2021 FIU Campus Security Booklet

Page 17

FIU Police Department 305-348-2626

Any violation of this policy by a

Drug And Alcohol Abuse Prevention

1. any gun, bow, crossbow or other

University student or employee shall

Policy online at policies.fiu.edu/

weapon designed or intended

constitute grounds for:

files/754.pdf and FIU Regulation

to propel a missile or projectile

2505 Alcoholic Beverages online at

of any kind, including any pistol,


revolver, rifle, musket, long gun

1. Evaluation and/or referral to treatment for drug/alcohol abuse; 2. Disciplinary action; and/or a. For students, disciplinary action may include: written

or other weapon designed or

Substance Abuse Education

intended to propel a missile of

Programs are available to assist

any kind by action of an explosion

reprimand, educational

students and employees who may be in

activities, no-contact order,

need of drug or alcohol counseling. For

counseling screening/

students, the professional staff at the

device that emits a momentary

consultation, psychological

Counseling and Psychological Service

or pulsed output, which is

evaluation, restitution,

Center provides free and confidential

electrical, audible, optical or

restriction/loss of privileges,

consultations and community referrals.

electromagnetic in nature and

conduct probation, deferred

Additionally, the Office of Employee

which is designed to temporarily

suspension, suspension, and

Assistance is staffed with licensed

expulsion. Such actions shall

mental health professionals who are

be in accordance with the

available to help faculty and staff

bowie knife, switchblade knife,

Student Conduct and Honor

members obtain counseling and

ballistic knife, machete or razor,

Code and University policies

referrals to mental health providers

except a pocket knife having a

and procedures.

in the community. The Healthy Living

folding metal blade of less than

b. For employees, disciplinary

Program provides alcohol and drug

action may include mandatory

education programs, resource materials

referral to the Office of

and workshops on areas of alcohol and

Employee Assistance (OEA)

drug abuse.

disciplinary procedures, up to

2. any stun weapon, including any

incapacitate a person; 3. any knife, including any dirk,

three inches; 4. any slingshot, spring stick, metal knucks or blackjack; 5. any flailing instrument consisting of two or more rigid parts

for assessment, letters of reprimand, and progressive

of any combustible material;


connected in such a manner as to

This provision is applicable to all

allow them to swing freely, which

and including termination of

employees, students, and any other

may be known as a nun chahka,


individuals visiting or conducting

nun chuck, nunchaku, shuriken or

business at the University. The only

fighting chain;

3. Criminal sanction. a. Florida law prohibits the

exceptions to this policy are as follows:

6. any disc, of whatever

Law enforcement officers in the official

configuration, having at least

capacity of their duties; University law

two points or pointed blades

sell, manufacture or deliver, of

enforcement personnel; and Faculty

which is designed to be thrown

a Controlled Substance “in, on,

in the performance of instructional

or propelled and which may be

or within 1,000 feet of the real

or research responsibilities, only with

known as a throwing star or

property comprising a public

written approval from the Provost and

or private college, University,

previous notification to the University’s

or other postsecondary

Chief of Police.

sale, manufacture, or delivery, or possession with intent to

institution.” Fla. Stat. §

oriental dart; 7. any frame, receiver, muffler, silencer, missile, projectile or

All persons, except for those

ammunition designed for use with

893.13(1)(d). Violators face up

exempted above, are prohibited from

a dangerous weapon, including

to 30 years in prison.

possessing, storing, manufacturing, or

any cartridge, pellet, ball, missile

using a dangerous article, including but

or projectile adapted for use in a

not limited to


See University policy 1705.002 DrugFree Campus/Workplace

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2021


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