FLAWZ Magazine ◊ 2

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AUTUMN issue

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gloom + azoury ad’s







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ORK WITH GREATNESS If I had to guess, I’ve known Ludah for quite some time. To say he’s always funny, always outspoken, HIGHLY talented, and extremely creative is a bit of an understatement. When it comes to his craft, which he was by the way, self taught (yes some actually take the time to LEARN something) he stands alone. He’s on his own level, a level hard to reach if you aren’t trying to achieve and break newer grounds. Which is what Ludah is accomplishing with starting a new venture and blazing new paths. I had the pleasure of sitting down and speaking to him, one on one, about where he’s going. Where he’s been, and how he’s getting there. Trust me, if his next projects are as good as or better then his previous work, FLAWZ will be along for the ride. Our second issue touches on prepping you for the upcoming Autumn and Winter season. Second Life has an array of looks that tie in with this upcoming seasons must haves. I wanted our magazine to give our readers a chance to embrace all that SL has to offer when it comes to fashion. Not just “urban”, but high fashion, avant-garde, and of course couture. Branching out one’s closet is a MUST. We...well some of us, need to spruce up our SL wardrobe. What better way to start with a new season?

I’m excited for the direction our magazine is headed. And with new direction, the magazine will continue to be molded in the shape and form I and my other editors see fit. You can’t grow and leave your work to remain as it’s been. Granted we’re only on our second issue, but already our look, and brand will ALWAYS stay with fashion and evolve and grow. Because who in fashion stays the same? It’s a fashion faux pas to be seen in “last season”, so why would you want your work to be seen, season after season in....well last season? That being said, we’re always looking for amazing talented artists, photographers, models and creators to join our FLAWZ family. If you have what it takes, and possess a boundless freedom of creativity, feel free to contact the magazine at flawzmagazine@gmail.com and leave us your name, what you feel you can bring to our magazine, work you have done and someone will contact you for a interview. We look forward to hearing from you, and thank you again to everyone who contributed to our magazine & thank you to our followers and supporters. More to come.






elcome to the September Issue of FLAWZ Magazine! This is a special occasion as it marks our second issue featuring the many talents of creators and photographers from the virtual platform Second Life. Our launch issue was a spectacular success and I thank each and every person who contributed in their own way. This magazine represents those who are unique and separate themselves from the norm. Featuring haute couture, oddities, high fashion and design, Flawz aims to capture the very essence of what it means to be unique here in our virtual lives and in real life. The purpose of this magazine is to be a guide for being fashion forward. We show the best Second Life has to offer within the realm of fashion and design. With our September issue we want to show the innovative ways for you and your avatars to both look and feel emotionally and aesthetically. Our TRENDZ section has been really well received by many readers and we are the only magazine to merge both real life and Second Life into one magainze! I cannot be more inspired by the creativity of the designers and what they bring to our community. Thank you all so much for joining us on this journey as we bring Second Life back to the forefront for creativity and individuality!






nd just like that, FLAWZ has released it’s second issue! With our first issue we wanted to give you a taste of what we’re all about. We wanted you, the reader, to be immersed in our little fanasy world of crazy and bizarre fashion statements and campy over-the-top couture. Our mission is to bring back high fashion and elevated concepts to the world of Second Life, and we’ll do it one issue at a time. This time around we scouted for more talented people as we wanted to showcase some of Second Life’s finest minds in the realm of creativity and style. This ofcourse, includes our amazing creators and photographers that joined us for this issue. We want to raise the bar further and further as time progresses so that anyone who is coming across FLAWZ, may feel inspired to reach for a new perspective when it comes to fashion, design or the arts in general. With each issue we hope you enjoy the works and collections you see, and that you might take a piece of it with you, whether you see something that truly spoke to you, or if you just needed something strange but facinating to look at. This issue in particular we teamed up with the very talented, Ludah! His work speaks for itself and we were able to capture his beauty for all of you to see. We also conducted an interview that moving forward, we hope allows our readers to step inside the minds of Second Life’s creatives and to remember that we’re all human behind the computer screen at the end of the day. With that being said, thank you all for the love and support and enjoy FLAWZ Magazine, the second issue!





Ludah with a side of Extra! The saying goes, never judge a book by its cover. It references, never judging someone based off of outer appearance. We live in a time where in fashion, music, entertainment, and in our own personal life, we tend to judge those around us...no need to judge Ludah. Being open is a curse and a blessing. Ludah views it as a blessing, and he’ll tell you himself, all you have to do is ask. So...I did. And the conversation opens his world to others. From his experience on Second Life. To his personal life and his struggle with his sexuality, it’s a glimpse inside, to one of SL’s most talented editors.


