Mayfair Life September 2012

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MUSWELL HILL THE AVENUE N10 2QE CALL 020 8482 3000 MILL HILL HALL LANE NW4 4TJ CALL 020 8457 3300 ML_Sept_ALL.indd 2

04/09/2012 10:37

Welcome to our September issue...

Welcome to our September issue... London Fashion Week is one of the highest profile fashion events in the world and one of the ‘big four’ international catwalk influencers. It is a world of celebrities and famous people, beautiful and expensive clothes and general fashion glitz. The music was loud, the costumes were as stunning as ever and the crowds were huge…it could only be the Notting Hill 2012 Carnival. The Decorative Antiques &Textiles Fair is well-known for its wide choice of period design, from fine Georgian and Regency pieces to mid twentieth century originals. The UK’s largest wedding show is shaping up to be the finest to-date with over 250 wedding experts confirmed, offering everything from flowers and favours, cakes and cars,to honeymoon hideaways and a plethora of on-trend and classic bridal gowns to complete the ultimate shopping experience. The Riding Club London isan exclusive members cluband concierge service that specialises in providing access to the finest horses, venues and instruction in London, the UK and internationally. This gives you just a small taste of exciting events & GET THIS articles featured in this month’s issue.... EDITIOn OnLInE



Faye Manning Editor


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76 Queenstown Road, Battersea. London SW8 3RY 0207 720 8311

Showroom open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm

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to provide for some of the country’s leading asset lenders. Today Fellows remains a family affair, as William’s great-great-granddaughter Jayne runs the business with her husband Stephen Whittaker, who is the Managing Director. The auctioneers now have over 80 sales a year specialising in watches, jewellery, coins and medals, silver, paintings, furniture, clocks, works of art and other collectable antiques. However, based on the number of dedicated annual sales, watches and jewellery make up by far the biggest proportion of the items they handle. Selling everything from rare collectable pocket watches and luxury modern timepieces, to parts for repair and service, Fellows has an exhaustive approach to the watch market, allowing buyers and sellers at both ends of the spectrum to find an auction that works for them (Pictured are a Rolex Navy Issue Submariner, or ‘Milsub’, from the 1970s and a modern IWC Romana Perpetual Calendar which sold earlier this year). A similar attitude is held for the jewellery sales, where a high-value modern diamond ring, is as at home as a lower value, more eclectic period piece, like this adaptable Victorian A LATE 19TH cEnTURY pearl bangle (left). GOLD cULTURED PEARL AnD DIAMOnD Ensuring this diverse range of pieces FLORAL BAnGLE. doesn’t get lost in the auction Sold for £2,300 milieu and reaches the right audience requires a careful touch. It is no surprise then that Fellows are proud of their ability to keep their growing number of sellers completely satisfied, regardless of what they consign. With the advent of this new location, Fellows hope, not only to give a better auction experience to its existing London clientele, but to encourage a new group of individuals and businesses to experience selling through a different kind of auction house; one which is unpretentious, unceremonial and well and truly in the 21st century. Only a short walk from Berkeley Square, the office will be based in the heart of Mayfair on A GEnTLEMAn’S STAInLESS STEEL Queen Street, and will be open ROYAL nAvY ISSUE ROLEx OYSTER PERPETUAL SUBMARInER WRIST WATcH, Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm cIRcA 1970. Sold for £23,000 for free valuations by Henry Fellows, the company’s origins can appointment only. ■ be traced back to the collapse of an order for bicycles. Left with this unwanted order, For more information visit William decided to sell the bikes by auction and so with the sound of striking gavel, Tel: 020 7127 4128 (By appointment only) Fellows was born. The family, who were also pawnbrokers, used auctions to sell uncollected pledges, a service they continue

fellows comes to lonDon

On Monday 3rd September, Birmingham’s foremost auctioneers and valuers, Fellows, will be opening a new office in London’s luxurious Mayfair area


hese new premises, which will be staffed by some of their most experienced specialists, will allow Fellows to establish a higher and more personal level of service for those based in and around London. In an industry which is often characterised by aloof and unfriendly staff, Fellows have carved out their corner of the sector through their down-to-earth approach to


customer service, which has made them one of the most accessible salerooms both internationally and at home. They are also something of trend-setters in their use of digital media and marketing. By harnessing easy-to-use websites for desktop and mobile devices, broad social networking, apps for smart phones and tablets, and informative videos, they have created a dynamic auction experience that matches the fast paced, digitally-driven lifestyle of today’s consumer. But this penchant for pioneering and innovation was preceded by humbler beginnings. Established in 1876 by William

xx September 10 September2012 2012

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CRANBROOK BASEMENTS B a s e m e n t D e s i g n C o n s t r u c t i o n a n d To t a l P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t

JUly 2012 page 17 cranbrook basements

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Cranbrook Basements

INNER LONDON July i39 ML_Sept_ALL.indd 11010712.indd 17 London life june.indd 29

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FS 39931

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W1 Edg

loNDoN eveNTS

THe 56TH BFI London FILm FesTIvaL 10th-21st octoBeR, vaRious cinemas acRoss lonDon


he 56th BFI London Film Festival, in partnership with American Express, is going to be bigger than ever before with an increase in the number of screenings and venues, in new parts of the capital. As part of BFI Head of Exhibition and Festival Director Clare Stewart’s new strategic direction for the Festival, this approach sees the Festival shorter in length but significantly increasing its capacity for primetime evening and weekend screenings. The new structure, alongside the recently announced new programme categories, competitive sections and enhanced Awards, is designed to give a wider audience more opportunities to take part in the Festival. More venues, more screenings, new audiences! The new 12 day duration of the Festival will give a concentrated burst of film across more boroughs of London than ever before. The important cinema going axis between the major Leicester Square cinemas (Odeon West End, Vue West End, Odeon Leicester Square and Empire) and BFI Southbank will be maintained but the Festival’s reach will be extended into four new London cinemas: ● The Hackney Picturehouse ● The Renoir in Bloomsbury ● Screen on the Green in Islington ● Rich Mix in Shoreditch The Festival will continue to screen at the ICA and will expand its use of Curzon Ma yfair, the Ritzy in Brixton, and Cine Lumiere, Kensington which will all screen films for the full duration, rather than the previous three days, of the festival. The 56th BFI London Film Festival in partnership with American Express


is delighted to announce that this year’s Festival will open on Wednesday 10th October with the European Premiere of Disney’s FRANKENWEENIE, directed by acclaimed filmmaker Tim Burton. In partnership with American Express and Disney, the Opening Night screening and red carpet will go live from Odeon Leicester Square to BFI Imax and 30 screens across the UK. The Festival will also host The Art of Frankenweenie Exhibition from 17th-21st October. FRANKENWEENIE is a heart-warming tale about a boy and his dog. After unexpectedly losing his beloved dog Sparky, young Victor harnesses the power of science to bring his best friend back to life-with just a few minor adjustments. He tries to hide his home-sewn creation, but when Sparky gets out, Victor’s fellow students, teachers and the entire town all learn that getting a new “leash on life” can be monstrous. A visually stunning black and white, stop-motion animated film in 3D, FRANKENWEENIE’s voice cast includes Catherine O’Hara, Martin Short, Martin Landau, Charlie Tahan, Atticus Shaffer, Robert Capron, Conchata Ferrell and Winona Ryder. Disney will release the film in the UK on 17th October.Tim Burton, Winona Ryder, Martin Short, Catherine O’Hara, Martin Landau, Producer Allison Abbate and Executive Producer Don Hahn are expected to attend the Festival. In a first for the BFI London Film Festival Opening Night, FRANKENWEENIE will receive a simultaneous premiere in 30 cinemas nationwide, with audiences across the UK able to enjoy footage from the Leicester Square red carpet prior to the screenings. This event is part of the Festival’s drive to reach a diverse UK audience and put the public at the heart of the festival-going

experience. The Art of Frankenweenie Exhibition captures the magic of the filmmaking process and gives audiences an exclusive glimpse into the stop-motion animation process brought to life by visionary filmmaker Tim Burton. From original sketches, to extensive props, sets and puppets, the exhibition showcases the artistic detail and vision that has gone into bringing this heart-warming tale to the big screen. There will be exciting workshop opportunities to explore the production of FRANKENWEENIE via guided tours of the Exhibit, meeting some of the talented people who made the film and trying their hand at the skills required for animation and set design. ■

The Art of Frankenweenie Exhibition will take place next door to the BFI Southbank at Southbank Centre’s Festival Village.For information on tickets see The full programme for the London Film Festival will be announced via the website from 5th September.

September 2012

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September 2012


04/09/2012 10:37

Fa s h I o n

london Fashion week preview

spRing/summeR 2013 collections fRiDay 14th - tuesDay 18th septemBeR 2012 someRset house, stRanD, lonDon wc2R 1la


ondon Fashion Week (LFW) is one of the highest profile fashion events in the world and one of the ‘big four’ international catwalk influencers. The event is organised by the British Fashion Council and funded by a number of sponsors (including principal sponsor Vodafone). It is a world of celebrities and famous people, beautiful and expensive clothes and general fashion glitz. London Fashion Week puts London and British fashion firmly on the global stage; it is estimated that orders of over £100m are placed during LFW each season. Over 5,000 visitors attend: buyers, TV & radio crews, journalists and photographers. The vibrant and internationally renowned London Fashion Week is always exciting and inspirational, and this month’s event will in no doubt prove to be just that once again, all housed under one roof in the neo-classical surrounds of Somerset House. The BFC co-ordinate an events schedule to help visitors experience London ‘the city’ as well as the showcase of British fashion design talents at LFW, presenting another unrivalled opportunity for both established designers and newcomers to present their Spring/ Summer 2013 collections. A constantly buzzing key event for those who haven’t got

the patience to wait until the latest fashion designs and stylish fashion trends make it into the fashion magazines. British Fashion Council have announced the provisional schedule of designers who will be showcasing their Spring/Summer 2013 collections at London Fashion Week this month. Returning to the show on schedule this season, are luxury brands including Temperley London, Jasper Conran, House of Holland, John Rocha, Issa London, Nicole Farhi, David Koma, Paul Smith, Matthew Williamson, Louise Gray, Vivienne Westwood Red Label, Burberry Prorsum, Jonathan Saunders, Osman and Pringle of Scotland. The British Fashion Council have also announced the names of 13 of London’s brightest emerging fashion design talents, who have been selected to receive BFC NEWGEN sponsorship, supported by Topshop, to show at London Fashion Week this month. NEWGEN, established in 1993, is the world’s most globally recognised fashion design talent identification scheme with 2012 seeing Topshop celebrating its 10th year of

NEWGEN sponsorship. Catwalk sponsorship: Michael van der Ham; J.W. Anderson; Simone Rocha Presentation sponsorship: Christopher Raeburn; J.JS Lee; Lucas Nascimento; Marques Almeida; Nasir Mazhar; Sister by Sibling Exhibition sponsorship: Palmer//Harding; Huishan Zhang; Lim Cooper; Sophia Webster All of the designers listed above will feature in the NEWGEN space of the Exhibition at London Fashion Week. NEWGEN showcases the best emerging British based fashion talent and is central to the British Fashion Council’s talent identification, designer development and showcasing programme. Since its inception, its alumni include Alexander McQueen, Giles Deacon, Jonathan Saunders, Christopher Kane, Marios Schwab, Richard Nicoll, Roksanda Ilincic, Erdem, Meadham Kirchhoff, Peter Pilotto, Mary Katrantzou, David Koma, Louise Gray and Holly Fulton. The scheme has become a key draw for the international fashion media and buyers attending London Fashion Week. The magic of London Fashion Week is not merely thanks to the fashion designers’ and fashion stylists’ cutting-edge collections but the media excitement that accompanies them. The allure of the show is exceptional and London Fashion Week continues to be the top fashion event pulling visitors from every corner of the globe. ■ For more information about London Fashion Week at Somerset House, including schedules, location, news, video and much more go to

14 September 2012

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04/09/2012 10:37

Fa s h I o n

voDafone lonDon fashion weeKenD 20th-23RD septemBeR 2012


s soon as the last model has stepped off the catwalk at London Fashion Week, Somerset House is instantly transformed into a unique 4-day designer

shopping emporium. Visitors can expect only the very best designers with exclusive collectionsand discounts from over 100 brands including Pringle of Scotland, Twenty8Twelve, French Sole and Antipodium. The ever-popular catwalk shows will take place within the official British Fashion Council space. This season, in addition to the Autumn/Winter 12 ‘Trend’ shows they will also be presenting a brand new schedule of ‘Designer Highlight’ shows, featuring some of the best British brands. Each show will feature one designer, who will be showing their seasonal collections for you to buy. The show welcomes back Caroline Flack and Zoe Hardman to present each runway, as well as a special appearance from Fashion Royalty, Hilary Alexander. The hugely popular Weekend Boutique is back and packed with more designers than


ever before - shop for bargains from fantastic British designers such as Holly Fulton, Nicholas King, Liz Black, Bill+Marr and Maria Francesca Pepe. New additions include the Shoe Space with designers such as Finsk, French Sole and Love from Australia, and an Aubin & Wills pop-up shop. Designed exclusively by Mulberry, this season’s Vodafone London Fashion Weekend tote bag is cooler than ever and jam-packed with luxury goodies from the big brand fashion & beauty sponsors. With limited stock available they are sure to fly off the shelves... The Vodafone Lounge is back and better than ever with a larger Event Space and more trend talks from fashion industry experts, beauty tips, exclusive pop-up designer shopping, which last season welcomed the likes of the wonderful Richard Nicoll. See the Lounge move to the Main Show Space with many more exciting experiences in store. Be entertained by vintage acts and top DJs. Be inspired with talks by top fashion personalities. Get your foodie fix by dining at some of London’s best restaurants and bistros including Somerset House’s resident outlets by Tom Aiken and the new restaurant from Fernandez and Wells.

ticKet pRices Customers can buy their tickets in advance of the event via see tickets: www. tickets/book-tickets. There may be a limited number of tickets available to buy on the door. However this cannot be guaranteed - it completely depends on the capacity within the venue at that time. Therefore it is strongly recommended visitors book their tickets in advance, as tickets are extremely limited. Tickets are allocated for sessions each day to reduce queuing time, control the venue’s capacity and allow you to have a more relaxing shopping experience. The session times dictate when you need to arrive/enter the event, and you can then stay at Vodafone London Fashion Weekend for as long as you need. Vodafone London Fashion Weekend is an event for those over the age of 18 ONLY. Vodafone London Fashion Weekend is not available to under 18s unless accompanied by an adult (maximum of two under 18s per adult).

vip the fashionaBle way Experience all the front row luxury and red carpet glamour of the real Fashion Pack with the Vodafone London Fashion Weekend A/W 12’s all new, most exclusive ticket yet, the FASHION VIP. Fashion VIPs will be treated to a fashion event experience like no other, with a whole host of brand new features and inclusions for the upcoming season. For further info, visit here: ■

opening times Thursday 20th September 2012: 12.30pm - 10pm Friday 21st September 2012: 11am- 8.30pm Saturday 22nd September 2012: 10am-7pm Sunday 23rd September 2012: 11am-5pm

September 2012

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F e aT U R e

champneys An elegant Sunseeker Predator, ideal for guests looking to relax in the sun or experience this motor yacht’s high-speeds (up to an impressive 28 knots) with stunning uninterrupted views ondeck. Below deck – stylish neutral tones create a bright, contemporary ambience. Interiors provide respite from the sun with a Zero Speed Stabilization system, whilst the salon leads outside to a fully equipped wet bar and BBQ area, perfect for enjoying fun in the sun. Extras include an Avon tender, two SEA DOO motor jets, a kayak, two Sea Bobs, a wakeboard, water skis and a range of other towables. Weekly charter rates start from €35,000.





ounded in Monaco in 2003, Y.CO offers clients services in sale, purchase, charter, management and construction of the world’s most exclusive vessels, starting from 28m (80ft) in length to 130m (430ft). Y.CO is a different kind of superyacht company – its founders and senior management have come from yachting backgrounds with decades of experience working on some of the largest yachts in the world. Through the experience of the senior team, Y.CO has become renowned for its pioneering approach to every aspect of yachting, including the development of its own groundbreaking yacht management software. Founders Gary Wright and Charlie Birkett also demand their staff provide incredibly high levels of service, perhaps why the


company’s client list includes royalty and some of the most influential business people and experienced yachtsmen in the world. Wright and Birkett shunned a traditional educational route to follow their passions and travel the world on board superyachts, gaining invaluable experience and an insight into the industry. Their idea for Y.CO sprang from a belief that they could create a boutique company with a global outlook that would provide both clients and captains with the reliable shore-side assistance not available at the time. Since 2003, Y.CO has maintained its boutique mentality while growing to become a global force in superyacht brokerage and management, with offices in Monaco, the UK, the USA, France, Spain and the Middle East. ■ For further details email experience@ycoyacht. com or telephone Monaco: +377 93 50 12 12 or London: +44 20 7584 1801

September 2012

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F e aT U R e cheeKy tigeR Chic, stylish and fresh following a complete exterior and interior refit, Cheeky Tiger was built for speed, without compromising on comfort. She has a stunning open top layout, sunroof and bar all of which are ideal entertaining spaces. Cheeky Tiger can accommodate up to eight guests in a full beam master cabin, a private VIP suite, two guest cabins and there is a dedicated media room. Dine under the stars, sunbathe on the upper-deck, the Cheeky Tiger crew are fully trained for all activities. Based in the Western Mediterranean, Cheeky Tiger is the perfect choice for the French and Italian Rivieras. Weekly charter rates from €60,000 per weekk

honey BeaR An excellent motor yacht for families. The 28m Honey Bear has been designed, not only as a powerful, streamlined yacht, but also with the safety of children in mind. Honey Bear can accommodate up to eight guests. She has four comfortable and versatile en-suite double cabins, two of which can be easily converted into twins as required. An outstanding crew of five are available to cater to every wish! In the western Mediterranean throughout the year, Honey Bear is easily accessible. Weekly charter rates from €45,000 a week.

galaXy Built by Italian shipyard benetti, Galaxy is a sleek 56 metre motor yacht, accommodating up to 12 guests in her inviting, contemporary interior. On boarding, Galaxy’s guests will be welcomed to the generous aft deck, where a sumptuously large built-in lounge dominates the area. Or, alternatively move up two decks further to the sundeck with forward Jacuzzi and sunpad area, an air conditioned gymnasium, exterior dining and a range of sunning lounges including a bar area, dining and snack table. Access to all four guests decks is made easy with her guest elevator and with 15 experienced crew onboard service is impeccable. The upper deck sky lounge with 180 degree views is perfect for evening entertainment including gaming tables, a fully stocked bar and even a home cinema to add to the fun. Galaxy’s six cabins feature two double staterooms and two twin cabins on the lower deck, a VIP Stateroom on the upper deck, and owner’s luxury suite on the main deck. Weekly charter rates from €255,000.

Jems It is not just the engineering of a yacht that makes it super JEMS combines an impressive top speed of 25 knots with sleek, contemporary interiors and a myriad of toys. Her distinctive design is flooded with natural light, highlighting the owner’s choice of bright colours with neutral furnishings Modern art throughout, the yacht also has all the latest audio visual equipment, including an outdoor cinema screen. JEMS toys include jetskis and seabobs, windsurfers and even a full, state-of-the-art gym. With a range of 1,000 nautical miles, JEMS is ideal for exploration and entire coastlines. JEMS can accommodate up to 10 guests in spacious suites, two of which are convertible for families travelling together, and has a crew of eight on-board. Weekly charter rates from US$195,000.

