birth canal to the brain. For most women, an epidural gives complete pain relief. It can be helpful for women who are having a long or particularly painful labour, or who are becoming distressed. An anaesthetist is the only person who can give

an epidural, so it won’t be available if you give birth at home. If you think you might want one, check whether anaesthetists are always available at your hospital. How much you can move your legs after en epidural depends on the local anaesthetic used. Some units offer “mobile” epidurals, which means you can walk around. However, this also requires the baby’s heart rate to be monitored remotely (by telemetry) and many units don’t have the equipment to do this. Ask your midwife if mobile epidural is available in your local unit. An epidural can provide very good pain relief,

but it’s not always 100% effective in labour. The Obstetric Anaesthetists Association estimates that one in eight women who have an epidural during labour need to use other methods of pain relief.

Water births

Water can help you relax and make the contractions seem less painful. Ask if you can have a bath or use a birth pool. The water will be kept at a comfortable temperature but not above 37.5C, and your temperature will be monitored.

TENS machines

This stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. Some hospitals have TENS machines. If not, you can hire your own machine. TENS has not been shown to be effective during the active phase of labour (when contractions get longer, stronger and more frequent). It’s probably most effective during the early stages, when many women experience low back pain. TENS may also be useful while you’re at home in the early stages of labour or if you plan to give birth at home. If you’re interested in TENS, learn how to use it in the later months of your pregnancy. Ask your midwife to show you how it works.

Alternative methods of labour pain relief

Some women prefer to avoid the types of pain relief listed, and choose alternative treatments such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, homeopathy, hypnosis, massage and reflexology. Most of these techniques are not proven to provide effective pain relief. If you’d like to use any of these methods, it’s important to discuss them with your midwife or doctor and let the hospital know beforehand. Most hospitals don’t offer them for pain relief during labour. OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6 2 7



the iCandy MiChair


he iCandy MiChair is a highchair inspired by designer furniture and grows with the child. The iCandy MiChair transforms into a nursery or rocking chair once its life as a high chair has ended, the highchair is also suitable from birth when used with the iCandy Pod. The iCandy Pod simply docks on to the highchair to bring baby up and away from the ground, to parent height when feeding. The pod features a contemporary design and provides a comfortable and relaxing environment. With a detachable toy bar, the pod allows you to attach your child’s favourite toy, encouraging interaction between you and baby. The iCandy Pod folds flat for easy storage and comes with removable, machine washable liners for added comfort. Parent and baby are able to experience all important eye-to-eye contact, so critical in the first formative months. The iCandy MiChair offers the perfect balance of natural

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materials adding warmth with the practicality of the highest grade plastics. The chair back and rocking chair skis are crafted with sustainably sourced Beech and Birch FSC plywood. The legs add synergy with the iCandy pushchair range by utilising the brand’s exclusive signature high shine chrome finish. With modern family life in mind, the tray is simple but clever with hidden integral release paddles that are intuitive to use, making removal and handling easy. The design of the iCandy MiChair ensures dirt has no place to get trapped on any surface making it easy to keep clean. The hygienic tray is also dishwasher safe making cleaning effortless. As the child develops, the iCandy MiChair converts into a stylish child’s chair or rocking chair, giving your child their very own special piece of furniture, creating the feeling

of ownership. Both the chair and rocking chair can be used up to the age of six. • Suitable from birth (with POD) to 6 years • Beautifully crafted, versatile piece of furniture • Designed for maximum longevity • Full size highchair with removable hygienic tray • Comes with a tray, crotch bar & post, optional harness and chair/rocking chair attachments • Easy to convert from highchair to chair or rocking chair • Simple to clean, hard wearing surfaces • Optional use harness with iCandy one touch buckle • High back to support the younger baby • Comfort Pack available for added comfort available in a range of colours www.icandyworld.com


Baby Apps for

Mums • Adjustable Night Light • Discreet Vibration alert • Nice Personalisation • Secure and Reliable usage • Fully localised to 13 languages


Lots of handy features to help you look after your little one. Everything is personalised to your little one’s age and sex, from products suggested, to upcoming immunisations. And the App will even read out advice on symptoms and treatment tips when you’re too tired to read. What’s in the App? • Dosage diary – helps you track the medicine you’re giving your child • Temperature tracker – helps you monitor your little one’s fever


ums are busy people, no ifs, ands or buts about it. They work, shuttle kids, clean up, manage finances and sometimes, if they’re lucky, try to find a little time for themselves. That’s why more and more mums are turning to smartphone, iPhone and iPad apps to help organise schedules, simplify lives and even provide a bit of entertainment, for both themselves and their children. Here are just some of the apps that will make your life that little bit easier…….

• Easy to use, easy to set up - less than 30 sec. • Live HD video anywhere - you will not miss any detail • Unlimited reach - over WiFi, LTE, 3G • Enhanced Baby Activity Log • Hear every noise - see every motion • Talk to your baby with your voice


A universal video and audio baby monitor for your phone, tablet, or computer. Hear every noise, stream live video, and soothe your child remotely. Works with an unlimited reach (WIFI, 3G, LTE) and trusted by many mums and dads.

Everything is personalised to your little one’s age and sex, from products suggested, to upcoming immunisations 3 0 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6


Features ambient sounds of the environment that will help you relax during the day and sleep great at night

• Soothers – play calming lullabies from your phone • Symptom checker – a handy guide to symptoms and treatment tips • Find my nearest pharmacy or hospital – see where they are on your phone’s map • Immunisation calendar – see what’s needed, set reminders, and call your doctor for an appointment • Products – discover our whole range of products and how they can help


An ideal app for children from 0 to 2.5 years of age! Created by parents for parents, Baby Rattle Toy is an interactive app that supports your baby’s development through touch, sound and sight. Features: • Entertains your child - vibrant colours, cheerful melodies and an engaging cast of characters are all designed to keep baby amused for a long time! • Develops fine motor skills - teaches your child how to perform precise tasks at an early age, improving their dexterity. • Makes learning fun - repetition is an important part of motor learning, helping your child reinforce new motor skills through practice. This app holds babies’ attention and keeps them learning! • Recommended for kids with special needs - Baby Rattle Toy makes it easier for a child to learn from their movements through vivid graphics and sound.


The perfect app for when your child wakes in the night feeling poorly, the NHS Direct app allows worried parents to enter symptoms and find advice on how to treat minor illnesses. Linked directly to the NHS helpline, users can enter their details and have a health professional contact them if further treatment is advised

Lose any baby weight with MyFitnessPal, the fastest and easiestto-use calorie counter for iOS. With the largest food database by far (over 5,000,000 foods) and amazingly fast and easy food and exercise entry, we’ll help you take those extra pounds off! And it’s FREE!


Find out why the world is sleeping better with White Noise Free. Features ambient sounds of the environment that will help you relax during the day and sleep great at night. Do you have trouble going to sleep? Are you traveling on a plane and need a quick power nap? Does your newborn baby wake up in the middle of the night? There are numerous benefits to using White Noise: • Helps you sleep by blocking distractions • Relaxes and reduces stress • Pacifies fussy and crying babies • Increases focus while enhancing privacy • Soothes headaches and migraines • Masks tinnitus (ringing of the ears) Even when you’re asleep, your brain is constantly scanning and listening for sounds. If it’s too quiet, unwanted noises such as faucet drips or police sirens can interrupt your sleep. White Noise generates sounds over a wide range of frequencies, masking those noise interruptions, so you can not only fall asleep, but stay asleep.


If looking after your new baby’s wellbeing and keeping your sanity in check feel mutually exclusive, you need FirstYear app, which is the easiest way to track your baby’s daily activities as they develop. With no need for typing and no fussing with alarms, all events can be logged with just two simple taps on your iPhone or iPad. All apps should be this uncomplicated. OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6 3 1


Mums Design Great Stuff To Make Your Life

That Little Bit Easier...


aving a baby really changes your life in so many ways! However, we didn’t anticipate we would start a business when we had our first babies. After picking up many dirty or lost teethers, we spotted a fun teethers give great ‘bite’, using an innovative gap in the market for a teether that was attached to dimpled design and encourage new teeth to break the baby and thought ‘let’s design a stylish dribble through. They’re also safe to chew on, contain no bib that is reversible, super absorbent and beautiful phthalates or BPA. Importantly, wash after wash, quality with an integrated teether!’ Cheeky Chompers products are built to last and We started Cheeky Chompers and launched will stay attached, ensuring the baby’s teether is our innovative Neckerchew - ‘The original to hand when they need it! Our beautiful chewable dribble bib for teething tots’ fabric products are made here in the UK - in February 2013. We now have and feedback from parents has been four stylish attachable baby products fantastic. READER and are in many local and national We know only too well that life OFFER: SAVE retailers including M&S, John Lewis, is busy with a baby, so each of Jo Jo Maman Bebe and Joules in our products have that ‘cheeky’ addition to over 30 countries. innovative twist to help take away As mums, we know that safety little frustrations and make your is crucial, so we always ensure every lives just that little bit easier – no more product is tested rigorously and is the best dropped teethers, lost comforters or blankets it can be. Teething can be a trying time but our getting stuck in the wheels of the pram.


