Feelings - Summer jitters

Page 1

The only constant is change page 4

Summer jitters


Celebrate summer! page 22



From the Executive Team

06 From the colleagues

Honey Highway: bee park flourishes thanks to enthusiastic colleagues!

Retaining is the new recruiting

What we can learn from Martin Vered and Joe Glaser:

14 years of cooperation and friendship

Cybercriminals, they are getting smarter and smarter

Ride for Kika

16 Babies and anniversaries

18 From the company

Presidential deliveries

Opening FM Plaza Continuity for KMS

Celebrate summer

Review 3 fairs in Italy, France and America

CSR at FM Group


Summer is just around the corner. The busy spring is behind us again. A spring with a mixed picture in terms of performance. Not everywhere we managed to achieve our ambitions. Part of the game, of course. Or, in another version, “sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad”. However, we will have to be alert to the fact that, when markets are really structurally unfavorable, we as FM Group will have to adapt quickly. In that context see also the section “from the ET” in this edition of your magazine.

Nevertheless, in recent months there have been top performances again in numerous places within our company. One of the great examples is our Cash & Carry in New York. Further down in the Feelings you will find a nice double interview with Joe Glaser, our colleague who manages the Manhattan branch, and Martin Vered, responsible for this branch within the board of directors.

For now, I wish you a beautiful summer season and also enjoy reading this second digital Feelings again!

Frank Koenen



only constant is change

With FM Group, we literally do everything related to the distribution of ornamental plant products.

Go figure:

• All product groups: Flowers, Plants and Accessories

• All market segments: Trade, Wholesale and Retail

• All sales concepts to the trade: C&Cs, Tours and online(webshop and app)

• Sourcing (purchasing) from all continents

• Sales to all continents

This makes FM Group a unique, global platform in the floriculture industry. There is no other company in the world, which has mastered all these disciplines. Pretty special, actually.

“So essentially, we are agile happiness bringers.”

We often say to each other: this makes our unique business complex, but also stable and agile. Many traders focus on one market segment in one country. There are several examples of fellow companies that are successful at this. We also call these niche players or, less flatteringly, “one-trick ponies.” A good focus in a nice market can be lucrative on the one hand, but it also carries risks. What do you do if the market suddenly deteriorates rapidly?

We have deliberately chosen to diversify our risks since the end of the last century. This is also called diversification. We are especially happy with that choice in these turbulent times. Indeed, it seems that since corona, market conditions have been changing faster and faster. The famous, ancient wisdom is more topical than ever in our business: “the only constant is change.” Because FM Group has all disciplines in-house, we can switch quickly and are agile. This often means simultaneously scaling up quickly in one place and scaling down in another.

So apart from our fine function as fortune tellers, see last December’s Feelings, we as FM Group are also out in the world constantly adapting to changing conditions in the global floriculture market. So in essence, we are agile happiness bringers. A nice thought, right?

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Honey Highway


On March 13 and 14, dozens of employees of the companies on the VBA Zuid site in Aalsmeer planted no less than 5,600 nectar plants and flower shrubs. With this, Bee Park VBA Zuid is a fact! In addition to the already existing 35,000 m² of flowers and 80 mature apple trees, the flowering season is now even more lush and longer. This provides not only a beautiful sight, but also food for wild bees.

5.600 nectar plants & flower shrubs

35.000 m2 flowers

80 mature apple trees

Honey Highway, an initiative that creates flower berms, fields and bee parks, plays a crucial role in preserving wild bees and promoting biodiversity. The goal is for summer to be teeming with bees, butterflies, birds and pheasants. These animals can find food here to survive even in the otherwise barren environment of grasslands and large logistics halls in and around Aalsmeer.

Together, we are creating a thriving Honey Highway and supporting the bee population.

Learn more about Honey Highway:



As a recruiter at FM Group, I am constantly looking for new talent. And of course, we like to keep our current employees in, too.

That’s what you call retention. You yourself have the most influence on your internal career. Maybe you see a vacancy on our ‘work for’ page www.werkenbij.fmgroup.fm that excites you. I would be happy to help you explore whether this could be an opportunity that fits well with your skills and ambitions.

Ask yourself the following questions:

• What are you going for? What are your goals and ambitions?

• What are you curious about? What aspects of our company pique your interest?

• What comes naturally to you?

• What do you want to become good at?

• What compliments do you receive from others?

• Which colleagues do you enjoy working with? Who inspires you?

• What areas of work do you find interesting? Where do your passions lie?