1. Question: It’s good to see you again! How have you been? 2. Answer: Good! Just got a manicure like I told you so I’m feeling extra cute today lol. 3. A: Lol right! 4. Q: I’m glad to have you on our cover and in our mag. You’re one of the most creative arts on SL. Did you ever imagine yourself being so well respected? 5. A: Honestly? No. I think when I made an instagram I never in a million years would have imagined I would be so respected and so appreciated for my work. It does feel like a lot of it has paid off. Almost like a dream come true, although the race isn’t over yet (at least for me). 6. Q: was this always a love of yours? Being a artist? 7. A: Um, yeah it’s certainly always been a passion of mine. I have always wanted to be a designer. So with that I had to learn and teach myself how to be a good artist first. I’m still learning though. 8. Q: Oh wow so you taught yourself? No help from anyone? 9. A: I’ve got tips from people now as an adult but when i was starting.. nope. I self taught myself through gimp and then moved on to photoshop. I was around 13-14 years old on IMVU lol. 10. Respond: Lol that is amazing, considering so many have others do it for them and take the credit or go to YouTube or other sources for help. 11. A: Yeah, YouTube wasn’t really a thing when I started out lol so it was like having to read a book instead of googling. 12. Q: That’s true. What has been your experience like when it comes to your artistic vision and having to go with what a client wants. Do you prefer creative freedom over limitations? Some prefer limitations surprisingly lol. 13. A: I can’t deal with limitations. I love when the client gives me creative freedom. I make sure to check their feeds before I go to crazy and give them some bomb highlighter or like makeup. I respect everyone in that sense, they always show me their inspo pictures though and I try my best to recreate it the best way I know how without it looking identical, I call it the LUDAH! Touch lol. 14. Q: I like that, the LUDAH touch. Limitations can sometimes work in your favor. I myself prefer to work with as much freedom as possible. Being on Second Life, it’s very little limits. Do you have any limits, on what you would not do? 15. A: Um.. I can’t really think about anything right now but I think when some clients give me an inspo picture and basically want me to add all these really crazy jewelry pieces and want to pose a certain way.. I don’t think they grasp the concept that SL can only do so much. I work with anypose a lot so I try my best to pose clients and even myself as close as possible to reference/inspo picture. So that’s when I need to hike up prices (I haven’t yet) but when I do it’s like oo.. nvm. They think I just slap their avatars head on a real life body and call it a day. I CAN and I did start off doing morphs but i stopped. There isn’t anything wrong with that either I’m just saying it’s not an easy thing to do and you get what you pay for. Quality over quantity. Final answer: nothing is off-limits right now. I just know what I can do and can’t do. Moral of the story is that haha.


16. Q: What inspires Ludah the most? 17. A: Hmm.. I’d say.. people. It could be anyone random I will see them and it would spark something inside me that’s like.. “I want to draw you” anything weird and out of the ordinary. Such a cliché answer but it’s true. Also.. colors! I love bright things.. dark things. Anything involving fashion or animation. If it has to do with art.. consider me inspired. 18. Q: I love that, sorta answers my next question. Does fashion play a role in your everyday life when it comes to inspiration? 19. A: I certainly think so. Especially nowadays you see people implemented any sort of object or pieces of actual clothing onto their faces or makeup look. I find it to be amazing. Art and fashion can’t exist without each other I feel like. If you don’t have art you don’t really have fashion because you need some sort of sketch to make that piece of fabric come to life. What we’re on right now (Second Life) is all coding and art. What are avatars have now it’s and fashion. It’s something universal and that everyone knows what it is even if they don’t understand it. 20. Q: That’s some real truth! I know you’re working on a beauty line for SL how’s that going? 21. A: It’s going. I’m a super perfectionist so getting everything to work for every skin, every lip shape, and every tone is a lot of hard work. I could release things that just fit my avi but I don’t feel like it would be diverse enough for me. There will be more coming soon though I just need to keep working harder. 22. Q: What inspired you to create one? 23. A: My Best friend in real life and my love for wanting to do makeup on avis when I’m editing. I always try to break away from my style of editing but they always end up com ing out very.. editorial? It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but it is mine I guess. So sometimes it’s a bomb ass edit with makeup and all that on a plain background lol. 24. Q: Well I can’t wait for it to release. We’ll have to feature it in another issue. 25. A: Thank you very much. 26. I’ve asked this question before, but with the LGBTQ movement, empowerment, and many coming forward to make more changes when it comes to our rights and equality. Do you feel SL is LGBTQ save or does this platform still needs work? 27. A: Like in real life I think it needs more work within the community itself. I don’t know how people expect to change when most of the bashing comes from people of the LGBTQ + community. There’s enough hate for us out there why bring it here? I know most people come to SL to escape that or something else in real life, maybe even come on here because they aren’t sure of their sexuality. Instead of helping them and giving someone a hand what do people do? (Gay men especially) “exposes” them or out them. Now, they just made it 10x more harder for them to accept it in real life or to admit it to themselves and their families. You should and be building them up and helping them not hurting them. I can go on a whole story regarding sexuality and how I feel about the LGBTQ+ community on Second Life but we’d be here all day lol. 28. You what’s sad, everything you said is so true. We are a somewhat growing community on Second Life, And the more this generation continues to bash, expose, and torment our fellow brothers and sisters... we will continue to fail. 29. A: And until they learned that.. I don’t see things getting better. It’s always a competition or something on here and it’s very toxic energy. 30. Q: As a gay male. How has you coming out effected your creative genius? And what message would you send to those out there afraid to come out. Or wanting to live their truth? 16