THE CHEEKY CHOMPERS RANGE Neckerchew Reversible, highly absorbent dribble bib with attached teether Comfortchew Attachable ‘blankie’ combining baby’s favourite essentials – Comforter, Teether, Teddy and Tags Chewy Lovable sensory teething hippo with a handy attachable strap Cheeky blanket Luxurious attachable baby blanket with cosy hand and foot pouches with sensory tags

Cheeky Chompers products are developed by mums who care, as a practical, quality solution for your baby’s needs. THE DETAILS To see the range visit www.cheekychompers.com

PS here’s a Cheeky voucher code for a 10% saving for you ‘CheekyYummyMummy’ 3 2 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6


Keep your child warm this winter


ith the festive season just around the corner it’s time to start looking for gifts for family and loved ones. This season, Bugaboo has selected its top products that will make a perfect present for any parent and baby. From a style update for mum or dad with the Storksak + Bugaboo bag to a beautiful blanket for baby, there are also some great accessories to simply click onto a Bugaboo pushchair to offer extra convenience, style, and storage. In short, they have thought of everything to keep parents on the move. Whether it’s a small gift or something more luxurious you’re looking for, Bugaboo has something for everyone to indulge themselves or a loved one this season 3 4 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6

pushchair gifts

Bugaboo Cameleon3 Elements - Special Edition, £999.00

Bugaboo Cameleon3 Elements - Special Edition Introducing the new Bugaboo Cameleon³ Elements, inspired by natural elements like the sea, the wind and the rocks… This fresh and fashion-forward pushchair is one of a kind thanks its intricate details, all suggesting nature. The Bugaboo Cameleon³ Elements is a luxurious, limited edition version of the original all-in-one pushchair, the Bugaboo Cameleon³. This time reimagined in new colours, soft materials and special details. Features include a new herringbone fabric on the carrycot, seat and sun canopy, with the overall top colour a river-stone shade. The standout feature is a unique gradient colour effect on the carrycot and back of the seat: deepest sea blue slowly changes and fades to grey mélange. The lining inside the sun canopy has a smoother texture and is coloured a deep azure blue mélange. The seat inlay is made of a soft jersey. And did you know you can customise the look by interchanging the colour? One side is soft pink mélange and the other is azure blue mélange. Pink or blue, you decide! A hand-stitched leather-look handle bar and carry handle adds a touch of luxury and matches other black details on the pushchair. The mattress keeps to the same colour palette, with the leafshaped pattern as the azure blue mélange seat inlay.

The Bugaboo Cameleon³ Elements is a luxurious, limited edition version of the original all-in-one pushchair

Bugaboo Donkey Weekender, £1099.00

Bugaboo Donkey Weekender Bugaboo have introduced a new limited edition, The Bugaboo Donkey Weekender. Not only does the convertible pushchair have a new look, it also comes with a customised side luggage bag that you will always want to have on hand. The Bugaboo Donkey Weekender breathes a sporty elegance yet is fit for all life’s journeys. It is perfect for every occasion, from picnics in the park or weekend getaways. Designed for first-time parents who want to be prepared, the pushchair comes with a new detachable side luggage bag so you are always ready for more. Comfortable, functional and elegant, this all-purpose convertible pushchair features a cognac hand-stitched leather-look handlebar and carry handle. It comes with a blue-grey outer fabric, casual grey jersey lining and elegant leather details on the sun canopy. The pushchair also has a large underseat basket (that can hold up to 10kg) in the same blue-grey outer fabric to store all your goods.

Unique to this Bugaboo Donkey Weekender is the new detachable side luggage bag that can be used independently. The zipper keeps all of your personal belongings out of sight and safe. The bag also has magnetic buttons that can enlarge the volume of the bag if necessary (up to 10kg). At just 60cm wide, the Bugaboo Donkey Weekender in the mono configuration is only 1 cm wider than the iconic Bugaboo Cameleon³. It can easily pass through all standard doorways and manoeuvres effortlessly through aisles. The pushchair can also be converted in style from a mono to a full side-byside duo or twin pushchair with the limited-edition duo and twin extension sets. The Bugaboo Donkey Weekender is available worldwide for a limited time only.

Warm up for winter

Keep your child warm, cosy and protected during harsher weather. When the temperature drops and the hats and scarves start to make an appearance, it may also be time for a pushchair update. Just like a winter wardrobe, a pushchair will need a slight update depending on the seasons. Luckily Bugaboo has selected its best performing and always stylish accessories to help parents and their little ones through the impending cold weather. Keep the little ones warm while adding a pop of colour to your pushchair with a Bugaboo (highperformance) Footmuff, or go for natural comfort with any of the Bugaboo Wool Accessories; including a blanket in three new colours made from the softest Merino wool.

Don’t let the elements stop you from exploring with these specially selected accessories.

Bugaboo Footmuff £94.95

Bugaboo High Performance Footmuff £149.95

Bugaboo Soft Wool Blanket £89.95

Products are from selected retailers and on www.bugaboo.com, check your local retailer via the retail locator for availability. OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6 3 5


Five ways to look gorgeous

During Your Fit Pregnancy


o……you’ve made a commitment to a healthy, active pregnancy, well done! Your choice to stay fit is a positive move for both you and your baby. Fit Mammas-tobe are likely to suffer less from pregnancy niggles and discomforts, sleep better, have an easier delivery and recover more quickly after the birth. Research has shown that babies born to women who exercise are less chubby at birth, learn more quickly and are more likely to enjoy the fitness habit themselves as they approach adulthood. Staying fit is also the best way to ensure you feel good and look gorgeous as your pregnancy progresses. Maternity fitness experts FittaMamma share their top five tips to ensure you look your best when you exercise. 1. Support is all important when you exercise during pregnancy. Whether you’ve maintained your gym membership, you’re still running regularly or have joined a prenatal exercise class, holding your baby bump securely will give you the confidence to continue. The FittaMamma High Support top works like a sports bra for your bump, lifting and holding the weight for maximum comfort during any high impact activity. 2. Whilst some Mammas-to-be are perfectly happy to bare their blossoming bump most women feel more comfortable if their tummy stays under cover when they exercise. Choose a top that won’t ride up if you stretch up. This deceptively simple yoga top has a longer length and curved

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hem so it gently hugs your baby bump without riding up and exposing everything to the world! 3. You don’t want your leggings to fall down when you bend down. Wearing leggings that don’t fit properly, or weren’t designed for pregnancy exercise often means a constant hitch up so they stay up. FittaMamma leggings come in a choice of styles - long, medium, short or straight legs. What they have in common is a super stretchy, supersupportive waist panel that comes right up over your baby bump or can be folded down underneath. For maximum comfort you’ll find they support your lower back as well. 4. That pregnancy glow isn’t just an old wives tale – there’s up to 50% more blood circulating in your body during pregnancy giving your skin that gorgeous radiant look. Regular cardio exercise will strengthen your heart to keep the extra blood circulating but make sure you don’t get too hot when you work out. Keep a bottle of water handy and wear exercise gear that includes moisture wicking technology to keep you fresh and cool. 5. If you’re proud of your fit pregnancy – flaunt it! Jaunty tops with slogans let people know you’re exercising because it’s good for you and good for your baby too. It also avoids any doubt if your fellow gym buddies think

you’re trying to work off a few extra pounds without knowing the real reason for your expanding waist line. For more ways to look gorgeous during your fit pregnancy and to purchase any of the fitnesswear shown, visit www.fittamamma.com. The website also has heaps of advice about ways to stay fit, trimester specific workouts, guidance about pregnancy nutrition and some tempting, healthy recipes too! Clockwise from top left: Pregnancy yoga top and supportive maternity capris; Pregnancy workout support top and supportive maternity exercise leggings; ‘Fit Baby’ pregnancy workout support top.; High Support maternity exercise top and three-quarter capris with moisture wicking content for freshness; Maternity yoga top (available with or without the ‘Me & My Baby’ message) and yoga pants; All clothes available from www.fittamamma.com. Prices from £29.99.



for busy mums By Abi Jackson



Yoga aficionados are well aware of its power to It’d be easy to think a short walk isn’t worth the both calm and revive, and even taking a short effort, but don’t underestimate the power of taking a time-out to practice a few moves could prove quick breather - in every sense of the word. Staying transformative. “If there’s one thing I can fit and healthy is so much easier if we make moving encourage all mums to do, it would be a little yoga. around just a regular part of every day, but even the It is so readily available - all you need is a little space short burst of physical activity, coupled with filling - and incredibly effective for head, heart and body,” your lungs with fresh air, the change of scenery and says psychologist and yoga teacher Suzy Reading the chance to switch off, think and reboot the mind, (suzyreading.co.uk), also mum to five-year-old could work wonders for stress levels. Charlotte and 18-month-old Teddy. “Stretching out releases physical tension, and (for mums with TIME FOR TEA young kids especially) having that tool kit they can Far more than merely a means for staying hydrated, turn to helps to get self-care on the agenda, and an the simple act of making tea can serve as a muchawareness of how important it is that they nourish needed pause in a demanding day. Choose a tea that themselves. Yoga’s the perfect tonic for lack of taps into your needs and moods for extra benefits. sleep and the relentless nature of motherhood,” If you need to keep your energy high, jasmine tea Reading adds. “It also opens up the body to is a good choice, and chamomile is the all-time best receive a more complete breath (which calming and soothing tea; almost sedative in its helps achieve a relaxed state of mind). effect. Try a few mountain breaths and feel the positive effect on your outlook and quality Staying fit and healthy is so much easier if of mind.” we make moving around just a regular part of

every day


Struggle to truly tune out? Maybe tuning in is the answer - lots of experts agree that learning the art of meditation can take time - and effort. If you’re not ‘there’, how about taking a musical-mediation break? Either put on the stereo or pop some headphones in, lie or sit down, close your eyes and let your senses completely engage with the sounds. Breathing more slowly and deeply will come more naturally, meaning a greater sense of relaxation throughout the day. 3 8 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6