• Where do you see opportunities for the future within FM Group?

Your colleagues can help you, too! Make yourself visible in the organization so that others know where your strengths lie. Let’s build a successful future together at FM Group!

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What we can learn from Martin Vered and Joe Glaser:

14 years of collaboration and friendship

Who are you, where were you born, where do you live and with whom?

Martin Vered, born in Kapellen, Belgium, living in The Hague, married to Kimberley, 3 children and a dog named Waffles.

Joe Glaser, born and living in New York, married to Elise, 3 grown children and a dog named JD (good guess: Jack Daniels) .

How did your FleuraMetz journey start?

M: It all began 21 years ago at Metz. I was hired as an account manager and moved to New York City. There, I hit the streets, selling flowers from one florist to another. A few years later one of my customers told me that Joe was someone I had to meet. So, with a simple phone call, our partnership began.

J: My journey began on 28th Street, working for my father-in-law. I’ve been in the flower business for 40 years! 14 of those years were spent with FleuraMetz. Martin and I met 14 years ago, and it’s been quite an adventure—between Martin, myself, and FleuraMetz.


Joe, 28th Street (where the flower market is located) is a family affair for you. Can you tell us something about that?

J: 28th Street is the heart of the flower market. My family, especially my father-in-law, played a key role in shaping that street. We’re talking about one of the pioneers! My wife also runs the family business here, alongside her brother. So, I represent not one but two wholesale houses on this historic street. These days, my son-in-law Brandon works here too. What do you do?

M: I’m the Chief Commercial Officer at FM Group. I oversee our FleuraMetz English-speaking markets, and South American purchasing, ensuring they thrive to their fullest potential. It’s a job with a lot of challenges but I love it.

J: I run the New York cash & carry operation. Specifically, I’m the branch manager for FleuraMetz New York location. Essentially, I steer the ship here.

“After 40 years, he feels the pulse of 28th Street.”

How do you two collaborate and support each other?

M & J: (in chorus) It’s all about respect and trust. We speak almost daily, building not just a professional relationship but a genuine friendship. When Joe joined FleuraMetz, he immediately recognized the family atmosphere fostered by our colleagues and the ‘big boss’, Frank Koenen.

M: After so many years of working together, we understand each other very quickly. One word is enough.

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What’s the secret behind your thriving the New York branch?

J: The real secret? I treat it like a baseball game —it is a daily competition against my fellow wholesalers. Honesty and loyalty are my currency with customers. Strong relationships are my foundation. They know that when FleuraMetz promises, we deliver. And now, I’m passing the torch to my son-in-law. Born and raised here, I’ve soaked up the energy of this vibrant place for 40 years. But to be honest, my first year was a disaster. Martin even considered letting me go. So I suggested to him: “put me on the street,”. This was a fantastic idea and soon the cash & carry business exploded! The rest, as they say, is history.

M: Joe’s success boils down to leading by example and having an innate sense of the market. His team respects him so much because he’s willing to do whatever it takes, even if it means sweeping the floor! After 40 years, he feels the pulse of 28th Street. That’s not something you can teach—it’s part of his DNA.


What was your very first job?

M: My first job debut was stocking shelves in a supermarket.

J: Newspaper deliverer. But my real initiation came with a summer job sweeping floors—courtesy of my father-in-law.

Martin adds: Joe is also a very successful baseball coach, and here’s the kicker: he is the only coach in New York’s history to clinch the high school championship three times (that’s a competition between more than a 1,000 high schools!).

J: Baseball taught me resilience—how to bounce back from failure. And that’s a lesson I carry into the cash & carry every day. Positivity is what drives me.

What stands out between the US and the Netherlands?

M: Tough question for me! Good people are good people everywhere. But if I had to pinpoint a distinction, it’s that Europeans have a more balanced approach to life. I think I’m getting better at it.

J: In the US, we’re all about immediacy. We’ve got to get things done—now.

Any bizarre customer requests?

M: Arrange a X-mas tree for Puff Daddy made out of red roses.

J: An urgent transport of flowers from NY to Georgia via Miami. I picked up the flowers at Miami airport and drove hours and hours to Georgia to deliver them myself. And this customer is still a customer.

“It would have to be Sylvester Stallone. He looks just like me.”
“Never give up.
Always give 100% in everything you do.“

If you could trade places with someone at FM Group for a day, who would it be?

M: Caroline van den Broek, our HR Director. She’s incredibly smart and patient, not to mention that she has a wicked sense of humor. And anyone that can talk about pension systems for two hours nonstop, deserves a medal in my book.