September 2012

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04/09/2012 10:38

loNDoN eveNTS

symBolic collection pResents

Ronnie Wood a R 5 a

maJoR etRospective of 0 yeaRs of RocK nD Roll

until 9th novemBeR 2012, mayfaiR, w1


ymbolic Collection is proud to announce a major new exhibition featuring Ronnie Wood artworks, and historical Rolling Stones artefacts. The show will include paintings, sketches, hand written lyrics, and guitars by Ronnie Wood, together with Symbolic’s major acquisitions of Ronnie Wood and Rolling Stones items. This complete selling show is a one-off opportunity to own a piece of Rock n’ Roll history. Symbolic Collection was founded by Bernie Chase, who has had a long life fascination with art and music. He developed a deep appreciation of Wood’s art and that together with his love for The Rolling Stones was the inspiration behind the collection. The items are from Chase’s personal collections,


with stand out exhibits including:

work largely focuses on the band members and musicians he admired and knew, family, lyrics for The Rolling Stones, Faces, The Birds close friends and self-portraits. Supporters and The Jeff Beck Group and collectors of his work include Bill Clinton, ● Guitars painted by Wood which feature rare who recently bought two of his works and drawings and lyrics Babington House entrepreneur Nick Jones. ● A range of large canvas paintings, recent Edward Lucie-Smith, internationally works which have never been displayed acclaimed art historian says of Wood: ‘Who before, will be unveiled says you have to be good at only one thing? This wonderful historical Ronnie is in the top flight collection is now available as a musician, but he’s also to celebrate this momentous a full trained artist – and it occasion in the life of Wood shows’ and the Rolling Stones. Ronnie Wood said: As well as a renowned “My two passions in life Bernie chase is a founder, musical career, Wood is are music and art, I can’t owner and curator at Symbolic a successful artist with a imagine one without the collection, one of the world’s unique spirit and passion other. Through The Stones, greatest collections of that finds inspiration from The Birds, Faces and Jeff 20th century pop culture. his musical influences. His Beck Group I’ve been Symbolic collection is based creating art, collecting in San Diego, california, and objects, pictures and maintains showrooms in memories that together new York and London. The Symbolic collection specialises provide an encounter with in underground artwork, the people who influence popular culture memorabilia me, the people I love and and artefacts and investment my own life experiences.” ■ collectibles. Symbolic’s galleries Ronnie Wood: A Major feature incredibly rare items Retrospective of 50 years that range from Elvis Presley’s of Rock and Roll at the piano from his Graceland estate Symbolic London popto pieces by R. crumb to a up showroom, until 9th collection of antique Asiatic sculptures. November, 34 Bruton Street, London, W1J 6QX. Opening times 10am – 6pm Monday – Saturday. FREE

● Original set lists and handwritten working

symBolic collection

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crown pavillion toni

INNER LONDON July21i39 010712.indd 21 ML_Sept_ALL.indd CrownPavilionFPAd.indd 1

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F e aT U R e

empoRium of wonDeRs


ver dreamed of flying to outer space and becoming an accredited astronaut? See the earth as few have seen it... British luxury shopping website is offering the trip of a lifetime on board the revolutionary Lynx space craft. For £60,000 you could become one of the first civilians travelling in space, taking a seat next to the pilot on a flight some 100km above the Earth. Training is included. is a new shopping website for men and women looking for quite literally out of this world gifts - items, big or small, which have a story to tell, or experiences which are life changing. Explains

co-founder Peter Doherty: “EmporiumOfWonders is a place of discovery where you find truly unique gift ideas that have a humanity about them. Gifting is a personal thing and this is a shopping emporium for those wishing to make other people’s dreams come true. With the Lynx space travel you get one chance to be the first, and to fulfil a childhood dream of becoming an astronaut. That is what EmporiumOfWonders is about - fantasy purchases, big or small.” Another jaw-dropping gift on the website is a luxury submarine. Join the ranks of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen and get your own u-boat such as the 213ft Phoenix, from $90m. Other gifts for women include glamorous handbags by Quentin Mackay, whose celebrity clients include Victoria Beckham and whose ‘10 Rules When Buying A Handbag’ guide is every luxury shopper’s must-have. And there is JewelWear - a new concept

in fashion where a piece of jewellery is designed into a glamorous dress so that the two become one single fashion piece - by designer Arianna Cerrito. Furniture includes the Dakota Hunter desk made from the wing tip of a WWII transport aircraft, the DC3, at £24,000, and the mirror polished Lockheed Starfighter ejection seat turned office chair for £14,060. Collector’s items include board games by Geoffrey Parker, which have been snapped up by illustrious characters such as Bernie Ecclestone, Sir Roger Moore and the late Michael Jackson. Dennis the Menace screenprints from The Beano Comic are best sellers on EmporiumOf, not to mention prints by celebrity photographer Bernd Talasch. ■ For further information about the UK’s most exciting and inspiring shopping website, please contact Peter Doherty on 07939 285 296 - or email:


As so ne

Pu W




September 2012

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io ee t fr lta su

n co


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new build INNER SURREY Sept i33 010812.indd 37 ML_Sept_ALL.indd 23


conversion 23/08/2012 13:36:17 04/09/2012 10:38

loNDoN eveNTS

calling all commuteRs, ReDuce the stRess, taKe a Run home anD Raise money foR chaRity


amsung London Home Run currently has 23 routes available across the tube network covering North, South, East and West London destinations, including heavily affected journeys such as Canary Wharf to Waterloo, Waterloo to Clapham Junction, Liverpool Street to Leyton and London Bridge to Greenwich. As part of Samsung London Home Run, commuters are encouraged to download Samsung’s charity app; the Samsung Hope Relay Those taking part in the Home Run will be able to download the Samsung Hope Relay application to most smartphones and for every mile you run, Samsung will be donating £1 to charity. 6,000 Londoners have already subscribed to The Samsung London Home Run which launched in March 2012. Already widely regarded for its unique bag carrying service, commuters can use Samsung Home Run’s free cargo bike, which carries runner’s bags from the start point to their destination on each additional route. Each route varies from 3 to 6 miles in length with Run


Leaders to cater for all fitness levels ensuring everyone can enjoy their commute home. Andy Griffiths, Managing Director UK & Ireland at Samsung Electronics Run comments: “Samsung London Home Run offers commuters in London a safe routehome and an alternative to other methods of transport like congested trains and tube. You can keep fit in the process and also raise £1 for charity if you download the Samsung Hope Relay app and use it whilst running. The new routes give even more people the chance to take part and we are proud to offer this initiative to the people of London.” ■ To book on to a run, request a route or for further information regarding Samsung Home Run, please visit

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the 2012 Royal paRKs founDation half maRathon sunDay 7th octoBeR hyDe paRK


he Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon is Britain’s most beautiful city run and one of the most popular half marathon events, attracting 12,500 runners to race the 13.1 mile course through London and four stunning Royal Parks. Starting and finishing in Hyde Park, the route also races through Kensington Gardens, The Green Park and St James’s Park and offers runners magnificent views of some of the capital’s most iconic landmarks, including Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, Marble Arch and the Royal Albert Hall. The Half Marathon has quickly established itself as a key date in the international sporting calendar, and has won several awards for the quality of the run, plus the race day experience for athletes and supporters. “Looking after spectators and supporters is just as important to us as looking after our


runners,” says Sara Lom, Chief Executive of the Royal Parks Foundation. “We’re inviting local residents as well as runners’friends and families to come along to cheer on the Half Marathon runners,sample the delights of the Partridges Duke of York Square Food & Fitness Festival and get involved with the many family-friendly activities in the Fitness Festival.” Cheer on the runners from 9.30am in Hyde Park. Those setting off on the half marathon course, those participating in the new 50k Royal Parks Foundation Ultra, partnered with Scope, and younger runners completing their own challenge, Pulse3K. Visitors to the Partridges Duke of York Square Food & Fitness Festical will be able to sample the best local produce and enjoy a delicious range of food on offer. The Fitness Festival area features try-it-out activities including Parkour, a tumbletots area for little ones, live music and many other activities from partner organisations. Over the last four years, the Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon has raised more than £11m for more than 360 partner

charities, including Mind, Tommy’s, Cancer Research UK and UNICEF. Participation in this highly sought-after event helps the Royal Parks Foundation to support London’s national treasures - The Royal Parks - for everyone to enjoy, now and in the future. The event has been well supported in previous years by celebrities including Ben Fogle, Nell McAndrew, Charlie Webster, Angela Griffin, Tom Aikens and Tessa Sanderson, and promises to be as spectacular as ever in 2012. ■ For further information or to register for one of a small number of media places, please contact Bray Leino on: 020 3463 2100 E: The Royal Parks Foundation - helping make the best city Parks in the world even better. The Royal Parks Foundation is the charity that helps support London’s eight amazing Royal Parks. Established For more information, please visit www. or visit The Royal Parks at

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Whitewall Galleries, Brunswick

will celebrate its Official Opening

on Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th September with a spellbinding exhibition of new collectable canvases from modern master


The Brunswick Centre, London WC1N 1BS 0207 837 4060

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notting hill caRnival 2012

highlights T

he music was loud, the costumes were as stunning as ever and the crowds were huge…it could only be the Notting Hill 2012 Carnival. The biggest street party in Europe, always held over the August Bank Holiday Weekend, was a teaming mass of humanity, magnificent floats and masqueraders parading along the 3.5 mile route through the streets of West London. Plumes, bikinis and fantastical costumes in tropical colours were out in force, and hundreds of thousands of revellers descended on west London to enjoy the colourful costumes and steel drum sounds of Europe’s biggest street festival. Sunday was Children’s


Day with thousands of youngsters getting dressed up in colourful outfits as part of the weekend’s celebrations. Notting Hill Carnival sure is the place to be if you like loud music and love a party! The streets around Notting Hill were packed to capacity, with smiles everywhere, from those on the floats and taking part in the parade itself, or spectators and residents dancing and getting into the Caribbean spirit! Scores of colourful floats were on show down the route, featuring more than 40 static sound systems, while Caribbean food stalls providing a delicious taste of the West Indies. There is no other major event in London you can go to and get so much fantastic entertainment for free, and a delicious plate of Caribbean food! Organisers estimated five

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tonnes of chicken and 25,000 bottles of rum were consumed at this year’s event. Some 16,000 tracks were played at 41 different sound systems located within the carnival area. For many, the bank holiday celebrations are the climax of months of rehearsals, planning and preparation. The event is the highlight of the year for not only the Caribbean community, but also for the many visitors from London and the rest of the country. The weekend brings together all the sights, sounds, tastes and experiences which make

Notting Hill Carnival the great experience that it is. Each year everyone involved works hard with the police and hosting boroughs to ensure that this is the safe, and enjoyable weekend we all look forward to. The capital is still filled with visitors from across the world following the London 2012 Olympics, eager to continue having fun, at the ultimate free street party that London can be proud of. Enjoying the Caribbean vibe, that is what Notting Hill Carnival is all about… ■ September 2012

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RiDelonDon mayoR announces woRlD class RiDelonDon event to taKe foRwaRD c a p i ta l’s oly mp ic l e g a c y


ot on the heels of incredible success for Team GB’s cycling superstars, and accompanied by double gold medal winning cyclist Laura Trott, the Mayor of London has confirmed plans for the capital to host a two day world class festival of cycling next year. The weekend festival will be known as RideLondon and will feature a series of events for amateur, club and world elite cyclists. The Mayor has confirmed that RideLondon will take place over the weekend beginning 3rd August 2013 and will be managed by the London & Surrey Cycling Partnership, a joint venture between the organisers of the London Marathon and The Tour of Britain. It is predicted that the weekend festival could attract over 200,000 visitors from outside the capital, lead to a major boost in cycling numbers and generate tens of millions of pounds in economic benefit. Online registration is now open for cyclists to register their interest in RideLondon, which will open with a family fun ride for up to 70,000 cyclists on an eight mile loop of closed roads around London’s iconic landmarks. The following day, a 100 mile road ride for up to 20,000 amateur, club and world


class elite cyclists will take place, that begins in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and will be based on much of the route of the 2012 Games cycle road race. Women’s elite, junior cyclists and hand cycles will also take to the streets of the capital to compete in a city centre grand prix. RideLondon will aim to be the largest charity fund-raising cycle ride in the world and organisers will be able to draw on the vast experience of the London Marathon team within the partnership. Since its foundation participants in the London Marathon have raised over half a billion pounds for good causes and in 2011 they raised a staggering £51.8 million. Detailed routes for the RideLondon events will be revealed later in the year taking into consideration lessons learned from the 2012 Games. The finish for all the RideLondon events will be on The Mall subject to approval of final details. The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said: “This year London has been the place to be and yet again this amazing city has proved its expertise in hosting major world class sporting and cultural events. Our challenge is to ensure that 2012 is just the start, not the end of the benefits of hosting the Games. We must create long lasting opportunities for the Olympic Park and the capital, which will showcase London to the world, attract

more visitors, create more jobs and support the economy. We also need to capitalise on the incredible achievements of Team GB’s Olympic cyclists whose superhuman efforts will inspire thousands more Londoners to take to two wheels. I urge every Londoner and cycle fanatics from all over the country, if not the world, to mark the weekend of 3rd August 2013 in their diaries for what I believe will become one of the world’s number one cycling events.” Laura Trott, Double Olympic track cycling champion, said: “It’s been amazing the way the British public have really got behind Team GB and cycling in general during the last few weeks. I’ve been completely blown away by how many people have come out to support us. The crowd noise in the Velodrome was something I will never forget. It’s great to think we may have inspired people to get on their bikes and RideLondon is a great opportunity for the public to get out and join us on the roads. Cycling has always been a huge part of my family’s life and I hope that having watched the Games lots more people will be encouraged to have a go.”Registration forRideLondon is open. ■ and sign up to what promises to be one of the most exciting events to hit the streets of London next year.

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urn your home into a boutique hotel. Without even having to fold your toilet paper. If you own a distinctive home it could now become a boutique hotel while you’re out of town. We offer a hassle free service which allows you to earn extra income while your home would otherwise sit empty.

Find out more at or call 020 7097 8948

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countRy comes to town at the autumn DecoRative faiR 2nD-7th octoBeR 2012 BatteRsea paRK, lonDon sw11 4nJ


he Decorative Antiques & Textiles Fair is well-known for its wide choice of period design, from fine Georgian and Regency pieces to midtwentieth century originals. The Autumn Fair, to be held at Battersea Evolution (the Marquee), Battersea Park, London will highlight in a special foyer display the varied styles of country furniture and accessories that are always popular with buyers. Items in the display will include oak and



country furniture from the seventeenth to twentieth centuries (farmhouse tables, settles, dressers, stick back chairs and stools), naive paintings and pastoral pictures, textiles and linens, folk art and treen (household objects carved in wood such as bowls, trenchers, spice caskets and candle boxes), and a host of items one might find in all rural homes from country house to manor or artisan’s cottage. All pieces will be for sale, and are drawn from exhibitors at the Fair. It will be curated by exhibitor Martin Murray, an oak and country furniture specialist and


member of BADA. There is a definite trend at present for good traditional furniture. Good painted furniture continues to be popular, and buyers are currently favouring rarer items with paint in original condition that command strong prices. Those with a penchant for more modern design will find an excellent selection; around 25% of furniture and accessories at the Fair date from the Art Deco period to 1980, and encompass affordable and decorative glassware and ceramics, lighting, clocks, and of course a wide range of furniture, mainly from Italy and Scandinavia. Whilst many twentieth century items for sale at the Fair are signed or attributable to wellknown designers and artists, which appeal to collectors and connoisseurs, pieces are also selected by exhibitors for their general style and quality offering good value for money to those looking purely for decoration. The Fair now has a number of well-regarded art dealers with modern and contemporary pictures and sculpture. ■ Tickets are £10.00 including catalogue (which allows free return to the Fair throughout the week) For more details, please contact the organisers: Harvey (Management Services) Ltd on 020 7616 9327 Or visit

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Exceptional Bespoke Designs

Exceptional Furniture and Interior Design

Interiors and exteriors Bespoke furniture Kitchens Bathrooms Bedrooms Styish living +44(0)207 118 0149 w w w. c l a i r e r e n d a l l . c o m


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FRIeze aRT FaIR 11-14th octoBeR 2012, Regents paRK


rieze London is one of the world’s most influential contemporary art fairs, and brings an international focus to the dynamic art scene in London, taking place each year in October. Frieze London will see a total of 175 exhibitors from 35 countries making it the most international edition of Frieze London; confirming its position as one of the world’s leading contemporary art events with participants from territories including Argentina, China, Columbia, Hungary, India, Korea and South Africa. The fair also includes specially commissioned artists’ projects and a prestigious talks programme.Frieze London is a carefully


selected presentation of the most forwardthinking contemporary galleries from around the globe, and takes place in a bespoke temporary structure, designed this year, again by Carmody Groarke. This tenth edition, features a new section, Focus, for galleries established after 2001, showing up to three artists. Focus was first introduced at Frieze New York, which took place in May 2012. This year to coincide with the London fair, Frieze also introduces Frieze Masters, a new fair with a contemporary perspective on historic art. Together the crossover between the two fairs will make London the focus for a broad international art audience. ■ Tickets are on sale now via

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making sound come alive B&o PlaY is bringing the characteristic Bang & olufsen sound to your favourite apple products. BeoPlay A8 is a spellbinding audio system that gives you powerful sound in an eye-catching package. You can stream music wirelessly or dock your iPhone, iPod or iPad. BeoPlay A3 is a unique speaker frame that breathes new acoustic life into your iPad. designed to move with your iPad, it provides fantastic sound in any position. visit us now and see what these products can do for your apple device.

Bang & Olufsen of Hampstead 44 Rosslyn Hill, Hampstead, london nW3 1nH Tel. 0207 431 9494

BeoPlay A8: Recommended price ÂŁ949 BeoPlay A3: Recommended price ÂŁ449

airPlay, iPod, iPhone and iPad are trademarks of apple inc., registered in the u.s. and other countries.

ML_Sept_ALL.indd 35

Bang & Olufsen of Hampstead - BeoPlay A8/A3 Advert for Hampstead Life - Place at 100% (280 x 210mm + 5mm Bleed)

04/09/2012 10:38

F e aT U R e

the RiDing cluB lonDon leaDs the fielD


he Riding Club London is an exclusive members club and concierge service that specialises in providing access to the finest horses, venues and instruction in London, the UK and internationally. The Riding Club London offers unrivalled access and expertise to equestrian enthusiasts, from beginners to advanced. Working with leading experts and exclusive stables to arrange group trips, tailored experiences and instruction in all disciplines of riding, including dressage, jumping, polo and hunting, sourcing the best horses for every event. They will also provide ultimate riding holidays such as polo lessons on a private estancia in Argentina or a spectacular riding safari in Kenya. It can be hard for city-bound horse riders to find quality places to ride or even just enjoy the company of other like-minded equestrian enthusiasts. The Riding Club London’s membership enjoy weekly events such as bespoke rider fitness sessions, talks and tickets to polo matches, horse racing and grand prix dressage. The packed diary of drinks evenings, lectures and balls each bring something a little different, often including


the chance to meet leading riders and experts, entry into London’s exclusive private member’s clubs, and late night revelry. The Riding Club London also provides an equestrian concierge service for Londoners and also foreign visitors to the UK. They partner with a huge range of private members clubs, luxury retailers, fitness clubs and country houses to host events and tailormade riding experiences. The Concierge Service provides advice, arranges trips and events and facilitates access to the finest horses, tuition and venues across the world. Ranging from polo lessons at the best venues in the UK or Argentina to a private box at the Cartier Polo or Royal Ascot, everything can be experienced. The Riding Club London has three membership levels. New Rider for those looking to learn to ride in quality surroundings, available for £195 annually, Refresher Rider for those who are looking to return to the sport or wanting to progress from beginner and Riders Club, that is ideal for those riders who are of intermediate to advanced level, who miss the exhilaration of riding good horses in beautiful surroundings, which are both £335 payable annually. So to truly lead the field in the equestrian world, join The Riding Club London. ■

The Riding Club London Tel: 020 3589 2385 E: T: groups/130704606941337/

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A Professional Service from start to finish. With over 1,000 basements completed to date London Basement has an outstanding reputation for being professional, trustworthy and quality driven. 020 8847 9449

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new cocKtail foR time tRavelleRs the uppeR DecK - lonDon tRanspoRt museum The intrigue and mystery of time travel has inspired the creation of a new limited edition cocktail - the X-iT - being served at London Transport Museum’s café-bar The Upper Deck. Served in a silver bucket with dry ice billowing over the sides, the cocktail is based on a mixture of peach schnapps and vodka. (A non-alcoholic version of the X-iT can also be served.) Searcys, who operate The Upper Deck, designed the X-iT to celebrate the Museum’s new immersive theatre show Project X.

time tRavel at it’s most puZZling

The X-iT is served at weekends and costs £6.50, or 2 for the price of 1 (£3.25 each) for Project X audience members.

new immeRsive theatRical eXpeRience


new pop-up immersive theatrical adventure has been launched by London Transport Museum. A killer concoction of time travel, murder and cryptic clues combine as the audience meet mysterious characters at various locations around Covent Garden. During the two hour performance and tour, they will unravel the secrets of Project X, and encounter a world full of impossibilities - including a mysterious future where things aren’t what they appear to be.


Project X starts in Covent Garden Piazza and continues on foot around the neighbouring area. The audience will be in two groups of a maximum of 15 people. Shows run at 11am, 1pm & 3pm on Saturdays and Sundays and last approximately two hours. Tickets are £30.00 (£25.00 concessions) and include a return ticket to London Transport Museum which can be used within one month of performance. Tickets can be booked at Follow Project X on Twitter: @projectx_london

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*£20 dining currency not included in VIP LUXE package. £1.75 booking fee per VIP ticket applies. See website for full details of packages and prices. Not all celebrities appear on all days, see website for details. Information correct at time of going to print. BBC and BBC Good Food are trademarks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under licence. BBC Good Food Shows are organised and presented by BBC Haymarket Exhibitions Ltd.

