FLAWZ Magazine ◊ 5

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JUNE 2020


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flawzmagazine.wixsite.com flawzmagazine FLAWZmagazine FLAWZ | THE MAGAZINE







ay....who knows anymore of quarantine. By now, everyone who reads our magazine, has been in some form of quarantine. And our lives as we know it have undoubtably changed...but the question of for the better or for the worst lingers in (I’m sure) all of our minds. How can we not ignore the facts; we are safer. We are now practicing, as we should always do, personal hygiene and we are closer as a race....in SOME, hell in a very little way. But it’s still to be seen, the worst brings out the best in us. No! This issue isn’t going to be about COVID-19. I’ll make that clear. God knows we are all SICK and tired of everything COVID. But to ignore the situation, would be foolish. As it impacts so many of our lives. So, how do we move forward? When the day FINALLY comes when we are able to enjoy the company of others, go back to work, travel, go to the movies even being able to see loved ones without the use of Zoom. But honestly...was it so bad? Was being quarantined really all that bad? Before you answer with a quick “HELL YEAH”, think about it. What have you learned from this experience? What have you taken from it? How has this made you and your family closer? What’s something you learned about yourself? Questions we should all be asking ourselves, as the world beings to slowly open back up. Those are some of the questions I ask our cover girl and Creative Director of FLAWZ Venus. We travel across the galaxy, and to her planet. To escape the boredom of Earth. And see how she’s been during these challenging times. To be inspired, with everything going on is not as hard as it may seem...but even the best of us knows, it can be daunting. So what inspires people when the world feels like it’s come to a halt? The fashion world isn’t, by ANY means excluded from this pandemic. If anything it’s been the hardest hit by it. But as I’ve said before, we can all find sanctuary in the midst of chaos. The industry has been going through a slight metamorphosis. Changing how it handles deals and produces the endless items of clothing left behind season after season. As well as, becoming aware of the worlds changing climate. It’s trickled down to this seasons must-have accessories. Less trendy, and more, dare I even say...practical.


That word is almost forbidden in fashion. practical, we would all be wearing flats, But with the industry becoming aware, ou be more functional with our everyday life

“Do you know what today is? It’s our A ANNIVERSARY.” In my Tony Toni Tone voic reached our 1 year mark of FLAWZ!!!!! shocked that a year ago, I FINALLY (to th saying FINALLY) dropped the MOST antic ion magazine on SecondLife. I have talke magazine and my idea for the magazine for forever. I knew I wanted this to not rushed, copy and paste, run of the m Fashion isn’t that way, TRUE fashion isn needed to be done with care. ACTUAL k fashion (more shade) and a kick ass fuc Venus and Armand.

Now I know SecondLife has a slough of able fashion insiders......(that shade just okay okay I’ll cut with the shade. But serio wanted those who not only spoke it, but order to be apart of a team, you need t speak the language that IS, fashion. And have these two as editors. It’s been s working with two individuals who take personal style seriously. I’m excited for th for the future of FLAWZ and the expansio

I want to end this letter, by saying. We are storm yet. And as much as we want to some sort of “normalcy” we have to C adhere to practicing social distancing. It is ALL continue to wear a masks. WASH O Stay 6 feet apart and if you feel sick, go hospital. We are just out of reaching 100 100,000!!!! Let that number resonate in all And by the time you read this, it could be our subscribers, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE your due diligence and be safe!

If we wanted , and sweats. ur pieces must e.

