“Bloom strives to support the establishment of a fashion industry whereby opportunities are rife and equal for all. Through the application, Bloom aims to facilitate an online community and support network, determined to alleviate some of the pains inscribed in the process of achieving success within the fashion industry
Following a bleak 2020, optimism seems like an outlandish notion. The Coronavirus pandemic has had a detrimental impact on our jobs, homes, and overall wellbeing and from the comfort of our homes, our phone screens have become an unrivalled companion – the hub of all activity. 2020 was not a year anyone could have foreseen, nonetheless, a year that most certainly changed the way we live. The pandemic engendered particular rami cations for those aged 18-25, as more than one in three of this demographic were found to declare a loss of hope in achieving their dream job (Princes Trust, 2020). At the beginning of 2020 the number of advertised graduate jobs fell more than 60%, a gure that has only marginally increased one year on. The current cohort of stu dents face the prospect of entering a job market that has been completely overturned by the pandemic.
Separately, we must address the ma er that for several years inter est surrounding the employability of fashion students has ascended, with recognition that the “most challenging assignment [for such students] is nding a job in their eld of study — or even in the industry at all” (Soar, 2019). Nonetheless, the scale of the fashion education sector has boomed over the last decade and subsequently the appeal of fashion as a career has too, grown (Amed and Mellery-Pra , 2017) simultaneously heightening the competition within such career eld. Further propelling this struggle is the nding by The Business of Fashion, that fashion students are discontent ed with careers services, “just 53% are satis ed with networking events and only 49 percent are satis ed with the quality of recruiters on campus” (Amed and Mellery-Pra , 2017), emphasising the outcry for a solution to these established pains of fashion students.
Further and arguably contradictory to this, is the nding that almost 70% of fashion and luxury companies have inadequate talent pipelines and experience trouble in hiring creative directors (Boston consulting group, 2014). Pertinently, there seems to be an identi able void in the provision of a service to assuage these recognised complications and connect talent with employers within the fashion industry.
Bloom is a concept built speci cally to connect the fashion industry. The membership based mobile application serves as a platform whereby indus try stakeholders can connect, interact and form mutually bene cial allianc es; working to propel success through greater access to both people and opportunities whilst equally providing a pool of talent for the recruitment activities of fashion related companies. Bloom is a launchpad for creatives, o ering resources that hold the potential to enhance each user’s ability to succeed within the fashion sector. Through the provision of features such as the portfolio creation tool, online classes, and tutorials to encourage up skilling and tips for mastering job applications, Bloom strives to aid in the personal progression of students, graduates, industry professionals and corporations alike. To bring tangibility to the Bloom brand, we host in per son networking events; a provision of opportunity for both individuals and businesses to be brought together, to connect and network in real time.
Appendix B highlights the primary research conducted in the process of es tablishing the Bloom brand. The research held a purpose of investigating the major di culties experienced rst-hand by those who work or aspire to work within a fashion related job role, market research in this sense is essential to “eradicate assumptions… and ensure decisions are underpinned by rel evant and current data” (Posner, 2015, p.66). This research highlights the prevalence of common struggles encountered by prospective user of Bloom to enable Bloom to be er appeal to the target audience and develop novel mobile application features to be er address the consumers struggles and thus needs.
Bloom is a platform built for use by both individuals and businesses; Bloom aims to facilitate a space whereby the ben e ts are reaped by both employee and employer to provide a sole destination for all fashion industry related a airs.
Bloom unites an industry that is by na ture, fragmented and so highly competi tive (Martin, 2019).
We want to encourage our users to stride out of their comfort zone: to be bold. This encompasses activities such as connect ing with the employees of your favourite brand, messaging in dividuals for advice or applying for the job that seems slightly beyond your experience. Here at Bloom we want to drive your successes; “The doors will be opened to those who are bold enough to knock” – Tony Gaskins.
Our users are inherently creative, they thrive within the dy namic and unique environment of the fashion industry and at Bloom, we aim to build a networking platform that re ects and supports this. Bloom encourages all users to utilise its services as a launchpad, to be opportunists and achieve greater suc cess. To Be Bloom you must Be Bold.
Our brand values are inscribed throughout every aspect of our business and have been developed through the evolution of the Bloom brand story. These values refect the operations of Bloom and represent the purpose and standpoint of the business, they defne us from competitors and outline our aspirations.
- BLOOM, 2021 -
A diverse workplace embodies an inclusive culture. Bloom serves to eradicate the inherent exclusivity of the fashion industry and to do so we must prevent the marginalisation of groups or individuals.
To diverge from the existing corporate nature of professional networking sites, we must build a business that is approach able by nature, Bloom is a space to form connections in a wel coming manner.
To unite an industry, its stakeholders must connect and col laborate to empower and propel one another; for we are be er when we work together.
We want to see you see results. Whether you are utilising Bloom as a business or as an individual, we want to aid in the achievement of greater success.
The Coronavirus pandemic and its detrimental impact on the operations of the fashion industry has certainly driven a metamorphic evolution within such sector as companies experience an unprecedented push to a digital transformation, boding a contact free economy .
Whilst the pandemic has posed a great threat to job vacancies, subsequently heightening unemployment rates, the companies still hiring have adapted the recruitment process to this contact-free movement (Faragher, 2020). As we begin to emerge from the pandemic, these novel methods are stabilising, with social recruitment becoming a common place method of hiring new talent. As Faragher (2020) reports, a key trend emerging from this movement is the increased collaboration between employers and recruitment platforms to be er connect job sectors which have experienced loss in vacancies and thus opportunities. This rise in collaboration of employers and recruitment networks emphasises the demand for Bloom, particularly within the fashion sector whereby there is an identi able scarcity in complete professional networking platforms tailored to the industry and its stakeholders.
Gaining an insight to the target consumer of Bloom is central to the reali sation of the marketing strategy (Posner, 2015). Bloom operates as both a business-to-consumer and business-to-business company. Explicitly, the target consumer of Bloom can be labelled as a fashion industry stakeholder, a broad term that within this sense, amasses groups including the fashion sector’s students, employees, and fashion related businesses themselves. To successfully achieve the primary objectives of the Bloom brand and sup port the establishment of a fashion industry whereby opportunitiesarerife andequalforall , it is fundamental that Bloom builds industry relations with fashion related enterprises.
The core business model of Bloom relies on fashion students, graduates, industry professionals and fashion corporations alike utilising the services to successfully deliver mutual bene ts for each anticipated consumer.
The fashion industry is commonly known to recruit from an insu lar space (Chen, 2019), a possible rationale for the renowned ex clusivity of such sector. To aid in the eradication of this exclusivity and thus support in the achievement of our business’s objectives, Bloom serves to provide its users with access to novel job and in ternship opportunities as well as providing features such as the portfolio creation tool, online tutorials, and application tips to sup port and deliver enhanced prospects for all users.
Our primary target consumer group is comprised of both Generation Z and Millennials, those aged between 18 and 35. Recent reports suggest that individuals born a er 1980 will soon represent much of the glob al workforce, and the fashion industry is particularly renowned for its “youth-driven creativity” (Mellery-Pra and Soar, 2019, p.5), thus pro viding great rationale for this targeted demographic. These individuals are city sophisticates and relish the lifestyle “that comes with living in larger cities where there are lots of people and opportunities to socialise and spend” (Acorn, 2020). This demographic is university educated; ei ther seeking employment within the fashion sector or already upholding a role within such sector. They are commonly in the pre-family life stage – independent adults who don’t yet have children and can thereby be a ributed to the acronym HEIDIs – Highly Educated Independent Indi viduals (Posner, 2015).
The targeted consumer group are commonly known to be a part of the digitally native generation, a cohort that is active across all social networking sites and integrate these platforms into many aspects of their existence. Holding values rooted in community and connectivity, these individuals place a premium on networking, particularly due to their fashion related profession. These individuals are socialites, characters who thrive o social interaction and friendship, they are conscientious and aspirational beings; high achievers who crave prosperity.
Bloom is appreciated amongst this consumer group as both a tool and catalyst in succeeding within the fashion industry. Consumers utilise the services of Bloom to connect with fellow fashion industry professionals; providing value through the ability to connect each stakeholder within the fashion industry: working to eradicate the inherent exclusivity of the fashion industry.
Bloom aims to provide an outlet for the promotion of job vacancies by fashion related corporations. Bloom allows businesses to advertise through a platform that o ers direct communication with a targeted audience – those that are more likely to hold the desired credentials and passion for such role. This sourcing of talent is likely to embody greater e ciency, creating a shortened process of recruitment through the receival of greater suited applicants.
Bloom most commonly serves fashion related corporations with direct or in direct ties to the fashion industry. These entities generally employ more than 500 individuals and adopt a collaborative culture; a networked and non-hier archical organisation structure to encourage greater teamwork and heightened creativity. These organisations create a culture of openness, honesty, and trust, referred to as the antithesis of structured organisations whereby teams are de ned by their position (Ashenden, 2013), these businesses hold values that align with those of Bloom including collaboration and inclusion.
These corporations are innovative. Serving the fashion industry, they are stringently adherent to timebound objectives, consciously driven by the fastpaced nature of such sector. These companies adopt a creative approach to each aspect of their operations and are a racted to Bloom’s ability to e ciently match role vacancies with suitable talent. These businesses are technologically advanced and are positively adjusted to the concept of social recruitment, they welcome diversity and inclusivity and therefore enjoy the process of connecting and interacting with individuals who share a passion for the fashion sector.