3 of the best... wellbeing-boosting bath salts Westlab Calming And Relaxing Magnesium Flakes It’s believed that lots of us are low in magnesium. As well as being soothing for a range of dry skin conditions, adding these magnesium flakes to your bath can help counteract modern-life stress, helping your prepare for a restful and reviving night’s sleep. £8.99 (westlabsalts.co.uk) Dead Sea Aromatherapy Bath Salts with Frankincense Soak up the legendary muscle and stresssoothing benefits of the Dead Sea from the comfort of your own bathroom. Frankincense oil and rose petals add an additional calming and luxurious touch to this timeless blend. £6.85 (www.boots.com) Himalayan Salt Natural Mineral Bathing Remedy Relaxing the mind, soothing the nervous system, detoxifying the body and aiding sleep... is there anything this wonder salt can’t do? No wonder it’s known in the Himalayas as ‘white gold’. from £5.99 (himalayansalt.co.uk)


‘Mum’s the word’

New Mum’s Fitness Package at Mandarin Oriental, London Hyde Park Mum’s the word


he Spa at Mandarin Oriental, London is honouring new mothers with an exclusive package to kick-start their post-baby fitness programme. Celebrity personal

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trainer, Ruben Tabares, shares his secret training regime in Mum’s the Word, a fitness package that will help tone any body in just 4-6 weeks. With extensive expertise in nutrition and fitness,

Priced £500 for 4 hours 50 minutes, and includes: • 1 hour 30 minute private assessment and training with Ruben who customises each session to the needs of the mother, using biochemical analysis. • Training program designed to strengthen the body, with nutritional guidance for both mother and child. • 1 hour 20 minute Body Lift and Sculpt treatment to contour and improve appearance of cellulite with immediate visible results. • 50 minute Detox Massage developed by the Spa team that focuses on areas of concern using natural essential oils of Juniper, Siberian Pine, Mandarin and Amyris to effectively stimulate circulation, energise and tone the body. • Choice of two 50 minute body wraps: Nourish and Firm Body Wrap intensely hydrates and firms the body using the powerful antioxidant benefits of cranberry; or the Detoxify Body Wrap combines unique Siberian Ginseng, Birch and Green Tea to flush stagnant toxins from the body. Both finished with the Firming Cream by Russie Blanche.

Blending sumptuous guestrooms with a world-leading spa and a stylish bar it is the definitive destination for a luxury escape. and a father himself, Ruben understands fully how important good health is to a new mother. Combining body strengthening with diet guidance produces fast track results promises Ruben. “With dedication to the right fitness and nutrition, I can promise visible results in 4 to 6 weeks,” he says.


With bustling Knightsbridge on its doorstep and

leafy Hyde Park at its rear, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park is London’s most prestigious address. Blending sumptuous guestrooms with a world-leading spa and a stylish bar, it is the definitive destination for a luxury escape. And with two award-winning restaurants including Bar Boulud, London and Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, the first London restaurant for one of the UK’s most renowned chefs, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park stands at the culinary centre of the capital.


For further information, contact the fitness team directly on 020 7838 9888 or email molon-wellbeing@mohg.com ••••• For further information please visit www.mandarinoriental.com/london/luxury-spa OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6 4 1



Baby to Toddler –

The shopping event for modern parents 19th & 20th November 2016, ExCeL London


efore we know it Christmas The Show is a natural progression will be upon us and thanks to from the hugely popular Baby Show 19 & 20 the organisers of The Baby with a greater focus on toddlers and Show they have got your gift preschool children (but not forgetting november shopping sorted! babies too!) There will be over 100 2016 This autumn comes a new event exhibitors, including Peppermint, the entitled ‘Baby to Toddler,’ a two day event’s main retail partner and a Feeding shopping event for modern parents. Area sponsored by MAM. Created for expectant parents and parents Categories available to buy will include but of children aged 0-4, the event will give not limited to: Prams & pushchairs • Buggies & them access to exclusive offers and deals strollers • Nursery furniture & furnishings • Toys

Created for expectant parents and parents of children aged 0-4, the event will give them access to exclusive offers and deals from all the big brands from all the big brands and names you know and trust, as well as not-on-the high street boutique brands, all under one roof. The one-stop-shop for everything parents need for their little ones, it’s a fantastic shopping event to make their lives easier and comes just in time for Christmas shopping.

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• Clothing • Feeding equipment • Car seats • High chairs • Travel • Financial services • Healthcare & wellbeing • Books • Gifts • Bathing & changing • Accessories • Carriers • Safety & security • Maternity • Educational services • Family and legal services •Baby and toddler activity classes • Outdoor furniture Alongside the shopping stands there will also be a KidZone where children will be given the chance to try toys out before you buy them, guaranteed to keep them entertained for hours! Once you’ve wrapped up all your shopping there will also be family advice on hand from selected exhibitors where experts will be available to give legal and monetary advice, educational support, information on toddler classes, advice on nursery placements and holiday recommendations for the whole family.

Susanne Rauberger, Baby to Toddler Show Manager says: “After running The Baby Show for 14 years it’s a natural progression for Clarion Events to host the Baby to Toddler Show at ExCeL, London and we’re so excited to be launching it this November. Whereas The Baby Show caters for expectant parents and babies aged up to a year, our new Show will focus more on toddlers with endless gifts and essential items to treat your little one too. Just in time for the 25th December we’re hoping to make your Christmas shopping that little bit easier this year.” THE DETAILS

The Early Bird ticket price is £6 while onthe-door tickets cost £12. For more information on visiting the Baby to Toddler event please visit www.BabyToToddlerEvents.co.uk ••••• Opening times: 9.30am – 5.30pm on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th November. ••••• Venue: ExCeL London, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London E16 1XL.


There’s ‘snow’ reason

not to book a family ski holiday Tots to Travel introduces hassle-free family ski holidays for parents with young children


any parents might consider a ski holiday with young children to be a particularly daunting and unrealistic prospect; from the monumental organisation involved, to concerns about what to do with the kids whilst they ski, there’s a myriad of obstacles that put parents off heading to the sparkling slopes. Child friendly holiday experts Tots to Travel feel differently however- their new range of unique family ski holidays seek to provide the stress-free family ski holiday experience that parents have been searching for. “If you’re planning on skiing with children, you should only ever book a family ski resort” says Wendy Shand, Founding Director of baby and toddler-friendly holiday company Tots to Travel. Wendy believes that family ski holidays CAN be accessible to parents with young children, as long as they book a genuinely child friendly ski resort. Tots to Travel’s recent additions of French ski resorts Les Menuires, Les Gets and La Plagne 1800 have all been handpicked with families in mind, plus they have been rigorously inspected and perfected for families, with only the very best child-friendly resort chalets are permitted on the site. The super hassle-free

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resorts are also packed with family activities and are designed to be fun for all ages and ski abilities. Fully equipped with essential key baby and toddler items which range from sterilisers to allterrain buggies, the luxurious family friendly chalets at these fabulous child-friendly resorts also offer a wide range of flexible in-chalet childcare options, plus include generous catering so that parents really do have the chance to unwind, knowing everything is taken care of. The chalets are also all situated centrally, to alleviate the pains of trekking across the resort with impatient little ones and all their crucial paraphernalia. Best of all, the chalets are also perfect for parents who are concerned about leaving their littlies as they go off to ski; with masses of fabulous activities for kids to enjoy such as snowman competitions and messy play, colourful in-chalet playrooms, child ski schools and child-friendly ski runs, excellent qualified childminders and more, there’s non-stop fun for kids to enjoy whilst parents are free to guiltfree ski as much as they’d like to! Non-skiers will also find plenty of entertainment at these family friendly resorts, with a wide range of exciting winter activities available such as husky sleigh rides, ice skating, spa visits, hot air ballooning, tobogganing, an ice sculpture grotto and much more, varying by resort. It’s worth mentioning that Tots to Travel have gone one step further by offering to also organise

all the ski lessons, childcare, ski passes, equipment hire and more for families so that parents really can enjoy a hassle-free holiday. With a price that also includes flights and transfers, booking a family ski holiday through Tots ensures that parents are not only selecting a genuinely child friendly holiday but also a stress-free holiday, where all the little extra details are already taken care of. To add a final flourish, when families book a family ski holiday through Tots to Travel they will receive EXCLUSIVE Tots extras, such as free children’s ski and boot hire per every adult who hires skis/boots at the time of booking. These unique extras establish Tots to Travel as a frontrunner when it comes to providing genuinely child-safe, stress-free and blissful family ski holidays; in fact, booking a completely suitable family ski holiday has never been so simple for parents! THE DETAILS For more information on Tots To Travel’s unique collection of hand selected, inspected and perfected baby and toddlerfriendly family holidays, visit: www.totstotravel.co.uk or call our team of family travel experts on: 0800 014 2770. Facebook: TotstoTravel Twitter: @Totstotravel.


