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DEADLINES and how to deal with them

It was formerly “a boundary around a military Civil War prison beyond which a prisoner could not venture without the risk of being shot by the guards.” Publicly committing to meeting a deadline is a powerful motivator because it puts your reputation on the line. Workers who fail to meet deadlines risk the disapproval — and sometimes the wrath — of their managers and colleagues. Still, some people will blow a deadline, rationalizing that there is both a “deadline” and a “real deadline.” They will use whatever devices and excuses they can muster to buy more time. There are some people that can finish a project without deadlines, just out of pure self-discipline and awarness. But many of us, though, need a looming threat to finish major work. Here is some advice to help you deal with deadlines and get your things done on time. think about meeting a deadline as an achievement, an event that will make you feel fulfilled and accomplished deadlines are motivators for you to start working, so stop procrastinating, while looking at the screen.. when setting a deadline, think of real consequences of not fulfilling it. Like having to run naked in Poli. divide the task into smaller chunks of work and set deadlines for each one find a person to hold you accountable if the deadline is not met establish “now“ deadlines so you can act in the present deadlines are necessary because they help you focus and prioritize if you miss a deadline, make sure you notify the person who gave the task why you did it and whether you are going to do it or not.

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