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ashion has always been a mainstay within the virtual world of Second Life. It has cultivated the very best it has to offer in terms of clothing design, skins, mesh and the like. It is now our first anniversary and I could not be more proud of what we have accomplished. For our fifth issue, we have for the first time allowed those who are passionate about fashion, oddity and couture to join us for this issue making it one of our largest publications to date. I thank each and every one of our photographers and models for sharing in this dream. Without you all, we would not be here today. Venus Germanotta, who is well known for her style of ‘Alien Couture’, graces the cover of our first-anniversary issue. Having cultivated this look for years she is one of the most influential and most sought after photographers on Second Life. I always credit her for bringing me into the world of Second Life fashion especially when I was a new resident over 4 years ago. Without her, I wouldn’t be here today. Learn more about our Chief Fashion Director in our exclusive interview from Editor in Chief J’Adore Ronin. Flawz Magazine is a publication that celebrates the artistry of fashion and those who are unconventional. With every publication, we strive to represent all aspects of beauty for it is in the eye of the beholder. There have been many magazines and fashion organizations on Second Life in the past and present that have spearheaded the effort to create and represent couture, resort collections, models and the like. I want to have that exciting star-struck feeling when participating in a fashion show. The feeling of pride a creator feels when launching an exclusive main store release. I want people to love Second Life fashion for the creativity and work that's put into it, long before having to rush a release for unorganized sales events and the like that have dampened creativity on the platform. Again I thank all of our staff and those who participate in each issue. The applause goes to all of them. I am in awe as always of the talent, dedication and effort that goes into each and every publication making Flawz live up to the definition of its name. Please enjoy our 1st Anniversary publication and stay safe, healthy and blessed. Cheers!






reetings everyone! Where has the time gone?! Well where do I begin? About a year ago, I was just hanging out at a sandbox with Armand, one of our awesome editors, when we met up with J’adore, our editor in chief and founder of what you all now know as Flawz Magazine. We came together with the common interest of our love for fashion, design, art and embracing the bizarre, the avantgarde and the out of this world styles that exist in real life as in Second Life. It is truly humbling to see how many of you have been following our journey from a year ago to this very moment. I want to thank of course my team members J’adore and Armand for being so amazing and I want to also thank our unbelievably talented photographers and creators for joining us as well. You took a chance on us when we were virtually unheard of on the grid, and we’ve made it this far. I can’t wait to see what heights we venture into next. I don’t see any limitations so long as there are creative people on the grid. Oh I guess I should mention that I was asked to be on the cover this issue. I’ll be honest I was a bit nervous because while I love showcasing my work the same way anyone would, to have the spotlight shine on me can be very nice but at the same time nerve-wracking. But I am very grateful and its an absolute pleasure to come to you all now with this issue. I also want to bring attention to some very real things happening in the world right now. First I hope everyone reading this issue is safe and sound from Covid-19, along with your families and loved ones. Secondly, I wanted to shine a light on the Black Lives Matter movement. This is something long overdue and in 2020 we shouldn’t have to be worried about ridiculous concepts like racism, homophobia, transphobia etc, but we still face these hurdles. While I hope you do enjoy this issue, I want you to please keep an open mind, an open heart and a strong sense of doing the right thing if ever in the presence of injustice. With that being said, allow me to take you to my planet in honor of Flawz Magazine’s 1 Year Anniversary!!!






Background image by Frédéric Duquette

By now we are all ready to pack our belongings, and head to another planet. Somewhere far better then Earth. With everything going on with COVID-19 and being under quarantine. Mars, Venus, even Saturn sounds lovely right about now. Even under these circumstances, life will undoubtably go on. While we’re waiting for life to resume, I wanted to check in with someone who, wouldn’t mind being beamed up to some ominous planet. Im closing my eyes imagining I’m flying first class, on a plane to see Venus in Florida. I can hear the sound of the plane’s engine, as we take off...sadly, I’m in front of my computer, via Zoom, catching up with our Creative Director from her home. Without dwelling too much on...our reality, I wanted to see how she’s been holding up, and doing since the lock down took affect and where she’s at mentally. There’s something to be said when having to be confined in one place. Whether surrounded by family or by yourself, you find time to really and honestly reflect on the situation, and life as a whole. We all will have to adapt to whatever outcome COVID leaves on us as a race. From what we do, to where we work, even to how we go about our daily lives. Life will never be the same again....or will it be even better on this new planet? How are you Ms Venus? Are you ready to take us to your planet? In my Gaga voice, lol. Venus: Hi love! I sure am haha. And I’m doing well thank you, as well as anyone during these times atleast. How about you? Venus: Hi love! I sure am haha. And I’m doing well thank you, as well as anyone during these times atleast. How about you? I’m doing well! And so true. We’ll definitely touch on this more. 1. I want to start by asking you, I know I’ve asked you this before, but how are you with everything going on? I know I’m ready for New York to open all the way back up. Venus: Its really scary, and yeah I know we’ve talked about it too, especially in your state, over here things have been in the middle, now that restaurants and other businesses are opening back up its giving people a sense of calm like everything is over, but I just hope people keep being cautious and not doing anything too reckless until the virus situation is really under control. 2. The sad part is, I’m hearing that the numbers are going back up because people are too anxious to get back out there. And yeah here in New York it’s dropping but still. We still need to be careful. Venus: 100% agreed. I’m glad you’re safe too and hopefully we can all get through this. 3. I feel like the general public is ready for life to get back to...some sort of normalcy. What’s going on in Florida?