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gucci kids


he prestigious and hugely glamorous Italian brand that is Gucci is without a doubt one of the world’s most iconic fashion houses; known for their luxurious and timeless products worldwide and a famous following from movie stars to royalty. Few fashion houses can boast as much mystique as Gucci. This storied Florentine company, founded in 1921 by Guccio Gucci, the brand blends Italian savoir-faire, leather crafting, equestrian influences and the iconic double G logo for a unique aesthetic that is adored by numerous VIP fans. Gucci has long been inspired by distinguished women of beauty – actresses, princesses and socialites. The brand have honed more than 100 years of experience to create exquisite collections of the most impeccable quality. Elegant and refined, fashion according to Gucci is ripe with an air of luxury. And in 2011, Gucci extended their highly respected, luxury brand to include designer clothes for children, creating exquisitely crafted collections made from the finest quality fabrics and materials - attention to detail, design and exceptional textiles - Gucci Kids is loved for its luxurious Italian styling. Discover their collection of Gucci boys, girls and baby – perfect for a fashion-forward generation. The collection for girls and boys is divided into two age ranges, from 0 to 2 years and from 2 to 8 years, and comprises clothing, shoes, accessories, gifts and sunglasses. Welcome to a children’s wardrobe that is 100% Italian…. THE DETAILS London Sloane Flagship 18 Sloane Street, London SW1X 9NE Tel: 0207 235 6707 ••••• Gucci London Heathrow Airport T2 Hounslow Departure Lounge T2 Heathrow, TW6 3XA Tel: 0208 976 7790 www.gucci.com ••••• Harrods 87-135 Brompton Road Knightsbridge, SW1X 7XL www.harrods.com

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Denim single breasted jacket with shearling and mixed patches, £1,080; Booties in silver leather with star and lightening pattern, £260; Red cotton blend tights, £55

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BOY: Margarine, red and green tartan wool padded biker, £485; Sand cashmere long sleeve crew neck with ‘l’aveugle par amour’ and bird patch, £370; Denim pants with mixed embroideries, £350; Red and ivory striped alpaca wool blend hat with snake detail, £160; Slip-on sneakers in tartan fabric with mixed patches, £170 GIRL: Relish, red and bone tartan wool silk single breasted coat with flower trim, £515; Red and navy merino wool, silk and cashmere short sleeve dress with lurex web, £295; Midnight blue and red striped wool hat with pompom, £120

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Caspian cotton corduroy single breasted jacket with red bee and star embroidery, £485; Dimmet and red cotton short sleeve shirt, £145; Cobalt and red merinos cashmere long sleeve cardigan with pied de poul jacquard and web, £260

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Dark green bottle wool hat with monster details, £120; Sky blue pin dots fil coupé cotton long sleeve shirt with cotton poplin collar and cuffs, £160; Black, flare and holly tartan wool single breasted jacket, £370; Black, flare and holly tartan wool bermudas, £220; Red wool silk knee high socks with web, £50; Lace-up booties in black leather with brogue details and web, £260; Beige ebony and blue GG supreme messenger with dog patch, £370

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Swedish Children´s fashion brand, Gardner and The Gang’ s Halloween capsule collection ‘Hello Pumpkin’ has been exclusively created for Harrods.


he collection is perfect for all fun loving children and parents that want to celebrate Halloween that little bit extra – forget ghoulish and think more fashionable Halloween outfits! The garments carry a strong, Scandi influence, and are created by Graphic De­signer Kristin Nyström. Living in Singapore, Kristin designs comfortable fashion pieces that are ideal for playtime. All of the colourful prints that adorn each piece are hand drawn by Kristin herself.

The garments carry a strong, Scandi influence, and are created by Graphic De­signer Kristin Nyström The collection consists of six key pieces, from pumpkin printed sweater dresses, bat print joggers and slogan adorned ‘Hello Pumpkin’ sweaters, the collection is priced from £39.95, available in 1 – 10 years and is available at Harrods now. Gardner and the Gang’s adventure started in 2012 when Kristin created the first hand drawn characters, the Love Skull and Helmut the Flamingo. In the later collections, Conrad the Camel, DJ Dreams and Urban the Turban Loving Guy all made their appearance. All of the characters hold a warm personality and they all carry the same message which they hope translates to children and parents alike. “I get my inspiration from my trips and adventures all over the world and the aim is to normalise all humans, animals and cultures to our children. No one is born into prejudice. We are all in this together and everything would be so much better if we could all just accept each other for who we are. Hello Pumpkin is made with children in mind. I want them to feel comfortable and fashionable at the same time.” Kristin Nystrom, Creative Director, Gardner and the Gang. The Hello Pumpkin collection is available on the 4th floor, in Mini Fashion Lab in the Childrenwear department. 5 8 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6



ini Harrods is the action-packed club that has been specially created for children between the ages of 2 and 10 years and their parents, coming with a whole world of friends and benefits. As a member, your child will get to know their book-loving bear Oska-Poska Doolittle and all his friends who live in The Toy Kingdom. Meanwhile, you will be one of the first to find out about events, competitions, exclusive offers, new ranges and special activities that happen in the Toy Kingdom and Childrenswear. All Mini Harrods members will receive: • A Mini Harrods membership card, which unlocks a whole new world of exciting treats and benefits, plus lets kids earn points every time it’s used (just like a Harrods Rewards card).* • Invitations to fun events, from storytelling to face painting, art and crafts sessions to treasure hunts and much more. • Entry into exciting competitions to win fabulous prizes. • Birthday greetings from Oska-Poska and friends on their special day • And the fun isn’t just for the kids – parents can also enjoy special privileges including: • Monthly e-newsletters that keep you up to date with all that’s on trend for kids, from the latest childrenswear trends to what’s new in The Toy Kingdom.

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• Mother’s and Father’s Day celebrations for both parents and children to enjoy. • Exclusive in-store offers for all the family. How can I join Mini Harrods? It is really easy to join – you just need the following: • A Harrods Rewards card • A Harrods Account • One or more children aged between 2 and 10 years

As a member, your child will get to know their book-loving bear Oska-Poska Doolittle and all his friends who live in The Toy Kingdom THE DETAILS If you are a parent or guardian, follow the instructions on www.harrods.com/miniharrods to register your child today ••••• Harrods 87-135 Brompton Road Knightsbridge, SW1X 7XL ••••• Follow on Twitter - #MINIHARRODS Facebook.com/Harrods


From 12-5pm on the hour for half an hour, Mini Harrods will be hosting a Halloween themed storytelling session for all the family to enjoy. Extracts from a number of classic ghostly and ghoulish tales will be read in a typically spooky setting. Alongside the readings, a face painter will be on hand to transform little ones into their favourite Halloween characters. Reading Room, Third Floor, The Toy Kingdom


Halloween at Create your own spooky-faced jack-o-lantern under the watchful eye of their devilishly-good carving experts, Celebrate Fright Night in spooktacular fashion with Fortnum’s exclusive Halloween collection of witching hour Hampers, Chocolates, Sweets and ohso-tempting Biscuits. Everything one would need for an unique and memorable Halloween experience can be found here….


Make your party a scream and turn your home into a Halloween spooktacular with their host of frightful accessories and gloriously spooky decorations.


This Halloween, lift the lid on Something Wicked – Fortnum & Mason’s limited edition black and orange wickers are filled to bursting with ghoulishly good treats, hair-raising spirits and a host of deliciously sinful surprises... www.fortnumandmason.com


ounded on the same site in 1707, Fortnum & Mason is a unique and beautiful store. Fortnum’s is renowned as purveyors of fine foods, hampers, teas and wine. It has five restaurants, from an awardwinning wine bar to the funkiest ice cream parlour. Fortnum’s is a theatrical oasis in the middle of Mayfair. This Halloween, take your family to Fortnum & Mason, and enjoy the spooky delights that are available instore for your children…

Pumpkin Carvings at Fortnum’s - Children’s Workshops This Halloween, join Fortnum’s for a half-term Pumpkin Carving event for all ages at their Piccadilly store.

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Create your own spooky-faced jack-o-lantern under the watchful eye of their devilishly-good carving experts, and stake a claim for one of the Best Pumpkin prizes at each session. Classes are for children aged 5+. Children aged 5-8 years must be accompanied by their parents supervision Places are limited to 20 per class, and tickets cost £20 plus booking fee. Book early to avoid disappointment, then indulge in something wicked in The Parlour and explore the develishly delicious things at Fortnum’s before it’s too late Separate morning and afternoon sessions: Tues 25th October, 11am-1pm & 2.30pm-4.30pm Wed 26th October, 11am-1pm & 2.30pm-4.30pm Thurs 27th October, 11am-1pm & 2.30pm-4.30pm



shoes easy, in a multitude of colours, patterns and textures. Tabs create extra room for high insteps and accommodate for orthotic inserts, giving children maximum control over the look and feel of their shoes, encouraging expression and creativity for kids with a practical purpose parents love. “It’s all about putting kids first” says Ringholz, “and bringing out the kid in all of us.” www.goplae.co.uk

With the help of orthopaedic specialist Dr Mark Weiss, PLAE was created with a multitude of creative and practical features


LAE shoes are a kids shoe innovation. Created by Ryan Ringholz, ex creative from puma, diesel and new balance. PLAE were designed to perform to the same high standard as professional athletes shoes. Following the natural contour of small feet, PLAE’s specially engineered sole is ultra-flexible and light

weight for comfort. Allowing feet to grow healthily and naturally. With the help of orthopaedic specialist Dr Mark Weiss, PLAE was created with a multitude of creative and practical features, making them suitable for children with or without special orthopaedic needs. PLAE Shoes’ wide toe boxes, removable insoles and flexible construction make them easy to fit a number of orthotic inserts and braces. PLAE shoes are manufactured in a solar powered, fair labour factory using recycled milk jugs, water based glues as well as offering vegan options within the core range. PLAE feature the ability to interchange Velcro straps called tabs. Tabs make customising PLAE