Our services provide these businesses with an innovative and easy method of searching for fresh talent and prospective employees. As found by the Boston Consulting Group (2014), “one of the biggest challenges facing luxury and fashion companies is nding, developing and retaining great creative and business talent”. Bloom can alleviate this di culty through the direct access to suited talent. Through the pro le creation on the Bloom application, these companies can increase awareness of their brand within an interested mar ket to provide heightened awareness. The presence of these companies on the Bloom networking site also o ers a novel method of marketing and PR activities.
The foremost objective of the marketing activities of Bloom is to launch the novel service into an existing market, referred to as market penetration. The campaign also serves to:
To develop a strong position within the UK market of professional networking sites. To gain a presence within this market that is cur rently dominated by competitors including LinkedIn and The Dots (see Appendix C).
Develop an omnichannel strategy to successfully build a presence within a competitive market. This strategy must integrate all mar keting activities to produce a holistic marketing approach of inter connected communication platforms.
A marketing strategy needs to be planned consciously, managed purposefully, researched continuously, and regularly reviewed. This cycle of endeavour is vital in a highly competitive, fast paced industry. (Posner, 2015)
To successfully communicate the core competencies and values of Bloom to develop and de ne the businesses’ competitive advantage.
The founding of the Bloom brand is initiated by the application devel opment stage of the 18-month marketing strategy. Bloom is largely de ned as an online based business, elevated by the in-person net working events. The Bloom mobile application is the core of the Bloom brand and thereby the most integral touch point of the business – the application is a membership-based platform that facilitates all activi ties and features o ered by Bloom and is the key facet in achieving our overall objectives. The development of the app will begin in May 2021 and will be launched on September 1st, 2021.
The development of the mobile application is de crucial campaign. Without a successfully developed mobile applica tion, the marketing activities that follow the launch are essentially futile. Running simultaneously with the application development and launch is the development of the social media channels of Bloom; Ins tagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts will all be set up and utilised to create an initial presence of Bloom online.
“Today, over 80% of all UK adults own a smartphone” (Dogtiev, 2021)
The Bloom application is a membership-based platform whereby users subscribe to the ser vice via a monthly payment of £11/month, or £7/month for student users. Fashion related businesses can also subscribe to the services for £49/month providing recruitment-centred resources, post insights and analytics and ac cess to the pinboard to update current job and internship openings. Bloom promotes a 2-week free trial period for all new accounts.
also enables you to upskill through various tu torials and courses, shown also on your pro le. The pro le curation feature is useful for busi nesses wanting to establish a presence on the platform. A business pro le is likely to encom pass a bio wri en about the business, its values and mission and a vacancies stream whereby opportunities can be posted. Bloom veri ed businesses are shown by a pink star.
The Portfolio provides an outlet for the Bloom user. Aligning with the audience’s creative na ture, the Portfolio provides a platform to promote and display previous projects and is useful in design and marketing related elds whereby the curation of a good portfolio can greatly en hance an individual’s employability. The Bloom portfolio creation tool provides advice and tips for creating a strong portfolio and o ers a platform for users to showcase their work.
A constant stream of fashion related posts and conversation; job opportunities, internship openings, industry related queries, brand up dates, individual updates and so much more. Bloom encourages its users to be bold and post whatever they feel in order to eliminate the cor porate tone of many professional networking sites.
The befriend feature allows users to ‘befriend’ or connect with fellow users. This feature is integral in achieving the core objectives of Bloom: to be er connect the fashion industry. This concept of connection expresses an a a ble approach to networking through the option to ‘befriend’ rather than ‘request to follow’.
The pinboard provides a stream of current job openings across di ering roles within di ering companies. The pinboard can provide the user with tailored job vacancies within the fashion sector through the input of user preferences in terms of role title, company, department, loca tion, and experience required.
Users and subscribers of the Bloom applica tion will gain access to the Bloom in-person networking event calendar, allowing users to see when and where the Bloom events will take
The overarching objective of the application development stage is to create an app that appeals to our de ned demographic and al leviates the struggles experienced by fashion industry advocates (Appendix B). Following the launch of the application, the core ob jective is to reach a total number of 18,000 downloads within the rst year, with a 70% conversion to active users. The application translates as a core channel in accessing and utilising the servic es of Bloom. This application is a continual brand touch point and aims to communicate each of the core values of Bloom to success fully achieve our overall mission.
The target audience of the application amasses fashion industry advocates; those who work or aspire to work within the fashion industry. Explicitly, the target audience of the Bloom application is commonly de ned as a ‘digital native’; extremely comfortable in their use of technology (Zapier, 2020), the mobile application is therefore tailored to this individual who enjoys investing over 4 hours a day on their phone (Freer, 2019). This demographic thereby calls for the exploitation of social media channels to create aware ness of the Bloom application and initiate a conversation surround ing the novel fashion networking platform, primarily targeting the student and recent graduate demographic of Bloom. Simultane ously accounts on both LinkedIn and The Dots will be activated to enhance awareness of Bloom amongst corporations and fashion related businesses.
The Bloom application has been designed to evoke the brand ethos and communicate the core values and mis sion of Bloom, to create user desirability and subsequent action - demonstrated as the decision to download and ac tively use the app. The colourful design of the app empha sises the segregation of Bloom from the usual corporate design and tone of professional networking platforms, to create an app that is enjoyable to use and encourages user retention. The individual features of the app have each been developed in relation to the ndings of Appendix B to be er serve the target audience and achieve the strategy to persuade the audience that the product is suitable and useful (Posner, 2015).
Throughout the development of the Bloom application, so cial media channels will be utilised to build a brand pres ence and thereby create awareness of the brand prior to the launch of the application – aligning with the digitally native consumer persona, these channels are the most e cient in building organic consumer relationships. The social media activities serve to emphasise the advanta geous features of the application and the overall ease of use of the platform to perpetuate the target audience’s knowledge of Bloom and its features and bene ts.
The philosophy of the Bloom application is to Connect. Communicate. Collaborate. The app embodies simplicity in its use to encourage greater user enjoyment and therefore aid in the achievement of our overall objective; to cre ate a compelling and pleasurable method of networking within the fashion industry. The development of each app feature aims to perpetuate the ability of Bloom to achieve its outlined objectives. The concurrently created social media channels will focus on developing greater awareness of the Bloom platform to achieve the overarching objectives of the app develop ment campaign and reach a total number of 18,000 down loads within the rst year. The social media channels will focus on communicating the values, purpose, and bene ts of Bloom to heighten awareness of the platform be fore creation a focus on driving tra c to the application following its launch.
The overall success of the application development can be measured through di ering metrics and dimensions. Across the 18-month marketing plan, the analytical data of the application will be measured and assessed to develop an ongoing understanding of the consumers behaviour when utilising the app. The number of people to download the application will provide an initial insight to the success of the social media activities in creating awareness of the app, however the true KPI of the application development is the user retention rate. To measure the overall utility of the app, it is important to look beyond the acquisition rate or the initial number of downloads and instead address and monitor the overall retention rate of users. This refers to the number of us ers who return to the app, and thereby o ers an insight to the success of the application in providing a valuable and useful service and achieving the out lined objectives. The retention rate is particularly important given the 2-week free trial o ered to all novel Bloom pro les, therefore providing insights to the number of users retained once this trial expires and a payment plan is initiat ed. The key tool in measuring the e ectiveness of the application development campaign is Google analytics for apps, o ering insight to user characteristics, user actions, revenue rates, user navigation path and greater understanding of the di ering consumer groups – students, graduates, and industry professionals (Google Analytics, 2020).
The Bloom application aims to achieve a 30-day user retention rate of 43%, and a 90-day user retention rate of 27%. Each of these retention rates are as pirational and therefore considered very good for a non-entertainment-based application (Localytics, 2018), however with Bloom serving as a hedonic pro fessional networking platform, these gures are certainly achievable.
The Bloom application is de ned as the foremost integral touchpoint of the Bloom brand, the development of such platform must therefore be guided by research and consumer data. The application development campaign out lines the process of building a platform that ful ls the overarching purpose of the Bloom business, to facilitate a be er-connected fashion industry. The exploitation and presence of Bloom across social medial platforms initiates the process of enhancing awareness of the Bloom brand prior to the State Your Struggle launch campaign.
MAY 2020 Research into core and necessary features of the app, exploration into features of competitor apps; LinkedIn and The dots. Begin to plan the main features of the Bloom application - what is neccessary to successfully address the target audience.
JUNE 2020 Plan system diagrams and outline overall functions of the application, create user experience mock-ups. Ensure objectives are de ned. Research potential app development teams.
Begin research into the use of social media to launch a new business/product, nalise the best platforms for Bloom to build a presence on.
JULY 2020 Con rm app development team and meet with the chosen team to begin app development process, explain core features of the app and meet twice a week to ensure good progress is made and the team all share the same ideas/vision for the development. Maintain daily con tact to ensure all is to schedule.
Set up the social media accounts of Bloom to build brand presence, create content explaining the purpose of Bloom and the core app fea tures.
AUGUST 2021 Continue application development and begin to trial the app amongst the targeted demographic - volunteers. Receive feedback on the trial application and adjust accordingly ready for launch at the beginning of September. Ensure the app design re ects the core brand values and overall mission of Bloom. Finalise app icon design and all copy ready for the launch. Continue seeding content about the application across social media platforms.
Begin the sharing of the State Your Struggle campaign content across social media accounts, prior to the application launch next month
Launch the application on both the Google Play and the Apple app store.