Venus: Oh definitely. Over here things have been somewhat under control but seeing that now more people are going out to the beaches for example, its kind of upsetting because we don’t know if that’ll cause a spike in people being exposed to the virus. 4. Same here! They’re going to Central Park and not wearing any masks. It’s like people are not adhering to wearing a mask. Then want to complain when this comes back... again. It’s crazy asf! Isn’t it crazy how during this time, we have actual time to reflect and be in our thoughts. What has this time brought you? Venus: It really is. I would say I’ve started thinking alot more about mine and the people in my life’s mortality. What I mean is, I’ve begun to value life more, not that I didn’t before, but with this situation you just never know who you might know today, and the fact that they may be gone the next day, or yourself for that matter. But also, I guess it makes me want to enjoy my life more and I hope other people feel that too in this time where everything seems so low vibrational and depressing. 5. Well let’s change the subject, it’s our 1 year anniversary!!!!! FLAWZ has come leaps and bounds since we released the first issue. What have you noticed since the first issue? Venus: Its so crazy yet amazing to me that just a year ago the three of us editors were hanging out at a sandbox, and simply talked about starting a magazine, and now here we are on our 5th issue with extremely talented photographers and creators along the way joining us. Probably the biggest thing I’ve noticed and was pleasantly surprised with, is the fact that more people on Second Life do care about fashion, art and creativity than I initially thought. 6. And the fact that they are interested and wanting more from us. I knew this magazine was needed and wanted. So I’m happy that we can provide such a service. Not only has the magazine come a long way, but as a team we have grown along side FLAWZ. Even with what’s going on, I feel as if you have had to grow as a individual during this time. How has this situation and the magazine (if in anyway) forced you to grow? Venus: Oh definitely, I’d say it helped me grow in different ways, from working as a team and collaborating and even in a creative way. Trying to always stay fresh and come up with interesting ideas isn’t always as easy as some may think, and I’m sure other people can relate to that, but FLAWZ has become not just a Second Life magazine but a platform that I think has reignited a fire in me when it comes to making my own art. 7. When I was writing the question, I answered it myself as well. This situation, and FLAWZ has both taught me patience and not just leaning on myself for inspiration. As well as, during COVID-19. During this time, you have to lean on your friends and family to help you get through the hard and difficult times. Venus: Yes I can relate to that as well, its something that we have no choice but to kind of deal with and its different for everyone I’m sure.