J: Gerko Schortemeijer, our Chief Operations Officer! He oversees all the buyers. Imagine feeling the energy and action during auctions. Let’s go, let’s go—time to dive into the bidding frenzy!

If you could hire a celebrity as a sales representative, who would it be?

M: It would have to be Sylvester Stallone. He looks just like me.

J: Denzel Washington, a true badass who takes control of everything.

How do you both relax?

M: Being with my family energizes me. Spending time with them is the highlight of my weekend.

J: I don’t . Short naps, exercise, running , working out are my secret weapon.

What’s something the other might not know about you?

M: I would never say no to a good musical. Don’t print that. I want to preserve my tough guy reputation.

J: I watch daily ESPN sports update at 6:30 and dinner cooking channel, Jeopardy: “Dinner in 20 minutes” at 7:00.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

M: My first boss told me to take on as much responsibility as possible. It makes you a relevant piece of the puzzle. Say yes more often.

J: My dad’s words: “Never give up. Always give 100% in everything you do. Be kind to everyone, and make a lasting first impression.”

Advice to each other:

M: Joe, take a little more time off. Let your wife whisk you away on more holidays. You deserve it.

J: Martin, ease up on the globe-trotting. You’ve been around the world enough times already.


Secretly, it has happened to all of us at one time or another ... especially during times when there was little focus on cybersecurity ... clicking on the wrong email or even logging into an environment . It only takes one inattentive moment. This happend to one of our colleagues and he shared how a seemingly innocent email, which seemed to come from a well-known vendor, almost led to a data breach. Another wake-up call for all of us: cybercriminals’ methods are getting smarter!

It all started when our colleague received an e-mail with a Dropbox link meant for an outstanding payment. “So I had neatly sent the bill and after two weeks I got an email back,” he says. When he tried to open the link, he ran into problems and was asked to enter his password. In the end, he failed to open the document, and the employee did not think any further about this until the IT Infra team called him that afternoon. This call was a wake-up call. Reflecting on the incident, he noted, “I obviously did do an action that I don’t normally do.”

“Of course, I did do an act that I don’t normally do.”

This experience taught our colleague and, hopefully, each of us, a valuable lesson about the dangers of phishing. He realized that even emails from familiar names should be approached with skepticism, especially if they require action from the recipient. “Look, with any crazy name, you start to doubt it. You don’t open those,” he explained, a realization that highlights how subtle the signals of phishing can be.

This is a reminder to all of us to stay alert, without losing our minds in the process. Cybersecurity is not just about technology and protocols; it is also about common sense, alertness and an ongoing willingness to learn and adapt.

This incident shows how easily even the most cautious among us can be deceived by well-executed phishing attempts. Let’s take this incident as a learning experience and commit to a more secure digital work environment.


On April 24, our colleague Jack van Dam, together with a large group of other motorcyclists, rode a tour (ride4kika) with the aim of raising money for the Children’s Cancer Free Foundation. This foundation focuses on child cancer research. A wonderful cause, which FM Group was happy to sponsor.

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Zia Cruz Medina


Daughter of Daniel Cruz and his partner Diana Medina.

Sophie Irma Nièpce


Daughter of Romy van Kleef and her partner David Nièpce

12,5 years

Sabina Ballering - Roes Honselersdijk Administrative Employee

Anniversaries and baby photos are collected quarterly by HR. Missing an anniversary or want to share your baby’s birth? Send an e-mail to hr@fmgroup.fm. Comments and suggestions on other content can be shared at feelings@fmgroup.fm.

Updated to 3 June 2024.



10 years

Carlos Medina Los Angeles

Cash & Carry employee

Monika Möri Meinisberg

Sales employee

Brigitte Schneider Augsburg Branch manager

Dirk Venter United Kingdom Tour driver

Alexandra Milhamont Nantes


Vincent Sebilo Nantes Communications manager

Sonja von Deschwanden Littau

Sales employee

12,5 years

Lili Kho Aalsmeer (location Betula)

HR adviser

Peter van der Knaap Honselersdijk

Product Owner

20 years

Günther Huemer Linz Tour driver

Jürgen Neuner Bamberg Tour driver

François Robineau Bordeaux Commercial manager

25 years

James Tang Aalsmeer (location HDB) Distribution employee

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Every day we see many carts of flowers and plants leaving our various locations. But a few weeks ago we saw a very special order come by at Hilverda De Boer!