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FoCUS/12 access gReat Design

Design centRe, chelsea haRBouR tRaDe pReview sunDay 23th, monDay 24th & tuesDay 25th septemBeR all welcome weDnesDay 26th septemBeR open fRom 10am-6pm fRee entRy


ocus/12 is the ultimate interior design event at Design Centre, Chelsea Harbour. You can discover worldclass talent and get connected at this legendary creative hub, with an exciting programme of collection launches, ‘meet the designer’ workshops, presentations, book signings and lively ‘in conversation’ sessions with the industry’s most valuable names, make it the unmissable show of the season. Showcasing new ranges from over 500 international brands at 95 Design Centre showrooms as well as outside participants in Chelsea, Focus/12 offers exceptional quality and scope, from classic to cutting-edge contemporary. The show promises opportunities to


engage with design; whether you are looking for ideas for a residential scheme or solutions for a commercial project. Discover the latest design directions or develop your knowledge of the season’s key fabrics, furniture, wall coverings, lighting, accessories, kitchens, bathroom, outdoor living, tiles and carpets and much more. Prepare to be inspired.

conveRsations in Design Lively discussions guarantee one-of-a-kind design experiences. Headline speakers include living legend Rosita Missoni, international architect and designer India Mahdavi, well-known designer Kelly Hoppen and California-based designer Kathryn Ireland. Influential designers Dexter Moren, Rob Steul, Edward Davies and Jonathan Manser discuss how London’s new hotels lead the way by design.

The Tatler Restaurant returns to the ground floor with a new menu by Absolute Taste in a breathtaking setting specially commissioned for the event. A fleet of Range Rover vehicles is the transport of choice for the style savvy. The shuttle service leaves Sloane Square to Design Centre, Chelsea Harbour via selected Chelsea showrooms. Design Centre, Chelsea Harbour is also accessible by bus, tube or via Imperial Wharf railway station. Design Centre Chelsea Harbour, Lots Road, London SW10 0XE. Plus participating showrooms in Chelsea. Call 020 7225 9166, email enquiries@dcch. or visit

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A bed made just for you, naturally.

Handcrafted with the finest natural materials, every Marshall & Stewart bed is a testament of our dedication to excellence, ensuring you experience the best night’s sleep, every night. | 0800 002 9564 Kings Road, London | Crawford Street, London | Walton-on-Thames, Surrey

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the national home impRovement show RetuRns 28-30th septemBeR 2012, to a new venue olympia lonDon

imageS: DARREn cHUnG

T 42

he UK’s leading event for home improvers, The National Home Improvement Show, is returning for its fourth consecutive year. Aimed at the serious home improver, the show brings visitors an unrivalled selection of ideas, inspiration and expert advice to help them take the next step with their home improvement project. The show has grown significantly and boasts a number of brand new features, including free interior design classes at The Design School, care of Susan Llewellyn, founder of The Susan Llewellyn Academy of Interior Design, one to one advice at the Renewable Energy Advice Clinic and real life case studies at The Inspirational Interactive Café. There are hundreds of exhibitors and experts for you to meet and thousands of innovative products for you to see - all packed into three days under the one roof! Head along and meet Oliver Heath, star of BBC’s Changing Rooms’ and specialist in environmentally sustainable architecture and eco interiors,Michael Holmes (Real Homes editor in chief, formerly presenter of ‘I Own Britain’s Best Home’); Julia Kendell (DIY SOS and ITV1’s Daybreak); Matt James (Designer and expert on ITV’s Love Your Garden); Roger Hunt (renovation expert and co-author of Old House Handbook) and Douglas Kent (Expert in period properties, renovations and home improvements). For one on one guidance in The Advice Centre, bring your plans along to see how simple improvements can help create your dream home. Returning features this year include the Smart Advice

Clinic sponsored by CEDIA, the Kitchen and Bathroom Inspiration Zone brought to you by Kitchen Bedroom & Bathroom magazine, The Gardening and Landscaping Zone sponsored by Alec White GardenDesign, Tricks of the Trade by resident DIY Doctor, the Masterclass Theatre and Real Homes Live! Theatres offering daily in-depth seminars. Get inspired for any project from extensions to refurbishment and renovation with the help of the show’s home improvement experts on hand throughout the show in The Advice Centre. For one on one guidance, bring your plans along to see how simple improvements can help create your dream home. There will also be two Real Homes Live! Theatres offering daily in-depth seminars. For more information on the show, exhibitors, seminar schedules and tickets visit or call the ticket hotline on 0844 581 0802 Tickets are £8 if booked in advance and £12 ondoor. Under 16’s go free.

life magaZines ticKet giveaway! The first 100 entries will each win a pair of tickets for a day of their choice. Please apply to and put in the subject LIFE MAGAZINES GIVEAWAY. Please confirm your postal address,and the name of our magazine.

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F e aT U R e

HeATH HAll hamPsTead


breathtaking mansion built for a sugar magnate is on sale at a cool £100million.It is so exclusive that potential buyers have to undergo a vetting process by agents Glentree Estates before paying £2,000 for the glossy brochure. Heath Hall was constructed on London’s most exclusive street - The Bishops Avenue in Hampstead - in 1910 for William Park Lyle of the Tate & Lyle family. It fell into disrepair until property magnate Andreas Panayiotou bought it in 2006 and has transformed it into one of the capital’s finest properties. He spent £40million renovating the mansion and it is now the most expensive house on the open


The most expensive house for sale in Britain

market in the UK. Mr Panayiotou employed a team of 120 tradesmen for the renovation, adding a further 8,000sq ft to the already substantial 19,000sq ft. The three-storey property, set in 2.5-acres of manicured gardens, comes with 14 bedroom suites, six reception rooms, library, family room, home cinema, snooker room, sun room, steam room with sauna, fully fitted home gym and a wine cellar with climatecontrolled temperature. And for the security-conscious billionaire likely to buy the property, Heath Hall has been fitted with a panic room. This vault-like room has its own toilet, basin, control panel and separate telephone wires, which cannot be cut.

Twelve types of Italian marble and seven types of wood were used for the bathrooms, while the snooker room, office, bar, library and grand staircase are all clad in Oak. All of the carpentry and hand-carved marble basins were prepared in Italy before being transported to London. Bishops Avenue is now known as Billionaires’ Row because of the incredible wealth of the residents which include the Saudi Royal Family. And the person who buys Heath Hall can boast to be one of only a few people in London with a nine-figure valued home. Andreas Panayiotou was ranked 200th in last year’s UK Rich List after building up a £400million property empire, a remarkable achievement given

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that he suffers from dyslexia. He learned to memorise words, but never did learn to read in the conventional sense, leaving school at 14 without a single O-level. But despite his lack of qualifications, he went on to achieve stunning business success. Mr Panayiotou, the son of Greek-Cypriot immigrants, was raised in London’s East End. As a young man working for his father, he bought a small property in Islington, converted it into flats, and started what would become one of the biggest buy-to-let empires in Britain. In 2007 he sold thousands of flats, focusing instead on building a portfolio of hotels. He now lives on a 20-acre estate in Epping Forest and owns £40million

Gulfstream G450 jet, a £12million Mangusta 130 yacht, and two Cessna Citation jets. The job of selling the mansion belongs to Glentree Estates and its managing director, Trevor Abrahmsohn. Mr Abrahmsohn has sold 95% of the homes on Bishops Avenue over the past 35-years and regards Heath Hall as one of the road’s finest properties. He said: ‘Heath Hall is one of the largest private homes in the whole of London. It is like a country home in the city, there are private golf courses nearby and the West End it just 15-minutes away. It was the supermansion of its day and the restoration has been carried out lovingly.

Bishops Avenue is like Beverly Hills, it is one of the world’s best addresses. And Heath Hall is one of the finest houses on the road.

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The naTIonaL WeddInG shoW 28th- 30th septemBeR 2012, eaRls couRt



he UK’s largest wedding DOLcE DOLcE show is shaping up to be the finest to-date with over 250 wedding experts confirmed, offering everything from flowers and favours, cakes and cars, to honeymoon hideaways and a plethora of on-trend and classic bridal JEnnY PAcKHAM AT gowns to complete the ultimate shopping experience. This season sees a strong retail including: Bridal Coach Michele Paradise and WHITE MIScHIEF presence from John Lewis, Debenhams, Moss florist Mathew Dickinson, the show is packed Bros, Topman and House of Fraser, as well as full of advice and tips to plan your perfect leading independent bridal boutiques and day. The team behind cult bridal blog Rock wedding suppliers My Wedding will be presenting live seminars The National Wedding Show is the only including ‘Luxe for Less’ and ‘Style the Aisle’ destination worth visiting for any bride or throughout the weekend on perfecting your groom to be. wedding décor and getting the most out of The new look and Designer your big day! and Boutique areas boast the The National Wedding UK’s largest collection of wedding Show is the perfect dresses from designer and made backdrop for brides-to-be to measure to mainstream and their close family and brands. Catering for every shape friends to get together, and budget, from Hollywood discuss plans, and enjoy an glamour to unique vintage pieces; amazing day out, offering Make a weekend of it with there is a style to suit every bride. everything from designer your wedding party and The glamorous Catwalk show dresses, to honeymoons take advantage of the new staged five times a day offers a and hen-do’s and packed 2 day ticket and take in range of designer inspiration in with fun, inspirational every aspect of the show at front of your very eyes. things to do – there’s a your leisure. We have five Immerse yourself in the full day of shopping and pairs of weekend tickets to sumptuous fragrances of the socialising guaranteed. give away! To enter, please Designer Flower Zone and Where only the best email competitions@ then relax over a light bite and will do, celebrate the with the subject header ‘life a glass of fizz in the glamorous VIP package with family titles’ and the first 5 to enter Champagne Bar. and friends and enjoy a New for 2012 The Vintage Area will win! reserved catwalk seat, fast will celebrate the ever-evolving track entry to the show and trend for vintage-style weddings. Here you a complimentary glass of fizz whilst taking a will find stunning stationery, beautiful décor break from browsing the hundreds of designer ideas, vintage inspired bridal-wear and venue name dresses and accessories. VIP visitors styling ideas. will also enjoy a complimentary glossy box The National Wedding Show offers a packed full of luxe products! ■ schedule of inspiration sessions at the DAvID FIELDEn AT nIGEL RAYMEnT Wedding Theatre from a host of experts Please call the ticket hotline on 0844 581 1404 BOUTIqUE or visit the National Wedding Show website

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Three restaurants

all with outside terraces. Visit our website for a selection of

tempting dining offers. ML_Sept_ALL.indd 47 04/09/2012 10:39


Blackburn Bridal Couture is a luxury boutique for Brides and their mothers in Blackheath Village. New Occasion Wear Studio now open. 48 September 2012 28 SEPTEMBER2012

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lackburn Bridal are proud to offer a selection of some of the most talented bridal designers all under one roof, and are delighted to announce the opening of the new Occasion Wear studio two minutes from the Blackburn Bridal Boutique. You will be able to find a range of fabulous outfits for every event, from Weddings for Mother of the Bride/groom or guests to evening wear for that “all so special night out”! So if you want to look your absolute best for your daughters or sons wedding, a day at the races or a fabulous Ball then Blackburn Boutique has something special for you.

Russell Blackburn opened his stunning boutique nearly seven years ago. Brides love the dresses that are in store and travel from as far as Ireland and Scotland to view the exquisite collections. A number of brides have flown in from Europe for the wonderful designers showcased. Old Hollywood glamour is the inspiration behind most of the collections. Russell has always been inspired by the movie stars of the 30’s 40’s and 50’s. Designers such as Jenny Packham, Claire Pettibone and Cymbeline and many more are all showcased in store. Russell decided it was the right time to incorporate the

Mother of the Bride and guest outfits into his business. He recently opened a second showroom just two minutes from his store in Blackheath which is by appointment only. For ladies looking for a special Occasion outfit or evening dress this new exclusive boutique offers a private consultation in the luxury of our beautiful first floor studio. Russell decided to open a second store having been asked countless times where to find a beautiful outfit. He struggled to offer a suitable range of shops locally that catered for Mother of the Brides or guests. He decided that now was the time to fill this massive gap in the market in Blackheath for beautiful designer Occasion wear. Russell caters for most budgets and styles and his Occasion wear starts from £250 up to £1,500. His evening wear ranges from £150 to £800 and he is pleased to announce that a hire service on evening gowns will also be available on selected styles from £75. As so many brides do not have the luxury of six months ordering time Russell has also put together a ready to wear collection of dresses for just this dilemma. Blackburn Bridal has a ready to wear, off the peg collection of Bridal dresses for

any bride looking to purchase their wedding dress with no lead time. This excellent service is by private appointment only from the New Occasion wear studio and will be based around a selection of 10 to 12 gowns available to buy off the peg from £500 to £1,000. Brides to be need to act quickly as all dresses from the ready to wear range will be one off styles in one size between 8 and 14. These beautiful gowns will not be ordered again so you will need to make an immediate decision to purchase that special piece to avoid disappointment. So if you’re looking to purchase a dress off the peg and in a hurry makes sure that you book an immediate appointment with the studio. If you are thinking of ordering from the main line collections in the Bridal Boutique Russell and his team recommend you come in at least six months ahead of your big day to avoid disappointment. Every dress needs to be made especially for you based on your current size. The stores and professional staff pride themselves on a superb customer service which Russell feels is key to running a successful business. Each bride gets a private consultation for one hour at the boutique which involves working with the silhouette that best suits her shape. The aim is to help educate brides into working with shapes that flatter their body and in turn compliment their personalities. This ensures that every bride feels comfortable whilst looking her most beautiful on her wedding day. Dresses start at £1,200 up to £8,000 and the choice is amazing. Blackburn Bridal aim to ensure that our friendly consultative service makes for a truly wonderful experience in finding your dream wedding dress. To book an appointment please contact us at Bridal Boutique 0208 297 1188 and Occasion Wear Studio 0208 318 2333. or email at SEPTEMBER2012 29

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maKInG CaKes es aFT THe CaKe CRaFT WoRLd WAY


ome baking and cake decorating has exploded in the UK in recent years. Prime time television programmes such as Masterchef and The Great British Bake Off have only increased the public’s interest in this age old hobby that used to be exclusively set aside for housewives, Women’s Institutes and the elderly. Today, there are cupcake bakeries and parlours opening up daily and the interest is growing. Starting over 25 years ago in a tiny shop in the suburbs of South London, Cake Craft World is now a Europe wide leading online cake decorating supplier selling over 5,000 products. Our philosophy is simple – to offer quality products at the most competitive prices coupled with great service. Cake Craft


World now employs over 50 staff at different locations. Our slogan ‘Our Ideas, Your Creations’ rings true as we pride ourselves in offering experience and ideas to thousands of customers. Cake Craft World distribute a monthly newsletter where cake decorators can read about the latest products, special offers and new projects. It also encourages readers to send in pictures of their cakes which can then be added to our cake gallery and viewed by fellow cake decorators. Our online forum on Cake Craft World is constantly buzzing with cake decorators sharing their expertise and knowledge, keeping up to date with current trends. Keeping in the public eye, we write articles and advertise in many glossy monthly magazines. We recently designed the front cover and submitted an article for Wedding Cakes, A Design Source magazine, a leading

industry publication showcasing all the latest trends in wedding cakes. We were also approached by The Ideal Home show and asked to exhibit a Royal Wedding cake design at Earls Court which was featured in Cake Craft & Decoration magazine and this year we were invited back to display our amazing ‘Jubilee Street Party cake’ which later appeared in HELLO! In order to continue to give our clients what we consider a good service, we are now expanding into the market of wholesale supplies which will enable us to keep prices competitive. ■ Visit our website for the latest news, products, trends and tutorials and we are sure that you will find something that you just can’t live without......

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* Valid for new enquiries booked by 31st December 2012 to take place before 31st March 2013. Further Terms & conditions apply.

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GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH PUTS BRITAIN AT THE CENTRE OF THE WORLD London 2012 Games, based on sport, inspiration, youth and urban transformation. It was a Ceremony ‘for everyone’ and celebrated contributions the UK has made to the world through innovation and revolution, as well as the creativity and exuberance of British people. From flying cyclists and flaming petals to a parachuting Queen, Danny Boyle’s £27million showstopper was an electrifying Titled ‘Isles of Wonder’, the Ceremony welcomed the finest athletes experience. from more than 200 nations for the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games, marking an historic third time the capital has Even the Queen was in on it, to a staggering degree. She had taken to acting for the first time in her life to film a comedy sketch at hosted the world’s biggest and most important sporting event. Buckingham Palace with Daniel Craig as James Bond, and the pair of The Opening Ceremony reflected the key themes and priorities of the them were seen on screen flying down the river towards the stadium. The London 2012 Olympics opened in a spine-tinglingly blast of Britishness. The magnificent London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony took place at 9pm on 27th July 2012. 90 minutes of dazzling theatre, dance, film and music of our cultural history showing the best of British history in a riot of colour, costume and comedy.


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Danny Boyle paid tribute to British film industry with an incredibly funny appearance by Rowan Atkinson as Mr Bean. Other films refereced in Boyle’s ambitious ceremony included Gregory’s Girl, A Matter of Life and Death, The Lady and the Tramp, Shrek, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Harry Potter, 101 Dalmations, Mary Poppins, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. The Exorcist, sound-tracked much of the NHS segment which was an amazing tribute. The dancing doctors, the nurses in their old-fashioned uniforms, the cute children bouncing on 300 luminous beds that spelt out those sacred three letters: NHS.

be here than anyone. They were dying to get out there and be part of it. They were taking snaps of themselves in their costumes and just enjoying the whole experience of the night. It was fantastic.” The parade entailed athletes from all 204 competing nationsm with a rolling stream of multi-coloured national costumes and tracksuits. London’s skies lit up after seven young athletes lit up the Olympics to officially launch the start of the 2012 Games. Fireworks rocketed into the night after a circle of flaming torches were lit that closed up to become a 60ft high flame. Five-times gold medallist Sir Steve Redgrave, 50, carried the flame into the stadium after being handed it by young footballer Jade Bailey, who had received it from David Beckham.Sir Steve carried it through a guard of honour of 500 construction workers who helped build the stadium. He then passed it to the young torchbearers.

What else could have symbolised Britain at its best than Danny Boyle’s tribute to our British health service? Here was a special moment to give thanks and praise to something British that we deem the envy of the world. There was even a salute to Great Ormond Street Hospital, They were then joined by seven British Olympic heroes – long jumper which has a unique place in the nation’s affections. Lynn Davies, 70, swimmer Duncan Goodhew, 55, Dame Kelly One volunteer said: “The atmosphere in the stadium is electric. It is Holmes, 42, Dame Mary Peters, 73, sailor Shirley Robertson, 44, great just to be part of it. The athletes are more excited and happy to Daley Thompson, 53, and Redgrave.


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The spectacular finale of the event saw the Olympic Cauldron, formed of 205 copper petals representing the competing nations coming together in London for the Games. Sir Paul McCartney gave an outstanding performance of the Beatles hit Hey Jude at the end of the ceremony. The show left viewers and spectators wondering what the next 17 days of Olympian action, billed as The Greatest Show on Earth, will bring?

straight sets, 6-2 6-1 6-4, on a raucous Centre Court. The 25-year-old is the first British man to win the Olympic singles gold medal since Josiah Ritchie in 1908. Glory days for the brothers in arms: Gold and bronze as Hyde Park crowds see the Brownlee brothers triathlon swim, cycle and run to victory.

Sir Chris Hoy became the most successful Briton in Olympic history with a total of six gold medals after winning the keirin at the London Team GB exceeded our expectations. Through sheer hard training, 2012 velodrome. After watching Laura Trott become a double self-determination, pure strength, talent and motivation at appearing Olympic champion with victory in the omnium and the retiring at their own Olympics on British soil, the medals kept on coming Victoria Pendleton awarded a sparkling silver goodbye and a third from the most heroic athletes that we can call our own. Incredible Olympic gold as a result of a 2-0 sprint final loss to perennial rival performances throughout the Games from Team GB, with amazing Anna Meares of Australia, Hoy triumphed. results from the now legendary Mo Farah with two Gold Medals, as he won his second gold medal on the track, with 10,000m success and The 36-year-old took his Olympic gold medal-winning tally to five a superb run in the 5,000m. Jessica Ennis became the golden girl of - level with Sir Steve Redgrave - with victory in the team sprint and won the keirin in trademark fashion to send a partisan crowd into these Olympics as she was crowned heptathlon champion. raptures. Andy Murray captured the biggest title of his career with an emphatic victory over Roger Federer in the Olympic men’s singles final at Here is the phenomenal list of those that kept the British flag flying, Wimbledon. Murray beat the Swiss world number one in and made all of Britain proud.

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Joshua lands Team GB’s 29th gold of the Games by beating 2008 champion, Roberto Cammarelle of Italy. Down three points after two rounds, Joshua fought back in the third and final round to level the tie at 18-18 and then win on count back.

The six-event discipline went down to the time trial where Trott, up against her closest rival Sarah Hammer, needed to finish at least three places above the American in the final event. Trott finished first with Hammer fourth, and the Brit picked up her second gold of the Games.


Campbell beats Ireland’s John Joe Nevin in a tight final. Campbell edges the first round, Nevin the second before Campbell pulls clear to become the first Briton to win the bantamweight crown since 1908.


Mo Farah triumphed in the men’s 5,000m to win his second gold of the Games. Farah saw off a last lap challenge from Ethiopia’s Dejen Gebremeskel to complete the 5,000m and 10,000m double, finishing with a time of 13:41.66.