8. This quarantine has definitely delayed and even stopped many businesses but in a weird way, has given some businesses time to really hone in on their craft. With the fashion industry halted, this will give designers time to really give us a stellar collection. Do you agree? Venus: I was thinking about that myself actually. I think that in the fashion world, something that designers probably struggle with is having the pressure of pumping out 5-6 collections throughout the year (If they’re high-end brands) and for all the seasons and having to make sure they’re as immaculate as possible as well as, unique. I can only imagine the stress they’re under. So right now, I think its an odd time, but probably something in their favor for their creative minds to take a moment to breathe and refine their collections. Its a blessing during dark times I suppose one could say. 9. Well being in the industry myself, I can says this is definitely a time where designers, artist and photographers alike, can all take time to honestly perfect their craft. In these uncertain times, one will either say to themselves “my work is fine, I’m good, lets move forward”. Which is a f*cked up way of looking at it. But I think for many, they should be dissecting their past work and previous work and figuring out how to better themselves and their brand. Venus: Right, so we better having some sickening pieces when miss couture season comes rolling around, and everyone can get back to sitting side-by-side along the catwalk. 10. To be honest with you...and I have to say this because in my core I believe this...COVID will change every aspect of fashion....the world as we know it. Which leads into my next question. Venus: I don’t doubt it, especially if this is pro-longed. We might see some innovation take place because of a lack of resources for example. 11. I’ve heard from around the industry, with everything that was going on surrounding fashion needing to slow down. This quarantine oddly, to say, came at a time where the industry was being bombarded with the demand for product and retail stores not being able to keep up with the demand for inventory. As well as, designers being burned out to deliver a collection for every season..they now have the time to stop, catch their breath and rewrite how this industry will move forward after COVID-19. Even for us and this magazine, going forward we will need to be more creative as far as future content is concerned. Nervous? Lol Venus: Not at all, I think any publication should always want to evolve and break new ground, so i’m excited to see where the fashion industry goes, along with FLAWZ. 12. I’m ready as well...in a way lol, and nervous as it pertains to not repeating content we’ve done or featured in the magazine already. My job in real life, we are, to be completely honest with you, scrambling to come up with new material for the magazine, without any fashion to show. Here on SecondLife we can show so many looks that haven’t been covered yet, but are limited by creators.

Venus: Thats very real, and I think its just everyone in fashion feeling that along with you guys. In a way we are lucky that on Second Life it can be limitless as long as people keep creating and the grid never dies. But in RL its become a challenge. I think thats where innovation will have to rise from somewhere, but from where I guess would be the question. 13. There are so many designers who actually have created around this idea of a post apocalyptic world. Or a world after the apocalypse has happened. Others could find inspiration from the fact that many will want to celebrate life and spend money or vise verse. So yes we will see. Speaking of creators....lol our favorite subject. A huge issue with many creators is the lack of creativity. This doesn’t help necessarily, when it comes to those who do look to the industry for inspiration. Those who look to celebrities and those in the music industry, they will always have content. Which side do we feel sorry for the most? Lol I know which side you’re going to choose. It’s the same side I continue to have a issue with. Venus: Thats interesting, I can see many interpretations of this being done not just in fashion but in music, its been happening already but I hope other designers/singers take a more abstract approach to it too, for the sake of uniqueness. As for creators, It can be frustrating because on the runways (as you know) we see that some just continue to recycle the same collections, and the general public will eat it up and though today there are a handful of amazing designers with breathtaking ideas, the problem is exactly that, there are only a handful of them. 14. You know, this is the problem with fashion today. Creativity has been replaced with “comfortability”. What’s familiar, what’s..in a sense, basic and easy. No shade but shade at the same time. I get that we all want pieces that don’t take an arm and a leg to put on. But at the same time we do want to be as diverse as we are as people, as the clothes we put on our bodies. And with SL, the same applies. They want what’s “easy” because (here comes the shade) most aren’t creating these looks anyway. Venus: Oh yes thats been another issue, for years now, and most of us are aware of it, but just like in RL, Second Life is a accumulation of people from all walks of life, and just like the majority do consume the mediocre here or in RL, the minority would be the people wanting more from designers in terms of creativity in a piece they meshed, and not settling for another bra, panty, jean + sweater set with a side of thongs and socks, bloop. I will say though, in the last 2-3 years and currently, I have been very happy to see that couture is making a slow but steady evolution on Second Life, I just hope that momentum keeps going and does not fizzle out. 15. I want to take a minute to, discuss our distaste with “urban” fashion. Now it’s not that it’s urban, but it’s that, for SecondLife, we have been flooded with the same recycled looks time and time again. And it seems like those who do take the initiative, to step outside the walls of boredom, lol, I mean “street style” and expand their skills and creativity with couture pieces, even a stellar high fashion (not couture but luxurious pieces), get ostracized or deemed “unrealistic”. For me, I love street style. I honestly do, but when it’s literally, ALL WE HAVE....it gets a little déjà vu.