These boxes are 3 meters long and are intended for a customer in Uzbekistan. The flowers and plants are often used for large formal events such as a presidential visit or the decoration of a palace. Cool to see our products on these occasions as well.



On Sunday, 25 February 2024, FM Plaza in Berlin officially opened its doors. FM Plaza offers a wide range of flowers, plants and accessories, carefully selected to meet the different needs of B2B buyers.

The 800 m² “Home & Deco” area is designed in Messestyle and offers an inspiring environment to discover the latest trends and products. Small packing units are available so shoppers can take their purchases directly with them, for maximum efficiency and convenience. FM Plaza is FM Group’s first Flagship Store in Germany.

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Flora and Decoration Center


Not too long ago, we shared with you that we were working on a completely new application (software package) for our Cash & Carry’s and Tours. Over the past year, we have seen the market change more and more. Flexible as we are, we have adjusted our plans accordingly.

One of the reasons we were thinking about a new application is the fact that KMS is built and maintained by a small software company based in Hanover. For a large company like FM Group, this is quite a risk. What if this company goes bankrupt, or the owner changes, quits or worse...

As mentioned, the market is changing rapidly. We are convinced that many of our Cash & Carry’s and Tours will keep an important function in the future, but we also see strong growth in sales through supermarkets (fortunately also through our own FM companies). In addition, more and more florists are ordering through our webshop and app. The new generation of florists no longer jumps in the van at 5 a.m. every day to go shopping at our Cash & Carry. Ordering in the evening with their feet on the couch via our app is becoming increasingly popular. Reason enough to continue investing in our webshop, ordering app, Bart&Bastian app and so on, in addition to a good IT solution for our branches. Something that would not be possible if we were to develop a new Cash & Carry application from 0 in the coming years.


With Connect IT, the company that developed KMS, we entered into intensive discussions. The main theme was continuity. How can we continue using the current package for many years to come, while eliminating the risks mentioned above? The discussions were positive and we were able to reach good agreements, which will allow FM Group to keep KMS on the air independently and continue to develop it, should circumstances demand it.

So do we stand still from now on and stick with the old? Certainly not! The things that are good in the package (and as many users know, there are a lot of them) we will keep or modernize where necessary.

In addition, we now have the opportunity to start investing directly in things that directly benefit our customers and Cash & Carry colleagues.

“How convenient when, while ordering for a customer, you can just walk down the hall and pick things right away?”

sneak peek

For example, we are working hard on order picking in the hall with an app (with product photos!) and we also expect to start selling from our webshop and app this year, in addition to the current scanning station. How convenient when, while ordering for a customer, you can just walk down the hall and pick things right away? We are also working hard to strengthen the role of branches, which have an important distribution function (the so-called hubs), in the combination webshop-ordering app-KMS.

Plenty of great improvements to look forward to!

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Celebrate summer

Gail Brubaker - 4th of July

In the United States, the 4th of July is dedicated to national pride and freedom, commemorating the day the American Declaration of Independence was adopted.

Gail enjoys celebrating this day with her family.

“It’s a relaxing day when we cook together and enjoy an extra day off,” she says. Flowers are also part of this holiday and are used especially for various table decorations.

In past editions, we talked to colleagues about various traditional holidays that are actually celebrated in every country. This time we wanted to do something a little different. What “summer festivals” are actually celebrated in the various FM Group countries that a colleague on the other side of the continent or the world doesn’t even know about?

“July 14 is an important Holiday for us. We are famous in France with our strikes, partly because of this event in July 1789. This day reminds us of the moment when the entire local population decided to fight against the governor. I myself celebrate this day by watching the military parade on the Champs Elysees with the children on TV and in the evening we watch the huge fireworks. Flowers are also important on this day, especially blue agapanthus and red and white carnations, all in the color of our flag.”

Carole Herreweghe

“Midsummer is a holiday when basically everyone goes to their summer cottage or somewhere close to nature or the lakes. Cities are almost extinct. Whenever possible we make campfires, eat good food from the BBQ, eat the first Finnish potatoes, go to the sauna and enjoy quaility time with friends and family. Flowers also play a role, of course, but especially wild flowers / flowers from nature. Summer houses are also decorated with birch branches. A well-known superstition is to pick a bouquet of 7 different types of flowers during Midsummer and put them under your pillow. During your dream, the picture of your future husband should then appear.”