By living up to his billing of “Usain Bolt on water” although unlike Bolt, McKeever - a 26-year-old trainee accountant - made a great start and never gave his rivals a sniff after that.


19-year-old Jones beat China’s Yuzhuo Hou 6-4 to avenge her defeat by the Chinese fighter at last year’s World Championships and claim Great Britain’s first taekwondo gold.


Adams made history by winning the first gold medal awarded for women’s boxing at an Olympic Games, beating some of the sport’s biggest names before overcoming three-time world champion from China, Ren Cancan, in the final.


Competing to movie themes including Live and Let Die, Dujardin and her horse Valegro won Great Britain’s first individual dressage gold medal with a score of 90.089 points to put her above the nearest challenger Adelinde Cornelissen of the Netherlands.


Chris Hoy won a remarkable keirin final to take gold with a time of 10.306 in what will almost certainly be his last Olympic race. Winning his sixth gold medal makes Hoy the most decorated British Olympian of all time, surpassing Sir Steve Redgrave’s five golds.





Over the two-day Grand Prix in the first week of the Games, Charlotte Dujardin and her horse Valegro set an Olympic record. The team continued their good performance before Dujardin and Valegro’s final display confirmed Team GB’s 20th gold of the games.


Alistair Brownlee swam, cycled and ran a perfect race to live up to his pre-Games billing as one of the gold medal favourites for Team GB, finishing in a time of one hour 46 minutes and 25 seconds. His younger brother Jonny won bronze as Spain’s Javier Gomez took silver.


Kenny faced world champion Gregory Bauge of France in the final. Having won the first race, Kenny led out from the front in the second and took the gold by holding his opponent off on the line.




After both sides finished with eight penalty points from their final rounds, the competition went to a jump-off against Netherlands for the gold medal. Marc Houtzager knocked a fence over for the Dutch in the final ride, and Peter Charles completed a flawless round to give the men gold.


The British number one beat Switzerland’s Roger Federer in straight sets at Wimbledon 6-2 6-1 6-4, saying it was “the biggest win of my life”.


Ben Ainslie clinched his fourth straight gold medal to become the most decorated Olympic sailor in history. The 35-year-old, overtakes Dane Paul

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MEDAL WINNERS Elvstrom, who won four golds up to 1960. Ainslie came ninth in a tense Finn medal race to edge long-time regatta leader Jonas Hogh-Christensen of Denmark into silver.


the outside of her rivals and held off Shuang Guo on the line to narrowly claim the gold medal.



MEN’S 10,000M


Farah ran a perfect race in the 10,000m final, banishing his Beijing demons to take gold with a time of 27:30.42.

The quartet were defending their gold medal that they won in Beijing, and did so in superb fashion, beating opponents Australia by nearly three seconds and in a world record time of 3:51.659.


Rutherford set a distance of 8.31m in the fourth round of the final and nobody could match it in the remaining jumps. The last time Great Britain had two men in the final of the Olympics long jump was the last time they won it, Lynn Davies grabbing gold back in 1964.





Grainger and Watkins held off Australia to win the women’s double sculls, with Poland taking the bronze. The pair, unbeaten since teaming up in 2010, exploded out of the blocks to take an early lead ahead of the Australian crew of Brooke Pratley and Kim Crow. By halfway, they had extended their lead and pulled into clear water to earn Britain a sixth gold.






The London 2012 poster girl from Sheffield dominated from start to finish, leading overnight into the second day. She clinched gold with a dramatic 800m win.

Team GB clinched gold in the men’s team sprint at the velodrome, setting a new world record of 42.600 seconds in the process.


The Dorset man finished two shots clear of Sweden’s Hakan Dahlby. Russia’s Vasily Mosin was third.


The women’s trio of King, Trott and Rowsell seal gold over United States of America with an emphatic victory, clocking a world record time of 3:14.051.


Great Britain trail Greece and China in the early stages but time their assault perfectly, overhauling the Chinese pair before closing on the Greece boat by halfway and establishing a clear lead with 500m left.




In an event Great Britain has dominated in recent years having won the three previous golds, the crew of Triggs Hodge, Reed, Gregory and James held off the challenge of their main rivals Australia.


Aussie Anna Meares had taken the early lead but Pendleton stormed around





The Britons, who are ranked sixth in the world, produced an error-free run to take a shock win and claim Britain’s first ever canoe slalom gold at the Lee Valley White Water Centre.


Having barely taken off his yellow jersey, the Tour de France winner clinched gold in the Olympic time trial with a time of 50 minutes and 39 seconds. Wiggins completed the 44km course through the streets of London’s commuter belt an impressive 42 seconds ahead of Germany’s world champion Tony Martin. With seven Olympic medals to his name, Bradley Wiggins has more than any other British Olympian.




Four years ago, Helen Glover was an aspiring hockey player and Heather Stanning was embarking on a career in the Army. Now they are Olympic champions having led from the front in the women’s pair final. They become the first women to win rowing gold for Great Britain and the country’s first gold medallists at the 2012 games.

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Murray won Team GB’s 65th and final medal of London 2012 following an inspired finish in modern pentathlon’s run-shoot finale. Starting eight seconds off the lead in fourth, Murray slipped back into the pack before surging into second.


Evans beat world champion Taras Shelestyuk of Ukraine in the semi-finals, but in the final he was outboxed by Kazakhstan’s Serik Sapiyev, who won his country’s third successive Olympic gold at this weight.




Hannah Mills and Saskia Clark started the day on level points with the New Zealand crew but failed to overhaul their rivals. The Kiwis claimed gold with Britain taking silver.




The British duo were already guaranteed at least a silver medal and went into the final race needing to beat Australia, with one boat between them, to clinch gold. Patience and Bithell led around the first mark, but Aussies Mathew Belcher and Malcolm Page moved clear to win.


She lost out to close rival Anna Meares in the second race after being relegated in the first for leaving her lane. It was Pendleton’s last ever Olympic race.


Dempsey pushed himself into second in the overall standings with five races remaining and needed sixth place on the final day to claim silver. He came third in the medal race to leave the result in no doubt.


Drawn in lane eight after finishing second in her semi-final, she was well outside the medals coming off the final bend but a strong finish saw her close on the leaders, with Sanya Richards-Ross holding on for the gold by just 0.15 seconds.




The newly-crowned men’s singles champion joined 18-year-old Robson to face number one seeds, Victoria Azarenka and Max Mirnyi. The British pair won the first


set 6-2, but the Belarusians fought back to win the second 6-3 and then a “champions tie-break” 10-8. Murray commenced play in the mixed doubles final just one hour and 15 minutes after the end of his singles final triumph.


Louis Smith won a dramatic gymnastics silver medal on the pommel horse, missing out on gold by the narrowest margin after his overall score tied with Hungary’s Krisztian Berki. Both Smith and Berki scored 16.066 but Berki was awarded the Olympic gold by virtue of having a fractionally higher execution score.




Iain Percy and Andrew Simpson were denied a consecutive Olympic gold as Sweden won the final medal race to clinch the Star title in Weymouth. The British pair led going into the final but finished eighth as Sweden’s Fredrik Loof and Max Salminen won. GB finished on 34 points, two behind Sweden, with Brazil on 40 points.


After a restart brought about when Purchase’s seat broke, the British pair set the early pace and looked set to add Team GB’s 11th gold and third of the day only for Denmark to fight back from half a boat down and take the lead with 100m left.


The London-born judoka won a superb silver as she was finally beaten by two yuko scores in the 78kg final by American Kayla Harrison. The world number 33 became Great Britain’s first Judo medalist in 12 years.


David Florence and Richard Hounslow took silver in the Canoe Slalom men’s double as team-mates Tim Baillie and Etienne Stott claimed Britain’s first ever gold in the event. World number nine pair Florence and Hounslow were the fastest in the semifinals and therefore had the honour of going last. They were up on the lead time until the final sector, but just missed out to take their first Olympic silver as a pair.


Starting as favourites, Team GB sat in third place for much of the 2,000m with Denmark out in front. Entering the final 500m they made a push for the lead but, in a

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Daley struggled in the preliminary round but improved in the semi-final and continued into the fina. Daley took the slenderest of leads with his penultimate leap and only 0.15 points separated the top three in the final round but Daley’s lower difficulty tariff saw him slip to third.


After qualifying fourth from their semi-final, the European champions got a good start and held off France’s 2010 and 2011 world champions to grab the bronze behind Russia and Belarus.


tight finish, were pipped by South Africa. The Chambers duo became the first British brothers to win an Olympic medal since Greg and Jonny Searle took bronze in the coxless four at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.


Jamieson did everything he could possibly do, but Hungary’s Daniel Gyurta held him off, breaking the world record in the process. Britain’s Jamieson broke the British record in the final with a time of 2:07.43.


A Great Britain team including the Queen’s grand-daughter Zara Phillips, finished behind Germany following a dramatic tussle with New Zealand. Holding a narrow lead over the Kiwis as the last riders prepared to go, Tina Cook sealed second place by collecting just one penalty. Zara Phillips received her medal from her mother Princess Anne, who competed in the 1976 Olympics in Montreal. Her father, Captain Mark Phillips, was a member of the British three-day eventing team that won gold in Munich in 1972.


Bronze medallist Russian Olga Zabelinskaya instigated a breakaway with 25km to go and Armitstead and Marianne Vos of the Netherlands went with her, eventually leaving the Russian behind. In a race for the finish Armitstead attacked Vos on the Mall but the Dutch rider had too much power and took gold in a thrilling rain-soaked 140km race.

After easing through his first round clash, Muhammad lost in the quarter-finals to end his hopes of winning gold or silver. However, with the man who beat him - Nicolas Garcia Hemme - advancing to the final, Muhammad entered the repechage where he beat Arman Yeremyan 9-3 to land a bronze.


Great Britain beat New Zealand 3-1 at the Riverbank Arena to claim Olympic bronze in the women’s hockey. With no score at half-time, goals from Alex Danson, Crista Cullen and Sarah Thomas sank the Kiwis.


Despite losing his semi-final, Ogogo leaves London with a bronze medal thanks to making the last four after victory over Germany’s Stefan Hartel in the quarter-finals.


On a historic day for British dressage Bechtolsheimer had set the standard with a score of 84.339 which guaranteed GB a first individual dressage medal.


Grabarz put in a jump of 2.29m, and then had to wait to see if it was good enough for a medal. It was, with Grabarz sharing his medal with two others.


Jonny’s older brother Alistair won gold, but the younger Brownlee overcame a 15-second penalty for mounting his bike too quickly to finish third.

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Tweddle went for maximum difficulty but took a big step on dismount to score 15.916 from her routine, Russia’a Aliya Mustafina scoring a massive 16.133 to take the gold medal. With four world titles and now a bronze medal, Tweddle is the most decorated GB gymnast in history.


Coming into the final event of the multi-discipline ominium, Ed Clancy sat in fifth place. Needing a victory in the 1km time trial to secure a medal, he delivered, finishing over 1.333 seconds ahead of his nearest rival to secure a bronze medal.


On his Olympic debut, Whitlock scored a superb 15.600 handing him a bronze medal aged just 19.


The nation hoped Adlington would win gold again after her sensational performance in Beijing, but it was bronze this time as 15-year-old American Katie Ledecky blew away her rivals with a superb swim. SWIMMING - 400M FREESTYLE

Starting the final in lane eight, defending champion Adlington battled back from sixth place at the halfway point to claim bronze behind Allison Schmitt of the USA and France’s Camille Muffat, who set a new Olympic record.


Karina Bryant beat Ukraine’s Iryna Kindzerska in a bronze medal match in the women’s 78+kg category.


Campbell won bronze in the men’s single sculls, behind New Zealand’s Mahe Drysdale who put in a brilliant second half of the race to hold off the challenge from Czech Republic’s Ondrej Synek to win gold.




Nash and Satch clinched bronze in the men’s pair with New Zealand taking gold and France silver. France’s Germain Chardin and Dorian Mortelette led through 500m before New Zealand’s Eric Murray and Hamish Bond swept past them.


With all eyes on Bradley Wiggins, Froome quietly got on with the task of getting himself on to the podium. Any hopes of a cycling one-two at the Games were dashed as Germany’s Martin split the pair, showing why he is a world champion. Froome eventually finished 26 seconds behind Martin and 68 seconds behind team-mate Wiggins, but can still be proud of his bronze medal.



Dancing the night away as the party finally ends If Danny Boyle’s opening ceremony was a dramatic statement of everything everyone wanted London 2012 to be, then the closing ceremony on Sunday 12th August was a joy-filled celebration of the triumphant way in which so many of the athletes those hopes have been realised. A scale model of London took centre-stage wrapped entirely in newspaper, including Tower Bridge, The Gherkin and the London Eye. Athletes appeared and filled each segment of the iconic Union Jack flag, celebrating their achievements to constant cheering and clapping from the crowds. Performers included Emeli Sande, Madness, Pet Shop Boys, Ray Davies, George Michael, Jessie J and Annie Lennox. Kaiser Chiefs and Ed Sheeran


After coming through the repechage to reach the final, Great Britain’s men’s eight pushed Germany for most of the race before the world champions pulled away and a late surge from Canada moved them down into third.


Claiming Great Britain’s first Olympic medal in team gymnastics for 100 years, Louis Smith and his team-mates were initially awarded the silver medal until a successful appeal saw Japan jump from fourth to second. However, the GB team still surpassed all expectations by winning bronze.


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led tributes to British greats The Who, David Bowie and Pink Floyd. The At the end of the Ceremony, there was a handover to Rio de Janeiro for the Stadium turned into huge catwalk with appearances from supermodels 2016 Olympic Games, and the Olympic Flame extinguished, signalling the Naomi Campbell & Kate Moss. end of the Olympic Games. Iconic Black London cabs performed a ‘taxi ballet’ before the Spice Girls emerged and performed an amazing medley of hits. Monty Python star Eric Idle led the 80,000 crowd with a superb rendition of Always Look on the Bright Side of Life, leaving the crowds smiling, and enhancing the already positive and excitable atmosphere that has been created as a result of the Games. He was followed by a performance by pop icons Queen, including vocals from Jessie J and from beyond the grave, by the band’s late singer Freddie Mercury.

So that’s it! The London 2012 Olympics are at an end, and for the host nation it has been probably the greatest ever sporting spectacle witnessed on these shores. The stunning performances of British athletes left the nation a comfortable third in the medal table with more medals than in any games since 1908, which was also held in London and at which just 22 nations took part compared to the 204 this year.

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Couldn’t get into Hurtwood! Left it too late, poor lamb!

What a shame! Hurtwood was the Sixth Form of her dreams, the best in the world for the Performing and Creative arts and brilliant academically, too. How she longed to be part of that cosy, inspiring community... but alas, too late... too late. So don’t delay – contact me now – or


for the rest of your life!

Cosmo Jackson T: 01483 279000 E:

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Central Saint Martins WORDS Rosie Ashley

Friday 24 august 2012


I have spent the last 5 days in the London on yet another course at Central Saint Martins. It is currently the third course I have taken there and it definitely will not be my last. I cannot describe how inspired you feel just by simply being in the building and being surrounded by so many creative students and tutors. The new location at King Cross is beautiful as well. As you walk up to the building there are a number of rectangular shaped fountain designs in the floor and in the morning when you walk through, all the vents have a kind of damp mist coming from them as shown in the


photograph above. It’s the strangest sight, but its so clever and intriguing. This time I attended the course ‘Pattern Making Part 1’ by Louis Loizou - who was a brilliant tutor and really helped you understand the vital methods needed when learning to cut. I really wanted to attend this course to better my skills for my upcoming third year! I can’t believe it’s here already. It’s so scary to think that this time next year I will have graduated! ... But let’s not think about that! I completed so much work over the week that I will leave it for another post to show you some of the individual methods and pattern

blocks I worked from, and the different dart and seam manipulations I tried. When considering the course, I was deciphering whether to go to LCF to do a pattern cutting course as I know how good their reputation is for the technical side to Fashion, but I am so happy with my decision to stay true to CSM. At CSM they teach you the basic methods and guide you so that you will be able to create your own designs and visualise them. - Something which works for me personally. You are free to be inspired and let your creative side loose! Indeed, pattern making is endless. What else I love about the short courses

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that they run at CSM is that you are able to meet people from all over the world, there were people from Japan, New Zealand, Brazil and Belgium etc. and they have all come from different backgrounds. Some were designers themselves and just wanted to better their pattern making knowledge. Others were trained in completely different professions such as medicine, but wanted to learn the skills for a more personal use. I’m in London until Sunday going to visit more exhibitions and cram in more research for my FMP but I will be sure to show you my work soon!

For now... x september 2012 89

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nn AW ing AR Bo D uti qu

London life june.indd 39



The RSA is a beautiful venue for an event. The staff are exceptional and helped make the day run smoothly, the quality of the food was fantastic and all of our guests had a great time


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London restaurant festival returns L 1ST-15TH OcTOber 2012 THe cITYWIDe ceLebrATION OF FOOD


ondon Restaurant Festival 2012, a two-week celebration of the capital’s restaurants and food, returns for its fourth year with a schedule of uniqueevents tailored to meet everyone’s tastes and budgets Working again with its title partner, American Express and other key sponsors such as Laurent Perrier and S. Pellegrino, London Restaurant Festival will begin with a series of new, innovative and more accessible events, the citywide celebration will also see the capital’s restaurants and chefs provide thousands of inventive festival menus across the city. In keeping with their trend-setting reputation, London Restaurant Festival

photos: natalie tkachuk

food&dr I n k

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2012 returns with a brand new concept ‘Graze’ (1st - 15th October). Exmouth Market; Bermondsey Street; Brixton Village; Marylebone High Street, Charlotte Street and Soho play host to this unique event offering holders of the Graze keyring an evening of restaurant hopping along these gastronomic hotspots. With some of London’s most celebrated restaurants on board including Caravan, Moro, Bubbledogs, Jose, Copita, French & Grace and Trishna diners enjoy a complimentary glass of wine, beer or a cocktail with the purchase of a small plate or main course at each restaurant. Simon Davis, Director and Co-Founder, of the London Restaurant Festival said: ‘We are thrilled to announce that tickets are now on sale for this year’s festival. We are fizzing about Graze - it’s a jolly simple idea but will be great fun for people who want to explore new places. Happily all the restaurants we have approached are really behind the idea too which is crucial. It’s restaurant -hopping and we will have six Graze streets during the festival. But Graze is just one of dozens of LRF events.” London Restaurant Festival 2012 are holding other new events that include Kitchen Influentials, an exclusive event for American Express Cardmembers, which will bring together some of the country’s most renowned chefs with their protégés, family or friends for a one off lunch. The twenty chefs include Michel Roux, Bruno Loubet, Rowley Leigh and Mark Hix. London Restaurant Festival 2012 will also see the return of many festival favourites


including London’s original gastronomic road trip the Gourmet Odyssey, after a LaurentPerrier reception, guests ride on an iconic red Routemaster bus across the capital and enjoy a course in three different restaurants. The Tapas Tour gives ticket holders the chance to experience traditional tapas crawls across the city. Eat Film is back at Firmdale Hotels with chefs and foodies screening a film that has inspired them before hosting a dinner. London Restaurant Festival launches London’s first GastroPub Quiz involving 100 pubs and the annual culinary discussion The Big Debate will be held at the The Tabernacle in Notting Hill with partners 5x15, the motion asks whether celebrity chefs and TV shows are ruining cooking. Fortnum & Mason will host Game On - a celebration of Game with visiting chefs and London Restaurant Festival’s first shoot where chefs will bag their own game for the pot. London Restaurant Festival 2012 will also be serving up a host of SideOrders (Fringe Events) and announcing many more exciting

events later in the year. The festival will culminate with the LRF Awards ceremony on 15th October to celebrate the most innovative of London cuisine and the people behind it. ■ Prices start at £10. For further information and to purchase tickets please visit www. Graze keyrings can be purchased at from July 16, costing £12.50 per person or £20 for a pair. The average cost of a dish will be £6 and each dish will be served with a complimentary glass of wine, beer or cocktail. A ticket to five Graze events will cost £50 per person. A special Soho weekend pass will be available for £17.50 per person or £30 for a pair. The London Restaurant Festival was created by Evening Standard restaurant critic, Fay Maschler and Simon Davis, her business partner in restaurant consultancy A Private View Ltd.

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04/09/2012 10:29

A Place to Celebrate Life Chiltern Woodland Burial Park is a stunning venue for funerals, memorial services, conferences and events. Set in 72 acres of mature woodland, the beautiful ceremonial buildings oer a unique experience. We offer catering ering facilities, plenty of parking, mobility buggies and highly trained staff, Chiltern B Burial Park is truly a cemetery time. We give all of our families a minimum of two hours for each funeral funeral, the freedom tery of our time to personalise each ceremony,complimentary refreshments and access to the woodland park 365 days a year. Within the beautiful woodlands, families can choose the perfect resting place for their loved one for the burial. Or following cremation ashes can be scattered or buried in the woodland. Graves and ashes plots may be selected and purchased in advance, giving peace of mind to those planning for their own future. Our woodland burial park offers a unique and caring experience with a price range that makes the park accessible to all. To find out more about this remarkable woodland, or request a brochure and price list call us on: 01494 872158 Visitors are always welcome, our compassionate and experienced staff are here to help you.

