The year in brief
The year in brief ■ Order intake was down 4 percent to 78.4 MSEK
■ Earnings per share amounted to SEK -2.7 (-2.9).
(81.2). Adjusted for the impact of exchange
■ Cash flow amounted to -4.6 MSEK (-42.3), of which
rates betweencomparative periods, order intake
-11.4 MSEK (-28.5) came from operating activities,
was unchanged.
-3.0 MSEK (-13.5) from investing activities
■ Net sales were up 13 percent to 82.2 MSEK (72.6). Adjusted for the impact of exchange rates
and 9.8 MSEK (-0.3) from financing activities. ■ The Board of Directors proposes that no
between comparative periods, net sales
dividend should be paid for the 2020 financial
increased by 17 percent.
year. The dividend proposal is based on the fact
■ EBITDA amounted to -15.3 MSEK (-20.5) and EBIT
that the company is in a strong growth phase.
amounted to -20.0 MSEK (-21.7). ■ Profit before tax amounted to -20.1 MSEK (-21.8).
June Receives orders for both Liftrunner and FlexQube carts totaling approximately 6 MSEK from subcontractors in the automotive industry.
Attended the Modex fair in Atlanta, USA.
March Lazar Robotic Welding joins the list of dealers in South Africa.
May Mikael Bluhme is elected to FlexQube's board of directors.
March February
Launches e-commerce on flexqube.shop.
Took part in the ExpoManufactura fair in Monterrey, Mexico.
13% Sales growth
4.4 MSEK Order intake eQart