OCTOBER 2021 Continued review of app user habits. Analysis of information on the features that are most commonly used, what they are used for and where this user is located. Overall analysis of user habits to be er understand the target audience and the initial success of the app. Share content of the State your Struggle campaign to gather further engagement and participation from the audience.
NOVEMBER 2021 Begin to post content across the app surrounding the novel Bloom IRL in person networking event, raise awareness of the event amongst app users and also use social media platforms to raise awareness and create interest in the event.
DECEMBER 2021 17th December 2021 - Ticket sale for Bloom IRL X GFF, 150 tickets on sale.
Launch the sale of the tickets for the Bloom IRL x GFF in-person networking event. Raise awareness of this across the Bloom social accounts.
JANUARY 2022 Create a buzz surrounding the Bloom IRL X GFF event prior to its happening on 28th January 2022. Following the event, seed and share imagery and content from the evening across the app and social media accounts to persuade more members to sign up.
FEBRUARY 2022 Continue to share imagery from the event across the app. Also utilise the app to communicate and share success stories from the event, e.g. happenings resulting from the event.
MARCH 2022 6 Month review - Begin to gather feedback on the application through in app surveys and reading of reviews on both the App and Google Play store. Work on the xing of any in app bugs.
APRIL 2022 Address the feedback across reviews to initiate the exploration of novel features that can be added to the application to be er serve the target audience.
MAY 2022 Begin the development of the new feature enabling in-app face to face calls. Work with the original application development team to ensure this feature is valuable for the user.
Begin creating awareness of the next Bloom IRL event taking place in July, utilise content from the rst event to create awareness amongst application members.
JUNE 2022 Launch the novel face-to-face in app call feature. Ensure this new feature is communicated and made aware of through social media platforms including Instagram and Facebook. 3rd June - Release the tickets for the second Bloom IRL networking event.
JULY 2022 Prior to the second Bloom IRL networking event, share content of the previous event across the app to further encourage the sale of any remaining tickets. Following the second event on the 1st July 2022, pictures and happenings of the evening must again be shared.
AUGUST 2022 Begin review of the Bloom application, utilise Google analytics to assess the overall achievement of objectives including 18,000 members within the rst year and more importantly the user retention rate of the app users.
Continue the full review of the overall success of the Application. Use of in app tracking to assess the most useful features. Begin planning for a full application update beginning next month. Re ection of the overall success of the app in reaching 18,000 members by the end of the rst year.
OCTOBER 2022 Contact the initial application development team to discuss a complete update of the app, utilising the data accumulated over the last two months to improve the app to be er serve the target audience.
Application Design The core features of the app are de veloped in house, a plan is therefore drawn up within the business and the app development is outsourced.
Application Development Creation of the application interface, bringing plans for the application to fruition
Administrative Services Make updates to the app and man age users and user data. This cost will cover content management, dashboard emulator (allows app pre views before release) and dynamic updates (regular updates to the app design and features)
Social and Chat The feature of messaging within the app requires a subscription service to one-to-one chat services, provided by SendBird
Push Notifcations To allow the Bloom app to send noti cations to users and increase user engagement, a push service is necessary. A subscription to Push Woosh is therefore needed
Salary £26,000 per annum – Applica tion development and data analyst
£15,000 Start-up cost
£5,000 per annum
£800 per annum
£1,500 per annum
Maintenance IT-speci c maintenance: servers, data storage, CDN and image data £2,000 per annum
Total Costing Total cost for rst year of app opera tions £50,300 Total
(Blair, 2021)
The State Your Struggle campaign is the promotional narrative that will run concurrently with the Bloom application launch. The purpose of the campaign is to create awareness of the Bloom platform and the ways in which Bloom has been developed to address the inscribed struggles of those who work or aspire to work within the industry. The campaign is not only necessary for introducing the Bloom brand, but also to re linquish the glamorous façade commonly associated with the fashion industry. The fashion sector has long been viewed by many as an in dustry that maintains an illusion of beauty and creativity, however as Danziger (2018), highlights it is in-fact an industry that is underpinned by precarity and subsequently an undervalued and unsupported work force, as further highlighted in Appendix B. The State Your Struggle campaign aims to debunk the stigma surrounding the fashion sector, through the communication and projection of individuals struggles experienced in the process of achieving a career within fashion.
Bloom is a novel brand entering a competitive market, meaning di erentiation is integral, the campaign embodies a relatable and genuine tone, encouraging honesty from those involved whilst o er-ing a novel and unique narrative for the marketing of the brand. The campaign encourages involvement from the target audience and therefore must create an authentic and convivial tone.
The objective of the State Your Struggle launch campaign is to cre ate awareness and interest in the Bloom application and brand it self, whilst simultaneously working to represent the associates of the fashion industry through the provision of a platform to voice their struggles.
The core objective of the campaign is to aid in the achievement of a total number of 5,000 app downloads within the rst month of the launch and 18,000 downloads one year on from the launch. The State Your Struggle campaign
The State Your Struggle campaign audience feels passionately about the fashion industry; nonetheless, they are keen to reframe the out dated glamourous and luxurious image upheld by such sector. These individuals are advocates and creative drivers of change who value authenticity and honesty, they want to share their own pains encoun tered within the process of establishing a fashion related career to enhance the industry. The discussion of vulnerabilities and struggles is appealing to this individual as it means they can perpetuate change and empower both themselves and others. As this audience challenges the stigma surrounding the fashion industry, they are in troduced to the bene ts of Bloom and the novel platform. The State Your Struggle campaign thereby appeals to a wider demographic through its ability to resonate with other people’s own experiences and endeavours. This audience is digitally accustomed - individuals spanning both Gen Z and Millennials who are commonly searching for a professional networking entity that is tailored to their indus try. Through the utilisation of both digital and traditional marketing channels, the State Your Struggle campaign serves to address both the student, graduate, and industry professional.
State Your Struggle campaign will utilise real quotes established through the market research of Appendix B, to raise awareness and voice the opinions of the Bloom target audience – creating brand awareness and consumer engagement. The use of these quotes aims to create a sense of relatability for the audience whilst enabling a clear communication of Blooms purpose and ability to aid in the alleviation of these struggles, creating a wider knowledge and understanding of the business. The campaign encourages active audience participation, a method of building a relationship with the consumer and drawing the audience into ongoing engagement prior to and throughout the ap plication launch (O’Brien et al., 2019). The sharing of individuals personal experiences through print advertising and social media communications aims to serve as a persuasive technique, to encourage the decision to nd out more about both the campaign and the Bloom brand. The strategic placing of print advertising within tube stations and along the route of workers commutes as well as surrounding fashion schools, serves to directly target the appropriate audience, aiding in the ful lment of the overall objective of exposing the brand to 60% of the target audience.
The integration of digital channels through the hashtag (#StateYourStruggle) further strengthens the reach of the campaign, creating a presence across both In stagram and LinkedIn and further encouraging organic sharing and contribution. An integrated marketing campaign is exempli ed by the State Your Struggle nar rative, whereby print advertising guides the reader to social media platforms where further content is shared.
Digital channels including social media platforms, will be utilised to a ract both the industry professional and student/graduate demographic. Platforms including Instagram and LinkedIn are commonly used by both of these digitally native target consumer groups. According to Miller (2016), LinkedIn is a valuable platform for marketing activities and content that helps the intended consumer to do their job e ectively, o ering support. The State Your Struggle campaign is therefore appropriate content for such platform, enabling the audience to share their own experiences whilst learning of Bloom as a tool to aid in the enhancement of their job role and career eld. It is es sential that the State Your Struggle campaign is fronted across social channels including Instagram and Facebook to address a wider audience, post and stories across Instagram will support the campaign, including a swipe up to download the app and get involved.
Email marketing will be utilised to explicitly communicate with fashion students, encouraging participation from the universities o ering fashion related courses. Bloom as a novel entity and platform will reach out to University course leaders to demonstrate the bene ts of the site, prior to re questing to send an email to all fashion students o ering the chance to win a free membership to the Bloom appli cation through the submission of student’s own struggles encountered in the making of a fashion career.
User Generated Content is extremely e ective in capturing the a ention of both Millennials and Generation Z, the use of individual quotes, therefore, is a core tactic in the State Your Struggle campaign, employed to create relatability. Simultaneously, the campaign aims to highlight the ways in which the Bloom platform and its features can address these struggles to alleviate the stakeholder pains and sup port the creation of an industry whereby opportunities are rife and equal for all. Capturing the a ention of the Bloom target audience (speci cally Gen Z), can o entimes be difcult; the print and digital advertising of this campaign therefore serves to be concise, and eye catching, using bold colours to capture the audience and align with the brand personality and tone.
The success of print advertising can be measured through the number of QR scans from the billboards, to assess the overall visual appeal, stimulation, and interest of the traditional advertising methods. The number of QR scans to download the appli cation and contribute to the campaign can be assessed through tracing capabilities, holding the ability to quantify the number of scans per day, where they took place and provide a speci c time of the scan (Foley, 2017). To measure the success of the cam paign across digital platforms, Instagram insights will be analysed. This includes analysis of number of hashtag views (#StateYourStruggle), number of swipe-ups from Instagram stories, number of saves and shares of the Instagram posts and stories and overall number of campaign content views and comparatively, likes. This analysis measures how many people are exposed to the campaign and subsequently engaging in the shared content, to establish the e ectiveness and most successful methods for future campaigns. The overall success of the campaign can be meas ured by the number of Bloom application downloads within the rst month of the application launch and therefore the extent to which the Bloom brand has been ex posed to the appropriate target audience.