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Chiltern Woodland Burial Park ...the natural choice 04/09/2012 10:29

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ML_Sept_ALL.indd 95

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04/09/2012 10:29

London eVentS

rHS AuTumN DeLIgHTS The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) is hosting two London shows in October, celebrating the best of the autumn gardening season.




SEE, TASTE AND BuY MOuTH-WATERING PRODuCE at the RHS London Harvest Festival Show, a foodie feast celebrating the taste of autumn. Some of the best growers in the uK will exhibit in the Fruit & Vegetable Competition - and new exhibitors are very welcome. Pumpkins will feature largely at the show, including displays from RHS Garden Wisley and from local London schools participating in the RHS Campaign for School Gardening. For the first time, pumpkin fans can also expect to see giant specimens from the RHS Heaviest Pumpkin Competition, where professional and amateur growers alike, compete for the chance to win a top prize of £1,000. The prized pumpkins will be weighed and judged on Tuesday 9th October. Those working during the day need not miss out as, for the first time, the RHS London Harvest Festival Show is extending its opening hours until8.30pm. An evening of mists and mellow fruitfulness awaits on Tuesday 9th October with dreamy folk music from Robin Grey and his band. The acclaimed London Vegetable Orchestra will also be wowing the crowd as they demonstrate the versatility of their veggie instruments. And to get in the mood, visitors can partake in a glass or two of cider straight from the RHS Garden Wisley orchard. With plenty of other activities, plus exclusive evening access to the show, this should be a night out with a difference. ■ For Fruit & Vegetable Competition enquiries contact

RHS LONDON SHADES OF AuTuMN SHOW WILL BE PACKED with autumn planting inspiration to extend the gardening season. In the glorious Lawrence Hall the charity will host more than 20 specialist nurseries from around the uK, each vying for visitors’ attention with their colourful displays. A wealth of advice from some of the best growers and an enviable selection of plants to purchase awaits visitors. Displays will range from a tapestry of plants to a riotous collection of quilts, as internationally celebrated artist and self-confessed ‘colourguy’, Kaffe Fassett, exhibits a selection of his botanically inspired works. Amongst his many triumphs Kaffe has produced designs for Missoni, exhibited at Liberty’s Festival of Quilts alongside the likes of Tracey Emin and isthe first living artist to have held a one-man show at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. This promises to be very special exhibition as Kaffe’s inspiration andartworkis brought together under one roof. The Ornamental Plant Competition, open to all amateur growers, will present the pick of foliage and flower from plantspeople around the uK - new exhibitors are also very welcome. Finally, to complement all this colour and creativity, images selected to enter the 2012 RHS photography exhibition will also be on display and are sure to inspire budding botanical photographers. ■ For more information and to buy tickets, visit

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echnology plays an increasingly vital role in our lives, and it can be a disaster when it all goes wrong. Until now solving computer and technology issues could be expensive and

Student@Home can provide support around the following:

confusing, however a new service launched this summer offers an

Technology tuition

innovative and affordable solution.

Making slow computers faster

Student@Home is a call-out service that provides expert tuition and

Solving problems with email and internet

technology support for homes and small businesses, delivered by a

Removal of viruses

team of talented IT students from the top computer science courses in London. Founder Kelly Klein said: “A lot of the technology and computer support on offer is expensive and inaccessible. At the same time there is a pool of gifted IT students out there struggling to get work experience.

Advice on software and hardware Maintenance of software Digital TV and cameras Printers and scanners

We’re taking two problems here and making them into solutions. We’re

Smart phones, iPads and tablets

creating jobs for these students and a cost efficient, knowledgeable and

Web design

friendly service for customers.” Dorit Dowling, a 59 year-old psychologist from Hammersmith who recently used Student@Home, said: “The student was really friendly and supportive. Katie came to my house and in a few sessions she taught me how to use the internet and Skype. Now I’m able to stay connected with my family overseas and I’m starting to learn about social media and online shopping. I don’t know how I went without the internet for so long!” Katie Pemberton, now in her second year studying computing at Roehampton University, said: “I’m studying to be a web developer and until now I’ve found it really hard to get any kind of IT work experience. Working for Student@Home is great because I get to put my knowledge to use solving lots of different problems. And helping people like Dorit makes me feel like I’m making a difference.”

MORE INFORMATION 0844 880 2584

ML_Sept_ALL.indd 97 Typeface: Gudea

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ook the week off work, London Cocktail Week the biggest drinks festival in the uK - is back and this year will be basing its main hub in the beautiful Seven Dials area of Covent Garden. Get ready to shake, sip and party your way to a fantastic celebration of our capital’s unrivalled cocktail culture. Within the historic Seven Dials you’ll find our very own London Cocktail Week shop filled with must-have cocktail making equipment and from which you can collect your wristband. From there, you can go on to visit the area’s mix of high end luxury hotels, underground bars, retail spaces and exclusive members clubs, which will be buzzing with tastings, masterclasses, pop up shops and cocktail parties. These seven streets will be the must-visit of the week so sign up online, reserve your wristband in advance and see you there. Outside of Seven Dials, the London Cocktail Week Cocktail Tours will onceagain be taking place, with some of the best bars in the city throwing open their doors to offer a bespoke London Cocktail Week cocktail


for just £4 to wristband wearers. With the new London Cocktail Week bar accreditation system, every venue will be really upping their game so take some time out to explore the city and discover some new hangouts. The London Cocktail Week vintage Routemaster buses will be offering free transport out to the areas not within walking distance of Seven Dials and will be leaving from Centre Point at 7pm and 9pm - expect to be entertainedduring your journey. Registrations for the £4 London Cocktail Week wristband and bus pass will open in August 2012 at These will then be available to collect from our London Cocktail Week shop in Seven Dials from Sunday 7th October. Once the week gets going, they will go up to £10 - so sign up now. Details of activity at Seven Dials’ participating bars, hotels and restaurants will be published in Autumn 2012 at ■ For more information, exclusive recipes, tips and interviews please contact Kirsty Taylor on 0207 632 4800 or email sevendials@, or Siobhan Payne on

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CALKEN gallery is renowned for its emphasis on figurative bronze sculpture, and is home to the exquisite artwork of Royal Academy, Landseer Prize winning sculptor, Michael Talbot. The sculpture is presented in relaxing, elegant surroundings, together with a refreshing variety of paintings from established and emerging artists. The gallery is situated in Kensington Church Street, one of London’s destination streets and only a short walk from neighbouring Kensington Palace and Kensington Gardens.

117 Kensington Church Street London W8 7LN Telephone: +44 (0)20 7998 6446


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Banjo Patterson writes Waltzing Matilda.



The nation’s most stylish art gallery has opened its doors at the Brunswick Centre in Bloomsbury. Whitewall Galleries is an innovative, state-of-the-art venue which brings the finest artwork from around the world to a discerning audience of art lovers. The gallery is celebrating its Official Opening on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th September 2012 with a spellbinding exhibition of new collectable canvases from modern master Rolf Harris CBE, which will include his new ‘broad brush’ works. This autumn the nation’s favourite artist has painted a breathtaking series of landscapes featuring the vast and vibrant spaces of Australia and America. The Australian pieces are a timely reminder of Rolf’s Australian roots. He has become such a national treasure here in the UK that we like to simply gloss over his history and claim him for our own; but earlier this year he was once again named on the Queen’s Birthday Honours list and given the title of Officer of the Order of Australia in recognition of distinguished service through the promotion of Australian culture. “This is a huge honour because the Order of Australia was established by the Queen herself in 1975. I am thrilled to bits,” he said. “Although I love the UK, I still think of myself 100

as an Australian. My Mum and Dad would have been bursting with pride if they were here today. This has been an amazing year for me and it’s just getting better and better.” While the magnificent quartet of images that makes up Rolf’s new collection has been painted using the ‘broad brush’ technique that Rolf has made famous on our TV screens and in live performances. The atmosphere and detail he achieves with this somewhat unwieldy tool and his signature buckets of vibrantcoloured emulsion paint is

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Monument Valley

extraordinary. Rolf explains: “The secret is mainly in the size. I think it looks impressive because it is achieved so rapidly and with such apparently fine detail. The reason it looks so fine is because of the huge reduction in size when it comes down to either a print, or a view of the painting on a TV screen. The large brush is able to do huge areas of colour quickly and also, by flattening the brush along the top of the can, it can do what appear to be fine lines. When viewed up close these lines are quite often a quarter to half an inch thick. “I love working with conventional sizes of brush, but for a huge sized painting, the broad brushes are magic. I usually keep the colours and the brushes completely clean so that I don’t get blurred or mixed ‘muddy colours. It’s all really in the pre-planning. In ‘Uluru Sunset, Surprise Shower’, I used big brushes but also used conventionally sized oil painting brushes for certain fine detail.” Rolf first began to use his broad brush method many years ago when he was creating cartoons on TV. “For the cartoons I was using black chalk on grey card. The cameras in those far off days of the ‘50s couldn’t cope with white card as it was too blindingly white. However much I went over and over scrubbing hard with the chalk, it never looked black, always a sort of half tone dark grey, and I wondered how I would ever be able to achieve a decent black. Felt pens had not been invented back then. I thought that a brush with black paint would work, but was worried that I’d be forever dipping into the container with my brush. Suddenly I thought, ‘what about using a big house painting brush and doing the drawings (or rather paintings) on a huge background, like a wall’. So that’s the way it started with me doing big black and white paintings on the white wall of a studio. The various colours and tones and realistic representational paintings came much later. At first it was all huge cartoons that I created.” ‘Banjo Patterson Writes Waltzing Matilda’ was painted in emulsion for television cameras, to create a video for one of Rolf’s recordings, while ‘Bush Shack in the Outback II’ was painted on stage during a concert tour in Australia . ‘Monument Valley’ and ‘Uluru Sunset, Surprise Shower’ were both painted in studio situations. Yet all four

Uluru Sunse Surprise Shower

paintings are superb examples of the artist’s inimitable style, with the mastery of colour and intensity of atmosphere that is pure Rolf. Rolf’s award-winning artwork is a highlight of the Whitewall portfolio. With the emphasis on individuality and quality, the gallery walls reflect the exhilarating character and infinite variety of the contemporary art scene, offering stylish and innovative pieces to suit any interior setting. Whitewall Brunswick will showcase an eclectic range of Original Paintings, collectable Limited Editions and Sculpture from many internationally acclaimed artists including Fabian Perez (Official Artist to the 2012 Olympics), outstanding modern impressionist Sherree Valentine Daines and Royal portrait painter Darren Baker. As the UK’s leading gallery group, Whitewall made its debut in London’s Westbourne Grove at the end of 2006, and six years later this astonishing British success story has introduced their ‘new experience in fine art’ into over 30 stunning gallery venues in London, across the UK and beyond. Their intention was to bring a new gallery concept to some of the country’s most vibrant areas - inspirational artwork from international award winners, household names and the freshest new talent presented in a warm and sociable atmosphere without the overtones of elitism that can dog the world of fine art. The response has been overwhelming and they have helped literally thousands of people to become art collectors or to expand an existing collection, often in unexpected new directions. Whitewall Brunswick has an exciting programme of events that runs throughout the year. Register with the gallery to receive invitations to exhibitions, private views, unique artist tours and launch parties.

MORE INFORMATION Whitewall Galleries, The Brunswick Centre, London, WC1N 1BS T: 0207 837 4060 E:

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2012 mArkS 150 YeArS OF THe

the royal Marsden AT FuLHAm rOAD, cHeLSeA



hen the hospital was first opened in 1851, it consisted only of a dispensary on Cannon Row, in Westminster. Its foundation, in 1851 was based on the desire of Dr William Marsden to better understand the treatments for cancer. He is quoted as saying ‘Now gentlemen, I want to found a hospital for the treatment of cancer, and the study of the disease, for at the present time we know absolutely nothing about it.’ Since its conception in 1851, opened as the world’s first hospital dedicated to cancer


diagnosis, treatment, research and education, the growth in patient numbers and need for more facilities and inpatient beds meant that a larger site was required. In 1855, the board obtained the patronage of Baroness Burdett-Coutts, whose loan of £3,000 made it possible to purchase the Fulham Road site which was around an acre of land. Architect David Mocatta drew up designs for the hospital and the foundation stone was laid by Baroness Coutts on 30th May 1859. In 1862 the hospital opened to patients at its new site on Fulham Road. The expansion of the hospital to Sutton was over one hundred years later, built in the 1950’s and opened by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 20th May 1963.

services in the London boroughs of Sutton and Merton and in June 2010, along with the ICR, the Trust launched a new academic partnership with Mount Vernon Cancer Centre in Middlesex. Since 2004, the hospital’s charity, The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, has helped raise over £50 million to build theatres, diagnostic centres, and drug development units. Prince William became President of The Royal Marsden in 2007, following a long royal connection with the hospital. ■ For more information, visit

THe rOYAL mArSDeN HOSPITALS Today, together with its academic partner, The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), it is the largest and most comprehensive cancer centre in Europe treating over 44,000 patients every year. It is a centre of excellence with an international reputation for ground-breaking research and pioneering the very latest in cancer treatments and technologies. The Royal Marsden also provides community

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croWnIng gLory

quick spritz of Richard Ward’s Volumiser Root Booster (£19, before blow-drying will leave your locks ultra glossy and full of lustrous volume. Catherine is great at changing up her hairstyle to fit the occasion. On her’s and Prince William’s trip to Canada, Catherine sported a manageable yet stylish high ponytail. To emulate her look Flip-In Hair’s Pasoday Ponytail (£124.99, available in 43 divine colours, gives you an instant ponytail that hooks around your existing hair making it impossible to detect that it’s not real. Also favoured by the Duchess is the classic and simple to achieve chignon. If your hair isn’t as thick as you would like to copy this hairstyle, then grab an Artemis Bun from Annabelle’s Hair Couture (£36, This faux drawstring bun is available in 9 shades and is made with Flexihair which looks and feels like real hair for a natural finish. ■

ALL THe TOOLS AND TrIckS TO emuLATe THOSe LuSTrOuS LOckS OF cATHerINe, DucHeSS OF cAmbrIDge. WORDS Levanah Reyes-Wainwright


f you want the glossy mane of the Duchess but whatever you do or use it’s not working, then invest in your hair by seeing a trichologist. The Philip Kingsley Clinic ( in the heart of Mayfair has a team of highly experienced and dedicated hair specialists, who provide expert advice and treatment for all types of hair loss and scalp concerns. With countless A-List clientele, even if you are just looking to improve hair growth, the team will look at how diet, stress and lifestyle are affecting your hair and suggest changes to greatly improve its appearance. To encourage enviable thick hair, add LA Science Follicle Stimulating Shampoo (£14.99, Boots) and Anti Hair Loss Serum (£29.99, Boots) to your routine. This advanced healthy hair growth system maximizes hair growth and shine with a nourishing peptide complex, for long strong hair that screams ‘health’.


Catherine’s hairdresser of choice Richard Ward that styles the hair we all covet has now released his own range of couture haircare. His Clay Mineral Conditioning Treatment Masque (£23, is brilliant if your tresses are craving an intensive, extra moisture surge and shine injection that doesn’t weigh down the hair. To improve your hair’s manageability, nourish and detangle the hair and reduce blow-drying time, there is only one product for the job - Moroccanoil (£30.45, 0800 310 1133). Infused with argan oil, this cult treatment will instantly absorb into the hair to create luminous shine and luxurious Duchess worthy locks. For the perfect Duchess inspired blow-dry at home, the BaByliss Big Hair (£45, Argos) styler creates voluminous hair with zero hassle. Big Hair’s large rotating hot air brush builds fullness, body and bounce with ease, whilst the soft bristles and ceramic barrel simultaneously add smoothness and shine. A

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athletes beauty article

Personal Bests A total of 538 athletes make up Team GB but certain faces have already become Olympic favourites. Jessica Ennis, Victoria Pendleton, Keri-Anne Payne and Tom Daley are all championing beauty and bodycare campaigns as they prepare for the 2012 spotlight. From track and field to pool, these Olympians are proving athletes can step up to the style podium too. Lisa Haynes discovers their fast track secrets to groomed glory.

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h e a Lt h & B e au t y Q: WHAT’S YOUR MAKE-UP MANTRA? It’s always been important to me to look good when I’m racing. I even like to have painted nails when I ride. I like the saying, ‘Look good, feel good, go good!’ I definitely think looking good helps you feel more confident so I’ll wear a little mascara, tinted moisturiser and lip balm. I always reapply before getting up on the podium.

Q: WHICH AREAS REALLY SUFFER BECAUSE OF YOUR SPORT? Training with a helmet on every day means my hair is prone to a lot of frizz so I need a haircare regime that helps protect against helmet hair! I love to leave in a hydrating smoothing product after washing like Pantene’s Smooth & Sleek 24h Frizz Fighter to combat any frizziness. Olay Essentials Complete Care SPF30, £10.29

Q: WHAT ARE YOUR MUST-HAVE BEAUTY PRODUCTS? I love Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine Cream or Neom Organics Moroccan Blush Rose Oil for some indulgent pampering. In my make-up bag I rely on Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer SPF20, By Terry Touche Veloutee highlighting concealer and Vaseline Lip Therapy Rosy.


My hair, of course! It’s crammed into a hot helmet pretty much every day so when I’m glamming up, I love to really make my hair stand out.

Track cyclist Victoria Pendleton, 31, is the face of Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek.


Heptathlete Jessica Ennis, 26, is the face of Olay Essentials.

Q: DESCRIBE YOUR DAILY BEAUTY ROUTINE? I’m training pretty much every day so it’s important for me to keep my skin clean and hydrated. I’ll start off by cleansing my skin in the morning with a smoothing scrub you can use in the shower. Then I’ll always protect my skin with an SPF as a lot of my training is outdoors. The Olay Essentials Complete Care SPF30 is ideal as it’s really light so doesn’t clog my pores and make me sweat more.

Q: DO YOU WEAR MAKE-UP TO TRAIN OR COMPETE? Absolutely. I wear make up every day when I’m training - I always like to look and feel my best. I’ll wear an oil-free foundation then apply black eyeliner and mascara. I’m an eyeliner addict and love dark smoky eyes for a night out.

Q: WHAT ARE YOUR MUST-HAVE BEAUTY PRODUCTS? Bobbi Brown cosmetics - especially their foundations. I also love MAC for eyeliners and mascaras, and they also do a lovely Lip Conditioner.

Q: HOW DO YOU LIKE TO RECOVER AFTER A HARD TRAINING SESSION? I love a long hot soak in the bath. My favourite product is the Elemis Aching Muscle Super Soak - it smells a bit like Deep Heat! When I have some downtime, I love to go to a spa with friends. I don’t really have massages as I have plenty of painful sports ones during training!

Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek 24h Frizz Fighter, £4.49 september 2012

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nail it this autumn 2012 TALON TreNDS bY LevANAH reYeS-WAINWrIgHT


012 has definitely been the year of the nail, with nail polish sales continuing to rise as we get our fingertip fix. Pastels, Nudes and Neons dominated Spring/Summer but with Autumn/Winter on its way, it’s time for a seasonal switch up. Nail technician Aphrodite at Paul Edmonds’ eponymous super luxe nail area in London (, has given me a run down of what we’ll be wearing. “Colours this season are dark – rustic reds, navy blues and purple” she says. These colours are always dominant however, this year they are more sophisticated. By Terry’s Nail Laque Terrybly (£21, Space NK) are ‘dark cream’ shades. Garnet Nectar is my favourite, a jewel like sacred purple formulated with nourishing and strengthening Okoume extract. The rustic reds come from Jessica Nails’ Spicy Dream collection, inspired by the beauty of Eastern spice markets. Cinnamon Kiss (£9.75, is a deep crimson with red shimmer that is rich and evocative. OPI’s new SkyFall collection



(£11 each, in collaboration with the new 007 movie, are all named after Bond movies for the 50th Anniversary of the character. ‘Die Another Day’ is a hot and lively, opulent red that would look great on short nails. Nail length this season is “a natural shape, short and squared with a soft edge” according to Aphrodite. This season is about using texture to add interest and depth to your nail look. Taking inspiration from the crushed velvet trend seen on the McQueen, Balmain and Gucci runways of AW12; it’s no surprise that innovative British nail brand Ciaté bring you the latest lust for nails following on from their SS’12 3D Caviar Manicure. Ciaté’s Velvet Manicure™ kit (£14, adds a matte, textured feel to your nails – it looks and feels like velvet and is available in Mink Cashmere, Berry Poncho and Blue Suede. “With textures, we are seeing colour being applied, then another colour being sponged or dabbed on,” says Aphrodite. Paint one coat of The Man with the Golden Gun Limited Edition 18ct Gold Leaf Top Coat (£29.98, from OPI, for luxurious added texture. Strong greys and metallic’s ruled at the Chanel and Roberto Cavalli shows, so if





you want your nails to fall in line with this key military look, then pick up the nail leader of the pack. Chanel’s Le Vernis in Vertigo (£18, 020 7493 3836) an almost black lacquer, with a heart of red pearly particles dazzles in the light. Channel military camouflage with Butter London’s Trustafarian (£12, Harvey Nichols). A golden holographic finish gives this delightful sage green a surprising and sophisticated edge. “High shine is a big trend”, says Aphrodite, which thankfully Revlon have answered with their new ColorStay™ Nail Enamels (£7.99 each, Boots). This latest technology is based on a unique combination of resin and high molecular weight polymers, designed to provide a long-lasting gel-like finish. Ensure every manicure is finished with award winning cult Fast Dry Top Coat Seche Vite (£10.95,, which gives the highest gloss finish, perfect to increase durability during the colder months. ■



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Laban’s Pilates Studio is one of Laban’s Pilates Studio is one of the largest fully equipped Pilates the largest fullyUK equipped Pilates facilities in the facilities in the Open 7 days a UK week

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Photography: Kyle Stevenson Photography: Kyle Stevenson

Open 7 days a week *W Neepw * Reformer classes rovide P i l ates sessi ons taiand l ored *New* Reformer classes and to your sp ecific needs Mat available 20%classes off selected Pilates bundles and Health treatments 9-27th July 2012! Mat classes available For further information or to For further information or to make a booking: make a booking:

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04/09/2012 10:30

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Park club t he Park Club is West London’s ultimate health and sports club. What’s so unique about this Club is that not only do adults get fit and healthy there, so too do younger members. Children and teenagers can participate in a myriad of sports and activities and they can have fun whilst burning off the excess energy we adults long for! Set in 27 acres of secure grounds, The Park Club offers a truly astonishing array of sports, facilities, health and beauty treatments. Such flexibility allows the whole family to enjoy time together and keeps the children safely entertained when the parents want precious ‘me-time’. With so much on offer there’s sure to be something to inspire you and your children. There are eight core sports – cricket, football, tennis, swimming, gymnastics, ballet, little lions rugby and martial arts – and dozens of other courses and creative activities for both adults and juniors.


