2021 FIU Campus Security Booklet

Page 18

1. any explosive substance

348-2626. The department will generate

Residential Students, go to policies.fiu.

or explosive device, if such

a missing person report and initiate


substance or device is intended

an investigation. Missing persons may

to be used as a weapon;

also be reported to Residential Life

2. any tear gas, mustard gas,

Staff, Dean of Students, and the online

Travel Plan The FIU Police Department

phosgene gas or other noxious

reporting form found on the conduct

encourages students, faculty, and staff

or nauseating gases or mixtures

webpage (conduct.fiu.edu) or the

to use an extra safety measure when

of chemicals designed to, and

Panther’s Care webpage (pantherscare.

traveling by completing a “Travel Plan”

capable of, producing vile,

fiu.edu). All reports of a missing student

form with the FIU Police.

injurious or nauseating odors or

will be reported to the FIUPD.

gases, if such gas or chemical is

In addition to registering a general

Since April 1996, travelers have participated in the program by picking

intended to be used as a weapon;

emergency contact, students residing

up Travel Plan forms, filling out two


in on-campus housing have the option

copies with details of their travel

to privately identify an individual to

arrangements, returning one copy to

be contacted by FIU in the event the

the Police Department and sending the

student is determined to be missing for

second copy to their destination.

3. any weapon of like kind as those enumerated. on any property owned, used or under the control of Florida International

more than 24 hours. If a student has

If the traveler does not arrive

University in accordance with Florida

identified such an individual, FIU will

as planned, those at the traveler’s

Statutes Section 790.115 except as

notify that individual no later than 24

destination are asked to notify the

provided by Florida Statutes Section

hours after the student is determined

Police Department. Investigators


to be missing. A student’s confidential

will have all necessary information

contact information will be accessible

to begin a search immediately. FIU

University’s campuses and dormitories

only by authorized campus officials and

Police Department will keep the Travel

are not considered to be private

law enforcement in the course of the

Plan form in file for 10 days after the

residences, homes or places of


scheduled arrival date.

For purposes of this policy, the

business but rather property owned by

After investigating a missing person

Forms are available at the FIU Police

FIU; therefore, individuals licensed to

report, should the FIUPD determine that

Department, located in SO II at the

carry firearms are not exempted from

the student is missing, the FIUPD will

Biscayne Bay Campus, and in the PG5

the provisions of this policy on those

enter the person as missing in the state

Market Station at Modesto Maidique

premises. FIU Policy 1710.135. See the

and national computer database (Florida

Campus. Forms may also be obtained from

FIU policy of Firearms and Dangerous

Crime Information Center and National

any police officer, or from this web site.

Weapons online at policies.fiu.edu/

Crime Information Center). The student’s


emergency contact will be notified no

Violence Against

later than 24 hours after the student is

Women Act (V.A.W.A)

Missing Residential Student Policy

determined to be missing. If the missing

Policy Statement addressing

student is under the age of 18 and

Domestic Violence, Dating Violence,

residing in residential housing as a

is not an emancipated individual, the

Sexual Assault and Stalking

foremost concern. In pursuit of this,

FIUPD will notify the student’s parent

the University will take the following

or legal guardian immediately after

domestic violence, dating violence,

actions regarding a missing residential

the FIUPD has determined that the

sexual assault and stalking. The

student. If a member of the University

student has been missing for 24 hours,

University educates the student

community has reason to believe that

in addition to notifying any additional

community and new employees about

a student who resides in on-campus

contact person designated by the

domestic violence, dating violence,

housing is missing, he or she should

student. For more information about

sexual assault and stalking through

immediately notify the FIUPD at 305-

FIU’s policy and procedure on Missing

mandatory orientations. Literature on

FIU views the safety of the students


Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2021

FIU prohibits the offenses of

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