Bloom expects that the State Your Struggle campaign will gather success through its unique narrative, and unprecedented discussion surrounding the glamorous façade of the fashion industry. It is expected that within the rst month of the campaign the print advertising will summon the most interest and subsequent conversion to QR code scans. It is expected that the digital marketing strategies will gather the greatest interest 3 months into the campaign as a greater presence and awareness is created across Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. We expect to reach over 3,000 uses of the #StateYourStruggle across social networks within the rst 6 months of the campaign and over 5,000 by the end (1 year). Similarly, the State Your Struggle campaign is expected to greatly increase the following of the Bloom Instagram ac count, expecting a total of 3,000 followers within the rst 3 months.
Conclusively, the State Your Struggle campaign serves to create awareness of the Bloom brand and application launch whilst initiating a conversation surrounding the struggles experienced in the making of a career in fashion. The purpose of such campaign reverts to the overall objective of introducing the Bloom brand and its core bene ts to the target consumer. As a new brand, it is important that the cam paign is distinctive, desirable, familiar, and legitimate; therefore, heightening the importance of aligning each touch point of the campaign to the brand values and visual identity.
MAY 2021 Curation of the State Your Struggle campaign, developed by the Marketing team of Bloom. Comparison of idea to competitor campaigns. Begin to identify the correct target audience and creating content for market research. Plan where the campaign will be fronted and the di ering channels to be utilised.
JUNE 2021 Begin writing the survey to be utilised for the market research of the State Your Struggle campaign. Research the appropriate location of print advertising channels. Book the billboards for the print advertising of the campaign, primarily focus on tube station advertising and city centre boards.
JULY 2021
Creation of the core content of the State Your Struggle campaign, utilising the quotes and data retrieved from the market research to write copy for the campaign. Plan and prepare social media content for the campaign launch next month.
Finalise the campaign and all content ready for the launch on the 16th of August.
On the 16th of August all billboards and print advertising methods will go live. The initial sharing of content across social channels will also occur on this day to create further awareness of Bloom and simultaneously initiate and perpetuate a conversa tion on the campaign and brand prior to the app launch on September 1st 2021.
Continued sharing of the State Your Struggle campaign across social media, coincid ing with the application launch.
Sending of email marketing and communications amongst fashion students to boost participation in the campaign and the ‘stating’ of struggles amongst this demo graphic whilst also driving these individuals to the application and highlighting its bene ts and purpose of alleviating these struggles.
Continued sharing of new content for the State Your Struggle campaign retrieved from on-going participation in the activities and new struggles shared as the audi ence is exposed to the digital and traditional marketing activities. Following the launch of the Bloom app, the platform will be utilised as a channel to further promote the State Your Struggle campaign, to perpetuate the conversation on the glamorous facade of the fashion industry and thereby contribute to the buzz surrounding the campaign and its prevalence in driving a change. This is likely to result in an increase in the number of people to participate in the submission of their own struggles.
Review of the success of the campaign thus far. Analysis of QR scans from print advertising to conclude the most successful location and billboard placement. As sessment of #StateYourStruggle to understand the success of the campaign across digital channels. Also review of the number of ‘struggles’ submi ed and therefore the overall audience participation in the campaign.
Market Research
Targeted questionnaire and focus group market research to gather useable quotes for the State Your Struggle campaign. Ensuring eth ical implications are assessed and accounted for.
Social Media Marketing Activities Responsibility of producing all con tent across social media channels including Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Seeding of content and high integration across platforms.
Print Advertising Design Creation of print advertising for both digital and paper billboards – design ing of billboards outsourced.
Paper Billboard Rent Cost of rental and production of paper billboards around major cities; London and Manchester.
Digital Billboard Rent Cost of rental and production of dig ital billboards across 4 tube stations – tunnel advertising.
£8,000 (Schwab, 2019)
Salary £28,000 per annum – Social Media Manager
£3,000 per month, cost for all bill boards across locations – spanning 6 months in total – Total = £18,000 (Inman, 2021)
£4,800 per month – 4 billboards –spanning 6 months in total – Total = £28,800
Total Costing Total cost for the State Your Struggle campaign £87,800 Total
Bloom IRL (in real life) is the biannual in-person networking event hosted by Bloom to bring tangibility to the brand and give fashion students and graduates the opportunity to network with industry professionals and brands in person.
The opening Bloom IRL networking event is hosted in collaboration with Graduate Fashion Foundation (GFF) taking place on Friday 7th January. Following the expected success of the Bloom IRL launch event, the in-person networking events will continue to be hosted every 6 months.
The collaboration with GFF is a method of broadening the awareness of the Bloom platform amongst a targeted and suitable demographic of students and graduates. GFF is de ned as the springboard for new talent; “holding a mission to bring together graduates, fashion educators and industry leaders to encourage the next generation to reach their full potential” (Graduate Fashion Foundation, 2021). GFF therefore proposes a similar mission to Bloom and does this through the organisation of the Graduate Fashion Week annual event and industry-led projects. GFF have supported over 100,000 graduates over 30 years and hold strong industry connections, making the charity a perfect collabora tion for the Bloom IRL networking events, providing access to a wider student demographic and business partners to a ract industry names to the event.
The core objective of the event is to bring tangibility to the brand and heighten the awareness and interest in Bloom amongst the suited de mographic of GFF’s audience. Following the rst event, Bloom IRL aims to host regular, highly anticipated in-person networking events to subsequently increase a endee retention and encourage application membership subscription. Bloom IRL events aim to aid in the achieve ment of 18,000 app members by the end of the rst year and simul taneously encourage higher user retention rates through encouraged subscription beyond the free trial to gain access to event tickets. The core objective is also to sell out all 150 tickets for the launch event within two weeks of release.
The primary target audience of the Bloom IRL x GFF networking event is recent graduates and students, those looking to network with fash ion businesses and individuals to open doors for prospective oppor tunities. This demographic is predominantly aged between 18-24 and share a common interest in the fashion industry, these individuals are highly aspirational and are willing to be bold to achieve their visionary career.
Tickets for the Bloom IRL x GFF event are limited and purchasable through the Bloom application only, creating a sense of exclusivity and incentive for all Bloom members, simultaneously aiding in the realisation of consumer desire to a end such event. To create an enjoyable event that a endees look forward to again, the event itinerary focuses on providing the consumer with unique opportunities to en gage with industry professionals and businesses; to casually chat and network in an a able manner, thereby aiding in the achievement of the Bloom objective to create a less-corporate networking platform. Industry related talks, networking hotspots, presentations on current industry opportunities and creative spaces are each contained within a free- owing oor plan, allowing a endees to spend their time at the event as they wish. Each of these features of the event aid in the ful l ment of educating and exhibiting the ways in which Bloom can be er connect and unite the fashion industry through a singular entity with online and o ine touchpoints.
The Bloom philosophy ‘Be Bold, Be Bloom’ is at the heart of each networking event, encouraging a endees to step out of their comfort zone to chat and engage with fellow a endees and to capitalise on the opportunities on o er. The evening is an innovative pop-up event with arrangements and an itinerary that appeals directly to the demo graphic of both Bloom and GFF and are is tailored to the identi ed struggles to be er achieve the objectives of Bloom. To heighten awareness of the initial launch of the Bloom IRL x GFF networking event, social media channels will be exploited to reveal the rst date and location, as well as directing people to the application to purchase tickets. Throughout the evening, the use of the #BloomIRL will be utilised to encourage sharing of the event across so cial media, as well as the use of QR codes to provide event a endees with exclusive access to the Bloom and GFF shared snapchat, providing a stream of photos from the evening and early access to future events.
The Bloom IRL x GFF networking event will be promoted and communicated through the integration of di ering digi tal marketing strategies, across both event host’s social network pro les. Social media marketing will be at the core of the marketing activities for the Bloom IRL events, with Instagram and the Bloom application itself utilised to create awareness and interest in the event, communicating the core purpose and concept of the event.
Throughout the event, the ongoings will be covered across social media channels including Instagram and Snapchat. Event a endees will receive exclusive access to the Bloom and GFF snapchat account whereby pictures from the evening will be shared.
The success of the Bloom IRL event will be measured through respective metrics. Firstly, the number of shares of the #BloomIRL across all social me dia channels will be analysed to quantify the overall engagement of event a endees and thereby o ering a suitable indication of a endee enjoyment and investment. Success can also be assessed by the number of snapchat QR scans, showing the interest of event a endees in gaining exclusive ac cess to the Bloom and GFF snapchat and thus additionally, early access to future events. Further to this, the rate of sales of the next event scheduled 6 months later provides an insight to the success of the rst event with GFF. Following the rst event, a endees will be emailed a short questionnaire to receive feedback on the evening and establish ways in which the overall ob jective of Bloom could be be er achieved through the in-person networking events.
Bloom expects that the rst event in collaboration with GFF will be a great success and therefore lead to a heightened user retention rate of the Bloom application as consumers are interested in a ending future events and thereby must be a member of the application to purchase tickets. We ex pect that the collaboration with GFF will lead to a heightened awareness of the Bloom entity and subsequently drive an increase of tra c to the Bloom Instagram, particularly from the promotion of the event across GFF socials. It is expected that the collaboration with GFF will enhance the awareness of Bloom amongst a wider target audience, introducing the brand to a new prospective consumer group and subsequently aiding in the achievement of a total of 18,000 app members by the end of the rst year.
The Bloom x GFF networking event serves to heighten the awareness of Bloom amongst a novel yet targe ed consumer group. Such event will ensure Bloom becomes a well known name within the fashion industry, whilst also aiding in the achievement of our company objectives of be er connecting the fashion industry. In person networking events provide tangibility to the Bloom app and generally heightens the brand presence within the fashion networking market.