The Ark in the Park, the Club’s OFSTED accredited crèche and day care nursery, takes babies from 6 weeks of age through to 8 years. The aim of the Ark is to provide a warm, happy, safe and stimulating environment for children to develop and flourish. And according to members of the Club, this is exactly what they do. In addition to the key sports mentioned above, there is an emphasis on going beyond the norm to capture the imaginations of the members - to inspire! Take the Tough Kids Aquathlon for example, as many as 100 children sign up for an outdoor pool swim followed by a sprint round the cricket pitch. Some of the juniors who started with these events are now involved in the adult triathlon programme too. The adult triathlon programme, Tristars, offers triathlon training advice and organises several triathlons throughout the year in our outdoor pool. Over the past 2 years, Park Club swimmers young and old have been lucky enough to enjoy a special Masterclass and talk with Duncan Goodhew MBE, a race Rebecca Adlington MBE, and this month a special event with 25 swimming heroes also including Michael Jamieson, Keri-anne Payne and more. If that wasn’t quite enough to get you active, we also offer indoor tennis facilities in our new state-of-the-art sports 2200sq m dome. Of course not all members are triathletes and sports people. At The Park Club there are members learning to swim for the very first time, members that come to the Club to relax and use the sauna, others that come to enjoy the relaxed ambience in the adult-only bar while they use the wifi. The Club offers so much and therefore appeals to anyone who enjoys a quality service in a great environment. The Park Club has special safe-haven areas which are child free zones and there is a Beauty Therapy department and Clinic area onsite for your convenience. Leading

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brands and treatments are available, including Dermalogica and Diamond Peel Dermabrasion facial treatments. The Clinic offers physiotherapy with Move Physio, Pilates with Studio 17 and Reiki, Hot and Cold Stone Massage, Rejuvenescence and more provided by Cherie Duir-Howe. The Club also provides extensive dining options. With a seasonal menu, you can be dining alongside a log fire in winter or going al fresco out on the terrace in the summer. The café offers a selection of hot and cold options and the terrace restaurant is perfect for a more formal dining experience on weekends. The Park Club ethos definitely includes having fun and the Club is renowned for its exciting social programme. Catering for all ages amidst 27 acres of grounds ensures there’s plenty of variety to the programme. There are many sporting events, gala evenings, music festivals, dinner evenings and parties throughout the year. And there are certain regulars, such as the infamous fireworks display every November and The Park Club 12 days of Christmas, that members know and love. All in all, this family Club, which is independently owned by a local family, is something of a rarity, a one-off. It is its individuality that sets The Park Club aside from the big chains.

In summary, if you live in West London, have children or just enjoy sport and great quality facilities and services, then The Park Club could be the perfect addition to your lifestyle. The Park Club provides new members with five complimentary one hour personal training sessions in the first month of membership and one complimentary session each month thereafter. New members are also offered a free cholesterol test and consultation with one of the gymnasium team. This is client-led and can be as brief or as detailed as you like, depending on your knowledge and goals.






memberSHIP Since opening in 2000, the Club has always provided flexible membership options. Contracts are available on a month-by-month basis or annually for those happy to commit to a year. The Club relies on the quality and reputation of its products and services rather than on requiring annually binding contracts. ■





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21/08/2012 15:53 04/09/2012 10:31

Ageless Angels toni


GEORGE VALLOSSIAN are experts in hair dressing his team come from Lebanon, Turkey and Italy. They have been styling hair more than 20 years and adapt their work to cater for each individual client achieving 100% client satisfaction.

Contact No: 020 7581 9754 020 8127 6281

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Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday 9am-7pm / Sunday 12am - 5pm (Sunday’s - By Appointment Only)

SPECIAL OFFER 30% discount on all hair services when quoting life magazine

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Occasional habit getting out of control? When an occasional habit gets out of control it can quickly become an addiction. It can wreck your life and the lives of those around you – but fortunately addictions can be treated. Addictions patients who completed The Priory’s 28 day programme had a 98% chance* of showing improvement in their mental health and social functioning.**

MAD LILLIES FINALISTS IN THE PRESTIGIOUS LONDON LIFESTYLE AWARDS 2012 The shortlist for this year’s London Lifestyle Awards has been announced, and we are excited that Mad Lillies has made the list in the London Best Hairdresser of the year category! This year, 4,127 businesses and personalities were in the running to be shortlisted for a London Lifestyle Award and Mad Lillies is very proud and excited to have made this celebrated shortlist drawn up by founder Jason Gale and his team. Members of the public are now given the opportunity to cast their own vote for their favourites to help decide the winner, and anyone can do so at before voting closes on 21st September.

Daily routine?

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“This could be the best salon in London” was how one client recently reviewed Mad Lillies of Hampstead. She continued “it is itself very friendly but with an air of poshness to it” Mad Lillies has always been welcoming and friendly and thats part of its charm: but it is also sophisticated and professional and only employs the best and most experienced Senior Hair Stylists and Technicians. It has been the busiest and most popular hair salon in the area for over a decade and continues to be the salon of choice for locals and celebrities alike; growing its reputation through that traditional mark of a great place - personal recommendation.

The Priory Hospital North London Grovelands House, The Bourne, Southgate, London, N14 6RA * Based on a sample of all patients during 2010/11 with completed HoNOS data. ** Improvements as measured by The Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS). HoNOS is the most widely used routine clinical outcome measure used by English mental health services and is also used in services around the world. It is a highly validated tool for the measurement of mental health and social functioning and provides insight for patients and clinicians into their progress against planned goals. Improvement is defined as a decrease in total HoNOS score over the course of an episode of care. Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) © Royal College of Psychiatrists 1996.

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18/06/2012 17:47

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keeP THe


FLAme burNINg


Over the last few weeks we’ve done nothing but live and breathe the Olympics. We took home a staggering 65 medals, shouted at the TV with encouragement, replicated usain Bolt’s victory pose and watched the best of British do us proud!

he games have no doubt left us all feeling motivated to increase our fitness levels or at least get active. If you’re looking for an Olympicgrade place to get fit, swim, build muscle or lose weight then The Laboratory Spa and Health Club is worth a visit. Three of this year’s Olympic athletes including Pole Volter Steve Lewis, Boxer Antony Joshua and Javelin thrower Goldie Sayer use the award winning facilities at the clubs in Muswell Hill and Mill Hill on a regular basis. Another regular at the Lab Spa is Olympic Swimmer and BBC sports commentator Mark Foster who is a fan of the 25 meter swimming pool


because of its state of the art uV-cleaning system which has no chlorine smell and is better for your skin and hair. Mark Says “The Laboratory Spa offers me exceptional facilities; they were my first choice when choosing a health club”. Furthermore both clubs have recently been shortlisted for the Members Choice Health Club Awards and the London Lifestyle Awards proving that the club can certainly live up to its reputation. The Lab Spa’s team of experts will tailor a programme to suit your goal. But to get some quick tips before you pop in, studio manager and celebrity personal trainer Elia Siaperas has put together some top tips on how to kick start your brand new regime!

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IF YOu’RE OFF ON A last minute beach holiday this summer then make the most of your surroundings by running on the beach. This is a vigorous form of exercise, it really works your leg muscles and your core stability as running on sand requires 1.6 times the energy required for road running. Try interval training on the beach by sprinting short stretches in deep sand and long stretches on firm sand. FIND AN ExERCISE BuDDY! It’s good to feel supported and motivated when you start taking up exercising. If you exercise alongside a friend with a similar ability, you can encourage one another to attend classes and exercise sessions but don’t get distracted – stay focussed on your goals. TRY TO uP YOuR PROTEIN INTAKE EVERY MEAL. The benefit of high-quality protein, like chicken, nuts and even low-fat Greek

yogurt, is that it contains amino acids, which help muscles recover after workouts STAY MOTIVATED AND BE REALISTIC. To see an improvement you need to be increasing your heart rate to between 60-70% of its maximum ability. It takes 6-8 weeks to start to see an improvement in your fitness and so don’t become disheartened if you don’t feel like you are making much progress to begin with. Winter is only round the corner so set yourself a 90-day challenge to really see your fitness improve by Christmas. MAKE IT A FAMILY AFFAIR! At the Lab Spa we have a Sunday Splash session where you can bring along your children for a fun filled family activity. Our beautiful 25 metre pool is cleansed with the latest uV light technology ensuring the highest possible standards of hygiene, providing a more refreshing and healthy swimming experience for the whole

family. Each pool benefits lots of natural light, twin spa baths and a comfortable relaxation area, marble steam rooms and Scandinavian saunas for mums and dads! FINALLY IF YOu ARE LOOKING TO BLAST stubborn fat then sign up for a circuit training that includes strength training and cardio. Do a set of push-ups, jump rope for a minute, do a set of squats and then jump rope again. Continue to alternate strength and cardio as this helps build muscle while keeping your heart rate high. So if you have an Olympic-sized hole left in your day from the Games then visit the Lab Spa who will be more than happy to show you their facilities and talk through their membership offers. ■ For more information on contact 0208 457 3300 for the Muswell Hill Club and 0208457 3300 for the Mill Hill Club. september 2012

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Realising Your Aspirations Why not wake up to Summer and make an appointment with Tom Oliver, personal trainer to the elite? How many of us started the year with good intentions to join a gym, start a fitness regime, take up running or cycling only to find our noble resolutions in tatters a few months later? With every day pressures, it’s never easy to find the right work and life balance which is why it’s often better to get a helping hand. The key to maintaining optimum health and fitness is regular exercise and a good and healthy lifestyle but often we need the motivation to help us achieve our aims. That’s where Tom Oliver, international personal trainer, comes in.

Why hire a personal trainer? There are those who believe personal trainers are only there to accompany them to the gym or when out jogging in the park, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. As a leading personal trainer to highflyers and those in the international business community with little time on their hands, Tom Oliver’s approach is about time efficiency and treating the whole person with a bespoke programme to meet an individual’s needs. Tom adapts his personal training skills to suit the busy lives of his clients, many of whom travel overseas regularly and have punishing work schedules. In creating a solid and uncomplicated training programme which incorporates good diet, exercise and key lifestyle choices, Tom is able to guide a client through his or her whole fitness programme, offering constant motivation, a regular schedule of challenging exercise, and most importantly, the results to show for it.

About Tom’s background Born in Hertfordshire, Tom was educated at Stowe, the leading public school in Buckinghamshire where he won the first ever

pure sports scholarship. From an early age, he demonstrated a keen interest in many sports, and became accomplished in football, cricket, athletics, cross-country running, squash and rugby. But it was rugby which became his great passion, and on leaving Stowe, he was signed up by Northampton Saints Rugby Club. In time he turned to rugby coaching at the highest level, holding posts with clubs in Chile, Argentina and Australia. Back in the UK, Tom established a personal training service to match the aspirations and exacting demands of a widening portfolio of clients, many of whom were professionals based in London but who needed to travel for their work. As the preferred trainer for clients of Harrods in Knightsbridge and also Edmiston Yachts, the world’s largest charter yacht company, Tom has much experience of juggling programmes to suit the hectic schedules of the international business community and to delivering the highest standards of service and commitment. Tom does not believe in quick fix exercise fads and trends or extreme dieting. His programmes are always fun, varied and challenging and he ensures that in terms of diet, his clients have the right nutritional package to match their physical training needs. His singular approach is based on many elements, the key being to build a strong rapport with the client and to fully understand what it is they most wish to achieve from any training programme. It follows that the setting of short, medium and long term targets is integral to his adopted strategy. Tom believes that exercise should be fun and he ensures that no programme is predictable or dull. He constantly introduces new elements to his client’s individual routines to keep them firmly on their toes!

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Although Tom has a relaxed and cheerful manner, he is a disciplinarian at heart, and maintains that nothing can be achieved over time unless exact and comprehensive monitoring of a client’s progress is applied. In practice, Tom remains totally flexible when it comes to a client’s preferred location for training sessions: a park, gym or workplace are all possibilities. Ideally, however, he maintains that a client’s own home provides an excellent environment, so much so that he regularly assists clients to create their own in-house gyms, and can oversee the design, choice, and installation of equipment. Alternatively, Tom is happy to work alongside architects and designers in the early stages of a home gym project and to advise on equipment specification and layout. Many of Tom’s clients are successful operators in the international business community and he has often travelled to Russia, UAE, and the United States to advise on home or yacht gym installation and personal training programmes. And if that wasn’t enough, Tom also has a good grounding in Spanish, French, Italian and German for the benefit of his European clientele.

Training with Tom Oliver will help a client achieve their key aims: To feel stronger and fitter, and to have more energy, flexibility and agility. In other words, to feel good on both the inside and outside...

So don’t put off the evil hour. Make an appointment with Tom Oliver today. All of us are full of good intentions but often just need someone with the right expertise to encourage and help us put our plans into action! For more information about Tom Oliver and YOUR personal training call +44 (0) 7767 411 577 or email

Bespoke Personal Training and Skills Coaching for Young People... For many years Tom Oliver Personal Training has provided tailored personal training solutions to some of the worlds most influential figures. As the preferred trainer to exclusive store Harrods, International luxury Concierge Company, Quintessentially and the world’s largest charter yacht fleet, Edmiston Yachts. During that period, Tom and his team have experienced an increasing requirement not only with the principle, but also working with the children. At Tom Oliver Personal Training we carefully devise bespoke training/coaching and multiskills sessions on a one-one, family or small group basis, in order to allow children to progress at a rate which suits them - one that considers their biological maturation age, rather than just their chronological age, develops a complete range of functional movement skills and is flexible enough to encompass the activity preferences of the child and one that avoids the child getting “lost in a crowd” in a class. This could range from basic co-ordination development; fun and functional fitness for an over-weight child or sports specific development

in order to further develop that child’s natural ability. Whilst along the way, we encourage and educate the importance of healthy eating habits in a fun and interactive format. The emphasis at Tom Oliver Personal Training for Children, is not only to positively impact upon the health of the children by delivering physical activity in a varied and stimulating ways, but will also ensure that young people possess the basic skills required to enjoy a broad spectrum of physical activities as they grow older. It fosters very positive attitudes towards physical activity, which will promote a healthy longterm adoption of exercise as a habit.

“We look forward to creating a healthy future for you and your families” For more information on this, please contact our head coach and senior trainer Nathan Kelly or call +44 (0)7767 411 577 september 2012

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helen turkington Interiors LAuNcHeS A NeW cOmPANY WebSITe


riving and growing a retail a business on a daily basis is hard enough, but now it is a natural progression that any successful company will have a good e- commerce website running alongside it. Helen Turkington opened her first uK store in April 2010, and is hoping to her increase her London presence this year with two more stores planned on the horizon. In addition to the expansion of the company on this side of the Irish Sea, Helen has just launched her new website where the all the fabrics, paints and furniture from the collection are now finally housed in one place. The Helen Turkington ethos to pulling together a scheme is a simple one, good neutrals and dashes of colour, it is also a one stop shop where you can bring all the elements required to decorate a room and


the website is invaluable for this. Helen says “ Our clients can now view our portfolio and recreate that look for themselves, the designers in our showrooms are always at the end of the phone to give advise on fabrics and colours, it has made it simple for people who can’t come into the stores because they live too far away from us, equally for people who want to get ideas form the website and then come in with their schemes ready to go, its merely a case of cutting the fabrics off the roll and buying the paint off the shelf” The real emphasis for the Autumn is to introduce new ranges of linens and upholstery fabrics to the online fabrics. Helen finds that plain fabrics rather than patterned are what are selling in abundance from the website and wants to increase the range available. All the fabrics are superbly photographed and displayed making it easy to browse and request samples. According to Helen in times of recession

the consumer is spending carefully and wisely. Gone are the curtains fabrics in extravagant patterns and bright colours, people want to know their investment is going to last and that they will still like their sofa fabric in ten years. There are plans to also introduce the already hugely successful range of home accessories online in the coming year. The shop on St. Johns Hill has gradually brought in the homewares and lighting and this is going really well. “Locals in Clapham and Battersea now know we always have beautiful giftware, accessories and cushions in stock and are coming up to us from their usual shopping destination on the Northcote Road, St. Johns Hill is really taking off as a street.” says Helen. In addition to the site Helen is working hard to increase awareness about the new website and is constantly updating her company facebook page and blog. She knows the competition is tough in the London Interiors market and wants the company to succeed here. “ It takes minimum three years for a website to take off properly and we are determined for it to be a success.” ■ Find the full collection at Helen Turkington Interiors, 4-5 The Parade, St. Johns Hill, Clapham, SW11 1TG 0207 228 9435

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London L i fue ho Se & garden


Antique & CrAft emporium F

or over 40 years the Emporium has been a popular destination for those in search of antique and vintage treasures from the 18th Century to the present. But how many locals realise that Hampstead is home to one of London’s last remaining indoor antique markets? Tucked behind one of Hampstead’s most picturesque turnings, just off Heath Street and Perrin’s Court, the Emporium is an intriguing labyrinth of over 20 specialists offering Georgian, Victorian, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, MidCentury and Contemporary finds. Serious collectors and those searching for gifts or home accessories will be spoilt for choice. Where else could you find such a mind boggling range of antique and handcrafted artefacts from pearls to porcelain, dolls to door handles, paintings to pepper pots or tea sets to tiaras? Long-established shops include silver gift specialist Hammond Leigh – great for weddings, christenings and anniversaries; Antium

Not just a Feast For the eyes, the emporium is also home to taNia’s waFFles aNd coFFee! 122

✱ opeN: tues to Fri

10.30am-5.30pm, sat 10.00am-6.00pm, sunday 10.30am-5.30pm ✱ where: hampstead antique & craft emporium, 12 heath street, london Nw3 6te (may also be accessed from perrin’s court) ✱ tel: 020 7794 3297 ✱ www.hampsteadantique

Antiques, a haven for enthusiasts of all things Art Deco including lighting, clocks, jewellery, perfume bottles and glass plus Edwardian furniture; The Button Lady for unusual buttons and scarves plus Treasure which offers beautiful and original bespoke jewellery, a repair service and gifts. Capricorn is known for its fine small furniture, tea

sets and crystal while The Antique Textiles Company is a must for exquisite antique quilts and textiles dating from as early as 1780 up to the 1930s. Another hugely popular shop is London Dolls’ Houses & Toys, a wonderful collection of dolls’ houses, miniatures and antique dolls which continues to delight collectors and children alike. In recent times new dealers

increased the thevariety variety have increased of of quality quality items on offer. offer. Jewellery Jewellery lovers will will be be enthralled enthralled by the the selection selection of fine period period and and vintage pieces pieces at at Minoo (M & & A Kaae Jewellery) A Kaae Jewellery) and and Maryam. Maryam. WithWith MidMid-Century style Century style currently the to rage, allcurrently the rage,all head The head to The Modernist Modernist (1930 – 1970) (1930 – 1970) for vintage for vintage George Jensen George and other and otherJensen Scandinavian and Scandinavian American American silverand jewellery silver jewellery designers. designers. Browsethrough throughaafabulous fabulous Browse mix of ofperiod periodand andvintage vintage mix collectables,including including antique collectables, silver, china, porcelain, antique silver,mirrors, china, mirrors, ceramics, ceramics, glass and glass brassand porcelain, plus costume jewellery and brass plus costume jewellery accessories at Jean, Natasha and accessories at Jean and Johnson,Johnson. Malcolm Davey and Natasha Sarah Normanville. For For aDe more contemporary look, visit Camilla Del look, a more contemporary Maestro’s sparkling array of visit Camilla Del Maestro’s handmade jewellery featuring sparkling array of handmade semi-precious gems semifor jewellery featuring inspiring avant-for garde designs. precious gems inspiring For quality, cotton nightwear avantgarde designs. For seek out cotton Andreanightwear Dreamtime. quality, seek Not just a feast for the eyes, out Andrea Dreamtime. theNot Emporium is also home to just a feast for the eyes, Tania’s waffles and coffee! the Emporium is also home The dealerswaffles here are to Tania’s and coffee! knowledgeable and are friendly The dealers here which makes a visit the knowledgeable andto friendly Emporium an ainteresting which makes visit to theand welcoming Happy Emporiumexperience. an interesting antique and craftexperience. hunting in and welcoming Hampstead! Happy hunting!