Ronald speaks with enthusiasm about the Feria de Málaga, a lavish summer festival commemorating the liberation of the Moors. For eight days in August, Malaga is upside down with various activities. Procession parades, bullfighting, flamenco, grand fireworks shows and parties. Some of the locals attend the fiestas entirely in style, ladies are dressed in flamenco dresses and gentlemen wear fine suits. The entire city is decorated and of course flowers are used for this, also during the procession processions, carriages are mostly decorated with flowers. With actually all Spanish summer festivals, many cheerfully colored flowers are used, after all it is a party.

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Review of 3 trade shows, Italy, France, USA


We were at the My Plant fair in Milan in February 2024. Gualtiero Mariani and I were here for the label FleuraMetz. The visitors to the fair, were mainly retailers and flower arrangers.

The second day is the busiest day and then a lot of demonstrations are given in the nearby hall. These demonstration attract many additional visitors, who also visit or honor our booth with a visit.





Last March, FleuraMetz France participated in the FlorEvent show in Bordeaux.Sylvia, Capucine, Tiffen, Sarah, Geoffrey, François and Vincent were present for the set-up and the two-day show.

A large number of florists, both in the store and in their studios, came to see us. We chose to emphasize one of FleuraMetz’s strengths, which is the human touch. Visitors were pleased to be able to put a face to the person with whom they normally have telephone contact and were sensitive to the emphasis on the human side of FleuraMetz.

Odile and Bastiaan were very appreciative of the selection of flowers, including tinted flowers, which our French customers sometimes frown upon. FlorEvent is the second most important fair for florists in France, while Novafleur, held the first weekend of October, is the largest. We will also be present at the latter.

We also attend more intimate events, such as special days. These events may seem modest, but they are an effective way to meet customers and create a friendly atmosphere.

We have ten special days, evenly divided between January and September.

26 | FEELINGS JUNE ‘24 CSR at FM Group: Certifeye Integration, Footprint Tool, and Residue Testing Program


Our Application Engineers have made all the preparations so that we can now use Certifeye. Certifeye is an online certificate and document management platform that automates the exchange of certificates and other documents between us and our suppliers (growers).

It is deployable at every stage of the supply chain, allowing growers to easily send and update documents to our CSR and Purchasing team. Certifeye gives FM Group better insight into suppliers’ sustainably certified FSI procurement status.

The platform works with a Wallet system for easy document sharing and provides automatic reminders and requests for new certificates. In addition, we can create questionnaires and have them completed digitally, with reminders and digital approval.

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FM Group is moving from an externally calculated company footprint to a self-calculated footprint with its own tool. Before 2022, the footprint will still be calculated by Green House Sustainability (GHS), but from 2023 we will use the footprint tool developed by GHS. This tool converts entered data directly into figures per department and subject, and shows where we can reduce our footprint.

Several departments have yet to provide the correct data, but this can now be easily entered into the tool with visible graphs as a result. Facilities, transportation, HR and finance are now collecting data for the first 2023 calculation. Once the calculation is complete, we will share the results via Viva Engage.

“This issue is getting attention from media and NGOs such as Arjan Lubach, Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion, which is driving change within the industry.”


FM Group started an internal project for residue monitoring of purchased flowers and plants in January 2024. Purchasing globally puts us at risk by product, country and region, especially through the use of plant protection products. This issue is receiving attention from media and NGOs such as Arjan Lubach, Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion, encouraging change within the sector.

Our goal is to understand residues on our cut crops. Working with growers based on shared knowledge and trust is essential. We are working with Agro Green Control for reliable results. Crop protection will be a crucial reporting point in our CSRD report from 2025, along with CO2 reduction and biodiversity conservation.

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Did you know... ... in the summer the heat from the greenhouse is stored in the ground to be used again in winter?

- Porta Nova collectief


Did you know...

... Dutch roses can now also be ordered in boxes, and that this saves a lot of transport volume - and thus CO2?

- Porta Nova, Marjoland, Van den Ende Rozen


Feelings is a publication for employees of FM Group and its business units. The information in this issue is updated until 30-05-2024. Feelings is published in four languages. Do you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the next issue?

If so, please send an e-mail before 1-07-2024 to feelings@fmgroup.fm

Editor: Katinka Schouten-van Liemt, Monica Dekker, Marlies Koenen, Anne-marie Blokland-Krebbers

Design: Ciska de Lijster

The information in Feelings is intended for internal use only and may not be reproduced without prior permission from FM Group. No rights may be derived in any way from what is stated in this publication. We request your understanding for any inaccuracies in this publication.

FM GROUP Summer jitters | 31

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