31. A: I think its something I struggle with because I noticed things like the bashing and exposing.. although I’m out I don’t feel safe with my sexuality or fully accepted. It’s also a thing where I don’t want my sexuality preference to define who I am or my work. I treat everybody the same, with respect. It’s always professional. I definitely held back a lot before because of that fear.. of doing something flamboyant or something deemed gay just because that word has become a derogatory word in a sense. I had to learn that it’s okay.. it all came with age. As to my advice with someone struggling to come out or unsure of their sexuality... don’t drag people into it. Always be 100% honest because someone can catch feelings and that person who is out and proud is the one that’s going to suffer more in the long run. Try to find a support system.. someone you can really trust. There’s always ONE friend who you can tell anything to you without judgment. Find them and just do what you gotta do without hurting someone else in the process. It’s not easy but you’ll feel better when you except it. It doesn’t automatically become easy either nor do butterflies and rainbows start coming out. But you will definitely feel a weight off your shoulders. Do it when you really feel you’re ready. Not because you feel forced. It’s YOUR story to tell, not anybody else’s. Period.








Jack Valentine Yuitza

Jack V Yuitza is a blogger turned designer whose been pushing for unisex fashion since day one. Tired of the toned down male fashion of SL, he has always written his own rules and never been afraid of mixing the feminine with the masculine. His inspiration ranges from the high fashion runways to the minimalistic dark style of the north, to his lover and muse, Titzuki Yuitza. In the following editorial you'll explore a world of luxury, furs, platforms and gold, with a hint of gothic provocation.

7;] Hadley Choker 7;] Hadley Necklace 7;] Killer Love Diamond Shades 7;] Legend Ear Cuffs BISONS White w/ Strap BISONS White w/ Strap BTTBxFKCN himlakropp hair FAKEICON / juvel knickers FAKEICON / manil nails Mimikri - Yeti Jacket / Carla black RIOT / Trixie Thigh High Socks [DE] Septum Ring [spectacledchic] Lestat Blouse

::LC:: Spice Platform Sneaker BOYS TO THE BONE vendetta tee FAKEICON / grymt sleeves FAKEICON / manil nails LaGyo_Pretty in Punk - Choker BLACK/Gold LaGyo_Pretty in Punk - Nose Ring B/Gold LaGyo_Sailor hat Black LaGyo_Veruschka Round Chain Earrings LaGyo_Veruschka statement Necklace LaGyo_Veruschka Tassel Earring LEN$[- 25 glasses little bones. Grace MINIMAL - Evolved Belts NOCHE. Metallic Thong NOCHE. Ultimate Socks Shawn Essentials [DE] Septum Ring

7;] Class Earrings BOYS TO THE BONE mord shirt & belt FAKEICON / manil nails Semller - TRICERATOP PLATFORMS LaGyo_Desdemona Statement Ring Little Bones - Dream LEN$[- 24 glasses MG - Fur Bolero - Black bear NOCHE. Ultimate Socks Knitted Essentials [DE] Septum Ring




leonardo Hawkins

I am so honored to be featured in this month's issue of FLAWZ Magazine. I was so excited when offered the opportunity especially to cover the return of coats. Don't we all just love a good coat? A coat can change the entire tone of an outfit ,as well as, a photo. I seriously get excited for Fall, simply just so I can wear a coat.