OCTOBER 2021 Begin researching networking events, what they commonly entail and how previous events can inspire the rst Bloom IRL networking event.
Consider and research potential collaborators for the rst Bloom IRL event. Finalise a date for the rst Bloom IRL event.
Finalisation of the decision for the potential host in conjunction with Bloom for the event. Reach out to GFF highlighting the bene t of this prospective collaboration with Bloom and how the event can provide mutual bene ts for both parties. Begin to research event locations and potential guest speakers as well as caterers for the event.
Begin to create content to share across all social media accounts as well as the Bloom application. Utilise paid media to propel awareness of the event amongst fashion industry professionals. Utilise email marketing to inform students (those that have been contacted previously for the SYS campaign)
Look around potential venues for the event before booking and signing these o at least one month before the event date.
Design and commission creators for the merch of the event as well as signage and banners to be displayed on the evening.
Continue to create awareness of the event across all social media accounts of both Bloom and GFF. December 17th - Release the 150 tickets available for sale via the Bloom application.
Finalise the event itinerary and all guest speakers for the evening. Create and nalise all merchandise for the event including tote bags, banners and pens. Create the snapchat account in collaboration with GFF, also create a QR so a endees can easily access this ‘exclusive’ account. Continue promotion of the event across both Bloom and GFF socials to generate further awareness and interest.
Event takes place on 28th January. Seed content from the event across all channels as the event happens. Contact all those involved in the event to thank them for their participation to retain strong working relation ships with those involved.
Utilise content and pictures from the event as content across all social media channels to communicate the success of the evening and gather interest and desire to a end future events, particularly the following event happening in July. Send out questionnaire regarding the event to all a endees to gather feedback and identify strengths and weaknesses of the evening in preparation for the following event.
MAY 2022 Begin planning for the next event taking place on July 1st. Follow the same steps involved in planning the rst event.
The succeeding event is not hosted in collaboration with GFF and will therefore require additional digital and paid marketing strategies to raise awareness amongst a wider audience. Utilise all owned channels of Bloom to promote and create buzz surrounding the next event, utilise content from the previous event to highlight the bene ts of a ending such event.
JUNE 2022 June 3rd - Release the 150 tickets available for sale via the Bloom application. Finalise event itinerary and con rm all guest speakers for the evening. Continue promotion of the ticket sales across all channels, to inform Bloom members that tickets are on sale. Finalise caterers for the event as well as merch and signage to be used within the event.
JULY 2022
Event takes place on 1st July.
Utilise content from the event to highlight the success of the evening once again. Contact all those involved in the event to thank them for their participation to retain strong working relation ships with those involved.
AUGUST 2022 Continue to use content from both events as promotional tools for Bloom across all owned media channels.
Paid Media Paid media amongst fashion publi cations to create awareness of the event amongst a wider demographic
£6,000 (WebFX, 2018)
Venue Cost of venue hire for the event: The Postal Museum, Central London £6,000 (TagVenue, 2021)
Drinks and Catering Drinks and catering for the event are covered by the Postal Museum and therefore included in the venue hire cost.
Guest Speakers and DJ Cost of DJ for 2 hours at the end of the event and 2 guest speakers.
Event Staf Sta to work at the event, directing guests, serving drinks and canapes throughout the evening. Cost covers 15 event sta including those need ed to set up the event.
Merchandise Cost of producing merchandise for the event including Bloom tote bags, pens and notebooks as well as printed itinerary and lanyard. Manufacturing 150 units to give out to each event a endee.
DJ - £235 (AddtoEvent, 2021)
Guest Speakers - N/A, (Arranged through GFF connections)
£500 (Mixam, 2021)
Event Signage and Banners Cost of producing and distributing signage and banners for the event £700 (Creative Solutions, 2021)
Total Costing (Approximate) Approximate total cost for the rst Bloom IRL X GFF networking event £14,335 Total
Unforeseen Costs Events commonly incur unforeseen costs; this has therefore been ac counted for as a 10% increase on the approximate event cost
Total Event Costing Inclusive of 10% for unforeseen costs £15,765
WEEK WEEK 1 - 2 WEEK 3 -4
WEEK WEEK - 2 WEEK 3 - 4
Research features of competitor applications including LinkedIn and The Dots. Research neccessary features to achieve the overarching objectives of Bloom.
Create a concise plan of the features to be includ ed within the App to give to the app developers. Research potential application developers throoughly to ensure their previous works align with what is expected of the Bloom app.
Plan system diagrams and solidify overall functions of the app.
Create user experience mock-ups to give the application development team a clear idea of the overall plan for the app.
Con rm the application development team and meet with this chosen team to begin the pro cess of developing the app. Explain and present ideas surrounding the app direction concisely and meet twice a week to ensure progress is maintained.
Continue to maintain daily contact with the app development team as the app is in construction.
Create a clear timeline for the application to ensure the preliminary application launch date is met. Ensure a shared vision for the application is created between the Bloom team and the application development team.
WEEK WEEK - 2 WEEK 3 - 4
APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Continue application development and applica tion trials amongst the targeted demographic, volunteers.
Research potential application development companies that have curated apps similar to that proposed by the team at Bloom.
Research potential campaign ideas to aid in creating awareness of the launch of the Bloom application. Look at what competitors and com panies in similar industries have curated to aid in the creation of novel and innovative ideas.
Marketing team to continue research into cam paign ideas and begin nalising three potential ideas for the launch campaign of Bloom. Finalise the target audience of the campaign and create content to be used as market research. Plan where the campaign may be fronted and the di ering channels that will be exploited.
Set a preliminary date for the launch of the application.
Send out the market research survey for the content of the State Your Stuggle campaign.
INSTAGRAM In-depth research of competitor Instagram accounts to gain content, layout and deign inspitation. -
FACEBOOK In-depth research of competitor Facebook accounts to gain content, layout and design inspitation. -
LINKEDIN In-depth research of competitor LinkedIn accounts to gain content, layout and design inspitation.
PRINT ADVERTISING Research into prospective areas for print advertis ing in and around London and city centres
EMAIL MARKETING PAID MEDIA/ PRESS ANALYSIS/ REFLECTION Speak to each member of the Bloom team to ensure they have a clear vision of the direction of Bloom and each team member is striving toward the same goal.
Finalise the campaign idea to be taken forward to use as the launch campaign of the applica tion. Finalise the channels that will be utilised to communciate the campaign.
As the chosen campaign the State Your Struggle campaign must be further planned within a strict timeline. The market research neccessary for the campaign must be wri en and preppared for send out next month.
Utilise channels such as LinkedIn to encourage participation in the campaign to gather content for the initial print advertising and digital marketing.
Begin writing and creating content and copy for the State Your Stuggle campaign, to be seeded across billboards and social media channels.
Retrieve data from the market research to be used within the copy of the campaign. Continue to retrieve and extract data to be used as quotes within the marketing activities.
INSTAGRAM Set up the Bloom Instagram account. Ensure the imagery and design of the account aligns with the Bloom visual identity.
INSTAGRAM Research how social media channels can be exploited to promote and launch a novel business.
FACEBOOK Research how social media channels can be exploited to promote and launch a novel business.
LINKEDIN Research how social media channels can be exploited to promote and launch a novel business.
Begin to plan and design the visual identity of the social accounts.
Begin to plan and design the visual identity of the social accounts.
Begin to plan and design the visual identity of the social accounts.
FACEBOOK Set up the Bloom Facebook account. Ensure the imagery and design of the account aligns with the Bloom visual identity.
LINKEDIN Set up the Bloom LinkedIn account. Ensure the imagery and design of the account aligns with the Bloom visual identity.
Begin posting content surounding the Bloom application, its purpose and bene ts. Create awareness of the Bloom application amongst the target audience.
Continue to plan and prepared future content for the social media channels of Bloom. Post imagery and text explaining the concept of Bloom and the core features of the application.
Begin forming industry connections through LinkedIn, connecting with similar brands and those who work within the fashion industry. Create content that enhances awareness of the Bloom application amongst the audience. Communicate the core values of the application and its overarching purpose.
PRINT ADVERTISING Book the billboards that have been researched and chosen as appropriate channels for the State Your Struggle campaign. Ensure the location for the print advertising aligns with the objectives and target audience of the campaign.
Ensure the planning of both the State Your Strug gle campaign and the Application development and lauch is clearly de ned.
All social channels of Bloom should be set up ready to begin posting content. Application must be on track to be launched on September 1st 2021.
Utilise feedback from the application trial voluneers to make nal adjustments neccessary prior to the application launch. Ensure the appli cation design re ects the demographic and aligns with the visual identity of the Bloom brand.
APPLICATION Finalise the application and the app icon in preparation for the application launch on the 1st September.
Finalise all content for the State Your Struggle campaign prior to the campaign launch.
Launch the State Your Struggle campaign on the 16th August, 2 weeks prior to the application launch. On the 16th all billboards and print adver tising will go live, complemented by the sharing of content accross social channels.
INSTAGRAM Finalise the plan for Instagram stories and posts to seed content for the State Your Strug gle campaign. Prepare the date and time for each post as well as considering the purpose of each post.
FACEBOOK Prepare and plan the Facebook posts for the State Your Struggle campaign, ensure each of these posts is integrated with other social networking sites and drives tra c to the submission of struggles and subsequently the Bloom application.
LINKEDIN As above, the content for the Bloom LinkedIn pro le must also be planned thoroughly and drive content to the State Your Struggle sub mission page and thus the Bloom application.