Venus: Yeah don’t get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with a minimalistic style, and everyone and their mother has a preference when it comes to what they love to wear and their own style, but I would just like to say to consumers and creators, open your minds to trying something new, and please don’t push something away so easily because its “different” or “weird”. What one deems as “ugly” is stunning to another and I know for a FACT there are creators on Second Life not naming names, that used to make gorgeous high-fashion and even couture pieces, but they stopped because the general public was not in support of them financially. It just wasn’t selling, and I understand that everyone wants to make money, which is why I say, everyone in general should try to keep an open mind about fashion, and bending the rules of what sells and what doesn’t. 16 I would be messy and say the name, because I know who you’re referencing, and it’s ANNOYING asf. I touched on this point with Kaitlyn in our 4th issue. How on SL, with her BBL body being considered “urban” and how even some still didn’t want to create for it. It’s confusing with some of these creators.

Venus: haha! It is a few of them, but whats great is that there are other creators filling up that void now. And that is strange, because we’ve seen how you can dress up a curvy body, slim body or anything in between. Theres no excuse, anyone can wear high-fashion and haute-couture, but the designers have to be bold enough to make the move. 17. I would say it’ll never happen, but who knows. Well just have to see at this point. Lol Well with you, especially, being so amazingly creative with your images and style. How do you lookI could at thissee issue the lack diversity the Second when it (Respond) youof doing hair…ofThat wouldinbe dope. And Life you community, already tapped into comes to the fashion or lack of it. furniture. Question: i’m always fascinated with what creators do next. Where the future maybe Venus: Fingers crossed lol. Thank you! well I think that its a shame because I know taking them, where do you see the BBLHmm and Yentements headed? there areMy probably people on the has platform who wish they had along more options Kaitlyn: vision for Yentements always been something the linestoofchoose a bird from for their personal style, but feel limited whether it be because of their avi’sinproporoff Goodman‘s or Bloomingdale’s. A little of everything, or should I say lifestyle genertions, or want simply clothing/fashion question not they exist deserve. yet. So while al. I just tobecause improve the my craft and give theinpeople thedoes content As farI think Life hason improved immensely if you to when was first released as theSecond BBL I do plan adding to the family but Icompare can’t sayittoo muchiton that right now. in 2004, to now, it is a marvelous transformation, but like anything in life, there is always room for improvement. (Respond) OOOOOOOOO! Okay for the secrets. Question: What would you like people to take away from you being bold and trying 18. You’ve been anso icon andwish trail they blazer with your looks and your take on beauty. something I know many had done? Where get have your inspiration from? And what’s kept it going for thisI put long? Answer:doIf you I could people take something away from everything out there it would be just do what you want. Stop caring about the “What if’s” and just go for it beVenus: thank you’re you so going much!to Well have to say also that just my inspiration comes cause IOh promise doIitwould anyway. I would like to say Iwhen am aitnormal to fashion looking at pop-culture, would be artists such or as;makes Cher, Nicperson justand likebeauty anyoneif we’re else. There isn’t something that makes me better me ki Minaj, Bjork and all time favorite ofcourse, missas Gaga. And in the fashion feel as though I ammy above anyone. I believe as long you remain humble andindustry true to Iyourself, think Alexander McQueen was who first saw blewknow my mind, thencan Thierry Mugler with exception for when you Ihave to letthat a bitch LOL! You accomplish and as of late Iris Van Herpen. Besides those individuals, I’ve always had a thing as well anything. for alien-esque beauty, or the concept of beauty from another dimension and what that would look like to humans. without any fashion to show. Here on SecondLife we can show so many looks that haven’t been covered yet, but are limited by creators. 19. As we look forward and move forward past COVID, what’s next for you? What will this next chapter look like for Venus? Venus: Well, I feel really fortunate to be in the situation I’m in, so Im always thankful for that, especially in times like these. As far as the future is concerned, I’m focusing on my career in RL alot more but as far as Second Life goes I can’t wait to see how far we take FLAWZ. I also may be dabbling in some cosmetic creations in SL but that’ll be something I’m trying to further develop. 20. Wowww! I can definitely see you getting into the beauty brand. Or collaborating with a collection. Whatever you do, it’ll be creative and beautiful. So I’m looking forward to it. Venus: Thank you so much!! 21. You’re welcome love.