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Antique & Craft


EST. 1868



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vintage & antique quilts & shawls + antique furniture, ceramics & glass + jewellery - modern & fine, vintage & antique, studio & Modernist + Art Deco glass & lighting + new, vintage & antique buttons + dolls' houses, miniatures & toys + collectables & novelties + silver photo frames & fine crystal + greeting cards + designer clothing & women's cotton nightware + cashmere, wool & silk scarves, shawls & knitwear + coffee & waffles at Tania's of Hampstead

floors & fabrics

open Mon - Sat ( subject to terms and conditions and fees 9.30 - 5.30 subject to vat at the prevailing rate) 267-269 Coombe Lane London SW20 0RH

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London life june.indd 83 Roger_Oates_Local_Ad_v3_102x280.indd 1 ML_Sept_ALL.indd 123 INNER LONDON July i39 010712.indd 61

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Design and Build Basements Loft Extensions Refurbishments Kitchen Extensions Tel: 0208 997 8878 Email: Web: ML_Sept_ALL.indd 125

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hodkin Jones


he beauty of fine architectural moulding was the business of Herbert Hodkin of Hodkin & Jones in 1868 and from those fine beginnings for over 144 years the company have been associated with the design, manufacture and installation of quality fibrous plaster products still producing by hand now, as then. The importance of Hodkin & Jones history is evident in the care, skill and craftsmanship given to each commission showing experience is paramount to achieve the service expected from their discerning clients. Many plaster manufacturers in the uK can be traced back to the company having worked or trained there before establishing their own companies. Having over the years worked with architects, restoring fire damaged mouldings in theatres and halls, reinstating mouldings in great mansions and historical buildings to creating spectacular features like the acoustically designed rock wall effect for the Millennium Cardiff Theatre which won the coveted Plaisterers Trophy. The FPDC Plaisterers awards are held in high esteem as one of the most prestigious competitions in the industry. Winning the trophy immediately classes you amongst the industries greatest, giving recognition from your clients and reassurance for potential customers about your standard of workmanship . Hodkin & Jones “Simply Elegant” range of mouldings offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of fibrous plaster mouldings available. With traditional elegant cornices from Georgian, Victorian, Gothic, Regent, and Art Deco periods through to the present day popular contemporary range. Hodkin & Jones also offer a match to existing service for restoration to heritage or listed properties and have re created patterns from debris and previous photographs available to faithfully reproduce the original mouldings. Typical projects include spiral staircases, swimming pool ceilings,


and restoring ornate plaster mouldings to historical residential buildings. Often Architects or interior designers have a need to use designs not available from standard ranges, which is where Hodkin & Jones offers their bespoke service. From drawings they are able to manufacture mouldings to the exact dimensions specified whether it is for a ceiling design to create a grand room or a new design created by the architect that is in keeping with the particular project they are working on. Managing Director David Lewis stated in a Rolls Royce commemorative book “Archaeologist who have excavated locations such as Herculaneum and Pompeii have found designs that are exactly the same as ones we still make today. Plasterwork has a very, very long history going back thousands of years. The one aspect that is incorporated into the business from start to finish is quality” says David. “We have never lowered our standards, or substituted quality for cost but I would argue that we are the best”. Hodkin Jones Ltd undertakes projects both nationwide and overseas. Many of the residential projects are based in London with contract managers and installers working here on a daily basis. Many of the projects are of a confidential nature due to either the building or the client so agreements are drawn up when requested ensuring no advertising is allowed unless with prior agreement with the client or their representative. The companies website is very comprehensive showing the “Simply Elegant” range that is available. There is also a gallery with images of previous projects which include Residential, Public Building, Hotels, Offices and Retail schemes. For a free catalogue or to talk to one of their specialists about your requirements please call 01246 290890 or email sales@hodkin-jones. The company is also happy to arrange visits from one of the technical contracts managers either on site or via the designer’s office to go through specific requirements. ■

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EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITIES OF ALL-SEASON OUTDOOR LIVING A garden room or gazebo can add value to your home, increase your quality of life and give you the fun of outdoor living all year round. If you have ever thought of owning your own unique garden space, Crown Pavilions are giving you the opportunity to experience their products and talk to their range of experts at a unique Open Day on the 6th October, 2012, from 10 am to 18.00 pm at the Bellhouse Hotel, Oxford Road, Beaconsfield Bucks. Crown Pavilions manufacture a whole range of garden rooms which can feature outdoor kitchens or barbecues, sitting rooms with plasma screens, studies with storage and internet connection, screens or fold back doors to protect you from the weather, mood lighting for evening entertainment, heating, hot tubs, home gyms. Crown Pavilions can create a wide range of buildings for a variety of requirements, all of which will enhance your use of outside space, whether it be leisurely breakfasts with the family, early evening drinks with friends lunches and dinners, or just a private quiet sanctuary. 128

Luke Dejahang, Managing Director of Crown Pavilions, said, “We are very excited about giving people the opportunity to experience our products first hand. Our directors and experts will be there to meet clients and answer any and every question which can be asked.” One of the very important questions is the landscaping. When Crown Pavilions install a garden room they are especially mindful of the landscaping round it. Sister company, Crown Gardens, look after every aspect of planning and creating a beautiful setting that fits in with the existing garden. Carl Hooper, who runs Crown Gardens, will be on hand to give people advice and to book site surveys. Carl comments, “We advise and design the planting around the garden room to fit in with the style of the existing garden. You can landscape around the structure to create an integral part of your garden, at every season of the year”. Lighting and heating are also important, especially for evening

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AT THE CROWN PAVILIONS OPEN DAY, 6TH OCTOBER 2012. entertaining. Specialists will advise on specific requirements and to talk about how Crown Pavilions can help with individual projects. Crown Pavilions have created some wonderful garden rooms for many UK and international clients. They specialise in providing a tailored, bespoke service. All the products are manufactured in the UK. The premium material is Canadian Western Red Cedar, one of the most naturally durable timbers for the outdoors, and one that is perfect for the UK climate. As well as meeting clients and answering questions, Crown Pavilions will have more than just their pavilions on display. They will be selling individual unique pieces of furniture at discounted prices. Luke enthused, “We are very excited about meeting our clients and potential clients, showing them our extensive and diverse range, and talking to them about their own ideas.

We will have live classical music and are going to be serving wine and canapĂŠs all day. My team and myself will be working hard to make this a highly enjoyable event for everyone.

LUKE DEJAHANG Managing Director of Crown Pavilions

FOR MORE INFORMATION Crown Pavilions Open Day, Saturday 6th October 2012, 10.00am to 18.00 pm, at the Bellhouse Hotel, Oxford Road, Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 2XE

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house Garden

tHE natuRaL Wood fLooR CoMPany ExPERtLy dEsiGnEd and CRaftEd WOODEN FLOORING... NaTURaLLy


ood is the first choice for many when it comes to flooring. It has a timeless appeal, is easy to clean and is available in an abundant choice of styles, designs, colours and species. But with lots of different products of varying quality on the market, it pays to buy from an established, specialist supplier with a good reputation. Founded 21 years ago, The Natural Wood Floor Company is a family owned and run business which has grown to become one of the leading wood flooring manufacturers and suppliers in Europe. Run by three brothers, the company now employs over

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450 staff at its warehouse in Wandsworth, London and their manufacturing centre in Europe. With over 20,000 square meters of wood in stock, covering 140 different types of flooring, The Natural Wood Floor Company offers flooring to suit all tastes, budgets and designs. The extensive range of flooring includes engineered, solid wood, parquet woodblock and pre-finished. The Natural Wood Floor Company also manufactures an impressive range of pre-oiled and pre-lacquered engineered oak wood flooring in the key colours for 2012; Silver White, Silver Grey, Pure White, White and Charcoal

The Natural Wood Floor Company, 20 Smugglers Way, Wandsworth, London, SW18 1EQ 020 8871 9771,

Wash. The pale colours help to highlight the natural beauty of the wood, as the specialist finishing process emphasises the wood’s distinctive grain patterns. Antique floors are another popular option. The Natural Wood Floor Company manufactures two products to create this look. Solid wood Aged Oak Parquet Woodblocks are ‘aged’ using a specialist distressing technique, while the Engineered Oak Antique Pre-lacquered Boards are lightly brushed and then finished with a coloured lacquer to give the wood a rich patina. The Natural Wood Floor Company also manufactures a range of wooden worktops, solid wood mouldings, step kits and kitchen chopping boards. They also offer a selection of exterior decking. With ecological issues high on their agenda, The Natural Wood Floor Company follows the replant and recycle principle. The company believes that using wood from sustainable sources is essential for the replenishment and protection of forests for the future. All of their wood is selected from both farmed and managed natural forests, which have long-term replanting procedures in place to ensure that there is a healthy crop of wood for the future. Finding the best wooden floor for your home has just become a whole lot easier, thanks to the company’s new redesigned website. With a new clear, stylish design, the re-launched site offers everything from inspirational pictures to expert advice.


14/05/2012 21:07 04/09/2012 10:31

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Barker & Barker

Fabric and Interior specialists. 63 Amwell street, Islington London EC1R 1UR Nearest tube- Angel

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PLannIng an extenSIon?


ondon living can be claustrophobic, so you can never have enough space. Most Londoners move into a new home and start planning an extension or refurbishment right away. At first, it may only be a pipe dream, but the longer you look at your undersized kitchen, with visions of dinner parties and open plan living, the harder it becomes to ignore. But where do you start? It probably feels a bit daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, the extension process can be fairly straight forward. As a full service builder, R&M Lines can manage the project from beginning to end. To start with, you will be provided with a quote and consultation from an experienced estimator. During this stage, you can discuss design ideas, ideal fittings and colour schemes; drafting up an extension that fits seamlessly into both your house and your life. You can also take advantage of your builders’ experience, finding out which materials look better and last longer, which ideas may have difficulty receiving planning permission and any structural elements


you need to consider. The goal is to build an extension that works with and maximises the existing qualities of your home. The same is true for a loft conversion or full refurbishment. Once you’ve ironed out the details, it’s time to submit planning drawings, which R&M Lines provides for free, to your local council. A clearly presented proposal can make all the difference and once your project gains approval, you can move onto the building stage. At this point, R&M Lines will assign a dedicated project manager to supervise your extension. Not only does a single project manager ensure that the extension you ask for is the extension you get, they also make sure that you have the right people working on the right things at the right time, delivering works on-budget and on-schedule. They’ll also do their best to accommodate you at every turn, keeping your home tidy and responding to any requests you might have. You probably don’t have the time required to coordinate builders, plumbers and electricians but with a project manager on the case, with their professional contacts and experience, it’ll be

easy. Additionally, as R&M Lines provide an 18 month guarantee on all works, you won’t have to worry about anything going wrong once they’re out the door. A couple of months down the line, the works will be finished and you’ll have a beautiful new extension; one that you’ll be proud to show friends and family alike. With space to entertain, relax and spend time with your loved ones, you’ll have more ways to enjoy your home than ever before. Plus, if you decide to move, it will only improve the price tag. ■ R&M Lines are a full service builder decorator based in South West London for over 20 years. 0207 978 7840

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Thinking of Extending? R&M Lines are now oering FREE Serving SW London planning drawings for all extensions To Build, To Serve to get you started for over 20 years

Full Refurbishments, Building & Construction, Kitchen & Loft Extensions, Bathrooms, Joinery, Interior Design, Painting & Decorating 020 7978 7840

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antique & Craft


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0800 111 4917

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Subject to availability. Terms and conditions apply.

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18/06/2012 16:47

For more information on all of our services call us on 020 8291 5578

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INNER LONDON July i39 010712.indd 131 London life june.indd ML_Sept_ALL.indd 135143








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onefinestay Alexia Pinchbeck lets her home pay for the finer things in life while she sets up her own business


or owner Alexia Pinchbeck, 30, her pretty Shoreditch apartment in a converted factory building is both a much-loved home and also an office for her fledgling business. But when she’s out of town the apartment takes on yet another role as part of London’s unhotel, allowing Alexia to earn an extra income by having guests to stay while she’s out of town. The building’s history as a former textiles factory is befitting of current owner Alexia, who has recently launched her own swimwear company, Bikini Fling ( Going back to the building’s roots, she has so far been using her apartment as the base


for her growing enterprise. Her apartment is obviously no stranger to multitasking; along with being the young company’s business address and Alexia’s home, when she leaves town it becomes part of London’s first unhotel as one among onefinestay’s carefully curated collection of distinctive private homes available for guests to book. Having guests to stay at her home through onefinestay’s bespoke service has helped Alexia to afford some of the luxuries that would otherwise be scarce while setting up her own business. “When you start your own business, there isn’t exactly money flying around. Having guests to stay at my home has meant that I’ve still been able to afford the nicer things that I wouldn’t otherwise have had money

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to spare for. I’ve been able to take a weekend break in Paris recently, which paid for itself as my home was snapped up by some business travellers looking for a place to stay in London.” “I’ve also been able to buy a lovely new dress with my earnings from onefinestay. It’ll be making its first appearance at the board meeting!” For Alexia, having guests to stay in her apartment is not only financially beneficial; it’s an idea that she has grown accustomed to through her own travels. As someone eager to live like a local when she goes away, she tends to choose to stay in real homes where she can. So helping visitors to London to do the same is something that she feels at ease with. She recently stayed in an apartment in Copenhagen with some friends. She says, “When you go away, staying at someone’s home offers so much more character. You just feel that bit more at home

– you can cook your own meals and get a real sense for what it is like to live in a city rather than just pass through a place.” Alexia is one of over 500 members to join onefinestay and list their home exclusively with the service, each with a unique, centrally-located home and each earning thousands every year. The company, which provides a full spectrum of services to members including insurance, cleaning, meeting guests, photography and marketing, has proved popular with owners of upscale homes and with guests alike. After its initial success in London since launching in May 2010, onefinestay expanded to New York in May this year. This is the first step in wider plans for international expansion. ■ onefinestay redefines the experience of city travel: live like a local by staying in a

distinctive home while the owner is out of town, with a service which offers all the convenience and comfort of a hotel. Guests enjoy luxury amenities like 5* hotel linens and toiletries from The White Company in London and Kiehl’s in New York as standard. Every guest is also lent an iPhone for the duration of their stay which is stocked with local tips from the home’s owner, and from which they can make free local calls. Members benefit by earning an income from a house or flat which would otherwise sit vacant, without the risk or hassle associated with alternatives like holiday rental or short letting. Since its launch in 2010, onefinestay has signed up hundreds of members, and today manages an exclusive portfolio worth more than £1bn of beautiful upscale homes in London and New York. september 2012

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liver Heath, spokesperson for The National Home Improvement Show and presenter of BBC’s Changing Rooms, is a huge eco homes champion. He believes that it is important to think long term when creating a green home in order to save your household running costs: “If designed with care, eco homes can be beautiful, healthy, nurturing and efficient spaces to live in. Eco materials and products will help cut your use of basic resources like gas, water and electricity, cut your yearly bills and also help keep your home lovely and warm this winter and for many winters to come.”

TOP TIPS FOr AN ecO HOme DrAF T excLuDerS Draught excluders around doors, windows and opening such as letter boxes will eliminate cold drafts and help to insulate the house avoiding heat loss and save warm air. This means that less energy is needed to heat the home which could save households £55 per year (Energy Saving Trust). Draft excluders should be placed in the around doors, windows, loft hatches, letter boxes, and even key holes. They can be bought from DIY and hardware stores and make for a satisfying and easy DIY job.

cHImNeY bALLOON Do you have a disused fireplace? A cheap and effective solution to stop warm air being sucked up the chimney breast and out of the house is a chimney balloon. This device will also prevent draughts coming back down the chimney into the house saving you money on heating your home. Fitting one will make an immediate and noticeable improvement to the warmth of that room and can easily be removed by deflating the balloon if you want to use the fireplace. 138

HeAT recOverY veNTILATION Good ventilation is essential in moisture heavy rooms such as bathrooms and kitchens, to reduce the build up of damp which can lead to the growth of mould, but can often lead to cold drafts unless the right product is specified. A heat recovery fan can be up to 80 per cent efficient, extracting the warmth from stale air and using this to preheat fresh air being drawn in; helping to reduce moisture and providing warm fresh air. They are continual running but can cost as little as £4 a year to run.

WINDOWS Get your windows cleaned every four-six weeks to maximise the amount of light coming into the home. This will maximise natural light and reduce the need to turn on electricity hungry lighting - another energy saver! Giving your windowsills a lick of light reflecting paint will also reflect natural light back into your property reducing the need for artificial light. Thick curtains over windows will also reduce heat loss at night but make sure these are pulled well back in the day and don’t cover radiators.

rADIATOrS using a metal radiator reflector will reflects the heat otherwise lost through the wall at the back of the radiator back and push it forward into the room. Also it’s worth fitting thermostatic radiator valves to control the

temperature in each room. Both items cost little, are easy to fit, will improve comfort and help cut your bills over the winter.

STANDbY SWITcH We waste between £50 - £86 a year by leaving appliances such as stereos, tvs and satellite systems on standby. This is 16 per cent of household electricity being frittered away (Energy Saving Trust). A standby switch will turn off all appliances that are plugged in, at the touch of a single button and will reduce energy otherwise wasted. ■ For more information on a greener approach to home improvement, visit Oliver Heath for a free 15 minute consultation in The Advice Centre. For one on one guidance, don’t forget to bring your plans along. Oliver will also be joining the experts from Real Homes magazine in the Real Homes LIVE! Theatre 1, delivering two daily in-depth seminars: 11.30am: Make your home an eco home - fit for you and fit for the future. 14.30pm: How to create a happier, healthier home and reduce your impact on the environment For more information on The National Home Improvement Show (28 September - 30 September 2012), exhibitors, seminar schedules and tickets visit www.improveyourhomeshow. or call the ticket hotline on 0844 581 0802. Tickets are £8 if booked in advance and £12 on door.

september 2012

ML_Sept_ALL.indd 138

04/09/2012 10:32


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04/09/2012 10:32






At Granite Transformations we offer a complete pa custom made to fit your exact requirements. There mind from start to finish. With over 60 different wo Granite Transformations manufactures and installs Visit our north London showroom at 834 St. Alban West London showroom, 14 park parade, Gunner

Granite Transformati 070111 LONDON i31.indd 82 INNER LONDON July i39 Jan 010712.indd 140 London life june.indd 138

070111 LONDON i31.indd 82 INNER LONDON July i39 Jan 010712.indd 140 ML_Sept_ALL.indd London life june.indd140 138

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a new kitchen until I discovered...

...the worktop that fits on top



YOUR KITCHEN I thought I needed

t y e xper m e l d n e i r o F d fr e e h n a e c i v ad a ti o n c o n sult w s o fi t n e l a n a c We door s ki tc h e n SE

14:15:54 12:42:47 12 14:07

kto p s r o w e k B e sp o i t o n to p th a t f h d ay w i t n e n o n i ARTESIO F i tt e d s o r d e m o l i ti o no mes l o u r s to o c 0 6 r Ove r om choose f si o n al s e f o r p n O u r o w fi t t e r s

Book a free home consultation with our Book product consultants and we’ll a FREE home consultation with our interior and we’ll how easy it is to showdesigner you how easyshow it isyou to transform transform your kitchen worktops. your kitchen worktops.