SNAPCHAT PRINT ADVERTISING Align all print advertising to ensure that on the launch of the campaign, all billboards of Bloom communciate the same narrative and aim to achieve the same objective: enhancing awareness of, and heightening interest in, the State Your Struggle campaign amonst the fashion industry professional.
Continue posting content surounding the Bloom application, its purpose and bene ts.
Continue posting content surounding the Bloom application, its purpose and bene ts.
Continue posting content surounding the Bloom application, its purpose and bene ts.
Following the launch of the campaign, it is imper ative that the analytics of the marketing activities are assessed to understand the ROI of each print and digital strategy. Should a single print or digital strategy be under-performing it must be further monitoured and altered accordingly.
3 - 4
WEEK WEEK 1 - 2 WEEK 3 - 4
6 Months from the launch of the campaign.
The sharing of content related to the State
Your Stuggle narrative begins to slow down as the audienece is now well exposed to the cam paigns and thus the role and purpose of Bloom in alleviating the identi ed ‘struggles’.
EVENT PLANNING Finalise the event itinerary and all guest speakers for the event.
Create all nal merchandise for the event and package together ready to be given out on the evening.
Re-assess the overall struggles experienced by the target audience of Bloom, those who work or aspire to work within a fashion related job role. Utilise this information to understand how the features of both the Bloom application and in-person networking events can be er help the target audience.
Analysis of app user behaviours, identify and glitches or bugs and address feedback to send to the app development team.
APPLICATION Share content from the Bloom IRL x GFF event to heighten interest in such happenings and create desirability to a end future events.
Continue to assess and analyse the data received from the campaign, to gain a greater understanding of the audience and their needs.
Utilise the feedback from the rst event to formu late a plan for the second Bloom IRL event, hosted soley by Bloom.
INSTAGRAM Prior to the event create a focus on the collab oration with GFF and how GFF can also aid in the achievement of a greater fashion Industry.
Focus on creating greater excitement and buzz surrounding the event to heighten desirability.
FACEBOOK Prior to the event create a focus on the collab oration with GFF and how GFF can also aid in the achievement of a greater fashion Industry.
Focus on creating greater excitement and buzz surrounding the event to heighten desirability.
LINKEDIN Focus the LinkedIn communications strategy on promoting the bene ts of the event for both fashion students and industy professionals.
Event takes place January 28th 6pm - 12pm.
During the event, utilise social accounts to create interest in the happenings and provide a wider audience with an understanding of the purpose to encourage desire to a end in the future.
As above, seed Instagram content across Face book highlighting the key happenings of the event.
Contact all those involved in the rst event to say thank you and explain the overall success of the event. Maintain strong industry connec tions to successfully host future events.
INSTAGRAM Utlise content and pictures from the event across all social media channels to continue to creat a buzz surrounding Bloom.
FACEBOOK Utlise content and pictures from the event across all social media channels to continue to creat a buzz surrounding Bloom.
LINKEDIN Utlise content and pictures from the event across all social media channels to continue to creat a buzz surrounding Bloom.
Content from the evening will also be shared across the GFF account, broadening the audience and overall exposure of the event.
Content from the evening will also be shared across the GFF account, broadening the audience and overall exposure of the event.
Content from the evening will also be shared across the GFF account, broadening the audience and overall exposure of the event.
APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT 6-month application review. Begin to gather feedback on the app from in-app surveys
APPLICATION Sharing of content from the event remains. Also introduce sharing of user success stories, to aid in the user retention rates of the app as users feel more inclined and inspired to remain members of the platform.
Utlise the ndings of the State Your Struggle campaign to inspire future marketing cam paigns. Also analyse the ROI to understand the best location for print advertising
WEEK WEEK - 2 WEEK 3 - 4
Utilise the feedback from in-app survey to be er understand ways in which Bloom can be improved to be er address the target audience. Begin brainstoring novel features that can be brought to the application to further enhance it.
Posting of the State your stuggle campaign remains slow across all social channels, the occassional Struggle is shared however the campaign is no longer at the fore of the brand.
EVENT PLANNING BLOOM IRL X GFF LAUNCH EVENT BLOOM IRL EVENT Arrange and nalise a date for the Bloom IRL event. The second Bloom IRL networking event to take place on the 1st July 2022.
INSTAGRAM Continued sharing of event content and use of #BLOOMIRLxGFF.
Introduce novel content showcasing success stories, those who have experienced success through the help of the Bloom application.
FACEBOOK Continued sharing of event content and use of #BLOOMIRLxGFF. Introduce novel content showcasing success stories, those who have experienced success through the help of the Bloom application.
EVENT PLANNING Begin planning for the next event taking place on the 1st July. Research event venues once again.
INSTAGRAM Social media content to focus again on the overall bene ts of the Bloom platform and sharing of success stories. Driving tra c to the Bloom application to encourage membershio uotaje prior to the second Bloom IRL event.
Share content from the evening including pho tographs, videos and success stores. This should create desirability for the audience to a end future events.
SNAPCHAT Utilise Snapchat throughout the event evening to share photographs and videos of guest speakers, a endees and the food and drink. This should portray the evening as great fun and heighten desirability amongst people to a end the next event.
PRINT ADVERTISING State Your Struggle print advertising remains in place driving people to the submisssion page and subsequently the app. -
Review the overall success of the State Your Struggle campaign, assessing the billboard that received the most scans or the digital channel that saw the most #StateYourStruggle. Utilise this data and the understanding of the most success ful channels to direct future campaigns.
SNAPCHAT Continue to use the Snapchat account to share content of the evening, must be used reguarly to engage the audience ensure they keep ‘following’ Bloom.
PRINT ADVERTISING State Your Struggle print advertising remains in place driving people to the submisssion page and subsequently the app. -
EMAIL MARKETING Send out questionnaire to all event a endees to receive feedback on the event.
Review of the overall e ect of the Bloom IRL x GFF networking event. Analysis of the Bloom application downlads and user-retention rate to understand the e ect of the event on these gures. Bloom expects to see a hightened user retention rate following the event. Address the questionnaire emailed to event a endees to understand the strengths and weak nesses of the event and utilise this to improve future events.
LINKEDIN Continued sharing of event content and use of #BLOOMIRLxGFF.
Introduce novel content showcasing success stories, those who have experienced success through the help of the Bloom application.
SNAPCHAT Occasional sharing of content across the Snapchat account to remain remembered by the consumer prior to the second Bloom IRL networking event.
PRINT ADVERTISING Book print advertising from the 1st April for a change in print advertising content. Ensure the ROI is looked at from the previous campaign, to identify the most successful billboard placement.
State Your Struggle print advertising comes down.
FACEBOOK Social media content to focus again on the overall bene ts of the Bloom platform and sharing of success stories. Driving tra c to the Bloom application to encourage membershio uotaje prior to the second Bloom IRL event.
LINKEDIN Social media content to focus again on the overall bene ts of the Bloom platform and sharing of success stories. Driving tra c to the Bloom application to encourage membershio uotaje prior to the second Bloom IRL event.
PRINT ADVERTISING Print advertising is replaced with the advertis ing of the next Bloom IRL event, to take place on the 1st July.
EMAIL MARKETING Email marketing is utilised to inform the same mailing list of the next upcoming Bloom event. This therefore contacts students as well as existing Bloom members
Use of Instagram and Facebook analytics to assess the overall success of digital marketing strategies.
Assessment of the overall position of the Bloom brand, almost one year into the start of the brand and over 6-months into the launch of the app, a positional assessment must be conducted, to identify if the brand is on track to achieve its core objectives and 18,000 bloom members by the end of the rst year of the app.
MAY 2022
WEEK 1 - 2 WEEK 3 - 4
APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Begin research and development of new app
WEEK WEEK - 2 WEEK 3 - 4
to face calls, a strategy to be er connect the fashion industry and thereby aid in the overall achievement of Blooms objectives.
APPLICATION Sharing of content from the previous event to create awareness of the next Bloom IRL event. Heighten interest in the event through the communciation of the bene ts and success of the previous event.
Posting of the State your stuggle campaign remains slow across all social channels, the occassional Struggle is shared however the campaign is no longer at the fore of the brand.
Begin work with the original application devel opment team to ensure the vision for the Bloom brand is understood.
Continue to work on the development of the novel app feature ready for launch in the next few weeks. -
APPLICATION Application to be used as the channel for the sale of all tickets for the Bloom event. Tra c will be driven to the app from all social accounts to purchase tickets for the event.
Novel app feature of face-to-face calls is nalised and trialled amongst volunteers. In preparation for the launch next month. -
Continue posting information on the event and the bene ts to heighten consumer desire to a end and eventual persuasion to purchase.
EVENT PLANNING Book event venue for the 1st July - The same location as the previous event: The Postal Museum. -
BLOOM IRL X GFF LAUNCH EVENT BLOOM IRL EVENT As this event is hosted by the Bloom entity alone (not in collaboration with a similar brand) it is integral that PR and Marketing strategies are heightened to create awareness of the event as a wider audience is not exposed to the event through a collaboration, as per the last event.
INSTAGRAM Begin creating awareness of the next Bloom IRL event, teasing the date and location of the event and creating a buzz surrounding the event once again.
FACEBOOK Begin creating awareness of the nect Bloom IRL event, teasing the date and location of the event and creating a buzz surrounding the event once again.
LINKEDIN Continue to utilise Linkedin to connect with appropriate industry connections. Utilise this platform to reach out to potential guest speakers for the next Bloom IRL event.