I'm Eve and I like to say that my work reflects my emotions, it depends a lot on how I'm feeling and how I want life to be represented. For me a photo can tell a thousand stories but only one of them should be told. I particularly created this concept, of three dark goddesses who rule the underworld, each representing a personality or attribute, and they need to be in harmony for their kingdom to prosper.





In celebration of our 1st Anniversary I wanted to go chic for this season of spring. Many fashion brands have renamed Ready to Wear collections as Resort Collections and I wanted to put my spin on it. With this collection I wanted to showcase several talented designers on the grid. Featuring my most favorite brand, Rowne along with Mowie, COCO, Fashionism and Salvadori to name a few. I hope you enjoy this wonderful collection and that you will be inspired by our 1st Anniversary issue of Flawz Magazine.

Rowne - Eetan Ruffle Dress Mowie – Estera Beret, Brooke Earrings, Sierra Sunglasses

Salvadori - Helena Satin Suit Mulloy - Sunglasses COCO - Straw Hat with Scarf

Mowie - Hysa Face Set, Estera Beret Indigo - Oyia Structured Corset Fashionism - Metallic Tube Earrings

Fashionism - Bertha Beret Rowne Jeune - Fur Top, Ajak Ruffle Skirt Aurealis - Rhyland Bag





When the lights go dim I find myself infatuated with death. During these crazy times, the art in creativity and self expression is more important than ever, to get lost in something and take our mind away, a distraction from the evil among us. This issue’s theme of FLAWZ is spring couture, however I chose to base my works around elements of nature, earth, air, fire, water, ect. Some club kid inspo (Leigh Bowery), music, drag, and another inspo from someone among us, Winter Jefferson.

LODE, AIR, NANI, FOXWOOD, NAMINOKE, BOILDEGG, Nefekalum, Modulus, Conviction, Clef de Peau

Suit - Deadwool - Hard suit

ZIBSKA, Mat Kungler, Tableau Vivant, Ghoul, FAKEICON, HUMAN GLITCH







For this issue of Flawz, Paradox has created a very captivating series of editorials that seem to tell a story about love and purity but in a very abstract and unique way. Blending elements that seem unorthodox, he knows how to make a very memorable series, as you’re about to find out.

Headpiece: Peony Flowers Tribal Wreath by Zenith Jacket: Toreador Jacket Men Bordado by Zafair Hand Prop: Bouquet of Bloody Black Roses by CAS Makeup: Hecate Eyeshadow by Zibska

Hair: Crown Avant by Bon Amour Headdress: Roses Mega Hat (modified) by AD Creations Jacket: SADO Rubber Jacket by CheerNo Skirt: Elayne Skirt by Artificial Hallucination Rings: Asdar Ring Set by FAKEICON

Headpiece: Thinking of Love by AD Creations Neck Gems: Mary Gems Collar by FAKEICON Neck Paint: Ninja by Nuuna

Headpiece: Titania Headpiece by MiaMai Dress: Zangzi by Titzuki

Lightbulb Head: Dusty Ideas by DISORDERLY Jacket: Tailored Jacket PolkaDot by chronokit Pants: Gin Pants Black Sakura by Caboodle





Hello there, I'm Frankie and I am honestly thrilled to be a part of FLAWZ. I am usually shopping or spending time with my family on Second Life and also learning to build up a business and work on my photography so that I can enhance my creative eye. For my submissions, I went for an urban twist with some spring couture but in different environments. I went for a different approach when it comes to representation of flowers rather than using the actual background. For my portrait I wanted to go for something simple but eye catching with optical illusions and editing tricks.

