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Hand Sketches
International Airport Phase II
(2011 - 2012)
8 years after working as an intern for the project of Shanghai Pudong International Airport Phase II, I joined ECADI airport group again for this new challenge, the new gateway of Nanjing city for 2014 Youth Olympic Games.
I was in charge of three parts of design work -- Terminal building interior, all types of fixed boarding bridge and the pedestrian bridge between terminal and gara. Each time of design researches on model and presentations helped me to build confidence on the field of airport design. Besides design skill, the spirit of teamwork and the ability of controlling the process were also what I learnt from this project.
Location Nanjing, China
Type Transportation + Infrastructure
Size 111,400 m2 / 260,000 m2
Scope Terminal Retail Area; Fixed Boarding Bridge; Parking Center Bridge
Stage Conceptual Design; Schematic Design; Design Development; Construction Drawing
Position Architectural Designer
China World Trade Center Renovation
(2022- )
The renovation starts from the new plugin buildingproject start, which is an opportunity for CWTC to go further, to simultaneously build on the incredible legacy of the Centre, as well as weaving together a new mix of dynamic uses at its core. It has the potential to create a unified vision for an entire vibrant district. It’s not about simply enhancing an existing retail destination, but promoting a platform for cultural experience. A place where the architecture can celebrate the activity of its visitors.
Location Beijing, China
Type Renovation, Mixed-Use, Retail, Hospitality
Size 170,000 m2 / 1,100,000 m2
Stage Bid; Conceptual Design; Schematic Design
Position Senior Architect (lead 3-4 ppl group)
A New Constellation
As a new constellation in Beijing retail universe, the future CWTC will be consisted of 12 signature spaces orient within each zone.