Florida International University urges
enforcement authority, crime reporting
are certified by the State of Florida
it’s University community to use The
policies, disciplinary procedures and
and have complete police authority to
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
other information related to safety and
apprehend and arrest anyone involved
(ASR) as a guide for safe practices on
security on campus.
in illegal acts on FIU campuses and
and off campus. This report contains
This information is provided by the
educational sites as well as areas
information and crime statistics for
University Police Department and in
immediately adjacent to the campuses.
2017, 2018, and 2019 calendar years
accordance with the Jeanne Clery
If offenses involving University
for crimes that occurred:
Disclosure of Campus Security Policy
regulations and policies are committed
on campus;
and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 1990.
by a University student, the FIUPD also
in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by FIU; and
on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible to the campus. It also contains information regarding
campus security and personal safety topics such as crime prevention, fire safety, University police law
refers the individual for disciplinary
Campus Law Enforcement Policies
action with the Office of Student
The Florida International University
Conduct and Academic Integrity.
Police Department (FIUPD) is located
Major offenses involving death on
in the PG5 Market Station at Modesto
campus are reported to local police,
A. Maidique Campus (MMC) and at the
and joint investigative efforts with
SO II building on Biscayne Bay Campus
investigators from the FIUPD and the
(BBC). The FIUPD provides a full range
local police are deployed to solve these
of police services to the community 24
serious crimes. The prosecution of
hours a day, seven days a week at both
all criminal offenses, both felony and
campuses. All University police officers
misdemeanor, are conducted by the
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 2021