Under the high patronage of Madam Senator Raymonde Le Texier,
The Observatoire Géopolitique des Criminalités and FLARE (Freedom, Legality And Rights in Europe), the first European network of civil society against transnational organized crime
Mafias between illegality and legality What legislative perspectives? What role for civil society?
Saturday, 4th June 2011 Salle Clemenceau Palais du Luxembourg 15ter rue de Vaugirard 75006 Parigi With the collaboration of Transparence, Sherpa, Libera International, GRASCO, Associazione Democratici Parigi, Focus-in, La Fabbrica di Nichi, Associazione Carlo Giuliani, A.N.P.I., Meetup Beppe Grillo, Collettivo 5.12.
Free entrance with reservation by mail to fabrice.rizzoli@flarenetwork.org website : flarenetworkfrance.blogspot.com For the “antimafia” lunch, please send a check (€10) to Ethicando c/o La Ruche, 84 quai de Jemmapes, 75010 Parigi The speech of non-French speakers will be simultaneously translated in French The topic: The development of transnational criminal organizations is by now universally denounced. Among them, the mafias: the most powerful criminal organizations and, in the Italian case, the most studied. Their ability to take advantage of globalization without losing their local roots is due to the differences between national and international legislations, to the existence of shady areas and of tax havens, but also to the discreet but efficient protection offered by some political and economic environments. The economic power of this type of criminal organization now reaches a level allowing it to take care of social needs, not satisfied by legal economic systems. The uncontrolled quest for the fastest enrichment, despite any human consideration, expresses itself on true markets that are in reality left to the mafias. Lastly, not only does this type of criminal organization perpetrate methodical violence, it also participate in an economic system in which legal and illegal sectors merge.