Host the ultimate kids

Dream Sleepover party at Hamleys ‘fantasy’ beds which encourage a child’s imagination as well as providing the highest in quality comfort. The fantasy beds can also be customised with personalised artwork by celebrity artist Annie Newman. Her former clients include Dennis Bergkamp and The Beckhams. Amanda Gama said “The beds are considered to be soothing and stunning pieces of artwork, tapping into a child’s inner imagination and dreams. In this way, the beds are not only beds, but can be a child’s house, fire engine, princess castle or a playhouse – the possibilities are endless.” Hamleys is the first major retailer to partner with the fantasy bed brand. Hamleys Regent Street holds over 100 private events each year, with only 20 spaces available throughout the year for a Dream Sleepover. The toyshop has numerous celebrity fans - Mariah Carey, Angelina Jolie and Jessica Alba are just a few names known to visit the Regent Street store.


or parents looking to throw a one-ina-lifetime kids party – Hamleys, the Finest Toyshop in the World is offering parents the chance to host a Dream Sleepover in partnership with luxury ‘fantasy bed’ maker MiSuenos Kids. For one special night, the whole store belongs to your child and their friends. From a red carpet arrival, guests will enjoy a VIP store tour and treasure hunt, a full photography package as well as a host of entertainment, from magicians to face painting. As well as having exclusive hire of the whole Hamleys store, the lucky birthday boy or girl will have an equally magical place to sleep. The child will be able to choose one of three incredible ‘fantasy’ beds by MiSuenos. Arsenal midfielder Santi Cazorla’s five-year-old son Enzo will be the first lucky child to host a new Dream Sleepover at Hamleys on Regent Street - and be the

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first to sleep in one of the beds overnight. Santi Cazorla said: “It really is a dream come true for our son to have a Dream Sleepover party at Hamleys – he’s so excited to spend the night at his favourite toy shop with his friends. Enzo has already asked us for a bespoke MiSuenos Kids castle bed for his birthday next year, we’ll see what we can do!” Guests will also enjoy a trip to Gordon Ramsay’s Heddon Street Kitchen and get creative at the DIY ice cream bar. The party will be treated to a special visit from Hamley Bear himself – and enjoy the fun of a late night ‘midnight feast’ and a special themed birthday cake. All guests will also receive a luxury goody bag to take home. London-based designer Amanda Gama who set up MiSuenos has created bespoke beds for children of England and former Arsenal midfielder Jack Wilshire and Arsenal’s Olivier Giroud. Designed to be ‘more than just a bed’, Misuenos Kids create bespoke

THE DETAILS For more information on birthday parties at Hamleys or to make an enquiry, visit: http://www.hamleys.com/ explore-birthdays.irs ••••• Hamleys, Regent Street, London W1B 5BT www.hamleys.com


Happy 9oth Birthday,

We will be friends until forever, just you wait and see. – Pooh


innie-the-Pooh is the world’s most famous bear, and has been beloved by children around the world for 90 years - with October 2016 marking 90 years since his first publication and arrival in the Hundred Acre Wood. With a rich storytelling heritage, the adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends represent friendship, simple joys and the curious and gentle nature of a child’s imagination.

rabbit medium soft toy, £14.99, disney store www.disneystore.co.uk

kanga medium soft toy, £14.99, disney store www.disneystore.co.uk

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So how and where was Winnie-the-Pooh born?

On 24th August 1914, Harry Colebourn, a veterinarian on his way to care for soldiers’ horses in World War I, came across a female baby bear which had been tied up by a hunter at a train station. Harry rescued the bear and named her Winnipeg (after his hometown in Canada), or Winnie for short. The bear became the mascot for the Canadian Army Veteran Corps, before travelling miles over land and sea, to finally reside in England. When the time came to fight in France, Harry decided that the war wasn’t safe for Winnie. So on 9th December 1914, Harry took her to London Zoo, where she met A. A. Milne’s son, Christopher Robin Milneii. In 1921, Christopher Robin Milne received an 18in-high Alpha Farnell teddy bear, bought from Harrods for his first birthday, from A.A. and Daphne Milne. This bear was given many names including Mr Edward Bear, Big Bear and Teddy Bear. After meeting Winnie the bear in London Zoo, the teddy was renamed Winnie. The name Pooh originated from Christopher Robin who, at the age of one, called a swan ‘Pooh’, ‘a very fine name for a swan’ The setting for Pooh and his friends’ home was created when the Milne family bought Cotchford Farm in Hartfield, a Sussex village, in 1925. It was on Christopher Robin’s regular exploration trips with his Nanny, that he discovered the landmarks of the World of Pooh. The forest, referred to as Hundred Acre Wood (also named 100 Aker Wood),

found inspiration from Ashdown Forest, which cradled Milne’s farmhouse. This forest, officially called 500 Acre Wood, was later visited by artist E.H. Shepard, whose sketches realistically captured the beauty of the Sussex countryside. And in 1926, the A.A. Milne books were born. Pooh is naive and slow-witted, but thoughtful, and steadfast. Pooh is very fond of food, especially “hunny” and when he visits friends, though intending to give Eeyore a pot of honey for his birthday, Pooh cannot resist eating the honey on his way to deliver the present, and so instead gives Eeyore “a useful pot to put things in!” When he and Piglet are lost in the forest during Rabbit’s attempt to “unbounce” Tigger, Pooh finds his way home by following the “call” of the honeypots from his house.

tigger medium soft toy, £14.99, disney store www.disneystore.co.uk

20” winnie-the-pooh 90th anniversary soft toy, £29.99, available at clintons and harrods

Winnie-the-Pooh If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. – Pooh

and Winnie-the-Pooh Walt Disney’s daughters, Diane and Sharon, were big fans of Winnie-the-Pooh. As children, Disney would read these timeless stories to his daughters, which inspired him to share them with children around the world. A.A. Milne, always a fan of Disney’s work, was honoured by Disney’s interest to animate his stories. It was on 16th June 1961 that Daphne Milne (A.A. Milne’s wife) sold the film rights to Walt Disney. Hyphens in the character’s name were dropped by Disney when the company adapted the Pooh stories into a series of features that became one of its most successful franchises.

Disney Films (1966 – 2011)

Following the acquisition of Winnie-the-Pooh, the original idea was to develop a feature-length animated film. On further discussion Walt Disney decided the adventures of the wellknown bear would instead be broken down into short featurettes. 1966: Winnie the Pooh and the Honey-Tree, Disney’s translation of the chapters Winnie-thePooh and Some Bees and Pooh Goes Visiting, from Winnie-the-Pooh was released 1968: Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day was released. This second featurette was based on the chapters Piglet is Entirely Surrounded by Water, Christopher Robin Gives a Party and Piglet Meets a Heffalump, which were all taken

from Winnie-the-Pooh, and the chapters Tigger Comes to the Forest, Piglet Does a Very Grand Thing and Eeyore Finds the Wolery, which were all taken from The House at Pooh Corner 1974: Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too was released. This third featurette was based on the chapters Tigger is Unbounced and Tiggers Don’t Climb Trees, which were both taken from The House at Pooh Corner. By this time, Winnie-the-Pooh had become a household name. 1977: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, the combined story of all three featurettes was released. The film, which also included the chapter An Enchanted Place from The House at Pooh Corner was Disney’s 22nd feature-length animated film. 1983: Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore was released. This featurette was the Disney translation of the chapter Eeyore has a Birthday, taken from Winnie-the-Pooh, and the chapter Pooh invents a New Game, taken from The House at Pooh Corner 1988 - 1991: Cartoon series, The New Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh aired. In the UK, the series aired from 2000 to 2011 on Playhouse Disney (now Disney Junior) 1997: Disney released Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin, a follow on from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh


To celebrate 90 years of two much-loved British icons, Winnie-the-Pooh and the Royal Birthday was released as a brand new illustrated and audio adventure, narrated by Oscar winning actor Jim Broadbent and available for free at www.Disney. co.uk/WinnieRoyalBirthday This brand new story has been specially written to celebrate the official 90th birthday celebrations of Her Majesty The Queen, and also Winnie-the-Pooh’s 90th anniversary. With Her Majesty The Queen and Winnie-the-Pooh both celebrating 90 years, it only seemed fitting that these two much-loved British icons should finally meet! Step into the unforgettable journey of Pooh and his friends as they travel from the Hundred Acre Wood to London, to deliver their thoughtful 90th birthday presents to The Queen. From riding on an open-top red bus, to taking in the sights including Trafalgar Square and Buckingham Palace, your family can enjoy Pooh’s latest adventure by downloading Winnie-the-Pooh and the Royal Birthday here. OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6 6 7


A Winter Adventure WITH WINNIE-THE-POOH AT MANDARIN ORIENTAL HYDE PARK, LONDON About Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London

With bustling Knightsbridge on its doorstep and leafy Hyde Park at its rear, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park is London’s most prestigious address. Blending sumptuous guestrooms with a world-leading spa and a stylish bar, it is the definitive destination for a luxury escape. And with two awardwinning restaurants including Bar Boulud, London and Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, the first London restaurant for one of the UK’s most renowned chefs, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park stands at the culinary centre of the capital. www.mandarinoriental.com/london


andarin Oriental Hyde Park, London will be welcoming the much loved Winnie-The-Pooh to spend the winter months at the hotel, creating a funfilled Pooh Bear package in celebration of the bear’s 90th anniversary, commencing 19th October 2016. Embracing Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park’s unparalleled warmth, hospitality and service, the Pooh Bear package invites little ones to discover Winnie at one of the most iconic buildings in Knightsbridge. Families will be able to enjoy the luxury of staying in a suite and fully indulge in all Winnie-The-Pooh related activities made available.