SNAPCHAT Bloom changes the account details from Bloom IRL x GFF as per the previous event to an account managed solely by Bloom.
Continue to utilise social media to encourage greater WOM engagement as followers and Bloom members begin to speak about and generate exitement surround the next Bloom event.
Continue to utilise social media to encourage greater WOM engagement as followers and Bloom members begin to speak about and generate exitement surround the next Bloom event.
Given the next Bloom IRL event is hosted as a solo event and not in collaboration with any other brand it is integral that Bloom as a business forms industry connections and reaches out to individu als to invite them to a end and speak at event.
Post an exclusive teaser of the date of the next Bloom IRL event on the Snapchat account. The only people with access to the account are those who a ended the rst Bloom IRL x GFF event, therefore meaning they are more likely to be interested in the nect event.
EVENT PLANNING Commission the production of Bloom merch and banners/signage again. Urilising the same company as previously used.
BLOOM IRL X GFF LAUNCH EVENT BLOOM IRL EVENT Tickets to be released on the 3rd June for the in-person networking event. Release of 150 tickets.
INSTAGRAM Use of story and Instagram posts to announce the release date of ticket sales for the Bloom IRL event. Include swipe up to the Bloom appli cation to sign up to access to ticket sales.
FACEBOOK Use of Facebook posts to announce the release date of ticket sales for the Bloom IRL event. Include swipe up to the Bloom application to sign up to access to ticket sales.
LINKEDIN Use of LinkedIn to drive tra c to the Bloom ap plication to sign up for ticket access. Also use of posts to heighten awareness and understand ing of the event amongst a higher demographic of industry professionals.
SNAPCHAT Use of Snapchat posts to create drive tra c and provide swipe up links to the Bloom app to purchase tickets. Those with access to the Snapchat account are able to purchase tickets one day earlier, a reward to encourage repeat a endance to such events.
Ensure event itinerary is nalised and planned, comission the printing of the itinerary to be received back prior to the the end of the month.
APPLICATION Application posts to focus on the generation of interest and excitement surrounding the next Bloom IRL event, taking place on the 1st July.
During the event exclusive content and insight will be shared across the app.
STATE YOUR STRUGGLE CAMPAIGN EVENT PLANNING Ensure all nal adjustments are made and everything is correctly scheduled to create an event that runs smoothly.
Emphasis on highlighting the success of the second Bloom IRL netowrking event.
APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Launch the novel application feature of faceto-face calls.
APPLICATION Communicate the novel app feature within the app highlighting the bene ts to create aware ness of the new feature, expectantly leading to the action to use the new feature.
Posting of the State your stuggle campaign remains slow across all social channels, the occassional Struggle is shared however the campaign is no longer at the fore of the brand. Struggles are still shared to continue to com municate the utility of Bloom and ensure new followers/consumers are aware of the purpose of the entity.
Assess the initial use of the new feature through analytics, including analysis of who is using it, how long they are using the call feature for and analysis of any reports of problems with the new feature.
Print advertising is changed to display the date of the next Bloom IRL event. Creating awareness amongst the targeted demographic due to the strategic placement of print adverts.
Email marketing to be sent to Bloom members to create awareness of the newly announced date for the next Bloom IRL event, also announcing the date that tickets will go on sale.
PRESS Utilise paid media to create awareness of the next Bloom IRL event, heightening awareness of the event amongst the fashion industry professionals who are more likely to engage in editorial.
Ensure that the communications of the Bloom IRL are reaching the desired and appropriate demo graphic. Encourage WOM communciation within the fashion industry to create hype surrounding the event.
Print advertising to remain the same, announc ing the date and location of the Bloom event. Inclusive of a QR code to sign up to the Bloom app.
Continued sharing of event information to drive tra c to the Bloom application to purchase tickets for the Bloom IRL event.
Continued sharing of event information to drive tra c to the Bloom application to purchase tickets for the Bloom IRL event.
Continued sharing of event information to drive tra c to the Bloom application to purchase tickets for the Bloom IRL event.
Highlighting the bene ts of a ending such event to persuade the audience to purchase tickets.
BLOOM IRL X GFF LAUNCH EVENT BLOOM IRL EVENT Bloom IRL event to take place on July 1st 2021.
INSTAGRAM During the event, content is shared across Instagram stories giving followers an insight to the event and aiming to create greater interest in future events.
Encourage use of #BLOOMIRL to share content and pictures from the evening.
FACEBOOK Following the event, content is shared across Facebook, giving followers an insight to the evening and creating desire to a end future events.
SNAPCHAT During the event, a endees are able to again scan a QR code to gain access to the Bloom Snapchat.
The Bloom Snapchat will be utilised to give insights to the event and provide those with access to the account to exclusive content.
Sharing of content from the event across all social channels. Stories and posts.
BLOOM IRL EVENT Contact all those involved in the event to say thank you and explain the overall success of the event. Maintain strong industry connections to successfully host future events.
Sharing of content from the event across all social channels.
INSTAGRAM Primary focus on creating awareness of the novel in app feature, create stories and posts. Highlighting the bene ts of the feature to bet ter connect the fashion industry and therefore aid in the achievement of Bloom objcetives. Communicate the need for such feature to encourage action to use.
FACEBOOK Primary focus on creating awareness of the novel in app feature. Highlighting the bene ts of the feature to be er connect the fashion industry and therefore aid in the achievement of Bloom objcetives. Communicate the need for such feature to encourage action to use.
Assessment of number of tickets sold. Should a vast quantity of tickets remain available, increased digital marketing strategies will be neccessary to sell the remaining tickts.
Actions must be taken in response to the business position at the end of the month prior to the event.
PRINT ADVERTISING Print advertising for the event to be brought down. Suitable billboards to be re-booked for the promo tion of the Bloom application.
EMAIL MARKETING Email marketing utilised to create a reminder of the event one day prior. Sent to all those with tickets to a end the event.
PRESS Press coverage of the event a erward, high lighting the success of the event. A strategy to encourage interest in the next Bloom IRL to be hosted in 6 months time.
ANALYSIS/ REFLECTION Re ection on the overall success of the event. Number of a endees and engagement with content at the event, e.g. Snapchat QR scans.
LINKEDIN Posts highlighting the novel feature of the Bloom application, communicating the ways in which this can bene t consumers, particularly the fashion industry professional.
SNAPCHAT Updates on the Bloom application to be provid ed also through the Bloom snapchat account. -
EMAIL MARKETING Use of email marketing to be sent out to event a endees to encourag feedback on the event.
Analysis of email marketing questionnaire to gain a greature understanding on the success of the event.
WEEK WEEK 1 - 2 WEEK 3 - 4
One year on from the launch of the Bloom ap plication, measurement of success and overall achievement of objectives is neccessary.
APPLICATION Utilisation of Google app analytics to assess the user habits and quantify the overal user retention rate.
Use of in-app tracking to identify the most useful features to the consumer. These features can then be again put forward to the application development team in preparation for the complete application update.
Objective to achieve a 30-day user retention rate of 43% and a 90 day retention rate of 27%.
Analysis of whether the 18,000 application meme bers has been met by the end of the rst yera of app opperations.
Begin to develop a strategy for the coming months in terms of promotional activities for the applica tion and future marketing campaigns.
Planning of complete application update with the original application development team. This ensures the Bloom app does not fall behind competitors in todays ever changing technological landscape, ensuring that the Bloom app does not become outdated, and remains innovative to maintain a competitive advantage.
Continued planning of application update, speak ing with the app developers of ways in which the functionality of the app can be improved.
Overall analysis of engagement within the State Your Struggle campaign - number of QR code scans as well as EVENT PLANNING
Understand the overall success of the collab oration as a marketing strategy. Was Bloom exposed to a novel demographic/audience through this collaboration?
BLOOM IRL EVENT Reassessment of feedback from the Bloom IRL event to direct the strategy for future events, assessment of what cna be improved to be er address the needs and desires of the audience.
INSTAGRAM Use of Instagram analytics to gain an understanding of the content that has received the most engagement and thereby served the greatest purpose in heightening awareness, interest and desire for the Bloom brand.
FACEBOOK Similar analysis of the Facebook activities of Bloom to understand the most engaging content, e.g. through the number of clicks or link follows.
LINKEDIN Analysis of LinkedIn activity over the year to un derstand the audience addressed through this platform and be er understand the content they wish to see/are most likely to engage in.
PRINT ADVERTISING Change the print advetising to promote the application and celebrate the one-year anniver sary of the Bloom application.
EMAIL MARKETING Email marketing should be utilised to celebrate the one year anniversary of the Bloom appli cation, thanking each member for their valued custom.
Assessment through a number of analytics including sharing of event across social media and number of Snapchat QR scans to understand the success of the Bloom IRL x GFF collaborative event in comparison to the Bloom IRL event.
Comparison of rate of ticket sales of the second Bloom IRL event to that of the Bloom IRL x GFF launch event. Provides indication of success of marketing strategies to summon greater interest in the second event following the rst.
APPLICATION Create a post for the application celebrating one year since the launch of the Bloom appli cation, thanking all members for their valued custom.
INSTAGRAM Create content related to the one-year anniver sary of the Bloom application, again thanking members and followers for their valued custom over the year.
Begin to research the next event for the Bloom event. Development of ideas regarding a Bloom IRL 1 year anniversary party, potentially creating a larger event than the previous two to encourage more than 150 a endees.
FACEBOOK Create content related to the one-year anniver sary of the Bloom application, again thanking members and followers for their valued custom over the year.
