Tempting to be healthy and fit then start exercising today

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Want to get healthy and fit? Then start exercising today

Ask yourself, what motivates you to exercise? Why is exercising so important? Identify the motive and get on track to fulfil your desires. The first thing you need to do is figure out why exercising is important for you. How will exercise help you achieve your fitness goals? You shouldn’t just exercise because you are told to. There should be a proper cause. Once you understand your motivation, you will then have to act and follow the habit accordingly. Exercising starts with developing healthy habits. Although sources suggest getting 150 minutes of exercise each week, many people aren't even close to meeting this standard. Rather than feeling overwhelmed, Start with the fundamentals to build confidence. They are easy and short enough to be accomplished each day as per the target. Five minutes of exercise each day isn't enough to get into shape, but it is enough to start a foundation for healthy habits. Once you can follow all the exercises easily and successfully then you should slowly increase the time and intensity of the workout as per your suitability. •

Many people, who are out of shape start out too fast, jumping into what they

think they “should” be able to do instead of what they should do. This often results in injury or burnout from overtraining. So, stay patient and be careful.

• Start something with a lower impact like walking or resistance training with elastic bands or towels to get movement patterns down. Then progress your activity at no more than 10% per week to avoid injury.

• To get a well-rounded exercising program, make sure you include resistance training, cardiovascular activities, balanced exercises and stretches for tight or overused areas like your chest and shoulders.

• To exercise regularly, you need to give up something you’re currently following on a regular basis. Will it be worth it? Every statistic out there says yes, but ultimately the decision is all yours.

Don’t ever think that you must go and make a big splash. That’s the worst thing you can do while adapting to new habits. Going for a big splash can sound tempting when we decide to change our lives. Most people set aside a huge chunk of time and commit to huge goals like “I’m going to exercise beyond my limits today.” Such things will only cause you harm instead of helping you gain anything. To prevent this from happening and make your new habit easy to adapt, you just need to stay down to earth and practice according to the fundamentals. If your goal is to go to the gym workout for 60 minutes, then you better follow your commitment and stick to the basics before you make a substantial change in the plan. You can, of course, do more, but you must achieve your desired specific goals first. When you have smaller goals, you’ll have less of an excuse to not achieve them and you’ll also be more consistent with the behaviour, which means it’ll more likely become a habit. Remember, habits take a time to build, so you must be consistent with your new schedule if you want it to become a practice. If you are planning on a daily routine, on how to start exercising regularly each day, in other words, to lose weight like most people, then you may probably need time and focus to do it perfectly. This is the daily routine you must put into practice if you want to achieve the desired goals.

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