With rates from £1,000, the Pooh Bear package includes:

• One night’s accommodation in one of our luxurious guest suites • Full English Breakfast for up to two adults and two children • Winnie-The-Pooh 30 book boxset and cuddly Winnie-the-Pooh teddy on arrival * • Buddy Bear tea in The Loggia for two adults and two children The Pooh Bear themed afternoon tea will be showcasing some treats using honey from The Hive Honey Shop, a Dickensian-styled shop offering the largest selection of English and international 6 8 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6

honeys in the country. As such, 4th generation master beekeeper and owner of The Hive Honey Shop in Battersea, James Hamill, will make a special appearance on 19 October 2016 at 4pm, and recount the story of Winnie saving the honey bees, as well as provide steps on how little ones can follow Winnie’s path and help his fury friends be part of the world’s eco-system. Alongside this special guest appearance, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London continues its collaboration with celebrity couture milliner, Emily Baxendale to create an exclusive capsule collection of five children’s headpieces - inspired by Winnie-ThePooh, Piglet, Tigga, Eyeore and Owl – which will be showcased in The Loggia and available for retail.

Terms and conditions:

The Pooh Bear package is available from 19 October 2016 to 31 December 2016 subject to availability. Rates are based on two adults and two children (under 12). For bookings or more information about the Pooh Bear package, contact reservations at Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London directly on 020 7838 2000 or via email molon-reservations@mohg.com. *A special limited edition Winnie-The-Pooh soft toy from Harrods can also be added to the ‘Pooh Bear’ package at an extra charge

Embracing Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park’s unparalleled warmth, hospitality and service, the Pooh Bear package invites little ones to discover Winnie at one of the most iconic buildings in Knightsbridge.


Elmo’s Christmas Tail by Tammy Johnston


lmo’s Christmas tail is the perfect Christmas read for adults and children alike. A family friendly tale about a kind-hearted mouse who is sent away for being different, this story will allow children to realise that just because you are different does not mean you are not special. A great Christmas time moral that allows scope for discussion between parent and child. The beautifully presented illustrations add to the

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feel of reading a wonderful, traditional Christmas fairy tale allowing children to explore the magical world that Elmo lives in. Elmo’s Christmas tail is a story that will be read time and time again, becoming a Christmas favourite alongside ‘The Night before Christmas’ and ‘The Snowman’. Tammy began writing children’s books as well as illustrating them- combining her two great loves. ‘She’s in her own little world’, is what Tammy’s

parents heard at most parents meetings and this story tells us she was. Much of her child hood was spent on a farm in Dorset surrounded by woodland and animals which have undoubtedly been the inspiration behind this tale. Tammy began writing children’s books as well as illustrating them - combining her two great loves. ‘She’s in her own little world’, is what Tammy’s parents heard at most parents meetings and this story tells us she was. Much of her childhood was spent on a farm in Dorset surrounded by woodland and animals which have undoubtedly been the inspiration behind this tale. Tammy currently resides in Wiltshire with her husband and two children. Tammy is currently writing an exciting sequel to Elmo’s adventures, titled Elmo’s Hunt for Happiness. Elmo’s Christmas Tail can be purchased online through Waterstones and Olympia Publishers. Also available at selected independent bookshops. Price: £7.99. Experience the magic online with extracts from Elmo’s Christmas Tail available to view at www.elmostail.com




in a family day out to the LEGOLAND® Windsor Resort and enjoy spook-tacular fun for the whole family! Get into the Halloween spirit as Brick or Treat returns with awesome LEGO® themed fun and games from 17-31 October and 5 November. Meet Frankie the friendly monster, Lord Vampyre and Orange Brick, take part in Halloween LEGO builds; watch our spooky puppet shows and show off your best costumes in the daily fancy dress competition. Plus on 15, 22-23, 28-29 October and 5 November don’t miss the spectacular LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ end of season fireworks shows! Join the LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ as they battle against the evil Jestro and see the skies light up in an epic pyrotechnic display! With over 55 rides, live shows and attractions, the LEGOLAND Windsor Resort is an awesome day out for the whole family www.LEGOLAND.co.uk. Enter now before the naughty LEGO ghosts beat you to it!

To enter this competition Please send an email to abi@fishmediagroup.co.uk with the title “LEGOLAND competition, and your address details. All entries must be received by 18 October 2016 at 5pm

On 15, 22-23, 28-29 October and 5 November don’t miss the spectacular LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ end of season fireworks

LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations, NEXO KNIGHTS and LEGOLAND are trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 2016 The LEGO Group.

Prize Terms and Conditions: Win a family day out at the LEGOLAND® Windsor Resort, including 2 adult and 2 child tickets. Only one entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18 or over. Entrants submitting the correct answer will be entered into a prize draw which will take place on 18 October 2016. The winner will be selected at random by e-mail. The prize consists of 2 adult and 2 child day tickets to the LEGOLAND® Windsor Resort. Any additional adults and/or children will be charged at the standard rate. If the winner elects to partake in any or all portions of his/her prize with fewer than four (4) guests, the prize will be awarded to the winner and any participating guest and any remainder of the prize will be forfeited and shall not be subject to further or alternative compensation. The prize is for one day tickets only, and not 2 Day or Annual Passes. Prizes must be used within the 2016 season and are valid until 5 November 2016. Prizes will be sent to winners by the LEGOLAND Windsor Resort by post. Any additional tickets you may wish to purchase can be booked in advance online at www.legoland.co.uk If you are using these tickets to attend on an event day please ensure that you arrive early to guarantee entry. When planning your visit, please remember to take a look at our calendar for opening dates and times. We are closed on some Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the season. Height restrictions apply on some rides. The prize is subject to the attractions normal Terms and Conditions of Entry, which can be found at https://www.legoland.co.uk/tickets-and-passes/terms-and-conditions/park/ The use of the prize is subject to availability and capacity restrictions. Not all attractions, shows and rides may be operational on the day of the visit. Height, age and weight restrictions apply on some rides. Prize consists only of one day entrance only; no other elements or expenses such as travel, car parking, meals and beverages, spending money or Q-Bot access to rides and attractions are included.All such expenses are the sole responsibility of the winner plus guests.The promoter’s decision is final and binding. No correspondence will be entered into. Unless otherwise stated the promoter is the LEGOLAND Windsor Resort.This prize cannot be taken in conjunction with any other promotion, offer, reward/loyalty program, 2 Day or Annual Pass, group booking, rail inclusive offer. Competition entry is open to all UK residents except employees and the immediate family of the LEGOLAND® Windsor Resort. There is no cash or alternative to the prizes stated, and the prizes are non-transferable.

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Half term fun

at Bocketts Farm T

his October half term at Bocketts Farm, enjoy a full packed programme of fun and freaky activities including a Quiz Trail, Creepy Craft Corner and Reptile Roadshow, where you’ll get the chance to meet awesome creepy crawlies up close! Plus, they’ll be hundreds of pumpkins on sale and amazing magic shows from the Wizard magician! Daily activities include pony rides, tractor rides, animal handling, goat milking and the famous pig racing. Don’t miss the Big Animal Barn and Small Animal Village too, where you can meet and feed all of the friendly farm animals. With a large heated indoor play barn, trampolines, pedal go karts, young driver’s area and a jumping pillow, there’s plenty to keep the whole family amused, whatever the weather! The Old Barn Tearooms serving homemade hot food and cakes, and Cow Shed Coffee Bar serving drinks and snacks are both open all day. Visit www.bockettsfarm.co.uk for more information. Adults £9.50, Children 3-17 years £9.95, Children 2 years £8.30. Open daily 10am – 5.30pm.




amleys, the finest toy shop in the world, will once again bring a family fun to Regent Street with its second annual Toy Parade on Sunday 20th November 2016. This magical experience will give families a chance to see their favourite toy characters in the world’s largest Toy Parade. In a show stopping

return that’s double the size of last characters. year, the all-day extravaganza will For the first time – well-loved characters 20 see an expected 750,000 people including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, november Ghostbusters, Bob the Builder, Barbie, visit London’s Regent Street. 2016 A cast of hundreds including Fireman Sam, Peppa Pig, Mr & Mrs Potato marching bands, dancers and toy Head and My Little Pony will be joining the vehicles will descend on Regent Street parade, with many more to be announced. along with dozens of family favourite toy The parade will start at 10.30am and finish 6pm.