+MB+ Nena Bodysuit (Sheer) Asteroid Box. Keir Earrings Dappa - Septum [Silver] i.Mesh - Enzo Hair (Black)

[PUMEC] Faradenza Mesh ears Wasabi Pills - Ginny Mesh Hair FAKEICON - Jeane Ruffle Stole (Special) MOGUL - Yasmeen Sheer Suit (Dove) Moon Elixir - Gothique Gacha (Sleeves) Mug - Witchy Hands (#2 Metal Fingers RARE) Toksik - Amai Heels V-Tech - Body Roses (Legs)

[PUMEC] Faradenza Mesh ears Wasabi Pills - Ginny Mesh Hair FAKEICON - Jeane Ruffle Stole (Special) MOGUL - Yasmeen Sheer Suit (Dove) Moon Elixir - Gothique Gacha (Sleeves) Mug - Witchy Hands (#2 Metal Fingers RARE) Toksik - Amai Heels V-Tech - Body Roses (Legs)

[PUMEC] Faradenza Mesh ears i.Mesh - Enzo Hair (Black) FAKEICON - Jeane Ruffle Stole (Special) MOGUL - Yasmeen Sheer Suit (Dove) Mug - Witchy Hands (#2 Metal Fingers RARE) Toksik - Amai Heels





I am Ghost, I love going around finding unisex fashion or combining two things to make something a little extra special. I enjoy what i do and express myself and i hope that i inspire people of the like, just how people have inspired me. My looks are very diverse from Femme Fatale to casual but still with my own twist. So inspired by pastels, nothing says "Spring is here" more than flowers and pastels. Please enjoy‌

Hair: .Shi - Eirene Necklace: *LODE* Head Accessory - Wild Sakura Wreath [apple] Jacket/Top: :::Breath::: - back zipper jacket Accessories ( suspenders): .Shi : Unisex Suspenders Pants: BOYS TO THE BONE nittio - jeans Shoes: ..::ILLI::..Sander Platforms

Hair: KUNI - Camii Stole: FAKEICON - Jeane ruffle stole Corset/skirt: +Artificial Hallucination - Elayne Skirt

Headpiece: Gumi’s Flower Shop - Floral Hair Suit: Zaara : Classic Suit jacket





Nunu joins us for the very first time, and just in time for our anniversary issue! Her style varies but she’s very much into showcasing cute anime styles combined with provacative and even high fashion looks with a touch of cyber punk. The followig series you’re about to see showcases Nunu’s own personal style, as it relates to Spring and it’s colorful elements.





First of all, I want to give my thanks to Flawz Magazine for even considering to put me in their magazine, I've never done it before so the pressure was on to make everything look professional and clean. When I was introduced to the theme which was Spring Couture, my mind immediately went straight to flowers and mother nature, however the looks I had in mind were NOTHING that came out when I finished it. My looks are obviously inspired by nature, the embodiment of the flora, the red rouge gown that is from Moon Amore was pretty big on me, and how do you wear something that big and make it look amazing? I did not want to wear another gown and let it wear me, I wanted to do more, I wanted a huge cluster of petals, flowers, and a magical feeling to it, I usually don’t add a huge amount of stuff on my avatars, but what can I say? Bigger is better.




eden murfin

This is Eden’s debut with Flawz and we couldn’t be happier to have her. She is a glamorous girl for sure and her images prove that. Demonstrating a very sophisticated and high fashion take on her images, the following series will take you on a posh and chic spring fantasy.



REAL LIFE Second life


TRENDZ: Spring/Summer Trends Real Life and Second Life 2020

If it isn’t clear yet, by the end of the Spring show season, It was LOUD and clear, the industry needs to be smart about our stuff. The accessories that dominated the runways in New York, London, Milan and Paris were more functional than lux. Items that can live in our wardrobe for seasons to come. So don’t worry about being shaded about carrying “last seasons” bag. Bags will be oversized or bucket-shaped, all the better to tote our possessions. Shoes must be walkable, so no carrying an extra pair of flats. The fact that all these trends coexist alongside rainbow sunglasses, and unstoppable straw bag renaissance, highlights Spring 2020’s other important message: when it comes to accessories there’s never a “wrong”. Buying, wearing, and repeating what you love is a good way to keep your closet sustainable and yourself in style.



