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Sub geographies within the CAZ
The Economic Future of the Central Activity Zone (CAZ) Phase 1: Office use trends and the CAZ ecosystem Report to the Greater London Authority (GLA)
: Thomas Charters Unsplash
West End
The West End features a rich mix of retail, homes, culture, dining, entertainment, visitor accommodation and offices. It has twice as much retail floorspace than the City and the East, at around 1.2 million sqm, and around 800,000sqm in hotel space. It also makes up more than half the entire land area of the CAZ, and is therefore home to many more people –around 180,000 residents.
: Alex Tai Unsplash
City and the East (incl. NIoD)
Comprising the City of London and the Northern Isle of Dogs to the east, this is the area of London most dominated by commercial real estate. It is also contains the historic core of the city, and – under normal circumstances – hosts vast numbers of tourists and visitors each year. There is more than 10 million square metres of office floorspace in the City and the East, and it is also home to around 88,000 people.
: Inset Agency Unsplash
Riparian South
This study area, so called because it runs parallel along the south bank of the River Thames, includes areas such as London Bridge, Borough, Waterloo and Vauxhall. It also includes the new developments taking place around Nine Elms. Despite its modest size (just 10% of the CAZ land area). Riparian South is the largest provider of entertainment space, and is home to around 80,000 people.
The Economic Future of the Central Activity Zone (CAZ) Phase 1: Office use trends and the CAZ ecosystem Report to the Greater London Authority (GLA)
II. The CAZ Economic Ecosystem
The Economic Future of the Central Activity Zone (CAZ) Phase 1: Office use trends and the CAZ ecosystem Report to the Greater London Authority (GLA)