Earrings: FAKEICON / Diner earrings / Choker: FAKEICON / Vason choker / Coat: FAKEICON / Dizen coat - lumberjack / Pants: BTTB / Rutig pants / Shoes: SEMLLER / Lokum patent black boots /

Hat: TaketomiWEST / Vanessa / Earring: ATD / VVS studs / Choker: FAKEICON / Ciggy choker / Accessorie: FAKEICON / Anana Grocery bag / Top: FAKEICON / Ronda crop / Pants: Represent x Semller / Track pants / Shoes: Semller / Covered ankle black boots /

Earrings: (same ATD VVS studs) Coat: David Heather / Aleeva fur coat / Harness: GB / Lace-up harness / Pants: David Heather / Owen trousers / Boots: David Heather / Owen black sneakers /

Body Suit: FAKEICON / Poxic gemsuit / Coat: FAKEICON / Rain-g translucent coat / Hair: Foxy / North hair / Hair Jewels: FAKEICON/ North hair Jewels/





Armand Parks features a tropical high fashion experience for the autumn issue of Flawz Magazine. Featuring the classic colors and designs of 1970s beach themes, Armand’s photography features bright warm tones paired with botanical elements. With his style of minimalistic fashion, this series you're about to see explores the beauty of black skin in all of its tones and shades.

Legacy Male Meshbody by TheShops! Skin by Not Found

Eyeliner by JUMO Hair by UNORTHODOX

Earrings by Mandala Bracelet by ISON Lipstick by Patane Eye Makeup by Lelutka




yuri F. GOLD

Yuri is a simple girl in Second Life, she's sitting on her skybox, waiting for the prince yo arrive on a white pixel horse... Well, this story is going to end differently. Actually Yuri is a Second Life blogger. You can catch her visiting events, buying wigs, posting on Second Life Facebook and Flickr on a daily basis. Her favorite things to do in Second Life is creating looks, searching for new designers and friends. But this story would not be complete without mentioning the dark side of it. She began her blog named, Happy Berry, in 2014 and apparently took a break in 2016 when she wanted to renew her style. Friends are coming and going in her Second Life, but she is very happy with what she has reached through the years, full of joy, self-developing and she continues to keep this lifestyle. If you ask what her personal style is, he would call it mixed, because she is always open to new styles, whether its dark, pastel, goth, casual, romantic, neon, hobo etc.

Hairbase by Poema / Giovanna Hairbase Necklace by Random Matter / Kashina Set Earrings by DAE / Yins Earring Septum by BTTB / Bee Kind Septum Tattoo by Speakeasy / Stay Chill Tattoo





Venus is very excited to be here for the next chapter of FLAWZ. For this issue, there were many ideas flowing through Venus’ head in regards to what to try and tackle as a editorial theme. Finally, he settled on the concept of shapes and curves. When you think about it, it seems like a simple enough thought, but the possibilities of shapes and curves in fashion and runway are limitless for the simple fact that so many dimensions can be achieved with all kinds of materials. This collection will aim to showcase the types of eye catching shapes that fashion can take.

Hat by Rowne Shoulder Pads by Abrasive Corset by David Heather



REAL LIFE Second life


TRENDZ: Autumn and Winter trends Real Life and Second Life 2019 We can’t feel it YET, but Autumn and Winter is, unfortunately among us. And with that comes a change of weather. So what better way to get ready for the colder weather by examining the Fall 2019 trends. This seasons the Men’s and Women’s collection had a resounding flow of trends that followed each other. From “statement coats”. To the “Animal” print. “Pillowing” jackets. Gray being the undertone of the season. And here a Suit, there a suit, everywhere a Suit Suit being the staple in every collection. Fall promises to be cold, gray skies, and the shortening of days, but we will face it head on, while looking fantastic together.



The Oversized Trench

Second Life Reference:

The trench coat rarely EVER goes out of style when it comes to this fall staple. From the classic Gabardine to cashmere. This classic piece of clothing came from the Trenches of the first World War. The coat protected the men from the elements as it does today. With the coat coming in every length, color, shape and size. Opting for the oversize model, will have you set for the rain, snow, and cold. For the fall and winter days ahead.

FAKEICON (dizen coat) Vale Koer (Belted Wool Coat) BTTB (Mantel Cape)

Statement, Not Really Statement Coat Sleek, and strong statement coats, are back in fashion. The bold and beautiful. The strong and sleek. From Sacai and Saint Laurent. To J. W. Anderson and The Row. These Statement pieces hung off and on the shoulders of models ready for the cold weather, and ready for us to brace come fall.