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Without a doubt, the most popular material of the entire Spring season was raffia. The fiber was woven into shoes, bags and belts in collections as diverse as Simone Rocha, Valentino, JW Anderson, and Dior. Want eco friendly details? Consider this, as a plant-derived material, raffia is biodegradable, promising that your new IT bag will have less of an environmental impact.

Vive Nine “Straw Basket” bag. Nutmeg “Straw” bag.


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Boutonnières might have begun as a menswear trend in the early 19th century, but thanks to recent designers such as Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton, and Nicolas Ghesquière, they’ll prove to be essential for women’s wear this spring/summer.

Rowne “Ertel” Pearl choker. FAKEICON “SEC02” shoulder fur wit brand new fashionable pins. Mowie “Jamie” brooch. FAKEICON “Secession” shoulder fur.




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The new super size bag are not only useful, but practical. Pile all of your possessions into Hermès’s scarf hobo and watch it expand, or Bottega Veneta’s woven crossbody, and carry it like a harness. This season, bigger is better.

Spectacledchic “Fearless” backpack. Spectacledchic “Identity” bag.

TRENDZ: Spring/Summer Trends Real Life and Second Life 2020


Real Life Reference:

Second Life Reference:

Sunglasses have been big, small, sporty, and square over the past few years. Now, it really doesn’t matter what they look like, as long as you see in color. With designers like Armani, and Anna Sui positing fantastical shades in every hue under the sun. If whimsical is more your style, Clare Waight Keller’s practical shield glasses in moss for Givenchy or Michael Kors’s marigold aviators.

USA “Enu” sunglasses. AUREALIS “Eyeshield” glasses. LEN$ “Style 68” glasses. SORGO “XNX” shades. SU! “Hell Freak” sunglasses. AUREALIS “Techino” glasses. [Meisu] “LIMERENCE” glasses.


TRENDZ: Spring/Summer Trends Real Life and Second Life 2020



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Thanks to one of my personal favorite designer, Demna Gvasalia, the strong square toe has ruled the decades most experimental shoe silhouette. Balenciaga has definitely led the pack, others have followed, cutting sandals, boots, and pumps with startlingly straight toes.

ARCHIVEFACTION “Lace Up” derbies. Spectacledchic “Chelsea” platform boots. Yentements “Yersace 90s” heel. Yentements “PVC One strap” heel in black and white.


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Bucket bags have made a come back! At Marni there were gardeners totes, at Missoni they held actual flowers, and at Loewe they were as classic as they come. The popular bag shape that has come full circle for the new decade. Smaller then the season’s oversized shoulder bag, the bucket is a handy alternative for women on the go. The styles are endless. It’s going to be hard to beat on the streets next spring.

7 “Round” hand bag. Mowie “Madie” bag.


TRENDZ: Spring/Summer Trends Real Life and Second Life 2020



Real Life Reference:

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Gone are the sneakers (for now), they’ve lost their luster on most runways this season. But emerging, ever-practical platform and flatform sandal, has come flopping down. At Erdem, Simone Rocha, and Giambattista Valli, platform sandals offered a more glamorous alternative to the always-in Birkenstock or Teva.

EQUAL “Frida” platform.


Photographed by Elocuencia Resident










I created the gallery because I felt that art, specifically black art, was lacking. In real life we don't get to experience black art like we should, we see them less in museums and they often are pushed to the back or aside even in independent art communities. I figured that I could bring something meaningful and creative to the grid. I love art in all forms, paintings, photography, music, etc. Because it comes from a real place of emotion and it makes you think. I loved the gallery because it was something that I curated. I was able to introduce something that meant something to me in hopes that it would mean something to everyone else. Like everything else, its trial and error. I've moved around a few times, I've been extremely inspired and also extremely uninspired, and everything else that comes with creating and maintaining something. I have kind of stepped back a little bit from it. I want to focus on some other projects and sometimes it does get draining trying to keep up with everything and ignore outside influences and stay positive. But I do enjoy the love I get from it and the people who push me to keep going and keep me inspired. For the time being I am going to move most of the art onto a marketplace and I may do some updates and rebranding and reopen soon. For details, contact Abstrak.mercury Resident.

JUNE 2020

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