MEET FATHER CHRISTMAS AT HAMLEYS From 26th November - 24th December 2016 During this group session each little guest will hear magical stories of Christmas, write their own Christmas wish list and meet Father Christmas himself, all surrounded by the finest toys in the world. Each session is 45 minutes long. Book online at http://www.hamleys.com/mfc £37.50 per child. Bookings must be made and paid for in advance. In special circumstances bookings can also be made in store. Please ask to speak to a member of the Hamleys Entertainment Team


oin Father Christmas and his lovable elves at The Finest Toy Shop in the World for fun, magic and theatre at this very special time of year. Meet Father Christmas at Hamleys is an extra special experience where your children will meet the Hamleys elves, enjoy yummy snacks, have fun with games and activities, write and post a Christmas wish list to the North Pole.. and meet Father Christmas himself! Every child will be given a balloon, a sticker and an extra special gift bag to take home.

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Hamleys, Regent Street, W1B 5BT. 10:30am – 4pm. www.hamleys.com

About Hamleys

For 255 years Hamleys of London has been The Finest Toy Shop in the World bringing magical experiences and joy to children of all ages. Hamleys rich history began with William Hamley, a Cornishman from Bodmin, England. William Hamley dreamed of the best toy shop in the world when opening his toy shop at Holborn, London in 1760. In 2015, Hamleys, as a global brand, extends significantly further than the famous London toy shop. Hamleys currently trades across 19 countries with 11 stores in the UK & Ireland and 49 international stores. In March Hamleys 2015 opened the largest toy shop in Europe, situated in Moscow, which introduces a new retail concept combining a toy shop and theme park attractions.

Unlike other swimming aids, SwimFin is multi-stroke functional. It leaves the arms completely free to learn front-crawl, back-stroke, breast-stroke and butterfly. SwimFin works for all ages and abilities: from toddlers taking to the water for the first time, all the way through to improved learners to advanced swimmers who want to develop stroke technique.

Boosting Confidence with

SwimFin www.swimfin.co.uk


Taking children shopping

can boost early development… especially at Christmas!

7 6 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6


very woman loves to shop, but having children can hold you back from strolling round the boutiques and department stores of London looking for that next luxury item. Reminiscing of the days when you were free to spend bundles of cash followed by ‘ladies who lunch’ with your friends. Taking the kids shopping can conjure up nightmare thoughts of boredom, temper tantrums, and ‘can I have this Mum?’ over and over again. But have no fear, you can turn this around to your advantage…

discernible benefits”. Children are getting visual stimulation, they’re getting out of the house and into a new environment, they’re bumping into other families where social skills come into play and they may get the chance to do something physical in a shop like run around. There does seem to be a connection between the kinds of activities that are taking place and the skills that are being developed. But this doesn’t just happen by magic, even at Christmas… The key is to engage them when you are

Children are getting visual stimulation, they’re getting out of the house and into a new environment A new study by academics from Oxford and The Open University has found that shopping actually boosts infants’ happiness levels and the development of everyday skills. Researchers said there was evidence of a “positive” link between shopping and the physical skills that children need to master in the early years. The disclosure was made as part of a large-scale analysis of parental activities and the impact they have on children. The study found that more passive activities such as watching television and looking through picture books had “no

shopping, not dragging them behind you. In between you indulging in a fashion shopping frenzy, include some visits to stores that will capture their imagination and excite them. Hamley’s is top of the list with Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park - together with department stores that offer exciting window displays, kids workshops and activities. And as we approach the festive season, there are a huge amount of family activities that can encompass your shopping trip - like ice skating – Somerset House, Natural History Museum and Westfield will all have ice rinks open from November. Taking them to see Santa at one of the many department store Grotto’s will go down very well – Harrods, Selfridges and Hamley’s to name but a few, although you will need to book these in advance. Giving your children some time to enjoy themselves will make them just a little more patient when you want to splash the cash on yourself. Besides taking the kids Christmas shopping gives you a great chance to listen and observe them, compiling their ‘Christmas Wish List’ without them realising! So next time you have the perfect excuse to go shopping with your friends, and purchase your little ones Christmas presents – in between the boutiques, hair salon and spa of course! OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6 7 7


The Yummy Mummy

Christmas Gift Guide Cheeky Chompers The ultimate chewy combination and Christmas gift READER for the little teether in your life! A stylish matching Neckerchew and Comfortchew, available in a range OFFER: SAVE of beautiful designs. The award winning Neckerchew combines the dribble bib with an attached chewy teether to soothe painful gums – fully reversible, soft and absorbent. The Comfortchew ‘blankie’ brings together baby’s favourite essentials – comforter, teether, tags and feel of their favourite teddy. Looking for a perfect stocking filler… ‘Chewy’ the lovable hippo teether is a fun, attachable, safe, sensory teething toy - the new must have for babies! To see the full Cheeky Chompers range visit cheekychompers.com For a Cheeky 10% saving here’s a voucher code for you ‘CheekyYummyMummy’


Mr Tiger Teddy Bear, £17.99


Christmas Pudding Leggings, £10

Find the perfect gift for baby’s first Christmas with our gorgeous range of baby and toddler Christmas gifts and clothes! They’re all from high quality boutique baby brands, ideal if you are looking for a special and unique baby Christmas gift. The beautiful gifts range from dressing gown boxes to baby journals, handprint kits and soft toys. READER These Christmas gifts will truly be loved! OFFER: SAVE And we have a personal gift wrapping service to make your Christmas gift wrapping a bit easier. Enter code YUM10 to get 10% off your Christmas Order! www.littlechickie.co.uk; enquiries@littlechickie.co.uk; 01279 898 490.


little impressions It’s amazing how fast they grow. What better way to create an enduring memento, preserving the uniqueness. Created by Fiona North, beautifully crafted and hand finished, they make ideal and truly personal gifts. Using a simple and quick clay moulding technique, we create unique threedimensional casts, which preserve an image of your child’s hands or feet in perfect detail forever. Ideal for any age from a few weeks old, hands, feet or combinations are available in a wide range of box frames, finishes, mounts and linings. Gift vouchers are available and special commissions such as complete family sets are welcome. We can also include first shoes, bootees, photos and memorabilia. Give a gift with a lasting impression. 020 8674 4068, 07766 101570, fionan@little-impressions.com www.little-impressions.com

2 LITTLE BOYS 2littleboys.co.uk have been producing award winning products since 2002. Founded by mother of Irish triplets, the company strives to produce designled, thoughtful unique gifts for the whole family. The jewel in their crown is the Christmas Yearbook. Simply hand around the festive dinner table as a ‘guest book’ for everyone to write a message, pop it back in its box and store with the Christmas decorations. Then rediscover every year for 25 years. A beautiful and simple way to record a family’s history in one single boxed book. Available at 2littleboys.co.uk Tel: 020 8400 3606 . 7 8 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6



MEE MEE london

Penny Scallan Design 4-Wheel Spinner will take your little one on big adventures. 100% cotton canvas coating is scratchproof, water resistant and easy to wipe clean. Extendable handle grows with your child, and 4 sturdy four wheels provided added stability. Shortlisted for Best Travel Product Over £25 in the Mother & Baby Awards 2017. www.pennyscallan.com

Let’s keep Christmas magical for children. Whether it’s vintage ride on cars or balance bikes, eco toys, baby gifts, wooden sledges, designer tableware, memory cases, stylish decor & more, at Mee Mee there’s something for all to treasure. Plus with free luxury gift boxing (as long as it fits!) you can be sure that you’ll have an extra special Christmas all wrapped up. For 10% off your Christmas order use code YUMMYXMAS. www.meemeelondon.com. Products Featured: Vilac Metal Car in white, £89.95. OYOY World Rug (135cm diameter), £59.95


win green


Win Green believe children should be encouraged to explore their imaginations through creative play, allowing them to use their creativity to develop their playing and learning skills. Bringing imagination to life, Win Green have designed an enchanting collection of Playhouses and accessories, sure to create the perfect backdrop to whatever magical tales of make-believe your little ones choose to explore! Beautifully hand-embroidered and appliqued, these gorgeous 100% cotton creations feature bright colours and imaginative detail and offer themes including the traditional Toy Shop, fun Beach House, delicate Fairy Cottage, swashbuckling Pirate Shack and enchanting Princess Castle. Perfect for that special hide-away in a delightfully themed bedroom! Win Green … making Christmas dreams come true! www.wingreen.co.uk

Baby sleeping bags are the safest way for babies to sleep ensuring a good night’s sleep for your child and peace of mind for you. Slumbersac long sleeve winter sleeping bags are perfect to keep your little one warm and snug this winter. They make the ideal Christmas gift for babies and toddlers because they are both practical and attractive! To make them extra special you can opt for name embroidery in lots of different colours. Call 01202 825081 or visit www.slumbersac.co.uk for further details.

OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6 7 9



‘The Funtastic Family Event’

comes to Excel London • Play with Playmobil • Talk turtles with the Marine Conservation Society


f you’re looking for a fabulous day out of fun with your children this half term, full of interactive challenges and exciting new experiences, then look no further! Kidtropolis, the brand new family event, is the perfect fun-filled experience for families with children aged 12 and under – all for the amazing price of just £13.50! Your all-inclusive ticket includes admission to all activities, live shows and entertainment, including… • Take to the 8.5m inflatable HelterSkelter • Meet the Optimus Prime big rig and play with TRANSFORMERS • Break Records with Guinness World Records Live! • Try your skills with Nerf Tri-strike, Zombie Strike and the Vault • Catch up with the Gorgeous Movies YouTube Family (Thursday 27th) 25, 26 & 27 • Explore Equestria on the My Little october Pony pink double decker bus 2016 • Run the enormous Boot Camp Challenge inflatable assault course • Meet the stars of The Angry Birds Movie (out on DVD October 17th) • Reach the stars on Spring Free Trampolines • Swim with a Virtual Reality whale! • Go crazy in the Gaming Marquee • See the ToyTesters.tv Awards with the Top 20 toys as voted for by children • Get creative with the Play-Doh workshop

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Plus a whole lot more from Star Monsters, Dobble, Azoomee, Reach Robotics, BopIt, Big Potato, OK play, Spiral Game, Esdevium’s Timeline, Cortex Play, Gigi Bloks, Playcolor, PopJam, Retro Gaming Marquee, Face painting, Kidesign, Balloon Besties, SAM LABS, Geomag, 8.5m inflatable Helter-Skelter, BigJigs Rail, Virtual rock-pooling, Seashore touch table and Super 11. There will be live shows and entertainment throughout, including ‘Remix the Room’ Created by No. 1 co-remixer of Lady Gaga and Rihanna, E-Bop.tv and the Bopniks. With further top secret announcements still to come, Kidtropolis is 2016’s not-to-be-missed family event.

Your all-inclusive ticket includes admission to all activities, live shows and entertainment

Ticket prices:

£13:50 online £15:50 each on the door For further information and to book tickets, please visit www.Kidtropolis.co.uk


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Quality Toys

Gifts by


lla James is a small family run company started by two sisters and named after their two eldest children Ella and James . They specialise in quality toys and gifts for children from birth to 12 yrs . The range includes canvas printed wigwams for boys and girls, wooden

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play kitchens, tool benches, traditional wooden prams, gorgeous embroidered and printed nightwear and a wonderful selection of newborn gifts . Sourced mainly in Europe the focus is on quality gifts for special occasions that will stand the test of time and be a delight to give and to receive. With Christmas fast

approaching take a look at our website which lists our Ella James customer favourites, including stocking fillers, advent calendars and Christmas gifts. You will be sure to find something for your little one. Shop : www.ellajames.co.uk Contact : 01572 759 190

Members of Please follow us on Facebook


sparkle party Add some to your child’s

Mystical Fairies is one of London’s top children’s party and event companies, and now in their 14th year, they must be doing something right!


hey offer the widest possible variety of party themes, ranging from Fairies and Princesses to Superheroes and Sports, as well as everything in between. We have seen their amazing parties with Scooby and the Mystery Inc. gang to the one where Harry Potter met Star Wars’ Luke and Leia and yes you had to be there! They cater for all ages up to teenage parties with arts and crafts, spa parties, mocktail and jewellery making, to proms and even making your own music videos!

Mystical Fairies is the obvious choice for a perfectly planned and executed event. The company prides itself on its ability to go above and beyond for their client’s needs. It doesn’t matter if you need a venue booked, decorations arranged and everything planned down to the birthday child’s shoes, or you just have a 3 year old who desperately wants to meet Tinkerbell, they have a collection of packages and options to suit you. They can provide everything from a simple entertainer to putting on the whole party or event from activities, cakes, balloons and party bags to glitter tattooists, photographers, sweetie tables and personalised decorations. Don’t let the name fool you, Mystical Fairies

can most definitely provide everything for a special birthday girl, and they certainly don’t forget about the boys. Anything from Knights and Princes to Pirates and Wizards, they will endeavour to organise an unforgettable event for your little man. As we approach the winter season, there are not just parties to be had, but all sorts of holiday activities being planned from Following the Fairies to helping out Santa in some of London’s seasonal Grottos. Sign up to the newsletter, or follow them on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to see what they are doing and where they will be. As well as organising incredible events, this wonderful company hosts many holiday classes, workshops and activities to suit a wide range of ages and personalities. As I’m sure anyone who’s been to a Mystical Fairies party will agree, these are truly special events that will create unforgettable memories for both yourself and your children. If you want whimsical or wacky or even a little bit of both, Mystical Fairies has the answer. There will be lots of sparkles and fairy dust!. They are so excited for you to experience a party, that they are offering our readers a 10% discount on any party bookings made between now and Christmas, if you quote Yummy Mummy magazine THE DETAILS www.mysticalfairies.co.uk Tel: 020 7431 1888 Instagram @mystical_fairies https://m.facebook.com/MysticalFairies

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Magical Parties with Mystical Fairies Children’s Parties • Princess Academy • Fairy School We specialise in all things Fairytale themed. We organise fabulous children’s parties for all ages and feature a huge range of character entertainers.

Contact us for the perfect party 020 7431 1888 www.mysticalfairies.co.uk


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he idea of getting away from it all at Christmas appeals to a lot of families; but what destination offers an escape from the more hectic elements of Christmas at home whilst retaining all of the fun and atmosphere of the festive season? A family skiing holiday can be a great option at Christmas. You get to enjoy time away and spend a week in the fresh mountain air, but also retain the cosy Christmassy vibe that both parents and children adore. Imagine the excitement of waking up on Christmas morning in a luxurious alpine chalet with spectacular views of the picturesque snow topped mountains. After hitting the slopes for an invigorating day of skiing (perhaps with the occasional break for a vin chaud or hot chocolate!) you can sit back and enjoy your evening beside the open fire. Family chalet specialists such as Ski Famille provide a traditional Christmas including a visit from Father Christmas and a proper Christmas tree. You will enjoy a delicious three course Christmas meal complete with crackers and a choice of wines, all prepared and served by your friendly chalet hosts. All this without you having to lift a finger; you can be on the slopes while the turkey is being stuffed and in the hot tub when the washing up is being done! Most ski resorts go to great lengths to ensure that Christmas in the mountains feels really special. In picturesque Les Gets in the vast Portes du Soleil ski area you can visit Father Christmas and his helpers in their cabin in the enchanted forest, you might even spot him doing a torchlight descent in to the village centre on Christmas Eve.

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Christmas is about spending time together as a family, but on any holiday it’s also nice to have some space to do your own thing. Booking your family skiing holiday with a specialist offering childcare will give you flexibility and freedom as well as helping children to have lots of snowy fun and make new friends. Ski Famille’s À La Carte Childcare packages are provided in the chalet you stay in, meaning no morning trudge to an impersonal crèche. Childcare options include full and half day sessions for children from 3 months to 12 years old and ski school lessons are available for children from 3 years up. The Ski Famille nannies

Ski Famille’s À La Carte Childcare packages are provided in the chalet you stay in, meaning no morning trudge to an impersonal crèche will take children to and from the slopes leaving you free to enjoy your own skiing. If you have ever thought about getting away as a family over the festive season, and a white Christmas appeals, a family skiing trip could well be the solution.

Christmas Skiing Fact Box Ski Famille Christmas chalet packages are available from £2,949 for a family of 4 for 7 nights including flights, transfers and half board accommodation. Price is based on Chalet Grand Mouflon in Les Gets on 23rd December 2016.

THE DETAILS To find out more visit www.skifamille.co.uk or call 01252 759079. ••••• Facebook: www.facebook.com/familyskiing Twitter: @skifamille


What grandparents are made of


randparents love to give their grandchildren an extra-big hug to show them how important they are - their own children are all grown up, so it gives them a boost to be around active, talkative and lively little ones. A study found the most popular things to learn from grandparents are cooking, etiquette, sewing, confidence and history.


Although ready meals frequently tend to be the modern way to eat, grandparents who were often brought up in the frugal post-war years will tend to cook from scratch, use fresher, more nutritious ingredients, and generally have a wealth of domestic knowledge to pass on to their grandchildren. Family and parenting expert Liat Hughes Joshi says: “With decades of practice in the kitchen, and many of these before the advent of supermarket ready meals, grandparents might well be dab culinary hands to enjoy informal cookery lessons from.


The survey found that more than a quarter of

Grandparents can teach their grandchildren all sorts of things, from knitting and decoupage to fun science projects and gardening. 9 4 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2 0 1 6

people have been taught etiquette by grandparents and, while manners seem less important today than they were in previous generations, there’s no doubt they still help young people go further in life. “As the saying goes, decent manners never go out of fashion,” stresses Joshi. “Chances are grandparents know a good deal about tip-top etiquette and, with that generation gap, grandchildren are less likely to get grouchy about being reminded not to chew food with their mouth open, or answer back. Make grandparents the go-to manners’ guides.”


Learning about history helps us learn lessons about how to live life in the future, and there’s no better way for children to take those lessons on board than by hearing about history from people who lived through it, like their grandparents. And while, despite some children’s suspicions, grandmas and grandpas can’t offer first-hand anecdotes about dinosaurs, many were alive in the Second World War era and will happily share invaluable memories about that time with their grandchildren. Joshi says: “They can give fascinating insights into

By Lisa Salmon

how 20th century life was when they were your age. If you want to know what people did all day before the Internet and even colour TV, you know exactly who to ask.”


Simply having the love and support of grandparents can make a huge difference to a child’s confidence and self-esteem, and Joshi explains: “Grandparents tend to see the best in their grandchildren - perhaps because they’re not living with their bad habits on a daily basis. They’re our biggest fans - who else will call their friends to boast about our achievements? And more than anything, they unconditionally adore us - what could be more confidence-boosting than that?” Grandparents can teach their grandchildren all sorts of things, from knitting and decoupage to fun science projects and gardening. They often have more time than parents, and perhaps more patience, and they seem to draw the best behaviour out of mutinous small children and monosyllabic teens, giving them more opportunities to seize a teachable moment.

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