Second Life Reference: Rowne (Olesya Lace Coat) GUCCY (Diomar Coat) Seul (Ryan Puff dress) Pixicat (Sharp Coat)



Puff the Magic Coat

Second Life Reference:

Ever wanted to look like the Michelin Man? You know the fluffy, white, French tire industry mascot? Well this Autumn and Winter your wish is the fashion worlds command. The inflated, puffy or puffer coat is back in season. Off-White oversized, pastel pink interpretation was worn by Offset at their FW19 show. Designed to protect its wearer from the harshness of the great outdoors while bringing to mind the comfort of hibernating under heaps of covers at home, no wonder why every season this staple continues to make a comeback for the rain, snow, and cold. For the fall and winter days ahead.

SEUL (Robyn Puff Jacket) Coco (Oversized Puffer Jacket) Sabotage x Blupr/nt (Unisex Bubble Puffer Jacket)

TRENDZ: Autumn and Winter trends Real Life and Second Life 2019


Romantic Bite

Second Life Reference:

This season’s most defining collections had beauty and bite. Romantic color, floral, and prints. From pillowing roses on the shoulder of a blazer at Alexander McQueen. A dramatic bow on a dress from Marc Jacobs. Cascading black roses going down one side of a dress, on a model at the Prada. The bite comes with the ensemble. Whether it’s black latex black tights at Richard Quinn, or just tights like at Balmain, Louis Vuitton and printed tights at Versace, finish this looks with Romance and then a element of BAM!

Rowne (The Bianca Bralette Set & Indre Sheer Dress) Rowne (Damir Sheer Dress) Pixicat (Latex Slip Dress) Pixicat (Lavish Blazer) Coco (Lace Top with Bustier / Lace Maxi Skirt) Mogul (Dholl Leggings) Scandalize (Dexi-Leggings/Heels)



Split-Leg Trousers

Second Life Reference:

Attention! All the rage starting this Autumn and Winter season, the split-leg trouser is coming full circle. Mark Weston’s SS19 was the first to showcase this wide leg trouser, and now its seems this may actually be a “thing”. The trend continued at shows like John Lawrence Sullivan, Per Götesson, Daniel W Fletcher, Berlurtl and Dunhill. The style looks particularly well worn, when paired with western boots.

SEUL (The Vamp Skinnies) SEUL (The Lyric Tear-Away) Rosary (Dope Girl) SEUL (Abioh Tracksuit) SEUL (Madison Destroyed Denim) DIRAM (Harlette Pant fitted mesh outfit)

Multipurpose Knits

Second Life Reference:

The “Jack of all trades” knits. The knits that can basically do it all.

BTTB (Strano Sweater) Betrayal (Jacquard Jumper) Rowne (The Charlee Wool Dress) FAKEICON (Helix Anorak) FAKEICON (Off-Shoulder Sweater)

Party Animal

Second Life Reference:

If it looks like a animal print...wear it. This season though, it seems like the whole jungle has joined in on the party. From tiger stripes at Kwaidan Editions, and at Marni more tiger stripes in unnatural color variants of fun-fur from blue to pink. The biggest breakout was from Neil Barrett, and their Zebra prints. So go all out. Whether it’s Zebra, cheetah, tiger. You’ll fit right inn.

BTTB (Kimono) BTTB (Ángest Dress) Rowne (Emilia Python Skirt) Rowne (Red Python Pants) Pixicat (Slip.Dress) Coco (Leopard Print Midi Skirt) Vale Koer (The Handson Dress) Bjorn (Chyna Sheer Jumpsuit)


TRENDZ: Autumn and Winter trends Real Life and Second Life 2019


The Scarf Ultra thick and ultra long! It’s the must have accessory trend for Autumn Winter’19. Its for massively oversized scarves a la Harry Potter.


Second Life Reference: BTTB (Stora Scarf) BTTB (Ledsen scarf) The Whore Mansion (Teese Fur Stole) BTTB (Bulky Scarf)


Off Road Some of us love our sneakers. Some don’t. But it’s safe to say, that sneakers have been dominating street style and the runway. Fashion insiders are now however more aware of their style - and environmental - footprints than ever before. The “off road” shoe is making its way from mountain trails to runway. From Lanvin, Li-Ning, Off-White, and Asics.

Second Life Reference: Vale Koer (The Salvage Sneakers) Semller (Ankle Sprinters) FLI (FLIMAX++)











Aunty Murda joins us once again for another fabulous issue! She did not dissapoint either for her style is known to be a very wild and bold collection of strange glamour and bizarre beauty. The collection you are about to see further showcases her attraction to the other side of what “beautiful� has to offer the world.






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