Howto Navigate 2020
ByFlagship FacilityServices, Jun 12, 2020 3:42:32 PM

Whata yearthis has been. Itseems like an entire lifetime ago when you wentto the office everyday, handshakes were exchanged generously, no one wore masks and travel was a common practice.
However, once COVID-19 spread its wayinto even the smallestcrevices ofthe world, everything changed, and unless you have a crystal ball oramazing insight, the changes happened quickly, and the impactwas felt.
As we enterthe mid-yearmarkof2020, the changes and stresses do notseem to be lightening up. Whetherit’s devastating brush fires, murderhornets, natural disasters including floods, volcanoes and earthquakes, a pandemic, skyrocketing unemployment with millions suffering from financial uncertaintyorprotests thathave broughtnewlightto privilege and racism, 2020 has been full ofconstantchange. You neverknowwhatthe nextdaywill bring.
So, nowthatall the scheduled plans have changed and campaign calendars forthe year have been reduced to recycling, howcan you navigate the yearfrom here?
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