FLAD UAc Mobility Fund “Crossing the Atlantic"

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FLAD-­‐UAc Mobility Fund “Crossing the Atlantic” A program supporting the mobility of students & researchers between the Universidade dos Açores and US institutions RFP FLAD-­‐UAc/2015/001 I – Purpose of the Call The current request for proposals (RFP) seeks applications within the guidelines of the FLAD-­‐UAc Crossing the Atlantic Fund, which as created through a protocol signed between the Luso-­‐American Development Foundation (FLAD) and the University of the Azores (UAc) on 24 February, 2015. II – Applicable Regulations The specific terms of the current RFP are found in the document Regulations governing the attribution of financial support for projects submitted within the ambit of the FLAD-­‐UAc Crossing the Atlantic Fund, which was an integral part of the protocol signed between the two parties. It is available in Portuguese here: http://www.uac.pt/destaque/assinatura-­‐de-­‐protocolo-­‐com-­‐a-­‐flad-­‐no-­‐ambito-­‐do-­‐fundo-­‐flad-­‐uac-­‐crossing-­‐ the-­‐atlantic III – Dates of the RFP

Project proposals for the 2015 calendar year are hereby open between 16 March and 30 April, 2015. IV – Eligibility The criteria for award eligibility are: a) faculty/researchers of the UAc or faculty/researchers from US institutions, specifically universities and/or research centers; b) students from the UAc or from US schools, under the responsibility of a faculty member or Principle Investigator (PI). V -­‐ Applications 1 – The application must be completed online using the appropriate form. 2 – In the case of applicants coming from the UAc, the application must be submitted through this portal in Portuguese: http://candidaturas.uac.pt/doit/servicos.asp?id_dep=21&id_form=174 3 – In the case of applicants coming from US institutions, the application must be submitted through this portal in English: http://www.flad.pt/flad-­‐uac 4 – The application is submitted by the Principle Investigator (PI). VI – Evaluation 1 – The evaluation of proposals will follow the criteria laid out in the Regulations mentioned above in Point II.

2 – The evaluation of proposals is the responsibility of a jury made up of the members described in the Regulations of the grant. VII – Financing 1 – The amount available for this RFP is 50.000€. 2 – No project will receive more than 20.000€. 3 – The awards granted to each project may not cover the full amount requested. VIII – Additional Information Questions about the RFP can be sent to FLAD, by phone (+351) 21.393.5800 or email michael.baum@flad.pt, or to the UAc, by phone (+351)296650800 or email gri@uac.pt. 16 March 2015

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