Call now on: 01923 671 900

If you find a “like-for-like” quotation lower than Callour now 0845 300 quote within 30 days, we will8097 match it and

give you a further 10% reduction. Terms and conditions apply

At Granite Transformations we offer a complete package for updating your work surface and appliances. Fitting a new worktop is fast and effective, with each top At Granite Transformations we offer a complete package for updating your work surface and appliances. Fitting a new custom made to fit your exact requirements. There is no need to remove old surfaces – we fit directly over your exiting surface. We guarantee complete peace of worktop is fast and effective, with each top custom made to fit your exact requirements. There is no need to remove old mind from start to fi nish. With over 60 different worktop nishes available, let us show you how we can transform your kitchen with our simple superior surfaces. EXCLUSIVE POGGENPOHL KITCHEN fiDESIGN CENTRES surfacesStone, – we fitQuartz directlyand overGlass your exiting surface. We guarantee complete peace of mind from start to finish. With over 60 Granite Transformations manufactures and installs Granite, worktops Ascot, 65 High Street, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7HP T - 01344 624829worktop | New Barnet, 22available, Greenhilllet Parade, Newyou Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 1EU Tkitchen - 020 8441 3477 | London NW3, surfaces. different finishes us show how we canMonday transform our simple superior Visit our north London showroom at 834 St. Albans Rd, Garston, Watford WD25 9FL. Open: 9:00am to 5:00pm toyour Friday andwith 10:00am to 4:00pm Saturday 477-481 Finchley Road, London, NW3 6HS T - 020 7794 7801 | London SW3, 172 Brompton Road, London, SW3 1HW T - 020 7838 0588 | London SW1, 107 Pimlico West London showroom, 14 park parade, Gunnersbury Ave, Ealing, W3 9BD Visit our 190-192 north London showroom at 834London, St. Albans Rd, SW11, Lavender Hill, Battersea, SW11 5TQ T - 020 7223 2026 | London SE1, Arch 213C, Newnham Road, London, SW1W 8PH T - 020 7730 7927 | London Garston, Terrace, Hercules Road, London, SE1 7DR T - 020 7902 5243 |Watford London WD25 W1, 1189FL. Wigmore Street, London, W1U 3RT T - 020 7224 1986 | St Albans, 100 London Road, St Open: 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday* Albans, AL1 1NX T - 01727 738111 *Note: late opening on Wednesday 10.30am to 5.30pm For a brochure or details of your nearest studio please call 0800 612 6995 or visit our website and 10:00am to 4:00pm Saturday

Granite TransformationsGranite manufacture and install Granite,and Stone, Quartz andStone, GlassQuartz worktops Transformations manufactures installs Granite, and Glass worktops ML_Sept_ALL.indd 141 London life june.indd 41

04/09/2012 10:32 18/06/2012 17:53


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beautiful timber windows

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23 & 24 July

Benardout Traditional Depressed by the thought of those long winter months looming on the Interiors crafts horizon? Then put Sunday 5th February into yourweekend diary, which marks l

















the opening of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew’s month-long Tropical


Extravaganza festival, in celebration of all things bright, beautiful and of course, tropical.

The Classic Cornice Co

16/6/11 12:36:30

Happy New Year and welcome to our January issue.


Don’t forget our 4D Theatre.

Grahame Park Way, London, NW9 5LL


Specialist Plasterers In Matching and reproducing original cornices and mouldings, external and interior Visit website to see full range of cornices, ceiling centre, corbels, dados and firesurrounds

CLASSIC FRENCH STYLE FURNITURE D I R E C T F R O M T H E M A N U FA C T U R E R S On 24th February 2011, Cancer Research UK is hosting its annual

‘Sound & Vision’ music heritage event at the iconic Abbey Road Studios. We take a closer look at the up and coming charity event. Atul Kochhar is one of the most critically acclaimed chefs in Britain and the Chef Patron behind the highly acclaimed Indian restaurant and bar, Benares in Berkeley Square, Mayfair. We meet the wonderful chef at his

Coracle demos • felt making • spinning • weaving

breathtaking restaurant. • duck decoy carving • ceramics • stained glass •

Morris dancers (Sunday only) • and much more...


Claridges was bought in 1854 by Mr and Mrs William Claridge, the N E W S H OWR O O M N OW O P E N I N D O R K I N G

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Tel no. 0208 874 0221 Come and visit us at the showroom: Fax no. 0208 870 8843 406 Merton Road, London SW18 5AD Telephone 0208 877 8920 Email

This gives you just a small taste of exciting events and articles featured in this month’s issue, until next month...


londonlife_JULY.indd 29



Page 1 18/7/11 10:28:58

Faye Manning Editor


Published by the Fish Media group Ltd. 2nd Floor, titan Court, 3 Bishop Square, Hatfield, Herts, AL10 9NA

The Radiator Specia

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See our inspirational range at our Lond where our experienced team can h the perfect radiators for your

email: EDITOR Faye Manning EDITOR ASSISTANT Katie Miller SUB EDITOR Alex Lux FASHION EDITOR Hazel Englander


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© all Rights Reserved. St albans Life, Harpenden Life, Radlett Life is copyright and January not be reproduced in any form either in part or whole without written permission from the publishers. Whilst the Fish Media group Ltd takes every reasonable precaution, no responsibility can be accepted for any property, services or products offered in these publications and any loss arising therefrom. Whilst every care is taken with all materials submitted to the St albans Life, Harpenden Life & Radlett Life the publisher cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage to such material.Fish Media group Ltd reserves the right to reject or accept any advertisement, article or material prior to publication.opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of Fish Media group Ltd.We accept no liability for any misprints or mistakes and no responsibility can be taken for the content of these pages.

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Tel 0 email

Comp architectur sw

INNER 070111 LONDON Jan i31.indd 83

London life june.indd 144

19/01/2011 14:08:07 Locks & Handles 45.indd 04/09/2012 10:32



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ML_Sept_ALL.indd 143

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04/09/2012 10:32

Amberth Amberth is is the the new new home home of of P&T P&T Kitchens. Kitchens. Come and visit our new space from 15 Come and visit our new space from 15 September September Up to 20% discount on all orders placed before the end of September and see all the big ideas we’ve filled and see all the big ideas we’ve filled it it with. with.

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04/09/2012 10:32

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Page 1

Specialising in the very best in contemporary design bathroom and sanitaryware from major brand names across the world

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Bartlett Tree Experts A Complete and Comprehensive Tree Care Service since 1907 For over 100 years, Bartlett Tree Experts has led both the science and services that make your landscape thrive. No matter the size or scope of your needs, our arborists bring a rare mix of groundbreaking research, global resources and a local service approach to every task at hand. Trees add so much value to our lives; Bartlett adds even more value to your trees.

Tree & Shrub Pruning . Planting . Tree Removal Tree Stock Surveys . Woodland Management Health & Safety Reports . Disease & Insect Control

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ML_Sept_ALL.indd 145

18/06/2012 16:47

04/09/2012 10:32


houSe&ga r den



he Classic Cornice Company have been established for over 30 years and their nationwide client base has grown due to their skilled and professional service. With a wealth of knowledge and over thirty years of experience, they provide quality work for all of their customers. They cater for homeowners, builders and architects and are committed to the restoration and preservation of architectural features, combining traditional craftsmanship and modern techniques and materials to reproduce original features such as cornices, ceiling centres and corbels in precise detail and to an exceptionally high quality. Their showroom is based in Wandsworth, South West London. With their extensive knowledge and empathy with various eras of interior dĂŠcor, they can match any classical feature with great accuracy. They take pride in the competitive prices they offer so you can rely on them to restore your property cleanly and efficiently. Their website shows a wide range of stock items, plain cornices, ornate cornice, ceiling centres, dados, brackets and fire surrounds. They also provide a bespoke service and can restore existing features to their former glory by removing deteriorated sections and casting and replacing them, in order to preserve the style

and charm of the original period. There is an immense amount of ornate plasterwork in Great Britain in many different styles. Over the years much has become damaged or destroyed. The means of restoring and conserving ornate plasterwork has changed over the centuries. While it is important to maintain as much as possible of the original plasterwork it may be necessary to restore or replace missing or damaged sections. To carry out this work requires considerable experience. Their modeller is able to take mouldings from existing designs, if symmetrical or modelling can be executed from a photograph or drawing. Pieces of damaged plasterwork can be cleaned or left, a model laid down and a mould made in varying types of compounds, from this mould a section of plasterwork can be reproduced and installed. A cast is then produced which can then be installed to match the original. Their work is not limited to just cornices, they can also reproduce decorative ceilings and walls as well as being able manufacture arches and columns to your specification. You will be provided with an estimate of the cost and the time involved to carry out the work.

CLASSIC CORNICE CO 176 Garratt Lane, Wandsworth SW18 4ED 0208 874 0221

1 1 8 J U LY 2 0 1 2


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houSe&ga r den

A Commitment to Craftsmanship he Wooden Floor Specialists Ltd have been specialising in providing the highest quality wooden flooring for over 25 years. With a commitment to craftsmanship, quality products and fantastic customer care, they have established a great reputation with customers. They provide a first class, efficient supply and fit service, as well as a full renovation and sanding package. Every option comes complete with a warranty. Whether it is strips, planks, blocks, designs or panels their fitters are experts in their field and will fit your wooden floor with attention to every detail. Are you looking for a hardwood floor which is timeless, elegant and, quite simply, a masterpiece? Their wood floors can complement any interior whether traditional or modern, and will stand the test of time. If your home needs a lift and you are looking for a range of hardwood floors which will leave you spoilt for choice – look no further than The Wooden Floor Specialists Ltd. They supply their floors to customers nationwide, so wherever you are based you can take advantage of their high-quality flooring and excellent service. They offer free on site surveys and consultations throughout London and the home counties to customers looking for quality wooden flooring. This

will enable you to discuss your project in more detail, following which they will provide a free, no-obligation quotation. The Wooden Floor Specialists understand that their customers are looking for hardwood flooring which is sourced responsibly. This is why they take great care when sourcing their timbers, and wherever possible their products carry FSC certification. This means you can be sure that your wooden floor has been selected from only properly managed and sustainable forests. VISIT THEIR LONDON SHOWROOM TODAY

All products are on display in their London based showroom, which you can find in a convenient location just a few minutes walk from Balham station. Their friendly, knowledgeable staff are ready and waiting to offer impartial advice to help you to choose the perfect floor. Their finishing shop is state of the art and customers are welcome to pop in to meet the staff and see their floors being finished first hand.


A c m G V W

The Wooden Floor Specialist Showroom Cavendish Road, London SW12 0PLthe website for full details For302/304 a full listing & updates please check 0208 675 2431

11 4 J Useptember LY 2 0 1 2 148 2012

INNER LONDON July i39 010712.indd 114 INNER 070111 LONDON Jan i31.indd 82 ML_Sept_ALL.indd 148 London life june.indd 138

17/07/2012 12:28:34 19/01/2011 14:15:54 04/09/2012 10:33 18/06/2012 14:07

London l INNER LO London life



na r o fe s s i o p n w o Our fi t t e r s





Page 1


a new kitchen until I discovered...

...the worktop that fits on top



YOUR KITCHEN I thought I needed


t y e xper m e l d n e i r o F d fr e e h n a e c i v ad a ti o n c o n sult o fi t n e w s l a n a We c h e n d o o r s ki tc SE

4:15:54 14:07

o r kto p s w e k o p s Be o n to p th a t fi t ay w i th d e n o n F i tt e d i s o r d e m o l i ti o n no mes o u r s to l o c 0 6 O v e r s e fr o m choo

Book a free home consultation with our Book product consultants and we’ll a FREE home consultation with our interior designer and how easy it is to show you howwe’ll easyshow it isyou to transform transform your kitchen worktops. your kitchen worktops.

Call now on: 01923 671 900

If you find a “like-for-like” quotation lower than Callour now 0845 300 quote within 30 days, we will8097 match it and

give you a further 10% reduction. Terms and conditions apply

At Granite Transformations we offer a complete package for updating your work surface and appliances. Fitting a new worktop is fast and effective, with each top At Granite Transformations we offer a complete package for updating your work surface and appliances. Fitting a new custom made to fit your exact requirements. There is no need to remove old surfaces – we fit directly over your exiting surface. We guarantee complete peace of worktop is fast and effective, with each top custom made to fit your exact requirements. There is no need to remove old mind from start to finish. With over 60 different worktop finishes available, let us show you how we can transform your kitchen with our simple superior surfaces. surfacesStone, – we fitQuartz directlyand overGlass your exiting surface. We guarantee complete peace of mind from start to finish. With over 60 Granite Transformations manufactures and installs Granite, worktops different worktop finishes available, let us show you how we canMonday transformtoyour kitchen our simple superiorSaturday surfaces. Visit our north London showroom at 834 St. Albans Rd, Garston, Watford WD25 9FL. Open: 9:00am to 5:00pm Friday andwith 10:00am to 4:00pm West London showroom, 14 park parade, Gunnersbury Ave, Ealing, W3 9BD Visit our north London showroom at 834 St. Albans Rd, Garston, Watford WD25 9FL. Open: 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday* *Note: late opening on Wednesday 10.30am to 5.30pm and 10:00am to 4:00pm Saturday

Granite TransformationsGranite manufacture and install Granite,and Stone, Quartz andStone, GlassQuartz worktops Transformations manufactures installs Granite, and Glass worktops INNER LONDON July i39 ML_Sept_ALL.indd 149010712.indd 141 London life june.indd 41

17/07/2012 12:42:47 04/09/2012 10:33 18/06/2012 17:53

house garden houSe&ga r den

Ayrton Bespoke Period timber windows and doors


ondon was the world’s largest city from 1831 to 1926 and the building boom created many of the Victorian houses Londoners live in today. However age is catching up with the beauty and charm of the many special features of these properties such as the doors and windows. That is where Ayrton Bespoke steps in. The company specialises in the accurate replication of these original windows and doors, introducing modern benefits such as double glazing and weather seals. As energy conservation becomes an ever

more important requirement, homeowners can benefit from modern joinery without compromising the valuable period features of the 19th Century and indeed earlier. Replacement windows and doors substantially enhance heat retention, noise insulation and isn’t it nice to have windows that open and doors that close! It can appear to be a daunting process replacing windows and doors. In an ordered and well worked fashion the Ayrton designers conduct a full survey, discuss design and plans with the customer before manufacturing commences. Fitting is typically 8 to 10 weeks later, carried out by their in house team who ensure that there is minimum disruption to the property. The company has experience working with local authorities and understands the planning stipulations for approval of changes to windows and doors in London’s conservation areas (and listed buildings). With an increased focus on refurbishment in the house market, the company is also involved with extension work and in particular the supply and fit of bi fold doors. The company offers 10 year guarantees on all their products and with an East European manufacturing base the company offers a price pledge matching any quote on a like for like basis. All their products are on display in their Showroom in Wandsworth, open Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and Saturday mornings. 0208 877 8920

128 j u n e 2 0 1 2


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e without bility can very care onsibility nt, article he views aken for




Page 1

London’s oldest supplier of British & European quality Door, Window and Cabinet Hardware BISQUE

The Classic radiator – bringing a playful dash of colour to any bedroom

BISQUE The Radiator Specialists See our inspirational range at our London Showroom, where our experienced team can help you find the perfect radiators for your home. Architectural Components Ltd

Locks & Handles

244 Belsize Road, London NW6 4BT 020 7328 2225 Unit 2, 25 Effie Road, Fulham, London SW6 1EL

close to Fulham Broadway station

Tel 020 7751 3397 Fax 020 7736 1282 244 Belsize Road, London NW6 4BT T: 020 7328 2225 email

Comprehensive stocks held at the showroom of all associated architectural ironmongery, locks & latches, hooks, brassware, electrical switch & socket plates, taps and bathroom accessories.

INNER 070111 LONDON Jan i31.indd 83

19/01/2011 14:16:26

The Classic Cornice Co

19/01/2011 14:08:07 Locks & Handles 45.indd 1

London life june.indd 144

u We provide a bespoke fabrication service catering for small to medium domestic and commercial projects from contemporary design through to more traditional blacksmithing. We also offer a maintenance service to repaint/repair existing iron work.

Workshop: Unit 2/50 Waldegrave Road, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 8NY Tel: 0800 085 2410 (UK Only) Mob: 07795 632 932 Email:

London life june.indd 125 ML_Sept_ALL.indd 151 INNER LONDON July i39 010712.indd 116 London March 12.indd 99

04/10/2011 18/06/2012 15:25 14:07

Specialist Plasterers In Matching and reproducing original cornices and mouldings, external and interior Visit website to see full range of cornices, ceiling centre, corbels, dados and firesurrounds

Tel no. 0208 874 0221 Fax no. 0208 870 8843 Email

18/06/2012 16:47 04/09/2012 17/07/201210:33 12:27:29 16/03/2012 12:23

596 d

house hgoaurSd e& e gna r d e n

get style inspiration at broadway bathrooms The Boutique Bathroom Specialist

Pictured: new Victoria and granley Deco bathrooms from Heritage Bathrooms. Both available at Broadway Bathrooms.


september j une2012

London life june.indd ML_Sept_ALL.indd 152 122


roadway Bathrooms is an independent bathroom specialist tucked away within the hustle and bustle of Putney. With over 30 years experience, the team at Broadway Bathrooms ensures real peace of mind for its customers, offering genuine expertise and a personal

service, to help them find a bathroom that truly reflects their style and personality. An extensive array of products is on display at the showroom, offering beautifully crafted designs as well as practical solutions for busy lifestyles. And Broadway Bathrooms has carefully chosen its partners to ensure quality, choice and value every time. One of those partners is Heritage Bathrooms, which offers a wide range of bathroom solutions in both contemporary and traditional designs from just £467. Currently two Heritage Bathrooms’ suites can be viewed at Broadway Bathrooms’ showroom: the New Victoria sanitaryware range, inspired by the elegance of the Victorian era, and Granley Deco, styled on the glamorous 1920s. Both are perfect choices for bijoux, city bathrooms. Derek and Jennifer, from Broadway Bathrooms, comments, “We know how stressful home renovation can be and trying to choose products in an industry where there is so much choice can, at times, be overwhelming. At Broadway Bathrooms, we offer a relaxed and friendly service with excellent after sales care, and our aim is to make the process of choosing baths, showers, basins, taps

and bathroom furniture as simple as possible. “With our 3D virtual software, we can design your bathroom for you based on your measurements so that you can see what your room will look like rather than just imagining how it will be. “We can liaise closely with your chosen builder and installation team to ensure items are delivered exactly when needed. Alternatively we can recommend bathroom installers who are happy to come and give you a price for installation and plenty of advice. “In store we have a good range of products on display to help give you ideas. We also sell bathroom lighting and accessories, so in fact you can come to Broadway Bathrooms for the whole package, saving you time and stress.” Lead times on the majority of products are between 2-10 working days and delivery is free within the M25 area. To view Broadway Bathrooms’ full range of bathroom and cloakroom options, visit the showroom on Upper Richmond Road, open from 9.00am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday, and 10.00am to 4.00pm on Saturdays. Alternatively, log on to www.

Broadway Bathrooms, 130-132 Upper Richmond Road, Putney, London, SW15 2SP 0208 616 4408 | www.broadwaybathrooms. com |


18/06/2012 17:47 04/09/2012 10:33




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04/09/2012 10:33


f e at u r e


SOLD for £400m to Malaysian bidder


attersea Power Station, the four-tower listed London landmark, has been sold to a consortium led by Malaysia’s SP Setia for £400m, beating bids from about 15 others from as far afield as Brazil, China, South Africa and Kazakhstan. Joint sale advisers Ernst & Young and Knight Frank exchanged contracts earlier this month on the sale of the 39-acre site on the south bank of the River Thames, the last prime piece of central London real estate available for redevelopment.

“The Brits were noticeable by their absence from the bidding process,” said Knight Frank’s Stephan Miles-Brown, adding London real estate had become the target for overseas cash amid the financial turmoil of recent years. “In the 1980s, the Chelsea Harbour scheme was developed not far from Battersea Power Station,” he said. “Bovis Homes (BVS.L) and P&O were behind that. Times have changed.” The consortium of SP Setia, Malaysia’s leading property developer, plans to redevelop the crumbling but protected site into homes, offices and retail. They also plan to build a tube station on the premises that will connect to the Northern Line. Current planning consent is for 3,500 homes and 1.7m sq ft of office space. The Malaysian team plans to keep the chimneys despite suggestions the protected site would be more financially viable for a developer if it was demolished, a move that would have provoked a strong backlash among the British public and politicians

due to the affection many hold for it. Other consortium members include Sime Darby and the Employees’ Pension Fund of Malaysia. SP Setia was named preferred bidder in June, since when the consortium has been carrying out due diligence on the four-chimney brick power station built in two stages in the 1930s and 1950s. Malaysian buyers have bought a string of large office blocks in London’s main financial district in recent years and the Shard skyscraper, the newest addition to the city’s skyline was funded by the state of Qatar. Overseas buyers have invested 15.8 billion pounds in London offices since 2010, 64% of the total, CBRE (CBG.N) said, and foreign ownership of the City financial district stands at 52%, according to Development Securities (DSC.L). The decaying edifice on the south bank of the River Thames, which is Europe’s largest brick structure with white art-deco chimneys, has been a recognisable silhouette on the London skyline for 80 years. Rival bidders included Chelsea Football Club, which looked at the site as a possible replacement for Stamford Bridge. Its architect was Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, who also designed London’s famous red telephone boxes. It also featured in the Beatles’ film Help!, Pink Floyd’s Animals album and more recently in the Batman film The Dark Knight.

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17/07/2012 12:35:05 04/09/2012 10:33

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