Plan the social media strategy of Bloom to pro mote the brand over the coming months. Utilise the data retrieved over the last month to exploit the most successful digital marketing methods.
Plan the social media strategy of Bloom to pro mote the brand over the coming months. Utilise the data retrieved over the last month to exploit the most successful digital marketing methods.
LINKEDIN Create content related to the one-year anniver sary of the Bloom application, again thanking members and followers for their valued custom over the year.
Plan the social media strategy of Bloom to pro mote the brand over the coming months. Utilise the data retrieved over the last month to exploit the most successful digital marketing methods.
PRINT ADVERTISING Print advetising continues to promote the appli cation and celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Bloom application. -
PRESS ANALYSIS/ REFLECTION Re ection of overall marketing strategy to understand the ways in which each touch point has played a role in promoting the Bloom platform.
Ensure a thorough understanding of the role of each marketing strategy in exposing the brand and nalise the ROI for each activity.
Ensure a plan for the next 18-moths is formulated in depth to ensure the direction of the Bloom brand is clearly paved out.
A contingency plan is de ned as a recovery and continuation procedure that is integral for the survival of a company in the face of uncontrollable externalities. The below diagram outlines the contingency plan of Bloom, realised as a strategy to overcome potential challenges engrained within each of the marketing campaigns.
As a new brand entering an existing market, Bloom may initially nd di culty in gaining consumer con dence, and thus initiating a consumer base.
Individuals are reluctant to state their struggle as o entimes these experi ences can be very personal.
The long-lasting e ects of the Coronavirus pandemic mean events of over 100 people are still unable to take place, thereby e ect ing the Bloom IRL events.
• The promotional message of Bloom is integral in the devel opment of an initial substan tial consumer base. To further encourage the initial sign up to the Bloom app, the social media marketing strategies must bet ter emphasise the purpose and mission of Bloom and how the platform can aid in the achieve ment of success in the fashion sector.
• Bloom may focus more of the marketing communications on the success stories of existing Bloom users and how the plat form has helped them.
• Focus on promoting the free two week trial across all social media - an incentive to sign up.
• Reassess the questionnaire uti lised for participants to submit their struggle. Ensure the lan guage is clear yet empathetic to be er portray Bloom as a trust ed outlet.
• Utilise the information given in the questionnaire to conduct a face-to-face focus group so participants can explain their struggles in a more comforta ble and con ding environment.
O en speaking face-to-face can encourage greater honesty and relax the participant through a more casual conversation.
• Host virtual events with all guest speakers and a endees invited to an online conference call.
• Send a endees Bloom merch through the post along with a Bloom IRL event package con taining all information about the event and additional Bloom sta tionery and supplies.
• When in-person events are able to take place again, organise the Bloom IRL x GFF launch event and further Bloom IRL events as planned.
Bloom has been established as a platform to support the establishment of a fashion industry whereby opportunities are rife and equal for all. Each element of the brand has been realised through the analysis of market research, combined with the founders own personal experiences of the fashion industry, to curate a service that is well suited to the identi ed audience and thereby aid in the alleviation of the identi ed fashion industry related struggles.
In the future Bloom expects to rstly host more in-person networking events across the country before an expansion of the application overseas, to allow people of all locations to download and utilise the app to Be Bold and Be Bloom.
As a nal year fashion marketing student, the founder of Bloom has experienced rst-hand the di culties inscribed in nding and gaining a job or internship within the fashion industry. The founder’s own apprehension surrounding the prospect of graduating into the overturned job market of 2021 certainly initiated the concept creation of Bloom and its provision of a less corporate more a able method of forming industry connections and discovering opportunities. Further to this, the founder acknowledges the vitality of networking within such industry; as accurately wri en by The Fashion Network (2018), “if networking is important for ge ing ahead in most industries, it is life and death when it comes to fashion”, further highlighting the necessity of the services of Bloom. We understand that today, social media is integrated into every single aspect of our existence, and thus also, every division of recruitment (Ashworth, 2021), aiding in the establishment of Bloom as a professional social networking site. Each aspect of the Bloom business strategy has been realised through the analysis of the external environment combined with the founders own understanding and strug gles, enabling the formation of a business that directly responds to the realised gap in the market, to be er respond to the calls of a niche consumer base.
initial branding development of Bloom
suggested the colour pallet of Bloom should be re-adressed to make for clearer understanding and com munication. The lime green and lilac colouring was not bold enough and did not portray the core values of
The following market research was distributed amongst 50 fashion industry professionals and students, to receive a total of 30 responses. To be er address the overall target audience of Bloom, it would be advisable in the future to directly approach individuals to complete the questionnaire. It would also be valuable to conduct further research through in-person focus groups, however with the current COVID-19 related restrictions this was not feasible at the time odf completion.
The below images show the Questions that were asked within the survey.
Question 9 asked respondants to give a brief overview of any struggled they have experienced when working within the fashion industry. What di culties
Whilst this question was unfortunately le blank by around half of the respondents, a few of the quotes obtained have been utilised in the marketing communications of Bloom (as per the consent of participants) and have been wri en below.
“I really struggled to fnd an internship in Fashion Marketing as so many were unpaid and London based - I simply could’nt aford to work for free”
The below tables visualises the market position of Bloom in relation to key
the nding that whilst a multitude
“I was always told its not what you know, but who you know when it comes to fashion. This was hard for me given my unpriviledged background, I had no industry connections at all”
“As a Fashion Design student, I knew I needed to gain industry experience, yet so many internships required previous experience, it was so hard to fnd somewhere that would ofer me an opportunity”
“I had to work two separate jobs whilst interning to support my city living costs”
“The Fashion industry upholds such a glamorous facade - but the truth is so many people, my co-workers included, are under paid and over worked”
majority adopt a
o ering a
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PAGE 9-10
Robinson, F. 2021. App Front Screen Mock up
PAGE 15-16
Robinson, F. 2021. App Home Screen Mock up
Robinson, F. 2021. App News Feed Mock up
Robinson, F. 2021. App Messages Mock up
PAGE 19-20
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PAGE 43-44
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PAGE 45-46
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Robinson, F. 2021. App Messages Screen Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. App Portfolio Screen Mock Up.
PAGE 47-48
Robinson, F. 2021. App Newsfeed Screen Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. App Befriend Screen Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. App Pinboard Screen Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. App Event Screen Mock Up.
PAGE 49-50
Robinson, F. 2021. App Cross Screen Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. Instagram Post Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. Instagram Account Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. Facebook Account Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. Facebook Post Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. Facebook Post Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. LinkedIn Account Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. State Your Struggle Instagram Campaign Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. State Your Struggle Print Advertising Mock Up.
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Robinson, F. 2021. State Your Struggle Instagram Story 1.
Robinson, F. 2021. State Your Struggle Instagram Story 2.
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Robinson, F. 2021. State Your Struggle Instagram Story 4.
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Robinson, F. 2021. State Your Struggle Facebook Post 1.
Robinson, F. 2021. State Your Struggle Facebook Post 1.
PAGE 75-76
Robinson, F. 2021. State Your Struggle Email Marketing Mock Up.
PAGE 75-76
Robinson, F. 2021. State Your Struggle Email Marketing Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. State Your Struggle Submission Page Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. GFF Website Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom IRL x GFF Launch Event Floor Plan.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom IRL x GFF Launch Event Invite.
Robinson, F. 2021. GFF Instagram Feed Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom IRL Event Instagram Story 1.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom IRL Event Instagram Story 2.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom IRL Event Instagram Story 3.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom IRL Event Instagram Story 4.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom IRL Event Instagram Story 5.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom IRL Event Instagram Story 6.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom Instagram Event feed Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom IRL Event Signage 1.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom IRL Event Signage 2.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom Merchandise Bag Mock Up.
PAGE 110
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom Application Front Screen Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. State Your Struggle Instagram Story Mock Up.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom IRL x GFF Instagram Story Mock Up.
PAGE 118
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom Creative Development - November 2020.
PAGE 119
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom Creative Development - January 2021.
PAGE 120
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom Creative Development - February 2021.
PAGE 121
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom Marketing Mock Up Development 1.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom Marketing Mock Up Development 2.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom Instagram Mock Up Development 1.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom Instagram Mock Up Development 2.
PAGE 121
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom Billboard Mock Up Development 1.
Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom Billboard Mock Up Development 2.
PAGE 138
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Robinson, F. 2021. Strategy Overview.
TABLE 2 Robinson, F. 2021. Application Development Timeline.
TABLE 3 Robinson, F. 2021. Application Development costing.
TABLE 4 Robinson, F. 2021. State Your Struggle Campaign Timeline.
TABLE 5 Robinson, F. 2021. State Your Struggle Campaign Costing.
TABLE 6 Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom IRL x GFF Event Timeline.
TABLE 7 Robinson, F. 2021. Bloom IRL x GFF Event Costing.
TABLE 8 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - May 2021.
Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - June 2021.
Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - July 2021.
TABLE 11 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - August 2021.
Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - September 2021.
TABLE 13 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - October 2021.
TABLE 14 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - November 2021.
Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - December 2021.
TABLE 16 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - January 2022.
TABLE 17 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - February 2022.
TABLE 18 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - March 2022.
TABLE 19 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - April 2022.
TABLE 20 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - May 2022.
TABLE 21 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - June 2022.
TABLE 22 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - July 2022.
TABLE 23 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - August 2022.
TABLE 24 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - September 2022.
TABLE 25 Robinson, F. 2021. 18-Month Marketing Timeline - October 2022.
TABLE 26 Robinson, F. 2021. Contingency Plan Flow Diagram.
TABLE 27 Robinson, F. 2021. Weekly Log.
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